t'V.'l J .... HJ"J".I l... .3 Front the Baltimore Amtritnn. TWENTY SEVENTH1 CONGRESS. Waihisbtor, Jin. S, 1843. UNITED STATES SENATE. tor. WRIGHT presented a memorial from two fititem of New York, Mking compmMllon for lave liken by the Government of Florida, and Tarried to Arkamta, in aume expedition connected ith the Government. Mr. BUCHANAN presented a memorial from the Philadelphia Board of Trade, asking for the ee tublialiment of the warehousing iy stem. Mr. TALLMADGE presented two remnnitrarr ret from New York, against the repeal of the Bank rupt Low, Mr. McROBERTS presented a memorial fiom citizens of the West for an appropriation for the removal of the obstructions in tho Ohio River. The tncmorial was accompanied by a statement of the frightful destruction of property. CLOTH CAPES. The resolution asking for information it relation to tlie decisions upon the Cloth Cases in PhiladcN jiliin was taken up and adopted. Il is said there is a Report in the Treasury De partment upon ihis subject, favorable to the decision of-the 4Ourt and unfavorable to the Impotters. It is catted for in reference. It is presumed, to a de. riioti of the Supreme Court which will probaMy lie made upon nn appeal from the Courts of Phila delphia. These decisions create much feeling here, are considered as often unjust, and will probably become the subject of delate by and by. PUBLIC DEBT. The Resolution presented by Mr. SMITH of Tnd. calling for information as to the amount of the Public debt at the close of the Revolution, the a mount incurred by individuals, the amount paid by the several Administrations, the amount of public debt at present existing, the debt of Great Britain and other information upon the subject of indebt edness, exports and imports, was also passed. OREGON BILL. Tho Bill making provision for the occupation and sett'ement of the territory of Oregon coming up in order upon its third reading. Mr. CALHOUN said he was not prepared to vote at present. He wished to enquire more into the character of the pending negotiations, and wish ed for time also to read the correspondence which had appeared upon the subject. Mr. LINN consented thut the Bill should be postponed until Monday, and the Senate so order 1. Mr. BAYARD moved nn Executive Session, after whieh the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. CAMPBELL of S. C. introduced a bill to suspend the sreond section of the bill for the ap p rtionmciit of representatives amaug the seven I Static, according to the sixth census, so far as tho same may affect the elections of any persons who have been or who may be elected Representatives of the 29th Congress. On motion of Mr. BARNARD, the bill wis re ferred to the Committee of Elections. Mr. HALSTEAD introduced a bill to regulate the taking of testimony in cases of contested elec tions, and for other purposes, which was referred to the Committee of the whole. Mr. STRATTON submitted a reaolution, which was adopted, instructing the Commttce on Naval AfTairs to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to suppress the crime of duelling in the Na vy of the United States. On mntin of Mr. IRWIN of Pa. a resolution was adopted .instructing the Committee on the Ju dicary to inquire into the expediency of providing for a more extensive publication of the laws of the United States, both in English and German. The resolution ot Mr. BOWNE, instructing the Committee on the Judicary to report on Thursday (to-day) a bill to refund tho fine, with the costs, imposed upon General Jackiou in 1815, was taken up for consideration. Mr. G WINN of Miss, delivered a few remarks, to show that a recent pamphlet, written by a Ken tuckian, and laid upon the tables nf members this morning, was erroneous in m;uiy particulars, and to remove any prijudires which might have result ed from this public. ition. Mr. CL'SIIING aaid that liny were now on the eve of ihe anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, one of the greatest events in the history of our country, and whatever may lie the difference of o pinion with regard to General Jackson's conduct in paliiical life, no one could deny that this victo;y covered our country with imperisbable gbry. He desired that the bill should le paired by the 8th of January, so as to make the anniversary of the vic tory of New Orleans a day to be sanctified in the acti n of the House by the restoration of the fine imposed upon General Jackson. Mr. C. then moved la amend the resolution of Mr. Bowne, so t,i the debate may be terminated to-morrow by two o'clock ; and ho moved the pre vious question. V. ADAMS 'had ho 'idea of having the gag 'applied to him. He wanted to debate this suljeet thoroughly: it was important to the country. If "Gen. Jackson was poor, he would be willing to con tribute his portion to relieve his necessities, but he -could not consent to bestow a nion upon the old man. in his Utter day, by voting fir thia bill. If the bill should be parsed, It would Jje equivalent to sanctioning dwpotic power exercised by General Jarks in over our own citizens. Thera was at that time, no necessity for the declaration of martial law. During the delivery of Mr. Adarns'a remarks, ih'' morning hour having expired, and the Speaker informed the gentleman from Massachusetts of lbs JC. Mr. Adam, aaid t' at be woulJ conclude h ob aerv.itiona lo-morrow. Mr. C. J. INGERSOLL moved that the House resolve itself into a Committee of be whole, un the late of tbe Union. Mr. Tl.'RNEY moved to imend the motion by adding, and lake up the bill in relation to the fine imposed on Gvnctil Jacktort. The Speaker laid that the amendment waa not in order, without the concurrence of twoMhird. By a mere majority the House could resolve itself into a committee of the whole, and take up whatever measure they please. Mr.CAVB JOHN80N ofTenn. called for the yeas and nays, on going into Committee, and the question being taken, it waa decided In the nega tive. Yeta 100, noea 106. Mr. EVERETT called for the orderi of the day being the bill to repeal the Bankrupt law. Mr. GORDON replied to Mr. Bowne j and said that his colleague, could get neither the Democratic nor Whig party to join in tbe remark that the pro pi did not care who was Ihe President, so that the Constitution waa preserved. The people did care. But tlm Democratic party could not take Mr. Welater an old Federalist could not be trusted, although he might profess to be a Democrat : for the dog will return to his vomit, and the sow to her wallowing. In this style, the honorable gentleman amused the House for an hour. Mr. Gordon in nil his remark was Mudioudy ae vere upon his colleague (Mr. Bowne) and exhaust ed the language of vituperation in speaking of Mr. Webster. The personalities of his remarks, and the point of them towards both gentlemen, gave him many listeners, and the House was occasionally excited by roars of laughter. Mr. Gordcn spoke his full hour under the idle, and the floor was giicn to Mr. McKEON of New York. Mr. BOWNE begged most earnestly f.ir per. mission to teply, and having been dealt with most unceremoniously by Mr. Gordon, the liuuae join ed in the tequest. Mr. Bowne begged but fur five minutes and promised to atop then. Mr. McKEON censenled and Mr. B., the House all eyea and all eara in the meantime, spoke his five minutes. He aaid he well knew that to make a reply to his colleague he must, for tbe time, cast aside all aelf tespect, and he then stood in that po sition. Mr. B. said that his colleague was not the mm to arraign him for his deinocr cy. He was not tbe high priest of the party. H i own principles hung too loosely about him to allow him to d re late to others or to judge for or of others. He w is not true to his pary, for it was verified under affi davit that in the canvass of 1810 ho had offered to become a whig leader and a w'.ig candidate for Congress, if the whigs would take him into the'r ranks, provided his own party should not nomi nate him to the post he now filled. Great laugh ter. The gentleman, in hi remri ks. Mr. Browne fur. ther said, had entirely porvertod the truth. He hid, and with the printed remarks before him, misrepre sented his whole speech, and he had. Here Mr. B. was cut short by the expiration of the five minutes. Mr. GORDON was now anxious to rejoin, and after lomis it.tcrpn tation, inquiry and objection, ap peal and opposition, he sioke fir five minutes also, nd pronounced the accusation of his col e igtie filse in every part.culir. He accused him too of betraying his patty, and joining "the Guards." Election ot V. S. Senator for Pennsylvania, We have delayed our paper to give the result of the election for U. S. Senator, to-day, by the Legis lature of thikStat. At 12 o'clock tha mem'ura of ihe Slate and House of Repreaentativei m t in con vention in the Hall of the Hou-e, (Ion. BsajAMta Cai.rix, speakar of the Senate, acting as president, and Mr. Champneyi of the Senate, and Brawley of the House, acting as tellers. The names of nraily all the nominees were withdiawn and the election proceeded in as follows : On the first ballot, Messis. Baily, Bigler, Black, Champneyi, Di moek, Ever, Fegely, Gorgas, Heidley, Hill, Hor- ton, M'Cully, M'Lanahan, Penniinm, Smith, Wilcox, and Cri-pin, Speaker of the Senate, and Messrs. Avery, Bacon, Bailey, Barrett, Bean, Bell, Roal, Brawley, Bush, Clinton, Cummins, Deal, Deford, Ellon, Elwell, Genrhitt, Glenn, Goodwin, Halm, Hancock, Hrckmtin, Heebner, Hill, lanvs, Kains, Kerr, (Monroe,) Kerr, (Merer,) Kline. Kngler. Long, Lowry, M'Bride, M'Castin. M'Cul. loch, M'Gowan, M'Kinn m, Marshall, Mo.'rc, Morgan, Myers, O'Biyau, OvcrAeld. Parker. Pick- in?, rostletliwaite, l'otteigor, Iieber, Russell, Sheuk, Sherwood, Sir.rs, Snyder, Thomas, Tustin, Walter, and Wright, Speaker, of the Hou-e of Representatives 74, voted for JAMES BUCH AN AN, Messrs. Brower, Cochran, Ciabb, Craig, Parsie, Farrelly, Hiester, Huddleson, Kline, Mathers, Mullin, Spackman, Siewart, and Sullivan, of the Senate, and Mesr.. Balmer, Balshsugh, B. itler, Blair, B indie, Brooko, Carpenter, Carson, Craig, Dickey, Etsenhart, Ferguson, Foreman. Hinchman, Hood, Hultz, Kennedy, (Beaver.) Kennedy, (Cumb) Linton, Livingston, Loy, M'Carty, M'. Daniel, M'Ewin, M' Williams, Morris, Mu-ser, Psrke, Robinaon, Rnckhill, Rush, Sharswood, 8heiidan, Skinner, Sline, Storrr, Thompson, Tre go, Warfel, and Whitman, of the House of Re pie sentativea, 54 voted for Job Bakb. Mr. Gibons, of the Senate, vutcj for Richard Brodrxad, Jr. J.Frederick, of lbs House, voted for Juaa H. GlBOSJI. After the result had been announced, it wis enthu-iaatically cheered by the muliitudu in the Gallery. Tbe Convenlian then a lj .urued, State Capitol j Gazelle. A Cctb Thick. The f.ewspaper proprietors at Pittsburg, Pa., all had expres-es out to carry in the President's Message, Ouo ofihepapeis says th t the owner of ,ba Pittsburg Chronicle got seventeen out of the twenty-five news boys in that city up in to a room, by inviting t'.em to a feast tifapp'cs, and then locked ihsm up there umil his paper was primed and mdy for ssle, say fnm 0J in the morn ng. call I P. M., in the mean time, lbs oilier piH?ri were out, but there were no news bey to I sell th itt. On the fi h Inst., by the Rev, Mr. Bergattesser, Mr, ('iiinlk Ecbmar, of Augusta, In Miss Eli liatTM Jabs, daughter of John Kline Esq., of Rush township. On the 18th uli., by the Re?. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Gun. Schwirck to Alias Hashah Button, both of Shimokin. On the 31st ult., by the sime, Mr. Jacob Si, to i to Dibobab Kaasiiaaa, both of Shimokin. On the 4th Inst., by ihe same. Mr. Pti-rn Pes ainn, of Shamokin, to Miaa Samab Howkh, of Columbia county. On the 3d inat., by Elder J. D. Jones, Mr. Isaac SmrwAN to Misi Rsbkcca Lttle, both of Angus ta township. i On the same day, by Elder George M. Spratt, Mr, Kabsswobtii Hr.r.D to Miss Rosansar Mil tra. Kith of Shimokin township. On the 24th ult., in Rochester, Cedar county, Iowa, by the Rev. Mr. Free, Mr. William Gobii, formerly of this place, to Miss E lib a BhTH, daughter of the Rev. Morton Baker, nf tbe first name I place In Poltsvilln, nn the 26th ult , by the R, v. Mr. Morse, Mr. Thomas J, Attwoiih, of Muney, Ly coming county, to Miss Asia Maria, d .ughter of the Inte John W. Wynkoop, Esq., of Philadelphia. mmmmmmm u ii: t9, At Tsmnqua, Schuylkill CO., on Ihe 21-1 ult., THOMAS JEKEERStiN, son of Wm. U. Lebo, Esq , ng.d it years, G months and 23 ilavs. In Pol'sville. on the 6th insl., '-Old" VENUS COGGINS, a black worn in, ai-cd 103 years. Ve nus rcltiiinl her faculties, both mental i,nd physi cal, to a moal extraoidinury ilegiee; and w is able to walk about town until wilhin four or five days nf her death Emporium. PKICC CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yojcthetmer. War.AT, fiO Ktx, - . . - -50 Coatv, ...... 40 Oats, ...... 25 Pork, ...... fi Flaxseed, ... '. loo BttTTBB, 12 Bkkiwav, . 25 Tallow, .... 12 1Jhii.ii Arei.xs, . . 75 Do. PxACIIKft, 200 Flax, ... .8 Hkcrlkd Flax, 10 Eons, ...... 8 John II. Covt-dcu'R i:.ttalc. "jVOTICE is hereby given, that all persona, cor ' poiate or natural, interested in the estate of JOHN II. COWDEN. or in the monev in (ourl for distribution, lo appear by the 7ih dav nf Febru ary. 1843, and make ihemst lves p irli'S to the .eve ral isues in fnc', and to the proceedings for I'istri billion. By Ihe Court. SAMUEL D. JORDVN. Pr.ithon tart's office. ? I'm ti'v. Sunbury, Jan. 9th. IS 13 5 Aliraltam ItuiU l!'i ".ri'N i:italo. AJO rll.'E is herebv eiven lo .11 thos in i-l ti d t the esta'e of Abr.haoi Dunk' lbe a r. dee'd. late nf C al lown-hia, Northumberland conn v. b totes due. or book cc 'lint, to call nn I rn ike pay ment m or I efo'e the llthdiy of February nrX', at ihe house of the deceased. All those haina cl dins on mid est lie. are requested to pre-enl them, well authenticated, f.r settlement. SUSANNA DI NKELBERGER. Jin. 7th, 1813 At Aihniniftratrix. BANSRUF TOY HErrrtY yoxtheimeh. "jV'OTH'B il hereby given, that on the 221 day a-' of September lat. the undersigned was ap pointed bv the District Court of the United States, (or the Veletn District of Pennsylvania, assignee of HttusT YoxmriMBR. decreed by ihe said c urt a Bankrupt, pursuant to the set of Congress passed Auuu-t 1 9 ih, 1841, and that laid assignee has en tered upon his duties as such, of which all concern ed in any manner whatever will plcae to take no tice. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Dec. 31t, 1842. 3t A'it;nre. I'.stute or Jacob IMallcli, tice'd. NOTICE ia hereby given to all those indebted to the estate of Jacob Malieh, dee'd., late of Augu-ta township, Northumberlnnd county, by notes due, or book account, to call and make pay ment on Tuesday, the 17th of January next, at the house nf the deceased. All those having claima on said estate, are reques'ed to present them on tbe same day, well authenticated, tor scttleme I. PETER M M. It'll, JOHN MALICM, Dec 31st. 1842 31. AJm'rt rir:ne Era- HAVE taken my son Wm, I. Greenou-'i, in to partner-hip in the p-aclice of ;'e Uw. in ihe county of Noithuniheiland. He ill ). eoiistml ly in httendaiiee at r-lty ollioe. in tbe borough of unbiirv, rea-'y U irinsact such business as may be i"tnisied to our care. Merchants and others icu- may iriy upon bis vigilance and fidelity in tbe col (.. ieciionof m m y. E. G REENtiL GIL SunbU'V. Dec. 31st, 1812. St rMHE Subscribers have entered into partnership JL in the practice of law, in the several emirls of the county of Norihuinlieilaiid, und state of Penn sylvania. Then ofliee is the a me that hay hither. I'i been occupied by E. U'eenoogh, in the borough ol SuHbury. E. GKEENOUGH, W. l.tiREENOUGII. Sunbury, Dec. 31 si, 1812 51 sT B2a. ri HE public are hereby not lied, lint Ihe suls M. acribeis purchased of William and Jacob Ulp, of the botnugh of Noithumberland, on the 20th day of Dei-ember inat., two MARES, the one bay and t' e other black. Take notice, that we have loaned the above pro perly to the said Wm. and Jacob Ulp, lo be deli, vered to us al any tims when called lor. WM. McCAY, BRAUTIOAM A. WAPLES. Northumberland. Dec. 31st. 1843. Last Notice. VLL those who are indebted lo ihe subscriber, are requested to rail and make settlement, on or U'foie ihe ldth day of January next, by paying up or giving their no'es or due bills, as be is in want of cash, and determined lo have his acc tin's settled. The accounts nf a'l those r- fusing to c in ply with this request, will Is b fi in the IioikU ot s in gistrite fir col eclion, w.lh ui nar. it to j rr- ; sous. II li I be ileeeived. Dec. 24. 1842 3t ,!(1!1 Vill'MI. Itatv it '(iturRe li:ill, list;. "TOTICE ishel'liv K '!. til l etlrscfu III i U istra ion on lle esta'e f ( o tc W at's I'.sq , I ite of Ihe boioujjh of Nort'iunib. rlan I. h ive I ecu ptsnt'd lo the sn'isi ri T. lesidi g ill Nunl'iiry. Persons in. I. bled lo said esta e are rrqnrai, d to mske imiiodi t' payment, and those having cl dins ag 'insl the is ale are r ques'.ed lo preseot them for cxainituiioii and selileiiient FREDERICK LAZARUS. SuJuiy.Dvc. II, lei; -6: 12 SB?" Public Notice. rYKE NO I'ICE, that on the COih day of De. .1. ermlier, 1845, we pnrchssed, at eonit bb-'s sale, bcld by Edward Cans, conslable for ihe bo rough of Sunbury, the following property of Joseph Manx, to wit i 4 Chain, f 0 S5 I Bureau, 1 00 I t Joiner Cuphnaid, 5 77 1 Brown Mate, 40 00 1 Halter, 0 22 1 Hay Mare, SS HO 1 H alter, 0 61 1 Clo-k. 6 29 16 Bushels Corn, at 43 els. per bit. 6 88 f!l 8 The ptibbc will therefore take notice ih it we hive loaned tho shove named articles to Joseph Manx, of Augusta toivnhip, No'thnmb' il n I coun ty, as purchased bv us at constable's m!ti, and that liny ure held by him in no other nut. UX T. CLEMENT, JACOB MAHTZ. Sunbuiy, Dec. 21, 1842. Ii ii. K. V.V.M r, "OFFERS bis profession at seivics to Ibe ciitT"r:a of Sunbuiv. and vii'inity. Oilice next diKir lo the residence of lievd. U. A. i'l-hcr, wheie be m iv bo f nin I, iii. less ergaad in discharging the duties of his proleiainn. M 8'h, 1812. tf. s n'i4 1 n i c ii ii Ti i l l i : :w, HATTER, F.RY RESPECTFULLY I eu lesvr to io. firm his cii'tome-s ami the nubln- g.iie.sltv that he still cor.tintiis th" xiattino ntrst:-rc". in all its vamnis bianc' es, in he .t.n;1. ,: ; posite tho Buck Tavern, formerly oc n i 1 Henry Hsas and himself, under the firm of l-s & Drurkemiller, which firm h is leen mutually db--solved. He hop s, by his long experience in the above business, and strict attention theeto, to ren der general satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of public palroonge. Sunbury, Octolier loth, 1842. Cm. ""Union" ITote l , " (Cicncral Stage OJTiee,) JOJS: "tCJ TSr m, LTCOMIUO COTTITTY, I'cmi)lvatila. riIIE Stih criber nspecTullv informs li f- , d JL ami the public in general, that b !.. t ke:i the above LARCH AND COMMOTJIOI'S ;I C 7 7j L a IN TH E II O ROUGH (' ! V ' N i ' V, and that he i- now well i..rrel t- ,--al is bo nniv favor b m i"i - it n . His Sii i pi tt As HITS TS .if.' w t! n re.l, a'o' CO i f iriaH.v His Ta blf a n Ban will itn'in ie -o; : li d with the best the m oket can all'ud. II in StaBLMo, which is rood will be iin.br t' e charge of good sn I careful h ailcra He f. els confident, bv strict attention to I u tne-s and an earnest desi-e to rernb r c mfortahle Ov-se who may patronize him, that he wll not f . i I lo give general s..iifn,-iin. H. B. WEAVER Munev. Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. A CARD. Dr. J. W. Iral legs leave lo tender bis grate ful a knowtedgmenls to ihe people of Sunbu y and surrounding country, foi their pat eneourige ment in the line of his profession ; and would at ihe same time announce to them, ih t he -till in tends lo continue the practice of inedii ioe in all its various d partments. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence and pitrona.'e. He may be found at nil times at his office, in mar ket street, unless professionally erg iged. Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 18 12. if. A CARD. Dr. I. T. Trllos, Resp-nfid v i , citizens of Simbiiry and viej i . t .,:,; ,,. q. ken an office in ihe buijiling Intel o ci; e .1 I' Laz irus as a ding amre, hi in rk i m i, Su b . when- li-'muy be f .und al all h.'U'S, uidess pr.ib - sion.llv i lieu-jell. Illt. TRITl'.fJ returns y sine, r thanks for 'h encoii'uei.ienl J-.r nns lec ie l. in the line ,. h a pr-'V, tM., in this place, mul un-l-, "o-ni a. 'eiil on lo the duties of his pr,,leasnn, snil rea-ui-alde charges, tha' he wiM coirinue to receiv,- u liliersl share of the public natron ge. Sunbury, Oct. 1-1, H12. tf. 1'iioTOG Armc aWricE. M. P. SIMONS, JN'o. 173 Chrt nut Street, 4th Stvry, pitixArEiirniA. ANUF CTURER -f lt.KCrF.nUF.O TYPE APPARATIS. Surgical an' Mi- lilature Cases, Iinpoiler of Flench CtienncaU if' double idver plales for P.e D iguer'e tvpe. ' ih'is method of informing lbs fill ns of Nor i Pennsylvania, that he carri' o'l ih -hove ...s'i, v. ext. nsiwlv. in all us .r rlesirous of obtaining ry ' TtiiH: be proim.tlv aupplie'1, n t i All tellers (.post p ,1) x attention. Mb. o R I.ILLE.ilUIi';;. - . t the Noilhem pari of the b. S. Will . ' tend lo all outers, give ne. .,ry inl ' .: . a. Photoriiphic instructions to any ( i ' cation to biin. August t!th. - i I)K. N. SlJAilNL.f. SURGEON DENTIST. 1 KfSI'EC I FI I.LY informs ihe public that he J has made Northiiiiilwrland bis permanent place of lesiih iice, and is ready to attend lu any calls in the line of hi- profession. July 2, 1H42. Iv. "TASLOKBPfG. on his ovw rioc::. . . b .1 "r. : I .:...' , :. u t 1EPEC TH LI.Y hi . IV Mlbhc gene al'v. ilu' i.- i,j Tn i lor i n kSM i . .11 l" i - .::! -. ' ! v V in, Duisi , i '!'.,! r ' ; sir, i I , . o'v "pi sue " 1. i ' He i.s, ec.:ul'V solie Is ., r ' of ' 1 II a' i , , i.i ! : .i U . : . i ! " ' ' ' . 'hi.'. ',. f ' o : ii. 1" p r -ii-to hi si .nd i.s lid in g ve gen- uge, an ii tius's ny sirin a 1. 1 reasonable cl a gea, he wid tn tral salisl.ic ion. Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1942 ly VPrt sli i ). v of Ki)K DIN I MENT. received and lor sale by U. B. 1A$9KK. Nov. IVlh, 18 ia. Ttlt pnaiDELrniA, reading and pottstillk RAIL ROAD. r-iii'--- AN EXTRA ACCOM MODATItlN LINE IVtYl commence running between Philadelphia and i'oltsvillc on the fitllouiiig irrya and houm : Pit aji arrta MoanAT, Ma? 5. 1S42. Leaving Putt-villo, on Moie'.ys, Wedmsdaya and Frldsys, a. ftj A M. Leaving Phil .d. o! T' e '!s -e. ..i.sd'Va nnd S .tur 'svs, st II'IUTQ cf f."Vf,? l Fo- ii -. A. lj V. M. i -).-s. U'l . 1'or i'msvi'te J M. rtelwer , ''.; i'l '. V', '... i M. liven M. a ' iik A; ' . Itetivoen i'o : I' ir s.iib . ExctRsiov Tick itT noon r tvr.X T hat Belwpon Pottsvilb- & Philadelphia, 11 tneen Reading 6l ito. Between do. A Pottsville, 'T.f't 1.75 I IV i:if fs on 2 no The other passenger trains will as lfore, at the (ollowii p h nrs : riihi'Mihia uthI Pntf.-ville. From Phi ,.idel.. i si fit Al. ., Fr.m P-.t. v !C ,, 2 P. M. C P9l'y Hll 07 r,':." ft 5 A. M. 1 , r? M. S u,,,v' ay passengers at "d to procure si: -:a t ' I . i fit S'jMlMtr.V M r Hu'ot t M mi fi inr.' Bait more slid i highly rntnini id r .ci.l ' it I of A Hir-is. Hat. s l ir N V ier Ure i ,, d I ir pno't mi l' .. , 5 I,;! ..teij.hia, ! i p - Hull i.re I'irt (t'trib,fiy, has o i I and a br-t r re . : m i t CAPS suits' le for r ' p s t very low, foi eas ,.r n; ; io-.- I r;. , cheap ttore, No. 40, .mom i'h-rd the City Hotel, ' l i s I - j.h'a ( HA IS s: d ' m , ., :!:-. r.rt'H t, ( p RiiHt'.UT I). WILKINSON. A?ent. N. B. Orders lot liats n iherruj. promptly attende I to. Phi highest rice in uA -r Ira ie given l.ir Fut ikins. Pi ill 'elplii-.. June 11, 1P12 --lv LL mi nd- bled to t'ie linn ..' I, von & Ilrr . it--iter I'esg'ncv of 'I. N 'I'l selnr. it nun" Cup M'-n'if.irtttrm. No 40 North Third, re i Phd o 'i ' . " r. nfe-ted to make immedi I..I-.-!.: ; :i i ec. t ith thesubscrilrer, ! . jr ;...' ; y ., , ' ' .;. r.t, who is fully empow- d t . i' i'-; i et i' e accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, .lone 4l , 1842. tf Agent. Yt''W'Nb a UARn.WTF.D SI PI.RIOR TO AXY OTIIEIi NEAR SUM BUR Y. If OHN & HENRY LANDAU, having rented a jf the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunbuiy, have now for sale the hrsl Lime in this part of the coun'iy, and will continue lo keep constantly on hand fresh Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming land, nn as reasonable terms as can be bad mvwherein the neighhoihood. M .v 21. 1842. J. cV If. LANDAU. EAGLE Comer of Th rJ nml Vine Streets, WILIiXAIViSrORT, PA. P'lHP an1 sr-nls-r r ( ll'itlU nnneuncei to the JL iniobe iba' l e Ii i oieioil a Hotel mi the eom inoilious brick building s tuate on the curlier of I hud ard I'm- streets, where he will be happy to wait op n iliose who may favor him wit , their company The E igle Hotel is large and cneni eni, and Inn ished in the la t in del n si vie. Il is ir v ile.l wt'h a bugs number of veil aired and e nil' rt br -'e-1 ing spartrnenl-, room- private ' A"' --O' s vs i. lift iliian so. n en bu- ;' ,," . o i i i.r d ilol i erv es- r': .". -l'.icl will ; . I e ( . .: t i ' .'. r,. ir j .ion at 'lie :',-r. I' .;, , ; . . i a'' HmTalde , .....,..( .. .;. i;. . b f -he .11 ket af- I u v H.v ,-an lii o ' . .' :.. ti, inr s 'lore i. ihe bus ic : ct ' lie io i . ": Li ::r. U Hr.l! I'tS-- wi'' I - en' .'i-' r aii'l W -n r a ' I !n r Pi utfi lei .lal'liiig provided, a. o-li. ra Ie :,( ii'ti-'l ii' - Atie iiiv, Rceim nn sin t ai; ' have been nnsln' ed and not n. rvan s ' Ii undone that will add to thcciinitoii and accommodation of his guests. Tbrre wi'l be a carriage always in attendance at ilo I'oat l.aiuhiig to convey passei'gers to and from ilo ! ouse. f: f ...f c' atee. :?i u'i.".:- ri 'RRows. I. ants. el. ir i i w I van' as " ' ' ' ' ' " ' h a .; .; ' i' : ';' ' - ' , S ii- t'e ill- oe.de o . . ' ' s ' '. . .i " ' ! v. s'r ' .i! . . t. i't hi, .ind no exi 'lioi." t" u ' t . ve : ( .'i'- j f ie mo. j 'I'hya'ealsi prepsr-d v .1 !.' -nl . . .... . i. . rv .- ..... I . I, .' b 1 g s o any -oio mi o,' jeer , b. tw n Maoeti I' in k 1 ' ' and Phila- vm Del.wir" Divi-i i. 1 ehi Ii t:sn U; a ''ii'. , o it ii tt.e J in iv.r. or Nor ti a , i W i si li ' i 'eo i 'tlim via Sehoyl k ., . i . .1 'a--;., kt and Tide Watei i . ! . r r.- si i .. on . un ii ol Boa's Coming or go , .- K, . i and Union Canals, a Ste.nilioat ... ;. ; v p. iprt sstv for tawing boati from ihe Si tu iv kl r..u d lothi Del .ware and back, which wid en ble merchanls t bae their produce deli-ve-ed on ihe De awaie, and ibeir gootls sl.ipsd at a lavii g ol & to 75 r cent, on ihe piteea for h uln g mc. o-s, ith ihrae adtantagea they ra- ayicifully aoheil a share ot paironaue, W.HElLMANcV CO, William Helium, W ll am W. Kejsaj , Juaejh BaMifl, PhilaJ,MijH,184.-y U.S. Mail Coach ron POTTS VI LtJS. STICK TO TUB MAZX. OOAO I riHE Mall Coach firPoltsville eav.Notihiim J herlind every morning nl 0 o'i lor V, r nil B'tivtl in Potlaville in the evening. Fabb si low aa any oth T line. For aeati, apply at Mr. WirhinpJon's I'rte', Northumberland, oral Georg" Weitrefs. Sut,l iiry, A. E. KAPP f).. NorthM., May 2 1 , i B 1 Pr -prirforf. (Cj' P.isenRersComir.g froi Fiiiiadelphia wi 1 plcae i rnre their seats at tlie Wti t San iloiil Race fit., before they leave th? city. P user. gen eomin" in this lin,have Pi ir rat sreu'rd in oy 't igc or Packet boat f-nm this la?. 1'hoic Comil g l:i t'.i" .i't.r r lin miy I e b-f, behind. ItlanU IlooK r7r.;njf;icory, Opposite Prinre'r ll-i'd, UARR1SBURG. T ITY are j r p .r d tn fharuf ieturp blank w. k of e ry deseriplinn, ruled lo . ny pat'ern. si i h aa I lock' ts b'ecorda. Diy B 'oka Ledgers, Aner sor' and Collectors' Duplie ilei of the fineil qia1i ly of ii er. in a style equal to any made in lha ti lies '( Philadelphia or New Yoik. All description! of binding neatly eiceu'reil, Scrup Bocks, Albums and Po-f,',io nude to order, La Book-, Music and IY-i id-e Is bound to atiy pattern. Old Books reU ..;:..!, eV Alio files vf p'ipeia bound. fXj" Work left al the r .". t . r tj Sunbury Arse, ricsn, w ill he promptly s'leiei 1 '.) Mny 21st, 1842. ly. GOLDEN W A N ..'(. C'J Arorfn Third, nh'.re Arch Street, niii.AD::Lrii:A. ArcoMMODATV)Ni rnr. htVentv rrpfsnfft. pHARLES WFISs, i : , V hue Swrfn.' srid "Moutt Wnnn )?:.," respectfully m toruis b"S friend- and ci.o mers tbsi I e hfcs become li e pro; tii" r r.f tbe at o well k- own Hot I. Coirty T.Jcrrha'-ts will frd the abovu Hotel c ntral ! CHtiop, and thp best r f faie Persons tra velling with private conveyance will find a larpe yard and good stabling for hones, and the best eT oStlers. Hoarding $ 1 per dav. May 14ih.l842. tf. JTMAYIi AN1D, JR. & CO. fSimfT nnd Tobncco IManulactureri, A'o. 1)9 Xvrth W'cst conn r of Race and Third Streets.' PHILADELPHIA. THE 'undersigned have formed a Co-parlrtrTibip under the Arm of .1. M AYLAND. J. Co., as successors to the rate firm ot Jacob Miylund A: Co., and will c inllniie (he husineei it thculd csta blishment, on their own account. In addition itt their own cloie attention and experience foi mar r yean, in the manufacture cf their cefrbrated .riufl-, &c the lirng experience of the senior parti. ti of tl late firm, will also bo devoted lo Iba interest nf ll s new concern and as no exertion and care will 14 spared lo insure their goods, at all tiwies of ihe ve ry Isfsl qoalily, they solicit a continuance of (ho confidence of tho fi tends and customers of the Ian) firm. THOMAS ADAMS, 3. MAYLAND, Jb. Philadelphia, May 1 4th, 1842. ly MERCHANTS HOUSE, JN'o. 237, North Third, aloxt CultowhiU St., PHILADELPHIA. THE anhsxriliers lakea pleasure in acquainting Ibeir fr'nndi and the public 1n general, that lliey have, taken the large and cnmmodioua Hotel, recently Imilibv the M"sri. Hurt, on Ihe iamu site onco ocrnpie ' by the old eatuhlished Ilotil linnmn as the Bull'; i!' ad, in Ttird stieet above Callo'v hill st. This Hotel is finished in the very best potb': manner, and f the best materials. Its location it very il. suable, pjriici.lar'y for couutiy merchants i ihe atiar.Remr r a for hratii.f! and ventilating ra-'L' room is mill os tu secure any temperature. Tha bedri omsaie all tight nnd airy, ail luinislieu i'i a rest siy a. so is to in-uie tomfoit. rc. :-!:. g " .-'ors are aho lurtii-hed i- a nn r e'b slvle. I' e w't'd.-vs are on tho French 'yle 'mi g nu eir B..ce '.i o b-'c. n in front, which n, ik's a ,le.sai t n Cf Pn' titular atli n'i.'n hi eii given t ih" b.dsr.ti' h' ddi-g, which, with he fu-': '.lire. r.e ec r I" its, t t n y a- ex rri- c i'i I. 'lei business, -us!, 'y ''n l assiduity i buamesa, io make thil hons .i !".:-;,!' ;Tpi u til f. Our table Wtrl alv iys 'es.ipi'l e l .v.-.ii t'. e v-iy h: -ur markel can afl'or.t. a., i i ur barwih '.he best liquors and wines of the most npproved bian.ls. P. 8. There are first rate .tabling tndcarr g house, attached to the hotel, attended by earaful and aclr hosllcra, and our chargea will be low, In accordance with tha preset hard limes. "HULTZ A DERfc Philadelphia. April In, 1842. SUoQUSHAK N"S' HOTEL, CAT VAWISSA.GOLtTTJirX A Os, i'Ky.XSYLYASIA. 1 "HF, subscriber re-j.fclfjlly inf.-"s .i thut he has iiurchased, and rit-w ocup.t-a tm - .-.:- sni: C.v ..,c;.'0. ' .i kii- v n hi . '.r. and f. ' in, '. s rcw pi." i v.siie . w !. i Tatnnr.rl'i the p'ojriy, U'.c of r'v kepi by s?auv..''l A. ' i.'ed to aecomr-.-! 'a'e a1' mv.'V favor hiui wi.h t. ;, s.-.i. eve1 .' use rveiy e;! vt in his power t. ' M,. Ce .I'd l .;! t tO ht C.-.r-t. T. I n - a r Omn i 'l i-tor.s art an.; !, is k.at'?' txisn i'. ! I.ia r.io::,s e.-, ;i .. . in ;i, gO'Hl c' ii.'o.'jr. I! s I'aBi I. a:nl Pi wi'l lv ropi !f d with lh le.if at ihe rtB-ktc:: afford. By punctuality a- .' a'ler tioo. he feel. c. rfideni that ha will martf the patronage of the pubhe. t Ii.RI.ES ItAltl MAv Caitawissa, April Pth, 1812. itoiiKiiT f3iini:i &. so., PAPER KANUrACTUBSR?, l.ooiaard htrttt, Jtalthnort. HAVE constantly for aale. Printing Paper cf a?l aizea and qualitiea, Cap Writing Paper, rub a aed pldn, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelop Psper, do. da. medium, doub'e ciown, crown and extra aized Wrapping Papera, Coloicd MndiumauJ Royal Papers, lion net, Binders' and Straw Boa Boards, Tissue Piper, and all articles in ibaii be", which they will sell on accommodating t stirs H gsvaal pries given f r old ragi. ROBERT CARTER SON, Mirth 19,1 Ml. !kiD,MJ S7r.t. fx