From f r K S. Gazelle, Camden and Philadelphia Races, j Fooiith Ana tT iut FntnT mnDiri T)irio Pume $80004 mile hmtsbest in three The courne was crowded with visitors to wi'ness the race between the above named celebrated racing nags. About li alT-part one o'clock (he two horses were brought from the stables, and apparency in first rule condition, although it wa whispered ihnt Fashion was not exactly in good fix, still the made Rood ithow, and appeared to foe! her position as the fleetest nan in the country mosl beautiful ani mal of a lively sortel, and every point apparently perfect. Her competitor, Blue Dick, i an iron gray, an eiceedingly wi ll mvle n ig not an much symmetry aa Fash inn, hut finely marked, and of more muscular frame throughout. At two o'clock hy were stripped, mounted, and ready for their work 5 they came, to theatand with out parade, and at the tnp of the drum started ofl most gallantly. Blue Dirk soon took the lead, with Fashion trailing along like a fox, about two lengths in the rear thin position Was pretty much sustained d 4. ring the 1st, 2.1, 3d and more than half way lound the 4th wile. The mnre then be gan almost impreceptilily to work up, and when a bout to turn on the straight side to come home for the heat, the horse having been kept up the top of his speed the whole time, Fashion made jday -end brought herself alongside of him ; they then came down at a killing rate, and the excitement among the thousands in attendance was most painful, each on reaching fir ward to obt.iin the AV-st view not a word was spoke, and breathing appealed tole suspended for a lime; as ihe horse -came rushing down, head on, and until within one hundred y anls of the eastern gate it was not per ceplilile that Fashion had passed the horse. She Came up to the stand full two lengths ahead. Time : 1st mile 1 53. 2d in le 1.04. 3 J mile 1.5(1, and 4th mile 1-55. Making the heat in 7-38 and the be..t ever made on the course. Sd heat Fashion took the lead from the start end maintained it throughout, Inking the pur.-e. we may say, with ease. Time of 3 J heat 7-52 J We are sorry to leirn that the trnnk of Mr. Ro tart MeCay, of Washing'onville, Columbia coun ty, continuing tcveral hundred dollars of money was stolen from one of the hotels in Potlsville a t-w week since.. Mr. McCoy was on Ins way to the city for the purpose of purchasing a new as. sort men t of goods. Millnnian. Bkars. Our lovrn was thrown into rommo'ion yeslerday morning, by the appearance of thne bears on the hill between ihe town and the creik. Our citizens were anon arous- d and under arms to repel the rude invaders; and befose half an hour hail e lapsed, the whole number were slain and bru't to gether into the centre of the town. Wo understand that a largo number of thee ani mals have recently been seen in our upper town ships, along Fishing Creek, and that many have been killed Moomtbur Krgisler. Pcrh ps one of ihe most singular features in the pnsent sinculir aspects of Commercial affairs, is that at New (), leans, the last accounts uote Ex change on London at par to one half per cent pre mium or Sine per cent under actxttd par, and fcarcely a buyer lo be found at that. The curren cy therefore in New Orleans, in which Pills of Ex c'hanpe are paid for, i actually better by nine ier cent, than the Enulish leg d tender of gold. In what a strange predicament has IcgUi t'u n pi. C' d the Commercial community. Where too are the English and French agents 1 Are they nl last dri ven out of the Consignment market that tWy do tiot themselves of an opportunity like this ! Hiich a slate of things absolulify purr.les us. It sets at drfiurue ull ordinary mercanti'e c. dentations. A'. V. Courier. Fcom Mueliwnnd fur Vetoler. IIOPK. IT SCHILLER. fl't specie wiili iTie lip, and we dream in tire soul, Of some belter and fairer day ; And our days, rhe meanwhi'e, to that golden goal Are gliding mid sliding away. Now te world becomes old. nnwacain it iayoupij. Hut "77ie BrferV forever the word on the tongue. At the threshold of lite Hope leads us in Hope plays round ihe mirthful boy ; Though the hi si of its charnu may with youth begin, Yet for age it reserves i's toy. When we sink tt the Brave, why, the grave has scope. And o r the coffin man plantcth Hurt ! And it is not a dream of a fancy prcud, With a Fool for its dull la'getter ; There's a voice at the heart that proclaims aloud " Ye were barn lo pueseen I lie ISctter .'" And that voice of the Heart, O ye may believe, Will never the If pe of Ihe Soul deceive ! B AT.TI.MOHK MAItKKT. Ojfice of Ihe LUiTiMonr. Amk.iiican, Oct, 31. Sabs of City Mills Flour on Saiuiday at ft,0r,. To-d.iy a sala was made at $1. Holders of Susquehanna Flour ask f4,l2) G IIAIN Supplies of Wheat continue I imited We quote good to ulricily prime Md. lids l 8(1 a 85 els and inferior to good at 50 a 75 eta. Sales of Id Md. Corn at 42 cts for while, and 42 a 4.1 for yellow. New Corn, dry enough for chipping, sells at 38 cts. for while an J yellow. Sales nf Neveral pan el of old Pcnnsj Ivania yellow at 45 and 40 cts. We quote Oata at 21 cts. Sales of new clo versred at f4,25, and old at f4 per hu hel. PKOVISli NS. The maikel for barrel provla kpa remains quiet, mid prices are nominally the same as list quoted, vit Mess Pork u In Id ai f 8 a f",50; No. I at f 6.50 a 7; Piime at ffl a 8, tb t U dtinioie MecaBeef st f 7,50 ; No. 1 at f .v 0 il j I'inie st f 4,85. until "-ales ol I) aeon con tinues lobe mwie at tiKiner piuas, viz( Prime wt.ieijj assorted t 6J s cents; Hants at 8J a 10 tents ; Side at 5 J cents, and tSbou.U?rs at 5 a 6 J xents. We juote K. 1 western Lard tit 7J eenK WHISKEV. Coniinuesdullal 2 ct. for hhd. end t.1 cu. for bhU. "ftotMl M ill I'lre t omnniiT." THE members of the "fl tod Will Fire Com panv" are retp'estsil lo meet st ibe 4'cr Hou, on Mnndav Evenins, N'tv 7lh, al 7 flock precisely. Punctual Hitendsnee is re.piited. Oct. JJth. i. H. ZIMMERMAN, Tft Tn Puelic The unprecedented success which has resulted from the adoption of Brdiidrtlh'i Pith, duritig a jierjod of upwards of ninety years the numerous and extraordinary cures which they have performed upon hundreds of individuals, whom they hive rescued from almost inevitable death, after they had been pronounced incurable by the most eminent of the faculty jus ify Dr. Benjamin Drandreth, (he proprietor of the Vege table Univereal Mcdieiue, in warmly end consci entiously recommending it to the especial notice of the public. These Pills da indeed "assist nituie" to all she can do for the purification of tltn human body ; yet there are numbers whose cases are so bad, and whose bodies are so much debilitated, that all (hat can reasonably be expected, is tcmpnraiy relief: nevertheless, some who have commenced using (lies Pills under the most trying ciicumstances of bodily affliction, when almost eva-ry other remedy had t een altogether unavailing, have been restored to health and happiness hy their use. Dr. Bran drelh has to return thanks to a generous and en lightened public, fur Ihe patronage they have Ire stowed on liim i and he hopes, by preparing the medicines as h e has ever done, to merit a con tinuation of favors. Purchase in Sunbury, of II. B. Masver, and the agents published in another purr of this paper. . 1 . .' - .rt j n h 1 k it . In M linn, on the 2!)ih u'i bv the Rev, O. A. Heweit. Mr. Hoiiiht StaTiuf. to M tss J vi k IIa.h skt, all of Milton. In Wi'k-sbatre, on Ihe i5ih ult.. ly the Rev. Mr. Sythc, Mr. Wiiuam Wolki no Kit of Lycom ing county, 'o MissSan Ai.aii.ii of Liberty township Co'unihia county. On Ihe 27ih ult., by the' Kev. S. S. SI.edden, Mr. Sami-ki. McNincii of Tutbut to Miss Mint Mt Cohmick of Bloomshurg. LmJ.HIIU-mrn-r,-,ir-rirTrTt I Milton, on Sunday Ibe 23.1 ult , Mr. J A MRS SCULL, ace I about 44 years, fonner'y of Reading, where he le.ives a wife and two children. In Whi' township, J AMES KYLES, Mi l wrighl leaving a widow; hiving lie. n married alioui six weeks. In Lewis' urn, on the 24th nil.. Mr. THOM AS MONTAliT-'E, leaving a wife and small family. In Mi ton, on the 27 h ult., I! ANN A II, d nigh ler of Thomas Montague, dec.'d , aged about 21 years. riucE CUUHK.NT. Cowettd weekly by Henry YnxlArimer War.AT, .... 95 Rxr., ...... fit) i;ini, 4o Oats, 25 Po r k , - - - - 5 Ffcattsrni, ... - 1(:0 HrTTF.n, ..... 12 Bkf.swax, - - - - 25 Tallow, .... 12 Dm Aeei.r.s, - - 75 Do. Pkactiks, - . tOO Flax, ... -8 Hfcklkii Flax, - 10 En 11 i, ...... s Dissolution or I'arf iirsl;i. ffHE subscribers heteby notify the public thai t!e I pnrtnerhii heretofoie ex isling under the firm of S. A I. S.tvidiie A Co., as men hull's in Sunt u rv, was dis'.-lvetl bv mutual consent, on the 20th of Oi I tl er lat. All pt rsons knowing themselves indebted, or having claims arja'ns' the saitl firm, nre n quest d to call on S. A J- Sivitlpefor s1tlcnieut, at lite store of Ira T. CUnienl. in Sunbiuv. SAM I'LL SAVIDGK, JOSE t'H S A IliC.E, JO'lN ll(l EN. IRA T. CLEMENT, PHILIP CLARK. SunVirv. Nov. 5th. 1842. if. T. CLE2:S1TT, ESI'ECTFTLLY iufn ms his f.iends and llicpuMic. cenerillv, that he has pinch -.seil ami taken )tosse sion of the store l itelv conducted I under ihe fi'm of S. A J. Savltlue A On., jo Sun j I ury, and that he now carib s on the business nt the I s ime stand. He, therefo e, rt specifully solicits a 1 share of the nnbli'" patronsge. j N. U. He expects a new assortment uf Ooods : in a few wieks, to which he invites the attention of his customers. Sunbury, November 5th, 1S42. t;roi;r Long's Kstutr. "fOTH.'E is hereby given dial letters ofsdni'n X islralinn on the e-tale 1 f Oeorge Lone, dee'd , late of Augus'a township, hive ihis day been gran, led to ihe subset ibers, lesiding in taiil township. Pi rsons knowing Ihrniselves indebted, ore re.p.11'1 Irtl lo make immediate payment, anil lhase havim: claims against the est te, are request, i to present ihem lor vxiiniiiulion and set'li nient. SAMt'EL OONSERT, JACOB SEASHOLIZ. Oe'ober 21th, IS 12 f.t-R ;ai l i ttS l.slalo. N TO TICK is herebv g veil, (hat lellera of admin istration have been pi allied 10 Ihe subscibers. on Ihe esiate of Ym. (i melt, of Rush town-hip, Nor hiiniherland t'ountv, ili'trasctl. I't rsoii- fn- deh'ed lo raid 1 state, or havini cliiins uga nsi il, will please lo present the saute for settlement (o ihe sub,t ribeis, temding in 1) mville, t'olum' ia coiintv. SHARIM.ESS TAVLOIt,' JOHN C. CRIER. O-t.20ih, 1S12. fit. flIIIt subscriU'T has for sale, at h;s si tre in Wa- JL shington, (eiahl miles north of Danville,') a large quantity nf ,xp and inch Joint Shingles, which will be sold st the low piice nl f:l 75, Also a genernl a.sortmvnt nf I J and irch Hoards. Wia'her Ui aids, Lai1., Ac., which ui I be sold ery low. NEAL McCAY. Washinclonville, t'oUimhia co., Oct. 22d, If 42.--7I. SlTcriff's Sale. V virtue of a will of Yen. Ex., issued out nf Ihe Court of Common I'leas of Northum berland county, ami to mc duet ted, will be expos d to public sale al the t'oinl House, in ihe borough ol Sunbury, on Monday ihe 7t day of November next, at l'j o'clock, A. M., to wit t A certain Iracl or panel of land situ.tle in Coal (own-hip, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Jacob (iass, Philip Shiiiib ich and others, contai ning two hundred acres more or l as, wheieon are ereeied a one slnry log house, log s'uhle. and the fiaine of a saw mill, a spimg of water, and n or. chard, alioui twenty acres of said Isnd isc'ete,, Seized, lakeu 111 e xeruitim, to old as Ihe properly of Sniuv HefTni r. HENRY Gl'SSLEit. Oct, 19 th, 1642. Shc-'f. LIST OF CAUSES. TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor-- ihnm! erland Oniintv. to be held at Sunl nry, on ihe first Monday of Nov. next, being ihe 7th. Joseph Tretro vs Martin A. Stock Martlet for Piper, Ac. va Henrv Friek Yala-e At Milntyre vs Edward Y. Bright Edward Y. Ilright vs J C II Nnnrse William Montr. a O I Duncan II L Orovemor A wife vs I) Snyder. Ac, J C 11 Nourse vs John Llovd George Shi ey vs George Long Commonwea'th of Pa. for E. Oobin - vs Henry Dossier et at Samuel Hunter et at vs Daniel Robins Henry Bekbret vs Benjamin C Clayton Oeorge Armstrong va The Nh imokin Coal Co. Tobias H uber A Co, vs Kutr.ner A Lararus Samuel Ouffy vs Knlierl Dunn Martin Weaver vs Daniel Heck Hullibeii A Elaten vs John Miller Comih of Pa foi A Jordan vs (1 W Kiehl et at Same for. I Boatman vs Same Sam for W Deppcn co vs Same (eorge McCoy vs Robert McKen Kase A Co, vs Thomas Ashbridg Com'rs of North'd CO. vs Isaac Wool verion H Wib-v A Wife vs George Snyder's mlm'rs Jacob Kline vs Overset r of the Poor of No'lh'd borough John Sheriff John Hans John MeCabe vs John Monehead Mary Weeka vs Hvcrly A Haas Solomon Mengis vs (Jeorge flysler Charles Waters vs John lionebncr C 1) Whailon vs John SmKh Hrnrv HufT vs (Mirrsiojibet CamplH F. ti .rd'sad'sel nl vs C A Hnd'onl Pursell A Pfouli Jacob Regie A W .1 oil n son et at liobt 1) ( 'u Hillings Henry Latcba Win Me(Jeny's r'r Henry Croe John W ilsou's lit i rs S rM Irvine D mi I Ilranliusm William A Lloyd ("oo er A Smiler Abraham Minrrick A (irat'nm's ex'rs John Mmry .1 icob Kline I ieo, C We'kef J.din S Manx F Uirkenhioe vs Abraham Kissincer Vs John O Uovd el n vs lleiijamin Ma lics vs Henry Zerben vs lluril Patterson vs A Sh urick vs Kobert MeKee vs Artman A Ktiorr vs Joi n Cow.len's ex'r vs Manin A .Stock va Seashnbt A Jlergstreeser vs John A H M Davi.on vs John Painler vs Jetse l!atisn v. Jo.eph V aiikirk vs Jacob (!as vs Solomon l'.-hl-aorh SMLKL a JORDAN. Pfotlmtiot iry's Office, Sunbiiry, He . 22. IS42. VrotVy. sniiY iii:irri:ii. I 'AM I. to the pre niscs of the subrribr, v- I, iiu.kei 1 ei. on the Centre '1 111 up ke, in Coal towns' ip, Northumberland county, about 8 miles essi nf ihe town of Shimokiu, some tune in August l ist, a Is'ge red HEIFKER, with a bell on ; has while le; and f ice, with a red circle around each e. The is requesttd lo come fo-ward, p-ve prx)e ty, pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be sold according In law, Oct. 22. ISI2. :K. PAUL ROTH. Dissolution of I'ai tnei ship. 'I 1KE NOI'ICE, thai the Pa tner-hi,. hereto. foe enistinc between ll-e subscribers, under the firm of HAAS A DRCCKE MILLER, in the Hatting business. wa dissolved on (he 8th lust , by consent, and tint Ihe honks of die late fnnihavelm-n left with Oeorge Weist r.Esq f trcol lection. Thiily days' lime, from ibis date, wi'1 he civen for pavtneiit. sf'er w hieh, legal pioce-s will be resoited to. " HF.NRY 11 A . SAMIT.l. DRUCKEMII.I ER Stnbnrv On. 15 h. IS42. 3t. S.VM L IIKI ( iii;uiLiti:ic, HATTER, F.15Y KE.SPECTFi:i.LY bej. leave to in. f inn bis nMnmnu and the public generally tltat he still contiuu-s the IIATTX1VO BTJSINESS, in all its various brunches, in ihe shop, ma lv op pnsiu ihe Buck Tavern, formerly occupied by IL niy Haas and hiros If. under the firm of Unas A Dnickeiitiller, which firm h is len mutually di.--so'ved. He Imp s, by his long exp'ricnee in the above business, and s'rict attention theieto, lo rim der cei eral satisfaction, and receive a liberal share 1 of public patronage. Sunbury. October 15th, 1S42. (im. Iit ol Letter, 1 EMAININO in the Post Office at Augus'a, Sept 3(Hh, 1812 : James Clark. 'I homas Smith, Soloman Slarner, Thomas Branifield, Ephraiin Lytle. Abraham Dni. btlbies, fiitleon Leisenru g. I sac W. Farin-wo th. Oct. 8th, 142. JACOB BLOOM. P.M. Ilr. ii. 11. Weiser, I "OFFERS his professional seivic s, to Ihecilir.ens ! ' ol Sutiburv, and vicinity. Office next door to the residence of Revd. K. A. Flher. whcie he m iv be found, unless eugagad ill discharging ihe duties of his profession. Oct Sih, 1812. tf. u n 10 n Tiot e l (fienrral Singe OJUrr,') SrU TT "7 5 LYCOMING COUNTY, 'rim) lvmiia. flHE Sub-eriber respectfully infoims his friends I and Ihe public in genera), Ihul ha has taken the above LA it a r. ASP COMMODIOUS ! HOTEL, I N T HE HO K O 1; (i H O F M U N C Y, anil that he is now well prepared to accommodate all who may ivor h.m with their custtwn. His SLr.iri.Nu ArARTtstsTS aru welt aired, and cnmfoilalde. His 'I'lf tm I) n will a'wava be supi liu! w'nh the besi the maiket can affiml. His Stab li o, which is gooil. will be under Il e charge of good and carclul hnsllers. He f. els confident, by stiiil llention lo bu-iness. and an earnest desire to render c niforlable those who may paironi.H hiin,ihol he will logive general saiist i lion. H. 15. WEAVER. Muncy, t)ct. 1st, lI2. if. i:?.tiit IP.WI1T, Hoot :i ii il S Ii t v 11 akrr, VJlsliY Ke ectful'y infoims his fr end ami y nlii cusliumrs, that he has opened a BOO T A MtOC Kslabli-hmenl, in the shop formerly oc cupied by Peter Lstarus as a thug store, in Market street, where he intend lo crry on the business in all its Various branches. By sdici attention lo hu sine, reasonable charges, and his u niosl endeavor In give geu ral SHliHfaclton, he hopes to icceive a liberal share of public patronage. Oct. 1st. 1844. lit. II II .lllSHI.It sgaill in. lilies all who .n indi btetl lo hun ni Ihe firm nf II. II. .Mattel A Co., lo cull ami sett'e wi (p.ut delay, niherwte iheir a a-nuiits will bilsoJ In ihe hands of a mavis rte for Mlleclion, iVunbury, treul. 31, Take -Notice. LL Iho-e imle' ted lo Dr. John Pi-nl, either l y - hole or on book Hei-ontit. nin invited (for the first ai d l.iat lime) 10 call and eetiln up their Tesi ec tie accounts, on or before lire 15lh of Noveinbtr, as aft.-r thai time thy will le placed in the bands of a proper officer for collection, without respect to persons JOHN PEAL. Oct. l.Vh, IS-fg. 3t. TAKE NOTICE. '"PHAT Ibe tyiiiBriiiershii heretofore existing he--- twern Dr. John W. Peal arnl Dr. D. 'P. Tritea, in the practice of midtcine, lias ibis day len di-soU veil by mutual Cotisi'iit, The book, and accounts of the late firm are in the hands o( Dr. J. W. Pi al, who is fully authorized lo settle ihe same. JOHN W P F.AL, Sect. Sfllh, I S42. D. T. TMTKS. Dr. J. W. Prnl begs leave to tender hi grate ful ttrktinwieilgmcnls lo ihe people of Suubti y and snirounding country, foi (heir pisl encourage mi ni in ihe line, ol his profession ; and wouVl at the same time am ounce lo ihern. Ih .1 ho still in tends lo couiinue Ihe practice of medicine in all i's various d partment He would, iherrfore, solicit s Ci'iilitiu tnce of their confidence ami p ironsie. He may be Imind at all lime nt Ivs oilier, in mar ket s'ree', unless profes'ioitallv rug igeil, Suiilmy, Oct. 1st, lr-42. tC A CAlCD. FVr. t, T. Trlfl, Respectfully informs tb i-' eniens of Sunhuey and viei. he has a ken an office in the buih'ing Inlelv necii jeil by Peter Lar.'irii as a drug s ore, in m trkel sttet 1, Su bnrv, where h. may be f und at all hours, unless profes siotiMlly encased. DR. TUITF.S returns h's sincrre thanks fir 'he encouiagemriit he bus rec Led, in Ihe Kne nt his profession, in this place, and tru-t', hy prompt a'. tenlmn to the thitiesof his profession, ami Tea-enable chatges, thai he will continue t receive r liberal -hare of the public patron "ge. Siiiibnry. Oct. 1-r, IS12. tf. r iloio ii i iX vtii vriiTi'C n". M. SIMONS, So. 17:1 ('lirs)tnt Sr-rt. -th Slnry, PHTXASEZ.PIXZA. ANl"FC'l'IHEl ..f D.KCUERKHO TYPE APl'AltATLS. and Mi- imiture t'ascs, Importer of F'ctich Ctietn'ca's and double erVvr pres for the Dacuer'e. 1 pe, r.dopts this mi'lbod of informing the eitij.i ns of Nonbe n Pennsylvania, that hecarrits nn ill- above oosiinss cxt naively, in ull its various branches. Persons desirous of t blaining any ol tlw above attic es, e n ! promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for ei-h. All letters (post paid,) will rvirive immediate attention. Mil. (1 K LILLE RR'DnE, now travelling in the Northern part of the Sia'e, w ill promptly at tend In all orders, give necessary inf irmation ami Photographic instructions 10 anv person on appli cation lo him. Ausiust 6lh. If 12. Cm iriir.rTTri7im, SURGEON DENTIST, 1"ISI'Et;iFl l.LV iiif.irms tin. pubue that he has iihrIo N ortliniiibei atitl his permanent place of lest.'i'tice. ami is icady to attend to any C.dis in the lino of hi- profession. July 2, 1812. I y. ON HIS OWN HOOK. 1) F.SFEt'TFl LLY inbunis hi- frit nd and (he publ c genetaMy, ih it he has rommenced Ihe Tailoring 11 n n i 11 e s s , in all its bin tcl es, in ihe hou-e f muerlv occupnd by m. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Ulackhcrrt sireet, neailv npposite the Pr sbyeriao Church. He r S ecttul v solicts s I' of ihe public p ilrou nn''. and t'li-'s by strict stti lilion in business slid tea'onsble cba ges, he w ill be enabled to give gen eral sHtislacioii, Siiubuiy, June IStli, IS12-ly er Mianioliin, oi (IiiiiiiIh'i laiitl Co., PENNSYLVANIA. flIIE suliK'tibera respicfuUv intorm ibe puh'ie JL thai tbtv have taken thai large and eoii'inmli ous HOTEL, in Shitmokintown, in ihe oniieoi the gieat Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr mi. wbeie they are now prepaied to necnminodaie all who may favor them with their custom. Hy strict at'ention to lusiness, tin y h pe lo icceive a lihinl chsru of public patrouage. BATOHl'LOR A COVE. Shamokiutown, June ltslh. IHI2. To 4 otinli v MERCHANTS. rt,Hi; Subst niter, Agent ol I yon A Harris, Manufai lurers, for Nt vv York, Phil del) Itutlin.tiiM aii.t r.lli..r b.rot. flti.'M I usi. HtllM inf i highly commended I ir (im edit and durability, has on I and n lir-l rale assinlin nt ol HAlo anil Ol Us ..,.! f ... lj , I. .11 I .. ...I.I IhsoI.I' very low, foi cas'i oi ai'iove.l ctedil, at (be m led cheap l are. No. 40, North Th rd s'ro-l, op.i the City Hotel, Pbila lelphla. ROBUP.T D. WILKINSON. ,4rcn. N. It. Hats ill iherniii'V promptly attended lo. The highest rice in ruth or trsi-'e given I it Fur ihinj. PImI.hU Iplns,, June 11, fil?.--1y NEW GOODS. TJt'ST leceiv.d. m fiesb supply nl cheap Dry Qjp liood. (iriK-tr'ns. Hardoar.-. Ac. Superior I. miles' black kid Clues, I' lb) , Lawns,, Mmnsi I'm lie 1 lines, Ac. Cloths, Cas inn it's. I'a-huieri Is, Linen Di Hia gs. Mu-lms, Ac. eMiperioT Pin! ine, Puias Sperm Oil, " Sperm Cuddles, Rsi-irs, cV.-. I June 4th. 1(13. H.llMSSKta ! VLIt peisops lltlli bletl In the firm ol l.vnu A Hair s, under the. agency nt I. .V Thai In r. Hit and Cap Manufacturer!, No 40 North Third, sireet, Phit idt14its, are rt quested lo muke immetli ate seitleiiMMit of ih ir si counts iith the ubsctil'er, their legally au'hoiiied hjenl.wliu is fully iwrow eied to mile and colli vt the hccoiipIs ol ssiil firm. ltd II BUT D. WII.KINsiiN, June 4lh, is42. If - Agent. :H.L"n:n':w3i YAUIlA Ti:i) XIPl.HIOIt TO ASY OTHER SEAR SVMHHY. OHN A I1ENUV LAN DM', having renied Ijp Ihe I. line Kilns nt llein v M -si r, in u l ui v , bsve now for -ule il e 'u si Lime ill Ibis purl file cniiii'iy, si al will t ii titiU' in keep cnsi ip'y nn haiol fiesli I. inn fo I'li.i.. ig llindng ami lor Llaiiing land, oil ns reaon il le lerui. as can la' bud uiivw hi re in the iiriuhltviihoi d. M.y 81, le4J. J. A IL I.A.N DAI. 'it'11 '. TUB MILADELPim, HEADING AM) tOTTSVILlE RAIL ROAD. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINE Will commrrrce tunning beltrrcn Philadelphia and Polt$lille on Ihr ftdlowihg day arid honi: Cw ?Txn MovhAT, Mat 9. H42. T.reving Pottsvilb", on Mondays, Wedne sdivs and Fridays. ai 8 J A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thmsdays and Saturday, st I J P.M.' olir.. nf sirfr.sirjiy Itetiffing. For rMli.leli.bia. at 10 A.M. 3 For Poitaville, at f M. $ Tri. weekly. r.f k n. Ri'tween Potlsville A Phil ida. fttiween Kesding A d lletween i'n A Pot'aville, ja.Mn A J2.50 2.25 A 1.75 1,40 A 1.00 Exct'Bsio?! TicnrTs noon ro stTtiimn sttT HAT. Petween Potlsville A Phil 11b Iphia, f 5 00 Tl"t ween Hi stltlig A Jo. 3 00 lleiwevn do. A Pot'vili', 2 00 The nthw passi'napr tmins will as before, at Ihe followi a b nr- : Philadelphia and Pnlhv l'e. From Philndel, ,l.ii, si fij A.M. n From Pott-ville, at 2 P. M. S 7 Umxrt of patting Heading. For Pottsvilie, at 0 A. M. n , For Philadelphia, at 3J P. M. S All ihe trains will stop for way psssitigers st (he, usual points. fjj" All passengers are requested to procure their tickets before Ihe trains sla't. Mav 21. IS 12. if. U.S. Mail Coach I'Oll I'OTTSVIM.i:. STICK TO THE MAIT- COACII1 Ti73 S.A.t7-y,-f3 Jt cry yif y r;- t-;, j f ME Mail Coach f r Potlsville leaves Norlbnm B beHand everv Inorn nu at 4 tiMoek, iiTnl arrives 'n I'ottsville in 1'pne f.rihe ears lo I'lnl ult Iphia. Far. a. low as utty nih r line. For sens. anplv bI Mrs. Wiibington's Hotel, .N'.irlhiiinbeilaiid, o al (icoree Wiilel's, Sunburv. A. F.. KAPP A CO.,' North'd., M ay 2 1 , 1 si 2. Prnprirlom. Cry- Passengers coming from Phi'a 'etphia w ill p'ea-e secure iheir veals st the Ii le Swan Ho'il, Race Si., beftirt' lliev lenve the citv. Passei gers cominii in ill's line, nave lie ir seats s enri-ii m any ft ice or Packet boat fom 1l is j bicf. 'I hose coming in the ether line may be left behind. ltlanli IvooU .llMtuiliH lory, Oppitsilr Prinrrs Hotel, iiarkl!i;i(;. TI'IEY are prep. nil lo maTuf icturo b'ank wnik J of every description, ruled lo i nv pattern, such ss Dockets heeords. Div B oks .etgers, Aim. -nrs' and Collectors' Dtiplidles nf (he finest q'juli ty nf paner, in a -1 y I - equal t.t any m .d in the ci ties of Phihule;phin or New Yotk. All il seripiions of hind trig neatly executed. Scrap Blinks, Albums ami Portfolio ma le to order. La B nk-. Music and Periml c ds bound to any p. ticro. ), Books relHiund. Ac. Also files if pitja'rs bound. (Tj" ork h'ft at llic nit ice of ihe Sunbury Ame rican, will be promptly attended lo. May 3 1 si, 142. Iv. EAGLE csr n: eto rn? wti ibt, 9 Corner oTlrrd and Yine Strirts, WILItlAIVISrORT, PA. flIHE subscriber respectfully announce! tithe JL public, that he h is opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building s'luate on the corner of I htrd slid Pine streets, where he will be hnppv to wait upon ihose who may favor him wiltt their company. 1 tie tvigle Hotel is lu ge ami Conveni ent, and furnished in the l e t modem stb Ii is provided with a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartment, rooms, private lailors, Ac. Prisons visiting Willinmstort on bu siness oi ptea-ure, mav rel s-ur d ilnit everv ex eriion will 1 e used lo render their sojourn at the Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will lie supplied with the vitv Ins' the market af ford, and hi- bar wi'h die c! nicest wines ami other liquors fltBrirfs Te sonnble. The 1'ajle Hot'l possesses preuter Htlvan'aees in point nf location than anv other similar est iblishmenl in ifn hmniiffh, tumg stlimte in ihe Sosmess p . ri of the tow n, m il within a convenient distance of Ibe Court House and Wrhamspnrl and F.lmim Ra I Ifo d D pi-l. SulTii it-1 1 1 Stabling provided, - tul g tsl 1 liusiv o-l!i is iwas in nlii uilan -e. At'enitve,' httr been invito ed. w it' add Itl l! f I oll.'o i ,, ! t t-e ond t da ion ti f h nv i;nii. Ulif-ls. 'I hi re wi I be a carriaa p!w a s ill Bllei d 1 al the Boat l.antlii u l.i c t vey pas-ei gers lo and Ir ni 'he House, lue of cl a'L'e. CHAKLK" BORROWS. Mav Hth. 142. I "-itt T f k. Y t JLe 4MsV.i km ii.aiiyJ fJ.UA, - " fL rSTlTv si (."oininisinti S: rorwariiiti'jMtTcliants, Foot of Uithw Strert lioad, Ol Til 1 1 l w nut, HA VINO sssocial.ll vih dp ui Joseph Bsrnet. late of Kaslon, P i., f S' ectl'ully infurin their friet ils ami the public cenerd'lv, th il they have la . k' n lb t large and wt-I known store and wharf al f,.l of Will.iw Str, el R idroftd, 1 ,11 v iM Ciipred by .U. oh Mart ill, wlnie they pit pose a'oang A tiein nil t '. uimi-si ai and Fnrw u' ing BuMness ainl f oni ihe local rii'vitt a. es of .be pi n'e IvTn;; cooiircta d web 11 be ',n,i e l"q mcif en's Yh it bv iheir out et ill the I'll, thev H.itti a ibelnsi les lin y Wi'i Iv b e t i il ) ' i s.. 1.1 ar tre I. if not a e i'ei nd-vai-l.age, and ujoi , ae i -il-ie u tineas any :t':ei h use, and :.v tun Vu ;r frtfinU t'oat anv co .- t nloi ni- m ide to Ibi in -h ill bav tin it s'r il al- Ii iiln n, :ttul ni ex itions -p trul to g ;vs entite I f ic'ton. j Tin y tiv also prepared in reca ive hi d forward I gooits 'o linv poui' on tin. D' iic and La li rb I livTVs, lictwf. Il M'liH'b Chunk, I'a-roii aaatl l'!nli tb-l bia, via Dcl .wiirr Divi.i n ,,i. ! I.ehi. h Can !-; i a' t. i . im point . u it r Jt'in i'n ' 11 ,r h ami W si II Hiiclu .nt I , So i,' i ' il -..i ia Si 'miv '. kU suj Union, ui llm Cb. up-. k. and I ttle ..le C nia's. For 'he accommodation ol' coining or g ia via svhuvlki.l and I' n ( .inl-. Si will li i for t.wing bo .ts Irom the Sihuv ktl ur.'U d luthe lb I wa'e an ' back, which still en ble nicachai Is ,sli" 'hen piodua e deti- va-td no Ibe De aw'te. anil Inairg al- I lp" d at the plica's fr s .vi nt 5 to 7 per t t b i. In a ac a s. vvnh tb.s .iLbiit.tgt's lha'y re Sin C'lUl'V Stltll 11 fclisre ail i tor lis W IIE1LMAN A CO. W ll'sau II ilman, " VA U sui VV. K.)rti , JoMph BslitCI. Phil J, May 14, Wi.j ii ili m".ji j i H. B. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UKBTJRY, PA. Business attended tr in the Counties of Nor. thuivl irland, Union. L coming and Columbia. Kefrr lot Tll0 .lt AS 11 A nT A Co., htiwtn A B a linos;, Haht, Ci-m twits A Haiit, lUivoLns, Mc Fa a la Mi A Co, Srttmin, 'Soon A Co., yPMtdd. J. IVZA7L AND, JR. & CO. Snuf' nnd Tobacco Manufacturers, iYo. 09 Morth Ycsl corner f liaceand Third Strrrt. PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-nartnrrship under the firm of J. MAYI.AND Ja.A Co., s successors to the late firm of Jaeab .Mayhnd $ Co., and will continue the busmesa at (he old rata,, blishment, on their own account. In addition In their own close attention and experience for many years, in the inanuf .cture of their cefebrated snufl', A c the luriB erjierieiice nf the senior partner of ti e late firm, will rrlsn le devoted lo the interesi of the new concent and is i o exntinn and care will I e spared lo ii rur. (ht ir gnoils, ni all limcsilf ibe ve ry best qt. alny, tiny solicit s continuance f the conftdi nee of the ft ends ami customer of ihe late firm. THOM AS ADAMS, J. M AYLAND, Ja. Philadelphia, May 14th, 1 S4 S. ly GO L D E N SVrArN iYo. G(J Xorth Third, above Areh Street, PHILADELPHIA. ArrovMnn.vTToNs tor srventv rrnnciNs. pIIAHLES WEISS, latenl the -White Swan." and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in forms hia friends and customers, thai he lift Wcoins the proprietor nf tin abovi well known Hotel. t'niin'ry Metchants will find the abovw Hotel a central location, and the liest of fare. PeTsoustra. veiling with privain conveyance will find a lrg yard and good stabling for horses, end tlw best of ostleis. Hoarding $4 per Cay. Mav Hth. 184!J. tf. MMlIiAOTiS HOUSE, iYo. C.17, Xnrlh Third, above Cutio).iU IMIILAPF-LIMIIA. r a vii it sun-Trmers 'bkcs ptffsure in g Il their fiends and the public in gcni ral. ihnt they have taken the large and comtnoflrrois H i'rl, tecintly Isjilt bv Ihf Mtssra II rt. on tin- snr.T silo tviice oct iq-'etl bv the ofl esi.iblished Hotel known av ihe Bull's Head, in Third sticet aoofe Callnw U i 11 st. 'I bis Hotel i finished in the Very best possible manner, and of die be-1 ii'hTrml. Its local on i very ilesnable. particularly for cifjnlry merchants ; ll.e arrangemeti's fin hi arii c ami Memilatipg i nch mom is sltch as to secure any icrvpcrfiinre. Tl'.e brdroonraare all ligln nr d airy, sll furnished in a nest sly f, so as to in-uie ion .Tort. The reteivji g parlors are also fumi-l.e.l In a su perb style, the windows -arc cm the French s'yle, foimit g an entrance to a balcony in front, whkli mt'ke s pleasant recess. Pnrtteulur attention h0 been giviTi to the beds and bedding, which, witlx the furniture, areTntirely new. From years' experience in hitel business, vm trust, by strict assiduity to liusiness, lo make thi house a xlesirable strppina place. Our table will always be supplied with Ibe very best nor maiket can afford, and our bar with the best liquors and wines nf ihe most approved brands. I . S, I here are firvl rate stabling ur.dearr agr houses attached lo Ihe hotel, r.tlnuled by ca fj and solter ho-irera. and our charges will be low, III iccoTdance with the present haul SHCLTZ A BERR Philadelphia. April Ifi, 1843. s v s"que h anna HOTEL, C ATT A WISS A, COLUMBIA CO., PE.y.SYLYASIA. THE sub-criber re-pectfully inlorms ihe puhlio that he has purchased, and now occupua tba Large and Cammodiotit iJTnvrrn Stand, Wrll known ss the property, Into of Theodore Wells, and formerly kepi y Samuel A. Hi dy. He is nfiw prepared to accommodate all traveller and visiteis who m .y favor him with call, and wdl use , veiy effort in bis power to render every convenience nd comfort to his customers, wh la under bis charue. His accommodations are ample, .tut I is lo.-ms H furnished. His stables exten I .t- : it ti jo.i,; e i li'ion lis I'oi: i. im: !'n will besom! ' est to . b i ' r n HfTord, Pv I (..t p I. . i fideni tl'it I d i" iih the clnalitv wi I meut MAN. iht p : :ije ct" (it. ; . !ic ' H. MILES HA I' lt'in i'-l. A p I 'Ph. . uoisi:ui' t iun:u mi, PAPER MANUFACTUREHE, Strert, llultlmvre. 11 AVK Consiantlv for sale, Prurinn Paper nf alt anal qoafitit s. Can Writinc Paper, rubd ami phi'm. Letter Paper, while and Hue, ruled and plain, Hanging Pater, fine and common. Envilnpa Puper, do. do. medium, doub'e ciow n, crown sn.l eMiasiisftl Wrapping Papers, Coloied Medium ami Royal Papers, Bonmt, Binders' and Snaw Box B.Mirds, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, wbia h they will sell nn sccoiniiiodatiiig terms a! gh't price given f a old rsgs. ROBERT CARTER A SON. M .rch 19, 1842. Elklon. M.I. V7KARTON?S E Q CIS r.H? UZ JBTd S:i2iliiry, oi llimiibri litnil Coiiiity, rEMNSYLVANIA. fjlIF. i b-.r'hcr i.hii. i-tfu'ly inl. ruis ihe public, I t'i t' i has et. tove 1 to that l uge and con mo t:s 1 . .. 11. "Ult It-Use. on Maiket square, opposite (' I. . I. . Uc I bv Iiiratn I iv. .) d to uco inundate all w 1 call. He nii thai kfu! :ot In ae In' i no., j v f.iv'.t hit. i v-. i .st i Vo IS, tie Iiol i s : v strict attent on lo bus tn', i ie. lb e a lib. Till s I ' i S u u v, M "-' t pub e -aite. iS. r ' t s H. WHARTON. ISP.' XiirEi iiiiis: lime: TR E kii'i . lit is are repan d lo turniah fiiiniTs f a n d i thers with any quantity of Lime of a rry I nuieiioi onsbu f r (anil, in fa ai-tering, at ihe fol t towing .v r..luce.l prices, vitt 8 cis. per busbal lor I at d Luna ; HI els. tor the best quality nl plait- It ring Lime, s Ihe kilns, below the borough ut Sot t nr, I In v wdl also debver, at any place within il 1 a -rough nf Sunbury, Lime for land, at 10 cents rr I nstill, and Lime for plai.teiiug at 12J cents per bu-lul. The subscribers hive always on hand, a Inge quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, snd tin ir limestone it not equalled by any in lhncih Inn buoJ SEASHOLTZ A BERGSTBE88ER. AutU, Ariil 3d, Ull. ays