Frnm the Afb0.n1 Argun. lwmt chumitv. Orra LanrfSlid at Troy Tarty Live Lost Several BaiMngi Destroyed, We have ecceunrs of feat ful calamity at Troy occasioned by a land elide, acrrceTy inferior in e tent, and it ii rearer), een more destrtrcliee of life, Iban that which occurred several years ago. Thcalitle cecirrrci south of the former one, on the tame k 41 tTie avalanche crushing and nearly burying acvetal frame hwililmgi at the foot of the hill, and extending qufce across Main atreel. 1'he verbal eocoanrs vary in particular, but all concur in rcpresentrng the loss of life and the acme nf distress an tercrMe beyond description. The following letter from TKmenponAent furniahea all the particulars e yet within reach J TaoT.Feh. IT, half put 5, P. M. Mksshs, UnMSwtLi Our ty has been again visited With an awful calamity. Another terrible avalanche has swept houses and farrrrtics a'way in its course of destruction, It isaseliss to attempt to particularise when il is vttcrly impossiMe to do so on this Ynnvitifut ecasion. Suffice K to say, tlint the earth slide occurred m the immediate vi rinity of the terrible avalanche of 1837, shout four o'clock this afternoon, covering acres of ground at Hhe'base of the hifl, and crushing to atoms some en' or -twelve houses, nearly all occupied. Whole (families hove perished, and lite only warning rtiey rcverve8 was the death Wow that carried tbemtnto eternity. I lvave J-jst reft the ruins to communicate to yon these Slw linen. There, alt is panic and confusion, right or Tcn'tlerrd bodies have already been t Aen out from tlte ruins, and how many alive or partial ly injured I cannot tdk The crowds are movme, in masses from spot to spot, and in the centre, uf each the mortal remains of some one who hsd per titled, are fieing carricS frnm the scene of iVestrots tinn to some mote suitable place. The municipal xlflicoTs are on the spot, domg all that is possible no be done to rescue the living, if any are yet to I found, end of the dead, When 1 left, the smeke xv as gushing from the smouldering vuins, and sere ra! hose comames were there. -Let nie assure ym thut the scene, 'presents an awful ami wiancholy sight. Babes rn their era dbs, morhere with thaircliilJren in their arms and -stalwart men, who tot two hours ago breathed freely ami in health, tosve Tioen taken from the ru ins, mutrlat and mangled corpses. The build ings destroyed were -nearly all new, and had but recently been erected. They were tenanted prin cipally liy ponr and nxlu-ftinoa-i Mechanics. I wrll tate tor the inform ttio of your distant reader, that the centre, of the rv;dBche was at the Bicud of Washington street, a little riokvw what has usually been termed tho "five porrfls" oftAis city. The n units of the families that have perched, that I have been able tolearn stc, llirdsafl, (ftie fa ther, the son of Major Birdcall, who was shot aome years jo near the sTscnail in Albany,) Day, Ker ley, and some othets that! citRnrit new recollect. " Varmint?' The New Bvninwic"k papers speak df the a"b im dance of wolves, "hungry and ravenons, in that province. They have become dangerous. A gentleman who was travelling on the iloulton fnad a (-boil time since, was chased by four of these aigly customers, lltLTIMOItH MAIIKKT. Officcofthe Balthkobk AnlnKti, Feb. 30. FLOL'R. There has been some kiquiry for Howard street Flour to-day, and sales have been made to a considerable extent at ?3 5fJ fur good itamlsrd brands. Some holcers Tcfaae to sell new jft les than f3 62 J. The wagnn price i ?J M. GRAIN. Small sties of lots brought in by ws gons at 70 a 75 cents f.r Eood to 1esl reds. No transactions in Corn. The last gales from store w ere at 43 cents fur white, WHISKEY Continues very JuH at 18 cents f ir hhds. and 19 cents for hi, .n .f K It M K It i On Wednesday last, by the Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr. Jehkmiah H. Zimm:bma to Mibs H ah hi it Uhight, Iwith of this place. On the Ktiti itit., I.y the Krv. J. w . I'M tips, Mr. .ton Putt lo Miss KLiXABKTa Graius, nil of W illmnisport. On Thui-day theflth inst. by the Rev. J. (! Miles. Mr. Mkhmai Vt buswohth, of Miani kin, to Miss Mart Uiuulk, ruai Piuitxtown, Columbia county. i i i: i), In Augusta township, on Monday last, Mr. JOHN LUlsE.NKl.Nti.aped about 70 yers. On the I7thinst., MARGARET, daughti r of Mr. Benjamin Kruhn, of this pljce, aged about 6 months. In Khamokintown, on the 17th inst, LOUISA ANOEMXE, daui-bter of Mr. Fianklin A. Clark, aged 3 months. rRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthetmer. Wmkat, Rtr, A Coax, Oats, . . Pork, , FiAtrrn, ButTftt, Iltr.swAl, Tailow-, Dstkn AreLF, Dot PsAcaas, Flit, HsCKLSD FlAX, Eue, 80 60 40 25 5 100 12 25 12$ 70 200 8 10 8 arrNOW all men by theae Prasents, that I, 1 II. nr. Fsssler. of Aueusta townahin. North. iiini'erland county, have thie 13lh d.y of January, sobl onto John Snvdei, E-q. and Adam Sny. 0. r. 1 Brown Mare at f40 1 Gray Ho-seat f?0, i nnnit r.,M at C ID i I mm .lie clock at f 5 ; 1 old t.n,u mron at 5 t 1 Plow at $4 50. fol hieh Adam Snvder paid to me f 65 94. and John Snyder paid to me f 12 28. for which I agree to ;.,i...i lonv as the said Snvilers see fit to i..J- it., nhove nroi ertv to me. In witness where. nf I have hereto act my hand and eesl, the day and raar above written. hie ' wtH$. 1IENRV MFEA8TER. Gint FiTRa. nii k Feb. 2, I8l.-3f. Sheriffs' Sale, BV trtrrae of an alias testatum writ of venditioni erponas, isnied out of the Conn of Common I'leaa oTSchayrkin county, to me directed, wfll be etposed to pu'ibc sale, at the house of If errry Rea fler, in McEwensviPe, on Saturday the 18th day of March neat, at 1 o'clock, P. M-, the following de scribed property, vi : A certain trsct er piece of land situate fn Tnrbul township, Northumberl ind County, adjoiiring lands of Peter Sheddy, Jacoh Maxwell, dcc'il. and others, containing 100 acres, more er less, srtout 80 acrea wf which are cleared : Whereon are erected two dwelling houses, to one of which there is a kitchen attached, a large bam, staliling, etc There 1s also a good well of water, and so orchard on sard premi ses, FEMX MAURER.JStcriif. Mirtilfs Office, ) PunhuTy, Feb. 85, 1S3. 5 Good Will Fire Company." rpilE members of the "G lod Will Fire Corrr piny" "re reateati-d to meet et the Cod't House, m Mondnv Evenintt, March tiih, at 7 o' clock, precisely. rlnclTJa1 Rttenilanre is required. Feb. as. J, H. ZIMMERMAN. See. " Csooil Intent Fire Ontnpnny" A STATED MEETING vrf tire Crwjimv will be held on Thursdiy evtenitrg i ent, at Y o'clodi, at the School House. Pnncmnl attendance rare a.ue.teJ. (VEO. B. WEISRR, Feb. U5, I8W. Src.-rfrffy. Tutrrn IVolhc. To the Ihnm-able C. G. Donnrl, Eq.. rrevdent, and his Asmciute, Judges of the Court uf Quar ter Sttuhns of the Ccnny of SortAumbrrlitTid ? TME jretitron of Panl Rhoalh, of Coal township, in said county, humbly represents, that he still occupies his old stand at 'Motnt Carmel," on tire Centre turnpike, and is well prepared Tn the ac commodation of traveHera Ac He therefore prays oui honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern during the -ensuing year, end he witl alwavn pray, Ac, F.MJ1. R1IOATH. To Vfis JrnoKs Aim mrsttiohtU)-. The mih scrilrers, Te-hlents of Coal township, hereby terltfy, that Patil Rhoaih, lite appltvaut for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well proviiled with hije room and conveni ences for the Inditing sml accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that t public house there is neeesevy ?--They therefore recommend him as a proper person to be iicen-rtt to keep a ml4rc huuae. JerenAan .irnmernrMm, Jrrtrrh Kram, Stejihen Cisenhart James Thomas, John K. KirrHns, Dantel Evn, StiHm.m Katon, Je4in Itifil, J.ihn Bonghner, Feb S.Sth. 1H43 Jno, Nrrhollrs f aniU' I Eisenhart, Rich-itd Woolverton, James Wallas, Kiinber Clearer. 3t. Tnvrrn Xollre. To the ItnrmraMr C O. fkmrr.4. Ef Prrsfdt n', and hit A!Ktti litis. Judges 'of rr Court if Quar ter Sessions of the county if KitrtAumherltmd : riHE petition of Wil iain Farrow of Shaniokin, JL townhip, in said county, humbly represent", that he comiriues to keep a house of public enter tainment at his old stand in JSnydrrlown, ar.d is Wi ll prered for the aceommodatron of travellers, Ac. He therefore prays your honors to grant him a li cense to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year, and he will pray, &0. WILLIAM FARROW. To Tiia Jrnni:s ahoH-e if STiosii n : Thesuli scrfners, lesidenls of Sr. rem in township, hern by certify, thit William farrow, the applicant for the Ik-PfMC, is u man of ood repute for honesty and iwnpetatrce, nnd is tvetl provi.led with house room and conveniences f.rrthe lodging and actom mrvlalron of sttangers an I travellers, and that a puli ie'hoose there is necrs-hry : 'hey therefore recom mend him as a proper person to L licensed to ket p a public houe. Martin l.enly, Henry Kla-, Isaac Houghner, Weba-flian Houghner, Jameo R. Moore, Francis Klase, l;miel tmith, Mahlon Bougbner, William Persing, Matthias Persinj, Tieergo W. Lerch, W. It. Water," David N. Lake, Feb.-2.ilh. lHt3. 3t Tavern IVolicc. To the llmoralile C. . ihnoel, President, and his AnsnciiriM Judges if the Court of Quar ter Sessions, if the County of Xerthuutbrrlaiid . flHE lieiitioii of John Sireece, ol Sunbury, in JL s.'irl county, huniWy n-jireciits, th it he coi'tin- ur s lo keep a house of public en'ertainm tit at his old stntxl, m-ar ttie Miamoktn, antl la well prepared for the sjccointnoilaiion of travellers, .Vc. He therefore praa your Honors to grant luru a li cense to keep a tavern during the ensuing vear and he will pray, Ac. JOHN Sl'EECE To THK Jl-POKS AROTK MK?ITIO!r,n : The Sllll- scrilx-rs, residents of SSunbury, hereby certify, that John Speece, the applicant for the license, is a nan of good repute for honesty and Temper mee, and is well provided with houae-ioOHl and C 'IKrniei.res for the lodging and accommodation of strangers am) travellers, and that a public house theie Is nei i ssr they therr fore recommiiid him as a proper pi r son to le licenced to keep a public house. John B. Price, John Haus, Jonathan Pursel, (Jeo. W. Kiehl, (ieo. Martin, Caleb Fii-her, Thomas (i. Hecins, Abraham Krwin, Samuel D. Jordan, C. D. Wharton, Henry Masser, Thomas A. Uillington. Feb. 25th, 1843.-31 Tiiafrn .VolHt'. To the Hoixoruble C. G. Dunnel, Esq,, President, and his Associates. Judges of the Court of Quae ter Sessions, nf the county of Northumberland t riHE petition of illiam M. Weaver, of Sha X mokin town-hip. in said county, humbly repre sents, thut he has rented that well known tavern stand, formerly occupied by Martin Weaver, and is Well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, &c. He therefore prays your honors to grant h m a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing yiai, and be will piy, &e. li.i.i a m m. vrjAvrjit. To tbf. abovk mxntionkii : 'i he sub scribers, res dents of ShameHn tsp, hereby rerlify, that Wm. M. Weaver, the applicant fr the license, is a tnan of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house-room and conveni Cnces for the lodging and accommodalion of sir in- gers and travellers, ahd that public house ihere U ncesarv: Ihcv iherefore recommend him as a proiier ieriion to be licensed to keep a public house. . I t .L '11 lkA. Uaniei j noiu, 'J'homas, (ieorge Fox, Smiih, W. R. Waters, I) mil I Smnh, John Smiih, John Morgan, Andrew Kneir, I'barlea F y. Jesse II Wagner, Feb. 25th. 1843. Mubael Waijnrri 3t. Kutlte In llanktuptt y. A LL persons indebted lo Henry Yoiiheimer of ' - this place, lately decreed s B .nkrnpt, are here hy notified, that the hooka nf accounts note, Ac, due lo him. are placed in the hands rjl Cb :rtm Bowir, En,., for ri.ilertinn. Judumrnt jn fyor nf said bankrupt will be pressed without d.Uy, Per sons havuif buanifss with the a-kignee, wdl find, in M irkil str ei, .,ue ihe court bnute. CHARLES PLEASANTS, ruiibury, Feb. H, 1813. 3t A'tigme. ASSIGITEE'S SAL IS. folate or Henry Vovtlielmcr, n llankrupi. TOTICE iaheTeby tfrven. that the Assignee of 11 said Bankrupt will 'etrpose tn public sale on Wednesday the loth day of March, ft ihe court house in Wtrnhnry, the following Teal and personal estate, lately br loneing to the sai I B inkrrrpt: A certain trat-t of l iml; aitnale in Autjrrsta town ship, Northamberland county, sHj inirig l.imls of Jaccih DarUher, Arlam Rlitssler, and olhers, 'land of Henry Yoxtheimer and others, containing 12fi acrea more or less, wheiew ere erected two lirge two story dwelling houses and kiti'lnn, a Inrge bank ham, waggon ahed and gtanary. lime kiln and other cmt tniildinga, two Wefls of water, and an orchard. About 80 acres of said land are cleared. Also J A certain tract of land aituite in Augus ta township, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Adam Shisslcr, laeob Snyder, J.rcob Bart, sher and others, land of Henry Yoxihiiin- r, con taining 121 acres, more or lea. About 60 acres of Said lind are cleired. Also : A certain lot of ground, a'toVe in tire borough nf Sunbnry, in the county of . .r hilar berlarul, hotmdi'd on the north by Market street, southhv an alley ea-t lv lot of Henry Masser, E-q.. west by lot of William McOarty, whereon are er. e ted a large two story brick hnus". occupied as a store and dwelling honse. brick and frame kitchen, store hooe, log a 'We, and other out tmild ings, an.l a pump of Water. A'ao: Two certain lo'S of ground, situate in the borough i if Snnbnry and cimnty of NorThombi rl ind, bonndi-d north riy Bla'kbeTry rrect. s.nilli by an alley, east by lot of A. Jordan, Esq., Tvest by lot of MM. l'lnni. ber'On ate erected a large brtck and log dwelling hoTise, tod kitchen. Also : Two rertiin lots of Rround. situate in the birroiiBh of Sunhuiv. Northumberland county. houmled south by Dewberry street, norih by an al ley, west by lot of Rhorabachs, and east by lot of , wncteon arc erected a iwo story brick hotise. frame potter shop, frame stable, snd a Well of water. Also; A certain part of Int. No. 130. situate in the borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, bounded north by Dewberry street, souih by an alley, east ley lot of Lewis Dewart, Esq., and west by lot of FollmeTs. Also: Three certain lefts of erotind. situate in Coal towrrship, Northumberland county, in the town of that part laid out by A. Jor. dan, Eq., arxl others, lo wit : No. 400. 401 and 403, bounded south by Rail Rosd. west by . -street, north by street, esst hy an all. y. whereon are erected a large dwelling and hou-e, one and a haT stories hinh, and a large two story kitchen, and a well of Water. Also! A CiTlaln lot of ground situate in Coal township, Northumberland county, in the town of that pari laid out hy A. Jordan, Esq. and others, to wit : No, 4.10, hounded south bv the Rail Road, north by . street, west by .t of " , nml east hy lot of . . Also Part of a certain lot. No. 410. t-ituatein Coal township, Nnrthnml'crland county, in the town of Shamokin, bounded oh the west by the Branch Rail Road, north bv the Danville an.l rotisvilk Rati Road, uud on the ctst by a kit of James Nh'rth Also: 'Hie grain growing in the ground on the farm in Augusta township. consistuiB of wheat snd rye ; and any other iiersonal property that m iy come to the knowledge nml pos-aes-Mn of suid asrrcnee. CHARLES PLEASANTS. Stinhuiy. Feb, 18, 1845. 4t Assignee. Fire Company .toller- N' TOTK'E is hereby given, that the followim? named genlleinen were !uly elected ollrcers ol the (Soon Will Firs Coah o N'uRthcm- nrRtAvn Cot-.VTi, for the year IS 13-4 s Presidrnt, llmJtmen, Silas II. Engle. 1st. Secretary, 2d. J. H. Zimmerman, 3d. Treasurer, Newton Shindel, 1st Engineers, 2d. 1st. D. W. Shindel, 2d. Samuel J. Fry, 3d. Jno. E. Schnink. Eodderinen, 1st. Martin E. Bueher, 2d. Charles W. Bueher, ("h .rles Beck, Benjamin Krohn, Edward C. Eiwly. Axemen, . Isa c Martin, Ch. H. Hiteman. Troiifrhm'in, John De .l. Assistant do, John Bright. l)iKrheeper, Gideon Landuw. 3d. j. W. Wial. By order uf the Company. Feb. 18. J. H ZIMMERMAN,.?. TIlIE snb.criber hi-rehy gives notice, that he his 1 piirrhssv.l the following articles, sold as the property of John Tn go, by the constable of Coat tnwnrhip, and that thy have been loaned to him as mv property, iliinna my pleasure: 1 Wash Stand Bowl arid Pitcher, f 2 05 1 Dining Table, 4 0 1 Large Iron Kettle, 3 d9 1 Large Looking Glass, 2 35 1 Rorkine Chair, I 00 1 M mile (Mock, 3 00 1 Coal Siove, I ft 00 1 Lot C rp ling, 4 !)0 1 Dining Table, 4 00 G Chairs, 3 15 1 Pair Andirons, 1 45 1 Lot Rag Carpet, 1 OH 1 Bureau, 5 05 1 Wash Stand, 2 35 1 Iet Carpet, ft til) 8 Windsor Chairs, a U9 C Window Curtains, 3 15 1 Lot Carpeting, I 97 1 Stone Coal Stove, 3 55 STE I'll EX BITTE BEX D E K. Shamokintown. Feb. 18, 143. tf Tavern Xolltr. 7b the thnortibte C. G. Donnrl, Esq., President, and his Asiociales.Jui.'ges of the Court of Quae ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland : fllll E petition of Catharine Witbington, ot North L unit erland, in said county, hutn'rlv represent, that she continues to keep a bouse of public rnlertain mi nt al her old stand in Noithumherlaml, is Well prepared for the Hccommndstion of trave'lers, Ac, She iherefore prays your honor tn grant lor a li cense to keep a tavern, during the en uiiiff jeur, and she will pray. Ac. CATH ARI N E WITHLNGTOX. To Tittt Jcpats a Roy k MKitTiosrn : The suW srrihers, residents nf Noilh'd., hi ri I y cenilv, til it Catharine Wiihingion. the applicant for the licen-e, is a lady of good repute for hotieiy ai d t. rnper anee, and is well provided with house room an I conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that a pit' lie hou-e 1 there ia necessary : they therefore recommend as a pinper person to be licensed to keep .,u,r house. Wm. II. Waples, D. Brlllii A. E. Kapp Josl h C im, Wm M'Cay, J ..seph Everard, J. You'igtnsii, James Taitgart, Feb. I8lh, 143.-31 ..W,l.'.n, ' Joseph Wheatliy, M. Taitgart, Jo.'an Huminel. A Taif.irry lor Ilcnt. THE Tannery, fixtures. Slid look in this place, brlnntti'.'.g In the estate uf Isaac Ziegl. r, dee'd., row in p ot-rn sioii ol Bueher A Frv, will be rented f.r a term of years, on ressnnaole terms. Po-ses-slon (iven on the 1st day uf April in it Apply to H B. MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. i, H3. Tftvern TVolicc. Tn the Honorable C ft. 7)mn7 F.n. Pre-den nnd his Associate. Judges nf the Court of Qmtr. ter Session, of the county if Northumberland i fllHE petition ofCbratlnn Kable, of Sham ik in I township, In said ertunty. huoiblv tetresent, th t he si ill corrtinnes at his old stand in said town ship, on the r.Mid lenling fro n ShnmokintaWn lo Sonbury and D uivitle, nn I nisi fr im lri-h Valley to tire Bear (Jap and is well prepared for the iccommo- iintion of travellers, etc. lie therefore prays your Honors 1o gr itit him a licens" to kep a ta'vern. during tliO flisuinrj year, and he n p,l pray, tVc t;ni;isnN kblf To Tfis JcnoFs a aoy a msvtio vrn : The u'' scrib rs, rcs'denls of ShsrnoV n tsp.. hen'by certifv, t'tnl ty. Kal'ln, the applicant for the license, is a mRn of flood repnti- lor honesty and temperance and is well provided with h(iue-rnom nd conveni ences for the I aliring and aceommorl rion of sir in ters and travelers, anil that a public honse there ia neee-isivrv ;they theref re recommend Mm a a proper pirson to be Hcensed tn keep a public house. Jicoh We'tiby, Henry II nipt. FredeiiiV tam, Joseph A lams, Jarrva W. ni ley, Jiis-I'h R rssrnan, Michael Sh pe Feb. llh, 3t l.eori ird HiTlscI, Peter Shol!, J icoli Mo rr. Joseph t'. Roliina, Henry WassCT. Tavern iolire. To the TioiTora'di C. G. Donnrl. ?., President. nndliis Axxociitti Judges of the Court nfQnnr ter Sessions if the county nf H'lrthumhirland : fltHE petition of Filix Letch, nf Sham 'kin t'sp., I in ' county, lmmMv riireoenls thai heron- tintles lo Veep a house of pnblie ffi erl linment at his old stand ni Snufftown, and is wen prejiare 1 for the nceomnrrnilttinn of travellers. Ae. He there fore prays vmir hono'S to gra- t hi n a license, to keep a tavern dening the ensti ng ear, ii.d he will prav, Ac. FELIX LER H. I o Tiir. J mot arvr viv.vnovrri : The snr- Scrtl ers, Tesiibnts nf Shatnokin txhp hereby eettifv, that Velix licrch, the applicant for license, is a man ef good reAite for honesty and tern iterance, and is well provided with house loom and conve nictKVt for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, nnd that a public hnu-e there ia necessary. They therefore recommend him as a propet pclraon to ho licensed to keep a puhlrc house. Jacob Hai, Samuel H de, IVtei Miller, Joseph Fot, John Test, jr. Hneh H. Tea Frederick Rassimn, Jesse Arer, F.liRe d. Henry Kl is, Nathan Haas, I aac S'oll, Jae ih MiWr. Daniel Fegley, F.b. 18th. 1S43. 3t. Tavern o1lre. To the Ihrnnrnhh- C G. Thome! F.,n.. rr..V'.-n and his Associate. Judge of the T'nurl r.f Qu it-. ter Sessions of the County if X.irthifiih'rhin I : rilHE peti ion nf Ixebrrca Wll-s nf No-lhnmhi-r. I land, in said conntv, huoiblv rerc-cnN. that she intends to V' p a house of pu' bc er.ten t'y mi'nt. at the well known stand, near 1' e Market House and is well prep .red for tie ace. mm daimn of tr vellers. Ac. She therefee priys honor to grant her a license to keep a tavern, during the en-i-uing year, and aire will pra, Ac REHKt'C. WELLS. To MR .Ivpnrs a rot t wri-noian : The sub scribers, residents, of N'-rlh'd , herehy certify, that IMecca Wells, the applicant for the ben -e. is lady nf uood repute for honesty and temperance, and is Vvcll provided with house room and co venietice fir the lodging and accommodation of strangers unJ travt-llers, and that a public house there is ne cessary : they therefore recommend her as a pro per person to be licensed to keep a public house. Wm. Forsvth, Alexander Colt, James DiefTenbacher, J. R. Pries ley, Henry Gossler, John Friek, J hn Wtieatlev. Feb. IXth, 1S13 3l James Taeii.irt, John Tacgart, William H. Wap'es, Diitiel Brautigam, E. P. Shatiiiou. GOOD NEWS FOR AM.RUWN YOl'TU ! a srw voi fm r. or itoni:itr Mr.iuti's, Edited hy S. (J. f tonnnirit. author of Peter Par ley's Tales, Commencing January IK 13 OINt'E the coin , encement of tt is w ik now ' the mo-t popular juvende periodic ! ettaio it has eer been Ihe -um of the publishers to make ii deserving of the liberal nconr leement w ich h been eitei.ded toward- it; and its snb-Tripti..n list evinces that their t ffoits h ive been appreciated bv the .u' be. On the first day of January a new olom will commence. The rhar .ct r of t' e wo k ill not be cb n ed lt d. si -n ill reo.ain the .ame, and tb publishers would a-Plpe their p trims and the pub lie tnat tneir ell .rts will lie unCr-a-loc lo r -nil. r it worthy of be'n g a companion for ihe vnung. T. plant the see's of morality and truth in the vouth (til heart, to in til virtuous pr.nciple snd motives into the mind, to aid in the formation of eh 'racier. to cultivate a taste tor knowledge and improvement, and with instruction to blend pleasure and smusr merit, these have been, nnd will continue to Le, the end and aim of ihe wmk Eve-y article ill be thoroughly d geated before it ia admitted into this woik. and pre it rare will lie taken that it shall not contain anylbinc inensi-eem with the object in ICtV. It is designed to be, nnt int. resting f .r the I iM'tn' nl only, but of permanent value, and fit to : fotm part of eve.y FAMILY I.DUKY. Some of Ihe leading feature of the Museum are . ll slury, liiografihif. Urnlngi, Natural Wo y, , (iri'ginphy. S;c. Thrse will lie accompanied with I linbler mailer in the firm of Ta'es, S; e'(dies, Ad : vitituris by Sea and Land, Narratives of Item .f'. a- J j bio ( lecurrener. Anecdotes, Fables. Al'egories. A e Poetry and Music will lie Called in to assist, F rv available means of rrnderinii the work spr , insiruc inff and entenaining, wilt be put ir . .' ii n. Nninrr. us and splenilbl eiiibeilir' ' I"'1' ilhistralions, surpassing what may lie found in any ...i.. ...... L ..1 u .1 1 .1 . .. .i-i ''icct, will be tn serted ; and the tvpograiluea1 ' .... .,,i . u . spi'eaiance nl the Museum will be stirh as-, it ,.. , 1 . ., . ... , ' 's t neve.l, wil meet the spprohittoti nf Pa , ,r. ... ,, 1, ., . (,. p'trnna. The publishers woii'd add. tint Mere , ',. . ' , , ., ,. 1 niseom is the i he uet 1 erioiticai 01 ine M' . . . r 1 I , . . . U.'l 1111 III flllV 1MII l( (HI. woil.l : the ane . . . tai Volume eotitainina pearly as mu.n ma ter w v,ium(l( (f n,prr, n,,,,,,. w Inch Si I r , f ... . . ,j. r '" ur dollars and fifty eei Is, Ykhv I. wht Thins. O. e copy, f '" cop;,.j,t fs ; Thirteen ropiti. fit). I .e i.r.ii eti-nse incurred tn eei.ii. -nl 1 nrk ' e ihe Mu-euo. reiuhrs it mes-sry il.c 1 oh. lis' er. sli. nl I slr.nly adl.eie lo the Ci-h svs'ein. I AM le"i rs must he p. st paid, and sd.lies-ed to the Pu'dUhcrs -nd Pmnru-iors. BR SDBI'RY. snriEN A CO. 10 SehntJ st , Do-roil and Ml Nann st .V V. re 'pill, subsciihe.s. bavins- enter ii into a partner- shin in ih- prtclire nf the law. w II be happy tn spend to 1. l I lis lien euirnsn d io th ir rare. C..elinns w il be prompily ien 'ed lo. They mav alwavs be foUmi si their office, in Mirket street, Sunhury, occupied by Wm. Dewart, dee'd.. as a store-rm.m. WILLIAM L. DEWART, CHAHLEs J. BUl'.NER. Sunhury, Feb. 4h, le4J. 8m. Tavern .Votiec. To't flontteiihte C. G T)onnel Et Tresidenl. and his A'tncmtes, Judge, of th- Court nf Quar ter Srtnion. of the county nf Nfthumu'rltin't : flHE pel 'tlm of .lamr-s Le of'hnrfrVrbiiid, I. in (id county, huin' ty renresenls.'ihBt heron tinues to keep a honse of pohl-r? entertainment al his old stanil, in N rthtirnh rlsj d sou i W"l pre. pi'sd f if t"he accmrm nl .ti oi f fa veil 'rs. fee He therr fire prays your Honors tn L'rtOt Mm a license to keep a tavern during the cnstlinff ear. ami he wi l prsv. Ac. JAM ITS LT.H To THK Ji'liors ARftTR M t VTIOV Tl :The Siib. scri'era. t. siflen's of Nor hnrn'arl n. hereby Cer'ify tbai .1 aoies t,ee, fhe api Iteant for the lirense. is a TOMl of n.WI f.M-rjl for llOtirs'y B mI ''imp'iinre and is watt provided wifti hmi e m .m ind -o -yeni-enrV's for the 1 'dujirii! nnd ae-'oinm d ol rn rtf rr mii era and V y. rn, arr'l tb 1 a titiM r hoo 'hcreis necessa y triei t''enfo-e ism mm"i rl ti;masa prope- per on 'o be Hci rrseil to keep a public llOUSi1. Jo.rpli fl'iffrrian. J bo Shrinrr, J. H. Priesiley. Teter V mrltlng, J. Yori'fmin, J .s ph VaniVki, E. Woods. Feb. Ith.l43 3t Wm F rsvth, D Hrntrg-in, Jsnies TaL'Pnrt, Wm. II Ws,le, Joseph Wullrs. Ta v'i'n o ll c s To the Ihnnrabte C. G. Donnet, E,q PrrsiiJrrrf, and his Assrteinlc. Judges of the Court of Q'tnr ter S,ssivns of the enuntr, if A'orfrrrimnrriinr." FIVIE pctftiim 'nf Chtii'l-a Stoes, of NonhumrftT. L land, in aid county, represents, thJt he continue t o keip a honse isT poMic cntert riument. at the well known aneml, on the comer nf Ftont ian ltjn en streets, in N ..rthum'ierlynrl. rid isell prepared f-T the ucc. mmodati.m of nave Hers. Ac. He theref re pris your honors, to grant hrm a li cense to keep i lavern rJO'lnft the imstiitis year, anrl tie will p.av. Ac. CH ARLES S lKS. To tiik Junsr.s a rinvs MKirtosr it : 'lire suh sr ribers, Tesiilents of the town Nifrthnnitn'rland, her' by cer'ifv, that Charle- St.v, the applicant for ihe trci nse, is a man of good repute for honesty sml temtrerance, anil w wHI provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and tecum moilarion of simmers snd travelrers, and that a pub lic hoietnere is necessary : they therefore rvcom mend him as a projrer person ro lie licensed to keep a puti'te. nou . 1). B ant gam, J.ihn Wlrenthy. J icob Lei'eurtng, Jo-eph Wsl is, John Taggart, J R. Prie-thy, J. Woods. W m. H. W a plea, Alexander Colt, H t.ry W nck, John Fr ek. John Lei-efirinS, Feb 18 h. IM13 3t Tatt-rn uio. Ti th' Honorable C. G. Donnrl. Esq. President, and h'S .Issoeinfes J'idgcsnftlie Court of Quar tir Swotis for the ronntij of Xi)rlhumhrrtand . rMHK teVionot Elit Mh Writ I, . f Sotibu. 1 ry. in sd' county, humbly ri-) that she routine-s lo keep a h.ttse nf entertain- tn n1 at Irer nl.i ttan k in Sun'.orv, tn is well pre- pat d lor the BC-iimmndatlon of Iravelleis, Ac. She theref. re prays vi.ur Hoinrs to grant her a li cense to keep a tavern (.hiring the ensuing year, and Ac will fay. fee. ELIZABETH tVEI TZEL. To Tar. JetiOF." roTs MEMTiovEn : The sulr- crilers, iesi,l. ios of Sonbury, hereby certify, that hltiitreth Weitfcl, trie applicant for the license, is Iwly ' g nt reiulte for h.neiy and temperance, and is well provi d wilh h ni-e-room and c nv.-ni-enc lor the 1 slgmg a"d accomm. J it ton of tnn eers nnd traveller, and that a public hoU-e therj is neces. rv t tl ey therefore recommend her ss a prorer tiers. .n to be lie- ned to keep a public huUse, John B-.ear, Geo. Bright, Samuel Fetter, Charles Pleasants, (ten. Martin. Peter W. Gray, Lewis Dewurt, Geo. B. Youngnian, Mark P Scupham, D Din. kemtller, W. I Dewart, Thos. A. Billington. Feb. I8lh, 1843 St Tatrrn otlre To the Honorable C. G Donnel. Esq., President, and his Ahsociu'cs, Jidges of the Court of Qua- . fee Sessions of the enuntu of rthunitiertar,J '1 III E petition of P. ter We kl". of Coal township. in said county. huffiMv repre ents, thai r.e Plin iuuis to keep t .vein al his . Id si-md mi the roul Icolinj fr m the M.ih.'noVt to Sharr.okintorvn. .mil la well prepared f r the BcronV'im) alion nf tra vellers Ac. He therefore ,nvs y- ur t.. it r ant lorn a license to keen a t V'-rr ( durin 4 ihe en sun g m sr. and he wi I pray, ie. I E MR WEIKLE. To Tiir. .ItnO' s a Roc VivTtovta: The sub serit.i r re-idei t of Cor t.e ,, ship, hereby certifv, ih t Pet r . ik I 'he applicant for the license, is a mm of repu'e fr honesty and tempi ranee, and is ell proV ded with house room and c 'nvehi enc. s for (he Imleing and accommixiation of strap, ger- and travellers, and that a public house there is necessary : they then fore recommend hirr, M a pr .per per n io ne licene,l to ke. p a put lp . house .lAC.iti Kram. S rpbeo F.isenhart, John Tre.(Ot .lerenvah Zimmerman, J -sei h Snvder, Robert Pt.ii ps, Feb. ISth. 1843 3t. Tavern To the llmorohle C f. 1 ner dimmer rniini Ri.hard Woolverton, Thomas Vienninger, Dvid rj llinan. Henr Klock, J ,,, Wele. t . T Xvili'. Ihmnel. Esq., President, and h:s Associates 1 J'l7lt ter Sessions. ,f lh't rountu f Nnrthunibe, land : I . '"."""'.i .f Jame. Sh rt.l. . f Coal town- -hip in 1.Uj r u,,tv, humbly repr-aeiils, thai lie Coihiii' ( ((( k(1 p H j,tt,jc , "u.r f e,,t,.ri,,j. ment, ' j . . 1 Sh.i...Liniow. and is well piepated f .r the accommodation "f travellers. A c. He ther- fore pra s VOVlT Honors to g'Snt h m a license tn k- cp a tavern iluii- e tl.e ei-suiui: eai, a.,d he will pray, ic. J XMES SHOi ri'.L. To r 11 a J rents arovk m nti.K r : The sub scrils rs, resident of Coal tsh'p, hereby certify, 1h.1t Jsioe Sbntiel, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute lor honesty and temper nice, and is wt-l! provided for house-room and convenien ces for ihelodlni and arounm datton of stranueis and travellers, and that a public hnpse there is ne cessarv : they theref .re recommend h;m as a pro per pers n to be !beni'd 10 kei p a pn'dic hnuc. Joseph hner J c I. U ir, F A CI rk. Kim' er 1 'I. avei, Ca-H'r "hull, (in ((( s'li,-f, Jol 11 Kent. J ime. B. PatitCr, Dai i I I'hrl-ti.ll, .1 co Mowry, Peter 2 nuneiinait, M iclia I ' i ighao. F.b. I lib. I13 3t i 11 A ec 1. i s ru SATS ATTORNEY AT t. AW, AS removed his office to the rci m of RR the hrrk hou-e. form. Hy It own as Smith's I'er-i. . n ihe sniph west comer of the sou are on Vaifc. t street. Bu-n.e- lit iisnd to his care, 111 this e-'tnny, and in the r nut ea of I'nioii, Colum h a anil I.K-roion..', w II receive prompt attention. S01 hiuv. Feb 4. 113 4t. "ln rit E is bere'V ein. th I alt thn-e indels. tal to ihe (1-m - f Wood A Rhawn, by noie, ...i d or book ceU'it. sra K quested to o m frr Wa d . (1 senle il etr accounts, on or fx fore Ihs 1st nf M tch i t'll. All those ro nplyii ( with tba a hove ironist, will confer a fnr. nr. perhaps, save cost. Witt ID A K HA W.N. Suiilurf, Jan. 58th, 1843 6 1. Tavt-rii Xotlrc. 7b the llonoralh C. G. Donnrl. Esq , i'rr','e o'r end hi Associates. Jui.'gts (fthe Cimrt of Q r ter Sessions, nf the thtinfy of KortliUmitrlund fMpfTn fretitlon of Fratikliri A. Clark, of Sh um.. kin. in said county, humb'y re(ircsents, that he continues to keep a public hou-c of entertnin m"rn at hi old stand, in Shimr kintown.and is wetl prep irej fir the tfCComrpiHlition of trav Hers, Ac. lie therefore prays your Honors to grsnt him a li- -Crnsc lo keep a tavern, during the enduing year, and hp will pray, Set. FRANKLIN A. CLARK. To Tttr. .lr nuts abovs m rto-tSD : -The sub criers, Tcsidetita of Sbamokin, herehy crrtify, that Franklin A. Clark, the applicant for the lioti.r. is a mttn of nood reprtte for honesty and tempi ranee, Rhfi is well provided wfch hou-e io m ind convnii cneea fot the I rlgfng and accommodation of strati gr'rs and travellers, snd that a. public hotise there it 'iiei-esitary they therefore recommend him ss a proper person to beliccnsrd to keep a pullltc house. Joseph Allium, tieorge Armstrong, jr. Joseph Dimmich, Hi iijmnln T. Rotioy, William Gilroy, J. is. ph Zurn, Daniel Evert, John K. Robins, Jacob Bair, Willi:. m Fagety, John Thompson, J 'hn H. Rnnvsn. Feb. Uth, 189.s3l 4rp1iaMH Court Sale. I X pursuance of an ordei of Ihe Orpheirs' 'Court of Noith'rmberland County, will be expo si-d p r-ale, at the I do residence of Wm.Garret, (jec'J., on Saturday tho 2&tli day of Match next, to wil : A certain Ir ct nf :w.Vnl 1 ind, sflitale in Hu ll township, tn sai I cirunty. containing twenty lit acres, a ljoiniti j lands nf Enos Shurpless, .1 icol (iearhart's devisees, (i, urge Ge.irhart and 'oTliers, lale ihe e-lale of said (NcM. Sale to cominenco at t o'cl.rclt nfsaid dy when the conditions uf sa! w ill re mk.hiknoMn by fell ARPLESS TAYLOR, JOHN C.'iRIER, Jan. 2$, 1813. r,rir's. lr. ii. . XVt iHci. FFERS his profesainual servics. to the citizena of Sunlrury, and vicinity. Office neyi rloort.t the risjideuce of Revd. R. A. Fisher, wliers'hv miy be found, ntdess engagad iu discharging fht'tAMlie nf bis pTolesaiOn. Oct 8th, !8l4. if. mu l dki iii:iiiu,iLn, HATTER, VERY RESPECTFULLY beg; Voave to in form his rusluniera and the publi'i generally that he still continues the SlAtTINO IlXJStNitfrs. in all its various branches, in ihe shop, neatly -opposite the Buck Tavern, formerly nccupbd by Henry Haas and himself, under tho firm of Hub A DrUckemiller, which firm ha bon mutually dis solved. He hopes, by his Ion apxperience in the above business, and strict attontron thereto, lo ren der general a itisfaction, end le-ceive a liberal share of public patronage. Sunlnny, October 1 5th, 1 8 12. fim. UiNION UOTEI ((id rral Stage t)J',) JDC Tat' J FQsT CCS mr m, fr.oioxjsrG cOttnty, lr;niiN3itanla. )Hj1HE !iib ;riler respectfully informs his friend ""wo public in general, that he has tukcit the abovo JjARGE asd commodious HOTEL 1 N T II E BO ROUGH O F M L' N C Y, d that he is now well prepared to accotnnioJsti) all who may favor him with their custom. His SiM.riso ArAHTFTS tfrc well aired, and comfortable. His Tabi.r aid Ba will always be sUpplinl ith the best the maiket can afford. His Starlivo, which i gextd. will be undet the charge of good and careful hostlers. He f. els confident, by strict attention lo bu-incss and an earnest desire to render comfortable those who may patronite him, that he will not fail (ogive general satisfaction. H. 1). WEAVER. Muncy, OcUUt, 1810. tf. A CARD. Tr. .1. W. Iral bess leae to tendet' his grata ful acknowledgments to the people of Suiihuitf nnd surrounding country, fot thcit past encourage ment in the lirre 01 his prolcssion ; nnd Would nl the same time aiinminco to them, that he still in tends to continue the praoti.e of medicine in sll it various departments. He would, Iherefore, solicit s continuance of their confidence and patronage. He may he found at all limes al his office, in luir ket tltreet, unless professionally engaged. Sunhury, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. A CARD. Dr. 1. T. Tl ltOS, Respectfully inform th citizens of Sonbury and vicinity, he has ' ken an office in (he builJiug lately occupied by Pel. r Lnt.itus as a drug atore, in market atteet, Sui.buty, where he may be found al all hours, unless prnfci. Siotiallv rpgs;id. DR. TR1TES returns his sincere thanks for hi encouragement he has trciiied, in the line of h.s profession, in lliis place, and Inlets, by prompt at lent on 10 (he duties of his pri.les.sion. and rea-on able chaiges, that he will continue to receive a liberal share of tho public patronage Siiubury,Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. SURGEON DENTIST, 11 KSPBCTFl'LLY inlorme the public that h has made Northumberland his permanent plrtei of lesidence, anJ is ready to attend to Wf c ills in the line of hU profcistion. July 2, TAILORING, ON HIS OWN HOOK. PETE? O-STTS?., tjF.sPECTFU.LY infoims his friend anJ t!.8 - public generally, that he has commenced th Tailoring: II u s i n e , j j t U ,Iai,rfie!ll i (he house formerly occupied" I l.u VV. T.,r. . T.,l.,r sthnn in lllA ..w, , street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Church. He respectfully solicits a fchare of the public patron age, and trusts by strict attention to business and reasonable charges, he will be enabled to give gn.' rral silislaciion. Sunbuty, June ISth, 1812 ty FwaliTuppy vf KOiToi.NtXu:NTriecVi'. .1 und for sale I.y U. B. IIASSL'R. Nov. 19th. 1S43. BLANKS FOR PALE AT THIS OFFICE