Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 03, 1842, Image 2

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    V.mlt on Ilia 1-mlirt Snpsr tnrin Cloilns
of tli JUrto laiiul.
There was n tremendous gale on lake Erie
and Outnrio on the IStlj and 19th. In the bar
lor of Buffalo the water ro?e five feet,
Tho Bulftilo Advertiser of the 10th says
The sebr. JelTerson, dipt. Dongs!, wont a
ahoreat 6 o'clock last night, about three miles
nbove Dwflalo light-house, and i a total wrec k,
attended with a melancholy of life one
rntirefamily, husband, wife, mid five children,
together witli a young woman, and one of the
men belonging to the vowel, having peris-hod !
Capt. Dotignll, from whom wo have the pain
ful Trcitn I, says that about two hours after his
vessel beached, the companion way was wash
'd oft, and the children and young; woman drown
ed in the cabin and forecastle,
portion of
the crew had pot ashore, in quest of help, and
were endeavoring to rescue the family. The
mat wrapped his overcoat around the woman
and trid to keep her warm by walking her to
tsd fro on the beach, but she soon became ex
hausted and incapable of motion, nnd was
placed in the boat which Imd washed up, where
fchs, dind in n cfiir-t .? )nM 1....I 1
. ... . ... VPS .
il-l.rous on reaching there, and attempted to j
r,.T ,, , F.-,,M.-u i
Within a Fhort distance. One of the hands bo-
I : .1 . , . . I
The crew Bitccccded, about niidniglit, iii getting
rm board the brig Olive Richmond, beached be
low them, in a gTeatly exhausted stale.
U'hen onr tcportcr reached the vessel this
forenoon, the figure of the young woman above
mentioned was discovered standing in an up
right pasture, in the forecastle companion way,
frozen stark and BtifT, with hands partly rais
ed in an imploring posture, and her cy?s fixed
with a cold and stony gaze upon the shore.
Fourteen vessels in all were driven ashore
on Lake Erie, ami wrecked. The Erie Canal
from Rochester to Buffalo is completely closed
by enow and ice; tlw depth of snow being S or
10 inches.
The steamers Great Western and Wiscon
sin, both due at BufTulo on Thursday, had not
arrived on Saturday morning, and nothing had
hcea heard of them.
Jiake Ontario. A letter datod. Nov. 19,
"We are in the midst of one of our most tre
mendous westerly gales. A schooner, from
mismanagement, has just been driven on the
East bar, wKhinthe piers, and must be lost. I
never saw a more prodigious sea running.
The. following sensible suggestions for the
prevention of this frightful (ami so far as wo can
judge by experience, incnrtible) malady, being
from a man of known experience in the disease
of animaln, will be of use to our readers, in case
of any occurrence of the fearful accident, the
cflects of which they are intended to prevent.
The communication is from Mr. Ainsdic, the
veterinary surgeon ;
Xatsau street, Miililli xrx llusjiitol.
Sir, A late case of hydrophobia, reported
in the papers, induce mo, with your permission,
to oiler for the good of the public the following
observations on the disease, and the cnly means
we are acquainted with to prevent it. In the
human being it is called hydrophobia, in the dog
and other -animals rabies. We are unacquaint
ed with the nature of the poison, but it dilfers
from all other poisons by remaining apparently
ina dormant slate for weeks, or even for months,
and is not absorbed into the pystem fur 6oine
time after the bite. No remedy is known for
tho disease when once it is developed. None
of the nostrums which are said to he cures can 1
be relied upon. Th? cause of the disease is
equally unknown. Some have attribiitrd it
to the heat of the weather the 'dog luys;'o
thers to want of water, f r ill usage, but wo
have no proof of it. The presei t stunnx r is
the hottest we have known for ninny years,
and 1 have not known of any case in the me
tropolis until the one kTludod to. In many hot
climates the disease is known, and it lias raged
among us in the coldest weather.
lu IS'.Vi 1 hud no less than i" ca??s under
treatment; this year I have not had one. My
! t I 111 ' I ' ...... :
longing ro uio vessel, namrn John Jinice, ffot , t;t.e Viaini river, for a while; but n Isst cdtMig
into the swamp, and was likewise hw-l. The j t re,l -f her, sh binnijht her 10 ids city, i.nd q.inr
family were from Hartford, Ct. names tin- j nrcd her on another si-ier. who in a vh-t rime,
known the children aged from 8 yrarsdown- r. fb cire. no ,!rul t 'hat s her hr th. r b ..1 p .s,
ward. The Jefferson was owned by J. V. j sesprd him-e!f of ad the- old lady's pro;, he
Ransom, of Chicago, and was bound for that j ought to lake care of her, and there!", re . pplied t.i
piTt, with E carg"o of500 bbld. suU, 40 tons iron, j I'i fn to rorfivo lirr iiniTor Iih rof; ih s tic fpTu-jptt
nd some merchandise, which will be mostly j 10 do, PeterniiiTd not 'o bent t'-entp nse and
k'St shipped by J. Murray &. Co. of this city. ' ironble of -liielding that venria1 gr. y head
' ,, ,ri,i . . , eprrroil in l otirt at Ihe damp walls of a prie-
well aa myself, have been bitton by ratid i 1 , , . , .
, ... ,. , ' , , on, and las determination that, if once ph.ced
legs, and we are still ulive, end we haw; i ,
, ,,,.. , tuere, it tlmiild be his tomb, feeins to lie very
ope-rated on some nunurcusot human being j . ... ., . .
, , .... , .1-1 , i happv m his new vocation. He has been set lo
who have been brtten -by rabid animal?, and ml. .
.... , .. , . ; cutting out bisit-t.ips, at wliieh he proves to be
no case has there tiecn loss of life. I lie pre-. 1 . 1
... , , , , a nteiit atlept know iiil' , as he t-nys, the enitii
ventive is as tin, owe 1 he .pen-on bitten fhould , ' ,. .. .
.. , , , , , , ette touch ol lorm u Jiit.-li the IiKksIs of ta.shinii
as soon as possible thoroughly wa-oh ami cleanse i P ,., , , .
.. . . i .i .i prefer. 1 he t ohwrL after sentence, was ouiie
tho bitten part ; not suck the poiMin from the ! . , , .
... , , ... ... , ill jj-xh! hpiiit;;, saving he had seventeen thou-
uix.ind, aa is Ux) cninmonly done, tor inoculation , ,
. , , , . .ii- sand .li.' miii .ly tint awav, which he inten-
niay take place by an abrasn.ii on the lip. It i " ' '
., , , . i i i . .i ' ded to keep as h start rn the world when his
Ihe wound be superficial and fi.goed, let the . ,.
, , a -.i . ' tune is out. .V. Y. I uidii.
edges be removed with a pair of sci-M.r--, and .
then apply freely to every part the nitrate ot j Movhok I'.nr. nns's 1 mik. Yesterday llie
n!fr, eoni)on1y called lunar ciiulic, and award of the jury in the matter of the funds
which may be had in afiy irruggibt'a shop. If found in pusert-kiii of Monro? IMwards, and by
the wound lie a punctuied one, as rn vorue j tttforder YauMli'imsitd in the of North
cases it is from the tusk of the animal goi:g , America, "was filed in Court. The award to
deep into llie flesh, the -tii'k of coiibIic bit . IJuiw ii, TSmthers Co., is !y7,!Ki'.i and fix
carefully ponded that it may reach the bottom ; . cents damages, and to 1'letr her, Alexander &
il necessary, tin? wisind fchiKild be cnlarpeil, Co , the stun of !t-.'7,(itK) and six cents dama
care being uken in the use of the knife, or the J pfs. These are the two firms in New Ymk,
poiton may be carried by it over the fresh tur- j ukui om.ui the liberies wereeoiiimitted. The
fdCC The nitrate (A silver completely deotro)s I amount in l ink w ill not cover the amounts a
the eurfaee of the wcurtd and neulralisi'v he i warded. We believe it is but a little over
poiton, w Inch oi,;t away with the destroyed I I'lula. fmnfytianiun,
mirfaeo without the absorbents acting upon it,
uii if freely applied to the part affected, the
patient may feel himself perfectly safe. I Jo
nut roctuniiioiid the. application of a pmltico
afti'r the operation, tint lei the wound bn exposed
to the atmosphere, and should any iiifUmtttinn
ensue, it ion y be relieved hy dressings of olive
oil. Londim S t u n ilnrii.'
From the Vinrinnnti Ihtily Timet.
A Tate, nt Horror I. If In Cincinnati t
Ono of ih inn ! revoltin cases nf human (lepra
vhy, degrod nion, and black henrtet selfishness,
whirl) we ever he-a d of, ramp undrr our nntiec list
week, fmm an authrn ic toutee. Tho place. Cin-
J rinnuii the litre, a fi w we, ks since ihe victim
j an old lady, ,.hnnt nim tv.fivr vi ars of ago, nnd the
....... ..i i ..
I .
i hp cucormi ances as t'einte.i rn v arc ns Ml.
Iowa Ihev arc substantially corr et. Thoo'd ladv
n f. rred to lind in the cily of New York, posse,
ed i f sntiicie .t pioje ty 1 1 sin oth the doivn.S II i.f
life, on J uiuke her comfortable in her dechnirg
I yiars.
A son, now liv'iigln ibis cilv, in good ciirntn
I standi, it wis si itod, pqiinml' red a pint of tliisn
w cflnp (i ( w. )!r hM iifi
k.,v;nU. ,,,.. , cnM of .,nr,?.,.
A!tiT sme time, a d.tua ,1t of the old lad ..-. uo t
heront to the wr with whom she liv. ,1 ncr 11
nnd thof f.rlde limhs, and of comforting that
heart-broken mother who h id nourished her from
her ow n b. soni. fondled her in her arms, and j
watched her slumh. rs in infancy and childhood,
she placed her tottering fiame in a carriie and
proceeded to her brother's hnu'f, when n.t findim;
the fjinily t home, the sea'ed her mother on bis
d. or steps, and left her in the rain, where the ie
mained for an hour or two.
On the return of the ton she was placed in a
small back room in his house a miserable s'raw
bed and Covering were given to bur, and then she
was locked np. The condition in which sho wa
fouiid is uflicicnt proof of the treatment tho was
subjected to. Humanity shudders at the picture
the mind is uuablu to coi.ceive, and lhc pen liia.b--quate
to desciihe the scene in all its loathsome par.
tii ubrs Bnd heart rending imagiirngs. Suffice il
to say, that the lady who fins I heard of the circum
stance, told her huabariil, who immediately called
on one of die sons-in-law f ihc fuflercr, who i in
the yearly receipt of several dollars of rent
from his real estate, and st .ted the inforn.n'ion he
had icccivcd in relation to his wile's mother, and
his appreh. nsions unh .-s in, tiling was done
imnicdiati ly, she could not .aitvive such cruel treat
ment. Alas ! he conjec'Uied truly the old lady
di. d soon after.
The son-iii-l .w answered, "I know it all ; the
old woman is very old, and ought to have died j
veaisogo; Bod it was nobody's business." j
Uut our friend was not to he so baulked; the
holy precepts which he hid unbilled, taught him !
tii persevere. He accordingly called on the town
ship truste-s, and insisted on the.r g oing t i seu
her, which at first liny rrfu-fd to do ; and it was
only alter he had threaten, d lo pu' litii ihein il lin y
refused, lli.'v consented to go.
II is wite, picviaus to this, had c difd on the
wile of her minister, and taken h r down to view
the scene.
Alter the whole matter w as tlm- ma ie puVic.
and earnest threats na !e to the c laliv. s ol the vie
lim, by our int,,rmai,t, that il they did not provide
for In r. th. y w id I pul li-!i ilietn t the world, he
consented to, and did employ a woman to hoard
and wait on the aged and helpless invalid. I In y
gave her food which she devoured lk- a fanii-b. d
wolf would have done ; they cut ofT h r h air an I
combed her head, ai:,l washed and dre-s.d her.
While the pr. c. ss of i h ailing w..s going on, her
daughter .idvinceil. placed her (ioLii specacles up-
I on In r nose, and g va ihuctious "to be careful and
not leave toy of the ererprrn .'"
The poor old crea'iiro was at last made clem and j
CoiiJoilable, rind remove, I to the roof of a hireling,
where she af'i rw died.
Dor inform , nl t.'ate fuither, that one of the ree
u'ar s'atioii.d nunisteis oftlie Methodi-t Chinch in
ibis city, was an eye witness to the condition ol the
deceased. Mid rein uked al'teiwaids, "rh .1 he iiev er
had w itnessed such a ra-e ol hum .11 wr iched
ness.sueh a revolting scene il was, he thou. hi,
without a paiul el in a christian Community "
MclNROK F.iiWAiuis. The "great fintincier,"
we understand, the horMr he
Haturtlaif 3, !42.
0 We hse just received titty lenms of print
iH pnper, similar in tite and quality ti theslieit
upon which this is printed. Also 36 resins of u
per Iioil 21 by 2H inches, which will be soli at
cost i.nd carriage, f,ir ra-h.
Zj On our first page will he found an ft eel
tent tale and sever A other intereim articles.
(XjT .Vi ma I arrived hern on Tliursd y, in con
sequence ofthediep snow.
(JjT The C.ihaI .Navig .ti.'n was eniiiety rbiseil
on Sunday night l.i-t. A noinhcr of lma's .i ..led
v.lh m, rchatn'ise, oil their w.iv h nv, have Info
frozen up. The river at this plice h is been closed
for a w eik past.
Ojr A tminl rr of yonnu men of diis p'acp. are
r"JW rrfc,vil ''.s'ru, lions in the study of the Oer- ,
! . i n l.MfTi,irtA A 1 1 i nnntna - f . I. i 1 1 .
lii. ii ii 'i ' .k' i. urn i,, iiiii,,,
I.ess'rfc-, Sehleiiel and fJieihe hsve l ecome as f .mi
liar i s household words. Of la e years, die literary
or'd has m ,njfet-d a deep io er.vt in fibrill in
lit. r.iUirc. 'I I e reason is" obvious; for in no other
coun'iy is there so much s lid leainii g nnd depth
of reejrih found, as in fjeimii.iv.
fjnw, For t! ree conseriilfve 'edncs.1ayc
we h:ive had a fill of Snow. The fir-t twd were
si ijhl ; but th at of Wednesday last was one uf the
real oM-fisbim ed n ws drv. deep, and h .fed on
,,lid found ,ti. n. The d. plh is about IS inches, j
I We mav look out for more on Wcdne-iliv neit.
If anv more should be eticeled the Wednesday
j following, it will le duly ntinounced the Saturday
j pievimis.
j Qfj' The creal meeting in favor of f, n. ('
' cime oT at Harri-l.iirg on the 21s'. He was fi.r-
I mallv n.-niii.ati d as a candidate for Preside! t of the
, T'niti d Slates, f leneral Cass is a soldier, a tlates- j
i man and a scholar. There are but f. w men who
' niftain as hinh a reputation, and again! whom as j
litt'e ran be mid. The meetina hiuhly approved
the ronre of fJov. P. r'er, in not interfering in die
free discussion of the l're-id.'i,ii ,1 qoesiioii. Our
al le and talented Senator. James Hue hanmin, wnn
nlso recommended for le electioil to the I'ni.e.l
Slates Senate.
(Jj The good citi7.. ns of Wilbamsporl have, du
ling the summer, put up several very handsome
churches, built in a tlyle creditable even to Vil-
j liamsport, where tiny have been an!ng ahead of all
j their neighbors in erecting handsome buildinc.
Some four or five years son, it was difficult lo find,
j in that place, an edifice worthy of the dignified title
j of a i bnrelf.
I The Relief issues are qtio'e.l by the Kx-
' "" "' Ttade Register, as follows; Uroken
b .nks, 1'iieand IVnn Township, I t to 10. I'enn-
sjvania and !.ewitown. 12 to I I. Solvent banks
generally. 10 to 1 2. lieadmg. Pi Isburg and
caster, 9 lo 10.
tXj Fiii k Kvs on rtis. Isr nm at, is the
title of a new wo.k, lately published in an extra
New World in an octavo form. It is a temper
ance lale nf great interest. Plice, 1CJ cts, or 10
copies for I ,
Q j" According to some of the I'ngli-h f rs,
VI. I,;. 1 ... ,!,.... !..,.. 1 ..1 4"S nun n
I'l, urn, inn-, i.j.i- .ii.iiro oi-i',ii --i.tot, on
the sale of his "Amer can notes" The work wis
I ublishe 1 in London st aboul five dollars er copy.
II was if i rint. d In ihis country, aril old at I5J
els. Mr. In. k n great ..biect while h. re, was to
! seru e nn in'er. a ional cepy r ght law, f r the
j brm lit of for. Ign sulhors. Iftlirreever was any
prospect of pissing such a liw, Mr. Dukens' cm.
i duct Ins retard, .1 it at leist futy years. Through
out bis w hole work he in .n fests a greater decree of
j ignorance than any one could have Xeced
an au'hor of his n putaiion. He fu rls a ceat ma-
ny faul'a with the A merit-ins. Among others they
i use too much tobacco. Another is that ihev have
no run. ins to lb. ir beds great wanl of refine
ment in ihe eyes of Mr. Dickens. In li s account
ofa Vniiinia slage coach ride, he represents the
b'nik driver as railing out to lis horset. "Jitltly,
Jiiliij." This term wis ts new to Mr. D cken
! ifaden here, aa to hinis. If. The truth is, Mr.
j Dick, ns had only half heard, n he hid only half
Keen, whit he describes. The driver, on being
qn. stioor.l, was entirely ignorant of ihe term.
The words he really used, were "tteuJi, itcatlj"
when speak ng lo the horses.
gjT The trial of Milton J. Alriauder, for murder
is now progressing in Philadelphia. The right of
cba Vuging Jurons, on account of conscientious
scruples, was w armly argued by the counsel. The
Judge however, allowed ihe question to be asked.
There were s'Tinge romon afloat in relation
o ('..It, in some of the city papers, a few days since.
The Philadelphia Sj.iiit of the Tillies suys that a
gentleman of that cilv saw him on Saturday night,
after bis sriivtl in theniphl train from New Yoik,
and that he was inquiring hi- way lo New Orleans.
W'e ee notho.g, however, in ihe late. New York Corfu ination of ihe story,
Qfj" The Chin, so a becming m re s u i ib'e
than for. la-r'y. Their Adiniril, or walir general.
as they call him, lately visited several American
Ships of t at Wuinpoa, for the purpo-e of I. am
ing aoinethmg in rxdsiion to the management of
Cum and rigttioe. lie was hiuhly with, . The British have of late, iceasionnlly
tent them a few l.oinli shells, tie hutsting of which
ihry in the. following humoreus manner :
"He fall down hen be siz- Z-iz itson be 'kir
then be g . to tleep ; presen.fy he spiing U. an I
kill at Us.t uu linn." -Kill putt" ineai.s
tear, in pieces.
I! -JL 1L . J. .. .. Jlii i.ji.
The Currency. will the next Legislature do, in rebitinn to
the currency, is a question frequently t-ked. The
rtitrency in the country Is m ule up almost entirely
of relief issues. In the city the currency is gold
sod silver, and par paper. Relief money does not
circulate, but linmidialcly passes into the hands of
brokers, tt a discount varying from 10 to IS per
cent. Thus we hae two curiencies, one for the
eoun'ry and ona lor the city, and until these are
equalized, thingt will not improve. We have
heard several remedies tuggested. One is to sus
pend the annual appropriation of the school fund,
which amounts la about f 350,t)0( per annum, and
appropriate the same to the redemption of the relief
ixsiiev, until they are all ahsorlicd. Another reme.
ly is, to lay a tat, the nr.fecds M be appropriated
epecifical'y to the redemption of thee issues. We j c'e'- fe" ,,,M so ''"r 'he coming M. s
should pr.fer the la ter. S .me no doubt will oh. ! '" tbe currency. Mr. Uu.Miso't Etch.
ject to this mure, is Mir t,.xes nre already heavy I 1urr P'B" wi" ,,e recommended tod in the same
inoui-h. True, but are e not already t.ied i b",'l. f"""'" capitulisia may oijecl a rojal
twice as much on account of our bad currency, as ! flas' ILli"n on I'T''"
liny ncuiiiofiai t n wool. I ainiiiint to '. I his, we ,
think, can be made apparent. The Relief issues '
now in ciiculilion, amount to of two
mill ons of dolliirs. These, n an average, nas '
IiioobIi Ihel.aiulsof ihe Ur. kers at least twice a d are, on an average s! a veil i, limit ton per
crnt. each time. This have, in the aaregite, will
amount to f400,(MlO cr annum. This sum it
then actually lost every year to the people, among
whom this currency ij rereived at its par value,
No power, it mafer. not how de,,H,tic. can impart
Kivrii vuiuc io inai wuicn uoes noi in reality iks.
rest it.
It is idle to suppose, that a piece of paper, which
tHmiinnllt ppsscs tor a dollar, can If made worth a
dollar, when its intrinsic value is hut ninety rents.
j ' he farmer mav itnwr'iethat he is receiving eighty
CPn, f,,r wheat, but let him reduce his money
'" P"'e lue, and he will find he has but Utile
over seventy ceivs, and thus it is with every thing
he huvs, or fells.
The Prizr Fifilit Trial.
We learn from the; N. Y. Tribune, that the jury,
after an absence of three hours and half, returned
a verdict nf 'guilty of mansiailsht. r in the fourth
degree,' al ihe sime lime rcomiiiendiiii the j.ii-o-ners
to the mercy of the t'mirl. They will proba
bly be sen'enced to two year,' ini ri onm. nl in the
Slate Prison. j
fTj Acc, riling to ihe calculations of some '
chioiio'oeiHts, the time which Cod had appo nl. d'
to m i the children nl Ura. I free, is last approaching. ,
Tl...;. t.... i ..: e I., i : ...i...
devoli ns, scattered as they are through every land,
they never fail to petition foi their restoration to
the laud of their Fathers.
Ofj- There have been a great many rumors, as 1
weil aa a great deal nf mauoe uveiing of late, in re-
lati-n to cabinet change tnd President m iking at .
ushington. Webster and Spencer tie both aim-
ii g to ni pi mt ench other in the god opinion of!
, ., ... , . , i
the I resident. I hey were t'Ut t short l line since,
. , , . r.i l-
looked upon as oracles of the whig partv. But 1
, , . , , ., , , ,, , ,
liow have ihe m ghty fall, n ! I he following, from I
. , . c ., . ...
the correspondent of the New 1 oik l ouri r, w ill
j serve to illustrate the niesent state of i.lfurs at
Washington :
" I'jtrart fivm a Ifttirfi urn 1l'atiii);!un.
Wasiiisiiton, Nov. I'J, 1S12.
There wiil be no cab net changes until the iiih
of March next, when Mr. Foswabii will give up
his seals of office. This hat been decided on, and
the incumbent has been odere.l the resdtr and has
t'gued the contracl. We hope the genii, nu n will
no' shake in ihe morning now with fear and Iremh
hi g, as has been the case for the la-t six months.
More than one of the cabinet have been afraid of
their shadows for some, time past; but they fe. I
quite easy n..w.
A great struggle hat been g ling on for a few
months past for the mastership in council. Mr,
Spi cs trying lo upset Webstss, and Mr. Web
stsk's friends circumventing !SrsCF.a. Shortly
after the adjournment Is-t fall, Mr. SrasrtB be
rime alarmed for his office, at the apparent coolness
of tome one at the Executive mansion, for it hid !
Iieen u hinitrtd (thal't the word now) that he was j
for Scott, and immediately tet about to right him
self and play his last card. On the receipt of Mr.
Wkmstzh's speech it Boston, wherett the Presi
dent was no little disappointed at not having more
credit given him fur the crfcclion of the Treaiy,
Mr. Si ii h had the sagacity In perceive the mis
take of Mr. WtasTl'.a, and to know that Mr. Ti
ns w..s most accessible on that very head.
I'nder cover of an official visit, he immediately
repairs to Itip Itaps, and cons over with the Prcsi
dent, the Boston speech. Makes bit own insinu
ations as to what should have U'cn omitted, avows
his loyalty, and condescends to play antics on the
Aeeomae shore, fir ihe amusement uf Captain Ty
ler and his friends. He then hastens to New YorL;
ml 'earning from indications in that quarter, thai
the W higs would most probably I e d. fealrd this
full, be wiites a long response to a let:er of tome
manufactured Committee, and gives the President
the credit for the Tie ty, and mbIs hit s post icy lo
the Whig partv, (At the very lima uf writing
this letter, the F.v.culive had trrinui intentions of
di-plaeing llie very g.-ndcniun himself) He re
turnsC4 Wahiif'Mi b.fore Mr. Webster, and when
, ,b hfwl u( ,,,, ttSttwhf jlf(ilt , ,llNew
, V(irki lf in M.lnni ,, ! strode I-
fj(( ,,,,, j, IJt M tK( jUI1,f , who ,jd made the
. ,1,1, I an in , ,i,,ia R.i: .UIMir.l III! vdlioil lloiuir- ... , , . . ,
1 , olhccrs dare not seta! them,
ries in the Bible. Some fix the period between
osi, i ,.r ,.. i . i i o ,- i The editor of the Phil ideh.bia I'nited States (.a-
IS 10 and IsnO. Oth. rs Is tween I SI land lSt.! 1
, . , . ! telle bis r ceived from Mr. Joseph Ilanrium, of
1 he J, ws l ei ce that the Mesiah has not yet - . '
. , l . , , ..ii. r.i. . Concord township, Delaware county, a pars ,ip thrie
peared, and that at his advent the Ji ttructton of Ihe j ' '
world wdl take place. Chrutains, on Ihe other j SveX ix incht, in
hand. If lieve that Christ was the promised Messiah, I A young man nam d Jonathan Clieli ter. com
and that nt h i teeund coming, ihe world will If , mined suicide in Columbia county. Pa., a few day
destroyed. Il is however, generally admitted, that i since, by hanging himself in his father's barn,
the restoration ef ihe Jswt is to take place before j A young lady has recently obtained, through the
the Millenium. In every prayer offered up lo Ihe ( Court of Common Pleas at Chandn rsbu'g. Pa., a
Almighty, in every binning invoked in their daily verdict for 1,500 damage fiom her lover, fir a
thunder, fie wnt for a few dys in the ascend, n
cy, whfn Mr. Webster appears at Washington,
with the Massachusetts result in his breeches pock
et, when the Secretary of War steps back, and his
nett step will be on a trap door. Mr. 8penccr ran
never be Secretary of Stale. Mr. Up-her hat the
appointment in his pocket, in anticipation of any
vacancy theie.
But to leave these gentlemen. You wish to
know what new policy, if any, the Administra.
linn are to pursue. Theie it to much mysti ry in
this administration, arising from diatrust, and fol
ly, and bad counsels, that it is hard for tho Dicta
tor himself to tell what ia to be dono. In Ueneiul
Jackso.s's time, every thing was above board and
open he had no stents in his Cabinet, and why
, "h0"1'' lhc nieaures of ntiy administration be so-
Ktlltirlal, C'nnlrntrl antl Selected.
J.ord l p th is p'rpaiiriit for the piess his oh-
' 'Vit ,n ""the Am reins. As he is a liberal
, ""t'ded nobleman, his woik will be looked for with
i '''"-rest.
! Iutr Ureen has lt d before the 1'iesident a
scheme, f.,r the t til. merit of all disput I b tween
fo.eign nations, by mediation.
Iinpli,onmenl for debt i. unreservedly abolished
in Tennessee.
There are now about one bundnd Indians left
in r'lorida.
A two.penny paper entitled the Midnight Crv,
devoted to ihe destruction of the wo. Id in 1813,
and regularly in mourning, hat been tttrled in Ihe
city of New York. Mr. Miller has been lecturing
in that city.
The legislatures of Vermont, Mi souri and Ten
nessee, have pa-sed resolutions in favor of a tejieal
I of the Ilankrupl Law.
' The Legislature of Vermont has passed an Act
which virtually abolishes puiiUhmeut of death
The people of Nashville are about to establish a
si honl f,,r the Lllind in that city. We hear'ilv wih
ilieui succiss in their ph.Unthiopic exeriions.
F.rx county, Massachusetts, has a population
of 92 000 inhabitants, i f whom fc4,.100 have signed
the lotnl abstinence phdge.
n- ; . , ,
( (j j. , n) ... Vllllkw, iv.,ice th. m al
,j ,e EB, ,h Cu,t0I House
breach of promise of marriage.
The number nf persons carried over the Troy
and Schenectady Kail Koad exceeds 300 j?r day.
The fare is only 25 cents.
Lnnilun covert an area of IR square miles. It is
74 miles east and west, and nine mitet north slid
u h anJ tHuwillB r,r , it is 3(, nii,,
jn t.,rc.,,i(
Advnet from teveral of ihe towns and landings
nn the Illinois river so- ak of ihe large sccumul i-
tion of nrodure, p.irticulaily wheat and flour. In
son eplaies ihe amount h aa accumulated lo such
, , , , , ,
1,1. if. .wiit vat lliA r.rr.uira li'ivn ,,, .ret i. ..Iti !..-
( tet,
I Cunhna Kill (A During the fight at S.dado,
i C'",ov. "ur " ,h" n"'" inveterate nnd d .nge.ous
i "f Texss. was killed by a man named
' A''""'. "f ua.laloupf.
! Florida 7''ers One of rhese ferocious snimals,
says the 8t. Aueustine News, which are very nu
merous in our Tirritory, was killed a few days
since, alsiut eight miles from our city. He mea- .
sure,) from the tip of the tail to the uo-e riht fe. I
ait inches.
Insan'du. There are 17,181 insane persons in
-y 1
ihe United Stales : and the estimated number of
those who become to annually, it 5.719. There
ic vi ,,, io Btiuius in iii luuntrv. niiiiaii lim
aomeihing less than 2,000 patients, and receiving
almost I ,"00 annually.
Dwarf Trees. An extensive forest of dwarf f.uit
trees has been found in Texas, principally plumb
irees, m iun Pftrmg. omy two leet in l.etgni also , wrii n 0 j,e hj ,neAvA , fae ,.
oakt faring arorns, eight feet high. Nothing like , j( of , ,,,,,., ,w, p.,irl,ig towards the repre
them in any other country. j ,ti,,n of a well with a sweep and bucket going
A man cime 300 miles, fiom New llmip-hire, up. Thus distinctively conveying the message to
for the express purose of w itnessing the execution ! his father that "all hit f.mily were well, and were
of Colt. The officer! veiy prop, rly declined lo i coming up lo tee him."
gratify hit brutal appetite, and refused him permit- If A writes hit name on the margin of a paper,
tion to enter. I and sends that to a friend by mail, he conveys t
fltrs Plunders. Dickens makri the Yank, es : him several distin.1 ideas and facts: 1st. that ho
use the word elevir in the sense of eligible. This ' i'iH alive ; 1 1, that he w t well enouah to write.
they never do. Clever it almost innriably us.d j Hd. lhal he r embers him. though distant; 4th,
for gi mtiurrd with us. '"' he has sen: bim by mad ihf very newspanr up
l.i.tin. Laiin it a living tongue ; Il is spoken
in Hungary, and ihe debates in the legislature uf
that country are conducted in that language.
The g r.atest and most ami .hie privilege w hich
the ii.h enjoy over ihe Hor, is that which they ex-
. . , ., , . .
eicise the eat the privilege of making the in hip
py. l.acuii.
Hi an Til ss. Messrs. Pell told lame gld
Wines yeeterdsy, some of wbi-a went as high a
fifieen dollars a gallon. OIJ Teach
brouiht a ve-y higlj piiee, showie; (bat iheie are
tome small comers in the "ipper eiiclet wheie total
abttinriice has not )'( ! penelrsied.
Y- -hut. Cn.
Col. Webb's Case.
Col. Webb was on Saturday sentenced In tWrt
years' confinement in the State Prison, being Ilia
shortest term the law would permit. The peti
tions of 14,000 citiient of New-York, asking a re.
mission of this punishment, have ere this been laid
before the Governor. Hit decision on the esse hat
not yet bff n given, but we trust that it cannot be o
therwise than in accordance with the prayer of the
petitioners. We but speak the almost unanimous
voice of New. Yo;k when we express this senti
ment. If a concentrated effort had hern made, the
number nf petitioners for a pardon might easily
have Ifen swelled to thirty thousand legal votert of
our city indeed, lo nir e-tenths of all the persons
to whom a petition should be presented. We have
signed no petition, deeming the public expression
i. four wishes equivalent to petitioning ; we know
m .ny who hive not signed who yet ardently de
sire the success of the e iTort fr a pardon. All feel
that if C.d. Webb's fault has been greviotis, griev.
onsly hath he answered it and that to snfTer weeks
of pain and peril, nnd til be crippled for life, ought
to Ir deemed a sufficient p a duel
to which hr wa challenged, and which h Caul I
haidly avoid. The petitioners for a rem ssion are
at least half th - olilical opponents of Col. Webb,
and his transfer to Ihe Stite Prison would cause a
general sensation, n profound regret, throughout
our city. The (iovernor, we think, should not hes
itate to comply with the imperative demand of pub
lic sentiment in this matter. A'. V. Tribune.
Coitntri-rrlters and their Iiuplementt.
A laree oang nf counterfeiters have been arrested
in New York within the last few days, aftel flood
ing that city with a quantity of counterfeits and al
tered Ills, elegantly got up and well calculated to
deceive. The police have now in prison Bill Shep
herd, Charles Jerolman, and Eliza Campbell, alt
merotiers of the Shepherd fraternity, on thechuge
.f manufacturing and uttering counterfeit money.
They have also secured the copier plate press on
which the bills were printed, and the check plate
for printing the backs, together with over f 13.000
in counterfeit f: u ites on Ihe Manufacturers' Dank
at Providence, It. I. ; a small bund e of $5 hil t alter
ed to the Creenwich Dank, from the fraudulent
Tenth Wanl bank, n.l a I .rge bundle of bi'ls on
the latter concern, prepared for alteration, oil nf
which won'd h ive soon been put in circulation, but
f..r the lirnely de-ceut of the officers upon the g insr.
The bundle of M.inu "adorers' Bank hills was found
Ion ied in a tin box in Fifth sttect, searched by the
ollice.s ; nnd the press was found concealed in se-
i ll-"' I"" be lesidence of old Mrs. She ph. rj
" 10 V wl,, r8 I'1"" w" f"". I"-
neit m a liox in Hie yar.l. A qu intity ol laces, dry
goods, hosiery, and hardware, were slso fund at
Ihe houses occupied by the counterfeiters. Chmn.
The Madisonian nf yesterday contains a letter
from the P. st Mast, r Ceneral, to a gentleman in
Kentucky, on the subject nf writing on the margin
of new-paceis, and sending them through the mail
lo ovoid ihe payment of letter postage. It would
appear from the letter of Mr. WicKLirrc that ihe
gentleman to whom it is addressed had been in the
h .b t of sending papers, which he had himself recei
ved through the Post Office, to his son in Cynthia
na, Kentucky, without first erasing his name, writ
ten on the margin. The papers so sent, it would
further ap(ear, were charged with letter postigeby
the Postmaster at Cynthiana ; and this led to an in
quiry of the Postmaster Ceneral as to whethei this
charge of postage is in accordance with the law of
the land.
Mr. WicKLirrs slates in reply, that the Post
master in Cynthiana did not violate the law in ex
Hciing letter postage in the case a'luded lo. He
cou'd not know who wrote the name, and it cannot
change the question of postage whether the name
is written on the margin by the person tending it
or nn .iher. If written an I tent in tho mail, the
right to ex irt I, ttei postage attaches. Mr. W. takes
occa-ion lo state in bis leply that the prac'ice of
mairita ning a business or friendly correspondence
by writing on the margin of newspapers has been
carried to a g'e.t ex'eut. Hence the law of 1825,
imposing letter postage for euh article of which
the I'raU'lu em is composed, and a fine of
five dollars lor all such inlrai lions of the Post
Office leaulatiins. The Post Master lieueial
-The many igeni .us devices to evade the penal-
t ly of this law may 1 inferred foin the fscts in a
I , . u i . .
single ease which was brought to my notice. A
. ,, . . .. , .,
in in h id been in the habit of w riting on the m .rgui
, ., t- r , . ua.
I of an old p iper lo his father to save postage. When
arrested by the application of the provisions of the
ai t of 1825, he adopted a tpecics of lingular hie
roglyphics. His object was to let his father know
bis family were wi II, and would l tin in a few
d.ys so he tent a newspaper with nothing but his
on which be has written hit name, or caused il to
be done ; ud 5th, he tella hit fr end where he it.
Pull i more ..iericai,
Xlnn u ..... u 1).. ...... Ti.. oi , . . .
.-... . ,.r , ..avetanii riatr?
, e, r : ',' M,i"r"n Temple, at Rutland
nss lately Ikn ii dedicated nnew. On t
i9,b u!t.. Ihrrs, rf i.. s:.i -.o'Uay, tiv,
mis ioned r.,,1 faitb'.t . - rlfy fn-
l llowera arrived at tho
erc,. e from V
t iih r 1 ", in 1-u.ii.nniiTu preacniug
laim s.,,i -.ponLn,.,, -j he Sunday moining fob
'""ng, they commenced baptising, in a breach of
the Chagrin river, and continued at intervals for
three days bapti lng in all Iwo hundred and six
persons, ai two shillings a head .' Old convw
were re-baptised and their tint washed iw,ity for
ihe same price as the voting ones, tn.'yno, ,hs
Jjncnon Kuwefn old sheen and t'rt t&mbt vl tfi.