Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 29, 1842, Image 4

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    II A X K NO TI3 I, I ST.
The following Ii"' shows the value cf nil
Pennsylvania llsnk Notts. The most implicit re
liance mtty he placed upon it, as il i erery iiiek
can folly compared with ai d corrected liom link
hell's Reporter.
Hanks In I'lilIatN lhla.
Nam. Location
Bank nf North Amenta . ,
Parik of the Northern Lihprtips
Commercial Rank of I'mira. . .
IVmris' and Mprlianira' Bank .
Knington ltmik
Philadelphia Hunk .
Schuv Ikill Hank .
Southwark Hunk . .
Western Bank .
Mechanics' Dank . .
Count i'- ItnnliN.
rtank of Chpstrr (bounty Wpslcheslpr
I'm k of Drlawarr County Chester
It.wk nf (Icrmanlown (irtmantown
Hnk nf Montgomery Co. Morris-own
Dovlcstown Dank Do Iratnwn
Eas on Bank Fusion
Farmers' Hank of Bucks ro. Bristol
(Hl'icn of Dunk of lYnn'a. Harrishnrg"'
Harrisbiirg" These
Oflice ilo do Lai-cster nflicrs
(Mlirc do do Reading f do not
Cilice do do Easton J issue n.
Rank of the United Stales Philadi Iphia n5ufifl
Rank of Prim Township . . J
Orar.l Dank . . . 40a4r
Manufacturers' rV Mechanics' Bunk . lOalS
Moynmcrising Dunk . . 1.
Bank of I'eiiiisvlvhi in . . 7h8
M intra' Rank of Pollbvillt: Pnt'sville Gu?
Rank nf Lrwislown Lcwbtown 12
Dank of Maldletown Middle-town 4
11 -iik of Nnrthumhciland Northumberland 4
The brut method for thp Abolition of Disease
i to clvrimc and purify the Hotly.
i mm ax vi:;i:t 4Iim: iim.n
' tVurth -Iniriiean fallen of HrnUh,
Are now acknowledged to hi' llie best Medicino in
ihe World for the cure of
BECAUSE they eomp'elply cleanse llie sto
mai h and bowrls from i1i re billions and ror
ro I humor wl ieh arp (he cause not only of
IleailadiP, Oiihliiicsa, Palpitstinn of (lie Heirt,
IVns in the Hones, Rh. uni itism and (tout, hut
every niahii'y incident Id mull. SAID INDIAN
VEOETABIE PlLI.r- are a ei r ain cur. f.r in
( ni rent, lemiit. d, nervous, V and pirrnl
Fevers lire. nice liny cleanse (he p.'dy frcni llio-p
moihd huninis, which, when ennfmed In the circu
I ilioii are ihe cause of all kind of FEVERS, io,
aVo. hen the same impurity is deposited mi the
nenihime and muscle, causing p. ins, influna
tain and swellings railed RH HEM ATISM,
f M ll T, cVc. Wright's Indian Pills may
I relinl i'ii a always crtain lo give n lief, ami il
p rscti ied with, iifcuidlng lo ditcctinns will ino-l
i.ssiim dly, find without fiil, make a (arferl m c ol
II e ahnve luiinfi.l n iil.nlien. Erom llin e d six of
roil Ti:rri:ii.
ITTANKtH'Sl Hin-liON. '
(Jj- The ftiltiiir'ingcrrtijicu't Jmo ihis one ojlht
mint isitmirtliHury cure ever rJWlnl by any
l'mniiKtriiiA, Frhinaty 10, I8:)S.
Itin Iwenly yeaia I w severely alllirt. il with
TliTTKH on the Face and Head: the d'seasp
roinmeiiCi d when I was seventeen years old, and
roiitiiiued until the Full of lH:lti, nviii in vio
lent e, Iml without ever d isappearinir. During iii ifI
of tl.e lime, Brest pari of my fire wan rnvereil with
the eruption, friiienlly nitetided with vio'eul i'rh
inc ; my head nivi I ed al (inn s until it felt M if it
would I'liM the wellin j was so Re at, that I rou'd
rarei ly pet my hut on. DuriiiR ihe Iiiiir period
that I was alllii led wi h the diseae, I tiseil a preat
many a plientiorc, (ainolig them s. vorl relehrnled
prep nation-) as w. II n.i tnkina hiw od remedies,
ineliiilinfr n nunilier of hutlli s of Sirniin't I'annrca.
I'jirurt i'f SiirsiimriUti, A e, In furl il would he
iuipisil'le to riiilnieiaie all the nu iheines I used.
I was also umlei the Care of two of ihe moM di-i-tini;ui.hed
physUi.ius of ihis c ity, hut without re
eeiviim nv ell hei ifil, and I despaired ol ever heioif
ennd. In Ihe fill of lM:lfi, ihe ihsen-p .. ihe tiinp
Mild liidiim V ceiuh'c Tills taken evi ry ninhl ro- j hemp very violent, I rnniineueed usini! the Riixe
H I lo lieil, w ill In a i-lioit lime so rompieti ly rui ihntmritt, (prrpareit nv auutnin iV invts.l In
ll.e hoi'y l'i mil . vety tl'.iliK Ihai is opposed to health, j n f. w applirnlions the violent ili hine fi asrd, the
ti nt ltlirinn.iti-in, (iout. m-d pii" of every i'eenp- I swilln i; al'a'ed, Ihe ni Hon la-can In disappear
tion, w ill he liu inll DKIVEN FIJOM THE HO and hef. re I h id used a j ir the di-ense was t ninety
Hi. For the s rne lensoti, when, Irmn suililen
rhanpps of .itn o phi le, or m y other pause, the per
spiianon isdreUid, ninl llie liuiiiois wh ell shouhl
Coliimliia Hank 6c Uridgc to. Columhia 3
Carlisle Hank Carlisle I!
Exehange Hank I'iltsl urp S
D do hranch nf Hollidayshurg .1
Farincrs' Hank of Inratitei Eaiicaslri 2
I .iitiea-trr t'ounty Hank I.anraster 2
''i ineis' Hunk of Heading Kcailiiis 6
HniiishuiK Hank Harrishurg 6a7
E i-ieiis'er Uank Lancaster 2
! e ii i n Hank Eeham n 4
Met. ! ail's' rV Manuf. Dank Piltshurg 2
Ik.i.K ol I'iitshurg 1'ittbhuig 3
W'mi Hianeh Hank Williarnspnrt
W oiiiii k liank i kt'flaire I0al2
N' rthan. plnu Hiink Alleutown 17
Heiks County Hank JiiinliiiR
Ollice of Uank ol E. S. Piltsl urg
llo do do Erie
Do do do Ne Uri;hlon
Kensincloti Sav, Ins. A ilo
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Hank of Chaniher!hurg ChnilH-hurg f
Hulk ol (ieltyshurK (iiltvsl urg (i
Hunk of Surqvjcliunna Co, Montrose 8
Erie Kai.k Enu 7
Fa'iner-' & Droverb' Bank V aj nefhurg b
Fiankliu Uank Wiitliinflon ;
JloiKHl.ile 15ji k IlniiPsilnle M
Moiiolisahelu Hank of B. Brow naville 4
Voik Hank Yoik C
N. U. Tlie notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased hy the Philsdi Ipl.ia hrokers, w nh the
exception of thimc w hiih have a letter of rdennco.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philndelphii Loan Co. do
Sclm Ikill Sav. Ins, do
Manual Lahor Bunk (T. Dyoll, prop.)
J'liihuli l. hia
Towanda Hank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Hank ot Braver
Bunk ol Swatara
Hank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Fanners' A Mech'ca' Bunk
Fanners & Merh'ca' Uank
Fanners' A MechVa' Bunk
llaiiliony Institute
liuniiiiciliii. Bunk
Juniata Bank
l.iiiiil-crint'ii ' Hjiik
Northern Hank of I'a.
New Hope Del. Uinlpr Co.
Noiihuinli'd Union ('ol. I!k.
Ninth W est, rn Ita k.t I'a.
Oll'.ce ol Schuylkill Hunk
I'u. Aur. A Manuf. Uank
Silvei Luke Bank
1,'n inn Bai k of 1'enu'a.
W eslinoielaiiil Hank
no sale
rlosi d
lio sale
no sule
ll uni.-lnjrg
Hell, fonle
Fajelle co.
Iuiililigditi no sale
it'tvislown no Sule
Varien faded
DiiiidaH' no sale
New Hope cloM'd
.M 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 no sale
Mtitdville closed
Fort CuKhjii f.iiled
Carlisle d
Mniiliosc closed
Unioiitown filled
(i're i sl urg closed
ilkisUurie no sale
V ilkeshaire Undue Vo.
Xj All notes pui oiling to he on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the uhove list, may he set
down as frauds.
xi:w ji:itsi:v.
Hank of New Uiunswick Hrunswiek
Ueivideie Hunk Uelvidere
HuiliiiRion Co. Bank Medlord
Cniiunercial Bank Perth Amhoy
CuniHerhind Uunk llrnleloii
Faiuiers' Bunk Mount Holly
Fa i mi r' and Mechanics' Hk lUl.wav
l'am.irs' and M chut.ii' lik N. Hiimswiik
larineis' miii Mir. haul.' Ek MiiliUitown 1't,
Frunkllii Bank of N. J.
Hull, ki n Ukg& (jiuzilig Co llol.oken
Jersey City Bank
Mi rl nuns' B.nik
Maniilaclur. r Batik
Morns Company Hunk
Moliinoulh Bk of N. J.
MichitUlcs' Bunk
M ci, unit.' and Manuf. Uk
Morns ( anil ond Ukg Co
Post Nulea
Niwaik Ukg & Ins Co
JNW Ijope Del Lridi;p Co
N. J. Monuluc. and lkg -'o
N J I'eolecion 6i Lixiihuld Ik
I Irunue Bank
l'aierson Bank
1 ) . .' Bank
I'm, n ion Bunk
Su1! in Bunking Co
Sl .it Bunk
Stan H .uk
S ul Bank
Male Bui k ol Monu
So.te Hunk '
t-jlcin mid Fhilud Muiiuf Co
iiibSi x Hank
'l ieiiloii Bui king Co
Eon n Uunk
ushiiigioii Bunking Co.
ix i.i iiu:. -
Bk ofWilm A Bili.iI) wun VV i iningtim
Bank ol Delawun ilmu gton
Bul k of Smjriia binyn a .
Do luanch MillorJ
Faimi r' Bk of Suie of Dei lov.
Do hranch N iliinoijlon
Do biuncu (leogiiiiMn
Do Uuiiitt Nawcakilu
Union Bunk iliningtuii
CCi l.'ndei fi's
irj- On all I auk niS'keil thus () there are ei
thei counti rleil or alien d unit of lbs vuriuua de
Obdiinaiioiia, in circulutioo.
Jersey City faihd
llol.oken laihd
Jetsey City luih-il
PlltlelSilll fmlid
Hi llnille lulled
Morrislown 2
FuihotJ failnl
Niwuik I
Tnnton put ;
Jeisiy City j
I'O sule j
Niwuik 1
I.umleitsville j
lloloken fmlid j
Jersey Cily luik'd
Orange 2 j
l'ateisuii fuihd
do ' I
I'lincelon pui j
ih en par
Ncwurk I j
h hala ihtown 1 j
Caiinliii .n
Moiii.-iown I
Tn 111 mi fa i!e.! '
f-ali in luih il
New loll Ij
Titi.nm p ,r
D"er M
Hut kt iikack fuil i. ,
I '
p is oil I'V ih" skin nrellr. wo niwnr.lly. causinc
HEADACHE. CIDIilNE.S, io.ue and sii k
ness, am ill the h. in s, w a eiy and inll lined e es,
sore throat, hoari-ene s, roug!-, colisiiiii tion-.
rlit ii- pains in vaiious parlit of the hotly, and
manvoth.r symp'onn of CATC1IINC! ('OLD,
VCrighC Indian Viiltihlr I'ilh will iiiaiiuhlv
give in iiiedi te reliel. From thire to sir of said
Pills takt n every night on going to hid, will in a
short time, not only remote all the ahovr unpleasant
siniptonis, hut the hoily v II, in a shorl time, he
restored lo even sounder leal h tlinn U'f.irp.
IN'(i. Wriirhl'x huliun Ytgitubk fills wid loos
en and eary oil', hy the stun at h and howi is, thorp
lough hli pmy hiimor-, wl ich stop Ui all the air
cells ol the lungs, i.ud are the cause, not only of the
al.ovp disiri ssiiig complaint, hut when negieelPil,
olten terminates in thai mo p theadltil ma'at'y railed
CONSUMPTKLN. It shou'd he a'so lemeinht ird
that Wright' Indian Yrgrtublr I'ilh arp a pertain
CU'P for PAIN I.N THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, unci sicklies, hi-s of appi ti'P, costivcni sa. a
yellow tinge of ihe rkin ai d eyes, anil i very other
symptom i f a torpid or diseased sinte of the liver;
I t t iiuse tht y purue from the hody Ihose impuiities
which if di posited upon this important organ, are
the cau-e ol eery vainly of LIVED COM
PLAINT. W hen a nation is convulsed ly lint-,
ouihreaks and t hellion, the only means of prevent
ing the dreadful roiisetpienre of a CIVIL WAI!,
is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed opts from
the couiury. In like manner, w hi n pain or sick
ness of any kind, indii ate that the hotly is strug
gling with internal foes, thp true remedy is 10 EX
PEL ALL MOIHJil) Hl'MOIi.-, (Traitors In
heahh and life.) Iliullh will be the rirtuin risuft.
That the principle of curing disease, hy cleansing
and puiityiug the hotly, is stiictly in accord. nice
with the laws which govern the animal iconomy;
and il properly rariied out hv the ue of the aLove
1'ILLS, will ceilaiiity nsull in ihe complete Aho
htion ol Disease; we oiler llie following testimoni
als, from person of the highest rr-ef lahiliiy in
New Yolk, who have lecentiy heen ruled of llie
roost ohslinate complaints, solely hy the use of
Wnii. ui's Imh 1 1. k r iii.n. Pills, of the
Surth Amerieun Colli gr nf lit tilth ;
Jamaica. L. I., .lunty'Jtl.. 1P11.
Doctor William right Dear Sir It is with
great sali-faction I inform you of ;.iy having I .pin
i ninety cured of Dvsiirpsia. of five years stundii g,
hy the use ol your 1 Mil tx Vi:titTAHi.K Pills.
Pit i ious to niee'ing with your celehratid muli
cine, I had In en under the hands of seveial Physi
rial s. and had tried various niediciuis; hut all to
no effect. Afler using one 25 cent hog of jour
Pills, lioweer, I cxpeiin ced so much hei elil, ihut
I ipsiilvi d to persi veie in the usp of tin ni arrotding
loilinMioi s, which I am happy to slate, lias result
itliil a pellet t cure, logralilude to you foi ihe
great la in fit I have iereied, and also in the hope otlieis similarly ufllu ted may he intlured lo
make t'ial of your ex'ra.ailumy metlieiiip, I spihI
you this statement wild lull lihe.ty to puhlish the
same, if you think pr. per. Yours. Ac.
New Yoik, June ID, lH. li.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, ngeiil for Wright's Indian
Vegetahle Pills.
llearSu I have heen afllicted for several years
with inward weakness and general dehility, acrom
panit d at limes with puns in the side and oilier
ilistiessiug complaints. A It. I having tried various
inrtlieines wi'hoiit i Ih ct. I was pt isuailej hy a fiiend
tn muke trial tf Dr. light's Indian Vi getuhle
Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieved me
in a most wonderful manner. I have used ihe inc.
dicine, as yel hut a slim l time, ami have no ilouhi.
I v a perseverance in ihe use ol the medicine accor
iiii.g In tliieclioiia. th..t I shall in a short time he
perl. Hy re-loie l.
I most w illu glv recommend sai.l Pills to all per
sons m 1 1 1 1 1 it i iy ililietftl. ai tl ill 'he loll
lie same Ifia fiend resu'U w ill f. II. w their us. , I re
intin youia sinceiilv. HENIiY A. FOOTE.
a-warsing, Ulster co. N, Y.
NlW YollK, Sept. 29, lu ll.
Th's is to certify that I have used Whioht's
S'I'Iak Ylu'TAM-i; Pu is with die greatest heoe
lil ; luivii g tn irelv e tin el uiysell of li e fin'iu iit at
tut ks ol Sn k Headaehe, to hkh I had pit viously
le.n !,1jit. ANN MAKIA THOMI'SON.
3U2 (Ireeiiw ieh s'rie'. IN. Y.
To Mr. liirhiiid Dilinis, Agent lor V right's In
di.ill Vtgel.ihle 'lis.
V.I !"' .V.
As there n re at this limp many wiekPtl -erj-ins
hnsi'y i Dgaged in ml n g a n iiuleileii medicine no
ih r Ihe iiaiiie ol ihe L ilian Vegetal le Fills ami as
II t -e tl. t i rate mi 11 are so utterly reckless of eon
S'l'uencis, that many valual.le I vrs may he h si in
runs ijiii nee nf using ll eir tlreiidlul ci lnpounds,
he ol I r are cautioned against puicha-ing any
I'ltls. n. less on the ti.'esol the hoxts the lollowing
tvi itimp is f un. I :
(Indian furfiulite.)
ol 'I IIS. M1II1H ittlHIIlX ttllLM.K OF HI'Al.TII.
Ami a'se ta I'a rsperit-lly ranful against purrha
si. v saul n.e lit uie of any ersoii Picepl the It gu
I i a 'vert m il agents.
At.f.Xrs ft'li A 7t 77 1' MIS f-ULA AT) CO,
f i a iisijl am in.
H. II. Masft r, Suul nry Payne A Rose. N'or
toiiota rliia1 J ai oli Haas, Shaniokin Samu. I
Herd, Malioio.y Hverly A D. Ha s, Augusta
lienor A Foliiner, Miliou IreUnd A Meixtll,
Mi E onsvi'le ' fei A Dearinond, 'I'utrhutsville
J.unes I'eed, Pollsgrovt II Klase, Snvil. rstown
II. II. Kiulnl, P. M Elt.hurg l. O. Win.
la-i-nriog, P M. Union (.'timer. and (irnerul Depot for the sale of
Wright'i Indian VeqiHitde fill, Wholtsulu ami
PHIA. May II, 16U. IJ
. ciii-il. It has now neen near'y a v nr ami ii'i'l
j since, and there is not ft vestige of the disease re
' maiiiing. except the scats frotn the deep pits firmed
1 hy the ili-cas-e. It is impi ssilde for me In deserihe
in a rritificnte Ihe severity of the ilisease and my
soil', ring, hnl I will he pie .set) lo give a fuller ac
count to tiny person wanting further satisfaction,
who will c.dl on me. Al the lime I coinllicrice.l
using the R. se Ointment I would have given hun of do lilts In he rid of the ilita-asa'. Since in
sing it, I have rernmim inled it to -pvir il persons,
(among them my mother, who had ihe ili-ea-c hud
ly on her ami.) vv ho w. re nil cured hv it.
J AMES DERNELL, No. 15H, Rare St.
The Rose Oititment is prepared hv E. II.
Yaiu'lmn, Soii'li Easl comer of and Race
slieit-i, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunhu
rv. hv H. 11. MASSEII,
M .y 14ih, 1 H 12. Agent m
ltov Oinl iittnl, or Tctltr.
a niuoi' or its ij ticavy.
Pun aiii Li iiiA, May 27lli, 1 H:i9.
rPIIIS is to certify that I was severely alllic e.l
- with Tetier ill the hands and feet for upwards
ol forty years ; the disease w as attended generally
with vio ent itching and swelling. I appl etl to i
numhi rof h siciaiis, and list d a great many appli
cations without tlVetling a cure. Ahnut ayar
since, 1 applied the Rose Ointment, which enlinlv
stopped the itching, ami n ft w applications iminrdi
ati Iv cured the disease, w liit li there has hi en no
return of, although I had never U-en rid of it at
any lime for fity years. RICHARD S. VALE,
Ehvenlh, helow Spruce Strei t.
(Jj' The Rose Ointment is prepared hv E. B.
Vatn,han, S juth East corner of Third ami Race
Stieels, Philadelphia, anil s Id on aenrv in Sunhu
rv hy H. II. M'assER,
" May Mlh. 1I2. Agent.
Of tin KOSi: (H.TMI-:.T,for Teller.
A LTIIOl'fill the superiority of the prepiiiaii. ii
over all others is fully ea'ahlished, llie proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying ihe puhlic the
following certificate from a re-pecluhle physiciuii,
a graduaie of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
II High, having found in this leinrdy that relict f r
a tedious and dlsagreeuhh' all'ei w Im ll the means
within ihe r.inRe of his profession failed lo allord,
has not hesitated to give it his approbation, altho ugh
the prejudices and interests of that prolt'ssi.ui aie
i pposcil to secret Remedies.
Phm Ani.i rniA, Sept. 19,
I was recently Irouhled wit'i a tedious herpetic 1
eruption, which c.iveied nearly one si. 'e of my face,
unit extended over the ear. Mr. Vaiighan. proprie
loi of the Rose Ointment, ohseiviug my fact, msi-t-letl
on mv tiying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
tieis ol mv profession, I discountenance uml ilisajs
prove ot the liliaien us nosimni- pilnied upon the
puhlic hv i.'iioi ml pr. lender-, I feel in jtis ice houml
to except the Rose Hindu, nt liom ilia' c'ass of me
tlicines. anil to give it mv Approbation, as it entire
ly lurid the eruption, ahhoiiati K hid resisted Ihe
usual applications. DAN L BAI (.11. M. I).
fjj' The Rose Oinlment in prepared hy E. I!.
Vaugh'tn, South Eas! comer el Thiid and Race
Stieels, Philatlelphia, and sold on ngmcv in Sun
hury. hy H. B. MANSER,
May Mth, IS 12. Ag'iit.
4 ii i ;il 4 oimiiisxioii Jim limit,
rur the Suit nj Hour, (triuii, Had, ie., Vc
EsPEt'TFl.'LLY inform tin ir Inciid and
the Morel. mil. gencrsllv, that they have ta
ken iliiise large and commodious harv. s, w it tl Iwo
D.uks, li.utli of Cliesnlit hlreet, on the D. law tre,
together w ith the store No. l'J South Whirve-,
where llie would he pleased to receive consign
ments of (train, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac.
Ac. Being also well prepared to forward ull kinds
ol Merchandise hv ihe Schuylkill and Union, or hv
ilit" Chesapt like mid Ti.le W ater Canals, as low
hiiats are kept i xpressly foi the purpose of towing
l.oats hy ei I er route.
Men hiints w ill please he particular to send their
g. .itls defined hy either canals, to No. 19 Soulti
Wh irves, la twei n Market ami Chesnut sine's, on
the Delaware, with direclioiis accompany ing ihein
which rout.' ihey wish Hani to he sluppe.l.
Qfj' Plaster and Salt for sale, ai tin' lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON A Co.
March 19, IH12. No. 19 Smith hirves.
rom,Y i:iosito!I.
i 'ON'I'AIMMi the Old and New Testament.
w nh piac'i.'.d exposiii. lis and explanatory notes,
hv Tlioma- Williiims, Author of "the Age of Infi
delity,'' "Di. t'tin iry i f all Denomina
tions," tVc. To whit h are .uhled the r. f. truces and
marginal leadings of the Polyglot! 111! le, loge.hir
with oiigiiial notes uiol st I. en na fiom Haxlei's
( on rel ei site llihle, anil o her siainlaul vv. rk-
iniroili dory and com hiding r. maiks on eaeh hook
of the o il slid new Testament, and a valuable chro
nological in. 'ex. The whole can fully revised and
ad a letl lo the use of Sunday School-, Hihle classes,
anil (.'liiisiians generally, embibtud teilh iniijni
mid engravings, edited hy the R. v. Wnliain Hat
ton, aid iil'lisln il hy Case, Tiiluny A Bun.liaiii;
HuiilorJ, Conn., lo4 1.
This wuik lias I 'ten highly recommended hy the
following, among other tlistinpuishtd divines:
Rev. Stephen Remington, p astor of Ihe Metho
dist Episcopal Church, Urooklyn.
Rev. W, C. Hiownhe, pastor tf ihe Middle
Dutch Church, New Y'oik.
Rev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alex iiidtr, Profcs.
sols in I'rini eton Tl cologic I Seminurv, N. Jeisev.
Rev. C. P. Crautli, I' lit ot Pennsylvania
College, al (iellvshtiig.
Jev. C.-W S, I, sill. r, pastor of the Luthrrau
Church, Hiriisl'tirg, Pa.
(Jj- For sale hy il. B. Massir, Agent f.r ihe
fubli lirrs. Jan. 29th 1843.
Sunburp, trthttmhrrland County,
l'lllislt ttlllll.
riHE sulisrriher, respectfully informs the puhlic
I that lip has removed to that large ami commo
dious Tavprn Slant), at thp cornrr of Market and
Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck.) formerly occu
pied hy Jonas Weaver, and lalely hy Daniel (Jils.
son, where he is now prepared to accommodate all
who may favor him with call. By strict atten
tion to husineas, ami his utmost endeavor to render
satisfaction to all, ho hopes lo receive a lihcral share
nrpuhlic patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
Sunhury, Muich 12th, 1842.
4 oinitn IHiri'N' IH'alli Itlow.
nhe pulJic will please oliservc that no Brandreth
Pills are genuine, unless the fox has three h
liels upon it, (the tup, the side and the hottom)
each containing a signature of my hand
writing, ilius I). Ha Atininrii, M. D. Thrse la.
hrlsaic rngravrd on sleet, heautifully drsignetl,
and done at an expense of over f 2,110(1. Therefore,
it w ill la-seen Ihut ihe only thing nrcessary lo pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to ohserve these
Remrmher ihe lop, the side, and the hottom.
The following respeclive persons are duly aulu.ri
zed, and hold
For tlio sale of tirandreih'n Ytgilable Universal
Norlhumheilni'.tl rnuntv : Milton Mackry A
Chamhcilin. Suuhury II. I(. Manser. M'Ewens-
ville Ireland A Meixt II. NortliutiP eiland Wm. !
Forsy th. Ueorgetown F. Mitllingor A Co.
Union C iunty; New Herlin J' hn H oilman.
Selinsgrov-e Ever and Sthnure. Miil.llel.tirg
Isaac Smith, lle.ivenawn J. A F. Htnganian.
Atliiinshurg H. A. A. Smith. Millliushuia
Swnpe A Luinl Haitletori Daniel Long. Free
hurg (i. & F. C. Mover. (Vnirevillo Slniley
vV Lenhart. Iwishurg Walls A (!reen.
('oliimhi.i county ! Danville E. II. Reynolds
A Co. Berwick Sliutnan A R.tleiiliouse. Cat
tuwissa ('. A. A C. (. Brohts. Hlooinshurg
John It. Mover. Jeiaey Town Levi Hist I. Wa
Nliiugton Ruht. MtCay. Limestone -D. L.
Ohsptve that each Agent has an Engravnl (Jrr
tilicate of Agency, roniumiiig a repres' iilniion ol
Dr URAN DltETH'S Manufaclory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also he seen exact copies ol
the nr c Inheis new used upon the llrnnilrith J'iH
Phil idclphia, office No. H, North 8ih street.
January 1st, IMS.
i i r.iiH.r.( i:h.
COCE.TRA I ED R. cord of Medical Sci.
trice and Literature, hy ftohlev Dunglison,
M. D., Prolessor of the Insti'utes ol Meiliriue, etc.,
inJirl'.'ison Medical (College of Philadelphia, puh
lishe.t montlilv hy Adam Waldie, No. -16 Caipen.
ler street, Philadelphia. Suhscripiion price, J!i a Suhsrriplinns forllic ahove work n rrivetl hy
the suhsrr.her. H. I). MASSE It, '
Dec. 1 1th. I 1 1. Agent.
STOR snle a suuiil Funn, i.oing nliout one
liunilrpd nnd ten acn s, nmre or le s. sittialp
in Point township, Norihuml erlanil fount., almtit
two mites' ahove Noitl.umlieil mil, on llie main
road leading from that pine to Danville, adjoining
land of J.ihii l.eghou, Jesse C. Hortoii ami others,
now in thp occupancy of Saintn I Payne. Al oul
forty acres of said liail are ilran it, and in good
slut.- of ru' on which there is a small hum
erred il. The property w ill he sold on r. asm ahle
teims. For further paitictilars, persons are request
ed to apply to the rul sciih. r.
II. B. MASZR, Agent.
Nov. 27th, 1NI1. tf Sui hury. Pa.
l'Fn u Di: i:rs,
71 NHfct, riiil;ilcliliia
C Three doi.rD uln-re Si ennd.)
(IIOF. Findings alvays kept on luiiul, w hich lit
oilers for sale on Ihe luAc-l terms, ( ouniri
Men h nits arc purtitul uly lo c ill and judge fur
Philadelphia, N'overn ver 13, 1811. I v .
G2 CI .Pc
m:v km: lam) on. co.mi'anv.
-o. ;.". Ninth Water Sircit, l'liila.
MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of
every description hoth for hunting and
muiitilacluring purposes, whii h will he sold much
lower than lliey can la procured e'sewhere, and
wiirrault'd in tpiahty to equal any in the city. Any
oil soltl hy ihe company not proving as icpresi nted,
may he rclurued without any expense to llie pur
chaser, and the money will he refunded.
Their slock now ir store consists of the following
oils, viz :
30,000 gallons Winlei Bleat hrd Sprung
do do Col. n less Oil,
do Fall ami Spring Sperm Oil,
do Winter Sea Elephant,
ilo do Pressed W Inile Oil,
do Summer do do do
do Common Whale Oil,
20(1 Barrels superiol Sua '-j Oil,
:i00 do Cod Bank Oil,
..0 do Neats Foot Oil,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's Oils.
j This Company ha a numlier of Vessels en
gaged in ilie v'od Fishery, and Tanners may rely
upon getting at all Lint s Oil as pure as imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 SI 1 . ly.
G-. V. & L. B. Ti.7LC?it
OFFER FOR SALE, at the Sulh East Cor
lier of fifth und Muriel &titttt, f Inbuilt
plan Mens' ('a)f-skin Bools, stilchpd warranted,
do do ilo seggcd do
do do do water proof, duuLle soles
and doiihle Uppers,
do Call-skin do do do nailed
und uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Hoots-,
do ilo Neats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Call-skin,
do do do Crotkcrs do
do Fine Monroes warranted
Kip do
Calf do
Coarse do
do Shoes
Fine do
Kin ilo
do Calf and Seal Skill Pumps,
do List Socks with and without soles,
do Carel do do ilo
do Patent Warranted Wuter-pr, ml Moccasins.
Lmlies' do do ilo do
Ladies' tanned India Rul lser shots.
Gentlemen.' do Overshoes.
Willi every other desc iplion of Units and shoes.
Fur Cai of evi ry description.
Travell ng Trunks of every description.
Yeneii.n Travailing Hags.
Patent ( Elastic Shoe Blacking,
llonut U of all kinds, Palm Lent Hals.
i'hlJmltlnLia, N'ovuutasi 13, lftl. ly.
A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving n
highly durahle and most hriflinnt polish lo sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Britlatiia Ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
Tarnished carriages, Ac. TRIT IT.
Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, hy the
Susquehanna Chrysolito Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga county, IS, Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
H. B. MANSER, Agent for Suuhury.
Novpmhpr 20lh, 1841.
N"o. Vi'i Clicsntit Street, below 4th,
EEP constantly on hand gcnerul assort
ment nf Books and Stationary ; comprisiiic
1 iieological, Law, Methcal, Classical, Mlscellane
ous ami School Books, Day Books, all sizes. Led
gers, do., Family Hihles, Pocket Bihles, Wiitint
Pasers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac. which they id
Irr al the It. west prices to Country Merchant's Pro
fessional ( Jt-nileiiicn, Teachers, and all others thai
may favor ihem with their custom.
Philadelphia, Noiemher 13, 1841. ly.
JSitlmcl Weaver X Son,
An. 13 Aim- A Water Street, fhibidelphia.
n AVE constantly on hand, general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ines, Ac, vi. :
I ar'd Rnprs, Fi: ling Ropes, While Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ar. such as
Hemp Shad ami Herring Twine, Best Patent (nil
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twii e, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. nil of which they will dispose of on nasonuhlc
Philade'phia. November 13, 1SI1. ly.
.Isi l l'i ismiilli & Son.
"I EspEC TFl ELY informs their Incnds and
acquaiutnnces ge lerally that they still con
tinue lo keep at the old stand, No. 210 North 3d
si ret t. Philadelphia, all mils nf
TOli AC CO SM . ANT Sfl.AfS.
Which they will -ell n the mj . atcoinmodatini
and leasoiiat le lei ins.
N. B. All eo. ds sold will he guaivutceJ and all
order promptly ill. ntlid to.
Philatlelphia, Ncvemher 13,1841 -ly.
Wlidlesalo and lielail Nlut?, Ioiinet,
ami 1'alin Leaf Hat Warehouse.
No. tlG North "d Hlreet, a few ilium ubtn-e ,h eh,
A LS'O Trunks, Caipet Bags ami Valicrs.of rv.
'' desrnplioii, ull of which be idlers for
sate on tlie mosl ress .liable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly.
I'mlit'iHa and l'arasul Manufacturer.
An. 37 NiHiii 1'hiiil ftnel, two dm.r below the
CiH llali I. fhiludtlphia.
COUNTRY Men hunts and oiliers arp solicited
to cxainiuu his assoili.ienl ht lore puichasing
elsew here
Phila :el lii i. N'ovender H. 18-11. ly.
1 . & A . 11 U V ( ) U I ) T'lT
China. Ci lass and Liverpool Warehouse.
An Ki'l North Third l reel, third tbmr bttuw Yiue
street, fhiailefihin,
Vlf HERE ihey constaiilly keep on hand a large
' assortment of China, Class and LivcriHinl
Ware, which they w ill dispose of on the mosl iei
sonahle terms.
Phil .ilelphin. Nov-mber 13. 18-11. ly.
'nii;oi' culi'.
Manufarttirer and Importer of Sad-
dli:ry. Hardware, tfcr.
Nu. 5 South Third slrrel. four doors bt!on Market
fluludi Iphiu,
KEEP constantly unhand a large and general
assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands,
AxloArms, Kliptic Springs, Patent Leather. A r.
Country Men hunts and saddleis will lie supplied al
all times t n the mosl leasonalile leims. They will
find it to their advantage lo cull sod examine his
assortment hefore purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Novcml er 13, 1 Si I. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in roreitrn IJritis-h
and American Dry (ioods.
A'o. 105 Market strut, 'ii'udephia.
10UNTRY Merchants, and others can he sup
plied at all times mill an extensive assort
ment of the Ivesl ami most fashionable Ootids upon
the most reasonable terms.
Philudelphu, Novcmler 13, 1811. Iv.
LClWlill vV ilAltll().,
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Ilaiduarc,
No. 171 Nohth Thihii SrariT, l'HiiAir.t.rHiA.
" 1 7HE RE tin ir fiiends and lustomers w ill always
' find a large and general a-sorimenl of Foreign
and Domestic Haidwsie, w hich they will sell at the
lowest prices.
Philcdi Iphiu, Xovpinhrr 13, 1811. Iy.
Io. ICO l-'i Market .Street, VWihi.
(lieLn fifth South side )
ALWAYS keep on hand a full and genrral as
si rtmrnt of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (roods,
Country Mcicliuuts are respectfully requested It
giye them a call and examine for theiii-elvt s.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1641. ly.
Sl'lsillNG, GOOD vSi CO.
No. las Market Street, Philadelphia.
NVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment ol ltnii.h French
od American Dry O'oihIs, which they offer lot sule
on ihe most n asoio.l.le t. rms.
I'hilatlelphia. NovemU-r 13, 1811. ly.
No 51, Norlli Srcond Klrct l,
(COHXI-H or Civosia's
Where they constantly keep on hand a general
assnrtuiifK of
And a greut ruri'y J urliclt of a tupinor
quality, which Ihey oiler to dispose of
upon the most reasonable terms.
C10UNTRY MERCHANTS ant others will
find il lo lluii advantage to call and examine
llit it stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. b, 1MI. ly
Cup una' fulin ltaf ilul HJorr,
No. IOSui th 4th St.t, PHILADCLPUIA,
ArllERE an eitna.ive aasoiuneui of ihe above
artiiles are c n.Maiilly kept on tiuud, 'of sale
at the most rrsmnmhle It rmu.
May 8'J, IrJll.- Iy,
AN untiarelleled remrtly for rommon Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
loading to consumption; composed of the concen
trated virtuea of Horehound, Bonset, Blond Root,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only hy J. M., Rochester, New
The innorrnre and universally admitted pectoral
viituesof the Herbs from which the linltam of
llorchmind is made, are too generally known to re
quire recomment' S it is therefore only nerrssa
ry lo nhsprve that this Medicinp r nntaina ihe whole
of their Medicinal properties, highly conrrntralrd,
and so happily combined with sevrral other vege
table substances, as to render il the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in Use, f.r the com
plaints above mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore
ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visitl phlegm, en
ahling Ihe patient to rxppplnratp with pase and free
dom, assuages rough, rehpves athmatic and dilli
rult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens iho
pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives
strength to the lender lungs, and thus produces a
sprpdy and lasting cure.'iiF. isthx rtAsr.sT rniMK is Mast.
We are not among that class of Editors who for a
few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho
nesty) "cmck up" an article and bring it inlo rapid
sale; nrithrr aie we willing to icmain silent, after
having tested thp utility of an im rovemcnt or dis
covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect
wp told them we were unwell with a sore throat and
violent Cold some few weeks son. Well, we pur
chased two hollies of V IN SLOW '8 BALSAM
OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden was Ihe cure,
that we forgoi we ever had a cold. Those who
Bre afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation.
Levislu'i T' lrirrnph. For sale by
JACOB BRIGHT, NorlhumberaniL
Also, by Druggists goner My throughout the
country. fjj Price, 6(1 cents per bottle.
August Hid, 1841. ly.
roll SA LK BT
VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lcmprier's
do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cohh's do.; English and
(remiaii do.; Anttion'e Ca-sar; Anthon's Crammer;
Aiithen's Ciceio; Mail's Latin Reatlei; Ogilly 's do.;
Andipw's Latin Lessons; Dotim gun's Lexicon;
Fisk's Cire- k Exercises; Duvies's Lcpendei; Graeca
Mnjora; Adams's Roman Antiquilies; Pinnock'a
(ioldsmith'a England; do. (' recce; I-jell's Elements
of (ieology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea
ders; Km. rami's (ieography and History; Olney's
do ; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer; Kirk ham's do.:
Kav's Reader.''; Cold's do.; Cobb's Anlhmeiick;
Pike's d-i.; Emerson's do.; Cnltt's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Lihiarv;"; Family do ; Collater
al do.; tvmiill Bibles ami Testaments; Parker's Ex-erei-es
on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's
S .hit's Resi; American Revolution; Marryatt's No
vels; Mrs Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catpchism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
misliy for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's Crammer; Sequi I to Comity's wlliig
llool; Aim rican Class Book; DaboH's Srhonlmas
lei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank BouKs, &r.
August 28, 1H41.
j . s 1 1) i: v j o : s ,
1 EQUESTS the attrntion of his rountry friends
who are in want, lo his very large stock of
Carprtinga, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings,
JMaii Roils, Ac., Ac, tluil hehasjusi opt mil, al
his warehouses, No. 18 North Sd street, and No. "
Church Allev, next door to Ctuist Church, Phila
delphia. ' July 31, 1841. ly.
D. K 1 H K V A T U 1 C K & SO 1,
A'o. 21, AVo M Third street,
HAVE for sale a large and excellent asortmpnt
o'fiiamh llidis. fitlna Kips, Tanners' (7,
iVc, al the low t st niaiket prices, rithrr for rash, ir
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
Consigiiim nis of I .eat her received for i ate, 01
purchased at the liigl.Pst maikt I prices.
rry Leather stoied free of thaigc.
jjnl 17. 1841. ly.
I-It Complaint.
riHlS disease is discovered hy a fixed obtuse pain
in the right si.'e under the short ribs, attended
with heal, uneasiness aUiut the pit of the stomach;
th. rc is in ihe right side also a distention ; the pa
tient loses his Hpsf.ite, and becomes sick ami troubl
ed with vomit ng. The tongue Incomes tough
ami black, tho countenance changes to a pate or
citron color, or yellow hkelho-e ullln led with jaun
dice, dilliculty of breathing, diatuihs-d rest, attended
w ith a dry rough, difficulty of laying on the Ii ft
aide, the hotly becomes weak, and liua'ly the dtseass
terminates into no her of a more serious nature,
whiih In all probability is far beyond the power of
human skill. Dr. Harbeh Compound SJrrnglf
rnlntr Ttmie and German Aperient fills, if ta
ken at the commencement of Ihis disease, will
t heck il, ar.l by roni nuing the use of the medicino
a few weeks, a perfect cure will be perfoimed.
Thousands can testify lo this fact.
Certificates i f many pcmins ii ay daily be seen
of tlie t'Oic cy of this invaluable medicine, by apply
ing at the Mtdieul Office. No. 19, NORTH
EIUHTH street, Philadelphia.
Oct. 55.1, 1813, Agent.
Another Ilerrut Test
Of the vnrh'iiUnl virtue of l)r. llnrlich'
Conipotiutl Strrniitheniiig und (iirtuan
Apnient fills !
urifii'tit nr rtv 1 1 Aits' sTAftiuva rftirn,
BW AS i.i1ict J with thp above complaint for
ten years, which incapacitated me at intervals
lor the a'riod of six year from alien. ling to my
hns-nt'S'. I am now restored lo perfect he all h. ihe freqti; nt use of the ahove rr'uej,,
My symptoms were, a sense of oppre nn rf M
ling, pain at ihe pit of thp stomach, loss of artitiv
giddiness, palpitation of the h.arit' ,nJ W.B aehi
htv, I am willing lo gi-v iny intuanaimn to thv
afflirrp.l reap rtmg ihe. Wn firs recpived from the.
use of Dr. Harlii-V rclehraied M.slicines. Any
person w i-hii infurniation mnrerning ihe rlTicary
of the Medicine, ran hy directing to me at thu
post oilier, Dowiiingtuwn, Chester county.
Signd Wm. Ilssnairics.
Princq al fli. e, foi tl. sale of ill ' sove med .
lines, i- at IS North Eighth st eel. Philadelphia,
Jt. ISth. 1343. jgfllt,
TffTtl WILL I' HE YIA L, '
Dr. Harlicli's nwdiciiie. are daily increasing in
public favor, snd want from any but a fair trial to
establish their worth. We have a communication,
in our columns tit-day from a person long afflicted
wnicb is but one of many vouchers foi ((js fliedU
tine. Spirit of the Times,