Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 10, 1842, Image 3

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    mm - i!3 j - .'
tltnta t Men trBmlniih
Superintend in person as much of your busi
ness is practicable, and observe with a watch
ful eye, the management of what i necessarily
committed to agency of others.
Never lose sight of the powerful influence
of example, and be careful in the management
of your concerns, to recommend by your own
personal practice, uniform habits of active, in
terested persevering diligence to thoso in your
instruct Km and to your agents, and let it be un
derstood by tlwm that you expect they will ex
ecute the same in strict conformity thereto.
It no common amusements interfere or
mingle with your business; make them entire
ly dititinct employmcts.
Despatch at once, if possible, whatever you
may take in hand ; if interrupted by unavoid
able interference, resume am! finish it as soon
as lite obstruction is removed.
fteware of self-indulgence no business can
pwssibly thrive under its influence.
Do not BFsumc to yourself nmTe credit for
what you do, than you are entitled T; rather
be content with a little less ; the public mind
will always discover where merit is due.
Familiarize yourself with your books, keep
theni accurately, and (recently investigate and
fldjurt their contents. This is an important
Cultivate domestic habits, for this your fami
ly, if you have one, has a strong and undeniable
claim: besides, your customers will always be
best pleawd when tlwy find you at home, or
nt a place of your busmen.
Nevei let hurry or confusion distract your
Under the influence of such habits as these
with a suitable dependence en Providence for
a blessing on the labors of your hands, yon will
have a good fi.undntion to TCStyonr hope upon,
for success in whatever business you wy be
employed in.
Tht Tbktv. A I .ontSeti corespondent of ihe
E veiling Post concludes his comments on the Trea
ty thu :
"hi a worj, we have substituted the certainty
of a future war for the certainty which we hud of
settling every question between the two countries,
in a way that would have tendered war between
these powes impssvi Me,
A Reply to Tom CAMrnr.i.t, Every one re
tnembers Campbell's linos to the American
Flag, published some time since :n our papers.
They ran thus :
United States ! your banner wears
Two emblems : one of fame ;
Alas ! the other that it bears
itcminds ms of your shame !
The white man's liberty in typ. a
Stands blu7.oned by your stars
But what's the meaning of your stripes !
They mean your negroes' sens.
Oeorge Lnnt, in his new volume of Poems,
just now passing through the press, thus gives
the retort courteous to the English Flag :
England ! whence came each glowing hue,
That tints yon flaa of 'meteor' hghl
The streaming red, the deeper blue,
Ciosted with the moon beams' pearly white !
The Mood and bruise blue anj red
I.ct Asia's groaning millions speak :
The white U toll the c dor fl. d
From starving Erin's ptltd cheek ?
Office of the Baltimobk AwanicAX, Dec. 5.
FLOUR. The advance noted last week in How.
ard etrcit Flour has not been maintained, and sales
of good mixed standard brands have been made
from store to-day at f 4 25, which is the rate at
w hich some holders now ofl'er to sell. The receipt
price is still unsettled.
Holders of City Mi ls Flour generally ask $1 50
but it is probable it could be bought at f 1 37 J.
The maiket is almost bare of Susquehanna Flour.
tiRAl.V. In consequence of the mildnea of
the weather, prices of Wheat have declined three
or four cent per bushel. Four or five thousind
bushels Md. reds were sold to-day at R5 a 92 for
good to prime parcels, and inferior at 60 a 75 cents
as in quality. A sale of a load of fail Md. white
to-day at 95 eta. No Penna. Wheals at market.
Kales of Maryland Coin to-day at 42 a 43 els for
white, and 41a 45 ceiua. for yellow. Salea of
Oats at 21 a 24 cts.
WHISKEY. Safes were made to a considers
Me extent on Saturday at 23 cts. for hh js. and 24
cts. for bid. These Iran-actions left the market
very nearly bate, arid the article, u now scarce and
in demand.
(3V64is inn Colds. Our bodies are conlino
fiy decomposing and reorgsn ting their constitu
ent partte'es : the decomposed particles are carried
off by the blood and discharged through the skin
and bowels. That which passes through the skin
ia termed perspiration or sweat. A stopp .ge of this
perspiration is called Catching Void, in which
case the decomposed particles that should leave the
body through the skin are retained in the blood or
thrown tack upon the stomach and bowels, causing
headache, fly ing pains, coughs, Ac, Such leing
the cause and eff ct of cokla, it must be apparent to
evtry rue, that at such a time large evacuation hy
the bowels are nece-airy, in order to relieve the
alimentary canal of the accumulation of humors, aa
well ts stimulate (he blood to open again the ports
of the skin.
Brandrctk'M Vegetable Vnivtrtal Twj being an
effectual Afckistant to Nature, will be found .mgu
larly effeclie in eeoroph-b ;ug this desirable pur
pose j oecsute ibey purga fr.iro the atomach and
bewets those harm which are the cans of disease
cleans lha blood fr. m all impurities, remove every
cause of pam or weakness, and rtxturt the consti
lution to perfect tiealth and vigor.
Chemist and Druggiel ueer bae the genuine
anadicine for aale.
ms- PusekaM in Sunbury. of II. B. Masser, and
tta agents published iu another fart if this paper
from the Italian of Metcstutio.)
If ev'ry one's internal care
Were written on hi brow, .
How ninny would our pity share,
Who have our envy now !
The fatal aecret, if revealed,
Of em; aching Utst,
Would ahow that only when concealed.
His lot appeared the best,
W Jl IS tt IE li
On the 15th ult., by the Rev. fj. BetVtrrr,
Mr. Jott Cltisir, lo Miaa Saah Ass Silver-
wnon, both of Augusta.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthcimer.
Whkat, .... 05
Rrt, 50
Coair, 40
0ts, ...... 25
Pork, ft
FLATuritn, ... . 100
Hctt, ..... fj
Hitr.awT, .... 25
Tallow, .... 12 J
Daiitii Arri..s, - 75
Do. PiAciir. 200
Flax, ... 8
Hkcklkb Flax, 10
Eon, ...... 8
Tnrern IVoticc.
To fhf Ifannrahle F.llin Lrwii. 1C., President,
nnd hit Attvciates, Judges of the Court nf (fnor
ter Sessiont of the tounty nf Northumberland:
rpHE petition of Frederkk linker, of Little Ma
X noy, in sii.l county, humbly represents that he
nr-cupesa commodious house on the leading
to Pottil!e, in said township, and is well prepare I
for the accommodation of travellers, Ac. He tlmie
fore i.rava vour honms to grant him a lie. nse, to
keep a tavern Uuting the enume ei, mil hr will ;
pray, kC r iv.-ini.iv. i
To TUT! JunOKS ASSTK MSSTIOSttl I The. suit-
acril etc, residents of I.i'lle M.ihonoy, hereby certify.
that Fieder'ck Rake.r. lb ap hc.inl for license, is a I
man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house r 'Oin and coiive. for llie lo1giug and accommodation of
strangers and travellers, end that a public houe
there is necessary. They therefore recommend h m
as a proper ktsimi to bo licensed to koep a public
(Seorge Sneitiliart,
Wm. Derr.
Jonathan Peifer,
eoige II n r.. I,
Wm. R..theimel,
(e rge Wgner,
Doe. Kith. 1812.
Joseph RiiiinIi,
Ji nathnn Dunkelbergcr,
r'amucl Wagner,
Solomon Duiikclbergi r,
John Pilfer,
Pclir Wayner.
1 HAVE now in mv kitchen onei.f Hathaxvat's
-a Patik r Hot An 1'iinkisii Stovi.s, and lake i
pleasure in recommending it to the public as u
L,i. m it,. I,, at for .kiriT thai 1 I
have any knowledge nf. The oven is at least twice
ns large as any vther, in propoition to the tiie of
the stove, aiid is njpeiior to any oven for roasting,
and baking bread, pies, biscuit, cVc, and I do not
hesitate to give my opinion, that Mr. Hathaway'a
Stove will do three tim- s the amount of cooking,
do it better and in less time, and with less fuel and
labor, than any other stove of vqiml dimensions.
December 3d, 1842.
Jolui Cherry's 1 1st ate-
"iVOTM'E i hereby given, that the aubsciiber has
been appointed aud't .r, by the court, to audit
the account of Peter Snyder, E'q , admiaistralor
of the est ile nf John Chetry, ib-c'.l., ami that be
will attend for lhat purpose at his nflice, in Sunbury,
on Satu'day the litth of December next, when and
where all iuurcsled can attend.
Nov. 26th IS 12. 31
s i r a in ki r r i:it :
i ... .. . " .
CAME to the premise-of the sutcriher, residing
in Augusta township, Northumberland county,
sometime in September last, A ULACK IIEIF
FEH, with a white tail, about Ij yeata oll. The
owner ia requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges, nnd take her awsv. oiherwi-e she will
he sold accordion to law. HENKY If L.N N.
Nov. 26th. IK42 3t.
CAME to the pieini-s of the subscriber, residing
in t!oul townshin. Northumberland couritv.
some time in Oclohci last, a DARK IIROWN !
STEER, with white feet, shout I J years old. The '
owner is requested lo come forwurd, prove popir
tv. pay charges, and tke him away, othemU4 ne
will I sold according to law.
Coal town-hip. Nov 2fi, 1842. 3;
IKinlrl riirnvau'M Ilal.
Nf)TICE ia hereby given, that the Register of
this county has th s day gihiited letters of sd
iniriisiiation up .n the estate tf Daniel Furnian, tale
of Shan'okin township, dee'd., to rhe 'subscrilier.
All p'lions having ib mands against the estate, ate
f'jtiested to present ihcm, and those who are in
debted, lo pay their respfcliVe accounts lo the sub
scriber, who ri sides in Si soiokiu township
Nov. lin. 1812 fit 9
)riliuitV Court Sale.
IN pursuance nf an order of the Orphans' Court
of NoithumberlHiid county, will be etp.sed to
sale, at the house of Charles D. W hurl on, in the
borouijh i.f Sunbury, on Saturday the 24th day of
December net. at 10 o'clock. A. M., Iwo tracts of
land, in Shamokiu township N.-ru unibeiland cum
ly, one nf then) called Mount Carmel, on tbeCeuo
tie Turnpike, sdjoniing laud nf Valentine Prnin,
and lands hel mgiuR lo ttie Av'um t ompmy, on
Shamokin creik. eonlaiiiiug ItiOJ acies si rrt mea
sure, on which there is a dwelhnu house, stable, Ac ,
now kept as a public house by Jacoh ltolh. The
othar tract waa surveyed on a warrant in the name
of "Jeremiah Paul," containing 2(J sere, 18 per
e'lea, sod allowance, also on Sliainokin rrek, ad
joining lands of Valentine piopst.aud others. The
said tracts contain, It Is supposed, a large quantity
of anthracite coal, uud the last tract is well timler
nl. Terms will be made known on the day of sale,
by the administrator of E. (s. Bradf td, E q , dee'd.,
aa whoae estate the same will I sold.
Nov 10, 164". A dm'rt ofmiddte'd
George W'dshansc for the ve vf Robert 11.
Hammond, vs. 1 nomoi yinen.
Norrsiu 14th. Hi2.
XN motion of Mr. Donnei, lute on me creu-
1 tnra of Thomas Allen and nil other inliust
ed, o appear on the first day i f neit leim, and
show ratuee why llss money raised ny me aaie ot
the d- fendam' real estate should not di-'.nbuied
accordiiif to law. Uy the t'oml,
Prothonoiary'a Office, j 1'rulh'y.
Sunbury, Nov. lit, $ r.t.
ATrrah auppy of KU6E OIN I'MENT. ieceivrd
and fur sale by II, U. MAZIER,
Nov. 13th, Hi).
BY irtue of sundry Writs of Venditioni Expo
naa Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas
ol Northumberland county, to me directed, will he
exposed to public sale at the Court House in th
Uorough of Sunbury, on Monday the 2d dny of
January next, at 12 o'clock, (noon,) the following
described property, lo wit :
A certain tract of land, situate in August town
ship, Nonhumlierland county, adjoining lamia ol
Jacob Bir1he.r, Adam Slushier, and others, land of
Henry Yoilhcitner and others, containing 125
acrea, morn or reus, whereon are rrccted two large
two stnry Dwelling Houses and Kitchen, a la g'
Hank Uarn, Waggon Shed and (irariary, I.ioie
Kiln and other out building, two wells of walei,
nnd an orchntd. About 80 acrca of said land arc
Also t A certain tract of hind situate in Augus
ta township, Northumberland county, a dp.iuing i
land of Adam Shissler, Jacob Snyder,' Jacob Hart- ;
lit-r and others, land of Henry Yoxiheimer. con. i
toning 12 t acres, more or lest. About CO acres
of said land are cleared.
Also: A certain f.ot of ground, situate in the
borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northumber
land, Ixiunded on the north by Market street, south
by nn alley, east by lot of Henry Masscr, Esq., wel
by lot of William McCarty, whereon are erected a
large two story Brick House, occupied us a st.-re
and ilwel ing house, brick and frame Kitchen, fr .me
Store house, log Stal le, and oilier out buildings, and
a Siii'.p rf water.
Aim: Two certain I.o'a of ground, si'ure in the
hor. tub ofSunhury andcounty of Nor hnmlierl and.
hounded no;lh by lllackhrrry street, .iuth by nn
alley, cast by lot of A. Jordan, Esq., west by lot of
Mrs rinncy, whereon are erected a large brick
Rj lo( l)w,.,lg House, and Kitchen
A'so: Two certain ht nf ar.tind, situate in
the bnroug'i nf Sunburv, Nonhumberlnnd county,
bounded south by Dewberry street, north bv an al
hy, west t y loi nf Khor.ihacl s, and east by .t nf
. wl ere. n sre ere. ted a two atory brick
House, frame poller shop, fianie tShlc, and a well
nf aler.
Also i A certain pnrt of l,ot, No 130, situ .le in
the. b. r ush ol Nunbury, in the county of Northum
berland, bounded north by Deleiry sir." t, south
by an alley, east by lot of Lewis Dew.,rt, Esq., and
wist ly lot of Follmers.
Also: Thtee certain Lots nf croon. I, situate in
Coal lowt a'lip, Nor(lnimlerland county, in the
town of Shamokin, in that part laid out l y A. Jor
dan, Esq. and nthtia, town: Nos. 400. 40 land
402, InMiiuli d south by It iil Kosd. west by
s:ieet, iiorth by atieel, crntt bv an alley,
whereon are erected a large dwelling and store house,
one aid a bidf store high, nnd a Imgo iwo story
kitchen, and a well of water.
Also; A certain Lot of ground situa'e in Coal
township, Noithumlierl .nil, in the town of in uiai part i n.i out ny a j r.-an. r.sq.
and wit: No. 405, bound. d south by the
i;i !?... i ,,.,i, i... .,.., i... i t
-, and cast by l-ii of -
Also: Part nf a certain Lot, No 44ft, situ ite in
Coal township, Northumberland county, in the
town of Shamokin, bounded on the west bv the
Branch Kail Road, north by the Danville and Potta
ville Riil Road, and on the e st by a tot of James
Shorile. Si ized, taken in eierution, and tj be sold
as the property ol Henry Yoxiheimer.
Also: Twelve certain Lot of ground, situa'e in
ll.e borotijh nf Sunbuty. Northumberland counlv,
Noa 237. 23S. 239, 240. 241, 242. 243, 244,
205, 26G, 267, 268, bound- d south by Poki berrv
s'reel, north by (tooseberry alley, now the Danville
uud Pnttsville Rail Road, tast by Deer aireet, and
west by an aliey.
Also: Four certain Lots of ground, situ Ve iu
the iKirough and county aforesaid, Nos. 2UU, 2TU.
2? I, 272, hounded south by Ulacklerry alley, north
by Pokebtiry street, west by an alley, and ea-t by
liner slieet, partly ovsied by water. Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to le sold as the property of
the D inville and Potlavide Rail Road Company.
Also : A certain tract or piece of land, situate
in Sliitun.kiii township, Northumberland countv,
hounded by a road leading from -;ny ji-itown lo the
I'unipike. laud of Wil iam vVt rs" n'ee'd , tho Sha
mokiu CrvcW and tie ''tail Road, containing 17
acre, more or less, whereon aieireced a large two
atory Dwelling House, plastered. Kitchen and a
j I nee- Haru, and a well . f water. Neatly .dl of said
j laud ia cleared. SeizeJ, taken iu execution, and
to re sold aa the property uf tieurgu Kteagvr.
Also: A certain Lot of pronnd, situate in the
borough of Nnr'hunilieTlaud and county of North
umlerlai d, containing live acres, more or less,
bounded north by Wist Way. south by the West
Btanch of tlie Rtver Susqm haiina, west by a lot
of James Kay, and on the east by the lload hading
to ti e nver, wb reon are erected a large two story
Prick Mill, nnd Dwelling House, known by the
name of the College. Seized, taken in execution,
and lo be sold as the property of Josiah Chapman.
A Do : A certain Lot or piece nf land, situate in
A uiiiisia township, Northumberland county, bound
ed by Lot of Heniy Masser, Lot tT Jar. b Piinter,
and the Phamofcin Cteek, Containing 5 ai res more
or less, whereon are erected a one and s halt' st ry
Brewery and Dwel ing House, with asp-ingot wa
ter in tho cellar, and a log und frame t ib e. Se z
ed, taken in execu!i.n, and to I e r-i'd as the pro
pe'ty nf Philip and liotlieb B ymire.
Abu) : A cerain tract or piece of land situa'e in
Purlui township, Northumberland counlv, sdjoin
mil land of Jacob Sichler, tjeoige Waggoner
Philip Kaup, and others containing 100 acres,
more nr les. wher.-on are erected a two story
Dwelling 4loiite and Kitchen, anil a One siory
Dwelliiitfnllouse, a lare Darn, and other out buil.l
ings, a will ot aler, and an orchard. Neulvull
of said land is cleared. Seized, taken in exi cuti n,
and to he sold as iho property of John D.nius uml
Jacob Diiiius.
Al-o ; A cert ii n messuige, tavern stand, and 1
Unit of laud, situate in Coal township, Nortbuin- I
t l-ifl.ud rounlv. on Shamokiu creek an I llie Centre I
Tti'npike Road, ndjoiiiuig I md of Ju 'ge Urol-'
f r.l's heir-, Aiclubild Mct'aul and land suiv,edi
to Menu k St ur, ivnl linins 475 acre-, iiime or le s j
with the improvements ibcuoii iiettiil, i-oiiuin lily
called RitV it' Tattrn. (
ft, . . . . .. ..h!.i.....iI I... I . :. l
Also : t reiiani irac m uin.i.intu s.'.j
ate upon the waters of Sham, kin rnek, in ('o d
lowi ship, Nnrthumlx-iland county, bounded by
lai ds lute nf David F. lioidou mi ,ne west, Tho.
mas Csdwallader on lilt ta-'., r,j William Uoyd,
Hurd Palnrs. n cV Co. on the north, containing
1768 acies, mote o; tmx
Also: A ceil ,,n tract of unimproved land, situate
in Coal tow, kliin. Norihuui'erlaiid county, houml-
d by 'snda nf Thomas t'adwalladir on the west.
Dvul F Cordon nn the east, and on the north by
lands surveyed on warrants in the name of Willi on
Toiiilinsoii, (i.or.a Coaliaui and otluis, contain
ing I76S bci . more or less.
Al-n : A certain tract of unimproved land, situ
ate in Cod township. ISorihumi-eiUnd county,
hounded by land of Th unaa Cadw il'ader on Ibe
east, John Itiitdv on the noilh, and Thoima Cad
walladsr ou lha weal, containing 100 sCics, more'iir
'J. J J.S1...II i.i-XJ.m'w
Alio i A C' rlnin tract nf unitnproveil land, aim
nte In Coal township, Northmnberland coun'y.
bound, d on the West by lands surveyed in the name
nf Esther Cramer, land of David F. Gordon nn the
smth. nml laud surveyed in the name of Williom
linen on the north, containing 400 acres, more or
less, Scire .1, taken in etecii:(nn, and to ba sold
as the probity of William Silvis.
Mieriff' OlTico.
Hunbllry, Dec. 1(1, l12.
F Fort iif n nml Dorm slic Merrlmmlisr, of
I lie 'o until of . or ill in brr In il. uh o h nte.
and who hate not jmiil tlnir l.icrnsnt.
Wilt) h am: PAID :
Mo.lcll'r A- Sihwenek Anns Vastii.e
W'm. II.Fryrnire ,tt t.'o J ieoti lima -
Mai key cV t'hain
William Di ppen
1) mi. I rVhwattt
John Sniilli
(i. i rg" Jlrosiua
John li nkS'iiaii
Nctdlinger cV t 'o
W. ti Scotl
D. II. Kl.pp
Char'e U, Merri'k
Thomns It. Pomp
( ie-ire t 'orrey
J nines lieed
John Cham'ierlain
II i is & B - erly
Joh-. Holf nan ti f'.i
John H 'iTiM.iri & Co.
Snmuel John.
Ireland ft Meixell
Miller oV Mar'a
Srlh Cadwall ,der
lleinen A- Follim r
J ,, ll'"nl'"
jc l'r,,w"
,m "
Patrick lLunp-ey
William Fiosilie
Hiaiilijim oV Wnpp'ea
Neidlineer cV Diugaman
Samuel limp
Daniel II.-I I. -e
Pen r lleisrl
Oeotge lienn
Cii.leoti Sin. He
S. lb I. Comly
J sr.oli Unir
J hn Young
Wo d ft Kh awn
.lolin B gar
H. H. Masser
.Io! n Frvliins
J. P. H ic'ienb ri
rjeo-g." S'irader
Hartinan H. Ktrihln
Win. IVrsing A: Co
Ira T (Vement
Notice is hi ret
Heard cV (5 hrig
( 'barb s Keleliln-r
A. fi C. Unas
Jacob Plight
John Mi'ler
Ro-ic oV Payne
Tbomi- Par.loe
N .ncy Woolv. rt..n
Wm. Dewart
Peter 1, n irus
Wm. I.ciseming.
V p v. n, th it the Treauer
is conipell d, by law.
lo eomiiitnC'' suit- aca'nst a I
those who do not come fin waul -.nd p iy 'heir been
ees on or before the 3d day of December next.
UEORtiU WE is Kit
Sunbiny, Nov. ICih, 112. Treasurer.
Itissuliitlou or I'arliit'islilp.
riH E subsi ril r-ben bv notify the public ll at i'h
l partner-hip heretofnc existing under the fiun
i f S. A I. S .vidiie S: Co., as nier. h m s in Son' u
y. whs dis-.-lved bv mutual r.Hii. iit, on the 2(lth
of O. toller Usi. All pi ia. ma kno-Mm; thcmselws
in. tel. led. or bating claims again' the said firm, are
nquesied to call on S. iV J. S ivnlne for settli meot,
al the store nf Ira T. Clement, in Sunhinv.
Sunbuiy. Nov. 5th. IP 12. tf.
RESI'ECTF I LLY mfoims hi fii. nds and
the public generally, thut he ha purch sed
and taken pos-e-sion of the store lately conducted
under the fi m of S. cV J Savnlge tV t'o., in Sun
I ury, and that ho now carri. s on the busine-s at the
sunestiiul. He, thereto e, respectfully solicits a
-hire of the public patronage.
N. U. He expect a new assortment of Oood-i
in a fw weeks, to which he invites the attention
of Ins customeis.
Sunbury, November 5th, 1842.
:t'oi'K I.uiir's i:itat(-
.TOTlt'E is herel-v civen that letters of admin
istrstion mi the c-tate nf (Seorge L iig, Jec'd ,
late of AUiil's'a town-llip, hive this day lien gran
ted 1. 1 tho subset ihers, n-siding in said loAiish p.
I ' r know ing themselves indebted, are leqnc
ted to make immediate payment, and tha-e hiviin:
claims against the est ile, are rrvjiii sti d lo present
them for examination ai d settlement.
October Iltli, 1S42. f.i-6
riIl I' sobscrira r ba for sale, al his store in Wa
1. shingt nt, (eight miles north of D uiviile,) a
largo quantity nf L ip and 13 inch Joint Shinghs,
which will be sold at the low price nf f 3
Also a general a-sortment of I and inch lloan.'s.
Wiather lioaids, Lalb, cVc, which win he sold
very low. NEALMcCAY.
Washinetonville, Cohim'.ia co.,
Oct. 'i'iA, IS 12. 7t. S
7ERY RESPECTFCLLY leu- leave to in
form iiii cu-tome s and the public generally,
that he trill coi tn a- ike
in all its vjnou brancl es. in the shop, in a Iv op
Kite ihn Buck Tavern, formeily nrcupi d bv
lleinv lla i and turns If, under ihe firm nf Haas
A- Drm kindlier, which firm h t ei n muiti
so veil n-- b-.p by hi l-mg eip ni-nc
abote boviuesM, and a'ricl nil, nt.ou It.,- i i-,
del geoeral itisl iction, and ueciveali r
uf pn' l r pnironnge,
Suut'iiiy, Ocio er I.Sih, l12. f.nv.
Hy .h..
li he
i i r. II-
llr. ii. It, W t ir,
OFFERS In- profession d senic-s. i i!
of Sun' uiv. and vnimty OllV-e ne
ir i -lirei.R
next dooi lo
the residence nf IN vil. K A. f'l-ber. wbe e lie in iv
be ( .uud, u dess engaad IU diM'liargii.g ihe duUe
of bu prole-sioo. Oct Sib, I S IU. if.
((if.tCio! St n fit- fJVr.)
n.7 rz ,
I'miifcilt aula.
MHE Snb-cri'ier lespic ful'y iufoims bis Trie
nd ihe public in general, ibat he lus t
the above
sml lhat he is now well a-" pared to Hceominodale
al: bo may favor h m with iheir iaii.un.
II. S i.i. i r i m ArmTSkMi arc w II aired, and
co nfoiial-le. in ll will a'wavs be suppli d
wiih be he-t the mi'kel ran afl'o'd,
II .s Srisiiso, which is good will I
l e charge of good and cart ful tvstler.
He f elseoiifidenl, by suit! attention lo I u-ine-s.
and aa earnest desiie to lender c tnfortahle those
who may pstronie. bun, lhat he will nol to give
general satisfaction. II. JJ. WEAVER.
Muary, Oct. lit, 1843. tf.
Bool a ii d shoe iTIakc r,
VERY ReaieetfuMy informs his frends and
nbl cnslomi r.. that he has opened a BOOT
& SHOE Estahii-hinent. in llie shop formerly oc
cupied by I'cfi r l.ntarus ts a r'rtig store, m Market
street, where he In end- l . ei.rr nn the
all its various hraiiebea Hv ,t iei attention In lu
sites, resfoiinlile eti irve and bi u mmt nmleavor
to give gen rl. a ittst.iptiin., be hopes to receive a
liberal share ol pubbe pair-mnge.
Oct. 1st. 1812. m.
rI "IT AT the I .opariiii rsltip i erelof.nei x.s'inti . -twe
n Dr .loh . W. P. al m I Di D. T. I' it. s, in
the pr ii tice of nn d cine, has lhi d iy ' een ili-sol-veil
hv mo'nal Con-ent. The booti and accounts
nf the I. ile firm ure in t'-.p hands nt Iti. J. W, Peal,
who t full authoiized to selt'e th- same.
.It til W PEAL,
Sei t. ISih. 1842. D. T. TRITES.
"Pr .1. W. lral begs lene lo lend -r bia grate
lul aiku w edgmciit to 'he people of 8unluy
and amroiiriiiing Country, foi then pi-l eneournge
ment in the line of bis profesiioii ; and would at
the same time an-ounce lo thein, th .1 he slill in
tends lo rouiinue the practice of medicine in all its
various d partmeiita. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance of ihcir confidence and pitrona je.
He may le Inund al nil time- at his office, in mar
ket street, unless professionally cng iged.
Sunbury, Oct. 1st. 1842. tf.
rr. I. T. TrllrH, Respectfully informs the
citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has '-
ken nn nlliec in the bull. ing Intelv oirupied by Peter .rus as a drug s ore, in market stiviel, Sunbury,
where h may bo f.und at all hoUis, unKsa profes
siouallv engaged.
Dll. TRITES returns h a sincere thanks for the
encouragement helms rec i ve.l. ill the line nf his
prof.-sion, inthi place, and tru-ts by prompts'
enl on lo the luiieof hi profession, and rea-on-nhle
chaiges, tha' he will coirinue lo receive a
lilavil -hate ..f the public patronage,
Sunbury, Oct. Ut, 1842. tf.
I II OTOCJ it A I'll I clvOTlCEi
iVo. 173 Chrsnut Slr-ft, th Story,
ni fci i i;i:i . n.i.VF.nir.o-
TYI'F AI'I'AHATLS. Sorg eal an ) Mi
niature Ca-rs, In.n.vtel ol F eucli Ciieiii cals and
loii'de silver .tain for the D iguerre t lie, mIoi.Is
thi- metliO'l of informing the citiz- lis ot Northe n
I'eniisv Ivania. that he cairn s on 'h" above onsiu. ss
ext. ntvely. in all its varum- branches. I't-rsons
desirous ol 'obtaining mv ot the above artiees, ran
be promptly supplied, on the kiwcsi terms, for c i-h.
All letters (post paid,) will rcieive tnirnediate
Mn.(J H LILl.EUR'IKJE. now travelling in
the Northern part of the Sia e, will promptly at
tend u. nil orders, give ne.-es-arv information and
Photographic tnstruc Ions 'o anv in rmi on appli
cation to him. AiiLMisi fith. 1842. 6in
I ESPECi FI I.LY informs ibe puhhc that he
k- has made Northumberland his permanent
place uf rrsidenre. and is ready to a! uud to any
calls in the line of his profession.
July 2, 1812. Iv.
' II. I- and
" e.-d
J-k (,ui. r
r t
it ii h i i
t I
i II t- ira c
b Wm. Durst
street, nearlv .
He r. SI -eeliully
e-, in the
an a Ta '
isi'e t'
oii-e I
inurU i .,--ii id
, I . n..s..r
eriai t 'hoe '-.
to in' Im p uron-
-ohct- .i s' -i e ..f
n to bnsi. ess and
and iru-
by stri. t a liiri
reasonable cha-ge. Le will be eimbUU to give gen
eral satisfaction.
Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1642 ly
Sliamolilii, ortlitinibciiaml Co.,
flHE siibscriheis respectfully inform the public
1 ihal they have taken thai Urrgt and cotmmdi
out HOTEL, in Sham.ikintown, in ihe cititre of
the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Krim.
wkeie ihey are now prepared to accommodate r
who may fa vol ihem with their custom. Hy sp.;C
aHentioti lo business, ihey hope to receive a h'J4ral
share of pu! lie patronage.
ShsmnkinMwn. June 18th. IHI2.
'lo u ii try
"TMIKSuhs ruer. Agent ot I yon 4 Vtarris, Hal
Manufictur -r. for New Ye rk, Philadelphia,
llah-moie mid iiher large lilies, hw Hull are
liift tity I-k good t ,l,t und durnhility.
I has on l aud a lir-t rule nssc rtmnt ol HATS and
I TAPS, until le for Spring .,le, wh ch will be sold
juil low, fin casli or afi-ioved riedil, al the wted
j c'mip store, Xa. 40, Noi' o Third kirv i, t pisj'e
the City Holt I, Phila ,el ,hi.
KiiHl-.r" r V II.KINSON. Arent.
N. it. Oule ,,t 11,1- d berii,. pioinptly
ti-i.d.-l'o, I Is l.iubest i lice ,H
'utK or wa-to
.ven I ir I'ii
Pi ilaibl- in.
.June II, IM". '-Iv
1 I. .c.k i s in.l to t'ie lirm ol I. Mill V
l'.-.r s, U'idi r He ig-ni Ml. N. Th n-l
li it nn I Can Mit iofodurtrn. . t Nonli Thud.
e t. I'll I .'. Ipli x. o, i. qui' ted tollia'ke llllon dl
at- se'ili ininl ,. h I s eoi.nt- nt. he -II--cut er,
' In ir Ii iii'lio. e,e.' Hgei I, . In. i I i v . inpnw
i 1. 1! I., i uh and eotl- cl the i no t ol sai l lirni.
UoiiKliT D W II KINi 'N.
.lime lib, IKli.-tl Azeiif
warra rt:i srpF.ith'ii to ay
WOHN& HENRY I. OIUC. h.viirg rented
)B the I. line Kilns of Menu Ma . r, iu ut buiy.
have now fir sale the last I .line ill this part
ol ibe
coutitiy, and will ninth ue to
hand lie-i'i I. line for I'liste. ng
1 . .. . ...
i7-, . T c
. nu iiiiik nuu
. ,
I. inline lai d, on as le .saui..t le term, as rati I I. ad
.m n-t.en ti ibe ne.;l t oil.ood.
M v k4 3. .1- A- M. LANDAU
ll II M iSMIH B on i -lilies all w in. r.-
.,..Ul.,..i i linn .., li e fiiniof H II. Masa. i A Co..
to call and sell'.e without dels , ntbei se iheirae-
..i. ft-ill l. i.l ,e. .1 in ib hand-nf a inn IsVra
for aullsciion. lunfcurv. tepu S4, 1M3.
U i7Z cnmmrnrr rnnni;ig ht-Av e i I'.'ii'ndrljthta
and I'ollsville on the; following days
and hour :
far Ann astkh Monnir, Mat 9. 1S42.
Leaving I'ottsville, on Mondays, Wedncad ij s
and Fridays, at 8 A. M.'
Le vii g Philadelphia, on Tue-days. Tbudaya
and Saturdays, at 1J P. M.
Hours tf pnttnne Rending.
r or rniiaiieipiiia, at in a. M.
For Pottsville, at 54; P. M.
rtelwecn Pottsville At Philada. J3.R0 At f 2,fin
Hft-tween Reading fc do. 3.2S Ac 1,75
Helwren do tt Pottaville, 1,40 Ac 1,00
Excvnstox TirKTs ooob roa muxMaa
bxtt mi,
Retween Pottsville & Philadelphia, f 5 00
Helweon Reading tc do. H 00
Between do. dr. Pottsville, t (JO
Tho other passenger traina will a before, at
the following hours :
Philadelphia and VoUivillt.
From Philadelphia, at 6JA.M. t. .,
From Pottsville. at S P. M. $
four eif patting Heading.
For Poltsvilir, at 9 A. M. 3 ,
Yo Philadelphia, at 3 P.M. S y'
Alt the trains will stop fur way passenger at
the usual point.
("J7 All passengers are requested to prorure
their tickets before tho trains slait.
May 21, 1842. If.
UTsTMail Coach
riHE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum
JL berland evory morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives
in Pottsville in lime for the car- to Philadelphia.
Faac as low as any other line.
For arils, apply nt Mrs. Wiihinglon's Hatel,
Northumberland, O'atCeorgo V'cit7.el. Sunhurv,
A. E. KAPP vt CO.,'
North'.!.. Mav 2 1 , 1 S 15. Froprirlors.
rj" Pasenaers coming from Phila '.elphin will
plea-e s Tore their seats at the White ivnp lln'.l,
R ce St., Ix'fore they leave the citv. I'.is-ei-eeia
romine in this line, have their seia yrii-f' ,n .my
St ieor Packet boat from this pi v.'. 'I h-s - runing
in th.-. tin r line may c left behind.
IllaiiU Hook Itlaiiiif'ac-tory,
Opjyositp Prinar'n lintel,
Tf'FEY are prepare! to mannfaciuiT bltnk woik
JL of every description, ruled to any psTtern, such
as Dockets liecords. Diy Rooks, Ledcrs, Asie.
sors' aird ('oHectnra' Duplicab.'s of the finest quali
ty of panei, in a style equal to any mde in ths ci
tics of Philadelphia or New York.
All deacriptions of binding really executed.
Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made to order.
La -v Book-, Music and rerioibr ds bound loony
pittern. Old Dooks rebound, &c. Also files if
pspcis boui d.
fXj' Work left at the office of the Soabury Ame
lican. will be promptly attended to.
May list, 1842. ly.
jtb era a z
C'nmrr of Th- rd avil Vine Streets,
wiLLiAMsron'v, z?a.
Ill", aul senher r rn. tfull. ar-m-une- to the
u'-lie. tha' le h s nicnci1 a Hotel t" com-
mo.'.ous hm k t u'lotng H" it.- oo ! e
l er
hud and Pun sire. wl' ere ' : ' V
v in ip i' tlnae who IV a v i , '.,.t-.
e. in. pai v The E agle l'.otdl is t- i,i.. i
em, and furnished ir (he re t m in si Ii
. , 1,1
: I:
ll-l III
. It is
t r. vuled with a laigo n .irnlier nf .ell aired and
c -inf. rtablo sleepinf i,partiiie.-i . rooms privato
parlors, Ac. Perso- i visiting W lihainsporl on bu-
iness or idea-ure. may re-t as-ur.d lhat every ex
ertion will he used to render their s.joiim at tho
"Eagle Hotel" pleasant and agreeable. Hia Table
will be suppp,, with the very bist the market af
fords, and h a bar with the choicrst wines and other
li.piars enlarges reasonable. Tho Eagro Howl
poseesKC greater advantages in point of luxation
than an y othet similar establishment in the Inirougt.,
Ix'ing situate in the business pari of the town, and
within a convenient distance of the Court House
and Williamspnrl and Elmira Rail Road Depot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty
ohtlera always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and Inme-t Servant
have been employed, and nothing left undone that
will add to the conifoil and accommodation of his
There will lie a carriage always in attendance at
the boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May Uih.t842.
Vl. H2IL1A1T & CO.,
Commission &. Foi wardiii? Merchants,
loot of Willow Street Had Road,
OH THE lltlSWAai:,
n A VI NO associated wi h them Joaeph Barnet,
late uf Easlon. I'a.. resneclfullv inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta.
kin that lai,te and well known (tine and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied Iv
i Jacob Martin, where Ihey pursue doing a General
Coiniiilss.mii and forwarding llusiness, anil Iiom
ihe bsral advaniases of ihe place being coiimcted
with all the public improvements that have their
outlet in the city, they Hatter iheinsehes ihey will
be al.'e to do business to as great, if not giratel ad
aiit ii;e, and upon as reaaonuhle terms as any other
h iim', and tin y asauie their friend that any con
s j - in. nls ma, It) to tin in shall have their ktrk t at
ii ntioii, and no exertions spaied to give eiilite sati
f ic' on.
Th. y are also prepare.1 lo receive ard forw ard
good lo any point on the Delaware and Lelnuh
livers bet ween Mauch Chunk, Easlon and I'bda-
r, j
hta, vis. Delaware Division and I.eln. Ii I an .Is;
a s I i auv point on the Juniata rivir, ur North
and W'l Blanches of the Susquehanna via Schuyl.
kill sod Union, or tho Chesapeake aud i'id Water
For 'he accommodation of Boats coming or go
i. g via Schuylkill and Union t'unals, a Ste.mboat
'l I I''
i uill b ki pt eipremly for towing boat I rom I be
Sel.uN '.kil! around to the Deluwaie and back, which
o'ft I i, it
. will eu I oi
will eu I oi inercnaul le nave inrir piouuce m o
ve ed on the De'awiie, and their goods ! ipxd at
a avn o ol 5tl to 76 per cent, on the piice fir
h .f in c se o.-s. with these advantage they ri
. spi c'U dly so i. it share of , 'r. nace.
! W. HEiLMAN &. CO.
j W illtam II iliiian,
A' lliam W. KiysS,
I Juph U.nici. S rhilad .May 14, U4t. ly