Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 17, 1842, Image 3

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    The viscera of both (he chest and abdomen were
perfectly found, showing thnt the Individual hud
but recently died end without the tjvidence Of
disease. I am, Ac,
SrKciK. On tlie2Sthflh.ths slirpTroy ar--rived
at New rroiwrs from New York with
$98,500; tho 'brij Wagram from Boston, with
83,000 and the ship Kdmiwd from Havre wkh
M2.100. ,
The aliip Algonquin from TWi?lo1p'hia Trr
d at Mobile vrfh $S0,X.
grnni Biiatb, The Htm, J. W. AVifliarn,
'member of Congress from Maryland, diofl lately,
while on hi way 40 Washington in his private
can iag-e.
Tmpobtawt. Tb WsaTHua ash its XT
tCT. The sudden rlianRc of the weather will
!he productive of much aickness, onleM ts3oi"e are
'careful to attend o the VI a to of ihc stomach and
:howel. If this is done no ilanper wHI arise' bill
oh the first feeling of hondach, pam Hn the side,
'back nr howcla, have Tecoorse to Brandreth's Vrg
rlalde Vnivcrnal Pills. Six or eight of these pills
will in most -esse be sufTrcienr, And one dose
of this kind, It is not improbable, Tftsy tpievenl
m.intlis of sickness, perhaps death.
They will, if used during the prevalence of any
-cause for disease, entirely prevent fatal Yosults:
because they TCmove from the stomach and Itowels
all morbific matters that may have accumulated in
the aysttin, by inhaling inquire air, or 'from f ating
unwholesome food.
It is at aH "times easier to prevent Vbtti to core
disease, because by taking a preventive course we
-do not debilitate ke natural function of the hotly,
but ratter 'TeTnt"m. and assist ".Tiem ; the pecu
liar action of BrandrotWs Vegetable Universal Pills
ia to cleanse ffrie Wood fraa aiH impurities, remove
every cause of, pain -or weakness, and preecrre the
constitution m such a state of health and vigor aa
casual changes cannot tJhct.
erj" I'orohase in Sunbury, oT H, B. Masser, and
Hre agent? published -in another fwrt efrtiis ppT.
Cortrrti-fi weekly by Hettry Yoxtheimtr.
Wheat, WI
lit a, - M
Co as, .... 40
Oats, 25
tPoan, ......
rmsrin, ... . 00
UrTTrn, ..... 3
Ukkswat, .... 55
Tallow, .... J
Dm ttt Ai'Pir.s, - - 75
Do. Pkacuks, . 200
Flat, ... - 8
l tea LSI) Flax, 10
BY vrrtire of sundry write of Vehdrticmi Kipc
nas issued otit of the Court of Common Ploa
ot Northumberland county, to ine directed, will be
etpnaed to public aale at the Court House in tht
Borough -of Sunbury , -on Monday the td day of
January neit, at 13 o'clock, (noon,) the following
described properly, to wit
A certain Tract of land, situate in Attgrjfla town
ahip, Northumberland cownty, adjirirfing lands of
Jscub Barlsher, Adam Shie.deT, anil Others, land i
Henry Yojthcimer nd others, cotrtaitring 125
acres, more or less, whereon are erected two large
two atory Dwelling Houses and Kitchen, a la'gn
Bak Barn, Waggon Shed and Granary, lime
KHIn and other oat buildings, two wells of Wntci,
and an orchard, Abisst SO acres ef said land are
Also! A certain tract ot land situate in Angrt.
ta township, Northumberland county, adjoining
land of Adam Shiasler, Jacob fnydcr, Jacob Bart
shcT and others, land of Henry A'onhcinicr, run
laming 181 acres, more or less. About 60 acres
of said land are cle-arrs1.
Also1: A certain Lot of ground, sin-isle in thr.
borough of Hunbury, in tho county of Moitlittniber
bind, bounded on ibe north by M.nkct street, south
by an alley, esst by lot of Henry Miiss-r, Est)., west
by lot rf U'ttliam MctJ.itty, wlierron are erected a
Inrpc two story Urick House, occupied ns a store
and dwelling bouse, brick and frame Kitchen, fr.irne
rtore house, log StaWe, and other out liMiit;, and
ptsmp 'f water,
Also: Two certain I.ota of ground, siniatc in te
boriniiiti ofStitilnrtv andeonniy of Northiimlicrl.tnd,
bounded north by Rlafklierry street, son'h by rtn J
alley, east liy lot of A. Jordan, Ksq., west by lot of
Mrs. Finney, whereon are erected a lurg brick
and log Dwelling House, and Krti ben.
Also : Two vertsin Iot of grrnnd. rtttiaie in
'tho bororrgh of !Sunlnrv, Norrhumlierl.ind cimnly,
bounded smilh by ltewberry sieeet, nonh by an al
ley, we, try bit of Rhtrtsbwbs, and east by lot if
, whereon are ercrted a two atory brii'k
House, frame potter shos ftame KUMo, and a well
df watea.
Also : A rerlain part of l,nt, No I3fi, siin .te in
'fhe ttoTottgh ot Sunburv. in the county of Northum
brrlsnd. hounded north by Dewlieiry streit, souih
ly an ariey, east Tiy lift of Lewia Dewart, Esq ami
wmt ly Irtflf Folmwrs.
Also : Thrre wrrain t.ota of grormd, situate m
Coal township, NoTtliufnlrland county, iti Ibe
town of STianroWn, rn thnt part laid out by A. Jor
ttan, Esq, and nthrta, K viir. Nos. 400,401 and
402, bounded soWlh ty Kil Rond, west by
street, rrrfrth 1iy street, east liy an alley,
whoreon are erected a l.irrt dwi-fling and sMre house,
one and a half Morrea high, and a ta'ge two atory
kitchen. nd a wvll tf wsrer.
Also: A errtain Tot -of grnstid sirvm'e in Poal
township, Northumlierl ind county, in the town of
SShamirttin, in that p.vrt I id otit by A. Jordan, EsO,.
and o' wit: No. 405, bounded south by the
It nil Road, north by street, west by lot of
Alsot A ei ttain tract of unimproved Isnd, situ
ate in Coal township, Northumberland county,
boundid on the west by lands surveyed in the name
nf Esther Cramer, land of Dawid F. tinrdou on the
outh, Mid land surveyed in tho name of Yillntm
(Sreen on the north, containing 40( acres, more or
less. JSeize I, trrkrn in fircuiion, vnd to bo sold
as the proiiefly of WilHam Wilvis.
FELIX MAUKtei;, WxriJ'.
KhoritT'a Oflice,
Simlry,Jec, 10.J842.5
Tnrn IVoliciN
7b lite Mtntorable T.lli Iwi$, Rrtf., Pimirt'ii't,
and his Anciatr,-Jw!fzn of thr. Court vf Quar
ter Strwn$, of the tnuvty of Northumberland :
fVIK petition of Elfcahrth Wittol t)l So ibury,
M. m ji4d County, humbly represents, that ale
contitrues to Iroep house -of public ntertaii:s
men i, at tier old stand in Smrbory, rrd is well
prepared fin the accommodation of travcRers, Vc.
fSlie therefore jirsys your honors to grant her a li
ce n-e to keep tavern, during the nsoing year,
and abe will pray, Ate.
TVi rtiw. .IrnoKS amiivr urstTMUKn : 'J'lro snl-ai-ribers,
ri-sidenls of Himlmry, InTelry certily, tint
I'.lnal'ctli Wcnzcl, the nipl iraiit lirr trre nccne,
is a l,idy of good ieputo for hoiro-ty and teuHr
ane, and is well provided with house room nnd
conveniences for the lodging and ajccominndarion
of strmieis iih1 tnivoHers, nnd that a pul'lie Iioum
tbiTe is irevessary : they llnvefoie recommend her
as n 4to(ier hv.-hhi to be licensed to keep a fxiblic
horn so.
tfeo c BriitM,
Jiieob I'liiuter,
David T. Titles,
Joseph Eisi v,
E. tireenoug'i,
Samuel D. Jordan,
Dec. 17th, 112.
Thomas A. Hdliugton,
Henrv Masser,
H. II. Mssser,
1'eter V. (iiay,
.loliu llousr,
Wrn. I.. Dewart.
lit'oifro I.uiik'm ltatc.
TIH E subscribers hereby give notice hi all per.
on induMed to taid estate, or having de
mands against the same, that they will meet at the
Yieuae of said deceased, on Tuesday and Wednes
day, tho 27th and 2Sth Decemlr, inst., for the
purpose of m.tking settlement. Thosa who neglect
this notice, will after that period have their ac
counts p'aced in the hands of a macitiate for col
Dec. 17th. 1845. Athir'n.
IXatc or Cieorpo Watts, V.sxi.
TftTOTKE is hereby given, that letters of admin.
Mvanon on tbeet'stenf tleorgc Walts. Esq ,
I fte of the borough of Northumberland, have been
granted In ttio sulecTibeT, residing in funhtiry.
Persons indebted to said state are requeated to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
ngainsl the estate are requested to pTesent tlwm for
xirmitialton and settlement.
Siinhury.Doe. 14. 1H12. 6112
TOR trial in the ('ourt of Common I'leas ofNor
lhum!rland Coiinlv, to be held at Sunlwy,
on the first Monday of Jan. next, bring the 2d.
-, and east by lot of -
Til x v rn iVolict.
To the Ihmomfilf V.llin Lewi. ., Vrctittent,
and his A anuria! tA1ti(lEtsvf1he Court of Quar
ter &r.tiiai iif ihr'coUn!' f Tvrthuinlrrlnnd :
1 11HE Kiiiion of Frederick Rirl:er, of Little M
JL irov, insjid county, hunihly represents that he
eTip"e a commodhius house on tlte "rosJ leailmg
to I'ottsvfile, m said township, and is Well prf pared
for The accommodation of travellers, cVc. Iletlieie
foro 'T.1ys vour honora to grant him a hcense, to
Vvivt a tseem 'dnrtng the -ensuing vear, and he will
To yhr li nora .insvn MFNViowvti i Ttie sul-
seril'cis, residents of t.ittlc Mahonov, hereby certify
thai Kredci-ek Raker, lire apiflicjnt fir licensf, is a
man ol good repnte for honesty and temperance,
sn-l is well tirovifle.l whh house room arid omve-
nieixel for tho lodging and accommodation nf
stringers and travellers, and that a public hmie
rhercis neeessiry. They therefore recommend bun
a a proiior per.n to e licensed to keep a public
Soseph KsrtihY,,
Jonkthani r)unkenerger,
Nsmuel Wairiier,
Solomon Duiikclherger,
Jiihn IVit'er,
Feter Wagner,
Is b
((Urnrral Stage QlJirr,)
: o: "SLj cia
fPCOMITa ctmrrnr,
riHE Si-Wriber rcspecifully informs tiie frierrdi
1. end tire tmhlic in, that ha liaa taon
the shove
Jnaeph Trego
Y litis iNi Milutyre
fJeorge Armstrong
Maitin Veav-r
Hullihen .V EUten
t'oin'tli f 11 A Jordan
Same for J Bowman
vs Martin A to-V
vs Edward Y Bright
va The Sliaiiinkiu Coal Co
vs Daniel Bet-it
vs John Miller
vs Geo W Kieh! et al
vs Same
Same for Win Deppen &. Co va Maine Wiley Si wife va tieorRe hnyder a adm a
vs John Haas
lohn MieiiflT
John Mi-Cube
M.iry Weeks
Charles D Wharton
llenev Huff
E U Brtf. ird'a 1.1 ill r
Jurse & Pfouta
A W Johnson i t al
Kobt D
Thomas Bigiretal
J a red Irvine
Win A I.ioyd
Cooper & Snyder
Ab'ahim i,'arirk
A tiraham'a e x'la
John Mu'rsy
Jacob Kltno
'JeoC Wolker
John S Mirtx
I'hoa S llonlum
Jno It Krltlor.
Themlo'e Bi-rk
.saac Koon &l Co
tJeoTge Hilt
William T Boyd
DatiVnl Roadaiinel
Wm Moutelius t al
Jacob Shi'i
vs John Monehrad
vs Byei'y & Haas
vs John Smith
va Chrisiepfetr Csm(ilell
vs Charles A Brsdford
vs Frederick Biikenbine
s Jno C Bovd al
vs Benjamin Mathss
vs Kohert McKee
va Ariman Knorr
vs Martin A Stoik
va ct.'nolii A Bergetresm r
vs jno & II M Davison
vs John Painwr
vs Jesse Bastien
vs Joseph Yankirk
vs J sc. lb (lM
vs Soomai Eslibiuch
vs f'afolirro NHirse
vs John Mirrwy
vs TAT (i AshbridBe
va Reuben Ksjefy A. Co
Vs fieorge Hill's cx'ra
vs O V T'ier
vs Daniel Zerbe et al
va Wm H Miller
vs Jno Stout 6i H Ftick
vs Johh Stout
Dergslresasr A Campbell va T Ac T G Ashbridga
t Jom'lh uf V
Jpo M Houel
ileiijaiiiin Matliewa
Nus.uiMuh Mower
Tbos Woods
Jne U Miller
Kane & Bergstre a. r
Flach. aseignre of Ar
M M Ege's a-aignne
va Fb minf W Pollock
va Henry Fiiek
s Fleming XV Pollock
a Henry Fiick
Vi J acob Deeli
vs Mis M Keott
v Enoch Down's etute
vs Andie ForsytUa
vs Chailes Ciaig
v Same
vs Hush M Daison
vs Same
rrothonntarv's OrTre
Sunhurv. Dec. 17, ISU
" ""Frrah Vupi.Vff KOE OINTMENT, reei ived
A andforf.lebr II. B. MAEK.
Nov. lOib, 1M.
Also: Fart of a certain Lol, No. 410, situ -it e in
Coal township, Noitlmmherland county, in the
town of ShmnoUn, bounded on the west bv the
Branch Rail Rosd.noith by the Danville and 1'otts
ville It iil Road, and on the e.iM by a lot of James
Shortle. Si ir.ed, tiiken hiexei-uriotv, and to be sold
as the property of Henry Yoxihrvmer.
Also: Twi Ive certain Ijots of ground, situate in
the borough of Sunbinv. Nortlintiiberland counlv,
Nos. 237. 23S, 239, 210, 241. 242. 24.1, 244,
2f.5, 200, 267, 2GH, iMiund-'d south by Pokrherry
street, north by tiooseberry alley, now ibe Daiivilre
and Potlsille Rail Road, iasl by Deer street, and
west by an alley.
Also: Four crrtain Lets of crisjnd, sitn-ite in
the liorough and county aforesaid, Noa. 200. 270.
271,272, bouiuled i.mih by Bbickls'rry alb y. north
by IVki tuvry a:reet, west by an alley, ami east by
River street, partly i-ovcred by water. Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to lie sold as the property of
the Danville and Pottaviile Rail Road Company.
Alao : A certain tract or piece of land, situate
in Shamokin township, Northumberland cotmly,
bounded by a road leading from Snydettown to the
Turn pike, land of William Waievs, de-cM., the Sha
mokin Creek and the Kail Road, containing 17
acres, more or his, whereon are erected a large two ,
story Dwelling House, plastered. Kitchen and a
lalfje Barn, arid a well if water, Nrarly all ofsiid
land is treated, St iecd, tukeu in execution, and
to I aold as the prifctly of Gcorgo Kieager.
Also; A certain Lot of ground, situate in the
horoHph of Northumberland and county of Norlh
umlrcrland, containing five acres, more or less,
hounded north by West Way.aruih by the West
Bianrh of the River Hiisqurhanna, west by a lot
of J auics Kay, ami on the east by the Road leading
to the river, whereon are erected a large two story
Brick Mill, and Dwilling House, known by the
name ol the Cotlege, Seized, taken in eircutior,,
anJ to be aold as the property of Josiah Cha'man,
Al-o : A certain Lot or p'rern of land, siluute in
A lieu' a township, Norihumherhiid county, hound,
ed by Lot of lleniy Matn'r, !ot of Jacob Painter,
and the Shamokin Creek, containing 5 srrvs. nKire
or less, wl.ereon ate 1 r-.cted a one and a half story
Brewery a'-.o Dwvi ing House, with a sp'ing of wa
ter in the Cellar, anJ a log and frame Stable. Seiz
ed, ts.Vcn in execution, ami to I sold as tho pro
perty of Philip and (iollieb IJiynure,
Also A rer'ain tract or ji'tco of land, aitunte in
PurlHil township, Northumbrian! countv, adjoin
ing laml of J.ici-b S. chlcr, tieoige Wagoner
Philip Rarp, and othi-rs, containing 1 00 acres,
more or less, whereon are t-recied a two story
Dwellii g House and Kitchen, and a one slory
Dwelling House, a large Barn, and other out biul.l
ings, a wi II of water, and an on-hard. Nearly all
of said land is cleared. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as tho pioperiy of John Duiiu and
Jacob Dinim.
Abo : A cert iin messuage, tavern stand, and
tract of laud, aituate in Coal township, Northum,
berland County, on Shamokin creek and the Centre
Tnrnnike Road, adjoining land of Ju-lge Brad-
ford'a heirs, Aichibald McCaul and land sutveyed
to Merrick Stair, containing 475 acres mure or le s
with the improvements ibcteon elected, cdnunoiily
called RitTt rt'a limn.
Alao : A certain tract of unimproved land, situs
ate upon the waters of Sham. kin creek, in Coal
township, Northumberland county, bounded by
lands late of David F. Gmdoii on the west. Tho
mas Csdwalluder on the Cot, and William Boyd,
Burd Patterson A Co. on the nuith, Containing
1768 acica, more or less.
Also : A certain tract of unimproved hind, situate
in Coal lowrnhip, Norlhuniher'und county, bound
ed by lands nf Thomas Cadwallader on tie west.
Divid F. tior.lon on the east, and on the n .nh ly
lands lum-yed on wsiranls in be usmeot Willi 011
Tomlinsou, Gi-orga Coaliam and othrts, contain
ing IV6S acres, moie or less.
Also t A certain tract of unimproved land, vitu
ate in Co.d township, Norihuiiiberliml enemy,
hounded by land of t'ailwalla.'er 011 the
east, John Biady on the n.nlli, si. J Thoims I'a.l
wslla.ltt en the wttt, rontsin ng 4t0 sees, more rr
fsnorpe Sieeinhatt,
Wm. Derr.
Jonathan Peifer,
(vi'orge H- n'iot,
Wm. Rolheimet,
fie rge W..gner,
Da.-. tOtls 1842.
1HAVE now in lny iitchenone of 11 itkiwii'i
Ptkst Hot Ai Cnnxiyn Stoves, and take
pleasure in recommeiiding it to the public as su
p -iior to the I" st npinratus for cooking llmt 1
have any knowledeenf. The oven ie nt least twiox'
ns lame as any other, in proportion ro the size of
the stove, and is superior to any oven for roasting,
and baking bread, pies biscuit, Ac, and I iK not
hesitate to give my opinion, that Mr. Hathaway's
Stove will do three tim-s the amount of cooking,
do it better and in less time, and wnh less fuel and
labor, than any other atove of equal dimensions.
December 3d, 1S12.
Daniel Fiiritian'N llntr.
"lTOTICE is hereby givrn, that the I!egiter of
rtsts eounry has this xlay yisnted tetters ol aJ
MmsMation upon the estate of Daniel Furmsn.Vste
of Shaitiokin lownsaiip, OiT'd., to Hin euhscriber.
All peinnns having demands sgaint lire vstate, are
leqiirsted to present lliem, and those who are in
debted, to pay their respective scrsuuts to tire sub
crilier, who n-aides in Shainnkin township.
smi:eL flrman.
Nov. 18th. 1642 Ti )
Or)lias Court Sale.
EN pursuance of an order oF tire Orphans' Court
of Nnrthumheilain! county, will I exposed to
wile, et the house of Chrhs D. Wharton, in the
borough of Sunlmry, on Saturday the 2 1th day of
Dccemhcr next, ut 10 o'clock, A. M., two tracts of
land, in Shamokin town.-hip Northumberland coun
ty, one (if thrill called Mount Carmel, on llieC'en
tie Turnpike, adjoining land of Valentine Propat,
and lauds belonging to the Asylum Comptiiy, on
siiam jkln ricik, containing 1691 acres stiict mea
aure, on which there is a dwelling house, stable, Ac ,
now kept as a public bouse by Jacob Roth. The
othor tract was surveyed on a warrsnt in the name
of "J. Mini ih Paul," containing 200 aerea, IS per
rlirs, and allowance, also on Shuinukin creek, ad
ioiniiic lands ol Valentine i'lopst.and others. The
said trails contain, it is supposa'd, a lirge ipisnlily
of anthracite coal, nnd the last tract is well Ituilf
id. Terms will be made known on th- day ol sale,
by the adiniuistratoisof E., E 11 , ile, '!.,
ns whose ihtuie the same will U s.d.l.
Jl)ll EV.NW.
Nov 19. 142. Adm'rs if tait dr'd
IlulV of ( oni l.
Of urge V llianr Jnr the use vf Robert II.
Hammond va. Thomut AUm. Hill. 14',
ON motion nf Mr. Donnel, rule 011 the credi
tors of Thomas Allen and all other, int. list
ed, o appear on "the first day of next teim, and
show rau-e why the meuey raised by the sale nf
the d iei. dam's real estate should n. I be distributed
according to law. Bv the t'ouit,
Ptiitbonotary'a Oflice, ) I'roth'y.
Sui bury, Nov. lit, 1842. ft.
VyI'L IlIllTIilMl 1 LIaSit7
VERY UESPECTFl'LLY Ibs leave to in.
f rin his eustomera and the public gencially.
that he still continues the
in all its various braliebrs, in the shop, In a lv op.
isinie the Buck Tavern, formerly occupi- d by
Henry Ha 11 and hinis. lt, niruer the firm of Haas
A D ui kuniller, which firm h is lieen mutually dh.
so' veil, lie hop. a, by his long expi iience in the
above business, and strut attention theieto, to r, 11-
dei seoeral satisfaction, and ineivea lilnul share
of puM c patronage.
Sunhurv, (K-tii.'er I.Mh, JS12. lim.
ISr. U. IS. AVi iM i-,
OrrLP'i Lis profe-bioii,il seivic-s, t., the riliens
ot S1111I uiv, and vii iniiy. ( tilice nei door to
ihe revi.lenie of Ri v.l. U. A. Fisher, wlieie be uiiv
he f niii.l, u. less ri.gjad III ilichri;ii g the dull, k
i vl bis 1 roll .-oiOii. it. fib, I PI . II.
1 N TH R M O R t) i; H o F M C N C Y,
and flint Iro is now wfjfl anarrd to aceomrrnidatr
all who may favor him With their rustofsi.
His Man ArAiiTSiii.vTa arc well aired, and
rl'is Taut Avti Ba will always Ito snppli.d
with rlie best the maikcfVsn alKml.
I tin Staiu.iso, which is Rood, will lie under
the rhar;r of good an. I careful hostrers
He fnls confident, 1v r'trhrt attotitiontii business,
nnd an earnest desire to render c -nifortaMe lhoe
w ho may parronten 'him.rhnl lie will not fiiiltnuive
genera, SHli-flai-lbm. H. B. WEAVER.
Muncv.Oct. 1st, 1SIC. If.
"A "CARD".
Dfr .1. '. I'ral bfgsleavo to tender hi crate
ful arktiow'edgments to ihe people of Mm, hu y
and siirroutiilifiB ronntrv, f.n then pat pricoiiriirje
ment in the lino ot his profession ; and wou'd nt
the samo time am-minf t.i th-in. til it he still in
tends to eoiitiiine the of medicine in all its
various departments. He would, therefore, solicit
a cinliiiiianee of their confidence and patroiiane.
He may lie found at nil times nt his ollice, (n mar
ket srreet, tinless professionally dig ged.
Srnhury. (tel. 1st, 1H12. if.
D 1. T.TrllM, Rep,M-tfully Informstbe
cuhr.ens nf Punbory and viriniiy.thalhe has a
ken an olrire in tine budding lately occupied by Peter
Lnlmis as a drug amre, in market street, Su. bury,
where hemay lie f.sand at nil hours, tlntesa profes
sion Tlv eneniied.
RR. TU1T1 returns Irs sincere thanVs for 'he
encouragement lie has received, in the Hne of his
profession, in this place, and trusts hv prompi ai
tentrOn to rlie ihitiesof his professatu, and reason
a!m charges, that he will c.mtinuo to trceive a
Htiefal shaTe of the public patron ige.
Sunbury, (V I. 1st, I H4 J. tf.
I'llOKMs It Al'llir 0 IK I,.
'o. 17.1 Chrxnitt .S7ree7, Alh Story,
TYn: AITAKAVIS, Snrcical and Mi-
nurture Cases, Importer of French Chrmicala and
double, silver ilates for the Daguerrentvpe, adopts
this method of iuferming tiro cftirens of Northern
Pennsylvania, that he carries on the above ousiness
el"Hsivety, m 6,1 its varioMs branches. Persons
desirous of oblaining nny efthe above nrtic'es, can
be promptly supplied, on tho lowest terms, for rash.
All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate
Mh.C R T.IT-LEHK'DCE, now travelling in
the Northern part of tho Smie. will promptly at
tend to aH nrdeTs, give necessary information and
Photographic insirisctioin to any person nil appli
ration to him. Auust fith. 1X42 fun
ESPECTFFLLY informa the puhlic thai he
has madv Northuniberlsnd his permanent
place of residence, and is ready to attend to any
calls in tlte line of bis profession.
July 2, IS 12. ly.
rETE?. GET?E?k,
1 pF.M'ECTKI LLY informs hi- friends and the
k- public generally, that tie has commenced the
Tailoring It u n i n e m s ,
in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied
bv Win, Durst as a tailor Mmp, in Hlackhcrrx
street, nearly opposite tho Preby lerian Chun b
He n sped fully solicits a share of the public patron
see, md tiUsla by strict attention to bum ess and
reasonable charges, he will be eiiubltd to give yen
eral satisfaction.
tunhuiy, June imh, 1R42 ly
rnrLADCLMux. "reading and tottsviuc
H i7Z commoner running h"ltrm Philadelphia
anil Vottsvillc vn far following days
anil lioum ;
Oat An AfT Mooat, Mai 9. 1144.
Leaving PotlAille, 011 Monil:iy, Wednesday a
and Fridays, at 6 A. M.
Leading Pbibidelphia, on Tire-slays. Tl.uisdays
and fatutdavs, at 1 P. M.
Ifaurt o-f frmrt ffeadinir.
t or Philadelphia, al I
I or PottavilKa, at A
I p.'m.' -'r-
H. B. lfASSSPw,
1r BUirBtJH'fiyT'A.
Bnstnesa atlersded ;t tnlhe Counliee of Nor
ilititelerlatid, Uihon. lAMWrtttg and Columbia.
KetVv iri
TttoaiAa Hah-t4c Co.,
I.owm ft Bakboit,
at, CvMMiaaa Sr. Habt, T'ti!aJ.
Rarrottia, McFARtAan & Co.
Srarii so, 'Juon & Co.,
Between Tonsville A Phdai'.a. $ft,fi A f2.R0
Between Reading A d... 2,25 A 1,75
Between do A. Pot sville, 1,4(1 A- 1.00
Eicvnuo Tict!Ts oiiriti r.'B BAriiitiria-a
sur mt
Between P.itrsville A I'l.iinlelpbia, f 00
Between Ifiai'mg A ilo. 3(1(1
Between do. A PottsviMo, S HO
Tlra other passenger ins will as la-fore si
the followirfln li nr. :
Philadelphia end Pollttit'e.
From Philnilel,id., at 5i.M. 5
Fr..m l' st 2 IV M. s ' '
Hour of pntrirtf; lie .ding
Ft Pofsvitie, at 9 A
For Phila.h'lphia, nt P
All the trains will stop foi wsv nKssengera
the usual poii ts.
(TV All paasengers are rerpiesrcd to procure
their tickets before the trains start.
May St. 1544. if.
1 taii v.
ShamoKiii, N01 tlnnnlKii land Co,,
tillK sub.H-riheia respi-cH'ullv inform the public
thai they have taken that lure and eomin'tat
oust II t I'll I in Shiiiiiokiulowii. 111 the c, nt ot
Ihe treat t'oal lieuioii. lately kept ly Jacob Ki
when tbev are now pn-poed to itecoo ; 1. Ii e tl 1
who may lnvor them with their ci ..m Hv 'r"'t '
.if.enliiiu to bu-iness, ill.) h.-pe m iceive a Mural :
shaio ol public lalron ice. I
IS A 11-11 i:l .OR A (iOVE. I
Siamol,iiilovi), June 1 Si'j. ISl'.'.
't o uiiuirv
U. S. Mail Coach
tOlt lOTTSVHai.r
rilHE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves IV.rThuYn
JL berland every morning at 4 oYlocli. and arrives
in Pottsville in time for the cars lo Philadelphia.
Fabk as low as nny other line.
For seats, anidy at Mra. Withiiigton's Hotel,
N jrthumberlaml, o at t5eore Weitxel's, Sutihury.
North'd., Mav 2 1 , 1 14. Proprietor.
fT5 Passenccrs coming fro-o Phna.lehinia will
please secure their seat al Ihe White Swan Hotel,
Race St., before they leave the citv. Passengers
coming in this line, have llu rr seats secured in any
Nt iceor Packet Kiat from Ibis place. '1 hose Coming
in the ther line may be left behind.
Itlanli ItooU lniturirtory,
Opposite Priiier' Hotel,
llAl'ltlMJL I ti.
IIEY are pr. par.d to mi1 uf ii-'.nre l.'r.i k ?.-oik
of every ilescninton, rule'' t. rv pa", ni. such
ns Dockets Records, D'v I! "'is, Asrer
sors' and t'ollecior-' Dupbc t s of Uie fill"' q'l ili
ty ol paner. in a -'.vl- ivr t ' . am 'o ib i , the ci
ties ..f I'hda.le'p i i r New York.
All d s. i ipn o.- ot" hiiidirs res'ly - verot. .
Srr-i. Hu. ks, Minims suit Piirllolios ins loonier.
La - I) 'I'll., Mtssie ami I'eriod'C I- hou. d to my
p itteni, ( l,l B "; rebound A". Also fiio- if
p ipns hou- d
rrjT orU left at the olTice of the SunbuTy Ame
liian, will be rromptly attended to.
M .y21st, H I 2. ly.
B"jr rmr jefz 9
Corner of Third nud Vine Sirrelt
riTlE subscriber respectfully announces lo the
M. public, that he hs opened a Hotel in the com
modious brick building aituate on Ihe comer of
I bud and Pine streets, where he will he happy lo
wail upon those who may favor him wito their
company. The K-igle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the best modern stvle. It is
pr. vided with a large number of well aired and
c -mf rtable sleeping apartments, rooms, private
parlors, A'c Peisons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness oi plea-nre, may rest as-ur d thnt every ex
ertion will be used to tender heir sojourn at the
Eat'!.' II 1" pleasant and s?r.a-abte. His Table
will be supplied with the very h' si the inail.i t af
fonls, atnl hi- t ar wnh ihe ri oice-i wines ami oth'-r
bailors charges re.sotiable. The Eajle Hot'l
p. .ssi ssv- greater xdvaiiUnies in point .f location
than anv 'ihei s:ir i!ur eatabbsnnu nt in th'- bnroueli,
U ine situaie m the business p -n of the town, and
wilbi' a e i venient dist .nee i f Ihe Ci.uit Housti
ami Wi-liamspnrt ai d Eltnlr i Rail Bond Depot.
SunirieiiisiBlilinc provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in atli udaiicc.
Attentive, arcoir.m.Klating and honest Servants
have been cmplove.l, and nothing left undone that
will add to the couifoil and accommodation of hia
There will be a earriag" alwavs in attendarre st
ih' Boat l.aie'i! g 'o eo.-..e ..asse ;r to v.-J f.-nn
the House fi.v .f r!-arae.
I'll ABLE-- nilt.n HVB.
Mav ttth. ' s I?.
Snuir and Tobacco Manufacturer!,
A'o. U9 AorA We tt corner tf Race and 2trJ
"TMlE undersigned have formed Co-partnership
under the firm of J. M AYLAN D. J a. A Co..
as successors to the late firm of Jacab Mayloytd 4;
'Co.. and vvill continue the business at the old ftta.
fdishtnent, on their own account. In addition lo
their own cloae attention and experience foi many
years, in th manufacture of their rofebrnted srl'jff''',
Ac, the lotg expetience of t! o rnnior J.st1ri cr t'
lat finn, vill alto be devoted to Uia inter.-at .1 the
0i coricCrn and ns no exeition ttnd r;,r, vrill le
Spared to insure their goods, st all timrs of the ve
ry best quality, they aolic't a cor,:inuai.ce nf the
confidsnifj of the l.-enda and customers of th 1st
firm. 1 MOM AS ADAMS,
Phil '-.phia, May 1 4th, 1S42. ty
1V0. 69 I'orth Third, above Arch Street,
Fill LXtlEliPIll A.
HcrriMMnnATiojcs) for ttvrTV rrn?ov.
pHARLES WBISt, lale of ihe "White Swat ,"
and "Mount Yernon Houre," respectfully in
forms his friends and customers, that he liasbcidme
the proprietor of the abava well known Hotel.
Country Merchants will Pnd the above Hot! a
central location, and the best of fare. Perions'rr
veiling with private conveyance will rind a laige
yard and good stabling for hones, and the Scat of
ostleis. Boarding f 1 per day.
May 14th, t84. tf.
vnr. il.ait & cic.,
M aCabstrtat.
Cii5a Vrvl trr
A Man
Comniissitin Az. Forvvnfii'inf- MerchnntB,
font of H intf .S'fref Rail Roud,
u Tha iir.tvvr!,
iibsi-ribcr, A'jei.t ol I on A 1 1 arris. Hut
nuf.i. tup is, fur eiv urn, I Inl ulelplila,
I1..I, ..,,.1 ..lli.r lnr.,1 jilies A I imii liutx me
hi 'bly c.n..iriid. d i ..r K,,d cd-., and dnrl.Hit,h ; V n lb -t l ute and we I "known store and wh ,rf at
has bund a f.r.l late assoilui -nt l II A I'K and j f"ot of N ilb.w f-trrtt Kadroait. lately o.-cup.e.l by
I 'A I'N, sliit-ii'le for Npring a des, wh ih v. ill 1 1 sold
v. iv low. I'm cash or si iooVe.l cie-ht, at the nr ltd
nAYIXU srs.loii.tid wi h ihem J.iseph Barnet,
late of Eaiiton. P. i., respectfully Inform their
friends and the public ireneraP.v, that llu-y have ta.
cheap .'cc. Xo. 4", .With Thud 'i'l, o p r
the City ll. t.l, l l.ila.lclpbis.
i:tlHi:i: P ll. U ILKIN?0N. Ai'ent.
N. U. Hats in ibe mui-h. piompry
l..a. M-.,l ll,u. ,rWM ilot.ll, u I!i.,i...mI
I J ! ,,.. ........... O. ,r J , -
, Ciimmission and Forwriling Business, ar.d fom
ihe local advauHCs nf thv place l-eititf conni Clesl
j 'Willi sll the public improvements that have their
I outlet lu the Citv, th- flatter themsi ',vea they Will
i .e able to do l iisinrss to aa gn' ii. if not g;ca'er ad-
atteude,! lo. The highest rice in rif.'i
(iven f.w fur rtirt.
Philadelphia, June 11, 1812--ly nub bled to tbo linn nl l.i'n A
II lira, under the .litem-y ..fVV Tl. seller,
. and Cap Manufacturer: No. 40 No-l'i Thud,
slits: I, Phil id. Iplna, art. le.pirstud loniaVe illlilii.ll
ate settli inetit of ill- ir a,rx'i,i,ts e iih the u 'n-ci ll rr. legally au'hipe-l si;,i,l,wlio is ful'y eoipow
iltd to Ml lie auJ the account nl said lirm.
June 4th, lSli.-tl AjeHf.
: a n.a.n " "" !
oriir.n simh rv. i
l ill N A IIENKY LAND l h'.ving tented 1
ihe I. one Kilns et lluirv .Manser, in Sunbinv, I
have now lor sale the last Lime in this, p.rt of the ,
coiinliy, and w ill n'lilinue In keep i-oi sli.ntly ell
baud lli'sli I iiini foi l'l .sir. i. , 1 ' 1 1 1 1 . ! . i i : , and lor
l.iinioit land, on as u i-on.M, lerin- us un be I
uiiv vviu i.- in ibe i.e'lil oilicil.
May 'J I, lbS. J. A H. 1.ANDAT. I
tf tra-ts ' vantage, sndnpon as reasonable .nnisas any other
house, hud lb. v ussuie their fr.euds that any Con
sijiim.nts made to them sbll have thv-r sinrl st-
j leutioii, arid no exirtioiis span d to entire satia
i ft.'' ron,
1 They are also piepand in reeilve and forward
' gn.vls in any point on the Tl Im "e mid Lrhmh
livers, tietweiii Mauch Cbiinli. I'lTlon sinl I'lula
i dH his, vin Delswart Divi.- i n Lehich Can Is;
Is i, to anv point on the J mi .ta nv,r. m Nonh
and Wi st B sticbes ol ibe b.ism b anna via ehu I.
; V ill siit.t Union, oi tho .p..i.k" and 1'l.le Wntei
j C ina's.
j For he accoiiir.iodatioii of Boats, coming or go
n i via sibuv'Ut'l and l'i.i..n i'livds. a Sio.mhoat
will b' kept etpressU for t'-nnu .osts from the
' Stbuv'ili aroin .1 I o th. V wa-at, : back, wl-irh
t . . . . . , ..- ... . . . :
WI', meiit.i.ots lata-.' ineir pniou.e nei
ve.eJ on Ibe le ne, and lln-ir B siii..dt
a sivuiii ot fill t'V V5 per rent, no th n. s fir
h iiiiu P c o t. wnh thise ndai:t ig. they re-
no. cm.iiv sou. ll a snaie in i io.
V'I''P . Il.ll'ie
W lbi.01 . K.
JkijIi Furkt.
'iPh'ilsdjMay 14, lr4J.
Xo. t3Y, North Third,abne Cultou hill &.,
THE subscribers takes pleasure In acfjuliinlir.g
their friends and the public In general, that
they have taken the larga and rommodiotia 1.
recently built by the Messra. Hart, on the' ail
nnre occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Hull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow
hill at.
Thia liAtel is finished in the very best pctublo
manner, and of the best niateriata. Its Incstion is.
ery desirable, particularly for country merchants j
the airangcnictits for hcatit.g and ventilating each
room ia such aa to secure any temperature. Tho
l idr omsare ill light, and airv, all furnished in a
neat 'v:e, si as to insure ton fmt.
Tt e r-civil e p i . lors sre sbo fiitTi'she 1 In a ni'
;e.l-.tvV tie winj.-ws are on the Frenrh s'yle.
' mi a en"srrr to i, ! ..leony in front, whih
ni..kcs a i Vsiai,t r.cess. rmtirular attention l as
1 een given to 'ha bi ds an 1 bidding, which, with
he furniture, are eniinly nuw.
roin vi a"' exierieiire in hotel business, we
rust, by strict asvduily tn business, tn make this
hnilse a desirable stepping place. Our table will
always be supplied with the very best our market
can a If .r.l, and our bar with the best liquors a"!
wiiH sf-.f the moat approved btands.
P. 8. There are first rate atahling andcer ago
houses attached to the hotel, attended by ca tful
and sober hostlers, and our charges will ba low, in
accordance with the present haid limes.
Philadelphia. April If.. 1B48.
''IIE aubscriber Tespectfolly informa tho pttl lie.
JL that he haaiurchwed, and now occtpioe tbo
Tavern SI nnd,
C'wunr diottt
W II known as the property, late of TheodoYe
Wi'is. and f.rpierlv kepi by Samuel A. Biady.
IT is iio-v piei ard to accommoJa'e all trovtllors
am! visiters who ni,.y fvor him wi;h a call, and
will use. every effurt in hia power to rrnder every
convenience and comfort lo his customers, whila
under his charge. Hia accommodation ate ample,
and hia rooms well fumisrwd. His stehlei extea
siveand in good condition.
Hia Table and Uab will he supplied with tee
best that the mftrket c.n atford. By punctuality
and Httei.tion, he feels confident that La will merit
the patronage of tho puMic.
Cnttswirsa, A'.ii! Ct'h, 1!44.
Lombard Strret, llaltimort,
1 7 AVE coiuitantly for sale. Printing Paper of all
aiv-e nnd qualities, Cap Writing Paper, nil. d
and pluin, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, double ciown, crown and
lira. sized Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Kuyal Papera, Udanet, Binders' and Straw Bol
Ijonrds, Tissue Paper, and all articles In their I ihe,
which they witl sell on accommodating terms,
Highest prl:e given for old rags.
March 1, 1843 Elkton. Md
HJ Q. 117 Till JEL
Sunbury, .VorlliumlH'rluiid Ounl yj
flHE Mibscriher resjH'ctlully mtorms the pubftf-,
JL that be baa removed to that large and couim
diuiis Brick House, on Market atiuare, opposite the
Court House, (formerly kept bv Hiram Prr-c,l
where he is now prepared to accommodate ttfl who
may favor trim wbh a call. Being thankful fur
past f.ivorfl, he hopes by elrict attention lo business,
to icci'ive a liberal abate of public patronage. Ac.
Sunbury, March 5th, 184'J.
XtlVflTi i IiilVIB ! LIMK !
Tltilli euhscrilicre are prepared to fumisn fi.rrvr
I and others with any quantity of Lim-.' rt a r:
siiper'.or quality for land, oi pluisterhig, at '.lis
lowing very reduced prices, viz: 8 ct. per b;;' '
lor I and Lim. ; 10 ct. foi the best qualnv of j l-.i .
l 1. i st the k. Ins, below the boroHf1! r f
1 in . ii.-v w II a'm.del ve-, at any plat i. 'ihn iiie
fT..iig . c.f Su birv Limr foikanAf' 10 cent et
I i sb, I, .ii d Lime f..r piaisterlru V r' 1 " I ' '
u In I. Tl... subset .hers h.vtalwais on hs d a
' n v of I ime. l's qn-iliiy is (r ', .-.n'
. . 1 ..'. .- is I oi equrilli .1 t f a v v- I. : in i. I
A-glssU, Aj ill :J( Jr4 A
. i