Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 11, 1843, Image 4

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    1IAK XOTi: LI8T.
I'i:.SYLTA5IA. ,
The following lint shows the torrent tslut of al!
Pennsylvania Hank Note. . The mot Irrpllcit re
liance may I placed upon it, it ietvry orA
carefully compared with bi 4 come sJ. from Bi k
fetU's Reporter. ' - "
Hanks In Philadelphia.
m . Disc.
Bank of North America . . pnr
Wank of the Northern Libert lea . . par
Commercial Bsnk of Perm a." . " ', par
Farmera and Mechanica' Until" . ' ; ' par
Kensington Dank . '" . . pur
Philadelphia Bank ' . ' , . par
Schuylkill Hank ' " ' , . . pai
Bnulhwark Hank " ' ' . ' . paf
Western Dunk ( , par
Mechanics' Rank" " ' ' . . ri
' Country Bonks. "'
Bunk of Cheater County Weetchester
Rank of Delaware County
Bank of Germsntown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dojlestown Dank
Eion Bank
Farmera Rank of Buck Co.
Office of Bank of riiiti'a.
Harriburg" These
Office do
OfTir Jo
OOio dd
Lancaster I offices
Reading C do not
Esston J issue n.
Bank of the United Stutca
Rank of Penn Townahip
Philadelphia C5a60
GirardRank . . 40a45
Manufacturers' A Mechanica' Bank 7
Meyamcnsing Bank . . 7
Bank of Pennsylvania . IS
Miners' Bank of Poltaville Pot'aville .
Hank of Iewistown Lewistown 17
Hank of Middietwn Middleman 7
Bank of NorthuiulreilanJ Northumberland 7
Columbia Bank At Dridge co. Columbia Ij
Carliale Bank Carlialc 8
Exchange Bank Pittaburf S
I)o do branch of Hollidayabnrg 3
Farmer' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster 3
Lancaster County Hunk l.ancaater 2
Farmera' Bank of Heading Reading 7
Harriaburg Bank Harrisburg 10
Lancaater Bank l.ancaater 3
Lebanon Bank ' Iiebanon 6
Merchanta' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 2
Bank of Pittsburg : Pittebuig 3
Weat Branch B-ink Williamaport
Wyoming Hank : Wilkeabarra 17
Northampton Bank Allentown : 31
Ketka County Bank Reading
Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittaborg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ina. A . i do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. .do
Bank of Chambertiburg . . Chambcrsburg i S
Baak of Gettysburg Gettysburg ,9
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montioae 10
Erie Bar.k . Erie .7
Farmer' & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg , 1 1
Franklin Bank. . Weahinaioo . ; 3
Hrmeadale Bank , , Iloneadale ,,. li
Monnngahela Bank of B. , Drowniville . 4
York Bank York 8
.N. D. The notca of thoae banka on which we
emit quotationa, and substitute a daah () are not
purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the
exception of thoae winch have a letter ol reference,
Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schu)1killSav.lna. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyoll, prop.)
ltd led
J owanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Waehingtoa
Centre Bank
City Bar.k
Farmers' it Mech'ca' Bonk
Farmere' &. Mech'ca' Bank
Farmera' &. Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Baik of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. A(tr. & Manuf. Bank
8ilver Luke Bunk
Union Bank of Penn'a.
NVeatmoreland Bank
Wilkefcbarre Bridge Co.
Bclh fonie
Fayette co.
Greeucart e
no aale
no tale
no aale
Huntingdon no aale
LcknIomi) noajle
VV'arren fuiled
Dundaff no aale
New Hope closed
Milnm no aale
Meadfille cluaed
I'orl Cuiboli foilid
Carliale failed
Montioae closed
Uniontown f.iiled
Greenaburg closed
Wilktabarre no aale
trj' All note purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above li.t, may be act
down at froudt.
Bank of New Biunawick Brunawick failed
Belvidere Bal k Belvidcre 1
Burlington In. Bank M til lord r
Commercial Bank Penh Amboy 2
Cumberland Bank Bridgeton par
Farmera' Bank Mount Holly par
Farmera and Mecbaiura lit Itabway 1
Farmera' and Mechanica' Bk N. Brunawitk failed
Farmer' end Merchanta' Bk Middletown Pi. 3
Fraukliu Bank of N. J. Jeraey City failed
Uoboken Bkg & Grazing Co Hobuken failed
.Taraey City Bank Jeraey City tailed
Mechanica' Bal k Patleraou failed
Manuntctutiia' Bunk Belleville fulled
Morria Conipany Bank Morriatown 2
Mouiuoufti Bk of N. J. Freehold failed
Mvchanica' Bank Neaik 1
Mcchaiiica J renton par
Morna Catdl and Bkc Co" Jireey Citt
PoetNotea rofale
Newark Bkn & Ina Co Newaik 1
New Ho Del Bridge Co I.umlierUvUle
N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hotxiken
M J Pioleclon & Luubaid bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk .Orange 2
l'ateraon Bank Patcraon failed
Peoplea' Bank do I
Frineelon Bank Princeton par
Salem Banking Co fcalcm pr
Hule Bank Newark 1
fctale Bank Elixabellitow n 1
Slate Bank Camden par
Hats Bank of Morris Moniatonn 1
Plate Bank Vietuon failed
Salen and Pbilad Manuf Ce Salem laibd
Buaaex Bank Nilon IJ
Trenton Banking Co Tiei.tnn- ' pHr
Union Bank , D' , 'i
WaaLinglot Panlirg To," llatkenaacV faihd
" rnmuAiiE.' . "
Bk of Wilm A Braitdjwini W i mine ton put
Rank ef Delawaa Wilinn jjtun pal
, Bank nf Smyrna Smyrna J r
Do laanch Miriord r
Farmera' Bk of State nf Lei Dov.i par
Do branch ' iln.irtton par
Do btaneh Georgetown pr
Do br.iinh Newcastle par
Union Bur.k V ilmingtun ar
Undai 'a 3
(tj On all lanks maked I sua () there are ei-thn-r
counterfeit or el ered not if Ike aiiie da
' Btinnnttlui.a, iii tirtvfs'.iori.
The brtt method fur the Aholilinn of Ditea$c
K to cleanse end purify the sixty. . , .
AVitir;iiT's -
or TUB
Vr American Collrgt f ITealth,
Art now acknowledged t h the brat Medicine in
the orltl for the cure or
BECAUSE ihry completery rbanae the ato
ma. h and bnwela from thi ae bdlioua and cor
rupt bumnra wbich are the cause not omy pi
Headache, CKMini a. I'alpitatinn or the lieu.
I'a-na in the Bonea. Rheumat am and Mow. run
every mahw'y ir.cid.-nt to nin. RAIIJ lMJIAiN
VEGETABLE P1L1.8 are a eerain cure for in
teimittent, icmitttd, nervoita,inflamatoiy and pu'rid
Fevera. beciiiiae ttirv cleanao ihe pody trrm inoe
morbid hnmora, which, when confined to the circti
Intion. are ihccaiKeof all kinda of FEVERS. Ho,
aluo, when the aamn impurity i dcpoailcd on the
membmne and nuiarlc, ciniain(r puna, inn.ima.
tiona and awelliiiRB culletl Mlt.lJ.'ViA I io.yi,
001 T.Ac. Wright'a Indian VepetaMe Pilla may
bt relied on aa a'wava erlain to aive T.-lief, and M
pereeveied with, accoidlng to directiona wdl most
aaauird'y, and without Tail, nake a juvtect cu e ol
the above painfol n.aladiea. From ihri-c to aix of
aald Indian Vegetab'c Pitla t iken every night go
ing to bed, will In a rhmt lime to completely rid
the body from every thing that i opp.wd to health,
that Rheurmilhm, Gout, and of every ilckcrip
tion, will be literally DRIVEN FI50M THE BO
DY. For the anme reaaon, when, trom audiien
changea of atmosphere, or any other cauae, the per
apitalion ia checked, and the humora which ahotild
p.ia off by th ak':i are thrown inwardly, causing
HEADACHE. lilUUL. rs, nBUsea ami icr
neae, pain in the bonea, watery and ii. flamed eyea,
aore throat, hoaraenr-a, rongi-.a, conaumpntm-,
rheumatic paina in rarioua parta of the body, and
many other avmp'oma of CATCHING CDI.D,
WriglS Indian Vegetable -Tith will inariaby
give immedi ite relief. From thiee to aix of aid
Pitla taken everv niuht on coins t bed, will in a
ahort time, not only remove all the above nnplea int
aym toma, but Ihe boily w II. in a anon lime, ne
reatored to even aoundcr henbh than lefore.
INC. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pill will looa
en and cany off, by the atoinach and bowria, those
tongh phlcgmy humor, which atop up all the air
cella of the lunga, and are ihe cause, not only of the
above diatrcaaing complaint, but when neglected,
often terminates in that mo.edteadful malady called
CONSUM PTION. Il t-hnnM br a'aoretneinheifil
that Wrighfi Indian Vegetable Pill are a certain
cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nuu
ace, and sickness, los of appetite, coativenfsa. h
vcllow tince of the tkin and eyes, end every other
J . .. ... f.t-l: .
symptom or a torpid or diseased siaie oi me nyerj
lcauae they purge from the body those impurities
tvliiVK if it. tioniieil iinnn Ihia important nrflHn. are
the cau-e of every variety cl l.iv r.u .v-
PLAINT. When a natim is convulsed ly not
outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prrvent
ins the dreadful con-equencea of a CIVIL WA h
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed once rrom
the country. In like manner, ween pain or sick
ness of any kind, intricate that ihe hody is strop
eline with internal foes, the true remnlv is to t..
health and, fife,) Health will be the certain reiult.
'That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing
and purifying the body,'! etrictly in accordance
with the lawa which govern tn animal economy ;
and if properly carried out by the use of the above
named ' w Klii ll l n l.i' triuniniinn
FILLS, will coitaiuly result In the complete AIo
lilion of Dineaae wn offer the following testimoni
als, from peraont nf the hichest repeetability in
New York, who have tecentiv been cuted ol tne
n.ot obstinate complaints, solely bv the liae of
WmniiTa l-U'liii reETHLC tills, ol Hie
Xorth American College of Health i
Jamaica. I.. I., Jun9ih. 1S41
Doctor Vil!ia-n Wriffht- Dear Sir It ia with
great sati-faction I inform you of my having leen
entirely cured of Dyspepsia, or five years standing
by the ui-e oryour ImiAii fostahlk till.
Previous to mce'incf with your celebrated md
cine. I had been under the hands of several Physi
cians, and had tried various medicinea; but all to
no elfect. After using one 25 cent Imix of jour
Pills, however, I experienced eo much berrfil, that
I resolved to perseveie in the use of them aecoidinu
Indirections, which 1 am happy to elate, In. reuii
cd In a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the
great benefit I have received, and uuo in ine nope
that others eimilarly afflicted may be induced to
mke trial of your exiraordinvy medicine, 1 send
you this statement with full liberty to publish the
same, u yon think projier. lours, c.
New Yoik, June 1'J, mil. u.u. ui.aiiv.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wrlghi'e Indian
Veeetable Pills.
l)PBrSir 1 have 1m en afflicted for spvornl years
with inward weaknesa and general debility, aceom
nanied at time with paina in the side and other
distressing complaints. Aftei having tried varioiia
medicines wi'bonl ttV ct. I was iiersumlud by a flit ml
lo make trial cf Dr. Wiight'a Indian Vegetablo
Pills, which I am happy to atate. have relieved me
in a moat wonderful manner. 1 have used the me.
ilicine, as yet hut a short time, and have no doubt
bv a nerseverairce in ihe use nf the medicine accnr
dine lo directiona. tlwt I shall in a ahort time be
nerficilv re-tore l.
I most w illinelv recommend said Pdl to all per
aoiu. similarly ffllieted. and in the full belief that
the eume beneficial reauMawill follow their une.I re- voura ainceielv. HKNKY A. FOUTE
fifwsifitig, c liner co. i
Ni w VoMK.Sept. 29. 141.
Thia is to certify ihM I have used WaioiiT
Npiak VsnsTABLR I'lin with the greatest bene-
fitt having einirelv cured myself nf the freouent al
tacka of Sick Hradaebe, to wbirh I had previously
been aubiect. ANN MARIA THOMPSON
392 (Sreenwich aireei. N. Y
To Mr. Richard T linis, Agent for Wrighl'a In
dun Vegetable PlIU.
VJt IT I .V. j
As there are nt ibis lime many wicked persona
busily engaged in sc Ping a counlerfeit medicine un
der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pills and aa
thec desperate mm are so utterly reckless ofecn
s.rpienc.s, that many valuable I vc may be bst In
consequence of vsingtleir tlrendful compound,
the ubl e are csulioned against purchasing any
Pill, sunless on ihe li.'esuf the boxes the following
wording i f tm ' t
(Indian Purgative)
Its rrtt sneta laisiria roLiine of nrtiTB.
And a'se lo le especilly careful again! pureba
sir g arid nif'ieinr ( any ron except lire regu
lar a.lverl sed rgen'B.
A MATS fVll AOIiTlll Mil I'liLA A) CO ,
11. B. Vaer, Sunbury Payne A Rose, Nor-ibumlx-rUnd
Jacob Haas, Sbamokin tamue
Herb, Mubonov Byerly k D. Haaa, Augusta
Heimr A Kollmer. Milton Ireland A Meixell,
McEwensvi le P fi r A Dearmoiid, Turbutsville
James I'red. I'olUgrove H. Kbuw, Knyihralown
II. II. Kuri-lwl. P. M.. EUsburg P. O. Wm.
Lei'4'iiring. I' M. Union Comer.
llrHre vr.d General Ilenot for the sale of
Wrigh 'i liidiun Vriseiat'tr Pills. Wholesale and No. 1'J RACE STREET, PlllLAlJEL
PIMA. . - ' May II, 181. ly
ron TirrTEn.
itnowonint, rtMPi.rsi on tub rArie, and
(J T)e fulhiwfng ctrtifica'e deferilxt one of the
mnet extraordinary evret ever effected by any
PitttAntirnti. February 10, 119.
IJOR twenty years I wa severely afflict, d with
TxTTfit on the Face and Head: the disease
commenced when 1 w is aeventecn jeara old, and
continued until the Fall of In6, v.itving in vio
lence, but without ever drsaparinff. - During wvrst
of the lime, great pari of my fie was covered with
the emotion, frcouentlv attended with vio'ent itch
ing ', my head swelled at limrs until it fell aa if il
would burnt ill swellin i waa so great, that I could
scarcely get my hat tin. During the long
that I was afflicted wbh the disease, I used a great
many a plications (among them a. veral celebrated
preparations) as- w II as taking luwow remcuiea,
ineludiriga number of bottles of Sivaim't Panacea,
Kxlrnet nf S'arsaparillu, A-c, ' In fact, It would be
Impossible trt enumerate all the medicines I used,
I wat also nnder the Care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physiciana of thii city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of ISHfr, the d,seae ht the time
belni7 verv violent. I commenced using the 'time
Ointment, prepared bv Vanglian ct, IJ.ivis.) in
f. w anpbcatinna the violent itclnrig craseo, me
swelling aba'ed, the eruption begBii to disappear.
and Iref.irc I hud used a the di-ease was eatiiety
cuied. It ha now been nearly a year and a ha.r
since, and there is not a vestige or the disease re
maining, except the scare from the deep pits lorinccl
by the di-ease. It ia impossible for me to deacril
n a csrtificate the severity nt ttie disease ann my
uff. ring, but I will 1-e ple .sed to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting rurther aalislaction.
who will cull on me. A I the time I coir.msnce.l
using the R. ae Ointment I would have given bun
beds of dollars lo le rid of the disease. Mince U-
sing it, I have recommended it to several H?rsons,
among them mv mother, who nail Hie disease nan-
ly on her arm.) who were a 1 cured lv it.
J A M KS LM KIM'.I.I., Io. ion, It'ice i.
i-rV The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H
Vautfhan, Soh'Ii Eaul corner of Third and Race
tro.U, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
rv. by H. 1). MASSE R,
May Hih, 1B42. Agent.
Hose Oiiitiiicnt, lor TcMcr.
pHii.AnitriiiA.May 27th, 1M0.
THIS i to cerlify thai I was severely alH.ctcil
uith Tetter in the hand and feet for upwards
of forty years v tins disease waa attended generally
with vio'ent rtrhtng and swelling. I appneti 10 t
number of pbjsioijna, and used a great many appli
cation! without eiieciiiig a cure, vimm i mi
since, I appbed the Roe Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itcrvnq.and a few application imincili
atelv cured the disease, which there ha been no
return of, although I bad never la-en rid or il at
ony time for forty years. KICHAKD SAVAGB,
- Eleventh, below Spruce Street.
The Rose Ointment ia prepared by E. B.
Yaimhan, S iuih East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and Bold on agency in Snnbn
,y. .y H. B. MASSER,
May 14th. ixn. j si'-
Of the ROSi: OLSTMF.ST, far Tetter.
. ..... y . , . I . : ' . . r M.H...II..H
Al. 1 IILiUun me sppcnoruT ' uw I"' p.
over all others is fully eatabliahed, the proprie
tor take pleasure in laying before iho public the
following certificate from a resectable, physician,
a graduate of the Univeraity of Pennaylvani. Dr.
Uaugh, having found in tin lemetiy tnai renei r..r
a ledioua and disagreeable affection which the meana
within the range of hia profeasion failed to afford,
has not hesitated logive il hia approbation, nlthough
the prejudices and intcreata of thai profession ate
eppoaed to aecret Remedies.
1 HILAnKLPHIA, oeni. ia, iron.
I was recentlv troubled with a tedious herielic
eruption, which covered nearly one ai.le of my free,
un.l extended over Ihe ear. Mr. augnan, proprie
tor of the Rose Ointment, observing my face, insi
led on my trying his preparation, of which he ban
del me a Although in common with the mem
here of mv profession, i discountenance ami uisa-
r.rove of ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the
1 . ..:-.. I
pul.hcl.y lanorant pretenders, I leei in ju ire douiio
to except the Rose Ointment from lhai class of me
dicines, and to give it my appronauon, aa n eimre-
ly ured ihe eruption, although It had resisted the
usual applications. DANE. BAUGH, M. D.
QfJ The Rose Ointment ia prepared by U. B.
Vauchan, South East corner ol Third and Rice
Htreets, Philadelphia, and aold on agencv in Xuu-
liury, hy u. niAswnii,
May I4ih, ISI2.
C'rnrrnl roniiiilftKfoii Jl'r limit,
I'or the Stile of Flour, tiraiu, Sttd, Jjc, e.
RESPECTFULLY inform their friend and
the Merchants generally, that they have ta
ken those large and commodious Wharves, with two
Dtxk, north of Chesnut alreet, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. 13 South Wlnrvc,
where the? would lie pleased lo receive consign
ments of Orain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward ull kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by
the Chesapeake and Tide Water t'anals, as low
boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing
boat by either route.
Meit'hunls will ple.ise lie particular lo send their
goods destined by either canals, to No. I'J South
Whrvea, Inlween Market and Chesnut atreeia, on
the Delaware, with directiona accompany ing ihein
which route they wish I hem to I slnppe.l.
(Tj- Plaster and Salt lor sale, at Ihe lowest mar
l iTrice. BOLTON & C".
ket price.
March 19, 1842.
No. 19 South Wharves.
a n a ja7 an
.sunlttii y, r(liumltrrlaiil C'oiiuly,
riIIE mbscrilMT nahcilully inlorina the public,
X lb"! he has iciiiove.l to ihul large and roiiiino
dioua Brick House, on Market square, opjroaite the
O.uil Hou-e. (formeily kept bv Hirani Piice.)
where he is now prepared to accoininoibile all who
may favur bun wnh a call. Jleing thanklul tor
paal f.vois, be hopes by slriet allentiou lo business.
lo icttiva a liberal snaie ol puniic pairouage. cvc.
Sunbury, March 5th, 184 J. ' t .
Limiii lime: XiixixsT
TlllE aulscrilfia are prepared to furnish f.irmers
1 and oilier with any quantity of l.linenl a verv
suisfritM aualilv Lr land, or iilaistering, al the fol
lowing very ntlursd prires, vix: 8 CIS. per bushel
for l aud Lime ; 10 eta. for Hie best quality ol pi iis
leiino Lime, at the kilns, llow the '.K.rough of Suii'
bury. They will also deliver, al any place within the
borough tit' buubury. Lime for land, al 10 cenu .ei
bushel, and Lime for plaisler ing at It) cents per
bushel. 'J 'lie sutuK-iiher! have always on hand, a
large quantity of Lime, lis qualdy is good, mul
their liniesluiic is not equalled by any III Hit neigh
Aiitis. Afiil Cd, IM'f
A T T O It N K Y AT f,AV,
BUlIBtjnV, PA.
Bualnesa allended to in ihe Counties of Nor-
thuiplerland, Union. L coming and Colunibia.
Herrr lot
ThO N AtT 11 A HT cV Co.,
I.nwrn A lltano.
' Habt. CrMnmoa ft Hat,' Philad.
Rtoi.riB, McFAWiAwn AcCo.
Pe rai no, 'Jonii A. Co.,
. Sunburn, JWrrlkftnberland t'mmtyf
lnilNllllla. .ii
rptllE suWriber, respectfully intdrma the public
I. rfliat ho has removed In that large and coiuino.
dioua Tavern Stand, at the comer of Market and
Fawn streets,, (sign of the Buck.) formerly occu
pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel Gib
ann, w here he ia nnw prepared lo accommodate all
who may favor hiirv with a call. By atrict atten
tion lo business, and hia ntmost endeavor to render
satisfaction lo all, he hopes In receive a liheral share
ol public patronage.' Cll AIII.KS WliAVtK,
inibury, March 12lh, 1842. f t
CoiiiilrrrrllrrH Ilrntli mow.
The puMic will please observe that no Brandieth
Pills are genuine, unlcaa.lha Imx has three l i
bels upon il, (ihe top, the s'nle and the bottom)
eirh containing a f.ic.-simile signature nf my hnnd
w riling, thus H. BaAsnar.TH, M. D. These la.
bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and Hone at an expense of over f 2.0tKt. Thercfite
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in Its purity, is to observe these
Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom.
The following respective persona are duly auhori
xed, and hold -
For the sale of ltrandreih't Vegetable Vnivertal
Norlhumlrerland countv : Milton Mickey &"
Chmlteilin. Sunbury H. B. Maser. M'Ewensv
ilk lrel mil A Meixell. Nonhninl-eiland Wm.
Forsyth. (Jeorgetown F. Midhngor A. Co.
Union County New Berlin J"hn Hoffman.
Selinsprove Ever and tSehnure. Mi.hlleburg
Isaac Hmith. Beavcrlown J. A F. Bingaman.
Aibmsbiirg H.' A. A. Smith. Mifllinshtug
Swope eV L:iir.l Ilartlelon lbintel Long. Free
,ur(! (, & F. C. Mover. t'entrcvil!e Stalley
A. Lcuharl. Lewishurg Wall A (Jreen.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynold
A Co. Berwick Shuman A. Kitlenhnuse. Oat
tawissa C. A. A O. (J. Brobt. Ulnomsburg
John R. Mover.1 Jcfscy Taan Levi Hisel. Wi
shiiton Robt. MiCay. Limestone -D. L.
Schineck. . . , r , , .
Observe ihnt each Agent ha an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agencv. containing a representation of
Dr BRANDRETH'H M.inulwiory at Sing Sing,
nnd upon which will also be seen exact copiea M
the new labels nuto utcil uton the lirandrdh J'tH
Bares. . J
Plnlidelpbia, office No. 8, North 8th alreet.
J inuarv lat, 1H42.
IX- JBflL 'IOIl- '
ITOR sale a small Farm,' containing about nne
hundred and ten acres, mora or le-a, annate
in Point township; Nofthuml erland eonntv, about
twa milrt ahnvw 1 Northumberland,' on the main
road leading from that place to Danvillo, aitjnining
land-i of John lghou, Je.-ae('. Hfioii and others,
now in the occupancy ' of Samuel Pnyne. About
forty acres of said tract are rteaicd, and in good
state of cultivation, on which there ia a small barn
erecl. d. The property will 1 sold on r asonable
terms. For further particulars, pel sons are request
ed to apply to the tubseribr r.
H. B. MASSER, Agent.
Nov. 27th, 1M2. if Sunbury. Pa.
iWiTiriTK i:r.s,
No. 71 Ciillowhill Street, riiila.lcljiliia.
C Three dunrs alxn-e tieetind.J
Ci HOB Fimling always kepi on hand, which hr
iilli ra for sale on the lose-t terms. Country
Mereh irrls arc parliculirly lo c ill and judge for
the in sel tea.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1812. ly.
as a
No. 2!) Ntirth" Water Street, l'hila.
MANUFACTUREPtS anj dealcra in Oila or
every description both for burning and
manufacturing purposes, which will !e sold inJch
lower than they can las procured elsewhere, and
wurranit'd in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by Ihe company not proving aa represented,
may he returned without any expense to the pur-
h;iser, and Ihe money w ill 1 refunded.
I heir slot k now in store conaiats ol Ihe following
oils, viz:
30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim"
do Colorless Oil,
Fall and Spring Sperm Oil,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Pre.aed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
Common Whale Oil,
2111) Rjrrels supeiioi Stra.a Oil,
300 do Cod Uunk till,
50 do Neaia Fool O.I,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner' I Ills,
rVThis Company ha a numlier of Vesaela en
gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely
upon gelling al all times Oil as pure aa imported.
Philadelphia, Iov. 13. ii. ly.
G. V". & L. B. T-7LCF..
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Market Stretts, Philadel
Mens l.all-ssiii llools,BtiU'lieii warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double soles
and double uppers,
do Cult-skill do do
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boot.'
do do Neata do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Call-skin,
do do do Crockcra do
do Fine Monroes warranted
dj 11 3 i led
do Kip ' do
do I '!f do
do Coarse do
thi do Shoea
do Fine ' ' do
do Kip do
do Calf and Seal Skin Ptiinpa.. ... .
" do' List Hocks with and without soles,
do Carpet do ' do ' do ' ' "
do Patent Warranted Waler-prool Moccasiiia.
LadicV do do ' do do
Ladles' tanned India Rubber shoes.
I ientlemeiia' do t ver shoea. '
With every other dec ipiiu of Imois and shoe.
Fur Cb of every dew riplion.
Travi'llmg Trunk ot en ry deM-siplinn.
Veueliriii 'J'ran lling D igs.
Patent tiuin EUsiu: ("hoe Itlackine.
lloiiui la of ..II I'.il.n Leal II..I.
I'hlUdtlj hia, Nwvflubt r 13. 184'i. ly.
, A N artie'e unequalled for cleaning and giving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Bra, Copper, llrittunia ware,
Tin, Sleel, Cutlery, and for restoring the luatrc on
varnished carriages, Ac TRV IT.
Prepared and Bold al wholesale and retail, by the
Susriuehtnina Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, N. Y. ,
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Nnrthum'd,
. H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury.
Nnvcmlrer 2lllh. 1842. .
KiL7 & BP.OTHILB., ..
No. 122 Clicsnut St reet, below '4th,
rjiiJaJcTpIa; "
T7"EEP constantly on hand a general asaort
ment of Books nnd Stationary ; compriaing
'Mieological, Law,. Medical, Classical. Miseellane
ous and School BooRs, Day Books, all bixcs,' Led
gers, db.i Familv Bible!, Pocket Bibles, Wiitiflf
Para, Wrapping Papera. Afl. Ac, which they ofi
ler at the Ir.west prtces to Country Merchant a ITc.
fessional Oontlemen, Teachers, and all ethera that
may favor them with their cqatnm. . ,"
PhilaiMphia, Novemler 13. 1B43. ly.
.llidiacl Weaver & Son,
ncrs macecs & snip chandlers.
An. 13 A'oriA Water Street. I'hilodctyhia,
AVE conaiantly on hand, a general assort
ment -of Cordage, Scina J wines, cVe., ix I
Ropes, Fishing Rones, White Rones, Manil
la Hones, low Lines Tor Canal Lfoats. Also, a
complete assort men t of Seine Twines, Ar, such ea
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (Sill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twire.Shne
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, lied Cords, t'lugh Lines,
II alters, Traces, Jot ton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Sir., all of which they will dispose of on reasonable
teims. -i'
Philadelphia. November 13. 1H42. ly.
Jacob EiiKiiiutli & Sim.
1) F.SPEO'l FULLY inlorrns llnir frienda and
k acquainlances genernlly thai llrey still con
tinue lo keep al ihe old atiind, No. 116 North 3d
alreet, Philadelphia, all Vinda of
Which they will sell m the in jt ; accommodating
anil ieiH..iia .le terms.
N. B. All goods told w'.Il be guai in lee J and nil
order promptly atti inl.ul lo,
Philadelphia, 13, 1 S4 2. I y.
WJiolusalc, ami Retail Shoe, Bonnet,
and l'alnt Ieaf I lat Warehouse.
iVo. 66 North 3d ttrret, a feii' doors abwe 1rch,
A LSO Trunks, Car)t Bag! and Valicos.of e
.im. ery descaiMiion, all of which he otfera for
sale on the moot reasonable term. ,. ..
Philadelphia, November 1 3, IMS. ly. '
- . J.W. SWAIN, .. . "
rinhrella nml l'arasol Maniifncltirer.
tin. 37 Kixilh Tim it ttrrrt. tiro dimes lelnw the
Citv Hotel, Philtidtlphia.
COUNTRY' Merchanls and others, are solicited
lo examine hia assortment Ulnre purchasing
I Isewhere ' . !
Philadelphia. NovemUr IX i42. ly. '
1. &aTH O X OUU T ' S
China, (Ilass anil LiveriKsnl-Wri:luiiite,
A Ki4 Knrlh Third ttrrrt, third dim? bemo Vine
rreet, Vhilinleliihia. ' '
AT7HERE they constantly keep on hand a large
assortment of China, (I Ins and Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on the moat ie
aonable terms.
Philadelphia. NnvcmWr 13. 1842. ly.
TllHOlMLirs CL'1.1'.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, , Ilardw are, 6zc. .
So. 5 South Third street, four doors bfhut Market
"H"7" EEP constantly on h:nd a large and general
assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands,
Axle Arms, Eliptie Springs, Patent Leatlier. Arc.
Ceuntry Merchanta and saddlers will be supplied at
all time on the most reasonable Icrms. They will
find it to their advantage to cafl and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Novcml?r 13, 1842. ly,
Wholesale Dealers in' Foreieri IJritith
and American Pry (Jooils.
A'o. 105 Market street, PhUadtlphia.
COUNTRY Merchants, and others ciiu be sup
plied at all time with an extensive assort?
men l of the ofst and moal fashionable. Qooda upou
the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia. November 13, 18121 y. '
Imorters and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Hardware,
No. 174 Nobtb Tmao Stht, PHiiAPr.irKi.
"iniERE their friends and niatomere will always
' find a large and general a-aortment of foreign
and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the
lowest prices,
Pluledctphia, November 13, 1842. I y.
LSI 1 LltlCK, 1 1 ANSLLL "& CO S.
No. 10U 1-2 Market Street, l'hila.
(Hthiu) Fifth South side )
A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general aa
Krtinnil ol Hosiery, lce, and Fancy Goods,
Country Merchanta are respectfully requested to
give tin in a call and examine lor themselves.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1842. ly.
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia.
H NVITE the attention of Country Merchanta
R to their extensive assortment of Uriluh r
and American Dry Ooods, which they offer for aale
on the most ifas.iiabiv terms,
Phil id. lphia. Novemla-r 13, 1842. ly.
,Vo 51, Aoi lli Second Mreot,
1 - (cob bar cooxa'a tun ) . .
Where they couslanily keep on hand a general
aaaorimrut uf . r-
And a great variety of articles of a suptrit
quality, wbich they offer to dispone of
upon the most reasonable terms. .
tOCNTRY MERCHANTS and others will
yfind il to llieii advaniage in call and examine
lb. ir stock lefore purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. C, 1842 ly ' .
Can and Palm laf Hat Snrp,
No. 10 Sovth tu Stbxt. PHILADELPHIA
AlTIIKRi: an extMoive aMcorliissm of ihe above
v krti. les are cJi.atantly kept on baud, foi tale
at ti e most reax.ual la terms.
May S9, 1918,-s ly.
AN unnarelleled remedy for common Cold,
Coughs, Asthma, Influents, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading lo consumption; composed of the eoneen ,
trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonaet, Blood Root, .
Liverwort Nnd several other vegetable auhatances. '
Prepared only by J. M. Wisatow, Rochester, New
York. ..
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral
virtue of the Herbs from which the Balaam nj
llnrehmtnd ia made, are too generally Known to re
quire recommendation I k Is therefore only nefesaa.
ry lo observe, that ilua Medicine contains ina Wbnie
of tbeir Medicinal properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vege
table substances, aa to render If (he moat apeeity,
mild and Certain remedy, now in use, f. r the com
plaints above mentioned. - : ,
The Balsam removes all imllammatinn and sore
ness of the Lung, loosens lough visid phlegm, en '
aiding the patient to expectorate With ease and free- '
dom, assuages Cough, relieve! etltmatic and diiTi
cult respiration, heala the injured parts, opens the .
pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives
strength to the trhdei lungs, and thus produces ' and lasting enro. '-' i . . ,
We are not among that claaa of Editors who for a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and fin
nesiy) "crack up an article and bring it into rapid
sale i neither aie we willing to temain silent, after
having tested ihe utility nf an improvement or dis
covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and '
violent Cold anme few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased two hotilea of W INSl.OW'S BALSAM
OF IIOnEHOCND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever bad a cold. Those who
are n libeled, may try it upon our recommendation.
-Ivriton Telegraph. For sale by
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
Also, by Druggisia generally throughout the
country. rnce, JM1 cenla per hot lie.
August 14th, 1842. ly.:
for sals, nr
EES. 50.3S3IS2I22.
ANTHON'S Cliiasieal Dictionary; Lemprier's
do.; Ainswnrth'a do ; Cobb's do.; English and
German do.; Anthon' Csr-sar; Anihon'a Crammer;
Anllicn's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Readei; Ogilby'ado.;
Audiew'a I. alii) Lessons; D'.nnegan'a Lexicon;
Fisk'8 (irek Exercises; Davies's Legendei; Graeca
Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock'a
Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; I .yell's Elements
nf Geology; Mrs. Lincolu'a Bolnnv; Elements of
Botany; llridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhelorical Rea
ders; Ennrson'a Geography and History; Olney'a
do ; Parh 's d.vj Smith's (! rammer; Kirkham's do.:
Kav's Readers: Cobb a do.; Cobbe Arithmeliek;
Pike's do.; Eimrsttu's da; Cnbb's Spelling Hooks;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table liooks; Evangelical Fa
mily Lihiarv; (outage llible-J family do; Clbiler
al doj Smnil Bibles and Teslmenl; Parker's Ex-
ereises mi Oomrtiori; Fniil of the Spirit; Halter's
S..inl a Rest; American Ievlutii4; Mauyatta No
vels; .Mrs . Phelps nn Cbemisiiv ; Iliad; i '..teehisui
i.f American Laws; l.eil.rson Iatural .llaeie; I be
mistrv lor lleginners; English Exercises adapted to
Morrav's Onimmer; beqnel to Comley's Hlhng
Biu.k; Am. rican Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas
ter's Assistanl; A ureal variety of Bluuk Books, Ac,
August 28,' 11-J. '
j . s i it i: v j o i: s ,
1 Eyl'ESTS the atlention nf his country friend
- k who are, in want, to hia verv lrge stock of
Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rod, Ac, Ac, that he has jual opened, at
his warehouses. No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 3
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
delphia. July 31, 1H42. ly.
"'"sFankh hides. "
Nr.. 21, Aorth Third street,
(Br.Tv::n a h a xt a n ciirsVT eTBr.r.T,)
HAVE for sslo a large and excellent assortment
ofXpanuh Jltdi. Patna Sips, Tanners' Oil,
,r., at the towesl market price, either for cash, ic
exchange for Leather, or 0n credit. ' '
Consignment -of Leather received for svle, ol
purchased at the higkeat snaiket prices.
tjjT Lcatbcr aimed tree OJ crjarge,
April 17, 1842. ly..', ' '
lVninK'N. "
"If "WJ'IIO are troubled with sick headache, pain in
W the si.e, breast and back, loss of appetite, fl i-
lulency, lowne s of .irita, palpitation of the heart,
fainling or gid.riness,sickne at the stomach, bilioua
afli'i tmns, tightness at Ihe chest, nausea, vomiting,
noise in tlu) aUMflnch, flushings of heal, and chilli-
nrss, discuses of Ihe nerves, and organs of digestion,
Ac. Ac, those who may be thus allected, ahonld
noi neglect to procure Dr. Harlich's Compimnd
Strengthening Tunic and German Aperient J'ills,
w'hicti are warranieu io give immeuinio rnrei.
Tliousands do we olmoat daily behold, whose coun
tenances and pale emaciated cheeks bear occular
witne to sick no and aflliction. Could Iho-e
person la- iicrsuaded lo use ibis invaluable medi
cine, they would soon find their weak and debilita
ted frames strengthened, their mind composed,
and all pain, and .list res driven trom the system.
when the ImhIv will again renew ita lost vigor, aud
ul nil a new life," and death for a while 1 tie-
lived of its prey. Whal h at but feela glad to
behold their near relatives and dear friends, snaiched
a if by magic from that fatal deal oyer Ikath
ye who are lalsoring un.lei disease lei not another
day nr nigbl pass w ithout procuring this msdicine.
as it will In a majority of eases i-tlecl a erinanani
cure, liememlier dtlats are dangerous and if
disease is neglected, its ravages will doubly in
crease. tjj Principle Office for Ihe 1'nited Statea, No.
19, NOR TH EKillTH street, where reecommen
datinns of hundreds of erwxi may lie aeen, all of
which have ken cured nr larielitied bv the
Oct. 29, 1842. ' Agent.
I,l r 'iiiilulni.
FI1H1S disease is discovered by a tixed oblue pain
X in the rigbl aide under the sliorl rilw, alteuded
with heat, uneasiness about the pit of the stomach,
there is iu thv rigbl side also a distention ; the , pa
iw ul lose hia ap4)liui, and hecMiics sick and trembl
ed with vomiting. The tongue becouiet rouK
and black, tho countenance chanues lo a pal eat
citron mlorrnf yttlnw like thre afflirte(t with jrion
dice, dilKculiy of breatbllirtl iWaiuil'ed rest,
with a dry euirV diriicuhy of laying oo. ike h it
aide, the body lcoine weak, and fma'ly Ihe disease
terminalea into i.noiher of a likue serioua nature,
which In all probability iafar beyond Ihe power of
human skill. lr. Harlith s t 'oiapound Strength
euing Tonic and German Aperient Pills, if ta
kiut lhtt..C' liilUfliceineirt oflhis d(aease, ' will
hetk it, ard by continuing ihe use of the medicine
a few weeks, a -rfe, r fwrt will Is -rfoimtd.
'J'hnussnds can testify lo' tbat fact. . "m; ;-
Cernfica'rs nf many persona u.ay daily he Been
of iheeHic.fy nf ihi invaluable medicine, by appJ-
ing at Ihe Medical Office. No. 19, NOKTK
E1C11TH street, Philadelphia.
1ILNKV Yt " Tit F.I MFK,
Oct. 'i'ii, 1M2. Ai'it,