-.'U'iLII. At mong the important enunset of mineral Veatth of our Bttte, next to Cotl Is that of iron. It enters. Into to Itiariy of OUr necessities tml ad . minister lo to mariy of our luxuriet that it is needle to tiate any of the particular! of it use ftttneei t my object It to thew tn t Itew wordt the treat thare it hat had in elevating England to her present degree fif wevxhh and power, and to thew that our Mat pntfMCt reourm hi that mineral tar tuper'mtto her. Neatly all the iron manufactured in Ureal Britain produced from the "rock ore" (carbonate of iron) Wvhich eeompanlrt the coal seams in Snxrth VValra, Staffordshire, th vicinity ofGlasgnw, eVc, the whole amount of 'raw pig iron being about t, 00,000 tons and the capital employed in it, eeveral yeara since Wat estimated at 7,000,000 sAerNng. BaVewdl in hie Geology any t t may I per wit ted to remark, that, however ancient the forma tion of coal and Won may have been, the frequent "recurrence f these mineral together, both destined n Tunire time to give to men en extensive empire ovet the elcmmts, and to contribute largely to hi meant of civilization and comfort, rarusst fail to impress the reflecting mind with evideuce of m ective designing intelligence," Before the discovery in England of-makmg iron with mineral coal, that manufacture had there sunk Imost into insignificance. The surface of the country had Irecn snipped of its wood, ami m the year 1 740 the production had uk to 17,000 tons, double fnf amount king imported. So imortanl vrns it thought before that time one of the objects in colonizing Virginia was stated to lie the use if tier forest in making iron for the mother country. 'I"he means, however, was discovered to exist with in feerewn ivosom, and the production of iron im mediately rose, as the following table will show, to itsprswrrtrftJXusriUua'y height : lu I74rt 17.000 tuna It5(t .0 t78S rn,ooo 179 125,M 1806 ?ot),imO 1830 4lrO,lt(H 1829 TOl.ttU tSIR 1.000 000 t810 t,S00,O(t jij ntttti i tn Milton, on Tuesday the INih Inst, lor the Rev, 0. F. SifTver, Mr, JmM, Kxt-l.t of I.ewlsbU g lo Mis KkttxuXTrt 3. UatttHT.of that plare. In Turbul, on Thu-aday the 13ih int by the same, Mr. Jxcottx HxkTatx to Mist ELifxktTrt Hi o, hoihnf IVhUt town-hip Noithumberland c.o. On Thursday the I3ih inst,, by the Rev. D. Grimj, Mr. 8xtust CMxhiirt lo Mi MY Street:, both of Turbut township, Northd. t On Tuesday the IRth inst.. by the same. Mr. Thos Klxfp of Turhulville to Miss Mxttux' xt Rxinsa of McEwensville, Northd. co. On Thursday the 90ih Inst., by the same, Mr TlxiltMiNiD. Fans to Miss Elixahktr Kits, both of Danville, Columbia co. On Thur-d.iy the Bih Inst., by the Rev. C. F, Siirver Mr. Join D. HnrriiHs tn Mist Mxitt A HeTxaninft, both of Columbia co. On Tuesday the 1 1 th inst , hy the same, F x tiit FxitxtIo Miss Mxey Aw Howtn, both of Turbut township. lVorthuml?rlnd co. On Sunday the h inst., bv J. F. Murray Esq.t Mr.RKVtsxw TfenXxL, to Miss Elixxskth nxts, both of ChillisUMiie. ir"i"iTi " " On Friday the 2lsl inst., sudirrn'v, Mr. GEO, LONG, of Augusta township, aged 73 yea'. Mr. Iong, who was rn industrious and repec table farmer, and an excellent citijten, had lcn in town during the afternoon of the day, wiih market ing. He was di.coered on his rOiid himx, near hrs own resilience, lif. to-" cirp in bin wagon, his horsis proceeding homeward at t low pace, as if nmtiirrg hud occurred. Appoph'Xy is suppnecd to he vrt the ciuse of his dealh. lie lv:ives a family ami a hupc rircle xrfiiitixrs awd rtlanws to mourn over their !ih'Vt IrcienVerrrcnt. In this place, on Friilay eTmine, the tlsl irm'. Mr. I.YDIA WATSON, um1 n yea. ttn Monilay last, rteur this place, Mrs. HOW KK, rrbct iif Jacob 1 lower, bcM, agod about M years. On the 12lh inat , in Chapman. 1'nion t nm'v . MARY VMM. A. wrt'e of lh- Hon John Snyirer, in the 2itll ytvic of hit apr, retrrttvd by ult Irer ar uainliincv. In Milton, on Mondiv the 7ih inst. i.Tlrr a linReririR illneht. Mr. A ISKAIf AM KtSINtiCK, aged almut 77 years. LIST OF CAUSES. IJ'OR trial in the Court of ( 'nnimon I'leas of Nor thnml erland Countv. to be held at Sunt nry, on the first Monday of Nov. next, I'linrt the 7th. .Inspih Treao va M irlln A. Stnek it an let for I'iper. Ac. vt Hi-nry Frirk Yatet cV Malntyre va Edward Y. Bright Edward Y. Bright vi JOD Nmir-e s William Moritx a O P Oi nrsn B 1, Rrnveinnr tt wife va t) Snyder, Ac, .1 C B Nonrse va John Lloyd Oeorge Shi ey a George Long Commonwealth of Pa. nt H enry Oosler et al vs l)aniel Robins vs Benjamin t' Clayton va The Sh:imokiii Coal Co. vs Kuir.ner V I.ar.arus vs Robert Ilunn Daniel Beck vs John Miller Cornih of la foi A Jordan vs U W Kichl rt al Snmefor J Boom in vs Sanm Sam'- fir W llepprn covs Same ieortse Mct'oy vs Robert MvKee Kase cV Cis vs Thomas Aj'hhridutS Com'rs of NnrlhM Co. vs Isaac Woi4vertm R Wib v & Wife vs tJeonte Sndvr's slrn'rs Jacob Kline t)verseT of the I'ik i4 No'lh'd borougtx John Sbeiitf Vs John Haas J 'hn Mrtlalie s John Monebeavl Mary Weeks s Bverly cV Ha .8 Snlomon Menifa vs (ieorjfe Oynler Charrrn Wants s J"hn Bouiihnvr (3 D Wha.t.at vs John Smith Henrv Itulf a C,brfsto.ln CamplrM K (i Krlford'sadVt-t al vs C A llrnllonl fur E. Oolnn Samuel Hunter et al Henry Eckhret (Jeorge Armstrong Tohras Holier & Co. Samtti-1 tlnlfy Martin Weaver Hutlilien At E aten TAKE NOTICE. rTM AT the Copartnership I ervlofore existing be. A twren l)r..liht. W. I', al an.l Dr. 1). V. Tiiti s, in the prartiee ofmidicine, bss lbi day Itto tli-sol-veil tiy mount Consent. The hook and arewiims of the Int.. firm re In the IihihIs of Dr. J. W Peal, who ts fully authorixed to i-ettle the same, JOHN W PEAL, Sept. 2Bth,l42. D. T. Tit I ITS. A CARD. TT J. W. l'nl begs leave to tender hl grste-J'-' till at kiH'WletlKim nts lo the eo le of Surilu y and siirroumling country, for then p.-t encourige menl in the line nl his profession ; and woti'd at the same lime announce to ihem, th it he Mill in tends to continue the pMciiee of n.ciluitie in all ita various d partminK Hi- would, thrrrfore, solint a eoiiiiiionnce of their confidence nnd pairnnaee. He may be loorid at nil tuue al his oflire, in mar ket street, unlr4 prufesiouallv eng.igiil. Siinburv. Oct. 1st. IS 12. if. TIIR rniuDEirnn, uwm and romvniG UAIL ROAD, AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION MNE Will nmnimrp rtrnnrr;? hrlirrm I'hilmltljAtrt ami I'ultrvillc nn tlrfilhr.viig ilnyi nwf hnum : Cn kn rT Movnr, Mxt 0. 142. Leaving 1'ottr.ville, on Mondays, Weilnesdiys and Fridays, at A. M.' Leavir jr, I'litliidelohia, on Tuertlnya. Thurs.lays and Suturilav, at l P. M. fntrra nf pnmnt; ttrmtiir-. rr ri il.i.l.liiia, l ll5 A. M For Poiuville, at oj P. M Tri-wTekly, rmcK ciTnur.xT. Osrm ureAj hy Hairy Ynxthfimrr, Pur-ell vt lYoui. Jacob Reiire A W Johns-m el al Robt D Cu 'innings Henry Lalrha Wm McOh-nys tx'r Henry 'Jr. John W its. si's In irs J ami Irvine D.ini.l Or iiitifam William . Lloyd Owja-r . ShmIct A'ur.iham .'"'harrii'k A tiral.m's cxVs Jiitn Muny J icoli K In e Ceo, O Weliit John Manx Vi F llnrkeiilnoe Vs Alsraham Krwajntji vs John C Itovil el .1 vs IVnjamin Ma'liews vs Henry 7Ktlni vs Burd I'aftcTrtra Vs A Sharrick vs ItolNTt MrKee vs Artman Sr Knorr Vs Jo! n CoWilrn's eVt vs Martin A cSlock Vs SeashnllzAc Bercslre-ser vs John fc 1! M Davin va John PtntT Vs Jcme Baitnn v Jo-rpll ValiVirk vs Jacob (ias'i vs SoloiiKsi E-btnie.'h 1 fcave 4ef.ire meminned the great irtctease of IvtputatioTi in connection with thecol districts. St,rTiatIi'hirer;r,ainliout ninety srprare miles and 'laa 200 XWI anu'is nenrry all of whom are enpngeil tn mining or manufacturing. Land, which was formerly an rien common, is now in enrne canes er.flmg for 1000 pounds per acre.'" This rich unil j fiopulous country is only iiinc-lciiths the sice of the Ui.lrict of Columbia. in Pennsylvania we have all the natural advanta ges ff the proximky of tntj ntnl iron beds on which to much stressbas tieen laid by British wri ter. These lie in most of our coal lii lds, and are ccessille more particularly in the southern or Pottsville basin stretching from the Lehigh on the east, through the bead-waters of the Schuy'kill to the Susquehanna, at YJaupbin, on the west. Here beds of the carbonate of iron rn great ahumlanee accompany the coal as tbey do in South Wale, the greatest manufacturing district af iron in the worl I. In addition to all triese aflvan'tges Penn-ylva- Wv.t, Rv, CflRI, - -OlTS, PnK, - FixTsrse, HvTTKB, BrrawtX, Txtiow, 11 si mi Aeei.Ks, Do. PnxceKS, Flxx, -H reKltu Fix, Es MS bo 40 25 ft urn 12 25 12J 75 200 10 8 Tciitalc. WHO aretrouliled with sirk headache, pain in the side, breast and latck.lonsofaiipelite.il i titleney, lowne s of spirits, palpitation of the heart, f:ii nt in a or siclil'mes", sickne" at the stomach, bilious alTifllonit, tihloins at the chest, nausea, vnmiling, noise in the Klomncli, flushings of heal, ni:d chilli news, iliw.mi s of the nerves, nnd ntgan of ilice.ii.'tk, &c. A'C, those who mav be thus stWlril, shonbl not m s loot to pr enre Dr. Hurlirli's Cnminniid Xlrrnifthening limit mill Urrman Aperient I'ltts. which r warranted lo give immediate relict Tlionsanils i'o we almost daily Iwhold, whonn conn- Icilnlicj ml l,t1. o.t.iir iti.l itin.ttf lutar .u-inlnr nia has an abundance of olher and sur or iron j , tit.knftn ,nJ bHj.. ,;.h,I,I tVto-e ore, which carried to the coal will pro, lure hy n r.oiiH lie perundi d to use this in vi.ltiiiMc nieili. cine, ihi-y would soon find their we.iV ninl ih-litlim-lid fr iim-s Mrvnijliiciieo, their n iisls eoni.eil. aiul all pain, ami ilislress driven Iroin the i-Milrni, when Ilie limly will asin miew ire lost Mcor, and ut .n a new life," and death for a while be dc I lived of its prey. W hat h. a l hut bels clad to heholil tlieir near relatives and ib'ar friends, sna'ctml as if hy macic fr.im that fatal dest oyer Dttitfi- ye who are lalmriu umler ill ae lei not another day or nialit pas without procuring this mvdieine, asit will in a majority of eases cll'irl a (icrinmniit cure. Iii'triiilnr rftluqx are iiMtfirni; ; and it jdi-ua-e is negiec'l, its r..vai a w ill doubly in J crease. j Qj Princi4e Office for the 1'nited Stairs, No. ! 19, NORTH l'.Kiimi street, where reccomn en- dutions of hundieds of persons miv be seen, all of which h.ie U-cii cured or IwiiefitK-d hv the medicine. HENRY YOXM1EIM ER. (M, 29, 1812. Aent. 1 iii. ;uiTrtt'K list il(. TTO I'lCE is hereby Riven, that letters of udiniii istralion have lieen planted to the subsoil er, on the estate of Wm. Ci .rrett, of Rush town-hih, Nnr'huruherland County, deceased. Person, in dehted to said estate, or haviiiB cl lims auamst ii, will (.lease lo present ihe same for settlement lo the i i.li.-i r.lcis, icMdinu in D.iiimIIi , t'nluml la couuly. MI A RI'LESS TAVLOR, JOMN C. UlilER. O-i 2nth, lf-42. 61. mixture a quality of iron superior n the Urrtmh, 1 mean tire hydrate and the mides, (the hojores hie. in stile primitive and loil feroU ores. The a. bound in many cotiuttea and are accessible at very little expense. Wi-h these two great tinitces of wealth the real found' ion of the power and eminence of Ore.it Britain what has Pennsylvania lo fear, if the people place their confidence in hone-t and in telligent slate wen t Prosrity and confidence restored within lier boundaries, the bmtlien oflrer present del would Is? scarcely felt, Blkkoivo Alwats IneitnrKH For the Life of Ihe I'lmh it in the UUmd. With as much rcj on might we say, that trees die from too great a quantity of sap, aa that a man can from ton great a quanti y of blood. The moisture derived from earth lo the tree beenmea a.ip, and the stomach of a man from the food put into it obtains Mood, which supplies the daily waste of the li dy. The same caue tend to life in bu'h. But that which causes life never produces death. Dr. Benjamin Urandrcth considers Bleeding lo be always improjier in ihe treatment of any com plaint, whether inflammatory or otherwise; he cause the Brandreth Yegetuhle Universal Pilla re. j move the cause of the inflammation without touch- j iiif the vital principle. j Heaiken lo the voice of reason and piiiinm ' ' . i e I i , L . ,i. r t ... .... ni'pe nnsiiiiiy oi i.inanu i- men joint i- n null a, ye who are now the fnenj of this lata prac iie, , . ' ,, , ',, , , ... h ' which will lie sold at the low inee of $3 75. bleeding, learn that purgation ia the only sure , Also a gener-l a-sortmeiil of I J and inch Boards. road to health : bcciuse It lessens the quantity of ttiather U aids, I.al1,, Ac., winch mil sld blood, and leaves whut remains richer. Thus the crassamentum oxygen is left, which is indeed thn life of ihe IiIimkI, ihe watery part of the Id i.xl hemi; only that which is dischaiRed hy purgatives. Think of this, you whose constitutions are inclined tc pie. S AMUEL It. JORD AN. rroilHniot-iTy's Office, I'mth'i. Suiihory, IV?1. 22. ISKZ., IHsMxIutltut of tncrslilp. rpVKE NttllCK. that ihe Partner-hii hereto M. fore exininc lieWrrn the mitiseTitiers. uniler Hie firm of H A AS cV DI.IM .'KKMII.LER. in the Hattiirg Utsmrss, dt4ved on the 8lh inst , hy nmiti d rmrni, ami that the bonks of ihe late fntn have born left with (ieia-ce VVeisi-e. Esq fr col kvtion. Tlnity days' lime, fimro this date, will lie uiven for paymtiit. afier which, lepal (noce.-a will he reortedto. HEN HY H A AS S.M1T.L 1) RUC K E M I L LE It. SnnhwA' Oct. 15 h. IS42. 3t. HATTER, JERY RESPECTFI'LLY l-e. leave lo in f form his customers and the public generally, that he still coiitnime the IIATTINO DTTSINESS, in all its various brandies, in the shop, neady os IMisite ihe Bnrk Tavern, f.irinerly nceupinl by Henry litis and him If, under the fit in of Haas cV Dun ki n. iltvr, wlm h firm lu leen mutually di so'vrd. He hop s. by his long experience in the above Iiiimiicss, and s'ricl attenl on theielo, to n n der ue'-cal s iiisf aclion, and uceive a luu ral share of Sl' liC ii.vroi.nar. U..l O .... ... ItiL iQlil C. run ",iiv, iii'ii -t-, i.nii, t n .mi. j Take Notice. LL iho-e indeltd to Dr. John Pel. eiiher l.y A n,llr or Ih,,, iiceouiit, aie nniit J (for the fust and lust time) to call and settle up theii reec tie acc.'iinis, on or before the loth of Novemlur, as after that time tiny will le placid in the liand of a proper itflicer for collection, without respect lo per. ns JOHN PEAU Oil l.'vh. IR12. ot. II. T. Tl'lfl'!, ResiKTtfully info, ins ti e CIM7.-HS of SiiiiImmv and vii iniiy. that he hss a- ken an olliee in the hiuhling lately oecil.-ied by Peter l.n .ru. as a drug s'ore, in market sttcel. Sn Imrv, where h may l-e f. ui d at all h. uis, unless proles siomilly enuiitteil. DR. TRITKS returns lin siiid re thanks for 'he eiieoiiingeiiienl he lias lec I r.l. in Ihe line ot Irs profession, in this place, and nu-t-, hy piompi a -tenlion to the duties of hi pr.ites.ion. and rea-on-able rha'Res, that he will continue to receive ii liberal slinre of the public imtroriage, Sunbury, llel. Il, N2. if. rn Kx.ieAriiK .otbc e:. M. P. SIMONS, JNo. ITU f 'In mini Sir- I. lh Stun, PHIX-ADELrillA. M AN! FMH I liEU of IIAUVKIlKI-Uh TV!': Al'I'AKATLS. Si,rB,el and Mi inature ('ai s, liiqioitei of French t.'licinieals and double sdver illi s for the Danuene, t ie, aIo Is tlti- method of iiiforiuiiia ihe citizens of Norihe n Pennsylvania, that lie cures on the above nusiinss i xi iisively. in nil us various branches. Person, desirous ol eblainiim any ol the above ailiees, can Ih promptly sitiplied, on the lowest terms, for c-h. All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate nilenti'on. Mn.lt R LlLI.EXR'lKiE. now travelling in the Northern part of Ihe Stic, will promptly at tend to nil orders, give nepes-nry information and Phnlocraphic instructions io anv person on siidi ration lo bun. Ancit-t 0th. Is42. fun r F.l It K S. Between Pottsville A Philada. Jo.fif) ,V f2.5o Between Reading ct li s 5.25 tc 1 .7 Ti Between do V Pot's llle, l.-ltl iV 1 .00 Etcr asiov Thkxts noon roN MTtHininn I.XT H. Between Pottsvill,- cV Philadelphia, " f, 0(1 lb tween Riad'Hg A do. fin Between do. & PoM.vittV, 3 till !lJT sLJ Daily Daily. 1 E M A 1 I i s,T EM Al.IN(i in the Post Olliee at Auuus'a, 3nth, Ik 12 : James Clark. 'I homas Smith. Solmnan Slarner. Thomus llramlielil, Ephriim Lytic. Abraham Dr. . In Ibies, I iideoii Lets, nrmc. l-aac W. Karnswo t'l. Oil. tih, 1H12. JACOB BLOOM, P.M. TO I It'ri is hereby given thai the partner-hip whirh heretofore xisied lslwcen the uhser I ers. under the firms of Hear Treco and I'rea i, II. 'ar ,ti I'u., is this d.iv dissnled hy mutual con scut. All di hts due by the funis will be nai.l bv Jacob II. sr, to whom -ill the debtor of te same will please to in ike pavim lit. JACOB BEI, JOHN TREmU. Sharimkin, Scpl. 10th. IR12. uu. j;n. suainhk; SURGEON DENTIST, 1 ) F.SI'Etri Fl l.l.Y informs the public thai he -Ik. laa ninde Norihomberisnil his permanent place of residence, and is ready to attend lo any C-ilis in the line of his profession. July 2, 1842. I v. "TAILORING, ON HIS OWN noon. ?2TS?k GSTTE?, pEM'EOTFI'LLY informs hi- I'm ml- mi l the I ul'bc ceiiciiillv. lb it lie has roiiiuieoced Ihe T ; i I o v i n g 11 u i n t j , in all :1s t ia.icles, in the hou-e foimerlv occupied by HI. Durst s a 1 ailor Shop, In lllackbi rr sireel, i.eariv oiioomic tiie l'r siviermi I nureli. He resieci:ui:y solicits a sbaie of Ihe public puron nge, and trus's by slrii t aitention tn business and reaoiiuble cha'gea, he will be enabled to give gen mil sntislac ion. Sunbuiv, June 18th, 1813 ly y.'r"gi"'f vvr:fM f'rri:f" Dr. II. V icr, REFERS In. profession . I servics, to the citirens " -' ol Sunbury, and vicinity. Olfice neit d. sir to ihe residence of Kevd. R. A. Fisher, where he in iv he founj, unless eugaxaJ in discbargiiiK the duties of his prolession. Oct Hth, 1812. if. UNION" llOTEL, Miaiiinliln, oi llniiitli(i'laiil C o., PENNSYLVANIA. FIIIE suliM'ribeis respicifullv inluriu the public L that thsy have taken thai lurce mill niwiuutH- uu HOTEL, in Sh .mokintowii, in ihe c. litre ol Ihe crest t :ual lieu ion, lately kenl by Jacob Krarn, wkeie they arc now prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with iheir custom. It v strict attention lo business, they h pe to leeeive a hlxra share ol public pulronaie, BATCHELOR & GOVE. Shamokiulown, June 18th, H42. T miiilrv MERCHANTS. rPHE Subs, riU-r, Agent ol I von . Harris, X. riHK suhscriUr has for sale, al hi st re in Wa- av shiuetou, (eight miles north of Danville.) I very low. NEAL.MtCAY. Washini;tonville, Columbia Co., J Oct. 22.1, Iri42.--7t. S sntii iii.ii ri:it. to the pre nise of the suhs'-riber. thora, and in lime purge with that most iiiinxeii, of all purgatives, the farlamid Biandreth Vegetable Universal Pills. They are known to act on every part of the body: leing taken up hy chjlethey ass into Ihe blood, which they ( urilv ; and it hotoki be rememU'ied that they remove, only those wateiy parts from the blood w hich were the cause tif inflawmatina. Nothing is eipjal to ridding the vitiated humors with a vegetable med ciue of this kind, which eighty-four yetrs have proved nevei to do injury, but always good. Purchase in Suuhury.of H. B. Maaser, and the agents published in another part uf this paier. . . '"l 'Csood lnlt'iit I'lie Coiiipiiii)." A STATED MEETINU of ihe Company will i he held on Thursl iy evening next, at 7 o'clock, I at the Court House. Punctual ntteiidanre is ro- ijuested. J. B. PACKER, Oct. S3, 1842. Seeetary. "CiooU MVIll l ire Coiiipaii." rPHE memhors of the "O od Will Fire Com pill)" are requested lo meet at the Coul House, on Mouidy Evening, Nov. 7ih, at 7 o' clock precisely, I'u dual a'tendaiire ia teipiiied. Oct. 29th. J. II. ZIMMERMAN,. Vc. O A ME ililiLe. IS'I . oil ibe iVnlr 'I'liiini.Le in l?..ut lowna'iip, Northiiiiilcrliind couuly, about H mill's east of the town of Sh-Mnokiii, some lime in Augu-t last, a laige red HEIFFER, with a bed on ; b s white lRs and face, wiih a red circle around each eye. Ihe owner is rirpi.st d lo route forward, p.ove prorly, pay rharges, and lake her away, otherwise she will be aohl according to law. Oct. 22. 1842, :t. PAUL ROTH. Sheriff's Sale. Y virtue of a writ of Vn. Ex.. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum- Iwrlaud rounty, and In me directed, will he eX os- d tn public sale at the Couit House, in the borough ot Sunbury, on Monday die 7th day of November next, at HI o'clock, A M., to wit t A certain trad or parcel ot land silu.le in Coal township, Northumbrrlariil rounlv, adjoining lands of Jacob (iass, Philip olainb i ll and ollurs, coniui ning two hundie.l acres nv re or Its', wheiron ale erected a one story log house, log sluble, and the fiame of saw mill, a sprir g i f water, and an or chard, about twenty acre of said land isc'eaied, Sciic.1. Inkeu in rieciilion, and tu be sold as Ihe property uf Samuel lletliu r. HENRY Ol'SSLEH. 0c, 15tb, 1613. Mre.. ((iintrii! Stage flffirr,) .Tavn q t cki cl" LYCOMING COUNTY, I'iuii)lt aula. fllHE Suh-crilver resiectfully informs his friends L and the public in general, that ho haa taken he above la ltd k An coHuomors HOTEL, IN THE II (t Hil I Ii II OF MCNCY, nnd thai he i- now well prepared lo accommodate al who mny tutor Ii in with iheir custom. 1 1 is Sli I II Mi AeH isi.nts uro well aired, and cooitorlable. Hi. Tihlkami Bta will n'ways be suppliid with the best the in ukel ran all ml. His SrAHt.iMi, which is vond. will 1 under tl e charge of good hii.I carelul hustlers. He f i Is confident, by slritl attention lo I u-ine.s. ! and an taricst desiie lo ici ib r c mfoilable tho.e ! w ho may patronize him, that he will mil l .il logivv I general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER. Muuey. Oil. 1st, IS 12. if. i l-PaTIlT IPaVAIlT, ! II o I a ii il S Ii o c .11 n K v r, l BERY Res in tful'y tntonns his Ir ci.iU and ! V eld customers, that he has owned a lit XI I' A- Sill IE I'.slsbli huient, in the shop formerly oc ciiiied hv 1'it. r l.utaius as a diug store, rti Market street, where he iii ends in e.rry nn Ihe busiiirss in all ila van. ushianrhe. By st icl atteniiou lo bu ainess, reasonable charges, and his u'most endeavor io give gru ral iiisl.ciini., he buH-a to receive a liberal share ol public patronage, Oct. 1st. IM42. 3t. II II !M ISMJl again noiifuv all who are nub lued lo him or H e fuin of II. It. Ma-ser iV Co., lo call and Mills wi houl delav, ulherwise I lit i r ac counts will be plac'td in the hands of a niawis rate i fur tullev'tiou. Suubury, Srpt. 21, 1642. Hat Maliiif n lurers. lor New York, I'liil ..leli lit ,. Ilaltitiiiire and -iilier larie cities, -a!,s.- Hutu me highly coiiiiik nded i mrl ,! ,i rn.r itur'it.iliti, has o i I and a tir-t rate ii..eitio nl ..I HA IX aid C.l' suit it le f..r SSjiiig a .les wh ih w ill t e s..hl vety low, hw mil oi anpinve.l in d. I, al ihe mini clinip btiirr. No. 411, Norlti 'l it id n'e; I, o p .si'e the City Hotel, I'lnls lel lua. ROIDDIT D. U ILKINSUN. Ai-t'il. N. B, Oulei Hats hi iberiiiii-V jnn.ni llv allende I In. The l.iliest , rice ai ui-yt u tra-l given f.ir Fur lAina-. Philadelphia. June II, ISI2-ly NEW GOODS. 31 S' leeeived, a fiesli supply ol cheap Dry OoihIs. I ir.M'1 rii s. Hardware, Ac, Siirrior Ladies' black kid tilnes, t 'ol.iied do , Lawns, Chintzes, Mou-selin de laiinf, Ac. Cloths, I'as-imeres, I 'a-binei. , Linen Didlii gs. Mu-lius, iVe. ii j-r i.-x Poil inc, Puie Sperm Oil, fra rin Candles, Rai-ins. Ac. Jur,e 4th, iM2. II. Ii l SSKR. I to t'l ii" linn of I.', on agency ol 1 1. V Tl'schcr. H it u nd ('up Mimufiirlurm, No 411 Ninth Thud, street, Phil i.b Ipllia, are n quoted to muL.' iuiun t'l ale n ut, ni, ih ir ai counts iih ihe -u -cril i '. iheir legally auboiired i.gent.who is fullv nipow eied lo Mile and collect ll.e seiolinl. ofssid firm. ROBERT D. V II.KINstiN. June 4th, 1842. II nf. WAitu .rmj sin:niiii m a.y dTHF.lt A F.Alt SIMS I HY. OHN At HENRY LAN DaC, having r. i.i.d The other pa-senger tiains will at lfore, al tl e folloivii g h nrs ! Vhihiihtphin nnd Vittlsrilte. I-rem riiihuli'lpliti, at St A.M. From Puti-ville, i.t 2 P. M. S fmiM nf pnn-ina Frudii.f. For PoUsvilir, at 11 A. M. For PhiUdelphin. i.t n P. M. S All the trains will stop for Way passitigers al the ll-Ual i, lints. (JjT All passengers ire riiptesled to procur Iheir tickets before the trains stat. Miv 21. 1812. if. U.S.MairCoacli l-'Oll VOTTNYILM?. STICK TO THE I TAIL COACH! rtfa.yyyfrJ i .ryrtira 2 f !HE Mail Coach for PoitsMllr leaves Norlhum I herland every inornuiu at 4 o'i lock, and arrives in Pottsville in time for ihe ears to Philadelphia. F411K as low ss any nlher line. For seals, h 1 I 1 v at Mrs. W iihington's Hotel, N jitliuinbeiland, o' at ISeorge Wiilrel's. Sunbury. A. E. KAPP v CO.. Nrlh M.,May 21, 1812. I'mpnclwx. Qfjf Ptis-engers coming fnvn Philadelphia w-i'l p'ea-e s cure 1I11 Ir seals al Ibe li te Swan lloti I, j R ice St., before tlu v leave the citv Psss.-r ees I Coining in ibis line, have lti-lr -eat- s. cn-.il in anv v.ige or Packi t luiai f.o in this 1 1 ,-. , ' hose rouiii g ! in the 1 ihi r line ini Is1 lep behiud. wu a& aL mji Am w Sk awj ..aa.avakxi Ida ult Hook Ittaimf nt t-i 3 , Dppusili1 Frinri's Until, IIAKIMSl'.riKI. "I'IKY srej r.par.d to nui' uf ic'ure b'ni V wink 1 ol cveiy de-ciiiitton. ru'ed to miv pattern, such as Dockets I er nls. D.v B oKs. Ledgers. Asses sors' mid Collertors' Duplieites of the finest ipjali- ty ol 1 aist. in a -tylc equal to snv ni ade in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New York. All ibseriptioris of lundn.g neatly exerule.l. Scrap Boi ks. Albums nod Pmtfolios made to order. I.av It ok-. Music ami Period r ds hound lo any pattern. Old Hook rebound, Ac. Also fi e nf pspcis hound. Qfj- w ork left at the office of the Sunbury Anie licati, will he promptlv ntlended to. May 2 1 st, H42. ly. EAGLE n n- TH? UU x Conn r of Tli 'rd and Vine Strttln, WILLIAMSrOIlT, J?A. fl'VlE subscrils-r r snei Hully announces tithe 1 public, that he has o ened a Hotel in the rum modious brn k building situate on the rortirr of I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wail up in those who may favor hltn wits, iheir company. The Eagle Hotel is lrgc ami conveni cut, and furnished in the le-t nvdnn stvle. It i provided with a large number of well ailed and ciinifoitahle sleeping apartment-, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting ilhariisiiort on bu siness 01 ii'ea-urc, may rel ss-urnl that every ex ertion will be usevl to ret iler their sojourn al Ihe "l.agle llot.l pleasant and agreeable. His I able will be supplied with the very tu at ihe market af fords, and his bar wnb the cl nicest wines and oilier liquors chntgvs re isonable. The Koglo Hold possesses rrvatvr advamiiges in point of location than unv othei similar estibhsliineul in ihe Isitouc'i U hig situate in the business part nf the town, and wilhin a coiiveinent disliince of the Court House and Wilhamsporl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sufficient Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostlers hIwiivs in alleiidan.'e. Atteuiive, accoii.moilHliiig and hone-t Servant have been itnrloved. and nulling h-fi undoliethat will udd lo the comfoil and accommodation of his glie-ts. Tin re will be n carriage nlwivs in attendance al lite Boat Landing to cm ve pas-,-i.ger to and Ir the llou-e, Ine of i banje. I'll Mil l:- r.:iRK;i M iv 1 1'b. Ik-12. 1. 1, 111111 11 , ii,,,... ... nia ATTORNKY AT LAW, 1 6U1IBURV, PA. Businest attended to in lire Couniiea nf Not. tkuiel erland, 1,'nlon. Lvcnmlng ami Columbia. Its fee Trma H ht & Co, " Lnwrn vV Bxtttotr, HxtT, CfMviinria jr, Haiit, Vf 'hilinh BrYioi.ns. Mr Fx 11 lx 11 & Co. SpKMinn, rjooir Co., m J. IVIAYLAND, JlCotiCO. NmifT ntid Tolmcco Manufacturers, -Vo. IR) .YorA Wttl mrnrr nf 11kt and Third Slrrrls. PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a t'o-paMneTsliip A under the linn of J, MAYLAND. Ja. Sr Co., sa successors to the late firm rjf Jirfah Mtiylnnd Oi., and will continue Che Injfcrtrest at rtienld rslti hlishment, on tlieir own account, tn mldiiron lo iln'ir own close attention and experience for iiihiiv years, in the manufacture of their refebraled stiulV, ckc, the hm experience of the senior partner of ll.e late firm, will also lie devoted lo tiro inh-resl uf tlm new concern and ns no eXeitrin and care vii le spared to insure their pi, sis, al all limes nf ihe vo ry liesi qunbty, they solicit a eontinuance nt the confidence of tire fi.-ei.dH and customers nf ihe late firm, Till )M AS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, J. Philadrlphin, May lllh, 1842. ly (JO LI) EN SWA N An. li'J .irlh Third., ahovi: Arrh Str it, nill.AliKUMIIA. mitiMMon m iiim mu mvuM V ri:i)s. OIARLES WEISS, laseof tlie'-WhiteSwan." J and "Mount Veriiou Housi." rpsrncifullv in forms hit friends and customer, that lie has heroine the iTopTielor of the ahovq well know n Hotel. tomn'ry Mctchatrts will find the aliove. Ho'cl n ceiitral I-"ration, and the best of fare. Persons Ira. veiling with private conveyance w ill find n Inige yard and good stabling lot horses, and the best of ostlers. Hoarding l per day, Mav 14ih. 1S42. if. MEKCIIANTS house. An. 237, AVfA 7Vff'rr,rrVitcf 'uttinrliU Si., JMUI.ADKLDIIIA. E snb-r libers Inkes pleasure in nri.uairilir.j Iheir blends and the public in gineral, that they have taken the lattxe and romnioilioun Hold, ereiit'v luilibv ihe M. srs. Hart, on Ilie H.li.le site npieii n ine oi ' rsiiiiitislu it llulel knouu '1 i- Bnif a-!, in Third ativi.'l ubuvc Culluw- l'!-is Hotol i liuislicd in the very Vest possibb rnanin 1, hi d i t ilie l,e.-t 11 ienals. Its location is try di sir able, paniculit 'y b r count:) mi K'hasits t ll.e urr. ilii'. no n s I'm In l it c and ven;! itiug sell ni is -in ii a- to sruri any lempeuiiure. I be br-droonis me all bpli'. in d iiiry, all luitiiclnvl tua urat sty e, so as to insUie luudoit. The r.Teivi: 0 parlors are also lurnisl.t'J in a sn perh style, the windows are nn the French s'vle, . umii g nn entrance 10 a balcony in front, whull make a pleasant recess, Pmticular atlt nlion Im been given lo ihe beds and bidding, which, with the furniture, aroen'tuly new. r rom ycera experience in hitel business, wo trust, by slrirt assiduity Ir. business, lo make tins house a desirable slopping place. Our table will always 1 supplied wnh Ihe very beet our market ran afford, and cut bar wi'h the best liquors and wines ol the most appiovevl b ands. 1. S. I here arc hrst rate stabling ur.d carr & houses attached in the hotel, tin tided by ca tf'il and sober ho-tlcrs and out charges Will lm Uw, in accordance wiih the present haid limes. SlIULTZ A. LEKU Philadelphia. pril Ih. 18.J J. 1.1. H'isois lluli tiled Hair s, under ll,e a r?.-f-' .Vi , (iiiiiiiisxiiui vV I'lirwardiiioj .Mficlcittts, ; l'mil 11J' W illow Stml liud Ittiad, 1 HV. THE il.W IHr, HAVINU ss-iH-ialed i h tin ni Joseph Baropl, , late ol East-.11, P h, r si ei tfully inform their : I'neniU and the public generallv, that tiny have la. k' tl th l large slid we I know n store and wharf at fool of Willow fiu-el Ra lroad, I ilelv oi copied l y ( .Iseob Martin, wheie they pU'pose doing a lien-ral I Cmiui-sioii and Forw aniing tu-t;ie--, and f urn 1 die local inlvama jes of ihe place I t ing conm clesl : vvi'h .11 il.e 1 ubbc improvi rnents that have iheir ; mil vl in tin t liv, tbev llatier ihi inselvis they will ' P.- ,,li e I., do I usii.es lo ss gie .1, if not g eatei ad ! vantage, and upi-ii as re as 1. able leinis as any other I h use, and lln assure tlieir fuel .Is that any coil I s m unlit- in .i!e 10 ih. in .ball hav. th.ir er rl t i ten...n, , nd 110 eieillon- span d ! give eoil e s O's faCoo. I Th. y are u'-' prepaid t.. r.- . .e .id I " a. ! g ithls -o Otlv I oioi on th- D ' I-' i-e jmi .. ii-j.'.i iver-, Is iw 11 Mai cb I ' 111 k. I' .-io. -il II, , del til 1. vis lb law..r Divi-i ii ant Ii in i, ( '.in I-; . a'-o. lo anv point n it e .1 n i-i hm i. r Nor b pe a !c'.ii i. I I ,e ill-, .1 lllf I illiu K xlllM .!' 1 lasata . Xi M ..m 1.. . I.... .. iv aepi i( ill '-111 I'UII, have now lor ssle the U.t Liuss in this part nf Ibe muntiy, and will roniiiiue lo keep roiiaiatiity on hand fresh l ime for Plistenug, llui'duig and for Liming laud, on a reasonable term, a can tat Lad an V where in the neigULuihoml. May 21, 1842. J. A If. LANDAU. ami t tsl II mi. Ii t i!.. ! kill and I'liiou, ui tho l'l-.i.. .i, u,i Cilia's, For ihe areoinm.nlaiion ol lloais c u'reg or ao. leg via Schuylkill ami I'nioti lomaU. a Si iin-uat will Ii.' k pt rxpresslv for towmn do ,i Iroin die Sehuvikil ..round to the ) I wai e ami bael , witch will eu hie ineichai.ts le have Iheir pu.du.e deii ve ed on ihe lle awaie, and their g uals al ipd al a aaviug ot 5:1 lo 16 per cent, in: ths piie.-s for h auhi g sc o-, w ith this advhiitagea they re specilully sail n it a sliate nf pair na-. e. W.HEILMAN&.CO. William H itman, ) Will. am W. Ki)se , J. Jvi U U.i net. i rUilaJ , May 14, 1842. ly SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO., I'E.WS YL YA MA. THE subscriber re-pectfully informs the pul lio thut he has purchased, and now occupies Ihe Large tH lllltk and ''xcSk r..mm).rnf JJSTtU Cl'll Staiul. Well known as the property, Into of Theodore Wills, and formerly kept by Samuel A. Biady. He ia now prepared to accommodate all travellers and visiters who may favor him wiih a call, and will use t-vt'iy efl'oit in hia power to render eveiy convenience and comfort to his customer, while under hia charge. Hia accommodations are ample, and his moms well furnished. lira stable ixivn sive and in good rotidition. His T m and Bxa will be supplied with tho I -est that the maiket can afford. By put duality and atteniiou, he b-els confident that he will mum the putrunuge uf the public. CHARLES II ARTMAN. Ciitiawi.sa, April 'Jth. 18J2. noitr.HT 'iitTi:it &Ts. ?A?a.n 3M anvfactukehs. I., unbind Strrit, llaltinitnrt I ! .WE i iistaiitlv for sale. Printing Paper of at. x sii s .n d qiialitu s, Cap Writing Pai-er. ml A ar.l p1 .in. Letter Paper, white nnd blue, ruled ni d plan . Ilai gieg Paper, fine and common, Envdopn Paper, do. do. medium, douh'e riowns crown ami etna sited Wrapiing Paj ers, ColortM Medium ami Royal I'apeis, Bonnet, Hinders' and Suaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and nil artlclea in their lnw , which thev will sell on accommodating terms. H ghest price given f r old rags. ROBERT CARTER A SON. M.rch 10. Ik-12. E'.klon, Ml. WHAKTON'S Siiii1iiiV Vol tliinit i land (utitiij, PENNSYLVANIA. fl'IIE subscriber nsjx ctluily inlorms the pnldic, I ih.it he ha removed lo that large and roiisni . ill' u Brick Hon a', on Market square, opposite tla l'"U't lou-e, (formerly kepi hv Hira.u Price.) wbeie he i now -picpared lo acconiniodate all wb ii y favor bun wuh a cull. Being thankful lot i t.vors. ! e hope hy strict attention to business, ii . i ivy u bl, rul si are of public patro i?. cVc. I ll R1.KS D. W 11 U I ON. .en1 ii'V. March Tiih. 18p. liFiVTE! XiIIME! LI1VXE! rl i II sO'i-er'her are pnpartd to lui n:sN In mi rt 1 mid others w ith ai y quantity id' ) .i.iviiv upeiioi qimliiv fir land, in plaislerjig. at the lot lowing v. rv reduced prices vix: 8 cs. ar bushel for I ami Lim.-t HI rt. for the best qualuv of pl-i -lerii g Lime, at Ihe kilns, below the borough of Sun bury. 'Ho y wdl ahio deliver, al any place wilhin i, lorough of Siudiury. Lime for laud, al lllcenia sr hiiklul, aisd Lime for plaistering at 12 j cents per biishi'l. The subset iber hivealwava on hand, I. rge )uniiiy nf Lime. Its qiliiy is (rood, an I Ibctr hnieslone ia not equalled by any lit tbeiirigh. borhood. SEASHOLTZ A BERGSTKESt?EK. Auguxta, April 2d, 142.