Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 28, 1843, Image 3

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    Corrcifondcnre I llic American.
HATtniasuao, Jan. 28, 1813.
I) Sin : Since ny taat, the grea. eflraTnlde
fot Aw spoils hit terminated. The Prissier for the
Senate and H ease have been electeaV Thus one
more evcfl question Vaa bcenctfleV, The flow
ing is the retail s
For Printer re 5 English Jonrmnt,
McKinlcy and Lencare; Herman Journal, Hultcr
ml Sigler ; B.7M H.sioeV,
For Printer a tha Senate I EngliiJi Journal
J. B. Walton t Herman Jmrntil, Baab and Hum
mel ; liillt, John H. Dimmock V co.
Geo. Csss arrived here aome day airrcs and
we "escorted hy the snilitary to Wilson's Hotel,
A brilliant levoe era given at the Irovemor'a wan.
iop, the aeconJI cvrning of his arrival, M which
Gen. Oa anl family, Wen, Urowti of Michigan,
Com. Elliot A jvtghter, the beauty mnd fashion
of. tlarrishurg, rnetnber of the depailwtents and
IcgWIaTOre, aisl nuwiereu strangers, were present.
A lill waarnn through both House on Satnrday
the 2 1st, te prevent Incorporated imrovement coin
panics from maWrig aasfgnnrenta in favor of loan
holJcra, and giving contractor and mechanics
lien on all such work., to come in firat for payment.
Thi waa done for the purpose ol preventing the
Heading and Philaaclphi rail read company from
making an aasignnvent in fa ver of certain ksMi-hold-era
on Monday, the 22d, which is sid to e in pro
gress of txmsuniaiion. The Governor ha signed
the law.
In the Scnaln, n Tuesday last, Mr. Gibon it
ynrted a bill adverse to the repeal of the Bankrupt
law. The law haa already done nearly all the
tnischtr'f to be complained of, and should not now
I entirely regaled.
The eulject of cancelling the Relief nolee ia pro
bably the moot important aulject before the legists
tore. A resolution to that ellect haa already pas.
d the House. On Thausday last the wlyect waa
taken up in the Senate. TiievestMa recurring
ehsll the main question be now put, it w de
cided in the affirmative, yeas 19, nays 14, and the
tesolution pissed second reading by tfce following
ote :
YEAS Messrs, Daily, B luck, B rower, "Champ
iey,'CochTan,'Crl."Crai8,0 mie,Dimock, Ever
Vi-gely, Giliona, Gnrgas, Hieer, Hill, Hrtton,
Ituddleson, Kline, Mathers, M'Cufty, Ml.aniihan.
Wullin, Penniman, Smith, Siaciman, Sullivan,
"Wilcox, Crispin. Speatt'T 28
N A V Messrs Far?ellj', HttEv.K idiot, Stew
art. 4
The resolution now roniing op Tor final pancige,
a motion was made dy Mr. Champneys, again to
go into committee of the whole 'for the purpose of
amendment. The amenomrttxs were submit tp.l
and read, and after some dtitate, "he subject waa
-pnetpnned'fiir (he purpose ef hating the amend
ments printed. The olrject of thia resolution h,
to reatore the provisions rf the act of 21th June, and
provides that alt the Relief note received in the
Treasury shall lie cancelled, nnril Hie full amount
ordered by that act ia destroyed-, the effect of which
will be virtually to IwnUh Uw whole issoe from
In regard to the presidency, there s evidently a
Jeep game playing between Van Buriw, andttuch
anan. The delegatea from thia atate will be, ottensi
Vly, for Buchanan, lot ashis chance for a nomina
tion ia but feeble, they am to go lot Van Buri n.
Ifud Mr. Buchanan taken a more independent
course in regard to the Tariff, he would have been
the mo-1 rxtnlar candidate in the atate. He voted,
it is true, for the tariff, but deAroyeti the cslect of
his vote by an apologetic spech. Pennsylvania,
unless hhe intends to 1m gar herxelf, will never suf
j'Ort the free trade system.
'J'lie fotlowing Coirgres-ional apportionment Bill
was reported in the Houhc of It. on Saturday last.
It nukes 5 or 6 whig dirficls;
Ducks and Lehtsh, 73L884
Montgomery and Delaware, i7,0:t2
4 Theater eotmty,
Lancaster do.
lleilts county.
Dauphin, Lefcsnon nd Schuylkill,
!V or t ham Aon, Montgomery and Pike,
I.uierne, ColumVia and Wyoming,
Ilradford, Susquehanna and Tioga,
I.yeoming Northum'rerland and Union,
t'uml-erland. Perry, M fflin and Juniata,
Someraet. Cambria and Indiana,
Westmoreland and Fayette,
Uedford and Franklin,
York and Adams,
Huntingdon, Centre, Clinton ft CVesTn-M
Trie, Jefferson. Potter, Warren. & McKean, 54.221
Mercer, Crawford and Venaneo,
Heaver, Uutler, Armstrong, and Clarion,
A llegheny,
Washington and Green,
Philadelphia city and co'y. 3 members.
Jo-ifTH STtl-lWKLt., Esi., to he an Asaoctate
Judge in and for the county of 1'nion, in the tim
of Jacrrli W, Smirh. Esq., whom Governor Porter
nominated to the Senate without solicitation a few
Aay since, but baa declined serving, and was there
(oie arillulrawn. KeyUHt.
A Beautiful Pment. When the present Sul
tan of TinVeyeame to the thnsM, his aunt presen
ted hrsa with thirty beautiful Georgians and Ciecas
ians. she had oeloKeal aaad eJuiated eipressty for
rttaOxcJicc: n.
fltHE subscriber has thia day jrurchased at aeon
1 stable's sale, held in the borough of Sunbury,
J.y C Otm. the (ollouifi uuclea, sold the pro
perty isf JiAin Mvors:
1 41, y t ?S t Sett Harness. Fl bl
Id. 1 2S t do. 1 12
1 Harnrw, 1 7 1 Day Mare, H)
I Sled, I lo
TImb above articles hae Wen loaned I" tire
John Myers, and wtH l hfl in his pobsemiua Mulil
I see proper U reinoie, or otherwise ithcp.we of them.
Suuburjr, Jan. 25lh, 1S43.
At Wifliatnsport, rn Wednesday morrfing Sal,
hy rhw Rtrv. Mt. I'ol J. F.CaiiTrn.'of tire
liyentrimg T5 ir.ette, to Miss CTsraiwit. AaughSAf
of Francis tiampbell. Kj., all of Willi.imKport.
tn TaniTle. on the 17ih tnst.,Tiy the Rev. John
Ball, Mr.Oonntn KKnsnntn to Misa Kutiatrit
Hilkma!(, both of this place.
On the ISth hist , hy the im. Mr. (VnunK
GsanaTto Miss Ninr.i Ksi.LKT,holh ef Kush
On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Miter, Mr. O.
H. Cook, of Lewislfnn, Union rnunty, to Miss Sa
rah Hovskl. of Chilisipiaque township.
On the 24th K., In; Anthony UeirRVr, tlq.. Mr.
fimn-oa Voiro, M Mies Mill KiiKfi.hoth of Slit
moVm township.
In Milton on Friday evening the 1-1'h rt4., at
half past 9 o'clock, the R.v. JOHN RHOAUs, in
the fiOth year of Ms age,
Mt. Rhoads was for period of more thin tbirty
years, n (Mrs efficient, and conKtent minister of
thetJospcl. His whole h'fc was one of nirasnafiy
dignified and coirect moral deportment, exhibiting
wherever he lived or moved, the sublime beautv
and excellences of onr holy chriitiatiity. He was
in trath, toirect specimen of Chiitftisn f hmarter.
adorning the doctrines which he pnmutgatod with
avhaste life and a holy oonvcrsitinn, insnintirli
that all men believed him to be a man after God's
on heart.
He has, however,
'l'lcd from a worM of gvkf and sin,
With Christ etmily elrattu"
fiom the pins the sorrows, uri Alictions inci
dent to human lite,
II is wife has lost an atfectfonste Tinshanfl his
chiMrvn an eiemplsnjr and beloved pareisl, sn4 the
Charch devotedly pious and asrful ministietotKhe
Gospr-1. ViMtn hrttgtr
Corrected weekly by enry VorMrrmer.
Wcat, - Wl
Rts, M
Coax, . ' - 40
Oats, ...... 2.1
Pens:, ...... A
Flaw, ... . KlO
BrTTr.n, ..... 12
Bkkswav, .... 25
Tallow, .... I2J
Dhikii Applks, - 1?5
Do. Pkaciiks, - - SOO
Ft.AH, - - 8
Heckled Flat., - 10
...... 8
oirt ltilonl Ic Company.'
A STATED MEETING ofthe Company will
beheld on Thurs.lay evening neil, at 7 o'clock,
at the School House. Tunelunl ttttenibiiire ia re
queKteg. GEO. U. WffiTSF.R,
Jan. 2ft, t843. rrrrf,.
Oood Will Fire CoTllpans.,,
THE members of the "G.mkI Will Fire Cum
pir.v are requested to meet at tire Court
House, on Monday Evenine, Feb. 6th, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Tuiicrnal attendance is reiprirvd.
Jan. 28. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Ser.
NOTICE is bereW niven, that all iho indeb
ted to the firm of Wood it Rhawn, by note,
bid, or hook axenunt, ate requested to come for
ward and set lie their accounts, on or before the lat
of March neil. All those complying with the a
bove ntlust, will cortfT a favor, or, perhaps, Fave
costs. WOO!) c KHAWiN,
HnnVmry, Jan. 2Sth, 1813. 5t.
Oi'plian1 ( ourrt Sales
IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court
of NorthumWrland county, will lie ct posed to
sale, at the late residence of Wm. Garret, dee'd on
Saturday the 25th day of March wit :
A renstn trrrt nf wood (and. situate in Ru-h
township, in raid omnry. rnitaiiiTni; twenty five
acres, adjoining lamia of Enns Sharjiless, J icoli
Ge.irhart's devisees, tlforge Gearhart and otliera,
late the e-late of said ilec'd. Hale to ciirnrm-nce
at I o'cl 'rk nfsaid ilav when the cundiiious nt" tle
will l maik? known lv
Jan. 28, 18 1 J. .4(irV
Tavern Police.
To the formm'sV C. O. ltmnrl, ?.., President,
and his Associates. Judges ofthe C'liurl nf (fuar
ttr ikstiUiHs vf the ennui nf $urlknmhrlaiid :
riHE ;tition nf IThailes Weaver, of Sinlsiry,
.1 in saiil county, humbly represent that he con
tinues to keep a house of public en'ert lintne nt at
his nil stand in Sunbu-y, and ia wcH prepare I
for the accommodation of travellers, &c. He tlrvie-
i Tore prays your honors to grant him a license, to
I keep a tavern dating the enaiiirg war, and he will
To Tas JrnnM iimvi MLinTiostr. : The suV
i acril-era, residents of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
j Charles Weaver, the applicant lor license, is a
' man of good reute for honety anil temperance,
and ia well provided with iioux; room and conve-
inetRTt lor tire lixlging and aecomnKhlMinm ol
stratrgera and travellers, end that a pubHe hone
there is necessary. They therefore rorirmmend hirn
hs a proper rersin to be IcciweJ to keep a public
John D. rriee,
Gideon Market,
E. Gas.
Charb-a Miller,
Wiffiam Martx,
George Rohrbach,
Jan. 28th. 184X 3t
llenj imin Hi ndiiik.-,
John llriglit,
John Famsworth,
Jacob Keek,
4eorge Young,
A mire w Durst.
Tat cm Xolltc
To the llivnirralde C. C Thmnrl. Kit)., President,
and his Assutiotrt, Judges of the Court of Ifnor
ter Srmions of the fvuijr if Northumberland :
r HE petition of John Haus of Suulsjry, in said
M. county, humWy rrpresefits, that he continue
to keep a house of jbbe entertainment, at his old
etand, near the court house, and is welt pre
p:rel for tire accommodation of tiavellera, &e.
He therefore prays your horns; to grant him a li
eeneto keoji a tavern, dunirg the ensuintt veacaml
Iss will pray. . JOll.X Il tt
Te ma Jipmks aov i nnsnesin : Tlie auli
serilers, smidents, of Snnbury, hereby cettily, that
J tin Hans, tlie aoirlicant for lire lrcn-, is a man
of V nod repute for honespy aJ lenmerance, and
wrll provided wilh house room and co. v.ti'l (1rs
far the hgiug and acooinsandation uf strangers
n.l traviAlera, Mid that a rabtie ho;e there is
eessiry j they tWrefrtre rrcoi',in-id him ;$ t p.
per person te 1 fceented to keep a -l,e Uisum-.
Saiisael ll. Jordsii,
'". trtarlin.
lolm 1'. I'ui'rl,
Jeo. W.Kiehl.
Abraham Erwin,
John U, Piioe,
Edward Oity,
'J'hiis.ti Heiiins,
Jan. 2x1b, 1S4J.-31
iolwsrd i ,
C. II. Whs, ton,
CaM. FisHit-,
W. L. D. w ad,
Cbis f. Iliuuer,
D. T. Trues.
IS hrfrchy given, thrft the pstlnersMp lreret.JToie
eiisring, and traibnu nmer the firm of Uyer
Iv ft 4. Haas, h:it this day been dissolved liy mn.
lual consent. All persons knowing themclv-s to
be intMited will make payment, to Henry 1'yeily,
who ia hiteby authori-iei and sohly mpniTed tit
receive and settle all acconnts i!ne siid firm.
AiiRUt.i, Jan. 21st, 1tl3. 18 3t.
WfXpI.I. continue the "Augusta Sime," and
hopes by strict attention to boaiiress, to Te.
e ive bis share of riitm. AH Virrds uf iroilii e
will be Ink en fer goods, aa ato in payment uf debt
now due.
Auirnsta. Jim. 21st. 181.1 18 3t
Tavern Notice.
To th llntmrahe C. G. Ihmnrl, for., I'retiilem,
mid his. 1sinlfitr, Judges of the. Vnnrinf Qtitrr
rVr SttstHm fftrtlte tvnnU of S'orthnmlerlimd ;
tlHK peliiion of CharVs D. Whart m, of Sun
.1. lury, in sai l county, humbly rrs;eiiitfl. that
he eoiitiuui'S to keep a house of public entertain
ment, at tin) well known stand near the court houe,
snj is well reparid lor the accommodation of trav
tilers, fee. He tlwrefore prays your Honors to
grant him a license to keep a tavern during the en
ci, suing year, mil tie will cray. Ac.
To fn Ji'ntKS ahotk tTiovn : The suli
snibctiS rrsidenta of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
Charles, 15. Wharton, the applicant for the lirense,
is a man nf good repute for honesty and tenants irx,
ml is wi4l (s-ovilca wkh hnescoom and cirvni
encra lor the lodging and areoniTflodittiim of
gi r and travellers, and that public house thervi is
nerexs.iry : tl.ry theiefoie recommend him as a
proer person to be licensed to kip a public luruse.
S.irmie4 D. Jordan,
John llosnr,
teo. Martin,
Jaeob Rhawn,
Thos. G. Hr'gins,
TCilwsnl (tobin,
Trederirk l.acaras,
tireo. Bright,
John W. Peal,
J. l Rhoads,
Samuel II. Dimer,
D. T. Trites.
W. L. Dewart.
Chas. J. Bruner.
Jan. 28th, 1813. jit
Tavern iotir45.
to foe SronorWe C. ('. Ihmnrl, Esq., President,
utii fo'a Amociiilri, Judges nf the Cisnri wOurrr
rcr VstiinwR, r tkevtuiiy vf Stii'thHutttcrlund '.
TIIHE petition of Catherine Bjrflton.ol Sonbory.
X i" said county, humbly represents, that ade
continues to keep a house of pnhsic entertain
men', at her old stand in Sunbury, and 'is well
prepared for the nccomtnodalion of travellers, fc,c.
She therefore prays your honors to grant her a li
cence to Veep a Vavem, during the en-uing year,
and she will pray, &c
To thk JrrifiFS above M:v.Tio?iiin: The snV
si-rilHrs, residents of Sunbury, hereby certily, thit
Csihsrine Boulton. the applicant for the licence,
is a laly of repute for huiie-ty and ti inper
ane, and is wi ll provided wilh house room an.l
wnvenienees for the loilping and acenmmo Isttcm
ff slranrfers and travi'lVTs, and that a public houe
there is necessary: ibey therefore recommend her
as a ptinT porwMi te be licensed to leep a public
G. U Weier,
Ira T. Clement,
Geo. Itriglil,
John W. IVat,
John Uogar,
Joseph Eiely,
.Ian. 28ih, 1843.-
CD. Wharton,
John Haus,
John P. Purset,
Conrad Kershner,
Abraham Erwin,
Prter W.iray.
Jolin II. C'ottdon'tt IMatc.
TVOT1CE w herelry given, that all persons, cor-a-v
poraie or natural, nteresed in die estate of
JOHN H. COWDEN.or in the money intonrt
for distribution, to appear by the 7ih ilay of Fetru
ary, 1813, and make themselves parties tothe neve
ral ivaes hi fact, ndto t-ho iroceeJioga lift dislri
liution. By the Court.
Prolhonotarj' ortice, J l'rolh'y
Sunburv, Jan. Oth. 18H
ibraliaiii llimlifllM'ipcr's i:stafr.
i the
T t I'lt'E is beri-lw gien to all ihose im'ebted to
state of Abraham Dunkerne'g.T, ke J,
late of Coal township, Northutnlrerlsnd county, by
notes due.orlmok account, to call and make pay
ment ii or l-l'oretlr 11th day of February next,
at the house nl lire cVeenarJ. All those haing
claims on aid est lie, are requested to present them,
t weK milhentsraiod, for settlemrnt.
Jan. 7tb, I8I J. 5l Administratrix
TOTIt;E is hereby given, that on the 22d day
J- ofSeptembiy last, the undersigned waa ap
pointed by the District Court of the I'nited States,
tor the We-tetn District of Pennsylvania, nsignre
of IIi.nht oxtmkimkh. decreed by the said court
a Dsnkrupt. ptirsualil to the act of Congress passed
Auuust I9(h, 1811, sirj that sai.l SMignee baa en
lered upon bis duties as suih, of which all concern
ed in any manner nhalevrr will plea-e to take no
tice. CIIAK1.ES ri.KAKAN I rs,
1 ec. 3 1 st, 1 8 12. 3t
1HAVE taken my aon Win. I. Greenwich, in
to nirt iter -hip in the practice of the law, in (Ik
county nf NotthunilsMtaiMl. He w iU te com ant
Iv in atteirdnnee at my otfitv, in the I'orourjti ot
Sunbury, ready to transact such business as nisy
he entrusted to our rate. Merchants and olbeis
may rely upon his vigilante and fidelity Ml the col
lection of anon y. K. GREENOl'UII.
Sunlniry, Dee. 3tst, 82-l
I f ItllE SulisiTibrrs have entered into partnership
1 1. in the practice of isw, in the sevrrat courts of
i the county t Norihumberland, and state of Penn
I sylvania. Tbeii nllire is the Same that ha hither
to bi-en orirupied by E. Giejeimuch, in the tiorough
ofSuMlsity. K. GREEN'OI'Gll,
W.l. GUEENOlitlH.
Sunlmry, Dec. 31st, 1842. &l
rilHE public areh.t.hy isnfiedf hl(t ,tie
1. scrrtier pun-hs-ej f Wil";,,, ,j j anb ,-1
of the bonru-gh of Noilbe.,berlaiid. n the Sih
dsy oT Doeeaaber int.,two MAIU'si, ilu! one hay
and tl ihT hla-"'4l
Take not ie-.t ina, we n,v- (nMMj ihe ,iwe ,,,.
perty to BaiJ MV,, ;nJ JW.41J, CV.1 he deli,
vcre-j 10 us at anv iim wtwn called lor.
WM. M.-43AY.
!vortluMirTland. Dc. Slsl, ISlt.
l1tc ! Kroi gi Hll, 1
OTltH is hen by gKen.That letu-rs of admin
iriraiioli on Ike etiiste f G. orue Walls. Ksq ,
1 tie of the butough uf Nortlujdiland. have been
r-rantid to the Hubsiyiber, leading in Nuiihnry.
Pi-r-uns wnlel-led tiaiJ sla are i uesli-d to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
1 S4 nnsi the es'trtro are r. quested to present llrerai lor
' -clainiiuuoji .J ken lenient
fui.bury,Pee. 14, . U
Public Notice.
rp KK NO I ICK,thnt nn llietOili day of Pe
1 cember, 1842, we jmrrhascd, at -const bill's
sale, lii-M by IMward t?as. conlahle for the bo
rough of Sunbury-, the fv lowing property of lueeph
M irvr, to w t :
l Cl.nirs. f0 28
1 Bnrr.iu. 1 fid
1 t'oiuer Clipboard, 2 7?
1 Brovin Maic, 40 Oft
1 IMt.r, 0 25
1 Bav Mare, Hf
1 Halter, 0 8 1
I 1.. 4t 5 25
l(i Bushels Com, at 13 eta. pe Vv. T 8S
l 8
Tire i11c wiR therefore talte notice, that we
have loaned the ahove named articles to Joeph
Mnrlr, of Atlgusta township, Northumln-rl .ml conn
tv, as AiTc1iaid Vv us at constable's rale, and that
tiny licld by him in no other wav.
Ill A T. Cl.EMV.NT,
Sunboiy, D.-c. 21. 181J.
li. li. Meiwer,
0FFKR8 hi irT.rfension d servjf-s. In t1s citizens
of Snntiurv, anil vicinity Otlire isii door to
the residenc nf Herd. It. A. Fisher, wliere Ire m iv
li f ninl, unless eirgsgad in dischnTging the duties
of hisprotes on, tti-t I'll, tf.
s.v ti'Ii incr iiiMiiiJii:it7
"mTERV RSPECTF1;L1.Y Itu. leave to in
Y f'rm isi-i cii-timwirg ami lire pul'Kc generally,
that Ire still rontinuea the
in all its vurioui brnnebes, in die shop, nearly op
ihe the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by
Henry Haas and hsms If, under the firm of Hans
Ac OmdiPVMlliy, whkh irm h is been iniisaally ir
solved. He hop -s. try his bu etiperienco in the
above business, and siiirt attention thereto, to ren
der ceneral nvfartiirn, and receive a liberal share
of put fa pntronage,
Stmrmry, Oetolier Ifith, 842. Cm.
U I O N J I O firL7 "
f?r nervnl Stage tlljirr.)
Iomi It aula.
fllHE SnVetibcT resjiectfully informs his friend
K. atnl tlie jaaliUc in geifcrj,', that he has tAvi
the ahove
and that lie is now well prepared to ace iminnil ,t
all oho may ravor hrm with tberr enstoni.
His Si.KF.rlff Apauto kjit are well aired, and
His Tals Avn Rah wfil ntways le suppli-d
with the besfflie market can afford.
His St1.ijis, which ts cwhI. will Ire under
the charge of o;iWd and careful hostlers.
He strict attention to usinesa.
and an earnest desire to render c mfortable those
who may patroniee him, that he will not fnil logive
general satisfai-tion. II. LI. WEAVCK.
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf.
Dr. J. W PoXll Iregs leaT to tender hi grate
lol arknowledgnienta to the people of Sun htry
snd surrounding country, foi then past encourage
ment in the line of bis profession ; and would nt
the same time announce to them, that he still in
tends to continue the iraetice of medicine in all its
various d-tis'tmeirts. He would, therefore, solicit
a continunnee of their confidence and p itronace.
He may Ire timnd at all times at his ollioe, in mar
ket street, unless professionally engiged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1812. tt
"Itr. D. T. TrlleN, Resiectfully inform the
lJ citixens of Sunbury and vtetiniy.thai be baa 'a
ken an ottiix' 111 the building lately oectlpteil hy l'et r
l.atarus as a drug store, m ri.itWi't street, Su burv,
w here he may lie f.siisl at all hiains, unVess prfcn-
Hionslly ticsjed.
DR. TK1TE returns his sincere thanks for the
eiuiiuiageiuent he has received, in the Kite of his
profession, hi this place, and ini-t', by prompt at-
lent am to the duties ol lus profession, and reason
able charges, that he will coniinue to wcetve 4
liberal share of the public patron 'ige.
Suiilrury.tM.lst, 1812. it
riioTOfr. it a rn n oTici;
A'o. 173 Cht Min t Strett, 4k Story,
MANCFAtJTCRF.ll .f H.Wl'EftlU'.O.
1 VI'K .in'.lK.ntN. Smtieal and Mi
niature Cases, Iinpoitit nf French Clieniimrs and
double silver plates lor the D iBtiiTre.t vc. aihipls
this nielhnd of iitftirniing the cititerm of Norttrern
l-nnlATiia. that lie carries on the above nimtn.-rs
exVnsivetv. m all hs v.niou !aewsi. Perstins
desirous ef ohlaiuhig any it the above artic es, c.n
he fsromptlv Mpled, 011 the lowest terms, for c?-li.
All letters (piMt paid,) wvtt coueive ir.,un-diate
attention .
Ma. G K I.IM.KHR'D(;E. nw lravet"iinil ln
lire Northern part of the Slate W1 ,,. , ,y .
tend to all orders, (tie ne ,..SHry j, ;,,;,
I'lirrrouTtpbr awttucuo- m HI
ri" M h,m- Am-'ast 6th. 184t.f.rn
1 I IV It 1 v
1. OlMU It iJlli
. fTT rl.Tn rM Tir.M 't- IfiT.
I r.h '".A
IH -LV liit.wm n,etul.ncliste
uas miKhi Notlhiinderlnl his perfhsiienl
V'.nce of KfA.liSK-e. and is ready to atioud M soy
calls i tne linn t ms rfoe-ssi.i.
July 2, 112. ly.
Esi'Et:TKI LI.V int.i.m- bi-tn.nd- and ibe
fnbU' ceneialty. ih.t lie has (oiron. i .-..I the
Ta i lor i 11 Il m i n ' ,
i i hH rts ISaoe'res, in the lioue fininrt .i. t
try Wm. Iturwt a a Tailor Sh.i In l.i nklayrv
sheet, liearlv opposile the Pr.olyrerian Cfcurdv
H rreetiilly solu- ts a sharv of the pubbe p ur.m
age, and Irusta by strut art.-atl-oi m busine-s and
reasonable charges, ire witl b t nUi'4 to gt r
erisl satistaerion.
Struiy, Juno lttlv, 142 ly
V Fresh upit t iiOSi-: 4J1NTMKNT. ni i iv.d
and tor sale by U. It M.NKU.
Nov. I'ltli, IHU.
II i77 eoynmenver vnnhrft hrtxmr.n Philfrtvljihtri
and J'otttnillc on thr following days
and m .
Pit Aim AfTLH MSTB, Vixt 1812.
Leaving PirttHe, on Mondsrys, Wednesday
and Fridays, at A. M.
leaving I'hiladi4phia, on Tueaya. Thursdays
and Saturdays, M 1 J P. M.
tlnurs tf fammg- Rending.
For PhilmMphfa, Bl '"5 ? v w 1 1
Hetwr-cn Pottsville St Phtlada.
:t.M) it: f2,firt
2.25 cV 1.75
1,40 A. 1,00
Hitween W-eoilmg Jk d s
lletwvsfTi tin ti Perttsvith',
Exct aisiOM Tivkfts tftouo ro
rr nt.
ftetweeii Vnttrstille A: PhWadetpliirV,
lb I ween Keating - itn.
Ilfinwn do. Si Potts'virie,
fTi 00
3 ()t)
2 itf)
Tlie iilSer
psencer tisins will in liefore, at
the following hi nr :
Vhihidelphm f,f Vutta-ifc.
From Vhiladetphi s st nj N.M.J
From Pott-iiOe. m 2 P M. $
Hour mf immi kT Heading
For PotiT.tirre., t .M.
For Thils.lelfihra. nt ) M, V,
AH ihe trains wT sroji f,it yv tm.eugvrs at
the ustisl points.
(Jj All passengers nre re.jueted t procure
their tickets before the trains sta.
May 21. 1842. tf.
To Counlry
rPHE Sulrsintrer, A rent ol I. yon Ai Harris, Hat
-- Manufacturer, for Npw Vork, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large citres, -vVewj Hat nee
highly cmirKBiled int rtmd enlri and dnnd.ilUrj,
has on hand a first Tate rssortm tit 4 II A CS and
CAPS, suitable for Spring s res wh ih will Vr tiiA
very low, lot cash or appioved rredil, at the nt led
cheap itort. No. 4s North Th'nl strcvl, oppji'
the City Hotel, PbilaJelphia.
N. II. Order lot Hats in the ntuih. pmmptfy
attended to. The liihest ri- e m ;uih tr tTa-le
given f. For tti'nA.
Pliilj.lelphis, June 11, 1812 - -ly
A I-'-t
persons indebted to the tfrin of I.yon &
Harris, under the agency oftVN. Thaclier,
Hit and Cap MnntifactirT. No. -lt North Thinl,
treet. i'litladrlfrtiia, are rriiestol to snake iniim-di
Sle fetll.inent ot ITl-tr lCH.Ilt -.Mill llle StlliHCTUrer,
tlnir legally au'borireil ac'iil, w bo is fully empow
en d to settb- and collect tire 'rccnn of saiil firm.
.lime 4th, 142. tf
WARR.wrr.n svperwr to yy
other a;. i stwnntY.
OHN A HENRY I.ANDAV, having rented
the Lime Kilns nf Henry Masser, in Snnhuiy,
have now for side lire, best I.ime hi this part nf the
country, and will continue to keep constantly on
harwl fresh l.hne for Plastering, fluilding and for
Liming lain!, on as reasonable terms as can lie haj
anywhere in ibe ireighboihoisl.
May 21. 1842. Jl.-A H. l.ANDAC.
Vomer of Third and Yin? Stru ts,
fHE snlTd-riVr rspct fully announces to the
A. iiuhlic. that he ha oencd a Hotel in th- cm-
nioiltoiia Irriek troiMing sittiat- on the corner of
I bird and Pun' streets, wlrrre he will be happy to
wait those who may favor him wit', their
company. I tie'e tl-net is ia"ge anil conveni
ent, atnl furi,ihitl rr, (Is; lie-t modern tle. It is
provided witn a large number of well airej and
comfortable sleeping apartments rooms private
parlors, Ac Persons vmrtKi Witliamsport on bu
siness or plea-ure, may re as-ured that every rt
ertii will '-e used to render iheir sojourn at the
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agria'able. Hia Table
will tie supplied with the very hi-at the market f
funis, amliiistsir with ilieel-oicest wine hnd rrttser
liuors charges reisonsMe. 'I'hn Eaulo V(-nr
nossesscs rreater advMUages in poirrt trf location
than any oibei similar establishment tn rhelrAroup"',i,
being situate in the husmess part df the town , and
wiibiu a convenient distance of thCvnrt House
and iHianis4rl and VTtmira Ttarl Road Vepnt.
Suflichtil Stabling provided, uJ 6uoi and trusty
ostler nlwav in atleudant'O.
Attentive, aceon.notlTirrg and honest Servants
have lieen emulo.ied, mid h in ? cf, undone that
will add to tlie cvrmtiiit and ccoi,jmodaiioii 4' his
Ttirte win V a mrria je at way in attendance at
the float Landing to c .mvey passengers to and fr.rm
the Hoe. h of chance.
Msv Utb s4'i.
Wy.. HEILlr-iUT & CJC.,
Ciinri,issioniV ForwavJinii Mi rchatits,
foul of i iWre Street Itdil Road,
s Thk i tiivriKi,
HAVING assneisted v"i h rliem Joseph Harrrt.
lata of Caston, Pa, TiBpcctfully inform their
i fi rends and the public generally , tint they have ta.
' k-n;li.-t 1ufte snd we.l known stole tod whirl' ul
fool ol' Willow Street Railroad, lately oivupsed by
I l:Ktin. where ttn-v isi'lose d.sne atiein ral
,i.-.i hi ml l-'uri miio a H-asiiirss, slid lull)
I the asscjsl u.iv amawfs . be plscr t inu oi.ii. cud
. .... .11 .1. .,.!. . 1,1 I,1V, it.
tklttl 111 I iliv 4isii. iipM"-i iik -"
I oatlet in rherity. tliev llstier il-. :i.rlwn ihry will
1 . . " " .7
itage, mk! uism as ica-
,lil"' llrlBalSilit' Willi
h-rue, aisl tin y ssuie tls irliieiols that any con
S'nTsents made 10 th.m shall have ih. ir strict at
tention, and no eieiM.ins iiau-d t-i tive enuie salis-
; f ic ton.
Tin y are nbo prv-pav-i' erseiv. nil forward
! co.hI ro anv poim on the D- la ic ami'th
ivers, helweisi M ch I ' nunk. Eloii ami I'hils
. del lus, via Delaware l'livii. n ami Irf'hlnll Can U;
1 a'h... to sniv irdsait ilw Join.l nv.1, Not-li
a -l Wist Branches ot tlieSu-nu.awua a N-buyl.
ki!i .iii.l iiiion. or tbo Clfesariei.'ke tHnl l ido NN -rtei
C na a.
F r ihe aei oinaa-alation t llrfai coming or go.
i tt ia "chuvlktH tnl Canals, a .Sie.iulaal
lll h l.-pl i vpr.'svlv fiw towrnit Uialsteom rhr
SchuvlkiH srourJ lothe Del .waie and back, which
will su.Me wiesrliants o have itieir produi deli
erd on rbel)e!ware, and their goods shipper! at
a savins l 60 to 75 a-r cent, .in the prices for
lirulina scio-o. with these ajklit.ea tlHy su-
sjiecllully solicit a sharmrf piiTroiiaev.
- kr m.ia kt i
William Hoilmsn,
I W4I.S4U w. feryser,
j Joseph bar net.
.8. Mail Coach
ron imtts vi
HE Mail Coach forroflsville leaves Norlhinns
herlnnd every mornmg ut 9 Vitoch, and atiiira
in Prtttsville in the eyetdiig.
Fa nt as low as any ether lme.
For seats, apply at Mrs. Wiihrrigtmi's Uriel,
N,i llniiiilierlaiiil, -orot Gingo Weityel's, Simbury,
North'd., May 21,1 81ft. J'rufirietun.
CT Passencerscirmiirg from Fhila.Vlpliia wi'l
pleai secure their seats at tire White Swan Hotel.
Race St., before they leave the city. Passengers
coining in (his line, have thiTT seats serrjrrd in any
Htgecrr Packet Ixiatfrtim this place, ThosecvsinnK
in the idher line may Ire lefthehiud.
lllanK Hook Matitifar Im j ,
Opposite Prince's llotiL,
TrtllEY are 7teprited to mnrmfjclnre LfAriV worl
A of every description, ruled to any pattern, sueb
as Dockets Ifcecords, Day Hooks, Idcers, Ase
sots' and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest quali
ty of paraM, in a style equal to any lnadii in the ci
ties of I'Maxlcrphia or New Vork.
All dcriptiinis of bsydhrg neatly executed,
'"'crnp Boifcs, Albums and Portfolios nmdo to order
l.a Boiflt, Mnsrc and IViodicals Vound to any
patt.Tn. t)lfl Uo4i8 rebound, Ac Also files if
parrels tiouird.
tjj' Work left at the office of the Sunlsjry Ame
rican, will be prompltv attended to.
May 21st, 184?. ly.
G O L D K N SV A j
.Vo. (39 North lliird, nhnm Arch Strcl,
ACroMMODATIONS fi'; sj.vtNTT t'l-ttSONSi.
CH AKI.ES WEISS, Wof the "While Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," resaclfulry in
fiirms lusfriiMids and cusirrnrers. that he Ira Iroconie
tlw proprietor of (lie abov well known Hitd.
Country Mvrchatits will find the above Hotel a
central titration, nd the best of fine. Persons tra
velling with irivte -conveyance will find a huge
yard and good crahling fin hnrses, atrd llichestof
ostleis. lloardinc f 1 perday.
May Mth.lft42.-lC
Snull" xi'ttd Tobacco Alnntitat'-ttircrs,
.Vo, ') Xiirtlt Yvst corner of Race tutd 'lltird
TH E undeTsTtrried have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of J. MA VI. AND. In. V Co..
as successors to tlie late fiini of Jrrib Jhiiliind
Co.. und will continue the Irushres- nt die old estfis
blishmeut, on tlri'ir own account. In additirti tv
their own close attention and vxpvrictice foi niniir
years, in the manufacture uV tbi'ir lvfihriitt il rtrisl,
Ac, the limg experience of tin" senior partner of tint
late firm, will also lie devoted to the interest of lint
new conwrn ami a no exertiou and care V ill let
spared to inxure their pioils, at all thnes of the ve
ry lest quality, they nolicit a -continusrke uf Ibe
omWeiKVj of fhc fi rends and customers of the lato
J. MAY1.AND, Jh.
Philadelphia, May lllh, 1812. ty
An. '237, A'ri Ttirvt, ! Culloirkill &t.t
JOHN DUNCAN, late from the Pennsilv--nia
Farmer, imd Samuel Pike, jr., late of A-
inertcnii H.itel,'Co'Kainbus, Ohio, Hike pleasure in ac
quainting their't'riends and the public generally that
they have ttikenthe largo and commodious Hotfl,
recemry hoi K by the Messrs. Hart, on the same sila
once oecnpieil by the old established Hotel known
aa the Balf Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill "St.
'lhia Hotel is finished in the very be .-4 possible
mkrmrr, atid nf the best inhterials. lis location ii
very desirable, particularly for country nitrchauts;
the artangenu'tils for trcatit.g ami ventilating eh
nxir.i ia huch as to secure any rcmH-ralure. The
ledroomsare all light and airy, all tumUlicd in a
nvat style, so as to insure lomfort.
The receiving parWs arc also futnislsr-d hi a sn
erb style, the windows are on the Frenvh s'yle,
forming an entrance to a balcony in fionl, nlmh
makes a pleasant recess. Funicular attention ha
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
rrom years' experictrce in hotel business, we
trust, by strii't assiduity tc business, to make this
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
alwirya he sei n died wilh the very best our market
ran afford, and our bar w iih the Usl liquors and
wine of the most approved brands.
P. K. Tliere are first rate slabline fcnJ carrisje
houses attached to the hotel, attended liy ea tful
and sober host lera, and na rrh urges w Al Ins low, in
accordance with the present hard times.
Philadelphia, Oct. 7th, 1842.
1IIE siib-criber respectfully hifirrms the pul-lio
that he has purchased, and now occupies ua
and V"iiv.,
4 imry!iii?inl JlKSl ftt Oi l! Slailtl,
Well known a tlie jmsperly, lute of Hieo-lot"
Wills, and formerly kqil by Samuel A. HtaJy.
Ho is nc.w psrpitfrd to accotrMitoilsKi kUtiavilkss
atulvisileis who may favnr him with a calk and
will use 1 voiy ellort in bis power to render "wiy
. ' .1 ... t,i. .-..i.m-rs. wl.rh.
1 ' -
mult Inn chuTtf. 11 1 acXMiiiiiintii renii. ,
..n I his rooms well lurnislicd. Ills subks titan
ie and in good condition.
His and Ua will lie supplied whh the
best that the maikel rail all'ord. liy punctnnliU
and aitiuitiou. Ire ttv4s cuiit'rdtnlthut hewiltroerst
the patronage i Ac iwi'die.
fattawisva, Apiil lh, 1X12,
itoiti:tiT 'iTi:u s,
l.ombartl Stews', ttuitimtvrr.
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing P.SfHt of all
ktres and ijusblies, Cap Writing Piper, rub
ml plain, Letter Pttjav, wtsVie attd Hue, railed ai4
(daiii. Hanging Paper, fine and oomm-m Env.lo.v
Taier, do. do. medium, doirble ckwvii, cr.rwii an l
eilrs sized Wiapping Pae,l'ob4 Mxlimu anJ
lioyal I'speia, llibnut, llindeu' and tSuaw llo
Voards.l'issue Paper, and all article is the lme.
whioh lltoy will sell on arcuiumudaiing t.tu.
Higliest price given for old rags.
MamU 1", isl-i. Ulkton, MJ