Foreign Items. Salomon Tlers-Iiell, Chief Rabbi of the Jews n England, died in London, Oct. 31, alter a ong illness. He was S3 years of age, and had officiated a Chief Uabbi, upwardsor 42 years. The celebrntcd Grace Darliug died at Datn burgh, Oct. 20, ol consu option, in the 25th year of her age, Alien Cunningham, the well-known writer etui assistant of Sir Francis Chantrcy, died sud den!)' at his residence in London, oh tin; VI 1 1 1 vf October at the ugo ol'Oti. He had just completed, it is said, a life of Sir Franci. The Niger Expedition has been totally aban doned. The Strte of Hanover lias p-rrmted eleven millions of I'rns-ian crowns (jCIiOO.WO) for a ceneral railway system of sixty German miles. The- wheat crop ofFrance in 112 has al most doubled itsell'dtiring the Inst thirty year., and t'int of potatoes has been five fold during the period. Com nr. M Luigier. a ynung astronomer tit'nc'ied to the observatory of Paris, discover ed nSn'it srven o'clock in tho evening of the 2Sth nit., the existence in the const cllnt ion Prurm o'!i comet. extremely weak, ami with out the appearance of a tail. At about ton min utes pint ton o'clock, Paris time, the right ns cention of this star was 1G hours ond 41 min utes, and breal declension Cu) decrees and 11 minutes. The right ascension increased in fix hours by fl minutes J13 seconds time, and the declension diminished 20 minutes in same in terval. At Constantinople a courier hnd arrived frotn Bagdad with private accounts, which assert that a British foice, commanded by General 1'ollock, had reached Cabul anil invested it. They add that General Pollock had ollered conditions to the inhabitants, which, if they re jected, ho was determined to carry the tow n by storm. A letter from !?t. Petersburg of the 11th cf October says, ' We have this moment recei ved information that the greater part of the city of l'ekin has been destroyed by fire." Intelligence have been received at Constan tinople, according to the Augsburg Gazette, that the fohah of Persia had accepted the me diation of Great liritain to arrange the differ ences between him and the Ottoman Porte. The Clejvleand Herald relates the following touching incident connected with the luruinr ot the t.teaiiiboat Vermillion, on Lake Eire : A'liung the sufl'ereres wns a young man by the u.miio of BouiNsox, mate of the schooner () Ino .nd a fine speeimen of Nature's noblest work. Young and active, lie del igh'.ed in his proloion, and bid fair to become an ornament among those Whose path is o'er the mountain wave. Whose h 'nie is on the diep :" And had but a day or two before united himself sn tlj'o-t "holiest of ties, wedded love,' to the fair girl of his choice; and was on his wav I vithhi bride, to spend the "honey moon" with his aged mother, who resides in this city, w hen tleath, with all iu appalling horrors came upon them butli, in a moment, anil tinnmoned them lietice to "thai bo'jroe frotn whence no travel ler returns." The mother was anXiOUhly expecting their arrival, '.ViVn the sad news of their untimely Cite was Ci):ii!ntiilic.i.'"d to her. Folding her hinds upon her breast, s,,? jilting her eyes to Heaven, sbo cKclaimod in tho spirit ot the true, "The Lord ;ne u?d tlie Lord hath taken away, blevvd be Ihe nan," of the Lord ;' then sinking upon her knees, held silent communion her God. After rising, she wiped away the tears thM liet'ewtd her eyes, nnd heard nil thoprirtirii'n.'s of the mohiroholy event with a c i'niness that surprised and comforted those who witnessed Jt. ViaatM4 I)i.MOns. e have seen a small diamond which was found on the farm of T)r. V Givini s, of Orange county, Ya It is of n yellowish gieen color, weigh-, halfand upwards of Hn eighth ot a carat, ami is pronounced hv . cientil'c judges to le a diamond of the first j water. W hen p,iished of its exterior crust, it will no dou'Jt boa beautiful and brilliant gmti. It was asserted some few yeors ago that a ilia roond was found in one of the western States; if so, this if .the second ever produced iu the Uuitnl States. JVi(.' rifhstwrtf JhrtJJ. fii.MiVi.AR, Tlie Bedford (Pa.) li:ip:irer i says : On .U.ndny, when the Wheeling l. :no stop ped at the door if the stage o'lieo, it wasd.s-ov-cred that a fine youngmore w h tli had ueen t o I to one of the horses in the stage, had one of her fore legs broken at the pastern joint so badly that itwaslound necessary tokill heron the spot. After they had killed her, they w ere surpi ised at discovering that the entire font wim otT the the other fore leg, having 'ouss od just w here the hoof and tin: hair of the leg muted. They went biiek along the nd Kiine distance, anil fo.m.l the hoof about three feurths of a mile from tow n, so that the Hnnnal had come that dittanae w.thcul a fit, wiJ fitli the olhcr leg broken. YVrst-ETt .Vt-inonisis. The Wesliriin ster Iteii says, thai the Wesleyau -Uetho-,i,.t,;'i(,i,, their wealth, their numb, rs, their .;.!, i. nd U.e peculiar orgiiliizatiull Ol'their so , , u itt-t U- regarded us the most influeii i .',.1 i iiupoiUi.l M-ctto'i of dissenters, (if dis- liters thoy may U termed) from tho i:tttb-) i shxd fh'irtr ot'trgliDrJ. I J ' ... IL At.iHNY Police. A Curious Case of Fr male Deception. One ofthose strange and al most unaccountable cases of deception which we hear of once or twice in an age, was de veloped at the police office on Saturday alter, noon. A person who has for the Inst four years followed the business of a tinker and teamster alternately in this eitv.nnd who is well known to nnny of our citizens, was brought up before Justice Osltottrn,- elmrjod with hanging out titNe signals beinir not exactly what outward appearances would lead honest and unsuspect ing persons to believe sailing under lulse color.. About two weeks since this person was mar ried to a very respectable and hnrd working girl, who by her industry had laid up a con siderable sum of money. The poor girl found out in a few days that all is not cold that glit ters that appearances are deceitful in short that htr clear husband was a woman ! This fact being ful'v established to the satisfaction) of all parties, the faithless swain or rather de- j (TjP We have received the Exchange and Trade ceitfuljnde was arrested, examined ut the po- ! Roister. published at Philadelphia. It is an excel licc.and sen toj.til. A crowd of the curious I Wnl bigness paper, giving a correct hihI faithful tM lowed her ladyship to her new balgings, j account of the monetary nff.irs, nnd the markets. making many original and spirited remarks, called out by the novelty of the case. Xo other reason can be assigned for this strange marriage alliance except the desire on I the part ot the husband to possess hiinsrlf vi the money w hich theubject of his ntliotions had saved up from her hard earnings and unwearied industry. Albany Citizi n. CcniNo Brrr Ami Poiik The following re eeipt for curing Bee for Pork is said to he the very best now in use. It is given by the Kditor of the Geriuuutown Telegraph, who remarks that if this mode be once tried, it will bo used a gain in preference to ull others. The leceipt is as follows : To 1 gallon water, take li lb. salt, Jib, su gar, J oz. saltpetre. In this ratio the pickle to be increased to any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together until all dirt from the salt and sugar, (which will not be n little,) rises to the top and is skimmed oil'. Then throw it Into a large tub too cool, and when jkt ficlly cool, pour it over your beef and pork ; to remain the usual time, say four or five weeks. The meat must be well covered with the pickle, and should not be put down for at leust two nays alter lulling, during wlucli tune it j should be slightly sprinkled with powdered , saltpetre. Islamis or Fish Bom:s. On good grounds it appears to be intMssible to over-fish, so as to reduce their apparent number. If men do not catch them, they will continue to devour each other. Immense banks of their bouts area! present being formed at the bottom of the sea. One in particular may be mentioned, ly ing east of the Faroe Islands, this batik is com posed uluiost entirely of bones, and it is two milts ami a hnlflohg. Iam.oitof Hat. Atono ofthe subterran- enn exhibitions ttt .Unlock Baths, known astlio j High Tor Grotto, it is the custom to place j lighted candles on the sides at entering, w hicii . , r. i . ii .i . . ' tr1 We hae aluavs in-iiud that a protective are left burning till the Motors return. On t . . ' ... , , , . , , t tai ill' Wds a deiinH-rstic meanire, and had, invaria' lv, eiliifMiav week tlie gmde went into the orot-: , . .' . " , , . ,. len ui tio'ted hv our ahlcst and in"at di-tiiiinih to w itli n gentli ninn, leaving the candles burn. , .... . , , , ; nl men. 1 liotn a J, lie ami. the Rreat aposile of nig as iimoiI. ntul on Ins return was surprised I , l drum, ia v, I.ks leii S"ti, t-inr ijunteil us a supper to uiei t a sedate looking gray olil rat, WHlkiiio I , ' , , , , . J 1 I tf i.f F rH Ira.l ..r low Oll'liH I lliillillil J tti r..,i leisure'y ofl' with one ot the burning candles. On being observed, heijuickly disappeared un der a ledge of rock, taking his light with him. J'nglish pajtrr. On being observed, he ouicklv disanpearoil un- I 'I "It is Yri.r.Ait." The following is extracted from Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott: "Lest I should for'-ot to mention it. I nut I down here a rebuke which luter in hie Sir Waiter gave in my hearing to his daughter An ,ie. She happened to say something, I forget w lijt, t.'itit she coti'd not abide it it was vul gar. "My love," said her father, "yon t peak like n Tory ) oi:Og lady, i!o you know after all, ' the mi suing oft.'Ms word vulgar ? 'Tis ordy iiuh.'i.oii ti'al is coininot', except wrck- ! td. iies, can tleservo to be spoken ol in a t( ne of conteinut ; but whet: ou have lived to tuy years, you w ill be disposed to nree with me in thaukni" God that notion" re-Hv worth havino or ear.M'r alm'.it iu this world is ?)ieo?;mot." Cm ii mnv Dr. Kdwanl Young wrote the Pillowing verses on the famous painting of the Crucifixion, hv .Urhnel Anrrrdo. who oh- I ' ' f taiued h ave totreat a malefactor, eond'emned to bo broke upon tho wheel, as ho p'eased. Tho man being extended, this wonderful artist dirrcfoil that be should be stabtied in such parts of too ho,'v as ho apprehended would occasion the n, nst ( xerue uitinL' tor'oro, that ho might represent the agonies of death in the Kst natural manner. While bis Redeemer on bis canvass dies, SiVolw-d at his feet bis brother Wittering lies ; The dar tig artist cruelly serene, View the pale cheek and the dilnitcci m en, !! diii a off hie by drops, and deaf to cries, Hvau -isn'S every spoil as it flies. lie todies tornn nt ; ihvis in mortal woe ; T. up i-v.-ry pang repeats hit blow, E a ll lising anoi v, each dre nllul trace, Ve warm transplanting to bis Savior's f.ic. ( g'oiious ll rl't1. O nob'y wicked draught ! W I h Us full charge of death each feature Ir aught ! Sm h wondrous f.-e the magic colors Ivoa s, I'lom Ins own bkiil bea ailM, in hoiror lost. We ate ruined not by what we reully want, but by what we think we do; therefore, never go a broad in m aieh of youi w ants if they be real wants ihcy will come home in nostril of you; tor Ire that huvs he does not want, will soon want what h buv, THE AMERICAN. Saturday, ,W, SO, 1842. rjj" We have jo-t received sixty reams of print ine pnprr, similar in sire and quality In the sheet upon which this Is prime.!. Also 3(1 reams of sti per Royal SI by 2 inches, wh ih will be sold at cost and carriage fur ra-h. rj" There will be services in the Episcopal t'hu ch, in this ibirp, st 10 o'rlnik en Sunday morning next, by the Itiv. Mr. Lightucr, of Dan ville. ArPOINTMUT II T Til AtTOIIHT GkMSIUI.. j EnwAini H. IUmit. G i , to bo Deputy Attor. 1 ncy Gei eral, to prosecute for the county of Coluin. The rli ction in Mirhie.iri h ive gone for the democrats. a terrible revulsion in the whig rinks smco IS-IO. Thcv lave re ire ,1 v a uti'e loft. rrjj The share of Po'!'.- lv uiia. of iho PuMie I.aiiils, i ft,()3i:l. whicli Mr. Mnt.n, the iSiale Tri HMin r, ii nuti.oriaod t ' receive on Peleilf of ihe t'linnnonwi allh. 'J'he ti.iretlo says, the pro. portion to wliirh New U infilled, is 1.D12. 'J'lns;n ina loi.ks snuiii, t -lie-sure ; but like n srxiou in a time of hr,ilili, the stale niny say, "ihi1 sni:il!et f.ior ihankfully received," ih,.uyh fr u f and dentil to tlie )..i.ur. Qj- Two of the thiee men who attacked Jiide Jones, in attempt tia to mli his house, have leon I nn.tct.i.l 'I' .. ... a . t .... AA - ' .1 I .1 .....r..u. ii. j "in. at nine imiKnuni ity uv Juilj-e. They were taki u at Gormantown. One of them hore the marks ol some severe liruira a buiil his eyra and bead, which he eviilemly re ceiv,., frnni the Jmlues's loddeil whip, hut which ho said he had received from an Irishman, for ny ir.R 'hut Si. Patiiik was a Scolchnun. ,. ,, , BKin t,r,.n jn,!iCr.l for f,BhiinB a duel with the Hon. T. F. Mar-hall. Me plead ftoilty, nnd was oornmiiled to the Temls, there to remuin until the day of his senienro. A petition for hit unconditional pardon has been tent on to the Governor. ffji The mvstory of the death of Mary C. rfoeers, of New York, the beautiful riaar girl, wh se bodv was found in the North River, near the rilv, ah,mt a year since, hag lieon explaii ed. It si-ems she was tukon to the hon-e of Mrs. Loss, rtear the citv, and died under the tie ilieal tiealuient of a vouni; phys ciiin. Mid w a nf'ei vk ards thrown into le river. Mrs. I.of, when on her de oh he 1 frotn a wound rnlived .y an accideii' ,: disci a'C of a Clin, sent for nn officer oft lii . and made the coi.fis- sion. Sniitl ern n an. nnd in railv life id polertam . r i t . . iintiiii.lia ntili,viir.iliU to llip iloetriliH of iiroteetion I I ' r i 10 our nini.ufuctur. ; hut he was also a true pa- trim, and when he aw hy t'i erienre 'he tods ilv of th ' protective policy, he frankly acknowledged his error, and hei ame the warm friend of the man- j ufic'uior and the mai ufuciuiiiiij interest, in proof ol which we refer to ihe foil. . tun fitiacl of a le'ler to a fiend, which nuy be found in his puh- likhed wotks : You tell me I am quoted by those who wish to enminiie our dependence on Englnm! for manufac tures. There was a time when I nii"hi have heen 0 (,Uoted with more c mdor. Hut within Ihe thii'y jeats which have sotce el.ipsed, how ote rirrum st , ices chinird! We were then in out independent place anioni! unions was acknoivled ced. rominerce which uiTerJ ihe raw mateiial ' in i xehiini!e f..r the nnne itia eiiHl aln r receivmu i the tnsl loneh of industry, was worth ol welcome i to all nations. It ua expected that llioae, ospeci- ally to whom n-nniificlutintr it iln-try n iniH.r- , Mnt, would chi the fiiendhii of such rtistiv ..- nnd particiilarlv cult vale their i .ii justice and friendship. Co llie ipieotion seeiin d legitimate, ' mi is, I y c vety m ace hv every ; ' j der this prospect In Iher, will) l-!i nn immensity of unimproved j lanJ. courtiiiK iit huri J of bushjndry, the industry I "f imiicnhuie. or .!.ut of inatuifjclun , w u!d add most to the national wa alth." Th s w:'S Ihe st no of things in 1 7 s.r, when the notes on Wginiii were fir-t puMi-hed; when the ocean bring 0111 to all ualions, and their common light in it acknowledged, and exercised under ngu lutinns, sanctioned by the assent and usigenf all, h was thought that the doubt might claim some consiileiatii.n. We have since experienced what we did not then believe, that there exists both pro fligacy and power enough to exclude us from the field of itiwiehange with other nations That tn be indi pendi nt for the comforts of fife, lef must fa bricate them our nt Ire. We must now place the inauuf.ictnrer by the side of the agriculturalist. The former question is suppressed, or ratio r assumes a new form (lie giand inquiry now is, shall we make our own comforts, or go without them at the will of a foreign tiation ! Ho, lb. ret, we, ho i. now auamst d snnfitic inatiuf if tiro, must lie f n rooming us either to deieudence on th at foreign nation, or to be clothed in kin, and live I ke wdd J beasts in dens and csve ins. Lijtnenci) ha tn jhl . J. au -jrastHP me that mnnufartiires arc now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort " ' jnsrELLwrT" Killtnrlal, Coiiilenaeil anrt Selected, Second eiop of strawberries have I eon fur sale in the New Yoik market this season. And what is more, a second crop of shad has hern gathered. Among tho London literary advertinemenls we notice a copy of the Uihle for sale by suction, which is described as being in ten folio volumes, with 2372 engravings, and having cost upwards of seven hundred puineas. Two individuals quarrelled about church matters in the St. Louis (uthedrnl at New Orjeans, and blows were struck in presence of the congregation. They are to muko the matter worse by fighting a duel. Small Coin. Pr. Riddle, of the Mini, in New Orleans, proposes to coin a three cent piece of a composition or alloy of silver and copper. Tho size of the coin w ill probably liethatofa half dime, but thicker, and its color nearly that of silver. The celebrated poet, I.nniaTcick, his been struck with apoplexy, at Potsd on, in Prus-un. In Lehigh county, Pa., on Sntunhv hist, John Hover, aged 30, was Taught in the w atet wheel of a mill, and crushed to death. F.xl inordinary Ih'tidrnd. It is raid that the Fairninglon Camil Company, in Connecticut, have this year nude their fust dividend. They mowed the tow path nnd divided the buy ! Mr. Lewis llemdict of Albany, the acent ap point! d by (iov. Seward to receive New Yotk's share of ihe proceeds of the Lrind S iles, has return ed from Washington, with 1,071 in hit pocket. This is the portion of New Yoik Mate. Fine Spurt. Two gentlemen of Pav.uinnh, Geo, recent'y shot 127 snipe, in five bouts ntul a half. Col. Webb has been nguin indicted for his duid with Marshall. The indictment is believed to he correctly drawn. Col. Webb give f 10 000 bail for his appearance. A (Utiriuut Minnrily. In the m xt Stute Senate of Maine, consisting ol 31 niemlers, there will be but one Whig. A New Jewish Synagogue wa ronerruted on I Fiiday, at Ksslon, Pa. A cebbrateil English physician says that milk, when allowed to boil, loses most of its nutritious quahty. It may be uudu lukewarm, but tou.-t not be boiled. A cup of strong coff e is saiJ to be an antidote against the effects uf laudanum. The Newark Advertiser of Nov. 19, says, there is a rumor in tuwiuhat Mr. Miller died of apoplexy that morning. Organ Sunk. The organ intended for the Trin ity Church, in Lluffalo, has been sunk in the canul near Lockport. Sal'y Simmons, the last of ths Pawkanauket Iribe of Indians, died at K.drhaven, on Saturday last, of inletnierunre, in the SOth year of her age. lliiii'di for Hard Times. Matri monii is said to be better than no money. It's rAnoyc to a ba chelor. Wherever I find a great deal of gratitude iu a poor man, I lake it for gran'ed there would be as much generosity if he was a rich inun. t'llMMCni'lTtll Kditor Suiibury American .- Sis As seveial gen ihemen have been named by the Detnoeta ic papers in different parts of the state, as suitable persons for Speaker of ihe House of Representatives of this state, at the coming session, permit me to add to the respectable li-l already mentioned, the name of TiroHiiK R. It an it, of Clearfield county, as a suitable person In fill that respectable station. Mr. Tti.rret is an timleviating Democrat, a clear headed, strong minded man, and iu fict poises ing all the requi-ite qualification to make a good Speakir. Should he lie elected, he will, no doubt, discharge the duties to the s nisfaction of his fellow members, sud with credit to himself mid his constituents. A DEMOCRAT. Mr. Mn.Lt. the eiui ofthewor'd prophet, is put ling up a s did brick wall around his farm, near White Hall, New York, which will probably en dure for a thousand years. Apera m offered him f?,000 for the farm, and not to laVe possession till sfti r 1S4 t; the ptudent prophet refused, however. alb ging ihit kiich an offer, depending, at it dot s, upon a fotute event, is nothing more than gambling. Di speralr Alluekanit t'om n(rui llrpnlse. Thursday morning about 2 o'clock, the residence of ludge Jones, of the Court of Common Pleas, on the Wissahickou Creek neir the Manayuuk tad road bridge, was forcibly entered by three ruffians hre k ng through the front door, and pro ceeding up stairs toward the bed clumber by fore ing through one or two of the interior doors. The consequent nni-e attending the breaking in, tlarni- ...l .1... .. v,..i.. - ...: i.. .. i.. .i. . :..i.. i .:.i. i -u inc s uo,r i.iiiiiiT,-iii ii uie junsr, ai intii nun a loaded whip, left his room, and upon the landing of the st or-way discovered three men masked, cue aimed wi h a musket and the otlnr two widi rluls one of them h vngs tight in his hand. The Judge at onre made an attack and levelled one of them to the floor, at this inslutit the Judge waa struck a blow on the side of his head by one of ihe others, who, in his fall grasped the assailant and iliagged him to ihe floor with him. In the slrug- gle which ensued, the judge U'ing uppermost, they were pieeipilaied down the stairs, when the judge finding theliglu had heen extinguished in ihe me- lee, and one , .f the villi nis having fired upon bun, (which toriutialely missed liim,) he made bis es- cape by the window ot his bath room and made an alarm. In the iutervtl of his absence fiotn the house the villnnn w. nt away, nnd as far as ascer tained look noihmg w iih them. That theirohjeet was plunder, l y de-peratit and fatal nieusuies, if necessary, tlM're cmlir tm ihntbi, in which th y were signally defeated by the iouiaae and dilrimi nation if the juJe. The judge though severely hurt is not consider ed dangerously wounded. His head and one of his legs ae considerably injurej. He did not attend court yestetdny. '(. C'ai. From the Danville. Democrat. It is with feelings of pleasure that we give pule lirity to the following letter from Mr. Jouw C. linrit, still finth. r exculpating Judge Lr.wn from any participation in the C. S. Bank bribery busi ness ofl40. Tu the F.ilitnr of the Democrat, Sir : Having noticed in a pamphlet, recently published, (I presume by S. I). Ingham, Esq.,) on the subject of the resumption resolutions, of tlie spring of IS40, that my name is there introduced as a Director anil Agent of the Hank of the United Slates, for tho purpose, I would suppose, of iticttl. paling the Hon. Ki.tts Lewi, endeavoring to show by inference from my testimony before the Com mittee, th .t the testimony of the Judge wns nn true, I deem it doe to that gentleman, as well as to my own reput ilion. to Mate, thai at the time t,f r"""1"'' when I left New-York, and which is now (he passage of said Resolutions I was tint a Di- j published in the Argus of this morning. You will nclnr in laid Hank, nor dnl I awn a sin;e share , "''erefore see that it is out of my power to violate my of stuck neither wan I employed by an officer or ' "B,h "f",r"'e by allowing a writ of error in thecase, Agent or that or any other U.mking Institution. I j ''ve" ir'1"' "I'l,,ic ''"" w" reguUly l.fore mo did not ice. ive, directly or indirectly, any compen- j nn "Pl'heation upon notice to the Attorney Gen sntion whatever, having merely slopped a few day. eraI- ISVi,'",r woM tl,e ""-wance of the writ on my way home from the city, and feeling great ( l,ln- ho execution of the sentence, as I could not anxi.ty on my own and brother's account, having i r,'rllfv 1,iat l,,rra wn probable cause for slaying m.ido extensive purchases of property, ami bcliev- ' 'he proceedings, and ihe Governor would not In ing ihe passage oflbe Dill would have a beneficial J 'erfere without such certificate, effect on our future interests, and the interests of I "I have never heard any lawyer, except the the community generally, was willing lo devote any ! counsel for the prisoner, express any doubt as to the leisure lime I had, to aid in its passage. j legality of the conuction l-cfi.te the Court which As regards what I s.iid in mv Icl'ers to Mr. tried him. Nor have I been able to find any mem Handy, in relation to the Hon. Ellis Lkw is, I i her of the Court of Errors w ho should have voted :id not mean to insinuate, that ho was influenced, i I" reverse the judgment on the ground of the or. in bis leaving H.irrisbnrg, by any improper motive, j gini..itinn of the Court. It is perfectly natural I knew him to he the warm and realous friend of 'h-t the friends of this unhappy man should endea the Slate Administration and the Improvement sys- vor, if possible, to slay his execution ; but their tern neither of which, in my opinion, eonld pros, anxiety lo preserve his life cannot excuse tho offi per without the pass.igo of the Uill to which Ire-' cers of justice in making the liws bend to their f. rred. For these reasons I inferred, without sny j wishes ; although the course w hich has been pur- intercourse with him, that be was friendly to Ihe measure; but when I found on arriving at Harri burg, that he w is unfavorable, or so indifferent as have gone home, I spoke of his absence as "mysterious" without the slightest intention ot con- I Supreme Court, or to any of the eight Circuit Ju lg veying the idea that there was any thing improper j for ,,,c alloance of a writ of error ; arid if any in bis proceedings. j ",,c "f those twelve officers had any doubts as to the It m .y be proper to add that I Micve he had no legality of the ronvietir.n, be wou'd of course have knowledge whatever of the Itrodhead tiansactions, I allowed the w rit They have tried four or five, as will appear by my testimony before the Com- ! " 1 have failed ; and if they were not sati-fi. d with milee. Nov. 10th, IS 13. Yours, Ki: JOHN C. BOYD. Since the above was in tvpe, we have been re quested to publish the follow ing affidavit of the Hon W., in relution to the same sub ject. Mil. Cook : I have seen the pamphlet of Sam uel I). Ingham, on the subject of tho resumption resolutions, passed by the Legislature in ihe spring of 1810, in which be states, that when examined 1 is'iore me lyommniee. I tueaomi "nun mi recuruu , as to a le'ter which be stales wns written by Judge Lewis to Mr. Cham' ers. Knowing that his state- uf- I ' i .. 1 l : i.:. ....... meuts, so far as he connects mv tiaoie wnh Ihe ) transactions rehired to, are untrue, I have thought proper to m.ike the following statement : 11 I. That Thomas Chambers never exhibited to S. D. Ingham, or to any other person in my pre- ' 1 i t i.. i ... i i.. :.. ...... seller, uny ivnei 1111111 juoue i,rw in ii-imiiiik 11, auv ' manner to the purchase of the R porter, '!. That no answer lo any such letter was writ len by Mr. ('handlers, or dictated by Mr. Ingham, or written or dictated by any one else, in my pre. nonce. 3. That I bad no conversation with Judge Lew is or any one else at any time on the subject of anv improper means to procure legislation, and that I had nn knowlc !ge whuoover of Broadhrad's mo ney transactions. 4. I was not more tho sub-agent of Thos. Cham-l-ors than ihe Hyn. S. P. Ingham was. I came to Harrisburg, partly on account of my own business interests, and partly at the solicilttion of Mr. Chnm-l-ers and among others of Mr. Cnrrvell, as stated in mv testimony before the Committee. 5. That, although I sit nn the same bench with Judge Lewis, I do not live in the same county, and , , , ' . thai I onlv see him occasionally, and have at this III ir n ri I I IHI T I I'limorisv nullum!, ii,s,ni;,iiji. 1 J ol Ins chums against the estate of mv hrolher-iii law ; that there are no relations between me and j the Judge that would prevent me from disclosing the tru'h ; and I make this sta'einent without sny previous conutation or corresp indence with Judge Lewis. WM DONALDSON. Columbia County. ss. Personally appeared before the suhscri!er, one of . , llie Jiis ices of ihe I cace in and Tor the sud county, ...... ,. . , . - . '. niinin , oiii.iiiisfiii, v, in. i, i m mi i y t-iiiii aieoiu ing to law saiih that the foregoing statement is true. Witness, my hand, this I7lh day of Nov. IPH. Sworn and subsenliod licfore me this 17ih dav nf Nuvemlr ISI3. j WII T.I M KITCHEN J P Cj" We trust lhat those papers which have copied Mr. Ingham's statement, will do Judge Lewis the justice uf inserting the aluve communi cation. II X I.TIM OH K .11 KKET, OKce of the IIlti moh i A :hic s, Nov, 51. FL' 'CH. Small sales of r-usqnehanua Flour at ' 1,11 i. one now in market, j (iRAIN. Wheat is very sri'ce and wanted, , Sales of lintiicd parcels of Md. reds t i div at 7.) a ' 83 cts. ftir good to prime parcels and at .r0 a 7. S cts. fit inferior to good. A cargo of prime I'enna : red was sold to day at 87 cents, f r shipment, and , another lot, not prime, at WI cis. Sales of new Md. while Com at 43 s 41 da. and yellow at 45 cts, We quote Md. liye st 45 a 5-H cts. sale of Penn. at fit cts. Sale of Oals ol 21 a rts. WHISKEY. Sabs cifbhds. at ?1 and of bids, at els. Tlie wagon pruc I'fbbts, is 19 els. ex- elusive of the I a.tcl. train the A'. Y. Tribune. The f.nat Kerne Yesterday Cotr, Ihe convicted murderer of Sam uel Adams, was sentenced to be hung ; but he chose to take upon himself the office of execution er and rushed into eternity by staining his soul with a crime as black as tint which brought upon him the fate he so desperately sought to shun. Preparations for his execution were made at an early hour in the morning. A messenger had gone to Albany with sn application to the Chan cellor to review his decision and allow a writ of error; by the morning boat he returned with the following derisive letter addressed to the Sheriff: "Atiur, Nov. 17, I9, "DsAn Sm I heard the question upon the writ of error in Colt's case argued at great length at New-York, and came to the deblierate determina tion that there was none of them of which ther wns any room to doubt, as you will see frotn niy wiitten opinion, which I left in the hands of Colt's j sued in this cae has plnccd not only those officers but the Governor in the most piinful and trying situations. The prisoner's counsel had the right to apply to the Chancellor, the three Justices of the that, they should have applied lo othrrs ; but not j ask those who have fully examined the subject, nnd t have no doubt, to violate their du y by acting a- gainst ihcir conscience. "Yours, with great respect. B. HYDE WALWORTH. J. C. Habt, Es.t." Colt wiseng'ged nearly all night in writing a reply lo the lett, r of Governor Skwahii, which it I is said he ordered to be left sealej until his child should I old enough to understand it. He was 1 under the care of Deputy Sheriffs ultee and t,reen, 1 , . , , , , , , , i arm in inc morning was snaveo ano uresseo, ami i 3 received a brief visit from his brother. The gal- i lows was erecieo in ine renire oi me orea. ii was i , , . .. , ,. . the same one used at the execution of Itohinsnn in , , , , , .New-Jersey, and bore upon it marks of lwcle , , , . , . . ... , ., . . strokes of that hatchet, which nevet falls but it . ... it. . i ; sends o eternity a human soul. It consisted snn- ' , - . , . , , , i , ply of two upright jmsts, and one travcrsely plced, wi h a rope over a polly one end being attached to a heavy weight, and the other being formed in- j to s noose. At I I o'clock Dr. Anthon, in company I with Samuel Colt, visited his cell, and made prepa ' rations for bis marriage wi'h Miss Henshaw, which j was soon after performed in presence of Samuel i Colt, David (Sr.ihim. Robert Emmett, Justice Mcr ' rtit, the Sheriff, and J. H. Payne. After iheit . marriage they were left alone for nearly an hour At half pasl 12 Dudley Sehlen went into his cell ! and at 1 Colt look a cup of coffee with his wife, i His brother Samuel soon after arrived and en , tered h i cell. He was still engaged in earnest con ! versation with his wife, who was sitting on thr I foot of the ld, convulsed and in tears. At Colt. 1 renuest. John Howard Pavne ami T.pwij fani'luri i ... ... . . . , " ! Clarke then went into Ins cell to take their leave c ,. ., , . , , . , ! mm. Cult appeared exceedingly pleased to so . , , . ! them ; shook them cordially by the hand, and cot , .. versed with apparent cheeifulness with them fe 1 five minutes, when they bade liiin farewell, both c i them in teats. Coil's brother Samuel, and hi , wife remained III the cell about len rnmuivs longer ! whin both left. Hisbiother was deeply allected i and looked mote ghastly even than Colt hiinsell i His wife could scarcely support herself, so violen ' upri tir f...imr.i Kim .l.bJ m Ik. .1.... nt it.. i ci'll for a minute (i kissed her passionately : 1 ' sttained her lo bis boson, and watched her reredint i form as she passed into the corridor. Here shi : mo, si un I s .bhc.l c wivulsiielv ss though her h.'ir i would break, for five miuii'es. At last she was h ' away by Colt's brother, and his friends followeil. He then desired to see ihe Sheriff, who went in I In his cell. Colt then lold him emphatically that he was innocent of the murder of Adams, and thit . he never intended to kill him; he also told him j that he still had biqies that something would inlet j vene to save him frotn leiog hung, and begged him not to execute the sentence of ihe law upon him. The Sheriff told hita to banish all hopes of tli it kind, f.r he mu-t die at four n'clock. He then re quested to see the ShenlCs watch, and set his own by it to a minule. He then asked lo see Dr. An ihoe, and ihe latier went into his cell, and remain ed in prayer with him fir about ten minutes. At ll close uf this, Colt again tent for the Sheriff, and said to hun, "If thete are soy gentlemen pie sent whowishto see ine, sod take their leave ot nie, I sh ill In- happy to see them." This waa announced by the Sheriff, and sll pre. sent wnh one or two exceptions passed up to his cell do r and shook him by the hand, ami took their leave of him. To one gentleman connected with the press be said, ' Fie spoken har.hly of some ol the nss, t ut I -: nJ, you , . u Wa