Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 21, 1843, Image 3

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    From Ihe V. S. Catttte.
Philadelphia again, labor under the disgrace of
lawless rioter. The scons of operations ie Ken
sington, and for the part week that district hie been
kept in feer of excitement. Our Reporters fur
bish the following statement of occurrences.
Some time since the weavers of the ciiy made
formal strike for higher wages as Journeymen.
They formed Society, and adopted a etandard of
prices to be demanded for the labor performed. A
number of the weavers did not think the movement
just one for the times, and continued working on
at the old prices. The men who had atruck endea
vored to bring them into their measures by threats
of violence, which in case of refusal they at times
carried into effect. Things have been going on
this way, marked occasionally with acts of violence,
for more than month back, but within a few
daya past, the weavers in Kensington who had
struck, have been growing more and more violent,
until Wednesday evening, when they assembled in
molts, and endeavored to breuk up the looms and
cut the warps of some wesvers who lived in the
neighborhood of Front and Brown atreet. Sheriff
Porter, on information being communicated to him,
immediately assembled a strong posse, snd repaired
to the acene of action, from whence, after ahorl
skirmish, tlio rioters retreated to the market house
in Kensington.
They were followed thither by the Sheriff, who
made an attack upon them, but the fosse was re
pell, d by a shower of stones and a determined sor
tie from the rioters. A man named Archibald Do.
volin struck the Sheriff wiih a club, and injured
him so severely that his life is in danger. Devolin,
and a number more were arrested. It being then
about twelve o'clock, the posse retreated and no
thing further transpired during the night.
In consequence of the disturbed state of the Nor
thern District, Deputy Attorney General Scott re
quested Mayor Scott, yesterday morning, to hear
the cases of the rioters who had been arrested on th e
night before,
The strange Intelligence received here few
day by the Barque Annhuac, that Com.
Thomas A p Catesby Jones, the American Naval
Officer on that station, had captured the Mexican
city of Monterey on surmise that the United States
hsd declared war against Mexico, proves to l lit
erally true. The Madisontan of yesterdy contain
the translation of sn article in the 'Dinrto del Go
bierno' of Dec. Mth, published at Mexico, giving
all the particular of the transaction. Monterey la
the rapitol of California, and is small village a
bout hundred miles South of 8sn Francisco. A
number of troops, under Commsndant General
Micheltorcno, were on their march towards the
place when th following circumstance took placet
N. Y. Tribuns,
On the 19th of October, Commodore Jones ar
rived at Monterey, in the frigate United States, ac
companied by the Cyane, under Captain Stribling.
Aa won aa the ships had anchored, Captain Arm
stong, the flag-captain of the United States, land
ed, and delivered to the acting Governor, Don Ju
an Alvarado, letter from Commodore Jones, re
quiring the immediate surrender of the place, with
its forts, castles, ammunitions, arms, Arc. to the U
nited Slates, in order to save it from the horrors of
wai which would be the immediate consequences
of a tefusal to submit. Alvarado, upon this sum
mons, consulted the other military and civil au
thorities ; and finding that the garrison consisted
of only twenty-nine men, thst the nrtillcry waa
composed of eleven pieces, entirely useless from the
rottenness of their csrriages, and that the whole
number of muskets ami carbines, good and bad,
did not exceed a hundred and fifty he surrender
ed the place; which waa in consequence imaic
diately occupied by the Americans.
The articb? wf capitulation signed on the occa
sion provide that the Mexican soldiers shall march
out wiih colors (lying, and shall remain as prison
ers of war until they can be aent to Mexico , that
the inhabitant shall be protected in their persona
The following waa the result of the nd property, so long aa they conduct themselves
properly, and do not infringe the laws of the United
Jnhn MeV.v and Arrhibnld Devolin were each States, c. Ac. Commodore Jonea at the same
bound over in the sum of $5000. The latter was 'me issued a proclamation to the Caltfornisns, do
IwroimirT Ostitroif. Judge Belts, of the
District Court for this District, on an application
from the widow of Cromwell for a warrant to ar
rest Messrs. Mackenzie and Gansevoort, on a
charge of murder -delivered an opinion this morn
Ing, declining to grant Me Hvirant, upon the
ground that interference at present would be high
ly improper. He moreover expressed strong doubt
whether the Civil Courts had any jurisdiction in
the case,- N. Y. American.
On the Hth inst., by the Rev. G. Hildt, J. W.
VVmsHT, M. D., of Huntingdon counly, to Miss
Abwa Msttmba, only diughter of Dr M. B. Grier,
doe'd., and Step daughter of Rev. John Bowen, of
Northumberland county, Pa.
On the 1st inst., bv the Rev. C. A. Hewitt, Mr.
Samuki Hurts to Miss Jake Hullihrk, both of
Point township.
On the lOlh inst., by the Rev. John H. Grier,
Mr. Joh v J. SAannRso, of Milton, to Miss Mer
cy K., daughter of George Crane, Esq., of Lycom
ing county.
Oiithe4lh inst., by the Rev. W. J. Ever. Dr.
Isaac HtniiK to Miss Maroarkt Smkck, boih
of Oaltawissa.
On the 27th nit., by the Rev. John Ball, Mr.
Joh Marti, of Shamokin, to Miss Carouse
Uian, of Catlawissa township, Columbia co.
On the 3d inst, by the same, Mr. William
Fithhhiovs to Mis Scran Pmilim, both of Ma
honing, Colnmbia county.
On tl 5th inst., by the Rev. J. Bowen, Mr.
ALLtAMnKR Hr.r.n to Miss A mm Ktlf.,
both of Chilisquaqne township.
On the 27ih nil., by the same, Mr. Charles
Shearer to Miss Maui Alkxankkn, both of Chi-li-quao,ue.
In Williamsporl, on the 27th nil., at the residence
of Gen. .1. B. Anthony, by the Rev. Mr. Bradbury,
Mr. Tun as Hkphiirr to Miss Mart Stwdoer.
In Derry township, Columbia counly, by the
Rev. Mr. Patterson, Mr. Rorkrt McCrRirr, of
White Uocr, to Miss Eliha Roiiissox, of the for
mer pi nee.
On the 3d inst., by the Rev. C. F. Sto?vcr, Mr.
Joseph Walker, of Columbia county, to Mica
Avtr Fox, of Chilisuuaque tewnship.
. 1 , 1 I I'll l gl , I . . I
Public Notice.
HAKE NOTICE, that on the 20ih day of IV.
coinlicr, 1812, we purchased, at const ibl.' s
nle, held by Edward GaH, constable for the bo
rough of Sunhiiry, the following property of Joseph
Maria, to wit :
4 Chairs, f 0 25
1 Bureau, t 00
I (Joiner Cupboard, 2 77
I Brown Mat, . 40 DO
1 Milter, 0 22
I Bav Mare, 35 HO
1 Halter, 0 6 1
1 Clock. 6 25
16 Bushels Corn, at 43 eta. per bu. C B8
$l 84
The public will therefore take notice, that we
have loaned the above named nrlirlea lo Joseph
Martr, of Augusta township, IVorthuinberland coun
ty, as purchased by us at coiiKtable's rale, and that
they are held by him in no other war.
Sunbtity, Dec. 24, 1M2.
lr. i. 11. vihVy
OFFERS bis professional services, to the eilizeng
of Sunbury, and vicinity. Office next door to
the residence of Revd. R. A. Fisher, where ho in ly
be found, unless cngagad in discharging the duties
of his profession. Oct 8rh, I H 12. If.
s awl i it i ii i: 1 l m: k,
"WJERY RESPECTFULLY ben-i leave to in
Y form his customers and the public generally,
that he still continues the
n nil its v ut ions branches, in ihe shop, neailv op-
posiio Ihe Uuek I avern, formerly occupied hy
jfenry Haas and himself, under the firm of Haas
at Druckrmiller, which firm h:is loen mulnnlly rllf-
solved. He hopes, by his long experience in the
above business, and slrict attention thereto, to ren
der general satisfaction, and receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
Sunburv, Octolicr loth, 1842. r.m.
the individual who inflicted the injury upon Sher
iff Porter, under which he is now suffering.
William Costello, Patrick McVay and J.imes
Welsh were each bound over in the aum of J 2500,
Barney MeAlcer, Edward Devolin and Thomas
McConoway, were each bound over in the sum of
The whole were committed in def Kilt of bail.
The burthen of the evidence against the above,
was to the effect that they were actively engaged aa
belligerents; but againt Archibald Devolin the evi
dence was of a stronger character. It was proved
dating that "he came in arms as the representative
of a powerful nation, against which the existing
Government of Mexico had engaged in war, but
not the intention of spreading dismay among
the peaceful inhabitants," and inviting them to sub
mit to the authority of a nation which would pi o
tect them forevet in Ihe enjoyment of liberty Ac.
All these things took place on the 18th of Octo
ber. Two daya aftetwards, on the 21st of the
month, Commodore Jones addressed another let
ter to the acting Governor Alvarado, to the effect,-
that information received by him since the capture
by several witnese that after he had undetstood ( ,he P1". ,eft bim n ren Joub " '
that Mr. Porter was the Sheriff, he exclaimed with
a horrid oath, "You're just the man I want;" and
Mr. Porter then being down, the prisoner Devolin
commenced kicking and beating him wiih his feet
nd a club which he had in bis bands.
Yesterday and during the day, the district see
med alive with people, and partiea of men, armed
difficulty between Mexico and the United States
had been adjusted ; and that, being anxious to
avoid all cause of future difficulties, he was ready
to restore the place, with its forts and property, to
the Mexicans, in the same condition in which they
were before the seizure. Monleiey waa accord
ingly, on that day, evacuated by the Americans,
wiih clulis, paraded through the upper part of it, nd re-occupied by the Mexicans, whose flag, on
occaaionally making some demonstration ofvio- being re-lioisiel, was saluted by the ahips.
lence. and both by word and action evincing a dc Thus tt-i minuted the three days at Monterey,
termination to lesist the proper authorities. Immediately after the restitution of the plsce,
The market house in Kensington, and the large Commodore Jonca despatched a letter to the Corn-
vacant space around it, were filled with people du-1 mandant Micheltoreno, in which he stated that he
ring the day. A man, w hile talking to some others f,ad been induced to invade California by the
near the sihool-house, was set upon and beaten
severely, aa also were several othera at different
A part of the lower end of the market house waa
boarded in on both sides yesterday, so aa to afford
piotection to any party that might take possession
Manifeito addrefsed by General Santa .1nna to
the Diplomatic Corps at Mexico, wherein Hit
Excellency conditionally ilcclared War againxt
the United State: that ihe capitulation of Monte
rey had been as honorable to Mexico as circum
stances would ieiinit: and that he had restored
of it. At the lowest end of it load of fragments ie place and ceased all offensive operationa so
of bricks were piled up. These, the Market Com- foon M ne became convinced of the existence of
miltee oidered to be removed, and cart waa fnct between the two Nations.
brought to Uke them away ; but, after the cart- j-nB COmmjndant Micheltoreno, according to his
man had thrown them in, a mob of men act upon and despatch to t he Minister of War at Mexico, re
beat him severely, look possession of the cart, de- c;TrJ the newa of the capture of Monterey on the
poaited ihe brick again in the place from whence 23d of the month, when he was at the rancho or
they were taken, and then told the cartman to take farm of San Francisco, near Angles. On the fol
himself off. lowing day, he issued to all the commandants on
Alderman Clark the Police Magutrate of the I the coast to exert ihemselvea to the utmost for the
District received an anonymoua note yesterday af- defence of their country against the perfidious
ternoon, stating ihai hia house was to be set fire
to, in revenge f..r having aided to arreat three of
the rimers in the course of the morning.
I 1 12 I,
On Friday the 13th inst., at Millon, Ihe Rev.
Mr. RHODE, formerly stalioned in this pi ice,
aged aUiut 60 yea s.
On Friday evening, the 1,1th inst., AI.ItE.
aughter of Mr. Charles Weaver of this place, aged
On the same dy, in this place, DAVID FIX-
'ON, aired about .10 years.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer.
Wheat, .... 80
Kie, Mi
Corn, ...... 40
Oats, 25
Pork, 5
Flaxseep, - 100
Butter, . 12
Beeswax, 25
Tallow, .... 12J
Drieu Apples, - - - 75
Do. Piaciies, 200
Flax, ... -8
Heckled Flax, 10
Eons, ...... 8
John II. C'owilon'n lXat.
NOTICE ia hereby given, that all persons, cor
porate or natural, interested in the estate of
JOHN H. COW DEN. or in the money in Court
for distribution, to appear by the 7th day of Febru
ary, 1843, and make themselves parlies to the seve
ral issues in fact, and to the proceedings lor ihstri
bution. By the Court '
Prolhonotarv's office, ) 1'roth'u,
Sunburv, Jan. Olh, 1813. S
Altraliam Diinkelbci gcr'H rotate.
NOTICE ia hereby given to all those indebted tr
the estate of Abraham Dunkellierger, dee'd
late of Onal township, Northumberland county, by
nntea due, or book account, to call and make pay
merit on or before the 11th day of February next
at ihe house of the deceased. Alt those haing
claims on said estate, are requested to present them
well authenticated, for settlement.
Jan. 7th, 1843. 5t Administratrix.
North Amciicans, the declared enemies of Mexico
who had taken possession of Monterey with four
ahipa of war and eight bundled men ; and, with
Threats were also used towards Alderman Potts, that view, to join forces at Angeles, by who biav
nd he waa obliged to close hia house at an early I crv he doubted not that be should triumph and ae.
hour on Wednesday evening, and remove his books cuie additional glory to the Mexican nation. Ou
nd papers to a place of safely. I the day after the date of these orders, the Governor
The stale of feeling becoming so apparent, it I received Commodore Jones letter, in answer to
waa deemed necessary by the ISheiiffto call out the which, he sent a aeiic of propositions for tho t
Military, and the two campaniea of German Wash- tlement of such of the difficulties aa might be ar
ington Guaids, the Gsrman Yagers, and the Mon- ranged there, leaving the question of the seiinre
roe Guards, were under arma all day yesterday. to be discussed between the two Governments.
, General Cadwulader ordered eight companies of I Commodore Junes, in hia reply, dated the 1st of
hia brigade to be under arma at seven o clock last November, endeavored, aa far as possible, to soothe
evening, in readiness to march at moment warn- ,J conciliate the excited feelings of the Mexicans
ins, I and expressed hia readiness to meet Governor
Up to t:, o'clock last evening, no further decided Micheltoreno at 8anta Barbara, without deUy to j
set of violence had Wn committed. Considerable confer witu mm on nia pro,,..,..
excitement, however, prevailed, and large numbera Things ren.ained in this ata-o 0 th ;9lh 0fNo-
, ,,e .hronced tle infected part of the Ulslrici vemucr. wuni ". . wnicn urougni tne papera
OI P5"1' . .. . ..L 1 A.. !.. nn..r... I r .i:r ..;. .
duiing the evening. I he ueeiueu maurc i num , ,w mcucu, ijuiih-u vhiiui,
, t .1 1. iKa .llra itnwfl. 1 At ihul linrm ( Vkvim.a1..r. tiW.AH ka.l lint mt. Mi-
to opposs trtatp, uouuuen. arj., .. - -
but it was plain to aee thaltue evn nau om, cuenurruw, .
checked, not removed and aa they are well organ- j tie Mexican Uiano coniaina some o...eiv.u...
zed itislo be feared that the flame ol violence on tnese occurrences, me acrimon; ui mm ...-j
wTl'bur'st forth again. FH". under the circumstances of tho case, be
pardoned, i tie writer, nowever, piainiy ueciarea
his Conviction, that Commodore Junes hud attacked
Montery agreeably to orders from hia Government,
wiih the object of conquering California; but that
finding the country in auch a atsie of defence
thanks to the care of Santa Ana, and Tor ml (the
Secretary of War) he bad been obliged to aban
don bia plan, and to invent atory of bis justification.
"jVOTICE is hereby given, that on the 22d day
v of September last, the undersigned waa ap
pointed hy the District t;nurt of ihe I tilled Mates
lor the Western District of Pennsylvania, assignee
of HtMRT Yoxtheimer, decreed by Ihe said court
a Bankrupt, pursuant lo the set of Congress passed
AuuuM 19th. 1841, and that said assignee has en
tered upon bis duties as such, of which all concern
ed iu any manner whatever will plea-e to take no
tiee. UIIAKLB8 ri.tiAMNIB,
Dec. 3lt, 1842. 3t Atutignet.
(General Stage lJ'tcr,)
rWlHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends
1. and the public in general, that he has taken
the above
and that he is now well prepared to accommodate
all who may favor bun with their custom.
His Sleeping Apautmemts aro well aired, and
His Tabic Attn Bar will always be supplied
with the best the market can afford.
Hia Stahliku, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He feels confident, by strict attention to business,
and an earnest desire to render comfortable those
who may patronize him, that he will not fail to give
general satisfaction. Ii. n. W b.W Lit,
Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. If.
Will r.ommr. nrr running but men Vhihuh-lplttm
and I'oiHvilic nn the Juuowtng days
and horn;
Osr Awn atter Mwnt, Mai 9. 1842.
Leaving Pott.ville, on Mondays, Wediieadaya
and Fridays, at 8$ A, M.
Leaving rhiladc Iphia, on 1 uesdaya, Thursdays
and Saturdays, at 1 P. M.
Ihnrt nf imming Uenditip.
For Philadelphia, at 111 A. M. i ... . . ,
For Pottsvilte, at M P.M. $ "J
r.t it k s.
Between Pottsville fit Philada. 3,M cV f 2,f0
Between Reading cV d.i. 2,25 A- 1,75
Between do ft Pottsville, 1,40 &. 1.00
EicrjRstnx Ticr ets noun roR hiti rnimh
Between Pottsville A Philadelphia, f 5 00
Between Reading cV do, 3 00
Between do. Ac Pottsville, 2 110
The other passenger trains will as before, at
the following b"urs :
Philadrlphia and Poltsrillr.
From Philadelphia, at 6$ A.M. ..
From Pottsville, nt 2 P. M. 5 J
Hours of pntsins Heading.
For Pnttavilie, at 9 A. M. n .
For Philadelphia, ot 3J P.M. J 1
All the trams will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
cry All passengers are requested to proeurn
their tickets before the trains start.
May 21, 1842. tf.
Tit Country
'"PHE Nubscriber, Agent of Lyon &. Harris, Hst
Manufacturers, for New York, Philndelpbia,
Baltimore and o'her large cities, ose Hats are
highly commended for qood enlit ad durqlitity,
has on hand a fir-t rale, assnrtmnt of HAl'S and
CAPS, suiti'de fur Spring s iles, wli ch will 'e sold
very low, foi cai oi Sipioved credit, at the noted
cheap store. No. 40, North Third strovt, opp jsi'e
the (Jlty Hotel, riillajelphtn.
N. B. Orders for Hats in the rowM, promptly
attended lo. The highest t rice in task or trade
given f.HT Fur ilcins.
Philadelphia, June 11, 1$42.--Iy
. .H'J.1- . u. . . .. . in,- l i
U. S. 3Iail Coach
Foil VOTTSViri.K.
THE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Norllmnis
bin-land every morning at Ii o'clock, wl arrive
in Pwtsville in the evening.
Far as low a any other line.
For seals, apply at Mr. Wiibington's Hotel,
Ndrthumberiand, or at George WeitxelV, Stmbury,
A, E, KAPP cVtX)..
NorthdMsyl.lSia. VroprMtirs.
(JTj Passengers coming from TTiilaoVlphin will
pVa.-e secure their tears at the White iSwan Hotel,
Rare St., before they leave the city. Tftsergets
coming in this line, have their seats seenrrdin any
Htagcnr Packet boat from this place. Those outiiing
in flie other line may be left behind.
lllanK ltook 1Ianufaf tuo,
Opposite Prince's Hotel,
f IHEY are prepared to manufacture blank wotk
1. of every description, Tulod to any pattern, sin h
as ttoekels Records, U ty Books, Ledgers, As-ief-sora'
and Collectors' Duplic.ites of the finest quali
ty ol paper, in a style equal to any nude in the ci
ties cl tnnlarielplna or New oik.
All trtcTMttioriB of hindiiru neatly rocute.l.
Scrap Bortks, Albtrms and T'ortl.diim made tofvriler.
aw Books, Music and Periodicals hound to any
pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files of
papeis bound.
(TT Work leTt at rhe office nfthe f?utibury Ame-
rh-nn, will be promptly attended to.
May 21st, 1842. ly.
ja Ja GI TEC J3Ti2 ULs 4
.Vo f)l Xarth Third, xrc Arch Strwl,
CHARLES WEISS, late ..1 the "White Kwan."
and "Mount Vernon l!o,ir," respt.ctfully in
forms his friends and customers, thai I e lias lavome
the proprietor of the abov well known llirtel.
Country Meichants will find the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and the best of
ostleis. Boarding $1 perday.
Msy 14th, 1842. tf.
r. J. . l'Clil legs leave to tender hn grate
ful acknowledgments lo ihe people of Sunbuiy
and surrounding country, for their past encourage
ment in IhoTine of his profession ; anil would at
the same time announce to them, that he Mill in
tends to continue the practice of medicine in all its
various drpartments. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of their confidence and pairnnace.
He may he lounil at all tunes at Ins olliee, in mar
ket street, unless profeusionallv eng iged.
Sunburv, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf.
Dr. I. T. TrilCfl, Respectfully info. ins tl.e
cilixens of Sunhury and vicinity, thai be I-as a
ken an office in the budding lately ocrunied by Pet, r
Lazarus aa a drug store, in market lie. t, tu burv,
where he may le found at all houra, unless profes
sionally encased.
DU. TR1TES returns his sincere thanks for U
encouragement he has received, in the line of his
profession, iu this place, and trusts, by prompi i
lent ion lo the duties of his profession, and reason
able charces, that he will continue to receive
liberal i-hare of the public patronage.
Sunburv, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf.
It was said in the earlier part oi ine evening
that the Moyemensing Priaon was to be attacked,
In order to rescue the liotera Imprisoned, and a
large body of men were, it i "Wi ,een nw
The Mayor despatched a strong posse, under charge
of officer Jame Young, but when they reached
there the men were not lo be een.
The military remained under arm, ready for
service at a moraent'a notice, until eleven o'clock,
when they were temporarily discharged from ser
vice. '
A Yankee, writing from the Wet, speaks of its
great matrimonial facilities, and adds, "Suppose you
get our gill son new leeib and send Iheut out.'
W HAVE taken my son Wm. I. Greenough, in
J to partnership in the practice of the law, in the j
county of Notthuntbeiland. He will be constant-. I
ly in attendance at my olliee, in the borough of
Sunbury, ready to transact such busiucfc as may
be entrusted to our care. Merchants and others
may rely upon bis vigilance and fidelivy in ihe col
lection of mon y. E. GREjENOUGH.
Hunhury. Dec. 31st. 1812 S't
riTIHE Subscribe-,., have entered into partnership
I. in the ntaclice of law, in the several courts of
the county of Northumberland, and atate of Penn
sylvania. Theii olliee is the same that has hither
to been occupied by E. Greeiinunh, in the borough
ofSunbury. E. GUE ENOUGH,
Sunbury, Dec. 31at, 1812. St
TlllE public are hereby notified, that the srdi
M. scrilwra purchased of William and Jacob. 1 "Its.
of the hotough of ISorthuinlierlanil, on the "0th
day of Decrmlier inst., two MAKES, the one bay
and the other black.
Take notice, that we have losued aUive pro
perly to the said Wm. and Jacob l ip, to bu deli,
vcred to us at any time v.hen tailed for.
Northumberland, Dec. 31st, 1842.
Creat fliiMness. The Royal Mail Steamer Dee
left Nassau, N, P.,24tb ult., for England via Ber
muda, with one passenger on boaid, and he was
an Anisrican,
ltu'.e ol'feorge Walls, lq.
"TTOTH'E ia hereby given, that letters of admin
11 b-traiion on tUe eaiate of Geoige Watts, Esq ,
iTw of Ihe bomugb of Nortbunibetlaud, have been
p ranted to the suWritwr, ieidiiig in Sunbury.
Persons indebted to said estate are requested lo
make immediate payment, and those having claims
against ihe estate aie n quested lo preiseut iheiu tor
exainiiialiou and settlement.
Sut.bury.Dw:. U, 142. Ct 12
I'o. 173 (W,vHit Street, th Slory,
TYl'K Al'I'AHATl S, Soruie.,1 and Mi
tnat'jre Caes, Impotter of F'eneh Chemicals and
double ailver plates for the Dairuerreotvpe, ato
ibis method of informing Ihe citizens of Northern
Peniiiivlvania, that be cairies on lbs above ousiness
exIi liMvelv. iu all ili, various branches. Persons
desirous of obtaining any of the above artie'es, pun
lc promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, fo", cash.
All lettets (post paid,) will receive i'.nmrdiaie
Mr. G R. LILLE BRIDGE, now travelling in
the Northern part of ihe tSiaie, will promptly at
tend to all orders, give necessary information and
Photographic instructions lo any person on appli- '
cation to him. August tilh. 1812. fun j
bit. J, nTsumnkpv,
1 ES'.'EC I "FULLY infoima the public that lie
has made Norih.imberland bis permanent
ylaee of irsidenee, and is ready to attend 10 any
cal'.s in Ihe line of his profession.
July 2, 1842. ty.
or; ins own hook.
RF.SPECTFI LLY informs bis friends and the
jiubbc gcneiully, that he bus commenced the
Tailoring II iii ncs,
in sit iU blanches, in Ihe house formerly occupied
by Win. Durst ss a Tailor Shop, in BlavUierry
street, nearly opposite the PrsbymUi Cbuich.
He rcectlully solicits a sbsre of the public patron
age, and trusts by slrict attention to business snd
reasonable cha'gvs, he will be enabled lo give gen
eral satikfaciion.
Sunbuiy, June I8lh, 1842 ly
LL persons indebted to the firm nf Lynn &
Hvris, under the agency of O.N. Thscher,
Hut and Cap Manufacturer!, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi
ate settlement of th-ir accounts with ihesnbscriler,
their legally au'boriyed agent, who is fully empow
eled to settle and collect the account f said firm.
June 4th, 1S42. tf Agent.
m-"ra:T?aia" naz
""JOHN & HENRY LANDAU, hivintr rented
the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunhuty,
have now for sale Ihe best I. line in this part of the
country, and will continue to keep constantly on
hand fresh l.une for f lastering. Building and for
Liming land, on aa reasonable terms as csn be haJ
anywhere in the neighborhood.
May 21, 1842. j & H. LANDAU.
Iff H2 IDT. 9
Corner of Third and Vine Streets,
f IHE auhscrilier respectfully announce ti the
public, that he Ins opened a Hotel in the com
rnodious brick huildine situate on the corner ot
I hird and Pine streets, where he will lie happy to
ait those who itibv f.ivor him with their
company. I lie r.acle itotel is lurge ami convent
em, and furnished in Ihe ln?st modem style. It is
provided with a latge numtier of well aired and
cmfrt.ible sleeping apartments, rooms, private
I arlnrs, Ac. Persons visiting W ilhamsport on bu
siness nt plea-ure, may re.t as-ured that every ex
ertion will 1st used to render their sojourn at the
'r.aele Motel pleasant and agreeable. His I alas
will lie supplied with the very bet the market af-
forda, and his bar with ihe choicest wines and other
liquors charges reasonable. The Eagle Hotel
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any othe( similar establishment in Ihe borough
being situate in the business part of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Nlahltiig provided, and good and tru.sty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honest Servants
have been cm (dosed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the comfort and accommodation of his
There will lie a carringe always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May 14th. 1812.
fenull and lobacco Alanulaclurers,
No. 99 North West corner of Race and Tliird
THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership
under the firm of J. MAYLAND. Jn. & Co..
as successors to the late firm of Jacob Mayland 4"
Co., and will continue the businets at ihe old esta
blishment, on their own account. In addition t
their own close attention and experience foi mary
years, in the manufacture of their eefebrated snufls,
&c, the long experience of the senior partner of the
late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the
new concern and aa no exertion and care will I 8
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the ve
ry liest quality, they solicit a continuance of Ihe
confidence of the friends and customers of the late
Philadelphia, May 14th, 1812. ly
Commission & Forwarding Merchants,
Foot of Willow Street Rail Road,
Fresh suppv of KOSB OINTMENT. received
and for tale by H. B. MASEU.
Nov. 19tb, 1842.
HAVING associated wi ll tlieni Joseph Barnet,
late of Elision, Pu., respect fully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have la.
ken that large and wed known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
Jieob Martin, where they urpoe doing a ucm ral
Coumiisaion and Forwarding Business and Tom
the local a.Uatitace of the place being conm cte
with all ti e publ e iniprovemeins that liav. their
outlet in the en. ' e flatter themselves ihey will
t aide to do 1 tlioi rs lo as gre .1, 11 HOI g'eaiei n
vanlage, and tiHin as reasonable let ma ss any other
house, and they assuie their fiionils that any con
sianiiii'iiU maile, lo ibein shall have iheir atrict at
tention, snd no exertions spared to give entire satis
faction. Tin y are also prepared to receive and forward
goods to sny pint on the Di lav. ,re and Ihrh
rivers, between Matich Chunk, Easton and Plula-ib-lphia,
via Delaware I)ivifi, n and Lehih ('an .ls
also, to anv point on ihe Juniata river, or North
and Wist Blanche, ol the Susquehanna via Schuyl-
kill anJ Union, or tho Chesapeake and ' '
For iTie accommmlalion of Boa' coming or go
ing via rvhuvlkill and Union Canal-,, a hwmiboat
will b, lor towin boata Troin the
Schuylkill a'-Hind l the lM .wsiennd back, which
will en.ble mi ld, outs in ha their produce deli
vered on the U a are, and Ibeir g.)..b- t.t ipd at
a saving ol 6H toiipei n ut. ,..i the p ie. s lor
hauling SC O-., wiih Ibesr luLal.l g. s they re
apectfully a of air i,a. e.
William Hellman,
Wdhani W. Ky ,
Joseph Usrurt. 5 rhilad .May , I843.-Iy
A'o.237, North Third, ahm e Cutlowhill St.,
rilHE subscribers takes pleasure in rwqiiamling
.L their friends and Ihe public in general, that
they have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same situ
once occupied by the old estahlislred Hotel known
aa the Bull's Head, in Third sltvct uhovo Callow
hill si.
ThiB Hotel is finished in the Very liest possible)
manner, ind of rhe best materials. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchants;
the arrangements for heating and ventilating cacti
room ia Mich aa to svenre any temperature. Tba
Iwdrooms are all light and airy, all furnished iu a
neat style, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors are also fuini.-hed iu a su
perb style, the windows arc on (he French style,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whiih
makes a pleasant recess. Particular attention has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, Willi
ihe furniture, are entirely new.
From year' ex,erieiice in hotel business, w
trust, by strict assiduity lo business, to make this
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
always be supplied wiih the very best our market
can alVord, and our bar with die best liquors and
wines of the most approved brands.
P. S. There are first rate stabling undcarr aae
houses attached to the hotel, attended by cartful
and sober hostlers, and our charges w ill bis low, ill
accordance with tba present hard limes.
Philadelphia. April If., 1812.
HE subscriber respectfully inform" the juUio
that he has purchased, and now ocnp! ibe
j'i'gtTavern Stand,
the property, lnte nf Theoilore
Well known as
Wills, and formerly kepi try Samuel A. Bnuly
He is now prepared to accommodate all travellers
and visiters who may favor him wiih a call, and
will use eveiy eftort in bis power to render every
convenience snd comfort to his eubtomers, while
under hia charge. His aecommodationa are ample,
snd his rooma well furnished. Hi stable exten
sive and in good condition.
Hra TsLt and Br will 1 supplied with ihe
best that the market can afford. By punctuality
and attention, he feels he will ineilt
the patronage of the public.
Cattawissa, April Oth, 1SI2.
llOIICItT t'iUTI'.ll & SOX,
Lombard Stmt, itatlimort,
HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of all and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rul!
and plain, Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and
i ma sired Wtapping Papers, Colored Medium end
lioyal Papers, H t Hinder.' and Sltaw Box
Boards, Tims, e r, and all articles iu heir line,
which ihey v. id si ll ou sect aumojai ing teriua.
HigliCvl price given for old rags.
March 19, 184'i. Elklon, MJ