Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 22, 1842, Image 3

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    Money Market.
' Monry matters ate without change in our city.
Although the cane i not to bad aa it was aome lime
ago, capitalisti are puttied to know what to do
with their means. The hanks hive thoUianda in
deposit, and cannot even dispose with advantage
of the auioa at their own Immediato command.
Specie was never mora abundant among them.
All this indicates inactive trade. In short, the Fall
business will not amount to even one third of an
ordinary season.
A ho however is indulged of derided improve
ment in the Spring. The tone of feeling and o.
pinion among our merchants and traders is cer
tainly much mors cheerful. But so great has been
the suffering, so immense the losses, that we can
not expect decided improvement in any other
-than a alow and gradual way. The case is similar
in England. At our lust accoun'a the Dank of
"England had lieetween 9 and 10,000,000 of bullion
an ita vaults, and monry could be procured readily on
-good security at 3 per cent, per annum. Of course
trade must have been dull, or snrh an immense,
mount of cspitat would not have been in the maiket.
The U. S. it should be rememherrd are a great
customer to England, and our failnre to buy as
heretofore, because of the distress and inactivity at
tiome, has not been without its influence there.
A little longer however, and we indulge a hope a
confident hope, that both countries will atsrt for
ward again in the carer of prosperity. Bick. Rep.
PalXHAJi Gi'Mi:sT. A splendid exhibition or
the powers of the Paixhan gun, took place at
Castle Garden, New York, on Tuesday last. A
target was mooted on the buy, the gun, carrying
a 120 puund shot, tired with a noise more tike the
bursting of volcano than the discharge of a can.
non a cloud of smoke enveloped the fort, and the
immrnse mas of iron went boundiug along on the
water, striking it in one c.ise six times, at each time
throwing up a mass of foam as big as a house : a
succession ofbrilliant pyramids.
Mi rro. The Picayune haa received letter
from Mexico which states that Congress has repor
ted two constitutions or forms of government both
strictly federal. The letter ssys . "If Santa Ana
approves the one adopted there is an end of him
and of war on Texas ; if he docs approve, there will
be trouble enough here. I think he will be over,
come. If -Santa Ana retains power, which is ra
ther more than doubtful, there will be a large ar
my 15,000 ut least suit to Texas in the fall.
You may rely upon it. The invasion will be both
by sea and land,"
A Tut or TtMri.aixcK Pav.Acm.ns. The
following from Jcr. 35 ch., ft, 6, anil 8vs., prove
that the talismanic temperance plrdge, which has
wrought such miraculous results in modern times,
was conceived rn the days of primi ive Christiani
ty, and is therefore far from btinj a new inven
tion. "And I eat before die sons of the house of the
Iicchahileg pots full of wine and cups, and I said
unto them, drink ye wine; for Jnnadad, the son of
Kechah our father, commanded us, saying, ye shall
drink no wine ; neither you nor your aons fore
ver." "Thua have we obeyed the voice of Jon i
dab, the son Rechali our father, in all that he hath
charged us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our
wives, our aon, nor our daughters."
Tilt Post Orricn. It is currently reported that
Richard Vaux ia, on the 1st proximo, to take
charge of the Post Office in this city. The ap
pointed la to satisfy himself for the defeat be ex
perienced in attempting to run against out chief
magistrate for Mayor, Thla attempt Coat him, it
is said, about ihree thousand dollars, which he can
not get back aa Recorder, but may, aa Postmaster
provided he is not rejee'ed. -Phil. Chr,m'elc.
l I L I),
On Psturday evening last, in this place, JAMES,
son of Mr. Charles Pleasants, aged about I year
ami 3 months.
In Chilisquaque nn Wednesday, the 12th Inst.,
of Dropsy, RACHEL.daughlcr ofThomaa Hulli.
hen, in the Sth year of her age.
In Point, on Saturday , 9th inst., JANE daugh
ter of Jamea McNinch, aged about 31 years.
At Northumberland, on Saturday the Rib inst,,
a child of Mrs. ER LSTON, was burnt to death,
her clothes having t ken Are in the obsence of its
On Thur-dav morning, the 1:1th inst.. in Milton,
Mrs. MARGARET McCI.EERY, wife of Dr.
William McCleery in her :10th year.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimcr,
Wmsat, .... 95
Rtk, 60
('nn-, ...... 40
O.ts, ...... 25
Pork, ...... 5
FL.xsruti, ... . 100
MlITTKR, ..... 12
Dr.r.swtx, . . 25
Tati.ow, - . - 12 J Afplks, - 75
Do. P.ariiKs, 200
Ftax, ... 8
Hr.rKiin Flax, 10
Eons, ...... S
Liver Complaint.
f IIIIS disease is discovered by a fixed nbtu--r pain
I in the righl si.'e under the short ribs. a"cndcd
with heat, uneasiness about the pit of the stomach;
there is in the relit si.le also a distention ; the pi
tient loses his appetite, nnd becomes rick and troubl.
ed with vomit'ng. The tongue becomes much
and black, tho countenance changes lo a pale or
citron color, or yellow like tho-e afflicted w ith jitin
STit.iY m:irri.u.
PAME to the the premises of the subscriber,
innkeeper, on the Centre Turnpike, in Conl
lowna'iip, Northumberland county, about 8 miles
east of the (own of Shsmokin, some time in A tic u I
last, a large red HEIFFER, with a bell on t h is
white legs and face, with a red circle around each
eye. The owner is requested lo come forward,
prove projierty, pay charges, and take her away,
otherwise she will be sold according to law.
Oct. 32, 1842. 3t. PAUL. RQ TIT.
IHkmoIiiUoii of 1'ttrf ncrMlilp.
riUKE NOTICE, thill the Partnership hereto.
JL fore existing between the subscribers, under
the firm of HAAS A DIUJCKEMII.l.ER. in the
Hatting business, wa dissolved on the H I It inst,
by mutual consent, and that the books of the late
firm have been left with Gcorae Weisor, Esq for col
lection. Thirty days' time, from this dale, will be
given for payment, after which, legal process will be
resorted to. HENRY HAA",
Sunbury. Oct. 15 h, 1812, :t.
"7F.RY RESPEOTFI'LLY heus' leave to in
y form his customers and the public generally,
lliul he still contiiiuis the
in all its various branches, in ihe shop, neatly op
posite the 1) nek Tavprn, formerly occupiul by
Henry Haas and him If, under the linn of Haas
A Diuckemiller, which firm h is lecu mutually dn
so'ved. He hop s, by hi long rxpirience in the
above business, and sirict attention thereto, to ren
der ceneral satisfaction, and receive a hUral share
of public patronage,
Sunhury, Oeioifr loth, 1842. Cm.
Take" Not ieeT
A I.I Iho.e inde! t- d to Dr. John Peal, either by
note or on book account, are invited (for the
first and last lime) lorall and settle up their re spec
tie accounts, on or before the 15lh of Novernb.r,
as after that time they will be placid in the hand
of a proper officer for collection, will out respect to
persons. JOHN PEAL.
Oct. 15th. 1H42 3t.
Iif of Li'tfcrN,
EMAINI.(i in the Post Cilice at Augus'a,
-IV Sept 3di h, IM2 :
James Clark. 'I homas Smith, Soloman Stnrner,
dice, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, alten.led i ',h"n" Hramtield, Ephr.iin I.yile. Abraham Dr. i
with a dry tmigh, difficulty of laying on the left j
aide, the body liecomes weak, and finally the disease
terminates into ann her of a more serious nutuie, !
which In all probability is far beyond the power nf !
human skill. Dr. Ihirinh't f onipnuiid Slrrngih- j
em'n? Tonic and German Anerient I'M, if la- !
ken at the commencement of this disease, will
check it, and by continuing the use of the medicine
a few weeks, a perfect cure w ill be pert, i nnd.
Thousands can testify to this fact.
Certificates of many persons n av dailv I sern
of the cHic icy nf ibis invaluable medicine, bv apply,
ins at the Medical Olfiee. No. 19, NORTH
EIGHTH street, Philadelphia.
Oct. 22d. 1842. ' Agent.
belbies, Gideon I.eiscnrinjr. I-aac W. Partiswo th.
Oct. 8rh, 1812. JACOB MI.OOM, P. M.
IIhoadwav. So great -is the demand for
stores in Broadway, that the proprietors gene
rally are appropriating; the lower fcturiesol'tlie
dwelling liottses to thin purpose, and we Imw
no doubt but foil r-fi ft lid of the homes between
Uie Cattery aud Bleecker street will have their
basement stories converted to this purpose be
fore the expiration of two years. NVe have
noticed Kime of the very finest buiWinjru of
late, undergoing this alteration. .V. Y. Sun.
George McCoy
Kase cv I 'O.
Com'rs of N'orth'd CO.
R & Wife
Jacob Klino
John SheiilV
J hn McCabe
Mary Weeks
Solomon Mi ng is
Charles Wan rs
O D Whaiton
llenrv Hull'
L'mtkii Statks Gackttk, Oct. 18, 1842.
GRAIN The supplies of Wheat are moderate,
but the market to-day is hejvy ; it is held, howe
ver, at about late prices, via : 85 a 90c lor South
era, as in quality, and 91 a 97c per lnwhcl for prime
t'enna. Sou hern Rye 50c ; Pennii. scarce at 58 a
60c ei bushel.- Coin is stated at 51 a 52c for
Southern flat yellow, and 50 a 51c for whiio do.
nf bushel. Southern O.ita are not quite so ac4ivo
aa last week, the price lo-day is 2: a 2 tc per bu.
Omisih or Fault Discs, and tiik XIaans
til'Ci iiE. In the j ear 1795. I,( Roy clearly de
monstrated that every disease originutej from im
pure or uuiligcsted particles becoming mixed with
the blooj and fluids. And also, that to cure every
disease, it was only requeued to open Ihe natural
outlets of the body, and allow them lo rem .in oen,
by which means the blood and other fluids waxuld
release themselves from the undigested and im
pure particles, aud a state U health woulJ he cer
tain lo ensue.
The Royal Institute of France awarded to him,
for this discovery, the LIM Me J.I of the Insti
tute. This is a historical fact.
All which the lirundreth Vegetable Vnirersul
I'ttli profess lo do in, to carry out this principal.
and eierieiice has fully established them capable , Geo. G We'ker
of it. W hen. therefore, a hn.Ut.t of be-lrh -.i.r. ' John S Manx
in the body, all that haa to be done is to cont-nue
to pure it etrectually with them, and the more
virulent the disease, ihe more powerful must I e the
The Drandrelh Pills are made entirety of Vege
table Extracts, known by long experience to be
pcif telly innocent, and yet of more power as a
pfirgritive, or a cleanser of the alimentary canal, than
ny jbef medicine. Their efTect on the system is
so easy tiiat (t is remarkable fact the same do-e
may I given 14 an infant or adult, without ihe
possibility of doing any injury hut on the cont-a-iy
good, Therefoie, in cosliveness, either habitu
1 or othsrwisa, aiul in Bilious Fuveis, and all bil
ious eO'ecljon., llivy are uf greatest possiblo ben
fj Purchsas in Sunbury, of II. U. Masser, and
Cuf autts published in another part uf this ajer.
flHR subserilwr has for sale, al his store in Wa-
X fhioRton, (eieht milea north of Danville.) a
large quantity nf I.p and 13 inch Joint Shingles,
which will be sold st the low price of f3 75.
Also a cener I s sortment nf I j and inch Hoards,
Wfi aiher Uuaids, Lath, Ac, w hich n i l be sold
very low. NEAI McCAY.
Washintonville. ('olum'ia Co.,
Oct. 22.1, 1812. 7t. J
If OR in the touil of Common Pleas of Nor.
thum' erland Count, to beheld at Sunt urv,
on the first Monday of Nov. next, being the 7th.
Joseph Treco va M irlin A. Stock
llartlet for Piper, fic. va H. nry Fiiik
Yates cV Melnlvre vs Edward Y. llr'ght
Edward Y. Hiight vs J C II Noure
William Moritz vs O I' Drncan
B 1. Grovemor &. wife vs D Snyder, &c.
J C It vs John I.lnyd
George Shi'ey vs George Long
Coininniiwea'th of Pa.
va Henry Gossler el ul
vs Danii l Robins
vs Iteuj.iinin Clayton
vs The Sh im, kin Co d Co.
vs Kti7.uer A' I.H irua
vs HoU-rt Dunn
vs Dsuiel Deck
vs John Miller
Counh of Pa foi A Jordan vs G W Kivhl et al
Same f.r J Mm m ut vs Same
Sain for W Deppcn V eo vs Same
vs K..erl McKee
vs Thom:is Aohhridge
vs Isaar Woolverton
vs tieorge Smder's sdm'rs
vs Overset r of the Poor of j
No th'd county
vs John Haas (
vs John Monehea.l j
vs livi rly A Ita .a j
vs t ii oige I ) ster
v John lloiiKhner i
vs John Smith
vs Christopher Campbell j
for E. Chin
Samuel Hunter et al
Hi nry Eckbret
George Armstrong
Tobias II iiber A Co.
Sanim I GufJ'y
Martin Weaver
Hulliheii A E'steu
Wr. ii. 11. Wviner,
FFERS hi. seivic s. to the citizens
" of Sunbuiy, and vi.'inity. Office next door lo
the residence of Revd. R. A. Fisher, where he m iv
be found, unless engagad ill discharging the duties
nf Ins profession. Oct 8 h, 1812. if.
"'P'ltAT the Coparlni rship I eretofure existing 1m
tween Dr. John W. Peal mid Dr. D. T. Trites, in
the practice of imdiciuc, has this day I ecu di-sol-ved
by mutual consent. The b.M.k- and accounts
of the late firm are in the hands of Dr. J. W. Pea',
who is full) authoiized to settle the same.
Sept. 28th. I S 12. D. T. TRU ES.
A AR!.
r J. . Prill legs leave to tender ht grate
ful arkn. wleilgments lo the peni le of SuuLu y
and surrounding country, foi then past encourage
ment in the line of his profession ; and wouM at
the same lime aiiuouiice lo them, that he still in
tends to continue the practice of medicine in all iis
various d partim nts. He would, therefore, solicit
a Coiiiiuu.iiice ofllnir confidence and patronage ,
He may be low rid at all tunes al his olfiee, in mar
ket sin e', unless professionally engigcd.
Suiiliury, Ocl. 1st, IS42. iC
Dr. IK T. TrlffN, Respectfully informs the
citizens of Soiituiiy anil vicii.iiy , thai he tins 'a
ken an ullice in Ihe building lutely o.TU i. d by I'et. r
l.u. .nw as a drug store, in in rk. street, Su bnr ,
where hi may be loui d at all h. uis, unless proles
sioimllv eugagfl.
DR. TRITKS returns h'a siuci re thanks for 'he
eiicoumgeineiil he has let'. ie.l, in the line ul his
prol'e.-iori, in this place, and ini-t-, by prompt a'.
cut ion lo ihe duties of his profession, and reason
able charges, that he will coiiiiuue to receive a
liU-ral share of the public patron ie.
Sunbury, Ocl. l.l, 1842. tf.
((ienrrul IStafft tjficr,)
l'C'IHIM) It Ulliil.
rillll. Siili criber respecifullv iufoims his friend.
EG Mradlord'sad'srlal vs C A lli,dford
Pursell A Pfoutz
Jacob Regie
A W Johnson et al
R.dit D Cummings
Henrv I.stcha
Win Met ileiiiy's rx'r
Henry time
John Wilson's heirs
Jared W ins
Danii I Mrsutipam
illiam A Lloyd
Cooper A Sm iter
Aorihsin Sharrick
A Graham's rx'rs
John Murry
Jscob Kline
vs F U'ikeiibii.e
vs Abribam Kissinger
vs John C Motd et si
vs Kenjamin Mar hews
vs Henry Zerhrn
vs Hor.l Paiterson
vs A Sh.urick
vs Robert McKee
vs Artnian A Knorr
vs Jotin ("ow. leu's i a'i
vs Martin A Slock
vs Srasholtz A Hergairesser
vs John A II M DaMson
vs John Painter
vs Jese Mastisn
v Jo.eph V uikuk
vs Jacob tiass
vs Solomon E-bbauch
Prothonot iry's Office,
Sunbury, Oc. 22. 184
Slicriir's Hale.
Y virtue tf a writ nf Yen. Ex., issued out i f
the Court of Common Pleas of Northuin-
lierlantl county, ami lo mo directed, will be exposed
to puhlic sale at the Court House, in the borough
of Sunbury, on Monday ilia 7lh day of NovemUr
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M,, to wit :
A certain tract or paicel of laud situate in Coal
township, Northumberland county, adjoining lauds
of Jacob Gas, Philip otamb ch and nlliers, contai
ning two bundled acrca more or has, whereon are
erected a one atory log house, log aiuhle, and the
fiame of a saw mill, a spring of water, and an or
chard, about twenty acres of said laud is rlesied.
Seized, taken ill eieculiou, sud lo be sold as the
property uf Samuel Hcffuer.
Oct, 1 5ili, 1812. Hhe ;.
ami tlio iiulihc ia urtteul, thut he hat t.ikcu
l.Miui: am) cmnutDioi s
I X TH i: IK) KOI till ItF M CNOY,
and that he i- now well prepared to accommodate
uli who may favor him with iheir custom.
HisSLiiriNu Al'AHT i.s.ts ure Well aired, and
HisTASLKAvn Mah will always be suppli.d
with ihe best theinsiket can all'o'.l.
His Stablikis, which i. t;ood will l under
the rhsrge of good snd csrefol hostlers.
He f. els confident, by strict attention to l u-iness,
and an earnest desire to render c infortal.le those
w ho may patronize bun, he will not t'.il to give
general satisfaction. II. M. WEAVER.
Muuey, Oct. 1st, 1812 if.
iA?.7:iT :?.v:it, "
It o o t a ii il S Ii o v .11 n U v r,
TERY ltes ectful'y uiloiins bis fr ei d and
old cimtoiiii rs, that he has oivned a III III I
A HIDE Establishment, ill ihe shop formerly oc
cupied by Piter Lazaius as a diug store, in Mai Let
street, where he intends lo carry on the busines. in
all its various blanches. My st icl addition to bu
sines., reasonable charges, and Ins u'lnost endeavor
lo give geu. ral satisfaction, he hopes to lei cue a
librrul share of public patronage.
Oct. Il. 181231.
f 1mr lo the preinises of the rulsM-Ml er, on the
Shamokin l-land, in Ango la low nsbip. ubuu
the 1st of August I si. MX STRAY MIKKI'.
marked by having a piece elippid fiom the inilol
one ear. The owner is requested lo collie foiwar.l,
prove proeily, pay ihirg., mid hike tin in awav.
Oct. Ut, 1842. at.
II II .11 l.SM;il sgaiu in 'lilies all wh.i re
indebled to him or ins fi.oii.l H. It. Masser A t'ls,,
to call and settle wi hoot delay, otherwise llnir ac
counts will be placd in the hands of a m igis rste
foi ivlktllou, Sunbury, Sep'. .4,
iiiOToritAimc Aorac i:.
A'o. 1TH Chmnut Street, 4th Story,
ANI'F t 'Ttilf Ell of DAGUEflftF.O.
TYI'i: APPARATUS. Surgical and Mi-
nature Casre, Impoitei of Fienett Chemicals 3nd
double silver plates for the Dnguerrei type, adopts
this method nf infotmiiig the citizens of Nnriheui
Pennsylvania, that hecarr'na mi the above onsin. ss
ext. nsively, in all its Vsrious hranches. Persons
desirous of obtaining any of the shove articles, can
lie promptly supplied, on Ihe lowest terms, for cisli.
All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate
Mn.G R I.lI.l.EllR'Dnn. now travelling in
the Northern purl of the Nia'e. will nromiitlv at
tend lo all orders, give necessary information and
Photographic instructions to anv person on appli
cation to him. August fith. 8I2 6m
HHAVE this day bought nf Sanuiel Einbntt,
of Coal township, Northumberland county .one
Itlack horse nod Gc-irs, one Deaiborne Waggon,
one Yoke Oxen, Ox Yi ke, Waggon and Chain,
and one Itiass twentv-f ur hour t!lock, which pro
perly I have loaned him at mv leasure.
Shamokin. Sept. 9th, I8l2-5t-m.
NOTItIK is beieby given that the partnership
which heretofore existed between thesiibscri
I era, under the firms of Hear A Trego and Trego,
M.-ar A T 'o. . is iliis ibiv dissolved bv mutual con
sent. All debts due by the funis will be paid by
Jacob, in whom nil the debtors' of the same
will please lo nuke p.ivmciit.
J-OOI! nErt,
Shsniokin. Sept. Iflth, 1812.
I.L those ii.d. loed to the firm nl the sitbsrribi rs
will please call and make s iiisfn lion, either bv
paying up or giving th ir no'es with security. No
longer Indulgence can be given.
Aiigust fith. 1812.
I FSI'EC I FI I.I.Y iufoims ihe pul.lic that be
1 hB made Northnmberlan.l his permaneni
place of residence, and is ready lo attend lo any
c.dis in the line of hi- profesri .n.
July 2, 1812. ly.
oz: a.-TiCai'jrja? u cld:
i Tin: im iti.K .
"ITT'HEREAS l.elli rs Patent were granted to Mr.
' H. W. t'Avtr, in Oct Iwr, I MM, for anew
nnd useful impmvi ment in the descending Fi.t r.
Ciii.kish Siovks: I have uiiib is'ood one HATH
AWAY is using rn sard improvement under the
name of Hot Am . rov .s," which stove inv.ilws
the principles seeiir. d to me. This is to caution
all ersons ng nn-l making, v, nding, or using said
Mot Air Stoves," as I sh .11 prosecute all who in
any way infringe my rigtil-; snd I hereby cons'i
lute Josiii a W. ('omi t, Esq.of Danville, my law
ful Attorney, empowering him to bring suits against
any person who shall use mv improvements in any
manner whatever. HENRY W. CAMP.
Ow. go, Tioga county, N. Y.
Ju y 2, 1842 3m. 5
J F.xPEOTFl'I.LY iufoims hi- friends and ihe
k public geneially, lb it he has tommeiiced the
T ;i i 1 o i i ii s IC ii m i ii c k n ,
in all its . ranches, in the bouse formerlv occupied
by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in IJ l.n kln rr
street, nearly opposite the Pr sbvierian Church,
He ri s eetlully solids s share of the public patron
age, and tnists by stri. I a'teution to business and
reasonable cba ,es, be will be eunldid lo give gen
erul sstislac ion.
Siinbmv, June llb, ISfi y
MiamoKlii, lliiimltci land ('.,
flHE subscribes iivpicilullv ml . no lie pul.'ic
1 that tlivv have tak II that large untl cmn modi
on HOTEL, in Sh iinolintowii, in ihe cintreoi
the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr .in.
where thev are now pri p.nd to aecoininodaie all
who may f,,vor them with iheir custom, liy strict
.it eiilion lo business, :hey h pe lo leccivu a bin ral
share of pu' lie patron. .gc. .
hamokintown, June I Sth. 1812.
To ouiiti y
rPHE Subsi riU-r, Agent ol I von A Hams, Hal
- Mani.f iclurers, for N. w York, I'lnl nlelphia,
li.ill ihoie snd '.ilier large i itics, -a! mv ; Hie
highly romiiH ruled f r i;rin' fod ami dw'd.ility,
has on I. snd a lir-t rile 'is.i'ilin i.t of HA I'S aid
CAPS, sm ,i lc fi.r Sprma s .le-, wh ch will 'e
very low, foi cns'i or ai piove.l ciedil, sv tbtr mini
elieai 'fore. So. 4", North Th rd s'ru-l, o p si'e
ihe Cily H 'tel. I'hil . lelpbih.
Rolti'.n r l. U ILKI.NSOX. At'ot.
N. il. Outers I r Hals II iberr((-V pr i.o iK
iilleiide.l lo. Th. highest i m o hi t's-'e
given f ir Fin t"i'n..
Pi ila.U Iphia, June I I, Is 12 - -ly
1ST ii eeiv. il. n ties!. mi ply ol cheap Dry
Goods, tiiocri. s Hardwiir. . c.
Superior Ladies' black kid tilivis.
Laaiis, Chliiles, Mou-sebii il. liirn s, Ac.
Cloths, Css-imcies, t's-bit.eit Is, i
l.ii en III llii gs. Musluis, Ac.
Snperi. r Pint il. e, !
Pioe perni ( Ml, !
' S4-rm t'uii. lies, Is ii ins. Ac. !
Jure 4th. 1812. H. It M !-SKR. 1
Ll. peisoi.s Hid. bled to I e lirm .0 I.M'ii A
Ha.r s, undi r the agency "HI. .V Tbsehir, I
( and ( 'up Manufarlurtr. No. 41) North Thud,
sirei l. Pluladi Iphia, sie nqnesied lo make iinmidi
ste settlement of ill-ir a.cot.i.w onh the ui sri il rr,
t It. i r legally au'boiized iigent.who is fully impow- ;
elid lo si Hie and collect ll e accounts ol s'liil li'in.
June 4lh, 18-42. II Aett.
Q -.n n n-c:- j
WMiii ti;d si punioii ro ,i.vr
iniir.n m-:au simhuy. i
"HOH.V A HENRY LAN D Al', having rented
9jV the Lime Kilns of llcniv Mskst'r, in Sunbuiy,
have now for wile the best Lime in this part of the
co mi 1 1 y , and will continue lo keep constantly on
baud fresh Lime for Plastemig. Muilduig and lor
Liming laud, on as reasonable terms as can be had
siivwhrie in the iivighUuihond.
May 21, 1842. J. A IT. LANDAl .
rniLAUF.Lrmi, reading and romviLLE
ll ill commence rvnninft hi tween Philadelphia
and Potluillc on the following days
and houm :
On nun Arrr.M Muscat, Mat 9. 1842.
Leaving IVu-ville, on Mondi.ys, Weilnrsdiys
nnd Fridays, at 8 A M.
Leavii g I'liiliidelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays, at I j P. M.
llinir nf pain tiendinir.
For PI ihdi, at ltl.J A. M. J
For Pottsv.lle, at 5J P. M. 5 M-W""k,'-
'.f It K H.
lUtween Pn'lsville A Phdads. $3,S( A f2,f0
Heiween Reading A d... 2.25 A 1.75
1!. tween do A Pot'sville, I,.t(l A 1,0(1
Extrnsio Tickt ooim run MsTt'ii.visin
jut hat.
Metweeu Pottsvillp A Philadelphia, f5 0(1
II. tween A do, 300
Ueiweeu do. A Potlsville, 2 (jo
'J'he other pasenger trains will aa lfore, at
the followu g h"iirs :
Philadi Iphia and Potlsville.
From, at 61) A.M. T, ..
From Poti-ville, at 2 P. M. $ 1 n"y
Hours vf patting Reading.
For Pot'svilie, at 9 A. M. i x .
Foi Philadelphia, at 1 P. M. S ' allV'
All the trains will stop for way passengers al
the usual poiots.
iJT" -Ml passengers lire reqnes'ed to procure
their tii kets la-fore tbe trains stu t.
M iv 21. 1812. if.
Business attended to in the Counties; of Nor.
lliuml erland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia,
liefer to 1
Thomas Hart A Co.,
Low in, A Usaaosr,
Hart, Cum wi una A Hart, U'Silad.
SrKHiio, Goou A Co.,
riIli: M ill Coach f..r Po'tsville lenve-Norl'iUin-1 every moriniii! r.l 4 o' l.i' k. and anives
in I'otis, ill,, io time for ihe irs to i'lnl nlelpl-i i.
Fsur is l.o.v as 1 v n'htr l.-u. .
I'.-r seals, anplv nl Mrs. Wi'hingioi.'s 1 1 . I ,
N jilhumbcrlaud, O' at Oeorae ' itzel's. Sunt urv.
A. E. KAPP A CO.,"
N'orth'd., May 21, 1 H 13. Prttfirirtors.
rp Pas-encers comioi! fnvn Phda 'el hia will
ilea-e secure iheir seals at the W'h t.' Swan Until,
I! ico St., Lefore they leaie the eitv Pas-ei gers
cornini! in this line, have th ir seats a cicid in any
t ceor Packet boat from this 1 lict-. '1 h' se cominc
in the ,.lht r line may la left behind.
ltlanlv IIok .llaiiiifuftor) ,
Opposite Pri ni l's Until,
fl'lEY sre jr. p. r.d to manufacture blank woik
JL of every description, ruled to any pattern, such
as Dockets . cords. I)v It. .oka Ledeers, Asses
sors' and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest quali
ty of, in a style equal to any made in the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New Yoik.
All disruptions of binding neatly executed.
Scrap Monks, Albums and Portfolios made to order.
Law Monk', Music and Periodicals bound to any
pattern. Old Mooks rebound, Ac. Also Hies of
papers boui d.
fXj Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ame
liean, will be promptly attended lo.
May 2 1 si, H42. iy.
Curnt r of Third and Vine Stru ts,
williaivispout, pa.
flHE subscrils'r respectfully announces to the
I public, that he has opened a Hotel 111 the com
modious brick building situate 011 the coiner of
I hinl and Pine streets, where he will be happy to
wait upon those who may favor him wit . Iheii
company. The Eaule Hotel is large un. I conveni
ent, and furnished in the U'-t modem sv le. It is
provided wilti a large niirnlier of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartment-., rooms, private
parlors, A c. l'eisons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness 01 p ea ure, may re. I ss-ur d that evirv ex
ertion w ll le used to ruder 'heir s, st ilv
"Eaule Hot. I" plcnsant and :iir. eiibte. His Tai l.'
will liesuppliul with the very b. s' the market f
loi.'s. al d his fur w 1 Ii l.c c; 1 rcest una and oilier
liquors eluiT.jes re sii!i.'. i he I"iii;le l!otl
p. .SfSM's .r,-h'-r .llitit..- Ill p 'lilt l-l loCll'ioll
than any . ihei sun , stal li-hmeiit in ill. l-o oii-!'.
I" ing situate 111 the biisun ss p rt of the town, ninl
wnl in a convenient distance of the Court House
ami Wilhanispnri and F.lmira Rail K0.1I lb pot.
Sullicient .latiliug provided, snd good and trusty
ostlers slways in attendance.
Attentive, sccon. m.xlntinit and hone-l Servants
haie been nif.loed. and null ing b fi ondoiie thai
will add to the comfoil and accommodation of his
Tin re wi'l be a carriage alw ays in attendance at
ihe Moat Landing lo convey passenger to and from
the House, In e of charge.
M i I 1th. I is 12.
tSnntr nnd Tobncco Manufacturers,
JVo. D!) Xorlh West corner rf Race and This if
rPHE umb r-ii;ne I have formed a Co-psrtnerh. :p
- under the firm of J. M AYI. M). Js. & f 1 ..
as successors t i the late firm of Jucnb .Mnyland 4
Co.. nnd will continue 'he lusmes nt the old est 1
l.lishment, on tl.e.r own acc.n.n'. In Addition to
their ow n closo attention and experience f. r mm v
years, in the manufacture of their celebrated snnf t-,
Ac, the louu experience of the senior partner of 1 il
late firm, w ill also be devoted lo t tin interest nf t h
liew concern and sa no exeilinn and care will fa
spared to insure their goods, at all times of the -i
ry best quality, they solicit a continuance of tl
confidence of the f. .ends and customers of the la
Philadelphia. May 14lh, 1842. ly
.Vo. (JU Sorth Third, almve Arch Street,
plI MII.ES WEISS, lateol the "White Swan, '
and "Moiii't Vernon House," respectfully in
forms h friend, snd customers, that be has hccoioi
!' e .t. 11 ne' r or U p allot" well known Hoti I.
' nn Meiel. r.nts will End the above Ho'et 1
e-i tint I c lion, anil (be best of fare. iVro tra
vet' lor o tti r.v.t'i
and t
1 1
i 1
onvevaiice will find
1 horses, and the ; 1 st
! 1
iTatrrn Stainl.
the properly, late of Theod.-Ti
( 'iniiiiiissii'ii A: I'lirwitnlitio- MitcIi:iii1s,
I'm it of Uillmr Strut llml P.oad,
nAYI.Mi sssocaied v- ll ill. 111 Josi-i h II ir. er.
laie of Kastoii. P .., r s e. tli.llv in' nn ibe:r
era'l . il. 1 th.
si I. .
I I- Iv
ll .V
o .
1 1
if ar
fne. ds snd the politic
ken th t I so
I',., t . f Willow Sun t l.'.i Ir
I ..-ol. l in 11. w In .e if .. ; " '
I ino i-.i.-ii a oil f. rw -ii. I- I'-u i. c- .
In aovanii-.'es o ihe ll ice Uinj eo
wi ll II l e 1 ubl c imioov. n ent. t' ha
oui'el in the ciiv . the tlilo r llo iiim!cs b. v
Im- ;.t e to do t u.o.e.s to ss gie -I. .1 ii"i 12 i-c... " -vaiiiuae,
an I Us.i as ie.i .iiiil'V terms 111 1 ot . r
h- use, and Ibev assuie ll.eir I1 .nt any eon
s 41 1111 ol. node 10 lit in slin'l liav- tin ir sir cl ul
Ii nli.-c, ..lid no evi itioiis rpaied to ijlif eutiie satis,
T!. y are also piepoe.l lo receive ai d for u l
goiuij. 10 stiv pom on the D law .re and I .ell ch
iiver-, ls-iwe. 11 Maucli I I ui k, M 1-I00 and I'hda
del, his, via Del.iware Divisi. n ami Can I-;
aVo. to anv point on ll.e Join ila river, or Nor h
and Wi kl M anchi . il.e Su-qoi baiina via Scui I.
kill and l liloli, in tho l'liewM ukc and I ile atei
For ihe aeroium.x'atioii of Moats coming or go
11 g via Scbuvlkill as inl I'm. .11 l unsls. a St,mhnat
will ! ki pi rpilv for lowing Ihi.ib from the
Sihuvlkdt aiounil to ihe IMawsie and back, which
w ill en bio nn la have ibetr produce deli
vered on ihe Delaware, and thrir (.sals sl ipped al
a saving ol 5l to 75 'r cent. 101 the pi ices for
ii auhi'B scions, with these advantages they re-
spicttully solicit s shaie of pstronsee.
William IL ilman,
W lbam W. hi)i
Jomj.Q Uaiiiel,
PlnlaJ.Msy 14, 1842.
.Yd. 237, .Xnrth Third.a.'mvi Ct.ttaicl.ill St.,
riH E sob-cribers lakes pleasure in serjUa'.ntir g
I their f. ii mis and the public in ceneral.
they have taken the large nnd commodious Hot- I.
recently I uiit bv the Mi ssis. on the r
once oc. iipie.l by the old established Hotel known
as the Muil'a Head, in Third stiect above Cullov.'
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, ui d of the best nibteria's. lis location is
very disiiable, particularly for countiy merchant ;
the arrangements for heath. g and ventilating fa. h
room is such as to secure any temperature. The
tfdroomsaie all light and airy, all furnished in a
neat sty'e, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors are also furnished in a s'l
perb style, the windows are on the French s'yle,
forming an entrance to a balcony in front, whi. Ii
makes a pleasant recess. Funicular attention has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, will!
the furniture, are entirely new.
From yea's experience in h .itel business, v e
trust, by strict assiduity tc. business, to make this
bouse a desirable stepping place. Our table wot
always be supplied with the very best our marki t
can afford, and out bar with the best liquors and
wines of the most approved brands.
P. S. There are first rate stabling fcr.d carr a;
houses attached lo the hotel, ttlrnded by ca cbil
and sober ho-ilera. and 0111 charges will 13 low, in
accordance with the present haid times.
Philadelphia. April Ifi, 142.
THE aubsciilai respectfully informs iho pul u's
that he has purchased, and now occupies lot
I'orst fKiVSr 111 UK
Wei! known as
Wi! ar.i! formerlv kept l y Samuel A. Ui .dv.
He is now piepured I i aecommoda'e nil t'livcll 'r
nnd v.:te s who m ,y favor hiiu wi:h a e:.!!, e n
w II use iieiy efl'nt in his power to render eve-,
eonvcinei ce and onif ot to his cu.-tomers, wl 'i
under his charge. His accommodations arc ami 'o
and his rooms well furnished. His stables cue
ive and in good condition.
His Ta hi l and Hah will be luppl'n d ith t'.-
la-st that the maiket ran afford. My pui ctua!il
and attention, be feels cot fidenl that he will mei
the patronage of the public.
Catlawissa. April '.Hli, 1842.
K4lti:ilT C'iKTI.It w S.V,
Lombard Strut, llaltimore.
HAVE constantly for sale, Pruning P.ipr
sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Pap
, 1 1 11 1.. ,.,
ami plain, i.ener i aier, wime auu flue, r (1eij
plain, llaoiiii.g Paper, fine and common, Kv..,
Paper, do. do. medium, doub'eciown, crewn rn
ev1.as17.ed Wrapping Papers, Colored V L-diuui h
Royal Uanm I, Hinders' snd Straw 1!
H aids, T.ssne Papi r, and all articles 1 ,n .fcet In
' h ihe- will seil mi ncclllin. d -jrj na; tin
II tbe-l 1 roe giver f r oM reus.
v ,,-1 jj.-bo,,;?1
i.v . rur if s-
'- ' ' 'f'MiM-f KuiU CoilM ,'
rp.l!. .iiiMr..-.. ,-,, iy ,Wiltmt ,h, h ,
1 ih .l he I... ......v.. t lh lrRt. ftn t
oious Mr ck Hou.., 0,1 Ma .), , ,,,,.:,., ,
Court House, U,,, ,,v j,,,.',, P(i
where he I. 1.0 prepared to ace mni.slate all i
ni.y him wi h o,, ,, Memg thaikkil I
pst l.vors, he hoiai-i ,y .jljct ,,llon ,0 w ie
to ieiviv s lib. ral .1 a f ..f puhlic palronaqss .1 c
Sun" my, March 5th. IS42.
'P mhs.-rdwrs see prepared to furnish Ir , ,
K. and nt'deis with any quanirty of Lime of
supeiioi qualilv f laud, 01 plastering, al the fi
lowing rv Jurvd r,es vit : 8 cts. per bii.l,,
or I und I.iincj 10 Is. f. the l.l qyalny f.,Mj
fruig Lime, at the kilns, below the SoroUf hofSui
I u.jt. They will arsodslive,, ., ,ny r8C, wjl,,in h
I orinigh of Sunhury, Lime for land, at 10 centa
bush. I, an, l.,me f, ,,,i.t.rig al 8J cents pi
huslu-t. The aubscidi,,, ,4M lwsva an hand
Urye quantity of Lime. Ila quality" . good, am
their bmesioue is noi equalled by any in the ntiul.
boihood. , ,
Augusta, Apnl Sdt Wi.
t of
r. ru