Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 11, 1843, Image 4

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The fallowing- ht shows the current value of tl
Ynusvlvsnis lUt.k N.itrt. The most implicit rr
ianre may plnerd upon It, as It bmry nwl(
'nrf-fxHy compared with aid CorrcC J from Bik
OcU' Reporter.
Hanks In Philadelphia.
V ' ' 1 ' ' T ' . - PltC. I
N. ; T ,LoTfO. pilliD
9nk nf North Annric .
Sank of the Northern I.lhcrtirt
Cimmrrriiil Bank of PcnnV .
Farmer' and Mechanic' Back .
Kensington Bank ,
Pliilaitt thiA Bank .
Schuylkill Bank . . .
9outhwaik Hank
Western Bank
Mechanics' Dnnk .
Manufacturer' & Mechanic" Bunk
Country Hanks.
Batik of Chester County
Dunk of Delaware County
Bank of Germantown
Rank of Montgomery Co.
Doylestown Bank
Kssion Bank
r aimers Bnnk of Bucks CO.
Office of Bank of Penn'.
OtTiee do do ,
O.'l'ce do do
Office do do
Bii tot
Harriiit'ura These
Lancaster I offk-es
Reading j do not
EBton J tsun.
Bank of tl.e Uni'ed States
Bank nf Penn Township
Girard Bank .
Moy aniensing Bank
Bank of Pennylrania
Minns' Rat k of PottiTille
Rank of Lewistown
Bank cf MiJdletown
Bun of Northumberland
PLikdilphi 49
. . 6
Poltevitla 6
Lewistown 7
Middle! own Sit
..tthumbctlnd 3a4
Columbia Bank & Bridge CO. Columbia 1J
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 8a4
Exchange Bank Pittsburg- 2
Do do branch of Ilnllidaysburg ,. 3
Farmrra' Bnnk of Lanrestei Lancntei 2
Lancaster County B;.nk Lancaster 2
Furmcis' Bunk of Reading Reading 1
liairii-buifi Bank HarriBburg 3a4
Lancas'er Bank Lancaster 2
Lebanon Bnnk Lebanon 6
Merchant' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 2
Bank of Pittsburg Pittshutg 3
West Bianoh B ink Williamsport
Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarre 1 1
Northampton Bank Allentown 28
Berk County Bank Heading
OttiYe of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg
Do do do Erio
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ins. A da
Penn Township Say. Ina. do
Bunk of Chemhershurg Chimbcrsburf 4
Bas-k ol Gettysburg Gettysburg 4
Bunk of Surq'.iehanna Co. Montiose 10
Erie Bar k Eria 7
Fx-n i rs' fi Drover Bank Wayneshurg 6
Franklin Biink Washington 3
H -in E.rk Hones). le I
Moinr'calieli Bunk of B. Brow imville 4
Yoik Bank V. rk Sa4
N. B. The nolca of those l-anks on which we
omit quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wuh the
t-xceilion of those which have a letter of reference.
Phildc! hia S.iv. Ina. 1'hilndt thia failed
Philadelphia Loan Co. . - do failed
Schuylk.ll Sav. Ina. do Tiled
Manual Lubi.r Bunk (T. W Dyott, prop.) f.iilid
Tpwanda Bank Towandu fuilid
Allfghany B ji.k of Pa. BJlo.J . no sale
Bank ol Beater Bejver clnsrd
Bank of SwHiara Harrisburg ttorcd
Bank of WnaUiugtan Wanhi-iglon failed
Centre Bank BeUfniite chmd
City I3:tiik Pittbbuig no i-a'e
Farmers' & Mech'ea' Bank P;ltlurg foiled
Farmers' & Mech'c' Bank Fayrtlo co. filled
Farmers' iSt Mech'ciUunk Ureencastle failed
Harmony Instil uto Harmony noaaie
Huntingdon Bunk Huntingdon no fair
Juniata Bank I.enisioiwi Dns,i1e
Lumbermen's Bank M'arien fmled
Northern Bank of Pa. DoudafT no f jle
New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope closed
Northunib'd Union Col. Bk. Milton no mlr
ISorth Weetirn Bank of Pa. MeaiWille tlnsi d
ntHee of Schu) (kill Bank Port Curbon f.iibd Manuf. Bank ('arlirlo filed
Eilver Lake Bank Montrose closed
Union Bank of Penn'a. l'nintown failed
Westmoreland Bank lirfeiisliurg rioted
Wilkeibarre Bridge Co. Wdkesbarrc no sole
fjjf All notes purporting to he on any Pei.nt-yl-
vama Bank not given in the above ht, may be aet
down an frauds.
Sank of New Biunawick
I'irih Am'.'oy
Bridge; on
Mount Hulty
N. t'lunswirk
Middletown Pt,
Belvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Ci.miniicial Bank
Cunifcerland Bank
Farmer' Bi.nk
Farim ri' Blld .!crhanic(;, Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' l'
Farmirs' and Merchants' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Jcrey City
fail, d
In il. d
f..:. d
JjO isle
Hohokin Bke& d'uzirg Co Hohokru
Jc'isry City Bank Jiri-iyCity
Micl.ariiis' B ink Patie'sou
Maiibfacturi ra' Bunk BclU-wiio
Morris L'oiiip6nj Hank Morristmvn
Mon.-noulh Lk of N.J. Freehul.l
MichunnV Bank Newaik
Mechunio,' nd Vanuf. Bk Trci.ton
Morris Cans and Bkg Co Jersiy City
Post Notts
Newark Bkg &. In Co NVwaik
Ntw Hope LM Bridge Co l.ainbeitvillo
N. J. Mnouf.e. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Prottctou LooiUid I k Jersey Ci:y
1 id d
la i led
(hence B-nk i Orange
Pater.on Bank Pa'crscn
Peoples' Bat k do
Princeton Princeton
talc in Banking Co Sul.iu
ttate BIik Newnrk
litate Bank ElitsU ihtown
B'.ate Bank t.'smdrii
huts Bjuk of Mollis . Mitrutown Bank Ykihi.u
talim and i htleJ Mur.Lf Co talun
Puaati Bark Ntwlon
'J'renion Banking Cu Tiiriton
Union Bank Lain
a.hii Ktuli Barking Co. liaiktnaack
hill. ll
, '
Bk rf Wilm A Branitjv.iiit W i mirgton p .i
Bat k ot Delaware limn gu n pai
Bank f Sir jma yn a par
Do ' I iir.rh .' i lio'd par
Fatnn la' Ik if tine f Del Dov.i jar
Do brunih i!n H'wK n -r
Do blklull (itoitoi,i pit
Do liir.iu ,Ni .i, i-U' ( r
Trion Pi rk ,',u inbi..n par
(jj Uui'n 6's 2
flf On nl k rra ked thus () th re ae
Cr iooi t-rls t or si eied note cf ik v.u
vaiicu uV
ectiiittUoes, in cmwaUcfc.
.THE .
rniLADEtrniA, rrjwxo and roTTsviME
Will commence runnini between Pliiladi lphla
and foltsville on the following day
ami hom f
Pw it irrta MosriAT, Mat 9, 1S43.
Leaving Pottiville, on Mondnys, Wedneadaya
ami Friday, t Si A M.
Leivirg Philadelphia, on Tuedaya, Thursdays
and tinturdays, at I j P. AI.
Honrt ofpatsing tending.
For Philadelphia, a, inl A.M. ? TfUwcek,
For Pottaville, at 6J P. M. '
F1 HE 8.
Between PoMMfille ft Philada. f 3,fi0 &i f2.fi0
Brtnern Heading & d u 2.25 cV 1,75
Uetwren do & Pottsville, 1,40 & 1.H0
Ezcrnsiox TirsrTa oood for hitl-iiniso
JltTT tiAf.
Between Pottaville & l'hilndelphia, ff 00
Between Heading fc do. 3 00
Between do. Sc Pot'sviUc, 2 HO
The other panienrer trntns will at leforc, at
the following honr :
Vhihtthlphia and Vuihville.
Fivm Philndelphi i, at 6 A. M. ) .,
From Pottaville. nt 2 P. M. S 1 :" y
Hours of prmeirr Itetfrfuiff.
For Potvilie, at 0 A. M. ? n ,
For Philadelphia, rt 3J P.M. $ 1 " -V
All the triiina will ttop lor way pai-trnpera at
the u.unl poif t.
Ijjf All pnarngers nre requested to prorur
their tirkets before the trains MBit.
Mnv SI, 1 H4. tf.
To Count i'3-
THE SubaerilTr, Acent of I yon & II urns, Hui
Manuf icturiTa. for New York, Phib-detphiii,
Baltimore and other Inrce eitiea, nlorn- lints ic
highly commended fir imd eoht and durnl.ilily,
ha o t I and a fir-t rate lasoitm-'nt of HATH and
CAPS, suituMe for Spring a iles wh rh w ill t-e .dil
very low, fot raah or appinved credit, at the m trd
clienp store. No. 40, North 'Phi rd atr'.-t, oi p ihi'e
the City Hotel. F'hila lelphia.
N. B. Orders lor Hats in theroiif;4 promptlv
attended to. The highest riee in 'ash or tra '
given far Fur ikins.
Philadelphia, June 11, IS42 -. It
A Ll. persona indi bird to tne firm ot Lnn &
Hair a. under V r agenrv of'. N Tbnrbjr.
Hit and Cop Mnnufutlurrr. Nn 40 North Third,
street. I'lnl kI. Ijibta. are rqin"-ted to make immedi
ate settlement of 'h ir aeroi.i-l ith ihr Mlb.rribrr.
their lecal'y su'hoiiie l heert.uho is fully rmpoiv
eted to setile and roller! tl e ceeonnt- of siid firm.
June 4th. 1M2. If Agent.
'EZ w"?3 ?D3 12?:a.
WAun yrrn srrr.nion rn ,yy
TTOHN& HEN 1! LAN DAU. hrninc rented
the 1 ime Ktlns of Hen' Miisi r, in Sunbuiy.
have i,i w for iile tr e I t at Lime in thtis pirt i f the
countty, in d will rortiime to keep roiislnnt'y on
blind trrsh I ini" for Pl-iste'lpg. Building and for
Limine land, on b rensonable term-' as e.iii he hud
anvwl er in tbe neighi oihoi'd.
M v 21. If2. J. A- IT. LANDAU.
Corntr of Th rd and Vine Struts,
ITH si'l r her r. tfiillx min tine, a t t''c
public, that be b a oiened a Hotel in ih rom-
mndinus brick building s mate on the corner of
'I hiid and Pine streets, where he w il: he bappv to
wait rp n th.'se who may favor him wit' theii
eoirtpany. 'The Eagle Hotel is laige and conveni
ent, and furnished in the l-e-t m"i'etn rt le. I' i
provided with a large number of veil aiied and
comfort itde sleeping apartments rooms, private
arl.irn, Ac. Peifons visiting iiliainsport on bn
fineas or p!ea-ure, may ret aa-urd that everv ex
ertion will be used to ret der ihcir si joiun at tin
"Eagle Hottl" plenaant and aarieable. Ilia Tut I
w ill be supplied with the very h' a' the maket af
fords, and his bar with the cl oicest wines ami otlo r
liijuors charges reasonable. 'I he Fajle Hon I
possesses greater iiilvaiitflfres in point of I. cati.m
than any other simibirratbln.hmeiil in ih- boiouch.
hi ing situnte in the buainess p irt of the town, and
within convenient disirinrr of the Court limn-,
and Williamaporl and Eln ini Bad I!o J D p t.
Sufficient Siabling provided, nnd guod and tnn-ty
otll'rs always in alii -e.
Attentive, arcon.nioiliiting and hone-t Rirani
hae been (inploved, and notbiog left itnibme thn
will add to the ruiufoit and acc. miinijauon of his
There will be a earring' slwaya in attendar-ce at
ihe It. .nt I .hi. dins tocoi vi y j :i-ei gi r. to and from
the lloute, fuc of cliBt;o.
Mr.v Mtb. 1?-12.
vrir.. hziliait & co., i
Cotriiniiun vt Vorw nnWns Mi-rchants,
loot rf Willow Stmt liuil Read,
Ol THE I I LAW ill V,
nAVlNiI ns-oe.ntid v i h tin in ,lone h Barret,
late of Esstoii. Pa., r si inform their
li e.d. and the pi.blic genera'lv, lli .1 tiny have ta
k. nib .t htige and we I kiii.nn store and wh uf at
fi. t of Willow Ptnet KahoHil, lati ly oici pie.l ly
J.. ob Martin, where ihry U poe doiue a Oern ral
t ' mn isin and Forwaii'.ing Bui-inr-1, nnd f nm
il,e advantages of the place I inn roi in ricj
wi'li dl tl publ r ini.rovcinei is that bav- their
out'et in the cpv, tl ey flultcr I In maeln s ibey will
be ab e to do I UR.neas to as gient, if not g ( all l ado
vet tgr, and upon as tt-.iiulle leinis ai- any other
hi ure, and they asaute tl i ir frn mis that any con.
s g. no nls msde to ih. in shall have I In ir s ret tt
I ti on. n, slid no exi itioii-. rpaied to give rntiic s.ais
1..C n.
'Mo y air also prrpcred to receive aril fmward
g.-ci'.s o any on the Di law .re and I.rh eh
liu r-, b. uve, n Mai en t l m k. F.avnn an. I I'hd i.
del, bin, via Delaware Di i n ml I eh it h Can l;
a' . t ' any 0'iit i ii ihe J.irn it4 rivir. or Nor h
s al V i st P am hi ml it e Su qui hanrni i trl.ii I.
kill and I nit. n, oi tho t'l.i sp. , ke ami I i.le U ,tei
For h' ar.-oirmo.'atinn of Bon's e ni'rg or go
i' i via rboylk.ll and Union I'uimI-. a Sie unloai
will h' k' 1 1 npiei-!y for towing I o t Iroin ihe
K I in l.d ii'iiuod to ihe D itiware Mini bark, wl. ich
wi-l en in id ai ls to hae iheo pnuloce tie i
ve rl on the He'.wa.c, ;.i.l I'm ir R .1 d .liioul at
t s s.mi.j nl .V) tn 1'j j ii ci ol. u" tho I nets fir
i. ,i . ;,. ... ... ..... .i -
j ii k . " . "". .ii-... fin mi jr ic
if'y soli ll a ftUjic ot i a'r n ie.
'am IL i'n.n, ")
W 11 am W. r..)e ,
i Jvuf, 3.JII:.
TLilid.Msy 14, 184S. ly
The hnt mrthnd for the Aholilinn of Disease
is to ch ange and purify the Body.
Or TUB y
JWtrlh American oltfgt ot Health,
Are now arknonledged to be ihe beat Medicine in
b World frtr the CU'e of
ECAlSE ihey rnmp'etely rhsnse the ato
ms' h and bowels from ih. re hdlious and cor
rupt humors which are the cauae not only ol
Headache, Oiddiness, Palpitition of the Heirt,
Pa:ns in the Bone. Rheumtt sm and (tout, but
every ma la-W incident to mnn. SAID INDIAN
VEGETABLE PILES rr a c-r ain cure f..r in
te.m ttent, 'emitt' d. nervous, infl imsio-y nnd pu rid
Fever hecniise they cleanse ihe pody from tho-e
moihid humors, which, when Confined to the circu
litton. are therauaeof all kmdaof FEVERS. So.
also, when the nme impurity is deposited on ti e
trembi-tie and nmacle, puns, iriuma-
lions and swellincs calleil 111 r. I 1 A I ,
OOl T, A c. WrichtV Indian Vrcetal le Tills mny
be relied on alwav ertain to ivp r lief, and if
pprpev red with, aernidlr (r to directions wll n.O't
fssu'idlv, and without fail, tt nke a irtfiTt in e ol
tl.e above nirif I n iilHiliea. Fiotn thru' to six i f
old Indian Vegetab'e Fills t kin eviry n'mhl go
il g to bed, will in shirt time so completely rid
the body from e very tl.lnc thn' ia of p sc.! l I eabh,
tl at Rbeomati-m, (iont. m il pd" of every I'earrip
tion.wiil be lin tally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. For the s .nie renson, when, from sudden
rhni'eca nf aio o-phi re. or ar y other canae. the pet
spiintion i-c! ecUi d, and ihe humors whrh shonl I
p os oil bv tb" sum are tr. wn lowirillv. ran'nc
1 1 E A D U I ' E . f ! I LDI N IS, nue, and rhk-ii"-.
Bin in the b nis. wa rty and ii flamed eyes,
aore tbroat, hoarsein' s, ronr;' a, rnna'imi tion.
rheum, it r pains in vaiiotis t"rt of tbe b.i'v, and
nvuyotlor FMnponn if CA'ICIIINO I 'OLD,
Wright's 1 dian Vfrfntle I'i'f.i will inwir'n.LU
Hive in n.edi ten litf. From tlnee to six of said
Pills tuUin every nit;ht on g tnir to brd, will in a
s' oit time, not on'v rrmove all tbr above un h as .nt
ami, but die body w II. in a short time, he
rettored to rven sonni'er hrnl b than before.
INC. Wright's 1ndan Yfgttalitr Vills will loos,
en nd rnr y IT, by the stoo erh and boweis, thosp
tough phb gmy humor--, wl irh stop tip a'l the air
re I- ol the tunes, and lire tbr ranse, not only of the
at.oic ilisir.ssing cniplamt. but w hen nett'eried,
olten ti rnii Bte in that n.o eilu a.llol malady railed
CONSUMPTION II i-hnu d h.' a'aoieirembersd
tba' Wrifrlit's I-dlan Ytgrtnhle Pill are a certain
ctne f. r PAIN IN THE SIDE. Oppression, n-ti-a,
anil sickness, lo-s of apt a tie, rosliienisa a
vi Ibnv tii pe of the ikin ai d eyre, end i very other
yinptom f at rpul or dsi s-ed slate nf the liver ;
tecause they poree from the body those impurities
w hich if di posited upon this important erg in, are
ihe cau-e ot erry vaiieiy of LIVER COM
PLAINT. Win n a nair n is con ulsed I y riot-,
oil br. nka and ri belli. n tbe only means of prevent
ing the dreadful conn quenci s of s CIVIL WAR.
is to eipel all trni'ors. end i v it d sposi d ones from
tl.e country. In Ike manner, bin pain or sick
ness of sny kind, indicate that the body is striiu
elite with inter, nl foes, li e true is to EX
I fal'h and I fe.) Health vill hr the ctrtnin rttut.
i'l at tbe p' i' i iple i f uring di ea-'e. by cleansing
and puiityiug ih" I odv, i stiiclly in arcordaiice
with ti e laws whirh govern the aniimtl ironomy;
i.nd it properlv ear.ii'd out bv the ne of the a' ove
named WKKilll's INhlVN VF.CETABLE
PILLS, will reitAiidy riault In 'lie coinpltte Al o
I lion oi Di-ea. ; we iifier the following tiXiintini
a!s, fr-'iii pirsonsof the loghest re-pectability in
New Y.'tk, who l.nve rrrentiv hei n cui' d of the
root ob-iiinte con.p'ainls. s.'le'y bv the use of
Wiioirr'a lniN ' n k r bl r. Piu., of the
Xarth American Ct lhpe if lleu'lh ., L. I., .Ill's Cl h 1RU.
Po. t r Wil ia NN'ritfhl De r Sir It is th
cr.- t aati fiu li. n I inf. mi you of ,.iv having; been
. nt ie!v ch'i d ol Dvs.epia. of five vcBrs stantlu g.
by the toe o' youi Im VnsTnr.r Pn.t.4.
En vion to nice ne w ith your celebrated nv d;-rii-e.
I bid b. en under tbr hands of several I'hvsi
risi s. and hail 'rietl vaiioii n eihciiies ; l ot all lo
no effort. After u-ii g orie 25 reot bo of your
Pills, however. I rxpir'ni red so moih I. efii. i h-st
I te-o'vi d to -ri vrie in ihe use of tin in arroi'lin.'
to ibrertioi s, which I am hai pv to smte, hs result
ed in s perfect cure. Ingratitude to you f"t the
crea' Itenifit I have ten ived, ami al-o in t'.e hope
th it otbeis siinilmly til i Oil ncy be in''nretl lo
in ke tiitl i f vnur ri in .iil'ni v iiie.'icire, I -end
you this siHtetmnt wi'b full I be ly to pub is!i lb.
same, if voo think pr -per. Yonr. c.
N.w Yoik, June 19, IB 1 1. U. C. BL ACK.
Mr. Rh hard De nis, agent for Wight's Indian
Yece'nblr Pills.
DiarSit Ihnvt afdir'rd f r aceriil vents
wi h inward Weakness in d pei i r il debility, arcom
panied at liine- woh puns in tl.e side and oilier
dls'ressi' g romplnin's. Aft i bavinR tr'e.l varins
ninUi' lies vvi'hoi t eff r'. I iv- j (-rBu ided by a fiii lid
lo mUe trial r f Dr. Wiiyhi's Indian Vcpetul le
IMIs wh'ch I am happy to na'e Ivive relieved n.e
in a nvst w. n.b rful manm r. I have u i d ihe me
t'itiie, s yei but a diail loir, nn.l have no doubt,
bv a per ai v pr .nee in ihe u-e of the nudri e aeror
ihna I diie.'tion. ih t I el.all in a short time l e
pi it. c Iv le-toie I.
I most willn cly rrermmrnd ssitl P Us to sll person-
siiinlai iy t fllicU'd. ai d in 'he loll It'liel ih.-ti
li e s one beta fiend nu Is w ill f. . w ll eir u ,1 re
main vuiiia bincc'ily. HF.NRY A. FOO I K.
Wa yvaii-uig, Uls'er co, N. Y-
Niw YniiK, Sept. 23. MIL
This is bv certify thut I have used Wiiirht
I v 11 i a v VnT4L Pin with the gremest bene
fit: havi g tnir. Iv cured myself of tl.e frequent at
lacks ot Sick Headache, In w loth I has! pievioiily
I. it subject. ANN M A RIA THOMPSON.
392 ire n w irh a'r. a1. N. Y.
To Mr. Richaid Di tints, Agent lor Wright's In
dian Vegetable I'lils.
c.j r ri .v.
As there are si this lime nmnv wicked persons
busily ini'ssnl in u liini a r..uoieili ii mcthrine un
til r li e nhioe of the liullnn Vi gelible Pills and as
lhe-e i'i si i rule nun are so utterly reckless of ton
s. que ores, ihat many valuable I vea nay he f si in
roiitciUcnce of using ll eir dreadful compounds,
'he publ c are cautioned eg iinst purchasing any
III am lias or the tides of the bolts th following
iv online is f uo-l
(Indian Purgtilire)
Or TH It KOHTII 4MISIC.1 tultldl OF Hftl-Tn.
And aire o le cspe,i.:lv careful against pure la.
sii b s aid me lirine of any pert-on enrpt the rtgu
I .r a.iv nirrd areivs
AOfiXTS J'UH A 0 1; Till 'MD rRLA AT) C 0 ,
I'i nnsitinr.ia.
H. B. Masai r. Sun' ury I'ayneA Rose, Nor.
thunibi lUrnl Jai'o1' llivs. Sl.noii.kiu Sainu 1
Heib. M; hon .y Byerlv & D. Ill s. Ain ula
Hem t & Foiiu er. Mi' Iret .n.l ,V Ve l.ll,
Mi LCwei wi Ir I fei fc Di sim. i d. To ibuUv d i
Janes INitl. Pull, nr.. ve II Klise, S..vdirston
II. If. Knomrl. P. M Elvkl urj P. O. Wm.
Li-enrinp, P M. Union Comer.
Olfce aid Oner.,! Dip"! f r the Sate of
Wrifihi's Indian gttctiit J it'i, Wbole.i.le rtl It'J PACT SJhEET, PHTLALEL
PUJA. May 31, 1B43. Iy
fXj" Tlie fidlnwinif eertificn'e describes one of the
most extraordinary cures ever tffected ly any
PitiiAiirtPBt. February 10, 1838.
IJ'OR twenty yean I waa severely afflict- d with
Tutticu on the Face and Head: the d scaae
commenced when I was seventeen year old, and
continued until the Fall of 18:1G. Varying in vio
lence, hut without ever disapearing. During moat
of ihe lime, great part of my dee was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with vio'enl itch
ing; my bead swel.ed at timis until it felt as if it
would nurat iho swelling was so g e it, that I could
"rarrely get my hat on. During the long period
that I was afflicted wiih the disease, I uacil a great
many a) plication -i, (among them avvcrat celebrated
prep rations) ns w II n taking inward remediea,
including a number of fsitih s of Swaim's Panacea,
Extract of tiarsnpitrilla, Ac, In fart it wmld he
impo-sible In enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was ulso under the care of two of the most dis
tineuUhed physician of ibis city, but without re
ceiving ninrh benefit, anil I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of 183G, the disea-e nt the time
being very violent, I commenced using the Host
Vinlmen', (nn pared bv Vuughan fc Davis.) In
.. . . . . . . . i.i.
a I u ni p:icalious me violent ucning c aru, uic
swelling aha'ed, the frui tion began to disjj pear,
and hi I had used ajar the ditiisi was fHtiroly
ctutd. Il has now been mai'y a yinr and a half
since, and there ia not a vestige of the disea e re-
maii iin!. except tbe from the dc. p pita forme.l
by tbe di ease. It ia imp. aaihle for me to dt acri' e
in a crr'.ificaie the scvirdy of ihe tiisea?o and my
st thring. but I will be p!c isnl lo give a fuller i.c
ronnl I any person wanting further satisfacti m.
who will c.ll on me. At the lime I cooninncclj
using the R se Ointment I would have given bun
tbrds of do Ian lo 1 rid of the disease. Since u
aing it. I have recommended it to evll pei-ons,
(among them my inoiher, who had ihe di.-ejso bad
ly on her a-m.) w ho w. re a I cured bv it.
.1 MES DURNELL, No. 150, Race St.
rrj" Tl.e Rose Ointinent is prepared by E. B.
Yaurfhan, Son Ii East corner of Tlnrd find Race
sttcita, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. bv II. B. MASSE R,
May I4lh, 1912. Arnl.
lloc Oiiilmciil, for Tclltr.
Pin i Am triii. May 27lh, IS33.
HJS js to eernfy tba' I was severely Bill r'e.l
-- with Tet'er in the hands nnd f. el for upwards
of forty y ears ; the disease w as attended g' tier illy
with vio'ent itching and swelling. I Applied to
number of physicians, and us, d a great imioy uppli
es'tons without effecting a cure. About a y' ar
since, I sppbed the Rose Ointment, which entirely
slopped the itching, ami a few applications iminedi
aiely cuied the disease, which there has hien no
return of. although I had never It-en rid of il at
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAI.E,
Eleventh. Iwlow Spiuce Street.
fjj The Rose Ointment is pared by E. B.
VauLhan. S uth East comer of Thiul and Race
Streets, 1'hiladclphia.and a.. Id on ajenrv in Sunbu
ry !.y 11. B. MASsT-E,
May 14ih. 1S42. -'cl- !
Of the ROSF OI.TMF..T,fr Tttrr. j
LT1I0UGH the superioiitv of ihe prcpaialioli j
over nil i.lhers is fully erahlishi .1, the r pr i.
tors lake pleasure in; before the public the
following cer.iiica'e Irom a rrspectalue physician,
a gruiluale of the University of IVniisv Ivuuia. Dr.
Batigb, having found in llos einedy thai ichtl f r
a ted', us and di-agri ebe alVertiotl which the means
wiihin the range of his profts-ioo failed to all. oil,
has rot hesiiBted to give it his appiobation. nhh ugh
ihefiniiiilicesand in'irelof that proti -aion aie
. pp.isv.l to secret Remedies. Li HM, S. pt. If). ISM.
' I was recently trouhhd wilti a tedious hei-etic
erupii. n. which cue ed arlv one si 'e ufiiiv f ee,
nnd eiiemletl over the ear. Mr. Vaughuti. propru
lol of the Rose Ointment, nhsrtviug mv la., nisi-.-teil
on mv living his preparation, of which he ban
del me a fir. AUhouuh in common with die nitin
heis of mv pruf. -sum, tliscounn nanre bu.I disap
pi.ive ot ihe numerous nostrums palnud upon the
public by iiMioianl pn lenders, I feel in jus icebound the Rose Ointment fiom thu' ca a of me
I rincs. niiil to give it mv approbation, as ii i nine
ty i tired the eruption, ahhoiigrt il h ul resisted the
u-u I appluaiioos. DANE BAIdll.M. D.
Qj' The Rose Oinlmei t is p'ei..r..l by E E.
Vaiiihan, South East corner ol Third mil Rice
Siu eis, Pniladt 'phia, and mid on ag. nev in Sun
buiy. by II. B. MAsSSER.
M ay'l lib, ISI2. Agent.
frnt-iiit 4 omntlsolon 31n lianf si,
'i.r the Sale of Flvur, Grain, Sud. ic, S)C.
Jll, , I -t
fer---s'.r.l.i'c f
inform their hit mis nnd
the iercl ants generally, that ll.ev hue ta
ken those large ami commodious haiv s. w iih tw o
Doth--, noith of Chisnut fctrcct, on the D. law ire,
logriher ith tl.e stoic No. 13 South Whirvo-,
wl eielhey yvnuld hi' pleased to receive consign
ments of Grain, Floui. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ar.
Ac. Being also well prepaid! lo forw ml all kinds
of Merchandise bv the Scbny tkill end Union, ur by
the f hri-aptake and Tioe Water Canals, as low
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing
boats by ri I er route.
Meiebanta will pie se be particular lo send their
g . ils ilcs'ine.l by either canul-, t No. 19 South
Wh 'rves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompany ing them
which route they wish thorn lo be shipped.
rrj- Plaster and ball for sale, at the lowe-t mar
ket price. BOLTON AC i.
Match 19. IMS. No. 19 South Wharves.
Suubury, oi llititnlici laiul Couuly,
rilHE kuhscnUr nsptcifuily iiiioriua the public,
m. ihat he has icniove.l to ihat large and cummo
dious Ur rk House, on Msikrt srjusre, oppos te the
Court H 'U-e, (f 'tmerly kept bv Hiia o Puce,)
wheie he is now prepared to arr loniodaie all who
in .y favor bun wi lis call. Being thai kful f.u
past, he tin) is by strict atientuin lo htisinrss,
to lective a liberal si ar ..f pnboc pairooage. Ac,
Sunbuiy, March 6th. 1813.
1eSe7 LilVIE ! LIIV1E !
flMXE subscribers are prcpand to furnish farmers
1 and thrr w ith any qiianiity of Lime of a very
supeiioi quahlv f r lam, or p'ai'tering, at the fol
lowing v. rv reduced prices, viz: 8 cis. per bushel
for laid Lime; 1(1 cts. for ihe best quality of Id
ti ring Lime, at Ihe k.hi", below the !ior"Ui;h of Sun
I ury. Tin y w II also del-ver, at any place w ithin the
I orough of Sunbury. Lime loi Ian I, at 10 rents per
busbi I, and Lime f..r plaislcring at I'i J cents per
I u-hel. The subset hers haealiva's nn hand,
brge quantny of Liino. I's quality i- good, and
tlx ir . midline ii not oji.alltJ by any in themih-
Aoguats, Apul Sd, 1843
. . ,. 6U1TBTJ&V, PA.
Business attended to in th Counties of Nor
thumberland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer tot
TnnviAS IliiiT & Co.,
tiOwr.ii A BjkRotr.
Hart, Cummijio A Hart, yP.Mlad.
RatNotn. McFaruird & Co.
Spsrtho, Ooon fit Co.,
Sunbury, 'Ynrlhumberland Count pf
flHE subscriber, respectfully informs the public
L thnt he has removed to that large nnd commo.
dioua Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and
Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck.) formerly occu
pied by Jonaa Weaver, and lately by Daniel (fib
son, where he is now prepared lo accommodate all
who may favor him with call. By atricl atten
tion lo business, and his utmost endeavor to render
satisfaction to all. he hopes to receive a liberal share
of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
Sunbury, Match 1 2th, 1842.
C'otiiitcrft-'ltci-si' Doalli Itltuv.
rPho pu lie w ill please observe that no Bramheth
- Pills are genuine, tinles.i the box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, Ihe aiile ami thn bottom) !
each containing a fic-simile signature of my hand- I
viriting, thus 13. l'n.NimrTit, M. D. These la. j
hel- aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Tin refute
it will he seen thai ihe only thing nrcosnry to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
Remembrr the lop, the side, nnd the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhori
7eil, ami hul.l
For the sale of BrundrctL's Yegetuble Universal
Pills. "
Norlli'imbeiliit d cotintv : Millon M i key A
Cli imbeilin. Sunbury H B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Ireland & Meixell. Nnnhuin eiland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown F- Midhnger &. Co.
Union Citinty: New Berlin John Hoffman.
Selinsgrove Ever and Schnure. Mid.lluluirg
Isac Smith. Berjveriowii J. A F. Bingaman.
Ad imsburg H. rV A. Smith. Mifdinshmg
Swopr A Laird Haith'ton DinielLong. Free
burg I!. A F. C. Moyer. Ci ntrevil e Slailey
A Lenhart. Lewishurg Walls A Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
A Co. Berwick Shuman A R ttenhotise. Cm
tawissa C. A. A ". G. liroht-i. Blootnshurg
John R. Mover. Jeisey Tuivri Levi Bisel. Wa
shiimlon KobL M'Cay. Liiue.-toi.e -D. L.
Sri. meek.
Ohseive that each Agent has an Engr.ivnl Ci r
tifirste of Agency, containing a rrpres- illation of
Dr BRANDRIM'H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also he sern exart copies ol
the new luLet's now used upon Ihe Drandreth Pill
Phdidelphia, o.Tice No. R, North Pih street.
January 1st, 1H'.3.
S.. Eir a2k. HiX.
n lOU Falo a small Fuim, cont iiuing about ( lie
ij" hiintlred and ten ncr.s, more or le a, situate
in P. iut township, Nor. hiiiid erland count-, about
t.vo niilis above Noitl.unibi.'il ml, on the main
road It'a.ling from ihat plate to Duiville, niljoining
land- ol John l.cghou, Jc-se C. ll iit. n and olhers,
tunv in ihe occupancy t.fSamutl P.yne. Alitin
forty acres of said tiael are clean d, and in good
slat, of ctl livation, on wl, it'll there ia u small burn
erect, d. The pioperty will be .old on n asm able
teims. Fur further particulars, prisons ore request
ed to apply to the u! ti'nln r.
H. B. MASS2R, Agent,
Nov. 27th, IS 12. if Sunbury. Pa.
No. 7 1 ('ailowliii' JStrcct, l'liilttiicli-liia.
( I tiree tfuors alivre Sienna. J
Cillfll', Findings always kept on hanil, which he
oirers for aide on the loAe-t terms. Country
Much nils arc particularly lo c ill and judge for
Philadelphia. Novem ier 13, 1842. ly.
No. 2! Norih Water Sircct, l'hila.
H ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils i.r
X Y fi every description both for burning and
manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much
lowrr than they can he procured elsewhere, and
Wiiriamed in quality toequul any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as icprcsciited,
may be returned w.tliout any evpense to the j ur
chaser, Bin! the money will le n funded.
Tlu ir stock uow in alurc consists, of the following
ui's, vi; :
30,000 gallon Winter Bleached Speim")
do Col.lll.a-S Oil,
r'l and Spring Speim Oil
1...I nO
W inter S,.a Lb bant,
no rie.seii nuic
Summer do do
Coiuinon Whale Oil,
200 Barrels supeiioi Slra S Oil,
3i 0 do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Nea s Foot O.I,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's bis.
Cj -This Coinpany has a number of Vessels en
gaged in the Cud Fiahiry, and Tanners may rely
upon gct'iug at all t.mesOil as pure as imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1842. ly.
g7w71c l. sTtaylcpl".
OFFKR FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Murket Streets, 1'hihtdtl
phia Men' Calf-skin Boo!, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do waler proof, double soles
ami double Uppers,
do Calf-skin do do
and upiers.
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do do Neat do do.
do High quartet Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crocker do
do niiled
Fine Monroes warranted
Kip do
Culf do
Coarse do
do Shoe
Fine do
Kip do
Calf and Sea! Skin Pumna.
List Socks with and without coles.
do Carpel do do do
do Patent Warranted Wutrr-proof Moccasin.
I.a.ties' do do do do
Latins' tanned India Rubber shot.
(' ntlrn.eiik' do Ovirrhncj.
M'i'h every otht r desciption ol boot and shoes.
Fur Caps i f evi ry description.
Tr ivt 11 ng Trui ks of v ry description.
Venetian Trsvtlling Bags.
Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking.
Bonnets of all kind. Palm Leaf Hat.
Philadelphia, Nvvuo'l, 13, IM'1. ly.
AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittnia ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished carriages, Ac. TRY IT.
Prepared ami Bold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury.
November 20th, 1842.
& C TKEP.,
No. 122 Chesnut Street, below 4tli,
EEP constantly on hand general assort
ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane
ous and School Book. Day Book, ll i2es. Led
gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing
Paers, Wrapping Paper. Ac. Ac., which they of
frr at the lewest piices lo Country Merchant' Pro
fessional Ov.nllemen, Teachers, and all other thai
may favor ihem with their custom.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly.
iTJitl.ncI Weaver &, Son,
nors KAirrns c snir ciiandlees.
io. U.t .jrh Water Street. Philudr'idiia.
P AVE cnns'anlly on hand, n gc tier .1 nssoit-
mint nf Cordage, Heine Tw nits', Ac., viz:
lui i! Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Totv Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Si inc Twines, Ac. such as
Hump tshad and Herring 'Twine, Beat Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Miml ami llening Twir e. Shoo
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
UnllersjTraces, Cotton anil Linen Carpet Chain,
Ac. nil of whit h they will dispose uf on reasonable
Philadelphia.' November 1 3, 1 842. ly.
Juol I'liMiiiilli A Son.
1 E."PEC'I FI LLY informs tlnir Iriend and
-- nctiiaintenri s ge lerally that they still con
tinue to keep at the old stand, No. 246 Noilh 3d
street. Philmli Iphia, all Vimls of
Which they w ill sell n the mj '. atcoiuinodhtiiifc
and reis .na le terms.
N. B. All goods sob vv.II he guauntced and all
orders promptly stt. inlt Jlo.
Philadelphia, Nuvemliri 13, 1 6-12. ly.
Wholesale and lietail Shoe, Donnet,
and Tiilm Leaf lint Warehouse.
A'o. 66 Nurth "d street, a few floors above .lrch,
A LSO Trunks, Caipet Bags snd Valicea, of ev
try desciiption, all of which he oiler for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 1.1, 1 Si 12. ly.
J.r.sw"7"i N
I'mbr-ella and l'arasol Manufacturer.
A'o. 37 tinoth Thn 'I street, two doors btlow Ihe
Citv Hotel, Philadelphia.
10UNTR Merchants and others are solicited
to cxamim; his ubsimIi.u nt bifou- puichusaig
i Isew here
l'hila clphia
NovemUr 11,
Cliina, Cilass and Liverpool Warehouse,
A'o 104 A'Vi Third strut, third d'Kir betuio Vine
street. Phi lout Iph ill.
"I7HERK they constantly keep on hand n large
' assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on the must rei
s.iiiable tri ins.
I'hil .delphia, November 1.1. 18-12. ly.
'J llCUl'JI.US CI Ll'.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, &c.
iYo. 5 South Third street, four doors below Murket
T" EEP constantly on hand a large and grneral
assortment ( 'oach Lonip, Carriage Bands,
A vie Anns, I'liptic Springs, 1'nlent Leather. Ac.
Com try Merchants and saddlera will he supplied at
nil tunes on the most lea-onable tt rms. They will
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. November 13, It4'2. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Iliitisli
ami American Ury Goods.
Xi. lO.i Market street. Philadelphia.
'COUNTRY Merchants, and others can he slip-
plied at all times with an extensive assort
ment uf the im st and most I'd.-hioiiaMc Goods upon
the m.-t reasonable ti mi-'.
Phili'lelphii, Novrmler 1.1. 1 R 12. ly.
Importers and Denlcrs in Forcijrn ai.d
llonicstic Hardware,
No. 174 Noiitu 'I'mmi Strict, Puturrirnti.
"ll Mi EKE their fin mis and customers will always
find a large and genernl a sorlinelit of Foreign
and Domestic Haidivare, w hich they w ill ft 11 ul the
lowest price.
Philcihlihia. Novemtier 13, lit 12. ly.
No. Hi 1-2 Market Street, l'hila.
( Hi h.w Fifth South side )
tLWAYs keep on hand a full and general as
si rtlnrnt of llo-iery, Lure, and Fancy Goods,
Country Merchant arc respectfully requested lo
give tin m a call ami examine for themselves.
Philadelphia. NovemberJJ), IS 12 ly.
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchanta
tti their extensive assortment of Brilith French
and American Dry Goods, w hich they offer for sale
on ihe most reasonable tt rms.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. Iy.
Ao ai, Aoiili Sc tuna tstrcic,
(ro5i or coomk'b silii.)
Wbeie they coiiktanily keep on band general
assort merit of
cloths, CAssiMrnES, vestikos.
And a great variety of articles if a superwr
quality, which they offer to dispose of
upon the mot. I reasonable term.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS and other, will
find il to th. ir advantage in call and tiamiuej
tln ir stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1812. ly
JCH1TS ft, CTJ11I1TG3.
Cap ana' Palm l eaf Hat S.Vre,
Nn. 10 f.oiTB 4m Srarar. PHILADELPHIA,
"l7"BRE an ectoi.sjvr a jort.nent of ihe above
articles are Cin.Mjntly kept on band, for cat
at ihe mn.i reasonsbli- terms.
Mjv V., IH?,- tv.