From the 'Siffturt. THE nERO OP ffltE rJIAMESI JohniM Mas In pursuance otaeall from JohnMin State' Central rUornnvittee.flie Demociwry.of Penney"! rtnia aaserrfulei til laretwnnjeT frvm cvwy county in the Oiifrniftfrwcallh, at the seat f SaveTmiwiBt, (litoriffcurp,) and on Saturday itbe "7th of Sanitary Inst., convened at be Court Mouse for the purpose fiiWioprc1inrinary neeting;. At 7 o'clock, I. Si. the tneetinir; was caHJesJ tnrder Vy ke lion, fern S. Graere, -of Le high coimty, who rrfler f!itfaiBBf the ob ject f -the arreetinf an neat aad pertinent iperfi, -nam mated tlmt obi, faithful and welU tried Democrat, ihe Hon. WM.OVCBnei A of Monroe county, to preside over ita 4eliWir at ion a. Mr. Ovcrfield todk Ms Peat amid the most nt biiast ic on;rratiilat rortseff the friend oftlx! I torn of the Thames. Tire fbllowtnjj named pentlemen were then chosen Vice iVesideats of the meeting? ; Wm. Ei.wnti, Esq., of Tlrndrb -d en. I fun. 5oiw S. GiMNn,of Lehijfh -co. GnoitfiR Facoeaic-K, Esq. Joiwi! Hxtx, Esq., of riiflaila. co. J. S. Jom, Esq. " Col. A. M.Ct-aAtK, " MlCHC(. f XVMU.VO, " Maj. Daivitx I). GeomiR, Maj. F. L. IIowman, of liinerne co. Col. Jons Twv,of Dauphin ca Capt Owes M'CxaE, R. II. Kckr, Esq.,of AHegfcarcy co. Samiel A. Roger, of Perry ca Secretaries. Col. Wm. E. Barton, of Bradford co. J. II. Steck, cif Dauphin co. John Alexander, of llarrrdrsrrg', Col. W. M. lkioUy,ifPiradctyhia. Onaotion of Dr. f. W. Griffiths, of Philadel phia, a cemmittce of nine were appointed to prepare proceedings for the consideration of the meeting. The President announced the fol lowing named gentlemen : Dr. J. W. Griffiths, of Philadelphia, George Sanderson, Esq , of Bradford, D. IV. Kownovcr, Esq., of Columbia, Maj. James Patton, of taneaster. Or. J. tt. Green, of Lycoming, Charles Pray, Esq., of Dauphin, I). F. Alillcr, of Crawford, John Smith, Esq., of Philadelphia, Cel. J. Sidney ones 44 The meeting being thus organized, and the preliminary objects for which it had covened be ing accomplished, on motion, it was Resolved, That the meeting now adjourn un til monday the 9th titst; tfeen to re-assemble at the Court House, (IIarrisbur;,)at 9 o'clock, P. Mat which time the committee to draft re solutions wre instructed to report proceedings for the consideration f tfce meeting. The meeting then adjourned. Monday, Jrnurry 0th, 1?M. Tlie Masa meeting of tlie Democracy of Pennsylvania assembled in pursuance of ad journment. It was an immense gathering of voters, from very section of the Common wealth; one of the lagest primary meetings of the Democracy ofTennsylvania ever held at the seat -of Government. The EteL, the Weet, the North, and tlie South, bad come together to de clare their preferences n a great national ques tion. At 6 o'clock the ofTicers resumed their peats, and the lion. William Overfield, Presi dent, called the meeting to order Tlie procee dings of the preliin liary meeting being read, Dr. Jeste W. Griffiths, cfl'lMladelpiiiaose and afterabhort epcech submitted the following reolutions. Resolved, By the Democracy of Pennsylva nia in State meeting assembled, That wc re gard it as the highest, most sacred duty we owe to ourselves, and to our country, to rally around that man for tlie IVcsideney, who has stood by us when tlie clouds f adversity were thicken ing and lowering around, when the people were bleeding at every pore, and struggling to per petuate the Independence secured by the treas ure and blood of the 'Revolution. Such then must be the tott of his patriotism and Ameri can feelings. In eelectinp a candidate for tlie Presidency, Ihe East, the Wci-t, the North and the South must all feel that they have a common ptotec tor. His national character must be clearly dt-fi-ncd, and tveU ucsJeretoud. He mubt witboot doubt or equivocation, be indcntified with the laboring cUtwca of this natron, and upon THEM lie uiuet depend, mainly for "his elevation, and not to the machination. aud manojuverings of demagogues, w hose ambition it is to "HEAD TIJE PEOPLE," and defeat the sovereign will Resvlit d, That we are happy and pleased o seethe patriotic and unyielding ntnnd which the people are taking in favor of ''.sls.rt terms of j an?"i',d by this meeting, louse all their service, when great powers are enr.lorred," and x riimis b promote the w ishes of the people, standing upon tint broad principle-of teemo- j d toaee tliiit Ihe public will in fully vindicat cratir truth, rotation etf ofjiee. Vc therefore, ld i:i the tune and manner of selecting dele- declare ourwl vta in favor of o.c I'mruLymt. term. It is the doctrine-of the Democratic purty, in Pennsylvania, and is enkried by the people of the whole Umoo. Tliis p inciplt; tu indi visibly connected with tlie mritv of our na tional arlairs, ami tiie pnw-pority of or free in stitution, that it cannot bo surrendered with out endangering both. The Democracy of the 'Keyttme Stutc' therefore ailort it as a solemn and important duty, m priiuifd vj eu tion which cannot bo departed from, and rr joice in the hepe, that the democratic porky. of Ihisinntion, by adopting .the pninniple, -will .-net an iCMitrtplo in .all icomim time, which will be as crciRalUeito thamsdXvos, m it will lie safe and salutary in its practicnl qpenrtions. Resolved, That the character anfl -services f Kichisrd NL. JokBnvnf ateirtaetfry, nmcnp a full Jevol m.-ibh tte ikirthjrirficaroir9-re-yvittite ito4flile'atin la Che IVesideacy, and Tflnwt m-e Iferrr'bj Knawmowlly Teoemnxmd J? &ar? W. JAmmm the fwofta of lV-imsriva- ia aid ".-We Unin, as Ckeir canavisAe ir (Ike IVeiaiikwrey in 11 L As a ilc.r we offer his saciTed person and the ftfAeadid victory of the Thames as ecidencc; as a Phi1anl1irtH1, we all pcm Ate soldiers of the RwoWlioB, an J ifpon the widow's and or pluofl of thrtfte hIm fivll in the late war. As the advica f civil and rclig'tmw liWrty, we nuintto h Sunday Mail Repcrrts; avt&e friead f the 4toi1i MiUl'Mit," w inxMke on answer from the fiintwrs, the worfodiops nnv1 uy-labo-rers of this wipljty ntwn. Uy rfc7ilie nas rtood through jod roert, and evil rejtmt, in ca und in w, and fwr tlictn and tir ihrir eTt4y aad ItHttpinesR, lie Iid pmirod wit liin Wood like walcr, and let thk.m, we om.ntit tlie ii1e!linteof the Hem of the Tlitimt. UcuJvcd, That we deprecate nil ?rirts made j to henl the PEOPLE, by forcing a national tVnvention at an earlier dy than llie us-nges of the party jusiify, and that May, 1111, ia nite early ownigli fic the congregatioo ofthia im portant cunvontnw. itrofr(t, Tlwt wc assure our Democratic fL'l!ow-citiiei in other States, that tlie Demo cracy of Pennsylvania do not fear trusting the prospects of Richakc M. Jouksox to the Jeci siou of a national convention, which shall re present fairly and unequivocally the will of the Democracy of the whole Union, and that we will support this decision with cordiality and energy ; but that the Democracy of the Keystone State can never be tranferr ed to any individual without their approbation and con sent, Retoteetl, That tlie character, services and political fortunes of the Hero o f the Hiame, belong emphatically to hit) countrymen, lie has served them in pence and in war for mnny years. He has stood by them and their in terests in every exigency. His devotion to our free institutions is sealed with his blood. Rasotveil, That it is the duty of the people, to organize in every election district, preparatory to the conflict. We have nominated our can didate, and the only objection which gentlemen who call themselves Laihr$, make to Richard M. Johnson, is, that he is an honest man. RrtolvcJ, That David It. Porter, the present ' popular and talented Chief Magistrate of Penn sylvania is richly entitled to the proud place which he holds in the affections and confidence of the people of his native State. The pnri'y of his character, the masterly ability and tie. cirion with which he has administered the af fairs of this great Commonwealth, the force and eloquence of his State papers, the twenty three thousand majority which he received at his last election, are the high testimonials which we offer to the Democracy of the Union ; that he is the "corie ton" of Pennsylvania, and that he will never falter in his duty. Retolveil, That the recent demonstrations made by the people of Pennsylvania in receiv ing Richard M. Johnson in their midst, and welcoming him to their firesides and their liomeg, is overwhelming and conclusive evi dence of his popularity, and the strong and un conquerable hold which he has upon the confi dence and a (lections of the people. WritRFAn: An eflort is being made to pre cipitate the election of delegates in this Com monwealth, in order that by premature action, the great uins of the Republican party may not beheaid.and whereas, a secret combination now exists between a few men, who make deception a business, and office seeking a trade, to sobrct delegates from Pennsylvania, w ho are transfer able materials; men who will go into the Na tional Couv-eittion w ith a view of defeating the will of a large majority of the Democratic par ty of the Suto, -and hi the end, to transfer the vote of the Keystone State, to a candidate de ridedly not the clnee of the people. Such a plan is now miturrng, and relies upon its suc cess mainly by efTecting an early and prema ture elect ion of delegate, wherein, but a s.nall portion of the republican pnriy of the State will have a voice. Therefore. RctnhriJ, In order thnta hill expression of tlie Democratic party of Pennsylvania, may be heard in National Convention, and to the end that the public will may be clearly and une quivocally expressed, and the sovereignty of the people indicated. We therefore declare and now resolve, that Marc h, 1H41, w ill be the pro per time to elect delegate from the Keystone State to a N'utional Convention, and it is here by made the djty of the StsteCentral Commit- j fftjs to n-pntn-nt th? Democratic party in a Nutioinl t 'onveutioti, and that we hereby pro claim, tl at Mjrvli, I -ill, ia the time aud the proper Unre, tor electing oVIcgutes, either by Stuto l'tiieutioiis, or by tlie people directly, and tint any action got up by a faction and mTt-il minority, wiM be nugatory in its operations, disrerpectful to the public will, and entitle)) to the niarked reprehension of a free, virtuous and intellio,nt people. Rrmdoid, Tltnt a corresponding Committee of three from e.-icU county iu tlieCommoiiwealth be appottitc d. JirtolveJ, We re opposed to any alteration in tthetl. S..t3onlitnii(n nJ weHimvewery i confidence in the Tefo ipowert9tirenrcised by, Jarfaxmimi TtIr., ns lit saved our 'oeon try from Shh'iiih'imffleTnneo, and federal legislation. RctolvA, That tire Hon. John S. -Gibbons, nflieli igh, Col. John C. Mirynarrfl of Incoming, Gen. tsaac Binvman, of Tarzemn, Crfl. Wm. H. i CV'ortan, of Bradford, m. Jcihn C. Bitcher, of. Dauphin, David F1l wood, Esqn of Wes'tmore land, Col. Valentine Bert, of Colombia, nnd Bjiltert NT. Pulmer, of RcnyltfK, Ve a commit tee to address the people of ren my rvawia a the rni1jectf the west Presidency. Jt.-aofovZ, Tliat the evpnnging Tesolations nnw a the Senate journal, meet the entire ap probation nf every troe AmenVnn, and we call en the Tepreftentativesofihe people in Congress to A;wn tVe rfcroror o1 trio patriotk; Jack wm ty rejecting the 'nisaliitioV of Senate Onynrd. RctaJ veil. That we approve oftno Ml repor ted by Sewiitr t.imn, to jiny f len. Andrew Jack ai ibe nintwntot fine, interest and tort, exac ted by J!gc I li I L Wcthorefiirc cation the tVmgrosfcoflhc UnitiM States to puns the bill as reported by the Senator from Mistnuri. limohnl, lint the adminisrntHW of Gen. An.lrew Jackwn was charctcried by true A- merican principles and lovo of country and he deserves tlie gratitude of every man who care more for principles, than spoils and for liia removal of lite deposits, and his veto of the United States Bank. Rrnohni, That wc are billing to abide the decision of tlie Democratic Republican Nation al Convention, few the PtesiJenry and Vice PretiJency of the United States, as the inter est and welfnreof our country requires that the people should support the nominees be they whom they may. RetolvtJ, Tltat tve, the friends of the brave Cof. Johnson, have implicit confidence in the Democracy, and sound republican principles of the talented Senator, from Ichiqh county, (Mr. Gibotis,) and as a consfufrnf republican be de serves, as he has, the confidence of the people, whom he en ahly represents in tlie Senate of Pennsylvania. Retolted, That this meeting now adjourn. Signed by the Officers. A Man A tKttielliig tils nvrn tVlfr, t'harlea Miller, of Sing Sing, (f.irmerly of f.ilile Fall.,) bo, it will lie rememliem!, endeavored to nUluet bis uifo fr nn ring Sing, New Yoik, bisi summer, and more recently from Stamford, Conn., where tlie bad lieen remaining in order to nUnin a divorce from him, ncceeled on Wednesday l"St in t ik ngberbv force from the bouse where she was resi ling in the latter place. The case is lliua stated in a New Yoik pnppr : She was the daughter of l.yman Well, a weal thy gentleman at Yflnker, Westchester county, by which nvirriaue Mr. Miller liecame oses-ed in right of a fo tone. In a short lime the feeling of llie young wile w.-re eilueei1 It . m her husband, ami slie Induced to leave htra aiidrerorn to her rsbitive. 'Ibe husband endeavored by force to regain posses sion of his wife, a quarrel ensued, and the husband was defeated, flogged and bound over in 8000 dolj lar to keep the peace. Mr. Miller was a mm of too much spiiit to stay di featid, and he, on Thursday ft-rnoon, procur ed of Difhrnw, of the Vaoxhill Killing Sch-wd, one of hia fastest teams, and drove to Stamford, Conn.. where he learned his wife wi stopping. He call ed at Sei ly's tavern to get some refreshment. He was somewhat surprised, however, to leam that the object of his search was under the simeroof wi h himself. He had bis team arranged in readi. ne at the door, and then went into ihe room where his wife was tilting, and seeing him aha became al irmed and screamed for help. Mr. Mi ler, without more ado, seized her in his arms and rushed towaula the door. IIiiwm in terrupteJ in his fliylit by the bar keeer, whom he promoted with a blow, and safely bulged hi cha ge in the carriage, and ordered the ditver to speed to town. For a time she struggled to exrac, but Nfore reaching the city the iK-c nne reconciled, anil consented to re-uuiie her fitte with her liege lord. and render to him due oltedienre. In one hour and thirty minute the parti, s weie in safe cnce:il ment in this city. In one hour after, the brother of Mis. Miller, aeromp miej by an officer, reached Kiwn, and, pr etning tbe aid of our police, cum i mmr-ed arching for ihe supotrd fugitives. Setirh, Ill . ,,!, ji.irm.j ...... ,1 tliv. were safely embarked on board a vessel, and are now tiefo'e a spankling breexe, wending their way to the We.t Indiee. A RMrnx. M'S.t'hild has published a comu- nuntion in llie .Newark Advertiser, in w turn, after dekcribing an offenaive bre th as a moat unpleasant thing, abe a that a careful removal of substances between the tieth, rinsing the mouth after meals, and a bit ufchartvul heU in Ihe mouth, will uioota rure a bad breath. Choreonl ued aa a detilifiit e, (that is, ruUed on in powder with a brush,) is apt la injure llie enamel ; but a lump of it bald in the mouth two or three times a week and slowly chew ed, baa a woodeiful power to preserve the teeih and (rurify the breath. The action is purely che mical. It count) race the acid arising from a dis- ord red stomach, or fix si ihciying about the gums, and it is this acid which di t1roy the tetth. To iTur a KIT ow t"i'sjHia A correspon ditil of the London Med cal (iatette, states thict to elos ttss nostrils with the thumb arid flag er during inapiraiion, will relieva a fit of coughing in a ahoit time. In addition In the nv we can stale from per ww a I knowledge, that to presi the finger on the upper bp ju-t lielow the nose will make iha seve revt premonitory symitoma of a snerte pans off hatmhsss. We have found the remedy uful ma- my i tisaa iu cterjitng ou game ia the wooJs THZ2 AltXimiCATr, aHTait, , 184. fXj W hrve guM rerehrcd shrty lerma df pn'rtt n paprr, similar in fiee and quality to the shed pon which this Is prhited. At SCtrams-wf n per Toy SI 'by 28 inches, winch 4'll e J at cost MidtarrtBgfor caA. tj" We nTeinilrblc-d to trie Hon. John Bnyder ffr a'ualilfpuVHc Wamervt. We fcad sireril alnms of fire on Tuesday an I Wednrsdny Tire wind was very hifih, but (birr was Ihlln or no dam ige dnmvi ftmh en gine cnmiranifa mat rmrlly on the spot. Some fi-w dy nince, the rnr confined in tlie j id ofvhtspUee, soawfnnr or tiein nmber, had nbniist succcerdrd rn mux inn their Tivape, ty ptrtoitf a bre through the wafl, while the PhcriflT wii ilwrnt. They were at work insiiV of a hen kop, built irgx'mA the wall, wbHi concealed ihem from view, and were drscoveml jut in time to pre vent their Mops. Among them is a mulatto who appear to be a desperate charterer. OTy'Tna Araon is the title nfatieat and spirited penny daily pper, published at Philadel phia by Col John J. MrCaben, of which we He received several nnmhers. The Colonel no dnntd will make an interesting ppor of the Aaron. Ths editorial and selections are in good taste; many of them pointed and 'picy, without being vulgar. (Jj- Tat Mesne ia the title of a new weekly family pnper, just started at Philadelphia, by Mr. Thomas V. Ctaik, formerly of the Saturday Even ing Po't. The Museum bni the appearance of a well conducted family newspaper, and ia, we I lieve, well recpivi-d by the putfr. fXj Capt. McKentie has leen unanimou'sly ac quitted by the court of inquiry. Ho has since de. m inded a court martial, which is now aitting at New Yoik. QZj Iii Congrei there a pears to be but little doing of any inietcst to the people. The exchequer bill of the President meets wlih no favor from either party, the President's frit ml alone voting for it, who amount to but eighteen. fjjj" While on a professional visit to Williams- port, on Monday list, we had the pleasure of call, ing on Col. Carter and his "lulie fair," in the even-ng, and were ple-ised to ai e the Colonel him ttlf so well pleased. He made to us a full reran tation of his former errors on the subji ct of Bache lorism. He UesC mted largily and feelingly upon the blessings of a connubial stute, and fully con curred in our notion, that the beat of these unfortun ate bipeds, called bachelors, are not even half men, in any sense of the term. During our visit, the Williamspoit Band approached the house, and discoursed eloquent music. They were invited in partook of the refreshments plyed several airs both martial snd plaintive, and then ret red. There were no tar barrels, however, burned on the occa sion. In this, Colonel, we are ahead of you. (Ly" The New Yotk banks, it is said, are now stronger than ever. It is also ihe rase here. Va hen tlie 1-anliS are bound to fortify themselves, the peo ple of course mu-t sudor in the contraction of their issues. The legis'sture, we think, will au thorise the Sank to issue srn ill notes, to supply the place of the Relief Issues. Tbera is, no doubt. plenty of silver, if it could be brought out. In the s'ate of New Yoik ince 1839, the decrease nf cir culation has hecu f 7, 570,5 17. In bank notes i'i,. 005,711 ; specie f 5,504,50c. This reduction leaves them with f 1,334,092 more specie then bills, and is as nei.r ihe grand haid money standard aa ran be wished. A Nr.w Eiraiiti'is PmuwT. It is stated that the President will soon send a message to Congo as, requesting them to send some kind nf a currency bill, and pledging hun-elf to sign almost anything lliut ia nol uticonsliiutional. But what is Const it u- t ional iu Ihe ryes of a Virginia alwlraet ouist, is hard to tell. frurlly to Barhrlors. The MaryhtnJ legislature, in order to raise funds. ate about enacting a law which impoeea a heavy tax on this unfortunate class of binge. One of the projects proposed, is to tax all unmarried men over 35, and another, still mora comprehensive. proposes to compel every unmarried man who has the means to support a wife, to pay annually fifty dollars for revenue purposes. The Baltimore Ame rican, commenting on this subject, says: - Thus, it appears, that because a man baa not been blessed with 'Heaven's last best gift because he is less fortunate than others of his kind he must be made the victim of law as well as of fate, and his claims to commiissetalion be converted into new offences againat society. He who is denied of a belter half must not only suffer hia la but his semi-stale of existence, hia heritage of loneliness, is imputed to him as a crime for whi. h he must pay a reiiatiy. Society is to him a s'ei-mnther that hi him till be cries, and then whips him for crying Most flagrant inju-tice ! The inoffensive race of bachelors those disinte grated atoms nf the social wot I.I non-fixtures wandeiing tights that move in oil its of iheir own and obey not the laws of conjunction have hern for ages the objects of persecution. It was for ihem that the 'inalienable righta of life, hlwrty and the pursuit of harpine.V were secured. Life to them a socl of negative a kind of imperfect be ing wanting comi leiion existence merely whh out absolute eniiiy. As for bbeity, what ia that without Ilia privilege of reekiiiy one's own hap-pines.)" The 'following lines ware led for ua at 'the Poat' "a subscriber;" Who is desirous df remg'Whkt a figure thia'hanfling-dr hia moae wotflfl cut In our Columns. A a out pneTs prsnpects df ever becoming a?)yrnrjrTepe, appears to "be -very re. inrr,a would advise htm te ad.lresa'bimtsTf.lxfre- ft.r,"t VVebstefs speltinglMxtlihich, atflteugh lestlumtnoua and dtazlrng'rban the son,1s es1er. latrdicaberl'mrfre light, on "htsToad ta fime and distinction, 'fhan that magnlficrrN nm. The tan is a dangerous auhject to "be approached in any form, and ts the catias of many df fhe-funar maladies 4bat afnicl our nature. In XOdrrss to tlie Snn, As round as the shield of my father, As Oosian hefore me nan said, Thy countenance is fliat of fire, Intermingled whh yeflow and red. TliTn mnwit alone w rtis heirven, No one to drstrrrb yrm oniign llio moon by thy brrt.htwe rs dmkcnM, 1"iie atara ffisapprar wi fiie ffky. All rmlrrre b pleaaM whh tby presence. And rmyrra errrtwrrarrd wifl etey; For Tocf) win itre Vmg of all nature, As well as tVe rater of day. Warm wenther ne'er fvil to attend you; The snow disappear! m oSystfllit; Aod colfl strrrmy winter i then laid aside. Fur days mat am sunny and bright. Thou bast traveled en ward for thousands of years And thousands of years have to come, Ere trroaj wilt be found it thy long journey' end, And at thy Car, far distant borne. C. MSCElim. Bdltorlal, Condensed anal Selected. Teats, The Inst news from Trias is, that the Mexicans ba been defeated in several skirmishes and battles. C,mUrfc;i,.-Mexican dollar., silvered by a j new msgmtic proeess. are in circulation in Pl.ila- j drlpbia. They are well executed. It is stated that In 274 streets of Liverpool, there . are nine thousand families wholly de.-titute of the ; i sacred scriptures. Education is a young man's cnp'tlrd for a well informed intelligent men has (he I -est nssu'ance of fulute competence and happiness. A father's gift to his child then is education. If you leave them wealth you may inure their ruin; at the best you can only leuve them that which at any moment j may be lost. The N. Y. Express rays, we learn by Pomcroy dc Co's Express, thnt the cars wete ran over the Tonawanda Railroad on Tuesday for ihe first time; thus completing the last link in the chain nf iron mail from Boston to Buffalo- A Knowing Ihic. A gentleman at Canbridge, " " ' s Mass , has a l .rge dog, who every d.y, the arrival ol me rmmnus, tuns out ro receive tne newsp rpers, which be regularly conveys to the family. The whole number of pr-rfons c nfined in Mse tachusetts for debt, during the year ending Nov. 1, IM2, was 742; for crimes 3593, f90 of whom were females. A Sew Object of Isgittatlnn. 8ome persons in New York, duly impresd with the power of the Ergislsture to do any thing and every thing, have presented a petition to the Assembly nf that Slate, praying for the passage of a law to prevent distur binces in singing schools. The Boston Bulletin says, ihe proprietor of ihe ctebratrd paintings called Adam and Eve, has re alixed during the last ten yeare, 190.000 char pro fit from iheir exhibition. A Paris letter writer states that the Mnrrpi's de Ponlallo's carriage has a library, a !cd-Mnm, and cooking apparatus. You touch s spnrg and the pannels become cupboards it is night, and the seats fly out, extended into beds. You see no steps. ut ss the door opens they appear, and when it clo ses they are out of sight. Kicking one's wife in Bosmn nelv co-la 5. I Kissing snoiher man's wife in New York doesn't i . M.l Mn Wm vbiKoi 1iv0 i 1 1 X , rL' , not liecaue we prefer to indulge in the latter, but lieciuse we wouldn't like to live in any place w here men are privileged to kick the women for a paltiy V. Ikavy HMiery. On the Mth ulU a heavy rob bery was perpetrated on the premises of Mr. l) llaun, Charleston, 8. C, by whirh he lost between two and three thousand dollars, and jewelry to a- hout that amount. Kind. The boys of one of the public schools in Boston, recently collected thirty dollars, for the purpose of procuring an artificial leg for one of their unfortunate school fellows. Emigrantt 14 IT English and Germans arriv. ed at 8t. Louis an the 8th and 29th, from New Orleans. 240 of these are English Mormons on their way to Nauvoo, What Boot Boots for ladies are now made of India ruhber, requiring neither lacing nor button ing, and exactly fitting the foot. Very well for the young and plump. Finanees of Delatrare.ThU State is in the hissed rendition of being entirely out of debt, and having $600 000 surplu. She never had a brok en bank within her borders. 77icore lliok A lively Hitrmian exclaimed at a party where the lata lamented wit shone as the evening star. ' Och, master Theodote, but you're the H ok that nobody ran bate.'' A Feast nf JUunun. General Bennett, formerly a Mormon, and one Andirson now a member of that choice Brotherhood, lately held a great debate at Chicago, on the question "Is the Mormon reli gion true V An r-o SeiaiwM. Extract of a letter from Washington : "The Cabinet had a meeting some tuna sixica, at which it is understood the unction ( an extra sessian df Congress -was under discussion-. It ia thought anetra -session "will be determine niponi" Cathedral -It was iramrrYfeu "that arae mem bars of Ihe "Roman 'Cffhalic Chufth ere rpre par ing to Tiegotirtta for iht ptfrchasa of 4ha 'Dnhod (Mates Birik InThfladelplira, ta corrvert it hite a Catherlral learn (hat (he probable clfnedlty in raisirig decaa fond wMI fsevent4t for the present. Another Vielim. Dr. ScaOfler, fcnewn an an eculist,died in the Albany Alma Hoaae a Tew days siaca. He was the son of the founder of the A. merican Maeum; a man of good education, a wil, and, 'bat for Intemperance, would have been an hcnorkhle and uaeful member of soci ty. Wr. John Coflet had nist ght arra tarn from b;s bo ry, at fori Elibetk, K. I , a few days urn re, in CO' -sentience 'rTafii(htt' h'rs hordes which induced them to ran away. Mr. C was thrown fiom his seat, hrjured in fh 'mner deacribtnl, and died in the course ef a few rmmte. 'Vite laihea of lliiighani, Massicnimetts, nVe m trodiioeJ iIih fatiiin ef knitting iK'ti'niga while lis- i ti'niirg itotveimng Vcwres. There's iudostry for i nul I J'Tr'ii Wirttt," At the Cape of tSood llope,iie girls are furcned to enhance their charm, snd ilet4tet is sure ( have (ha preference in rnirriipft. lireudful Deulh. Win. Henry, di' d in Cheicr county, a e.w ilays ago, of tbe "gln ders." He had I4ed a bor afflicted wsa the dis ease, and contracted the paisM through a atitt wound in hisbarrd. rorrrftpontlrnre of the Amrrtrau. lltaaiaaeao, Feb. 1, 184.1. Dr.n Si a The most important measure that Ihe spgistslure has acted upon during the session was the passage of lire Bill, on Monday last, which provides that $100 000 of the Relief notes shall be i ranrrlVJ everv month. The Ds.ifre of this bill w ike B (( m,nT of ,he jomps. wno we on ,hei. 11.,..,,- fiom all paits of the state, under the expectation of receiving their quota of Relief notes, authorised by law to l p iid to the domestic creditors on the 1st nfihis month. On the day following, Mr. El well submitted the following resolution which was tak en up on second rra.lint; ; Resolved, That the commi'tee of Ways and Means be instructed to enquire into the expediency of bringing in a bill to provide that after 'he first cancellation of one hundred thousand do'lars of the relief notes uudc! tlie resolution recently p issed. tbere shall le no more of the said notes cancelled until the first day of May next and then only in ; monthly sums of fifty thousand dollars. I This re-ohit on, which, in effort, alters and a ! mends the act mnteri illy, was w irmly discussed, ! Iml the hour nf aili lurnmcnt haviiiu arrived, it was . . . . . cut off without a vote having been taken on it. f . . House, no doubt, will piss the resolution, but the Senate, I think, will not concur. The apportionment bill published in y ui last has been very properly defeated. Northumberlar-d county, in the bill which passed the House on Fri day the 25th, is attached to Lycoming and Union, leaving the distiict aa it is. The Governor has re appoint) the present board of Canal Commission ers. This is just, aa these gentlemen have labor, ed hard and successfully in reducing the expendi tures on the canil to almost one half. In the House on the 27th. Mr. B. II, from the select Com mittee for that purpose appointed, reported a bill e. ircting a new coun'y out of parts ef Dauphin, Northumberland aud Sihuylkill, to be called Ly kr ns. The bill for the removal of the seat of Justice from I) iniille to Bloomslmig, which has excited consideiable attention, has passed the House. What the result may yet lie is problematic!. Tbis iiistaUlity of legist .lion is one of the worst features of our government. It is difficult to conceive what goi-d would te-ult in the removal of the seat of Justice unless it would he for the especial hem fit of those in and about the proposed county seat. X. Y. Z. lleLirr Notes have improved veiy considerably , since our Isst, uroVihty because of the acti n of the ! r , , . ,. . , . i I ...... I -1 . . ... ..... . I... .m( I ha utiiM i-iT 'tl. ' " !"" -"'J v - .-. .. spcie paying tai.k, ar,- it iltscoun's varying iroin C to 8 per cent ; of Ihe country non--pecie paying bai ks. al discounts of from S to 9 per rent, and those of the broken Imirks, at 10 toll. Mo ney continues abundant, and may be procured on undoubted security aa low as 5 per cent. Treasury notes were in demand at the close of the week, at fom J to J of one per cent premium. Two of tbe suspended banks of our city, via the Manufac turers' and Mechanics,' and the Moyamenslng, talk of resuming soon, hul this is getting to be an old story, with regard to these institutions. Bicc Rep. Tax Hnwo. Tbe following description of the new srticle of traffic from South America is taken from a letter from Mr. Wherlwiight to the Secreta ry of ih National Institute at Washington : 'Hie Huano, of which you have specimen No. 2, baa rocemly attracted great attention, no less than 40,000 tons having been shipped to England do ring ihe last fifteen months ss a manure. Much liscustjion has arisen a to its nature, but the re. ceived opinion at present ia that it is birds' dung. It U found on. the Islands adj icenl to the coast of Peru, in such enormous quantities as to induce much scepticism as to its origin ; in some places it lies from 80 to 100 feet in depth, feathers and egg shell are frequently found deepy buried in it ; it was used as a nnnure by the Indians long before the conquest, and without it the valleys of Peru would be almost desolate ; it is pungent in the ex treme, and if used in large quantities, haras and desir iya vegetation, while in saasNer qaantitiee it vivifii-s a 'id gives extraordinary rapidity to growth. I hsvet not its analysis before me, I ata otry to say, to forward you. .V. Y. A'tC', 4