Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 04, 1843, Image 3

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    Oriental Republic country comprising tbntit
90,000 an, miles, end many Inhabitant. AnJ fur
thii siveial thousand lives and million of money
bave already hern lost. JV. Y. Tribune,
The Sennington, Vb Banner givee the follow
ing aa Prophet Millet's description of the coming
of the Son of man t
"A amall bright spot will first appear in the east,
which will gradually expand as it approaches the
rarih. Dy and bye, amall cloud will appear be.
fore (he luminous ball and between it and the
earth. On thif rloud will be aeen the Son of Man,
etanJing eiect, hie figure plainly visible to the spec
titon on the earth. At the anutid of a trumpet (or
some other signal.) have gradually illuminated the
whole heavens, the righteous dead ahall rise from
their resting place and the risen and the living
eainla shall rise together be caught up and meet the
Saviour in (he air, when they will instantly I
rhanged and clerhed wiih immortality. The Hi.
viour will then present them to the Father, whose
presence is denoted by this luminous macs, perfect,
without spot or wrinkle. The Father will then
give the Saints, by the marriage covenant, as a
bride to the Son. They will then be constituted
the New Jerusalem, and, together with the Saviour,
will descend to th earth, which during their ab
scence has been purified by fire, and the wicked
burned up, (there the Saints will dwell with Christ
Cold Sport. Tiic Millerite nt Providence
had decided that the great end of all things was
to come about last Wednesday, and preparations
were mode to meet it. Over one hundred pas
sed the night in the burying groun l, on the
west side, eotne of whom, if report speaks true,
were dressed in their ascension robes. They
went there to witness the resurrection of their
friends, wiUi w hom they expected to rise into
the clouds 1
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtketmcr.
WnV-kT, H
Krr., - - - - 50
'Conn, - - - 4tl
Oats, - - - .2
l'omc, --.- 5
FnxsrKt), - - 100
UrTTF.H, - 12
1W.KSWAT, -. 25
Tallow, .... 12J
Dhikii Arri.v.s, - - 75
Do. Patent:, - 200
Fli, -
Hkcklkd Flat, 10
Dcin s, .... a
Orphans t'ourt Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sile, on Saturday the 25th day of March.
inst., on the premises, to win A certain tract of
land, situate in Shnmokin township, Northumber
land county, adjoining lands of Michael Taylor,
Robert Fiirntiworth and others, contnining sixty a 1
cres, more or less, lute the esiate of Benjamin Tay
lor, ilec'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
of said day, when the conditions of will be
made known on the day of sale by
March 4th, 184.1. Adm'r.
Tn the i'ourTof Common l'in of irthuntm
Of r land County, 13, Jtftril Term,
Susan Wood ley, by her next ?
friend, Charles Weaver, S Plurius Subpoena
m. for Divorce,
Jacob Wo' dley $
THE raid defendant ia hereby required, to be
and appear before the Judge of the Court of
Common Flos of Northumlrland county, at a
Court of Common Pleas to he held at Sunbury, on
the first Monday in April next, to answer the com
plaint uf the said Susan.
Sheriff's Office.
Sunbury, March 4. 1843. S t
Tavrrii Xollcr.
To tlif Honorable C. 11. Donnel I'm., President,
and his Associates, Judge if Ihe Court of Quar
ter Session if the County if Northumberland :
rilHE petition nf Daniel Herts aen. of Upper Mali
J,, onoy township, in said county, humbly repre
sents, that he nilt continues to keep a public house
ef entertainment, at his old stand in Upper Mah.
onoy township, snd is well pteparcd for the ac
ccmmnd.iUi'n of travelled, fir. lit !:r:rfsrr psy
your honors to giant him a licence to keep a tavern
during the ennuitig ysar. sod hp milt prav. Are
To TH K Jrnnrs asovk kkstioimi : The sub
scribers, resiiU'iita of Upper Mahony township,
hereby certify, that Daniel Herb, sen., the applicant
for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and ia well pinvidod with houae
room and conveniences for the lodging and ac
commodation of atrangea and travellers, and that a
public liou-e there is necessary : They therefore
recommend him aa a proper person lobe licensed to
keep a public bouse.
J. G. Renn,
Eliae Sc.hnahle,
Henry Itoop,
J icob Krebs,
I'eler Beisw I,
Samuel Meis-el,
Daniel Hobhue.
Hemy Zeriie,
(Sideon Adam,
J Krhmiiikey,
Benjamin Mailt,
Daniel Bcissel,
Msich 4, 1843 3t
Tavern Notice.
7b the Honorable C. G. Dunml, Esq President,
and kit Atsocuilet, Judge! of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland :
f I1HE petition uf George Smith of Jackson town
A h'p. in said county, humbly represents, that
be coniinuea to keep a public hou of entertain.
Tnent, at hia obi atand, In Jjckaon town-hip, and is
well prepared for the accommodation of travellera,
cVc. He therefore prate your Honora to grant him
s license to keep a tavern during the ensoine Year,
and ba will pray, Ac . GEORGE SMITH.
To thk Jrnoas abovx witioso: The auh.
scrihers,' residenta of Jackson, hereby certify, that
George Smith the applicant for the lioense, ia a
man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided for house-room and convenien
cea fur the lodging and accommodation of strangeis
and travellers, and that a public houae there is ne
cessary : they therefore recommend h'm as a pro
per person to be liceiued to keep a public houe
Benjamin Triou,
Isaiah Schwartz,
Samuel Smith,
Peter Reed,
Samuel lieitr,
George Ceiae,
Jacob Freymlre,
George Shaffer,
Jacob Broaius,
J. D. Hoffman,
Jesse Ileum I,
Abraham Rubendall,
William Depprn.
Maicb 4th, 1843. 3t
"Good Will Fire Company."
THB members of the "G od Will Fire Com-
- tnv" sra ieiiestd to meet at the Court
Houae, on Monday Evening, Maich fnh, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance i required.
Ytb.-ib. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Set.
Tntcm If oiler.
7b the Honorable C. G. Donnel. Esq., President,
and hi Associate. Judge of the Court of Quar
ter Session, tftht county of Northumberland.-
THE petition of Peter Beisscl.of ITpper Million
oy township, In said county, humbly represents,
that he continues to keep a public house of entertain
tnent at hi old stand, and la well prepared for the
accommodation of travellers. Ac. He therefore
prays your Honora to grant him a license to keep
a tavern, during the ending year, snd he will pray,
To thk Jtrnoca asovi arasTtosin! The sub
cribers, residents of Upper Mahnny township, here,
by certify, that Peter Beissel, the applicant for the
license, ia man of eood repute fir honesty and
temperance, and Is well provided with houe-ro m
and conveniencea for the lodging and accommoda
tion of strangers and travellera, and ihat a public
house there ia necessary : they therefore recom.
mend him as a proper person to be licensed to keep
a public house.
Jacob Strauser,
fieorge Strauser,
Dmiel Heim,
Jonathan Fetter,
Henry HnfTnian,
John Beisel,
Daniel Fetter,
Peter Schmidt,
Solomon Shankweiler,
Jticnh II. Kailfimaii,
John MHiek,
Walter Paul.
March 4th, 1843. St.
Tavern Xollre.
To the TJonorahle LIin Lewi. Ktl , President,
and hit Antociatnt, Judge of the Court of Quar
ter SenDi'ime, of the eounft of K;rthumherlniid .
fllHE petition of tlenrce Conrad, of Auauta
I township, in snid county, humblv represents,
that he continues to keep a public liouse of enter his old stand, in Auanata township, and
is well prepared for tbe aecommodstion of travellers,
A:c. He therefore prava your Honora to Brant him
a license to keep a tnvern, during the ensuing year,
and he will pray, &c.
To trr Jrno abovf mrhtiowmi : he sub
scribeis, residents of Aueusta township, hereby certi
fy, that George Conrad, the applicant for license, is a
man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house-room and conveni
ences for the lodging and accommodation of stran
gers and travellera, and that a public house theie ia
necessary : they therefore recommend him aa a pro
per person to le licensed to keep a public house.
Henry Byerly,
Solomon Kramer,
Dsvid Reeser,
George Reefer,
Peter Oolp,
Abrnham Shipman,
Jacob Yordv, jr.
John Kramer,
Ad urn Shixsler,
Philip Weiser,
Andrew Beichcll,
Herman Shipman.
March 4th, 184331
Tavern Xolier.
To the Honorable. C. (" Dnnnrt. Exq.. Vrrnutenf.
and hi Associate. Judge of the Court if Quar
ter Srttion of the County of Xarthumbrrlutid ;
THE petition of Paul Rhoalh, of Coal township,
in ssid county, humbly represents, tha he still
occupies his old stand at Mount Ca'mel," on tbe
Centre turnpike, and is well prepared for the ac-
commodmion of travellers Ac. He therefore prays
yont honors to prant hint a license to keep a tavern
dining the ensuing year, ami be will nlas pr.iy,
To the Ji hois abovk mktio:!i : The siib
aeri!rr, re-idenls of Coal township, hereby certify,
that Paul Rhnath, tbe applicant for the license, is a
man of good repute for honestv and temperance,
and is well provided wilh house room and conveni
ences for the lode in u and accommodation of stran
gers and travellers, nnd that a public house there is
necesary Thev therefore recommend him as a
proper jierson to be licened to keep a public house.
Jeremiah Aimmrrmm, Jacob Kram,
Stephen Eisenhart,
James Thomas,
John K. Kobina,
Daniel Evert,
Stillm:in Eaton,
John Reed,
John Bouchner,
Feb 25lh. 1813 31.
Jno. Nicbolls,
Samoel Eisenhart,
Richard Woolverton,
J imes Wallas,
Kimber Cleaver.
Ttivrrn Xotlce.
To the Honorable C G, Dimnel Esq.. Vrendtut,
and hit A nocialr. Judge of the. Court of Quar
ter Session of the enunty if Nurtliumhrrlund ;
rilHE petition of Wil tam Farrow of Shamokin,
sL township, in aaid county, humbly represents,
that he continues to keep a hou-e of public enter
tainment at liia old stand in Snydcrtnwn, and is well
prepared for the accommodation of travellers, &c.
He therefore praya your honora to grant him a li
cense to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year,
and he Mill pray, Ac.
Tctiis Ji'Pisr.a arovk mustiosid : Therb
scrihers, iehbnls of Shamokin township, here
by certify, that William Farrow, the applicant
for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the lodging anil accom
modation of strangers and travellera, and that a pub
lic house there is necessary : lhey therefore recnin-
jjiend him a a proper peitun to be iccn.-d to keep
public house.
Martin Leidy, Henry Klave,
Isaac Boughner, SebaKlian Boughncr,
Jamea R. Moore, Francia Klase,
Daniel Smith, Mablon Boughuer,
William Persing, Matthias Persmg,
George W. Lerch, W. U. Waters.
David N. Lake,
Feb.t5th. 1843. 3t
Tavern Vtllce.
To the Howuble C. G. Dmnrl, Esq., President,
and hi Assoeinti . Judges uf the Court of Quar
ter Seitumt, of the county of Northumberland :
milE petition of William M. Weaver, of Sha-
X mokin town-hip. in aaid county, htiml ly ree,,e.
s. nis, that he has rented that well kiiow tavern
atand, formeily occupied by Maitiu Weaver, and is
well piepared for the ecCcmtnod'aiion of travellera,
Ac. He therefore praya "our honors to grant him
a license to keep a '.avern, during the enduing yrai,
and he Will U'Sy, &X.
To tbe Jrneis aaova xmriomn : The sub
scribers, res dents of Shamokin tap. hereby certify,
lhat Win. M. Weaver, the applicant for the license,
ia a man of good repute for honety and temperanco.
end ia well provided wilh house-room and conveni
ences for the lodging and accommodation of atran-
gers and travellers, and that a public lioue mere
U n ceaary : they therefore recommend hirnass
proper person to be licensed to keeps public house.
Daniel J. Roth,
Thomas Rhoit,
George Fox,
John Morgan,
Andrew Kneir,
Charles Fny.
Jesse H Wagner,
Feb. 25lh. 1843.
Willi .m Smith,
W. It. Water,
Daniel Smith,
John Smith,
Michael Wagner.
all men by these Pisseula, lhat I,
Henry prasler, uf Augusta township. North-
umla-rland county, have this 13th diy nfjanusry,
1843, sold unto John Snydei, l.-q. and Adam Sny
der. 1 Brown Maie at 140 : I (iray lioiaeal ;
I Dunn Colt st $10 ; I nisnlle clock si th ; I old
two horse waggon at $5 1 Plow at f i f0, foi
which Adam (inydar paid to me $65 94, and John
Snyder paid to m $13 28, for which I agree to
pay interert aa long aa the aaid Snydera see fit to
o. n the shove pro erty to me. In witness where,
of, llhave hereto set my hand and seal, tliu day and
year above written. hia
tiiuuy FiAkTia. cua'k
I'(b. 8b, 1641. 3t,
TAtvcni Notice.
To the Honorable C. (). Donnel. Esq., President,
and hi A tsociate. Judge of the Court o f Quar
ter Session, ef the county of Northumberland -
THE petition of John 8eece, of Sunbury, in
said county, humbly represents, that h contin
ues to keep house of public entertainment at bis
olJ stand, near tha Shamokin Dam, and ia well
prepared for the accommodation of travellers, cVr.
He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a li
cense to keep a tavern during the ensoine year,
and he will pray, Ac. JOHN SPEECE
To Ta Junncs aovk MKKTioirn : The sub
scribers, residenta of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
John Speece, the applicant for the license, is a man
of good repute fur honesty and Temperance, and ia
well provided with house-loom and Conveniences
for the ledging and accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that a public house theie is necessary:
they therefore recommend him as a pro or per
aon to be licenced to keep a public houae.
John B. Price,
John Hans
J inathsn Pursel,
Geo. W. Kiehl,
Geo. Martin,
Caleb Fisher,
Thomas G. Heeins,
Feb. 25ih, 1843. 3t
Abraham Erwin,
Samuel D. Jordan,
C. D. Wharton,
Henry Masser.
Thomas A, Billington.
Sheriff's Sale.
Y virtue of an alias testatum writ of venditioni
expnms, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Schuvlkill county, to me direeted, will be
exposed to pu'dic sale, at the house of Henry Rea
der, in McEwensville, on Saturday the IRth day of
March next, at l o clock, V. M., the following de.
scrilied property, viz :
A certain tract or piece of land situate in Tnrbut
township. Nonhumberl .nd County, adjoining lands
of Peter Sheddv, Jucob MaTwell, doe'd. and others,
containing 100 acres, more or less, about SO acres
of which are cleared : Whereon are erected two
dwelling houses, to one of which there is kitchen
attached, a large brim, stabling, cVc. There i also
good well of water, and an orchard on said prenii
aes. Serreil, taken in execution, and to be sold aa
the property of Jacob T.ntz.
Sheriff's Office,
Sunbury, Feb. 25. 1843. J
fllHE subcrflier herehy (ivea notice, that be baa
I purchased the following articles, sold as the
property of John Trego, by the constable of Coal
township, and that they have been loaneJ to him
as my property, during my pleasure:
1 Wsh Stand Bowl and Pitcher, f 2 05
1 Diuiuc Table, 4 00
1 Large Iron Kettle, 2 !0
1 Large Looking Glass, 2 35
1 l?o. kintr Chair, 1 00
1 Mantle Clock, 3 00
1 Coal S'ove, 5 00
I Lot C irpeting, 4 60
1 Dining Table, 4 00
0 Chairs, 3 15
1 Pair Andirons, 1 45
1 Lot Rag Carpet, 1 OH
1 Bureau, f 05
1 Wash Stand, 2 35
1 Lt Carpet, f, 00
fi Windsor Chairs. 3 99
6 Window Curtaina, 3 15
1 Lot Carpeting, 1 97
1 Stone Coal Stove, 3 55
Shamokintown, Feb. 18. 1843. tf
folate or llcnry Yoxtlielmer, a
OTK.'E is hereby given, that the Assignee of
said Bankrupt will expose to public sale on
Vednesday the I5tli day of March, at the court
house in Sunbury, the following real and peraonal
ei-tate, lately Ixdoneing to the said Bankrupt:
A certain tract of land; situate in Augusta town,
ship, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of
Jscob Bsithher, Adam Shie.ler, and others, land of
Henry Yoithvimer and othera, containing 125
acrea mote or less, whereon are erected two large
two story dwelling houses sndkibhen, a large
bank barn, waggon abed and granary, lime kiln
and other out buildings, two wells of water, and
an orchard. About 80 acres of aaid land are cleared.
Also : A ceriain tract of land aituate in Augus
ta township, Northumberland county, adjoining
land of Adam Shissler, laeoh Snvder, Jacob Bart
sher and others, Isnd of Henry Yoxtheimer, con
taining 121 acres, more or less. About 60 acrea of
a.iid land are cleared.
Also : A ceriain lot of ground, situate in the
borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum
berland, bounded on the north by Market street,
south by an alley , east by lot of Henry Masser, Esij,.
west by lot of William MeCarty, whereon are erec
ted a large two story brick house, occupied as a
tore and duelling house, brick and frame kitchen,
framo store house, log stable, and other out build
ings, and a pump of water.
A'so: Two certain lota of ground, situate in th
borough of Sunbury and county of Nortb.'umbeihnd,
Imunded north by Blackberry atrri, gnuth by an
alley, east ly lot of A. Jordan. , t;q., wei-t by lot of
Mrs. Finney, whereon aie. erected a large brick
and log dwelling housei ln(j kitchen.
Also : Two cert j' uts of ground, kitnate in the
borough of Si'.ubuiy, Northumberland county,
bounded soelln )V X)ewlerry street, north by an al
ley, we.,1 Dy 0f lihorabachs, and east by lot of
, whereon ate erected a two story brick hou-o,
I'ime poller ah op, fiame stable, arid a well or water.
Also; A certain part of lot, No. 136, ituate in
the borough of Sunbury, in the county el Northum
berland, hounded north by Dewberry street, aoutb
by an alley, east by lot of Lewis Dewart, Eq., and
wei-t by lot or Folloiers.
Also: Three cet'.ain lots of ground, situate in
Coal township, Northumberlsnd county, in the
town of Shamokin, in lhat part laid out by A. Jor
dan, E-q., and othera, to wit : No. 400, 401 and
402, bounded south by Rail Road, west by
atreet, north by street, east by an alby,
whereon are erected large dwelling and store
house, one and a half atoriea high, and a large two
story kitchen, and a well nf water.
Also t A certain lot of ground aituate in Coal
township, Northumberland county, in the town nf
Shamokin, in that part laid out by A. Jordan. l.sq.
anil others, In wit : No. 4 ."(, bounded south by the
Rail Road, north by . atreet, west by lot of
, and east by lot of-
Alsot Part of certain lot. No. 44(1, situate in
Coal township, Northumberland county, in the
town of Shamokin, bounded on the west by the
Branch Rail Road, north by the Danville and
Potisville Rail Kuad, and on Ihe ea.t by i lot of
James Shortle.
Also: The grain growing in Ihe ground on the
farm in Augusta township, consisting of wheat and
rye ; and any other iiersonal property that may come
to tbe knowledge and posesinn nf aaid assignee.
Sunhuiy. Feb. 18. 1842. 4t Assignee.
A Tanurry fur Ilrnt.
THE Tannery, fixtiirea. and tools, in this place,
belonging to the estate of Isaac Ziegh r, ilec'd. .
now in possession nl Bucher cV Fry, will be rented
tor a term of yeais, on reasonanle terms. Po-eea-sion
given on ihe lat day of April next Apply
to H. B. MASSER.
Punbury, Feb. i, 1843.
Tavern Notice.
To the Hannrnhh C O Dmnel. Esq.. President,
and hit Anc:ntc. Judge of the Court of Qunr.
ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland i
rpHE petition of C" r sthn KsMn. of Shamokin
m. township, In said coui ty. bumblf represents,
th it he atill continues at h'a old stand in said town
ship, on the road lending fro n Shamokintawn to
Sunbury and Danville, an I a'ao front lrih Valley tit
the Bear flap, and ia well prepared for the tccommo
dation of travellers, Ac. He therefore praya tour
Honors to gnnt him a lieenss to keep a tavorn.
during the ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac.
To th Junnte saoya MrHTinvro: The u'i
acribnrs, residents of Shamokm tap., hereby certify,
that C. Kable, the applicant for the license, ia a
man of nood repute for honesty and temperance
and is well provided with house-room nnd ennveni
ences fur the lodging and accommod ition of stran
gers and travellers, and that a public house there is
neccsary : they Iheref. re recommend him a a
proper person to be licensed to keep a puMic house.
Jacob Wertily.
Henry Hanpt,
Fredeiirk Adam,
Joseph A lams,
Jiiuies W. II i'.-ley,
Jos'ph Rissmaii,
Michael Sh pe
Feb. IStb, 1813.-
l.eoo'.rd Bencel,
Petei Sholl,
J icob M.iver,
loseph Robins,
Henry Wasser.
Tavern Notice.
To the Honora'ilr C. fV. Dmnrl. Esq., President,
ond his Asfiiciatrs. Judge of the Court of Quar.
ter Session if the county of Northumberland :
PIHK petition of Felix Lerch, of Sliainokin Tap.,
J. in said county, humblv represents that he Con
tinues to keep a bouse of public en'ert linment at
his old stand in Sniifftown, and is well prepare I
for tbe accommodation of traveller", Ac. He there
fore prays your honois to grant him a license, to
keep a tavern during tho enMl ng vear, and be will
To thk Ji'pnra ashVK mxstiomhi : The sulv
acribers, residents of Shamokin lahp., he-eby certify,
that Felix Lerch, tbe applicant for license, is a
man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house room and ennve. for the lodirinc and accommodation of
strangers and travellers, pnd that a public hou-e
there ia necessary. They therefore recommend him
aa a proper person to be licensed to keep s public
Jacob Haas, Samuel,
IVlei Miller, Joseph Fox,
John Tents, jr. Hugh It. Teats,
Frederick Raasmnn, Jeae Arter,
Eli Re.d. Henry KUse,
Nathan Haas, l aacStoll,
Jacob Mil'cr, Daniel Fegley,
FcKJSth, 1813. 3t.
Tavern Xoflre.
To the Honorable C. C. Donnel Esq.. President,
and hi Associates, Judge of the Court o f Quar
ter Sissinnt of the county of Northumberland :
flHE petition of Rebecca Wells, of Noithuniber-
I. land, in sanl county, humblv represents, tnat
she intends to keep a bouse of pul be i-ntertainment,
at the well known stand, near the Market House,
and is well prepared for the accommodation of tra
vellers, Ac. She therefoie prays your honors to
grant her a license to keep a tavern, during the en
suing year, and she will prav, Ac.
To THK JfPC.KS ABOTf MKT!01Kn : The sub.
scriliers, lesidents, of North'd , hereby eerffy, thit
Rebecca Wells, the applicant for tbe be. n e i, ,
ofeooil reinite for honesty anil temp, r re untl is
well providej with house room and en .v.-... n
for ihe Inditing and aecomnvida'i n f .
and travellers, and thsi a public b -n" t',. n- W i
cesa try : they therefore recomoe'i rt . r s s p fi
ner person to lie licensed to ke. p a pn1 ' noose.
Wm. Forsvth.
Alexander tot.
James Dieffenbacher,
J. R. P.iea ley,
Henry Gossler,
John F'ick,
John Whes'ley.
Feb 18th. 181331
James Taagar',
John Tagaa't.
William H WspV
Daiiiel H autigaoi,
E. P. Shannon.
Tavern ollre.
To the Honorable C. G. Donnel. Esq.. President,
and his Associates, Judge of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, of the enunty of No thumhertnnd :
THE petition of Catharine Witbington.ot North
uml eiland. in aaid county. humMv represent".
ihat she continues to keep a house of public entena'"
ment at her old stand in Noithumherliind, nd i well
prepared for the accommodation of traveller, A
She therefore pravs your honors to grant her a li
cence to keep a tavern, during the rn-uing ear
and she will prav, Ac.
scribcis, residenta of Noith'd,, hereby certify, that
Cuihni'ne Withington, the applicunt for the license,
is a lady of good repute for honety and temper
ance, and is well provided wittl n mst! 'O no an t
conveniences for the oding and ace ni o 'Tion
of Mrunteis and travellers, and ll.a' a p.i i"- hon
there is necessary : lhey then fore recommend hf
aa a piuper person to be licensed to keep a pubic-
Wm. II. Waples,
A. E. Kapp,
Wm M'Cav,
J-'M-pli Everaid,
J. You- gman,
James Taggart,
Feb. I&lh, 1813. 31
T. Brautig -m,
Josi ih t'b i m in
Wm Wils n.
Joseph Wl ealley,
M. Taiig .r',
John Hummel.
lire Company Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby given, lhat the WJnwinn
named gentlemen were duly ebctsJ officers
I the loon Will Fibs I'uari'T f Nisxthcji-
iiliiin CotTii, for the yesr 1843-4 t
Silas II. Englc. 1st.
Secretary. 2d.
J. H- Zimmerman, 3d.
Newton Shindel, 1st
Engineers, 2J.
I at. D. W. Shindel,
2d. Samuel J. Fry.
3d. J no. E. Stbmi'k.
Ch irles Beck,
Benjamin Krohn,
Edward C. Eisely.
tsasC Martm,
Ch?. H Hi'eman.
John De 1.
As stint d'i,
John Bright
Gideon L hi. law.
Martin E. Buchrr,
Charles W. Bucher,
i ",1
I 3j Q
W. Wial.
By urdtr of the Company.
Feb. 18. J. H ZIM MERMAN. tec.
Notice In llankteiplry.
A LL persons indebted to Henry i ox'beuner of
-t V this place, lately decreed a II .iiKrnpl, are nere
by notified, lhat tbe books of account, lion.. Ac,
due to him. are placed in the hands uf I'hristi -n
Bower, E-q., for eolleciion. Judgmenls in favor of
aaid bankrupt will be pressed wilhoot d. lay, Per- I
miiis having business wilh the a-tignee, will find '
him at hie office, In Market npposite ihe
court house. CHARLES PLEASANT. I
Sunbury. Feb. 18. 1843. 3t Assignee.
H AS ren. lived bis ofTue t i i'.-- tv in
ihe br ck hou-e. f nu ilr k' "ur .
Tavern, nn ihe south wist e i ei i.l i -Mukel
sireei. Business .nt"!-;. I .n 1 1
thia county, arid in the c ri tiea ni I'ninn
t i si
'III t
1" , e
e i i
t urn
bia and Lycoming, will tutus piouipl slUuUua
Ponrury, I s,f, I, IliJ. ft.
Tavern Notice.
T tk Honorable C. O Donnel. Esq, President,
ond ht Associate. Judges nf the l ourl of quar
ter Sinions, of the county tf Nvthnmberland i
THE petition of James Le orNor-humberland,
in said county, humMy represents, that he con
tinues to keep a house of pnhl c entertainment st
bis old atand, in Northumberland snd Is well pre.
pared Tor the accommodation iflravelbTa, flee. He
theref ire prays your Honors to ersnt Mm license
tokeep a tavern during the ensuing- year, and he
wi l pray. flcr. JAM r,S I.LIv
To thk J n nor. a asotb viTto!ir.n : I ha sub-
seri'era. residents of Northumberland, hereby certify
lhat James (ee, the api hcant for the license, is
man of good repute for honesty a"d Temp-tasjesi.
and well provided with hou-e room and conveni
ences for the lodging and accomm d ition of Strang
ars and travellers, anil h.t publ c house there ia
necesaa'y ! thev therfn-e reer. mm-mt himaaa
proper per-on in be licensed to keep s public bouse.
Joseph Huffman.
J h i Shrmer.
J. R. Pnesiley,
Peter Vandling,
J. YnUnemni,
J seph Vandyke,
E. Woods,
Feb. I9th. 1843..
Wm F nsvth.
D Brnutigam,
James Ts?srt,
Wm. H W, la-,
Joseph Wollis.
Tavern Xotlce.
To the Hnnorable C. G. D'i mel, Ea, Pr-sidenf.
and A- fssnt'n'f. Judge of the Court of Q'inr
re Sissiuiis if the enmn, of Nurthilnibc lunrf .
flHE petiti m nf Th-vl-a Stoea, of N r humbir.
X lae.l, in said conntv. hnmblv represen's, that he
continues to keep a boos- of public en'ert i ment.
at the well known e-snd, on the corne f Front
an I Qu e.i atreet", i-i N.irtt um''rlsri l an ' is Web
prepared f T the accommodation of trave'l-rs Ac.
He theref re pnts your h-mora to rrmt h m l:-
Cense to keep i 'ave-n du'tng the ensuing- e " it
he will pinv. Ac. t'HARI.E" 9 ! OES
To th k Jcnor.s asotk stxvTtosrn : Tbe sii1 -cribers.
r sident" of the town of Northumberland,
her-by r-er ifv. that '"harle- Sto, tbe applicant
for ihe lie- ts is a man nf good ren ''e for h-mestv
and temper i ce.. d ia wel i rnv d- .1 with house
room and cone. ieni-e- f .r rb-- bidging and accom
moilstiiin of str mger" -i-.l trivellers. and that i pub
lic houae there I nec s ,ry : they therefore recom-
mend him aa a proi
a public hou-e.
D. Kraut gam, '
Wm. H. W aides,
pe son 'o be licenaed to keep
John Whealley.
Jacob Lei"enriug,
Joseph Wal is,
John Taggart,
J. R. Prielley,
C. Wooda.
Alexander Colt,
Henry Wenck,
John Fuck.
John Lei-enrinf ,
Feb. I8'h, 1843. St
Tavern otlce.
To the Honorable C. G. Donnel, Erq.. President,
a"d his Amoeiu'e. Judge of the Court of Quar
ter Session of the county of Northumberland ;
rrHE petition of Peter We kle. of Coal township,
JL in aaid county, humbly repre-enls, lhat he eon
tinues to keep tavein at hia old aland, on the roid
lending fr- m the Mahonnya to Shamokintown,
and ia well prepared fir the accommodation of traveller-,
A-c, He therefore prava your honora to
grant him a license to keep a tavern during the en
suing vear, and he will pray. Ac.
Totsjf- Jcdovs abovk MUSTiosttii : The sub
scribers, resiilents of dal township, hereby crtifv,
th -t Pet' r Weikel ihe applicant for 'he license, ia
a mm of good repuie f r honesty and temperance,
and is well proy ded -nh houe room and conveni
ences for 'be Induing and acrnmm-idatio'i of stran
ger" and irselb-r an 1 that a pnbbe house there
is necessary ;h-v theiif r recommend him aa a
proper pi 's n to tie licensed to ke- p a puMic house.
Jacob Kram. P- ter Zimmerman,
S ephen E senbart, Richard Woolverton,
John Tre.o), Tbomas Henninger,
Jeremiah Zimmerman, David B-llman.
J isei h Snvder,
Henry Klock,
Jacob Weikte.
Robert Pbil ps,
Feb. 18th, 1843. 3t
Edited by S. f. fioopaicH. author of Peter Par-
ley' Tales. Commencing January , 1813.
CMM'E the commencement of this woik now
the most popular juvende perioliral extant it
b"s eer been the aim of the publishers to make ii
deserving nf the liberal encouragement wi ich h -s
been extended towards it; and its subscript n list
evn ces lhat their effo'ts h ive hern appreciated by
the pu1 lie.
tin 'he first dav of January a pew volume will
commence Th- char ,cb-r of li e n-ii k will not be
chn-.'ed It ib-siuii will remain the same, ami the
publishers would assure their p 'Irons and the pub
lic lhat their efforla will be unci asii.g to r-nd.-r it
worthy of being a compmion t ir th. young. To
p'ant th
s e s
o iii
f mo a it
I troi'i
in t
III bear
i t -I nr
i I M'' vh
aii'l v ; ' i
II. - i i
I-. i '
It..- IP. t-v
w.-k - ..."
t-' vir-i!
os ( ;-,:: V
; h f - v. . . -
-.Wh and
n. it ve-
"ici. r.
r -b
i Usi
to he.
'ei .1 pie isure a!
.i.d vv ill c nop
k :'i
... it i ',.1-iii'li d
,i. i .
d go
!. .-.ill he
into this
p. r
I' le 'liken if at it shall pot
contiin iiitiliin. inc nsis-ent wiihtiio objec in
view. It 's ibs-cned to be, not int-'retting fir the
mum nl nnlv. but of permanent
aloe and
fit to
foim part of eveiy FAMILY
ome of the lea. ling fetores f the Museum are
H'sloru. fitagruf hv Geiilngq, Natural Hito-y.
Gengiuihy c 'I'll a-will ! sec ono'ini' ! ith
lighter mailer in t' e f rm of 't'a e , S e-ch. Ad
y. nluris by Sea an I Land. Narra'iv.snf Remra
hie Occitrrip-ces Anecdotes, Fahles. Al'egories. Ac.
Piietri and Music will lie railed into hshisI. Eve
ry aviila' 'e irie.ins of r nderin? the work sprightly,
ina'rur iog .'ml (i.i.t ai- ng. wll be put in rrquisi
ii n Nnn-er Us and splendid endii lli.hmenls arid
iifustr iio. s. sinpi-sn a ma be found in any
,iber work of the kind, in this respect, will be in
serird; ami tbe typographical appeatanre nf the
Mii-rum will fa such as, it ia believed, wl l meet
the spprob.itlon nf ia pitrnns. The publishers
would sdil. that Meny's Mtlneum is the cheapest
periodical of tbe kind publ abed In any part nf the
wm Id : the annual volume containing nearly as
much maner a two volumes of Bancroft's History,
wl ich sell f ir f ur dollaia am' filtv cents.
Thk Vfcsr I. wxst Tkhm. One copy, $1
Six copies, f.1 ! Thirteen copies, fill.
I he great expense incurieii in getting out a work
Mu.,u., renders it neces y lhat the pub-
, ,aia.r. , ,u l mnrily adhere in the C ish system,
A" le"r- must be peat paid, and add i eased
the l'u'oi-l'ers nd 1'mprielois.
10 School st , Boston, and 127 Nassau it . N
la CS 1 ILa
'PIIK ai
I ship
ubseiihe'S having en'er ! m' a . r'lirr-
hip ill 'h- praeiiee of the law. il b. ' a"py
o sl'end to
It bus ne.s .. ' '
w I b'- pr.iinii't' i
. til
r tare
eir rf:ce
(H t Hi i' ,'.
bt HI ,1
l-e-y I
: ! -mi
t II a KLfct J
ffunbury, Tab. 40, I84i.
Tavern Notice.
To the Honorable C. O. Donnel, Esq,, President,
and hi Associate. Judge of the. Court of Qtwr
ter Scsionfor the touiity if Northumberland .
flIIE petition of Elixibeth Weils. I, of 8unbu.
JL ry, in sai l county, humbly represents, that
ahe continues to keep a house- of public entertain,
ni' nt, at her old Hand, In Sunbury, and ia well pra
ps r- d for Ihe accommodation of travellera, cVr.
Sha therefore praya your Honors to grant her li
cense 1 1 keep a tavern duiing tbe ensuing year,
end she will pray, Ac.
To th JcDOKSASora MKtvTioasD: The sub
scribers residents of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
Elisabeth Weitzel, the applicant for the license,
is a lady nf good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house-room and conveni
ences lor the lodging and accommodation of atran
gers and travellers, snd that public house theri ia
neceea iry t they therefore recommend her as a
proper person to be licenaed to keep a public houa .
John B'trar,
Geo. Bright,
Pi't ui I Feiter,
t'h ult a l'lea ants,
fieo. Muriin.
Geo. B. Youngman,
Mark P. Sclipham,
I) Dtuikemilb-r,
W. L. Dewart.
I'eler W. Gray,
I evi Dewnrt.
Feb. I8lh. H4 '. ?,
Tnos. A. Pi'liiigton,
Orphans Court .Sale.
IN ursuam-e of nn ord' ( tin- l)rril-aiis' (Joint
-- of Noithumlieilaiid cotn y, w II l. exposed ti
ale, nt the lain residenc ot Win. (iarret, doe'd., on
a'urlay the 25th dav of M rcit win
A cerium 'r ct of wood l.nd alualu in Rush
tnwnlnp, in eai I county, rontaoiing twenty five
acres a rpun-ns (an 'a uf Etms Sharpies, Jico't
Ge -rha-t's devisee", (t.-orge Gearhsrt ai.d otheis,
la e 'he e-iate nf said ilec'd. Sale to commenre
' t n'el ck of said dav when the conditiuna of sa'o
will, e ii ada known by
Jm. S8. 1918. Admr'i.
Dr. G. II. AVtiter,
OFFERS hii professional services, to ihe cititene
of Sunbury, and viinity. Office next doorti
the reaidenca of Revd. R. A. FUhar. where he mar
be found, unless engagad w discharging the duties
of his profession. Oct 8ih, (843. tf.
VERY RESPECTFULLY begs leave to in
form hia customers end tite public generally,
lhat be atill continues tke
in all its various branches, in bhe shop, neatly op
posite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by
Henry Haas and himself, under the firm of liana
A Druckemiller, which firm baa been mutually dis
solved. He hopca, by hia long experience in the
above business, and aliict attention thereto, to ren
der general satisfaction, and receive a liberal ahare
of public patronage.
Sunbury, Octolier loth, 1813. 8ns.
uio?Th6tel, "
General Stage OJlrv,)
ttj roki az:
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friend
and the public in general, that he haa taken
the above
and that he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their custom.
Hia St.r.r!KO Apahtm lstb are well aired, and
HisTiRtn aih Bah will alwaya be supplied
with the best the matket can afford.
Hia Stabu, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feds-confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize him, ihat be will not fail to give
goneTul satisfaction. H. B, WEAVER.
Muncv. Oct. lat, 1842. tf.
Dr. J. W. Peal begs leave to tender his gTste
lul acknowledgments to the people of Sunhuiy
and surrounding country, foi then past encourage
ment in ihe line uf his profession ; and would at
the same tiino announce to iheni. that he till in-
teiol" to c ipiinue thii practice "f medicine in all its
vnr;,,iiKi!.'p,irtiip n!s. Ho woti'd, therefore, solicit
a c 'iitinii ..two ui t'.u ir confidence and patronage.
He tn . be t-".n J st ail Ux"" it h s office, M4l
lie- s-.ree', ui.'ess profess. oiia'.lv vl 'gej.
't:i.l ore, Oct. 1st, Xf-i'i.- It.
Dr. D. T. Trltes, Respectfully infbmiatha
citizens of Sunbury and vicii i'y, that he has 'a
ken an office in the building l.itely occupied by Peter
Lazarus as a drug store, in market atreet, Sunbury,
w here be may tie futtnd at all hours, Unless profes
sionally engaged.
DU. T RITES returne bis sincere thanka for tbe
encouragement be haa iecived. In tha line of hie
profession, in this place, and trust-i, bj prompt sU
tent on to the duties of his proleejion, and reason
able chargea, that he will continue to receive e
liberal share of the public patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1842 tf.
Ip i'.SI'EU I Fl I.LY informa the public that be
V haa made Norlhumbairland bia permanent
place uf residence, and is leady to at'euJ to any
calls in the lino of hia profesaion.
July 2, 1842. ly.
KESPECTFL LLV inf.nma hU fritnds and ih
public generally, that be haa commenced the
Tailoring Iluaiiie.,
in all its branches, in tbe house formerly occupred
by Wm. Duralaa a Tailor Shop, in Blackberry
street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church.
He reaiectfully solitiU a ahare of Ihe public patron
age, and truala by strict attention to buainese and
reasonable charges, be will be enabled to give gen
tral sati.lac ion.
Sunhuiy, June IStb, 1842 ly
Frra i sup, i of ROSE OLNT.MENT.receivJ
at d f t sale by U. B. MASSER.
Nov 19t . 1842.