UAftli SOTi; LIST. rrvxsi LVAM . , ' ' Tbe following list shows the current value of nil :Vinivlvnni Bank N.rte. The mwt implicit re dance may lie placed upon it, ( it is erery u-rik lanfuMy cotflparcJ with ni J corrected troiii Bhk nell' Reporter." ' ... v ' . ISnnk In IMillnilrlplilit. : Nau,..: ; - Location. un. ; NOTES AT TAR. Bank of North America Uank of tlta Northern Libprtiea Commercial Bank of Penn'. Farmer' anil Mechanic' Bank KcnsitiEton Uank Philadelphia Dank S.hut Ikill Rank ... Nonlhwark Bank . , Western Bank ' . Mechanic' Bank . , Manufacturer' & Mechanic' Dank Country Haulm. par par pur par pnr par par pur par par par Hnnk of Cheater County Hank of Delaware County Bank of Oormantown Bank of Montgomery Co. Doylestown Hank . Fastnn Hnnk W patch ester Chester (Jprmantown Norristonn Doylestown Easton Farmers' Bunk of Buck co. Hristol par pur par par pur pur pir Thcc do not issue n. Office of Hank of Per.n'a, Oir.ce do do Offire do do Utlice Jo ' do NOTES AT Rank of tho United States Hank of Penn Township OirardBank Moyamonsing Bank Bank of Pennsylvania Miners' Hank of Pottsvillo Bank of Lewistown Hank of Middletown Hank of Northumberland Columbia Dank & Bridge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank (Carlisle Exchange Bank Do do . hranch of Farmers' Bank of Lancustct Lancaster County Bank Farmers' Bank of Heading narrisburf? Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Hank Merchants' A Manuf. Bank Hank of Pittsburg Writ Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Heik County Bank Ollice of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. In. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Hank of Chambers-burg Bunk of Ueitysburg Bank of Sus.juuhauna Co. F.rie Bank Farmers' A Drovers' Bank Franklin Hank Honcsdale Bitik Monnngnhpla Bank of B. Yoik Hank N. B. The note of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dush ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of r. fennce. BROKEN BANK S. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do 1 1 iiTii.-tm rc Lancaster Reading Easton DI90O UN T. Philadelphia 4!) . " 40air. 1 ft Pottsvillo fi IiPwistown 7 Midilletown 3.4 Norlhimibciland 3 a 4 H 3a I Pittsburg 2 Holliduykhurg 3 Lancistci 2 Lancaster 2 Kiadiug I Ilarrisliurg 3a I Lancaster (i Pittsburg 2 Pittsbuig 3 Williamsport Wiikesbarie Allcntown Reading Pittsburg Erio New Brighton do do Chamltersburg Gettysburg Montrose Erio Wpynesbu rg Washington Honesdtile B rnwnaville Yoik 11 2S 4 4 10 7 8 3 4 3al Manual Labor Bunk (T. W Dyott, prop.) Towauda Hank Touancla Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Braver II ink of Swatura Hank of Washington Centre Batik City Hunk Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' A Meeh'cs' Hank Farmers' A. .Mech'es-Uauk Harmony Institute Hunting. ion Bunk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northtinili'd Union Col. lik. ISorth Western Ha:.k of I'a. Ollice of Schuylkill Hank Pa. Apr. & Mnnuf. Uank Silver Luke Bunk Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Reaver Harii.-hurg Wai.hii.glnu Hell, (onto Pitl.-.huig Pittsburg Fayetlo co. (rccucat!e Harmony Huntingdon no rule Lewi-town no sale Warien failed Dundatt' no sule New Hope closed M ilton no Mile Meadtilln closxl Port Cui lion failed Carlisle failed Montrcse rlns-ed I'niontnwn failed Orrensburg rinsed Wilktalmrrc no sule Wilkesbarre Undue Co. tXj All notes purporting to he on any Pcumyl. mniu Bank not given in the ubove list, may be set lown as frauds. Bank of New Biunswick 4elvidcic Bank iSurlington Co. Bank Commercial I! ink .'umlxrUinl Bank 'urnnrk' Bank "linn, rs' unci Mechanics' Hk ''urmers' ulid Mechanics' lik arm. rs' unci Men hauls Bk 'ratiktin Hank o! N.J. Hrunsu ick lielvidero M.. Iluid P.rlh Aiuhoy lirulueloii Mount Holly l.'ahway N. Biunsui.U Midilletown Pi. Jersey City lobe. kin BkniV Ciuxing Co llubvkcu cruy I. ity i il k fcchuuiis' Hank laniiliuturc r..' Bank lorris Con.pauy Bank 'I'liinoulh LU of N.J. Itchauies Hank lecbauicb' and Manuf. Bk Ionia t'aiul und Btig Cv Post Notes 'ewaik Bkp Sr Ins Co !ew Hope Del Bildpe Co , J. Mauufac. and likg Co Jersey i't'y i'atleisou B.llni!l0 Morrist.twn 1'ieelu.ld Newu.k 'i'renton Juscy City fail, d 1 par 2 par pai I failed J failed . fail, d failed full. J fuihd 2 fail, d 1 par no sale Newaik Ldm(ieithille lloUikeii i J Proleclon Sl Lombard bk Jersey City range Bank (Iramie aurm Bank 1'uterton copies Bunk do fiucctun Bai k Princeton ulem Bunking Cu Hub m tale Bank IVewurk late Bank Llizabeth'own lute Hunk Cuiiiclui latu Bunk uf Moriis Munistuwu .ute Bank 'J'i. moii ulem and Pbilud Munuf Co t-al. ni - ussex Bank Newion reulon Bunking Co 'i'rentoii nioii Bunk Dnver t ashington Banking Co. Hackensaek k of Wilm & wiiil Wi iningtori ank of Delaware Wilmington ank of Smyrna Sn,na Do blanch Millnid armers' Ek of Slate i f Del Dovei fail.d failed failed failed lailcd no sale closi'.l iloted failed c I. s d ! no sale : failed failed failed ' no sale U,&Mnil Conch I'OK POTTS VI f if, 15. fSTICIC TO TUB riAIL COACH 1 ri.IIE Mail Coneh fr Pottsville leaves Northum I. Iierlan.l ever? inornini; at H o'ehnk, and arrives in PnMsvillp In the rveiiing. ' " F.iKasow as any nilnr linp. For sent.' apply lit Mrs. WiihinRtnii's Hotel, Noitbunibi rland, oral Ceorep 'lilzel's, ojnlory. A. E. KAPPA CO., NorthM.,May 21, . , . Proprietors. (fj1 r'lisenpers coming from Pbilai'etphla will p'ea-e seeiirp their sPat at lh White Swnn Hod I, Race St., before they leave the city. Paasergera cominj in this line, have tmir seats srcur.d in any Steror Parki t boat from Ibis plare. '1 hose coming in the i'l hi r Mop may e left behind. ISIniik I!nU IHaiiufactors', .Opposite I'rinrc's Hotel, HAKRlSnURO. flIIF.V are 5 r.par.d to manufaclurp blank wolk X of every .lesciiption, ruled to any pattern, such as Dockets Dy Books, Ledgers, As-scf sots' and t.'ollrclors' Doplic ilea of the finest quali ty of paver, in a style equal to any made in the ci ties i f Phihide'pbia or New Voik. All descriptions of. binding neatly executed. .Sernp 11 . k, Albums ami Portfolio made loonier. I.a.v Bo.ik-c, Music ai d Prrio.Hc.its hotind to any pattern. Old Books rebound, &r. Also files of ppf 1 a biMind. ij- Wolk left t the nftlre nf the Sunbury Amc liean, will be promptly uttrnded to. May 21st, 1812. iv. golMn s wXn Xo. (J'J y 01 lh Third, above Arch Strut, PHILADELPHIA. ACCOM MOD.M IONS FOR 8F.KNTV Ti nsONS. piIARLES WEISS, late the "White Swnn." and "Mount Vernon House,", respi etfully in forms his friend and customers, that He l as beromr the proprietor of the olio" well know n llolil. Country Meichanta will find the above Hotel cenlial b cation, and the best of fare. lYro!n ir veiling with private conveyance will find a large yard and cood stuMing for horses, and the best of ostVis. Hoarding f 1 perdav. May 11th. 1842. if. J. 'mA.'SIi anb, CO. Stitiir nnd Tobacco Manulacturers, .Vo. Ot) Xurth Wist comrr of Race and Thiril SIi k Is. PHILADELPHIA. rPHE uniler-inned hsvr formed n Oo-pirtnrrship 1 under the firm of J. MA Y LAM D Jr. & Co.. as successors to the late finn of Jacob JHayland A Co.. Mid will continue the business 11 1 the obi esta blishment, on ibeir own account. In addition to their own close attention and experience for many veins, in the manor, dure of their cefebrated snuff-, o r.. the loin; experience of the senior pailner of the Lite firm, will nlo be devoted lo the interest of the new i orrern nod as no exertion and care will le spared to insure tluir goods, at all linn s of the ve ry best quality, they solicit n continuance of the confidence of the fi.cnds and custom, r of the lute firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jh. Philadelphia, May Mlh, 1812. ly HOUSE, Do branch Do branch Do Irani h nion Hank (TT I'nder 5' fXj- On all t anks ma'led thus () there are ei. er counterfeit or uhencl noies of the vaiiuui de 'micatioiis, 111 ciriuUlK'ii. Wilmington tie. IK. town Newcastle Wilmington 1 failed ' lulled ; failed i 1 i pai ; I I 1 : par I 1 failed : lulled pr 4 fail, d par par par par par par p.r par par .An. ii;7, Xurth Tliii 1, ulna 1 Ci.ttt.icJ.iU St., l'HILADr.l.l'IIIA. BTOH.V l'U.NCAX. from the Pei n-va nin Fsrmer, nnd Samu. I Pike. jr.. la'P of A ni. rican Hotel. Columbus. 'h'O. lake pleasure in ne ) ' 1 1 1 r i i 1 llieir friends and (tie public eenen.llv lb ,t Ibey have inken the large and commodious Hoiil, lec.ntly luill by the Missis. II rt. on Hi.- sai.o- site once oeriipied by the old esn.blished Hoi. 4 known as the Hull's Dead, in Third stieet above Callow hill St. This Hotel is fini1.ed in the very best possible manner, and of the be t lni.icria's. lis localam is very desirable, particularly for eniintiy tin rchants ; the armtigt men's for healing and v.iiiilatii.g inch room is such as to secure any temp. iature. Tbe briliooins are all light and uirv, all fuinished in a lif.t sty'r, so as to in-uie ton foil. The receiving parlors are al-o (iiini-1 e l in a su perb sty le, the windows aip on 1 he French s'yle. f ilming an rutrniice 10 a b.ilr. ny in front, wbiJi makes h pleusatit recess. Pinl:culur atl. mion has been given to the bids and bidding, which, with the furniture, are emir, ly new. From yea's' experience in h Mel business, we fiisl, by strict assiduity tc business, to make ibis I10UM! 11 desiiublo slipping plucr. Our tel le will al.v:iys lestippticd wnli the very be si nor 1111.1l.ft can uff rd, and c.f bar wi'h the best lnjuois uo.l wines ol the most uppinvtd bum. I. P. S, Thfie ate first rate ttuhlinu. isriiifie houses attached to the hotel, Uini.h ii t y . 11 t I'll and sol'Pr h.b ilers. und out charges w II be livt, in iucordaiice wiih the present hind liu.i Pbiladi Iphia. Oct. Vib. l-li. S U S Q UIVHANN i J10TICL, CATTAVIESJn,CCX.CIVirrA. CO., l'i:..SYLA.JA. rgHE sub-eiiber re-pec'full inform the put be that he bus purchased, and II' iv lb. and - - ' at A, Well know 11 ns the piop.riy. late of Tbcodofe 1 lis. and furiiii rly l.epl I y Samuel A. I!im1'. He is now pie an d In aci oiiililo luip .11 Iravi II. r aid visiters who m..v lavor hmi with 11 nil', and w.ll uo tweiy illoil in Ins power lo r. nder ivet ronveiiieni 1,1 id eomfoij tu hi rottoiner, wiiiU ui.dei Uls charP. His . rO'Miiex'i.lions sre ni le, fuinii-lic.l. His stublcs 1 xeu siveunil in g.wd rndili.iii. - '- His Tshlt and B4B wi'l be t:pplii d ilh the lesttluit the il.aikitinu stl ird. L'v put cto-ilily und alienliii.i, be li t is d 1. tide lit that he Wl I ineiil the putrunuge of the putilio. CH.BLES HART MAN. ("uttawhsa, April Olh. le2. JlOllKItT ( lllil tl KMt PAPEa MAIIVrACTUBCnS, l.umtturd Strut, liallluwrr, HAVE coiistantlv for sale, Pr n'iim P.ipir of al sij-s and qualili. s, ( 'up Writirm Paper, rub d und plain, I, filer Pupir, ubite mid blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paprr, fine and common, Ent.lop. Paper, do. do. meiliem, doub p c.own, crown and rxlrjsied Wrapping Papprs, Colored Mocliuio and I Royal I'apeis, Bonn, t, Dimlers' and Huaw Box ! II. a ids. Tissue Ptpcr, und all url.clis in their line. I wl.i.h they will nil on ,r VHiinodu:ing tirms. It glie.l price given l.r old ihis. K 0 11 1; UT CARTE R A f? O X . M.ict. 10, Mi. F.lkion, Md The beit method for the Abolition of Disease, it to cleanse and purify the Body. AVISIf-'HT'S imiaiv vi:ci:tahl.u i'ii,i.s or tii r Vkrth tlmertcati iiillfge of Health, Are now acknowledged 1.1 bp the best Medicine in tie World for the cure nf EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BECAUSE they eomp'elely rb anse the sto mal h anil bowels from lit. se bdlious and cor rupt humors which are Ihn cause not only of Headache, Chilliness, Palpitation of the He.rl, Ps'ns in the Bones, lib. limut sin and (tout, bill every ma Inity incident io man. 8AID INDIAN VEliETABI E PILLS rp a crnain cum f,.r in teinvttent, leiniiti d, nervous, infiamhtory and pu'ri.l Fcvpra. Iiecniise they cleanse the P'dy frrtm those mmbid hl:mors, w hich, when confinP.l to the circu lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVEHS. So, also, when the ame impurity i deposited on tbe nen.biaue and muscle, causing pain, inflama lion and swelling- called I.HEUMAT1SM, (it)l T.Ac. Wiighl's Indian Vesetall-Pills may be relied en as always . ertain to give n lief, and if pptscveted with, eecoidleg lo dinction will most nssuudlv, ami without fail, make ierfcct cu e nl the above maladies. From three to six of salt) Indian Vegetable Pills taken every liiuht go ing to bed, will in a short time so completely rid the body from evety thing that is opposed to health, that Rheumatism, (loul. and pain of every descrip tion, will be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY". For the iiinie reason, when, from sudden changes of nlmo phcre, or any other cause, llip per spiralion is cheeked, and the humors wh i h should pes ell' hv the shin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE, OIDDINESS, nausea and nick nets, pain in the hones, watery and inll iiocd eyes, fore throat, hoarscne,, coiirIis, consumption, rheumatic pains in vorious paitu of the body, atid many otlu r svmptoms of CA'I ClU.Mi COLD, Wright i Indian Yirlnhle. I'i'lii will iinariably i?ivc m niedi.ite r lief. From thiee to six nf said Pills Ink. n every nicbt on goiuu lo Is d, w ill in 11 short time, not only remove all the above uii b a. .nt smptms, but 1 lie body w.ll, in a short lime, he restored to even sounder heal h than before. ASTHMA. mi DIFFICULTY OF BREATH INO. Wright' hid ' an Yrgrttildc I'M wiil loos en nnd cany oil', by the stomach and bo.v. is, thoup tough phlipmy humor-, which slop up all the air ceils of the tunes, and are tbe cause, not only of ihe above distressing complaint, but when n.-iiicried, often terminates in that mo r.lieacllul cnilj.l CONSUMI'TION. It shou'd Ivalsoiemembiird thai Wright' Indian Vertlable I'M are a cerium cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sickness, lo-s nf npp. lite, eostivenrsa. a yellow tingo of the ikin and eyes, and every other symptom of a torpid or diseased slate nf the liver because they puree from the body those impurities which if d. posited upon ibis important organ, are the CHii-e of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When nation ia convulsed by iiot-, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means nf prevent ing the dreadful consequence of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitor, and evil disposed one from the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body ia strut; pling with internal foes, the Imp is to C.V PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (traitor to health and life.) lltatth trill he Ihe certain remit. That the piiri. iple of curing di-ease, by i lei.nsina and purilviug the laxly, is stiictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal . conomy ; und if pioperlv carried out by the use nf the al'ove namp.1 WRKiHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will result in the complete Abo lition ol Disease; we ofi'cr the following testimoni als, from person of Ihe highest respectability in New Y'ork, who have tecenliv keen euied of the most olislinate complaints, solely by the use of Whioiit's Imha Vn:r.ri.t.r. Pills, of the Sorlh American CiJligeof lltultk: JMtm. L. I.. .Inns 9th. 1311. Doctor Wil ia o Wright De.-.r Sir It is with great sati farlion 1 inform von of :.iy liBii.'B been .ninety cured of Dyspepsia, of live v.ars sliindi. g, by the usp of your I m 11 V o r.r t ui.r. 1'il.l.s. Pr.vinu-- to mep'iini ni;h yoi.r celebrated m di rine. I had been under tbe hands of several Physi eisi s, and had tried vaiiou s; bill all to no ell'ccl. After u-ii g one 2ft cent box of our Pills, how. ver, I experienced so riineli be. efil, th it I ie-olv.ll to per-evpip in ihe use of th. m iierorilinc . lions, which I am happy In slate, Ims re-ult-. din a p. cure, lnaruliiudp lo you for ihe pn at belli lit I have 11 ci'ived, anil ul-.iv in the hope tlmt others timilutly nll'.u i. d niny be induced lo m.ike tiial of Jour ix'ra. tdiuny m.sli.ine, I send you tbts stuieilic lit With lull hbe ly to publish the kame, it vim think pr. per. Yours. Ac. New Yo.k, June 10, Dill. C. C. BLACK. Mr. Ri.haiJ Dennis, agent for Wiight 'a fudiuu Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have hi en afflicted for several years with inward weukness und general debility, accom panied at limes w nh pains in Ihe side and oilier distressing complaints. AfUl having I. id various mrdieiue w ithont It. el, I was peru ad. J I y a f. n ml lo muke trial ef Dr. Wiigbt's Indian V.uelable Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieve, I me in a most w.aubil'ul maimer. I have u-ed ihe no-, ilic-ii.e, as yet but rboit tune, und have no doubt, by a pcrscierniicc in ihe use el ihe areor dinu to directions, ih.'t 1 shall in a short lime le pi rtecily ielO'e.l. I most will.. ulv reconun. lid said IM's to llper sotii similarly i tlln led. ai d ill the full belief thai the same li'.il t'einl resu'ls w ill f. II. nv lb. ir osi-, I re. lotm vouis kiiict'iily. HENRY A. I'OO'I'E. W.o wai-111, UU'ei co. N. Y. Nuv V1.11K, Sept. 20, 1S 1. Th's is to certify that I have used Wiii.iiitV Ixntvx VfiTtm.B Pi 1.1 a with 'he erevcsl bene, fit : havii a i n'in Iv cured my-e!f of ll e frequent at tacks of Sick Head. 11 be, to hi. b I had previously le,ti suljul. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, ' !)!I2 (ire. nvvich s'r.ei, N. Y. To Mr. Richard D. ni.i;, Agent for Wright's In. di..n Yegituble C.1 V T I .V. " As ihi'io are u this lime numv wicked person busily i iiiiag. d in s. bins c unii rii ii mulicine un it, r the liiime of 1 be Indian VegelMble Pills and as it ee il.i.ralt men are so r.ikl. rs of ii.n m querires, that ni'iny vulbablu .v s may bo . st in ciMisequi ni e uf iisiiik il uir ilreu.llul compounds, 'be pubbe are esutioiicd against putcbuMng any Fid, mi the tides of the buns the following wordinu is f iin.l : WlUCHT's INDIN VEOETABLE TILLS. (Indian J'urgtilire.) OF TIIK Mill I II iHIHI. II tULLIbK or lilt LIU. Ami aire to la ispeeiully careful aguinst purcl.u inn auid uieilicine uf uny p. r.-on except ilie rsgu I ir advenis. il ap.'n-s. A(u-:xrs I'ou xunTiivvnFiir.Axn co, I'M iiMjhttuia. H. B. Mus-i r, Suub.irj I'm re A Rose, Nor ihumheit md Jac.ili Haas, Sl a.nokin Suniui I Herb, M.ihonoy Byerlv & D. Haas, Augusta Hem. r Foiimcr, Miiton Irehni.l .V Men. II, Mi I.weiisii'l. P fi r & D, aimoii.I.Tiiibut.vil'e James Peed, Pottsgrove II. Klase, SovdiTstowti II. H.Kii.ib.1, P. M.. Eltsburg P. O. Wil), L.'i- -nring, P M. Union Corner. OlVice und Crner.. Depot f..r the sale of Wright'. Indian Ytgituhte nil, holesule and lveiil,No. lfi'J RACE STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. k May 21, 1812. ly IIOS3C OINTMENT, roit TirrTi:it. niNowoiiMs, rivipt ro o the face, asd othih 7" ' , CCTANCtlt'a) Rtlt tTlONS.. , .' fX" Tlie. following trrtyica'e dcerihe one of the tnnst extraordinary cures ever effeetid by any application. ' ' ' PrtitATtrrrHiA. February 10. 18118. -"IfR Iwenly yearg was severely aflliclc d with - Ta ttkm nn the Face and Head: the disease commenced w hen I was spvrnipen yrars okl, and conlinupj until the Fall of 183(1, vsrying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During mot nf tbe limn, great pari of my f ca was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violvnt itch ing ; my head swelled at time until it fell as if it would hurst ihe swelling was an grpat, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During ihe long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a greut many a plications, (among them several celebrated prep nation-) as w. II as taking iun.ud remedies, including number of bottle of Strnim' Panacea, Extract of Sarmpnrilla, vVc, In fact, it would bo impossible to euumeiate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care nf two nf the most dis tincuished physician of ibis city, but without re ceiving much lienefil, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the f.ll of 13:16, the disease at the time being Very violent, I commenced usinij the lime Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan (c Davis.) In a f w applications Ihe violent itching c ased, iho swelling abated, the 1 ruption began to disappear, and b. fore I had Used 11 jar the di-ease was entirely cuied. It has now been nearly a and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re muininc. except the sears front the deep pits formed by the di-OBo. It is imp ssible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease and my differing, but I will be pie tsed to civo a fn'ler ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will r .11 on me. Al the limn I co iimcnce.l using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun duels of do hue to ho rid of llu ditease. Since u sing it, I have reeomm. n.h .l it lo -ever . I persons, (among them my mother, who ha. I the di-ease bad ly 011 tier a.m.) who w. re a I cured bv it. J AMES DI'RNELL, No. lofi, R ice Si. irj' The Rose Ointment is nr. -pared hv E. B. Vautban. Sou h East corner of ' and Race site, t-i, Philadelphia, and sold on auencv in Sonhu ry. bv II. B. MASSER, M..y Hlh. 1812. Agent. lloc Oiiilmciil, for Teller. a rnuor of its efficacy. Pitn ARiLPiiiA, May Silli, 1 8:l'.l. rpiHS is to certify tbel I was severely all). cicd with Teller in Ihe hands and feci for upwurels of furly years ; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent itching and swelling, i nppb. d to a number of physicians, and used a great many tripli cation without e Heeling a cure. About a yi ar since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped ihe itching, and a few applications liumedi. at. ly cured ihe disease, which there has been no return of, nllhoimh 1 had never been rid of it al any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Tho Rose Ointment i prepared by E. B. Vauiihan. Siuih East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, aud sold on acenry in Sunhu ry. by II. B. MASTER, May 14th. 1S42. Agent. MEDICAL APrnOBATION Of the r,OSF. DIM' ME XT, for T'.lter. LTMOI'(;iI the superiority nf the prcpaiilliori over all olln rs is fully esiahtihel, the proprie tor lake pl.asuro in laying before ihe public the following certificate from a repecluhlo physician, a ern.luutP of lh University nf Peuusv Ivania. Dr. If inch, havina found in ibis tlmt lebet f r a le.lious and di-ucrccal'h all.'i tioil which ihe menus wilhin tbe Mime of his profession failed to allord. has not hesitated In give it his approbation, iiltliouuh ihe prejudices and ir.n rcls of thai prnfesbion aie posed to scent R. tin dies. Phili.v:li-iiij(, S. pi. 10, 18.1C. I was recently troubled witli a tedious herpetic eriipin n. w hich eme ed n.arlv one si-'e of my I -co, nnd extended over the ear. Mr. Y 1, proprie loi oflhe Rose Ointment, ohsei viiiij my face, nisi-.-Ire I on inv teyino his preparation, ol which lie han ded me a j ir. A lihouuh in emuinou w iih ihe mem leis nf mv prufosion, I .liscounic nance and clisas pn ve ut the numerous nostrums pi.lmed upon the public by iu 11.11 an I pr. ten l. r-, I feel in jus ice bound loexc. pl the K.e Oinlinerit from thai c'u'sof me ibeines, and In iive it my spprobotioit, aa it i nliie ly tured the eruption, iibhoucii it had resisted the usuil applications. DANE BAI OH, M. D. (Jj ' be Rose. Ointment i prepared by E. B. Vauuhnn, South East corner of 'Third and Race Si reels. Pmlade'phia, and sold oil gi ncv in Sun buiv. by 11. B. MA:-SF.U, May l llh, 1812. Agent. BOLTON & CO. (b uri al oiiiiiiIssIoii !tl'i Itasits, t'fr the Salt- of I'luur, Uruin, Hied, ic, c. ESPECTFULI.Y' inform fii.mU and 1 ihe Merchants genera Hv, ihal Ibey have la- ken ihnse I. .iije and commodious Wharvr s. ith two Doiks, noilh ol Ctii'snul nr. el, on the D law .re, touether w ith the store No. 19 South Whines where they uou'd he plea-e.l In receive consign ments of (iiain, Flour. Seed. Wbi-key, Iron. Ar. Ar. Being als.t well prepared In forw ir.l uli kinds of MerchuudiM' by the! and Union, or by ihu Cbesapi ake and Tieto Water t 'anais, ss lnv boals uru kept 1 xpressly fol the purpose of lowing bouts by ill er rou'P. Mei.l an is will pl se be parlii lo send llieir Ben ds .les'ined by either canal-, t i No. ID South b lives. In t wieii M.trki'l and Chcsnut slrn"s. on llie D.biware. wilh direct. nns sccomp "ii iug ihi ui which route lli.'V wish them lo lie shipe.l, Qj' Piaster und Salt for sule, al th hnve-t mar ket price. BOETON & C'. March 19. IH 12. No. 19 South Wbuves. " WHARTON'S :e a a d n et Stinlmry, ti lltiintlx-i laml County, PENNSYLVANIA. riIIE tiib'nlu r 11 so. etfully iuloruis 'he ubhr, X that he has removed lo I lint Isige and commo dious 1 S r c U House, on Maikel pure, opposite the Court Ili'U-e, (formerly kept bv llira 11 Piiee.) wlieie he ii now prepured lo icc n'mi iliile all who limy favor hint wiili call. Being that kful to. past f.vois, he hopes by strict aller.tion lo business, to it'll tve hlxral sbaie of public palronaHe, Ac CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunl ury. March 5ih. 1843. IklME ! LIIVIE: LIIVIBr TlllE sii'jscrihers are pr. par. d to furnish farmers I and ethers w ith any quantity of Lime of a very kupetioi quality for laud, 01 ''uislerinj', at the fob lowing v. ry reduixd prices, vizi 8 c,!s. per bushel for 1 and Lime; 10 els. for the bpsl quality of pi m te ring Lime, at the kilns, below the borough of Sun bury, 'They will aU.nb l.ier, al any place wilbiu the I orougli of Sunhury. Lime fur laud, al 10 cent per hukht I, and Lime for plaistering at 12 J cents per I u bi l. The subset ders have always mi hand, a Lrpo quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, slid hmctioiie ii not equalled by any in ihe neigh huihouJ. SEAsIIOLTZ V BERGSTREssER. . Augusta, Aptil id, HU. H. B. MASSEPk, . . . ATTOIINEY AT LAW, ' EUITBUnV, TA. Buslner- attended lo in the Counties of Nor thumlcrland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Kefir Ini Tnn Ht & Co.. Lowrn A. Bin now, Habt, Ct-MMttins iV HaT, Pliilad. HrtxatMi, McrituistitVCo. Serann, Onnn A. Co., WEAVER'S HOTEL; Sunburp, JVorthiimberlnnd County, ' I'ciiiisjjltniiia. , fill IE subscriber, respectfully inform ihe public 1. that he ha removed lo that large and commo dious 'Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck ) formerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by D.iniel (ii It son, where he ia now prepared lo accommodate all who may favor him wilb tall. Dy. strict alien ttnn to business, and hi utmost endeavor to render tatisfurtion to all. he hope to receive a lilieml sluire nf public patronaire. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunhury. Match lath, 1842. CouiilcrrcIlri'M' Death Itlow. 'T'tie pu tic will please observe that no Brandielh - Pills are genuine, unless the box has three Is ttel upon it, (the lop, Ihe ic'e and the bottom) Cich i onlainitii: a fic-siniile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BRa.iiiiMr.Tii, M. D. These In. bel- ate engraved on sleel, beautifully desiuned, ami done al an expeuso of over f 2.0(10. Th. rehire it will he seen lhat ihe only thing necessary to pr cure ihe medicine in it purity, ia to ohscive liiese labels. Remember the lop, Ihe side, and the hoi torn. 'The follow ing icspeclive persons art! duly auhnri ze.l, mid hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sule of ISrandreth's Yegeluble Universul Pill. Nnrlhumlieilar d countv : Milton M ickey A Ch.mhcihn. Sunhury II. B. Masser. M'Ewen ville ttel md A. Meixill. Northuni1 eilnnd Win. Forsyth, (.icoreietuwii F- Midhngcr &. Co. Union County: New Berlin -John Huffman. Sclinsgrnip Eyer and Schnure. Mi.blleburg Isaac Smith., Ueaveriown J. tt F. Bingaman. Ail.msbnrfi II. A A. Smith. Milltinsbu.g- Swope A Laird Ha.llelon Daniel Long. Free huru (J. A F, 0. M)pr. Cenirevipe Sluiley A l.eiibart. Lewishurit Walls A Oreen. Coliiintiia county : Danville E. U. Reynolds iV Co. Berwick Sliumun A , K tteiihousc. Cat law issa C. A. A C. C Brnbts. Bloiimsburg John R. Moyor. Jiise.y Town Levi Biael. Wa shinton Robt. MiCay, Limestone - D. L. Sehmeek. Ohscive that each Acent ha an Engraved C-. r- iilicateof Acencv, conlaining a reptcs. ntaiioii of Dr BRANDRE'i'll'S Mjuufuciory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the ntw 'ubtit m.w used uiun the BrunJttlh I'M lltirr. Phil idclphiu, office No. 8, North 8th slrrcl. B. DRANDRETH, M. D. J..nuary 1st, If 12. I!"C?k D.LS. H ,OR sale small Farm, cnntiiiiing about one j1 huiidreil and l.-n acres, more or le a. situate 111 Point township, Northuml rrland countv, about two miles above Noithumberl .ml, on ihe road leading from that place to Danville, sdjoiiiini; land- of John l.eghoti, Jesse ('. Horion and others, now in the occupancy of Samui I Pay no. About forty arre of said tract are cleared, and in Rood stati- of eu nvuliein. 011 which there ia a small ham ereel. d. 'The property will be sold on r as.tnaMe terms. For further particulars, (K'lsons are request ed lo apply to the ul srnli. r. II. B. MASSER, Agent. Nov. C7th, 13 12. if Sunhury. Pa. ri. Tiiii 1)kyki;s, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Street. Philadelphia. ("flint duun ulx'ie Stamd.J fJHOE Findings always kept 011 hand, which he oilers for sale on Ihe loacst terms. Country Merch nits are particularly to c ill and judge foi themselves. J'l.iludelpliia. Novcm yet 13, 1812. tv. OF EVERY DLst.RlPlloN. m:v hxcjlandoil company. No. 2! North Water Street, l'liila. AN I FAC'TUHERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for binning and manufacturing purposes, which will he sold much lower than they cun lie procured elsewhere, and w i.rtanled iu quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company nut proving is represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. 'Their stock now in stoie consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spcinrt t 'it, do Cito.tess Oil FaM and sprint! Sperm Oil, Winter S, 3 Elephant, do Pre.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, SHI) Barrels superior Sira ' Oil, 300 do Cud Bunk Oil, 50 do Neil's Foot Od, 7 j Cu.-ks Olive till, Tanner's ' his, j 'This Company has a number of Vessel 1 11 gi;ed in Ihe Cod Fishery, and 'Tanner' may rely upon get'ing al all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. Id. IS 12 ly. G. W. & L.'S. TATLCPk. FFER FOR SALE, al the South Ea.t Cor ner of Fifth und Murtitt Slictte, fhitadtl- jjluu Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do . do do pegged Jo do do do water proof, doullc soles and ununie Uppers, do Cult-skin do do and upier. do Heavy Wuti r Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do Hiith quarter Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crocker do do Fine Mourocs wariantej fifiOO lS.I'HO to.not) 20.0011 noon l.V'PO do l!e. do do do do do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do Shoes Fin do do do do Kip- do do do do do do do do Calf and Seul Skin Pumps, do Luti Socks w ith and w ithout soles, do Caipet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do Jo do do Ladies' tunned India Rubber kbocs. Cent'cmm.' do Ovrr shoes. Wiih every other desc iptinii of hoots and shoe. Fur Caps nf every description. Travelhug Tiunk of every description. Venetian 'Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Ilonneta of all kiuda. Palm Leaf Hals. Philadelphia, IWnnber 13, !. ly. CHPaTSOLITE POLISH. AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Briltiinla Ware, 'Tin, Sleel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac, 'TRY TT. Prepared and old at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo, 'Tioga county, N. V. WM'. FORSYTH, Agent for N'orihum'J, II. D. MASSE It, Agent for Sunhury. Novpniltpr 2tlth, 1812. KAT & EFkCTEEPk., AVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL UOOKSEL LERs AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Chcsnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. , ., KEEP constantly on hand general assort ment of Book and Biationary ; comprising 'Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellana oua and School Book, Day Book, all itpn, l.ed, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Paer, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they nf fer at the ltest piices lo Country Men-haul Pro fessional Oviitlemen, 'Teachers, and all other Ihal may favor them wilh their custom. Philadelphia, November 13. 1812. ly. iTEic-liat'l Weaver V Son, norc iyiakeks & ship chandlers. AVi. 13 Xurth Water Street, Philadelphia. AIL constantly on hand. general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, Ac, viz. : I ur d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, 'Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such a Hemp Shad and Herring 'Tw ine, Best Patent (.ill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring 'Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Couls, Plough Lines, Halters, Tract s, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable teiins. Philadelphia. November 1 3, 1 812. ly. Jitcolt I'l ImmiiIIi &. Sosi. "I ESPEOTFLLLY inform their friends nnd acquaiutence generally lhat Ibey still con tinue in keep at ihe old slaml, No. 2 '10 North 3d street, Phila.l. Iphia, all It mil of TOBACCO SNI.T AKP SEGAliS. Which they will sell the ra-jt ; accommodatin' and reason e tetms. N. B. All goods sotd w ill he guai intcrd and ull orders promptly attended lo. Philadelphia, Nc.vemlier 13, 1812. ly. "pETEPrcClTCVEP., Wholesale and lletail Slme, pMHinet, anil Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. So. 6G Xorth 2( tlrett. a few doors ubm t .irch, Philudtlfdiia. A I.SO Trunks, Carpet Bag and V olices, of ev J ery desctiplion, all of which he offer for sale on the most reasonable terms, Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly. jTwsw"a1 n Umbrella nnd Parasol Maniifarturer. Xu. 37 Xuuth "hud strrrl, tiro door below the Cit it llolil, Phitidt Iphia. COUNTRY Merchants and olhen, arp solicited to examine his assortment before purchasing 1 Isew here Philu elphia. Nnvendr 13. 1812. ly. P . & A . 1 1 O V O V I ) T "s China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, Xu lli-1 Sort It Third htrret. third door btluw Yine tlrert, I'hihn.'ilphia. VI THERE they constantly keep on hand a largo assortment of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, w hich they w ilt dispose nf on the most rci 'nable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. TllLUPlLrsCUTp. " Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &.c. Xj. 5 &mh Third strrrl. four dmr below Market I'luladi liihiu. 7" EEP constantly on Imnd a larce and treneral assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arm, Eliplic Springs. Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddleis will be supplied st all times on the most reasonable term. 'They will find it to their advantage to call and examine hie assortment before purrhasini! elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. iriTYNoij') Me r aTi 1 . an i Tcij Wholesale Healers in Foretell Hritish and Ameriran Dry Coods. Am IOS Market street, Philadelphia. OUNTRY Merehanls, and other can 1 aup plied at all times with nn extensive assort ment of the nest and meat fashionable tioods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13. 1842. ly. 1 .o v : 1 iic b a i6y., Importers and Henlers in Foreign and Domestic Ilaidware, No. 171 NollTH Til IK I. Sl'HI.lT, PuiLAIlFLPItll. VA 7 HERE llieir friends and customers will always Iin.l a l.irL'e and general a-snriment of Foreign and Domestic Huidware, which they will sill at the lowest price. Phil. deli hia. November 13, 1812. ly. KSllUIUCK, 1 1 A N S F LI CD'sT WHOLESALE ERY GOODS ETOEE. No. ltUi 1-2 Market Street, Philu. ' (Bilnw Fifth South side ) ' A LWAYs keep on hand a full and general a JiVL rtmentof Hosiery, Lace, arid Fancy Cnods, t 'ountty Merchants are respectfully request d to give tin m a call und examine fur tlieiiwlvcs. Philadelphia, November 13, 142 ly. SPF.UINC., GOOD vt CO. No. 13.s Market Street, Philadelphia. aNVI'TE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of llritiih French und American Dry (tuods, which they ulUr lot sule 011 the ino-t reasoutihle ti rms. Pliibnh Iphia, November 13. IP 12. ly. BIcC ALL A ITHlillSE, IV lj .oilli Sct uiul kli t'O, 7 (itimiauicwsi'iHiit.) Where they constantly keep on hand a geuersl assortment of CLOTHS, CASSX2ffEB.ES, VESTINCS, And u grcut turieJy nfurtiek if a tuptrtor quality, which they oiler to disimss of upon the most reasonable terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and otherawill find il to iheii advantage 10 rail and t ismine slot k before purchasing elsewhuie. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 142. ly JCH1T3 H CUlrClIIlTGS. WHOLISALE PHOB, BONNET, Cup una I't.lm Leu f Hal Sore, No, 10 South 4m Stit. PHILADELPHIA, "Y'l'HERE an extensive aasoitmenl of th above ' ' article ar cortatanily kept on hand, foi tsle at th moat reasonable term. May 29, 1112, ly.