Fmm the V. 1'. Commercial Advertiser. Onr Ner World ltuli.a. The explorations of our countryman Mr. Stephens among tlia relics of vanished races that once eWurmed in Central America and Mexico. have excited great curiosiry on this rubjeci, botli in Edtrope and America. We lit v.? hr-ard of several projected expeditions, eitlier in progress or at loast lulked of by Cny lislt tra Vi-llerji ; and we see it stated in Bume of the French papers that a infant of that n.iliuii i. preparing to set out on on extensive journey through the heart of South America, from the Alliiitic to the Pacific, at the expense and un der tho patronage of tho Due do Nemours, w ho in this fulfills a plan devised and commenced by hid unfortunate brother, the late Duke of Orleans. The expectation of finding ruins . uud other .traces of the ancient population is spoken ofas a leading inducement to the ex ecution -of this project. In connexion with this subject we may pay, we believe, without violating any confidence, that the forthcoming volumes of our own Ste phens, which will be published in two or three weeks, fur surpass even their immediate pro- -ilrcek'sors in architectural and historic interest. The plana of Yucatan, which he and his com ri. ion Mr. Catherwood explored with untiring diligence, proved to be a mine of inconceivable richness.. Ruins of vast extent and most strik ing character were disinterred, as wo may say in n!mo-t boundless profusion ; as niny be in ferred from the fict to give specimens only the volumes will contain one hundred and filler n engravings. Several of these we have enjoyed the pleasure of examining. They are . wore highly finished than those in the Central America volumes, which indeed were only outline etchings, v hile in these the outlines are duly filled up with the proper light and shade, tfce. and we must siy that the archi tectural magnificence they represent surpass es all that we had previously known or ima-1 gined. Wo perceive, too, from a few glances at the proof sheets, that personal adventure was by no .iie:iiis wanting, and tha. the narrator there- of has loat nothing of liis quiet humor and graphic power of language in describing it cf- i icctively. ; "" s s V - , tiirriiir Times in Ailti.inns. Frior to the 12th of October, Samuel G. Trow bridge, Win. M. Wilson, Armor Hunt, Ira C Whitemore, William Cu'dwcll, Tapley II Stewart, (brother of Virgil A. Steward, the he ro of the famous Murel disclosures,) nnd peve rul thcr persons, been arretted in Little Rock, on suspicion of having been concerned in deal ing about 14,000 of Real Estate Dank money fuun the (.flice of J. D. Fitzgerald, a Justice of the Pence at that place, on the nioht of the 2oth of Aiifjust ; also of having been concern ed in cout. tcrieitinor, Littlo Hock Corpora tien Tickets, and United States gold and silver coin, and in robbing Mr. KliiIIs' store f about live thousand, dollars' woith of jew elry, some twelve months tiuce. The live pei'smis mentioned, had undergone a piflimina rv examination, and been committed fur further - . : . T: 1 1 : . ... !.! II . l. . 1 inui. . i.iium um.ri, t,v.,peu no.iicuMooy soon alter ins arrest, uui uemg goautu uy i.un- grr, guilt, destitution, and hot pursuit, he found I it expediiut to Ktirieiiiier, and coiile.-sed him pelf guilty cf tire charged perlcrrcJ oguinst Jiim. These astounding disclosures, io connection i w ith the gtrist, Mid exao.iuat ion of ihe tuppo sei! criminals produced, ae iniht be expected, a great excitement at Little Ruck, and a tense of danger, which cauoed the better part of the ci tizens to concert measures for the coimrwn de ft nee. Among other things, a niyl.t patrol was r stabli.-hed, in which the most rcapuctublc citi zens acted as watchmen, for the purpunc of ar resting all suspicious persn'is, preventing the conflagration of prepi ity by incendiaries. On the uight of October T l Iv, tnys tlie paper above mentioned, two separate were in odvertcnly placed at the house of 'William Caliiwell, (who was then running at l.iri'o.) with n view to detect hiiii. as it was known he was lurking about the city. These different guards were igiiorant of the presence of each other at Caldwell', lmiise. The night wns clou dy and dark, and the guar Is were couiph telv drenched w ilh r in, which hiul hulcn .hiring the night. Mr. N. B. Thomas-son was a mem ber of one of the guard, uud Mr. El win Y. L'.i ker ineiub"r of the other. Mr. Biker was shot by Mr. Thoui isson, throiijii mi-t .ke, nnd died 10 a few minutes. Mr. Tbomass'i ts a worths and tu-ivh respected gent 1., at.d is nc.putt' d by publ.e seiiliuient, f a 1 . rimit.t.1 ilt ign, for it is well known, that lie and Mr. Ba ker w re friendly lo each uthertu tiie l.i.-t. Mr. Baker was, webe.ieve, u nutivei.f llarl- , .,- . 1 . . ford, (Lonn ) and was ulsiiit Iw.-iity-s. von veais ,, , " . old. lie hud been married but. a v. at ..r tie, . , . .. i , i i- nd nt the tunc his widowed Cihiij hiim:i ai d la- therlees child are, we umlerstaiid, in tlie city of Bos-tun, al the fire ti le of her parei.ts. A let ter was despatched tuber en Friday jiruiiig, cormying the heart rending; nt ws. Rtitiah Mamifucltirig idea nny be giv en of Ihe enfimajs exlent of Urit sh mamifacur. rs w Uui it is mentioned tlmt, al Manchester, io one fac'oiy alone, upwards of . million and a quarter nf yards of goods, not exreul ng three inches i i w:d h, and couipo ed i f rot1. in, linen, silk, or worsted, are w vet. in one week, or upw.iid of 3 V 227 miles in one year. "h!i Old ( sou." I at tie racoon lake a pn p, And .1. n so softly In him creep ; I found tie racoon fust s. ep, AnJ mlied him iff do rail, Vc, And him on tbegruuiiJ. F.xt rao.cllnftr ? Kvent If True. The London Courier hascopied the following story from the Etoile, a Paris paper, of a man be in restored to lifo afler having been frozen in an avlanchc forono bunded and sixty-six years ! The editor call upon Major Longbow, Mun chausen, and Ferdinand Mendcz Pento, to bide their diminished heads : Dr. James Ilotbam, of Morpeth, Northum berland, returning from Switzerland, is stated to Imve reported i hut a most extraordinary e veht had lately passed at the foot of Mount St. Goth ird, a league I'rom Ai2oli, in the valley of Levntitina. At tho bottom of a kind of cavern, the body ofa trnn, about thirty years of age, was perceived under a heap of ico proceeding from an a vahincl.e. As the body ecMi.ed to be fresh as if it had been it .fled only half an hour before, Dr. Mo tliam cau-ed it to be taken out, nnd having hud Iho clothes pulled off, ordered it to be plunged in cold water. It was then so frozen that it was covered with a crust of ice. It was then placed in lukewarm water. Afterwards it was put in a warm bed, an) Ireatfd as u?ual incises of MiiTncation, by w hich means animation was restored. What was tho astonishment of every 1dy when tho individual, ha ing reeoved the use of hisl'teultics, declared that be was Rodger P. ds- worth, son of the miticttiirv of the same name, i ' 1 . born in Jo'J!), who, relurnin- fmm Italy in lfiGO, , a year arter the death of lus father was buned , under an avalanche. Dr. Ilolham, according to the same account, j is stated M have added, that Dr. Dodsworth j tet ls a great stittii'ss in a!l his joints, but by j decrees tin y will become asfb'XiMo as beferei , the accident. If Mr. Dodsworth fully recov- ers.and should pass through Lyons to return to j his country, after one hundred nnd sixty-six j vets' iih..rence, it may be predicted that he! i will attract, in l. io liifclioi cleetce, tlie puu- yic CUrio-itv." IIamts of Mozvrt. Mozart wrote much in the open air. The greater part of Don Co. vauni was composed in the bow linggrccn of his j Ucnr f, Dussek, at Prague ; the Heqtlietn. . likewise, in Frattner's farden. ot Vienm. The lirst quintet in Zaubeill te was composed m 11 ; colli e-liouse, over a game ol minimis, lie to- veJ to be surrounded Uy triends, and U near ...II.:.. 1 I r.l l.n ........ mining uiiu miini" niinniu ti i n. ui- ,....- j posed. But be also wrote much at night ; and i ceased writing neither day nor night; when I possessed with a favorite idea. lie received a- j qui er of a ncent dale sM-sksif un imp'oxrd team bout fifty (siunds for each of his operus ; but engine now i xbil itn.g in that city invented by for Cosi fun Tulle one hundred pounds. His j James A Scwnrt of 'I't nnnee. It i- said to he chamber music was fur too elevated above the the simplest application of steam yet known, which, taste of the day to be saleable lo the music-sel- sys the Enquirer, rmnhiued with itsecno lers, so that, except a trilling pension of eighty 'y. S1" ' P""1' advantage for ir.'snd pu-p-ses pounds, which hereci'eved tor about four yeurs, '.vcr tl e . rdina.y e. gine. The Mowing de.crip lie had little to depend upon but concert giving l,on is '"'"hed : 'ri,u...,.t,t,.l'MnMrf. fii.,o! ''' the worki.g of the enaine, of every consumed in this mean labor cannot be thought i on but with wonder and indignation. Patronage and competence arrived for poor Mozart as he lay helpless and incapable on his death-bed. Music was the last thing in his . 1 I. ,......, ii. ;vV mui, .... .ne ..... o. .-einu,T. At neon on the f.tli of December. ! iui, ne was singing ins uequiem, ami uiiniu- i niejil ho ctared to breathe. I The I.owc:, (Ma-s ) Couii r spe.ks of improve There is a laree establishment al Uuthcrfor.l- ', mrnu lnUnn in lhat rity. More 1ln.11 bun ton, nearthegold mines in Noith Carolina, tin- j l!r, .1 houses haw h.en put up there this year, and def tho tiiatiageineiit of Mr. Becllcr, which , Vfrv ,r(. nunikr nr.- under way. The Tar ill coins pieces of about the value of eagles and Im, nn cio I cm 1HV1 1 i.n I.umuc-s. Fiw g odsarr half eagles, w hich, without iinituting in the I !. ught on .peculation. 'I'm!, is I uy in sieull least the nation .1 coinage, pass as freely in quauiiiirs snd olU'.i. This is what in.uiuf.ic u irs .1 .. w .... a.... - i . .. - :.. . : - . iiiu oouiui-rn oiaieti as un me coins issueu from the government mints. Their actual val ue is a few cents less than the umount named on their face they bear no emblematical de vice, but bimply the name and residence of t' e niaiHihicturer, the weight snd fineness, and an CAprei-tiiuti of the .qualil y of the gold, fcuieh coinage as this is nut prohibited, ii.tveriuiient Usbtiliies by law tin t-xelusive privilege, ot 'coin iug dpper, but gold and silver are left fre to any person w ho does not imitate the govern ment ttuinp. 'IVtnton intuit (inztila. The princely entertainments of the Marquis of Brcdulhaite, during iecn Victoria's visit to'.umL, will, it is Kind, cost jL'0Ur00. The Marquis has a rent roll of 1.",(KK per annum, besides considerable Beeiiniu'atKins of tc.otiej , and he bus no family. This loyal tribute, there-fu-e, s-iys a Scotch paper, while it will belptu benefit tradesmen, and .-.mfer happiies m countless nun, tiers of bis country men, besides honorable to old Scotland," w ill entail no em burrasiiieul on the generous .lniHir. for I'm i.i: Sam's Taikm-t.- On the 01 -t Nun uib. r. 1TS0, tin British (iovern nt liai:7.i.n i.j ,.: ll'i i l .lirrt, mil ' in-.) '.us t wo hundred nnd hty thousand dollar, ! . , . , , , . ... .. I ol tlie l itiileil debt t.t l.reat I.i itam, in pav- j ... .. . . . : i .... ... I ... it... I . ..... ... II. ..-..a ...... ruei . mr die s .o iriaips, m u,. M1 i.;.- Ann r. etui devolution, at the rate of one litin ilred and liity dollars per head, from which it v.out.1 fcciu It at the estiinated loss of the llei-tun trimps in thin country was fifteen thousand men. IIi.m st v. The Secretary of the Massachu setts Horticulture1 Society, in his speech nt the late ann versiry said 'We sri'tohl lhat in some parts of Prussia, the children are tnined up in such habits of h'-ni sty, that o.Ki.-berries, and plums, and cher ries, sod other fruits, may hang in luscious clusters within their reach, the whole season ami ripen, by the side-walks, within arm's length of rvtry child, and yet never be touched by a pjrl.joiing hand." From the N. Y. Sunday Mercury. Elegant Extracts, We llio't all along that political papers were as diy as shavings, and dcMitutr of every thing like fun, philosophy, wit, burner or sense i hut we have Accidentally discovered that they con'ain some 'rich licks,' well woithy of comment. The fallowing sro extracts taken from a few of out political exchange, now before us. Miiny of them relate to 'that some did 'coon,' and the way he is vilified, slandered am) tortured, is sny thing I'U showing a proper tespect fr frrey hairf. 'I'he drmorrats have succeeded In both bunches of the Legislature of Wisconsin by strong majori tier. The room are nn their hacks fniiljr stuck in Clay Salt can't save them.' 'Ciion, is t'ie most appropr'a'e epithet that haa ever hi en fit plied to llin A'n pirtv' Thnt'n ib f miinc cnon'vs character. To drag a no r tinofTctulir g conn, liv the tail, fmm hishnppv ylv in homo int the siens. of politics, is digracefut. Conn, c've u yrniT paw ! Pick your fl W sain took to th priming And Fin-1 Hovs fur Hanv the true ' Pi.theiation ! why don't you uae (he percussion , lock t That's the, sort for Hark duck. I'l'luniliin.i is ide aake, and will renders good ) ace. urn on 'iie srcoim i ui susy ui ucuin'r. j Yes ('o'uinbina is wide aw.ike. Th at's a good p ft I get up uud dies Juiir-e I'. ILre your In, ll. .... c .,,,., . The Si will pri b il.iy sIkiiO ih morrnta 50; am , c1l,,Vll,iv(.. , uUp. . Ur b iei)rJ l0m A7i,.moc,t,t , 23 coon.have l en . le.-ted. The remaining counties gave Us Jnit 20 j,.IllortaU ,0 rm,., ,iUR ,ms present w.;,,ou, fulfllf chu,:ge, ? ilcmrau auJ 3a C(,0 s,' 1rci, t ,,f c0n, fr you 133 in two , My rvPf! did they eotch 'em ! wtl!U ,0 , j f. ed Vm on ! what i tho pri e t)f cootvkii.s i o.v ! -To jnur hub s Coons ! Burrow, Inrrov ! We ;... f,t ...;,, nf i. hunt. a.. d w..e 1 to al! j c 'mis then raujit out of their boles; if tl.ey file- cei d in ii ichiiis the woods thev w ill find no trc. tall . m nnhlo save lhe:i. from t!:edemoor..tic bunt- ers on their tint k !' I It t n. co, .,. ,uii ! why the .1-1 dent you run ! ... . . ' ,, jr m,c ,,u,,,,. .pf,j, Y,.r ,, iri. , ,,. ,. lo your i ,,,, ,jllt , , ,r,.,.,:, ,.v want is to get Vl,u ,, a lrP,., sh.... !-ihe a-e Minus! Then r guess, after all this, 'the couutn, it mjt: A Xiw SrrM 1 be finciiintti Fn- description nre dispersed with. The most trikins j fe iiure in this extra. .rdiusry invention, ia ihe un. in l nlv of using a double action of high pres.ure steam. j rousing Ihe steam the second or thiid lime, with out bny tcucting resistance to its operation. The team is ap lied continually ot riht angles to the d1!um.,or of lev.ilving wheel, as water is applied to hc but.kcl of umt.r,lot wheels, th sire. The era of speculation ia uvrr, and tiade ia coming tack to ill nccuatouied channels. Sri.riiiTit or tiik Mi ci.r. Dr. Mussey, n I umber of years ao, met wi h a cas.. wbe-e the Htm td-oelilef I t ide were lorn (nun the bndy ef ro' ut v in g mini, of xl' en yeaia of aire, w h'!e he w,is nt woik in a ro'ton factory. There wis S'Mrce'v any h.' and the pa'ienl nnai re e.'veicd hi heuhh. The wbol.' maihineiy of the iiu'l havinp. been arreste.l, and held in check .nine ihe intcsumeriti an.) muscles gaie w av, he w -s thus enabled lo test the strength mid power . f these muscle. M-faiml by actual x peiiiu. iii, that die we gbt which would balance l! e nia.hii ry, Wa- tight lutid' td and lliitty ptiund! This he is disponed to regard as an approxima tion to the f.nce n pb veil in the di rmheiin -p-.raiion aid it se-u s v..hi.l le lhal f't a short (paee.-f time, the laig.- jiertnrial and hithfimu dor. ti iniiM li-i forming the ims-iior and piol.fiot mar tins nf lie uxillar, sust lined thenuelves that iniiiune weithl. lltxton Journal. Pr.-fesor Mo-er, of Koiiiusherg, is said to have ' obtained Digueireoty p imprsi.n in . room ; completely d.uknicd. In a tetter fnun Al lander Vi n, ('ately p'intnl in the -W ener letting .') the process is briefly described as the marv. llnus ive V of modem sen nee. Pixel i At.n v. If you desire to enjoy life, a void uupuiictuul people. They busi ness and poissai pleasure. Make it a rule not only to be punctual, but a little beforehand. Such a habit si cures a composure which is es sential to hn;i;iiess ; for waul of it, many pci plo live in a c. instant fever, and put all about them in a fever too. A lady of fashion will sootier excuse a free dom, fio'v iug frotn i d mirat ton, then a si f,hl, resulting in indifference. The first otfen. e baa the pleasing apolojy of her at ructions ; the last ia bold, and w itlssit alleviation. Hut the mode in whi. h .he disposes of the two only shows that her love of admirat.on ia stronger than her sense of propriety. THE AIMEIIICAN. Saturday , W. 6, 1842. 0T Our packet for Nonhumh -M ind of laot week whs mislaid. We shall be cartful to tvoid any uck neglect heirafier. (Jj" We have received from the publishers of the V..u. W...I.I T i. i ; ' "., ""' ' """J. I r ah in-iii mum, iuuiincu 111 rjir.i nuwtiers ol llie New World. The Western Captive, or the Life and Timet of Ti cumseli," a most int. resting work, ia alam put). Imbed in two extra numbers. Piice 25 cts. per copy. OTj" On fund ly It.f, the interesting ceremony .f , haptitm hy immersion was performed, for the fust time in this pluce. Eighteen persons reciivid the riles of baptism on the occasion. The day was ch at nnd beautiful, and the concouisc of people was unusually great. We presume that no less than twelve bundled persons were pre-ent. Out benuti rii'er bank nnd shore was literally lined with peop'e. The liev. Mr. Jones initiated on the oc casion, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Worrull, who has l cen pleaching for the Inst two months in this pluce. Oj W e have been reques ed t i sny lint a num ber uf persona will be baptised by immi ri-ioM, to. ' moirow, (Sunday the Gth.) st 10 o lock, at this place. CTj- Felix Maurer, Esq., our new Sheriff, went I into possession of that vener, hie nnd much ,.bucd public raider, called the Jail, on Thursday la-t where be will have room to r. ceivc and accomodate a greater nnniler of scamp, than B IIk re The law b.,..hi,ig imieinn,, ,,t for deht. has ucnaei) ihe mi tuber i f roues within the lai,t ier, ,.t least , ,ie biim rcd pc, c. nt. , 1 OT J-bn S. (i,M.,, E q of I., high, and Judge I C, .,pr.eV,. .,f Lanes rr. are loth spoken ofas i t rommeni for speaker of .he Senre. I l ey are b th able and taVnted men. Either of thrm would givr satisfaction l.j the puny, and lo tl e public generally. CT-miiel I). Inghim has at h i puhhhe.l so article, of r ur . r five c. lumn in rcptv to the let- 'e'sl!ecn J mlge I.m i and Thomas ('hamhrrs, Esq. in r. laiiorhi he alfiir of fieorue II iiuly. Lilllf Oil l.lllltl. CI . . . C.M... . . .. .. .L . WUI ll.rH..-IH Bin 1H-KII'IIIIIU (l. Hl'lir L'lII.'- lllf 11 value of lime in improving their land. Those 1 wnotiave tried ihe exeenment liave liecome per- . . . . - fi-clly saii-fie.l of the great hem fit of lime in imp o- vinu Ihe soil. I he gren wonder is. that j PI(1VV vvult j i be expected frirn tin llnnatu who wilnes-ed tbiser.sutts do n -t at enc ral union, and how the people w ill relish it." einbiuk in the nie.sure. those who have ! - been nvsl sucee-sful in ll.e ue ol lin.e as a manure, I is Mr. Ilenrv 1 1 uff of A oeusln Inwii'-hip, w bo la- j K.lltorlnl, .nlrr.l axil S-leclril. hem so well convinc.d of its ere it va'ue, thnt h" lias erieim n.u to rover i is wr.oie i .rm wen it as soon ss possible. He -a.s that those fields which lie has lime.i tia-e produced him l iu' !y i mueti as heretofore, ai d in some instances more than don' I. the quantity ; the .'ilf. ren.-e in the fir t crop fie- qiien'lv psviog all the expenses. He funher t ... .1... i. . .. .n : . . r ... . . ini ..IH. nr mi. Mil. i i... , ii.r . u (ii utj n. . i van-age. ,.f liner l .n.l.that if be could no, . Ibe.wisr i ro.ure it. he weld I .t-ll elT o,.e half bis fa r in for the u pose . f limit g the leinait.d.r. ,; .... , err t oHMiiii ItsiL lioiii. Ihe contract for carrying passengers over this road bus been allotl.d to Mewr.. Win. Cameron and A. P. U'.Uon, E-qrs.. t thirty five c nts per pas-em-er. The number of bids were fourteen, snd ihe average was forty two cent. Her. tnf.ire the expense ws one dollar and ix cents per pass. nuer. I Ins stntb' item is ol it elf a great caving to the Common ea'ih. The pie eiit board of Canal Comu.issioneis ties, rve griat e.e.1,1 lr Iheir p..seveg in Hunting our I ubl c iinpiovrincnts what they shoulJ he, not only popular, but refilable. 'Flmai.k Imhstrv. A quill has recently been c.iinph-t.Hl by Miss Craighead, a lady ol 1 larnsburg, Pa., which contains (kCI pieces. It was beoon than sixteen years back, and has taken up nearly all Ihe spare tune ol Miss C. mice its commencement." rr In ehuiciiis at the stove, we inadvertentlv Option "Female Insaney." nor did we 1 , ' ' ' n.T I cr us n .Z. u find any ,h, g ,n leading the article to convince us , ,W"MJ J" Z r " r ,h I , W of our error. Any woman thu, would devo-e .... - "7"-"''' M ,he "U,h"" "f 'l" ' teen yea,. ,. be, spars time in the prtme of her:"'1 llUml,'!'- t life on a quilt, an article of doubtful utility, and not i We "" frm the ' A'"; f" . . . ... , , . , . . ' 1113, lhat ihere are attached to the t) d .Vhool worih more than ten dollars t the most, must l-e I ....... ,.Aro , ,, , . .... , ., . , : Presbyterian ( liurch. I3'J'J Mmuiir.s, 1 10,463 com- as mad aa lar.-h hare. h it might she not ' . , . , . i municants (exclusive of 4 I usbvl.nes not report- have accomplished l y six ten v.ara ot incustnous ,. application, il her nine and tulents hail lieen eee' t- .. , i . . w.,, ,,! , a,,. r . the above Convey to those who mi-spply their lime and Intents! How many other are there in ibis world, who, by industry, after tailoring j all their lives, produce in tlie ouu homing cut s . tjj One of the fust measures to be brought be fore ihe next Cnri(iiess will Ir the I'x.hequei Plan sgrt-. d upon by tin President and Cabinet, The A'. V. l.'iiou js of it: "This plan provides for the safe keeping of the public monies, with as much security as the Sols-Treasury. It leaves state banks free nnd ourestri-ted it opens a saife medium of do mestic exchanges, and establi-.bes a sound cur rency, liaised upon the public revenues. Thia project, theief. re, piop. rly guarded and secured, s tail to work well and In-come popular 'he country will soon leel the benefit ol its o peralion, und the honest and patriotic in the land w ill surrender all their prejudices and pe rnliar attachments to other projects, and go tor the Fxoheq'i.r a the oound and eafe compromise. OTj' As Santa Ana is now making powerful elTut to te conquer Texas, the following from the Baltimore American will not he without interest! "If aucress should attend the ftrst efforts of San la A' a, no proffers of mediation wil be likety tu divert him fom his purpose of subjugation. In tlie e.cnl of a failure he maybe willing to listen to terms. 'I'he subject has been discussed in some of our papers as to the duty of the Government of the I'nited St Htea in case no mediation i accepted, and Tcxaa ia likely to he subdued. The New York Union, a journal which is friendly to the Adminis trillion, s.ys 'it ia contrary to the dictates of sound policy on the part of our government, to give any assurance to Mexico, that the I'nited States views with indifference nny attempt which may he male to invade Texas. It is obviously the duly of the a,mini,t,atio lo state to the Mexican Minister, in nnt:ciation of this movement against Texas, that the country will not permit Texas either to revert to Mexico, or to be transferred to any other power.' The view advanced is that since Texas has at tained a position among nations, has instituted s ' government si:d leen recognised as an independent power, after alliances have len formed and treaties m ine, e nre nounii as a nepunuc especially owing j duti.s of and protection, to sustain her ;; that considerations nf Interests, of j tentorial cnnrclion, ofallili .tim with her riiizens, , i- i i , . ... l,,r "u ,nul 1B C1,,m Ot ! mai.ity itself require of us to shield our fellow cres tups from the sanguinary indit lions of tint fenci ly which showed its bloody nature at the massacre j f Cdiad and the Alamo. We prcfent tbesn Views na we find them advan. ced, sulily for the sake of information to our rea- ders. How far the Administration participates in them ne know not. The article i n the 1,'nion goes j sun lurme, tnan a guarantee ol tne inuependcn. e r -r .i i . .nr .. .. . .... . il I r us I mis ; !, ' V . V" Z P"";'" i ! "I'"' U'M' ,h" ' , " r''VC,, L"B'!,"J ? ! I JV n' 'n' ''"r! c "ln,r' expressed its fi- 1 i " '',""'nin!l""n' wl'i h Mr- A'!'n' hlm"-lf ! 1 mnft.rmA nn.l ....t In Tt.t..!n . ........ py i una. II any .lancer was to grow out or that , rr"'nn ' ' Finiland, how much it w II b increased . "v I,n,,ln m' m P-r-ion oi i exa.; our cot- , ,,n l',a"'p" Wl" ' "'""k down at a sinjle hf.w slid England will arow eoiton and f.rce her I i m"ri" rlur " "t10" ,hP wnrM- " s,,',''1 rc'iJ's rk"nw'''V the led pen.Vnce of Tera., and is i j deternrnrd 'o in' ade and suhjneate that Republic . Iir nr.. I. r o.i.l .1. ra . nnn j. i.rn I ... . ...,., , . . u, J p, , , cm., ,, ,Incrr self. t.reservi. I ,;on Ttxus mu.-t be unntxfd to the Vniled i Stittrt'' j Cj- The e liter of the I.'. S. (J .iclte in alludinr jti)iic"'dpr..scritiveaiitim .sonic party," speak-. ; n. fn'l a nf (.nv t)iti...iaiiinini-l.iiti.M - ! , ' " - ,. ,. , . ,i -i .i I 'Ihe disgracetul scene at Harrisburg, the t .. . . . . . j i rr.i u i imp i r Kii-smtf ii.r.irririijr trilm I '" . . ............. . . r . . , ' ininistrtilinii and the;ir om;r mid signal rttml.r i; tlmt ti ti hulnifs, tiy the people ot tlie Mate, ' Tw i f.-inali-s were on I'nd y held to hail in 100 i ,.8l.j,f t n' rlplua, to answer al ihe fte-.ious lor i ,((ir,..0.,.(1,,,,. A man in er -d the nlhce of an Editor in Ken- lucky, for the purpose uf canii-g him ; uud was shot i:f J. i.. ..I I F'n.vni J (.Ri-sn hss been apnointed Wrich- i in the Custom House ... Philadelphia, in lh'' place of Mr. KhulU. I The number of passengers over the Ea'tern 15 ail , ' 15 nd for eight days, eliding on the Uib ult., was ' . 1 " HOC. ! , ' ' , "" " " " """y ' ' "" ! j"' received hy the up-etting of s carriage. j Hohert Hose, a colored English poet, is annnun c d as a future contuhutor to Ainsworth's Mag .- ; me. i The Slate Insolvent Laws are superseded by th - Bankrupt Act, sreording to a decision nf Judge s.(,.n , p - 0 . MJ I The i-itmt of the cotton trade is proven in the fort, lhat the destruction of 35 000 or 40,00! hales by the gee it fue in I.iverpjol produced no cf- : ; fi.f on I i The loss which the Citizen, Insurance (.. or ( St. I.ouis sustained t'y the burning of the ship St. : I.ouis, is over f 2-t.OOO. I I . ,. ., . ., ... . I t 1 .d, snd CO'gt. churches. - 1 Ik .M.ssesippi river is sau io ue lour men- i ea lower than it has been known to be for many years. The War Piepattment haa issued ordeaa for the breaking up of thss Military postal t'arlish, Pa. Dry M .Her, ihe prophet, predicts there will be no more rain, ao thst the rarlh may be fit for burning. Sfiietf rum. The following toast waa given at a dinner in the nutmeg producing state of Conner ticut: "The .Vufmr Slute. Whet, shall we find a grater f" The correspondent of a New Vork psper 'ays th.t Elworth, the great pedesuian, 'walka like hook.' Tb Uarre (iittelt. say. th. book meant wsa Walkei's Dictionary. There will he four state teeli..ns in November, vit. in M isstehuselts on the U Monday, in New York k earlier, in Delawai. the 2J Tu.s day, and in Missia-ippi nn the first Monday. Mi. Riddle's seat, "Andalusia," offrj fir si'e by the shsrlT of Burks co,unty, is, rnf rely matter of form, for the purpose of making legsl transfer of the property from the father to the son, the latter holding a large mortgage upon the property, Iheh vs. Heads. It is said that Tsglioni esn re. tire upon a competency of 8000 per annum. Poor Durnsdied a pauper. Silk Cotton The Gallatin, Miss. Signal stsh s that General Arthur Fox, of Lnwicrice county, his this sens n raised a bale of supeifine Silk Cotton, snd intends appealing at the next agricultural Fair at Jackson, in a ailken gown of his own manufacture. There is a great deal of counterfeit U. S. cain In circulation, of all the small denoninstions, and it is very dilTn-uh to detect it. As to Cents, they aro manufactured snd so'd by the keg, just like n d's. The privately manufactured ce.its are worth just as much ss those msdo hy the government, but in silver coin the free trade plan geta in loo much copper. Sentence of Monroe Kdwrfla In the Court of Oyer and Terminer in the city of New York, on Monday, M nroe Edwards was brought to the bar to receive sen'enci for the c,j,llP f frgery, of which he had been found ;.,, on ,w0 .rr,, jmliclments, one ofwhieh W1, r defrauding the firm of Brown, Brothers fc ( V., (,f la-pe sum of moner. by means or fabe likens, ami IhP in .IpframlinT V.,a Cnrri- ' - - r n " Jr , of 2.r 000. by the uso of the I ke fraudulent means, w e ropy the tullowmg parttculras from tie Evening Post : Jude Kent ordered tint the e'erk proceed to ar raign Moniee Edwards ; and, on bis beiug s ked what he had lo say why sentence should not be pronounced, Mr. Evarts, one of the Counsel for the prisoner, rose and movi d the Court to tlctay ,hp (f nc, . ; ,,, n(rd ,he Pri(l,im.r ,ime to arrsnge his domestic afTm. as he was the anly nub- ..f the fun ty Who ha-1 arrive.j at .he age of "P''l of '''J"' 10 m""e,ry "J olh"r i'lV'i"- " f bole family we,e concerr.ed. M ...roe Edwards (the PrWr) r me snd moved .. .. .. ... he Court M ... d they could n ,t entertain the motion, and shou'd imuiediately procej to pass ac.tence. E.Avnnls then again rose, and from a manuscript ,v1,ll ne ,, in ljs hll , to ad besa the Cll(,rt H ted that he bad been hunted lo the Jeirt, ; his fliat trial had b.en pushed on in a very nnprec. dented m inner ; the pre-s had a'sn huiited I ' !. L f . 1 . . - - iij-.,,l,n; ii nan p'eveneu every act 01 nia tile, causng thi in to bciragiinst him, and ho was convicted. us be was tint able fom th.) press made to bring him to trial, to procure two essential witnesses that w.iu'd have triumphantly proved his inrio. cence. The res.ilt of ihe IchsI trial did not Hst mi-h him ; the prosecuting parties had made a boast ....J....,.,..!. ,. .. .. i that fUHl.OllO fhoubl nat he spared to convict him ; ; : thiit be was F.acuni'pil to the avarice of rs nn.l ... .... - - b" k.-rs' bins, many of whom he now saw around , luui in t otirt, wlio-p countenance displayed the si'pi a'Btice of v igue joy. lie rein irked, ls, that ihe Court seemed to di-play a hasty ihspositinn to consign l im to a ' It v i 1 1 1; sepi.h li e, the d.iuiS and dews ariinj froin I wbi'-h lie levied not, but the onlv c "usideratiori that pis-ed acrnsg his wit iany regret, was ; ,ljt;r4,.e ,hn it Wl,u!J o a his f.mily and ! , ki the ,!uo,n to which the Court ; wmj about 1 1 c iign h in a dread c il un'tv. He , slaed the same cl ist of evidence which hid i ii'arej him in th situation in which he now siooj. ini'ht hurl the j nl0'i" fom bis high station, and hi? the means i f his d urad .ti n. He w .s awa-e of the la' of ihe law and, tbcatn .unt of meiit lint the Cnurt could inll ct. but he w ml.l de part ro ii ll.e u-ual cus om nf craving the b n ty uf the Ciurt, as he was innocent of ihe charge found against him, an I therefnre scorn iho act ; he res r guiz.-il hut one judgment seat of mercy; that was above, where he should hive an impartial tri al, and he was fearless, of the result ; it was im muteri d to him as far a-regarded tclf, if bis sen tence was one hour era thoisind years; ilea h even had no terrors for him; h s nn'y c jnsideia'ion was, that his sentence might cast ignomy on his familv. Judge Kent stated thst the Court had intended to have proceeded t . pass sentence without a sin gle comment, hut sine tho prisoner hid th uhl proper to make so singular an exhibition, I e was compt II. d to make a few remarks; he had been tried furly, and a jury had decided that he was a prison obnoxious to society, and the laws, there fore, had decided to expel hi in therefrom. The l'U'J aUrml" ' ' " f f""UOn "f P'"' M , "aiety ., ,.rn def-.-ed. The Judge hnped lh .1 bis moral character would j be redeemed hy the sentence about to be passed. nj ,h lt ne Wluj h-reaflei iiome a us.-ful ' j ,w f , u.,v. He was at present, as w ia i . . I nrnv. n. ibsiuieif mor I i.nncii.le. an 1 hv Ihe sen- ' . tenre lie was shout to pronounce, his character ... i ..r,.. ... ... ...... ... mr. miny ill that was iherefore left for the Court, was I lo pronounce sentence, lhat he be confined in the I s. . . . . n .-. ... r . . .l r . . .tA..d l. .: r . tlilir . ii.-.p.i ...I tun it-. ii, ii, i, ,r,ia, ui dig ...o ye.ira for each conviction. Dining the remaika of the Judge, the prisoner more than nnce stated that hei .ske.1 not for the cle mency of the Court and perh ips never in a Court of Justice was Ihere exhibited such a spe"i'U'.i oft total want of moral feeling, and of rerk'lJS depravi ty. The piisoner heard the sentenes witl smtju and left the room apparently in high g'.ee, Kiowa, Hi others ie Co. and E ijsr Xu,., Jr, were in ihe office of die clerk, ukiug ovHdio.te. of the senience ss stejis P'.pvsliry lo the ruo.vrry of their money, wlii;n j, j he cuU4y uf lUcorder Vaux.of Ph '.ade'phia, The ,eport lhat K-lwtriU atlempUnl lo LanghitTt- - ' at in pnson .. without foundation, Why ia a mom full ol m.rti. d fo:ka like an emp ty loom I Beou.e there is not a tingle person in it.