Fmm tit AV Yotli Tribune. Distress It Orvat Hrll. The Evening Pott which has neer lcr to hed for Asici!t mantafactanra anJ artisan thrown atterly out of employment hy the pressure of unequal Foreign competition which never Taiaea iu voice again! the depression of AmcA! roditction (especially Agriciittiiral) bjr Foreign icatrietions, or at least profesica or favora no effi cient opposition to thera it greatly distressed at the depreesion of British Manufacture conse iPnt on our new Protective Tariff. To ita wail ing on thia head we reply : 1. For every spindle or room stopped in Great Britain or elsewhere ly out Tariff one ia et in mo tion liere. Now we have no o'jection to giving employment to British Laborcrt if our ewn were will employed, well paiil and well fed. But such is notoriously not the f.ict. Wo have thou -amis of honest, capable, deserving workmen and women who have even yet no employment, alihough the TarilT has set to work two hundred thousand who hut for it would now he f invshing in constrained idleness. ir wilv lo 1- charitable to other Na- tiona in this rexpect, we must first so adjust our po. licy as to give ampU an I a lvantagcous employ- , ment to all our own people, and then we shall be Bble to my liberally from oihers and will buy of , their produce. 2. It is cheaprr ftirnt t make our Carprte, , i?r. here than la hare thrm matte in England, no j matter what the relative moneg price may be. It j will take no mote men to weave our carpels, cloths, I Ac. here than in England, while here it will b j far easier for us to feed and pay them. There , were lately thousands of men manufacturing for j The American market in Europe whoso whole re- i compensc therefore did not amount to a peck of wheat for a day's labor, (many worked for lest than j half a pcik.) Under a good Protective Tariff, j these men will I e attracted here to do this s.ime j woik.and will hero receive from half a bushel to a iiushel and a half of wheat for every day's labor, ! 'because our price of tabor, under a steady Tariff, j will command so much. Here these laborers and I their families receive n t merely bread enough to j keep the breath of life in their bodic, but good clo i thing, houses, schooling, &e. for their labor, with a hare in the enjoyment and comforts of life. At 1 the same time we shall gel our Cloths, Ac. cheap- ' rr than before possibly not for fewer dollars, but j for less produce, bccnu-e the cost of transporting and I shipping it to another cnntin.nt will be saved,1 and divided between the produceis of Cloths and . Food respectively. Then our Fruits, Vegetables, ' dec. ocC. nh'ch our English clothmakers cannot . afford to eat, will bear a good price, finding rea- ly market with our manuf ictur. rs, who now in j England must go without ihcm. Protection to i American Manufacturers is thus the cause of uni- versnl beneficence. It benefits direcllv 'our own 1 people, and ultimately thoso who now manufac ture for us in foreign countries, though these may for a time sulfur inconvenience from it, while the gradual traiii-fer of Manufactures from liiinpa to this country is in progress. The Itnlh I, m le I Aristocracy, Chuich Establishment and olhor non producers may suffer some diminution of incomes from thia policy, but not the same mass of the Pcu ?ple. X)ixo?r Ain nisFtT The Union Club effer to wager 5,000 that U. W. Dixon will walk on an elevated platform, 15 feet in length, for t'rO con secutive hours, without sleep or rest, and f 1,000 that he will walk 100 miles in less time than any other man in this country or Europe. Dixon is i gteat on his feet, and will, when he visits England j create quite as much sensation a Dickens did here. N. Y.l'ltbian. An Alabama editor makes the following apology : for a lack of editorial : "We have come to the conclusion that a good I excuse is U tter than none. If onr reailera be of i ihe same opinion, they win forgive the barrenne-s j of our editorial columns to-day, inasmuch aa Sal (such is the endearing title of our better half.) has 1 the scissors. The babies must have shirts, and ! Sal won't cut out shirts with a kandaaw, no way it j can be fixed." TrtK Thaitou Lew rt. The vile ccm.ltict of the- traitor Iwis, in bctrayinrj Col. (VnikV pnr- ty of the Santa Fe Expedition into llie ha ml s of the Mexicans at Anton Cliico, in September. 111, Try 1 1 is base lie and Itypetcrisy, pleading It is fattli, as a brother maHcm, to Col. C. that what be told him was Into, will be remember ed by all of ourremdem, who read Kendall's in teresting sketches. An officiil publication by the Texas Lodges, addressed to the 'Fraterni- ty of Free and Accepted Masons throughout the world," hands the unworthy man down to nil Mnfons in a manner suited to his infamous acts. Richmond Compihr. HAI.TIMOIIK MAIIKKT. Office of the Daltimori Antmci, Nov. 28. FLOUR. The demand for Howard street con tinues quite limiieil, without any change in prices We note sale nf 2(0 barrels goinl milnl standard brand from More thia m. anting, at $4 IJJ. The no i t price continues at f I. A mall sale of City Mills Flour to-day at ft 11 lUklrrs generally t.k f 4 25, but we heat uf no ttanaacliotis above f 1 12J. Susquehanna FloUr is held at f I 25. lilt A IN The price of Wheats tends upwards in const qitrncc of the smallm-si of the supplies, and -' ension of tbe fro ling of the n vers end i'T(i;,"' " , ,rt r.uals. We imiic aalc to-day of a lot of I emu. ,eJ at 10 cu.; of Virginia rJ at 90 cts., atlu' of a ... i. .1 noalitv fair, at 05 cts. W IOI Ul Willie . -J- J juote fair lo strictly print red. at 75 a 90 eta , and inferior at 50 a 70 C.s.. aa in quality. Sales of hite Corn at 43 1 u. and of yellow at 43 cts. We juote MJ. Cyo i 5t) t('' of iU 51 a 23 ct. WHISKEY. The mukil t.wlay is more fVm. Small lca to day at 2S cts. U l.hJ. now held t 22J C1'., at S3 eta. U ltU. Pf aTioH ft. U1001H.KTT4 sv Aft parts of the blood are not with equal ease sripphed nor with equal ease discharged from tlie aystetn. The fir mer of these postpone ia well illustrated hy compa ring the elTcrta of bloodletting wi A ttrrisn of purga tives. We recover from thA effects of mlny Vmea the quantity, discharged by the latter means, m half the Kme required in the caae of bloodletting; because by thewne it ia chiefly the wa'ery pari of the Hood Which ra drairnml off; by tire other, along with thia, the more essential patia also. While purgation lessens the quantity tf blooil it leaves what remains richer. Thus the craaamentum oy gen is left, which is infced the tile of the blood, the waliry part of the blood being only that which ia discharged by purgatives. Think of thia, you whose constitutions aie inclined to p'ettiora, and in time purge with that most innorent of all pur gatives, the far famed Brandieth'a Vegetable Uni versal Pill. Tbry are known to art on every part of the body ; being taken up by chyle they pass into the blood, which thrv norify t and it ahould be remembered that they remove only those wati ey lr,s nam ,nc 1,l"u w,,u" """" " . r .1 11 1:1. r :..n .....,.;.... 1 IVolhing is equal to inkling the vitiaiiil numnrs i .tih tmrolnltli. mo.liri nn of ihiM kind, which eiill- ! ' V P"1- "rv" l" " 'J'J. always good. rjj- Purchase in Punbury, of II. 11. Masser, and the agents puMi-hed in another part of this paper. TRICE CUKR12NT.' Currrrted werA ty by Henry Yurthnmtr. Whkat, . ... 95 Rrs, M Coav, - - 40 0ts, 25 Pouk. 5 FLAtsrrn, ... . Km Hi'TTt:, ..... IS Bkkswit, .... Taulow, .... Dhimi AerLr.s, Do. PmcnKs, Flx, HcrKi.r.n Flt, - F.nriK, - - - - - 12 75 Utltl 8 10 8 'Good Will Flrr C'oiiian.v." rpilE members of the "(J aid Will Fire Com A ptnv" are requested to meet at the Ci im House, on Monday Evening, Dec .rth, at 7 o' clock precisely. Punctual attendance is required. Dee. 3d. J. H. 7.IMMF.RMAN. Sr Ilailunvay's COO XC I N G S T O E 1 HAVE now in tnv kitchen one of H tii aw 4 t's I 1 PathtHiit Am Cookihi Srovts. and lake pleasure in recommending it to the public as in comparable to the b st apparatus for conking that 1 have any know'e.lue of. The oven is nt least twice as large as any other, in proportion to the sir.e of the stove, and is supeiior to any oven for roa-ting, and hakiriK, bread, pies, biscuit, c., and I do not hesitate to give my opinion, that Mr. Ilathnway's Stove will do three times the amount of cooking, do it belter and ill less time, and wiih le-s fuel and labor, than any other ttoc of equal dimensions. JOHN HATS. D-remlicr nd, 1812. John lion j's ISIalo. TV OTICE is hereby given, that the subscriber has ' been appointed iiuibtor, by Ihe court, to audit the account of Peter Snyder, E-q , ndministrator of the esltle of John Clietry, dic'.l , and that he will nt end for that purpose at his nllice, in Siinliury. on Saltirday the Hlth of llecctnber next, when and where all interested can attend. CH.MH.E.s PLEASANTS. Nov.Ifith. IS 12. 3t sTiiiY in:irri:u. CAME to the ptemise- of the subscnl er, residing in Augusta township, Norlhuinl-erlnnd coitntv. I M.....O in S,opnilar lu.t. A It T. t ' K HKIK. FCRt wit, white tail, alamt 1 years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pr.qieriv. I'.V charges, an.l take her wv. orncr.e ; ne win be sold according to law. HENRY CE.N'N. Nov., 1842 31. s ru iY sTi:r.ic7 AME to tbe picinii-es of the sul'sctiber. res' dir. a in Coal township. Northumberland eounlv, some time in October last, a DMtK HKOWN STEKIt, with white feet, about I J years old. The owner is requested lo come forward , prove proper ty, pay charges, and take him away, otbeiwise he will be sold according to law. I5ENJ AMIN MAR TZ. Coal township. Nov W, 1 8 12. Ill Daniel Fur man lXutc. "TTfVnt'E is be ehy given, thai the ItegiMer of Jl this county has lb a day ginled letters "fad niinisiiution upon the estate i f Daniel Funnau, lale of Shamokiu township, dee'd,, to ihe suIim riln'r. All person, having d 111 mils ng .iiisl the estate, ate n quested to present tbcm, and those who arc in debted, to pay their respective accounts to the sub scriber, who n sides in tflianmkin township. MI KL FL K.MAN. Nov. 18th, 1812 fit 'J hliaiiO Court Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' (omrt I of Northumberland county, will beripoacd to j "ale, at the house of Chvlcs D. Wharton, in the borough of Sunbury, on Saturday the 24th day of December next, at 10 o clock. A. M two tracta ol land, in Shamokin township Northumberland conn ty, one uf them called M.suut t'armel, on ihe Celt tre 'I'utnpike, adjoining land of Yaleniine Propal, and laud brl .ngtug to the Asylum Company, on Shamokin etei4t, containing Ifi'Jl acte si ict mea : tmre, on which there i a dwelling house, stable, &c , j now kept aa a public house by Jacob Kolh. The . nth.r tract was surveyed on a watr.nt in the name 1 ! of Jeremiah Paul," cotilnininu 206 aete. 18 per- I dies, and allowance, also on Shamokin creek, ml- , ' joining Uinla of Valentine i'ropst, and others. Tbe ' 1 'aid t'scla contain, it is supposed, a luge quantity ! 1 of anlhrscilc coal, and ihe last tract is Well limU-r- i I ed. Terms will lie made known on Ihe day of sale, j by the administrator ofb.t I fjradfiiil, b q , dec d., ; as hoe esta'c the same will be s old. I JOHN EVANS, ! MARY IDtADKOItD. I Nov 10.1842. Admrmf tuid died llule ol' Court. j Gt-orge W'thhaaw furllte ur f Itobnt !I. JIammoud vs. Tltomu Allrn. , Novshskh 14th. 1812. kN motion uf Mr. Donnel, tide on the cied W tors of Thomas Allen and ..II oihers intrust id, to appear on the first d cy 1 n t leim, mil show cu-e why Ihe ineney raised hy the sule uf lv d. fendani's real estate should m t be distributed according lo law. By ibe Court, RANI L'E At D. JOI.'DAN. Prnthonnljry'a Office, J I'mth'y. Sunburv, Soy. 111. 142.S tit. V F(tahauppy ot KUSU OlS I'M RS I. r 1 1 ivcd and for .ale by H. U. MASsER. Nov. lOtb, 143. LI3? OF F.ETAXLEF.S, Of" Fnrriijn find Damrntic Mi'rr'trrrn'lisc, nf Ihfi thinly nf finrthuiiihrrhfnl, v-ko irr, nndwhn Imve rial paid Ihrir .i'mr. WHO tf AVIS PAID: MostcWcr V fchwenrV Arm Vastiiro Wm, If, Frymire St Co Jacob lis is MacVey ChamWrlam William Difpen Ireland vV Mctxell Daniel Schwann John Smith tJeorgn 3Tosius John Tlrigainsii Neidlinger V t'o W. (i Scntt T). U. Kl .pp Charles H. Metrick Thomas It. Pomp Miller V Manx Selh UtdwalNdef Hcincn cV Foflrtirr PatrrcV Hampscy tsanc Brown B f.. Piper William Hay William Ftirsvihe llrauiigum ft Wapp'ea (eorge ( orrey Neidliwrrr St Bincatnun Jamrs Reed Samwl Harp .liihn Chamberlain Daniel IMshne Haas rV llverly Peter lleisel John Hoirmnn cV Co (Srorge Renn John H dl'man cV. Co, (iiilciin Simile Samuel John. WHO II AV E NOT PAID: Seth t. Comly Jacob linir John Young Heard oV (i. hrlg I'bntles Kelctiner A. cV C. Itoss Jacob Hiicbt John Mi ler ose V Payne ThniiMi Panloc Nancy Woolverton Win. Hewart Peter I.atarus Win. l.cisenring. W'o.kI vV Hhatvn John II. 'gar Masser Jolm Fryling J. Michel., rg (irnrge SShrader llartinaii II. Knable Win. Persing iV Co (ra T C'emenl .Notice is hereby P.:vin, that the Trennner is cmiipell it, by law, lit enmmence suits anainst a'l those whit do not come foi wind and py their licen ses on ir In-fore the 3d day of Deccmlicr nctt, ti KOI tUE WKISKIt, Sunbury. Nov. 12th, Itti'J. Tmtxurrr. IIsuIiiUoii of I'arliK'islilp. FIH K subsertliers hen by notify the public that the 1 partnership heretofore existing under the firm of S. V I.S .vidae A (Jo., as nierehan's in Sunlu iy, was dissolved bv mutual consent, on the 20th ..ft), to.or last. All pi rsons knowing themselves mile litctl, or Inning claims against ihe said firm, are r. quiDteil to cail on S. & J. Saviilge for settlement, at the store of Ira T. Clement, in Sunburv. SAMt'F.l. SAVIKUK, JOSKTH HAVIIXiE, JOHN HO WEN. I It A T. CLE MEM", PHILIP CLACK. Sunbury. Nov. 5ih, ltM2. tf. I?.- T. CLE1E1TT,'" ESI'ECTFTLLY inloims his fiiends and the put be geni r illv, that he has pinch sed mil taken pos-e-smn of the store latelv conducted il... li . ft, ..I' S A- I A Co.. in Sun. ury, ai d tliat be now cani. a on the business at the smie stand. He, iberefo e, n-siwclfully solicits u hare of the public patronage. N. II. He expects n new assortment of (t.imls ill a few wicks, to which he invites the attention of bis customers. Sunburv. November 5lh, 1812. (eorf Loan ISIatr. NO TICE is hereby girn that letters of admin istration no the e-late oHicorgc Loiik. dee'd , late of AUijus'a lownship, have this day been gran ted t 1 the subscribers, iisi.linu ra said towrtslnp. I '1 rsons knowine themselves indebted, are reques ted In make immediate payment, and lhae having cl dins iinjin-l the est ite, are requesti d to present llieitt lor elimination and settlement. S4.MI-KI. tiO.NSEUT, JACOll !r E ASHtM. I'. Ocobir 20th, 1812. tit G Win. f.urrclt'n IMalc "kT''l HE is hereby given, that letters of admin- iM'atiott have been granted lo the subscribers, on Ihe estate of Win. U irn'lt, of Rush town-hip, Northumberland County, deces-rd. Persons in. debted to said estate, or haviim claims auainsi it, will please to prevent the sauie for settlement to the subscribeis, residing in Danville. Columbia county. MIAKI'I.KSS TAYLOR, JOHN C. tiRlER. l)-l.29tb, 1812. tit. &h inylcs. FIHI'. siiliscriber has for sale, at Ins store in Wa al sbinstou, (einht miles north of Danville.) a l.i 'lie quantity of Lap and Ct inch Joint Shingles, which will be solj at the low price of 3 75. Also a cener il a-sortinenl of I and inch Hoards, W.a'her Boards, Lath, Vc which i I be sold very low. NEAL McCAY. Washinctouville, Columbia co., Oct. 52.1, 1845. Tl. s ATi i, imu i iti:iiiiiai:ie, HATTER, "WTERY RKSPKCTFI'LLY It-us leave to in Y form ids cu-tomera and the public generally, that he still continues the MATTING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, in the shop, in-adv op posite ihe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by Henry Haas and himsi It", under the linn of Haas it Dr'uckemiller, which firm has leen tniilu illy dis solved. He hopes, hy his long eip. rience 111 ihe above business, and strict attention thereto, to ren der veneral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sunbuty, t)ctol?r loth, 1812. fm. llr. .'. II. Wvferr, OFFERS his professional servieis. to the cilirens - of Sunbury, and vicinity. Office next door to the residence uf Revd. It A. Fisher, where he liny lie found, unless engagad in discharging the duties of his profession. Oct 8th, 1812. if. UNION HOTEL, (fitnrrul Stage lillirr,) ttlT TkT - LYCOMINQ COUNTY, Primo) It aula. 11 E Snh-criber respecifully infotms his friends and tbe public in general, lhal ho has taken Ihe above LMUiP. ASH ( OUHODlors "2" if TT1 T, I N T II E H O RO tti II OF M I N C V, and that be is now well prepared to iicconiinod ile I all nho mny favor hun with their custom. His Sinriau ArnTi 1 sn are well aire,',, ,! ' romforiHl le. HisTintFiMt HB w if. alwi'; be suppli.d , with the best the 111 uket rall ff, ,)' His Sriituvo. which is uo.m will be under t'r charge of if ..j ,! ,.,. ,.,.ilers. He f Hi cuiitidenl. bv sunt attention to business. mill an ......1 .b.i.. i.. ri..t..r uif..Hi.litM lti..k mm wio may patronire him, that he will mil I..II logive to can an 1 seu.e wnnoui itetav, ottierwise llu ir ac general saiist . tion. II. B. WEAVER. counts w ill be pLci d in the hands of a migisrair Muticy, Oct. 1st, 1812. if. foi culltxliou, !uiilury, Sept. 81, 1643. 1A?.TX1T IS.V7I1T, 1UI a 11 il Khet' Jl'ltV Itesieetfory inloims bis ft'emls and id I eiTHt,nnir, flial tie tias Oia'ned a lit It ) I . ."lOb IfHtuliK-hirteiit, i the shop fitrmerly oc-' copied hy I'tliSf an fl ilifg ?)tore, in Mitrket street, whie beinneirAa In carry mn the trOsirWs in all its vaTiiitisVarrcbt'S. Uy i-Vwt attention tobti sines, reasuniibre charges, ami Ids nMmwit enileavor to give cni til satiaTaviiois be lnre to receive liberal sliSTevif (itAtlic patVotiage, Ue. 1st. U. St. TAKE NOTICE." rPH AT the I "opartm tsbii ' rrt-mKim-tistittg be A w,., Dr. John W. Peal att.l Dr. D.T. Titles, ill the practice of 1111 dicine, has litis day been di-sol-vol by muHial Consent. The bonk- and accounts of the late firm are (ti Ihe ban. Is of )r. .1. V, Peal, who is full) aUlhoiizcd to settle the same. JOHN W PRAT., Ket. 5Xth.HH. I). T. TKH I. I' .1 . lr;tl nt'Us le ive to temler hi arate. till in kii.-w nts 10 tbe pen1e of iSunl tt y j and sirrniin.'iii4 countrv, fo lh"n pt-l cncuragi. j merit in ihe line of bis professiiiTi i and would at I ihesaine time air otinCe to llieoi ih.t be -till in- temls to e intinii" ihe pt lelire of iiicdiiioe in all lis various d pirlim nt-'. Il.-Wo ild, therefore, solicit n r il in it tx-o nfiherr confidence ntid piironnap. He m v be lonnd at nil litn.-i nt hs olliee, in mar ket street, unless professionally eng iged. Munburv, Oct. 1st. Ifsli.-tf. A CAfltD. . 1. T. Tlilt'Ji. Ri-tiecirtiHv infnmst' e D';, cilixens ot Sontiurv and Viet t'V.l'iat tie lias a- ken an office in tbe budding Inlfly ocCllr ied l y Peter La? .rin as a drug s'ore. in market stre. 1. Sn burv, where he may be f..tti.d at all It .hps, unless pmfes sioimny engaji d. DR. TRI TES returns h s sincere thanks for 'li encoiiingemetil he has tec iel. in the line of his profession, in litis place, and 1 rn-t J, by prompt al ien! on 10 ihe duties uf his profession, and rea-mi-able chaiucs, that he will continue lo receive 11 liberal .bare of the public patronage, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1812. tf. IMIOTtMii It A 111 1 C lit I.. M. V. SIMONS, AV. 17:1 Chifnut Slreit, Mh'Stury, rmLADELriiiA. If .MKt1TltKH uf n.r;Vi:niiKO- if 1 TYI'E A IT A It. ITIS, Surgical an.l Mi niature ('a-rs. Importer of French Chemicals and double silver plates for t!ie Dacuerreutvpe, adopts ibis method of inteimiinir the citir.ens of Northern Pennsylvania, that he carries on the above ousin. ss cut tisivelv, in all ita various branches. Persons desirous uf i.blainiui! any of the above articles, can be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for c ish. All letters (punt paid.) will receive immediate attention. M11.O R LILI.EHR'Dl.E. now travelling in the Northern part uf the Stale, will promptly at tend P. all orders, uie necessary information and l'holoi;raphtc. instructions lo any person on appli cation to him. August filh, IM2. fim DR7irN. "sum'ner, SURGEON DENTIST, 1 ESPKC I Fl I.LY tnforma ihe public that he 1 has made Northumberland his permanent place of test It lice, and 1 ready lo attend to any c .lis in tbe line uf his profcs.i,.u. July 2, 1842. 1 v. ' TAILORING", ON HIS OWN HOOK. 1 F'.sl'Et'TFI I.LY inloims bis friends and ihe publv geneially, that he has commenced the Tail ring; llu m! iickm, in all it blanches, in the hou-e formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in lllaeklurry street, nearly opposite the Pr. sbyicrian Chuich. He n specif ully solicits a shatr uf the public patron age, and (nisi by strict attention to business and reasonable cha ges, be will be enabled to give gen em!'ion, Sunburv, June 18th, 1812 ly HOTEL. Sliamuklii, oi IIiuiiiIh i land C o., PENNSYLVANIA. MIK subscribeis respi cit'ullv nil rm lie public lhal they have taken ih.u ir;'f and ctin rnodi- tU HO I'LL, ill SllHilt 'kllltowu. III llie Ci litre ul Ihe ureal Coal Region, lull ly kept by Jacob Kr im. whine tbev aie now repaied to iiecoinoxulaie all who may l.ivot tbetii with their custom. Hy strict Hpriitmn to business, they h pe lo ieceie u hlnrjl ahare of pu' lie patron .ge. n. Tciir.1.01: iV cove. Sh'imnkiulow-ii, June I81I1, 1842. To Count i y MERCHANTS. II t: Subs, r er. cenl ot I Von V Hams, Hit M Hint iclur- rs. for ."S w York. 'hd irelr bi Halt 11. ore Mid ulier larje iilie, ! us.- H-.'ff .nr hljhlv eoiiiiiu ri.l. d lit f'i'il and durability, I has 11. 1 I and a llr-l rale .tse.-liu nt ul II A I S .1: d ! C A PS. suit '' b' f ' Spnns s .les, h 1 h v ill t , n. ,1.1 I veiy low, fm ca 1 or nppiuvr.l cmlit, :n the wtrd I cheap urc. So. 41. .Noit Tlprd 'f: I, n) p isl e : the City Hol.-I, I'litla lelphra. RtilliDir I". W 1 1 K'SO. I.-, 1. i N. tl. Oidei I il Hals in ihe C'.n.i. 1 pi i.oplK i I to. lbs highest j rfi n ill 'wh i lia'.e I i ivrtt I r Fm ;'.'. I Pl'iladelphia, June II. tK - -ly l.l. peis 11 1 II t.r s. 11, 1 s nub bled to ti.e linn ol l.yori A. ler It e aflencv .f O. . '" ,ct. Hilt 1111. 1 Cap Manuf ictunm. So 4(1 V.irt'., Third, street. Pint oh Iptna, aie tupiesled to nijKe iunnidl ale settlement uf ih ir a. w itlj ibe nbscnl er, their legally au botied is fully empow end to.vttti' and cnllecl tie recount-ol slid I'l'tn. RO'.K.Cr D. W1I.K1N()N. June 4th, If 1 2. tt Ait. uwti: ri:n sirr.ition to ivy : mi nit . i:it siwnt nv. 4 Oll.N V 1 1 Fi S It Y I.ASDAl. h.iCmg rented. I the Lime Ktlnsof lleniv Masser, 111 now to. ..le tbe last Lime in this nm .f Hi., en 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , slid vv ill tontiiiue lo keep cot .1 .ntfv on band Lime for Plastering. Hui'd.l ...j f.,, I 1, ,o., land, on ms reasonable term. 1. ...... I.. I . anvwhere ill ibe iieighbuthood. Mv 21. ltt. J. A. 1?. LANDAU. II II l ISSI'.K tig 1111 noiijica all who '.re indi bicd lo hun or Ibe fiiin of . (I. Masser iV Cu Yllfc rwimwiPiKV x&mc v) pottswlle RAIL ROAD. AN KXTRA ACCOMMODATION l.lNh II ill ctnnnirnrr'ryrrrring hrhnetn I'hilndrlpltta m'nd WcfttflPrV Vi tlie foltuwiitg days viid hum ; r rTn Moviur, Mr 9. 1S42. l.aVittg I'litlsvtlle, on Mondays, Wednesday! arid Fridays, at PJ A.M. I.eavinK I'liil idetpbia, on I'lieJaVa. Thurday and Satunlavs, St j P. M. otifi nf ptv.T'rnj- tk'adinq. For PI il.iblpl 1., at I Til V M. f lor I 'otisviiie, at c, p. M. S Tti-weiklv, r-'.t n n ? Ite'neen PoitsiiMr Phduds, 5.V60 A 2,26 ct 1.7ft t,4( A. 1 till tt.twriMi Reading A' d , lle'twecn ibi cV. Potisville, Ecriioi Tti;r noon run MtT II T IliOWfen Potisville Phil idelplna, II nveen Ri s bii A do. Ileiween do. cV Pott-ville, n ri m m so ?S 00 :? no t 00 Thi utVer paenfler r tins will as l-efuea, at tbe follow u t hours : rhihdrlf.hh Kin IWhviVr. From Phibidelpll., at ftj A.M. From Putt-ville. at 2 P. M. S ours nf panning Ueatliiig. For PoUNVi ip, ' at '.) A. M, For Phibi.'llphin. at aj P.M. S Daity Uaily. All the trains will stop Tor way passengers at the uunl points. j (f'f All passenuers mt rev)uested to prortre their tickets before the trtstns start. May 21. 1812. tf. XLS. MaTfCoiicli i on roi rsviiii.i:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! fpilE Mail Coach for Potisville leaves Northum 1 berlnnd every motnitis nt 4 o'i lock, and arrives in Potisville in time for tbe cars lo Philadelphia. Faunas low as any other line. For seats, apply at Mrs. Withingtoii's Hotel, Northumberland, o at (ieorge Weitel's, Sunbury, A. E. KAPP.t; Ct)., North'd.,May 21, 1815. Vraprirt,. j' Piisscngers coming from Philadelphia will please secure their seats at the White Swan Hotel, Race S before they leave the city. Passengers coming in this line, have their seats secured in any St ice or Packet boat from this place, '1 hose coming in the other line may e left la-hind. CLYDE & WILLIAMS' ItlanK Hook MniiiiliU lory, Oppositf Vine' Haiti, li.MutisniHc. rjlHEV are prepared lo manufacture blank work 1 of every description, ruled to any pattern, such as Dockets Records. Diy Hooks, Ledgers, Asses sors' and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest ipjjli ty of paia't, in a style eiual to any made in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New York. All descriptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Honks, Albums and Portfolios made to order. Law Hooks, Music nod Periodicals bound lo any pattern. Old Hooks rebound, iVc. Also files nf papcts hound. fjj" Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ante ricau. will be promptly attended to. May 2ls, H42. ly. EAGLE as n-2 a Coriur of 'Third and Yinr Struts, WILLIAMSrOIlT, PA. flIIE snbscriher respectfully annuuncts to the 1 public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building silualr on the corner of Third and Pine streets, where he will tie happy to wait upon those who may favor him with their company. The Eagle Hotel Is large and Conveni ent, and furnished in tbe be-t modem stIe. Il is provided with a huge inimher of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, A c. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu siness or p'ea-ure, may re-l n-ured that every ex ertion W II le used lo 1, aider heir sojourn at the "Entle Hut. I" pb cl ;.!c. Hit. Table iv. t s' " !' ( nod oilier aitle Hotel ft I cation will In supplied Wl'.ll t!:e v. r. b. t!:( fords, and bl- bar n i'b 'b.e el i i.-it w i:;t honors chaiucs re sonal le. The I possesses crt ater m aiitHces in point than any othei similar 1 st ibhshment in ihe borough, hi inc situate 111 the business pan of the town, and within a convenient distance nf the Court House and Wbhamspori and Elmira liad Road Depot. Sufficient Siablinij provided, r.d g aid and trusty o-Hrra alwavs in altetidan.-e. Attentive, and hone-l Servants have been rinplovrd, and nothing left undone that will add to the couifoit and accommodation of his gue-ls. There will be a carriage hhvas ih attendance at the Roat Landing to convey passei gt rs to ai.d from the House, trie uf cbarce. CHARLES ISORROWS. M .v 14ih. D42. ( 11n111isvi11i1 V l'nrwn'diniT MiTvlumts, 'nt.; if Willmr Sln it Ruil liwid, 0 v rut: 1 it. w H r, U AVISO assovi Med vt h ihi-m Joepb Il'.rne',, late nf Easloii. Pa., r.-si ect fully lnl'nr' ,, e,'t t'liei.ils and the public generally, that they hav., ia. k. 11 ih I l.i'ge and we I ktiowtt More ate", w'.iarf at l.., t . f Wtlt.iw Str.rl tUilroad, l itt ly occ-jpie.l I V Ivcob Martin, where ihvy pi-sse ib ,P , On.til Ciimtt'.isai'.n and Forw avOtt.j tlu'me-s, and l-otn J ihe local rtilvaiiiaces nf tbe plj'ji b'.mi citnlti ctt-d ! wiili .it ibe puMiv linproveiii .t. thalhw their I oii.Vl in tbevitv, thev llatte , lb ..mM.v ,h.y will I be able to do I Hsu.ess to , gr ,!. , t cater ad- vsume'K. d Upon as to- soi ,n,t. trtitis ss any cthi r It. .use, ami 110 h-sur 11 ,,,, fmanls that anV con- sijclni tits m.ute to ti tili.m, .111 J no e ,i fjCnun, do ,11 shall bavr tin ir sirii tst ' ,onsparetl to fve ciittie aatis- Thi y arc uls.t, d lo 're.' -.-iv e and forward goods 10 nnv nun uit the b 1 iv re and Leh gh . ilvers, r , . .r, n Mauch I 'bnuk. I.i-ion ami I luta ' i!cl,',a. ,'H DchiWari' Divi-i n Slid Lehigh Can Is, !' auv point u the J 0:11 ita .lver. or N inh i ai"'. Wst H anches ut the Su-ui h Ulna via S. buVl. '.ill and t'ttbvrt, or iho Clioajieaki and fide atn lljii ils, I'... ib.. s,.,..uiini,,.lii.oi nf tlonis Cumins or co. 1 v. . . '"8 ' liuylktll an.l I nion l anats. a rn-muu ai will bi kiiil rxpressly lor towing ltt from the . X." . .... . .. . .-. clluMkHI arou.ul to ttie Leiawaie ami oaca, w ... 1 .11 II . 4. ...Is tu hrlLii lltitlr I ili ksl ili'ak .l.ili w J.... A . 1 t. ..1:1 I win en. me mrn u .ni. i" - '" i-red on the telawsre, and their .l.ippid at a s.itug ol .'( to Tt 'l Cent. 00 ihe prices for h.ii1ii' acuis. with these they ie spicllully solo it a .hare iff patronage. W. IIEILMAX&CO. William H.tlmati, ) ! Ibaill W. Kr)te',S I Joseph Unmet. 3Phi!aJ,Miy II, 1S43. ly ATT.OilNHY AT 4.A V fiVITBVRY, PA. fliftinrrt tllendeS to in the ('otrntlm Of Nor trttrri't crltiiid, 'lirrion. I.e6ming arid Columbia. liefer 1st Thomas Hirt St Co., Lowra St UianoH. Hart, CcHNiaai Si lla'r, ,PMlad., Mc'FaaLinii Si Co. f?fx,inro,'''irtrfu "& Co., J J. 1MAYLAND, JR. &1CO. "NimH" nnd Tobacco IVIanulacliiferi, ,o. jy Korth'Yest r(irrtcYof Rac and -Third Streets. PHILADELPHIA. rPHn undersigned have formed a Co-pi rWahip nnder tin-firm of J, M A YLAN D J a. A. ('., as successors to the late firm of-Jurah .1oyAi'rf if ft)., and will c inlinue tbe business at theol,"ests. Ittishmetil, on their own ftccoont. "In aMti1An ' their own close attention and experience fot'jnary yeats. in Ihe manufacture nf their celehruted sn; ff, Ac. the lotigexpetience of the senior partr er r.f l'e lute firm, will also be devoted to the interest 'f tl new concern and na no cxetli.m and can "will 'e spared to insure their eoorls, at all tftnes of 1 1) v. ry best riurtlily, ihey solicit a continuance of '.! c cdtifidtmc of the fi.ends an.l customers r.l the I firm. THOMAS ADAM!. J. MA A' LAND, J. rhnadrlpbia,'Mav'l4lh, 12.1y GOLDEN SWAN !H TO TO 7 Hi3 ft : jN'n. !) Xurth Third, tilmf Arch Street, ri'HI.ADELi'lIIA. A- t)MMIH)A1hlN.l rR nr.vENTV TKridoV. f OI ARLES WEISS, late nl the "W hite Swii.," and "Mount Vernon House," resyirclTulIy 'fn birlns tiis friends and cttatorners. that Ire hkslif cdfrre the'prntnetor'0f the ibovi well known HoVt. Cituntry Merchants will fnd the above Hotel a central location, 'and the best iff fate. Persons fra A"eillng wiih private conveyance will find a laro yard and good stabling for horses, and the beat 'of oM'eis. Hoardinc $1 per day. Mav 14th. Ifi43. If. MEItCIiANT HOUSE, Au. 237, .VnrfA Third, nbme L'uUiehiil 'Sr.K PHILADELPHIA. riHE subscribers lakes pleasure in flcJo'5?ntu g 1 their friends hnd the public in ceneral. that they have taken the large and 'coilimodinua Ho til, recetilly built by Ihe Mi ssis. II .rt.un the sai.v site once occupied by Ihe old established Ho lei ki own a the Dull' Head, In Third sttet obuve "Callow hill si. This TTdiel is finished in the very lest ''.ossiblo manner, bttd of the best materinla. Its local. dn is veiy desirable, particularly 'for Count ty ' nu'rcliants ( the arrangements fur heating and vrrttil.iting tacit roorn is silch ns 'to secure any tempcraldre. Tl.a bedrooms are all light and airy, all himis!"..! in a nent sfyle, no as tA insffle iTiirvfhit, The receiving parlors are also ltiinishccl"kl a su perb style, the wintloWs aiu on the Freiirtl aty lov forming ant'titrnnce to a 'balcony In front, whi. ft maVcs a pleasant recess. Pnrticular atWVioii lis bepn H;iVn to Ihe licds and brdJing, 'wWch, with the Turnltttre, are entirety new. l"rom years' cXierleilce In hotel tttsinrt?, V'd IrCr.t, by strict as.dduity tc. busiiliss, lo make ili.a house a desirable stripping jilace. tlur table wilt always be supplied w ith the very Wit our market can afford, and our bar with tlie bvsl liipjoia ami wines of tbe moat appioveil bruhds P. . There are firat rale tVllng tir.dcarr agd houses attached In the hotel, r.tti nded bv and soler liosircps. and our charges will hs low, iA trccmdilnce with the present haul rlmee. SHLTTZ A 1ERR Philadelphia. April IB, IMJ. "S tTSQtrijH Al'TN A HOTEL) CATTAWISSA, COltW BTA tfo, THE aubsCribei fcspecfrully inJnrnTs 'iho public that he has rnrrchasei), nj now dicfipica lb fold. and C'nrmndio'vs W ell ntiown as r m Ffl .sill uu prrwiertv. late of Tl e'.idors Wells, and formerly ,epi by Sa'.-nue'i A. Pt:ul .'. Hois new,-d t accorntmidate all travrllers. and visiles who r.t ,y tavnr hir,i wi:h a rail, and. will use every eftort In hut lo renJer eve.y convenience am'. coj,.f,.rt '.o hi customerj, Ottder ht charge. JI1B uci r,iiuodaiirrri!i are atnplev and bis rooms; WiJI fiiVriiueJ. H :ables rxter sive and in gftod, con.tilir,n. HibTablk and tW4 will be suppli.d with the best that llm market Can affaVJ. By u; duality and attetitiiM,, h for U r.r r. that hewi.lrne.iv the patronage cf I'ae public. CHARLES HAF.TMAN. iia,w": Ap'ii 9ih, 1st. luiiV:r.-F n ri:li & sov, VAVH'A MANUrACTUHEHS t.i mbart Mrtvf, Itattlmorf, T I E jonsiarttlv for .lr Pruning Pnpi ir ' fciie-j ami iptalitiiS.Cap Writing Paper rub it ftd pin in, Letter Paper, w hile ami blue, ruled and l'1 aiu, Haugliig Paper, tine and common, Envelope l'ai,er, im. dv. medium, double ctown, crown and I e.tra sizetl Wrapping Papers, Colored ModiJm and ! Royal PstierSi, llonnet, Hinders' and PlTSW Ho HoanK Tissue Piper, and all articles in 'heir I mot whhh tbey will sell on accommodatiiTg Urms Highest i'ii:e given f t old rags. ROBERT CARTER A ON. M.,r h 19. 1S42. F.!knii, MJ-. WHARTON'S Sortltili ) oi tlitmiWi laiul Count) rBNNSYLVAWIA. f 11IIE subscrilier respectfully informs iho ftil lii) I 1h.1t be has iemoved to tl.ut latge and chouiin di. Ola Hrirk Houst', on Meikel sipiare, op is li tl.a Colt it House, (formerly kepi bv Hlran Piirt;1 where he is new prepared to arcotrmodaic all whd 111.V favor bint wilt, a call Hung iba klhl loi '. past I ivotr, he hopes by strict Stlent on lo' j to teceive a Ian ral sb aie ol public patronavr. A'c. c:i Ri.t d. WHAi: I "S fiittbUiy , March 5th. tsl-,. LirtlE! LIIVII3! LIME I 1 flV.H suhm-riliers are ptepand tit llui.nh faiinu. j I and others with any ipiaiildy uf 1. line of a vet-T : kMiieiiur ooalitv for land. 01 nluisleritnr. at lh? To! .1 I ... 1 .1 1 , .owing very rn.uce,. prices, yi: at c.s per ouaoei for I and Lime 1 lit cts. lor ihe best quality nf plats' ti ring Lime, al the kilns, bt-lnW the borough of Sun buty. They Will also ib liver, at any phtcs within ihe1 borough of Kunbiiry, Lime fur laud, al 10 rents per bushel, and 1. line Tor plrtisterlng at 12 renn cr bushtl. The suI'Midars hive always on liarrJ, Urge quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, iitid their lime, tone ia not equalled by any in thanvigh boihood. SEASHOLTZ vV BERGSTRESStK. Augasta, Apnl 2J, tell.