SOTK LIST. m:xstltajiia. Tho f -Vowing list ahowa the current value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Jfirtcix, The most Implicit rr H anc may I placed upon H, ' it l e very writ carefully compsredL.ilfi,ai 5 corrected fium Biik nell'a Reporter. S" , Hunks In Plilladclpliln. Location. Pic. 11 I'D i Lt n. par par par par . par . par par NOTES AT PAR, Bank of North America" Vault of (hp Northern Lilrrtie Commercial Hank of Perm's. Farmer' and Merhanica' Bunk KeriMneton Bank . Fhi'iidclnhin Bank Schuylkill Bank Soiiihwark Bank . Vi'm'frn Bank . . Mechanic.' Dank . pur , pal I'ank i f t heater l. .n:r :y Bark of IVI'.W'.tp ("omitx of Gcrmai tn-' n of Mou'tomery C- f)n legion n 13 ii k F.'nn Pink Farrrrrs' Bank of Bttks co. Oifce cf Pvik of Penn'a. '"Wee ' Jo OiT'.-i do do C'lf.rc do do W rstchcater jir par par par par pnr par Tlir-p nfiVr,. lo not Cheater : vi n Do;. l'!o'.vn r i-t.i Harri 'U'g. Boding EnMon J none I). TV O T IT S AT DISCOUNT. Bank ,,t ihe I'ni'ed States Philadelphia r 5:.l-0 Hai.k i'f l'ftin Townthip . Gurir.l Hunk - i nrr r' & Mechanic' Bank Moy nmmainp Bank ' Ifta-li) ? 7 12 8 14 Hank f Petjli-vlvama Miners' lUhk r,f PolUTille Rank of Lewistown Bunk of Midtlletnwn Bi'iik of NiHlhuinherlnTiil Pot'aville Lewistown Middletown Northumberland 0 1 8 3 3 3 S 7 10 s I 'olumbia Bank A Budge ro. Columbia Cailialc Dank Carlisle En-hange Bonk- Pittahurf Do do branch of llnllidayahurg Former' Dunk of I.anrmlei Lnncsatei I anca-tir County Bunk Lancaster Farmer' Bark nfirtJirg Rrading llarriaburg Bank Ilarrinlmrg I.nncaa'fr Bank Lancaster Lebanon Hank ihr.t u 4 Merchant' A Msnuf. Bank PitHling 2 Bank f Tituliurii' Pi'tbu:g 3 Wrt Bianih Li ink WiUintinpnrt Wy timing Bank M'i kftlmiia I f iV'.rtliiiii j ton Dink AIImiI.hwi 1 Bf rka Cn'inty liai.k Hi a,l:ri)i Q&a .if Uan'k of U. 9. I'lltaLuij Do do do Erie l.'o do dti ristv Driuhtou Kri!-ini!ttin Sav. Tna. A do 1-eriii Township S;iv. Ina. do Hark oM'hantlirral.urg C'lnmlx ii.burg 9 B:ii k tt 'IJeilyeburg tJt ttj sl urg i Bunk of Surquelianna Co. Moi.tio 10 trio Bui k L'rin 7 rarnicrt.' A : Diovcru Bank W aynriiburg 15 Franklin Bank WaabitiRion 3 Hoiiffidale Bank llonevilhlo 1 Mnnnngahela Bank of B. Brouimvilla 4 York Bank' York 10 N. B. The nolra of tboae banka on which we omit quotation!, and aubttittite a dash ( ) arc not purchased by the lMiiliidi Iphia broker, ni'li the txcvptiun ofthoae which have a letter of tifcrtiicr. II K O K E N BANK S. Philadelphia Sar. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do fnilcd Schuylkill Sar. Ina. do fiiled Manual Labur Bank (T. W- Dtott, liron. failed 'J'owanda Bank 'I'owanda tailed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bark of Beaver Bank of Swalara Bank of Waahingtaa Centre Bank City Bank Farmer' & MechW Bank Farmer' & Mech'iV Bonk Futmcri' Si Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Inrtituto Huntingdui; Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen' Btik Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. TNorthiicnb'd Union Col. Bk. North Westirn P.a k ol Pa. tiir.ce of Sibi-.vlkii. Bat.'. Bt-dfoid no aale Beaver cloaed Ilarrisburg chcd Wnl ington failed Belh fonte ch fi d Pitltbutg no sale Pitt.burg failed Fayette cr. failed (irreiicaaCe failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no aule Lenintown no tale Virrn failed no ado New Ilopo elided Mlili II t:0 uh' NSa.hille clos il i '.i.i t.'atbon tailed t'fliiiile lailed Ph. Acr, & M.n.t.f. I'ti i. Siivti Lake fiai k L'lliol) Pot k of l' M.'il. WratPiCfiiinit I i.i. k 1Vllkc!'Bttl' l;,idi;ii Co. "i,..i Ilii'ik t . t t.vt'ii in ;lir e L in (in et,bur,r Cldsiil t illed closed ilki a' arre no aale l-i- i.i, any Pennyl t j0 ii.r, ri.ay be et J.v.v i: as f.'j'iv'j. .WAY .liTLiKkVr. t'r.nV .! .ww Bi l'.ru.m j, ). be'lv.J,-; M..!l.,.-J I'r fill And-oy Iltidji ton Mount Holly liahwity N. Piunswicl, failed ! 1 I " i 2 par par I fir.-,l BfiiidiiK! I'.llik Burlii f.:cn Co. Btt.l, CVtnii.tirial B in'. Cumberland Bar k Fuinier" BiOtk t'urmPT and Mirhai ic' roruiera' and .VKiharm ' It ' Pll Farmer' and Mtjx !,i.t Franklin Bank of N. J. Bk Middietown Pi. 3 J ei rev (Ttty f.ih.l Uihd Idled f iilf.l In, .,! 2 fail-i I pm Ilohuken lire & tiraxing Co Jersy City Bank Mechanic' Batik Manufacturer' Bank Morn Con, puny Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mitharuc Bank Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Morri Cr.l and Bkg Co Port N'otca nuti'k!ii Jirse) City Pa'.'.enin P.llevi.l Morristown l it' holt Nr-"-ink Trenton Jirsy City 10 t.ilc Iv'eari 2 A. In C New Hope Del Biiirfe Co IS. J. alauulac. and 'n N J rrotectcn Ar. I..-n,'jid W Oranga B il k Vaitir in B-i k people' li,k Plinccton Bal k Sa'rm Bankma C tlnK Bunk Biatc BanL' Siata Bank fiate liji.i ol M Ul I ! fct.ite Bnk Salem aiid Phiisd Mattuf Ce 8un Batik Trenton Dunking L'u I'nioii Bunk WartiingtoLi Bonking Co. XV;i'.!a Hobokvll Jeriey City Or.inga Patitst n failed' i faii. d I par TI'i.i i '.; 1.1 Nf ..v-.i.-k J .'ui'.i v ! "ot ii t ': iiiui ii Mi rri.iotvu Tiiiiion m NiWUHl Tin. ton Drier Hut kili(iic( 1 1 ..r 1 fniled hit ltd i p.r : faihii DII.AtVAKlT. Bk of Wilm A. Brandt Mint VS i unrigton Bat k of Di Uwuri iSank of Sin) ma Do 1 1 Kin h Fanner' Bk of btate t f Dvl V limn tiou SJn.j ii a Miltu.J Dovei NS ilmiiiiton tjj'u'f tow ii Newc mil iiiiu'iu-n Do --lIHh Do Union Bank iiaUttJ''' rf I'tidei Vt TV On !l l aukma'ked thu v) there are thcr KUintt rl it nt al eiul nnltt ol lA various noroiiinioiis, Hi airiulaiuin. The brut mrthoil for the A"lition of Disease is lo anil purify the Uody. IXDIAN VEI,TAIII.K IMLL9 OF TUB S-th Jtmtrlean t ottcff cf tJtallli, Are now acknowledged ,i be the best Medicine in ihe World for the cure of r.VERV VAHIETY OK DISEASE. EC A ITS E tlliV tsinip'ctely rbanae ihe sto m:ili and bawela from th re lnlii' aoil ror- rept hiiinora rnl irh are the caue ni-l only 'f IlrmlHt lie, C'iibUio e.. Pti'pitxtion of 1tie He rt, I'a'n in the lbnea. Itln nmiCatn and fSntil, but t'very malm'y ireiilei t to in ,n. SAIL) IMMAN VKliETAD'l IT PlI.Ls are an rain cure fr in te in t'ei.t, iciniKt d. nervi-ca. inflnmatoty nnil pn rid I'evrra liny c'e.ina ill, p.idy fioin llni-o ni''l'd bi'niir, whieb.whrn Ci nl'ined to the ciieu bttinn. are ill rnnsp tif nl k of FIT ' IT KS. S.i, t 'a-when t! e ame impurity ta de oailrd on the rreiTilnnre ar d tnliaele. ilia nir I'iiina, inflaiii.i- i tiona nn.l tw- llinc nile.l 1,'H I'.C M A'l'ldM, ! tiOl T.oVr. Vit.lillm!i:iti Vm-la''h' Pill mv ; I reli. d , n n alvxata erl.iin Ni tive n In f. ami it ' peievr.fl w it(i. ;T,inl!et 10 din riiona vdl nto-t j iiaairidu. r.ud without lul. r. rd:e a i-eifeel ru e ol . lire nl'" pqinft I n H!,nliee. From I liter to ix of I al.l Ini'inn V. getftii e Pills t -Urneviry nieht c ! irs Pi bed, ni'l iii a i)oit time an roinph'ti-lv r d llie bo.'v finm every thift i t,pp se.l t i, : t! ai l;!,e!.nvM"iii, limit,, and p de c t evi rv r i ; - ri..i,,i. be i.illy 1TN FITOM 'i HIT !:'. I Pi. Fi'r l!ir ine reps.m, when, In" in auddrn I rhai'i'M of a'n o-piieie, cr ni y other i io'T. :he per. 1 itpiiniinn iiM hfcked. otnl 'he hnmoia vb h shonl I j pive oil bv thi- tl:'n i'e thrown inwardly, rmisiim HITAPAf'Iir.. t.IPniM S, iimwci nml unl;. 1 licaa, pain in the l inn, wa eiy ni d iiiflunicil eyes. line thront, hoir-enr p. i .ni;'.a, consnni lions, rhrmnatir paina in v.irioua ) tila of the body, and rnanyrth-r avmp'oma of (TA'I't.'lllNf! COI.P, Wright' lmlivn Vtrlr.lli I'i'h will invariably ffive immedi to relief. From three to t-ir of nid Pilla takrn every i:ii;bt on fpiina to hid, will ina abort time, not only rrm-iic all the abnve unpleaint avnit iiiia, Int the bodv w dl, in a short tunc, be : restored to even eonn-'er benl'btl an N't, ire. ASTHMA. on DIFI H fl.'IV OF BUEATII- 1 lN't.-. Wright' hift un Mgf'c.Ue Vilh will lor- , en mid onriy off, by the ion aili nn.l bnwna, tlnr tniiph lh!i irmv liom,r', v I ieh a'op tip 'l the nir i 1 fells rd the lnna. nn,l lire ihe mine, nut only of the a'mve diaireta'iu; cmeplnint, hut w hen tietliTled, . ', often li rinimiies in that nio edi' adHil ninlm'y ru h d j roNsi MPTioN. it hotld bon'rf.iici'icmbi ifd ; that Wright's ;i!u!ii Vt -;ft.:!i!r Vilh are a ei rt.iin j j cure for PAIN l.N THE SIPE, Oppression, inni- aea, and aii'kni'K', hv-a i f oppi lite, corttivetiisa, :i , i yellow tirpe of ihe (kin and t(. nnd rviry other , i symptom t l n torpid or d aianl si((, nf ihe liver; j I i .i . -. e- i. . t... i.. ,i : i I ( , lllt' tlti V pome l(oni Illi: unai n.iir- ni:'uiiin whii'h if dipnsi'.ed upon tliis important ore ill, an ' th" rnu-e of eiery xarieiv i f J.I'ITfi COM- ! j PLAINT. Whin n toite n isi nMiUed by not ,, outbreiika and ri Ielli )!i, the onlj menus of prevent- ; ! iiip 'he dreadful'ea of a CIV1I. W.. j ' to erpel all tiaitori. mid evil d fpoaid ntiea from I j the coun ry. In like manner, w lien pain or iek-j nras of any kind, mdii aie that the body ia atruj- i clitic with mteri'ftl fin a. the true remedy t 'o EX j PEL ALL MOHH'.P Hl'MOUS, (Traiiora t.. heahh ami lite.) Health will tf tin ccrtnii remit. That the principle of curing di-ca-e. by cleansing and purifying the body, is atiietly in accord nice with the lawa which govern the animal icononiy; and if properly carried out 1 V the u-e of the b'mivp named WiMCHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly rrsull In ihe complete Abo lition of Pt-enae ; we offer ihe fellow ina testirnnni ol, from nTaoli of the highent te- ertabiliiy in Nc Yoik, who have recently hern cuied of the moat obtinate con'plaintp, u lely !'v the t," ot Wniatrr'a l5Hli5 V ko et ihlr Puia, of the Sutth Amrrkun Colli ge of lleulth: Javaipa. L. I., JuneOih. lS-tl. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It la with great aati-fnetion I inform you of ;ny having be n entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five year atandti g. by the use of your I im Vioktaiiik Pills. Pievious to mee'ing wi'b yonr celebrated nvdi cine, I hud In en under the hands nf several Physi cian, and had tried taiinus n.t -dii im ; I lit all I.i no effect. After using one Ci rent box pf y our Pill, however, I rxptriei ied so nint h bei elit, that I icsolvi il to p rsi ine in Hip u; e of thi m areon .in; ; lo direction, w hich I nm hnj py to tte, h .s result- ! ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to ynu for the i gnat Vein fit 1 have received, m d al-o in the In ; e 'hat others similarly sf!'. co d tii.iy be induced lo tn trial of y.,r ex'ra.-nbni'y medicine, I send you tl i ftatement wi:h toll hoc ry ti pub'Uli the , arne, if vo-t tbir.k pn pe'. Yours. &e. , Niw Yoik, June 1'J. Isll. G. C. PLACE, j i y,r Tti.-linrd T'enni, agent for Wright' Indian I Veeielshlu Pill. Dear Sir I havelti-cn r fH cted for eeral years j Will) i: war ! wc.akm ss at d fiei rral debility, acroiil j pon'u J ut lime v.'i'h p un in ti e ami other , diftiressii'g eomplaii 'a. Al"n i having Ir e. I various j ni' tin. . nes w i'lmut i lb r 1 . 1 was ersu tdc I by a li it rul ' ni t'ial tf Dr. 'iikbt'a L ilian Vigctuhle Pills, whith I n'O happv 'o s''e. have relieved rue in u most won, n ii.u tn o tiir. i rave u-eo ine me ibcii e. as yet bin a s-l o; i tin e, an.! have no doubt, by a ereever ince in b.e t;.p i f the utidici ie aeror- 1 1 1 u I t diiec'iot a. tin t I rhrtll in a lior time le t il. e' lv ii -toie '. I n i a! wil.n rjly rei i mtr,d aid PdT to sllper- oii- niiudiiilv i (l!icled, bi d in ihe full beliet that : I'lea-itne hem t'end n ru!ts w ill 0 II. w their use, I re i mtin vo'ir inteiely. HF-NliV A. FOO'I'E. Wa'War-ii:g, L'U'er co. N. V. i N(W VoiiK,Sept.29,lU. j Th' i In certify thnt I hate used Wiiiuiir'i : Ixttit YiniTAHLF. Pill with die gnatert I'cne ' ft; havii j cti'iti-lv fitted tny-i-lf of ll e Iri qto nt at j In. k ot ?n k lleadail.e, t w hit li I hud previouslv " . Ui li Hi ! ji Ct. ANN MA HIA I HO.MPSmN "i'J"! ( ire, nw iidi irtai, S. V. iii ' EV..t ii, Ag'-i.t Ijr Wrj',!', It.. p..:. I T.-i Pi.l. di. n ..rl .hie 4 .1 ill o.y. tioraat, nl tlna lime tiumy wiiit!,d crjon I t si'y i nuiifi tl in rt lung a Colli, trtfeii mi dicine III.- .ii i the n -ineiil he Indian Vi triable Pilh and H lie oi, 1 1 rale nan are o nnerly rnkless of inn- i, .r -ci s, li nt iniii.y vii'tiable l.vr may lie in nil. , jilt n;-e of li-ii g ll eir dreadful collipoulals, he -nl -I e rre camioiied ag.iinrt puict a-ii g any I 1 i'l,. t'lili r en the : i 'cof l!.e bi Jtea the fell awing Hull's Ijl I f " ii I : VM. uail'S INDIAN VEGETABLE I ILLS. I (Indian l'urguttre ) (it ll'l VUl'fll OlllllK (IlllUit 07 IIVALT'l. I A'.id :'' to I espisis-ily ciintul against pun l a- it . d unlieii e ol any roi) cxtept the regu , I .r a,:rri',,.l ,.vcn'. I Af.l.XTS FOIl AO.'77l MliFRt.A M) CO, i par j I'i iittfilvuitiii. j jar, II. B. Mir, Sutil ury l'tne A. Rose. Nor ( ir ' t i ml , tlm.d J.n o'i II . Si.iiiokui Ssnnii I ( ar ; Kelt., .M .boriov Byerly A D. Ha i. Aucnsi.a par ; ill in r A: FoiiniiT, Miiiou Ireland Ac Muxill, par . MtEweunilr P fci A: Dearnund, Tuihatavihe p ir i ir Pied, Pntiryrme H. Kbine, Sn dcrsiow n pit H. II. KetM, P. M . t'.ybiTg P. O. V. in. par : I.e'. (nr.!., P M, I'liioll Collier. 2 ! Oll'ee nml Grren.l Depot for the a!o nf ri- , Wr , V- lmlion Xtc'tnlli J'i.'j, W boles de tic- ' l.'i sl, ..o. A"ll At. XV A. i II 1. I'i I , I I 1 I 1 ,. t I I . May 21, 14'.. iy FEIA. ROSS OINTMENT, FOIl TITTTITIt. RINtlWOKM", I IMPLKB Of! THE TArr;, AU OTHKK f.'fTANWIl'ia I-.UIPTION9. (j'j 77,e filliiv'vgrrrt'ficn'r trfriht one J thr must ir inordinary currj nrr tjficlrii ly any ajjilcatiim. PuiMtinenn, February 10, 18:13 "TJ'OI? twenty year I wan aevercly afllirteil with TtTTKti on the Puce mid Head: the diaeae rinmn neid when I wnn aeventeen j earn old, and eoiitimied until tho Fall of ISDO. v irv in in io lenre, but w iiboiit ever diaippenrinif. Purine most of the time, stent part of niv f -iee wa envered with the riuplion, freritienlly a'lrnded with vio'enl ileh ii.C ; my heid fwel'ed at litnia until it fell M if it would l iii't ihe swelling w-ns ao ge it. thiit I cou'd rate rly net niv hat on. lhiring the loin; peiioil th il I w aa afllieleil wiih the disease, I tiaeil a creiit tunny n plication, (iimm them ai vernl eelehratrd prep mitiou) na w. II as takinu itiw iul remnliea. melndiim a number of i..t'h a of Simiri's Vtinufra. V..r tract nf Sitrsupnrilh, Ar, In fuel, it Would be iivp.i-aiMe io enumniatr ill the innl rines I used. I v as also undei the Cire of two of ihe mo.-t dis til uuislied pliysii i uiB of ibis city, but without re teivinu m ch het el'il, and I ih spnifed nf ivrr being enrtil. In the fill of 1m:;('., ihe d seu-e i,t the time hen (t Vi iy violent, I eomineiiei'il usiinr the yie ' iti!irirnt. Citi it.ired bv Wiiiiihi'ii c' In t'i i pliretiona the vioh tit itrhinn r, ase.l, 'he, i i llii o ah.'Hi d, the i ruption befin tn dis-ippear. i .in,! hit re 1 h"d used a pir the di ense was rhliro! ' cini d. It htta now been tn nily vnr nt,d ,i l.nif i s.ii.t, and tin e ia nut n vestige nf Hiu d srasti re- ; tiniiiiiii'.'. except the ae.ira fniin the !. t p pits formr l j by the dnrasc. It is impossj,t fur mi- t,i di sc rii e ; in n cntifirat" the aeverity of the disea'P and my anil, rina. but I will be p'e iacd tn uive a fuller ar connt to any pi ron w ar. tint; further nntilVli,ui. who if ill c .ll on me. At the time I coniiiinnred ti... P i I,,..,, i I ,1,1.1 kiiii luifi drvda ef do la, a to be rid of the, u- I i. ......,..,,.,.. ...I., I iii,, .,r.l nuii,i i (iini'tn: ll.eni my mother, w ha ha. I the ili-euso bad tv on her uti.I who wi re ad cured bv it. J AMES DI.'liNEI.L. No. 15(1, Kacr St. ;'; TI e Pose Ointment is pn pired bv IT, 11. Vrtiuhm, Sou li East eointr of Tli.rd and Bare 'tre, t j, Philadi Iphia, and sold on atenev in Sunbu ry. bv II. B. MA.ITi:, My Mih. Anit. lZov f indncul, thv Teller. ,1 I'KOOI' or ITS TI'l'ICACY. 1'iiii.tiii.Li-iiii, May C7i'i. ls:c. rPlH jj to certify thai I wis sen-rely artlicnvl - with Teller in the hands and f , 1 1 for tapwar Is of furl v years; the diae.isc waa attended generally with vio'eiit iti'hina and awelling. I to i iiiubi r of pliysie'- ,tia, and used a great nrmy uppli ra'ions without illieling a cure. About a yiar tinee, I appl ed ihe Pose Ointment, which entirely "topped ihi ilehini;. and n few applic iti ins iinrnedi Hielviu't d the disease, w hich there has hi en no n turn of. ii'iboiiii'i I bad never been rid of it a' any time f, r forty yeaia. KICHAIil) SAVAGE, F.livenlii. lelow Sp'itee Street. rfj- The Rose Ointuienl is prep m'd by E. B. Vanuhan. S nidt East corner of Tliinl and I'are tieets, Pi;il,idt l hia, aiid Id on aaei'ry in Sunbu- j ry . by 11. 1!. M ASSf.K, Agcht. May Uh. IS 12. KUDTCAIj ATrrOBATIOTT Ofthr ttOSi: OlM'MJIM', fur Trttrr. LTHOI't;ll the superiority of the prcpatri.-n over all others ia fully ea'ablished. the pr ipr e tors take pleasure in laying Inf re the public the following certificate from a re-pertahle physician, a graduate of the rniversity of Pennav Ivani . Pr. Bnuab, having f-mnil in this remedy that lehet f. r a tedious and ili-nirreeahl,' aiTeetton w hich the means within the r mce of bis profession fnled to utfotd. bus not hesi'ated to give it his appro! ati i. alth ugh I (lie prejudieea and interests (,f that prole-ai.ui ate ppose.l to aecret Kemedte. Phi la ti i a, Sept. 10. lS;ir,. I was recently troubled w itli a tedious hers: tic eriiti. n. w hich c-ieed ni nrlv in e si 'e ,,'inv f ee, all:! run ih d i ver li e car. Mr. Vinmhati. piopr'n -l i r.f the IIoe Ointment, obseiving m f:iee. mu led on ins t' ilii? his pu p nation, of which tie han ded toe a jir. Ailholiiih in conimon with the mi in- ber of niv profefsiot), I itiHeoutiti nance and di-a 1 prove nt the nunier,,Uh nostrums palm. upon the I utile nv ii.noi.1til pn temicr--, i ieei injiis ice oouini loexctpl Ihe Hose Ointim lit lion) thai c'a-s tf me d cine, ami to (live it niv approbation, as it en'ire Iv itired the eruption, although it h -d rrsisted the Usui! application. D L BAIGII.M. P. (J' j" '1 he Rose Oiiitiuei.t is prep. red by IT B. Vaiighim, South East cirner of Tliinl in.d I! ice Streets, Ptiilbde'phia, and mid on ngi ncv in Sun hurv, bv H. B. MAsSER. Mav'llth, 1S12. Apint. EOLTON tSc CO. (;enri ;tl ( oiitinlsslon t2'r lisiDts, 'or Ihe Sale ifl'hiur, ilraiu, S td, e., ". . 11- -.'. !. l ; ci MITSpF.t.'TFl LLY inform their InemD nnd j the Merchants generally, that they have tn ' ken thoM- large and rom mod inns harvr s, w itli I wo i Doiks, notth of Chtsnnt street, on the D- lawtre, j together with the store No. 10 South Whtrves, ( where thev would be pleased lo receive roi. sign- I n enls of Oram, Flour. Set d, W4.isl;ey, Iron, A t. 1 A c. Bi ing also Well pn paied In forward all kinds ' of Mi rrhandisr by t!ie Schuvikill ..nd I'nion, or by j 1 the Cbesnpi ake and Tier Water I 'anal, a low- bouts lire krpl ixpreesly fj the purpoe of towing J host by ch her mule. i Men hi. lit will pie mc be particular to send their i g..od d ined ly eiihfr canal-, li No. 10 Sm.ili t h trvi s, between M arket nml Chesnut lri", on i (be DtlitMire, w ith diri'ilmn aecomp any ing ihein i which route they wih them to he shipped. IXj' Plarhr and Suit lor u!e, at the lowest mar ket price. Bl'LTON A C . i March 10. H-PIT N 10 South Wh nw. rvrJiLV T-;if,sn(). ( I X TWO I Ii I.I M I S.) MN TAlMMi the Old and New Ti ttametit. w nli praeii.-al expositions ainl explanatory linlcs, bv Thomas William. Author ol "tho Age of luti ihlitt," "Dii tuin-irv tf all Reliti- u Deiiomiua litilir," Ac To which aie added ihe n It relief ami tiiariiinl tradings if ihe Poly glutt Bit le. logcilu r Willi oiitiual notes nnd sihctioii from Baxtei's Coii pn hci.aive li ihU-, and uihei t;.i,luril wotk iiitiislectury and couclt.ihriB r.mRrlis on each Uook of the n il and new Testament, ami a vi hiahle chro iit.l 'girii! initex. The whole ran-lullv revi.etl and ! I udu led to the nae ot Solid at School-, Bible el isses, ! and Chtit-ttMis geiierallv, rndt ifhcd u-illi ni'ip I i:rit iirnn inc, edited by the lb v. Wi ham Pa' ' ton, aid id litlied bv Case, 'Jiil'jiv A Biindmm; Hartford, Conn., l-ll. I Tt.i work has been bigMv recommended by the - ' I f It Axing, niuoi g ether ilisiu guishrd divides: Pi v. Su-p'ien lit minpioii, pastor uf th Metho dist Episeopal Cb.urt h, Biooklyn. I'i v. W. (', Ibowrhe, pastor ,.f the Middle Dlilt h Church. Ni w York. Rev. I.euiui'l M I'ler and A. A 'exsrider, Pnife tors in Prii i eion Thcologie d Seru nary, N, Jersey, R. v. P 4'riitii, Pri.idilll (f College, M t ieii t sl.til v. Rev. (!. W S, ha, fter. tiaslor of the I.uthrran aid 1 Criuieh, Ham. burg, 1'.,. I .- ' ' I I'' r f It r li PuhTi hn-. M issi r, Agent f.r ihe J in. -,'jih in. WEAVE'RS HOTEL, titmtiuri, ,ytrthtimhertnnal County I'cittii.v nln. TIHE aubacrtber, rrapectfully informa the public B. that he haa removed to that large and rommo. dioiig 'Cavern Slam), at the corner of Market and Fawnatreets, (sign of the Buck.) formerly oeeu pfrd by Jonaa Weaver, and Irtli ly by Daniel (jib aon, where ho ia now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By atrict atten tion to business, nml his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hope totereive a liberal ahare ul public patronage. ClIAHLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Match 12th, I842. t'oiin1cfr.ilc'r8'"lrs1Ii Illotv. 'I'he pul lie will plraae observe that no Urandreth -- Pilla are genuine, unleaa the box haa three la la?!) Uion it, (the top, the aide nnd tho bottom) e,rh contninina f ie-simile aignature nf my hind writing, thua I), lia urtHKTii, M. P. 'I'heae la. Iel- arc enuraveil on teel, beautifully ilcsipncd, and done at an erpense of over r2.",t'. 'I'hi reforc it will he seen that the onlv thing nrt'eaary to pro cure il.c medioiiii! in iia puiitv, x to ohseive these j labels. ' I Kemrmber the lop, t!io aide, and the bottom. The following lespeciive persons are duly auhuri j .cil, and hold I cehttcates or aceitcy, Fur flic sale of Hi umlreth's i'lgrtuhe Cnivcrsal ! I'M. Norlhundicilmid county : Milton Mm hey A t'h.itnheilin. Stinhury II. B. M.issrr, M'Etvena ville lit 1 itid A Meixi II. TS'oithum! eilnml Win. Forsyth, tieorgetnwii F. MidhiiL' r A Co. I'nion ('lunty: New Berlin John SilinseiMvp Ever and Sihiiure. Mi.l.llehnig Isine tfinith. Be.iveriown J. vV F. Binunman. Adim--l'UriT II. St A. Smith. MitllinslnirB Swope ;; l.ninl Haitletoti P iniel Long. Ft Intra ti. iV F. (.'. Mover. (Tenlrevilie Stailey i etitiart. I.etvtM.urtf u alls ov l.reen. Columbia county : Danville 1,. 11. Keviinlds V (To. Berwick shum:in V K ttenhouse. (.'nl i lavviasn C. A. ec C. (J. IJnihls. Bluntiisburg John H. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wa shintou Root. Mi-dy. Liiiie-tjiu -D. L. Srhmi-rk. Observe ihat each Accr.t has an ITugravrd Cer tificate of Agency, containing a repres'-ntalion of Dr BRANDPETH'S Manufactory at Sing .s,p, anil upon which will also be seen enact copies of the new 'uluii now uncil upon the llramirtth I'M li tiers. Ph.hdi Iphia, office. No. S, North ih street. B. BlIANPIilT I'll. M. D. January 1st, 1H12. i ti i: AMERICAN TMEDICAL TLXX3XIAIIY A II Ti:i.M.r.. iTit. CONCEN'I KA I ED Kreo,,! .,1 Medical Sri-J- enee and Literiiiure, by Kuhlev Dunghsoii, M. D.. Professor of the Iusti ules ol Medicine, etc., inJilh-ison Mi-dual College of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adam Waldie, No. 40 Cnricn tiratreet, Philadelphia. Siihctiplion price, ffi a v- ar. Subscriptions for t!.e above work n ceived by "t!ie auh-eriber. H. B. MASSEH. Dec. lllh. Mil. Acrnt. SAILS. ! OR rile n una.l Farm, roi.i ining oh mt one hundred and ten aen s, tnoro or le a. Mill He in Point f iwnship. Norihttml i rland coiintv, about ! two milea above Noithumhetl ,t,d, on the main ! road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining ' lands of John I.eghou, Jesse ('. Ilotn-n nnd others, ' now in the occupancy of Samuel Payte. About I forty arres of said tract are ctrand. Bud in good j state of cu'livatioti, on whieh there ia a small harri 1 erect, d. The property w ill lie sold on rt terms. For further particulars, persons ore rctpuest- 1 cd to apply to the ul sciibi r. ' II. B. MASSi-TR, Agcit. I Nov. "7th, 1011. tf Sunhury, Pa. rirri ii di;vj:i s. LAST No. 7 1 Callow hiii I Street. I'hilaildi.liia. C Three ilnirr ahnre Sienud.J tHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he (,) oiler for sale on the loae-l terms. Conntry Merch ants are particularly to c ill and judge foi' themselves. Pliilaileh'hin. Novemier 13, 1A41. l v. ef i ia ELZ$si OF E ERV DESCRIPTION. NEW !iNlIf.ANl) OIL COM TAN Y. No. '2i North Water Street, Thila. ANFFACTCRERS nnd dealers in Oils f every description both for burning anil , . , i -it, j i iilltl .1 una n nil i 'i i i it" -us. inaiiutacturing purposes, which will he soIJ much lower than they can he procured elsewhere, and An. 105 Market tlrrif, I'hi'iidrj'hin. tvarruntcd in quality to equal any in the city. Any forNTRY Merchants, and others can he sup oil sold by the company not proving ns represented, A J tdied at all times with nn exttiisite a-sort- may he returned w.thout any expense to the pur chaser, nnd Ihe money will U- ntunde 1. 'J'heir stock now inatore coiwiata ol the follow ing oils, viz. : 30,000 gallon Winter Bleached Spcinfi, 5" (ii. -r CtlOO 15.(100 lo.noo lO.tino do do do do do do do Cohi'les Oil, Fail and Spring -Sp nn Oil, Winter N-a Eb hai.t, do Prosed hull-Oil, Summer do do do ( illinium Whale Oil, '.'00 Barrels siipeiiol Sua s Oil, TluO do Cod Bank Oil, fit) do Nea' Fool (J.I, IT, Cask Olive Oil, Tanner's ' Ml. C.j 'Phis Company has a tiumlier of Vessel en gaged in tiie Cod Fisht ry, and 'Fanners may rely upon petting at all t.mesOil ns pure a imported. Philadelphia. Nov. 1:1. lsll. ly. G. Vr . xT LY B . T -Y L C Lrk . XXPFITH FH! SALE, at the s,,ulh East Cor- ; Vy tier uf Fifth und Martit Slrttt. fhihdil- jkiii I Men' Calf-sk'm Biints, alitclied warranted. ' do do At pta-'ri'l do do tlo do water proof, doulle. sole I and double iipiters. . i do Calf-skin do do ami uppers, do He ivy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do High quarter Shoe, Cnlf-skin. do do rk Crocker do do Fine Monroes wmrat.ti-d do naihd do Kip do do Calf d. tlo Coarse tlo do do Shoe do t'ino do do Kip tlo do do do do di do do Calf and Seul Skin Pump, do Lis! S,nk with and without lole. do Carpet do do d, d Puti'nt Warranted Wati r-prnof Moccnsin. ! . L'-li's do do do Ladiea' tanned India Rut her shot. ( if-ntdi.i in.' tlo Over shiv. Wi'h every nlhi-r desctiptitui r.l injot and shoe. Fur Cu of etirv description. Travelling Trunk ofevtry description. Vein II '11 Tl.iv, lling Patent li i;io F.I is'if Shoe BI li king. Iloimels of all kinds. Pnlm I.i a! H its. PluUdilph.u, Noiijilier J.I, 111. ly. CHr.TSOLITE PCLiriH. AN article unequalled for cleaning ami giving a highly durable and moat brilliant polish to sil ver, Oerman Silver, Brass, Copper, Biittnliia ware, Tin, Steel, (Tutlery, and for restoring tho luetrc on varnished carriages. Ate. THY IT. Prepared and Bold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite. Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, IL B. MASSEH, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th. 1841. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LEHS AND STATIONERY, No. I'sJ'-J CliRsnut Street, Below -1th, Philadelphia. EEP constantly on hand a general assort ment nf Bonks and Stationary ; comprising theological, J,nw, Medical, Claasiral. Miscellane oils and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led L'crs, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiitint Papers, Wraiing Papers. A-c. Acc.wliieli they of fer at the lowest prices to Country Merchant' Pre fessional Cvtitlemen, Teachers, and oil othera that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Noiemhrr 1:1. H 1 1 . l v. .TIi(i:t( I IVcucr tV San, KOFI: MAKERS & EIIU'CirAKELERS No. LI Ao7i Water direct. I'hiltith ' hia. A L constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordnco, Seine Twines, Ac., viz.: lai d Hopes, Fishing Holies, White Ropes, Manil la Popes, Tow Lines for Canal Boots. Also, a complete assortment of Si ine Twines, Ac, ftieh n Hemp Nliiul and Herring 'i'w ine, Best Patent fiill Net Twine, Cnllon Shad and Hcriinu Twire. Shoe Threads, Ve. Ac. Also. Bed (Tunis, PI,-unh Lines. Halters, Traces, (Totton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on ri asouahle tel nis. Phil ide'phia. November 1.1, ltl. ly. .S;t 4t I'i v Suit- "I t ITSl'KC'l l'l.LLV intorms tin ir Irteuds nnd -a acquaintances generally that they Mill con tinue lo keep at tho old tatiil. No. 2-1 ti North 3d street . Phihutelplii i. all V 'litis nf TollACVti .v A ',". .4 A' se;ai:s. Which they will tc!l n the nut '. uteoiiitnoilulinj and icasoii.i le terms. N. B, All uoods soli! wdl he gun intend and all orders prnmpiK attendi d lo. Philaih Iphia, Ncvcint't i 13, f- U --ly. j "p- ("1 pt sj TTf"'"'jrT,t5 if,."', I , ir"' ItOR'salo illitl lk.0t.-lll Mine, r.DiniCl, J ainl l'altn Leaf ll.'lt Warehouse. 1 A'o. fiC .Vi7A Sr strrrt, a fnr .or.r.v uhen r .lech, rhilaili'lliia. j . A I.SO Tiiinks, Carpet Bass arid X'nlires. of ev. ery desenption, all of which he oiler fin I sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November PI, 1H-I I . ly. j J.W.SWAIN," j I'nihrella ami l'arasol Manufacturer ; .Vo. 3 i AoA '2'hml ttrcfl. tiro ilimr.i In low thr I'itti Until, l'hilmli lifiia. iOI'NTH Men hunt and others are solicited ; rxamiiie his usoitt.ii lit before i urchasinu 1 else where ! IMiila :t li-Li.i. November 11. l II. ly. j I'T a . n o v o v i) t s j China, ('lass ami l.ieiH)oI Warehouse, i A'o Xirth Third t'rrct. third it W Vine i ... i; .... I j 'i -. j " Hl.K!. they constatitlv kep on k'epon hniitt a large ' assortment of China, Glass nnd . . I ' Ware, w hich they w ill dispose of on the must ici- Son-able terms. j Philadelphia. November 11. !SI lv. TiiLoiMLrsTu.r. ! i Manufacturer ami lnijmiler of Sail- tilery. Hardware, vVc. i Ail. 5 Smith Third ttrrft.fmir dinars Ir'otr Market . I'hihidripliia. ffT" EEP constantly on h ind a htr;e nnd cmeral j ak assortment Coach Lamps, ('arriage B inds, I Alio Arms, Eliptic. Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. ' Coui try Merchants and saddler will lie supplied at all tunes on the most reasonable term. They w ill j find it to their advantage to call ami examine his I Qssoilincrit before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, NovemU'r 13, lHll. ly. ( HiToiiL-i'RilxNn v-x7 co ! . Wholesale Dealers in rureicn Hritisli ; i a,,,,,.;,, 1 1,. f , , I- mi nt of the oest and most fashioiialile GitoJ.s upon the most reasonable lertns. Philadelphia. November 11. 111. lv. 1.0WLlYTvI IJAKUON, Importers ami Derilers in rotein fun! Domestic Ilaiilware, No. 171 N'OHTH Till Mil StH IT, I'UILiPri.l'IIIA. "It 'HERE thnr fri, nds and I'nti.mers w ill always " liml a large nml general a-sorlnient nf Foreign and Domestic Haidware, w hich they will sell at the lowest prices. Philedelphia, November 11, 1S4 1. ly. r.SlIKlMCK, HANSr.I.L vV CO'" WHOLESALE DRY GOODS S.TOEE. I No. lliti 1-T.' Mtoket Street, l'hila. ' (Itihiiv Fifth S uthtide ) j tLWAVS keep on hand a lull nml general as , st rtilM'ntot Hosiery, Late, and Fancy (i,hxls, 1 Cuiiiitry Merchant are resiei'tfully requejd to ; give them a call nd examine for llicm-elvt . '. Philadelphia, NovemU-r 13, IK41. ly. Sriil.lNG, GOOD (Si CO. No. i:i Market Street, riiiladclj liia. "WNVITIT the attention nf Country Merchants J to their t xieusive asKoninent of Brili'h French j innl American Dry Cool, which they olier foi aale ' on the mott reaisnbht term. I Phila-'.i Iphia, November 13, 1841. Iy. ! BlcC I ALL AT Sc 1iERSb7 Tu ."il, Aui lli Srt oiitl r(r t i, I (i o5r.n or cooxia' Where they consianlly ke'p nn hand a genetal assort merit of tXOTIIS, CASSIMETttE3,VXSTrMOS, And a get at rnriity ofarlicles of a inferior quality, which (hey oiler to dispose of upon the most reasonable terms, . OF NT BY MERCHANTS and other will y find it to thtii advantage io call and tiaitiiiie th. ir stork before purchasing elsew here. I ij 1:1111- c r ico i.. Philadelphia. Nov. f., 1S41. ly J CHIT 3 ft, CtTlllIlTGS. WHOLESALE fiHOE, BONNET, Cup una' I'alm Isuf Hat Store, No. IOSoith 4iii MrartT, PHILADELPHIA. "A 'HKR1T an rttciikive aiworlmer t of tho alxxe ' arti' le ie cmalanily kept on hand, lot tale at the niot reasonable trrriiM. May 2i, IMI.- ly. WINSLOW'S BALSAM OT HOREHOUND, AN tin pa re He led remedy for common Cold", (Toughs, A-thma.InfluciiT.a, Whooping Couith, Bronchitis, nnd ell disease nf the Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption ; composed of the concen trated virtue of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Roof, Livrrwort nml several other vrgetalde substances. Prepared only by J. M. Winslow, Rochester, New Yo.k. The innocence and universal! admitted pectoral virtues of the Herbs from which the liahrim of Ihirchniintl ia made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is theiefnre only neeessa ry tn observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medic nal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege. (able substances, as to render il tho most speedy, mild and certain rrmuly, now in use, for the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes oil imnammation and sore ness of the Lung", loosens touuh visit! phli cm. ens ahling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cnf?,h, relieves nthmatic. and diffi cult respiration, hrals The injured pnrts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and uivrs stn ncih to the tender lungs, ""J hu produces a speedy and lasting cure. IlKRATITt DP. IS TIIK BEST rniMC 15 Mf. Wr are not among that class of Editors who for rs few dollaiH will, (at the expense of truth and hn nesiy) "crack up" on article nnd biints it into rapid sale ; neither aie we w illing to remain silent, ot'l.-r having tested the utility of an bn rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our reader will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent Ci Id some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOHEHOI NP, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot wo ever had a cold. Those who ore afllicted, may try it upon our recommendation. .fiiitt'i T'Jrierafifi. For side by 1 1 EN BY YOXTIIEIMEH, Sunburn, JACOB BRIGHT, Kirthumhtrhm,. Also, by Druggisia generally throughout the country. jj Price, fiO cents per bottle. Auu'ust 1 ltd. 1 -!(. Iy. LIST Or HOOKS, roll SALE 11 T NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; Atiisworth do ; Cobb's do.; English and German do ; Anlhon' Crr snr: Anthon's (irnmmer; Antlien's (,'ieeio; Mail's La' in Render; Ogilhy's do.; Anihiw' Lirin Lcss nis; Doiitu's Lexicon: I I'isk'i) (irei k ITxr rc'ses; Davies's Legetitlei; Groeca ! M"i'r-? A'l-nsV Roman Antiquities; Pint.ol' ('. i,LmilhMTi ul:,nd; do. G'reece; Lyell's Ehments 'of Geology; Mis. Lincoln's Botanv; Eli nients i,t tnny; Bridge's Algebra; Pnrti i's Rhetorical Rra- iters; I .on rs.m s iei,gra liy nml History; Oli.ey s Parliv's do.; SniithV G rammer: Kirkhnm's do.: K.-in'h Rea l, r-; Cobl 's do.; (Tohh's Arithmetic!,; Pike's d i.; Eon rsoii's do.; Cubit Spi lling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Bocks; Evangelical Fa mi'y Libiar; Cottage Biltle-; Family do ; (;ollater al do.; rmall Bibles ami Testament; Parker' Ex-erei-es i'i. Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Bax'i i"s S .im's Res!; An irican Revolutit.ii; Manvatt No- I vets; Mrs. Phelps on (Tin mistry; Iliad; C.ite.histii of American Lawe; l.ettirson Natural Magic; Che mistry lor Beginners; English Exercises adapted tc Murray's Gr.m.nier; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Pool ; Annrienii (,'lass Book; DabollV Sfhoolmas lei's Assistaril; A great variety of Blank Books, Ar August 2 si, IKIl. ATTENTION. .1 . I l v i: JOMIS, riirt's l'S tile ntln. lion of Ilia rnMn friond. I , . . .. , - ' , . woo lire in wain, io ins vvrv lare Bung tl (Tarprtings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rug, Bindings Si-ur Rods, Ac, Ac, that he lias jusi jxpenrd, a his warehouses. No. lt North 2d street, and No. '. Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Pluln delplna. " July 31,1 s4 1. ly. SPANISH HIDES. " TAiVMETIS OIL AND LEATHER. R Kl 11 Kl A THICK & SON jVo. 21. JWfi Third at reel, (lILTWir.N XI A It K FT A Ml I II f SMrr T tt E r.T,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large nnd excellent asortmen nf jiani.Ji Ihdix, I'd na Sip, Tumuti Oi. ic, at the lowest market prices, cithrr for cash, it exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Corisignmints nf Leather received for sale, c purchased at the highest matkel prices. 0 Leather stored fret! of charge. A pril 17, It-1 1 . ly . l'cnialt'K. W"iT7II' ' aro troubled wiih sick headache, pain ii V j the side, breasi and I ark. bis of appetite, fl i lulein y, lowne of spirits, palpitation of the heart fainting or giddiness, sickue-s at the stomach, hihou alii'ctions, tiglituesa at the rhesl, nausea, vomiting , noise in the stoninrh, fiushii gs ol heat, nnd chilli ness, ilie.ise of the nerves, titid organs of digestion- Ac. Ac, those who mav be thus ulTectcd, shonl j ii' l lit g'ect to pr-cuie Dr. llarlieh' Cmupuuin j Sin nllii ning Tonie and Ore man Aperient I'M j which ?re. warranted to give immediate relir Thousand i'o we almost d uly behold, whospcoui j teiiaiires and p ile emaciated cheeks licar ik'CuI j witues to sicklies ami iilllictioil. Could tho person lie ptTsUaslcil In use this Invaluable men cine, lin y would soon find their weak and debiliu ted frame siienghteneil, their minds compose, and all pain, and distress tlnven from the . when tin' body will again renew its lost vigor, am I ut i.ii a ' new life," nnd death for a whilo le dc I lived ot its prey. What In ait but feel g!;nl I U holil tl cir near relntive and dear friends, snaiche. kk if by magic from that land dest oyer llcuth ye who aie laboring undei disease let not ailothe day or night pus w ithout procuring this medicine as it will in a majority of eases effect a pormanaii cure. Utmemhtr delay are dangerou; and i din-asp in neylected, iia ravage will doubly il ere is '. eft Principle Office for the United State, N l'a NORTH EIGHTH street, when" teccomtnei ilatior of huiitlicil of H-rsoris may be seen, all which have been ctneil or benefit let! by tl I medicine. HENRY YoX'l HEI.MER. j Oct. 20, !S i2. Agri I IJtfr Coiiiplahtt. a ' rtflillS disease is diitcovereil Py a fixed ohttlfe pail" i I in the right side under the short ribs, attended ' with heat, tint asiuess about the pit of the st imach, ilu re is in the right shle i.lso a distention ; the pa- tit nl lose hi appetite, and bf comes sick ant' irru'cl I ed with vomiting. The tongue becomci vouU and black, tho countenance changes ! a pale or citrnTi color, or yellow like those n'V.',, ted with jauc. dice, difficulty of breathing, distuibed re.-l, allended with a dry rorrA, Jity.culty of laying on the led j aiile, the body becomes weak, anJ finally the discs,-, termimtea im,, unoihcr of a mora fcriotia naiurv. I which in all probability is Ur 1-eyond the power of human akill. V. Ilurlieh't Compound Strength I ruin;' 7'oric and Herman Aiirinil I'M, if ta- ken at tin' C niuiciiccineiil of thi disehte, wilt t l.ei k it, i'd by com nuing the line of the inetlicinc I few week, a perfect care will be iierfotuu J liousami ran testily to tin tact. Ct rtirtcaie i f many persons mav daily he ue. of the t lliciry of this invaluable medicine, by applv ing at Ihe Medical Otlice. No. ls, NORTH ElGHJ'ii atreet, Philadelphia. IIE.NHV On. i'M, 1MM. .1fal.