mini ria AJL. 'Cdlambla tlall Raul. fo much hiving been nit) iJbout Iherntlimr.H 'roaoV -by -the Canal GommMnnm Tirrorivryint passongcm on ttie'Cdlurribia "lUilroatl, dt will per haps be es wrefirto-etate lbe truth of h te,ri'!y. in figures, 'bowing a -co maw i son In-parJlMrerJIumiT between (he fla M)Q new wrrangement. tTh -public can 'then jjudgn imore fully the advantage- or ilia edvamsges Iha'Corrrmtinwas'lm "ts'lrkoly to turwri- enco under (he rrrrcsent cim tract. OIH Xrrnntmpit. Fare to'GdlutribialU 5TS Slate toll 0.64 JWr Arrantetnetit. T.tre to Columbia f 2,7'J Slate 1rlll -5 .16 Carrier. ..fii'l CorHrsWrtr 41J 50 IFare to Lancaster '3 Ilf! i Far to Lancister 2.50 a. m 'n ! tart b r In I. Toll Toll Carriers HiMi ConrTarJtnm 84 Through iprrnsengprs ihrftrrtry only f 10, between ThiladelpVm Bud aTlttsborg. eafollow:: Faro to Columbia XZh I TrlrelriOoiunibie 2.00 Tell 1.6 HateTdll 1.64 'Cntmctirti 3ti Fare to Lancaster 2.00 Stale Toll 1 65 6 'Onnftartcrr 84 4 Carriers, Fare to ILarrcaStPT Slate Toll Camera 1.01 3,00 H. 44 I, 56 The toll upon passengers under 12 yesrs-of age Hies "been raised one half- that upon all but ttrrotigTi tpassengm-s.wie 'third. The old ayatem of check 'ond'cdHetoion 'has bean rrreaerveil. The atate in. cure no adilhionifl ttperrse. The contractors are 'hound to ptry 'WCT tsU'MffSD th We werlra, Hndtcad of four ; anil bond has"ben lairon to rrrotec iho Commrtnweshli aigainsbcontirtgimfie. In I word, whilst ihis contrafl n-tlowa nho'fare tb'lho travel 'ling inblic,'upeii one :thh3 mofo ienBBto the Commmrwealfh.-ercerft m ibrrtog'h pasaTtiger; -and thia exception ia made to secure travel upon our own stare 'rrnprrrvemenra m eerrt.ptltron "with the f. aire 'On one ik, end'tbo Jumbeftantl KftH on the other. Until thia change was mau, (he rihaTge trpon i passenger between Harrisburg and Y-hiladclphia was 5 now t w reflucefi to $3,75, aTifl m rew Any the name fBsacBflcr r avfl wn 'throogh, lie. 'tween the aeat of govtnrffrrreift and PhfladHIifhia, without changing panaengera. A gunrCiima oTttn jfiotiic wrtetct.'it waa not only proper, 'biftriglVit in "the Canal Comfrri-fcioneTg to reduce the fre on 'the Columlia tout, and ftms induce travel upon it, when-so -much exertion 'has mado all around us to tip our iiqprovrmiMils, and take the travel from us. i-rnritL Opinion. Judue Dmik'.tit Reading, Qiaa ju-.t fl.c.irle(l, in the case rtf tScote tlamler "D.iniel Easterly, rMirrtfl" of Berks county, -fruit on dir the law dlmliihtng 'impfieonment Tor debt, no defendant in ca'e'norerceptr'd'by't'he nct.'can be taken, mrrwiil.-ppil nd held -in imriaonmerit by virtue of a 4J! piece, (frarlte'd by a Jualice of I he 1'eace, th"Ugh a 'ba'fl piece H'ntiinntioned-in the Maw, its tide spirrt cmbiaocj it. Tbth ik th Tk S-pmiv. Warrf perims itre 'in'thenaliit of using Cirrman Silver Tea and Ta'Hle poona without being aware of their poisonous composition. -Some friend of humanity has a noun ced ifcotiipusfd T eajRrei,rsemc mti rwrtcel, and that it oxydiaea very rstri'dly in eomael wrfh any cid, and that small particlesre token Mfttothe ato mach. Which tmperceptibry wl aclow 'bat -sure rnoison Vadhvl'Je IDanntr. Oire of the Daltimokk America!, Jan. 30. FLOUR. We hear of no transactions in City "MiliaFtosir. tSi bottler ask fl, hut others re. tfuse to sell at fbrftifice. OKAl.N. 'K:ipi of . neat coiflnme foite tlimiled We ruoleordinwy 4o -siotW , reds --at 65 a f0 rts. -Sales trf'V.liitc ;rrn to-fly m HI eta. and of yellow at 44 -ct-s. A ale tf Gain at S8 ts. CT.OVEKSEEU. SJIes were mde to an, ideruhle eYteift-on tsai'i4y atfS uh per bushel rfor prime (josliy. A'e toie'iletff-atriclyrrinie Ohio to-tlay at $4. WHISKEY Limited snles-of bhja. at 18 els. and of bhla. at a etc tkH. .JI JI IS It I K V , On the 24th ull.,hv Ihe Rev. J. P. Sbindd. Mr. Johs SuEiaXoMis Mili HilfT, bolb of Au ?n the 2Cth n1t, y -pfce me, Mr. fHiLansT DlATS lo MlSS UtmiKCT OHtlDOir, btfih of Augusts. Oil i be 3ltTt,Vv tlie same. Mr. Il4sar Mt u to MiasLtniA Hkilmin, both of Augwrta. n Sunday the 2'Jih nit,, by the Re. J.hua M'eavtr, Mr. Jons lh iathis place, to Miss'I'i i I iru. ksi , sT Agu. On the 2ih tiH., Iy te Uw. C. F. Stever. Mr. Joa IkuMVt le Mwt Nsxcv; Utsa;at boik of Itmestooe township, Crtu anbia county. On the same day, 1y the awte. Re. Diiiil Ltav-s, Minister of Ae Grswm Kefsreaol CtMrdi WtlSanvapert, 4 Mim Miac H c iriiss, of MrEwenesale. On the 13th uh., ! Rev. M. Pearre, Mr. Mosce Dine, of HerwrcV, to Miaa Pskmilia B. CrTmir, of Loxeine county. On the 17th ult., in Philadelphia, by Rev. , M. Sakdil Yorkb. nf Mahoning, Columbia eec, to Miss Masi Awji West, nf Ctutster caitttr. On the 18th ult, by tU Rev. U. M. Halliday. i. faG.Trv,i4' Danville, to Miss Ham- AH Yss,of Malwnang, Culunibia county. DIED, In Turbut. on the ti ul , ANNA CATHER INE, daughter of Joaeoh Wolf, aged S veara. In thiMdUUaque townsVia, n the 20th ull., Mrs. VOMERS, seed about AO yeara. At Crrenville,Tenfl,onihe2d ult.. WM. DICK. HON, PtmasMif at that arlaee. He waa appointed try Onersl Washington, in mi, anj li' ld i ThrmigS all the changes of the country to the dj of hia death. He had also taken the Natimal In ntfcgewer b 42 ycrs. snd had paid up to the 6th 4ay of the month pf ding ii Jecease. a ss !SHH-w A Tannery for Unit. THE Tannery, fitturea. ;A tool, in tills plsee, lielenging lo Ihe raie of lsne ZiegW, dee'd., tiaw in fMieasioa t Dc4ipr & Frv, witt be rented f.w a mm f years, on ressenanle terms. Po-s s Un arven on the 1st day of Ail nit. Apply l0 H D. MAsSClt Hunburv, Feb. 4, 18 13. PRICE OU!R'MSNT. Cnrrsrted wttflyby 'Henry TtOcfhrmer. '80 BO to r '6 '100 is 5ft T2J 5 200 fi 10 8 Rn, - - Cnam, 0s-, - - Foam, TtnTlMMtTl, - Burtm, TOtsawA t, - Tax-tow, llsirn AfraKs, - Do. Pischus, ThtciC'i.rn Tlati, EflTS, N. . "(Rooil Fire Company." THE membere Wr'the "Sioil Will Tlre'Com puny" "re rpqoented to meet Ht fhe (5o't Hotmn, on Monlliv "Evenino, Feb. '6th, at 7 ri dlock.'precrBe'ly. 'ruiicHia1! aftrnilance:i rcqirlrrd. fXjT An-election for officer rff the totnpfcity wfll be held Kt'tlre-same'tinie and )il-ce. Jan. 28. il. II. ZIMMITRXTAN. VSrr. 'FHE srinBrrilie-a. having enter.-d into a 'prrtner- ahip in th.'-TiTar'rire of the law, will 'be bftppy to attend to all business ertrriMUrU 'lo'lheir care. Collections will be promptly attended to. They may alwaya be found at their office, in InykCt street, funbaiy, ormeily occupied by "vV'm. ewart, dcc'tl.. etore-rom. WII.MAM 'I.. lVEWART, tT'I ARI.EM J. URU.VER. Snnburv, Feb. t!ik, 4S48. '(in. ATTORNEY AT 1AV7, V VS temoved his office to thefnmt toftm of Mm flielirir'k houe. formerly known ss'SmitliNi Torn, on "fhe siHifb tvent corner of the sqinre on Mi?ktittreci. IBumoew entrusted to his care, in fhia county ,-wnfl in 'ftie coBrftres of Union, t'oluin. bia and Lycoming, will -receive prompt attention. SunburV, Feb. 4, 1843 4t. To Ote Tlonorahlt C. O. t)nntl. E7., Trr!ttrnt, anS'hh i4Otinc Judaea of the Cnurt nf-punr-U.r Sttrinnt, of'the eoWzft -t? fkrthnniMlund': THE -pe'ition of Iscoli Krnm, of Sh;im..kin tftwn, rn a.-iid, 'homlily reprrscifts.'that he coiftirrhes Ifpep a n.trite T pnlitic. emedain merit M hia olil aland, in flhamokintown, and is well prepared for be ascoiirrfixlafioii oT rriewetliirs, Sir. He therefore prava your Tlonorati grShtrhim a li cense to keep a tavern during the rnsoing vear, nd He"!! tMSr;. J ACOB KRVM. To th a Jitihks it wV! ; Tnfctlli srriliers, reriilerita ot Oeil'i'i'Hp , heroly riTtify, that Jxcoh Kra.n. t'ie anolicsnt for fhr 'license, i a mrrn of good reimte for honesty anil Tempnnce, tnnl is wrll provided with house-loom and convenience for the lodging and acco'iim lition of strangers and travellers, smd that a public house there is ncrcsnir) : they thrrf re recommend him an a ijrToper iit- snn'to'lMi lii-cnrefi Io4ceop a pctflic hoirs John 71. H.ibrrt, Daiinl ChTrrftinrv, Jacob Tlrfir, Reuben Fagely, Soloman Manx, James H. Ponler, James Wartis, Daniel JJvert, "Fell. '4th, -lrfM. Tt Wm Fsgrty, John H. Rnnvan, Samuel C. fSi huiick, John Thomp-on, Stephen Eiseithart. k MEW VOLt'ME or flOTmxr MCKIll'S Jrll'SI'l M, Edited hy RflifMiit B, m'fhrir of Teter Tar ley I Ttih. Vhmmmeing January, 1843. SINCE the commencement of tlrrs work rrrw the mM popular jtrvenrle periodical eiint it has ser "been The arm of be-publishers'to mke it ilescrviitg rif lire liWal ncoiirgemerf; whidh "hts been eitended towards it; anA Its -eobscription list eviixwr. (h4t tl'err HTTorra bjeVeoti )prirccitoJ y Ihe polMit. On the first dav nf January new volume wil' commence. The character of the work will not be changed. Its design will remain the same, and the (ubhshers would assure their pitrona and the pub lic lhat their rffirts win be nnceatfing to Tender it worrhv of neing a compmion for the yonng. To plarlt the twe I ti innrsritv andtrirth in the y.tnlh- ul "T ' T-', Jn TK" '";"""' lo cul'iva'e a ia-e tor kiow4e'g and ioipinvenieiit, and h mstenctimi t.i blend ple tsure and snruse meirt, llreiie h.Tve lon, iirifl wpfll .miinne t be, the end and aim of i1c worV Every arriele w ill te thoroecl.ry igeineil tMfore it is admiited into this work, aiw gert care will bo token that it snail not cont nn anything inconfls'enl w ith the object in view. It is ocs'BnpQtn 1S iet iirt'-reiHing fir the nremortt only, but of permanent value, and fit to foim pan oTevo.y FAMILY L1HARY. Some of the leading features of the Museum are History, Uityrrajihy. (leol-gif, Natural JUslori, Geography. &.C. These will lie accompanied with lighter matter in the form of TaVs Sketches, Ad venlurea by Sea and Land, N irvalpvesof Rem ir'.s ble ocumeiee, Aneejoles, Fables, Allegonen, c. Toetry and Woiiic will be culled ino astntM. Tve ry available aneana of t nrVring me svorV sprigntlv, rrrstrucing and entertaining, wifl be put in requisi tion. Numevies ni pleiidid eiiilM-llishmeutsand iUatstrafieirR, uipasing whit may he fomd in any otlier wnrV oftlreVind, in ihis Tesect, wrtl be in srrted; and the typographical srpeaiaiire ol the Museum will be kti as. It w Au vefl, vSji wreet the approbation of ra Arena. TWe isablislrer weH 4d, that Swrry',s Us.-T'ana is the rheacett poriodioal m akekvam imol slied in any part nf the wmtd: We annvjal volume containing nearly as rrrarAi matter aa two volumes of Bancroft a History, which sell for four dollars and fifty cent. Tut Vcai Iaisht I ms. One copy, f t ; 8it copies, 5 ; lhrrteeti copies, $10. The great etoesweiwottTred ingtlingetrt a work like the Museum, Vetr.ts it necessary that the pul lishers shiulj strsxly adhere to ihectsh system. All kl'era asunt be post-paid, sod addressed to the rehk.tieta and Proprietors. DIUHRCRY, SOlEN tCO. 10 Sc)tool $1 , BoIol. and 127 A'ojukiu it , N Y. NOTICE is berely given, that all tho.-e indeli ed to the firm of WsJ ft Rhaw by note, bond, or book account, are reo nested la come for ward and aeltle their accounts, on or before the 1st of Match net). All those complying with Ihe a. hove request, will confer a favor, or, perhaps, save costs. WOOD ft RHAWN. tMinbury, Jan. 28th, 1843. 5t. fllilE aubsciiler has this diy pnnrhael at a con W. stable's sate, held in the borough of Kunbury, by E. liaas, the. full . wing articles, solJ aa the no prrly if John Myers : I Plow, fl V5 25 04 1 Sett Harness, (2 50 1 do. I It I Uay Mjre, 3 04 I do. I H.nrow, I Sled, I I I The alxive srla les hawe Vn lusnej lo the John Myers, and wiH Ists Ui i-tisina Ull, I see jnoiiec lu or -.,uef wiw 4'ii,(M, f tt,, ,, H. n. MASsp.H. S'i".ibury, Jan. 25lh, 1813, JVoticc IS'hereby given, llitt Ihe partnetshlp 'herrtitfoie ftisiing, anil trading under Che 'firm df fVyer. ly ScT). naas, h:'this-day 'been -dissolved by mil. lual consent. All persons 'knowing 'f hemservra'to be indebted -will mitos pwymcnt.ln Henry Byerly. who ia 'hereby authorised anH siilely tmpowercd'to receive and settle ll aecourlf i!ue-sid firm. HENRY nYERl.T, DAVID MAK9. Augusts, 'Jan. gist, 1843. 18 St. WIM. cmitirtae fhe "irjgoala Siore,' and hopea ly strict atlenlino'to business, to Te. eerve rnVtihare of custom. All kinds Of produre will he l.tken tor goods, as oloin .iaynrcnt Of flrihts now due. Augusta, 3sn."21r.t. 1843 18 3t Orplmns1 Com IN pursuanre of an order of the Orplmirs' 'Court Of NortlMtmlierlBiifl coimv, 'vv'll le exposed to s'Ih, rtl'lho-lato residenteelf Wrii.'(Brrt,'iiec'd., on Saturihty theUfith dy Hf.M irch next, In wit : A cerium tr ict of Wood 1 nui.-s'tuUte in Ro4i 'township. In tMid'Cfiuiiry. containing twenty five acre-", atjolrilng lan.'s of r.wn rsliarpless, il icoli l-ie Chart's nWisees, (it-orge Oe.ntiaH ai ft d'.tiern, tale the evnlc ilf said ileeM. Hale to commence at U o'el t ilf said tlnv when the 'Condi lions iff sale will t'C multlinewn try Sh K11.TS TA'i l.On, JOHN C. CRIER, Jan. 28, i 8 13. AtlmP. Tavern lolicc. To Ihf 'llnnvrribh "CV. Jfonml, Eq., Tretulrnt, and hit Axtticiatr, Ptidgm of the. Court tif Quar ter Sentioti nf the rnutt'tyrf nhhurnhrrland . , TirETe-ti'ion-ofVatliarine fliHiltnn.ol Sunbury, in srfid coon'ry, btrm'dy repiesenls, that a'ie contines to keep honse -of public entertain mens lit Tier ol3 stanil fn Sunliirry. im!l Ss 'Wtll prepared 1rr fhe nccommndalion e!f travellers. Sec. She iherefore prays -yorfr honors to grant her a li cence to keep tavern, duT'ng tho en-oing year, and she will pray, Ac. CATHARIIVE BOlTI.TON. To ticb TinnM isrv e MKKTrowrn: The sub. sitihers, Tesidenrs of Sunburv. here'rry cerri1y,lh 'Cafharine Houlion, the applicant for the license. ia a of goon repute for honesty anil terrfper anee, rind is Well prm-idefl with house room nd corweirieores for the loflprng and accommodation of strunrers and travellers, and that a pill lie house llnfe Is necessary : ihey therefore recommend ner ns ft 'ptAper1ytrson'tt'e 'licensed to'keepa public house. IS. n Weise 'C.T. t'h4Hnn, Ii T.'Clentcrtt, 3ohn Hans, tieo.?right. 'Jolin T Tursr1!, W. IVril, VJonrad Kershher, John Tl''6!r, Allab im Erw'trv, J.tseph "Eielv, lVtcr W. Cray-. Jan. 28;h, 1813. 3t Taciti sniffs. To the IJonora'de C. !. Dunnrl. T'ff Trrsidnfl, and h in Atruiriulca. Judges of the Court of Quar Irr fxnicrts of 'the count:! tf f'uf!iiumferhnd TpHF. petirion -of 1 buries Weaver, of Sonlrrrrv, JL in said county, humbly represents that lip con tinues to keep a house of public en'ert Onmertt at his old aland m fnnlfl"y, ami is well prepare I fr the accommndatinn of frvpflers, etc., fletheie 'tnro rfrsys yor.r "honois "to Rrant"him a license, to "keep a tavern during the ensirng vea, aird ho will prav, Ac. t'H AULKS WEAVER. To th Ji nor.s avs E?iTroim :' The sul-seril-ers, eesi lints irf Sunbury, hetelry certify, that tJhaillea Werfver, the applicant for 'license, is a man -of pood repute for honesty and temperance, anj is well provide.) with -house room and conve nieiurs Tor the lodging strd acconrmodrltiim of stringers and travellers, end that a pnbhc hou.e there is necessary. They hefrre recommend him as a p re-let jiorson to be licensed to iceep a public hi'Hse. Solm B. rrice, 4viiV"on Mirtit, E. Gaas. Chsrl.a Miller, William Marlz, (ieorge Rohrbnt-h, J rn. 2f!th. -1843. 3t Uenj.imin TlimdiicTis, 3uhn llright, Idhn Farnsworth, Jacob TKek, (ieorge Young, Andrew TVtmt. Taixm !'oli-c. 7'u the Vonenrahle C. C. Donnrl. Est.. Vresidcnt. and his .tmriutr. Judges of the Court of Quar ter Nws.'Vrts farHht etiunty of Snrthumlk-rlond ; rrMJE pelinon of Varies 1)., of Son M. bory, in sai I county, .umls"y represent, that be eoirtmu-s to keep a boose of iriMic enteriain- inent, at the well kn.swi i-lanil the court h u.e, and is well (irepirr. A for lire accornmoflurion ef rrav eltera, fte. He therefore praya your Honors to grant him a license to keep a tnvern duiing the en o.. suing year, and he will i rav.ftc. CHARLES D. WHARTON. To the Jrni:s soV iLMi'sm ri : The sub scriber, redens .ff SonVir.ry, Iwreby certify, that Chiirlea D. Wharton, the applicant for the license, is man of good repute for honesiy and tenmetanre. arr4 is well provi led with hoMse-To.mi and c 'Iri-eni-encea I. the lixigHig ai4 acconiniiiiction of stran gers and travellers, and that a public house thcTJ is neiess.ry : tl.ey therefoie recommend him as a proer e'son to be liceiised lo keep a public hou.-e. S ismiel Ii. Jordau, Jehn Bogar, iao. Msrttn, Jaoob Rhasjriv, 'In os. (i. IJegins, F. lwArfJ (i.ilnn, Frederick Lazsius, (ieo. U right, Jan. 28tb, 1843. 3t John W. Peal, I. C. Rhoads M.ininel U. DiiTm-r, 1). T. T.iles. W. L. Dewart, Cbas. J. Draner, Jvbn II. Ctvdrn, dltCE ia hereby gives, that all jieraons, enr it po'ate or natural, tntereared in the eatsre of JOHN H. COWDEN. or in the mmrev in f'.-ajn for dmtri'-utinn, to appear by the 7ih day of Febiu ary, 18, and eajke theins. Ives parties to the -eve-ral issues in fact, and the proreeaings lor distri tsiiion. By the Court SAMUEL D. JORDXN. Prtithonitsry's oiTice. ? Snnburv. Jsn.lh.l43 S Ahralinm Dunkellrri pcr !1a1s "VTOI'ICE ia hereby given 1 all those in Msed to i-v ihe rsts'e of Abraham Dunkelerg r, ileeM, late of Coal town-hip. Nmthnmlailand'y, ty n.rtea due, or book account, tocsll sn.l m Ve pay- merit on or leforethe Ulh day of February neti, I at the house of the deceased. All those Wine cl liins on siii.l est ite. are requested lo pre-eiil them, wcH authenticated, for settlement. SUM A N N A 1) I'N KEL11 FTvC, E H, J in. 7th, 184151 Adminitiratrit FIIIE puKlw are b.ttby irol fre.l, that the suh M. set rhera purchased mf William and Jacob Tip, ot the Kuough ef Northumlrlsnd, on the 2tlta day of IVeemlwr iust., two MARE, the on t,,y rrd the othir tlaik. ''"". lio'.ice, that we have loanui the alMive .- perty lo the said Wm, and Jacob rip, tu I Mi. vered lo u al a.i time when esNml for, WM. m.4:av. HRACTKJAM ft WAriXS. , S'otlhuillbcilind, D. Ut, 1S12- TavcfM lVotlce. To the Ifnnnrnhle 'C. '. 7nmrl, I'rtiitknt, and hi Axi1te, 'Judgt rif the 'Cmtrt nQur ter Srtuimit rif'the timiity a Wotthumberluttfl : ITpHE peti'ion of !lrhn flstjs-of Hiintor. in -said . coitntv.'hurrllllyreiiresi'rlts. ihat "h Crmtlttuea to kei p a house of puHlte ertterntinmem,-t bis old stand, near tl'o court hnnse, and is well 'pre titrell 'for the atcomm llittioti -of trvellers. ftp. ffe'lhere'fofe prys yoitr'honora 'to 'RMrlt'him eenc'to keep tavnrnCunruj the enuinf; vesr. and he'Will prsv. &C. JOHN HUS, To Tint 'Jtfnnr ) vrsTtovrn Thesulvt srril, lesiik'ilts, rjfSurihurv.'herby certify, Iht 3 'hntisiis, the srirlhtsnt 'fnr ihe I eene, is a man of coodTepilfe for honesfj- anil teniiernnre, snd is htMl prnviiled wilh 'hi'ltse rmmi and en veniences for the b'llging Hud accrminvJltftimi .."f strangers sn.l travellers, Mud Ih it H public bouse there is lie reus ify": they 'therefore recommend him nsa p o per (terson to be'lireiiFcd tn'ke p (f.iMic house. Samuel T). Jonln, Oteo. fiUftin, John P. I'urstl, Toward fj,s, (Jeo. W. Klelil, 'V. I). Wbartnn, At'rinnm'Erwin, K'aleh Fi-her, John fl. Price, I..TVWI. F-.twaril OvstiT, Ch.s I. ftnlnes Thns.'O Hegirw. T). T. Tritrs. Ilan. ES h, 18'43.-3t 'HAVE talien my mn 'in. I. ttreenonjh. is to niirtiier lliirin 'the piacln-e of tb l. in the. cHiirtvrif N 'tfhunilH'r'ljnfi. He V 111 'be ertnsiint. Iv in I'ttendifnee at rrty 'Tice. 'in tbe hornuuh of ftlrilmrv, renfly to rr.msict or.h 1'Oshiess ismwy 'be eitrrusted 'to our Cne. Metfthartts nli others in ry rclv iion4iis vigilance jrr.d ii.leliiv in the eol ation of mon y. e. eras: enou H. Sonhiiry. Dec. 71 l. 18112. 5t rJJlIE Snlmeribers Inrv-e entoroil into ,prlnerfhi(i M. in the ipraeiice of Uw, In the several C'-uris ot th.i conrtty ol Korihrrririefland, and strfte of Penn sylvania I heir nftice is the that has hiihei to 'h.-en occupied ly K. G eenongh, in the borough ofSuiibrry. E. tSREKXOUfiH. W. Vi'RCMiUGH. Hunliory, Wee. 3st, 1-842 5t Ir k . M t-Sstcr, O'FFERS his irrrtfe'siornd services, to the eilteena Of Sunrfory.-andriritiify t'tlrce nesii flmtrlo the'residente tf ReIl. R A. Visiter, where be m iv be f.olh I, sj-fless encagad in diM'harging rie Abfiea of hisiprnfession. Oct 8'h, 1812. if. s viri, iitr Ki:iii,, ; HATTER. fT.'RY KESPrXJlVULLY l-eg-.leave to in. f-.rm his customers and lire pnbiic generally. that lie sr?i 1 1 continues the 1IATTINO BUSINIISS, in all its various branches, in the shop, neailv op imsite fhe B uk Tavern, 'firrmerly occupixl by Henry Haas and hitTH'If. nnfler fhe firm of 1l!?s A- llrurkpmiller, which "firm hs lieen -muro iKy ftir so ved. iRe hop Iy his lonE erpiTicnce in ihe alun-e biis-rness, and miict Slleitt.on 'tlierefo, lo ren der cerreral r.vrri-(fai1ion, fend reserve a hbi-nl sliare rif public jiatrnnfige, Stinbnrv. Octnivr l.'irh, 18 12. 6m. 'nUilW' HOTEL, " "BLJT TXkJ" XTVCOMI3STG COUNTY, 1'fiiiiMjlt aula. rjHE Snbcriler resjiecifully informs his friends 4. and the iltitTtij in general, rbat 40 has tiften the alntve i.Aiiar. asp roMMonwis IN TBCHlUlMWiU'or MTNCY. snd'fhat be is now well prejiareil to ire rnmiKl it all Woo may favor him wfth rtreir mat. on. Tiis"Jh.Trri !P Atinraixrs irre wB aired, and cooiforlable. HisTsai Ast fUn wfl: a'ways 1 snppli il avith the Wsifhe maiket can i(T"l. Tis "StabXivO, which is t-ood wRI W under the chsrge of gnod and carelnl hostlers. He f. els'cnnfiitent, by Urtet aTrerrtioiitn b.Tness anfl an errire t m-sire to render t fnt'tlalile th.ise who nniy -patronize him, thai hi wdl noi f.iil to give geniTal sni-fa.ti.m. H. II. WEXVlJR Munrv, Oct. 1st, 1812 if. A CAI5D. II' I. .1. v . 1 OIl i"egs leaw to rrnrtt'r ins grate ful a kn.-w'eJgmtVits M ihe -jieonle nf fsrinln-V find surrounding country, foi tlieit vn-t rrrcounge ment in ihe line ol his professi..n ; and would at lliessme tiswsu miiM-r lo them, th t he -till in tends to roiiitmie the prsr-tf.-e nf medicine in all iis various-d'tjiarlmi iits. He v-yiiil.l, iloTrfore, solicit a coiiiinu itice of their confidence aiul p.aoia -e. He may le loond at all time- at h s office, in rnsr Vet streei, Tinhns professionally vug g.d. KnnrtTry,V'l. 1st, 14. it DV. 1. T. TlilrN, Respenfully infoemstlrc Timciis of Sunhucy anrl vi iuiy .that he bks a ken mi office in tire Tmii.rW 1p"v1v"Oirtii iil by Peter Lazarus asm drug s'ore, m market stseel.u Wv, here I). may lie f.ruiid at H hirs, ii)es pTofi-s- siouariv eirtsji-JI. UU. TRI PES re,.msliir'.re thanks for ill" eiroouiacemciii Ire bus Tcc.i-e.l. in ihe line of hi N-sfiwMoe, inthis rAsee, snd iru-t-, tv tiriSnip a lent an ro live ihiiies ni. eir rr.'m.. sn ! r.--i--n-Me charpes. thai he will Cm tmre to n-. n - e i h'Tat -bare i4" t)e public patron .gss Suubuey.iVt.lsi, 1842.--. Til? T M SUM VKT? JJI .! iNs Ol.' ill i lIis gUUXiQjKj DCNTlSTs 1 K.SI'EC I rCI-LY ih.- pub'.c tliat it IV hi. niaxhi N.s-ihuu.-iis.l hi. iii'tmin.r.t place 4 n-rt.lirn-e. anJ is to alivl a ary j C.dlsin the line of his proKvsi.rn. July 2, 1812. ly. TAILOHI;C4 on kis owiy noon. lir.sPEOTFVLLY i.o.m. l.i-Im-nds awl i -IV pubhe geneial'-j, iht he iiaa .mimeim-e! ll lire Tn in all il l.isiiches m the hm- f..tmerlv iici op M 'rt in. Durst as a Taibn ShAs in Mi.iitlM:r street, leaitv is;iporiiie the lV-bv 'eiiao Ct.urcli. He n-aiH-tlully solierts a share of the public pitr age, and trusts by strict aitintim to riii'e nwd Tca-ensMu charges, he wilt be enabled to give gee i rat satisUi-lion. !unbuiy. Jone lSlh, 1842 ly ViTsliViippv of Rll&E OINTMENT, received ai.J foi ..le by U. b. HASsUR. Nuv. 1 9th, 1 842. Tift JEl Alls ClOASX A EXTRA A CCO M M OI) ATI t N trN-E Will eonrmmtc t vrmi ng hrtwrrn Tliilnili'fflila tind I'ottuville on t hi- following day mid hairi'n-: i" n rTRti Mo-int,lf 3.'l8Va. 'I.mving PiUlille, on Wond.l5-s, Weilnesdiys rind 'Friitays. at "fej A. M. Leivi, g l'llil,tUilphili, On Tire'ilaj s. Thurs.lnys and S ilurdsvs, at ' 1$ P. M. HtlHHfdf llttt'Ur RtillfiUtf. ForPbilphia. littio'i A.M. 4 .,,.iWkIv Por Pottirvillc, Ml V P.M. "t-weikij. ..f ft ; y. i 'tletween Totlsvifli- .St Ththiils. )-3.ft0 ft f 2)0 Retween Reading ft d.'. '2.25 ft 1,75 Retweeii iln A' Pr!r.-ifin, I.Hl ft '1 ;t0 ExcfriMON TiPk'kts r.ooi, icth 'Ui'rii.mmi M t r ha. Hetwren r7plt.ville ft P!,r.t-I 'IphlK, J.r 00 H. lw-eili 'Rewl'iiig ft ill.. :i(lli UlMWCPIl Ho. ft. 'fSitisvill-, i: 00 Tlw olher nsssenter imlrrs tvul ss 'Nt'irtfS, fct the fnllntt-ii'S h -tfr.-; Thiluihiphin and Potl.-rfil,: From rinlmlel.lii ,, n 6JA.M. Prom Pott-vine. al 2 P . Diry 'Hours of prrtstrip J'ludntg For rntirfvitm, at '9 A. M for Philadelphia, (ft Si P. M All me trrlins will stop for way pn spongers at' thC -nsOai points. (Jy- All p:iS5en;ers sre reqitPStell to ,'r',',"'' their lickeXs before the 'trrtirx stat. Msy 2"., 1142. ff. To onYttry MERCHANTS, THE Solrs-rinpr, ot I von ft Htr-rs, flnt Jr-m.rToinr-rti. mt N-w YoiU, Phl -lelpHia, It ill.m re iri .'!ifr 1"fge i-il'es, I ose ??, are hiL'hlv roiinnihil d 1 T Pmtd tolit r'irV rVrifft.'i'y, has o i l and a tir-lmte is0'tm nt of HATS and CA Pb. suit'it'le for Tn-mp s .le-, wh i h will l e sold very 'Urv.'foi 'PaS or ai(oovp, credit, at (be nrlcd cheap store, Ko. If), Nnf;h Th rd sreJt, rrpp jsie the City H.-fl. PhiU rr'lfmb, TkOBf. RT T. vn.K'NSON. AfteHl. N. Tl. Orfna1.t lists tn ihe rouh. promptly attended to. The Irignent ( sice wfi it 'trade given 'I n- Fur tSrn. Philadt"lphia, June'11,'l8i2 - -ly 1.l. persons indi hted to the firm of Lynn ft Hair-s.'OriiVr the ;C''nry (f . N. Thacher, U it and Cap Xltinuftirturfts. No AO'S' oft h Third, street. ?hil idflph-. .ire requested lo make Iftimefli ate sen leiix'rf. of Ii ir -kiTNi.irt iih the subscriber, theft 'lega'lr BU'hnr'rVecl figeiil.'Whb is fiftly cmpnw. rlidtoselile mi.l collect the ricrfltints of iiil 'ffrm. ROUE RT !). W?LKIXsoN, Jirr.e '1th, 18H2.lf flrvif. ia ,ifl tn "Bra. WATiliX Y77.7) SI VEItlOll TO .4.YT OTHER EAR S 1 A 71 1 U Y. JOHN ft H'ENRY I.AN'DaV. niViiw rented Ihe Lime "Kilns of Henry Masses, in Sbiibuiy, have now for sale the la st Lrmc in tlrispatt iif the country, and wfll contimie to keep const :mlry on hsnrl twshlflme forThrsitering. Buiiaftig anfl for Lirnwtg land, on aa reasonable terms as can be 'had anywhere fti 'he neiehlioihoiHl. Ma-v 1 1., mi a. & h. Landau. HAGLE Corner of Third and Vine Streets, xrtLMAirisroiir, riv. T HK tiobsrrihrT .r. WeYfariv nrrrnrtinres to tire iifil'bc. that he h -s opened a Hotel tn ihe crtm- mo.luwrs rrriili I Ki fl.Ti ito- s'tnte on the corner of I'hirrt siifl Pme ftreets, Where ho will ne huppy to waii m -n tbose who may f.i-vor him with their compfciry. The E-igle Hotel is In fte nnd coriveni eni, and furifiJhed in the l-e-t ni"ih in st le. Il is pr -t ided wilh a "large mlniher of well aired and C"mf.rt ible sleeping sparrmerrts, rooms, nrivate I, fte. Peisons visiimg Wilhaiiispo'r't on Tin- inoss n p'ea-ure. mv re.l as-nrr.'d that eery ex orli..n w iM l e used to 1. 1 Mcr then sitjourn s't Che "V.'igV Hoti'i" pleasant and agreeable. Ilia Table w ill be supplied w ith the very b-st the market af fon's. ami his bsr widi he c'flicest wines and other li.funrs thargen Te-sonhble. 'Il.e Fligle Wotrl possesses prettier ailvaiosges in -p.m1 irf location than snv oilier vimihir enl-iidi-hnienl in the liorough, bi ftig sifoate in the '.insmess "pirt-l f the town, and wilbin a convenient ilisi.mce irf the Court House and Wi'liamsp(i and F.lniira tv-id Rn id Di-riot. So'fTident'SiabliiiB provided, unil good and trusty o. tiers alwavs in n'lteiidance. Attentive, accoii.m.Mliiling and hone-t Servants hnebeen mpbed. mkI nrHlng b-fl undone that will add to the conrf.nt and accoTnmodafion rf his gTapsts. 'I'hrYe will W a caftiagi- atw'tivs m atteoXi- ce at thi Hoat l.aniting to cin vey passei girs to and fnni the llotise, f r -e of rbarae. fll KL Ht1RR iWM. i MsvHib. ie2. t -1 ..... i. i Vl. HEILllT & CO., I Omrltivsltni JSt Porwanlinfr Mei oflftnlS, JVsrf t IY??oii Street Rail ANW, TIN THE nriwi ill. HAVING associated i h ilu m Jo- 1 1., late of Eauloii. Pa., r. ai eetf.r?V in' nn ihe.' 'i ami ti e i.i b'ic peie'rHv rteit t1ev have t. I k; .mo u ,,f ai I., l -. 1 ' !'' ' ' i.pie.l ',,y i m pose .'i' . :, (.',., fu r,ln t Hie ,.,e--. n,l , wh." a,r.1 F ! t.ei i l -sl iihelcal ,, Nan f iXVin y ( (O.l.r imp be !' ,i-e I t linnio j, u.enis ihal have their I oif4 In th Pltv, the . 1 i ,,eiselvt ihey will '"' r A". ' U!" '" '' l! lage, si..i ,s,e9t ,, as any Other n.'lise, ,,, in. v Hiuie their divinrs tbsl any coil s''' mi nt r.mie i0 il(iw hA hv. ihiit strict al leiiti'"., miJ uii eteitii spaveill.i 'i,ive enliie aatia-f-.noii. Th'-y siv also prepared to receive and forward gomls to any pono on the 11 aw re ami lhigh nns Vnve.ii MaiK-li l ui.k. . iioi. ami rinla K4 his, vis licl..w arc Vhvi-i n an.' 'hii;h 'an l; a's-i. lo anv ponil on the J om its i'tv-'r, ot Nor h and Wist II Snrhi- of ihe Su-ipi. buina via Nehnyi. i.ll iu.l I'tiVivn, or tho Clu tiei.k. Mid Title Wntei CnaV. p..r 'he accomm-Hlation of to.i's Coming or go . i via r-thuvlkill and Liimii Canals, a Sie .mboat tll Ii- kl i Epresslv for Viwmg Iwiats fnM iht Jsehuil intni. t-ithe 1M "4e sn.l back, w hich will en Me merchants tn hae their prmluee deli-te-etl on the Ue swaie, and their g .l iprlst aaaVM.gol 60 tolSia-r Mil the p.lce. f r h.uheg acors. with theae rdkitges they re spectfully solicit a Jiaie of i sir mst-e. 1 ' W HEILMAN St CO. William H.Hmsn, ) ie A Ibsen v . K. )sv , ) Jusspa Bsrnel. sroel. J iPiiilad.MsyM.lo. ly von irmTsvii.i.E. THft wf llJryach 'f.rrrPottsville'rea'tes Korthuni hfrland tfVefy'mo'rtilrtg at SVeloek, and ai rive in POttsville in the evening. Fs r'i as'l1rw es any other line. For neKH, apply al Mrs. Withing'tiui's II. t. ', Norlhumlerland,'Oret George WVii7.cC-, Suiibui), . E. KAPP& CO.. Kortli'd.lrfy'il.lS'li. Trojlri.tor. fXj 'Passengers coming from Philadelphia ni'l please secure ih:r eeals at the M hlte bwiili Hole', Race"Srh 'be'fom 'hey tenve'thn ctty. Passei gers coming-in fhis'Hne, have'thclr aeitts nefored Ih niv Stiigeor Packet hoat from this place, 'l'honecolnii if in lhelhfhne'may lie left behind. CLVDE & WIL7iAlVlS, lllank Hook, lllannlaclory 0tpasiitc 4 lrincfa -'Hotel, 5IARR4SBURO. rMlII'Y are pti pilrp'l totrtRrlitiicliire 'bturik'wo k .J. rtf'every ilesctipliiin,Vuied'tn anyrpnttern, sin Ii as 'flockeir llecords. Diy Hooks. Ledgers, A s- or' snd Cdltbclfrrs' ?)upiiciiles of the finest qusli y of pSiW.Snm iljflefquiil to Hrry -madeili tllo i tips of PhilmVelplna or IVi'w Yoik. AH r'.esr'iijificiiis -of binding neatly exer'iile.i. McrapTlo.iks, Allnirr.s uiiiH'erMolros Tunde to Older-. Law lloilks, 'Movie mid IVsiniltcifls 'bourn! to atiy 'pitletn. Old lims r'!.o(iiiJ, A c. Also fih-'s ti paieis bounS. fXj- Wofli left at ihe office nf the Suribltrv Ame ricitn,'wl'-be (trflnrjitly attended to. Miiv 21st, 1w42. ly. d OLDEN S V A N A'o. (51) A'ori Third, above Arch Sr"'', -PlULADELPiHA. k'PcoMflu'.t1oa"FOii tr'i;TV rEtloV. C5F1AR1.ES 'WEISS, late of the " hite Swan arid "MDunt 'Vernon House," respectfully in formsliis friends nircut.limiers. that lleltas Income (he proprietor of fltft rfliffve vrctl known ndtel. Coun'ry MeicliBfn'ts will Tnnl the ahovu'Holel a Central ligation, and thelieitl ilf fare. Persons tra- sieilme wllh private rorfveyaiice 'will find n laige yard anS gooll fttoiilhig for horses, and lUe'lv st of oslleis. TioarJing I per Jay. May 14th, 1842. if. J. IrlAVIANU, JR. & CO. Smiff and Tobacco ManufacTurc-rs, .Vo. 99 AorfA West corner of Race-itnJ 'Thirl Strrrts. thiladelVhia. THE unriersigne.l have formed a Co-'prfrrtPrship under the firm of J, M A Y LAN D. in. ft Co., as Mueocssors to the late firm of Jaefl Jltaytrind t Vo., snd will c (iitimic (he Pushiefi at the old'ettr-. hlishmrnt, on their own fircoirnl. In sdiliuPfo their oVn rinse retention ntr.l expeririicc lot'sis'iiy years.'in'lhc nnintifm tfjfo of their ceft-bruttd sl.ill' ftp., iheiong rxperiitice of the senior patlne.'tf li e l-te firm, will also he devoled lo the interest nf I ho new concem--aiiil as no exertion and cafj'wiil le spared lo inire fhcir g noils, at all tllntVNf the ve ry lart,narhty, ihey solicit a coiltiriearlce of Ihe cori'fideiice of the fnenda and customers nf the late firm. THOMAS AtlAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jk. Philadelplria, Mriy 14th, IS42. ly MERCHANTS HOUSE, .Va:J7, orA Third,vbarc!Ck!UvaKill 5-. riiiLAi)p:LPinx. OHN DUNCAN, late 'mm the Penr.?lv nia Farmer, BTi I Shnlael PBic. jr., Iar 6f A- nierican flotel.'Cohimlius, (this, take please! in ac quainting llieir friends and the public genenllv that they haVe tiiken the large rtrnl Coinmodiotra Hotel, receirtry IHiilt by the Messis. H nt.on the same site once -occupied by Ihe old 'established Kotel known ss the "Bulla -Head, in Thfrd stieettibove Cullow hill si. 'Hiis nolel is (finished in the "very hest possible manner, and of the best nitiltlie'a. Ita location i very desiiahle, psriicularN for country ntvtchatttK the srrnngcmeuia for lle&iiiir anj venutlitig ich rotim ia s'tich as to secure any temperature. Tire hffiroonvsare all Irftht nml niry, aH roihiAftl in a neat style, so a-sto insure comfort The rtcfirtng parlors, are abn Aimislred m a 0 perb st,Vllie windowia ate xm the French style, I'ormiog an entrance to a bsfonny fti Iront, whuh in irk es a deasant recess, rrrtrrular attention h-j Iwn given lo the In-ds and bedding, w hich, vr lire furuituro, vire cntinly new. t rom years,' eipvTieifce in hnlel tnnivwiis, wit trust, by stiict assiduity ti: business, to make this house a ilesiruhlu stepping place. 1uT lablo will always le nifvlrcj wuh the very fecst our uinikt t can afl .nl, end out bar wnh t.e liest Inpjors ui.'d wines nl the most approved brvnds. P. S. n-ere are first ra" stabling tnd caniago houses ettactied lo the tioiel, Mtrnded by ca f'll and sot-erhosilerB. nird our charpea will le I jw, in accordance with thcpreont hind times. Philadelphia. Oct 7ih, 1842. SlfSUUEHANNA HOTEL, PEy.MSYLVAMA. HE gubscrioer Tespectfully informs the pitMre ihut he ha? rsmtaei-l, and noiv occuires tP Anrj-r lt Hi Ilk and "a4i rVwiziortoH. ildlfel'f.ivi'ln Stantl, Well known as the properly, late of Theodore Wills, alrd fornrcrly VtY' ''v N,nuel A. Biady. He is now ptepatvd to atxnmmodaie aHliav-lli-e airvl visiieis who mny favor him wiih a call, ami wifttiw every effort in his power to ri-inVr wif i-oiivenleu'ce slid omfort to hi cublonrers, while iimle'r his charge. His Bcroniwvlatrona areampb-. sn.l h rooms well fumi-ilrpJ. Hia stables extvn sive and in good condition. His Tablk and Uah will he supplied with lh l-est that Ihe niaiket cm all'ord. Uy punctOalut and aitH.n, Ire tcrls ronfrdtia that he will rneot iW tiutionsti of the li-iblic. CH ARLES HAKTMAN. Cuttawissa, April Tth, ISt. hiii:kt & mix, PAPER 14 AM TJPAOTWBSR0, HAVE constantly for ile, Printing Paper of all sires and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ml. A and plain, Letter Paper, white and Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, tine and common, Envtlnpa Paier, do. do. medium, doubto crown, crowm anrl eiirssixetl Wrapping Papers.t'uloied Medium and b'oyal Paieia, bonnet. Hinders' and Huaw Hot U.anH,Tnaiue Paper, and all articles in ihesr line, wbntl they will sell on accoaiuiodaling terms. H ghe-l price given f - r old raga. KODURT CARTER ft SON, March 19, 1 M. Elkion,MJ