Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 04, 1843, Image 4
1IANK KOTO LIS T. rEWSYI.VAMl. Th following lilt show the current value of all Pennsylvania Bank Note. The most implicit re liance may 1 placed upon it, a it is evert week carefully compared with and corrected from Bick nell't Ri'porler. Banks In Philadelphia. . . Due. t Nam Locate. Pbuab NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . Uank of the Northern Lihertie Commercial Bank of Pcnn'a. . Farmera' and Mechanic' Bank par par par par par par par par par put Kensington Bank Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank Southwark Bank Western Bank , Median Set' Bank Country DanUs. Westchester Bank of Cheater County Bnrik of Delaware County Bank of Germantown Hank of Montgomery Co. Doy letdown Bank par par par par p.r pnr rhetor Germantown Nnrria'own Doylustown Esstnn baaion Bank Farmers' Bonk of Buck co Cities of Bnnk of Penri'a. Office do do Office do do Cilice do do Bri-tol pnr Harrisbiirg" These Lancaster I office Reading f do not EbMiW J ISSliell. DISCO UN T. NOTES AT Bunk of the United States Bank of Penn Townahip Philadelphia 40 40a46 Girard Bnnk . Manufacturers' A Mechanica' Bank Moyamcnsing Bink par 3 S Bank of Pennsylvania Miner' Bank of Pottsville Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middletown Bank of Northumberland Pot'aville I.cwistnwn Middletown Northumberland 6 r 5 U f. 2 3 8 2 1 2 6 Columbia Bank A Bridge co. Curliile Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Columbia Carlisle Pittsburg Hollidnvshurg Farmera Bank of Lancaster Lancistei Lancaster Heading Harrishurg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pitlsbutg Williauisport Wilketbane Allentown Rending Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do Ohambersbutg Gettysburg Montrose Erie Wsynesburg Washington HoneNdale Brownsville York Lancaster County Bank ' Furmers' Bank of Reading Huirisburg Bank Lancaster Bank , Lebanon Bank Merchanta' A Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weal Branch Bjnk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank tictka County Bank Office of Bank of U. s. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Townahip Sav. Ina. Bunk of Chambershurg Bank of Gettysburg Bunk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmer' A Drovere' Batik Frauklin Bank Honesdale Bank Muunngahela Bank of B. York Bunk IS. B. The note of those banks on which we emit quotations, and substitute a dash () are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception ol tlioae wbicb have a letter ol reference, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia 1'hiladelphia Loan Co. do Hfehuylkill Sav. In. do Manual Labor Batik (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed failed f.iled f.iled lulled no sale closed cloned failed closed no sale failed failed filled do stile no uale HO Bull! laded no vale cloned lio mle clew d lull, d luiltd c! i-. d filled I luM'd liti haU Towands Bank 'i'owandu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Bunk of Beaver Heave Bunkof Swatara IlarrUburg Bank ol Washington Washington Centre Bank Delhfonte City Bank Fittsbutg Farmers' A Moch'c' Bank Pittbburg Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank Fayette co. Farmera' A Mech'ceS-Baiik Grceticastle Haimony Inetituto Harmony Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon Juniata Bank Lewistown Lumbermen's Bank VVanen Northern Bank of Pa. Dunduff New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Holm Notthunib'd Union Col. Ilk. Milton .North Western Bank of Pa. Meudtille Olh.-e ol Schuylkill Bank PnriCaihon Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bank Csrli-le Silvti Luke Batik Moniiucr Union Bank of I'enn'a. Uniontown Westmoreland Bank Crcei s! ur Wilkesbarre liriduii Co. W ilki almrn- fXj All notes purjiorting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not gntn in die ubove Ur-l, may Uv vet dowu as frauds. Bank of New Biuiitwiik LuillrVI il k fuil.-d I !eivideie Bunk I lulling ton Co. Bunk I'omniercial Bank Cumberland Bank Farm, is' Bank Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk i'armcrs' end Mechanics' bk Karniers' and MtrcliBiits' lik Frunklin Bank of N. J. lie!. id. l M.. lloid Perth Amboy Bndeioii Mount Holly liubway N. looio-wii k p 1' ful, Midiiietinvu I'i. ;t Jersey City la I lid ; lull. (I billed ! failed I Uobukeu Bkg A Giuzing Co lioh. kcri Jersey City Bank Jersey City Meclianita' Bank I'l.lLrson Manufacturers' Bunk Brlleviife Morris Company Bank Moiruitown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Frvehuld MiL'haimV Bank Newrk Michai.nV and Manuf. Bk 'l'rcuton Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jurs.) C.ty PoU Notea 'ewit'fc Bkg A In Co Newtitk .Si Jlf; Del bridge Co LuinU iinii .N. J. .'li-uufui. fcl'd Bl.g Co llobok.n laded fail. U 1 pa, t o 1,-le N J j'nAectoii A LutaUiil 1 k it. tey ( l y f u.h ' ' . irange Bunk Oicngo 1 uicjsn Bank I'aiir..,!! faiho i'.opUs' Bunk do I Fniiitiun Bank l'liimton n ; ul.tii Bunking Co S.ib m pur t Ute Bank ? .. ark I l-!tt Bank 1 i.iub. uptown I S ute Bank Csmd. n p o Mi.U' Bat, k of Mollis Molortowu I Huts Bank 'J'l.nioii lailnl r jUiji nnd Philad Mauiif Co t-mUtn lain. I rtuful Bank ' .Nrntou" 1 lu nf ri Burikil'g Co 'I union pur Uujoi, B.nk iJ'.i' H W ahu toh Binking Co. . 1U' Km. k ft.hd IY if Wilm A lirui.ilywini. VV i noi gioti i si k of DtUtsan' V lin.ti yn ii liimk of Kuiyrn bu y. i s Do launch Mdiord Tsrtm ra' Bk of State i f Dii Tov.i Do brsni U iiiiniiwton Do branch eo urluwii Do llaluh NsvAinttle Tnion Bank tlmiiiton trT Under U' ( On all hanks rna-heo inua mere ar ti '.' r rrjgiittrlieil or utered note of Ike vsiiuu t uomirisilou, in tirculat'on. -1 A -It 81..JI J,ili " ' " " ' TnE ' rniLADELrni.i, rradkg and pottsville RAIL ROAD. JOfnpi.lCJOpnn'j iiYKktjv?fl A EXTRA ACCOMMODATE N LINE Will commence running between Philadelphia and Pottsville on the following days anil boms : On m Ar-rrn Mnitrut, Mat 9, 1842. I.eavinn Pottsville, on Mondnys, Wednesday and Friday, at 8$ A M. Lenving Philadelphia, Tuesday. Thuisihiyn and Saturdays, at ' 1J P. M. Hours tf passing; Reading. For Philadelphia, nt lfll A. M. ? n, . . . For Pottsville, at 6 P.M. S 1 '"""' F.I IX F. S. Between Toitpvi!!. & Philaila. Between Rending A do. $3,r,o A ?2,r,o 2.25 ft 1.75 1,40 A- 1 .00 Bet.veen do A Pot'svillc, Fn.riino Tickst ooon foh riT nT. Between Prtvilji- A: Philadelphia, HKTl ll.VINO f r. on 3 no 2 00 IV tween K Bo Ween IIR A tlo. do. A Pottsville The other jisrnrer fn'ns will m before, the lull'uvn c b. nr ! rhUml tjJnii mid Vvttn-i'ie. St rr.-m rhliiidel l:l i, at n-J A. M. ) From Pottsv.lle. nt 2 P. M. $ Hours of passing Kenrlmg. For PoUavilio, at 9 A. M. ? For Philadelphia, at 3J P.M. $ Daily Dailv. All the trains will i-top for way passengers at the usual points. (TV All passengers lire requested to procure their tickets' before the trains start. May 21. 18la. if. To Country MERCHANTS. THK i-'itliHi rit'er. Agent of I yon A- Harris, H it Mntiijf.ietiirers. for New York, I'hil idelpbiii. Baltimore snd 'I'her larce cities, nse Has re highly comm. tided pmul tob tnirl diirnlilH). lis o i I and a firA rule issmlnv-nt ol HA I'M snd (JAPS uit'i'le for Sprmp aip, wh rh ."ill e sodl verv low, few rs'i in arn'ove t eredi', nt the nrtrti ehcitp tltirr. No. 10, .VnriU Tli rd hlro-l, opp n'e ihe City H tel. PbiU.'elphih KOin'.llT !). U ILKlNSON. Apent, N. 3. llstsin ibe ruuph . promptly attende.t to. I tie niftiest rice in rasvi or traoe given Ijr Fur li'i'n.i. Philadelphia, June 11, Ifil2 --Jy VLL peisnna indebted to tbe -firm of Lvon A Harris, under tbe suenry of". IN. Thncbrr. Hut and Cap Mnnufaelurcri. No. 40 North Third, street, Phibidi Iphia, are requested to make imnnili ale sclllcmenl ot'ih'ir ai cotnts iih the sulnrribrr. thiir leually au'borize.l henl.wlio is fnl!v rinpow. t ied to u tile and colli et ibe r.ecniint- of siid firm. ROBEKT D. WIl.KINfON, June 4th, 1842. If Agent. WARRANTED SPPERWR TO ASY OTHER NEAR SIMU RY. 50HN A HEN H V LANDAU, having rented (he Lime Kilns of Henrv Masser, in Munluiry, have now for sale the lu st Lime in this pirt of Ibe country, and will continue to keep coiisiunr'y on hand fresh Lime for Plastering, BuildiiiK and for Liming lurid, on as reasonable terms as t-uti lie I ail unvwliere in the neighl oihood. Mnv 21. IN42. J. A H. LANDAU. EAGLE :n:cBr g m7 bts , Corner of Third and Vine Struts, WJXLIAIHSFOIIT, PA. rfjHK anbscrdier respectfully announces to the Jl public, that he h is oeiied a Hotel in th. com modiotis briik building situ.ite on the coiner . f Third and Pine hi reel a, where be will be bappv to wait up. in those who limy fivnr him wit then company. The F.;iBle Hotel iN la'Ce und c meni fflt, and furniKhed in the le-t m 'item nt le. 1 i provided with a leige imniber of well aired anil comfoTt-ible s!ei i ina apartment-, rooms, private isilors. Ac. I'cit-ors vtKiniig illiainsport on bu riu.s?it plea ure, inav iet us-iir-il tbut every ex ertion w ill le need to tei der their sojourn nl the "I'.nule H.iti " pleasant and iiuroenblo. HisTuble will b nipj led wi'li the very b si the tnaiket af fori', nt (M i l nr w oh be el oi.vst iocs and otlu r Injuor cl utces re Honnl le. The Eaiile Hotl p.n-Kctei- fieaUT m', . .iiiiiigen in point of locution titun iliv i 'hi i yr. I tr i -lul'lishioent in ill'' boroiiiib, I'i irik sitnaie 1 1 !. p .ri of the toc.n. sod wi' a Col., i lot ol di-l nee ef t!l" ('ollrt HoUi-C nihI W butmpi'Ti ' d Find'. Kail Depot. Nlitr.. ii nl Sial'oi u provided, . lid a"d truMy i !-t!ns ..!w in :.'i Diluii.'e. Attentive, an on no . inline nt.d hone -I Servants h i.e I en i! .Ko e ! - i d not! jt,g , ('( iindoi.r tlou wi'.i add to tl ,o ( oi. lo t a. d oi'coioiiioduiiou of bin i:oU. I lore "i'i n e.-.rri:ig- alwaia in atletiduioi' nl tin P. s! la' i'ii-1! to em vev pts-ft.gers to and from ir I tl tin U.iUH-, In e of Cl.ll'fie. CHARLES Mi. l it' . l42. BORROWS. vnn. :-:ziLirCi.iT & co., I ('(.iu,iiv.i(,) Foi wanlinc; Morrliatits, J vet ej ii lUuir .vnr f liml liotiu, IIV THE I 11 AW ASK, . N' 1 f 5 ns-onated ih ihi m Joseph Harriet, I il,o, ..I .1 F-.o-lon, Pa., r sieitlollv inform their fne-d ! it l ii. I the pi 1 he cer.etd K. ill I tiny h ive la I. rce nt: w i I V loo. Ii and w h if at "' it Ridroa.l, I .t.-lv -teci pie.l bv I t ; .. os f ' ' ' 'Tl 1' I r-l' i ( U poje .'oill-' a ( II I! i a,. -rw f'M e Bi: i:.e-, an-t 1-imt i.Mna cs i'i t - j I id' being eoniii etc J ' e I'd! c io pioveruei Is lb. hav. their t'te city, tl.ey Ibilti r tin mst Ives ll.iy will , do I i ( c.-s to an pie it. if not g.eaiei ad io.! nt n as icus.'ioihli. tenns as uny olhei i. oili'ct !' i t.b'et v.i.l..(je. ti 'i.i', ni ! th. . tissote their friinds that any con- ' .-. g, ti.ii t- 1 ide lo H. i m shall have tin ir siri.iat i r.'t'ta n, alio no est Hnnis spa.ed to give ctitiie s.itis- i f.C'll ll. 'I ..- are also prepared to receive and fouvnrd -.-i ,1s io giii oln' on the I)ea ate and'gh, bi tw i ii M audi t '1 III k, Tiisloo snd Phils- .:. I. hoi. n T' t.i an Divisi. n and I .ebigh Can - : tso i . hi po ut on he Juniata tivi r, or Nor h , at d Win li ii '. In s ol tin- Sumjik ban ii i . i i Hchiij '. t !l if. I Tl.loll, ol llio Ches ipeAc bud 'I ide W.ilei : t ' m s'. P " I'' par I "r pat par par I '" sr For ', -. se. oit'nii'dutioll of Lou's c iiniig or po ll it 'a ." . I r li..ll and Tniuii ( .' iii d-. a Sie n.' wiil ti- lo nl ejpresslv for lowing I oats Iroin the K hu.'kil s'otied tothe I)i I, .ware an. I back, which will fii H" tin ithants to liae Ibctr pioduee delt i e l on the le nw ine, and their good- kl.ipsd ut a r ivtr.g ot to 75 per Cent. the puces I .r ii inlii g si- o s. w ith llnbe ad. anl.-gc tin y re fl.. C.lul'y so.ii at a share ol air na v. W.1IE1LMAN A CO. William IT. ihotn, ) Wdl .m W. K.yse , . Jcavnh Bsiucl. 3 Philad..,My 14, 1612. Iy 2 The best method for the Abolition o f Disease is to cleanse and purify the Body. w incurs INDIAN TKtillTAliLR P1L.L.8 or THE JWrth American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to he the best Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. ECAUSE they completely cleanse the sto mach and bowels from those hillious and cor rupt humors winch are the cause not only in Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the He.irt, Pa;ns in the Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but every malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a certain cure for in teriniltent, remitted, nervous, indamblory and pu'rid Fevers. Iiecnuse they cle.inso ihe pody fiom thoi-e moibid humors, which, when coiil'med to the circu lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVEUS. Mo, also, when the same impurity i deposited on the rnrmliimie nnd muscle, cmising pains, inflama tiona and swelliims called RHEUMATISM, GOUT, Ac. Wright's Indian Vcr. Ud le Pills may lie relied on as always .ertain to isive rilief, and if persevered with, accoidlng to directions will most numuedlv. nnd fail, iniifce a IKlfil't ill e ol the nhove painful n.alndies. From three to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills t ikerr every nittbt go- I ing to lieil. will in a Mion time so cornpien -iy im the body from every ll'.ing that h opposed to Ik tilth, tl at Rheumti-m, Gout, and p iio nf every drscrit tion, will he literally DRIVEN FROM THE ISO DY. For the same reason, when, Irom sudden changes of atmo-pheie, or any other c.hikc. llw pet spiiation is checked, and the humni wit ch clionld pa-s oil' bv the skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE. GIDDINESS, nmiseii and sick ness, pnin in the hones, watery and inflamed even, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, consumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and ntanvothir svmptom of CATCHING COLD, Wright Indian Vegetable 'r'x will invariably give immedi ite relief. From thiee to six of said Pills taken every nk'ht on goinit to bed, w ill in a short time, not only remove all the above unpleasant symptoms, but the body w ll, in a short time, be retore,l to even sounder health than before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING. Wright' Indian Yrgetnble P7.vwill loos en iiid enny "iT, by the stomach and bnucis, those toiiph phbgmy humor-, which stop up a'l the air eeiU ol the lungs, and are the cause, not only nf tbo above distressing complaint, but when tieaieeted, olteri terminates til that mo edieadlol maludy called CONSI'MI'TIttN. It fhniilil be also leiiembeiiil thin Wright's Indian Yegttirf,le I'ilh are n certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDK, ftppris-ion, nau sea, and sickness, os of appetite, cosmen.'sa. a yellow tinge of the !liin nnd eyes, nnd every other symptom f a torpid or diseased sitite of the liver; because they purue from Ihe body those impurities which if di posited upon this important organ, are ihe eiiu-e of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. VN hen o nation tseornulsed by riot-, oinhr. uki and rebellion, the only menus of prevent ing the dreadful conseiiieiiies of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and d.poscd ones from liie country. In like muniicr, w In n pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is siruu pling with tnteri id Iocs, the tine remedv is lo EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (traitors to health and life,) Health trill be the certain remit. That the principle nf curing di-ease. by cleansing and purifying ihe body, is sliiclly in iicc.ord. mce wiih the laws which govern the animal i cononiv ; und if properly eariied out bv the ue nf the a'aive named WKMiHT'S 1NHUN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitaiiily result in ihe coinpb te Abo I tion ol Di-eaBe ; we offer the folio., ing testimoni als, from of the highm! re-peciahilny in New York, who have recently been euied of ihe most ol-tii.ate coinpiaiuts, solely by the us ol Whioiit's Imuan Vtiici hlk Pills, of the V;7i Aimricun Colli ge of Iktilth ; Jamaica. L. 1., Junv 0.1,. 18-11. Doctor William Wright lle.,r Sir It is with gre t sati-faclioii I inform on of ;.iy having hem mtitelv cored of Dyspepsia, of five years standing, I y the use ol yoni lms Vt.i.K ta iii.k Pills. Pn vioiis to nieeong wiih your celebrated nndi cine I bad In en under the hands of several Pbysi eiiii s, and had iried various medicines; but all lo no effect. Alter using one 25 cent box of Jour Pill, bowivcr, I cxpt rienced so much lwi"l'tt. that I resolved to persevere in the use of them accmdiiig to directions, which 1 am happy to slate, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for ibe greal Wliefit I have iccet.ed, and also in the hope that others similarly afflicted may be induced to make tiial of your cxiramdiii'iiy medicine, I send ou this statement with full libe.iy to publish the same, if von think pr -per. Yours. Ac. New Vo.k, June I9.1S1I. G.C. BLACK. Mr. Rieb.nd Dernis, ngent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir 1 have bi en afflicted for several yeais with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied nt times with pains in the side and olhvr distressing complain'. Aft. I having tried various medicines wi'hoi.t elb it, I was persu uled by a file lid lo illlike trial of Dr. V light's Indian Vi gelabli- Pillr which I ant happy lo state, h ue ulieved me in a moat wonderful in -inner. I have used 'he me dicine, as yet but a sboit tune, and ba.e no doubt, by a nice in the ue of the niethci u- nccor diiig to .lio . to.os, ih. t 1 si, All in a short time b ju rt.ctlv ie-toied. 1 niosl .illii glv recoinmend said Pit's to allper soiis similaily sllhelcd. and in 'l e lull belief the beneficial ri suits will f- ll iw their u-"-, I re uiBiu youis 1IKN I.Y A. FOO'l'l-:, W'ui WUISIIIg, L IslCI CO. N, V. Niw YoiiK, Sept, so, mu. This is to certify that 1 hu.ii used Wliimi r'a Imha Vniii Alil-K Pu is with the greatest bene lil; ha.i tt (loiril. cured rny-elf of I1 e freipn lit at lucks ol k Head o be, t-i u birb I bud pievi.m-ly I em subjecu ANN MARIA THOMPSON. Greenwich s'nei. N. Y. To Mr. Ri.baid I. in.i., Ag nt lor 'iiglil' In. I ; di.-n V.uel.ible V'bls. r.7 c rs m.v. As there ie ut this lime iniiny wicked persons biisilv uiaaged in si I. lug a coiii.terfi i' nied cine un der liie liaiiit of ibe Indian Vi get d ie Pill and as these iLstcr.ilc nan are so tnicily rerkbss of con s iic.ei.ccs, many'le l.vcs may be lost in coiisi ipii nee of using il l ir dreadful compounds, he put I c me cacti .l ed against puichaiug any Tl I sunless on the ndisof the boxes the following or. ling is f. un.l NMilGH Ts INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. ( Indian I'mgi.tiit ) ol TIIK MUITII AMMilOX lottlCK op III Al Til. And 'tc lo l-e ispcci!!ly ca'iful against purcha sing snd 11 1 .iiine of uliy pcisou CAicpl the regu I ir s.l.eri,.,l .igent. .i i. r.. i ;s i- ou x o n ru lmb t-K la xv c a , I't iiiisiUaiia. H. 11. Masser, Suiihiny l'sMie A Rose. Noi t'liiinbi lUm1 Jaeoli Ha is. .Sean ..kin Saunn I , ih, MuboiioV l!crl A I. lis. s, Augusta llleui-f A Foiimer. M tlion ltd md A Miix.ll, I Mi Eweesvi le -I' lei A Di srmoud.Tuibuisvil e jj :, .d I'olUgroie H Kins.', P..d. r-toH n ' ll. 11. Kn iibel. p. M El sl urg P. O. m. Lei-i I. ring, I1 M Tlii.'ii form i. Oll'ice ai d (iri'er l p, pet f.-r the sale of UV"(.'t Indian Vigeiutle J'll.s, Wholesale and .. . - I. . I -L- w r I' i-1- r i I J I i . I IV t Itetaii, i0. iv. J n.ii. ui in.uii i iiin.-ieui.. nilA. ;.ly 21.16s2.-ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TI7TTER. RINOWOKMS, rtMrl.Fn ON THE FACR, AKD OlIltK CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS. fXj The folbwing crrtifica'e describes one uj the must extraordinary cures ever effected by an if application. PititAniiutt, February 10, 1838. IOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tr.TTKH on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lenee, but without ever disaps?aring. During most of ihe time, great part of my f ee wa covered with the eruption, frequently attended with vio'erit itch ing; my head swel'ed at times until it felt as if it would hurst ihe swelling was so g'eut, that I could scarn Iy get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted with the disease, I used a great muny B plications, (among them several celebrated prep nations) as will ns taking inw.itd remedies, including a number of buttles of Swoim's Panacea, Extract of Saraapnrilta, Ac, In (act. it would be impossible to enumerate oil the medicines I used. I was also under the cure of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this ciiy, but without re ceiving nvch benefit, and I despaired of ever being ciir.d. In the fall of 18Hfl, the disease nt the time lieing very violent, I commenced usinu the Rose Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan A D In a few application the violent itching censed, the swelling abated, the eruption bepan to disappear, and before I hid used ajar the d I ease Km t aniely cuied. It has now been marly a yiar and a half since, and there is not a vetige of Ihe diseaxc re muiiiinc. except the scats from the deep pits formed by the di-esse. It is impossible for me to describe in a crrlificata the seventy of ihe disease and my sulTiriiig. but I will bo ple istd lo (jive a fuller ac count to any person wauling furdier satisfaction, who will call on me. At the time 1 commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun dieda of doilms to bo rid of llio disease. Since u sing it, I have recomun nded it to t-evcrul persons, (among them my mother, who had ihe disease bad ly on her sun,) who w. re a I cured bv it, J VMES DUKNEI.I., IV... lull. Race St. ijf The Rose Ointment js piepaied by E. B. Vaughan, S.m h Fhni comer of TlnvJ and Race sliei Is, Philadelphia, and nold on aiencv in Sunhu ry. bv H. U. MASSER, May 14th, 1812J ESosc Oieitiiimf, for 'I rlltr. A l'ROUF OE ITS EFFICACY. Pitir.MiM.piiM. May 27th. H30. T MIIS ii In rrrlltv H.hI I W.1- s.verelv A 111 Cied with Tetter in the hands and h el for upwards of foily years ; the disease w as attended generally with vioVnt itehmg and swelling. I applied to a number of phvsici .ns, and used a great many appli ea'ions without clVecting a cure. About a year since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely slopped the itching, and a few applications iinniedi ntelv cured the disease, which there has been no reluin of, although I bad never la-en rid nf it at any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. The Rose Ointment is pn pared bv E. B. Vaughan, S'julh East corner nf Third and Rate Streets, Philadelphia, and Sold on acenev in StinWi ry l.y H. B. MASSKR, May 14th. 1S42. Agent. MEDIC AX, AITnOBATIOII Of the ROSE OI.TME.T,for Tetter. LTHOl'GH the superioritv of the prcpaiaii.-n over nil otlu rs is fully esiabh-hed. the T ipr'n lors take pb asure in laying before ihe public ihe following certificate from a re-pectahh physician, a grmluule of the I'ni.ersity ot Peniis.Hstii. Dr. Bangb, having found in ibis temrdv that n-livl f.-T a tedious and di-Bgn-eiihle all'ei tion w hich the means within the range of his profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his appmhati oi, iihhoiigb ibe prijiidices si d interests of that protc.-itou ate opposed to secret Remedies. Piiilai.i.i.i'HM, S. pl. Hi, lriHfi. 1 was recently troubled w itli a tedious herpetic eruption, which co.eied nearly one si 'e of inv f ice, and exleiided over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, piopne toi of the Rose Ointment, ohseivmg ni face, iiss. tod on my Wying bis prepaialioH. ol wlncli he han ded ine a jir. Although in common with ihe mem beis of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove of the numerous uostiums palmed upon the public by igiioianl pri lenders, 1 feel in jus. ice bound toeicipt the Rose Ointment fiom thai cla-sof me dicines, and to give it inv approbation, ns it rniire Iy ture.1 the eruption, ahhmigii ll h id resisted the UsU d applications. DAN I. BATCH, M. D. jj" The Rose Ointment is pieimred by E. B. Vaughan, South Ka-tcomir ol 'Third and R ice Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on sgincv in Suii- h. d.mam:k, Slay' 14th, 1812. Ajit- BOLTON "& CO. dcm-rul tnuniissloii In hauls, l'i,r the Sale if t'bur, (Jiuin, St id, c, C. RCft 1PFCTFTLLY inform their liunds and H the Mercl.itnla generjllv, that they ta ken I hose large and commodious Wharvi s, . itli two Doiks, north ol" ClnMiut street, on the Delaware, together with the sloie No. '0 South Wharves, where ihev would be pleaed io receive consign ments of Grain, Flour. Need, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepaid! to forward all kinds ol" Merchandise bv the Schi vlkill i.rul Tnioo, or by '.be Chesapeake slid Tiiie Water Canals, as tow boats are kept rpiesly foi the purpose of towing bouts by ei t er mute. Metchurits will pie -se he pirtieular to send their g.M ils destii ed by either eanul-. I ' No. 19 South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut sine's, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying ihem which rontf thev wish them to be shipped. Qj- Plaslir and Salt for sale, at th- lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A C' . Ma'ch 10, 1942. No. 19 South Wharves. WHARTON'S U .U. Ct23 Bl"' '.US IHL ytuiLtii .v, oii liiiitth i laud County, rEWNSYLVANIA. flHE snbscrihir iispiciliidy inlorius the public, I. lhat be has leinovttd to that largo and commo dious Br.ek House, on Market square, opposite the Cnuit llou-e. (formerly kept bv Hiran Piice,) w here he is now prepared to uceoiuinodate all who may favor him w rli a call. Being that klul fm past (ivois, he hopes by sliict attei.tion to business, lo receive a hlu rul sha-e of public patronage. Ac. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Snn'iuiy. March fnli. 1 t4X. ! LIME I LIIvIB ! rjHI-; suhseribera are prepar. d to fitimsh farmer 1 and oihers w ith any quauiitv of Lime of a verv supriioi qualitv f -rjanil, or p'uitcring, at the fob t-iwing verv reduced prices, A -ts. per bushel lor I ai d Lirm ; 10 i ts. for ihe bet quality of pi d t'-nug Lime, at the kdns. below the borough of Sun I inv. Tin y wdl a'so di b.e', at any place w iiloo ihe I orougb nf Sin hill t . l ime loi land, al lOcentsrr bushi I, ai d Lime for plai-n ri' ( l It ceiiis per I a In I. The tut n i H. rs I'i r al'i'i on hand, a l;-rge qiiMniny of l ime. Its quality I- food, nd tin ii biucstone is not equalled by any in the m igh huiLood SEAMIOLTZ A BERGS TREtSCR. Augusts, April 2J, ti'i. ATTORNEY' AT 1. A W , BUIIBURV, TA. Business attended to in the Counties of Nor thuiuterland, Union. Lvroming end Columbia. lleler loi Thomas Hart A Co Low lb A Bahbos, Hart, Ccmminos A Hart, RsrnoLiia, McFahland A Co. Spkhiio, Goou A Co., yrhitad. WE AVRE'S HOTEL, Sunburp, Wirthumbertand Vounty) l'cnnsjlvanla. TIlHE suhreriber, respectfully informs the public 1 that ho has removed to that large snd commo dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck ) formerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Dmiiel Gilt son, where ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call, l'y strirt atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hopes to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Match 12th, 1842. t'ouiilorn-Hns' Icntli Blou. rPbe -ii ! lie will pli-aae observe that no Brand etli -- Pill are, unless ihe box has three li bels upon it, (the top, the side und the bottom) each containing a f ic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. Bha.iiiretii, M. D. These la. bcT are engraved on steel, beautifully designed, i and done at an expense of over f 2,000. Tin refute j it will he seen lhat the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in it purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly autmri zed, and hold CEHTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of ISrandreih's Yeietuble I'nicenal Fills. Nortbnmbetlatid cntintv t Milton Mickey A Ch imbeilin. Siiiihury II. B. Manser, M'Eweiie-villi- Ireland A Meixell. Northumberland Win. Forsyth. Geoigrlown F. Midhng.-r A. On. Union County; New Berlin J.-hn Hoirman. Selinsgrove Ever and Schnnre. Mid.llehurg Isasc Smith. Beaveriown .1. A F. Bmgaman. Ad uiisburg H. A A. Smith. Mitiluisbnig Swope A Laird lla'tleton I) inie-l Loin. Free hurg (i. A. F. C. Mover. Centrevil'e Slniley ic l.eiihart. Letrishure Walls A (Jreen. Columliia couuiy : Danville E. B. Reynolds A Co. Berwick Shunt an A. I! ttenlmusc. ';.' tavvissa !. A. A C. (. Brohts. Blnoinsblirg John R. Mover, JeiseyTnnu Levi Bis-I. 'n shin-toil U.ibt. Mi-Cuy. LiiiiUfctoni 1). L. Si-liiiieck. Obseive ib it each Agent has an l.ngravnl lificate of Agency, containing a teprcs ut.iiion of Di BIIANLRE Ill's M.iiiufuciory at Sing Sing,, and upon which will also be eocn exact copier, ol the iifio 'ubcix ik.w u?cil upon t.c llrandrith Fill I liuxes. PUilid.-lphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. li. UliAAUlltl 11, M. II. J inuary 1st, IS, 2. OR sale a small Furm, containing about one hundred and ten acres, inure or le h. situate in Point township. Norihuiiil erlaiid count. , about two mihs above Noithuiiil.eil.uid, on the main rond leadipg from that place to Danville, aojonmig land- ol John l.egliou, Jvsse t '. Hoitoii nnd others, now in the occupmcy ofSsmuel Payne. AUnit toity scrim oV said tract are i Waie.1, and in good stst. of cu'tivaliou, on which there is a small harn erect d. The pioperty will be sold on ri asonable letnis. For further particulars, pi tsOus arc removal ed to apply to the tul rciihir. H. b. M ASi'R, Aat'it, Nov. 27rh, 1842. tf Sunbury. Pa. i LAST LI A 11 II R , .u. 71 C'iilluvlui! iSlrcet, riii!a.loliiia. ("three dinars ubove Sicnnd.J (Si HOE Findings always kept on baud, which hf olTers for sale on the lose-t terms. Couuiri Mi ich mis are parliculiily to rill and judge toi tliemselvi a. Philadelphia, Novem jer 13, I I v. OF E KKY DESCRIPTION. NPAV KaULAM)OIL COMl'AXY. iN'o. 2d Xditli Witter s;i,-,.c.t, l'liila. "T3 g ANl.'FACTCRERS and dealers in Oils of iV 21 every deseripiion both fur burtnug and inaiiulaciuruig purxises, which will be sold much lower than tiny can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to eipial any in the city. Any oil sold by the con. puny not proving as lepreseuted, may he relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, nnd ihe moriev will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists ol the follow ing nils. v 'i7. : 30,1)00 gallons Winter Bleached Spcini" il, cooo do do C.lo.less Oil, do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Pie. sed W hide Oil, 15,000 10.000 20,000 (it HHt 15,000 do Summer do do do 5 do Common Whale Oil, 200 BarreU super loi Slra Oil, :il!0 do ud Uank Oil, Ml do Meats Foul O.l, 7 5 Cusks Olive Oil, Tanner's bl. Tins Company has a number of Vessels en gaged in the Cisl Fishery, and Tanners may lely upon get'iog at all times Oil ss pure as iii.putlcJ. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. 1S42. Iy. ifVl'FLR FOR SALE, al the South Fast Cor uet ut Fifth and Murket Streets, Fhiiiultl. phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Cidf-skiii do do do nailed and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Niata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Cull'-skin. do do do t'roikcis do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do fchocs do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do List S.tcks with and without soles. do l'aret do do do do Pulent Warranted Water-prnoi Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Latin' tanned India Rid her shot. Gentlemen' do Overshoe. With every other dim- iption of Imols and bhoes. Fur Csp ol'everv descnpliou, 'Travell n g Truils of every description, Venetian Travelling Bag. Patent Gum lVnH, Shcsa Blacking. Bonnet, of all kinds, Palm Leaf lists. 'ti&bci 3, I81S.-.!y. CKP.TSCLITS ?CLirH. A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable arid most brilliant polish to sil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Brillunia ware, Tin, Stii-I, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriage", Ac. THY IT. Prepared and Sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polir-h Company, Owegu, Tioga county, N. V. V.'M. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 2t'?h.JH42. & BRCTEEPas WHOLESALE AND RETAIL P.OoKsEI. LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 12'-2 Chesnut .Street, below 4tli, I'liilatldpliiii. f7" EEP constantly on hand a general !prt mentot Bisiks and Stationary comprising Tlieolopical, Law, Medical, Classical. MiscellniiH ous and School Books, Day Books, all, Led-, pern, do.. Family Bible., Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac. which tiny of fer nt the b.wosl piiees to Country Merchant' Pre (essioiiul Goiillemen, Teachers, and all other lhat mav favor them with llieir custom. f'hiladelphia, No.mber 111. 1812. 1 V. .3i It:u l Weaver V Son, ROrE MAKERS A Sllir CIlANCLEnS. No. Ill X'ortt Watir Street. I'hili:dtjihin. f"H A VE constntitlv on hand, a general nssort t ment of Cordage, Heine Twinrs. Ae,, vi.: I ui'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Eoiiea, Manil la Ropes, Turv Lim a for Canal Boats. Also, a complete ussoitment nf Seine Twines, A c, ruch os Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Piitent tiill N'el 'Twine, Cotton Shad and Herting Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ae. Also, Bed Colds, Plough Lilies, II alters, 'Fraca s. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all o! which they will dispose of on reasonable tei ins. Philadelphia. November 1 .1, lj2. -ly. J ii 1 I'i Isiiiiitli S Son- 1y EsPECTFL'LLY intorins lluir Iriends anil Bcqiiaintances ge icrully that they still con tinue to keep al the old stand, No. 246 North 3d street. Philadelphia, all nula of TOBACCO K XI irF A XT f EG A US. Which tiny will -ell u the ut at ' uicoinniodutiiiij' and reas sia le terms. N. B. Ail eoods sold will he guai in teed and all ders prompt') alt. nded lo. Piillaib Iphia, Ni veuilu't Id, 1 y. Wliolt-sftlo iini! Krtiiil Mine, Ilonnct, iind l'alin l.t'af Hat Wit rein nisc. I .Vo. Ofi Xvith -i ilirrt. a frio ihnrn above .irch. I'hilmlt If liirt. LvO Tinnlis, Caipet Bags and V alices, of ev- .iL ,r.v ui'sci iption, all ol which lie osiers tor sale on Ihe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Nowiuher 13. 1W12. Iy. J . W. S WAIN, Unihrcila a 1 1 1 1 J'arasol Maniirartiircr. .Yo. 37 Ximth Thinl tfrret, luo doors Ulvw the Citv lloti I, VhihnMnhia. OI'NTRY Merchants and oihers are solicited to examine his assoiti.tent before purchatuug elsewhere Pbila .'rlphiii. November 11. :42. lv. "i;T icX i6 v o'ui) ,Frs" Cliina.lllnss and Liverpool Vn rehouse;, X'o D'4 X'urth Third tmt . tliied duor below Vine street. I'hihuU Iphia. ATTHF.RE they constantly keep on hand a large sssoniuent of t'hiiia, (il.iss arid Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose- nl'on lilt- mosl rei Si'll'aV'e tenns. Phil.idelphiii. N'ovtiiber 13. IS-PJ. Iy. Til KOIMI.I S V.VLV. Mantifartui cr aiui luiyiuier of Sad- tlli-ry, Hardware, i:c. o. 5 South 't hird street, four doors brfaw Market I'hihnlt tptiia. TyjT" EEP constantly on hand a Inrge and treneral CiVV nssorllin nl t ouch Lamps, ('arriage Bands, Axle Arms, Tliptic Springs. Patent Lrather. Ac. t'ountrv Merchants and saddlers will he supplied st nil tunes on the most leasonnhle terms. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assoitnii ut before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Noi.uiVr 13, 1842. Iy. r.I'.YNOl.DS. MelWI.I.ANl) & CO Whtilusalo Dealers iu Foreign llritisli nml Aniei ii-itn Dry Hoods. X'i. 105 Mm-ket street. Philadelphia. C COUNTRY Merch nits, and others can If sup J plied at all tiini awith nil ext.i si.e a-sort-t'lent of ibe oest und most fa.-liioiiablt Goods upon tin most leasotuil'le leurt-, Pi.iU'elpl i., Nov, ml er.T3.JSJi. lv. LOW K 11 & "lJAUHON, Iinpoi tors and iVaU-rs in Foreign ami Domestic Haulware, No. 171 NoHTII Tlllltl S'l'Kll.T, I'lll t APFLHIl I A. A J H ERE their fiiends and (.ustomers will alw ays ' find a large and general a-sorimetit of Foreign and Domestic Haidwate, which they will sell al the lowest prices. Philedelphia, November 13. 1842, ly. KSIIKIHCK, IIAJn'SF.LL" A: C(rS. WHOLESALE DRV GOODS STORE. Ao. lliti Market Street, l'hila. (tiehiw Fifth South side ) A LWAYS keep on bond a full nnd general a jtSl sirtmentol llo-iery, Luce, and Fancy Goods, I oiintry Meichants are rcsiectfully rcquc-ted to give tin m a cull and examine for thcm-clv.s. Philadelphia, November J3, 1S42. ly. srj'.niiNG, g doi ) & co. No. K:S Maikft Street, rhilade! hia. 3NVITE the attention nf Country Merchants I i their i xleuni.e assorimetit of Biitish French and American Dry Goods, w hich they otlcr lot sale oil the n..i-t reasonable tt rms. l'hila. h Iphia, November I'd, IS 12. ly. No M, Aoi lli Sii tmtl hti t t't," (roHM a or ciMiNs's ailit.) Where they couHanily keep on hand a geni ril assorimi nt of CtOTIIS, CAESIMEItrS, VEBTINQS, And a great varitti ufurtielts if a superior quality, which they oiler to dispose of upon the most reasonable tirtna, ipiOI'NTRY MERCHANTS and oil en will V4y Iind it to then udvatitupe in call ai.e tin ir slin k bet" are purchasing i T- neie Philadelphia, Nov, f. 'If j Iy . examine JCG CJlfCl.IlTGG. wiiolieaim: piioe, eonijet, Cap jiiu Point Lcof Hut Sorc, No. lOSotTii 4ih Sia.rT. PHILADKLPHIA, THPIiE an e iti-ii.ivc aortnient of the aho.e arii.les are cantlaiilly kept ou UmiJ, fur a!v at the Duvt tcasonvbl ti imv. May 29, 1P42, :y.