Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 11, 1843, Image 3

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    From Tlmrrm-Cnnflrrnftii ssT the
Capture -or Ute a'calau Atwfi
3y ihe arrival of the -schooner "Doric, we have
aAvioe om Matamorai corffirrmtory -of the Intel-
ligence received iby Ike lMt steamer from Vex,
Ihatthe division -of -flieTexian army nfler5o1jnel
Tuherand Green had been captared tft Mier.
On the lfeh December General Amp udia recei
ved despatch from General Wcfll, informing him
that tbeTrriati,,00 or 1,00(1 strong, h& taken
'Lorrdo, and (hat he, Gen. Wed, kJ been compel
led to fall back ; A at the Tniw foeoe were taking
"he northern teas; lowarA Mtntamaraa. On the
receipt f rtiia rnei1igeica Gen. Ampadu lefi Ma.
tamoras with baftatliem f 5er ml aimers,
in quest of tin ewenry, . and reached Mier, (0
Icaguea distant, on the TSd Dec A tab T TVr
iane, under the ceaRtnand of Calami Fiaher and
Greets had, in the Meantime, ceaseed the river ami
attacked the town m the wight. The Mexican
troop t snowed in that neighborhood immediately
went to the assistance f the city, when an en
f agement look prate, which laatad fern knn.
C very house and stem ws desperately defett
Jed. After the buttle had been maintained on
both svdea with determination and obstinacy lot
uch a great length of lime, the Teiiana, Coiling
themsctvc samwindrd on all aide, resolved to jr
vender, and Snarly capitulated on honorable term.
It ia feared, however, ehat the article of surrender
will not be faithfully comi4ri with on the part of
Metric. ' :
lle Mcrcar report vherrlosa during Una en
gagement at '20Villed r3 l wounded. The
las on the part of the. Tcxhmawa 11 killed and
10 wounded. ...
Gen. AmpuiKi returned to Matarmira on the
7th January, with SI'S Texian prisoners.
At the recent bloody fight between the Mexican
nd Texan, in the tewn ef Mier, there were six
buy in the Texan party, f wbtfrn the oMeslwas
liut 17 and the youngest l(. The 1. if t tamed (say
the New Orleans1 pftjieis) ditfmguiahed himself by
shooting twelve Mexicans in aiiccession, as they
were brought up to man the gua. Artillery wa
at length brought to hear upon the house, which
was at once shattered, wheat the bey attempted to
eje to an adjoining one. In the act of enter,
ing the window two of them were killed, but the
other effected an entrance and rtfcoaaaienced their
firing upon the artillery men, which they continued
until they were ordered by their commander to de.
ewtiJ'aZ't'wtore America.
Tick'-CosT'Ov' mi CirTvan. In adjusting the
awkward Monterey business, the following stipu
lations were entered into between the high con
tracting parlies':
: 6th. Sr. TbenvM &p. C. Jones will deliver five
liundred complete attihrof clothe, of woollen, for
the infantry, to replace about one-half of what was
loiled of the Mexican division, by their forced
march in continued ratnatrj seeovcr the port which
he invaded.
Tth, Sr. Thomas Ap. XJ. Jones will pay into
the Treasury of the nation 'fifteen, thousand dol
lars, which were expended 'hi the gcnersl alarm
occasioned ill the departmeifl of the California by
li invasion of tire port f Monterey, aa well as for
a complete military nd of 'musical instruments
rendered useless by the sante cuee.
' Retivai at llaaaisnran. The Harrisburg
Telegraph of the 1st instant, slates that "there is
murh religious exritment in the different chnrches
in that borough. Meeting are dairy held tin rhevn
II, and a large number are aaid to be awakened.
Mr. Hale, a Millerile, has been preairtng 'hi
doctrines, and ntany ara reported as haviwg Veceme
converts to it. 1 It is stated moreover that one-third
of the good people of Hantsburg are more or lees
believers m Millerasnu This i scarcely cieddiU.
Head. Guz.
Rxvivat,! Lxwistow. -There ha Wen a
revival of religion in Lewistown, Pa. The Me.
thodistsand Presbyterians have each had an in.
crease of about ISO to 130 new members. The
Lutheiana and Baptists have also made many con
verts, Ih,
RiriTAL i BoaaasTowK. A great revival of
religion i taking place at Dordentown, N.J. In
the Methodbt Kpiseopal Church, more than one
hundred and twenty have already been admitted.
The Dapiist Lave immersed sixty, and a very gen
ual interest prevails throughout both congregations.
f Dtci akatios. We find the following sad re
cord in the Mobile Herald :
A nan named James Iteid, a regularly educated
Presbyterian Clergyman, a graduate of the I'ni
versily of Editiburg and an immediate descendant
from the celebrated philosopher Reid, waa on
Wedne-day last aent by the Recorder of the Sec
ond Municipality of New Orleans lo the woik house
aa a confirmed drunkard and vagrant.
On Tuesday last, by the Rev. R. A. Fivher, Mi.
Isaac Sails, of Mahonoy, to Miss Rachel Zim.
taxAS, of this pluce.
On the same day, by the Rev. J.P. 8hindel, Mr.
Rtrais Gtaaiaata to Miss Juua Asa Malum,
both of Augusta.
On Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr.
Mr. RoaiBT Kliix, jr. to Misa Mabia Moboah,
both of Augula.
Oa Woniay enlng last, AMANDA, daughter
of IU. JoU w, r f hl P', 6ed ,boul 3
eOo Tm41 esen'mg a(.MABV CAT HER.
IXE.iMfajitaUujIilM of Mr. Pcler Getter, of this
' -
A Tannery ff UcuU
THE Tannery, fiituTe. and tools in this ilare,
.belonging to the estate of luaac Zicgter, dec'tl.,
rwm in oofsession ot Burhrr & Frv, will bo rented
for a term of vea, n reaxnnanle terms. Po-s's-
Lo given on line Ul day of April next Apply
utibwy, Teb. 1, lit).
Vorrerted tvttWy by Henry Yoxt'hermep,
Wa-KaT, . , . SO
Rtw, - . . . . f()
Co1., ..''. 40
0t, - . - - . B
"PoKK, ' h
t-'LAXsritn, 100
Wvttr, ' . ' : ' 48
YtxrawAY, - . t '3ft
Tivtow, - . 19
Data, 75
Do. Piacnws, .. . ... '900
Ft, ..: . 8
HicKim Flax, 10
Eoos, . S
Tavern Notice.
TV rte ttonvrMe C. (7, Dnnnrl, E Prtiitient,
mnd hit Amctatri,Jailgft vftht Cimrt of Quar
ter Sasiani, f tht county of fimihnmnertani :
THE petition of Franklin A. Clark, of Shamo
km, in said county, humbly represents, that
he continues to keep nabKc house of entertain
ment at bin obi stand, in Shamnkmtowri.and is well
prepared fsr the aecommndntton of travellers, Ac
He therefore pray your Honor V grant him li
cense lo keep a tavern, during the rnaiingyear, and
be wall pray, dbe. ' -
To tub Jrtmr.a a nova anno tttt -The snli
scribera, residenta of Shamnkin, hereby certify, that
Franklin A. Clark, the applicant for the licewie, is
a man of rood repute for honesty and temperance,
and ia wvll provided with houe-room and convent
ences for the Inline and accommodation of wtran
gem ami travellers, and that public hnase there is
necessary s they therefore recommend him aa a
proper person to be tiurnsrd to keep publr hnttse.
Joseph Allison, : veore Armstrong, jr.
John K. Robins, Joseph Dimmich,
Jaroh Dnir, Tlftijtimin T. Honey,
Willinm Fsgcly, William Gilroy,
John Thompson, JiH"ph Zurn,
John H. Runyan, Daniel Evert.
Feb. 1 1th, 1843. at
Tavern Notice.
To Hie Honorable C. O. finnnrl. Enj Vrfdrnt,
find hi Aociatr, Judqr tiflhe Cotrrf of Qnnr
frr Srssmns, nf tht tminftf of Siirlhinnbet Ifutd 't
THE prtra.m nf James Shortel, of Coil town
hhip. in stid county, humbly reprt snt that
he continues to ke- p a public houe of entertain
ment, at I its oli I stand, in 8hsmokintown, ml is
well prepared fi rim acrommixlation of travellers,
&c He therefore prats your Honors to grant him
a license tn keep a tavem duriof the ensaina esr,
and he will pray Att. J AMES SHORTEL.
To t JrvHiis ryvv. watTiosr.n: The sub
scribers, residents of Com Uh'p, hrreby certify, thut
James Shortel, the applicant far the license, i a
man of good tepute for honenty and temperance,
and is well provided fr house-toom end convnnien
cea for the lodrtng and awronww odafhon of tran)era
and travenVrs, arid that a public hotrae There is ne
cesssry : they rhefie recommend hmt as a pro
per person tn be Kcuirsed to keep a imbl'ic house.
Joseph Aehner, l icib Uir,
Jsmes B. Psnter, F. A. Clrk.
DainM Chriatain, Kimber t'leam,
Jacob Mo wry, Casper Shull,
Peter Zimmerman, George SMpt, .
Michael liaghan, John Bent.
Feb. Ilth. 1843 3t
rr,HB suhaciitm-, having entered kilo a p irtner--
ship io the pr.iclice of the law, will be happy
lo at rend to all business entrusted to their care.' i ;
Cotle..tions willle promptly attended lo.
ITiey mav always lie found at their orftce, n
Mirket stroel, Sunbury, formerly oocu-icd by
Wua. Dewart, dccM.. as a store-room.
Sorrtmrv, Feb. tth, 1S43. fim.
cu ft u;s riaiM s a rs.
AS removed hia oHice to the front room of
lite brick house, formerly known aa Smitha
Taern, on the south west corner of the square on
Market atreei. Buinesa entrusted to his care, in
this county, and in the counties of Union, Colum
bia and Lycoming, will receive prompt attention.
Sunbury, Feh.4. 1M3. 4t.
cood to for wm TOCTH!
a svw volvui or
Edited by 8. G. Gooiturcn, nnthnr of refer Par
ley's Talcs. Vvmmmring January, 1843.
SINCE the rominencernerrl of this worknow
the most popular juvenile periodical extant it
ha ever been the aim of the publishers to mske h
deserving of the liberal encouragement which haa
been extended towards it", and its subsctifrtien list
evince (hat their efforts hiere been appreciated by
the public.
On the first day of January a nrw volume will
eormnertce. TherharsrW of the work will not be
chanired. It design win remain the same, and the
publishers would assure ihcir patrona and the pub
lic that their efforta will he unceasing to render it
worthy of being companion for the young. To
plant the seei's nf morality and truth in the youth
ful heart, to ini-til virtuoua principles and motives
into ihe mind, to aid in the formation of rh iracler,
to cultivate a taste for knowledge and improvement,
and with instruction to blend pleasure and amuse
ment, tbeso have Inrn, nd will eoniinnn to I,
the end and aim of the woik. Kverv article will be
1 thoroughly digested before it is admitted into ibis
work, and grout care will be taken that it aball not
eontntn anything incontinent with the object in
view. It is designed to be, not interesting for the
moment only, but of permanent value, and fit to
form part of eveiy FAMILY LIBARV.
Some of the leading features of the Museum are
Hittory, ttiotrraphy, Ctolueif, Natural llintory.
Orography, Ac. These will e accompanied with
lighter mailer in the form of Tales, Sketches, Ad
ventures by Sea and Land, N irrativea of Rcmirka
ble Occurrence. Anecdotes, Fables Allegories, Ac.
Poetry and Music will he called in to asaist. Eve
ry available mean of rendering ihe work sprightlv,
inatructing and entertaining, will lie pui in requisi
tion. Numerous and splendid embellishments a'd
illustrations u ping what may be found in any
other work of the kind, in this rrspect, will be in
serted ; and the typographical appearance of the
Museum will be such as H te believe!, rneet
the approbation of i'a patrons. The publishers
would add, that Merry' Museum is the rheapett
period leal ol the kind puMuhed in ny pari ivf the
world I the annual volume containing nearly aa
much matter aa two volume of Bancroft' History,
which avll for four dollars and fifty rents
Tub Vxbt Iwbst Tbuus. One copy, fjl ;
Six copies, f 5 i Thirteen ropU's, $10,
The great expense incurred in gelling out a work
like the Museum, renders H necessary that the pub
liahers should strictly adhere to ihe cash aysteni.
All kMiers must be poet-ptd, and addieweJ to
the Publisher and Proprietors
10 tl , fiWsn, atul I'il Siuuau tt , S V.
Tnvcrn rvoliff.
To the Ifmwrvbe C. ('. Dotinet, Prnllimt,
and nm Aotwtrt, Juli;rt oj the Court of ijtiar.
ter Srtitiont, nf 1iet0MTtl of b'orth u mllrr'land :
t plIE pefifiiin of 3icol Kram, rfl Shumo'kin
X town. In sifid county, humlrly fepretvifts, (hit
he roirtirme 'to keep a house of rvrjbKc 'ntertnin-
nofit at his old aland, 'in ShamnkintoWn, and is well
prepared for the accommiMlarion of travellers, Ac.
He (therefor pray your Honor to grant him a li
cense to keep a tawm during the eirsniing vesr,
and he will pray, Ac. JACOR RftAM.
Tot Jinn as aHovk w!tnoit-Tlio sub
scribers. Teriderrt of Ooal fshp., herelry cenif, thnt
Jacob Kta.n.tbe spplrrant "for rhetirense,l a man
of gooil reinle for honesty and TcnTpetnrrre, and fa
well provided seith housetoom sod convenience
for the Isdjnt and areommndsTion of strarrgers and
traveKera, ami that avrahlic house there 1 necessary:
they therefom frcommend htm wa a f;osr fief.
on in pe neencen losorp a puhlie nouae,
John H l(iirrs.
Daniel Crrristian,
Jaerm Bntr,
Reolsjn Fasfly,
Soloman Marir,
James O, Pwrte
James Wallis,
Dsmel Evert, .
Feb. 4th, it.
Wm Faiely,
John it. Rsinyiin,
Samuel C Schmiek,
John 1'hnmpson,
Stephen Kienkatt,
TaT?rn IVolirr.
To Wonorrrfcte V. G. ftonnrt, Ea PrrlAri,
and hit A$mciateii,Jeu!eTif the Conrt nf Quar
ter Semwm, nf Ike ttiltj nf Noiihumtrr!and :
THE petition of Catharine Boutton.ol Sunbury.
in said county, liumMy represents, that alio
continues to keep a house of fohfio entertains
ment, at her nU stanil in Sunbury, ami Is wvll
prepared for the ncconinindal ion of travellers, Sec.
SSlie therefore prays your honors to grant her a li to keep a lavem, during te etlAring year,
and she will pray, dtc.
Tn tk .It-tinxs Aftnta MHiWiOKKn: The mib-
seribers, rei4dents of Sunburv, hereby crnilv, Ihit
Catharine I'oMlion, the a,iliCHiit for the. license,
ts a of good wputo f.r honesty and temper
anee, and is Well provided with house room an.)
convenfairCcs for the looping and accommoilation
of strsners and travellers and that a puMir house
there ia necessry they therefore recommend her
as a proi er nrason to be licensed to keeji a public
(. B. Wrlarn C. D. Wharton,
Ira T. Clement, John Hans
Geo. Bright. John P. Purscl,
John W. Peal, Conrad Kershner,
John Btrar, Altaham Krwin
Jcweph Eisely, Peter W. Gray.
.Ian. SHih, 1843. 3t
Tavern Notice.
To tbr Honorade C. O. Donm t, Enq., Pmnhrrl,
and hit AnmiriaU, Judget of the Court of QMr
ter SesMom of the amnty A'erf humierkindi
fl'HE petition of Charles Weaver, of Sunburv,
JL in said county, humbly represents lhst he con
iwiues to keep a house or puhltr entertainment at
his eld stand in Sunbuy, and ia well prepared
for the accommodation of traveller, 5iC Hetheie
fore pray ymir booora lo grant him a ticenae, to
keep a tavern during the ensuing yr-ar, and he will
To the Jrnox abotb istiobek : Thn tcW
seribers resident of Sunbury, heteby certrTy, the!
Charts Weaver, the applicant for license, is a
man of good re.vte for hooesty and temperance,
and is well iTovide.l with house room and conve
niences for ihe lodging and arxommodatiim of
strangers and travellers, ami that a public hmti-e
tlwret nrcesaary. They therefore recimiinend him
rs a proper wrsia to be licenswl to keep a public
John B. Price,
(liitcon Market,
E. Gass.
Charlee Mrlter,
WilH'im Manx,
George llohrbarh,
Jan.SSlh, 1813. 31
ttenjimin Hendiiek,
John Bright,
John Farnswortb,
Jacob Itock,
ieorge Voung,
Airtrew Durst.
Tavern Police.
To the rittwratdr X '. fi. Vonnel. f."..?.. Vrridrnl.
and hi .ioriatr. Jndgerf1he lurt of Quar
ter Session fur the comity of Knrthnnitierliiiid :
fHE petition of Charles V. Whatton, of Son
L bniy, m aaid county, humbly represents, that
h eoutinues lo keep a house of public entertain
ment, at the well known stand near the court Imu.e,
and is well prejond for tlie accoinmodatinn of irav
eltei. eVc. H t tier ef ore pray a your Honors lo
grant him a lieense lo keep a tavern during the en
ensuing year, and he will pray, Ac.
srrilsrs residents of Sunbury, hereby certify, lhat
Charles D. Wharton, the applicant for the Kcense,
ia a man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house-room and c tiveni
en res for the lodging and aceommislittion of stron
ger and travellers, and thai a public house therj ia
necessary : they therefore recommend him as a
proper ersnn tn be licensed lo keep a public buUse.
Samuel U. Jordan, John liogar,
Geo. Martin,
John W. Peal,
J. C. Hhoads,
Samuel B. Diemer,
D. T. Trilea.
W. L. Dewart,
Chits J. limner.
Jacob Rhawn,
Thos. G. Hegins,
Edward (Sobin,
Frederick Latarus,
Geo. Bright,
Jan. SHlh, 1813. 31
Tavern Xotire.
7i the Honorable C r7. Tionnel. Etq., I'retidtnt,
and hi Aitifr, Judge of Ihe Court of (filar
trr Stssitiit of Ihe eMiiiy of Northumberland ;
t lHE petition of John llaua of Sunburv, in said
1 countv, humbly represents lhat he continues
to keep a house of public entertainment, at his old
stand, near the court limine, and well iirc-
pired for ihe acconinvxhilion of traveller. &f.
He Iheiefoie pr ays your honors lo grant hrn s li
cense to keep a lavufii, during the ensuing car, mid
he will prav, Ac. JOHN M'S.
Tu THE Jl'tinK.S ABOV MKNTIONn ;Tie u,.
serilwrs, residents of Sunbury, b.rreby rcrlify, that
J hu Haus the applicant for thn licence, is u man
of good repute for honestv and leniperanre, and is
well provided with house room and coi.venienr s
for the lodging am', accommodation of atrangers
anJ travellers .nd thai a public house there is ne.
rrssiry s ''oey thrrefois recommend hitn uaa pro
per person to l lu ensed lb keep a public house.
Samuel I). Jordan,
Geo. Martin.
J-hn P. Pursel,
Geo. W. Kichl.
Abrahsra Etwih,
John B. Price,
Edward Ovsier,
ThiM.G Hegins
Jan. S9 h, 1843. 3t
F.dward Gas,
C. I). Wharton,
Caleb Fi-hrr,
W. L. Dewarl,
Cha I. BrUher,
D. T. Trltes
"JJaJOTICE i hereby given, that all tllo indeb
Jl ted to the firm of Wood cV Khawn, by imle,
bond, or book account, are icquvktcd Id Come fot
waid and settle their accounts, tlu or Ixfnre the lM
ol March next All those complying with Ihe
bote request, Will lull fit a favor, or, per.( ve
coots WtKlD lUUWN.
Sunbu'J, Jan. Slb. I;4.6l.
XKl'S'id'pi'y uf HOSE OINTMENT, received
and Ml .ale by U. II. M ASEU,
Nov. mil, 15 U.
BS'hrrreby piiien, :ht the prtrtnership hr-rChrfore
iisiinij, and tradtnii tinder the firm iff fryer.
Iv A 1). this day bci'ti di-noleed bv mu
tual i nns, til. All persons knowing lhvfnscfv
'b rnilebted tvi! faiikf lavmeut, in Henry Tfyerty,
ft'ho rs h'ri l.y iriiiborisrd mul solely C (if powered lo
receive anil svttlo all ui'coimts I'ue iil firm.
Augnsia, Jan. 51 i, 113. i.
WHJ conliirae ftre Augusta Sio-o, and
n ia by Avct attention to bnainess to re.
eive MsslTBre of -custom All k'nds t ptndure
will 1s taken for foods, aa l-o in pavrstesroTJcbl4
now due. .
Augusta, Jan. Slat. 1813 l8-t
TlHE subscriber hna rbday pmchssed at a enn
JL stable's ssls, held oi lire horouith of SniASnry.
by B- Gass, the fofhrwing articles sold a ihe pio
periv of John MversS
1 Plow, $1 Vo I Sett Harness S 6l.
I dit. I US I do. I IS
I Ilirrow, I S 1 Hay Mare, 3 0
1 Slel, t
The above sMicle have been loaned to the a, id
lobn Myets nd will I left in his imciim nntil
I see propr-r to remove, or otherwise diiim of them.
nnlMTy. Jan. 35lh. IS43.
Orphan' Court salv.
TN pursuance of sn nriUw of the Oip'iana' Court
- of Noitbumlviland county, wdl I vxposed to
salient llielkte resideiiC' of Vm. Garict, decd, on
Saiur.lay tlie Siith day of M ircli n s
A rerluiu Irict of wood land, situate m Ru-h
township, in said county, containing twe ty five
acres adjoining lan,'a nf Enos Sharers, J ico
(iii'.rlisri's devisees, (i,-irge (icnl vt u. d others,
late Ihe vtale nf aaid ilec'ii. falc lo commencn
at I oVla-k of said day when the colldiiiotis f sa e
will I known bv
J in. 8. IS 13. Admr'.
lr. 4a. It. l'eier,
"FFKRS Iris isrnfesHionsI servic-js. to lite eilizena
of Sunbury, and vicinity. Olbce neii door to
the residence of Ilevd. R. A. Fi-her. where he mav
ho f iunl, unless engagad in discharging the duties
of his prolession. Oct 8h, 1842. if.
"sA.U'L IMIH lir.TlILl.t it7
VERY RKSPECTFCI.I.Y le. leave lo in
Torm his customer and Ihe public generally,
lhat he still ronlinuea Ike
in ell its varimis branches, in the shop, neatly op
posite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by
Henry Haaa and haws. If, under the firm of Unas
& D ruck emi I (er, which firm h.a la-en mutually die
solved. He hope, by his long experience in the
above business, and atrict attention theieln, lo ren
der general satisfaeiion, and receive a liberal ahare
of pel-Ire palronags
cnrniry, Octolier 15th, 1842. 6m
(Ucnrral Stage tifice,)
fllHE Suli-rrilier respectfully infoims his fYien!
I. and the public in enerjl, that hi) haa Liken
the. above.
H07E L,
I N THE B (1 R O V V. II O V M i: N (' Y.
and that he is now well prepared to acommod it
alt who may favor him with their custom.
HisSi.rtriss Ar abtsj kwts are well aired, and
His Table irni Bab will always be supplied
with the best Ihe market can sfl'ord.
His Stablino, which is good will lie under
the ehsrge of giwl ami careful hostler.
He feel confident, by strict attention tn bu-iness
and an earnest desire to render e infrthle. those
who may pslronixe him, that he w ll not fail to give
general sntisfaiiion. H. B. WEAVER.
Mjunry, OcU I at, 1812. if.
Dr. J. W. leal begs leave to lender his grate
ful acknowledgm nla In ihe people ol'Suuhuty
and surrounding country, foi then ps-l encourage
ment in the line of bis profession i snd wmiid s,(
ihe same time announce lo ihem. ih .t he til', in.
tends to coiitmup the practice of uie.lii ioe in tt jt,
various d purlinents, H would, lheref',rei dici
a coiiiinuniire ofiheir cnufiileneo mj patronage.
He may be found al all times at h'a nllice, in uiai
kel s-irfd, unli aa prulVssionullv engigid.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1 1" 12.- n;
T)r l'rll4'K, Resiectfully Infoims the
ciiiiu us of fiittuty and vtri-jiy, thai he has a
ken sn olW ir, the bniijiiii Intel) orrti, i. d by Peter
lai rus -is, a ,i tig store. n m.iiket hfeel, Su: buri , t
.here hi niay be toiled at all h Uis, Unless tmiAr.
sionally rngiun d.
UK. TKITF.S retiirna h a sine, re V,:uk Tor h
encoii'sgemenl he has n c i e.l in ihe lit f It -
prolci-Miui, in this place, ami lru-t-, by pto'iip' n
lenl oii to the duties of his profession, and re.i un
able chaiges, that ho will continue lo rtcclVe a
liberal -hunt nf I lie public ilruii igo.
Sunbury, Del. 1st, Ihl'J. tl'.
iv l t at o fT "Tit ii
1 ESPPOTri LLY informs the public lhat he
1 B has Hindu Northumberland hil perrhaii
nlace of resilience,
atid is ready Id attend lo ahV
t jI1 in Ihe liiie of his prufesjii, tu
July S, 1813. ly. '
bv accoinsaodsMnn of Boais e.ominjt or go
JF.SPECTPI LLY ihfmrna bi friends nn- the i n hsvll1 BVid tlnnss Tanals. a S?.ml3at
v public geneitlly, thai he has toninVi,eel (he
J rtilul ilak ItV.ill,..,
in sll its .Uanrbes, in is hou.e formerly csxsio.rl
by Wm. llun.t; Tailor Shop, in UUklavr
slirel, lie-,,ry opposile li Pr-l.) ...ion I'hunl.
He rcsiect!ully .diets u shaie of the nibbc p on-n-age,
and Kun by aliU l aileiiii.m lu boai e-a ttut
I L ... ....
reas..iianir ci.a ijea, Uo will lis cuspid to a e grn
irul ali.tjcii.iii.
Sunbuiy, June I ajth, Ili3 ly
Will rmmmrncr running brhore-n Phtladi tfthta
mid J'otttvillc on the following rfffjrx .
rn ftnmn :
a-vk Msstm, D, IsHt,
Leaving l'i.ti-viTh em Mornlays Weiloiviity
tend Fridays t J X. M,
Leaving l'lilffdctiia, wn Tiresnya, Thursdays
sod Satordavs t lj P. M.
ffnnts of pnm'ng tterdio-e.
For Phfladelpbls allOi A.M. i ... t
For Poitsville, t P. M $
r. n k
Bel ween Potlsviile A IPhiU."). -JftiO K. f.SO
H.4woen Itesiting Jfe d.K U.S.'i (r 4;lJ,r)
lletvsf,r do A- Puiisviflo, ,itt A 1,00
Etciisio TimrTB onnn mb. UkrviiNiMo
mt nxr.
Betwren Pottsville A philadelphra,
B. tween Heading A. ihi.
Ilciwoen do. At. Poltsvile,
fT (10
3 0(1
It (k)
Tlrt other passenger trains will as lcfor, M
the foflon irg hi w ;
t'hihtdrlphia and Vothtifle.
t rom I'hilndilihi.i, at fA.M.
From PottvillB, at 5" P. M.
llourt nf paining Ie.nding.
F.TottBvilie, at '9 A.M.' 3
Tor Phibi.blphia, at 3J P.M. S
All thp trains will op for Way passengers t
the usual p i ts.
dj" All pisscngera nre reyiuea'ed to procure
their tickets before the trains start.
May 81. 184-j. if. ., ' '
To C'ajtiu'rv
THE Sul.riir, Agent t -on A Harris, Hut
M irtnf.u'luri rs. for N w York, I'tid ulelphU,
Baltimore and et'rv l.irje ritie, - mvj Hal re
hiublv command, d 1 r p'ri eiifi avd durnlility,
has o i i end a i'u-1 ra'e istcttm nt f HATS and
CAPS. Mini1 f. r .s,s.., s .les h ch will le sold
very low, fni cas i oi si.pinveil credit, at the nrled
cheap afore, $o. 40, North Third si rot I, oppjbi'.e
the City Hotel. Philadelphia.
N. B Order tor Hal in tberotifl. promptly
attendiHl lo. I'ba highest rks in tasA or trade
given for Fur ikirm,
J'hiUdelphia, Jane 11, 1812 --ly
naxaja ttb: a tsu 'T'
ALL person indebted to the firm nf Lyon &
Hrrts, undet the agency nf 11. N. Thaeher,
Hilt and Cap Manufacturer. No. 40 North Third,
street, Phil idi Iphia, are requested to make immetli
ate settlement of th-ir accounts with Ihe subscrilier,
their legally au'lioriied agent, who is fully empow
rted lo settle and ciilli-et the accounts nf said firm.
June tth, 1843 If A rent.
JOHN & HENRY LANDAU, having rented
ihe Lime Kilns nf Henrv Msassr, in Sunhtirv,
hsve now for sU tre lst Lime in thi part ,if the
rounliy, and will c.wttiiU" to k e p eoiisinril ly , n
hand fresh Lime for Plsstering, Builjtng llnd for
Litning land, on as reasonable terms a can be had
..nvh-r. tn 'l-e t eight-mhoi-d.
M-v - I. i4 J. J. A It. LANDAU.
Taf-ur ai rui? ira
Conn r vf Tlurd and Vine Street?,
wi&iaXAMsroaT, pa,
rjHE snl wriber r-spe -tfullv announces o ihe
I it' lie, that be h..s o( eued a Hotel in the cum
modioli briik building s, the co'tier of
I hird Mini 1'inc sireeis, when, be it! Vie btippy lo
ait i p. m ih.,se who tniiv fivor him witu their
conipany. I he E .gle Hotel is la'ge and conveni
ent, und I'lirnished ir. the Iv-t in item stv le. It is
ir. viiled with a huge number of well aired and
c mib rt.ible !e. iing apartments, rooms, private
.art.-r, Ac Persona Visiting illiainaporl on bu
siness hi pica-ure, niuv rt aa-urrd lhat every ex
ertion will t e used In tender 'heir iijouni at the
"Engln Hob I" I'leasant and arurablo. Hie Table
will be aiipplb d with the ve'y h. si the market af
fords, arid bis bar with die c.oiri't wines and other
h.iuors rbarges re ison'.,e. The Eagle Hotel
possesses gn-ater advaiMBges in point nl location
thananv oihei similoresis'olishmenl in iheiHjrough,
being situate in th' bn-mess pari oftho town. and
within a eonverlWi Jimmue id" the Conrt House
and Withamspon and Elmira Rail Roml Depot.
SulTicieist,,;0ijna provideil.atid gisd aud trusty
iiKtlcr Hlwaa in attendance.
ttenhve, accon.niodsriug and hone-l Rcrvants
iave been emploved. an'd tiotbing left undone that
will add to the comfoit and accommodation of hie
There will tie carriage always in at lend a nre at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers lo snd from
the House, fn-e of charge,
Mav 14th. IS42.
'Wig. fZ3ILl.Ci.1T fa, SC.,
C tii iifitTi vV FiTvarlintr Mcn-liatits,
foot of lli'nr Slnrt Hull RuaJ,
o v THf i iiiWim.
AVlNG aaocislid VI h 'e m .Ki' li Ban, el.
laie. nf EHStoti, P ... r S e. ttullv ini.irm the:r
I I'neeili- ai d Oie itib'ie jet era'b . ib t tbry have t:i-
, fc r) tl, . I , SO Wrl Li,, wll slitt' tllld whalf at
f .., i ,.f Will .m Sueel K i Irnn.r, I .ly occupied by
. Imoti Mariiti. v lo e dn iii nwe duiug a General
I '..uiii' and Fofwarilt'ig tu;-i:iess, fii.l Tioni
j die local .dVaii'aue id' ibe pl.ica bung roniiecled
, wnh dl ihii I'liblir ioiproveinents lhat have iheir
ouilel lit the cilv, they duller themselves tViey will
Im sble to do liusiness lo as gre it, il not g' rater ad'
a vantage, and Ukki as teas .nalife trims as iuy oher
' h-mae, and they ussuis their tnend lhat any cote
B.giitnenu matte to thrni tia;i hate Unit strict at
tention, and no exrttions spau-d in five eulii' utja.
I faction.
They re aiso prepsied lo rccci'.r and forward
Raisin any -otnt on the 1) Is- ,pre ,j Jhuh
rivers, liwe,n Msuch :i u'.k, Eatev ,nd phds
W,i. V.a Dbl iware V,x. n U,J js, H
alo,.t.. any pwiu ,.r, J,,,.,,,, ref, H,h
BlHI ntljl ins
uear(0 ,,. H4)Mna yj, avhuyk
kill and I
'.ion, or to Chesarwakn and llib) Wti
; will b- kipl rxpresslv tor lowiri boat from ih
' 8huvtkil amui dtolbe li .B.arendbe.k, Which
wiN i nn irbaois irt have iheir produce deli
XT.Vil on ihe 'I. sW and tbeir goods al ipsd al
; a in ol on lo 15 i er nm o" ihe purrs fir
I h idies e o-s, iih ih-i H i t ,g ihey re
' siitcifjl'y d ! 'f i e
W II sot K-y
j h Banitlv
PbiUiJ.Ms U, I9a2-ly
lj.- a -.aaraaarWaW. 1 .MxLI Mi
rpHE Mail 'Cda-tli Tift TofUville 'leave N orlhiiui
I. heland every mdynfng til o'clock, atnd aitives
in Prfftst'ille In ihe rveriii.
Fab Itsldw any other line.
r weal, apply at Mr. Withingidn' II .tel.
Nor'frwfrtilieTlatMl, or at George WeilcJ's, i.iilnrv.
A. E. KAP1' A.CD..
Nonh''d.,May'2l,l8. Vra)rHr.
Cj" PaaenpeV coming 'from, Vhilaitpljihia wi'l
please aecirre emnr verts At the White SSwiln Hotel,
Race S 1ieTre Xhey leave the cJty. Passengeisi
corriirrgn fht ms'haVeHhr'rr sett Becurcdin any
StngevrY PsVkrt lioal from this place.. ThoBc'comii-g-in
the trflift Bne may Wlefl behind.
CLVDE & WILliiAlrlS'
I (lank Hook Illaiiuiu toi V,
i)ij)oitv 7Vrjrc' FFalel,
THEY ai-e renrcd to TnarftrTilc'fure blank wntfc
ofevehr ihwrtpfto'n.'Wiled'to aYiy pattifn, surli
as dockets IrccoYils Diy Bonks, Ledgers, ..- .
sors and Collectors Dupltcntcs of tho firrrt qir,!i
ly nf paiT, in a srlr rirfortl to wny "miido In tllo'ci
lirs nf nsrMetyrr'B or New Vorlc.
All descriptions tit bmiUtiR neatly exerillCt'.
Scrap Bjo'ks, AUnrnis ami PoVtYdins made to oidcr.
I.BiV Book, MltsiC llld PeTlriflC:ils liouml lo ''y
palterrK Old Biwks wUiuoJ, Ac, Also files , f
papers b.nund.
E3 Work IvTt Itllit otTrcnfif the Snnbtrry Aeti
ricn, vvill h promptly altcwded to.
May 2 1st, l8tV y. V
gTJlden SW7N
aVo. Ca Aorffc TAirr", nbnre Arrh Sttret,
pHARLBB WEIRS, late of ibn 'VVhit! J5a,,"
y and "Mount Verno'n HV)Use," respiaMfull. ,.
forms hiafrienda arid cUalotircr, thai he fias WcoVir
thv proiriclor tf the above wvl'. known H'crte I.
Country Metcharts will Bid Ihe aboVt''HoM it
central location, and Ihe brrt tjf fan,. 'l-rsorirs"ra-velling
wilh private rntir..yauce will find alnrge
yard and good sHiblmg f,,r bouts, and the lev', of
oallets. Boarding fl fdar.
May 14th. IS48 if.
J. IMA YL &m,JK;&r8om
SnufT nnd Tobacco Manu(a'Ciiih(i's,
So. U(l Mrrth, Wextforncr of Race avd''ft'irtL
TpHE Urnlersigned have fotmr-d aCo-partArrsbip
undvr the firm orj. MA VI, AND. Jn.' A Co..
sucCeasors to the late firm' of Jarub Mitflmd
Co., nd will continue the husinera t tfie old esta-bli'-hment,
on iheir mm artotint. th. atWI'iion In
lieir Ann elnaai atlantinn n.l .Tn.H.. li. .
years in the manufacture of their cefebraTeJ snufli.
- . e .... v , . I . .
.c, ne long experience 01 ine senior pattflerolll
late firm, will also be devoted to Ihe interest of ihe
new concern -and fa no exertion anjea'i'e will !
spared to insure rheir goods at all times of ihe ve
ry Wst quality, they solicit a "fontirVuaftf of the
confidence of tile ftiend anil cnsVmrrs oi Ihe late
Philadelphia, May 11th, 1845. ly
So. !2n7, Xnrlh Third, a.'xn; Coti-nuhill St.,
PfOHN M'NC'AN. late f-nm fhe Pennsylvs.'
9ft nia Farmir, nn.l Snnuel I'ii.c. jr.. la'C of A
ni' rican Hotil, I'otombus. Ohio, take pleasure in ac
quainting their frirnda and the puVlic gencrallv ih it
they have ttikrnthe large srjd commodioiia Ilotil,
recently finillby the Mcssrh. Hart, on the site
onrv occ up"ied iiy the old ostaMinhed Hold known
as ih'o ftulY Head, in Thin! street abovvt Vaillovr-
"ft' w- .1'
'ITiis Hiitclls finjslitvl iri ;he very V-t aisibls
manner, find of ihe best uvileriatg. 1's htalion i
very deairahV, parlicularfy for counfr'y .'nirrcW.if;
the arrangements for hrath.g and r'atti
room is tstrth na lo 'seenre any te'ui'pprKiure. Tlr
brdniomaare all light and airy, a?i f'iruished in
neat style, so as to insure' comfort,
Tlie receiving parlors are also 'furnished 1n a su
perb sty Ie, the windows are on tho French srylo,
formii g an entrance to a lulcony in fronl, which
makes ptensnnt recess. Particular attention hAA
been given to Iho 12 and brdding, which, wW
the furniture, are mttnly new.
From years' eiiM-rience in hotel tVirlrrrxir, wA
I rust, by strict assaluity le lAjsincsti, to r.itike ibis
house a desirable slopping Out table. f,l
always U- supplied wilh tiie very fiet our w:urt
can lTnrd, and our bar with trie best liqir!r-s and
wines c.f the moai npirovrd bratid.-,.
V. S, There are ftrit rate sibling kn'A'rarriRSJ
houses altichcil to ihe hotel, atliudrd by ca f'.il
rnd olr hostlers, and out charyea y',P, l o, ill
accordance with ihe present haid. lim
Philadelphia. Pel. 7th, 184r.
TBI HE aubscriUr rcsrtfctfiilly informs' Ihi- .iil h
JL he b'.a pnecWed. ad now eccupiea lie
.ami . is;:;
Coiri-niuliiiU :
gTnvcrn StauT
known a the property, lale of
VN ill, and for.rry kept by Samuel A. llmdy.
IK ia now prepared to i.icommo,rte all liavellr
and visiieia who m;.y favor him with a call, ami
will use eveiy rtlort in lira power lo render every
conreiiicnc mil ronifort lo his customers, while
juder r.n charge, lira accommodations are ampler
and '., is rooms well furtiiflicd. Hi atabrea rxien
sie ami in good tondlthtn.
His TaatK and Bl will be supplied vuih ti e
Isret that the mttket can tiTord. By punclualuf
and Bilcntrnu, he feels confident that he will ment
the patronage ef the public.
Cattawisaa, April Oth, 1S4,
ItOltLtiT CAItTEll V SO.,
l.mthiirxt txmtt iltlimff
HAVE eonstamly for sale, Printing fujie of all
sire and J us lilies, Cv Wrrtirig Pper, rubd
ami plsin, Letter t'sriet, while and blue, ruled anil
1. 1 u in. Hanging tWr, flu aud common, Euvt-L.p
INjier, do. do. niWlitini, dtiub'e nown, crown and
et'u sired Wi.ipping ParsCuloicd Motlium and
I. 'i.ysl P .sik, Uoiinet, ttiiider' and Siraw lint
II. .aids. Tissue I'ap. r, and all article in their line,
.tiih iu v wid m il mi urn Bim.Alailug terms.
II plica Ki,v4 L i old raga.
MatcUlf, Ifti. BSO.MJ