X A K K X O T 1. 1 8 T.. ". . e following I ml allows the current vrfluprtf rill tYiiii-.vlvania 'Barlk Notes. TTI-ninst Implicit re-b-.t ,.;ay I -placea -upon h, as il Mnwryffr i:. f. i';y compared with aiid corrected from Uiik r' il' i J.'aporlrr, Hauls. Id TOrilatleljdrta , 1tsr. tit "1U a-wTio. rMlltli N'OTUS AT PAR. Tlfiiilt of Norlh America .. - fr Tank rtf the Northern Liberties .. . par 'Commercial Barlk of FpnnV . ., p:ir Farmers end Mochenice' Dank - .. par KensirHrton Par. '. - .. -par 'PhllaHeliibia IBank , par j Si'tmy'lkill Bank . .. .par Srmthwark Bank , . . fr 1 Western Tlrtrt . ' , .. per IHaeliaiui's Uaiik" . -. pat Comitrr llnnlifl. Tnult of CrrMler County Westchester Bunk of .Delaware County Dank of OeTmantown Batik nf Montgomery Co. Dnylmtown Rank fKasion 0 nidi" Farmers' Bank of Buck a co BrisvWI rffiee if Rank of Pcnn'a rtiee da do 1'fTirf -flo 1o KOTES AT TlatiTi rtf vlte United States llitrk of Fenn TowiihIiU' .Jitrwd Bank" WntnitViiTreis & Mochsnirs' Bank M.yr:Mnsiiig Hank . Hank of Penfisvlvaniu . Vimta' EotJc of PottwITlt: Bank lif Irf-WIStOWH Hank of Middlctown D.mlc of NnrrhunnVtlrmd khm1ii Bank Sc Bridge co. Carlisle B"nk Exchange Baiik Do da hranch of Farmers' Built f Lanenstoi l.anfaM- Crttinty Brink Farmers' Bunk of Reading' Hamsnurg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bititt Merchants' Mnruf. Bari Bank of Pittsburg' The fV.cf mcthnd for the A titilitinn o f Disease is to tilvttnse and jnn-ify the JJotly. IXEpI AX TIMIGTAULG PILLS OF THE Yorfh American Colter vf tlttiUh, Are now anknnwlcdgpd In bp the brat Medicine in the World fnrnbe .cure of TAlTvY VARIETY OT DISEASE. DOAL'SE ihey poniplplely cleanse the ato- m !' and bowels from (hi splirllnius anil eor- nipt humor wl ich are the cause not only iff Headache, 'Giddiness, 1'nlpitiitinn -of 'the Wert, l'ans in 'the 31onf. fihrumitram and ti.uii, bin every malady incidci't In num. SAID INDIAN VEl.ETABI E TII.LH arc a certain cure Tor in term tipnt, temitti d, nrrvoua, inflnmMo'y and pu'tid Fevora. ilieemiw t!ii7 clenime iUf ip nVy fri'm (hoo hum bid humors, which, when Cunfined tothr circu- l.itiiin. arc (he rvnaenf all kinds pff K VERS. o, ROSI3 OI NT HI XI NT. FOTl TETTER. RTWOWOKll, PtWrLPaUH TiniTACt, ATD OTHER ct'TANBOtiaj tatfTtime. Cj Tlit futlutcmg ttrVjica't Ststnbn one vftht mnfl rarraorftimary eurrs rvrr rjftcteil by any applicatitm. PntLAvrirnu, Tebrtwry 10, T8M. FOTJ 'twenty years 1 was aeverely afflictid with Ttttsii on (he 3Foco fcrrfl Mead-: !rticJiaease commpneed when 1 was seventeen yenra dlfl, nd corftinued -u mil the Fall of 1836, Untying in vio Ipnre.liUl widroift ever flisnpneirrinR. During most of 'tlie'limn, Krat,pArl of my fnce waa covered hh (he prtiption, freqnenl'ty aftenfied with vinVnt itrh' ine my head wred at timra until it ft'lt aa ff it wnuld Imrpt the iwpllin4 raaere!t. shot cou'fl so trrri ry gt't -my hat on. VtirritiR fire 1oriR period ihiit 1 'was adlticted wiih the dixense, I iraeil ft great VhwteT Ocrmantown Norristown Dnyh'Otrrwn Tvmton par -par far par far par liar Harrisdiurg" These l.ancnstpr I oflipes ileaflwvg f do not Faslnn j issue n. 1 IS C Ot? IV T. rhiladi-lnhia r5C0 40a4.r 7 17 1 Vt Branch Biik W yoming Bank KoTtiinmjitoti Bank Beika Cmiiitr Bunk OlHre of Bailk of V. 8.' l9 di !) do do Ken'-irhi'OTi Sa. Icis. A Tenn Township Sav. lni Bank of Chcmbersburg CtianiVrsburg 9 Batik ot'Oetlysliiirg CJ-tts!'Urg t) Bank of uuelianns Co. Mmitrows 10 Erie Ktk Erie 7 Farmer' & Ptox-era' Cook Wavorfslrtirg 1 1 Ftanklin Bank WWiitikwi 3 Honrsdal Bank HonewlnW I A Monongnltela Bank of B. Bwwiisvilkf 4 York Bank York 8 N. B. The noli s of l1ioa banks on wtiiclt we ' vmituotntion, and substitute dash ( ) are not jnsTrhwed by the PhilmJiijihta brokers with tiro exception of those which have a tetter of n ferince, BROKEN BANKS. Fhilodi'lphia Sav. Ina. Piiiladi'lj liia 1'hilndeipbii xati Co. do Schuylkill av. Ina, do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, iiip.) Piifavilla Lewistown V iddietown Xurthunibciland ('olumhia CarHiile Pitlsbuip Hollidavturg fancstti I.iiTirna'er R. ml'iic HaTisliing LimcuMer I.ebniMi Piilsl")-r 1'ilUliulg V.'il'iamsport VVi1iPtar( Allcntown (trixlinn I'rtislirn Erie New Brighton do do ChanihersiHjrg CiHtysbuig VoiitroMi Eri Waj'iiesliurg How adiiW Brnwitsvilks York 7 8 2 a I . . - t : . . e A ..... il also, when the fume irnnurhy is flo posiied tin lte . M J.. . . ,Wi1,,0. .on.bnre and muscle, 'casing Pma. i..na- ! pP '!') "k.na ii.w, 'J mej- lion W,d aweJlinae called Mi ETJMA'nSM. ! tn.n.ber ofl,,l, i?- AMirtci til .TTiiT'r7 ifiri, nv, ill in, 11 --n u ihh u,vr. Tiiriu 84 u n rRi'iai'ic i iiisiw . , ' .. ., i t ... 1 , . . i - , i: r .wi ii ' imnn-ai Ie to enume'aic a t!ie medicines I used he relied on as atwava 'CrttiKi to uive n hef. and If . ' , , . . . . . persevered with, orcordlna to fltrrrtiivns will rno-4 BsauieiUy., nid wrthout fail, make a perfect rO'C oi the n'hiive iiairffiil ruaUdiea. From tlrreo to six iff Towaiida Hunk Aliegbuny Baak of P. Bank of 15eaer Bank of Nvvalara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & McchW Bank Farmera' & Mech'cV Bank Farmers' & Mech'tV Bank Harmony Institute liunthigilor. Bank Juniata Bank Lumbcroieii'a Batik Northern Batik of i'a. New Hope Del. Britlge Co. Northutnh'd Union CoU Hk. North Wcstirn Bakof Pa. OiTice of Schuylkill Dank I'a. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Dtiiim Batik of Prnn'a. Westmoreland Bank failed fatted failed failed failed no sale ckied i'hMd failed closed no sale failed failed failed no sale 'J'owanilu Bi-dford Peawr llarrisburg Washington Belli foute Pihluig PittsUirg Fayette co. Creencastle Harmony Huntingdon no sale Inistouii no sale Warren faikxl PundafT no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Mead title closed PortCurboo fi.ilrd 'arlisle failed Mont lose closed L'niontown failed ttreetisburg doted WiKiesbarre no sale rar ct par par 1 failed 3 Wilkesharre Bridge Co. fl" AH notea purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set lowu as frauda. Bank of New Biunswick Brunbwick failed Belvideie Bank Belvuleie I Butlington Co. Uot k Medlord 'ummercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Batik Bridtietnn Farmers' Batik Mount Holly Fanners' und Mechank-a' Bk llabway Farmers' and Mn-itafiaVhk .. Biunswirk Farmers' and Mrrchuni' Bk Mktdletonn i'l. Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Uunk Morris Company Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Miviiiuriica' Bat.1. Mpc!ianic.i and Manuf. Bk MoT'ts Canal ami Bkg Co Pott Notei NcWaik Bkt & Ins Co NfW Hope LM Bridge Co Ti. J. Mauul..c. tti il like Co j' J PloM.t.'i. cV. LoOibuiti i W Oim.fii; B..t.k Pa.rrs.ni Bai t IK j le' Bank Fiinct'ton Punk Kaliin llankiiig Cu Ktnle Bank B'tc Bank r-tute Bank fclte Bank of .Vonik tlnte Dank StUrn and J'l.i'oJ Manuf C Buatxl Bail Trfp-pn Balking Co t'lii-i Bank Wi4.iiTton Banling Co. BILAUAIIP. Ek of Wilm V iti,ti.ij miliar iiu!iigtin Bank nf DeUwart W ilii.ii.gtou at.k of fanyrtia Hn,tna Do bramh Ml,-,olJ raimtra' Bk of btute of Dei Bo Maiicli Do 4iianeh Union Bank Lno'er 5 Jersey City failed j Hoboken (ailnl I Jersey City faile.l Pntteison failed Belleville luil.,1 Xlorristown 'i Frwdiold failed NVwaik I j Trenton par j Jeney City To tale Newaik I Lambeitsville I tlohoken fili: i (. U-.,h ' '::.'. - I'm, f. ! f'i.a .' . iiu ) I'liliielun l ar J?.il'Til 111 Newark 1 Fhxutiirlown 1 C-irdtii ar Vfiiriijiown 1 Tn tiiou faitfil i .walem fuiUil Newlon li 'J'iiiion par Davn i Jlai'kelisavk fslbil said Indian Vecetab'e Villa 1 ilen every night go- i in( 'to Vil, will in a short tinw- so mnplehly rid i the bntby rom every Ih'mg that is opposed to htallh, that Ttheiim:itini, Gout, ami p iin i.f vrv i'errip. ' inn, wiH .e(ititally mtlVCN FKOM THK BO- J BY. For the same reason, when, Irmn sudden j chnnges cf atmo-iiiine. or nry olbnr miiso, theiei spiiaiion is checked, and the hnmots wliieh should j p;i'S olV by th- skin are tlo. wn iowardlv. causing I HEADACIW:. KHIMXX F.s. n-- 'mnl ek- i ness, pain in the b..tn-s, w ainy ai1 iiflamefl eyo. sore tlironl, lionrsene-s. coiic1, pomum lion , rheumatic pains m various arts of the body, and many nth'T synrioms of CATCHINO (.'OLD, W'righ't Jiu: '.:! VnafU't-h PULi will inwialWy rvp ni niedi .te relief. From Vhiee. to fix of said Pills taken every ninht on goitiff to bed, will in a sliort time.oot mi!' remoe a-ll tlie alioweunpli Mirt vrn1efnis, Kit Oie bo.ry in chort tmre, be restored to even rounder heal b than l-efose. AM HM A.ro. MFKICT'LTY tF BKUATH l.MJ. Wrirrhfii hid tin Xf-iU.bk PiUsmiH loos er ' T y fi ' v the h mid bou em. those i. m el, jjn.y ' m. j . i. . t 'P sll tre air CP 1 o' tin hji.b. -I'd are ilf euuae, not oi y of the alove disireasmg C 'ltiplamt hut wlipn negweted. i often termina'p- "i that mo edipadltil niaiady called .' CONSFMPTKN. It 4vnl s'snie-t dieted ! tha Wrighrs l iff'nv Ye'tiblr I'M' arc a ei rtam j cine f. r PAIN Is THE SIDE. Oppn ssi.e , n... i-sea. anil nei '. 1'-s if .ti, ivulnwt'M. :i I Velio In i'e ol (be 'kin in d e'e. nnd itity otliPT symptom f at' rp'd d'S' ased nte of the liver; lecaime they peree trorn he blv iImkip inij'Urmes i which if i''pos''p'' ' 1 on itiis iniforinrit ere in, are ttl.' catl et e.T vtn.-'t LIVEU COM- PLAIN I'. When a n i imoIwiI l y i'k , outbreaks and ri lellion itio nt nv-m of prevent ing the dremlfnt ciHisiswH'e if a CIVIL WAR. is to excl all traitors, and vil d sposi d ones from the country. In like manner, wUm pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate 1lat ihc lody is aim e gling with mtiTi hI oi-s. the tnie reiK-dv is to EX. PEL ALL MORBID HUMOUR, (Traiiois t.. Iiealth and life.') Htallh will bt Ifit taiaia retuli. That the principle of coring disease, by cleunMng and purifying the Ndy,i stiictly in fHordance with the laws which govern tti animal economy; and if nroprrlv caniinl oot by the use of tlie alove name.! WKIUHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly Tenth In the complete Al lltion of Die.ise ; we offer the following testimoni als, from personi of tlie highewt respectability in New York, wlio have tecentiy been cuted of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the te of WiiKitn-'a Inmaw VracTauLK Pills, of the Kiirtli Anicricun Colltge of JUulJli : Jamaica. L. I., Jun9th. (Ml. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with greiit sati-faetion I inform joii of iny having lieen entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years atandu g, by the use of your I sun Vtoitablf Pills. " Previous to mee nig with your celebrated nvdi cine, 1 had birn under It e hands of seveial Physi cii'tis, and had triid varkiu medicines; but all to no elTcvt. After tisii one 2!S cent lox of vour Pills, howrver, I i xperieticed so nierh be rfit, thai I rerolvid to per.-i vere in the use of tin in aecoiilirn: to directions, which I am ha py to state, b.is result- ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you foi the great tjetiiiit I nave received, ami nio in tie tioj that others similarly aitlicti'd tuny 1 induced to nuke tiial of your rxtramdinvy medicine, I send you Ibis statement wiih full lilieity to publish the B9me, if von think proper. 1 ours, &e. New Yoik, June 10, DM I. G.C. ULACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Dear Sir I have been afflicted for Severn! yeats with inward weakness and general debility, nccom panicd at times with pains in the side and other distressing complninls. Aft' I having tried various medicines without edict, I was prrnuadej bv a fiiend to muke trial ff Dr. Wiigbt's Indian Venetable Pills, which I am happy to siate. have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have Used the me dicine, as yet but a shoit tune, and have no doubt bv a nersevermice in ihe ue nf the medicine accor dins to ditrctiona, th -t I shall in a short time be I in tliviby le-toie1. I niol w illn ply ren mmi nd said 1MU to nil p. r- sun- ninilui y uriii Ho ai o in 'lie inn ik-iic mat ll.es line ln-i.i fiei.il nii Iswill folb w il eir u-,.I re main youia an. c rely. HKNKY A. FtiOTL. Wawaiuig, I'Utei co. N. Y. Ni w Yiimk, Si ttt. H9, 1H41. This is to certify that I have used WuinHT'a Im'Iak Vmitiiu Pii ls with the gna'est leiie fn ; luninc 1 n'irilv cnted myself of the treijui lit at laiks ot Sick HefiiUebe, to whiili I IihI previously le.n sulject. ANN MA It I A THOMPSON, 3ti! (Ireenwich s'ne'. N. Y, Ti Mr- llicbuid Diiii'is Agent for Wright's In. w as also irndet the Care of two -of the Tnost fti-i- ting nisi ied plrysictana rtf f1ri city, I rut wdhoitt re ceiving -m'-ch benefit, aniH di-sptrired if ever bring corefl. In tlie f.dlof tSA, l.e 6ne'0 i.1 the time 'being very violent, 1 -commi-nred tts'ms tWe Jlt Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan cic Diis.; tn a ( -w aiipttcatiotM he vwliKt itching ci ai'd, the swelling ni'B eii, the intption 'begun V dia-.ippear. and la-fore 1 bud used ajar the di-eiisc was entirely cuted. It )ias now I awn marly s yi ar and a half Fiticp, an.l thorp is not a vestige oT fhn dispase re mnininu. rxeppl I lie sen ra from the deep pits formed hv the di eae. 3t ia hnpnasible for me tolescrit.p tri a cnrtifieate theewrity of the itiiease and my an ff rinc but 1 will be ple.scd to give a fuRer e connt to anv person wanting further satisfaction, who will full on me. At tlie time 1 commenced Ksrnr, le Roue t)iiitmeiit I would have gifin bun ilrcds of dollaia to be rid of the diseape. Smoe sing it. 1 huve recommended it to several persona, (a mime tlrem my nolter, who had the dicaso bad ly on her arm.) who were all cured by rV. J AMteS DCKiMvl-U Wo. lftO, Usee St. fT"r The Rose Ointment is preiiared bv . I). Vauham S.m'h Fast coiner of Third and Race slieits, Philadelphia, and sold cm aeencyin Sonbu- rv. bv li. B. MASSER, May 14th, 18I2J Agrnf. loc Oiitlziieiil, lor Teller. A rROOF OF ITS IIFFICACY. 1'aii Ani LPUiA, May STtli, 119. THIS is to certify that I was severely afll cied nitJi Tetter in the hands and feet for upwards of forty years; the diacase was attended generally with vio . tit iti hmg and swelling. I applied to niiDiber of i.hvMcintia, and used a great many sppli- ca'tons wnbovjt effecting a cure. About ayiar since, I appl-ed tl K.ise (bntment, which entiniy stopped the itchmo.and a few application immedi ately curej tla? disease, which tliore has biu no return of, although I bad never (anm rid of it at any time for forty year. RICHARD SAVAdE, Eleventh, tadnw Spiuce Street. (J The Rose Ointment is tircpsred by E. B. Vsuthau. Snnh Kaat corner if Third and Race Sticrls, Pliiladclphia, and sold on aieticv in Sunbu ry .lit 1LB. M ASSER. Mav 14th. 1942. Agent. MEDICAL APPROBATION OtkeliOSE OISTMET,for Titter. ALTHOUGH the sispcri.witv of the prepatation over all others is fully established, the-proprietors take pleasure in laying before ilie public the following certificate from a repectabH? physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bmigb, having f.Kind in this remedy that relief f r a tedious and disagraMe affei tion which ihe means wilhin the range of his profession failed to afford, bus not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. Philakelphia, Sept. 19, ISnfi. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which coveied nearly one aide of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprit ti of (he Rose Ointment, obsetving my face, insis ted on my tiy ina his preparation, of which he han dod me a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ot ihe numerous nostrums palmed upon the public by i jnount pn tenders, I feel in justice bound to exci pt the Rose Ointment fiotn thai class of me dicines, and to give it mv approbation, as it entire ly tured the eruption, although il h id resisted the usual applications. DANE BATCH, M. D. The Rose Ointment i prepared by I' B. Vaughan. South East corner of Third and Race Streets, PniiaJe'i hia, and auld on agencv in Sun- burv.l v H. B. MAsSER. May'l4th, IS J2. AlZ'nt. BOLTON Sl CO. Grnrral onimlstlott 5It IisihIm, AV.r the fitie ff FJvttr, Grain, Seed, $c., 4c ATTORNEY AT LAW, Business attended 10 in the Counties f Nor thutplerland, Union. Lyerrrrftng and Columbia. TttOMAS H ART -de Co, l.owtn ck BAairow, Hart, CoMmirns ck TIart, VTAih. Hrr'iroLp.s, McPamlanuxIc Co. Srauo,'rooii & V-ti., WEAA7E,RS HOTEL, Stnitrurv, ATinthnmibertand Vtwntp "Pennsylvania. FTWE subscriber, renpecffulry htforms the public JL th bJI "he 'has Temoved lothatlaTge tmd coanmn ilions Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck.) formerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and tatery 'by Daniel fiih aon, where he is now prepared to accommodate all who may fever Mm with a call. By strict atten tion to business, and tiis tiTmot rdearT to render satisfaction to all, he hopes to receive a liberal aharc tifvcbticjajtronag". CHARLES WEAVER. Sunlnrry. Match 12th. 8g. Counterfeiter' Dcnlli IlrMTa. nhe pul'hcwill please observe that no Braudieth Pills are genuine, unless the hoi haa three la bels upon il. the tep, the aiile and Uie boMom) enih comuining a fic-aimileaii;iiature of my hatid writing, thus B. Braihikitii, M. D. These la. laM.aie e4iiravod oi stock ta?aitifully clesigned, and done a an enpense nT over f 2,0r0. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing nrcessaiy to pro cure the mediciuc in its purity, is to observe tlsese labels. RememliPT the top, t!ie aide, ainl (lie tottorn. The following rcsjective jietson are duly aphori zed, and hoUl CEHTICATES OT AGINCr, For the sale of lirandrrth's Vegetable Viiivtrsal Ml!. NonrinnifeiIaraJ cocntv : Milton Mickey & Cfe.iintWilm. Soinbury H. B. Masaer. M"Eetia ville Ireland &. Meisell. Northumt-eitand Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlmger A. Co. Union County j New Berlin Jotiii Hoffman, evinsgrnve Ever and Schnure. Middleburg Isaac Smith. Deavertown J. clt F. Bingaman. Adamsburg IL dt A. Smith. MifflinsHiig Swope & Laird. Haitleton Djnie.l Lung. Free Isurg . ck F. C. Moyer. ('cntrevdle Slstley & Lenhart. Jwislajre Walls c Green. ColumUa county : Danville E. B. Reynolds fc Caw Berwick Fhuman A Rittenhouse. Cat tawissa C. A- ct C. G. DroUs. Blomnaburg John It. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Biael. Wa shinuton iiabt. McCay. Limestone -D. L. Schmpck. Ohseive that each Acenthaaan F.ngraveil Cer lificate of Areiarv, containing a representation f Dr BRANDUETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new lube is now used upon the. lirandrtth I' ill Rare. Phil idclphia, office No. 8, North fith street. B. BRAND KETH, M. D. J mtiary 1st, 182. FCE. SALE. 17 OR sale a small Farm, cutiHiiiiiig abmit one ' hundred and ten acria, more or le s, situate in Point township, Northuml crlaud cotintv, about two miles atajve N'orthumbeit md, on the main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John l-eghou, Jesse C. Hot ton and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payt e. Al-out forty acres of satd tract are cleared, and in good slate of cultivation, on which there is a small barn recti d. The properly will be sold on n asonable lei ins. For further naviculars, ptnsons are request ed to apply to the subscriber. 11. U. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 27th, 1842. if Sunhury. Pa. caKTsoLisea clisie, A N article uneqrja'lled for cleaning end giving "highly durable and moat "brilllunt tpcflisJli to all "ver, "German Silvea, t)rtss, 'Copper, Brl'ta-rria imre, Tin, Steel, DatleTy, and lor Restoring; "fha histrcon varnished carnages, Ac. TRY IT. IVepared and Hold at wholesale and retail, try (he "Suarjuebarma Chryaolite PoMi Comparry.'Owcgo, Tioga county, N.V. XV M. VOTvS YTTI, Agertt for NorthHim'd, If. . MASKER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1842. WJIOLE9AJ4' AND RETA4lr. IrOOKSEL LEtW AND tsTATfONEHs, Xo. 123 C!)erut Street, lerow 4th, l'hjlacJehJiia, EEP comattTftry rn itm a gerrernl ftssort- merit of Books and Stationary : romniisinir 'heoiiigicrtl, Law, Medical, flastrrcal, Miscellarrre oua and School Bools, Dsy Books, all sizes, Led gira, io., Family Hi hies, IVidert li !, Wrttmf Paa;ra, Wrappmg Parpera, &c. 4c.,hrch they of fer at the lowest piicea to Oooatlry Merchant's lrc fessionri OijtJTi'Trten, Teacrrera, rnd all otlierathal Tflav favor rltpm wvth the'rr citstimv. Plriladerphia, Notember 13. 1842. ly. Theolii iTIicli.icl Wenvrr JL .Son, rote masxrs & sin? ciiaivdixits. No. 13 North Witter Street. Philinfe'ptrra. VI AVE conatantly on hand, a general essort H mint of Cordage, Seine Twines. &., viz : 'IsrsJ Ropps, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Rooes, Tow I.mm-s for Canal Boars. Aln, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, A t, such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Rest Patent Gill Net Twine, Col Ion Shad and He tringT'wire, Shoe Threads, &c &c. Also, Red Cords, Plough litres, H afters. Traces, Cotton and Latren Caqwn Cfiisiua, At. all of wlsivh lltcy will diajnjne of ou nsuutde leims. Philadelphia, N'ovpmhcr 1A, 1M2. ly. Jacob I'l Jsmntli & $oii T) ESPEC TFI LLY ii Snms ttuir Irterxla and jAV. -acsjuaintnncea ge-rcrally that they still con tinue to kec at the old stand. No. 246 North 3d atrect, niiladelphia, imds of TOBACCO SMTF AM' Sr.GAPS. Whsi-h (liey will aril n tha uu '. accuuimudalin( and reas.aia k? terms. N. B. All roods sold will he gum inteed and all orders promptly atlcndeJ to. Philadelphia, .Wienilei 13, (842. ly. PETEP. CC1TCTEP., Wholesale and Hetail Sltcie, Iiomiet, nnd Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 6G fCurtJi 2d ttrtet, a few tluors aUive .Irch, PhihuMphia. ALSO Trunks Cari Bags and Valkvs.of ev ery desciiption, all of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable term. PhilaiMphia. November 13, 1842.- -lv. r .t i i .v. . . i; or .in ii it .- i-inc i' iin n aed rrsnna I t si v t tS' in si I n ii e. in. ii i n i mi oicine un der the -i ' the lnillnn Vieeial le rills and aa il.t'se ibfieratv t"i n are so utterly nek less of con si ijiiei.ee", ilia" in .nv vn'nal le l.vis n.sy be lost in consigner" rt unrig n eir ilieadtol eoinpoiii iU, ihe pobl e rr" a iin tu d against puicha-ing any EsPECTFl'LLY inform their friends and the Merchants generally, that they hae ta ken those large and commodious Wharves, with two Doiks, ninth of C Inniu I street, on the lb law ire, together with the stoie No. 11) South Wharves, wl.eie ihev would he pleased to receive consign. inents of Grain, Flout. Seed, Wbiskov, Iron, Ar Ac. Being also well prepared tn forward all kinds nl M rchannise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by he Chesaiieake and I ide W ater t'anala, aa to boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing boats I'V either route. Merchants will please he particular to send their goods destined by either canals, tn No. 19 South Wharves, between Market anJ Chtsnut streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route ihey wish them to be shipped. (J Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. HtUi O i ct U' . March 19. 1R42. No. 19 South Wharvea, I'ETJ.it iji;vi:j:.s, LAST MAKER, Xo. 74 Catlowhil! Street, riiilatlelj.liia. ( l tree amiTt aK't-e Ztcana.j SHOE Findings alvaya kept on hand, which he offers for sale on the lowest terms. Country Meirhants are parliculirly to c ill and judge for thcmselves. Philadelphia. Nove m jer 13, 1842. lv. vnrATiW'sBAi.sAM or iionnnovND. AN tmprre'llplea Temedy for erfrrrmori Cok tJougTis, Asfltma,1nfluens, Whopping Cough, Irfandiitrs, and trllthseaaes of (he Trtrfl and Lung leadlrig lo crJrnturrrplion'; tmrtpftaed oT the wncerr (rated Virtues of Jrcrertound, HoYrsrt, Blood Rook, LiveTwoYt sJrtd eTeral -ofhcT vegetable nuliaiancnt. Prepared onS by J. M. Wurst-otr, Rocheater, New YotT. The Irrnoccice Rtill tfnrVeTsaTly admitted pectoral vhfuea'of the Hertis from whicJh the Buham of tfonhotind is rrtade, are HooteneTally known tore tjuire recommends ri in ; It is Iherp'fore only r)erns ry to olisense That flrra Medrctne contstns the whole of ttrerr Meuicina'l pfOicrties, VigMy cxrrc,p!frate4, and soTrartpiry comlmred with several Oehet vegr tahle iiltances, as n Teftder it the most speeily mild and certain YeTnedy, now hi sv, f.sr the olr lainls above mentioned. T-lr? Oarsarn Tomove afl rrrsflammatirrn and ote nps of the Lungs, loosens togh Vrsfid phlegm, ens abltTtg ihe tiaTamt ro expectorate with vase and free dom, susf;ps fongh, Telipvea athmartrc and tlifFr cult refpiraiiitn, tw-als l!he injured parts, opena the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and give smvusfri to the tonlci lungs, and thus liroducea a 8a-edy and tasiTng "Cuse.. Niiratiti'iik is Tiir nrsT rami in Mas. W'e are not among that cl tss uf Editors who fin- a few dollars wiH, (nt tire expense, of truth and ho treaty) craA vip" an onicle and bring it into rapid sale ; treitlscr ate we wiHitrg to re-main silent, afier having rpsiod the mility of an imi rovemont or covery m ectenceoT art. Our readers will recollect we told them we we re unwell with a eore throat and x-iiJIvnt cold some few weeks s,w W'ett, we pur chased two bottVa of WINSLOWS BAtySAM OK HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are adhered, may tiy it upon our rpconinrodaiion. iVw'.vftm TVvrrrrili. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, .Wmrv, JACOB BRIGHT, SoHituntberltind. Also, by Ttrtiggisis generally throughout the country. fjj" Price, 60 cmla per holile. Autust 11th, 184?. ly. LIST OF EOOKS, roa kale itr IXi. r.ss. QqrTOT-r NTHON'W Cl.wsical DH'lkanary; l.emprier's Ainsworth'a do; Cobb'a do English and Geimon do.; Anthon's Ca'sar; Anthon's Grammer; Anther's Cice o; Maii'slitin Reader Ogill.y'ado.; Andrew's Latin l,Hsnri'; Di.Jinrg.in's Lexicon; Fisk'a Grcik Exirics; Davtes's Lecendei; Graeca Majina; Adimis's Roman Antiquities; Pinnork'a Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; L ell's Elements of Geology; M rs. Ltncoln'a Botany; Elements of B-.itany; Bridee's Algebra; Porter'a Rhelotieal Rea ders; Emerson's Geocraphy and History; Olney's ki Parity's do.; Smith's Grammer: Kirkham's do.; Kay's Readers; CoM-'s do.; Colib'a Arithmrtirk; Pike'a dn.; Eim rsoti's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Libiarv; Cottage Bible-; Family dn; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments-; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's J . W . S W A 1 X , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer Ro. 37 Nooii Thmt tlreet. v diort Uk, tht S 'io,'g R'''""' American Revolution; Marryalt'a No- I vets; Mrs. ('helps on L hemistiv; Iliad; t atechism c Citv Hotel, Philadelphia OUNTR It Merchants and others are solicited to examine his umhIlkwI before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, Novrmher 11, :42. ly. P. 6c A. UOVOUTTt'N China, Glass and LiverjHKil Wareliousc, Ab 1C4 North Third sfrref, third donr it tow Vine street, Philntrlfdiia. VX'HERE they constantly keep on hand a large ' assortment of hina, (ilass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rei son side terms. Phil adelphia, November 13. 1842. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO.V. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and mauutaeturiiiK purposes, which will he sold much lower than they call be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving aa represented, may 13 returned without any expense to the pur chaser, snd the money will I refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleschcd Speim' Oil, do Cobvlcsa Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Bands supeiior Sua. 'a Oil, 3HO do Cod Hank Oil, 60 do Neais Foot Oil, 75 Caska Olive Oil, Tanner's tils. (jJ'Tuis Coin pa nv has a numl?r of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon getting at all tunes Oil aa pure aa imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 S4i. ly. TIIEOPJLUS CL'LP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. So. 5 South Third street, four doors belmc Market I'hiladetptiia. KEEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, F.lipttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will la supplied at all times on the most reasonable terms. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment brfore purcbasinu elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1842. ly. 6000 15,000 10,000 20,0011 6000 15,000 do do do do do do rr o n VMil l.ll Is f -nil.' i ,V WttmUin JSevtcas,.. V ilnoi.ttoi. yiar pat par par par pur pur l par (jj- On all banks wa ked tkua () there aie . v,pt,.f ;,((y, ther cout. luleit ' Mireu u"" t - ,i i aN1- IC ncwinsuot.s, m cucwIbUoo. . (or. on pMrtfjiic.) oi t:k jiohtm larsiciv mil if. s or UFtiTn. And :se to le esaiially caiiful Hiaii.sl purrha sii b s od meiiicine of any person except the regn lur nile'i'a'il cpen'B. AC1.T8 FOR SOHTUVMBBRlAhD CO, Pennsylvania. 11. B. Masu r, Sutil'tiry I'syne A Rose, Nor- tht n.bi rland Jacob Ilais, Shamnkin Ssmui I lleib, Mahnnoy Uyerly cV D. Haas, Augusta llemif & Folinier, Millon Ireland tt Meixell, McEwrnsvide I' fet & Ueaimond, Turbutsville James Reed, Poltsgrove II. Klaae, Snvdirainwn II. H. Ki rel, P. M.. Elyshurg P. O. Wm. '. (.eisenmiir, P M. Union Corner. Idee and firner.il Denol for the sale nf Von Yttrrtalitr Piltr, Wholesale and IC RAC E STREET, PHILA PEJ- May 91, l42.-lf WHARTON'S I GJ9 rJT VSL m Sunbury, IVortbumberlaud County, PENNSYLVANIA. fllHE subscrilwr tespicifully mtorms the public, 1 that he haa removed to that large and commo dious Brck House, on Market square, oppoade Ihe Couil ll"iie, (furmerly kepi bv Hiram Pi ice,) where he is now prepared lo ace miiiuiUte all who tnny favor him with a call. Being thai kful for past f.vois, he hoiea by stiict attriilion to business. to tec five a liberal sl.aia of public patronaee. cVc. CHRI.1.S D. WHARTON. Snnl-uiy, March 6th. 1843. kimE ! LIIVIE ! LIIVIE ! flIHE subscribers are prepand to furnish farmers X and elhera with any quantity of Lime of a very supeiior quality f r land, or p'aistering, at Ihe fol lowing very reduced prices, viz: 8 eta, per bushel for Land Lime; 10 vta, for the best qualiiy of plai lermn Lime, at the kilns, below the borough of Sun- bury, They will alsodaliver, al any place within the borough of Sunhury. Lime for land, at 10 cents per bushel, and Lime for plaistriing at I2J cents per bushel. The subset ibers have sit ss on hand, a larce quantity of Lima. Its quality is good, and their limestone ia not equalled by any tn the neigh bornood. 6EASHOLTZ A BERUSTKESSER. Augusta, Apnl 2J, If42. G. W. L. B. T.7LCS.. aT FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor- W net of Fifth und Market Sltetis, Philadel phia Mens l.sll-skin Hoots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and ilout'le uppers, do Calf-skin do do and upper, do Heavy Water leather Boots, do do Nrats do do. do High quartet Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crorkers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarsa do do do Shoes do Fina da do Kip do do do do do da do REYNOLDS, McFAKLAND & CO Wholesale Dealers In Foreian British and American Dry Goods. Ao. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. OUN'TRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at all times with an extensive assort ment of the oest and moat fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. PUiladelphis, November 13, 1842. ly, of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magir; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comley'a Spelling Book; Ami rican Class Br-ok; DaboU's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A crest variety of Dlank Books, Ac. August 28, 1842. ATTENTION. J . filDXLY j u . i: s , Y EyiESTS the attention of his country friends a- who are in want, to bis verv large Block of Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Ruga, Bindings, Stair Rods, dec, &c that he has juat opened, al his warehousea, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 81, 1842 ly. TANNERS' Oil. AND LEATHER. D. K 1 Pv K P A T It 1 C K & SO N, A'n. 21, North Third street, (lETWttS MARKET A IS 11 CHrSNCT STtlllTS,) PHILADELPHIA. TTAVE for sale a largp and excellent assortment -A-i- of Spanish Hides, Patna Kipx, Tanners' Oil, dr., at the lowest market prices, either for caah, ic exchange for I.eather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sale, oi purcbasstl nt the highest market prices. fjj" Leather stored tree ot charge. April 17. 1842. ly. LOWEU & Ii AKRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and JJomestic Hardware, No. 174 Nohtb Thirh Strfxt, fMiLArximiA. "II J HERE their friends and customers will always ' ' find a larce and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell st the lowest prices. Philedelphis, November 1 3, 1842. I y. 1:SI 1 ERICK, li A N S E L LA. CO'. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. 1116 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (Btlow Fifth Stmt h side ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as JjA si rtment of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Gooils, Country Merchama are respectfully request od to give them a csll and examine (or Ihenii-elvt'S. Philadelphia. NovemUr 13, 1842. ly. do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Siarks with and without soles. do do do Carpet do l atent Warranted WatcproofMoccaaina. Lad.es, Aa , ,o do do Lsdies isnned Idi, V(Ubb, .bora, tientlemena do (tver shoes. With every ,.ther desc.iption of boots snd shoes. Fur l aps nf ercry dearription. Travrlfng Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Rags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blackinr. Honoris uf . kinds, Pslm IafHst. Pbiledrlj his, Novsubtr 13, SPERING, GOOD & CO. No. 138 Maiket Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Urituh Frenc'a and American Dry Goods, which they offer fot sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November 13. 1842 ly. IVIcCALIiA & HRSeT No 01, Nortli Set una ktrcct, or ccomb's auxt.) Where the, eon.t..,, keen - , j , g,nm, sortment of 7LOT13, C ASSXMEBES, VXSTXXTOS, And a grtat varitty ofartitks of a superior quality, which tbey oiler lo dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS snd others will find il lo. iheii advantage to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1H4U. ly Female. "WHO are troubled with aick headache, pain in the side, breast and back, loss of appetite, fla tulency, lowne-a of spirits, palpitation of the heart. faiulins or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bilmue aflections, tightness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, noise in the stomach, flushings of heal, and chilli- ness, diseases of ihe nerves, mid oigans of digestion, Ac. Ac, those who may be thus ad'ectrd, should not nr gleet to procure Dr. Iltirlirh's Compound siretigriemng innie ana urrman Apertent rills, which are warranted lo give immediate relief. Thousands do we almost daily behold, whose coun tenance, and pile emaciated cheeks bear nccular witness to sickness and affliction. Could tho e persona be persuaded tn use this invaluable medi cine, they would soon find their weak and debilita ted fr antes stienghteneo, their minds composed, and all pain, and distress driven from the system, when the lastly will again renew its lost vigor, sud I ut on a new life," and death for a while be de I lived of its prey. Whath'S't but feels glad to heboid their neur relativea and dear friends, snatched as if by magic from that fatal deal oyer Death ye who are lalmring undei disease let not another day or night paas without procuring this medicine, as it wilt in a majority of esses r fleet a permanant cure. lUmtmber dil.tyt are dangerous; and if disease is neglected, its ravages will doubly in crease. (j"Prinriple Office for the United States, N 13, NORTH EIGHTH street, where recco" ' dstiors of hiilidirdf of persons may b -men-n r.irh lixt been cured or 1- en " .... iir , i . medicine. Oct. 29, 1812. HENRY a OX HI ELMER. Agent. JCE1TS ft, CU11I1TG3. WHOLXSAXsE flHOB, BONNET, Cup tuui Palm Leaf Hat tilort. No. 10 Soira lra Stbsst. PHILADELPHIA, VI 'HERE an extoiuiv saaorimsnl of lbs above srikies are eat.stsntly kept on band, fuf sals at tha most reasonable termv, Mas S9, 143.- ly. I.lver (niiinln I TVr. 'Z 'l'?" b7 i J ohlu-e pain X in .he right a..'e undet the short ribs, ..tended II D '-.fat, U'.rakineu .). -r .i t . , . 'i hi uir siomscn, I . is in ihe rifiht side also a distention , ih. r,. tient loses his ajipetite, and Womes sick and trcubl j?i i "omil,D- ''h tongue hec.xnei rough and black, tho countenance chanaws to a pala or citron color, or yellow like those afflicted with jaon dice, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with a dry eoiiA, difTtculiy of laying on tha left aide, the body becomes weak, and finally tha diaea.se. termmaU s into another of a moia serioua natnr. which in all probability t.lar lyond th, "m human skill, ih: Jlarlch's c--o. J w r,. . . v P4ur,d Strength- I?- i d Cr""" Artrient iU, ken at tha cominrncem',t 0r ,k;. 1- ' - check it. and by COD nuin .hi .- ,-'". a few weeks, , wf. n ,n ,h - of the medicine Thousand, '7 perf,.imcv ofthee(r.-,,;l;im.'n" V"OT" ""' d,i'' h9 V rr.HT I? f1tl oact- NORTH t-IGHTH abeet, Philadrlnhia. Aft.