.'I1. .!" "! Hi '2 .1 ,1! ig From the former's Cuhintl. To Cure Hani's, Ae. A writer who signs himself S. S. gives thr Vowing directions for curing Irnin", shoulders, reun !, of beef, tongues, &c., for drying, which he HVi !,e h:is followed successfully lor twenty years, r.rd tlmt hams (luiectird, were aolJ for 11 cents per IS. to sell again ; when, no wo nil Kiiriw, thousands were bought of the grocer? r d cents. Now with the difference in;ric I "vi rn a pnnj and indifferent article, is it ! not well worth while for all engaged in its pre. para! Ion, to secure to themsolvop, by their enre and .-kill, n pood remunerating price, nnd leave -:e hulfj-ricul iirticlos to be furnished by the caroles-i, th" unskillful, nnd the unthrifty ! The Oiri r'i..n arc its follows : "T i eve (.--I Von nf wnter, add pi;ht pounds com-c n ck salt, one pint of molarses, ami two tvu ! t a!' j i i'" (nitre.) mix the ingredients in t'.e--- i rop aliens well together, and let them r "ii : ',) ntitil dissolved, say twelve hours, and t':er. "- oit Voiir hnms, so ns to have them of t'ie - ;.;o sl;:il1s.r si2os in the same tubs, pick--.'S t li e'llf'-r end thwnteorth, hut rot flat, or bor!r-. 4 i;'y, until the cask is full then pour t'ie '; i ;.", ns above prepared over them, and y-'i'r " 1. if s.bont done. Hams of r.btmt ten ji 'i:.-. w t i.'lit shoul I remain in this pickle a- lv:-r fc.ir v.eel;, and Urjror ones in proportion, j nnd i; Ufipri (six weeks in common Ixmiio; ;u;te b'Mr onou-h for pretty htro hams) or ihev v. iirbecotiw to,, salt, n Croat fault indeed ?r ihif article. All the laborious nnd tedious triethod we hear of, Ftich as dry rubbing; with e-t'tpetre, siij.'ar, nnd so forth, may be very p-ood in.li e 1, hut (piilc unurct ttitry, inasmuch as pr vi.- !v the snine end is nttained by the above I't ice-?, with comparatively liltie trouble. Al ter t! io hums have lain a sufficient t ime in pick le, take theui out and let them drain lor a day r two. before hnnoino' them tip to smoke for which purpose hickory wood is much the best ; end w'il'ii brought to a proper color, they may bo p eked in caks, of any h?r, in dry fsw-lu-t, iu med utn coarse salt, (as they will take !m more salt.) or any compact article or they irnv ho picked without tmv thiiur, if not int'ii- d ! 'or export ; in w hich case it is better to in '"M:iy theiii with somethino' to keep them fuliil !, : 1 eoiiipiet, lo kt cp out flics. T' -' above recipe is unsttrjm ed for curing r Is o! bc 'f, beef tongut, i'c., for dryinj: ; h r they must not remain in the pickle more t: art tun days ; then to be taken out, washed, :i:;d hune; tip to dry. I do not profens to he nc C'Miu'.ed with the brft mode of pnttinp op beef !"..r e!ii,i;iiriir. But pork seems simple enough c ie-anlinoss, dosptitch and plenty of salt, ate the princ;;vil requisites. I?y despatch I mean, liiat the meat should not be suflerud to remain uup'iekej to long as to become partially tainted before bein;r salted. It is thought by some, t'tat it somotiuies left to lay too long in bulk be f.ire salting, which accounts for fco much nn sV.eabie meat rece ived from the interior. To obviate all this let the pork remain as short a time as convenient after becoming perfectly cooi, before it is cut into proper hi-.c, &n,l Uegm lo pack in si (ft casks, by flit puttiio' in the bottom, suit to the depth of twu inches; thm begin to put nou n a layer ol porU, in Q circular Jor.ii ruui. l nexito me naves, w un inerhiu next the wood, and toon tilling up the middle l until you have a solid was (diin rit six or tight inches deep, then throw u luliicicnt (juan titv i-f salt to fill el! ts.e it.Krs'ice-, and to cover theiu partially ; after w hich take a wooden rjiiiur t a ed ram the nue-t down for soine time ; it woii'd l e wt 'il to place a piece of enrpet on the ne!it before cottiiiieneiiig thif process ; af ter wipe'', put in ns much salt as will cover tin- biv r about '-? inches in depth, nnd then lav on another Isvt of pork and proceed as be fore. I.y ,'etcrii"! 'tig the hi vers r.f the salt and , . . . . . -. i . i i . re i !. ui'iil 'he cask or tub is fn'l, lilting some r li in !ioti of sail leiiiain en t! e lor, rbnt i c:..-e lie i.PV ollir t ha II t he It ft ror, ' then let the menl stand thus n w eek or !: i .'..iy.:, a Ier which rorr in as much ;.i're .'....i r.nur as w ill nearly f-'l tiie cask : ai i o I e. 'ii d nn 1 henilli It liiPV tic Sent to La - ' ' 1 1 " i" " 1 uul" o in. o,. r in v.... ,. ,-i. ,. ,1 1 nrrnln ...! I ,. (r..id i.n it rf. c ; !a .11 e bai U again, ami LO .is gOHi on Us re- . tutu an ,t ctr was. S. S. Itiu Kwtirnt S(riw. A Cirrecpsvolrl:! who si'tlK hilllbidf "a V.cirg fjr-nr nsk- its w!iethr any U-.C can be ina.'e nf his huckw hwit straw ? (lur reply is better for in : Ifh cows th-iu the best liniotliv hav that his c- ws Will t ut it w ith avidity tiiut if it has i'.; Lei ti exposi d tisi lo: g to the s ici-M!io!cs of tb weather it will prove ecimllv Mentions t i ....... ...... , j v tie :u that so far as the wereltoii r.f nni! c -:C( rneil It is Iniliilt. iV preKrat-te In S" , - ., . ,, . iioy or fodder within our kn.e.vl. doe, at. 1 t !.,', When ls.lled, or steamed, it mikes a .r.r. nt- Cep'.-d le slop fur cows. We shall siv f-irtiier . i t.-i'it too "ohi piiti i.I I'lrowing ins w no es.,rne and nut: minus provender upon the, dung b aP. or the ham void to b" trampled under to. t, - ' . ,,, eho il he permitted t hssuiiii? its proper rank t 11 ntueng the eboice-t hav fui neat e.cVJe. Fur- vie. an F'Hi'i tlie Monlrral Herald. 1 lie I iri'lli The p n s.i lavasli and una;, .irine. Poured on Ashburl.ni's pa-t all bun ing t t we will yet make hold lo s i , ( n l 't's 1 1 t cmi io sut'sestioi ) That we shall find, anodi.-r d.iV, He has i ol settled the Maine q.ie!.n. Cii.icssrri.n Disvr.KAr Misiu's Ts sir. 'I ha: ks f. r his miracle; ills no !- Th hi liiubi.g iii.iiiiis in the wiLU riusa , Io iiiidi t of famine we have found relief. And si i ii the wonder of a .bin ot bei f. CliiiiiUi bsve smoked lht never smoked la-fore AnJ w'e Lav diii ed here we shall liins no more." The Newark, N. J. Advertiser statet that luring the progress d the crimnal trials in Essex. County Omit last week, an incident oc curred which excited deep sensation through out 1)ic Toiirt. rv)in. Tli? history of Ihe case in which it originated is thus stated in the Ad vertiser : A mother Imd visited her daughter, tlion married two years, whom she had not fern for I - inni" time, having boon forbidden by her litis Land to enter his house, in consequence of some f.iniily (eud. During this visit of her mother t'ie i i ii -In ml returned home and found her grand-children on her In p. lie immediately ordered her to leave hi9 premises ; the daughter apprehending1 trouble, cei?.?d her child nnd left the room. The mother not leaving as rapidly as was desired, n brother of the hu.-.bnnd u.'.ed some utij.i-tifiiible violence toward? !ier, which was the foundation of the Indictment for As- sanll andTVittoty. On H.is tiial the mothrr j had civen her testimony, delailin? with much emotion her lienlinent. and pivinrj utterance! tober matornal n-riof in boiii? e'enied oil inter- , eour.-e w ith hf!r daughter, vhoi,t she hail not ' lifen p.Tmitted to see ?'nee the occasion oftiie above vinit nnd violent tre ituient, which was in ' March l.iHt. I ler niiintloti excited the synipn- ! thy ofall in attendance, Mid ihe nnuniidl of a mothei's heart could not be suppressed. After I (ho cvauiiiiatii'ti had closed, tho l.iui.'hter was J m xt introduced as n witness Troiii a remote! p;,rt f tl,e C,,,t room. It was so.a tnani:i st- j i .i . i it i . .i , c i ! ed that she had cau,:ht the contagion of her mo- i ., , ,. ... I ,. .,,11,. I ll.er a erief nn.l it win in vfiin n he exertei tier- fselftu stifle her sid.s. She however knew no thinir of the nlleocd violence, because nppre hendinff difficulty, she hud taken her inlaut from her mother nnd loll the. room as De-ore , st.tted. Rut her conflict of feeling, nrisini: ; from the rival elniins to her nfrections, between j her husliand and tnothcr tilmo.-t overw helmed , her. and her truly unhappy position, with ttn j evident struirle which was reii(!;t? her bosun drew tears from lmnv in 'ltlerolnuce. ; 1 jilt the trvinj scene was vet to come ; the 1 daughter on ri t i inir from the witness' stand. , passed near where the mother w as-, and as she j npvroachf d her mother, she sism found herself ! locked in her pan t l's fiphn.ee, nod mutual tears nnd audible synipa.hies socn absorbed the attention of 'ho Court. Juror, anil spectators. The husband in.-tantly rushed to his wife, and reniovu! h r from lo r iimther, and w hile conducting her away, the Chief Justice, p'.r takin of the deep feeling throughout the Court Room, in decided and emphatic tone, directed the husband to release hia wife, declaring tlmt ... i . . ,. . i r I 1 .. . ' it be mtertereil with her lieei 0111. and attempt- i . . , , ,. ., , ed to prevent her holding converse with her , . . ., , - ' mother, while attending tourt as a witness in i . , 1 his presence, he would p'nee him where he '. , , ,, ... ,,l would be unable to exercise his power. He i . . . thereupon loosed Ins hold on his w lie, but the 1 ' separation of the daughter from the mother had i 1 : been ellected, and the wife was txi loyal to j disobey the wishes of her husband, esteeming, ... I in accordance with our Saviour's injunction, her ; ; rot.llion , lim nPnrrr than to her mother, and j ri0.lVin5, t0 bj,,, wlt, an afTectionate tenac'ty, t w,ic, preft-rrrd a breach any where else, than j j,pa;r ,)l0 C(inrt of that union, bv which Ihe hearts of husband and wife had become indie- sololly nttaeht-d. The whole was truly a thrilling Fcene, and excited intense emotion in cverv heart. The w resting of the dauol.ter from the mother seemed to the latter like the tearing of a limb or some member from the body, so atronizinrr nnA,,nil I , , l.n I.af frrieC And yet while a dan;hter may be considered part of her parent she is one nnd indivisible with her husband. ; "''' " WB" Cenerally the case, it would a,t,l i ,.wprn , Mr Nlir,h , MlM We.l. It is expicted lions, of the broken Commercial Bank, of Millm Rut we forbear dwelling more at length upon ! cresily to ihe ibgnily snd chancier of Ihe Press. wj) r, gU ir h,,,.,,-, , !ins j n. Md., In.ve been slleted -o as to read Cornmer- this extraordinary and excilln.r occin truce, er toenlar.ro on its moral bearihLrs ; leaving our! .i . , , c . i ., . ii" :., I .. rnilnrd In mi. n'nrn r.fW'n lur II lliwi.lt HI loSI DW 11 ri fleet inns. F T r n on in a ii r Arrtin Ivxt'aet of a leter i fiom Wex f r I : We were on Tuesd iy Te .led ( I re to a li'i'e romance Some l;me nso. tie d iijbier of a man ramiJ Bolder procured n u I oi .,iv s ci 'Oies. anil went io -set k iif-r ioioiii. '" I ive'iiool as a 'dasbii g voting Irishma''. -vbe i - . " I ! I I... ... r- .: t. I was bir. d bv an Hi e'i-h gentbman -' groom, and , f r hi .in lis rode after him s aoch. On his Laving the conntrv, be recommend. .1 I is er .oin io the tron?c' 'erm, nnd Miss II lee wsseexi hoc I as inside sery in. One ofthe "-a ds t oAev. r, became Ht'acl e.l to her, and, to e-eite In r ipip-eiuio'v. Mis 1'oV" r joined a 'w . cnn ! n , w1 ere s' e soon jliaiiud the exahed station , of loin! bee en the s'age, and of describiin: firjtiri- 1 i i!v ti c letter- of the alphabet. The show booth k , is ' ir w.l list we k here, mid Lei brother, by a sii,iu- i.. !!.. .1 I-. ... r.i. - i- i , tar c."ii-i.ip. ce, w.m riup.ovpii in nor ""' oe. 1 t ar'nn n's e unec'ed with t! e buddin. mid n cog- . tA- d In. I o p-l -t si-ler m tlie interesting pos'tir ! ma-let. Ilrr f .(her. with tl sis'ance of the p. i r. ,-... i.. , . i I,.... . I.,., .k. : ... ' ' ! " '' - I'"- 1 ",',! !'r:,n prea l on her io -part wi h the hue h I, r ... . J t es. j lie nit iu tii iias. 01 course, raunu nunc a ' 4 ..!.. if i sen 'ill-Ill ncre I nr.;, ti juur. ('i.iiirTiMi.-Si me of .Kit Ma.l.e' street friend. ply m UohU lb one ot' perfect politeness, eelir ! ac a- cu . us c eres) on.b n't a- if ll ey were edi- 1 tesy, and gwsl breeding. The hul.es are ucijiies- ... ... . ,. , ., 1 liotiablv very tHniilr.nl in faie; tut (here I i, r .1 .I'ibon.iti the e 'O'emi ol s nie uf their - . , V. , ' am ceiupelli (I to stop. 1 heir edueatii n is tnueh blur.,, r it, r h..;ub..us. y.t they eonfive to j w,,, . fl4.(,.r H.,.r or lV(,rS(1 t ll(..ir(1 , xtr ct n s nile fiom them. The f l owing which hiIup very mtirvi lions stories in llus resa et ; is in', pe l on Saturday fiom a Wesleru him, la a s, eriiiien nf coolness not slways sua nable. IbarSir; Your f.vor of Ihe lllh u!t is st lend In reply, p. rmit us to say thai h ia with ihiicIi g i. f we w. u d inform you that the tShrr.1' j ha- p s- s ion of nur sn re, sod be proini-e fur to i make a much letter 'cimn than ws have been. Oui g un's w ill iiotaati.ty Ail iletnamls. Naked we e .me into the world, sod uuked we ismniu." C. S. (iwr- THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Mr. l'J, 1812. We have ju t received sixty reams of print ing paper, similar in si.e and quality to the sheet ttpin which this is printed. Also 3U reams of su per Royal 91 by 2 inches, wh eh will be sold st coil sod carriage for ca-h. fjj- On our fust paje will be found sevrr.il in teiesting articles, to which we ref r our readers. On our second nnae is a rerips for the curng of ,iam,t . whu.,, lM rmin:lllJ lhc .,, of ,ivt.ry farmar ,J h,.use keeper, . S me of the paper stste, that the lion. A. V. I'lir-oes. Secretary 'of taie, will re.iLn on the iii;t of next month, and that lie w Cill be appointed j upied bv J..d,e; to the si nt on the hrmh now occiq Dirt, m, in Phibidrlpbia. It is alo nnnore.l that; Jnitge It otun will be uppointed Secrcmy il 'State. 'II is Imwiver, we do nut credit. j Cj' The F.ench and Hi ghsh tlove-nmenis. it i. ' -'" oll'er ,h"ir nvAi '"" Texas and Mexico, weh a view of nulu lug Mexi- ' eo to recoL'n.7e the indi pendence of I exas, snd is 1 lahluhing oiice hi Iween tin m. (Jfj- Ti e pu'-'ihers of the New World have ptibbshi d, in a handsoma Octavo form, in extra ,111,,,1,I,i hi..t.ns' ,,w -ork. entitled "American N,0,;. - be wrk was printed ..nd published by ,,,, jn s,v,.,ci.n hours afier it a-iied by the (i,c.,, .t. in, nnd sold at die low price of 124 os. -j hisi work, wtiiili h is been aimoii.ty looked for, basolrci.lv b. en extrn-itely rmd and rri'ieisi-d. s,,,. r,,n , run it imli-eiininuti lv, whde oihcrs think n in, wi h n few exieetions an i xi,lenl work. ! Mr. Du-kei.s' fort, we tukn it, lies in his description of scitiesin the l,.tr w dk of life. In such wo.ks as Oliver Twi-t and Nicholas Ni:kelby. his penius shines feth fiom eey page, but il is ev.ih-ntlv un cpial li the la-k of deciihine the institutions of tl i country, ani' innk ng the proper de.'ueti 'i. thereliom. In this lespeel his "ii"ti s" are urei.tlv ihfeijor lo the roi'ur liens ol iravclleis (( K s-. Hole, I Ik. I have prrrcided liim. SnaKcr of 1 lie Houxr. There ore already a nuinler of persons before I .l. 1 .1 .. t ,l. . .1 I.;.. or eiiLilie, hi, t'uiuiu.iirn oil uir iirai i' r.nn-ni i 1 11 ol the House of Kepre-ent itives. Among them, , . , however, we ibink Mr. I.lwell the able n.einl er from llrailiorj county, vtanos lit st consnuu ms. .... , Mr. l.lwill has the lepotu'l ui ot linn? not onlv a iioml il m "Cnit. but a man ol line (Vents ami tire, proai hall e clinr n-ter. Mis qn iliho ill n for the . , iiuties of the o'hiv cnnoi be qin siioiietl. ami ju g- . , ing Irom his political staiiihim, we think there e in . . . . . . , . , ;,, be noduui't of Ins election lo that responsible sta ! I'njon Tillirs. j This old dimociaiic Journal h-s chanced timid-. We perc. ive by il e Inst iiumhei th t J - ho M.Uaum, who l.nsci'itid the ar for scm r.il years pot, h is now become the proprietor, and thori-fore ss. -nines the entire con'rol of its columns. Mr Reii lily, the former proprietor, in taking lesve of j the p .twos of the Tiim s, pays a well d.-servnl j c mplnnent to ihe industry, integrity and ability I of Mr. It .um. This chance is as it should be. An editor of a paper should always, if pos-p le, Imve ' 'he absolute control of the sh.et over which he pre. , -,,r ul,: w- " MV k" m",,v rar'.v " ow i ed mid controlled by individuals w ho have th'ir own selfish ends to aicompl sh ' 1 while the j edit, r is made to fume bs h n.eie e .ls paw in the i si at I i-b n ent. How ifen is sn f.btor of tit's ! cbaracl'i obi ci .l at a iii.mi riii'i warning, to sh pe ; his cruise sin! j rinciples (it p'ii ci 'ci be h..s any) ! l. sum I'l.i views ol bis suiirior-, prebal lx withoul j v.n c.i.M.l.ing his fe, lings on account ol the ri. ' ,,lls f'!?ure in which he is made to appcr be. ; foe the public. 1 bis is not a mi-re fuucv sketch, - . in l. -ll vill i! llirililllll o 141 IP, kll.l ! IUIIS III IV liml." I...;.. i ; .. t i .. i.... .1 ... who t'jf" D eki n. in his noli , iloi s n t much admire tl.eniikle ol'ibes-iiig by the New Yoik I idi' s. Ti e ladies ol (e ill. no, we In I eve were r.evir much re li. . lied I n the Hu p icily ol their kUlc. speaking j ol New Yoik, he say : . ' Iliiuen sae Ihe ladies, how thev dress! i We bine seen limro colors in there ten linn- utes than we should have seen elsewhere in us ninny (iuys. What aiious parasols! what , , , , , , ,. , I t(,f k'i,eh. nnd pun h ng of linn shoes, und llut- j ti ring of nl amis and silk tassels, nnd display a , r-.eh cloaks with gaudy howls and linings! 1 he i ting I'l'iitiein in lire tend, you see ul turn- I : ,,tv.n thcir-shirt cellars, ami cull vfitmrr j thi-ir whiskers, espeeially under the chin ; but - j tl.j-t- c.iniiot approach the ladies in their dress I I. ...... I. I in m-ui oi", oein", in r i, inu uuiii, null uiiu v ui I r. . ' ' t finito iiliotlier sort -i 1 I hi: i.spii s ok Jwiston. ' I he tone ol Niei- but not believing them was not disappointed. UnssiiflniMlli' Lit tt ion. We learn fr uu the Ni w Yo'k Triliune i f Wed. ni day Lis', that Mnssacbu-s-tts ha gone fur the ; democrats, unlms s lew M-atterug u'lehlioii vote, may haie reientcd a cboi -e, win h, liom Ihe in- I clcasi-d majiei'.ies. sn far m h , i l fiom, is lint bki ly to be t'ie cs.e. So far as braid fnnn, Mjilon J ( le.i.ocrst) was 410 nhesJ of Dsvit. New York Elections. The Democratic Governor and Lieutenant Go vernor elected by a majority of more than twenty thousand ! a Rain, over the lait Presidential elec tion of more thau 39.000 ! Twenty four.af the thirty-four Congressmen. Nine of the eight Senator! ninety-two member of the Hnuic out of 128 and a dciuocr ilic major, itypn joint ballot of sixty-eight, which will se cure the rc-i lection of the talented Suss Wright to the V. S, Senate. fjj- Mr. Molfjt in his missionary Irtlmrs, gives the following account of the fondness of the Hot ten'ots for ihe '-flesh pots." The old adage ssys, "there is rio accounting for tsslc," and whut is a correct or proper tatc, will probably always rcmsin s n nt'er nf dispute. Hannah Mote, speiiking of the Ameiiciiiis, my ll.nt ti-lo is 1 lie Inst thing that R publicans acipiire. Hottentots are, however, Rnyal'st-; but even a Republican would not dis pute, that under certain ci'cumstanccs, a fire may look vustlv ug'y "wi hout s pnt," nl T . nni ,r,d itr 1 TuTi rv-i-m ci Thf-ir so- ,,mt,e hiipiiiness consists in bavin-' abundance ofniont. Akino-a mail who wna m"te prave and thouo-h.lul thntt pJ";1'"'; j 'I'- finest a jrht he could desire, l e ins antl; , re: i plied, 'A rrent fire covered w ith pots full of meat ;' adding, 'how ugly the fire lochs without a pot ' " S!IS(EI.I..M. I'tlltorlnt, C'oiitlrnsril nnil Seleeteil. Daniel Welister snd John M. l.'layton are spa' ring In the columns of the National Intelligencer, under the assumed names of "A whig from the start" and "Vindci." The Mdlerites, near Newark, abandoned their great tent during the rain, and betook thrmsJves to a church. Oorernor Seward hns refused to pardon Coll. His execution wis to take place yesterday. The Whigs have sw ept little Delaware by a tre- , mendous majority of eleven v,.t, . I Mr. forward, the Seeieta'y of Treasury, i: il relati-ns of the conntrv, will be accomplished dn- ' rhine, all 11 e audacious boldness which hns matk 1 t s lie!, be niecee led I y Cuh-b Cushing at the next j ring the approaehins Session of (Congress, we feel j ,,,) njg ,raring 'inee the d ly nf the commission of ssiou of t'l iigress, f attsfied that still more artiily won'il sperdilv be crinie, pave way, and he seemed overcome with I Mr. Alexander Rest has lecn appointed Pest I 'or'"' apparent. There are immense sums of m-- j e,jf f ,) .(..jprtion. He sent for his brother who M ''er at Danville, in place of rharphss Taylor, ( removed. ' Niblo's Saloon in Rn adwuv, New York, has ' lieen reiiteit tor a cliurtli. .vioisis must te unpro. ving in New York. Tloiiek. the Demoetat'c randi.'a'e for (lovornor of New Yeik. h s been . l. cted by a majority of n ore than 20,UIU) votn We were siinin i-ild with a fill of snow ofse- Vt ial inil.es in depth, on Wednesday Init. Reef sells at I.n'nston, Kentucky, at 2 cen'a per pound, and Pork at Alton from 1 to 2 cents per pound. The celebrated Cathedral Yo-k Minster, in Eng isn.l whieh n-atf ininretl liv fire a few vpars since. a about beine repaired, the estimated cost of which is Jf.O.OOO. Potatoes are selling at Albany, N. Y., at twelve and a half cents per bushel, and of a superior qual ity. Ft.itiknip't Il is estimaterl that about twenty five thousand pirsons have already applied for lhc Ivnrfit of ihe Innkrupt law, throughout the 1'nion. A M. rm n minister lately preached a sen. on in Niiuvoo. In supplicating grace he said, "Lord have mercy upon nil fd tind !dint. and a'ticulrlv upon the nieiiibers nf the Town Council of Nuu voo!" Four thousand copies of Roz ' Not. a were so'd : by one house in Philadelphia, one hour after they : w,-re Usued. j A niRr)ia!!(. u IPprtrted to hue occurred recently j during the winter. The icceipts of the New Jersey State's Prison exceed its expenses f r the ciutent year $",ut)0. Ft i said that s full blooded Yankee, upon sscer mining this f .cl, determined in view of the Ihe pro. fit-, lo start a I Vnitcul aiy on his own book. The Fnglish Providence Journals announce the departure of Mormons, or I.at'er Day Saints, in greal numbers for the l iutiU .Votes, lo join their brethern ofNauvoo. The (irand Jury of Burlington County, N. J., on Wednesdey last, found true bills sgainst Roll, it A. h'napp nnd Alexander C. Rhind, sa principals, and J. tin (Jui at, Jr., and John Dunne, Jr., as seconds, in the late duel to ugh I near Burh'nglon. Fraudulent Side. One dollar notes of the Farmer nnd Planters Bank of Bultimoie, sirred ! loflO's.arein circulation in that city. j , , ! The b unlv paid on silk, ftorn the Treasury of ' . Massachusetts, this year, amounts to 01., This is shout one third larger than last year. Three persons have become deianttej in New Fngland in conseipience of the pii aching ofthe Millente doctiine. A western paper says, the young Indies who are accustomed toriading newspapers, are always oh. siived to possess winning ways, niot amiable ibs posiilent, and invariable make good wives. Juat so ! Di spnti-m can no more exist in a nation, until the liberty ofthe pic be de-trove J, than the nielli ran h ippen before the sun ia set. A R.iil'emin of rank und fortune in Ireland, fancies one of hi- leg of one lelicujn and the othei of unoiber. He frequently puts one of hia unfortu nate Ices outside the bed clothes to punish il for Ps religion errors. Oi e W..,nu nil banged a short time since in North (' I'dina, for shooting a neighhoi'a wile. Wal-on l ad In ch of a deft nee. He killed the w. in hi, be ba d, because .he was s witch slid has 'coi juud' him. Major -Noah says i Io Ssin, ws went generally shaved by a pretty Spanish girl, with a brown complexion, and a delicate hand. She used to any 'Don't look so hard at me, or I may cut you.' On Friday night at the Walnut Street Circus, the celebrated rider, Madigan, in attempting to throw a backward somerset from bis horse, fell into the ring and broke his aim. COM Ml'JflCiTEIl. Sisst iit, Nov. 10, 1842. Elder Jutffih Vlemtnt Pin! Tbn note dirf-eteit In me. nnd inibtished in the Snnborv American of the 1 2th inst.. in re biiion to an offer made by me some time ngo, on the subject of flnptism, was read by me. I wa surprised at your boldness, r pressed in the bin-guig-' of said note. Nothing but an overheated imacinaijon coubl have directed those sentiments. I am indeed very anxious to perreive your aign menis on the point in question, inssmueh as bun. dreils of the most learned and best of men could not find in the New Testament what a deluded Mormon, or a worshipper of the "golden pi ites" disc vercd. The offer I made requires no public diseu-ion, nor was the proposition made for that i purpos; because no good can result by discussing. puhlMy, cornicing reli,iou. subjects, and more ':.,.. .v. i. .1 s especially when one parly is determined not to yield to the truth having nothing to Kiose and all to gjin. You will therefore prove your asierdon ns s'a'ed in your note, and give il publicity in the ,-unhury American, without any further corospon denre. I am determined to eonvider this my last Commuuicaiion on the subject, with you. Your Wcllwisher, J. P. SHINDEfj. Tli Money Market. We have made inquiiies among some of our active business men, and find that our predictions as to the gradual improvement of business alTiirs. are thus far confirmed. The indications are rer- tainlv pritifinc, nnd could the belief le cenerilly f p,,.;,,,,,!, HW wiih confnlrnee, tint nothing cab eolate l to din idvantage the comm' rcial and tradinir j ney in Philadelphia, wlneh are not cmploveil st the I rpm,:nP, wilrl him through the sfternoon ; he sl presenl time, which are draw ing no i-.terest, an d ; , ,,.,;,r,) nllendanee of a elergyman. During which the mon ent all apprehensions disappear, ss j flr fl W n(lr, he WP,t mc1,. but this emotion to furll er important chances in the Taiilfand o- nOernards cave wav, we I am, to an appearance nf j ther laws, by which commerce and trade ore so sc. ; rionlv alfected. will I e diree'ed to the legitimate i paths of enterprise, nnd once more In rend, ml a- j , , ,h ,Plive ,,, jn,lMstri..iisi. to the me. c'.i niic so well as the manufacturer, the fu-mer as i WP as the merchant. We repeat, that the worst hns been experienced ; and that ahhouh many have suffered so severely during ihe recent con vulsion, that they will never again be able to rise into a condition nf affluence and independence, yet the general aspect of affairs, as regards this great na'jon. will, unless we shall he afflicted by some ked-for disaster, gradually improve.-Dick. I Kt porter Caution. New CoccTKavF.iTs The Ua'timore Ameri c m s'ales that counterfeit two do'lar notes ofthe II ink of Baltimore have just been pot in circuli ti n. The engraving is well executed the siana. lures of the presid. nt and cashier, (and particular. ly Ihe latter) are cWlv invtat' d. and the general j J ini(. ,j (, )Pil,pj a'm,t hot as Nchuchadncz appearanceofthecomiterr,it note s. closeiy an,l ,,c ,;, Jpniself up in the atmosphere of sembles the genuine one that the cheat is likely j am, (.in,Pil un!iakp,. He next to..k a dose to deceive most persons. j )f jrUwVj,. acid, enoug'i to kill a whole wilderness Fx cm n r. H a k ok PiTTssrnii 1 s nnd 2 -idierc.l wi'h a pen from T ow-nda Relief no'es. The Genuine o re siuncd W. .lame-, Jr. or J. B. Mur ray, Clerks, with the names of Pre-idetit snJt'ash ier eogrnred on the 'eft, A Luce nuin''cr of no'es of varioos denomina- ci .l B mk ef Pennsylvania. Comme.ci.l Buik of New Yoik ; Commercial Bank, Boston ; (J ni mercial Bank. Penh Amboy ; Commcicial Bjnk Providence ; Commercial Bank. Portsmouth : tV' Heading Gazelle. TIosniSLr. Ot-raicF.. In the Runinsas (Iowa) Gazette we find the most extraordinary and cruel relation of circumstances that we believe ever went f nh in type. An old man lived alone, snd had forbidden s daughter, who lived near, snd her hus band, or even their cluldien, ever lo appraach his place, on account merely of some whimsical pique thai the old wretch had taken saainst hi child Onemornine ibe inhuman hhving found his grand child, under three year of age, climbing upon his garden rail, snd he deliberately went for his rille and shot the boy dead. The victim fell inside of the fence. The eld man reloaded snd sat watch- ing. Not long after the mother camn seeking her . , . , . , child, and the minute she touched her father s gar- . , lien ran, as nuu uiu inu mini ns oi-i.,ii u. pereeivnl her desd child, the old brute shot her in the temple and killed her slone dea l on the spot. The hoary maniac (as he ia now accounted) shot the fall er also when he came, and he is now in prison to snawer for the three murders. A Tsutou's Kk. Winn. The following version of s well-know n fact is related in the Journal sn I I ettera of the Isle Si win. Conovkh, hiinat ll a To ry and s Refugee from America : "In the House of Commons, March 20, l7Si, I.orJ Surtey hapeiiing to espy Arnold , the Amer ican H-rcdii ti (itneiol, in the House, sending liiiu s metnage to depait, ihre iteuii g, in rase ol refund, lo move fur brcuking up the gallery ; to which the O'eueral auswerid that he waa introduced by a niemlsrr ; (o which Lord Surrey replied he might under that condition slay, if he wmild promise rif trr la enter it again, wbh which ticnwal Arnold coin) bed. 'l lus is the aerund ii.siattcs of public disrispect he has met with : the King having been Lucid to engage h s royal wold not to employ or pei s un bam ; a ju.l reward fi treachery, which is svtir odious." Irnn HMit tost In Penns-Istil Such statistics ss the following, which show lb magnitude of the resources of our widely extended country, are well Worthy of record. I'mductittn of Iron, Tom Pig Iron. 210 charcoal Turn, yielding 98.3M) 11 mineral coat, ssy 15.000 Total pif iron, f 30 per Ion, 1 1 1 350 f 3,400,00(1 Manufuelurt of Iron. 70,000 tons made into bars, si! tj, J.fiOO.OOO 71,000 tons catling, d ft.000 000 CS OOlMons rolled iion, do 3,474,079 lion in 270 slnim engines, dc 700,000 7.017 lon nads. do 53,UM Scythes and sickles, do l.r,000 j Kdge tools, do llfl.OOC j Cutleiy, do 25,09" Shoels, spades, snd f.rks, do 30,000 (Jons, do 185 074 Car-, J other t. hiohs, d 8(itis00 j Ploughs, iron, do 107,000 j Sheet iron manufacturers, do 100,000 j Articles m ido by blacksmiths, dj 5,000,000 j f22,100,6C j Thus it will I e seen that the iron produced in pennFy,viIiia. nnd the addition,,! value given to it .... .....- -. t,y our mechanics, amounts snnu dly to more than the sum of twenty two millions of dollars. There is also consumed in the manufacture more than IN 0,000 tons of anthracite and bitumi nous coal. ! There are employed in the manufacture of iron j io all its branches more thau 20,000 workmen, so i that, with their families depending upon the iron j businc-s we have a populition in Pennsylvania of more than 120 000 persons. TarPixrism nr Coit. 'Die opinion of Gov rrnr St v inn, which we publish this day, refusing j m c 'in nitne or in any way di-turh the sentence of .(Jolt, was communicated to the w niched prisoner I yesterday morning. He reetived it at fust with apparent coolness and unconcern ; but when he ,- his fme was sealed beyond all possibility of wj,lnP. honlering on iosanity. To prevent his ! Pf ,bHtructin be w ill be kept shackled until the j , ,y of bis execution ; and no one will be admitted J , , ec him except in presence of the Keeper of the ! P,ison. Tribune. fieorpe V. Dixon. We tee it is staled that M'. Dixon has been con verting io the doctiiurs of Mcmcr sin, many physi cians in E 'St Je-sey. Dixon is a great m in, however viewed. He is not s large man, but certainly a great man. Some ye irs ago, Mr. Sloman commenced sinking buffo ) songs, nnei nia wue s exrieiii-oi imgiciti prrioniiaii- ces, and it was difficult to tell which of (hem drew the full house perhaps both. Slo nan's success struck s spark in'o ihe l-o-om of Dixon, and he commence I singing hullo, and the peoph- went to heir, and laugh at him. He was eminently suc cessful. Sh ntly afterwards Cf.auberl, the French chcini-(. c inie to our City, built an oven in the Ma- of i lepbants. and escaped without injurv, to the as tori'shiiicnt ofall l-ained pr if s-ors and d s-tors of ourciiy.whi thought he iiiii'll pu!i!i-h his preven- ; rjvo or reme.lv. Tli.se ihinu's lir d D;x n, and he obtained pe-. mis-ion lo tet iut i the heated oven. He came out w, I k In-dried, hut not burnt. He took th p i-on, but as he only lo k it into his hand, it did not kill l.i'ii. Shortly afterwards, or befoie, we forg t which, the cholers broke out in our city, snd every body became busy. The citizens scjinisre.l nflT those that could the physicians stuck by the sick, aji l the Councils erected hospitals. One would suppose that Dixon would have nothing lo do in the mat ter. He was too little given to quiet, to become a nurse scarcely (al that time,) sutTnciently advati ced to set up as a physician. What hid he to do 1 F.nough. The enterprising man always finds a channel for i xerlion. Diogenes, il will he recol" IccteJ, rolled his tub, when every body eUe was t J busy to see him sit wiihin the staves. So Mr Dix on forthwith pu'di.hed a Cholera C Zette, giving day by day, or from period to period, as he could issue it, the exsct state of the city's health. Just at mid-day, when the hand of time was on the mark of twelve, each day there seiubled in front of the Health OlhVc, a crowd dense enough to lyeed a cholera, to listen to the report of the Board of Health, on the eauex and deaths of the previous twenty-four hours. And as true as the bell struck twelve, o true would (J. orgis W. Dixon come forth of the Health OlTiee. and from (he elevated step, he himself, supwted by the dignitaries of the station would announce ihe calamities ofthe lime, or give hope of future health. How he obtained ihe place of jwrmiraul of Health Otliee, we never knew, but there he was in the tnidnt, with a face (-earning smiles and satisfaction st the dischaige ofduv, and evincing importance in proportiouto tb number of deaths or new esses announced. But the cholera left us. snd so did Dixon, with Ihe exception of sn occa-ional visit of liolh. Some persons ael up s p ipT in New York, that dealt in peraonal abuse. Dixon determined to do that also, and he was thought wor'ky besides, of prosecution, and, for a while, he was incarcerated. We walked out of prison just al ike tune when cer tain persons in England were walking for a living, or for beta, Diion being once mors on his legs, de termined to keep them, snd if ihe Kngli.h walked fifty miles in lif'y successive hours, Dnon would wtk seventy miles in seventy successive ho.U'f, sing bait d.'ien songs, and then walk, from Thills