Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 31, 1842, Image 3

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    A ccrmmuicau in the Newark Advertiser,
which the editor says mil fiom a perfectly to
ppcmsiMe aourof, confirm the rumor that great
nurrrSer of DiMea were recently UirnrJ "by the
Catholic priest war Chary, in Clinton Co., N. Y,
stated from (he Journal of Commerce. It state
that efforts have been made within the laat year to
introduce the U idle extensively among the Catholic
"population, and that they have been successful.
Quite numlier, in consequence, have left that
churcti, and this so enraged the resident priest that
he resorted to the outrage alluded to. The ieope
tencially of Chary condemn it strongly, and are
engaged in making up the logs to thoae who Buf
fered A'. V. Tribune.
.If A K m 1 K It ,
On ihe 21th ult , by Jamc F. Murray. Esq., Mr.
A n am Kiili.r of Northumberland, to Miss Mahi
Kils of Chilnquaque township.
On the 15th iiist., by the ame, Mr. William
Dartholomrw to Mis Sua am Siiilii AMtEn, both
vf Chilisquaque township.
At Danville, on the I5ih inst., by Elder Miller,
Mr. Pkriit TirswoBTit of Shamokin townahip,
Northumberland county, to Miss Miai Mowm,
ol Cattawi-sa township, Columbia ro.
At Pottsville, on the 8lh inst., by Ihe Rev. Mr.
Menie. Mr. Frkiif.ick Oh m acht to Mis Eli
mkth Favst, both nf that plnce.
At Dloirsvilte, on the 1st tilt., by the Rev. John
V, J one, Mr. ('ikilkk Si- : of York, to Mis
Ahaiiki.ia W. W'iioitkm of tlie former phce.
Doubtless the fair bride exclaimed, with Kichard
the Third
"Now is the WisTtw of our discontent
Made glorious Slmhikh by this son ot Yobk."
rnrwi MarT"iT
I 1L1),
At Northumberland, on the 15th int., Mr.
HENRY (SHKINER, aged 77 years.
At M ilton, very aiiililenlv, on the niuhl of the
l'.ith inst, Mrs. CATHERINE HUFF, wife of
Mr. John Huir.
At Wdlia nispnrt. on the 2d inst., GEOROE,
son of Tumi-oil Coryell, Ej., in the 13th year of
his age.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yojaketmer. . 'l
Com, -
t)lTH, - -PoUR,
Dmr.ii Arri.vs,
Do. Psachks,
llr.rxLiu Flat,
- 25
. - 12J
- 75
' "kf;Md Will Fire Company'
THE members of the "Good Will Fire Com
piny" aro requested to meet at the Court
House, on Monday Evening, Jan. 2d, at 7 o'
clock, precisely. Punctual attendance is required.
Dec. 3 1 . J. H. 7,1 MMKBMAN . Src.
";omI Intent Fire Conipanj."'
A STATED MEETIN of the Company will
be held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock,
nt the Court House. Punctual attendance is re
quested. PETEK W. OKAY,
Dec. 31, 1842. Seettury.
The Democrat or thimiboi -lantl
(on tily
ARE requested to meet at the Ci urt House in
Sunbnry.on the first Mondav of January next,
at 2 o'clock, P. M. Bv onler of the
Dec. 24th. 1812.
jVTOTHE is hereby given, that on the 22d day
ofSeplrmb'T la -t, the undor-'pned was ap
pointed bv the Dis'iiet Court of ihe I'niled States,
tor the We-tem District of Pentisj Ivai i, sssign'e
f Hrr Y" Tim ir. a. decree 1 ly the sail court
a Bankrupt, pursuant m the act of Congress passed
Aucust 19ih. 1841. and that said assianee has en
tered upon bis duties as suih, of which all concern
e.l in any manner whatever will plea-c to take no
Dee. 31st, 1842. 3t Axit:n-f.
HAVE taken my son Vm. I. Greenough. in
to partner-hip in the practice nf the law, in the
i-ouiity of Northumberland. He will be constants
'v in attendance at my cflice, in the borough of
'.""unburv, ready to transact such busiuesa as may
e entrusted to our care. Merchants and others i
nay rely upon his vigilance and fnleliry in the col-
lection nf ni'Oiry. E. GKEENOICH.
Sunbu'y. Die. 31st, IS42 5t
IIFi SulifrnhtTi h;ive eiilrrrJ into iiarlnerKliip
:.. ai.. .. i .... : i i - ...-i- ..'
I hi) county of Northumberland, nnd slate of Penn
sylvania. Then ofl'iee is the s .nie that has hilhei- .
Ihcii occupied by E. Greenough, in the borough i
ofSuHbury. E. GKEEXOICH, I
W. I. GKEEN'Ul'GH. .
Sunhury, Dec. 31 st, 1812. 5t j
flHE public are In r. by notfied, lb it the sub- j
L scriheis purchased of William and J.icob l ip, '
of the b.uough of Northumberland, on the 20lh
day of December inst., two MAKES, the one bay ,
.ml tl e mlo r black.
Take notice, that we have loaned the above pro- ;
perty to the said W in. snd Jacob I lp, to be tlelu
vered lo us al any time when called for.
Norlhuinlierland. Dec. :llsl, 1812.
ISIato of Jacob Mailt li, lt M.
"ITOTICE is hereby given to all those indebted
to the estate uf Jacob Malich, dee'd., Iste ol
Augusta township, Nnrihumlrerhind county, by
notes due, or book account, to call and make pay
ment on Tuesday, the 17th of January next, at the
house nf the deceased. All those having claims
in said estate, sie requested to present them oil the
same day, well authenticated, for settlement.
IT. I tilt MAI. II It,
TVr ?l.t. 1S4
A A I It'll
Last Notice,
ALL those who are indebted lo ihe subscriber,
are requested 1 1 call anJ make settlement, on
or befoie die loth day ol January next, by paying
up or giving their note or due hills, as he is in
wsnt of cssh, and di termined to have his acc units
settled. The acc unls uf a I those r. fusing lo com
ply with ibis rcipiesl, will lie lift in Ihe hand, of a
jntigislnle for cd ectioii, without respect to per
Kuiis. Don't I deceived.
Dec. 24, IS12. yi JOHN YOUNG.
virtue or sundry writa of Venditioni Etpo
naa issued nut of the Court of Common Plena
ol Northumberland county, to ne directed, wiU be
expoaed lo public sale at the Court Houao in the
Borough of Sunhury, on Monday the 2d day of
January next, at 12 o'clock, (noun,) the following
described property, to wit :
A certain tract of land, situate in Augusts town
ship, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of
Jacob Uirlsher, Adam Shissler, and others, land of
Henry Yoxthcimcr and others, containing 125
acres, more or less, whereon aro rrcrtod two largo
two story Dwelling Houses and Kitchen, la ge
ISnt.k Barn, Waggon Shed and Granary, l.ime
Kiln and other out buildings, two wells of water,
nnd an orchard. About 80 acres of said land are
Also : A certain tract of land situate in Augus
ta township, Northumberland county, adjoining
land of Adam Shissler, Jacob Snyder, Jacob Bart
slier and others, land of Henry Y'oxihcimcr, con
taining 124 acres, more or less, Abuul 60 aires
of said land are cleared.
Also: A certain Lot of ground, situate in the
liornugh of Munbury, in the county of Noithomher
hud, bounded on the north by Market street, south
by un alley, east by lot of Henry Masser, Esq., west
by lot of William McCarty, whereon are erected a
large two atory Brick House, occupied na a store
and dwelling house, brick and frame Kitchen, frame
Store house, log Stal le, and other out buildings, and
a pump of water.
Also: Two certain T.ois of ground, si'ua'e in the
bor.nmh ofSunbury and county of Northumberland,
bounded ninth by Bhickhciry street, south by an
alley, east by lot of A. Jordan, Esq., west by lot of
Mrs. Finney, whereon are erected a large brick
and log Dwelling House, and Kitchen.
Also: Two certain Lots of ground, situate in
itiA Imritiiirh nl Siinliu r v. !Arlhiimherl.-.nil ronnlv.
I,,.n,t..,l ...nil, I,v ll..h.rri; islrprl. nurlh hv an nh !
I., I v I.. I .'.f .h .rl.s n.l e.vsl l.v I,. I of
. whereon are ererted a two story briek
House, frame potter tdiop, fraine atible, and a well I
of water,
Also : A certain lmrt of Lot, No 130, situ ite in
the borough ol Smihury, in the county of Norlhnin
berland. hounded north by Dewberry street, south
by an alley, east by tot of Lewis De w art, Esq., nnd
Wist ly lot of Follmcrs.
Also : Three certain J.ols of ground, situate in
Coal towr ship, Nortbnm!erland county, in the
town of Shamokin, in that part laid out by A. Jor
dan, Esq. and others, to wit: Nos. 400, 401 and
402, bounded south by Hail Knad. west by
street, north ley stieet, east hy an alley.
whereon are creeled a l.iruc dwelling and slore house, :
one anil a hall stones high, unit a lu'ge two story
kitchen, and a well of water.
Also: A certain Lot of ground sitm'e in Coal
township, Northumberland county, in the town of
Shnmokip, in that part laid out by A. Jordan, Esq.
and olhirs, to wit : No. 405, bounded south bv the
Kail Koad, north bv street, west by lot of
-, and east by lot of-
Also: Part of a certain Lot, No 410, sitiiite in
Coal township, Northumberland county, in the
town of SlvmioUn, hounded on the west bv ihe
Brunch Kail Uoad.tioith by the Danville and Putts
Mile Kill, nnd oil the c iM by a I ( of James
Shorlle. S., taken in execution, and t.i be aidd
as the propeity of Henry Yoxthciuier.
Also : Twelve certain Lots of ground, situu'e in
the borough of Sutibuiv, Northnmbeiland coonlv, i
Nos. 237. 238, 239, 210. 211, 212, 21:1, 241,
205,260,207, 208, boumh d south by Pokebeirv
street, nurlh bv Gooseberry alley, now the Danville
ami Pottsville Kail Koad, cast by Deer street, and
wc.-t by an alley.
Also: Four certain Lots or ground, situi'e in
the borough and county aforesaid, N. s. 2011, 2T0.
2i 1,272, t ounded south by Blackberry alley, north
by Pokebeiry street, west by an alley, and ta-t by
liner stieet, partly nicied by water. Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of
the D uiville and Pottsville Kail Koad Company.
Also: A certain tract or piece of land, simile
in Sliamokin lowiulnp, .Noillininl erljinl county,
bounded by a road h ading fiom Snydert.wn to the
I'urnpike. I md of W il Wa'ris, dee'd , the Sha
mokin Creek mid tie Kail Koad, containing 17
acres, more or less, win reou are erected a large two
story Dwelling House, pl.istered, Kitchen and a
I ue and a well i f water. Ni aily all of s lid
hind isrleotil. Seir.ed, token ill execution, and
to l c sold as the propeity of George Kieager.
Also: A certain Lot of ground, situa'e in the
borough of Nonhumhi rland and county of North-umls-rland,
containing five acres, more or less,
bounded north by Wi st Way. south by the Wc-I
Bianch of the Uivej Su.qin hanna, wes' by a lot
of James Kay, and iii'"NiJist by the Koad hading
lo the r.ver, win leonXVectcd a large two story
Brick Mill, and Dwelling House, known by ihe
name of the College. Seized, t iken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of Joiah t
Al-o : A certain Lot or piece of land, situate
Augusta township, NonhurmVrland county, biaunl-
td by Lot of Hem y Ma-si r, Lot nf Jacob Painter,
and ihe Shamokin Cieck. c. nlaining 5 acres, more
or liica ia.-linrji.Ari am t TfiC, ft nilP ntul Ik lUlll itiiirV
Brewery und Dwiling House, w ith s spiing of wa
ter in the cellar, and a leg and frame St di e. Seiz
ed, laki n in i ncuii'ii, and tube sold us the pro
peity nf Philip and Golhch B-ymiie.
Also : A ci r'ain tract or piece of land situate in
l'urbut tow nship, Noilhuml erlnml county, adjoin
ing land uf J.ifob Sechlcr, George Waggoner,
Philip Kaup, und others, containing 100 acres,
more or less, whereon are erec td a two story
Dwelling House and Kitchen, and a one story
Dwelling House, a large Barn, nnd other nut built
ings, a wi II nf wall r, and an orchard. Nearly all
of said land is cleared. Seized, taken in rxecuii n,
and to be sold as the property uf John Dinius and
Jacob Dlliius.
Abo : A ccrl.iin messuage, tavern stand, and
liait of land, situate in CojI township, Northuin.
berl.iiid county, on Shaiuokin creek and the Centre
Turnpike Koad, adjoining I nd of Judge Brad
ford's heirs, Aiihibaid MiCaul und lin.l suiveved
lo Merriik Slsir, coiiliuniiig 4 i." ucrcf, mole nl lcs
with the improvements thcieoii eiiitid, couiinoiily
called Itift'i rl' Tavern,
Also: A eeitnin tract nf unimproved laud, silu
ale upon the water of shamokin creek, in Coal
township, Northumberland county, hounded by
lauds lale of David F. Gordon oil the west, 'I'll i
mas Cadwallader on the east, and William Boyd,
Burd Patterson A Co. on the north, containing
170s) acres, mote or less,
AUo: A rciUill tract of unimproved land, situate
in Coal township, Northumberland county, bound,
edbvl in ls i f Thomas CadwalUdir on the west.
David F. Gordon on the el, and on ihe north by
lands urveycd on warrants ill the name of W
'Pomlinson, (iiorge C a'ram and olhirs, contv.i
iug 17(isf ucies, inoit) or less,
Al-o : A certain trsct 'f uninierove f ,n
ate in Coal township, r,.u. . .,, "',, ',.
hounded by I nd "f Th..ii.rti t'uilisv .1 a.'.ef on the 1
et, John "itrady on '.' o,(,, Th,,,,,,,, Cad-
a'(adct on the Wft, containinut 1H0 tcit-s, niorc or
Alaoi A 'nBin tract of nnimproved bind, siln
nte in toal towiiship, Nnrlhiimlierland county,
bounded un the wcatliy lands surveyed hi the name
of Esther Cramer, lartil rsf David F. fJorrlon on the
south, and land surveyed in the name of William
tireen on the north, contafning 4tW arres, more or
less, fSeir.e.l, taken in execution, atd to e idd
as the nroiierty of William Silvis.
ShcritT's Office,
Siinlajry, Dec. 10, 1842. S
Public Notice.
rp.KE NOTICE, that n the 20 ih Oay of De
M ccmlwr, 1842, we purchased, at ronst .ble's
aire, held by Edward Oasa, conitahto for the bo
rounh of Simbury, the fullowitig property of Joseph
Martr., to wit :
4 Chairs, f 0 25
1 Bureau, t 00
1 Corner Cupboard, 2 77
1 Brown Mate, 40 00
1 Hihvr, tl 22
1 Bav Mare, 35 00
I Halter, 0 51
I Chvk. 5 25
10 Bushels Corn, at 43 its. per bu. f. 8S
fill 8
The pubi c will therefore take notice, that wo
have loaned the nbove named articles to ,!oeph
Martr, of Augusta town-hip, Northumberland coun
ty, as purchased bv us at constable's a!e, and that
they i, re held by him in no niher wav.
I H A T. t I.EMr.NT,
Simburv, Dec. 21, IS 12.
lOK trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
thuin' eiland Countv, to beheld at Sunt ury,
on the first Monday uf Jan. next, being the 2d.
Joseph Trego vs Mnilin A Sink
Yati s it Melntvro vs Edwaid Y Bright
(ieorge Armstrong vs The Shamokin Coal co
Maitm Weaver vs Daniel Keek
Hllllilien A EI-tC'1
vs John Mdlcr
vs Geo W Kn hi ct al
vs Same
Com'lll f ! A Jordan
S.ime for J Bowman
Same for Win Deppen it Co vs S.inin
K. licit Wiley & vs (ieorge Snyder's adin s
John Sbeiiir
vs .loll n II IIS
vs John M 'nehead
vs Byeily it Haas
vs John Smith
vs Christopher Campbell
Vs Charles A Bradford
Frederick Bukriihinc
vs Jim C Boyd et al
vs Benjimin Mathews
vs Kol rl MeKeo
vs Artmaii iV Knorr
vs Martin A Stoik
is Seasholtz V Bcrgetreser
vs J no II M Divisou
vs John Pain'er
vn Jesse Baslian
vs Joseph Yankirk
vs Jacob Gas4
vs Solomon Kshb lUch
vs Caroline Noure
vs John Murray
vs T ,V T (J A'shbridge
vs Iteuhen Facely t to
vs (ieorge Hill's cx'rs
vs () V Piper
vs Daniel .. rbc ct nl
vs Win H Miller
vs Jno Stout ct H Flick
vs Johh Stout
.l.din Mi I" .bo
M.ry Weeks
Char'es D Wharton
Henrv Hull'
Y, (! Bradford's adinrs
Purs I it 1' loots
A W Johnson 1 1 al
If lit 1) ( ' u in m in c
Thomas Biiggs ct al
.larcd 1'iiiie
Win A L'ovd
('ooixrvV Snyd
Ab'ah.iin Soariek
A ( iraham's ex'ls
John Mil ray
Jacob Kline
GeoC Welker
J. hn S Manx
Thos S Bonli uii
Jno 15 Ketiler,
Theodo e Beck
i Isa ic Ko ms it Co
t ieorge Hill
Wdliam T Bovd
D miel llondarmel
Win Montelius ft al
JhcoIi Shut
Ilerg-'resswr cV Campbell vs T - T ( Ashbridgo
( nin t!i nf l a
is Hemiog roliocli
vs Henrv Fiiek
vs Fleming- W Pollock
vs Henry Frick
vs Jacob Dedr.
vs Mrs M Seott '
vs Enoch 1 1 on er's e-t.tte
vs Andrew Forjlhe
vs Charles Crnig
vs Sauio
vs Hugh M Dnison
vs Same
S line
Jno M llou-el
llenjainiu Mathews
Siis.hiiiuIi Hoari r
Thos Wood
Jno B Miller
K.ise & Bergstie ser
Flach, ns.-igin e of Ar
M M Ego's assignee
Prolhnnotarv's Office.
Suubiirv. Dec. 17. ISl
Ta'crn Aotit t.
To Ihr llmorahle l'lti Isim. '., Prtiilent,
mid his Axwfiatrx,Judgtnfthe Court nf Quar
ter Sessions, if the county if Sarthumberland :
TllllE petition of Elizabeth Weitzel ol Sunhury,
1. in a dil county, humbly repiesents, (hat she
continues to keep a house of public entertains
men', at her old stjnd in Sunbuiy, und is well
prepared for Ihe accommodation of travellers, Ac.
She therefore prays your honors to grant her a li
retire to keep a tavern, dur ng the tn-uing year,
and the will piay, Ac.
To tiif. Jrnnr.4 amove m kxtiow .n : 'i'be uU
scribes, residents of Sunburv, hereby certify, tint
Elix! eth Wcitel, the applicant for the hcen-e.
is a lady of good icpiite fir hone-ty and temper
ance, ana well piovniea Willi House room an I
j convenience for the lodging and aceoiiuno laiiou j
of strangers and travellers, and that a pu! lie Iioum- j
' there is necessary: they then lore reeomniend her
as a propi r person to be hciiibtJ to keep a public I
house. I
(ieo ge Bright,
Thomas A. B lliugtoii,
Henrv Master,
H. U". Ma-ss-r,
Peter W. G ay,
John Bog ir,
Win. L. Dewait.
JaC.ib Painter,
Dai id T. Triles,
J. ph I'.is. ly,
E. (ireenougb,
Sa nuel D. Jordiu,
Dec. 17th, 1H42.
IMnlc ol l.t'oiift' vralts, i.m.
OTK'E is hereby given, that letters of admin-
tru'ion on Ike estate ot Geoige v utls, l.-o ,
lite of the boiough of Northumberland, hive been
granted to the subscriber, residing in Sunburv.
I'er-ons indebted lo said estate are reipiestt .1 lo
in itkc inline, h id-payment, and tho-e having claims
ug iuisl the es'ate ure r-pi sted lo preM'nt iheiu for
txainiiislioii and selllemeiit
Sunburv, Dec. II. IH12. Bi 12
l)aiiil I'm nian'si IStatc.
TfVTOl'll'E is heiebv given, that (be Kefler nl
' this county has this day gi toiled letters ol'a.l-
1 ininistiatioii up n the estute of Daniel Furmaii, late
of Shamokin tow nship, dee'd.. In the Mib-cnls r.
All persons having demand ogiillst ihe est ite, aie
jmpiesled to present thi'in, and tho.-s w ho are in
debted, to pay their ressiiive aicounls to t!- . . (
' scrihcr, who n sides in Shamokiii lowiith-p.
Nor. llh, 112
-tit 'J
fclllC o 'A oll..
Cioriic ilsh-llsr jnr , u, (tlicrt .
iOk v. Thomun Allen.
NllVKORtll 14th 1st..
..... . . -
i S motion of Mr. Do.iuel, rule on the cied -.
Qt tors of Thomas Allen and all others intrust
' t d, to appear on the first day of next lei in, mid
j sho v c in e why ihe money raised by ihe ale of
1 the d h i d un s real e.late shoiilil m I te iln-tnliuit il
aceorilinu lo law. Bv the Court,
I ' Office, 1'roth'y.
j Sm.bury, Nov. I'J, J at IS. i Ot.
Tnicrii Iolir.
7'i (hr llnnarnhlr. FJin finr', for., Prrxitlrirt,
nnilliix Asmiriafrx . Juiln vf Hit Cmirl of Qurtr
frr fii-ssion nf Ihr timuftf nf Knrtninibrrtimii .
fllHE petition fif Frederick Brfki-r, of Little Ma
I iiov, io said county, riumbly represents that he
cop es a ceinmoilious boose oil the Toad leading
lo IVtlile, in said tovu!iip, and is wed prepared
for the accommodation of travellers, oVc. Hetheie
fore pvnys ymir hoiro s to grant Win a lid use, to
keep a tavern during the en-Ti ntj eir, and he will
T11 tub Ji'Tiiiva K M.To.r.n ; The sul
seribrts, resi ten's nf Li'lle M.ihoni.1ie vby n-rtil'v,
that Fndei vk Ksker, tire t tor lieeirne, is a
man ol good repiili- for boii-ty and temperance,
and is well provided with Ji"iie Toom and eonve.
nientu for tiro lodging ami accommodation of
slraiigi rs and travellers, Mid that a public hnn e
tlrereis necess.iry. They therefore recommend b in
as a piO'r person to ho licensed to Veep a public
(teorge S.ieinhitl,
W'm. Derr.
.lonathr.n Pf.fer,
(ieoige H n r.el.
Win. Kotlrvimel,
(ie rge Wc"''"'.
Dc. 10th, IA12.
J i.-eph Iaiish.
J naiban Dunk. Ilierger,
S imuel Wngnrr,
Solomon Dunkelberger,
John Pcifer,
rctcT Wagner.
Ilr. ii. If. MVier,
OFFERS bis profession d seivie s. in the eiieris
nf Sunliurv, nnil vieioity. Ollice nexi doorlo
the residence of Kevd. K A. Fl-her. whe e he in iv
be f nitid, U'ib'ss eniaad ill tl'ehnrgins; the duties
of his profession, Oct 8. h. 1812. if.
s n i, 1 1 n a ; a i ) ta t l l 12 it,
TERY KESPECTFCLLY ls leave to in
firm hi cu-lomers and I he public generally.
lhat he still continms the
in all its vuiious branclies, in the shop, neailv op
posite the Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by
Henry Hi ts and hims. If, under the firm of Unas
it Driiekemiller, w hich firm h is leen mutually dis
solved. 11 iv hopes, by his long experience in the
above business, nud siriet atteiitron tlierelo, to ren
der cencral satisfaction, an I receive a share
of puMie paironngi-.
Sunhurv. Oi-ioSer loth, 1812. 0m.
(Ct in nil Static ffijirr,)
iaa 'hl.t "rxaai tsrz
I'emiK.i It aula.
f IIIE Sub-criher respectfully informs his friends
1. anil the public in general, that ho has taken
the above
J.MM.'i: AM) coMMoniors
I X T H H B U K t) l(i H OF M V XC Y.
and that ho is now well prepared to accommodate
al! who may favor h in with iheir custom.
II, s Slu i Aca ii r n i.n i ure will aired, and
His Tini.i. An Bin will utways be suppliid
with the best the market can atl'ord.
His SrAHi.iMo, which is good, will be under
the charge of good and careful hostlers.
He f. ids confident, by strict attention lo bu-iness.
and an earnest desire to render c mfortable those
w ho may paironi.e him, that he will not f,il togive
general siii-faction. H. U. WEAYEK.
Muucv. Oct. 1st, 1S12. tf.
A Ci
Dr. .1. W. IN'al begs leave to tender bis grate
ful acknowledgment lo the people of Sunlni y
sod suiroiini'iiig country, foi then pit encourage
ment in ihe line of bis profession ; and would at
the same tiine fein ounce to them, th it be t:!l in
tends lo continue .the pr iclice of medicine in all its
various ih pnrliiicnts. He would, therefore, solicit
s f nntiuiiiiiico of their coiitideuce nnd p.ilromme.
He in iv be ton ml at till limes at his oibce, in mar
ket street, unless professionally i ngigcd.
Sunburv, Oct. 1st, tf.
i. T, Trite, Kespectfully iufonnsthe
Citizens of Sunburv und vicioii V. that be bus ta
ken an ollice in the building Intelv occupied bv IVler
Ln.nriu as a drug store, in market street, Sm bury,
w here he may le f und at all hours, unless proles
sionnllv engajed.
DI!. TK1TES returns his sincere thanks for 'In
encouragement he has ice. iie.l, in the line of his
profession, in this place, and t nl -t -, bv promp' a',
lenlion lo the duties nf his pr.iles-.ion. ami rea-on
able charges, lhal he will continuii t J receive (
lilier il share of the public patron ige.
Sunburv, Oct. 1st, 1842. tf.
iiiot4)(.i:a rc.H otici:.
,i. lTi i hi sunt S'r'ft, lh Slory,
rvri' Al'I'AHArrS, Surgical ami Mi
niature C.i-cs, Importer nf Fiench Chemicals and
' d. uble silver plate for t!.e D rgiierreolviM1, adopts
i ibis uiethiid of informing the citizens of Northern
I Pi'nrifcvlv mil. t'lat hee.i'ri' S on ill" abnvo oosines
i ext n-ivi Iv, in nil iis v.iri uis branche. Persons
: desirous ol 'obtaining any of ihe above a'lic'es, can
I be promptly supplied, on the lowi st terms, for cash.
All letters (post pud,) will reieive immediate
I attention.
i Mn.ti It I.ll.l I'UR'DGK. now (ravelling in
the Northern p-irl of the Si.i't. will promptly at
j lend tc all or.b rs, gne ne, e.--iry inl .roiait.'ii an-'
I Photo-r iphic iiisirue. ions lo tniv poison on hi i.,.
c. ill oi to loin.
August toll
184 2.- to
DK. .1. N. SUMNKK,
i.spr.i n i i i.
' has m i le N'..rih
tie li
ll'liC be
in llll;t'ii lit
i lllli i I ' ..I .,s
pine ol i.-.i liiiie, an 1 u ... ,.v ltf 4,J
'" "')'
c ills in the line of .,0,.1ou.
.Inly 2, i".
TIP j a n ikRl lkTrf 1
I) Esl'EC'IFl LI.Y inloinis bii lii. n.N and the
nubl.c ceiieiallv. lhal he. h i oiiiineucrd the
Tn i lori :i Hii-ine.,
io all its hiaoche-, in ihe h"U- I ninirlv occupied
by ni. Dur.t s a Tailor Shop, in Blaekbelrv
licet, i.cailv opi"sitc the Pr. ' toriaii Churih.
IK' rispeellully soiicls u share of ihe public piirole
age, and KUst by strii I ait. nlioii lo biiMoo slid
ie.n.oi, able clia gis, he will be iiiat'bd lo (j ve gen
eral Mlistuc ion,
Siinl.ury, June IPth. 112 ly
" ' Kii"i oiTTT nl Kl . L'OIN I'M E N i'. 'ei i iv. d
si d for .ale by H. 13. MA5tK.
No. ?tb, IS 12.
Ji,Vf f,uL .
"Till .) :.,TiCf.lp
'V ' - T
H 'ill cojrrmrrrcr running brtwrrn Philaili Iphtn
and i'oldnulh' on Ihr fiiihnliit'g ilnyt
tivtl liftm s :
Ct auti attth Mtrir, MAt 0. 1842.
Leaving I'ott-vttle, mi Mondnys, Wednmdays
and FTiilays. at 8 A. M.
Leaving rhSl iVt.dpriia. m Tuesdays. Tbursil tys
and Satnrdavs at " 1 P. M.
limn tf pnmnif litrrtiiig.
1 or I' iilelpbia, al 10 A. M.
I r Pottsville, et J P. M.
f'-f ft
Between PM-iille ,Vi Philida. f 3.5(1 f2,ft(
Ibtwren Keading iV iK 2.25 fV 1,75
Between ilo iV Pot'sville, 1,4t .t 1.00
Etcrsi! Ticarrs noon roll innnMno
sintr HAT.
Between Pottsville (V I'btlubphm, J5 00
B.twei'n Kia'mg ft do. 3 00
Between do. Sc Pottsvilb-, 2 t)0
Tire other passenger trains will ns lufiire, at
tlie following h.-nrs :
rhi!,iilil)l,ia ttn.l I'ulhxil.'r.
1-rom t'hilailelphi i, 5 A.M.
From Pottsville. at 2 P. M. S
four nf pnwing Htmling.
For Pottsvilie, at 1) A. M. 1
For Philadelphia, at 3J P.M.
All the trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
Q'J" All passengers are reqnrslcd to procure
their tickets before the trains start.
May 21, 1S12. if.
To Fount ry
rP!IE Subserilrer, Agent of Lyon & Harris, Hat
- Manufacturer, fur New York, Philmlelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, I os- Hals lire
highly mmim-ndcd (jr i;"l rif"t ami (lurvl.itity,
has on I. nnil a hr-l rate asscrtmnt nf HA I S and
OAPiN, stiit il le for Sprinji siies, wh ch will be sold
very low, foi cash or anpmved credit, at the tirliif
rhmp sttirr, No. 40, North Third stro-t, opp isi'e
the City Hotel. Philadelphia.
KOHF.IIT 1). 1LKINSON, A rent.
N. B. Orders lot lints ill ihonujr4, promptly
attendisl to. The highest rice in turh or tra le
given tor t'ur ikini.
Philadelphia, June 11, lS42--ly
Lli persons imh bled lo the firm ol Lnn V
Hurts, under the agency ofd. N. "Phacher,
Hit unit Cup Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street. Phil id, lph a. are requested lo make inirc.edi
ale sertlerrif nl of'h i' accounts v i:h ihe so.'.ei ilcr.
til, ir legally tm'I'OMre.l Hgelrt. who is ftiliv empow.
eled t" settle and colli et t1 e necounls nfssiil firm.
June 4th, 1 SI 2. If Anent.
WMiRAM r.n srrr.moii ro axy
OT 11 F.ll MlAll SIWIilliY.
TSrOHN A- HENRY LANDAl', huir.rr rented
9jp the Lime Kilns of lleruv Mav; r, in Sunbuiy,
have now for sale the best Lime in this ptrrt of the
country, and will continue lo keen consinn'lv on
band fresh Lime for l'l.isttii,2. Bfl'ihng and for
Liming land, on ns reasonable terms as can be had
anvwhere in the neighUoi hooi'.
M iv 21. H42. .1. A l. LANDAU.
Conn r of Th r! and Yinr S'n i ts,
HE siil scril er r. -pe tfulli soil' unci a to the
public, thai he h 'S oi em d a Hotel in the com
modious hiiok building s'tuiteon the c vner tf
I hud and Pine streets, where he will be happy In
wail i;pon those who may fivor him wifi their
company. The Eagle Hotel is la'ge and conveni
ent, and furnished in Ihe l e-t m idem stiie. It is
provided with a laige nnniher of well aired nnd
comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness oi ii'ea-nre. miv ret us.ur-d that every ex
ertion will le used lo render 'heir sojourn at the
"E igle Hot I" pleasant nnd agreeable. HisTa! 1"
will he supplied with Ihe very hear the market af
fords, and his bar wiih he c oicest wines and other
li.piors charges reasonable. 'I he I'.ngle Hotel
possesses greater advantages ill point of location
than auv othei similar establishment in ihe borough,
being situate in the business pari of the town, ni d
Wilbur a convenient disU. nee of the Court House
und WiMiamsporl and F.lmira Kail Koad D pot.
Sullicieril Stabling provided, nnd good and ?n(v
ostler nlwav- ill aliendance,
Alienim, eeeon. mo. ii'ting anil hone I Servants
hae been cmKbe eil. and rioi mg Icl'i nn.l nc thai
! will add to tl c comloil artil accommodation nf his
j guests.
There will be a carriage always in attendance at
the Boat Landing to convey passenger to and from
the House, fue of charge.
) May 14th. IS42.
vric. HsiLirCAiT & cbT,
! r--e"'J(S " S
(.'omiiiisi(in FurwardMi"; Mfirhants,
j I'not if M illoic Strut Itnil llmul,
j ll THE IlKLA W" A UF,
H AVING associated wi li them .losc h Harriet,
l-.iie of Essloii, Pa., ri si'Ccllu'.ly inform their
' fri''i".',s and the public cenerallv. that they have ta.
'. ken that large and we. I known store and wharf at
r f Willow Slrect li.idronil. lalilv iscupli-.l by
' Ueoti M ti I in. where they purpose doing a (! ral
Cointnisi.'ii and Forwarding Business, and f.rtin t
I ihe local inl ii.tauC of the place t emg conriirlcH
with nil the public itnproveininls that have their
; ooilel in the eitv. they flutter llieiu-i Ives ihev will
lie able to d i I usiness In ss 31c .1. if '.io! g ealei ad-
v .Ullage, mid upon as re-is .liable In. lis s any other
hot'se, and llm i.ssioe their f. . :,.ls thai anv con-
s'i'im nts in nle io (In
sh il b iv tb. ir strel nt-
tent roll, and no e i lions .pan il I
Cive eutlie sails-
Tin V are also prepared lo tea ive and fm ard
..i-ind io any po' ! D ! re an. I Leh cJi
river-, between M inch Chunk, lesion and Plula.
del, hi, vis Delaware Divio i. ai ' l.chiji Cau ;
,! i am pouil i n l'..e Jon, .t ivn, . i Nor'h
and Wist B anih....t be Su-'p ' un a i la Sct,llv !.
kill an. I I'liion, or tho Cbisip.'. s. nud I ide .lei
t!aua s.
For he ac etinn 1. 1 ai i.xi of Boa's coming or go
ir g viu ctm;kill and 1'uion t.'an.iil.s. a Ste tnboal
will h k i't i xpresslv lor lowing iis irom ine
Sehuilkill around to the Del. .wax-ami back
will en hie nieichanl la hie Iheir pnsluee deli
vered on Ihe De awaie, and their R usl- l.i,yd al
a ol 51 to 75 per cent. ....ihe price f.r
, .itlti n .cuss, Willi lln-ae sd .nt.ige they re-
pi ct
tlully solicit s haie ot pair in i .
' VI Itirsri
jl ..fh
William lMlinan. )
am W. K.)e , J.
B.rne'. NPhilsd.Msy 14, 142. ly
.SMail Conch
ro it iOTi s vt ht r,.
f II H E M .il h for Pottsville I eaves Nfirthumv
I betlnnd rnfery morning at 9 u'cloek, itnil arrives
in Pdftsv'ille in ihe evenhig.
Faicic ss low as any other line.
For spats, apply at Mrs. Wilhington's Hoti
Northumberland, eruft George Veit7l's. Siit.biirv.
X. U. KAPP Jk'fJO..
NiTtth'd.,May'2 1 , 1810. yv.iirfV'nr.t.
CfjT Passengers coming from PI iladclphtti will
p'ea-e sccuTe iheir seats at the Vhit'; Swan I tot, I,
Race Kl before they leave iho city. Passeiigera
coming in this line, have their seals secured in any
Stage or Packet boat from this place. Those coming
in thei'lhcThnc may he left bchfoit.
III a ii It. IlooU Manilla tor)
Opposite Prince's Hotel,
rMIIEV bto ;rrcpnrc(I to manufitc'turclilhnii'lv"irk
Jl ol every descrrption, ruled to any pattern, irtich
a Dm;kets Records, l)iy B odk 3, Ledgers, An ter
surs' Brrrl Collector' Duplicates of the finest cj'jSili
ty of pa;icr,in style equal tn tfny nude in tllo ci
tics i'f OtNcw Yoik.
All dcacrtptinris -of hmdiifg neatly rXcYu'tcd,
Scrap Bonlis, Albums and Portfolio msdc to Orcr.
Law Boulis, Music ond PCiioilical liorund 'tft any
pattern. Old Books rchowid, Scc. Also 'file 'nf
papers bounj.
Q? Work left at uSe office of tlie SunlnrYy Am'
ricnn.will be promptly attended to
May 21st, 1S42. ly.
G "o Li) InTvXn
So. C'J North Tliird, rttmvc Arch Street,
PII ARLE3 WEISS, late of the "White Sway,,
' and "Mount Vernon House." respectfully in
hrrms his friends and customers, that he has become
ihe proprietor of tire above well known Hotel.
Country Merchants will find the above Hotel h
central location, and the best uf fare. Persona rra
veiling with pTivato conveyance will find a InrgiJ
yard and good stabling for hnracs, and lire best vt
ostlers. Boarding ft per day.
May 14ih.lS12. if.
NnulT and Tubacco jMatiurar.Uirers,
A'o. DO .ori Wi st rorwr nf llacx and Thir4
rPHE tinder-igned have formed a Co-pi rin'rsh'p
A under the firm .1.1, MAY LAN D. J n. A Co.,
as successors to ihe late firm qC Jaettb.Mdynnd .f
Co., Mid will continue the liusmrs nt the old tsts
blishnicnt, cn their own accoint. In iiddition,!
their own dote attention ond experience foi manj
years, in the manufacture nf Iheir eefi bratf d sr)tifl'
Ac, ihe long experience of the senior r arlrer of tl
Inte firm, will a'.so be devoted to the interest of thd
new concern and as no exertion and can? will la
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the e
ry 11 quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the friends and customers of the 1st
Philadelphia, May 11th, 181S. ly
.Xo. 2C7, .Vorfft Third, nbmtCutlcuKX: St.,
TlH E sitb-c libers takes pleasure in trcuaintir, t
8. their Irii-iids and the public in general, ihsl
they have taken the large and eommoilious Hottl
recently I uiltby the Mefsi. Halt, on Ihe same sit
once occupied by the old established Hotel knowrt
a the Bull's Head, in Third sttwl above Callow
hill M.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possihl
manner, tird nf (he best materials. Its location i
I very desirable, particularly foretiuntry merchants!
the Hrrnngementa tor beatir.g and Ventilating each
room is such a to secure any temperature. Thrf
bedrooms rue all light and airy, all furllUhed in a
neat style, so as to insure lontfoit.
The r d iving parlor are also furnished in au
perb style, the windows arc on the French a'yle,
f.otnir'g an entrance to a balcony in front, whiih
makes a pleasant recess. Pnrtirular attenfKn hat
'. een given to the bids and bedding, whici, wilh
the furniture, are entirely new.
From year' experience in hotel busies, wi
"ust, by strict assiduity tc businevs, rornake this
house a desirable stopping place. Ihjr t.iblo w ill
ulwaya be supplied with the very heat our market
can atl'ord, and our bar w ith the beet liquors ami
w ines nf the most approved brands.
P. S, There are first rate stabling ur.dcsrt ag
houses altached to the hotel, attu'.ided by ca tful
and sols-r hostlers, and our charge, will be low, lit
accordance with the present haij time.
Philadelphia. April 16, 18-Vi.
njlHE subscriber respectfully informs the puhiie
H that he h puichaseil, aoj now occupies ike
Commodiou aaf-rii Munu,
Well known as the properly, late of Theodore
Wills, sud formerly kept by Samuel A. Biady.
He is now prepared lo uccominodate all traveller
and visiters who may favor him wiih a call, and
will use evTiy elliirt in his power to render every
Convenience sod comfort lo his Customers,
under his charge. His accommodation are ani le,
and bis rooms well furnis'ied. His stable fxnsn
.....l ... . i . i.,
I Hutu OMiitllli'...
TaRua. ami lUn will be supldi J wilh U
beet thai the market Cull sllord. Bv punctuality
ihe patronage of the public.
Cattawis-a. A pi it 'Jlh, IS12.
itoiu itT iin rit v),
r apeh MANurACTuncnih
l.imibnrxt Slretl) Hattimvte
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper nTah
si7i and qualities, t.'ai. Writilig Psper tub d
i ami plain, l.ener i per, wt.ue anu line, ruiro si n
1 . ,, ... ,, ..i. a
plain, llaiiging t aper, one anil common, l.nviiopti
Paper, do. do. medium, doub ciown, cr..n and
exustofed Wiupp'.ng Papers, Colored Medium and
KoVal Pspe.a. Boiinet, Hinder' nnd Snaw Rot
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all arOelca in their lmi
whnh they will sell un accommodating tsrnit.
H tlis-l puce given f.r old ran.
Mreh 19,1643. riktoe.Ml