Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 24, 1842, Image 3

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'Vffice of tht Dcrrnom Ambics, Dec. 10.
FtiOUR. Susqiterianru Flour hi hifld at f ,25.
GRAIN We -continue to quote Md.csi. Wheats
it 85 90 4ke litter tit strict prime lota.
)thrr torti sell lower a m quality. Sales of tolh
vhite and yellow Corn et 41 cts. in J of slot of
Sastern Shore f M J. Ryo at 4 7 cm. fates of VI J.
Jats at 33 23 cm.
MrtMKRTint Ciki)h. TTwliocliei-ef fl CTea
ed beings nee tieressteally undergoing spctrta of
i volutionarj change. il is therefore vident, that
n order to facilitate tkia periodical -change, the tiit
jral outlet of the body must he kept In proper
(iiiditinn ; for if the noxious humor are allowed to
ojotim too long in the hody, they become exec
ively sharp end coirosive, occasioning live most
rrible and fatal disorders, which frequently mtail
ears of suffering and anguish. When this m the
ase, I would conscientiously recommend to such
.ie immediate use of the Brandreth Vegetable V
ivcrtal Pilhn tnedkine which ha attained its
resent standard of js fulness, SiaVly from its ex
celling military properties; these Pills laving in
uth nothing more than an assistant of nature,
tuning her to do that which is required to f roikiee
healthy condition of the hody. Such being the
1st, it is evident that they can lie admidistercd
ith safety to advanced age, as well aa'to helpless
i fancy, nl invariably with tie came beneficial
Qj Purchase in Sunbury, of II, Tt. Masser, and
'ie sgerits publistied in anoiher part of this paper.
.TT .f IS K f K It .
RV virtue, of sundry wrtts ofVtnditioni Brpiv
Tfas issned ot ef t)ie Court of Corn mem Plsss
ol Nertrsnmberlans1 county, to mo directed, will He
exposed to pvhtic sale at the Cssert House In the
fsormrgli of Hnnhury, on Monday the td flay of
Jannary next, at 13 o'cforV, tnftjn,) the following
described property, to "wit
A certain tract of larrA, situate In Atigtsta town
ship, Northtrmherlarvd county, adjoining lands of
Jacob BsrtsTitr, Adam Shisslcr, and others, land of
Iftiiry Voxtheimer -and others, containing 135
acres, mtwe or tens, whereon are erected two large
two story Dwelling Houses ami Kitchen, a la ge
Bank Barn, Waggon Khed and Granary, Lime
Kiln and other out buildings, two wells of writer,
and an orchard. About 80 acres sf aaid land are
Also t A "Certain tract of land situate in Augus
ta township, Notrhomherland county, adjoining
land of Adnm Shissler, Jacob Snyder, Jacob Bart
slier ami others, Land of Henry Yonhcimer, con
taining 134 acres, more or less. About 00 acres
of said land are cleared.
Also: A certain Lot of ground, sittlols In the
borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northumber
land, bounded on the north by Market stitet, south
by an alley, east by lot of Henry Masser, Est)., wet
by lot of Wdliam McCarly, whereon are creeled a
large two Htory Brick Hou-e, occupied oa a store
and dwelling house, brie It anil frame Kitchen, fr.tme
Store house, log Suite, and other out buildings, and
a imp nf water.
Also : Two certain Lots of ground, iiae in tht
borough ofSunburv andciHinly of NorthumlHrland,
"hounded noilh by Dlucklicrry street, sHlh tty an j
alley, east by lot of A. Jordan, Esq., west by lot of
Mrs. rwney, whereon are erected a large brick
On Tuesday the 13th Hint., by the Rev.G. Berks- ' end log Dwelling House, and Kitchen.
eser, Mr. JosKrn h. tarkKLKT. or Hlonmsbnrg, j Also: Two certain f.ots of ground, situate in
Miss Ji lia A. Mkiuk, of Bloom towniii, , ,.e i,f(,uari r Sanburr. NorthumlierUnd countv.
Also: A certain tract of unimproved lnd, situ
ate in Conl township, Northumberland county,
bounded on the weatlry larnls surveyed In thtnumt
of EHther Oamer, land of David P. Gordon on tha
south, and land aurveyed tn the name of Wiriiam
reen nn the north, containing 40r teres, mirre or
less. Neiel, taken in execmlorv, atid to be aold
as the property of William 8ilvi.
FELIX MADRtin, Sheriff
Sheriffs Offict.
Sunlmry, Dec. 10, 1R43. $
iiisT or CAUSES.
IOR trial in the Oorjrt of Common Pleas of jlnr
thninlierland Ponntv, H Tie held at HunMity,
on the first Monday of Jan. nxt, bring the 3d.
Joseph Trtgo
Yatea 9c Mctntyfe
George Armsirong
Maitin Weaker
Hullihen A Elsten
Com'th A Jordan
tnme for J Bowman
ys Mattin A Htock
va F.dward Y Bright
a Thro ffhamokiit Coal o
va Daniel Beck
va John Miller
va Geo W Kiehl et at
va Same
Same for Wm DepssncV Co vs Same
Kobcrt W iley Si wife vs Ueot(e Snyder's wdm a
vs John Unas
'olnmliis county
tin the 13th inst., liy the Kev. J. P. Shindel,
1r. 1) I :t Ulooi , to Miss I.rim Cvr, both
On the 1 5th inst., bv the same. Mr. Joav Ciabk
Miss Masoahv.t Hr.aTT.rt.. both of Augusta.
In Turhut township, on the 8th inst., by the
lev. M. S. Miedilen, Mr. Majou K. Swkbmt, to
fi)s Ki.i7.taF.TN Tr-snnooK, both of Turlsat.
i i r: d,
In tliis place, on Sunday evening last, HENRY
MJU II ER, aged about SO years. A large num
er of the society of Fieeoiaons, of which the de
rated was a member, attended his funeral, and
rulked in p'oce-fion to the grave.
In Point township, on the 15th inst., JAMES
.EMON. aged about SO years.
In MifTlin township, Columbia countv, on the ult., WM. WOOD, aged about 5 years.
In Milton, on Saturday the Huh inst ,M AKJ.
JET CLARA, daughter of lamrs and Maty Co
ert, aged I year, 4 months and 10 days.
In Leuishtirg, Union county, on the l?ih inst.,
bound"d smrth by l)ewlrry street, norih by an al
ky, west l y lot of Rhorabschs, and east by lot of
, whereon are erected a two story brick
House, Oaiix" potter iJaoji, (tame Aside, and a wll
of water.
Also : A certain part ofl.ot. No. 13f. situ its in
llm borough ol Sunbury, in the county of Northum
berland, bounded norih by Dewbtiry street, souih
by on alley, esst by bit of lewia Dow art, Esi., ami
wial ly lot of rollnwra. j
Also : Three certain Ita of ground, situate in
Coal towr ahip, Nortliumlierland county, in the j
town of Shamokin, in that part laid out by A. Jor- J
iian, anil othels, to wit: INott. ivy), till nml
402, Irounded sihiiIi by R.iil Road, west by
elleet, north by stieel, east by an alley,
whereon art erected a large dwelling and s'ore house,
one and a half ftorie htRh, and a laige two tory
kitchen, and a well of water.
Also: A certain Lot of ground sittta'e in Coal i
township, Northumberland county, in the town of
Nhamokin, in that part laid nut by A. Jordan, Esq.
and others, to wit: No. 403, bounded south by the
consort of Abram ' R'' RlU north by street, west by lot of
John Sherilf
John McCabe
M'ty Weeks
(Charles D Wharton
Henrv Huff
E G Bradford's admra
Purs. I fc rfouts
A W Johnson t l D Cnmmings
Thorria Biiggs ct at
Jam! Irvinn
Wm A L'oyJ
Cooper A Snyder
Abraham Sharick
A (irahain's tx'ia
John Mturay
Jscoh Kline
(JenC WelVer
John S Martr.
Thus R Bonharn
Jno R KeltbT, Beck
Isa ir Ko.ins & Co
George Hfll
William T Bovd
Daniel Roadarmel
Wm MieiteKus rt al
Jiicoti Shita
va John Monehead
va Byeily cV liana
va John Smith
vs Christopher Campbell
Vs Charles A Bradford
vs Frederick Birkenbine
vs Jno C Uovd et al
vs Benjamhl Mathews
vs Robert McKee
x-s Artman V Kncrr
Vs Martin A Stock
n Snsholtt ft. Bergeiresser
va Jno oV II M Djvw.mi
va John Painter
vs Jesse Bastian
vs Joseph V auk irk
vs Jscob finss
vs Nolomon Eshhsurh
vs t'atolino Nourse
vs John Murray
vs T A T G Aslibridge
va Reulien Fagely cV tlo
va George Hill's oxV
vs O P Pincr
x-s Danrel 7,itIw et al
va Wm H Miller
va Jno Stout A: K Flick
vs Johh Strmt
Bergjiresssr cV Campliell vs 'P fit T G Ashbridae
t'otn'th uf Pa
S mie
Jno M HoiHel
Benjamin Mathewa
Susannah HosrtT
Thos Woods
Jno B Miller
Kase V Bergstre a.T
Flach, assignee of Ar
M M Ege s asiinire
va t lemiiig VV I'olliK'K
va Henrv Fiiek
vs Fleming W Pollock
va Henry Frick
vs Jacob 1Vci
va Mrs M Scott
vs Enoch H ower s nt.ito
vs Andrew Forsythe
vs Charles Craig
vs Same
s un, iiu i ki:tibllck,
"WJERY RESPECTPf 'LLY leas leave to In
y firm his rntnmera and the ptiblic generally,
that he atill continues the
in hTl Its viumiis branches. In the shop, nearly np
Jtositt the Buck Tavern, formerly nccnpiril by
Henry Hsss MiS hiinsir, uiiilor the firm of linns
At Ilrm'kemilleT, whtrh firm hia been mutually dip
served. 11 hop's, by his long txpiYience in the
Xlwre Tiiisine, anrl airict aTtfntmn theielo, to ren
der Btneral astiafactitrn, Und Ttwive a lilieTal abate
of rftt4rc patronsge.
Snnbory, Vli,'lS13. fim.
.learner, in Ih 45th year of hoc age,
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxtheitiier.
-, and cast by lot of-
CoRV, .
PoK, -
" Bkkswat, -
' Tallow, -lni;ii
Arpir.s, -
Do. Pkachls,
Flax, - r
Hkcklid Flax,
Ei:, - -
' 3.r)
vs Hugh M Davison
vs Same
ProMionotirv's OlTice. Preth'y
Sunbury, Dec. IT. IS 13.
Also: Part of a certain Lot, No. 410, situate in
Coal township, Noithumr-ertand county, in the
town of Shamokin, bounded on the west by the
Branch Rail Road, noith by the Dnnville and Potts
vrlle Rnl Road, and on the e ist by a lot of James j continues to keep bouse of public entertain
Shortle. Seir.ed, taken in execution, and to be aold I niem. at her old stsnd in Sunbury, slid is well
Tavern olire.
To the Ihnnrnhle Elli Iwi. lttf., Prrnulent,
and hi Atrintex,Jn!eoflhe. Court nf Quar
ter Sections, nf the eaunly uf Xurthmnotrhmd:
fllUE petition of Elirabeth W eitT.el ol Sunbury,
.1. in add county, humbly repiesents, that she
as the property of Henry Yoxthcimer.
Also: Twelve certain Lota of ground, situate in
the borough of Sunbuiy, Northnmberland countv,
1W. 'l it, V.tM, V.ltf, 'iHtl, -41, 24 1, Hi,
3f.ri, St'iti, 2fi7, 2fi8, bounded south by Pokebeiry
street, north by Gooseberry alley, now the Danville
and Potlsville Rail Road, tast by Deer street, and
west by an alley.
prepared for the accommodation of" travelers, ic
She tberefoic prays your honors to grant tier a li
cen-s to keep a tavern, durng the t'lii-uing year,
ii.l ahe will pray, iVc.
To tb. Jrsnrs isovr. mkvtiovku: The suh
nrribers, resiileuts of Sunbury, hereby cenilv, that
Elizatt'tli Weiiyel, the applicant for the bren-e.
is a lailv of good repute for honesty and temper-
mo: m-j- z2 "w
acircoMxiwCr cotjmtv,
lHE Hi,heribcT respecifuTly informs his firetid
JL ar d the puldic in general, that ho haa taken
the above
r n the iiniiob'tui t)F Mt;NcY,
and that he is now well prepared to ccnrmnouite
all who may favor him with their r-nstom.
His Si vnsi A pa htm wnts ate well aired, and
HisTASLf Avn Bas will a'wsys I rjpplb-ri
with the best the maiket ran aflbnl.
His Rtasiiss, which is i-ood. will be under
tl't chsTge of .md and csiefnl hostlers.
He feels t onfiiletit, bv rlrkt attention to t tlinea.
nnd an earnest desire to render c tnf irt iMt 'U,e
who may patronize htm, that he will not f .il togive
general sahsfi. tion. H. B. WEAVER
JVfuncy, Oct. Is', lSlO.if.
" A " "C ARB.
Dr .?. Vf. Pml btgsltart to ttnibi I i- grate
fnl ai kiinwetlgments to the people of Sunt u y
and surrounding country, foi then past rnrmi' ure
ment in the line or his pTirlession ; and wmuHI at
the same time announce to th it he -till in
tends to Ponlinne the prartice of medicine in ill its
various departments He would, therefore, snlieit
a coi)inu!inee ofihrtr confidence and patronage.
lie may he found at all times at his olTire, m mar
ket street, unless professionally eng iged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, l4'i if.
mumvm, reading and pottstsie
W ill commence rvnrrnff hrlveen I'hiltrittjihta
ntl i'ultxvilir on th' flUciiig dnyn
ami linum :
r avTi r Movtut, 'I v 8 1S42.
t.eavinj P.i vilfe, on More' y, M sd ja
and Tridays, V ' J A M.
JrtMVii.g I'b'il ideipha, nn Tv t dsys Ti'ii .ytd i'ys
and Satur.lavs, st l P. M.
tfn'iri a)riMw 7?f idi: g
For I'Mtsiieip: is, nt to .a m
For Potta'vilh!. at ftj V. M,
I i K'we. V '
fj it a a
Between P.i't.xille cV llnlada. At fi.'M
P.tweeu Heading Ac A,-. SAS St 1,7ft
Between do V PoVaVille. ,40 V 100
I'xruniov Ties k rs anon nm him :i-tj
vrxr int.
netvecii VdTt-vill- V I'lol.iilelplda. fS on
Between K'sdiun oV. do. 3 (Ml
Betw.;r: dj. V Pnt's;lr, i()
Th other ps.arrfter rstf a will as Uf.oa, at
t fo1oiv1n'h'rTiirs :
Philadelphia anit p'ntt-vllt.
Fri-m Phi'adeliilii t
1'lic 1'Iimm ratt or Xnrlliuuibci
Innrt Count y
ARE requested to meet at the Cmitt House in
Sunbury, on the first Monday of January next,
it t e'dock, P. M. Bv order of the
Dee. 21th. 1KH3.
Last Notice.
ALL those who are indebted to the sulncriher,
are reipi.'-sted to call and make settlement, on
or before the 10th day of January next, by paving
up or givini: their notes or due bills, as he is in
want of rash, and determined to have his accounts
,-ttled. The aecounla of all those refusing to com
ply with this request, will be left in the hands of a
iivigivlrate for collection, without respect to per.
sons. D m't It deceived.
Dec. 24, 1842 3t JOHN YOUNG.
Public Notice;
A isir-t P.ntr (Arlitn T.iMai rtf nfitmiii ttil itn in
Ihetwni..!. .n.l .l..r...i.l . tf,U -711 lnct, and is Wi ll provided wiUl hoUKC rOom Hil l
271,272. bounded south by Blacklrry alley, nurth I ouivenieiicea for the lodging and accommodation
by PoUebe.ry street, west by an allev, and ca,t by I ,f "Iranctra nnd travellers, and that a puMu-houe
Uiver utrc.M, partly -ovnred by water. Sr;xeJ, to- I
ken in execution, and to be sold as the property of ,
the Danville and Pottsviile Kail Rosd Company.
Also: A certain tractor piece nf land, situate
in Shamiikin township, Noilhumberland county.
there is necessary : they therefore teeoniim lid her
as a proper person to be licentcJ to keep a public
TAKE NOTICE, that on tht 20ih day of De
ccmlier, 1R42, we purchased, at const ddc'i
Hale, hitd by Edward Ga-s, cnntahle for the lav
rough of Sunbury, the following property of Joseph I nnd the Shamokin Creek, c- ntaining 5 acres, mme
bounded by a roa I b ailing from Snydertuwn to the of Wil lain Wateis, dee'd , the Sha-
in. kin Creek on d ti e Rail Road, containing 17
acres, more or less, whi reon are erected a large two
stiiiy Dwellirg House, plastered. Kitchen and a
larje Barn, and a wi ll f water. Neatly nil of said
laud is cleared. S, ized, taken in executiim, and
to I ie eold as the properly of George Kresger.
Also: A etitatn Lot of ground, situate in the
borough of Northumberland and county of North
umlierlaiid, containing live acres, more or less,
hounded north by West Way, a.iuth by the Wel
Btanch of the River Susquehanna, west by a lot
of J nines Kay, nnd on the east by the Road hading
to the r.ver, whereon are erected a large two story
Brick Mill, and Dwelling House, known by the
name of tht College. Seized, taken in execution,
;,.! :c '.. S-iU i-mpeity uf Joiah Cha',
Al-o A certain Lot or piece of land, t-iiu.ite in
Auuusta liiw nhhin, Nor'humberland county, Imund-
ed hy Lot of lleury Ma-si r, Lot of Jaeeb Painter,
(eo ge Br'mht,
Jacoh Painter,
David T. Trites,
Joseph Eis' ly,
E. (ireeiioug'i,
.Ka nui I D. Jordan,
Dec. 17lh. 1842.
Thomns A. U llington,
Henry Maer,
H. B'. Masser,
Peter W. Gray,
John Bogar,
Wm. L. Dcwart.
Mar 17., to wit :
Tavern Aolicc.
7' the lloHorahle Ellin Istris. Etq., Pre'idait,
and hi Atxintex, Judges of the Court of Qtuir
frr Se.iion$ of the eoniity of Xartkumbtrhmd ;
ftliE Ktition of Frederick Raker, of Little Ma
JL noy, in aaid county, humbly represents that he
oi cup es a commodious house on the rond leading
to Pntt-.ville, in said township, and is well prepared
for the accommodation of travellers, Ac, He tlieie
fore prays vour honors to grant him a license, to
keep a tavern during tht tnsuing vear, and he will
To Tits Jt-nr.ra ixsvt M.TioFn : The suh
acrilers, residents of Little M.ihonoy.hc eby cvrlifs,
thnt Frederick Raker, the applicant for license, is a
man of good reputo for honely ami teinierarice,
Dr. I. T. TrltM, Re-piTtfully 4nf...mthe
citirrns of Simlimv and vicinity, th.i' be t as a
kenan ntb.-ein the building latelv -.vcuoied by Peter
Lat irils as a drne sMte, in market streil.Sii hurv,
where he may be f.utid at all hours, unless profes
aionnllv enaajed.
DR. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for the
enroiirsBement he haa received, in the line of hi
profession, in this place, and trut', by prompt au
tentton to the duties of his profession, and reason
able rharges, that he will continue to receive a
lilier il hhare of the public patronage.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, IH42. tf.
puoTOfi Et Amir, .tj t:r
So. 17H Chrsnut Siren, th .Vort,,
TatTANi r At -i t HKii .r D.i'ivr.nxr.o-
if H TYPE APPARATLS. S.,r,.nl an t M t
mature Cases, Importer of French Chsm cs' id
double ver plates for the Dagnerre. tvpe, "die '
thi- method of informing the cilix ns of Noribe'ri
I'ennsv Ivarita. thnt bo rarrii s on the .itinve nisin, ss
exti nsively, in all Us vsriou" branches Person
desirous of oblaiuinij any of the above a'tir es, cun
be proinptlv supplied, on the lowes'. terms, for cs-h.
All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate
Ma. G 15. LILLE HR'DGE, now trsvellin- in
the Northern part of the State, will promptly at
tend to all orders, give necessary infonoati. ti ami
Photographic instructions to anv person on set d
ration to him. Aucut fith, 1849.--Am
ESPEC I FI'I.LY informa the public thnt he
has tnadn Northumberland his permanent
place of residence, and is ready to attend to any
calls in the linn of his profewion.
July 2, 1842. Iv.
on his ovrn nou.
"pEsPECTFI LEY iiif-,.m bi fnn, I . U-
- publ c generally, t .1 he tins t omir.i i.r i d f r
Tailoring U u a i it ' s ,
at 6 A.M. i
Fr -m l'.iti v.ile. ,i t P. M. 5
Hours of putting Rtuding.
For Potilie, at 9 A.M.' J
For PhtU Vll.his, at 3 P. M. S
All 'he 1 1 sins will stop for way passengers
tl.a usual poi its.
tfj- All passengers lira requested to yrocare
Iheir ticket WWre the trairts s?ar.
May 21, 1S42. if.
UTS.M irCoach
von roTTKVifsU:.
rililE Mail Coach I r f'ottsville leaves Northum-
lTlaud every moto'iio "t U lock, an J arriv
in Pottsviile in the eVi ning
F a k a biw ns , ny o 'v r line.
For seats, applv at Mrs, Wellington's Hotel,
N.Ktbumbr rland, o' at George Weilzel's, Sunbury,
NorthM .May 81,184. Prnprietvrs.
Cry Passengers coming from Philadelphia will
p'ta-e secure their seats at the White Swati Hotel,
H ice St., before (hey leave the citv. Passengers
corning in this line, have tin ir seats secured in any
l njeor Packet boat from this place, Thicroining
in the other line may lie left behind.
Itlnnk Itooti Mnunf urtory,
Opposite iVtnce's Ihtil,
rOHEY are pri pantt to manufacture "n'siik work
1 of every description, ruled to any pattern, aurh
as Docket Records. Day Books. Ledgers, Asses,
ors' nd Crdlertors' Duplicates of the finest quali
ty ol i eier. in a tyb' equal to any nude in the ci
ties of Philadetpt'ia or New York.
.Ml di srriptinr of binding neatly xerutcil.
Scrap Books. Minims vel Pen folios made .. -La
v B "k-. Mn mi l I'l'ri" ' e I ' . . i v
pattern. Old B ill, rebound A' . Als f:
pipers b'Mit.J
rjj V i rk 'efi et tht nffice , f 'h rVioburv Ar.--.
;"i, . f i! t-. i ! -ill !. tten I i 1 1.
M x 2it. !-:, !..
' - v-t3flltt PA.
Buafntsj aifeniled to in thj Counties of No
thuivl trtanJ, I'rjioti. Lvcnmlnt; and Columbia.
' 'lletvr tn'i
THnKta HittT it Co.,
'. Luwan cV Bitrnosr,
Hist, Cr stviriyns-eY ITat, PAitat.
HsrsoLrs, McFahlasp & Ci
Sess'i &, eoto Sc Co.,
J. II A YL AND, JH. tStbo.
ntill' nml Tobacco Mannlat-f orei-,
.V). U9 AorfA West corner qf llacc and Thi-d
I'lTI'. undersigned have formed CS-psrlnrrsIiip
under the firm of J. MAYLAND, Jn. oV Ci,.
as successors to the hte firm of Juetifi Mayhnd 4
Co., and wi Continue the busitit.-a at the old tsta.
btisbmerit, on their otrn account. In sddi(:on to
their own close attention and experience for mary
years, in the manufacture of tlioir ctfebrated r.iufl" ,
iVr., the long experience of the senior part iter' of tl.o
I -it. firm, will also la) deVolcd to the interest of the
nt concern .and aa no exertl.m and eart WII be
spired to insure their goods, at al" times of !?re ve
ry best qnality, they solicit a enitinlianre rrf the
confidence of the li ends and customers of Iho lute
riiitsdelplifa, May KlM, 1y
.Yo. CO Nrrrth Third, above Arch Slrfc
for vNtv 'rrttsos'.v
"t 11 A RLES W EISS, late of the White PwH,"
en I "Mjutlt Ytrnorf House," respectfully in
forms his friends snd customers, thnt be l asbrrhmo
the proprietor of the abots wall known Hole!.
Country Merchants will find the above Ilo??l a
central location, and tire best nf fare, l'rmrir,' .ra
velling with private coTiVeyanct will find a T.'.rge
yaM hnd good stabling Jfbr horses, and tha fifth cf
oslHs. Bbarding f 1 frerday.
May 14ih,-184. tlvsra
So. 237, A'orfrS Third, nhn Cullou-hit!' St.,
TH E subscrlbera takea pleasure in nco'vntir ?
their friends atrfl the public in gerer , thnt
they have taken the large and cotamoitiouR Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. IIrt,on the site
once becupitd by the old estHblisbcd JluteS known
as the Bull'a Hoad lit Third atiret boVj ''Jallow
hill al.
This Kntel Is fintsrsd in the vrtj possiblo
manner, and of the host matermls. Irs 'V.-ntion ie
very desirable, particularly for country "rrl.'rchants :
the arrangrmenrs fer heatir.g and vefttiln ing rach
roorn ia such aa to secure any terrerat1-rt. 'I'he
lievlrd.imsaro all light and fry. al! !ilS'sl:rd in a
neat style, so as to Insure comfott.
The receiving parlors are a'o fjinUtd in hi-'
perb style, the windows are on the French s'vle
forming an entrance to a ba' Cony in 'front, nhiJ)
makes a pleasant rrtess. lYrttcUr attenrion lis
1 or-, ffiven to tht beds and. bedditf , which, with
: i. fu'iiituTr, are entirly r e-.
t-r . - yer tirerievee 'ri b Vl besinssa. vr
i 'H-t assidiijly t l';r:r, tonnki th1
u. ;
t.v t r.i x.'-,i
U i' i s ' I i t
itmmIiiUs I r k 1 uth' i C s ;
I bird d I' !-.- -ire- vvl .
w.iii rpm b Ln m v
eornpsi'V. 1 b- E ivb 11 n ' ,
eni, ami fifi it--ir. tt.t ' e t i.
provided vw'h a l.iru- n k; 1 . r ,.f
f 'ttif rt b'e ; itiL' '...irtineni .
,. ibn stcyppine p' -t-.
vs :e i:-.dis(l with I! t r.rv
P ' ' a" niir bit w 1
st spprovc'
r a are first rfi . j
- - a ., jt d to the 1 '
. '.-- 'era. and ov ' r-
vith the pres i '
Iptiia, April !f - M .
C'tr t .ble Wi'.l
1- s1 cur trisrtel
' !u linitnS aii.l
-rtttt aco
! w . . ' , tr
T7. a' r.r.u
I '
I ' k '. v .s.i rnr
i re. i,..t i t !
-" '.) ri i.!1, i 1 1
;. 'i f H . ' S' 1 I
'in-. pi:vv..'
.-1 -t .it. bo
:.t i ! CX-
r 'ir n st i.!"
. Kin '1 ui'le
e ;: 'i ki t ;,f.
,.i .1:. ! i". . r
I.S.i. 11. ,:rl
4 ! 1 ' a ' ' -,i 1 1
il it--;
. f., ,
Will '. I' .1 i l'.s'
fonts, si t
Itijnr-' 1 ,.src.
p "ssr e. y re. 'r r
III-"' it . ;l SiOl', r ' '.i.i!-'
' . 'r.e s lus-e in tbe bus rt' sh r
wit1 i- n r : ventent dist ,n
and Wt'liamspori and Klmir i
!-nilii if tit. b-isit'liiiK pro iJc.t..iti.i k ti 1 tnistv
o-Iters .(wavs tn ;tlei;daii.-e. I
Alit'i'tve, i.r. O' n-atine and iieiie-t Si rv nitrj
havi t een i-u ,-ibived. Hid ien in.1 i.e t'. !
ii'. a -!d i. c.i: 'nit add :."c Rimiuiti.ti-n u a.
I t re i 1 in- a r vr'.Kg-' aiwavs in atte Janet at
HE suhscrib'r re.-pectfulby informs the ptibbri
that he han purchascvL, ad now occupira tkt
IJi It k
Tavfrn l.nnlti
riT.-.i.ffv, tale of Theodo?
4 Chairs, fO J5
1 Bureau, 00
1 Coiner Cupboard, 5 77
1 Brown Maie, 40 00
1 Halt.r, 0 25
I Bay Mart, J5 (Kl
1 Halter, 0 ft I
1 Clmk. 8 25
16 Ililshels Corn, at 43 ct. per bu. G PS
or less, whereon are i ree'ed a one and a half eb ry j ktrangers and travellers, nnd that a public house
there is ne 'essary. 1 hey theretore recommend turn
aa a proper person to be licensed to keep public
and is well provided with house room and conve- in all its blanche, in ,ne houi-e f,irrin.ri nccup.tu
n.eniei for the lodging and accommodation of j by Wm. Durst as il Tailor Mmp, in Blai kturr.
f'.t 8R j
The puld c will therefore take notict, that we I
have loaned the above named articles to Joseph J
Marlx, of AuguMa township, Northumberland couii- ;
ty, as purchat-cd bv us at constable's rale, and that j
they are held by bini in no other way. j
I II A I . I l.l.Mt..H 1 ,
Punbuiy, Dec. 31. 1M2.
Brewery and Dwel inn House, with a spnng of wa
ter in the cellar, and a leg and frame Stable. Seir.
ed, taken in execution, and to Ie sold as the pro
perty of Philip and Cotlirb Biymiie.
Also : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in
Turbul township, Northumberland county, adjoin
ing land of Jacob SSechler, (ieoige Waggoner,
Philip Rsup, and others, containing 100 acres,
more or less, whereon are erected a two story
Dwelling House and Kitchen, and a one story .
Dwelling House, a large Uarn, and other out liuibl.
ings, a wi ll ol w ater, and an orchard. Nearly all !
of said land is cleared. Seized, taken in executi' n, !
and to be sold as the property uf John Dinius and
Jacob Dinius.
(ieorgt Sweinhart,
Wm. Derr,
Jonathan Peifer,
(ieotge IL nixel,
Wm. Rothermel,
(!e rge Wagner,
Doc. 10th, 1812.
liaiiicl V iir:iairM llibtlt
Joseph Ilaush,
Jonathan Dunkelberger,
W.imuel Wagner,
iSolomon ll'jukelbc:grr,
John Peifer,
Peter Waijner.
street, nearly op.iosite the Prsb aiirian I 'buret
11c respwitiilly ,ilicts a aliaie of the public patron
age, and tr'jsla by strict s' n husii es and
reasonable rt a jjes, be will be eunbbil to give gen
eral atislaction,
Sunhwy, June ISth. lPtO ly
.; ..t
t y
.,.,'. I.
.Hid K '
en Miown as r.e riT.-.prfv, Inte or
ells, and fornie'lu lieii i.-j ftnmiwl . Bind v.
HV is nt3w propar,. tr, HoV. nmuiuate all travellers
s'id visiters who r,,Dy f:v . , !,n with a call, and
v !! n rciy cflbrt in :'-- t-i'- er to ti tuler ertry
c '".i rii i;r0 , . . j wmr,. ; 'j ;s customers, Vrhil
'.!.. Bniit l. ii.'..r t. em.vey .assei gera to and. from
th- Il"-1M , fr-.? ' t chh'Ce.
I ll KLEs BORnws.
M-v 14t'.. 1-12.
iff'et ilia charge. His n-i-in ino 'attons sre ample
n 1 !;ts r,..,nia Well furnished. Ilia stables txtert
'J'oa.v' (nml cort.'ition.
I H 1'.i m vt nnd UaU will be supplied with trio
ic- f: a'. :b.i' insiket can slTord. By i, uncfualitv
' . I anei f on, f,s tecls rrt;tident tnat bewtiimeni
the pa'rotiojfs of the public.
Cattaw isss, April Olh, 1S41j
l' C'oiiiilry
4m an m m sfsp a ha ssj r
1VJL Xi iv sj jti ja. X i u .
t ot I Vnn V, M il
Manuf ii turers. fur Neiv Yi.rk, I'hd delpbla.
THE ubrl!.r, Ami
Baltimore and iilirr lafje e.ries, vvlosr
me. & cc,
Comiiiisficn it rr aanllnrr Merchants,
root of Will, , ,S7r.e Rail Hood,
'V rilK I A 1. 1 V A Hi:,
I I AIN'i os-ocmtiil wi ll tinin. Jo eph liarnet.
- I
tieorpo IotiR'n rotate.
111 IE sutisrrirsi'rs hereby give notice to all per
i. tons ituWMed to aid estate, or having de.
tnands aaain-t the game, that they will meet al the
hettst ef said deeeaaed, on Tuesday and Wednes-
I II.. A . . . . -.....- . , . . . .1 1 i
I ,. , , . . i. T . - i .. k..i ill quested to present Ibt'lii, and those wlm urf in
ract o land, .Kua.e ., Co.l townsh.p No hum. iUln, to pay their account, to the M.b
j berland county, on shamokin creek nd the Centre j . ' ,.,
. 'V LL- l?....J;n...rt I ..,.1 r.1 l,,.lna 11-.. I ' ' - I
iiiiopiKc o.ij.Miiii. ... tfu- mi Ju
. t.fl.
has on band a lir-t rate ibseitiii 'nt d A ' d
C.V I'S. luitalde fi r t-ipr -u s i'e , i n It'. hi
to dm ubcriber. V'Y "i t"'"' """ " "'
erfiip j.''i;v, An. ll, iMirt.l I li ; l s i ,. , p
"TIIT1CB ia heinv c'.veu. ihat the lii-iiivtet nf I highly cuir.incn.te.i .r ennt a,,r tu
1 thia county has this day hi .nted letters of ad- i
uiinisiati,ii upon the estate .f 1) itiii-l Furman, lalt '
of Mniiiinkiil township, dic'd., to die ubcriber.
All persona having demands the c-lte, are I
i t i!in rtn 1 1
,n Martin, h n
.1, ..(.... II .,..1 IM.,1. 11..!,, . .
lllV i, i mci
til I II. nii.M . -
f rd's heirs Aichibald Mt Caul and In :,(J sutveyed
to Merrick ?Uir, containing 475 ticnv, niote or le.s
with the improvemeiiU thereon eitcled, coinmuiily
called RitTi it's Tare ru.
Also : A ceitain tract of unimproved land. aitu
ate upon the waters of ihm. kin creek, in Co .l
day the 3tth and 28th Decvmltr, inst., for the j township, Nnrlhuml-rhud county, bounded by
purpose of making settlement. 1 hose w ho neglect lands late of David r . Cordon on the wot, I ho
this ni-tice, will after that period have their ac
founts placed in the hands of a magistrate for col
Dee. 17th. 142.
l'jitnte ol ficorgc Mails,
"WTOTHJK is hereby given, that letters of admin.
istraiion on tbe estate of Oeorgo Watts, Es'i ,
l ite of the borough of Nortliumlierland, have been
granted to the aubarrilier, lesiding in Sunbury.
persons indebted to said esta'e ate irqursted to
rnako immediate payment, and ihoe having claims
gainst the ts'ate are t quested to present thetu for
rxsmitiatwi) find aelllemeut.
tJnbury.Die. 11, 18 12 l I
maaCadwalluder on tht east, and William Boyd,
Burd Patterson At Co. on the north, containing
1769 acres, more or lias.
Also: A ceitain tract of unimproved land, aituate
in Coul township, Norlhnmttrland county, ImUnd
ed by lands f Thomas Cadwaltader on tbe West,
David F. Gordon on the esst, and on the mirth by
lands i-urvrycd un warrants in the namenf William
Toinliiison, Ueorg C. aliain and othets, Contain,
ing 17GS seres, more or less.
Also : A csilain tract nf unimproved land, situ
ate in township, Nurlbtitnberliind cui'my,
bounded by land of 'I'll mias ader on tht
esst, John Brady on the tioilh, and Thomas Cad
wallaJci un the witt( cuntsimng 400 jtn?, mure i r
Nov. IRth, 1812 Ot "J
ISulc ol owl 1.
George Wrtshanx for the use uf Robert II.
Hammond va. Thomat .Mlrn.
NoyrniKR Uth.
.i ) .
iv i.i iTy
ii t.- lv
N. D. tlideislor Hats in ihe r - 'i
altrnded to. Tin highest rii:e , n 'tr-vA
given fsr I'ur ikin,
Pi-iUdelphia, June 11.
i IWrj3H7J3:v2I2lai3r"
j l li petsuiis indebted to tbe Arm ot Lynn &
Hair s.urider tbe agency .t"l . Tn,
N moibm of Mr. Donnel, rule on the cre.l - j Hut and Cap Mriufaeurrrt.'S.- 40 North Third,
tors of Thomas Allen and sll otbera intrust I street. Phil .d. Ipb s, n. riqin.,,,., i imlllMi
d, to appear on the first day of next leim, and
show cau-e why the money rsised by the sale nf
the d fendain's real estate should ni t be di-tributeil
according to law. Bv the ('unit,
F'rotbnnoiary'a Ohice., Pruth'y.
ttunhury.Nov. 19. 1842. fit.
l vTiiT Il7 V7irr,
OFFERS hi prnfe-anoinil servicis, to the cilixens
nf .Sunbury, and vietnity. Ctlicu next door to
' tbe residenc of Revd. R. A. Fuller, wlieie be nnv
be f Min. I. U'des engsud IU discharging the duties
nl prole.nion. Itct S h, IfSl'J. if.
VFreaiiViippi i ol 'RUSE OLNTnl E .M TtcTpTTd
and for salt by II. ), HASSEK.
Nov. 18th 161V,
ate aetlteinelil il -h I .eo,,u Jih ,1,, .Hi,(eriber.
their legally an bome.i ng.-m, wh pv , mpnw.
eied to settle uud C,,l, rl account ol said firm.
jlyne 4U, lr.4'J.-n Ag"nt.
WAltu.wri:!) srrr.Rioii ru axy
other m:ak scmuhy.
RIIM.NA HEN RY LAN I) AC, h .viug rtnttd
f J? the Lime Kilns of Henry Mai-ser, In Sunbtiiy,
have now for sale the la st Lime in this part nf ti e
countiv, and will continue to keep cost.. inly on
hand liesh Lime for Pl.ineni.e,, But d tig ami fur
Liming land, on as renou,ible term, as call "be nud
anv where in the neiji hlioi hoi d.
Msy3l,Ih4i. J. sV 1. J-ANDAU.
ale ul 1. .si.ii,. Ph.. resi eett'irllv inl'.irm iheir
friends and rie putolc generailv, ihit they have ta. tarue and We'l known store and whiffet
Ra''roai', lately occupied by I
.'- v pii pose doing a (itneral
-"'' 1 ' ' v iiriiim Business, and bom
, t'.,r ! i. Ssi, ii. ... ,, lt. ,.iCe laitltf Cnnr.eCled
I wt'.h It d e ' nbl.c inipriivenitnts that have their
! nut et in the cuv, (hty flstter themsvlves they wiil
i ' utile l - do ' 'jhiness'TO'aS gre t,-l' tiot g'tatel ad-
vante.,-, .md upon as reasonable ttrnsss Inv other
I ll' use, ai,rl ibi v ssstne their fnemU th'it any Cnn
: aiguniv-nts made u them shh.l have their stru t at
I teiitlon, and un exeiVotis Span il to eive enttte salis
i fuel inn,
j Th.y art al p'.tpar. d to re. . -Ve ai d for ard
I gi'inls to any polio on lb- D l.i- oe and'th
j river, Wlwet ri Manch Cbui.k. I'-'Mon aid I'hila
! ill'!, his, via Deb.ware Divi-i, n v ' 1 rhicb Can Is;
' also, to anv lajint ml ilie Jut.i its I'.ver, nr North
nd VN'tst B'an. he- the li mm via Seluiyl.
kill and I'nion, or tho t'tiesapeuke and Tide Watei
"For ihe sciotiii.l.idaii.iii of Hosts cmiig nr go;
ifg via fA-hu tWill and Uuinii i alial. Me sjl
ill h. for towlti" U 'stum
S.hiivlkd r ni' d I th
W ill en bb- r r '.. is
vrilrd r i I'.- aw
Lembarii Mr let, Ilaltimore
HAVE constantly for sate, Vrinting Paper of al'.
aires and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rubd
and plain. Letter Paper, whi'.e and blue, ruled ard
(lain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paier, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and
extra sired Wrapping Pars, Colored Medium and
Royal Papeta, Uonmt, Binders' and Straw Box
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line,
which they will sell on accommodating terms.
Highed price given f.r old rags.
March 10. IS43. Elkton.Md.
tt tL SO H 3 JVC-
SunlHiry, YorlliuiialM'iJniitl County t
riXflE subscriber nupccifully informs the public,
1 thnt he has remove I to that large and commo
dious Brick House, on Market square, opposes thti
t'ouit House, (formerly kept by H train I'lice,)
where lis is now prepared to accommodate all who
in iv favor him with a call. Being that kful for
part favors, he hopes by strict Attention to business)
tj receive a liberal shate of public patronage. eVe.
Sunbury, March 5lh, l4
1411113 rLlME! LIIYCE I
flHE s'aliH. ribers are prepared to lurnish tarun r
1 and others with any quantity of Lime of a very
suptilor quality for land, or tlaitering, at tht fo
oat lowing very reduced prices, Vu: 8 cts. pr bpshi -I
the , for I and Lime; 10 cts. for the bent quality ot
Hi I ivvs'e 1 , a. s, 'lui, terii'g Lime, al the kdns, brlow the '.irnucb of Hun
ts ( have iheu produce deli- bury. They will also dohvrr, at sny piac- . .1: 111 tb-'
v. ni I their goods tft ippid al 1 borough of Sunbury. Lime lor land, al 10e. nts ptr
a s iv 1 1 i
h iiln e
7.1 (r
" 1 '!'
.!. "1
pile, s
Wib-an l!.i
V lb . -
tJrfn U.ri.l
1 or .
K' ur
F'Matvt., SA-y , tj
bushel, and Lima for plaisltiing at HJC'Mspef Tht subscribers have alv. a s 011 tvu.d, t
..." rt '. iniiiy of l,ime.;kU qindity is good, arid
" . i- : -ni stone ii not e;un!lid l y any It. the nt'itH
1 . 1 , 1
".-! HOl.l. v tvl Ivi.fv 1 KEMEKs
AiUiUi, Apul 2J, ibi