"-"J "f"" irur WB TIIU RIDDLBR. Jxnrznrxx.B department. Original and Selected.) Anawer to Chsrade of Isst week. Matrxm aticks. (Matthew-Mattocki.) Answer to Conundrums. t. Because they have already pulled off (he firs. 3. Hit 8on. (Answer to Puxzte, next week.) Answers to the Chsrsdes from the SaturJay Muse urn of last week. 1. S VOW-BALL. 2. HlAT-HtW. Answer to Enigma, from the Saturday Museum. Bab. Answer to Conundrums from the Saturday Museum. 1. A cat out of a hole 3. In Noah's ark. 3. It is not fair. ENIGMAS. I. I am composed of twenty tetters. My 6, 18, 15 is a place of rest. My 12, 1H, 7, 15 is to plant. My 5, 19, 2, 7, 17 is a beverage. My 1, 10, 8 is applied to gentlemen. My 18, 15, 5, 4, 8, 15 is a gentleman's name. My 20, 10, 12, 1 is an unmarried lady. My 5, 19, 9 ij a great evil. My 10, 4, 17, 2 is a vehicle. My 16, 19 9, 2, 19, 3 is a wagoner. My whole is a most delicious desert. II. I am composed of twenty-four letters. My 10, 19, 5, 15, 8, 14, 21, 3 is elevated. My 20, 14, 0, 13, 19, 23 is a vegetable. My 8, 14, 3, 15, 17, G is a tradesman. My 11, 9, 14, 6 is a fruit. My 13, 19, 4, 21. 15 is a bird. My 6, 14, 21, 3 is water. My 21,20, 9 is cold. My 18, 2, 15 is warm. My 1G, 2 I, 3, 8 is a coin. My 10, 21, 15, 21, 1, 8, 12, 6 is a teacher. My whole, it is supposed, has died a natural death, in this place. III. In Sir Walter Scott's celebrated poem, cal led "Marmion," are the following 1 ines : "Charge, Checter, Chnree ! On, Slnnley on ! Were the last words of Marmion." The lines have occasioned (he following enigma: Were I in noble Stanley's place, When Marmion urged him to the chase, The word you then might all descry, Would bring a tear to every eye. CHARADES. I. My first is nothing but a name, My second is more small ; My whole is of so little fame, It hasno name at all. II. Ifyou are able to do my first as well as my second can, you will soon be a good player at my whole. .Tf A It It I K It , On the H.th inst., by the Rev. John W oriel, Mr. William Roaiiabxkl. of Nhmokin township, to Mis Elixabkth Mltx, of Cattawa township, Columbia coumy. On the 16th inrt.. by the Rev. C. A. Hewi't, Mi. Samvkl Atacs to Miss Rachel Dehabt, all of Milton. On the 7ih int., by the Rev. James Kay, Mr. Dehsis Pubsill, of Hemlock township. Colum bia county, to Mi-a Dobotht II awthobm, of Cbi Jitquaque. In Lewishurg, on ihe 2J inst., by the Re. Mr. Rood. Mr. Solo mux Kittib to Miss Elixabith ZtlLKBB. On the !4th inst bv the Rev E. Rchwstts, Mr. David Hum bach to Mita Haibah One bib, both of Valley town-hip, Columbia coun'y. DIED, In Milton, on the 13ib inst. Mr. GEORGE FAl'SNAUGHT, sg'd about 3t years. In White Deer towmhip. Union county, on the 9ih ir.it., Mrs. MARGARET, wife of Mr. William Sulltvsn, in the 30th year of her age. In Milton, on the 10th instaut, Mr. JACOB SCH WAR TZ, in the 47ih year of bis age. In Ltwisburg. on the 2d inst.. Mrs. SARAH BOWER, asrd about 60 years. Im Bloomthurg, on ihe 8th inst., Mr. JOSEPH MOVER, aved about 40 ) ear. Jn Limestone township. Columbia rounly, on Ihe thh inst., Mr. JOSEPH FULTON, in the 9 l.t year of hi age. In announcing the death of Mr. Fcltos, we tell of another of the patriot band gone, who atrug gled in the da; a of the trial to secure peace and li berty, the blessings of wh.ch we now all enjoy. PRICK CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxtheimer. WaiAT, .... 80 Rtx, ...... 60 Cobb, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pobk, ...... 5 Flaisekb, ... . 100 Udttbb, 10 Vniwii, .... 25 Tallow, ... 13) Dhiku Aeeixs, . 75 Do. PsAcaxs, S00 Flax. ... .8 ilxCELBB FlAI, 10 Ceas, ...... 8 'Good Will Fire Company." THE members of the "Cod Will Fire Com- -L oinv" are requested to meet at the Court House, on Monday Evening, April 3d, at 7 o' clock, precisely. Punctual attendance ia required. March 31. J. H. ZIMM ERMAN. Ae. Notice. UniuJ State Bank, for the use of the Hon. Ellis lwi tat. John II. Cowden, Ac. NOTICE is hereby ien, to all the lien ereol tors of John 11. Cowden, and others interest' ti. to show cause bv the first Mondv of May nei'. why the above 'wtgmnt t-ball not be paid out of the moneya arising iroro in sale ol trie real ei-U'e of defendant, and the residue t diatribuled acrord ins to law. HEPBURN M'CLURE. Prothonotay's Office. VrotK'y. Wilhamsport, Mircti S3, 6t IMntc ofLyLia Wntaoii, dee'd. OTICE is hereby given, thst letter of nnmin- ira'ion on the estate of l.ydU Watson, late of the borough of Sunbury, Northum berland county, have been granted to the subscri ber. Persona indebted to said ea'a'e. are requested to make payment immediately, and those batting accounts against the aame, are requested to present them for examination and settlement. 8AMCEL THOMPSON, Sunbury, March 25, 1843. 6t Ailm'r. Imitate or Michael Heed, dee'd. "lJOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin. istrntion on the estate of Michael Reed, dee'd., late of Augurs township, have been granted to the subscriber. Persons indebted to said estate, are re quested to make payment immediately, and those having account agtinst the aame, are requested to present them for examination and settlement. JOHN REED, Augusts. March 18. 1843. 8t Jdm'r. LIST or CAUSES. J"OR trial in the Court ot Common Pleas of Nor thumberland Countv, to be held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of April next, bring the 3d. Joseph Trego va Martin A Stock Yates ft Mclnlyre vs Edward Y Bright Georue Armstrong vs The Shamokin Coal co John Sheriff vs John Hans Mary Week vs Bvertv & Haas Houghton for Wharton vs John Smith Henry HtifT vs ChrMopher Campbell Purirl & Pfoutx A W Johnson et id Wm A Lloyd John Cooper et al Abraham Sharick John Murray Jacob Kline Geo C Welker John S Manx Thoa 8 Rm.ham John R Kettter Theodore Beck Iaac Koons A. Co George Hill Daniel Roadarmel Moiitrlius A Fuller Ac Iscnb Sbitx 8ame Commonwealth of Pa 8ame Same Same John M Housel Thomaa Woods & Co J. hn B Miller Kse A Bergstresser VS Frederick III keribine vs Jno C 0 ivd et al s Martin A Stock vs Senahol't A. Bergktreser vs Jn A H M Davison vs Jesse B iwti tn vs Jo-eph Yankirk vs Jacoli G.iss S.ilomon Ehbacuh vs Caroline Noursa va John Murray vs Thomas Ashbridge & T G A.bbridpe vs Reuben Fagely & Co vs Mat tin Weaver et al vs Daniel Zetbe et al vs Wm H Miller vs Jhn Stout St H Fikk vs John Stout vs F W Pollock vs H-nry Frick vs F W Pollock vs Henry Frick vs Jacob Dee'x vs Andrew For y the vs Charges Craig vs Charles Craig Flack, as-ieneeof A boJ t II M Davison Boone, iMtgmt of Ege vs Same Wlllinm Mori'r Joseph Metcalfe & Co Jacob Malmd vs O P Duncan vs Wm A Lloyd vs M Yoxthcimer et al vs Same va John A Shiaaler va Willinm Glovi r vs The Shami.kin Coal V Iron Company vs John & HM Davison Ti Martin Weaver vs F A K.acht va Henry Fiick vs James ti ard vs D L Richard vs C H ItAer SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Fredeiick Kletl Dsniel Broaious Wm G Williams Joseph Mittnan Wm Burman Joseph Hill Stephen Wilson Brown for Bmwn Samuel Kcffer Jacob Wheeland Dougol &. McCltery Prolhonotary's Office, 7 rrolh'y. Sunbury, March 18, IS43. S BLACKSXVIITHINCx. George Z I m in c r m n n & S o n. THE su'ecri'er hereby informs the public, that be intends, on the 1st dav of April next, to take his son Jereminh II. Zimmerman, into partnerhip with him. In ibe BljACESlMXTXnNO BUSINESS, wh eh wi I, hfler that period, be carried on, at the old stand in Sunbury, under the firm of "Georce Zimmerman & Son, where the will conduct the bu-ine.a in all its various branches, including 7m ing. Making Mill Iront, Inming Carriogrt, Sfioe- tng tlurtet, qc. Orders will le promptly ard punc- i tually attend, d to, and work done cheap, lor can or country produce. shoeing done at one dollar per sett. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Sunbu'y, March 1 lih, 1843. PBWscciE:a, ALL eroriB indebted to Ihe aubKCii''er, for Blarksmithing or otherwise, are leieby rtqueat- ed to call and m.ke si t lement, on or before the first day of April next, aa his bonk a will lie placed in the hands of a Justice after that time, for collec tion. GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Sunbury, March 11,1 43. 3U "fTicxrii ott rc OTs; ad A Sow DlMrovery In the MEWSPAFSB BUSINESS. A MOS T important nnd invaluable d ecovery haa lntn made by a gentleman of this city, by which newapaiieia mav le printed in their present form, and, at the nme time, capable of being con verted at pleasure into a Magazine foiiu, for preser vation This grand improvement, which is destined to form a new era in the huinsa, rflecing an entire revolution in Ihe art of printing mammoth news papers, will be introduced, by perrniffion of the pa tentee, i to the Philadelphia Saturday Muneum, commencing in May next. I M PROVE M E NTS IN "TH E M I S E UM "The Muaeum" ia now so fnirlv ai d fiimly es tabhrhed, that we feel warranted in miking some very extensive and important impniremrnl$. By the firalof May, we shall have completed all our arraneements. We sh ill have, in the first place, a beautiful, ch ar and bold type in the second, a superb smooth and white par in the third place. we shall make an iugemoua and novil change in the arrangement of the matter in the fouith place, we sbsll increase our corps of contubulnrs in all the various departments of a Fanu'ly Sewtpnptr in the fifth place, we have secured, at a high sa'sry, ihe seivices of Eosab A. Pok. k.sq , a gentleman whoe high and veraalile abilitiea have always spken promptly for themselves, and who, after ibe fir-t of May, will aid us in the editorial couducta of the journnl. The Sarratiet Towneiid"$ Jui tiey over the Rotky Mountain! . "one of the moat interesting and valuable ever puhli.hed, is sent i all new sub.cri bers. Al its conclusion, our icadera will find them selves in possension of a work which alone will he worth double the subscription to the paper. We shall continue, also, of course, the Bi gropbicitl Sketches and Portrait," which are now exciting ao unexampled an intereat. With these and other fea turi a continued, and with t'e improvements in con. lemplaiion, it rrmaina lobe seen whether we do noi amply fulfil our determination of making the very best nevutpuptr in America, I'rraons winning to secure six thouemd large oe. tavo page of useful, interesting, and uneicepnona. ble leading for the select family circle, for the small aunt of Two Dollars per yesr being at Ibe aston ishingly low rate of thirty pagea for one cent, er equivalent to one hundred and twenty pigea for foui cenis should hand their names in now, TERMS Two Dollars per annum. Three en. pies for Five Dollara, or Sixteen copies for 'Pwenty Dollais, ia the extra induremenl offered al ptetenl forclulbing. THOMAS C. CLARK AC..., Office of the Saturday Muaeum, Publisheia' Hall, No. 101 Cheauul Street, Philadelphia. iiii dee'd, lal SHERIFF'S BY virtue ofaundry writs of Venditioni Expo nas and levari Facias issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, lo ine directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Ihe Borough of Sunbury, on Mon day the 3d day of April next, at 12 o'clock, (noon,) the following detcribed property, to wit t A certain tract ei piece of land situate in Point fownship, Northumberland county, adjoining lamia of Ebeneexcr Greennugh, Eq., Mark J. Diddle and others, and the North East branch of the nver Sus quehanna, containing 163 acres and 68 perches, more or less, a large portion of which ia clesred, and whereon are erected a dwelling houae and barn, and a steam sawmill. There is also sn orchard on said premises. Alan: The undivided one-thirl part of a certain tract of wood land, adjoining the above dwrilied tract, lands of Matks J. Biddle and others, contain ing 75 acres, mote or less, felted, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomaa O. Ashbridge. Also i A certain tract er piece of land, situate in Rutih township. Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Jacob Reed, John C. Boyd, Na'h.in Pcg and others, containing 1 15 acres more or less, bout 90 acres of which are cleared, whereon are e reeled a to atory log hooe. a two storv frame house and kitchen, two large frame barna, and frame woggon house, and other nu' huildinns. Also: A cenain tract or piece of land situate in Ruh township aforesaid, adjoining lands of llenrv Johnson, Georce Bo ne, and the above described tract, containing eight actea more or less, all of which is cleared. ANo : A certain lot of ground situate in the town of Sbamokin, Coal township, Northumberland county, in that pirt of said town laid out by John C. Bovd. and marked in the general p'an of said town No. 3, bounded on the eat by Shsmnkin street, on the west bv Rock street, bv lot No. 2 on the south and lol No. 4 on the north, containing in breadth 28 J feet and in length 190 feet, whereon are erected a two atory frame dwelling house and kitchen, (painted whi e.) and a frame table. Also: Two other lots, situate in the town of Sham-kin aforesaid, in that part thereof laid out by John C. Boyd, and marke t in the general plan thereof No. 15 ai d 16, being contiguous to each other, tviunded on the north by Sunbury street, on the south by Ihe Danville and Pnltsville Railroad or Commerce street, on the eaat by Washington street, and on Ibe we.t by o No. 17, whereon sre crerted a I story fiame house and kitchen, and a frame at dde. Si iied taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David Faux. Also: A certain lot of ground situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, in the town of Sbamokin, na laid nut by A. Jordan, Esq. and o thera, adjoining Grove street. Mine alley, and a lot of William Crauford, containing 30 feet in breadth and 180 feel in length, whereon are erected two large two storv frame dwelling houses and one kit chen, a large frame stable, a well of water, Ac Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Armstrong. AIot A certain lol or piece of ground situate in Snyderetown, Sbamokin town-hip, Norlhumlier land county, eontai ing one acre more or less, ad joining a lot of Willi im Fsrrow on the east, a lot of William I-erch on the west, bind of Williim Farrow on the north, and fronting on the Main street or road leading from SnydeMown to Surilu ry, whereon are erected a large two atory dwelling house snd kitchen, a store house, grauery and email stable, well of water, Ac. Seized, t iVen in execution, and lo be sold as the properly of Henrv Klsre. Also : A certain lot or piece of ground ituate in the Imrough of Norihumbr rland. and county of NnrthuiTibi rl mil, containing 5 acres more nr less, bounded north by Wewav. south by the West Blanch of the River Susquehanna, west bv a lot of James Kay, snd on the eaat by a mad b ailing to the river, wheieon aie erected a large two atory btick n ill and dwelling house, known by the name of "The College." Seized, taken in execution, and lo be said aa the property of Josiah Chapman. Also: A certain lot of ground aituate in the bo. rough of Sunl ury, Northumberland county, boun ded on the west by Fawn alreet, on the south by an klli y, on the east by an out lot of Jacob Leisen- ring, or a twentv feet alley, and on the north by a lot of William Snyder, containing in breadth 60 feet and in lenith 240 feel, whereon are erect d a two story log bouse, (weatherboarded.) an nut kit chen, a good well of watci snd a frame sis ble. ISeiied. t.iken in execution, and lo be sold as the properly of Daniel Sujder, with notice to William Snyder, garnishee. AlfO: A certain lra"t or piece of land situate in Shsmi kin township, Northumberland co., Imu"d- ed bv the road leading from Snvderstown lo the Centre turnpike, lands of Wm. Wateis. dee'd., and the Hhamokin creek on the south, and the Danville and Pnltsville Railroad on ibe rorth, containing 17 acres more or less, nearly all of which is cleared. whitcon are eree'ed a large two story dwelling house, (plastered,) a ki cben, and a large flame barn, a well of water, Ac, rVized, t krn in execution, and to be sold as the properly of George Kre.iger. Also : A certain steam sawmill, building and the machinery thcieof, tog. ther with two sen s of giound appertaining thereto, aituate in Point town, ship, Nonhumberlan.1 countv. houndd by Ihe ca. nl on the weat, the North Eai-l Drain h of the river Su-qmhanna on the east, and nearly oppoaite the teiteiice of I homaa Ashbridge. Se xed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proiertv of Tho.nss Aahbridge, Also : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Sham km or Coal township, ftortt.umberlaml Coun tv. bounded and decrihed as follows ; beginning at a white pine corner, adjoining lands of Biddle A Company i thence north 75 d. gre. s east, ui iierchea lo a pile of stone ; thence north 12 de grees wist. 196 perches to a post ; thence north 88 degri es west, 23 perches to a post i Ihencs north 75 degrees west, 69 perches toa pre of stone ; thence south 5 degrees wet. 48 prrcnea lo a oat thence south 80 deereea west, 30 ienh a to a pinr ; thence south 13 degrees esst, 195 perches to the place of beginning, containing 165 acies and 64 peie'ie, and allowance, more or less. Also i A certain tract or piece of land situate in fchamokin or Coal township, Northumberland county, bounded and described as follows beg'n ning at a white pine, adjoining Nnds of the Av lum Company ; thence north 12 decrees west, 171 perches to a coiner ; thence sou'h 8 1 degrees e-t. 46 perchea to a corner j thence aou'b 75 d-greea west, 58 perches lo a pile of atone; ibence noun 16 degiees we-t, 8 pen hi s lo a pile of stone ; thence south 74 degrees west, 100 perchea to pile of stone thence norih 16 degrees west, 106 perchea lo a pile of stone t thence north 75 degre. s eat, 218 perches In a pile of .lone ; i hence n nh 12degries we-t. 80 perchea to a gum ; thence south 75 degnea west, 275 p rchea lo a p ne thence sou' h 55 degree we. t, 112 prhes .i a chesnut (fallen ;) thence sou'h 78 degiees west 169 prrche. to a chetnut ok; th. nes north 64 degiees, lo a chesnut ; thence west, 124 p. rhs to a chesnut ; ihencs south 70 deprtea west. 65 p rch. es to a pile of alone, a cor mi ol Hi rah lie.V laud ; thence south 12 degrees eaat, 159 perchea lo a pjl ; thence north 85 degree rist, 216 perches to a pile of stone thence north 75 degrees east. 118 perches lo a pile of stone j thi nee south 12 do. grees cast, 388 perchea lo a f ine ( thence north 75 degrees eaai, 129 perches to a while pins ; thence north 12) degrees west, 294 petchi s lo a pile of stone; thence south 8 degrees cost, 218 perch es to a p le of stone (formerly a maple ;) thence south 61 degrees east, 64 perchea to Ibe place of beginning, containing 1012 actea and 43 pcrche, and allowance lo the Same, more or less. Also; AH the one fu I equal individual fourth part of all those seven tracts of lam), Hluate in Coal nr Shamokin township, Northumberland county, tbat is to aay l one of them containing one hun dred and aixiy five acres and 64 perches, and al lowance, more or less ; one other of them compos ed nf three several tracts containing one thousand and twelve acres, 43 erchis, and allowance, more or les ; one other of Ihem on Ihe roid levli- g from Sunbury In Reading, in Shamokin o' Coal township af reei I, containing Iwn hundred acres. and allowance, more or lea it being part nf a larger tract called ' Spring Field," surveyed on a warrant granted to Daniel Reese, dat.d the 17th dav of Deccmlier. 1792 ; one other of ihem on a branch of Sliamokin creek, in Bo;,r Valley, now Coal towni-hip, containing 440 am a, and allow ance, more or less ; one other of ihem in Sbamo kin tou nhip. Containing 127 acres, 63 perehrs, and allowance, more or lis; one other nf Ihem lo in Shamokin township, containing 71 arri s. 130 perches, and allowance, more nr leas ; and the other of said tracts Called "Stone Henge." on ihe wstera of Shamokin creek, containing 250 aciea. 4 percbe. and allowance, more or I a a. Seized, taken in execution, and lo be sold ns the prnpo'tv of Bttrd Patterson Also: A certain tract or piece of land situate in A uuusta township, N'.rihtimber'and county, bound ed by lands of Adam Shi'er, Jacob Fry, fiamml Savidgw and the heirs of Henry Darti-her, di-c'd., containing 125 acres, more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared, whereon are erected a large two s'nry d veiling houe and kitchen, or large two storv frame dwelling house and kttrhen, (painted white,) a large bank him, waggon ahed arid gran ery, a lime kiln, two well of wa.er, a spring house, and a large orchard. AUoi A certain lot of ground situate on Sin mokin or Market street, in the borough of Sun bury, and marked in the general plan of said town No 9, bounded eastward by a lot of Henry Mas- ser, westward by a lot of William McCarty, and eouthward by sn all y, whereon are erect-d a large Iwn .story bruk h ue. occupied aa a store snd dwclbng house, a brick and fram- kitchen, a large frame store houae, a log stable, pump of water, 6lc. Al-o: I woe. nam contiguous Iota of ground situate in the bnrongh of Sunburv aforesaid, front ing on blackberry street, and marked in the genel plan ofssid town Nos. Z'M and 235. known ss the McAdama property, bounded raiward hy a lot of A. Jordan. Esq. and westward by a lo of 1' s hri s of John L. Finney, containing about J of an aete each, w heron are erected a large brick and log dwelling houae and kitchen. Also: Two certain other contiguous lota of ground in the borough nf Sunbury aforesaid, and numbered in Ihe general plan of said town, N..S. 146 and 147, hounded southward by Dew erry street, northward by an all. y. eastward by lot No. 145, snd we-tward bv a lot of Rohrb chs or lol .No 148, containing about J of an acre each, whereon are erected a two story brick house frame poller shop, frame stable, a well of water, Ac. Abo: 1 hree continuous lo's of ground aituate in the town of Hhamok.n or in Coal t wnhip, Noilhuml eiland county, in that pirt of said town, laid out by A. Jordan and others, fronting Ihe Danville A. Pnltsville Rail Road, and marked in ihe general plan of said town, Nos. 400, 401 and 4li", hereon are erect, d a Urge frame dwelling and a ore house, late in the occupancy of Hemy Paw on, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prorty of Henry Yoxihiemer. with rotice. lo t'hailos Pleasants, E q , his assignee in Bankrupt cy. Also : A certain I t or piece f ground situate in Augusta townsh'p, Nortbumlx rl .ml c uu'v. bound ed by a lot of Henry Maa-er, a lol of Jacob Painter and Ihe Shamnk n creek, containing 5 acres more or lets, whereon are eree'ed a one and a half atory brewery ai d dwelling hou-, wi h a spring of wa ter in the cell ir, a Irame stable, Ac. Seized, taken ill execution and in be sold as Ihe proiieilv of Philip A Gottlieb Brvmire. FELIX MAUREK, Sheriff. henlT's Office. Sunbury, March II, 1843 2 U1 IS hereby given, tbat ihe i-ul-ecrihera purchased the following s rides at cot s'able'a ssle, sold aa the properly of Jonathan Peifer. of Little Mahonoy townehip, on the 4 ill of Match, 1843, viz I IHy Stud Horse, f64 00 15 00 9 25 I Bay Har-e, 1 Hull, 1 I'd, 1 do, 1 Clock and Case, 2 Setts of Horse !e-r, 2 Co'tars snd a Blind Halter, 1 Cuning Box, Swlngletrees and Chain, 1 Waggon and Uody, 1 Sbigh, I I'ow, I Heiffer, 1 1 21 5 2 91 67 00 75 75 80 1 25 50 00 13 25 10 75 6 50 All of which we have loaned to the said Jona than Peifer I'uting our pb nsure, of which the pub lie will l-ka notice. her CHRISTINA X FCRST, ma k March II, 31 ELI S PEIFER. IS be't'by given, that etlrs lectini enla-y have this day, (March lt, 1813,) hem granted l the subscriber, in the la.' will and tern anient of Civi lian Sh'ptnan, dee'd., lute of Augusta township. All persons, theief.ne. indebted to id e-'at". ate heieby required to call and make p y merit, and all persons having claims against the same, are likewise rrqui.ed to pieseiit them for settlement. LEW IS DEW A HP, Sunbury, March II, 143 fit Kxemtnr. Orphans' Court Sale. IN puianaiice of an order of ihe Oiphaus' Court of N- rthurnbeiland county, will h eiKwed lo public sale, on Saturday the 25lh day of March, iii.t., on the premises, In wit: A ceri itn tract of land, aituate in Shamokin township. Notibum'er land county, adjoining lands of Michael Taylor, II a r .t Farnswnnh and others, com. joint sixty a cres, m.oe nr less, late the es;s'e of Benjamin Tay lor, dee'd. Sale to commence al 10 o'i Itx k, .. M., nf taiil day, when the conditions of a.lo will be made known on the day of a le hy SAMl'EL FUltMAN. March 4th, 1HI3. Ailm'r. Ik f fmurt mf amnion I'lra mf .VirfAurru rland fount, .W. 13 Jirtt Trn. Su-an Wood ley a by her next friend, Chsr lea Weaver, $ Pluiioe e-ui-pnns m. 5 for D. voice, Jacob Wo dley $ THE ai.l tWt'ei dant is birehy requp d to be and a; p'i befo'e l e Judgea of the Court of Common Pleas of Nor humlerl n.l muntv, at a Coun ,.f Common Plrasto he held ai Siiiduiry, on Ihe firsi M n.lay in April next, to answer the Com- Lint of lbs ss.d Susan. FELIX MAITREU, Uurff. Sheiiff'a OfTice, I Sunbury, March 4, 1843. J 4 PAP.T1TEI.SHI?. fTMIE stibsriibeis, hsving enter, d into a partner ship in the practice of tho law. will be hsi'Pf to attend to all business entrusted lo their cars. Collections will be promptly attended to. They may always be found at their office, lo Market street, Fuuhury, fortneily occupied bv Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. e a tore-roum. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHARLES J. BltUNER. Sunbury, Feb. 4,h, 1843. Im. CIlAICLIaS FL1!ASANTS, ATTORNEY AT LAV, nAS removed his office to Ihe front ronm of the br rk boue, formerly known as Smith's I aern, on Ihe south west corner of Ihe square on Mstket street. Business entrusted lo his care, in thi-i county, and in th counties of Union, Colum bis and Lvrnmine, wdl receive prompt attention. Sunbury, Feb. 4, 184341. A Tunnrry Tor Rent. rPHB Tannery, fixtures, srd tools, in this place, belottgin i to the Cftatc of Imac Ziegb r, dee'd.. now in p 'FSiMon of Bucher A Frv, will be rented for a term o years, nn re isonaole terms. Poao-. sion given on ths 1st day of April next Apply to II B. MASSER. 8ur,bury, Feb. 4, 1843. Orphan' Court Sale. IN pursuance nf an order of the Orphana' Court of Northumberland county, w. II lie exposed to sale, at the .,te residence of Wm. Garret, dee'd., on Saturday the 25tli dav of M irclt next, to wit : A certain tr ct of wood 1 md. situate in Rush township, tn said county, containing twenty five acre', adjoining lam's of Eena Sharpies, Jacob Ge .rhart'a devisees, (ieorue Geaibart and othera. late ihe e-tate of said dee'd. Sale lo commence at 1 o'clock of said day when the conditions of sale will le made known by SilRPLESS TAYLOR, JOHN C. GRIER, Jan. 28, 184 3. Admr't SA.H'ls imtCKE.mLLEIl, HATTER, "WTERY RESPEtJTFL'I.LY len leave toir V frm his ctn-tomera and the public generally, that he still continues the IIATTINO BTJSXXTSSS, in all its various branches, in the shop, nearly op posite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied hy Henry Haaa and him. If. under the firm of Haas A Drucksmiller, which firm has been mutually die o'ved. He hop s. by his long experience in the above business, and a1 net attention thereto, to ren der seoeral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sunbury, Octoter 15th, 1842. 6m. UNION HOTEL, (Genrral Stage Office,) LYCOMING COUNTY, PciiiHiylvaula. rilHE Solwcriher respectfully informs his friends I. and the public in general, that ho has taken the above LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS HOTEL, IN THE BOROUGH OF M L N C Y. and that he i now well prepared to accommodate al1 who may favor him with their custom. His Sirtriso ArinTstsTS are well aired, and comfortable. Hi Taat.r tm Ban will a'wnyt be suppli-d with the beat the m ukel can allor.l. His 8rtiLiao, which is l'ixxI. will I under the charge of good and careful hostlers. He f. el confident, by strict attention to businesa and sn earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronize him, that he will not foil to give general s:iinfaction. 11. 13. W LAV LK, Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. A CARD. D' r. J. vv . ITnl begs leae to tender til grate. ful at kni w'edgments lo the people of SunhU'y and surrounding country, fm then past encourage men! in ihe line of his profession ; and would the same lime announce lo them. Ih t he i-till in lends lo continue the practice of medicine in all its various ib partmciit. He would, therefore, solicit s continu .nce of their confidence and patronage He may be found at nil times at hta office, in mar kit street, unless professionally engigt d. Xuiihury, Oct. 1st, 1812. if. A CARD. Tr. I. T. Trite", Respectfully informs the citizens of Punitory sil l vo n l y. that tie hs a ken an olhce in ire buil.'ing lately oecui led by Pete Lax .rua na a drus a'ore, in m .rket atieei, Su bury where In may W f. ui d al all hours, unless profes- sinnallv enca.'id DR. 1'RU'LS returns h s sincr r thsnks for h ertcnuiaeemeui he has lee-ied. in the line of h profession, in this place, and tru-t, by prompt a tent on to the duties of his prolesoor,, and rea-on. able charges, that he will continue to receive liberal i-hnre of the public patron age, Sunbury, I hi, 1st, 1842. tf. DR. .T. N. SUMNER, SURGEON DENTIST, p ESPECTFI'LLY informs Ihe public that he ' k ha( made Northumberland hia permanent place of ie.lcnce, snd is ready to attend 10 any c.di. in the line of hi prolcssion. July 2, 1842. ly. TAILORING, ON HIS OWN IIOOK. PETE?. GETTE31, KFSPECTFI'LLY informs hi friends and the public generally, that he has commenced the Tailoring HiiftiiieNs, in sll its bta.iciie, in the houe f.nnierly occupied by Wm. Durst aa a Tailor Whop, in Blackhtrry street, nearly opioite the Pr sbytrriar Church. He riSclluly .olie t a s'la.e of the public palrou ag, and tru.is by strict srteiiiion lu hnsiue and reasonable ct a ges, Le will be ensiled lo gtvs gen eral .alulae ion. Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1812 ly Frtsi suppv of ROSE OINTMENT, received 1 and for ale by U. B. MASTER. Nov. latli. lb 12. KLAXKS FOR BALE AT THIS OfFlCE. THS rniiiDELrniA, reading and futtstillb HAIL ROAD. AS EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE Will commence runntn between Philadtlphta and Polttville on tit f following day and hour i : On akb avt bb Mohdat, Mat 9, 1841. Leaving Potuville, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 8 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on I uesdaya, I hurailayt anJ Saturdays, at 'jr. M. lliinn nf pnm'nr Fending, For Philadelphia, at 10 A.M. ? .. For rottaville, at P.M. fa n e a. Between Pnltsville A Phtlads. f 3.S0 St f 2,60 Between Reading A. do, 2,25 A 1,75 Between do A Pottsville, 1,40 A 1.00 Excl'bsio Tickets bood fob bxtibhiso BIXT HAT. Between Pottsville St Philadelphia, f 5 00 Between Reading & do. 3 00 Between do. St Pottsville, 2 00 Tbs other passenger trains will as before, at the following hours l Philadelphia and PotlrviUe, From Philadelphia, at 6 A.M. n t From Pottsville, at 2 P. M. S ' ours of pairing Reading. For PnUavilie, at 9 A. M. . For Philadelphia, st 3j P.M. J U"3' All the trains will ttop for way passengers at the usual points. rrj" All passengers are requested lo procurs their tickets before the trains slsrt. May 21, 1842. if. To Country MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon St Harris, Hat Mannfiiellirprs. for New Vot-b. Phibidfdnhii,. Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hull are highly commended far guod ml- and durability. has on hand a lirt rale assortment or HA I a snd CAPS, suitable for Spring salts, whh will be sold very low, foi cash or appioved credit, al tbs nctrd cheap glare. No. 40, North Third strott, oppibi'S the Utty Hotel, I'liilndelphis. ROBE FIT D. WILKINSON, Apent, N. B. Orders for Hats in the rough, promptly attended lo. Ths highest price in with or trad given fjr Fur ikins. Philadelphia, June 11, I642.-!y ALL persons indebted to the firm of Lyon Sc Harris, under the agency of O.N. Thacher, Hut and Can Manufaclurert, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi. ate settlement ofth. tr accounts with Ihe subscriber, their legally authorized agent, who is fully empow. etcd to settle snd collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. If Agent. warrastf.d superior to asy other m:ar sumiury. "WOHN A HENRY LAND AIT, having rented 9 the Lime KihiN of Henry Masser, in Sunbuiy, have now for sale the liest Lime in this part of the country, and will continue lo keep constnntly on hand fresh Lime for l'lastortng, liuildir.g and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms r.s can be bad anywhere in the neighboihood. May 21. 1842. J. A. If. LANDAU. EAGLE Corner of Third and Vine Streets, WXLUAMSPOaT, PA. riHE subscriber respectfully snnounces to ths 1 public, that he Ims oned a Hotel in the com modioua brick building s tuate on the coiner of 'I hird and Pine streets, where be wilt be happy lo wail upon those who may favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel ia large and conveni ent, snd furnished ib the bct modem si vie. It is provided with s Isrge number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac Persons visiting Williamsport on bu siness oi plca-ure, may re.t aa-ured that every ex. ertion will be used lo render their sojourn at tht "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. IlisTahh will be supplied with the very best the matket af fords, and his bar with the choicest winea and othc liquors charges reiaonable. The Eagle Hotr posseaties greater advantages in point of locatur than sny othei similar establishment in the borough being situate in the business pari of the town, am within a convenient distance of the Court Hous and Williamsport and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good snd trust; oMlera always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest Servant hate leen employed, and nothing left undone thi w ill add to ths comfort and accommodation of bi guels. There will be a carriage always in attendance the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and frot the House, free of charce. CHARLES BORROWS. May 14th. 1842. 7M. EEIL1JLT &, CO. Commission & ForvVarding Merchant. Foot of Willow Street Rail Road, OX TUX tlELAWABS, HAVING associated wi h them Joseph Barm lute of Easlon, Pa., respectfully Inform thi friends and the public generally, that they have t k n Ih t targe and well known alore and wharf f.Mjt of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied I Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a Genei Commisaion and Forwarding Busineas, and fio the local advantanea of the place being connect with all the public improveaients that have tin outlet In the city, they flatter themselves ihey w I able to do business lo as great, if nut greater a vantage, and upon as reasonable terms aa any oil house, and they assute their friends that any co S'ii.ntcnts mads to Ihem shall have their strict i teutioii, and no exertions spaicd to give entitc sat fact ton . Tiny are also prepared lo receive snd for wo goods io any point on Ihs Delaware and Lebi livers, between Mauch Chunk, Easton snd Phi. Jel bis, via Delaware Division snd Lehigh Caitn also, lo anv iomt on Ihe Juniata river, or Not and Wist Blanches of ihe r-usquebanna via Schu kill snd I'uion, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Wu Caiia's. For the accommodation of Boata Coming or ( ir g via Schu Ikill and Union Canals, a Steamlx will b." kept cipresaly for towing boata from I Sibuvklll arout.d to the Delaware snd back, whi will eiuble merchants to have their produce He teied on the Delaware, and their goods shipped a saving ol fill to 75 per cent, or ths prices luutirg acio.s, with these sdvantages they speclfully solicit a share of patronaas. W . I1EILMAN ACO William Ittilman, W H am W. Ktyrer.C Joseph B.rurt. 3 rhilsJ .Msy 14, 1842.-