TT" ' IJ !-- ML,1.. i'.'U'.J I.tnnt SrsriK. In weighing Spanish change, which constitutes large portion of the retail circu lation, we find lt actusl value in quantities In hs : f20, in sixpences, (6jc) weigh ?17,18, H por cent. loss. fltl, in shillings, (12Jc) weigh f 17,8ft, 10 J per cent. loss. $20, in quarters, (25c) weigh 18.45, 8 per cent Ins. Dimes anil half dime, which have, been in cir culation five years in J more, are round to have lost S per cent. Sovereigns, of ihe dragon die, have In-1 J, and other sovereigns J per cent, on the standard weight. Commou Sksse. No one is so foolish as to sup pose for a moment that we can live without eating, any more than a tree could derive nutriment from the air alone, without the soil. Chameleons may live on air, though it is well known that such air ia full of insects. Alt, therefore, know that it ia what we put into the stomach which causes us to live. We make over our bodies from the stomach. In from three to five years me mnke over our bodies entirely. Thus what is part of ua to-day is sluo ly not a part of ua to-morrow. The secretions, such as perspiration and other evacuations, contin ually mnke our bodies waste, and it is from the stomach that we supply this waste nil we have to do to mnke our bodies ultimately healthy, is to pre vent unhenlihy particlra from milting with the blond. Purgation does this for us, provided the purgative we employ contains in it nothing which will weaken us or do us injury, lirandrrth's Vegetable Unirrrnal Pill, for this purpose, will be found all that is required ; because they purge from the stomach and bowels the super abundance of humors which may have accumula ted in the system, before they have time to produce puirifaction, and its natural consequence dc.ilh. Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Master, and the agent published in Knottier part of this pnper. .ft .i is it 1 1: n , On the tlst inst.. by the K. v. John II. Worrell. Mr.tiMiitiii Hilkma of this phice, to Mists Maht Ann Rasiikls of Augusta township. i i i: i , Suddenly, on Sunday evening last, in this plsee, ZACHARIAH WARNE, a native of England, aged about 45 years. i'lilCK cuuuknt. Correrled weekly by Henry Yitxtheimer. my own fault j theie were things that ought to have been explained 5 1 know you have good heart t and I forgive you from my soul freely t may God bless you and may you prosper." He then requested his keeper, Mr. Greene, to let him be left alone until the last moment. This was atiout 2 P. M. His cell was closed and he was left alone till 90 minutes to 3, when some friends of the Sheriff apprehending that he might attempt to commit stiicide, one of the Deputy Sher iffs, Ilillyer, went to his cell door. Cott was then walking up and down his cell, but turned round on the door opening, smiled on Ilillyer, shook him by the hsnd, and kissed him, ia he did of those who had just previously bid him farewell. He snid to Ilillyer -"God bless you and may you jirosper in this hfo, which is soon to close on me." At a few minutes before 4, Sheriff Hart and Vestcrvelt went to his cell to annnunre to him 'that liis hour haJ come but their summons was 'not Heeded. Dr. Arithon stepped into the door, 'but started back in horror. On looking in at the cell, the ludy of Colt lay streatched at full length upon his bed, his hands crossed upon his abdomen -and covered with blood, and a small Spanish dirk driven to his heart, wis sticking in his body. His mouth and eyes were plight ly oicn, and the knife bad not been moved after its deadly thrust. He was pronounced dead by physicians in attendance, the Coroner took charge of the body, and the cell was locked. At this moment volume of smoke and flsme burst from the large cupola on the prison ; a tre mendous rush was made by those outside towards the door and by those within to make their esesM, The great bell on the City Kail struck the alarm at the precise time filed for the Execution ; the en gines wi re promptly on the ground, but as the fire was in the very summit of the cuola, the water could not be made to reach it, and it continued to burn downwards for an hour until the whole was consumed to the roof. The grestest excitement prevailed without. The multitude refused to be lieve in the story of his death, sod a very general impression prevailed that the whole was s ru to ;.ocure his escape. There prevailed a very general suspicion that ' the cupola was set on fire ; but theie is no good iground to lelieve it. A fire is constantly kept (here for the accommodation of the person employed to .keep a look-out for fires. He had made a very large fire yesterday, and went to aee the execu tion. The pirw, without doubt, became red hot, and Ihus set the cupola on fire. I'pwn the inquest Dr. Anthon testified as fol lows': AVr. 'Henry Anthon, D. D. sworn I as a cler gyman attended UMn John C. Colt my relations commence! on Monday and I took notes of all my visit to the prisoner ; these, which he read, were very voluminous they relate to the conversations he had wiltrColl on religious subjects, the helii f of the Utter, his apparent penitence, his assertion that he prayed, his general converse regarding his fu ture state, the 'instruction the Rev. gentleman gave, the advice he imparted to him, Ac. ftc the re mark of Colt thtt the Sheriff had taken his knife Ac. from him, Which he said was a needless per secution ColU opposition to other ministers see ing him to converse on doctrinal points his a vowal of belief in the Christain creed, the divinity of Christ, his power to save, &c. altogether tend ing to induce the Itev. gentleman to believe th it Cult was a penitent man, having a just sense of his ins and that he was deeply anxious about his e ternal welfare. He declared most solemnly that lie killed Adam in self-defence and said he would cany that declaration to the bar of God though man would not believe him. He complained much of the newspajicrs, of their mis stating and abusing him, Ac. gave a history of bis acquaint, ance with Caroline Henshaw, expressed his regard for her, sml his wish to marry her. He dinnrnwed on Thurnfay all intention of Ink ing hit men life. In Mr. Anthon, and stated his de ' termination to die in the faith of the (oicl, and was melted to tears. To-day Colt expressed great 'anxiity for Miss Henshaw and his child, and gave '.Dr. Anthon $500 to put into the Savings Dank for 'his wife and child, directing him to pay her f20 a -month fiom it while it lasted. He wii-hed the child religiously brought up and its mother to lead a virtuous life. About 12 o'clock .Mr. Ambon miarried Colt and Miss Henshaw; Coll exhoited iher most earnestly to lead a Gixlly life and to take care of the child ; at his request he was tefi alone a chart time with her. Mr. Anthon detailed his con orations with Colt concerning his death and lutrisl. the order for a coffin, ('oil's reqiwst to have te coffin brought in at 3 o'clock, bis pr.iyug, Ac. Aftor 2 o'clock, Mr. Anthon saw him and af'er j K"lr' at the house of Charles 1). hn'Mn. its the . ... ., . i . , borough of Sunbury, on Saturday the Ulth day of corrversistinn and prave r, Colt sruil he thought he I , , . , . , . ."... . . , ' ' i December next, lit 10 o cluck. A. M., to tracts of would be able to die with Christian fortitude. A j I,,,), m Shamokin township Northumberland conn bout twenty minutes afler this, Colt wished to be I ty. one nf them called Mount Carmel, on the (en alone awhile More the execution. I was to come I 'e .''"".'"i "; H,1!,""i"B ''""V 1V,,1n.,'n' V"'' .1 ami iiiiiiU belonging to the Asylum I ompn.v, on ag.iin a1 near 4 o click : I did so. and on opening ; sham-kin cre.k. containing H.n acres st ict mes. the crTi d.Kir, found ('.ill on lushed ; at fnsi thought j sure, on which there is a dwelling house, stable, Ac , liim a-ocep. nut saw something " him, and the now kept as a public house bv Jacob If.nh. The . ...-.i ; i II ni.r i wan phi ,i-Tf-ii "ii n nnir.iii 111 nit- iininc K-ut-ilil riii-ii tiui, 'll uuu ; lie is uvau . ailll I came awav. Wsmt, 5 Rti. 50 Coin, 40 Oats, 25 I'OBK, " - - 5 FiAxsrrn, ... - 100 Hl'TTKH, ..... H IIfmwii, .... 25 Tallow, .... 15 Damn Arrt.r., - - 75 Do. l'mius, - - 200 Flax, ... . Hicklki) Flax, 10 Rnas, ...... 8 Jolin C'licrry'N Italo. TVOTICK is hereby given, that the subscriber has v been app.'int.-d auditor, hy the court. In audit the account of Peter Snyder. K-q , administrator of the estite of John Cherry, dre'd.. and that he will atiend for that purposes! liioHice,in Sunbiirv. on Saturday the I9ih of December next, when and where all interested can attend. CHAKI.ES PLEASANTS. Nov. ?Rih. 112. 3t siKAY nr.irriTit. CAMF. to the premise-of the snbseriher, residing in Augusta township, Northumberland coiintv. sometime in Septem'ier lat, A HI.ACK HEIF. FKK, with a white tail, aliout 1J yeais old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge, nnd take her awav. oiherwi-e she will be sold according to law. HENRV liF.NN. Nov. atiih. I12 St. " STK1V Mil l!. CAMl' to the premises of the Mibscii'M-r, resdirg -' in ('mil township. Nortbiiiubi-r'aiid eonritv. some time in Oelolwr last, a DAKK IIUDWN STKEIl, with while feet, about 1 years old. The owner is requested In come forward, prove popcr tv. pay charges, and take him away, otheiwise be will be sold according to law, 11 EN. I MIN MAI5T7.. Coal township. Nov. 'Jfi, is r.'. It Daniel I'lirman's IXale, "TTOTIt'E is he.ebv given, that the IJeUlcr nf this county has th;s day ginnled letiers nf ad iniiiistinlion upon the estate of D uiiel Furman, late nf Shamokin township, dec'. I., to the suIim iil r. All persons having ilemamls ( .in-l the estate, are lequesteil to present lliem, and those who are in debted, to pay their resiective accounts to the t-uli-h'i ilver, who r. sides in Sliami kin townsbip. .SM1K1. Fl lJMA.V. Nov. ISih. 1RI2 t 11 Oi-itli.iiiV t'oni't Hn'lv HN pursuance of an onler nf the )r(.,sns' ('.out Q of Northuiiiberlhinl county, will lie expM'd to LIST OF PtETAXLEP.3, ' hhn ign nml Domrtlic Mrrrhtimiisr, of thr County nf Northvinhrrlnnil, trim have, and who hare not paid their l.irriwu. WHO HAVE PAID: Mostellcr Ac Schwenck Amos Vastine Wm. H. Frymire A Co Mai key A Chamberlain Ireland A Meixell Miller A Marty. Seth Cadwalbuler Heinen A Fullmer Patrick Hampsey Isaac Urown E I.. Piper William Hay William Fnrsythe llrnutigam A Wnpp'es Neidlincer A Hingiimati Samuel Harp Daniel llobhoe Peter Heisel George enn Gideon Shad In Jacob Ma i William Deppen Daniel Slhwsrll John Smith George Ilrnsiua John D ngaman Neidlinger A Co W. G .Scott D. H. Klapp Charles II. Merrick Thomas R. Pomp (corge Correy J nines Reed John Chamberlain Hans A llerly John Hoffman A Co John Hoffman A Co. Samuel John. WHO HAVE NOT PAID: Seth I. Comty Jacob Hair Voting Wood A Rhawn John llogir H. II. Masser John Fry ling J. P. Ilachenbrrg (Jeorge Shrader llartman II. Kimble Win. Persing A Co Ira T. Clement Notice i hereby givrn. that the Treasuier is, by law, to commence suits all those who do not come foiwanl and piy their licen ses on or before the 3d day of December next. GEORGE WEISER. Sunbiiry, Nov. 12th, lfU3. Tni.tiirr. Heard A Gehrig ('barb Kelcbner A. A C. Ross Jacob Plight John Mrbr Rose A Payne Thomas Par. loo Nancy Woolvirton Wm. Dewart Peter Lazarus Wm. Lcisenring. PIsmoIiiIIoii or larlnrrililp. Till I E subscribers hereby notify the public that the I partnership heretofoie existing under the firm nf S. A I. S.ivulge A Co., as merchants in Sunbu ry. was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 20th if October Inst. All persons knowing themselves indebted, or having claims ngairisi the said linn, are requested to call on SS. A J. Savidge for settlement, at the store of Ira T. Clement, in Sunburv. MAMt'F.L SAVIDGE, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, JOHN IIOWEN. Ill A T. CLEMENT, PHILIP CLARK. Sunbury. Nov. fith, 1812. tf. T. CLE11TT7 KKSPECTFTI.LV infrn hi fiends and . the public genenllv, that he ha pinch .sed and isken pose-sion of the store latelv conducted under the fi m of S, A J Savidge A Co.. in Sun I ury, ami that he now carri. s on Ibe business at the t inie st mil. He, theiefo e, rS-ct fully solicit a hare nf the pnbli.' palronnge. N. II. He eXeci a new assortment of Goods in a few w.cks. to winch he invites the attention of his customers, Siinbiirv, November 5lh, 112. (st'orgc l.uns'si IX a If. "TTO I'ICK is hereby given that letters of admin isiration on ihe e-late of George Long, dee'd , late of Augusta township, have this day l'cn grin led to ilie subsctibers, residing in said township. Persons knowing themselves indebted, are reques ted to make immediate payment, and lhase having cl lims ng,iiu.-t the estate, are requested to present them (or cxaiiiinulioii and setib nient. SAM I EL (iONSERT. JACOU SEASHOLTZ. Ociohcr 20th, 1812. 6t 6 Win. .anlt'N I'.stalc. TTOTICE is hereby given, that letters nf admin istiation have been granted to the sulsciibers, on the estate of Win. Garrett, of Rush township, Northumberland County, deceased. Persons in debted to said estate, or having claims against it, will plesse to present the saoie (or settlement to the subscribers, residing in Danville, Columbia county. sllARI' I AVLOR, JOHN C. OKIE It. Ot 59th, IS42. fit. rilHK subscrilier has for wile, at his store in Wa 1 shington, (eight miles north of Danvie. a l i'Rc qoamiiy of L .p and Li inch Joint Shingles, which will be sol, I at the low price ol $', 75. Also a gencrd a-sortmcnl of li and inch Hoards. Wiaiher Uoaids, Luth, Ac, winch wid be sold very low. NEALMcCAV. Warhiugtonville, Columbia Co., Oct. 32.1, IM 5.--7I. b S. n -l i nu it i ; ti i iaa : 7 HATTER, F.RY RESPEC I'FI I.LV lgs leave to in firm bis cu-tolliers and the public generally. llial lie still continues the HATTING BUSINESS, in all its vanous, in ihe i-bop, neaily op posite the 11 nek Tavern, formerly occupied by Henry Haas and himsi If, under the firm of Haas A D'lickeu.iller, which firm h is been muiu dlv die solved. He hopi s, by his long experience in ihe above business, and sirict attention theielo, to ren der general satisfaction, and receive a liberal shaie of public palronnge. Sunbury, October 15th, IS 12. fun. lr. ii. II. AYi'itr, OFFERS his professional services, Ic. the citizens of Sunbury, and vicinity. (I Mice next door to the residence of Rcvd. R. A. Fisher, wheie he in iV be found, unless eugagdd 1H discharging the duties ol his profession. Oct. Sih, i12. if. ' UNION'ROTlr IAF.TXIT IF.V-I1T, II 4 0 i a ii l " S li o c .11 K r r, "WERY Respectfully informs his frends ami V "Id customers, that he hits Opened a HOOT A SHOE Establishment, in Iho shop formerly oc cupied bv Peter Lazarus as a drug store, in Market street, where he intend to esrry on the business in all its various branches. Hy st ict attention to bit silicas, rcatoniihle charges, and his u' euileavnr In give gen. rul satisfaction, be hnjies to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Oct. 1st, IH42. 3l. TAKE NOTICE. rP"AT the Copaiinc rship ' erelofore rtisling be 1 tween Dr. John W. Peal and Dr. D. T. Tntes, in ihe practice of medicine, has this d iv la'en dissol ved by mutual consent. The bunk- and accounts of the late firm are in t-ic hands nf Dr. .1. W. Pesl, who ia fully authoii.ed to settle the same. JOHN W PEAL, Sept. 2sth. 1 S 12. D. T. TRU ES. I IV. l'cnl begs leave to tender bis grate- ' fnl ai kriow'edgineiiu to the people of Sunbu y and Rinrniinding country, foi their pi-l eucoursge titfiit in ihe line ot bis profession ; and would st ihe same time announce to them, th .1 he still in tends to continue the practice of medicine, in all iis various ib partments. wo'ild. therefore, solicit a eontiiiu ince of their confidence and patronage, lie m.iv be lotind at all times ,,i his office, in mar ket slreei, unless professionally engaged.' Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1x12. tf. "Pl I. T. THICK, Respectfully inform tbsi citizens ofStiiiliury and vieiniiy. he ha a ken an office in the building Intelv occupied by I'eb r IB7. irils as a drug siore, in m iTkel street, Su borv, where he may be f.ui.d at all hours, unless profes sionally engagi'il. DR. TRI P ES returns hi sincere thanks fir tlv encouragement he has teciiie.l. in the line of his profession, in this place, find trusts, bv prompt tent on to the duties of his profession, and rci-n li able chntges. that he will continue to receive a liber il -hare of the public patronage, Sunbury, Oct. 1st, Is 12. If. riio i .( uim: o i k i:. jM. P. SIMONS, A'o. l?il Chmnut Shfrt, DA Story, PHILADELPHIA. WIJANL'FXCTUiKR of hAHlEliliEO if 1 TYI'K AVl'Ali TLS. and Mi mature Cs, Importer of F'encli Chemicals and double silver plates for ihe Dagner t v . adopts ibi method of informing th' cili.iis tif Noribcui Pennsylvania, that hecsiri.'s on the above oimmss ext. nsively, in all its various branches. Pcr.-ons desirous of obtiiiiing nny nl the above artie'es, can be promptly supplied, on the lowesi terror:, for cih. All letiers (post paid.) will m cive iminediale aiteuiion. Mn. G R Lll.l.KHIi'DOE. now travelling in the Northern part of the Stnie, will promptly a. tend li. nil orders, give neressnry inforinanoii and Photographic instructions to any person on appli cation to him. August fith 1842. fim DR 7TTKS U MN K lT, SURGEON DENTIST, I ESI'EtVI FI I.LV informs the public thai lie Ins made NorlhiimU'iland his permsueiil place of residence, and is tea.l v to at lend to any calls in the line of his profession, July 2, 18-12. Iv. 'TAILORING, ON HIS OWN HOOK. ?2TE?k G-ETTE?., 1 EspECTFl'LI.V informs his Inends and the public generslly, that he has commenced the Tailoring II u si n c, in all its blanches, in Ihe house formerly occop'i d by Win. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Itlackhcrrv street, neatly opposite the Pr sbyieriaiv Church. He rrspeellully solicits a shaie of the public p iirnn age, and trusts by stru t aiti utioii In business and reasonable cba'ges, he will be enabled to give gen eral Suiibutv, .lime ISib, 112 ly f'. s Til rm,Ai)F.irn!L mwm and primtn.i.E RAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINK ill romrnrnrr rtnitiiiip hrtwrtn I'hittultlphta mnd I'uttsrille mi the fullowtn days and Immt : Osj j4 trrttn Miiviut, M 'S, 1812. Leaving Cutt-ville, on Monday, V(nesdivs and Friday. ai H A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, nil Tnsxlays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 P.M." Honrs tf v.jrrif landing. r or I'l tl nlelpbia, al I0J A. M. Fur Poltsville, at !i P. M. Tri-wifkly. Daily Duly. T LvctTm ('in nr Mi 4l. Msible of a supeiior i)iialiiy, susceptible of a very high polish, has been found in Lancaster county, in this state, ami in ihe same neighborhood a valuable pigment called Terra de Sienna, which has hitherto lieen imfiorted from Italy. There are, no doubt, many substances useful to the arls, yet among Ihe unde veloped resouices of IViiusylvauis, alieidy rich in mincial wealth. Dickens, in his commendation of Ilarnnm's Ho tel, in llabimore, (which is really one ot the finest houses of eiiterls'iiment in this or any country,) says it is aliout the only hotel m the I mUM Mates i accmding lo law w here he found water enough to ws.h himself. W e wonder how much water it l.iki s to wa II Mr. Dick ens. The reinaik we hive quoted is not, we fear, the only evidence he gives of his being rather "a dirty fellow. LvuW'H Jitffiul, nf 'Jeremiah Paul, containing 20G were. 18 ncr- ehes. sud allowance, also on Sliamokin creek, nd- joining Ian. Is of N'stentine Propl,aud others. The said t'acts ronlsiii, it is suppose, I, a large quantity I of anthracite coal, and the last tract is wrll timbei- j ed. Terms will be made known on the d iy of sale, 1 by the administrators of E. G llradfoid, E-q , dee'd., j as whose et-Ule the same wdl U sold. JOHN EVANS, MARY RRAHFORD. Nov 1 9, 1812. A dm'r of mat df.'d. Huh l Court. (icorpr Isluintr for ihr vr of linhrtl II, Hammond vs. 'I'liomas Allen. iNhi ihii.ii I4ih 1812, ON mmlon of Mr, Donnel, rule on iho credi tors of Thomas Allen mid all nthcis intrust id, to appear on the first d .V i f next teim, and show cau-e w hy the nieney raised by Ihe sale of , the d f. i.d mi's real esl.ile i-boiil.l n. t be distribuil d - llv Ihe Ciuil, SAM LEA D.JORDXN. i Prolhonoiary's Office, ' I'ruth'y. Sin. bury, Nov. II), IHfi. fit. I Fnali soppy ol litlff-U OINTMENT, received s sml foi csle bv Nov. l'Jth, IS 12, H.U. MASTER. (Clcnerul Stage Ojlirr,) LYCOMING COUNTY) 1ciiiin It aula. f 11 IE Soh-criber respectfully informs his friend- 1 and the pul-lic ill general, thai ho has t ikrn the above i.Musr. asp cnuMonioi s HOTEL, I N T II E II O R O I G II O F M V N C Y. and that be i- now well .cpare.l Irt nccoinm.Hl.iti al1 who may favor h m Willi their custom. His St.tM'iKu AriHT4N-rs ure well aired, and comfortable. Ilisl'sntr vn RR a'ways be slipplinl with the Im-sI theinuket can allord. His KriHl.lvii, which is good will be under Il e cbarge o g.m,J hii I careful h -slleis. He f rl confident, bv stiicl allenlioii to business, and an eari t-kl desire to render c nifnrlable ihose w ho i i v patronize him, that he will not fiil to give general satisfaction. II. 11. WEAVER. Muncy, Oct. 1st, 1813. tf. rsi DTI 1 1 SlianioKin. oi lliiiiiibcilaiul Co., PENNSVLVANIA, riHE subscribers respecifullv int..rin the public I that thev have taken that large and eon-modi-ms HO TEL, in Sh.iinokinti.wn, ihe e. litre ol the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob wheie they are now prepared to iiecoinimuln'e sll who may favor them with their custom. Hy nin-i .iHentioii lo husiucts, they II pe lo leeeive a lib. r.l shaie of pir lie patron ..e. ii rem- lor ft cove. Sbamol.intown, June Hih. Is IV. 'Id Country MERCHANTS, rpilK Subscriber, Agent ol I von A Harris, II u , Maiinf n lurers. tor N'. w York, I'lnl -delphi i. ll.iltimore and 'iiber large cities, -slnHe Huts mr ' highly ciitninended lo'd adit ami dumt.ility, has o.i l and a lit-l rale itsscitui 'iit of HA I S ui d j OA I'S, sui'.ai'le for s ile, wh ch wdl 1 1 s-.ld very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at the nlYi rheap start; So. 4H, North I h id tf t, o p .h i the City Hotel, I'luladvlphis. ROlD'.lfl' 1). W II.KINsnN. A'ent. N. It. Onleis lor lists in lie rotif, V pio.optlv ; alteinlikl lo, The highest nee ill -o.t n hi i -given f r Fur i n.. Philadelphia, June 11, I - t I y 1 LL peisoiis niibbiiii to Hie linn ol Loo A ll i't s, under t.e 'g. nev of 1 1. N 'I'bsi her, nod Cap Munufnefiirtri. No -til North Third, slreei. Phil ub Ipbta, .lie l. (po sted lo make mum di ate seltl. inelil of h ir it, col. nls ub iln .u'.n-ril er. llleir legally auboti7e.l ngeiit.who is Inl'v impow- eleil to settle and colli cl ti e ci onnts ol said firm. ROHERT D N II.KIXsnN. June -lib, Hl'J. It Aisiy'. xnirwri.n srri:nnnt -m Y o i iir.u si win u v. 1 1 1 1 iV HENRV LANHAl. hiing rented the I. line Kilns ol lleii'v Masser, In Suiibinv, have now for sale ihe In si Lime in this part of the cuiiuiiy, and will miilumc to keep eonslmii ly on band fres't Lime for I'listenng. Ituildilig and for Lulling land, oil us reasonable terms as cull be bad iiiivvvhcrc in ihe nc ighbnihood. Mjv 81. 184?. J.jfc II.HMItl', II II M I.IC "U oi lines all who iiiilebieil to him or Ibe linn of II. II. Masser Co., ' lo call anil settle vti.iul ilelav, mlii tise II. i ir a. -j counts will be plufid in the bauds of a inagis'rue ) for lullsclion, Munl ury, Sept. 21, Ul?. it k lletween Pottsville A Philada, 5S.f0 A. f2..'i0 lletweeii Resding cV do. I ts cV 1,7.5 Hetween do ft Pot'ivjlle, 1,40 ft 1.H0 Eicnastov 'Tn sits siiou r.m sinsviss sjstr list. Heiween Pottsville tV Philadelphia, f 5 fill 11. tween Reading cV do. 3 on lleiweeu do. ft Pottsville, j (in The other passenger ttaitis will si bsfuis, at the folloup a h. tirs : Philadelphia and Votlyvillt., st njA.M. From Pott-ville, st 2 P. M. . . i ... Hour nj pausing lieai'itig. For r..tsveie, at !) A. M. i For Phil idelphia, al 3J P. M. S All the trains wiil stop for way passengers it the usual points. (fj" All passengers Bre requested to procure then tickets before the trams start. May 21. 1H'., if. UrsriilnUloncli I'on roi Tsvii.i.i:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! ME Mail Coach for Pottsiille leaves Northum- berliind every morning at 1 o'clock, nnd arrives in Pottsville in lime for ihe cars to Philadelphia. Fur. as ..v s any other line. For seats, apply nt Mrs. WiihingtnnN Hotel, N jrthumberland, o at George Weilel's. Sunbury. A. E. KAPP iV CO., NorlhM.,Mav 21. 112. Proprietor. C'j Passengers coming from Philadelphia will p'e.i-e secure their seats st the White Swan Hotel, Race St., before they leave the city. Passengers Coming in this line, have their seats secured in any Stigcor Pnrket host from this plice. Those coming in ihe. ther line may la? left behind. CL1TDE fit WILIiIAMS' lilaitU ItooTi Iaiuila tor3 , (tpporilr I'rinrr't Hotel, HAKUIsm'KG. rilllKY are ;.re)iarul to maniifacttire blanV woik 3 of every description, rurci! to any pattern, such a DiHkets Records. Diy Honks, Ledgers, Asses sors' sud Collectors' Duplicates of Ihe finest quali ty of pai?r, in a style equal to any made in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New Yoik. All descriptions nf binding neatly eteciired. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolio made to order. Lav Hook-. Music mid Periodicals hound to anv pattern. Old Hooks reUiund, fce. Also files of iicrs bound. Work left at Ihe olTice of the Sunbury Ame rican, will be promptly attended to. May 1st, 1842 ly. EAGLE d h a rja 'Bs n Coriu r of Third and Yinr Stru ts, WILLIAMSPOHT, PA. 1111' aiibst-riber r. mm. tfullv aninninces to the public, that he h .s opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the corner of I hird and Pnie streets, where he will be Inppv to w.iil I'p in those who may favor him wit their eompv y 'The E .gle Hotel is la'ge mid conveni ent, ami fitrtilshed it. the U'-t moiletn su le. Lis provided witti a large number of well aired and comfort ible sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors. iVc. Peisons visiting ilhsmsport on bu niiess oi p'ca-ure, may rel ss-ur. d that every ex ertion w ll if used to leider heir s.joinn at the Eagle Holi I" plensanl and agneable. HisTable will i supplied with the very b. s ihe ina.ket af fonls. and hi- bar w iih the el nicest v. ines and other liquors charges re.s.uiable. The Eagle Hotrl p. .sscs-si's greater iiilvanmges in point of local ion tll.iu any other similar establishment in the borough, being situnle in the business pari of the town, and w ithin a convenient distance of the Court House and Williamspnri ami F.lnurs Rail liond Depot. Sutlieieni Stabling provided, and gioil and trusty o.tlers always in attendance. Attentive, sccoii.iiiiHlatiiig and hone-t Servants hae In en mrlo ed, atid nothing left undone that will u.HI to the coiiif'oil and arc. rnmodaiinn of his guests. Tin re vvi I be n curing.1 shvnys in attendance at h. Host l.aii.ling lo convey j.sssei.gers to and from die House. Ine i f chari.p. CH RLEs BORROWS. M iv 1 l-b. t !. 'I 'Wit. KEILICAIT & ZC. , ( 'oiittniinii I'nrwnrHin Mt t rhan's, '. ., f Wdhor Strut H nl li 'ud, o Till. I I t V W 11 I , WINli iistoci.oed vi II ill. I'l .lost ph B um t. i. i j. . . mj..i, .j . f i ir-si ATTUKXKY AT LAW, 6VZTBURV, PA. Hnainci attended to in the Counlioi of Ncr thutvl trlsnd, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. It Per In Thias Hart ft Co., Low i a V Uianosr, lliT, CtTMmsis ft Hart, rihd. liKTSIOI.1l, McFariasii ft Co, frsai so, 'ioon V ('o., J. MAY LAND, JR. & CO. Ntitiir ami Tolmrcu AlntmlarUirrri, .Yo. O'.l .nrlh Wcstrornmif lit' ind Third Strrrt. PHILADELPHIA. rP HE utiderigued have formed a f'o psrlneisliqi under the firm of J, MAYLAN D. Jn. V Ce., s successors to the late firm of Jnenb .Uiylond d Co., and will continue the iHjsiness at the old esta blishment, on their own account. In mkliiiiin In their own close attention and experience for rnany yeais, in the manufacture of their eefebratcd Mmfl-, eV c, l he long experience of tire senior pari net of tl late firm, will also be devoted to I lie interest f it u new concern and ns no exertion and Care will I e spared to insure their goods, stall times of the vr. ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of tho cnufiiUiice of tire friends and customers of the tato firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Ja. PhfladcViia, May 14th, 1842. ly GO L ) lN S WTN T3T3CD TT Hi2 ET 9 -Yo. V'J Xorth Third, above Arch Strut, rmLADr.i.rm . nrrriMMOli lltiNsi run Ki vt:TV n.-nnoi. p HARLES WEIss, ,ri i!.o- hite Swrvr.." and "Moniil Verurrti 1'otise," respectfully iin. firms hisfricmls and customer. 1hnl be lias lu-c.-ssi i the proprietor of the abov well known Hotel. Court ry Merchants will find the above Hotel .-n centtal I iCalion, and the best of fare. Persons n, veiling with private conveyance will find a larpi yard and good stabling for horses, and the best tt1 f ostlers. Hoarding f 1 per day. May llth. 1812. tf. HOUSE, So. 237, Xorth Third, ahon e Cidhwh ill Si ,, PHILADELPHIA. flHE suWrilicTs tak-cs pleasuro in aryin.nlir I their friends end the tiuMic in general, t'l it they have taken tho large and commodious Hon I. , recently Isiilt by the Messrs. Hart, on the same (' i once occupied by the old established Hotel kree. n n ihe Hull's Head, in Third street shove Calrovr lull st. This Hotel is finished in the very best possiVli i mannrr, sml of rhv best malerials. Its location i t very desirable, particularly for country merrhnn1 ; the arraiigenit-nia for henlti.g and vemilnting tr l i room is such as to secure nny temperature. TV t bedrooms arc all light and airy, all tumisliud ill a neat style, so as to insure comfort. The receiving parlors are also furnished In a if -perb style, the windows ro on the French stv:e , forming an entrance to a balcony in front, tvhV k make a pleasant recess. Psrticular stteniimn h'l Uen given to the beds and bedding, which, wi'.h the furniture, are entirely new. From years' experience in hotel business, triiit, by strict assiduity to Irusiness, to niukd th'i house a desirable stopping place. Our table will always le supplied with the very best otir mark'! can afTor.l, and our bar wi'h the best liquors and wines of the most approved brand. P. S. 'There are first rste stsblinj ur.d cstt Ije houes attached to the hotel, st.eiided by ca itijl, and solder hilsirers. nnd oil r Chnrce. will bs low, (a) accordance with the preset. t ha d timet. SIU'LTZ A EERR Philadelphia, April Ifi. 1 H-l . susqT ueii iwtv HOTKL, CATTAWISSA, COLCMDIA 0O 'L'. Y.Y.N' 17, V.i SI A. HE subscriber rvsieclfiilly informs the pul.He)' that ha has purchased, and now occupies tk l.arct iffiPfc Iirl4U sud '"tt-i, r.imworfioMf iJiSJSTai cm Ktand, Well kiiow.ii a the property, late of Tbeodot Wills, and f.irtnerly kept by Samuel A. Bmdy. He is now prepared to accommodate all travelled ami visiters who may favor him with a call, an. I will use eveiy effort in his power to render tf convenience and Comfort to his customers, whit under his charge. His accommodations arc ani slid bia rooms well furnished. His stables exit s) sive and in good condition. His Ta Ri s and Har will be supplied with .l liest that the market can siTord. Uy puncttlull and atteiitiou, he feels colifideiit that ha w ill till r the patronage of the public. CHARLES HAHTMAN . Catlawissa, Aptil 9th, 142. H4lli:itT CiKTKIl fc. s, " PA PEn MANUrACTUr.I! II It' lAnnbnrxl Mrrrt, Itnlllnwrr. HAVE constantly for sale, Printing P.ij ' ,. , sizes and nullities. Cm Writing I'm r arid pi no. Letter Paper, bite and blue, r ! p'ain, Hal "jii.g PaM'r, fin.- and common U : raper. iivito. mubiir.i, itouti'a crown, cr .wn and 'er"asi?e.l Wi.ippu.g P if ers. Colored N' liui.i sml b'ov d Pii eis. lioiini t. Binders' and ? ,w r Bo nd.;, Tissue Paper, an I all art clrt ip their line. a i it l i Inpi which loe will sell I ne of East. hi. IV, r.s ei tfullv iiitortti their I ji j,, pive f , ,,, rngr lnmiMlu ing tctiis. tin'i .ls soil the i-nl.lic cei ernllv. ill it they hue I; kirithit lireesud we I kuou n sloie nod w h art" at copied l ! a I ieii' ial ' tint f oin c.n.ri. cte ! bin- their I foot of W illow Street Rndroa.l, Jacob l iritn, ll. ie tlo v pn po" '.nn C. iiin i-sioii and Fnr o in g B i-'i es the lociil -..' .in'ages i.f lo I e. .n with II the iiiibl c ioiproveiMM in r ! ouliet In the cilv, ibev tii.t .-r tin n. si Ues they will be able to do business .i s gie .1, if hot g i h'i-i ad VHi.l.ige, and Upon as .liable ir mis .is any oil er h. llse, and Ibi iissoie their fru ii. Is llril any con s ji !iu nls made in Iti, Hi shall ha ill, ir strict at tention, i.nil in i exi ilmns spiel lo I'lVe entile satis. ; I'.iC'tnn. 'Tin V are sis i prepared In reci ive mul loivvard I goods lo any point on the II. Iv .re and Lehigh itvcr-. Im-Iwc. li Maiich I 'hunk. I' iMnn and Plula ; del hoi, Ma Del.iWate lM-i li sn.l I elilll Can L; I a'si. to anv point on the Join ii.v nvi r, or .North j and 1st llianihesol ihe Sn .qm I. .una visi Si buVI. kill sud i'liion, or tho Chesapeake slid Tide W.itci I Ciiits, i For ihe accommodation ol lloais coming or go. ! ii g vis schulkill and L'nion Canals, a Sieunboat will b ki pt eipressly for towing Ucil Iroin tb Schuvlkd. iioui.d to the Del.iwaie and back, wl' ieh will ru bit- m. ii bants Is have llivir proituee ileli veied on thr De'swaie, and their g-nsls kl.i'ipid al s saving ol fill to 7r per cent, on the pines for h luhi'g actios, wiih lliese advHiit.iges they re spiclfuliy solicit s hsre nf pair na.-e. W. HE1LMAN & CO. Wdlism IL ibnan, U lliani W. , Philsd.Mjy 14, 1049. ly ROBERT CARTE I ; x f M..rch !)... -4-i. E'.klon;w,L E a tl r-B' rAl E3 m, Mti.oliiy. Noil; llK .1 ;!! OIIIv. : rM. -ulwcnber r.s,.,c ,uv ,nt,.r , f.t.1,.. I ,';' "'"VHr t to lb..t large sud crn im- ! dioti. Brick House, o. , M;ltk(., iiln(r(i 01,1(.;,r t ,1-011.1 ll.rtise, (tor , i)trl v kept bv Hlrsiii Pii.v.v lepareil lo accommodate all wl,. wiih a call. Being thankful lor w here he is now may favor him past lavors, III. ..j,,,, ,y uil,, ,,, tl) lulfl,.( lo receive a 111 .ru fchn luMic ,,atr,iaL,ni A r, t , CHARLES U. WHARTON. Sunbu. y , Mi1tl.h r)h j Juepb Darnel, In Xir.rlE ! LIME ! LXIVIE ! "I' i. subscribers ire prepared to furnish tanners and oilier with any quantify of Lime of a vsry v'lpe.ior quality fir land, oi pluistering, at the fnf lowing very mluced prices, vif. H cli. per bushs! j lor I and Limcj Id rls. for the best quality of plsi. i t. ring Lime, al the kilns. Mow ths borough of Slln I bury. Thev Will alsodrlner, at any plsce within ihe ' I .o. .,!. .f !....!. I: r.. 'i . ... tuii. iii y, i.inir ior isiio, ai in cents per bushel, and Lime for plaint-ring at ItJ est. is Pcr bu-hil. The subscribers h.ivsalwus on hand, s Urge qiianiiiy of Lime, lis quslliy is good, sn.l their limestone is not equslled by any in thsn.n'.i. bur hood. sEAJtJIOLTZ & nCKtmcR. Augasu, AmI SJ, Hit.