Fovi th Stw Ynrk jP",rw linHml I1ellteie..r'lTij n , ibnrd n L. s. lit lg f Ww. . We rr.-civo-l i-rf 'r:ni:ion Y4tiMif wrini-MU im. re-: s-t trnnsa-tton on beard the 17. S. Biig of V i, S.hji'-'-s, Capf. McKiirsj, Which rur readers vtid recollect arrived at 'his. port on Wedueaday In I fmm the Coast tf .'.din, Where ahe had been ci f'T or:a intuitu, tn ordet lo protect A- rrrrienn merchant vessel frnm tbe isrtrTwprion S Hrridt cruiser e urchins for daree. The So m.-u'lol Li'-erin cm the 21th of November smd t rc! i-. Tho-nn on her voyage hither. She :e''t i. Th tm.ia nu the 8'h ef Cecember ; and on thiil d iv the catfisj observed disorderly nigv.cmontu niTvinj the crew, which excited hia upi.4i of intended mutiny. He saw nothing JrBtiitef'lniw ,ivr, or sufficient to warrant, the arrest of any. Tin vontrn eJ hinirelf, therefore, with ordering all his office to Wear thou side-arms, and jjr..Tccedcd on hi voyage. He h-ul Veen out hut two 3sya when some Of the cr informed him of the rVi.-louca of a plot n boat J, whick was immediately to be put iei execu tion, Ttie plan wa to murder the Captain, the higher fjiicern and all other u-ho wnld not juin tkn'i.tontise Ike vctttl and convert her into a jiratt thif. She ia one of the iwifest jailers in the -tervice : and it waa tbu irp.psetl that ahe would I e moot C'iBp1rtt,fitted for the purpose to which they designed ahe ahould be applied. They juicidtd first to watch fot tone on of the Liver pool psckcte -expert! id tailYg -out large quan tity of specie to seiie upon and plunder her, and PteR ari I tor orse m(i.t remote portion ot tli sen. This information waa given to the Captain by one of those who had heen originally engaged in th !lot, hut had subsequent! ...Kiieisted and betrayed their murderous uWgn. .'. " V Thia waa on the 7lh of "Brccmlier. The Cap lian immediately ordered all handa on deck, and nrdcied those of the crew who wcie opposed to him 10 go tprin the forward deck. Vanned Midship nan Sratcsn, son of Suhn C. Spencer, our Srcre. fury of War, the flotitsitahi't Mate end the Ma i r at Arm's immediately led the terry, and were followed hy thirteen apprcnticca, and about fixtv ( the new. They arrayed thenwelvea upon the fnwqrd derk, without douU fUpoaing that thfy J i e followed hy a great propnriian of thf v. ITuptin McKeraiio ini'latitiy onlered them i i ut in iron Thy were ibg. kl d and Iv I'orrmed. In t.ia evening a Court Marti.d waa aumtnonel Sil hfw fllirt liia I WA fAiiiriati! ilia a1ill,rp rincr. ' " "" - ' 1 lrnd?iH, were tried, cnnyicJe&anef $rtilrn-eJ. and' VXCt N'lrif Vrttll ipit AT THE TlHD-tKM. i.e. fi-at woie hroulit 1n irona to thi port, whire they are '.ill ke,it ic ahacklca aud doa fniCm iiient. -i ! 'l'hu, hy the prompt, fearleta decision and enrrgy ' of Cipl. McKen e, one of the moat hold and daiing ever formed waa fruvltatcd and cruah td. The wholo crew on board nuinheted we be- j lie, not fai ftom four hundred ; and h id the plot hern 'ucceanful, a day'a delay mit;ht Lave mnOii it. c'eedii i i I oJ and flf fearful etrcctty, wU mi j"iMl'.ed in llie.horrij recorJ of pirucy and miir. lrr w.itiM l.ave hlui k' ned the era and carry turr ir to !h"9 heatt of the n vld. We presume th .t "ffi- ial arrouiila ef thia nMouinliiig atTnir Rill1.epce lily riven, when mora of ita particulars will he aprrnd lfore thepnhlic. Iinm' di.itiy upon the arrival i.f the Somern, we undrrtaiid. a mc-aet'ger wa deep itched to Vah inut'tti wli'i the in'elliijenc. tl haa been thua fit k'-p! a ocr.-t hi-ie. we presume, in order that it r-.'it no' fi at re.u-h thecar of Mr. spencer rhronph 0 t c 'mni.a'of the prna. An tilii-UI iuveatigation '!' ol'r u e ho immediately onlered, and all the p iilicol ,r of the nutier he a on inado known, 'i'bere are a.rua puriiona of tl.n uccouiit vvh ih dp to HHj-frt hi entire accuracy : but we give ii t I: ...- told to r. opoo acthsiity, which we Jv;-8) tnna! reliaMe. two of t'-c h1.! ah.iuld a! ilf-i get irt a pr. fendj.i fyht o'i tire f.recvK ; that th-y oa h cil ed aft 'y hn ofi-eM of (he w.itih ! line what that noine waa aSout, They were then ti ire'end t en'er irrt i exptana. tiona with him, and wh3 he wa 1itctiing to tltean. lo aeire him wnanre and fhrw liim oer fcnard. The remaining offieera he'inn below, might it wm rt'ppoed, he etriy murdered, aa we!3 i.aany one it who ad not joined them. All tliia w ra foririrl nm Tig fpeneer'a papera a planfort'ie thviainn of th? antieip ited p-vd. and for tbe nflnt. me'it amfmg them of the worm-n that might full inti tbe'rr power. When tho'tnii wa rtrtbetTe tnrn from the eoat of Africn, and about 500 mflca THE AMERICAN. finluiUmy, Dec, 31, !643. Cj" We bae juat received aixty teama of print ing paper, eimilar in aiie and quality to the sheet upon which thia ia printed. Alao SOreama of u- distant from St. Them.ia, rweituret were ma.leby j pe' Royal 51 by 2S inchea, winch will be eold at one of the conpiratora to tbe puraer'e clork to in duce him to jo'-n them. lie f icne.l acqnieacence, and 1oo"k tbe rtatba ; they at ill niixirnati'd him, 1mwi?ver, and to'41 him that he would be w. itched, nnd if tbey aaw any thing in hia rondoct to excite suspicion, they would at nnre throw hirnaverhoard. Jle dared not lo CT ", but found an opportunity of divo'ginwrf-whole t ) the rurrr, wboin hia tnrn repetc.l ft to the fapt:iin. He at once determined upon bia comae after conau1ttion with hia offici-ra, of which there waa hnl one above twenty-one yeira of age. and thia to eeite the iaiileTa and Intig them at ike yard arm. fer . 1 nlrlcera o i not aeem lo have Been tmlnceil (oiaTte Una atep ly any apprehen'n for tlietr own aafety niw that they were forewarned, but hy a fcelii-g that aucb an atroeiuu attempt, an di graooful to the charaetee of the flag, ahould be in- atantly revenged by an ignominious death cost wi J carrifige, for cth. (Q A pehlc imination will t ike plaoo art the female aemin ary in tin place, under t'oe charge t( MiKa Brook, on Saturday next. Th cit'tena and ntlicra interested ar reapeclfully invtred to attend. fljT There aeprnato l Imt little dorna "m Pon. giva thua fir. A atreitiouaefTorl ia making to ap pnnl the Bankrupt Law.atidibe ctmral opinion ia, that it will be effected. Mutiny on tnard the C S. Brig Sumrrs. tVa -have devoted a csnaiderahta portion of our ealumna tbia week, to seoeral accoirnta ef a most liorrllde mutiny on board the U. 8. Thig Somera, which waa fortunately frustrirted hy the prompt and energetic tondact of the commands r, Captain He Kenaie. In addition to the ftntemcnta puhlta'hed in another column we hirvt obtained no me addition al facta from the N. Ir. Ceurrier and Enquirer, which the editor aaya Can be relied m as aubitnn tialry ftre aame aa the official report. The Sumera ia the faateat veet in out navy, commanded by Alexander Slidell McKentie, well known aa a most exemplary officer, and to the li erary world aa the author of a "Tewr in Spain." The-crew coni1ed of abcrut 100 pcTanrra, hrdiidmg npprenticea. Mid ahipmnn Spencrt, a aon of f!ie Secretary of War, who, txom all account, prove to have been a moat recklera villain, waa the leader in the rrrttiny. He waa nineteen yews old, and h & Irein pre-rioasly disrbarped frem rba Brazil aquadrtm for bad on duct. There-is reaaonln 4lieve that Spencer bad conferred whh accomplioea " foiling from N. Teak, aa a rumor was circulated a few weeka ago, thattbo Sotnorahad l-cen alii p wreck ett. -Spenoer aVotold aome rf hia fellow midshipmen tnat they bad not long to 1;vc, -wlion going out. The man ner of accomplishing their object, waa firat to gag and throw oveMnrnd midshipman Rogers, in com mand of the deck. tXj" The Tliila lelp'.ia fiatetto ha been eon?i deraWy r-nlargrd and other wise imjnoved in appear ance. The fi.i7.elte ia an e.trrilent tinner, wiir in politic, and moat savagely aerero on all tranfgrrs- 'l" bn to enter fhe tabin and Vtll aor. whetlr in morale or politic.. McKe, li8 were appointed to be - j "tationed at the main hatch, through which the QTj We slated a short time since, that I'ol. John- rTw muatpajslc get on deck, and at lha storage aon waa out of employment, and would, as it was i bat' h, through which afl the officers exceit the (.'upturn mast paB. All the officer except the anend thn winter at Washinrtion. and devote Accordingly the C iptain and all his olTicera, and j I,;, iimc lo P, c4ionrering. Thia has aroused the Tlia Naval Mntln)-. The following letter from New Vori eontaina another veraicinnnd additional paniculara nf the ia: mutiny rm.iio.ird the 17. S. Brig Somers r Correrpoiidenre rf the 17. 5". f!utette. Nrw Yobk, Sunday V. M. TnF. SOMERS MUTINY CASE. Tn my hull ii.fonnel you ol the reported muti- thse on whom he could depend, rr.sstered on the quarterdeck armed totketoelh, aa yon may sup pose. Among them was aa old Sergeant of Mi rioea, who came out uf a sick berih when he heard what waa going on, and who returned to it when all was over. All hand. were piped on deck ; the Captain addressed them depictii g the enormity of their crime and hia detenuin ition instantly lo pun ih with death th ringleaders. Thry were all dumb struck, and Spencer, Crom well and Small were told to prepare themsekea for the yard arm. They admitted their guilt, but Spen cer asked for time in order to obtain the pardon of Small, who he said ho seduced into the crime, ai d t'jat he could not die happy unU-sf tie forgave him. lie did not want to write to hie fither or mo her he n il. lie wov'd raider 1 executed there, and apate them (hia parent') the pain they would eiitTer if he was cairird to the United States and tried This, it ia aupposed, waa a concerted plan In tae of discovery, 1 1 give time to the crew lo rescue them. They did not attempt it however. After the lapse of ;in hour the three were hung, and their (todies given to tho waves ; of course, such further pre -a'ition inr m a-ures ereuel d'l'Hg ,h -ov age as ver exp. 'It. til nd on arr vi I o . th r teen of he aearn i. were s.'nt .-nhoird 'h N.trf l'ar.ina in iron. The apprentice. I e'.iv vtiil n:i t-osr.l he S niers, under strict H'l ltd Tlietv ar. the innin f lets of 'he cme. f tn.f'it bo ntoie ii to detail, but have not the twite before tin; until l . fir. C. lllckrita. This pcnllrtnan ha btn pretty pcveridv liandh-d tor his notos on this country. His rjrre.'io vanity led liim in the belief that 1?- catiso he could sketch F;lifti row life trpor-! fcotkm, theri'tre lie con). 1 scan and nieture the limbs of tlittt frreat country at a single fjlance. Mr. Sclnxilcraft ia a nxrnt lecture in New York, deale him the following fevere blow : Travelling liria thia peculiarity, t'nat in addi tion to the never ending ch.trm of novelty, it enubles one to eeleet and x tijioii nny onv, two, thrceora dozen rubjeet.', to which tho mind, hy a natural hias, or education, lenns. But it too often hnppena 1 think, at least for the cause of good lieoks or useful knowledge, that travellers in foreign countries allow these se lections to fall upon the merest evey day tri- flea, things of which it ia of very little cen- aecjnonce for the present age, or fir pieteriiy, to be informed. Perhaps this ailttsirni will be butter underwood, and 1 dare fay, the Society will pardon it, if 1 iiu-taince the case ot an ire of our g dlant IVierid, ('ol. Beat, of the Danville Intelligencer, who withes to know who "said it," ot whether the American did not "invent" tin; at a. Surgeon, were to I nvir.W.-d and thrown over, ttoard i and tlie erew, wbo were ltelow, were to be mustered on deck. The two after guns were to be pointed forward, to secure the mutineers from an t'ovr of lha men who appeared to be most deep ly nrplicsted, were "placed in front immediately up on the icoTry T the frojeeted mutiny ; ban the other suapeeM to bo concerned, were permitted to go to duty until they reached thia port, when they were alao ironed and acnt onboard tho North Car olina." The mtjtiny was discovered on the 59 h of No vember, an9 tthe eutptii execatcd an the let of Deoemher. (O A Ban Bmnio Up. A Mr. Henry Bring ing was brought ap bofnro tlte session nf Union eouaty, atfho ljt term, and convicted of aaealing cMi'ken. Cj One ofthe Santa Te prisoner, a young man by the name f Uirehard, from Brooklyn, N, Y., ia now teaching chord "in Sanla Ana"e dnmirrinn. Among hi pupila, is the daughter af Sunta Ana, wo ia about sixteen year old, and coald not write Iter name wlren ahe commenced with kim, but haa improved rapidly. I)alltaf Mentbrra Of Confi'taa, Siece the elecrion of Meralwra of life, present Congresa, ten deaths hive occurred among them, as follows : Samuel I., Southward, Senator from New Jersey, Richard W, Habersham, Irep. 41 Georgia Win. 8. Hasting, " " Massachuai tl, Jsmcs W. Williams Maryland. Lewi Wifliarns, ,4 " " North Carolina Davia Dirnock, Permaylvania. W. S. Ranwcy, " Joseph Lawrence, s Chailea Ogle, mm Henry Black, A larger fiumlter, we believe, than hare orer died from the Mem'er of any preceeding Con gTesa. Commtttia! Adv. MitTott J. Atmtuiu. The jury in the easvj of this unhappy man. brought in lira verdict on Tuesday aftirnoon a week, at 4 o'clock; we give lielow tlte nrTKiing scene, as reported for the Uni ted Statea G.i7.cttc: Q3 Tlte mrmagers of the Vermont Asylum for Before that hour, the jury aripeiired in the hot : the. Inaane, have a news-paper establishment in ,hat fact was taken by those veraed in such ftiafinsm.ilion, which ia ediied ami conducted en- j mnVf.t ?ndieation that they hrnl agteed, tirely Iw the inmate of th Asylum. Their re j wllich ,,,,,;, llT0Vpj to be correct in thia cas marks would norm-times do no di-endit to the j i,. ....,;. e ,i 1 nm tin' iiiv wing ia voum j mu following venlicti "We find Milton J. Alexander Tha following aane cotemporaries of the Pre. ia an et'ract: "In all our exchange papers we find that the would be called sane people ore killitiff tliein aelvea every where. Wc tire tart so big fools hare. There has boon no suicide at the Ver mont Asylum since it wu opened." ry. Now we sawthefjet stated that Col.lohnson attack, and aueh of the crew who had not yet join- would fxnd Uie winter at Washington, m a lium biT of papers. Had we, however, reflected a mo ment, that the Colonel waa a member of the Ken tucky legida'ure, o circumstance we did not think of at the time, we ahould at once have seen our error. We woulJ not, willingly, any one woid dis parting the character of Col. Johnson, whom we believe lo be an honest, brave and patriotic old sol dier, and we cordially coi cur with the Inlell gencrr, i that "Ci I. JotiDson ia the last man who would no- j giccf his public duties to promote his privaie intc-re-tn." CCy The State Capital O.itette complins that pilea of wood are lett on the pavement at M arris, l uig, during tbe night, to the great damage f the bins and noaea of passer geis, and advices all 'nrrdrj peron$o steal all the wood left on the pavements at tiighl." Now thia might be some consolation to the really needy, but what are those who are not needy to console themselvea with, unless broken shins irdudr nil wit! in the gory of .we-dy 1 Ijr" n ari'v'e in tie Msdisminn sicned S., ceii ri!i n' iS"' t ile ff m the veil of Scri'ts 'v v,u.r,rvt :f c.o deiui.a in strong teims the c.o dun o i " . VeK ntie in fxiciniog young Spenr. r mi l I i wo -ocint. s. He talks of the mutiny as ii --it wss all s joke," the "mete m niiince of a bei dies Itoy." A Court of Enquiry halen ordered in the case. The Midshipman was the third son of Mr. Siencer. Of his guilt, and tbe justice of his puni Jiioeut, tlw'ec aeems to be no douU. ny on bond of the I. S. (nig Somar-hut as ihe officers on this station appeared not to know or be j Kngli'ii writer of popuhir fiction, of celebrity, willing to give, any ii.foraiatien on tho su' ject, I , who receully favored this country wiaji a vimt, had doubts .ATll aulhe.r.tieity ; tltese, however, are removed, s e to itiy the parnculata liefore you. Ilarritliiire Pnpt rn. The Keystone and Stein Capitol It lette, (demo- crnt c.) will be published twice a week during the eion of the slituir, and onre a week during the remainder of the year, at the following prices : The whole year, f 3 00 The soion only, (twice a wrk.) t 00 j Any person n-nding idem five aubscriber ac-1 cornpaiiied ten dollaia, shall receive a copy for their trouble, grutit. I'symenis may be transmitted by mail, postage paid, at their rtrk. By a rule of ti e Post (Hfice Department, pstma-t r are ter mi fed to frank k-tirra coulaining money for sub scriptions. The Signal (democialic) will be pubtikhed once a week during ihe session, at or edodsr. Thelu tel'igeneer, (whie,) two dollars for the aession or f 1 per annum. The '-Aurora ' an eicelK-nt demo cratic germm paper, at one do'lur r annum, fj"j" They have their joke in Congieas as well as elaewhere. It appears, a few d.iys after Mr. Sy mooton tl Pennsylvania, who had returned home a tk, hail left hi, Mr. liiddings, a raving abo litionist from Ohio, took it. This seat adjoin that (f i ut meinU'r, the H.mi. Juhn Snyder. The next tlieecopeof whose olervation was, in a great nienfureonfined to tlte comforts of his upne- Th ff(t ii ICbton 10 Uo1iV! ihut it CQUtlHt i i',tn At Ia nipr nninml n r f iTtrn fia-tn Anil n ty waa plar.n.d here before ahe sailed that It wr.a j;.! () t(lii ,.ei,,ertt under the force of a piece morning a IkwhI, fivo or six incbt s high. aparcd conceived by Midshipman Spencer, and that he sc. ; cfcrjt.j1,al once ,llade on the poet Blitckniore, j be: v.een the two uV-ks. aa a parlilion. Thia exei lucd into h a vievtatwo seamen. Cromwell and j ,i(lt t, J considerable amu-mei,U Oliver Oldschool, Small, who hiH.eJ on b,rd two day. alt r he j tf n anJ rmiuenttb, correspondent of lire United S.a.e. Utu. tte. )omei her. . j,;raut kitvu l' dr." I wh though he write an niterta;n'ni b tier, could The crow con.i.led mainly of .nntiee boy, j j lWover ,y vilUu. w M ,, ,ne nslli. who.repukcJ upin our large cur. and M ho , - hot ., of j liments of a pliu democrat, b. l.W. Mr. Snyder wer jcat tn -character to l. rul a wiling ear to , wi,h in,ry rl,tieN ir he re.tlly knew the man .ill: , Ivaid ol a pita'e ol ine woairn tliey wo fain the ict they would get, and then their . . . . .... ... . i i i: in iiuv. ill.- iiiii ii ii M iv niinuiin ill Pp, -i.ctsra alone ot (be tine lile ney woulil leal on . ... .... c whose char rler he i,r. tend lo deaenbe so minuie- voutj OO J t- - 1 1 i l J,...,;!.,- Mr. s morose, unsn. blue j-iv, and tietrv ofl three thousand miles I '' , . .. , r . i cinl, ai.d politically hieotted. while Mr. ttiddings .oiling piitsuil. Among the : ie .,. iuu.e-.uci.. ,. , ,tlfrJ ni:i(lI nJ , ,prr. f ,und on U.arJ in po re-si m of,re, was 1 " 4"W"X prar.e vvfiat. , , j roalu,r of (ursf Ftt-: Drars The debt e.t Louisiana divi- ' To ihitse who are acquainted with Mr. Knyder, i every mail baJUitU hi hand on ihe ropes. ded among the fee white population of that State, j thia will be news indeed. Ilia generoua dispnai- bout one o'clock, (aea time,) on the 1st of Derein isnlt e rale of 1.10 for e.tch while man . woman lb n-Lh. kind and social qvmhliea, are univerwlly brr, the for execution was given by a .1. :.. l -i 1. . Tl... k... ou l.waiil an I lint iril:llv i-teo w el e Klllll! Ult. ..r ,- , II The it. hi of A I ,K-,n nil i r.l nf .!., . aoinnnu wnr(rrr lie 1. uu-n. mnc ii. m . - o-w - t Alter lunging attout an nour ine iouiea were io their immediate neighborhood for their kind and qualities, than Mr. Snyder. Tbe poor and . . i.. .i- ..i.. t i ... i t: l, .... . - poe tieii.iung t:m vt u.'i.i t-i ur inr, w :u. it w, tu t.e ihe vts-tl al er tbe h il vie'unlled an I waleied at i buii.t 't h . as, mi I e.irty her to the le nf Pines, j r'r t-u'ii.', v-here tlu-y were to I met by c ti- ' fcdti.U., wlit tt i presumed. I ft lure aficr the; attjtu r - csiitViClvd for iUk f n rcsa of joining : l(em there. As.oou ..s the vc sclsiihdf rtila to. t ofAfi ci t'lencrr i pt ned his plan gradual1. t.i the rr w 1'iii gmg tl r oi one .y i n u hi tititvs, aari' lha.r, to a r cy, mid i(hing them a kind of t ih.airt wliiih relud to lha obligations they ha I e eJ, and lis plV they had io view. JIu li.rn m-.(Jev4jflits of their name, one of which wat hi led certain, and the otlier d.iubtful. hia own ijafii appearing firiton the form r ; these etl,tit who then elected to come in with them, were lo be admitted, while the others were to be thrown overboard. They were then to gel out a'l the boat and light en the voael ; afier which they weie to mnke for the Isle nf Pines, where tiny were to meet a con federate. They were then to cruise in se.irch of merchnnt esels, trading l!ween thia (Ytrt and Euro ; which, after ling plundered, and the male on hoard kifle I, were to be indiscriminately sunk ; and if there chanced tn be any female, they were to be taken on board the Soiners, violated, and retained so long a Ihe Pirates might deme, when rhiy a'so were lo be Committed lo the deep ! j The arrangements for ihe division of tho spoils, the allotment of the femilc, the various offu-ea on board, dec, weie all completed, and drawn up in detail in Spencer' hand writing; and he assured Mr. Wales that he had twenty of the crew wiih him sore." Tbe conduct of Cspt. McKenzte, on thi Irving Decision, meets with universal approbation. There were but I wo commissioned officcre on Imard, and the law tequirea firt to constitute a court martial. It became hia duty, thtrelure, as commander, to de cide upon ide fate of ihe guilty wretches. After addiesaing the crew and warning them of the aw ful consequences of this act, the Cnquirer adds .- "Cspt. McKcnzio then addressed a circular Id ler lo each nf the officer on board ihe vessel, except Actiso Mid-hipnitn, requesting their opinion as to the course of conduct which should be pursued to wards Spencer and ihe two men who had been ar rested with him. Each onerilurnej for anawer that they deserved immediate death, and Captain McKrnxio opinion coinciding wilhthirt r f hi offi cers, it was determined to cany the punishment into immediate execution. All bands were accord ingly called lowliness ihe punishment. Whips were ihen rove into each end of the fire yard arm, and one of the inner pjrt of the yard. The prisoners were then brought on deck and innvnvd of the punishment nboot to be executed upon them. s-m,i!l at once fully eimfes-teU hia fault, and asked most penitently the forgiveness of hi commander and the officers, which waa at onee accorded to him. He then obtained pet mission to addresr the crew, which he did, warning them against permitting them Ivea ever to be seduced aa he had been, into the committal of ihe ciimu for which he waa about to MiiTer death. Spencer asked a respite nf tl minu'e for him self and companions in guilt, in order that ihey might prepare to die. Thia waa granted, and, he waa asked if he w ished to write to hia father or mo ther ; but he replied (h it he pis aor. lie then acVnowhidiied hi guilt and thejistice of hia pun ishment, and remarked tint he would rather meet such a death there (at eea) than to lie au jeeted to the infamy ef ex mure on shore. The ten minutes a.-k'd for by Sjiencer, waa extended to upwards of an hour, nearly the whole of which lime wss em ployed by him in endeavoring to obtain forgiveness of Small, for having seduced him into the commil t:il ef a cime for which be waa ao aoon lo expiate with bis life. Small withheld hia foigivenesa for a length of lime ; but at Inst, in, reply lofpencei' oft reiiernted request of -Do f rgive me 8tr.aH,' he said thai he fully pardoned him. Every thing bring in readiness, the no se w ia pla ced around the neck ofeich of the culprits, and the olHcers wre stationed aUiut thedeeka to aee that A- siisrEum. Kttltorlnl, Condense cl stmt Srlrrtett. .Vfio Cnntrrftit. Exchange Dank nf Pitt hurg. l'a and 2', altered with a pen from Tow- j and.1 Relief notes. The genuine are rgned W. i James, jr or J, U. Murray, Clerk, with th names of Prevalent and Cashier enruced on the . ft. The debt of Great Urilain, in silver, would load 20f!,2o0 wagons, allowing ench to carry 2 000 lb.; and allowing each team 30 feet, would form a line over 1 .700 milea in leneth. If reduced to cents, it would load 8 8i7,.ri00 wagons, and form a line twice round the globe. 77ic Lnst Lie. The T.ondon Morning Chroni cle ssvst 'Slaveholders in America nvike a prnciicc of feeding swine with the dead hodiea of their ne groes Joel Hotehkis. of Cuilford, Conn., whs recent ly fined f 100, and imprisoned six months ft whip ping hit wife. Certainly not rery severe for the A gentleman of Kentucky is about lo ru'tivote Indian corn for stig ir. He any KHH) puuiitla of sugar can be obtained to the acre. Castor De.ina are selling about Alton at 37j a 40 cent per bushel. Last year they brought a to a and a half a bushel. II .a the tn mu pic tured aiticle fallen in like proportion! If it has. not guilty of the felony of muider, but guilty of manslaughter." The prisoner, who haxl been standing, aa ia lha form, no sooner bend the last woida than he fell bitckwards in hi chair in a paroxism of grief, hi obs were long and loud, but were fsr exceeded by those whieh burst from bis aged and agonixed parent, and hia tlder btother, - The spectacle waa a most slteeting one: from the moment of the ren dition of the verdict Until we left the court room, (at nearly five o'clock,) Ihe f ilher had not taken his bunds fiom the body of hi son, which he clasp ed ns convulsively as if he was then to part from hi in forever. The II- v. J)r. DiKnchet was busy in pouring tha w rSs of coh-olation tn o the l .ther'a ear ; but tip to the moment in w. hi.-h we . ft, with but little ap. parent ill'. et. The brother, too, remained inconao l.ible. Mt'ton, however, had partially regained his composure at thi time. Kuiici to Porh. lh .Ni Voik E vening Post, in an article in favor ef reducing pos tage, il'uslra'ia the extravagance nf Ihe pres. nt rates in the following pithy manner: The fieight on a letter weighing one mince from New Or'eans to New York, ia one dullur on a pound of cotton from Niw rk lo Liverpool, one half ptnnu. The fnight on a barrel of (lour from R.tchester to Albany, spirt from ihe toll, i fiurlern cents of a elr, eighteen and thrco-quarter cents. The freight on a p.i-enger from New York to Albany, in summer, ia SO cent on a letter 1$ cents. At f'hicatf-i, wheat ia 37 cenla a bushel. To babie look out your careful uiothei will double j wn,J . (, iter hy mail from Chicago to New York. 4'i (IS for ea h whit prron ; ihe debt of Mary, hit d, f 10 f f eech while pirson ; the debt of Perm- lv,.ni i. f?0 40 fir each while person; thul of .. Yo.k ? 'JO; th.lofOeirtjia.fS 10; thai of Ohio, 7 18. ' Oiiu.iN of Tite IIumn IWr. The N. Y. j nvjtrt is haa on file an entirely new hypothetiia lowered down and deliterej to theii seveial mess mates to be laid out and sewed op ; and in the e veniug they were committed to ihe deep. Cap'ain McKi iuie reading the service usual n lh occa sion of burial at 4. S load's Isrst woid were to invoke a ble-ing on the Amercan flag, and to ask tlt dosaa. .4n Agt d Eel. An English paper relates that a farmer residing on one of the highest hills in the j Ards, hi clearing out a well, found an eel iiiivcand kicking, that he dad placed there 40 yejrs b lore, j Tu mil the Timt Tt i stated lhat the low price of produce, and competition, have reduced board in Washington fr m f It! and f 15 a wcik to $3 and f 4, at which price many of the members are a:d to have contracted for the wmleT. Xew York Iiihle SorrVy. 10,000 Tiihlea nat been distributed by thia i.oeiety during the past year. Receipt f 5,800, being about 3.000 les than btsl year. Thia decrease is attributed to the pressure or the times The Ssvannah Tlepubfican of Pec. lfith, says: The first shad of the season wis served up at the Pulaski House, yea'erday mornini;. Hemp in Miimnuri. Mr. David Myerly, former ly of Philadelphia, states that there are about 200 farmerain MiasmiM, engtged in water-rolling hemp, and they will produce from 400 to MI0 tons. Sentence. William Stewart, convie'ed of perju ry , swearing to be worth f!700, in order tt bail W'm. E. Km in the sum of f 1200, waa sentenced to the State Triton foi two yrars. !(io?. A modern writer, who probably 1 eiv ait ted by experience saya : "Don't lend book. On thia ioiiil be inexorable b th to friend and foes Horrowed booka never get fair play. They are ei ther loat, damaged, or kept. Not one person in fif ty ret ii ins them to their owners in the state in which they were given out." A'a Reciprocity. It is a curious fuel, that while portrait of Napoleon have Wen eitcnsivelv purcha sed in England, no instance can le found. of;tr I cateful inquiry among ihe print and book aelleis, of a single portrait of Wellington ever having been aold in F ranco. The Hon, Dm it E. llinsa baa been elected by the Igialatuie of South Carolina lo the I'uited State Senate, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr, Calhoun, who peiirea after the 4ih of March next. Jcr. A dealer in Cincinnati during the cold snap of the Grtt of December, laid in more ice lb in be was able to collect during the whole of last winter. It was seven inches thick, clear and A Town in Wi'sroKsiH. Milwaukee contain. .1 present over 3,'tt 0 inhabitants. The Louisville Journal state that thr;e are uow eiht or ten consumptive in lha ','ammoth Cae m Kentucky, whu de;,n ,em,in;.g there for the winter. 1 h- proprietors ol" the Cava have announ ce lhat they will no( ,e si,a to accommodate any and rH-ive ati answer, c.xta one ant onn-third of a bu liel of wheat. In a part of New Jersey, laborers can be had at 'i- cell's a day and their board. Should one of these laborers receive a letter from a distance, it wojld require the whole of a day' wages to pay for it. An old sub-crilr, a farmer in Illinois, lately wrote to have hi pajier discontinued. He had read it, he -sid, with ph-aoure, for years, and it was Kh lh" utmost reluctance that he should now cease to peruse it. lie was dependent upon the pro duce of his firm for cahsisttuce, and what else could he do than to lop off all his luxuries in view of the following prices, which he stilyimed a the cuirent ra'ea at the place afhi residence: Whi-a', ba-lu I 25 ct. Beef, per 111. 2 els 1 " i" 6 $3 a: tho un'orlunale hare alwava found in hua) warm and geuerou fientl. We have noth ; tauay in regard to Mr. Oldaehooi comments tak-csVYoliii-cat sins, . thia is hia vocation, but Mr. Snyder must be big ottd Indeed to eontTt so unfavoiaMy 1 forgiveness for having so dishonored it j bi', ihe o- I ol,"r The lima to come. uiiih llr fllAAinr 1ia rank.-al iittolilion wb'ff in of the origin and uproad of tho hit man rHce. Itfhe house, who on uvt-ral ocraaionsset the llousa ... a i .. i. :.. ri. t. j,i..-ii. t ami 'irgt ti v.nn ititirii m"nniiiy. . h.t complete wrn rm vtiin ni lire oranu .iittoii , t-,er,ui, . ,j ihree cheer were given, fot the .. arjni.ent In lhat Adatn , a torn fc -..ifytng lijis.irr.. We will v.nluie to say, however, ao ...,,.,,..,... hrh ,illn , h. rid the u- therdied without any mark Imme,. ately after iLe -T.cuii -n, all hand wr, f,nt.j ta wtia also ftonJ on him. Aflrr lading St. Thomas 1 men, rt!.er ttian t.ue man, unJ tut a rute t.f . Mr. Snvder was concerntd, th whole Wji , j uM .h Ut)i U w ,fe Jow( es I hs- le ,'ere r.if i.iione.1, to them taas that J rjieo ivtio created !ieo Adaut br;,rfl. I g ,oJ hum i( J j if, I ,!!! dutie of lb vs ,e, feaumtJ, Practical U nt roltnce. Th New York Com Adveitiaei mentions thai Mra. Jttoa Sar.a ou, of lhat city, haa contributed to the Orphan Asy lum at Blttomingadale no Irs than six bundled and fifty puir of yirn atoikings, all ht-r own b.nJi wo k. Com, o.B Pork, 44 Oas, " 6 " Stock hogs per IK Potatoes," 6 " Butter -H" Fowls per dor. bO " Steers, each Eggs 3 ifi " Cum. AJe. A l.rcKT EniTOH The uli'or of the Cleve land (Ohio) Plain Dealer ba secured a handsnnu fit-out by bell'n; on the result of the elections. Just hear the lucky f. How's rejoicings : "Shannon is elected, thia secures our hreechrt Botick is elected, this secures our (Vneer ; and Morton ia cb'tte.l, the bi! are ours I Jut thin what a figure we shall cut with our M'irton IrnJ Shiumx piuitu, Rnuck hearer. D n't know as w shall berecoguix-d by the 'dirty-shirt doin tcracv prn'talily ihey will misuke ua for one of tha 'rich and well Korn.' " The Mother nl Child. fStiethe rela'ea that he met, in the Campajn nf Rome, a young woman nuraing her child, se de on the ri mains of an ancient colum. He question ed her on the ruins with whieh her dwelling wi surrounded. She was wholly ignorant of ever thing concerning them ; being wholly devo'ed the affections which ti lb d her sou I. She lovee and lo her the present moment was the whole . existence. Tentiles and monununt, and crumbling fines. Alters, und brokt n shall-, .tie araiti r, d round : Ages I ug past have sand fled tl ese plains. And a aoipedth a saered spot aa hallowed groury i While Ait and (Jvuiua her there homo baft. found Buts.e! where iheae old sculptured '-..rtdtw ! ........... v. .... nito '., uiealt She w.ks nut btr,,0 n hi niiltU unWnrtw leaned .at-se in'-)(l0lU ,-,,, j Lushing tone ; finite in joy upon her infant fair, nd that sweat babe to her glad spirit seems Holier ihtn aculpiured form of poet dreams ; And in sueh bliss, Uli ! wheietoie should aht caie Who reused ih se shafts 1 by whom those towen were piled I The present fibs her soul her heart is with hoi child ! A Cakk is a NiTbiuxu A very wealth; planter in Woodford county, Ky.' saya : 'I hai rather b taxed for the poor boy 'a educatiot than the poor man' ipnorance ; for one or th otlier I am compelled to be.