Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 12, 1842, Image 3

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    A Dear Scrap.
On Safutdiy, the 1st of the ctment mnnlh, ton
of Mr. Robert McDonald, of Earl Town, (not fur
ftom Ticiou) wit int to examine i potato field to
ascertain if any cattle had broken into tt. After
proceeding ibout 30 lods from the house, he was tt
tacked by he bnr with fnur cubs. The bear im.
meJiaicly icitcd him inJ threw him violently on
the grnuml. At iiron at he rote ehe itruck him
gain, and he fell. When he rose the second lime
he attempted to eiritte her with tinall atirk, hut
the. caught him again anil tore lit head fearfully
nd he wan roirate J a thitd time. Providential
ly, at thia critical moment ome movement among
the cuba wilhdiew hrr attention from the boy,
who seised the opportunity and sprung over
fence nenr which the event occurred. The bear
instantly followed, but when she alighted on the
fence it Rive way under her, and before the could
recover, the boy happily effected hia escaire. When
he arrived at the nearest house, he waa literally co
hered with blood, and not thred of hia clothing
remained except the coll .r of his shit. F.r some
time hia life was despaired of, hut now sancuinc
hope of recovery ore entertained. Pictoit Mechan
ic and F armer.
A Gm for the Bereaved.
There are four lines of Pollock's Course of
Tirr.o, the authorship of vhich we would not
exchange for that of many of the "two volume"
works with which the world is daily infested.
They contain the eifnile, admirable Uyand any
thinj wc have met with for many years. They
are the closing lines of a touching description
of a dying mother. Speaking of her eyes
shining with resplendent brightness even in the
moment of her dissolution, the port Fnys
"They set as sets the morning star, which go. a
Not d. wn tehind the d itk'ii d W'el, noi hides
O! seur-d among the temp sts of the sky.
Km melts away into the light of henvi n."
The close of life has often been compared
to the flower, fading in its loveliness to the
going down of the sun to thenars.
"That fill to rise no nmre."
These descriptions are mournfully welcome to
the human b-east, bleeding with anguirh,
when alt that it loves descends to the re
morseless tomb, but they leave even hope in
darkne-sa. In the simile of which we speak
in no meaurod langunjre, the effect is the
very reverse. The eyes closing in death, still
beaming with celestial brightness, are coin
pared to the beautiful Hesperus, shilling from
the unclouded heavens, and gradually melting
into the refulgence of the rising day. It in in
deed beautiful-transcendantly beautiful. There
in a something it it a moral sublimity in the
very thought, that affords us a conscious tri
umph over the frailties of humanity, and we
almost involuntarily exclaim, "How beautiful
is the court of death !"
jij r it 1 1: n ,
On the 3d in., by the Kev. J. P. Sl.indel, Mr.
Jcna Wahrum to Miss Stmu Hocrr, of thia
On the same day. by the same, Mr. AnajiiAM
Ss in eh to Mit A 13 An -sin t, b th of Augusta.
On the m ilav, by the time, Mr. l'cria
M mire to Miss Mart Kii.stt. both of Au justs
On I lie same day, by the same, Mr. Jackson
1. it. to Mist Mart Snin, both of this place.
At New Jersey, on the 27th ult., dv the Rev.
Nichnlat Murray. Mr. Juki I.. W rsux, E-q.. nf
McEwensville, Xmihuinhc rland county, to Miss
S.a,m Mo ntoo m k a T , djughter of the late It. v.
John lireclei berry.
In Ch liquaque. on Tuesday the ISth ult.. Mi.
Smrr.l Skuhu of Noithumherl mil, to Mis
Asm Straw ii KinfiE. nf the firmer place.
In Milton, on Sunday the 53d ult., by the Rev.
Williamson. Mt. Siikrmai M. EnwAnns, of t'o
lumliiu c unty, to Mts Mart I,. UiiAT.of Nr
In Niw Votk.on the 31st ult , bv the Pev. Mr.
Ctreen, Mr. An ham Hoi-swohi h. nl Saralntsa aged
75, to Mrs. Mini Lr.K, Lite wife of Cspt. William
Li e, nf (Ins city, aged 50
Thia case of m. felicity involves a spir e
of the "romance of real life" worth iecnrdini. On
Friday morning laat, the happy bridegroom step
ped on i-hore from an Albany ateamer, blithe and
wealthy old widow, apparently aa imircgnai le to
Cupid's darts is if he whs made of iron. On the
aame morning the lucky bride was performing her
duties as a do'restic in the family of a resectable
acquaintance of ours in Frankfurt street, to which
the venerable gentlenvin ia related, and with which
he put up iluring hisi-tjy. Dunns the day the
widowor and widow saw each otln r fn qurutly, and
were mutu illy ami ti n ; on Saturday rvenint: he
proposed : on Sunday be was accepted, and joy
fully waited on bis intended to church : on Mon
dav evening the holv knot was tied, and on Tu -
day morning the happy bridegroom deputed for I j.
Iiundalit home, with hia fo;Iur,ate and no has
happy hnde in Company. Joy and happiness be
with "hem, V. S. ting.
i i i: i,
To I.iinrstone town. bin Cotum' ia CiHintv, on ttie
12 h ult.. Mr ANN Fl'!. I'ON. cous in' of Mr.
J inpli Fulton. hi;.i al nut 07 jeara
In I) nville.nn the 31 t ult. AIll'.l. MI'F. FI.I
ZMIEI1I. dauiiliirr of Mr James K,
ace. I 2 e.ns and 7 uion h-.
in D.n.iile. i.n the 2ih ult.. Mi. CATHER
INE PANK, wife of Mr. Iaauc liank, age.l ahuut
27 xe r.
In Danv.lle. on the 29lh nit., CHRISTIANA
HOFFM AN, diughirr of the late D nntl llollrnss
aged 4 yir.
In Vsllev township, Columh a county, on the
29ih i,lt., Mi. KI.IZMiEI'H MAL'o, si;J t2
years, I month and 16 lUya.
1MUCE cuuiu:nt.
('arrectcd weekly ty Henry Yurlheimer.
Whut, .... 95
Ria, . .60
:, ...... u
Otrs, ...... 25
Fiixstm, ... 100
Borrra, . ... It
Brrawai, .... 5
7'4liow, .... 12 i
Vuiiii Art s, . 7S
Do. I'taints. 200
rt4. ... n
iucii.ib rtt. 10
rn, i ; : : ' ' 8
OJice cflht BitTiMoai Amateur, No. 7.
FLOUR, There Is very little demand for How.
ard street Flour, ind but few transaction n re taking
place. We note one sale to-day at $ 4 for grind
atandard brands, and another at $4,06 We quote
at $4 $4,6$ from stores and at 3,87 from wa
gons. Vety imalliilct of Suaqtrehanni Flour, tt $4,
12J. ORA1N. Wheat continues scarce and wanted,
The limited receipts sell at 80 h 85 els. for good to
strictly pi'me Md. reds, and inferior aorta at bo a 75
ets. a In quality. A sale, of Pcnni. red, not prime,
was made to-day it 84 eta. Sales of old Md. while
Corn to-day it 42 cts. and of yellow it 4? a 43 eta.
Soles of new, suitable for shipping, it 40 cts. for
both white ind yellow, Ojts are worth SI cts,
for Md.
Cmmss osthk UsJiTKn Stat. -T,et it be
remembered that tlrandrelh'i Vegetahlt Univer
sal Pills have now been hi tore the cititena of the
ttnited States for net'ly six years, and used by
hundreds ofthousmds 1 They are so Well known
that it need scarcely be men't -ned that they are
"Purgtti'e Medicine," n 'justly balanced' that
the "experience of i century" has proved that they
may lie taken in any dose, according lo Kalurei
requirements and this rule refera to both sexes
and all ng't. They hive bren Used in every va
riety of derangements of the human body, and
yet, when prnpeily used, never filled to restore to
hi ahh. excrpl in those cases where nature was ei'
h mated before the Pdlt were Commenced with.
Exp'-riince li'it taught that Brandreth Veuetahle
Cniversal Pills remove all corrupt humors from the
tody, in sn eay, safe and effirtual mariner ; pro
ducing no enVt lull what will fri illy conduce to
t' e perf.Tt purification of the Blood, and thereby
cure the ,1 is ase. (whatever name it may be ca led,)
and give perfect liralth to the system.
fjj' Purchase in Sunburv, of II. II. Master, and
th agents puhl shed in nn.ther part of this paper.
O.' Tortign anil Domestic Merchandise, of
the ( Umnty of Srthnmln ilund, who have,
and who have mil paid their Licensit.
Mosiell 'r vV Schwenck
Wrn. H. Fiymire ft Co
Maekey A: Chandt-rliiti
Irelirid fc Meixell
Mil'er iV Msr't
Seth C idwalthder
Heinen iV Folbni f
Patrick Hampsey
IsiaC ltrnwn
K I. Piper
William Hava
William Ftirsithe
Itiiiulicim cV Wnpp'es
Ann Wtiiie
Jacob Haas
William D-ppen
1) oii. I Schwant
John Smith
ti. i rge Urnsius
J Im B tmaiiian
Nei.lliiicer 6i Co
W. (i Se tt
D. II. Klapp
Charles IJ. Merrick
Thomas It. Pomp
Cie i'Re I orrey
Netdlincer A. Dingaman Jamrs Retd
Samuel Haip J 'hn Chamberlain
l).,niil Hid'hoe Him A Hserly
I'etir Ueisel John H'ffman & ('
firorge Rei n J. din H iTman Ac Co,
(jiileon Shiille S.imoel J h .
Seih I. Comly
.l.icob Pair
John Vi tine;
Wood A Khawn
John U (jar
H. It. Manser
Jo' n Frline
J. P. Hachn.birg
Geoige Sh'ader
Hsrlniao II K liable
Heard & O. hrig
Charb s Kelclmer
A. Ac C. Roita
Jacob liritllil
John Mi ler
lin o & P n
Tt oin i- ParilnB
N ii Wniilv, rton
Wm. Dewnrt
Pelrr t. tirus
Wm. I.eisciuing,
Wm. Persing A Co
Ira 'I . i' emttit
. Notice ia hereby p.:vm, that the Treusuipr
ia comprll. (I, by law. lo i iimmi nc- suit- sea t st a I
those who do not come finwa-d iiid piy their bci ii
set on r licfore the 3d day of Dec ember i et.
Sunbniv. Nov. 12th, I 42. Trenrurer
Dissolution of rartitcrslil.
VI E subseriber. ben by notify the public that the
partnership heretofoie existing under the firm
i f S. A I. S.ivitlne A C., as men hmi s in Sunt u
ry, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 20th
of O. tober last. All pi ramie knowing themselves
indebted, or bating claims aeatna' the aaid firm, are
nquestid to call on M. A J. S iviilge for sittlrmei.t,
al tin store of In T. Clement, in Sunburv.
IltA T. LEME r,
Plill.lP CLARK.
Sunbury. Nov. 5ih. 1812. if.
"i?jrT7 CLEiraif T
RESPECTFTI.LY info iih his biemls and
the public generillv, that be ba puich't.d
and iaken pos-e-sion nf the stre lately con.lucteii
umler ihe fl m ofS. A J Suvnlije A t'o., in Sun.
I ury, a'.d that be now etui' a on 0 e business si the
sune stiml. He, iheref.i e, ri spi c. fully olicila a
"hare of tke n ibli - patronage,
N. H, He expects a new assortment of Good-
m a few wirks, to winch lie invites U.e atteiiliou
of los ciistou eis.
Sunburv. November 6ih, 1M2.
Grork'e Iahir's IMalf.
JIITII K is l ir. l v (riven that letli rs of s.lin n
is, on 011 the e l ite i f (ie Te L .np, dc'd ,
late nf AutUn'l town-hip. hive lllls ,1 ,y been
ted lo ihe sub-ciiiiers, nsulli g in aul t.miisli'p
I'lrsous klioM ini tbi m-i'Uea mdel ted, are leqnes-
ie I to ni'ik'' i 1 ni'diati' 1 oi v ni 't.t , and (base hvin
rl ims tiK'in't tbe est le, iequ. t d lo pn sent
hem lor 1 ismination ai d ,etiltment.
October 21th, IR12 fit 6
tn. (aiirrt'tTM i:slalc.
O l ICE is liereb, g. ven, that letters nf admin-
ialrnlioii have be. n ci Hind in the stibsc ll er.
in tbe 1 aisle of Win. ( .rrett, nf Rush tow n-hip.
Nor. him In Hand Conntv , de. eased. 1'ers.m- iu-
ileb'e.l 10 said estate, or hsvinc cl.ims ais list 11,
will 1 leae to pnnenl Ihe same (or settlement 10 ihe
subsciiheit, le.idu.g in 1). null. , t'nlurn' la county.
Q-t.29lb. 1842. 6t
rV.HF. suloc'Ps'r lias for rale, it h a st re in Wa.
JL shli.fton, (eiybl n.ilea north of Danville,) a
la gs qoamiiy 1,1 L.p nd inch Joint Sliiiigbs,
wh'rh will be sold al the low price ot (3 75.
Also fcenef-l s-anrtineiit i f 1 J a. d inch Boards,
W.s her B.nds, Lall , Ac. winch wil he a id
very low. NEALMcCAY.
WaahiiiRtnnville. Columbia cu.,i
Otl.2Jd, 1142. Tt. J
IJOR trial in the Court ol Common Picas of Nor
thumberland County, to be held 11 Sunhury,
on the first Monday of Nov. nf-xt being the 7lh.
Joseph Treort v M irtin A. Stock
Hartlel Tor Piper, fee. vs Hi nry Fiirk
Yntit & Miliityra vs Edward V. Urighl
Edwsrd Y. liright Vs J C D Notir e
William Moritt vs O l Dimcan
D i Ornveinor A wife vs D Snyder, Ac.
.1 C I) Nonrse vs John Lloyd
Oe.irge Shi fy v George Long
Commonwealth of Pi,
for E. tJobih va Henry Oossler t at
Samuel Hunter et al Va Daub I Rubins
Henry Eckhret vs Penjimiu 2 Clayton
Heorqe Armstrong vs The Shamokin Col Co.
Tobias Holier A Co, vt Ku'ttnr A Laurut
Samu. I fStilTy va Robert Dunn .
Martin Weaver Vt Hanirl Hick
Hulliben A Elaten va John Miller
Com h of Pa rot A Jordan va U W Kiehl et it
Simefor J Uomn v Saoiit
Sam rbr W Deppen n; co vs Same
Ceotge Mct'oy Vs Ruben McKe
Ksse A Co, Va Thomns A-hhriilge
Com'rs nf NorlhM CO. vt Isaac Wonlverton
R Wiley A Wife va George Snjder'a sdm'rs
Jacob Klino va Ovt rseit ol the Poor of
No thd borough
John Sheriff a John Hant
John McCahe vt John Monehead
Mary Weikt Va Hyerlv A
Sol.. mon Mengit Vs George Oyster
Char'es W aters Vs J 'hn H omliner
C U Whiuton vs John Smith
Henry Huff Vs Christopher Caniplell
E ti i!r..l(..rd'ad,aetal vs C A Itrjilford
Purell A Pfiutt
Jacob lienle
A W Johnson rt al
U..1 1 U t 'u innings
Henrv Lstiha
Wm Metilensy'a e x'r
Henry tiroe
John W lis. m's heirs
J.i red trvtha
Hmiel Urititicam
Wilham A Lloyd
Coo er A Sndrr
Ahr diam Sharrick
A (ir.i! nin'n ex'ra
John Murry
.1,1'i.b Kin e
t;eo. f We'ker
J lin S Mans
v. F Uirkenbit e
Vt Abraham Kissincer
vs John C liovl et ul
Vs llei'j.irnin Ma hewa
Va Henry Zerhen
vs Burd Psiteron
vs A Sh.irrick
vs Robert MeKce
vs Artman A Knorr
vs Jobn Cowmen' ex'r
va Martin A Stuck
Vs Seaholit A Hergstrese
vs John A H M Ibitifun
va John 1'ninti-r
V4 Jpii' Dstl in
v Jn-ei'li V u.kitk
vs Jacob (ias,
j Sol. i. non "-hbauch
Prothonot iryV OlTice. J Prulh y
Sunlinrv. lc . 22 IS42. S
si it ay iir:irri:it.
pAMK to the pre i.isea nf the aubt ribr.
- mi ke i et. nn the Crnns Tiitnpke, i
tovi a in, Nor'buml'erlstid rouotv. almut C
essl ol ihe town nt Sliirnokin, snine time in Amu-l a ln'K-' red Hl'.lFFER. with a be I no ; h ia
while b r and I'jce, wi.h a red nr. le around each
i je. The owner i r.qmst d to c me fn wiril,
p ove prope ty, sv r'oa'ge-, ami tle her away,
otherwise she will be sold ac.orilo c to liw,
tct.22. 1812 nt. paci. lioni.
Dissolution of I'm titcr.tlili.
fpKE NO MCE. that the Pa tner-bip bin to
JL foie exittn(! brtwiTii ike siiberilers. under
ti e firm of H AAS A DRI'CKF, MILLER, in the
H itting business, wi- dis-oved on the 8 ' h inst ,
by consent, and lb it tlie books nf the late
fi-m have been lell wnb (ieorne Wei r. Esq fir Col
lection. Thirty days' time, from this date, wi I In
given for payment nfier wtiieb, legal pioce-s will be
soiled to. HENRY HA A-",
Sunburv Oct. 15 h. 1812. 3t.
vv-iririiFt iT:kimiili.i:iI7
TERY RESPEC IT! 'I.I. Y l ea- leave to in-
firm his md the public generally.
that he still m a the
in all i'a Various brand ea in the shop, in a ly op
po.ite ihe Uuck Tavern, formerly occupbd bv
If. nry Ha is and dims' If. under the firm of Unas
A Diniki nnllrr, which firm h .a been mutually di-
o ed. He Imp a. by his long experience in the
above business, and a'r:ct attention tbe eto, to ren
der cceral a iliafiction, and receive I liberal share
of pul bc pairitnnge.
Sunbinv. Oe'o' er Ifuh, ISl?. fim.
List of Lcllci-s,
I E M A I N I N (J in the Post Office al Augus t,
Ik autli. 1M2 :
James Clark. 'I nomas Smith, Soloman St.irner,
Thmnas ltr iiiifield, Ephnim Lyde Abr.lnm lr. i
belliies, tiiilei-n LclM'liril'K. I aic W. Ksrriswo ill.
Oct 8ih. 1U42. J CO BLOOM. P. M
Dr. s. II. Wiiwr,
OFFERS hi- professional seivics. lo Ihe citixena
of Sunbury, ami vicinity. Office neji door to
the naiilence of Rrvd. R A. Fl-her, wheie he in ty
be founJ, unless engsgad lu illscliarging ihe duties
of his protessioo. Oct 8'h, 1812. if.
(Cientral Stage Olrr.)
a.S T8LU TaT Tir 9
l't'iius It unlat
rilHE Sub-criber rrspecfully infoims his friend,
1. ii.d the public in geneul, that he haa tAen
tlie above
LMiar. An commodiovs
and that be i- now well p't pared to HCCominnd.tte
al sl.n niay favor h in with ll.eir cosi 'io.
II is Sliii'Iko ArniTS t rt arc well tired, and
Hi-'I'iHi.r n Bah will a'wsys be suppli d
with the best the ni nket can allonl.
His SrtRiisn, winch i- tmod will le under
t' e cl.arce 1 I U' -hI mii I can I.. I h s'Vu.
He f el-conl'iilenl. bv ftiilt atlent on to I n-ine-s
rind in cm nt desire to mil. r c nifirl.ible ilm-r
wbn n ay pj'roinre him, 1h.1l he w II noi f i'ioiivr
senrrsl s ni-t n Imn. II. II. W l..l-IC
Munev. O.o. I.'. IH 12 if.
IfCAPvTIlT r'l?.VIlT,
II o o t :i 11 it li o ' .12 a h v r,
TATLHY lte-i e. tfnl y ntotrns hi' ami
i . custom, rs. iliat h. has opened .1 BOO l"
A -"Hor. I'siiihli hnieiii. in the .bop f .rnie.'y oc
cupied by I'eti r Lazarus aa a drug store, in Mmket
street, where lie in end. lo rny nn the busines, in
..II its vsriout bianchea By st ifl atn ruion to tui
tii esa, ressoinible charges, and hi- u most rn.leavor
to u'lve pen nd itisfsciioii, he hoH t lo ie, eive I
liberal si. are nf public patron. ge.
Oct. 1st. StJ :it.
II II Hgiiin iv.iitiea all who r,r.
null b'e.l lo him or l! e hull of H. B. Masser A ('
lo rail an. I settle wbhoul delav. nlheiwise llolr ar-
conta will bepl.tid in the hsruls of a m.iik ii j
fwl folltctjon. PuBbory, f epl. J4, liJ. )
t jisj
Take Notice.
A I L tho-e inda'bd t. Dr. John Fenl.yither ly
tlote or nn book nccYnirit, am invited (for the
first Ind I. is: tinre) iflcsll arid Settle Up their rrapec
tte ari,uni, on or before the 1 6th nf NovemleY,
as after that time lby will It placid in the l.ndi
of a proper nflrCeT Tor collection, without re.pect to
persona. Jt "HN PEAL.
Oct I.Vh. IS 12. 3t.
rp"A I" the Copnnui mbip I ririotore ex i'inrj
- twe. il W. P. aln.l Dr. D. T. Trites, in
ihe pruetiiT nfnn difit.e, lm tin. ,1 ,y I ecu di-sol.
Ved tiy mutual Consent. The hook- irnl ne-connts
of the late firm urn in inp hands ol Dr. .1. V. IVal,
who it fully authorized to settle, the same.
John w peal,
Sept. SSih. iS42. t). T, TRlTI'H..
Dr J. IV. Ical reus If kv to tender bis crsle
fill ai kn w'eamenls m be hmi le nf Sui'i u v
and suirnumling ronntry.foi then pi-t enrourige
ment in ihe line ot Ids profession ; and Would at
the samp time ani nunce lo th m. lb t he titl in
tends to continue the practice of n.e.ln i .e in all ia
Vitrmusd pirlmei't''. He wrtold, thircfore, solicit
a c.ihtiiiii .ni e of their coi fulenic ami pitrona.'e.
He may be found at all ltme at h;a nR'ee, in mar
kei sire', unless profeioi llv ri g gut.
Snnbiirv. tlct. 1st. I. '12. -If.
"Tr. D. T. Tl-iff', Ke-p.d fully ir fnmst'e
cnileiis nf Sunhuiy andvi.i by. he ba a
ken an olflce in the buil.:lni loteh o. rn ied I y I'etir rus us a dros a ore, hi in rk I st.p. I. So, ,or,
where h may be f Ui d at all h. us, uoli'ss proles
DR.'TRlTES relurns h a sliie.r.- thanks Tor th
ericOiiiRgemenl be bus lec ie l. in the line nf h'a
prol'e-f n.n, ill Ibis place, and nil t, In puimp- a .
lent on to thn ,tn'ie nf hi- pr-opa-ion. Slid re., un
able rhtrqea, lhai he will c in itiuo ti reieive a
liber il -hare of ihe public ti itron go,
Sunbttry. (l, t. 1.,, NpJ. tT.
fhnntii S'r-n, 4i Slonj,
ANI'F tvrri; EU .r DA'.VEHKEO-
7 V7: APPAHATLS. Sora.c.1 an I Mi-
mature I'm lo po'ti r nt F ri rti Cbeui ca's aoil
il. nble sdx r plni. s Tor t'ie I) iLoer e. t pe, adnpix
'hi nn thn. I of i for mi i u the eilir. ns of NnnliR ti
I'euiisv Ivinia. bii heciiris mi ti - - ibove miiuion
XI nsuply, in all 'is virii'U- branches. Person
d. -ir us ol i blaiiiini; any ol the ibove a
he pronn tlv tbe lowisl terms, for c i-h.
All lepers (p -at paid.) will niclve lllllln illuie
Mr. G R LILLEHR'DGE. now ravdl nc in
tbe Nmthern pirt nf the S'a-e, will prnmpilv at
tend ii. all order, give unci -',ry information and
Phoincr.iplnc instructions o anv pi ron on anpb
cati'in to Inrn. Aunu-l filh. H42 Tiiii
1)K. .!. i. lIAliKK,
1") LSI'EC I FI LLY informs tin puboe thai be
k has made Northmubeiiaiid bis permanent
place iT rpsbleliee, and w ready to attend to any
c ili in the line of bis profession,
July 2, 1812. ly.
m ur Mil Hrq v
OErl".t:TH LLY inloiin In- In, nd- nd the
Ik piiM-r ceni'iul'y, he bus i ooirneici d tbe
Tailoring Et n si 11 1',
in all its I la iC es, in the hou-e foimerlv nci uped
by Win. Durst ms a Tuilor Simp, in !l.ickbrr
street, iipsrlv uppisite tlie Pr- sby lei in it Church.
He r, S eel'lil'y solic Is a kbarc nf the public p ilrmi
ape. and lius's by strict a'teniion i busiio-s sml
reaoiiable c. gc. he will be riiul led to give gen
eral -alislac ion.
Suiibniv, .lime 18th,
1812 lv
Sliamokhi, 0rll1t1111lx rlaiul C o.,
flHE auliscriU'is le-p.cfullv mi. nn il e pub'ic
E ibal Ibvv hiive laktn th n large and ramnnidi-
Hill 111)11.1,, m Ml m klliloWli, in Hie C. tltl.'nl
the ceat Cnal Rivioh. lately kept by Jacob Ki .111
wke e thev nc How i n lo .ec. e all
who limy bivor them wi'b their custi in. By -inri
t ention lo biiitii's, ih, y h pe in lecetve a Lb.
thare of pu' lie patron ge.
HA TCI I I'l. Oil A GOV!
ShsmnUntnwn, June ISth.
'I'u ( uiiiifTy
rrHlE !uba riler, Auenl nt I yon A 11 ir-is.
A Mani.ficlur .1. for N w Y. rl., t'h.l deipbi ...
Baltimore anJ ber lurje, v ! os-- llufs
highly comuiiinbd I r intid edit unit twi1- ''.
has 0.1 I and a lir t rate tin nt .1 11. I ,S .. .1
CA PlY mits' b' for S,.r up .ie. h 1 h !i 1 e . !o
Very low, fm cas'i or sppmved cjed.l, 11 1 li e mini
C heap lure. No. 40, Norltl 'I II id s'r. I, ..( p sl'e
the Citv 11 'f'l. I'biU Iclphis
Rnili'.i'.r 1 1. WILKINSON, t.-vi.
N. tl. tildes lor Hats 11 ibe niii; 'i , r i.o tK
anemic I to, Tbe highest rir 111 'U.-A 11 tu t
given I ir Fm 'rin.
Pi il.i.lelpb, June It, 112 --ly
l'sT leeeiveil, 11 fiesi. snpp'v if r1 uii D'
onds. tiroe. rii s II ;i.ib ..r . 1'. r.
Snpen. r I. miles b'aikki.l tiivs,
Col .li d il l ,
La ns. ('Inline, Mon-si hi. ib lain. , Ac,
I '..l I. a, t 'its inn re-, C' i I I'll n ts,
Lii eu 1i b I y. Mu-'ius, Ac.
e'upei 1 r I'n I H 11. e,
Pu'if s c-rin i 111,
Sperm C.irnlle
.lone 4b. lP'42.
I..l ins. Ac.
ii. it m ssp p.
l I. p. i s i ib lor i' I i t e firm ul I.mhiA
II i r tii.ili r i e iRi.ev .1 . N Tluehit,
III' un J Cup Munitfiiclurrrr, .No 4(1 North Thud,
street. I'll. I ul. Ipb'H, ri r.pie-le.l lo n. ike iniroull
an .'il.n ei.tuf.h I' I nut. uh .In -u .criler.
ih. ir I.'y uu I .nire.l i.ii. i I. w bo ifi,l v . n.pow
i Ii d t . i tile and coll. el l e . ci uui.t- ! and linn.
P.OHElt r D. WIl.Kl.NsoN.
June 4lh, IP42.-II' Agent.
WAKIUM i:o SI Pi.UHilt Tt) ASY
HTlir.H A I'A 11 SIMUIiY.
II OH N A HENUY LAN D l'. hating rentp.l
9JP the Lime Kiln of Henn Mum i, in 'ti. '. uiy,
have now for side ibe best Limp in ,t y ,rl , f t
cuuniiy, and will conliiiO,. to keep rmisi:.uiy mi
bsn.l tresh Lime f,,r l' ,tf ,.. Build. im and for
Llinii'g ptntl, oil as reason il le term, as can I bad
anywhere in Ibe i.e ighl'inhood.
May 1, l4l. J. V I'. LAN DAI'.
W ill enmmtrrer tunninfr hrtlrren Vhilndvlyhta
tnd I'otUlille vh ihr fdlouing days
and Itnii'D :
Ch kt irrr.ii Moarii.v, Mt 9. 142.
t.eavlinj I'uit-vill, n,i M niibiys, Weilr.i a 1 iva
nh.l Fridays, 8j A M.
Lciviif I'hil,idi1phia, mi Ti e-davs, Thursdays
mid S iturdavs, t ) p. M.
1. 4. 4
t or I'l II ii'. IpUa, al Ids A. ,M.
For Polt.Vtlle, II fi, I'. M,
f.f rt K .
Ret ecu PmtsVille A Phdidt, S.l.ftrt A f2,.ri(l
Iblween Relding A d i 2.2") A 1.7S
Between do A Pot'sville, 1 ,40 A I .HO
Lxcenios Tti a its iinoB ro iirtitvim
vitr nT
lb"pen IVulsVll!.. A Phil nhlpliit, JS 00
iweeii Ittad ng A ilo. 3 on
Biirweert do. A Piittvi!b-, J no
The other ps-singer t-ains will at leforl, tt
l1 e roth, wt tt It ur :
Philide'pni and Potl r l'e.
I rem 1 bi'.nleli 1 I ,, st
IV III Pnll v'le lit
Honrs of paf
For Poivi ie, at
F01 Phil nVlph'. at
All the I'nins w,; -tnji
2 P.' m'. 5
l' 1: fit' 11 g
r, 1 1 i v
9 . M. )
3 J P. M. i
or way passengers at
tbe Usual i .1 ts.
J"V All pia-i ncrp'S ure reijnesred tn procur.
their ticket, before Ibo Ir.iins sta.t.
M .V 21. IS 12. if.
rim ioTTwViii?T:.
VIE M .il Coach f r Po'ti!l l aVes Nort'inni-
berl 1...I Vei v iliorii'nj lit 4 o 1 lock, and anives
in Cult-, ill,- in lime f..r ibp enr to Pl11l.delpl.i l.
F 11 r. a I '.V ss ,my o'lnr bin'.
For seat, ai'plv t Mrs. Wiibingtori's Hotel,
N iitliuill'.n llai.d, o at (!eorin itel's. Si lit orv.
A. E. KAPP A Ct.."
NorthM., Miiv 5 1 . 1 12. Pn.pnrtars.
CfJ- Pna-Piici-rs rominif from Phlla 'eli hia will
u'pi e s. cure iheir ae il at the Wli to Sivan Hotel,
R ic St., befoie they leave the citv. P.iSserjjers
Cornini! in il'.is line, h.ive th' ir scuts a cured ill anv
t iji'or Piir-ki t boat from this pi im, '1 h teconling
the . thi r line may be left behind.
IM.t 11K Hook .llaiuil arlorj,
Oppiisilr Prinrr's lintel,
"I'IEY are j d to manufacture blank work
1 of every descriiillnii, ruled to i'tiv tint'ern. aut-li
as Dockets bee rds. D,v B.mks LeJeers, Asser-
or' and Collector.' Dnphciles of the finest nulli
ty of panet. in -tyle eqii'd to any m ide In the ci-
t'P nf Phil iile pbia or New York,
All ib scnpiiotis nf binding neatly eltectite.l.
Scrap II -1. Is, Albums anil Portfolios ina.le to order.
I. a B i k-. Music and Period'e d bound to anv
pitteri'i Olil Books rebound, Ac. Also tret if
pHpeis bom d
fXj V ork lefr at the office nf the Sunbury Aine
111 nn, will he nminlillv .itli to.
M 8 I st, It4i. Iv.
ej E5 cie rn:" o,
L'nrm r of 'I'll rd and Yinr Slnett,
FjlHE si lscnber r -i- ifulU niuiounris to the
-1 pu''lie. tha be b s n i'i.. d a I Intel In th'' com
moilious brii k l uililii ir sniitrin tbe coiner of
I hud and Pine streets, where he w ill he Imppv lo
w.iit 1 p n ihose who m iv fivor him wit. their
compai V. The E mle Hotel is la ce Bllil conveni
ent, and furinhul in tbe 1 e-t m .'. in ai-Ie. I i
provided wjtn a larce n.indnr nf well aire.l and
rmfTt di'e sleeping apartment-, rooms, private
1 arlors. Ac. Pe snus v smne i liainsiort on bu
siness 01 pea nre, iniv re-l i.s ur d irv et-
erlion w II ie 11-ed to r. 1 der 'hi ir s,j n it ih
Iviute Hot I" pleas.inl and aarieub'e. HlsTa'b
will li.-sin pli. il with the vi rv h a the maikel af
fni.'s. ai il I 1- I nr I'll lie c nicest 11. ps ami oilo r
hijilors cl.arues re a n al b-. 'I he l Hoi-I
,..m,ves preu'er i.iUiin'aje- in point i f b cnll.11 any oihei siin;biri st-ibli-hmi'i't io ih I ii'Ouch,
I', ilic s.luate in the Si'sitn p 11 oflheloWn. anil
Wlibjo a c 1 Vl'tnull dil .In e nf t'ie Conil House
im. I Wrliamspnri ami I'lmirs Ra I Ro d t). p.. I.
iulTn ienl Subline prv ided, mid g od and ttusty
o-l'iis ilw.i-, -in nt'. I'lliiti-'i ,
Atii'iiiiK'i Hccnn tn... c and hone 1 Sinaio
b n e I en . tnslo' e.l .1 d not ' ii K h f olid 10 t'.ia
b' add 10 11 v 1.. 11. '0.1 a'.d ncc mmoda inn . h t
Tin re w i I be 11 earri i alw av s in am i da. ee at
do Boat 1 .hi .In s In co' v j assi-i ji t, to mid I: .111
be l 'iiii-e. In e . f rl.n"je.
CH bl 1 PORR tV.
M 1 . 1 .
1 1 i i
-ii'ii : I'n".
ut of t'tb-u-
a :t rdi'i'.' .Mcl'i-i:H!'s.
.Vrirr- l(..l!
l. I II K. I I I W I I. t ,
WINK iis. ,,., i. .1 rtlt .1,. in I. . I 11 .r e'.
I.', ol Lislon. P r s eillnliv in' rin their
.1- um! t' e i.l.tic fin ei.i I. . Hi t h. y b ive 1 1
t'i I I, rge nii.t wi I k n w 11 s' .n ' v t. it " a'
, f V i'I.iW Si'eet I! i lr..i.", I -I. Iv C' pie I '
.'. M ,t t.. vv he.e i In v ii ."' .to : . ieu . i'
k n
f . t
.1,. i
C .
i-si u I . rw n I' v' tii-i:-e- . nn
.ii ... ai.'.i.e- i l be pi ce ' i nij en n i
wnh II 'l e ul.l i io..r 'V. inei is lb H hv. tin ir 1 1 In li e ci v , Hi f...lo i lb. ii s. I, i s iliey ntb
'.. e I .1 . ' ns i --. to as ( rv .1. 4. noi g es'. i si'-
A 1. 1 ;.', in. I im . ti ... i e is i i ' . ' e t r i n i .- a any ft I er
b ti.. , n. il On i i.,uie ll.c.r f. i tl l any coi.
s ji in. ni- in oil' in il . in si. el I h a' it
I. i.t . i', ..nd no cm itioii- .pan il to wt eutt.e a.illi.
f.r on.
Tin y are also .1 lo rpei ve ai d fotwsr l
K ....Is in nriv pnio' on the !) i.e sn.l Lib ih
ivi r-, Im iwe. n M aecli "i Ui k . l"ii-ion and Phds
ilel loi, vis Deljware Divi-i n -i,.' I.eliuh fun .
a s i. I anv pO;nl . n it e Joti na ii-al. ! Norh
tod Wis B iiclie..v li e :iu I -i.ns vil Scbuvl.
kill and I'liion, ni Iho Cbrsipeki and I Ule W..tei
C .na's,
F. r die accunin i.bitlon of Boa'a coming or go.
i. tt vU ihu tkiil and Union t'-mil-. Sie ii.boal
will li k pi i ipressly for l ium hoits Irom the
Sehuv kit aroui ' to the Del iwaie ami back, which
Will en '-'e in. icbsi li IK have their pmdu. e deli
' if ed on the De tw ue, and ibeir g...l sl ipp- d at
I a tiviui! ut 5it to 74 per cenl. o" ihe pilces f.r
h ililli d SC O-, Willi imte aoiain .gia uirj ir-
i.ictfiil'y aoln it t share of pair, tia e.
1 1 W. HElLMAN A CO,
W illiam ILlbnsn,
W lb . in W . Kie ,
J.t6 Usintl.
rbilta.M.y 14, IS42. ly
a. 3. I.SsjSH,
ttniinen ailPiided to in (he Onlinliel -rif Nor
thuipl irland, t?niivi Lv coming and Colutlihii.
t Ileftp loi
iiinHsa Hast A Co..
HsnT, ('ttMMisins A lTint, PilaJ.
It kt sroLtis, Mt'I'iai.X"iio A Co
Srkntvn, 'Soon A ('0.,
SihiIT rind Tobacco IMnnulaclurrrs,
So. DO AortA West rornrr of Ilaceemd Third
rPHE untbr-lcue.l formed a Cn-prrlnert!iip
-1- tinder the firm nf .1, M AYLAND Jn. A Vo
as successors to the late firrfl of Jaedb .Maylnnd '4'
Or)., and will c intit.ue the busme,s at iheobl e)l
Idisbmeiit, on their own Tn addition la
heir own close attention and experience for niary
yea s.ln the mat.uficlure of their cerVbraled muff,
Ae.. the ..)ig 1 xperience of Ihe senior partr er of tl
l.itefrm, will hI-o be devoied to tbt Interest nf !
new concern and r.s 10 ejterlion bd Care will I'
spared to insure thir conds, at all tiincsof ihe'V.
ry lst ipinlny, thi y solicit a cotitlnuance of tf
ennliili iice of the f. endt and cu."mrrs of the le'f?i
firm. THOM Nfs ADAMS,
Phiii.leVhia.Mav ih. IS 12. ly
it n rs 3sr 333 tsi
.Vr. 5'J Sorih Third, vhnv Arcli Street-,
HM. I.b'S 1 s, ,,ie.d il p "Whi eSwa,,'1
1O0I "Mom t Vei on Douse." resn etfullv ir4!.
( irm- Ii s fri. rd- and ens', mers. that he I a hfcortf 1
t' e pro. riei t o t e ahnv " well ki own Hob I.
C un iv Meiehni't will Pud the above Ho'el',
centt il I cilioii. and tbe hi si of fare Persons tr. .
veiling with I rivnte corvevance will find I lar I I
y ml and end stablina fni horses, stid the brat f
usl'ei. Ilo-i'iline fl per dav.
Mnv 11 h. 1R12. tf.
So. 237, North Third, ahnxe Ct-llou Kill 5f.
TtHE anb'1:rilier lakes pleasure in ac(,ua!iitir I
1. Ibeir fti. nds at.d the public in general, th I
Ihcy have inken the large and commodious Hot
recently Itiiltbv the M. ssia. H .rt, on the titt
mice occupied by Ihe old eslnhlisheil Hotel knowit
ns Ihe Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow!
hill st.
This Hotel Is finished in the very Vest posslbls)
manner, and of the best material. Its focHtmn ii
ery desirable, particularly for country merchants
Ihe arrangements for hi a'tr g Ind Veiitilaliiig ach
room is such as to secure any temperature. The)
bedrooms arc all light and airy, all furnished in I
neat sty e, so as to iiisuie ton. fort.
The n eeivii.g pmlora are abo furnished in su
perb style, the windows tie on the Frenrh t ylej
f.nmii g tn entrance ro a Imlcony in IVont. whiill
makes a pleasant recess. Follicular attention hat
been given to the bids nn.! bedding, which, wilh
'he furniture, are entirely new.
t rom yea's' experience inhale! bminfts, v
i-ust. by strict assiduity tc business, to make thi
li.oiFe a de.-irahle strppiiii; Our t.dde will
ulwiya I supplied wnh the Very best our ir.nikit Hlfonl. and our bar w i'h ihe best lirjuoia and
wines ol the most sppioved hian l.
P. S. There are fir.t tate .tabling ur.d carr t&
house- alt n bed to the hotel, tt.f tided by ca ibli
and sober host ten. and o'n charges wilt La jw, to.
accordance with tLe present haid timet.
Philadelphia. A pril Ih 1S42.
IIE sub eilb.i re ectfiilly mi. ims the pnM'
tliul he bus pun h is. d, sod now occupit lb
iii u n
...1 Ii!
fWmnriiitmi ZHUiS T:n cni M:ind,
'ill known as the property, late of Theodnr
Wil's, and f rnierlv krpt ly Samuel A. Bi dv.
He is iirtw piepured t'e ill tiav. 11,-ra
and vnie s who m y favor h'ni wi'h a call, and
wdl u-e i veiy effort in Ins power to render every
eonveniei Ce and enn fo't to his customers, while
under bis charge. His acenn mo lalions are amplat
anil bis roonis well fiirnishej. Hit atlMes citcn
sive ami ui good Condition
II Tihi 1: ind Bar wl'l be supi.tird with th
lest the tnaikitcin Bff..rd. By pu. duality
a. .1 ni'ei lion, he feel- r r.fulcnl that he will meiil
tin patronage of ihe public.
C ittawissa. April Oth. 1812.
tioitr.itT riitTi:it s.
P A r Jj It MANUrAC'XUKElil J.
I.mnbnril Strrtt, itatt1- ii r.
I,.' iril'v fir sale. Pr i I: : I'
I m r
in .I I'lin'itii s. Can Vr"..n P.
r iV ,I'er l iper. wr.iteeii.l t pie. .u'c
. , H
ili't I'ai er, fun ami to i in n F-.
.er. ,',l ,1...
,-. i w
me.t fill, doilb e e own, .r v 11
pn c Pi. e-s, 'o . te.i AIihIu' i sn.l
b' . .1 i'-ies Lour, t. Binders' mul Sut BiX
II ...d-.. T si i i' i.. , i.nd all ait del in It I lirn
.. ti it tv oil d oii niiiioda'ii: Uru-s
11 ti e I rice Riven f i ol I rails.
M r.-h 19. 'MS. F.' .ion, MJ-
t r-
t w J - ij . -la . m.A m
n l -r v -s. e- s -s Ft I nm-
Suaiuii y, urtliuiilci laii'l County;
! r JM'iE iib-inber i.ap.c linly mb rr is the pnhlicy
j I tb. it be I. as ipinove.l to itu.l lur o and ecninio.
: .it. u Bi ck Hon-. , nn Market a,ui re, upporte the
j I'mi'l lb u-e, (I. imeilv kept bv Hiram Piice.)
! whe.e he is no prepared to acc I'minndalt all wl at
ni .y lav. r lilm wun a can. n mg tritrilul tof
p .st f .vora, he hopes by snirt Itti ritifsn nr business
lo lecetve a Itln rul sbate ( public pa'.rnnase. Ae.
S .tibnry, M.111I1 5lh, IS 13.
flilE suh-i'ri!iera are prepar.d tj funutli fainirr
.1 and ethers with my quantity ,.f Lime of 1 1 ry
,11 per 1. i qoahtv f.r land, or p'ai' tering, st the In! '
low Inn V. ry nsluccd price, vi -; g clg. r J,uha
for 1 st'd Lime; 10 rla. f.. th r r,r qU,,iy of plaisJ
t. ring Lime, si the kdtis,W,llw ,ne k,riUKh of Sun
burv. They Will alsodehv t r tl allV place within tl.
1 oiotigh of Sunbury. I .inie lor land, il 10 cents ti
busli, I, and Lime for plaistering it centt pr
buhih The Sol'scnbers h.valll on hand,
Uirc (puniity of Lime. Its quality is good, md
tlnir lunt.Uii'.e it not rqutlirti by any in thfirfh
AvNtU, Aj uiaJ, l4.