u a r li x o t i: ij i s t. rilWSIXVAMA. The following list slums the current valne of all Pennsylvania Bank Nods. The most implicit re liance may be placed Umui it, a it is (w j lf Ar cn r fully compared withal d currcctJ from Ui k nrll'i Reporter. .tank In riiilalc1ilihi. v , Disc, m IW' Wat.o.t. p,,,., NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North Ameiira Pank of the Northern Liities Commercial Bank of Ppnn'n. . Varmrra' and Mechanics' Uunk par par pur par par par nr par par i Krnsinelnn Bank Philadelphia Bank . . Selittxlkitl Bank . . S.uithwark llnnk -. . Western Hank . Mechanics' llnnk . . Country 1 tanks. Hank of Chester County Wcgtclicstcr Dank of Delaware County Chester Hank of Ccrm.n.tnwn (iermatitnxvn Bunk nf Montenrnt ry Co. Norristown Doybsiiiwn 1 it ii k Doylcstoun Eas'on Rank Enstnn par par par par par pur p-ir Pinners' Bunk of Bucks ro Bristol Wee of Bank ol Pcnn'a. llarrislui'g Thr-o 'wd- il ilj Lancaster Office do do Reading Oilier do ill) Easlon i'.ccs Id do! J It-slip II. "NOT lis AT DISCO! N T. Until; of l!.o I'niiod States Pnnk of Pei.n Tuwnship I'liiladolptiia f5or0 4 40a4.r (iirard Hank . . Manufacturers' A Mechanics' li.mk . MnyftmotisinK Bank . . Hank of IVtiiwvlvnuia . . Minors' Hunk of Pollsvilli Pntisvillo Hank of Lpuistown Lcwistnwn Hank of Middlotuwn Mi.l.llptown Dunk of Noithiimhcihin.i Ni.rlhutnlierlaiid Columbia Hank -A Hiidgeco. Columbia 7 7 12 H It CarlWe Bank Carlisle tii hangp Bai;k Do do lir'inch of FamiiTa' Hunk ol l.ancubtci l.nnca.-lrr Coin.lv Hank Faitnors' Hunk ol ludiii; "tlarri.-.buic Hunk Lanrus'ir Hank Lebanon Hank Mt'tdianttt1 & Mntuif. Hunk Hank of PillsburR Wist Uianch li.mk WyomiiiR Hank .TVo-K'iamptou I! ink Hi ki County Hai k Ojia r of Honk ol I'. S. PittxhuifT HollidaVsburg LancastPt l.iineuater luailinij Hurrisburi; I.aneu-ter Lebuni n Pittsburg Pittsbuig Williainsport Vi!kelian Allentown Keiidiiii; Pittsbuig Eric New Brighton do do Chtnbeburg (ii tlysl nig MoiltlUbB Eriu WayneJiurg WoKhingtOii Iloncsihilo BroMtisville Yoik 10 ! o , 4 t 2 I a; lo ! Ill !. do vo Do do do Kpiiiiininii Sav. Ins. A Puin Towimhip Sav. Ins. Hai U of ' 'Ii.iu;brii4iurg "ai k of Cirt-yrfiurg Pi i ! oi'JniMjuoliaiina Co, 1 ri.i V,m PaMi.c r' Diovers' Bank Finnklin Hank HoikkI.iIo Htik Moi.niic'ilicl'i Hank of B. Yotk Hank X. 11. The notrs of tliof!P lutik on whirli we omit (piolalionx, and substitutp a dash ( ) arp not purthaM'd by the Pliiladtlpl.ia brokers, vviili the exception of those whk'h have a letter of n fen nee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia av. Ins. I'hila.h Ij hia 'Philadelphia Loan Co. do trhuytkill Kav. In. do failed failed faillHl faikxl billed no sale closed closed fuiled of wed no sale failed fulled fuiled no sale Munual Labor Hunk (T. V- Dyott, prop.) 'J'owanila Hunk Towandu Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver tiunk of Swatura Hank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' A. Mech'cs' Hank J-'uimerb' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Hunk Juniata Hank Lumbermen's U-nik JSorlhern Hank of l'.t. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northiimh'd I'nion Cul. Ilk. North Wcatirn But, k of Pa. Oilu'e of chuvlkill Hank Pa. Agr, & Maiinf. Hunk Silver T.altP Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. estmorelaud Hank BedforJ Heaver ilanishurg Wasldngtoii Helh foi tH! PlttsliUlg 1'it(slurg Fayette co. (ireencast e Ilnitiiooy Huiitingdon no sale lxav islotM) f io sale lA'arren iuiUd lb. lid. .11' ixi S'de I New Hupp. closed I Milioii no sale Mi tklvillo pos'd I Poill 'iidion l.iil.d I Carli le failed Montiose rinsed j I'liintilown failed ! (reensburg tloM'd ilki sbitrre no sale. Wilkcabarre Biidge 'o, (jjf All notes pnipoitir.g to bp on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set -down as frauds. as:w .ifEitsirv. Hank of New Biuuswiik Brunswick f.itlid I par p,r pur I failed Belvtdeic Burik Htiilingioii Co. Bank 4 NiitiiiH-tcial Buiik 'ii.nl r land Hank Fu'Mti,' H..i.k Helvideie Mcillurd Penh Andioy Bridget mi Mount Holly linhway N. Hiunswiik I .Middletown Pt. Fat mi rs Funj'i i"' t'iilll.'. is' i'raiil.iMi nr..i Mechni.ics' l!k i ;'' Meehaiiieh' Lk ir' MereliHiil il ok of N.J. Ilk :i Jersey -City fu.bsj fail.. I .11..)'. lM Uig N Ciuzmg Co Hohukoii Jersiv ( it Hank Jersey Ciy Patli isoii lailrd fail, d Meet. uuii ' B uik Jlanulatturrm' Buiik Belleville Morris Oiinpany Bank Moiristown Monmouth HkofN. J. 1 r--fjobl Miehaiilis' Hank" Nt uutk Mechanics' und Matiuf. Ilk Trenton JVlorria Canal and Bkg Cu Jein y City Pott Notes failed failed I ur DO fcill' Newark lllig A Ins Cu New ink New Hojie Del Bridge Co Luitibeitkvir.o - N. J. Manufae. and Itkg Co lloUiken JV J Proteelon & J.oinbuiiJ I k Jersey City Orange Bats!, Orange Puterson Bank l'aleroii fail.cl i lull.. I ; 2 ! fob. I ' 4 ; at pai ; I Proples' Bank ao Princeton Bank Princeton r-'uloin Banking Co fr'ah m tntc Bunk New mk Htaie Bank l.l.zal etlitow u isiata Bai k Csnsl. o Stale Bunk tif Mmrib Moriistuwn rotate Bank Trenton Siiiein i lid I'hilod V'uliuf Co Sail ill f -ex bunk . Newton '1 ut'. :i Hui kir.j i'u Trpnlon l.'i i i. iiiiok Jinvtr V e; l.irn.ri Hanking Co. ILii kemen k DLMil 4111. 1 par , j failed 1 Uil d i pur 'J full. J 1 1 V 'idi tk Hrai.ilywiiM I nungton ,.,r par j pur . par par , jair pur ; par par Pank ol Dtluwuie' Wilmington p." I f S.i.v ma rsu.viia bianrh Millo.d Is li I. Do Do 'Ik of Stale i f Del Dih.t Uarich Wilmington btanch I ramli (coigetow'n Newcaslle ilaiHigt.ai I niou H ..il (f V I'nucr ft's On all banks ma'krd thus () there are ei ihei count. rf.t or a be red uotn of ike vuiiout de. uvBitutflsns, hi eiruFution. The brst mrthoil for the Alniithn of Disease is to ctwiue and purify the lknhj. WIMfilBT'S i.i)i ix vl:.i:tai.i,c pills - OP TIIK . AWfi Jtmrritun follege nf llcttllh, Are now ac'kiinxxlcdgp.1 to In' ihc best Mcitkiisa in the World for ths cure of fat.rv variety of disease. EOAL'SE they com'plply cleanse iIip stn- mni h nod bnneU from III. re lolliiiun ai d eor- ropt linniori H'l'U lt aro toa ranso nut only of Hoaitntlip, CiililiniM, rn'pil itinn of tho Ifp rt, i'a:na in the Hunrs. Rlu iimnt:in ar d (!ott. hot pvory nmlac'v iiu idoi t tci man. S.10 INDIAN ! VKJiETAIJI.K niJ.K rp a p. r ain ctir- f r in- tom fpol, 'Pioi'ti A. tirrvco, inllamntioy "nil pu'tid , 1'ovrrn. Iircaiirt1 Ihi v rV.n.so ihc p.idy firm flio-p ' mmliid lii morfi, l.irli, lion riifinpil to tin- riiru liilinti, dtp tliei an- of all kmdn of I'E VEK!. aK'-o, wtu'ii tin- samp impurity in dopoititod on tin' iiriniiiii p and musclr, puisne piin, iillnoi lion nml hwi llioua p.dlod IM1 EC M A TIM . (! Il T, iVo. W'fiulil'ii Indi.il) Vrcotiil'h' I 'il! m 'V It relied in as alwava erl.iiit to uive ribef. ami il pptspvt ed w ith, nepi wdlni! lo din rlimis W ill inii-t I'ssumlly, and wilhotll fail, lt.l:e a n"tfeel ell P of Ihp a1"vp painrt.l n alailies. Kinm ihrep to i of . said Indian Vigeluh'e Pills tkin enry liiuhl po- ' il S lo bed, will in a slimt time so roniplelely rid the body from rvt rv ll'. ng thai i t pposed to beabh, t1 at l.'l.eom-.ti-m, Hunt, at d p i" ol rvetv I'l vrip- i tion, will be lit. tally DRIVEN FKOM THE BO DY. Fur the s .me teasoit, w hen, Irom Kitdileti elwu ul of .UmfHphi'iP, or any other eutise. the ppi Kpiinlion is el reked, ami ibe htitnois which should p. i-s i IV bv lit 1.I.111 arp thrown inwardly. c:ui nu i HEADACHE. (ilDDI.M'SS. imiw .1 "and si. k Hess, pain in the boliip, wa t iy and il llamed exes, fore throat, hoar-one s. eoi g' s, ronstint lion-. ' Theumat'P pains in vatioos s.rts of (be Ii.mIv, and , many otln r svmp'oms of CA T(.'lil.Mt COLD,; Vl'r;'''5 lnditm Vt;iti;li!c will invariably givp in niedi te r. lief. From (hiee to six of said Pills taken every niutit on e 'it:g to In tl, will in a ; short tiuiP, riot only remove all the above uripb as int j sMiiptoms, but the ImkIv wdl, in a short lime, be j restored to even sounder heal II 1 1 mil U-lore. j ASTHMA. i.m DIFFICI'LTY OF HliEATII- , I INC. 1V;vV'k Ii.iI.ihi Yitzttuhtr I'M wiil loos, i ! .... .....I .11 1... il... I. .. ...1 li.iu. ia tl..,.-.. i i ..,,...,.,,,.,,., .... - Z j tough phlitmy humor-, wi tch stop up u'l the air cells ol the lunus, nnd are Ibe cailse.tiotoi.lv ol Ibe alivp ilisir. ssmg pompluitit. but w hen m glcctcd, j olten ti rrnii.ntes in that n o ediea.lfi.l ma'ntlv ca'leil i CONSl MI'TION. Il shou'd h.'n'soioiienihu.-d j that 1ViV'.v liulimi Yi'jrttiihU- Villi are a certain i cute for PAIN IN Till; SIDE, Op-.rrs-i.in, mm- , sea. and sickness, lo-s i f appi li e, eostixem a. a yellow tinue ol ibe ikio aid cms. end very other symptom if at. rp.d or d'sin-ed state nf lite liver; ! lerntisi- tbev porue from the bodv tl ose impurities j which if d. posited upon ihi itn.ori.nit . in in, are llv rune of fpry mieiv if L! ER 'OM- PLAINT. U In n a ii.it t n is ei nisei I v not , i oinbri ,.kJ find rel"Ili..u li e only tne u s of pn vent ing the dreadful foiisequpiipea of a CIVIL WAR. is to tx pel all trai'ois, and t. il d sposi d omafiom the coun'ry. In like munner, w hen p.iin or sick ness of any kind, indicate (but ibp ludy is strttL' gliugwith iiiteroMl toes, ihp imp rptnedv is lo E-V PEL ALL MORBID Hl'MOIiS. (Tiainus I. hpalth and life.) llctillh will lie the certain result. That the piinetple of curing di-easp, by cleiiustug ami purifying i'ip 'khIv, is slnetly in lUTord.iiice with the laws whkh govern the animal eponomy ; and if proerlv p.inied out by the Use of thp hLovp named WRICHT'S IN I 'IAN VEGETABLE PILLS:, w ill rpilaiuly risult in the complete AIo. It lion of Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni als, from pirsotif of the highest resjieclubiluy in New York, "who have lecenliy U-cn cuted of the roost ol is i it into rermpiaintti, solely by the use ol Winciirr'a Isihav Yi'i)ethlk Pillh, of the Xurth American Collide nf llra 'th: Jam iicA. T.. I., Junc9ih. 1H41. Dot tor William Wright Dear Sir It is w ith grent sati faction I inform you of ;.iy having l-een ilitiiely cured of Dyspepsia, of fivp years sinniln g. by the use oT your I vni n V 1 1; ti iii.k Pill. Pit vinus to niee'iiig with your relebiattd mtli cine, I had hi en under the hands of several Pliyst eiiit.s. and had tried vaiiou on .hi h i s ; but all to no elVcrl. Alter using one "f cent boi of jimi Pills, howi vi r, I i xpi rii t eed so much Lp i lit, ibil I it'solvi d to persi ete in the use of tin m arroidmg lixbri etiol s, which I not ha; py to stsle, b s re-nlt-ed in a H tfi 1 1 cure, lonialitinle lo you fm the greul iH'tiefil I hive n-eened, and nl-ai in the h. pe thai others similarly ulllnt.d may be induced to m. ke tiial of your cvru.'idiirny meilieit e, I M i d vott this -tu'ciii. n! woli full bbe ly to pub:is!i the same, li von think pr. per. Yours, Ac New Yoik, June IU, ISI I. li. C. BLACK. Mr. lvM-hard Dpi nis, ngel.t for Wright's Indian Y'eeeltible Pills. Dear Sir I have In en afflicted for seeral veins wilh inward weakness and gent ral debility, ace. in panietl at times widi pains in the -ide ami oilier ilisttTssii g eoniplaitiis. Aft. I having tried various IIKoie'lies wi'bo" 1 1 !l" el. 1 was per-u ide.l by a ft li il l to make tiial .'f Dr. Wight's Indian Vi getable Pills, which I iiili happv lo siate. have relieved n.e in u most w, ii. I, rli.l in into r. I have u-ed die tne dieit P. as yet but h -1 1 - 1 1 t rue, and l.a e no doubt, by a 1 1 rsi ier .nee in 'he u-e . f lb" nu .beine aivor i!ii g t ' .'i eeiioi s. ih t I si. ill in a short lime If peib e lv Imp '. I twos' w din i.lv reef mm. nd said P IU to hII per-poii- sinnl ii V 'tlli. led. and in be toll Is In I that il P s inie U i i fieinl ri sit ts t'l foil, w their use, re- I I rutin voiiis s.i eeiih . H f N !; . I'OOl'E. j I ;i v ii-'ns, I Is'et co. N. - i I Ntw i.HK. S, ,i. inn. I lot is to rr rt'ty thai I liave nse.l V uii.it i , Im'IKi Vti.iTAltl.K I'll LB Willi the grea'rst liene- ; fit; liavii e. iii'inlv euie.l iin- ll oflle lniUi'Ot hi larks ol Piek 1 lead n be. ! w b'u b I h id pu vioio.lv I U-i-n sobjiet. ANN M ARIA THOMPSON. ; ' CrM-i.vi-li tr.Ml. V. V , I i To Mr. Richiiii! D.iii.i., Agent bir light' In- j ili.ili etel.dde ''ids. j CI I I I .v. I As d a re no at this lime many wii Ke.l ler-ons I t'lx'v il'Vi'-jeit in Mpin a e. ot.leitiii iiie.hi-iiie mi- i ' .!i r ibe ;i..:t-e tlie liull.ni Veeei il le Pill and as tl e-e i'ss i r -ie n i n aie s.. i.iii rly 1. 1 kli fs "I i n ' s. ,jnri ei s, tl at many valuable I v. - mav be h .-I in I Ol 1 1 1 j to 1 ce of t.smg tl eir ilreidlol fill. p. '1.1.1 , ' ihc ol I e etc i iiinioi.ed nt iiu I fuirlia-lng any Pills, III li - oo the l ii! t ol ll.c l oi s ibe b llow U u j x o i'o i f .toi l ; i WHICH I s IN YLCI.TAEI.E I ILLS. I (.(on I'muultre) III Till 11.11 U AMIHICAN ll.llll.F. Of IIIAITII. i A I ,.'ce t" I p -p. citilly ru'i tul L'auisi iireba i su e i" it u'li. e ol any peraon eiccpi tlie rceu- .r II erl Sid .INCH'S. A-j..JS Volt KOkTlllUlil RLAM ( O. 1 V inrfi,Uiiiiii. j 11, B. Massir. Sunbury Payne A Rose, Nor I lln nil . il nd Jaco'i Haas, Sbamokin Samuel Heib. M-.benoy Bverlv cV D. Haas, AuuUHla lle.n. f I Fotln.er. Millon Ireland A Memell, Mi -Eweosville P fer rv Deaimond, TuibuUMpe Jalt.ps b'. ei'. . Votlsgroie II Kl i", Sn d. rslow i II. 11. Kn.rla l, P. M., El.shurg P. O.Wiu. l.in-er.ritif, P M I rinm Comer. Otr.p m1 (irner..l Depot ftr the sale of Wr''h 't lndii'U Yrifiliihr i ', N bolesale hi . I Retail. No. !(5U RALE STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May 21, IMS. ly S . ROSE OINTMENT, . for Ti:iTi:n. rimiwuhmh, 1'Impi.km on tiik tmt., and otiikn i tTi(.'oi' KtumtiMi fjj" Tl.e fnllntrinif errtijiea't desreilr one nj Ihe most ejctraimliuai y curt tree effected by any ajiphealiim. rHit.Atit.trut, Fehiuaiy 10, 18:1s. IJVlR twenty year I was spvcrply aftlirt il with Ti.ttkii on fhn Fbcp nnd Hcu.1: tin disease I oommrnei d when ! tvus spvenlpen years old, and rontinued until tbo f all of IS Ifi, v.iivior hi vio-Ii-iiip, but w ithout ppr disiipprariiiL'. Diiring uiort of ti e time, ureal part of my fnpi- eovpnd itll thp Piuptioo, I r ( tii'i 1 1 1 v a'tindid with vioUnl iielt. inu ; mv he i'lswrled at tiim until il li lt a if it wvuM l or-t ihp -wrlbn was o b p it. that I eou!d t-eain Iv bi t mv hat on. During (hp lonatirii.nl that I was afllietpil i h Kip di-'i-p. I nse.l n ureal many n plication (nniotnr tlwm vpnil eelrbriited prep i lioiv) as W II n takinu iow.rd reundies. ini liidinc a rmoiber ofb..tilis ol Sint!vi'n Vtimiffit. I'.xtrtirl of Sarittmrillti, Ve. In fict il wnilil In-iiop.i-sible to eniiineia'P all the meibeiiie I Until. I mh iilsn under tile caie of two nf ibo most h tine'ii'lieil (ibviei:inii of ibi- eity, I tit w ith, ul re eeivine in eh ImmiiTiI. ao.l I ib p.iirnl of ever being eotnl. In tl P f ill of I S:!fi, the iIim a-e i t the time beituT vrtv vio'ent, I eonum'tieed Itsiou the liiwr I'iiIiiii ul, (ptipiiid bv Yatl'jhan iV lt.vw.) In h few ,i plieatintiM the violent iti bini! r a-ed, the hwelling itl.aie.l. the i rtivti 'ii be i:i to i!i- i pear nltd 11'. .re I h id tft d :i j.ir ibe dl ease w i i Ittne'v eute.l. It has now been in arty a ymf nml a h i f Min e, and (lo re is not a ve-lige of the ibwa-e re in, iinine, eveepl li p sears from the deep ( r t - (..ruled t v tl.e di ea-e. Il is imp. ssiblo for nie to deerlp ill a ei rtilieate the seM rily of ihc ilineiP nml my soil. rioa. bill I will be pie si d to (jivp a fuller ae eoioil to any person w unlit t! luriher M.itisfaetinii, who will e.ill mi me. At tl.e lime I romtnei re. I iiring ll:e It' se Oin'Miolit I would have pien butt ibeds of do'lats to U' rid of the ilionsp. Smep u "ill!! it. I have rerommi nib d il lo -eurd pernms. (aniotiu tin i,i my mother, w Im had ibp di-euM) bad ly on her aim.) v ho wr. re a I eltred bv It. .1 AMI'S Di;UNi:i.l., No. loll, I'.aeeSt. (J j-Tie liose Ointment is piepand bv E. II. Viiiu'hiio, Soirli East pouter of Tliltd and l!ee site. t . Phi ..d.l, la, and Mild on nueuov in !oobu II. II. MASSE R, rv. OV ' Mav I l'b HI?. Anif. llov OiittrtecuS, lor IVKtr. a moor or l i s c u r. Ptiii..nft.eiiiA. May Villi, lx.l'i. 'PHIS with i-i to certify that 1 w is severely atll ete.l with Tetter in the hands and bet fur upwards ol forty venrs ; thodtseise was attended generally Willi vio it't it. li lit: and swelling. I applied To a nninli. rof liNsie. .ns, and us. d a great many uppli ( iijnr.s wnb. tit illicliiig a pure. About ay ar since. I Mpj.l e.l tl p Hose Ointment, which poltn ly ftofped he i'eb nj. and a fi w api'lic ill- ti liniiie.lt iitilvcund i he disease, w bleb there has In ro no n luni of, although I had never been ti.l of il at any tiim fori, tly eais. RICH ARD SAV ACE. F.hvi'llth. U'biw Siuee Slrei-I fj j' The Rose Ointment is prip.re.lbyE.il. Van. han. S i 1 1 1 East corner of Third and Rarr Streets, PI il.nlelphia, and s .d on am-uev ill Sunbu ,v bv II. B. M ASsl'.R, ' May 14th. DM a. Age!. MEDicAii ArrnonATioiT of tin mtsi: ot'rMi:i fr rtiir. LTIIOI'(!H the superiority ol the pnpaiu'i.n over all otln rs is fully es'abllhe.l. ihe .r r e lors takP pb uslire in laying la-fore the public the following certificate from a rp-fectshlo phvsieuiu, a ura. In ite of the I'nivprsity of Pennsv Ivani. Dr. Bauul', haviiic found in ibis emedv that rebel f r a tedious and di-agreeable nlTe. tion w hich ihe means within the ranee of I. is profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to giva il his appiobati..ri. although the prejudices and ir.teresls of thai pfolosM.in ate i psise.t to secret Reini die. Pltll.AiiU.rtii v. S. pi. 10, IStlfi. I was recently troubled wild a tedious beis'lir erupii' n. which coveted luarlv one si 'e of mv f.ce, and extei'ihil over the ear. Mr. Vuuglian, proprie t.. of the Rose Ointment, olispiviiig mv face, nisi ted on my lu mrj bis (trepan! ion. of which he han ded tne a jar. Althoiiiih in common with the mem bers ol mv pr. fe-sioii, I ilisciiinlonnire and di-at-prove ol tin- iiumetous noslmiin palmid iimui the peblic bv i'jiioi aril pr. tell Vr-, 1 feel in justice boned turn', pt the Rose I liiititii ut tiotti thai cla-s of ine d.eiius, und to isivp it ntv approbation, its it entite ly 1 1 1 r eii ib,-eruption, tiitboUg.i II hid tosi-icd llu1 u-u I . I beaiions. DANE BATCH, M. D. Olj' The Rose Oiitliliei t is ptet ,re,l by E H. Vattuhan. South East coiner ot Thud ai d Rare Streets. Pfiilade'phia, and sold on . nev m Sim la... v. I v H. li. MAs:i(. Miv'l lib, ll-J. Aent. BOLTON Sl CO. (; ii i ;tl iitii(iUsi(iii .'Ii-ii limits, 'or the Stil, ' I'hiur, iiiuiii, Stid, ,fl.-, J.y!.yU-. A BP EsPV.C'l FI LLY inform their frinnl-i and the Merchants gnierjl'v, Ot it they li.no ta ken those huge and coinm.sli.ui'i Wharvrs, w ith two D.sks, north of t 'he.-iiui stn il, on the D. l.iw ure, together w ilh the st. te No. Ill South Wlrtrves, wbete ihev would be pb a-. d In r.-ei ive eonsiu'ii tnenls of (Srain, Fbaii, Si-. . I, Whiskey. Iron, e. A c. Beinc also well piep.ned to fotward all kinds ot M. rrhait.lisc bv the Schuylkill and I n I. in, or by the Cbesapi ake au l Ti.le Water I 'anals, as tow Is.;, is are kepi . vpressl) foi the purpose of towing bonis bv i i her louV. Men bants will pie. se be p.iti. l.lar to send their lio.ils desiined bv either canals, t i No. I 'J South I. live, belwt. ti Market and I'hi-snut str.eis. on Ibe Delaware, with diteetioiis accomp ing them which tot.le ilipy wish Ihem lobe shtppe.l. Plu.-l.r and Suit for sale, al the lowp-l mar k.t pi.ee. linL TON A CO. Match 111. ISI2. N... l'.t South b ines. 1X0 illll.V r.M'OMIOIt. I ( I V W .1 V ol I M I S.) 'ONT.MNl.Nt; ibe Old and New T. st.iment. V with piae'ic il expositions and c p!..ni.t..ry notes, bv Tboiiiu- W illi.iins, Autboi ol "ibe Aue of lull .!. bl,' "1 In t'on :ry ol a!) liebietis Denomination-," . v. e. To wl.ii h .'le a. I. 'e.l the r. I. u nci s and in o no. I i.a.liiu's of the I'ol.'j'ol Hii'le, loue lor Willi 1 o 1 1 1 1 l.oti s an. I slo 'M i li. iii Huvler's I 'oii'pi, lien. ie Bible, ai d ii'ile. i-l..ii.'ai.l w. tk iiiImhIiii I'iiv and co.., I. tiling I'tiiaiksou en-h l ook . I the o'.l ..ml new Tesiuinenl, and a V. lujlileehm n. b giiul intli K. 'I be whole eaofullv t. vi-ed and H.l 1 1 t. .1 10 the use of Sui.d n Si losil-, Bible el ism's, at d Cbrislinis teneialtv. t in'i ;..'. with '! - i mid i i;iieinu;, edited bv ibe R. v. Wt hum Pur. ton, at .1 i.li.-tu.l bv Case, 1'ith.ny cV Huinliain; ILe.ib i.l. Conn., I si l. This work has been higl Iv reroinmeinled by tl.e f.. wiui!, among other ilisnnuuishtd divines: Rev. Stephen Reniii gton, pastor of Ibe Melius-di-t Episcopal Church, llrooklvu. j Ri v. W. C. Ibownbe, pastor if lll Middle Du'eh Ckureri. N-w i'ork. Rev. ls'tiuiel Miller and A. Alex .ndcr. Pi. .f. s sors in Prim ei.. u Tluiol.igicid Sennnarv. N. Jeisev. 1 Rev. C. P. Criiuth, Pri sul.Tit ol Pcnn-y lai ia I College, at lieilvsl lor. I i.i'.t'. W Svl.a. (Ier, pastor of the Lutheran 1 Church, H iriisl orn. Pa iW For sale by II. II. Muss.r. Aeenl for th.' Piifoi licu. Jail. ;iih 181?. WEAVK11VS HOTEL, Snnhurp, mWrthtiwbfrland fount yt Irinii3laiil;i. fjHE subscriber, resipctfully Inform the public I. that he ha removed lo that large find commo dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Huek ) fotmerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel (!ili son, win re he is now prepared lo acrommodatp all who ay favor him with a call. By strict atten tion (o business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all. he hopes to recpive a liberal share ol public pattoiiagp. CH ARLES WEAVER. Suiibuiy, Mutch I2ih, I8PJ. Coiinlfifi ifi'iV IN'iifli llloiv. rPhe pit I lie will plruse iibsr-rve thai no Hramlieth - Pills are genuine, unless the lot has three li bels upon it, (the top, the su e ami the bottom) cm h iiintiiitiing a f ir-simile signature of my hand writing, thus I). Hit i'iit:i ii. M. D. These, la. brl- ate enurave.l on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an cvpetisc of over f 2,00(1. Tin ref.ne it will be mcii thai the only thing Itrte-saiy to pro inrp the iiiedieine in iu purity, is (o observe these label-. ReiM-mlnr the lop, the side, ami the bottom. The following icsptclive n rsoiia are duly auln ri red, ami hold CEJITICATES Oi? AGENCY, For the sale of ttnimreih'x Yeeliihlc Universal Villa. Nnrthumhoilai.J eountv : Milton M u key ot Chambeilin. Sunbury H IS. Masser. M'Ewens ville ln- uul it Meixell. Notihnm' eilatnl Win. Forsyth, (eotuetowii F. Mnllitm. r V Co. I.'nioii County: New Berlin J. Im Hollinan. Selmsurovp Ever and Sihnurp. Isue Smith. Heaveri'.iwn .1. iSi Miiblleburg F. Hingaman. . A . 1 1 in -I'll re- 11. , .. Smoh. Mililmsbiitg Sw..pe iV Lait.l llatlleton I) unci Loin;. I'tee burg (J. iV. F. C. Mover. Ctnlrevibe Siailey iV l.euliarl. Lewti.-huri! Walls oV Creen. Columbia county : Danville E. H. Reynolds Ai Co. Bi rwtck Shuman .V R.ttenliouse. Cat tawissa C. A. oV C. ( Brobts. Hloomsliurg John R. Mover. JeiseyTown Levi Bisel. Wa Khingtoii Robl. McCay. Liuuvlonc -l). L. Scbineck. Obspive that each Auent lias an Engravnl Cer tificate of Aueucy, cotit. lining a topics- Million nf Dr HRANDRETH'S Manufieiory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the iirin ,'aM.i mm' umt umn the Itriimlii th 'ill llti.ei -v. Phil idi Iphia, oiTici .1 mnrv 1st. 1 M 12 No. , North Hilt street. H. BRA .N 1)1, L I'll. M. D. 1 HI-: ATrTEIlICArj MEDICAL XiaBRAXIT A V . im i:ij.h;ia i:it. ONCEN I RA I i:i) R.eo.d ..I Medical Sci. v en rue ami l.iteiulure, nv llolilev I'unt lison. M. D , Prolessor ol tin' Institutes ol Medicine, etc.. in . I. Hi isoii Mistical College of Philadelphia, pub lished monthlv by Adtui W.ildie, No. 4t Carpen. t.rstieit, Phil.nl. Iphia. Sui- rip ion pr.ep, f 5 a V ar. Subscitplious for llse above work n ceied by tlie suln rda r. 11. B. .MASSE It, Dee. Mill. ISM. Assent. xx ja .2k. Hv5L Jan. FC?. SALE. PI 11R sale a situ I hanu, cot.l i.ifiiic tbottt erie Q' liuinbe lsn.ll. il aens, m..re or le s. situ tie in Point township. Nor bond erlat.il c. lint., nlt. ut two tnil.s nlsive Nott' uinbeil ti.l, on ihe main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining lands nf John Leghou, Jesse ('. Ifori. ri and others, now in the oreupiiiey nf Samml Payne. About lorty acres of said tract are. Iran d, and in good 1 state of cultivation, on which there is a small burr. ereei.d 'l b., niononv w .111- -.,(.( m. r....,.l.l. let ins. For timber particulars, peisons art request ed lo apply to the sul serlh. r. 11. B. MASS,-: It, Aurnt, Nov. 2?th, IN II. tf Sunbury. Pa. pj;ti ii Di: i:i s. LAST TvIAKER, .NO. I 1 ( ailouliii' Mrt'tl, I'ltila.iclj.liia. C 'Three ilm.rs uhirc Secniid.) IIOE Findings alv.nys kepi on ban. I, which he oilers for sale on Ihe lowe-t terms. Country Men 11 ..it are poll, ut n ly to c ill uintjiulge lot themselves. P tiludelphia, Noveinier 13, 111. Iv. 0D D Q 3ai OF EV LliV DESCRIPTION. i:v ;m;i..M) on. company. No. Nnrilt W'aW.t Ntroit, Phila. H 'A.M'FACTl RERS and deale.s in Oils of J l'v-'tV ilesiriptioii bolh for hunting ami ui.iliulaciur.iig purposes, which will Is- sold much lower than they can la procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to e.pial any ill the city. Any nil void by the -company nut ptoviou as ie resi-nlcd, may bo returned wilhout any ev.etiM to iIk' jnjr ch .ser, and the money w ill U t. funded. Their slink now in store consists o) Ihe billowing oils, vir : 30,11011 gallons YVinl. r Blenched SpemfY Oil, f.ttflO ir.uiii) in, mni so.onu Otlllll I5.0IIU .1 1 do Colo-less Oil, do Fail and Spring Speiui O.I, do tntel Sea Lb i haul. do do Piessed hale Oil, do do Summer do do do Common W hale Oil, 2K Barrels superior Slrj.'t. Oil, 3IMI do Cud Bunk Oil, fill do Neais Fool Oil, 5 Casks OliveOil, Tanner's tils. 'Phis Compaiiv lia a numlK'r of Vessel en- ' gaged ill the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely ! upon gelling at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 I I . ly. 1 G. V". & L. B. T-YLC?.". ! OFFER FOR SALE, al the South Fast Cor- i tier of Fifth und Muihil Stints, Vhihtdit- I'1"" j Mens' CjIf-.-.l. in Boots, stitebed warranted. ; do do do pc.'ged '. do do do water plool, doill lo soles ' and double uj pers. do Call-skill do do do nailed and lip-crs. ' do ll.'.uv Wat.-r I,er.ther B.ii its. ! do do Ncatss do do. do H.ull i.iurt'r ShiM-s, Cull-skin. do do do Crockers di tlo Fiihi Motir.Ks warranted ! do Kip do do Culf do do do ib do .bi do do do Coaise do do SShou do do do Fine da Ivip do I 'ulf an I Seal '"kin I'limi. do List Sucks with arid without soles. do "Carpet do do do do Paietit Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. l.u.I.e' tlo ilo do do La. lies' tanned lu.lia Rublier sbia-s. I ii-lilieuteiis' do Overshoes. I'll ex. ry other desc iplioil ol boots and shoes. Fur Caps ul en rt ileer ipt.ol.. Tl ixell ns: I tut k- ol cxiiy desx t iption. eueti o. I av. IIiiik B us. Pstent Com Elastic tilwsp Blacking. Boiuiels of ull kind.. Palm Leaf Huts, J'Ldadvli hu, N.tiuier 13( is-lliy. 1 L J 111 I. i. J I ( j CHP.TSOLITE FOLMH. A N arlie'p unequalled for cleatitng and Riving a highly durable and most hrilliaut polish to sil vpr, (iertiinn toilver, Brass, Copper, Briltunis Warp, Tin, Ntwl, Cutlery, and fir restoring the lustre on varnished carriage", vVc. TRY IT. Preparetl ami sold at wholesale and retail, by thp Susiiuchainia Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y, VVM. FORSYTH, Agent Tor Northum'd, II. B. MASSER, Ageni lor Sunbury. November 2Hh, 1841. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOOKSEL l.EIIS AND STATIONERS, io. 1 X2"J Llicsntit IStixtjt, Lcluw ltli, l'liihulultiliin. MEEP constantly on hand a general assort ment of Books and Siationury ; comprising 'I heological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellatip I mis and Sch.n.1 Books. Day Books, all sins. Led iHTs, do., Family Bibles, Pthkel Bibles, Wiilitu Pi.ters, Wrapping Papers. eVc. Ac., which Ihey ol ! Ier at thp h.west piices to Cuuntry Mereliatit'a Pre li ssional (ii.nllemeti, Teachers, and all others thai t may favor them with their custom. : Pbiladelpliia. Noi?tuber LI, 1811. ly. .ilitli.'icl Weaver tV Son, ROrr MAKEKS & Sllir CnAKtLERS Au. IdAoiVi U'ui'tr &ii -tec, VhilmUlf.hiu. SR A V L coiistunlly on hand, a gem r d ussort- mi nt of ('ordage, Seine Tw ines, eve, viz : i I ur'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil : l.i Rot.es, Tow Lines for ('anal Boats. Also, a romidete assortment ofSiiue Twines, Ac, such as Hem., Shad and H. rri.m Twine. Best Patent (.'ill v . ! . .. . i n, . ... .., ct I wino, Cotton Shad and Herring Iwup, Shoe ; . . . ., ,, , . i nrcans, cvc. die. .-lso, uen voros, I lotiglt Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, cvc. all of which they will dispose of on rrasonahle li'im. Phil tde'phia. November 1 .1, 1 M I. 1 v. .!ilo! l'liMtllldl X Soil. I ESPEC'l'Fl LLV iuloims their Irtends Bnd ocrjUiiiutiiurea ge.ierully that tbev Mill con tinue lo keep at ihe old stand, No. 210 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all I mils of roiiAf co sm rr aw skcahs. Which they wjII Bell li the mat . uicoiumodtitiui and icisoiu e tetins. N. B. All uo. ds ..old w'.ll be gu.n iiilccxl ulld nil orders promptly ill. ndi d to. Phila.b Iphu, N. vcmher 13, 1 M l 1 ly. rj...Ki wwxlwjk) Wliolcsalu iiinl Kcliiil Slme. II ititiut, ' niitl I'iilm Leal" ll;it Warclnxise. j A'.. Mi Xmth 'id street, a fir dmrs uii.vc .Irch. ' Vhiludi liliiii. j A I.SO Trunks, Caipet Bans and Vulicps, of rv lL vry desctiplion, all of which he oilers for ! sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 1.1, I rM I . ly. j .1 . W . S W A 1 ? j I rml rclla and Parasol iMaiiiifaftiirt'r. ' .Yo. 3? Smith 1'h n d ttrrrt. tiro ilmns l.elmv tlie j fit it llutil, Vliiludelfiliiu, j CO!"N'TR Metchaiils and oibers are solicited ; to tvamitie bis asM.iti.'i nt b. foie puich.ising ' i Isew here Pl.tlu elpbi.i. Novrnder II. In 11. ly. P. & A. HO VOl' I.T'iS ( Itina. (.lass and Iiivcrpool Warolioiiso. A Ki4 jXiirlh Third ln et .third innr hehnc im tnil, I'hiJinltlfJiier, ! " r'-' ""'y consiunlly k-ep mi tmmt a tare, I assortment of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, which tliey w ill dispose of on the most rei soluble teitus. Phil. delphia. November 13. mil ly. Tin:opii.r.s ( l j.p. .Maniiractincr and Imjiorli-r of ad' dltrv, Hardware, vVc. A'o. 5 Smith Third street. fuurdimrs below Market I'hiadi liliiu. T" EEP constantly on b .n.l a larue an.l cmeral assort no nt Coach Lamps, Curruige Bauds, A lie Arms, Lliptte Sprinas, Patent I-e-utlter. cvc. ('ountry Mereliuiils and saddlers will lie supplied ul all tunes on the most rea-nnable terms. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his uss-oilmeiit hvforv purchasing ibewU'ri'. Philadelphia. Now tuber 13, lull. ly. I.I.YNOl.nS, Mcl'AllF.AM) A: CO Wholesale J Valors in Foroiiiii Pi ilifcli and Aitioriran l)rv Oixnls. An. 105 Murli.t tlrett, Vhiimli lihia. iOl'NTRV Merchants, and others can lie sup plied al all times wilh an cxtiniw' assort ment of the ..est and most las!iion..bli (ioods upon the most reasonable terms. Pbila.lelphii, Novrmler 1.1, 1 rS 1 1 . 1 v. j l.()Vi:i: vN: liAUKO.X, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and j Domestic Hardware, j No. 174 Nuhth Tit i nti Stmi.it, 1'iiu.aih tern t. A .HERE iheir fii.odsiud custoiners will always 'I find a lunie and general a-sorimclit ol Foreign i and Domestic Hutdwuie, w hich they willxllul the lowest prices, I Phil.delphia, November 13, 1S4L ly. I KNHKUll'K, UA.NSKMs vV CO. ! WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. ltitl l-'i Market St reel, PJiiJai- I (ltthm Fifth Si,uthidc) I.WAYS keep on hand a full and general s s. rtment ol l.'o-n ry, Lac, and Fancy I ioods. Country MercluMila use rvsjieetfully ripiPsTl to give them a cull and examine for themselves. Philadelphia, NuiPinUr 13, 1H41. ly. SPKIMNC:, t.OO vS; CO. N. Kin MaiKet Stro;t, Pliihulolj liia. BNVri'E the atleitiiun of (.'ountry Mervbants to their extensive assur;meiit ol llriloh French vud American Dry (iomls, w hich they oiler for sule mi the uni t reat-iaiuble terms. Philadelpliru. November 13. Isll. ly. XTCcCALLA & IIEItSE, No Til, North S oiul k(i-c(, (coMsrii otcoomm's Atl tt.) Where llu-y constantly keep on hand a general assoritneiit of CLOTHE, CASSHMHRrS, VESTING S, And a reut vttritty J urtic.ta of a tujiermr uisley, which they offer lo dispose of upon Tl.e most reasonable t. rins. C10I NTRY MERCHANTS an.l oihers will find it to tin il advanisgp to ull and rxaiuine llmr st.sk before purchasing elsewhere, Phlludelphni. Nov. ri, lull. Jy J CHITS tz. CUlfJlfZr rY WlinT.TAr.T1 IIITrlT' l WMl , No. 10 S. i,. - tMfJ?f'T. pv i W HERs-' ... ' ."T' OIILADLLPHI A, . . ' -tf'T'lvc B.tsoiliiient of ihe above ar'.,cies ate cunslanily kepi in band, 1'utr sale I at the most rt asonuble tcrtiu, May li'.t, !-1l, ly. WlWStOWS BAIiSAM Or IIOHEIIOUND. AN nnpsrellplPil rpnuity for common Cold, - Coughs, Asthma. luflupnt.a. Whipping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lent!iri(r to ponstimplion ; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bon set, Blood Root, Liverwort anil several other Vent-table substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New Voik. The innorrnre nnd universally a.lmitMl perioral vittnes of thp Heihs from which the llnlsmn nf Ihmhuuml is ntailp, ore too generally know n to re quire rcconimrn. a'ioi. ; it is theiefore only necrssu ry lo oh-ervp that this Me.liciiie contains the whnlrt of thpir Medicinal prnpetties, highly poncpntratcd, aird so happily condiined with aevpial oilier vpgp. lablp subaiaucps, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain n in. dy, now in use, f, r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore' ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visi.l phi. gm. en, aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages rough, relieves nthmatic and dill'i cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes tire disturttcd nerves, nnd given stnnuih to the t. ndei lungs, and thus produtrs a speedy an.l lasting cure. Inc.RATITI UK Is TIIK B A S 1ST r n 1 M T. 1 Max. We are riot among that class of Editors who for a few dollais will, (t the rxpense uf truth and ho nesty) "ciuck up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither me wp w illi, g to icmniii silent, after having tested the utility of an iin rovenn nt or Ait eovery in sci. nee or nit. Our readers w ill recollect we told tl em we were unwell wilh a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks aco. Well, wc pur , V " chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM "r ii wnciivri .mi, an.) ,,. , .. r.. , . .' . . that wp Inrgoi we ever hi so sudden was the cure. irgol we ever had a cold. Those who are alllirtetl, may try it upon our recommendation. l.cicislwi T' lerrnih. For sale by HEN RY YOXTHEIMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRICHT, i,rthu,it,ahid. Also, by Druggists generally throuuhout the country. (jj Ptiee, 60 cents per bottle. Anuusl Mlh, IS 1 1 ly. LIST OF BOOKS, T foh salk nr ULl. LLi. 4i.v33S3I2ai22, A NTIION'S Cbissicul Dictionary; l.einprier's do.; Amswoith's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Ce.mun .'...; Amhon's C;esar; Ambon's Crammer; Ambon's Cicem; Man's Lurin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; Andrew's I. mill Lessons; Derm, gin's Lexicon; Fisk's (.'re. k Exercises; Davics's Legentlet; (irnecu Majora; A.b.ms's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's C. liKinith's Ei ul Old; do. Creecc; Ly ell's El. niriits ol (iinlogy; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of II. .tuny; Bridge' Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Reader-; Ion. rson's C.ography and History; Olnry's do ; Purli y 's do ; Smiib's Crnmmei: Kit I, ham's tlo.: Kay's Read. r; Cobl's do.; C.bb's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Eon rsoii's do.; Cohh's Spi lling Hooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mi'v Lib arx; Cnitace Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parkei's Ex en i-es .in Coinpnsition; Fruit of ihr Spirit; Ballet's S iul's Rest; Ainerican Rt vnlutionr Manyatl'g No v. ts; Mrs Phelps t.n Cbemistrv; Iliad; (,'atpehisni of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che. mistiy lor Begun er-; English Exetcisis adapted lo Muriav's ( !r . miner; Sequel to Comley's Spelling II. .ol,; American Class Hook; Daboll's Sclioolmas lei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 2S, 1M1. ATTENTION, j . s 1 1) i: v jo . i: s , 1 ) F.ljl EsTS the attention of his country friends who ant in want, lo his verv huge slock of Carprliugs, Oil (Mollis, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac that he has jusi op.n.d, al hi- warehouses. No. IS North 2d street, and No. 3 Chinch Alley, next door to Chi 1st Chttrch, Phila delphia. July 31, 1811. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 It K P A T 11 1 C K vv .SO X, A'o. 21, A'orA Third si ri el, (li:T l.l MAHkFT ANIll HFSM'T hTlir.l.T,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sde i large and excellent assortment ol 'Syi ni.-h Hides, Patna Sips, Tniimrn' Oil, . ., at Tlie lowest maiket prices, eithf r for cash, in exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consi!inii tits of LciiIht received fur sale, oi purchased ut tlie highest riimk. t pric. (J ; I, rattier sloietl tree ot t barge. April 17. IS11. ly. l' nialrs. IK ) are troubled wilh sick headache, pain in the si.le,"oreusi and back, loss of appetite, Ha- riilen. v, low ne-s of spirits, palpitation of thp heart, l.tiiiiinj or ui.blines-. si. kne-s al the stomach, bibous alli'ttions, tig'.tuess at the chest, nausea, vnriiiliug, noise in the stomach, flushings ol heat, and chilli ness, discus, s of the neives, i.ud oiguns of digestion, c. Ac, those who mav be thus affected, should not in g'.vt to procure J)r. Ilttrlirh's feiiijmund Strength' niiig Timie und Herman Aperient 'ills, whi. h are w.urui.ted lo give immediate relief. Thousands .'o we almost daily la-hold, whose couu ten..iices and p .le emaciate.! clucks ta-ar nccnlar witness to sickness and nflllction. Could thn-c persons be piniuuhd to use this invaluable tneill cine, they would soon f.ud Uicsr weak and debihtu t.d frames strerightene.l, their minds coinposed and all pain, and distress driven from the system, when the body w ill again renew its lost vigor, and I ut t.n a '-uew life," and death for a while be de I lived of Us prey, Wiiallnarl hut feels glu.l to bcholo tl eir near relatives and dear friends, snatched as if by tnagr from that fatal dest'oycr Dcuth ye who are laboring undei disease lei not another day . r iimht pass w itboui pr.icuriog this mvdicine, asii w ill in a mujorny nl csm's i tfect a cmiun ml cure, Jn mi inli r diluis are rf.irif.i,- and if distaise is nelece.l, its r.ivug.s will doubly iu crease. r t Princilp Office for the Vniled States, No DJ, NORTH LKiH'J'Jl stitvi, where rtx-cutmi cii dunoi s of huii.lie.'s of ersoiis may lie seen, all m which have been euie.l or benefitted bv tin nudicnip. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, I Oct. 2, 1S4C. Aenf. I l.l r oiiiilalii(, " i flIIIS disease is discovered by a o- . i, I , i. i , -etl obtuse rin I in the right si. 'e un.'er tle ,... ,. i . . -.. , . norl nl.s, aitend. .1 vv ttli heat, nn. a-iness uhoto , i ., ., .. , - oe pit of ihe sit ma, b, t til, K. is lit (In. r.t.n. ki.lr . ' t.l.... - .1., . .u .,. ..t loses In. mW.nAlfc,n,. sick ai's' Iv. Jbl' ed w. ill von. ,llUgm ru toM(tue Uvmit oui?h ami t'l .ts., tho counli nance cbsriups to a pale or ri'ron. riri or y,.ilw p,-et,,,dC (Vi.ted with iaiin '.ore, difficulty ol breatlmig, distuihed rest allendc.I with . dry f4.dlflicUiy ..f s ,,ns 0' ,e h.ft ai.'e, ihe b.n.y Ivcome. an.l llr.a lv the disease ies:n..tesu,to,..v) rpfa m wln.h in all ;r.;'..a,(i,v ifHr l,.yoi,d the power of huntif f. iM (. Jirlich fompfutulSltrtngih' Tunic and (iiiiuin Anrmit I'M, it ta ken st ihe r nun. iiceineiit ol this disease, will check it, sr.l ly continuing ihe use of ihe medirino a f.w weeks, a perfect cure will lie prrloimrd. Thousands can testify to this fact. ftitificac f many person, ii ay daily I e sen tiflhe t ll.c cy ol this tnva'uahle medicine! by spplx. nig at tie M.s.luul O.Tice. No. 19, NiHtTH LICil I'll .in rt, Plula.l. Iphia. HENRY VOITUEIMF.K, Ort.SfSJ.lsl5. A,.