Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 19, 1842, Image 3

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    tlelphta to Trenlnn, ami walk half doaen time
rou ml the r-e course.
In the midst of this, Mesmerism broke out, and
Dixon, like tbeMagii of Egypt, iliJ also, end not
only wrought seeming miracle, by pulling folk to
sleep the firt time, we auajiect, he ever tot any one
h'ep in hit active presence hut he performed ihc
teal miracle, aa art forth in the first paragraph of
biographical (ketch he made eonverta of many
physicians. Who shall any, then, that Dixon hat
nut achieved greatness a well aa notoriety.
V. S. Gaz.
Tr.tit (in in. The follow ng article, relative
to the mineral wealth of that Country, we clip from
a late paper Red Lander t
"A party were recently conducted to the ilver
mines situated between the stream of Mano and
iKin Sabs, nn tha f.h.rm Ona nf tn n.rl. M
11. . ,
lloldcn, discovered and brought away specimens of
.... .. .. .. .
iiiv in goin, luuuu in moan panicles inrniign m guagn
of white quartx. They were led to a place by an
Old Indian, who states that he was with a party who
massacred lha Spaniards who formerly worked these
silver mines ; as evidence of which latter, were
een three old furnaces.
"HI. Holden has visited the gold region of Oeor
Ria, and expresses a belief that the country from
Tc'rwt'h be titely returned is far more prolific than
liny portion of that State. The old man says, there
.are two large vein of pure silver in the bed of a
m dlatrntnWhrwis J.lano, and has olTercd to guide
a parly thither; and it appear they are about to
et out on the trip. The silver, it is said, is here
seen projecting shove the rocks, and ao soft as to
yield to a knife like woi'd."
Large Prwi.
The New York Comme. cial Adverliser thus no-
tices what is called the pri'-de and vanity of the
sworld, on the oilier side of the," Atlantic :
"We ourselves have seen in England, pows ex
bibitiiig not only the dimensions but the appoint
ments of a drawing-room. One in particular we
remember, that was fifteen fret sqtl arc and moat el
spgauily furnished, with carpet, fire -place, t.ihlta,
arhairs, hnok-caes. pictuics, mantel lamps, foot
stools, ottomans, and a aofa. In fact it was u room,
not a pew, and was divided from the real of the
church by a high screim, over which the occupants
could see the Parson, but could not themselves he
seen by the rest of tho congregation. Ti he sure
the owner of this elegant worshipping plce was
the lor.l of the manor, and had given a new orgun
and peul of hells to the Chutrh."
We have recently seen a much worse display Ol
space, in the way of "worshipping riVim," than tJ-m
tnentioued by our eoniemorjiy, though we nc"cr
-ciossedthe Atlantic on such discoveries.
We were civilly invited to worship with a friend,
into whose neighborhood we had gone, and took in
to a space partitioned off from one much larger than
thereat. It had a fire-place, table, cliuir. one pic
ture, nn carpet, and no aofa, but in their place a
led. absolutely a bed. The occupants weie so fir
separated from the "Far$nn,n that they not only
could not see him, hut thy could not hear him ;
.and the owner of the enclosure had absolutely set
up for liimelf ad led off the service quite loud, so
that he might easily be heard armind the enclosure,
certainly sliove it, though the aristocratic family
could not be seen by the rest of the congregation,
i( any had assembled.
VV.e were told that tkis custom is becoming ra
ther fashionable in our country, though in f.ict the
room ti which we refer, was not a pew. but a
"shanty." and to be sure, the owner of the elegant
worshipping place was lieee. lord, and landlord, and
had built his curr?t, and liegottco must of the lit
tle worshippers. T'.S. Gaz.
A SioriR Ciac I'm-tsnc took place in Fish
hike township. Me., a sluwt time since. The facts
are given by tie Poit'vid American as follow:
A married female beyond the meridian life, and
whose name is Ann Wrath, had been ill for seme
lime, and on Thursday, the 4th ult., her friends
and Cindy assembled around her, and look their
last mournful farewell. She appeared to expire a
bout 5 o'clock that afternoon. The ceremonies of
laving nut the dead were flnry performed, the
bandages were placed beneath her chin to her
head, and every niensraiion was made for the I
solemn riles of the burial ground. The ttlton I
. . ,. . . , ,
u " "
minute before hi work wa aceomplrshid, she
reared her head In asloniwhrnein, and w amazed i
to find llult she wa able ta pjrluke of he Krresli-
men! for her funeraM
Office of Ihe BstTtMnHK A ntufs as, Nv, H.
FLOUR. Sales st Howard street Flour f j.ind
.e'andanl mixed brands lo the extent of sevi rul bun
dled barrels hive been maJo from sMre to-diy at
Jl. The demand kas not Iwen busk, hewever.
J'hc wagon price conkinues at 3 87 J.
City .Mills Flour is be Id at ft no transaction.
The market is hare of Susquehanna Flour.
4JRALN. Sale of go d lo Ik M Md. red Wheat j
lolay and on Saturday at 75 a 83 ct. and of in. !
. . .i. 1
lorior m gonu ai .to i cents, a in qnainy. i wo
parcels of prime Prima, rwl Wisest were sold tir
slay at t6 cents, for sliijimeiit to the Unlih I'r.i
vince. Sales ta-djy of new Md. Corn, l 4041
rl. for white and yellow suitable for (hipping.
We quote old hite ('urn at 42 a 4:) cl. and old
yellow at 43 a 44 c . A sale oflutlO bushel
of Pennsylvania olJ yellow ai 44 ct. Sales of Md.
Rye at 45 a 50 cents and of Oa'a at 2 1 a 22 cis.
CLOVER SEED. We note a sale of a parcel
if strictly prime quality from store at f 3 75. We
uote Ihe range of prime at $3 5l) a $3 75, accoid
ing to quality.
WOOL. A asle of 4000 II. best washed na
live was maile lo-iUy at 22J cent C months,
WHISKEY. Theie has been an improved de
mand for Whi-ki-y, tnd sale nf bid, to a moderate
extent were made In-day at 23 ct. The market
i bare of hhds. w hich are iu demand.
Fie.h soppy of ROSE OINTM ENT. received
ad hi ! bj H. U. MASTER.
Tk Dtrrtnr.vci. Dot tried hard enough,
when in ihia country, to procure an international
copy right law. He waa disappointed. He went
home, and wrote honk, which waa sold in Lon
don for fie dollara a copy. tt waa reprinted in
Ihia country, and told at twelve and a hilf cent.
A pretty commentary he ha made on his own
text. V. S. Gaz.
Aw Enormous Eat The Tyne Mercury
mentions a montrors eel, caught in the river Tay,
weighing thirty-six and a half pounds, and measur
ing five feet seven inches iu length, and twenty
inches in girth at the thickest part. This "gnat
giant of his tribe," was sent to Perth, where it was
visited by crowds (of "awe struck and admiring
spectator !")
To Avotn DtaiusK tin Attain is
now 'n the power of every one. Dr. Benjamin
i ..... , , . . ... . .
, Brandrelh a v egetalile Universal Pills, introduced
into the United Slates 18th May, I83S. There
has never been an instance of ihese celebrated Ve.
geta'.de Universal Tills not giving relief ; and pre
servation in old, obstinate cases, is sure of m king
a cure, provided nature is not entirely exhausted.
In consequence of the pleasantness of their opera
tion, they are universally used in every section of
thit wide extended country where they are mad.'
known, and are fast superseding every other pre
paration of professed similar import. Upwards of
fourteen thousand tasrs have been certified as cu
fed, solely from their use, since the introduction of
them into the United States thus establishing the
fact, beyond all doubt, that the Ur.indieth Vegeta
hie Universal Pills cute the (apparently) most op
posite disca-es, by the simple act of continually c-
I isolating the bowels with them, until the disease
! K,vet ""J ' h,, whatever may be said of the
theory, the utility of ihc practice is now beyond all
rj- Purchase in Sunburv, of H. B. Masscr, and
the agents published in another part of this par-er.
.W .f i ; ,
In Philadelphia, on the Hist uli., by the Kev. Dr.
Dnr.irliet, tho Hev. Wii.liih Wsi.rf.ii, lately id
this place, and noiv nfLhica. N. V., to Miss Uuju
(iiu i oi mi, dangliier of E. (irienouh, Esq., nf
this place.
On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. J. P.
Shindel, Mr lliMit II i m vr.t. ol Union county , to
Miss Maiitiia I'm LLies of Shnniokintown.
Cnrrtrttd weekly by ltrnry Yoxlhtimrr.
War.AT, .... j) 5
Rrs, - - . . - fit)
Cob, ...... 4n
Oats, ...... 2.r
Pons;, ...... 5
FLAtsrro, ... . loo
ItrTTF.n, ..... is
TVkfswai, .... 2ft
Taj i.ow, .... 12
I)hi ii Arnrs, - 75
Do. Piachi.s, . 200
TtAT, ... .8
HtcKLil Flax, 10
Ess, ...... g
OIIlmlM, Court Sale.
N pursuance oi'an priler of the Orphans' Court
of Northumherliiid connlv. will be exposed to
ale, st ll.e hou-e of Charles 1). Whnrloti, in the
; borough of SMnbury, un Silunlny the 24th day of
December next, at 10 i.Ylor.k. A. M., tivn traiMs i.f
i land, in Shamokin ton nsi'iip Nortl umbcrland conn
! ty, one of them called Mount Carmel, on the Cen i
Ire Turnpike, ndjmning Ian J of Valentine Fropst, I
and lauds belonging to the Asvlum t'mnpniy, on i
j Shamokin creek, containing lf!j acres t ict mea- j
' sure, nn which there is a dellir."j honsf, stable, fir , j
now kept as a puldic house by J ooli Ruth, l i e
! othr tract was surveyevl on a wai rsnt in the name j
I of Jrreiniali Paul," cnulaining Sl.'fi neres. 1H er
ches, ami allowance, also on Shamokin creek, ad- ;
j lining lands of Valentine i'ropst, ant.' otders. The
faid tracts contain, it is kiipposeil. large quantity
j of anthracite coal and die last tract is well timliei
i ed. Terms will be m ule known on the ibiy of sale,
; by llie adininistr itors of E. t Br.ll 'id, EJ , dec'J.,
' as wtiose ibtate the same will U i-ld.
I MARY ni5All'ORI.
Nov 19 112. Arfinrfnfmi.l iWJ.
Kiilc of C ourt.
George Wilshiinxe for the use of Rubrrt 11.
UummunJ g. Thomas .lZct.
.Novr.MBkR Uih, 1SI2.
ON motion of Mr. Donnel. rule on the credi- I
tors of Thomas Allen and all other intrust- I
ed, to appear nn Ihe firtdiyof neit tcim,
thew s-au-e whv the inenev raised hv the sale of i
he feiulant'. real estate sln.uld rn t be disinbuicd
ICCOrdllie to law. HV the IJillllt.
p,ni,onotary's Oifice, i VrullCy.
Sunbury, Nov. l;), 1842. fit.
liki1' i-kwign nnl Domi tlic Mrrchandhv, nf
Ihc Cotiulu nf .Xm tliti mlit i Ituiil, tfheune,
amitclui lirsre not paid their Licentit.
MteTler i- Schwenck Amos Vastiue
Wm. H. Fry mire A Co
Mackey & Chamb- rlain
Ireland cV MiStvII
Miller A MartK
Scih C.Hlwalb.der
Hemen fi FoUmT
Patrick Hamp'cy
Is ihc Drown
Jacob Haas
William Di ppert
Danii I Schwaiti
John Smith
(ii iTgn Ilrosins
John B nganian
.Nei.llinger iV Co
W. tJ Scoti
D. It. Klipp
Charles U. Merrick
Thomas It. 1'oinp
t ie irge t 'orrey
.lames Reed
John Chnm' erlain
Ha.s Retly
John HolVinan iV Co
John II dfinan iV Co.
Samuel John.
W illiam Hays
William Forsvthe
liiautigim cit Wapp'ea
Neullinger cV llingamati
Samuel Haip
Daniel HobliiSS
Peter lieisel
(ieorge Reun
tiideon Shadle
Seth I. Comly ItearJ cV (J hrig
Jacob Hair
CllUib a Krlclnur
A. cV C Ross
Jacob llriubt
John Mi ler
Ro e & Payne
Tlioma- Pardoe
N -in y Woolv. riot
Will. Drwart
Peter I. tarns
Wm. Leisenring.
John Young
Wood & lihuwn
John I) gar
II. II. Masscr
John Fryliug
J. P. Haehei,h.rg
tieo ge Shrarler
Hartman II. Knable
Wm. I'ersing ,t Co
I Ira I Clein.nt
j Notice is hereby r. Vfn. thai the TreaMper
, is compf ll d, by law, lo i ominenc" suits sgao st a'l
: those who do not come fniwaid and piy ihrir I ccn
' sea on or Uloie the 8J dV of Decemler iiro.
I Sunbu7, Nor. 1 3th, liil. Dtmurer,
DlHsjoIutloii or Partnership.
PT1H E subscribers hereby notify the public that the
-1 partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of S. At LSavidge cV Co., as merchants in Sunhu
ry, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 20th
of October Inst, All pi rsona know ing themselves
indebted, or having claims agains' the said firm, are
requested to call on S. Ac J Savnlge for settlement,
at tha store of Ira T. Clement, in Sunburv.
samuel s.winnE,
Sunbury. Nov. nth, 1842. if.
RESI'F.CTFTLLY informs his filends and
the public generally, that he has purchased
and taken pos-essinn of the store lately conducted
under the fnm nf S. cV J. Ssvidgc ct Co., in Sun
bury, and that he now carries on the business at the
s ime stand. He. therefo e, respectfully solicits n
share of the pnlilir patronage.
IS. H. He expects a new sssortment of fSoods
in a lew wirks, to which he invites the attention
of his customers.
Sunbury, November 5th, 1S42.
I "T5M"t)TI('E is hereby given that letters of admin
j isiration on the e-t.ite of Oeorge Long, decM ,
I lale nf Augus'a township, hive thisibiy lieen gran
i ted to the subsciilters, residing in said township
; Persons knowing themselves indel ted, are reqne.
j ted to make immediate psyment, and thae having
I clmm ng.unst the ent ite, sre requested to present
litem lor elimination anil settlement.
October 23lh, 1812 fit 6
W in. fj.arrrtt'ft t:tutv.
T'tTU;E is hereby given, that li-lters of admin
istratioti have lieen granted to the subscribers,
on the slate nf Wm. (Jarrelt, nf Rush tnwnhip,
.Norihuuiberland t 'ounty, deceased. Persons in
debted to said estate, or having cl lirns against it,
will ple.ise o present the same settlement to the
siib.-t ribei, residing in D.uivill,-, Columbia county.
J(i:i.N C. liKIER.
O-t.IOlh, 1S12. fit.
rilHK subscriber Ims for sale, at his store in Wo
1. slungton, (eight miles north of Danville.) a
lage qnnntily of Lap and 13 inch Joint Shingles,
which will be sold lit the low price ol f'.i 7ft.
Also a general a-sortment of I arid inch Hoards.
Wiaiher Uoard, Lath, Ac, which wi'l be sold
very low. M EAL McCA Y.
Washiniitonville, ('olumbja co.,
Oct. 2?d, lri42.7t.
.vr it ay in:irri:it.
PAMK to the prcuises of the suln.ri'wr,
v J innke. .er. on the Centre Turnpike, in Coal
towns 'ip, rSorthuuilierland county, ahotil S miles
east of the town of Shimoliin, some time in Augu-t
last, a larpe red IIEIFKER, wish a bell on ; has
white hgs and face, with a red circle n round each
eye. The owner is nquxtid to come forward,
pmve property, pay charccs and Like her away,
otherwise she will he a.dJ according to law.
tbt. 22. 1843. ill. PALL ROTH.
IHsMiliitioii of I'ai tnorslilp.
ril KV. NOI ICE. that ihe Pa-tner-hip hereto
X foie existing between ihe snbscrilsrs, under
the fjtm of HAAS Ac DRUCKE.MILLER. in Ihe
Halting business, wo dissolveil on tho Sth inst ,
by mutual consent, and that the honks ol the late
fnm have hi en left wild (ieorge Weiser. Esq f.r col
lection. Thirty days' lime, from this dale, wi'l In
given f..r payment, after which, legal ptoce-s will be
resulted to. HENRY HA A",
Sunburv. Oct. 1.5 h, H12, 2r.
.win ihu iiii;TiiLi.i:u,
ERY Rl':t:iFILI.Y lu-'leave lo in
f 'rm his cu-l.-ine a ,,d the puldic generallv.
ihai ha still contn u s the
in all its arious hriinches. in the shop, nca'lv op
posite iho Iluek Cavern, formerly occupbd hv
Henry Ha is and hims. If. under the firm of Haas
& Dun keiniller, which firm hie been iniiiu illy di--so'ved.
He hop s, by his long expinence ill the
above business, and s'rirt Httention thereto, to n n
der ceneral tatisf.ielion, and receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
Sunburv, October l.'lh, 1S12. flm.
ltsi of lA'llcrs,
I EMAININfi in the Post Ollke at Augus'n,
-Ik Sepl .'tilth. 1M2 :
Jdiius Clark. 'I homas Smith, Soloman Slarner,
Th onias Ifr.wnlild, Ephnim Lytic. Abraham Drci-
helhi. s. t iideoii Leisenring. Isaac W. Farnswo th.
l. Stti. 1S12. JfO IJLIHM. P.M.
1. m t mm'
( )F EERS his professional servics. to Ihe
.,m ... oiot. uiurr nrii ooor o.
the residence of Rrvd. It. A. fisher, where he in iv
be fouuJ, unless eugagad iu discharging the duties
of his prolession. Oct. Slh, 1842. if.
(denrral Stage Ofier,)
;HT 'ttT SC2 Tfc"
j 1'ciiiisI,siiiI;i.
i FI11IE Snh-criher respecifully informs his friends
1 and tho public in general, that he has taken
I the above
i i. a iter. An couuamors
; :-:ct2l,
! I X THE 11 O R O U (ill O F M U X C Y.
j and thai he is now well prepared to accommodate
. nl who may favor him with their custom,
His Sli i-iu ArAHT.Ts are well oired, and
1 His Ta hi. r a mi IIaii will a'way be suppliul
1 with the best the market can allonl.
His SrAHLiNii, which is good, will Is under
l e charge of good anil careful hostler.
He f es coiifiilent, by strict attention lo bu-iness.
snd an earnrst desire lo render c mforlable ib..-e
w ho may patronise him,ihut he will not fail locive
general s.uisla, lion. H. 11. WEAVER.
Mnncy, Oct. 1st, 1812. if.
It o o t a ii il SUo v ."rB a !; v ,
"JTERY EeectfuPy inlorms his fr e, al,d
y old cusloim rs. that he has opened HOOT
A. .-HOi; Eslnbli-hinent. in ihe ,nop formerly oc
cupied by P. ler Lsjaru a. - iirug stole, in Market
street, where he i"ei,d c.rry on Ihe business in
sll its v iri o-, Uy n ict ali.unou to hu
sii cs, iea-oiiiible charge, and his utinoat endeavor
to give gen s his! icnon, he hnj lo leceiie
hbeial share of public patronage,
Oct. lal, 1643. JU
'"P'f AT the I'opariiii rshtp I erelofore existing be.
tween Dr.John W. Peal anil Dr. D. T. Trites, in
ihe practice of mnlicine, hss this day le-n di-sol-Veil
by mutual Consent. The book- and accounts
of the I ile firm are in trie hands ol Dr. J. VV. Peal,
who is full v authorised to settle ihe same.
geit, 28ih. l842. 1). T. TRITES.
"Pr J, y. Ital bcs leave in lender hi grate
ful ar ktiowledcmenls to ihc people nfSunl n y
snd surrounding country, fit then pisl encourage
ment In the line of his iro!o.isiiin t and would nl
the same lime announce to them, tint he Mill in
tends to continue ihe pr-ietice of medicine in nil i'S
various d partinents. He would, therefore, solicit
a continuance oftlnir confidence and patronage.
He may be found nt nil limes nl h's nlliee, in mar
ket street, unless professionally eng iged.
Sunburv, Oct, 1st, 1812. tf.
rjr. l. T. Trilraj, Ke.pectfully infi'insthe
coijeiis of Sinibiiiy and vb i - a y - that be has a
ken Bn office in Ihe building Intel n -cu i-d by Pen r
La rus as a dreg gioie, m in rket stce.t. Su bur.,
where It-may be four.d at all h .Uis, unless profes
sinriHllv engaged.
DR. TRITES returns his sincere thanks for h
encouragement he has ice. ived. in the line of h s
profession, in this place, and irn-ts, hv prompt at.
lent on to the duties nf his profession, and rea-on-oble
charges, that he will continue lo receive a
liberal share of the public patronage
Sunbury, Oct. 1st, 1x42. If.
1M Chrsnut Strrrt, MU Slory,
TYI'i: AWA HATCH. Surgical and Mi-
mature Casrs, Importer of French Chemical and
double silver plates for the Daguerreotvpe. adopts
Ibis melho.l of informing the citizens of Norrhe-n
Pennsylvania, that he cairns on ihe .ihovo imin.-s
exi.-nsielv. in nil its various branches. Persons
desirous of obtc.ining any of the nhnve artic es, can
lie promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for c ish.
All Idlers (post paid,) will receive immediate
Mil. O R LILLEHR'DM:. now travelling in
the Northern part of the State, will promptly at
tend tr. nil orders, give ner i s--iry information ami
Photographic instructions io anv person on sppli
cation to him. Aui-ut fith. 1842 rtui
l. ESPEC'I FULLY informs ihe pub ic that he
has m.ii'e Xorlhuii.herliind his permain lit
place of icsi lence, nnd is ready lo attend 10 anv
calls in the line of hi- profession.
Julv 2, IS 12. ly.
"I"ESPE(;TFULLY inlorms hi- friends Hint the
public generally, that he lias rommeiced Ihe
Tailoring It i: m i 11 e ,
in all its blanches, in the Imu-e formerly occupied
hv Win. Durst us a Tniloi Simp, in lllackbirri
street, nenrlv opp.wi'e t ie IV snyieriart Chnrcf.
He respectlully sohc t- a share of ll.e public p iiron
nee, and trust by strict a tinlioli lo bn.ini Mod
reasonable eha'ges, he will be i im'.-lt J lo gen
rriil -atislac io'i,
Sunhtiiv, June Isttb. 1S12 Iv
SliamoUlii. .ui lliiiiiiltviiaiul Co.,
V. subscriheis lespictfullv irilorm the public
that lvy have tnki n lli.i Inr f anil ennninxli-
ims IIO I'KL. in Sliainokiiitowii, in ihe ci litre ot
the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr.ini.
wkcie they are now prepareil to econiniodatc all
who may favor them with their cuetoM. Uv strict
"t'eutioii lo business, they h pe lo receive a hlnral
share of public patronage.
SlnmoMnimvn, June 18th. 1842.
To t'omilrv
rPH E ubaeriler, Agent ol I yon ,V Har'is, Hat
-- M.iniifniurers, for N". w Yor!., I'h.l ulelpbia.
llaltunoie nnd '.it her large eilies, 'ios" Huts me
highly coiinn.nd. il t ir gis-r alii and diir'd.ility.
has on hand a lir-l rate is-ic tin t .l Ii A I'S ai il
CAPS, suii itde for Jiro. .ie-, sli . b . II I , s. M
Very low , loi Ca .!l or pioe I eredil, u. ihe hi ltd
cheap tturr. No. 4(1, .North '1 h.rd s'o; I, o( p si e
the City Hotel, I'hibi.lclphi.
X. D. Orders lor Hats m ihernn4. pi tlx
attended lo. The highest rice ,u ra.s jr
given jr far hinA.
Philadelphia, June II, lS12--ly
Jl SJ' use i veil, a fresti supply ot clieajk
(ioixls. (irocirics. Hanlwure, Ac,
Superior'.ies' black kid Cl lies,
t'olmed do.,
Laniis,, Moiisselin de Nines, A
Chubs, Cas-iim-res, 'a-hmcii l.
Linen Didlings. Muslins, Ac.
topen.-r Poil Wine,
Pui Si4 im I III,
" Sperm Candles, R.ii-ins. Ac.
.lone 4 ili. f-42. II. B M ssF.R,
I.I. peis-ms Huh bled to the lino ol Lion A
Hair s, under tl eag. nt v -ifn. iiiscl,
.; and Cap Mannfacturert, .No -In oi,',1 Thn I.
street, Phil i.h Iph-n, ar nqin-sled tonvike imuni'i
ale settlement of ill jr , counts i vt the -u'-si ril-er.
their legally au'hoiize.l ngei.l, V is ful: . mpoiv.
eicd lo lllc and collect the rt mint- ol s ml fir in.
R)HF.'., r D. V ll.KLN.-tiN.
Jnne4lh, 1S12. tf Agent.
0, is y&n is-.
WAitn',):i) si rr.iucR to aw
a rm: n a n s v. n 1 11 y.
PCVIN o HENRY LANDAU, h. line rented
a the Lime Kilns ot llcnn Mas, r. in r-unbun.
, hue now for sale the Isst Lime in this p.rt -.1 h e
j eountiy, ai d will continue to keep i--ntjiii iy n
hand Iresh Lime for Plasteniig. Itui'dipi; and lor
i Liming I ind, on as reason il Ie irrtn- a . can be had
i uliywheieiu ihe i.eighioihiH d.
May 21. I42. J. A II. LND U.
II II M tfcM'.ll eg lill li-nliis all W!i r
ilidrbied lo him oi II e li ol of II It. M.i-s- i A. t ' ..
to call Slid M-tl'e wuhonl, other m ire llo n
Counts will he pi. c-d io the hauls uf a m,.:irie
fwi ollccktiin. Punhnry, Sept. at, lets.
Will entiitnencr running hrlirtn I'hiltdelphla
and I'vtlstille on thr filiate in dvyt
and Itoum t
I'x mr ATTxn Movimt, Mat 9, 1842.
Leaving Potuville, mi Mondays, 'ediieadays
and Fridays, ai A. M.'
Leaving riiiladelphia, on Tnaxlaya, Thursday,
and Saturdays, at lj P.M.
Honrs pammg limning.
r or I'MI iilelobl, at 10 . .V.
For Pottsville, st t I'. M.
F.f It K 0.
Relween PnMville c Pbilarhi. tS.HO A f2,50
Hi tween Reading d 2.2 , 1,75
lletween lo A. Pot'siille, 1,4(1 ,V I (
l.tceHios Tii RrTS oood run MAruuniaa
irxr list.
Reiween pott.vilh. iV I'liiladelphi, J 00
11. tween Ri ng do. J) oil
Ueiween do. cV Pol'sville, (o
The other passenger trains will a I flora, at
l1 e loiloivi' e b nr. :
Philadelphia and VMv7r.
From Phii ideb.ii ., t 5 A.M. J .
From Pott-vtllo. at 2 P. M. J ""''y
Honrs nf patting Heading.
For Potisvilie, at 9 . M. i u
For Phil adelphia, st .1J P. M. $ Vt"
All the trains Will stop for way passenger at
the Usual points.
ijjf All passengers nre requested to procure
their tickets before the trains start.
M iv 21. IS 12. f.
ILSJrJnil Coach
rou roTTsviisi.i:.
tlsr J -A. ci3 ii cznz&riTx& 3
T JIIE Mail Conch for Potisvilie leaves Xorlhum
E beilaiiil eveiv nioriing at 4 o'clock, nnd arrives
in Potisvilie in lime for ihe curs to Philadelphia.
I'itr. as hev ts any other line.
For seals, .inplv nt Mrs. Wellington's Hotel,
N jrlhuiiibeil tnd, O' at (iiviige WeiUel's. Sonbury.
A. E. KAPP cV CO.,
Norlh'd., Mav 21 . 18 1J. I'mprielrn.
jm P.iisrnaers coming fro u Philadelphia will
plea-e s.cnre "liei. seals al the Wh te Swim Hotel,
R ice !'t br lore they hare t!ie city. Piisserg.vs
coining in tins line, have thi ir seats secured in nnv
'i;e or I'.k !:et !7nm this place, 'I h,e cotnirs
in t'l.- . ;!e r hoe i,nv he left 01 himt.
ItLtr'v IIooK ."!.;:siitnf tot-j ,
(Jppo.-itr I'rinrt't lloli!,
TfllEY are pn parnl to manufacture h'ank work
t. of every description, ruled to nny ptillern. such
as DiXliels biieonls. Dsv Hooks Ledger. s-s-sors'
sn.l Collectors' Ilnphcles of the flnesi quali
ty ofpaiier, in a style equal to nnv mule in the ci
ties of PhilaJeiphiii 01 .Now Yor ';.
All d. scriptions of hiiiding i ently fxeruled.
Scrap Ha..ks, Albums and I'ortl'ii1!.., made to order.
I. a 11 '.k-. Music and 1'erio.heils bouml tunny
p.lten . Old II oks reboiuid. Sir. Also file of
pipeis hoti: d
(Xj ork b'l'i ai the nfl'ice of the Sunbury A me
icaii. will h- (.run plly attended to.
M y 21st, 1842. ly.
E A C Lid
fa"B" CLD rJS7' ."H", 9
Corner nf Third and Vine Strets,
WiLLiAiYisronT, pa,
TIIIIE subscrilier resiectfully announces to the
M public, thai he Ii.') os?nel a Hotel iu the com
modious brick building situate on the curner of
I bird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wait upon those who may favor him with their
company. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni
ent, and furnished in the lf-t modem st Ie. Il is
provided with a huge number of well aired and
comfortable sice pint; apartments, rooms, private
I nilors.kVc. Pt-tsoiia visiting ilhamsport on bu
siness oi pita-ure, may rel as-on d that eierv ex
ertion wdl i e used to render their sojourn st the
Each- Holt I" pleasant and agri-eahle. HisTahlc
will he supplied with the very hi st ihe market af
fords, nnd Ins bar wiih the choicest wines and other
liquors charges re -amiable. The Eacle Hotel
possesses greater advantaaes in point of location
than any othet similar establishment in ihe hoiough.
la ini! Situate in Ihe business part of the tow n, and
will in a convenient distance of the Court House
and Wi hnmsport ami Elmirs Rail l-'o .d lb pot.
-utlii ienl Siai-ling pn ided, uinl g. od nnd trusty
.-tiers alwH) in nlienilaii. e.
Atieniiie,'ntiig and hone t Servants
h ie lx en i ui)-li ed, nnd -lie tha1
will adj to the comfort and ace. mmoduiion of his
Tin re wi'l be n carriage alivavs in attendance nt
th' Itoet I. an. In c tocoi vey passri ger to and from
ihe lloli-e. In e of c'.srae.
M iv 1 lib.
vx;. & sc.,
BIS? fff3T.-TV,li
, is i y, i " i
i.i.uV '..rvM.ri!...- .N.rtv limits,
ij ill. ,ie Strut Uu,l hoad, I
OH I II K I I I 1 IV 1 II I',
WI.Nfi as-ocn.iid il h ihi m Jose h Barnei.
late ol Easton. Pi., r eitlully in'.-rm their
I ine- il- unit the iiblie ceneraii . ill it llo v have ta i
k. n th t laic-no1 w e I kli--w II store and w h irf nt
j f.-.-t of Willow Si,-el Ka Iioh.I, o copied l y
I .cob l sii in, iv here the! ii ox- iloing a I Jen lal I
; t h.iuni-si mi and F-r-i aioli if Bu-i:ies, and l.iilil j
1 die local advaii s.-es of -he pl .ee 1 1 ing conn, clej i
: uilh .11 il.e piitihe improvement that have their
i onii.( in the eili, tiny thill, r ihi ihev will j
i :( nb'e to -h. I usn esr to us gre ,1. II iml g eater ad- i
Lintage, .,n-l upon as ies nnl-e i, . ins as any other
h use, nnd ih. i assine tlii'ir I-a I. ll'alanv con-
l s ,
11 lllellts mailt- III Hu III -tiall 'i ll ir:Ctkl-
i I. iil-oii, , ml no i-Xi ill. hi-span d lo gur eniiie salis
1 fac on.
i 1'h y are nls i prepir. d lo lecctte n.d forward
gooil o anv point on the D- I iw re and Lehxh
, iiver-. I me. n Mauch I 'bin k, E l lon an. I I'llila-
ih I I i a. 1 1 a J I .war- Divi-i n nl Lehigh t!an Is;
a I i an- p--'nt n -be Jnti .ta tu r, or Nor.h
a-i.l si v h. s o' ;.c S.I !. '. .niia via Schlll I.
C ,
oi tho 'h. - p. -ti-l I i ie aiei i
, P.-r h- a' c-onm.-laii-.n of llo e inng -i go
n g i Is i hut .I:nl and liii'ti I ill il-. a Sie in'-i-al
: u ill h- U- pi i tpre-slv for l -tung -ts fiotn ihe
. Schut ikib sroin d I - ill- Dd . an a.i.i bark, t ioch
lull ra il-- io.iCIi.miIs 1 liav ll.i-n n-du- e dei-
, ve t .1 -o the D.-Mti ue, nnd tle.i .!- sliij.-dat
a s.ti..- Ot .VI t-l7Bfr lilt. the pli ;. s ft
II I !l ' U.S. 1IH- ill.'.' lUhl.t. g.s thiy II
: - einPl Sol.eit a .Il a" 'i . .-'r i. ' '
W llia-i II il I'sn. J
VI' II kl k' . . f
j Usii-e. ,)PiiiUd,Msy Ii, 18Vi. I; J
L J B MJI.'t.iyw.i
H. B. lASGE?.,
Flnsinesa attended to in the Counties of NoM
thuitsl crland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia.
ItrfVr tn
7 homas Hast ct Uo
Lowsa At UAtiKns:,
Hast, t'un Mines, McFaki ti ct Co,
Srxatsn, 'joon 6c Co.,
Smifl' and Tobncco Manulactiirers,
A'o. O'J Aor fA West rnrncr rf Race and Third
'"PHE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership
tinder the firm of J, M AYLAN D. J n. cV Ce.,
ss successors to the late firm of Jatnh .Maylatid
Co., and will continue the husinesa at the old esta
blishment, on their own account. In adrlition ts)
ihrir own close attention and experience f-r niatiy
years, in the manufacture of their cefehrated snufl
&c the long experience of the senior partner of tl
late firm, will also be devolel to Ihe interest of th
new concern and aa no exeitinn and care will to
spared lo insure their goods, at all limes of the vc
ry l-est quality, they solicit a continuance of th
confidence of the fi etuis and customers nf the lata
Philadelphia. May Hth, IE12. Iv
Ao. G9 Xorth Third, alioiit Areh Slrctt,
ArroyMnnAHONsi ron hkventy rrnfONsi.
plIARLES WEIS.S, f the" White Swan.'
snd "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in
forms h s friend, and eutcmers. that be ha bcionin
the prot rirn-r nf the abovj well known Hotel.
Conn rv Merchants will find the above. Hotel
central I. ration, and the best of fare. Person tr.
veiling wilh privnle conveyance will find alarm
yard and good stabling for horses, and ihe bct of
oatlei. Hoarding f 1 per day.
Mav I4ih. 1S42. if.
.Vo. 237, Xorth Third, al,t,e Cdlouhill .Sr.,
THE subscriber lakes pleasure in aeqmlntir
Iticir fiienda and the public in general, ll. it
they have taken the lnrge nnd commodious Holil,
recitillv I tlillhy the Missis. II nt.oii the sai.n- sit
once oc- upii-d by ihe old established Hotel known
is tio- Bull's Hi ad, in Third sttcet ibi-ve Cal!..w
l,.l: st.
I 1 is H -tel i- I'ni-I-Pil ir; the very '.est possible
itisnner. hi il of the best muier a's. Its location i
-erv dcsuahle. pinicnlariy for cottiitiy merchants
il.e aitmigrnicira lor hia'n.g and ventilating i s h
room is such as to si rure any ten peialure. Th
hf-lr.wnisare all light and airy, ill furiiirhed in il
nest sty e, ro as to insure ton fort.
The ri ceivli.g parlors are also furnishad in a sn
perh style, the windows aro on the French yle,
lorming an rnlrance to a balcony in front, whiiti
makes a pleasant recess. Pmtier.lar attention ha
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with,
the furniture, arc entirely new,
f rom years' experience in hotel business, wo
trust, by strict assiduity tr. business, to make this
house a desirable stepping place. Our table wilt
always I e supplied with Ihe very bct our market
can alford, and our bar with the best liquora and
wines uf the most approved brands.
P. S, There are first rale stabling br.denrr tg
house, attached lo the hotel, tttrnded by ea f-i!
nnd sol-er hostlers, and our charges will b low, ia
accordance wilh the present haul limes.
Philadeldiia. April If., 1W12.
THE suhsciifier respectfully informs the f.uMIci
that he ha purchased, and now occupies tbe
Urn ifht IliitK
ami liistfsl
;ni llillOTavrrii !((andr
Well known as the property, late of Theodore
Wells, ami formerly kept by Samuel A, Btndy.
He m now piepared to accommodate all traveller
anil visiters who msy favor him with a call, and
will use evety effort in his power to render every
convenience and comfort to his customers, whila)
under his charge. His accommodations are ample,
snd his rooms well furnished. His stables exien
sive and in good condition.
IL.i TaHI-E and B ik will be supplied w ilh lhr
best that the market can afford. By punctuality
and nuei, lion, he feels cof.fidtnt that he w ill mens
the patronage of the public.
Cat!nivi-M. April 'Jill. IS 12.
HOEJI'-ttT l llTi: X S.
l.mii'mril Street, Itattiniorr,
T J AVE Constantly for sale, Pr-nliiig Pipir of jl'
sires and qiiBlllu s. Can Writing Paper, ru'.et
I ....I f.l..i,t I Dltnr 1'i.r.u. U' .,,.1,.. ri-td nil.
p'ain, Hanging Paper, fine and Common, Euvrl-if
Paper, do. do. medium, dollb'a crown, crown r
w,,,,,,,,,,, Pa,e,.s,Colo,ed M-dium a.
Rvl Paper. Boiin.t. Binders' snd Sttaw H
IS -aids. Tissue Pupi r, and till nrticlcs in their Ii
i it h i.he will sell on accommodaMng let
II gl.e-t puce given for el l rags.
March 19. IMS. Elktnn.
Sunlttir) , oi tliiiiiilMM lantl !'
fBHE subscriber resmcifully inlorms 'H pU(,t(.
.1 that he ha removed to I tint large and fnn)u
ijou Brick Hoiis-, mi Maike q-jare, np Mite It
t'.-tut lloUe, (formerly kepi by Hi' J,, v
wlme he is now prepared to jcCnmmcd Bj
oi .y fav .r him with a call. Being f f,.'
past lit ura, he ho-a by strict atterittoo 0 n(Mllr)eill
i- lecette liberul share of public pnlr- n. '
Sunbury. March Slh, 1MJ.
T! t
fty it E subscrtliers are prepan i) t,. ii;n
" - f:f(lirr
ie fi" a ry
I a and otliera wittt any i
upenoi qoalitv for lanil, or p ,
g. l the tni
I'l' II l H miltliu I "1"i ' . , , 4
to, 1 ...J, HI eta. b-. ,; C "?' I"'1
t.rir.a 1 '..MhetiK. "-'"y o fuW
i i . tt .i. . ' '' 'ha borough of SUp
; U'v. I hey W.II s'-.. .....I,, . .
. . ,.. ft.,, v 'r,!,"r l"c within lh
i roils , ol SniA.urv. I ,,r .... i ' , io
nu In I.
. i.lme t.,r ,.;;;:,.,;,, 8$ .,,
I he sul jt, . i, .. i..... i.
. . ainD.B un nana, e
qusnt.ty nfl.ime. lB , lMj ,m,
borhe '""ne ' 1101 J ty any m Ih. neijl..
AugusU, ApnJ tJ, Ifil.