Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 22, 1842, Image 2

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    From the Newark Daily Advertiser.
Sitae Last Tnrnliiff Machine.
We have haJ the pleasure within a few days
t'f witnessing the operation of this curious
specimen of American ingenuity and skill. It !
.ym. invention 01 i iiom UI.ANcllARn, o nf ,,, M,oa but d lTer from the imported pin
..I:tsa., whose various labor saving inventions; n,inly in this, that they are solid headed iht U,
have given hitn a just distinction am ng tlio j the p n nnd head are one and indivisible. The
most eminent American mechanics. This mi- ', pit a ire twice the stirTnesa of the English, and tbe
cliine ha9 been erected and put in operation 1 point of exceiding fineness, owing to improvements
i.i this city under his suporintendancH by ! in the method of manufacturing. They are of ad
I.KWi.s S. LlNDSLtV, at Quiinby's Conch Fac- ' niiiable quality and finish, and are tff ded chenpi f
tiy, and is well worthy of the attention of !'h.n pint have ever been hi fore three hun
ii... :... . r m t-
those who take an interest in the progress of
the mechanic arts.
The machine differs somewhat from other
machines for turning irregular forms, although
it turns from a pattern. The indefinite variety
in the sizes and half sizes of shoe lasts would
seein to present an insiirmiuint;ililn ilifTtpnltv i
: . .i. e i . '
m the way of making one instrument answer i
f it . 1 . . rt . . . I
ror an ; out tne genius or the inventor lias sue- !
coeded in establishing a principle by wlrch I
l. sizes are turned from one pattern, either
right or left. It is made 1o work completely
according to a scale, or index, attached to the
machine ; so that the tender c:in, by an in-
Hl.ititaneous movement of a slide and lever, set j
the machine to any size, which is designated
by figures, so as to produce atiy last required
from the same pattern, both rioht and lelt.
Tho most skilful workman, we understand,
cannot produce lasts with any thing like this
degree of uniformity or accuracy, by hand la
bor. We have before us a pair of beuutiful
lasts turned by the machine from the measure
ment of our feet, which conform perfectly to the
measure, one for each foot. Betides the accu
racy thus rendered certain, the labour of lutt
making is wonderfully diminished, as one man
with this machine will turn out 50 pair in a
The business is to be conducted by Amos K.
Carter, as agent for the Blanchard Gun Block
Corporation, and can scurccly fail to prove, un
der the fostering influence of the Protective
Policy of Congress, an important addition to the
business of our city.
Return of at Saint.
The Pittsburg papers rive rather an amusing
account of the return to that city of one of Joe
Jr'tuith's .N'auvoo saints. Among the first con
verts to the Mormon faith, in Pittsburg, it seems
was a baker by the name of Arney. He lelt
his "bread-trough" and went to Nauvoo, with
others who had been converted in the neigh
borhood under the preaching ofono Elder Page.
Arrived at the "holy city," he was honored
with a sight of the temple and an audience of
the prophet. This to an ordinary man would
have been considered all sufficient compensa
tion for a pilgrimage of five hundred miles,
but not so thought tho baker he whs well
enough satisfied with what ho hud seen, and
wanted toseemore. Inquisitivoness often leads
people into difficulties; and Joe toon discovered
that his baker convert was "more cake than
dough," and a pretty Eolid loaf at that, to lie de
termined to reduce his size to the standard of his
other stuf for fear the baker would work too
tiiriuto the mysteries of his sect. Joe had re
course to revelation ; the baker looked on and
wondered. Another revelition and a prophc-
o,. r ,;i ,... I i .1 i . i. .i i.i i- i
CV to lowed and the naker tnnuolif in i inrnntr.
... u i !
.vi uiiri.oivi 111 nor m-np, aim so expresseu
himself, and irruption in the camp was the j
consecpience, and the baker "sacked" them.nud '
1 , ' . , ' 11 ;
reiurneu to I'HlPDursr, uertectlv satisfied that lie I
- r -
had been Wt wretchedly doped by tire im- 1
TvOMANCEOF RkaL LifI'. Some vears ao,
navso f.ireio,, inurnal. tin caiituin of a Corsjur '
carried off the wife of a poor wood-cutter re
siding in the neighborhood of Messina. After
detaning her for several months on board his I
vessel, he landed on an island in the South Seas
wind y regardless of what might befi! her. It
happened that the woman wa's presented hi the ' monarch of the island, w ho became en- !
morBid of her. He made her his wife placed !
her on the throne, and at Ins death left her the !
soie sovereign ol Ins domains. Uy a European
- . . ....
vessel which recently touched at the Island, the
rxvjr woodcutter has received inteliijrence of his
wile. She sei.t him presents ot sucli vast value
that he will probably be one of the wealthiest
individuals in Sicily, until it ahall please Iter
majesty, his august spouse, to summon hitn to
her court.
Piano Fuhtu. The Transposing P.itno
Forte is an iiivcntKin by which music may be
transposed into auy hey, suit the vocal per-
former who rror.iii.iiii.a lhe iii-lriiin.nt or
correspond with any other ins-trument.
dell, Weunerstroin & Co. ollVr f'r sale a su
ply of pianos cotiatrocUd on tins plan. Their
shape is novel, and they occupy much less
space than those of the ordinuiy coiistrueture.
A Considerable Choiii. Itossini's "Stii
bat Mater" has beeii performed ut the Cathe
dral of Lausanne, (Ueriuuny,) by unit huu- '
drtd tinkers !
A WtasTtUN Umi.ii, who was endeiiviiriu
to clcura notorious ouuibler from an i.iiiiciiiii-i.i
fiir keeping a faro table, declared to the j iry
that if they convicted his client, that they would
also be bound in law to convict both himselt i
and the judge, as they were both "aiding and '
a, at the game when the arrest was
made. In consequence ol this the jury hung, ,
for one half were in favor of convicting tho ,
judge and lawyer w it It the prisoner, but the o-
ther half could not agree, as they would there- '
by have convicted themselves, having been bu-
ily engaged at the firo table. 1
Amfmcan Pin. Among the novel product of
American skill and industry eihibitcd at the Fair,
re American Pins, mde by the IIe Manufac
turing Company, Birmingham, Conn., auJ tuhl by
Burnharn & Baldwin, 1R9 Pearl-afreet. Thry ere
dred for five cents. The establishment now
turns rut over one million pins per day, and is pie
pari d to supply (he whole Unijii. The duty on
Ibis aiticle waa raised from SO to HO per cent, by
the New Tanir, and made specific, and the Com
pany have since teduced the price of Pina in tbe
I lllnkel live cents iir mirk. Sii min-h 1'i.itp...
t;on to Home InJus'rv. A'. V
Simm Llont. In conversation with a gentle
ninn from tbe Western Coat of Africa, he men
timid to us that a fiwn.nnths sir re a British
vessil captured a slaver and sent the hip, with s-
bout one hundred mid twenty-five captives, into
Sierra Leone. tide he was hiua in the harbor. 1
,i,P Governor sent on board and took ci-htv of the !
slnvi t, marched ihem up to tbe barracks, and pre- j
sid them into tbe r.nks of the nimy t be sent iin- '
mediately to Janudr, in the West India service.
To go a solilierii g may bebe;ter, een if involunta
ry, than to be sold into slavery. Hut it st'lkes us
I h t it militates acainst ihe cluims ofhumanitv tv '
ll.ellritish.thatth y make use of (he liberated blacks j
for (hi ir own purposes, nnd end then to bear arms
in the Ve,l Indies, instead of bearing civilization i
nnd Christianity into Africa. U, S. (luz.
Nohlf. Miss Hariict Maitineau, of England,
hns declined a proffered pension of about f tfOO per
annum, on the ground that the premier ha no
ripht to bestow the public money at his pleasure,
especially when the people ore in such a suffering
condition, and for the additional reason, that ihe
cricion would tike away her freedom of speich.
She nppenr to be in atiaighlened circuntnnces,
ond expresses her wilhngneess to work for her own
support. V. (J. lire.
Elopcmimt. A widower u une 1 S. ely , resi
ding in St ok County, Illinois, has just ran away
wilh the wife of a tenant he boarded with. They
look one child each and left three er four lt'hinJ
them. Seely is a man of property, having two
farms, Vc, and lost his wife but s yeir ao. They
ran off in the night, nine of ihe rhildren asleep in
the bouse from which ihey departed.
A late number of the New Orleans Picay
une contains the two following announce
ments :
"A duel between two of our custom house
officers ia to come off this morning over the
Lake. Weapons foils."
"Diet. ULTWi.t.s two Indians Two Choc
taws, Iivmo' in the paribh liupids ill this Mate,
fought a deadly duel a few days ago. The
weapons were rifles; the muzzles were pla
ced within six inches of each combatants'
breast, nnd at the firing, which was i-imiilthiie-oiif,
both fell dead.!"
The Choctaws were less baiharous than the
savages of New Or'eans Custom House. They, !
fit, r-iln C, ..!. l,,.,..i l....u I nl.-..1.... ... '
" i""i ii h.ioi vi uiii-ouic c- (
quality. Il the people will murder each othe' j
in duel, Gen. Putman's plan of the powder bar-
, , . ', , .
est for the parties concerned and lor society ut
or sunn, f on. no in i vT iiii'ni'ii , is is i ii.. t . tr.
II .T . ,
' Ittrt'o uhii'li tliirrliv i lilf!v tu rul kt
, , , , , , . , . .i
tsriro U'tiO'li rliorroo lu hi., to t, , n. il.. I ..I I
c trijubk.tolne ')1)urtt.Ila,1Cl.s.
i -
North Ami rican.
-Mart, lis. According to so:ue calculations,
about 'JtXl.OOO Christian I'rottstuuU tull'eri d !
i death in seven years, under Pope Julian ; no
less than 1(KI,(KK) were massacred by the Freud.
i tbe space of three months ; Waldenses who
H-rii-hed amounted to 1,(HHI,(Hi0 ; within ,lirtJ.
years the Jesuits destroyed (MMJ.IHKI ; under the
"" of Alva WyMKI were executed by n,
banoman ; loO.fKM) by the Irish massacre, he- multitude of wLo.i, the world
i i.i i ..i.. :..r i .. i ..
t"u"' w pain. oiuny iinoiuieu, who were pro-
; scribed, starved burnt, assassinated chained
i to the galleys fur life, immured within the walls
; 01 I'-islile, or others of their church and
: sl'''e prison. According t.. wm.u writers the
i "bole iiumher of persons mas.-i.ered since the
f" ' l"P:i,y, inrlu.ling the space of UtMl
' years, uinounts to fifty miliums.
Pu.,cv Tli,
liUll ain. 1 he
(n:vu Surikivn i fluciT
Ci-M.r Nuisance has wonderfully abated w.tln-i
t Io-mO t'o w Vl'.ir. Tlioro is. tilsll u mno fi. iikh
. . .. .- ., . .- , .,
i .1... n .i iii ,i..,,,m. , i l oiiiuni
rs there
, u ul.i kit in limu n,r... n..,l tl...A .l... 1.1..., ...
ue the practice homo to belong to inferior sta- j
... . , , ,.
turns. Imitation hua knocked cigar-smoking:
, , , . ..I
nil the head. Having tleaceiuled lo shop lads
, ,, . . . i
ami all sorts, as a mutter of course, it has been I
. , ,. ... . , . . i
i.biiiidi.iieu bv those ol luohcr rank. Chamber $ i
EtUnburg Journal.
The Itilort.
l I. lo 11 lit p. MUHU.S.
Old B'rch who baa tune III lhe village s.-hool,
WnKbila maid ol hounspuii babil ;
He w is 1. stuhlioFil as a mule,
And she was pbivlul as a labhit.
Po r Kate had scarce become a wife,
Itelore her huabsud sonitht to n.uke her
l he pink uf rnuelr) polul ed life,
And prim and formal as a quAer.
One day lutor went abroad,
Ai.d simple Kilty sadly misa'd him ;
V ben be relumed beh'nd bl- lord
Hie slowly stole and fondly kisa'd him !
Tbe hu-baiiu' anger rose !--nd ml
And white bis face shein.l giew !
"Lesa fieedom. ma'am '."Kate sighed and said,
Oh, dear I didn't know 'ticm you ''
Saturday, tfct. 22, '.842.
cry- We legret to stale that the dwelling house
of Col, John Snyder, in Augusta townsbip, was
entirely consumed by tire on Fiiday the 14th inM.
Tl e foe was caused by tbe burning of the chim
ney ti e sparks from which communicated to the rn.if.
The shingles being very dry, the whole roof was en
veloped in 11 imrs before any assistance could be
rendered. The family sucoeded in renting the
ilTirts Iroin the lower story, and fiom oi.e of (he
looms above, Tbe csthna ed loss is about $G00.
The fire occuried ut about 1 1 o'clock in '.he fore
noon of the d.iv.
(Jj I heie seems to Lc a ilearlh of news since j
the elections are over in ihe stale. The elections i
of ibe olhir Mu'ea aie, however, coming on. Ma- '
tlai.d, we have oln ady stit-d. hn been carried by
the De nocr its. New Jir-cy has gone for the!
Whig by a very small majority. j
X3 H.nry C. Eyei'a majority for Senator, over ! The Army ofihe Coiled States has I ecu recent
Ju.lge Elliott, in the I'riion 1 i-trict, is about 700. y reduced from 12,30(1 to 9,000. Tbe rations of
Ju,pe Champmy's m-ij.ri'y foi S. na'or, in York
Lanra-ler ia 3(14, both democrats, el. cud in j
l'lsce f whig.
' ; j
Senatorial Election.
The result ia as follows. Jesse C. Morten's nu
joiity in the disrricl, notwithstanding the dis en
lions in i ur own rmiks. must be gratifying to every
true li.tnJ or ihe demorraiic puty :
S C ?.
l. roiiiiug,
i 4050
3101 2179
; Morton's majority over tjuay 940
" ' Forsyth, IS? I
l l'i. i - . .!... II .... .
Alius ll will ut; seen inav jioiioii iiiuihiiv ui-i i
j yuay.lhe federal camlulate is i.early one thousand; 1
i and over Forsyth, nearly two thousand. j
rrV (Jreat citic have Uen termed great sores on
j the politic. It is ceitainly lo lie regretted that
! the gieat cities of New York and Philadelphia have
so little ieard for the choncti-r of the nstion, it
they have none lor themitlves, a sc.rcely to per- ,
imt one election to pa-a without some sp. cie i.r !
UIIlM-iy VII vol I upior ll. a or oiiiiuu iui luumj ui-
ficer i now undergoing juilicial invalidation.
Edward ('. Dale, for Prothonotary , it appears, w,,s
ti. ..i., r... ...... i.. ..r '
I i . i . i ... i i... .1 i ... i... i i..., .... .1...
lUin UII, I1IB OpjIOIll 111 II1KI lilBjlMI'J VI II. l.l
led to an inquiry, and Ihe Cb ik acknowledged be
had made a mistake, nnd Dale ii now pionouncid
elected ly about nt'O.
(Jj- The New York l iiion, edited by Major
Noah, ncoinmends I'n. J. ni Tvler lo (he Dtmo-
erals as the Comprooiitc Cundidate. ll would In-
I 1.... . ......r.....,Ui, . .1' ll.i, K.
u.uiNiiri "-" .u.
nor and independence of the Democi itic parly. t
The hies, however, is too npreno Iv ridiculous lo j
, , .1 l . t i . i - 1 1 . . . . .
i e si rioupiv iiioouiiL ol. i icr unu i a I uurt'ii ait1 .
, ,. , ..
both out ol ibr uuestioii.
-- - - ..-
Cj' Judjie Lewi,', opinion in Ihe rn-e of Ann-
strong, has been pretty gem rully republished, and
- ..Facts, con. derable share of ... ntton. 'I hose capable of understanding Ihe so!,
t" ", ,a"y r'" cur wil'1 'be Judge in r. gvd to ihe
" ,'e ,uIt J " l,ul w ,ldl m"1 W I"""
fu,a,,y ,u " ""B "".
1 skt III A til. 1 1. 1.. n uf I ,Lar.r. II .r K mi. I ta. It ili uvi'l li
" """' w"
I '""d '''' -luinn. who . .j. he ngrc w ith
hi,n '" hU "''" nd coiiclusion.'1 A
"f "ur friend, we.e .l.sp sed to v,e ,.Ur notice l
,h" iu,liv' of 1 we h"l"'
; huve ",l,r" J, f"n,c f"r lhe L'h.neellos
, , . , ,
Among those who I ave undertaken lo review ihe
1 JuiiW .pinion, wa Ki-tiuiro Wulfniuer. whoilc I
voiej six columns of the Mdtonian to .he sul ject,
and came lo the sage conclusion lhat .he Judge was
right in l is ilecision, bul w rong in his reasoning.
He conclude by ssy ing :
"The Court are eenerallv understood to have
i ueciilc d.
the costs because hu "interfered wilh the law-
1 "lhor..y of the father over Ins own ulT-
I - ... .ill ii. i .t , i
l ' s
i norm).' ill us i.iuior.iy. I iio.u lliai neuoservcu
, l lF"'1". ' " "crouiii onus III-
tort', ri'iiri nsof llo- ion n in r ot Ii is it. lirriri.ii.n
i it Itoillir full r;.wli f. 111! llttotll iti-l 1 1 1 1 Ii ..I' lliol
k' 'I"'''1 lu,1 ftleetionule spirit w Inch H.o,t
ever to characterize the iniiut-tt r ol Christ."
... , , , , . , , , , ..
I he editor or ibe l ew islmrg li.dci.ei. dent Press,
'ho dtvolea about five co'iimii lo ibe subject, is
. , ,, , ..
much liss nierufol, and if biackeis and Italics, are
.- . - . . , ,
u. arv sn 111 an ai Liu.oroc, n.r juoe is ceiiainiy
j "doomed lo utter ann tnl ilimi," and may as well
j knock under at mice. Hear him ! He sav :
j "The opinions of the Hon. Judoe in this case
j appear to be predicated on ground ti frail and
! invonsistrnt lo endure the fiery ordeal of strict
scrutiny and trial, as it must of necessity be de
molished bv the force ol"rio;i and truth. The
I...KI. .1., 11 llll. I. I . 1. Iin.1 U I t... II l.lli.l t.. i U- ,1.11
su.,structuroof"ore,rrUu." (which
in the e.-tiiiuitmn ot its author is no disibtsuir
and steadfast) is doomed to utter annihilation,
(when analized judiciously,) by every iulelli -
. i J i- i t n ' .
gent and unprejudiced ouiid. 1 low fur we
shall suceeedin making this appear, we will
leave our readers In judge when tiiey shall have
tiis-passionalely and impartially colifcidereU the
claims ot each."
A third lection for Repreuiative in Bangor,
Maine, iciulted in no choics.
rry By the late arrivals from Europe, we Icatn
lhat great fire occurred in Liverpool. The loaa
to the tnsurance Companies ia estimated atone and
half millions of dollars.
Lord Ashburton ia to be made an E.irl as anon
s possible, and the London papers any hi title
ought to be ' Earl Surrender."
Tho Paris papers continue to di-cus the Ah
burton trenty, and are violent against the United
Slates and EnglanJ also.
dj Col. Webb, ho wna indicted in the Court of
Sessions, at New York, for fighting duel wilh the
Hon, T. F, Marshall, has been acquitted. The U.
8. Gazette says:
"The Recorder'read the opinion of the court,
which set forth on comparing the indictment
with the law it was discovered that it did not
charge the prisoner with any offence accord
ing to the statute. The law makes it a penal
offence to leave the State with the intention of
giving or receiving a challenge and giving and
receiving one; whereas the indictment simply
charged that Col. Webb lelt with such inten
tion. The indictment was therefore, declared void,
and Cul. Webb discharged fiom custody."
Killtorlal, (oixlriisril and Selected.
Mr. Calhoun, it is san', has stated hi di termi
nation not to submit to the decision of a Nation
al Convention; but to le a rundidute for the
Pies'.dcncy, "nominatiim or no nomination."
nc of the olficera have also leen reduced.
A conepon.!ent of (he N. Y Evangelist says
f) ( 1( npV(,r , ,Illu.h piofane swearing in
his whole life, as he lately heard among the mem
bers of Congress.
Some rogues lately stole nine hues of old tyjie
from a rail road depot in New Orb an, suppos Hg
it to lie sj-ecie.
At the Common P!ens, Sandusky eountv, Ohio
Jos. Sperry was e nvicd d of the mtir.h r ol his wife,
ami sentenced to be hung on (be 2d of November
ne 1 1.
Cnjiffr It Is said one furnace at Mineral Point.
Wisconsin, is smelling coi per at the ra'e of 5(H)
pounds per day ami lately two o'hets have been
put in operation,
'I be ore ii Id 1 3 lo 18 per
The Diilurhajue in Siiiu It is slated in laic
Pali papers that a joint int-rleience of France
England for the protection of the Christians
'" 'i ' ,,"ul take place.
Caleb Cusbing is to be Secretary
i h, n Mr. Forward r.siuns. A nus'iinff feMow
' ,j (;UHhing. He may now be said to be ushing
Forw ard.
Tll(. cu.rgv (lf hiv1 (akrn Mmna
g.u,,,), att t, reading notice, fr.itn their pul-
j.j, wtjl.h r( mrri (y of w.fll) r
order. lit ma
ny pulpits they are rejected altoeiher.
Very heavy rains over a lai,e section of roun-
uy in Alabama have J ,nc much injury lo the cot
ton crops.
Tobacco. The production of tls article is now
carried on lo a cousideiable i ntent in Illinois.
It is rep irted that our difficulties with Mexico
have In en amiribly adjusted, through the unn nut
ling exertion of our M nU'er, Hon. Wtddy
. Thompson, is said, refuse to burn lard oil, on
1 , , . I
accouni in ineir i siikc ii p.i'K.
The Providence Journal chronicle w iih much
"!ia)ii. ihf ores, nee in that ritv ol 21 sea bass.
1 i J
i weighing when Uie-.eU o. arly one lliousaml pound. I
. . I
U is computed t''at the eiriott ot silver trom
I 1
S, uih Ami r ea to Europe, is now I .rger than il has j
' rv"' ncr the . parati ifthe colonies from J
J "H-n. up aro. .., e,v j car, ago.
j I.i. ph lbpie's dau-htei, ihe (;i.-!
mentine, whoa.- hand mi sought in u arriage by a
, P'ince uf Saxe C.hurg, asked three monlhs lo ie-
firct. -j he time specified ha. just expired, and the
' . ' I . 1
: pF.nce.s has answered ,n the
Another shameful fichl look place on Saturday
: in Nf y, rki which .,,,, n ,hfl iftXh of ,
j y(UJ1R Ili.,1lllint namri, Jllln , (;m,win. j,i.
n.u.derer. James Cookwiighi, e-rap.d.
. ;.u(,u);( N(lr,h (hM ,
; slituliug lo for uifo, in his version of lhe bible, he
, ,. , , ,
hua at t. Ol 1 lliiilat.f. iiir rtvitl . il I. tkC l.illne. s t-st a
: A ne wi -a por ha. just n,ade it appearance in
, C!'l"- U U J '" F,,"l','
' The arrival of the C S. Cutler Woodbury from
' Fa Cruz i aunounceil in New Oilcan paper
! o the 301,1 slle brought U,0)0 in specie.
I r Wul.-h. in one of hi Ic iters. sava Irulv. ami
jumly. that no where is, o much real deference paid
' . , ,
i ''"' female charade,, so much refinement pr.o
liu. .1 in ilin ..ikiiI in I.ii.iiij l.iiu ui..i tin b.w.i
........... .......... ... -,
III me u . eiaie.
In the reigua of the fut kings Edward, of Eng
land, ihose monaicha alwav slept on straw Nd,
, which weie then lhe highest luiury.
The Biitieh lroo are fast leaving Canada ; on
I lhe .'lib instant, li e bead cjuarlcia and I I coui
1 panics of lhe CoKUtreiin (iuuds, embaiked at
tjuels-c, on board 11. M, S. Thunden r.
I Egyptian Captain Claldi has reeeiv.
j ed order lo proceed lo Egypt to lake charge of the
I tllsii-k which Mehemet All has piesented lu the
Pi pe. Europeai a rail il the ( llieli.k uf Sesostiis ;
, Ihe Egyptiana that of Ihe patriarch Abralinm.
Tbis will be the twelfth o'icl k now in the pos
i "f ,""'e'J'" KM
At Limoges in France haa lately been discovered
j , n-.anusoipt of ihe 16th ccntuv, in wh.cbi. dc.
:..,. i.e. . , . , . ..
Mauecl the am lent modo of ei aim I natiitii a. Tbe
j m,''"-"M" has I wn arm to ihe great pore, lain
I faeioiy i ISeives, and gie-.t h 'ie aie ent. r'siii. d
of its also giving some valuable hints on the old
... ,
in,. , i, iiiiiig igiasa,
'W Office Dtirttncnt.Ti Postmaster Gen-
I ra has is ucd a.i orJei that no jamoii under ail-
teen years of age shall be employed in the trans
misaionofthe mails, or as a clirk in any Poet Of
fice. Congress. John O. Whittier, the poet, has
been nominated as a randidate for Congress, for
the third district, Maaachuett, by the abolition
ista ; being a poet, he can aing his own songs du
ring the campaign.
77ie Sicholson Commissioners. Their labors
are suspended. An application was niadu to the
Supreme Court for an appeal from the decree of the
Nicholson Coutt. This wna promptly granted,
and all proceeding are atayed until after the meet
ing of the Legislature.
The foot of a Chinese female, fiom the heel lo
the great toe, is only four inchea.
The Esquimaux attain the height of but four
fe. t two inches, and the Mongol Tartar but four
bet nino inches,
his estimated lhat more than 100 000 persons
are employed in braiding atraw in Massachusetts.
Sugar can bo manufactured from Indian corn,
at the rate of 800 to 1000 His. per acre.
Jeff r on siid ' Experience h is taught us. that
manufacture! are now aa necessary to our inde
pendence as to our comfort."
An elephant bred tu war, stands firm a7tiinst a
volley of musketry, and 30 bullets in the fl h will
not kill him.
The sound of ihunder mny be heird for 20 or 25
miles ; or, w ith the ear to the ground, much more.
Lightning is rllccteJ 150 or 200 miles.
Fhajklii' Fcsd. The fund bequeathed by
Dr. Franklin to the cily of Boston, to he. loaned lo
young mech inics for the purpose of ass s ing them
on starting business, now amount to ubout twenty
five thousand dallars.
The President haa lurned Nathaniel Parker out
of the office of postmaster in New York, and ao
po uted ('umll. Accoiding lo Pnntice that's
straining at a Nu and swsllowi.ig A Campbell.
'J'he amount of specie in the banks of New York
cily, is i stima-.ed at from sevin to t ight million of
dollars. i
('ounttrft'il Notes A cons derable numlier of i
counterfeit nous, of the Eicharge Bank uf Pitt-- j
buig, uie in ci culation n Philadelphia. j
From the Kntone.
henntr. i
Dislbict 1. Philadelphia ci'y Henry S. Spncl;
oian, Wil:,'am A Crubb
2. County of Philadelphia Bi ijnnin Crispin, i
Edward A. Periuiin in. 'I'honi'is Mi Cully. i
3. Montg.imerv, ('hestei and Delaware .Vira
j ham Hroirer, T. Hudillif m, Jo..eph Bailj. ,
4. Bucks Samuel A. Smith.
ft. Berk Samuel Fegi'ly. i
C. I.aneas er and Yo k Thamas E. Cochran, ,
Willia-n Hiistrr, Kcnjimin Chsmpiievs.
7. Dauphin and Lebanon Levi H line.' i
8. Hontiniidnn, Milllin, Junia'a, P- rry and 1'
riion Jainrt Mathers, Henrv C Ever 1
9 Columbia and Schuy Ikdl Samuel F. Ileml
ley. j
10. Lehieh and Northampton John S. (iibons, '
11. Lu.erne, Monrx-, Wayne and Pike Lu-
liter Kidder.
13. Lvcoming, ("'ntre, Clinton and Northum
U'rlnnd Jesse C Horton. ,
I. 1. Bradford and Susquehanna Asa Dimork.
II. Franklin, Cumberland and A lams James ;
X. Mcl.nnahan. William (i.ircas. I
15. B dford and Soineisel tleorge Mniin. t
10. tt'i stmoreland John Hill. j
17. Washington It ulltr ( 'raig '
If. Favelte and flreene Charles A . Black.
19. Allegmy and Butler Churhs C. Sulli
van, C forge Darsie.
20. Beaver and Mercer William Sfnrarf. i
21. Crawford anJ Eric Jauira U'ihun Far.
22. Jeffera -n, McKean, Poller, Tioga, Yenango
and Warren William P. Wi'rni."
23. Indiana, Arnislrong, Clarion, Cambria, and
Clearfield William Uigler.
rXj- Democrat in Roman Whigs in Italic
new members are marked wilh a
lir.MAHKa. The Senator who held over from
last year fe Messrs. Crispin, Peni.irnan, Smith,
Fegelv, Headley, (iilisou, Kidder, Dimoek. M'
ahan.ti irgas, and Bigler, (di mocial-) 11. And
Msr. Spackman, Bower, Huddlooo, Cochran,
llie-ter, Mathers, Mulliu, Sullivan, Darsie, Stew
art, (whig.) 10, and Farrelly of CiawforJ (conser
vative) 1. Total holding over, I I democrats; 10
whig ; 1 conservative.
Ari Ht uti ki.Lc i 10 the demiH-rata have car-
j M'Cully. Baity, (gain) Ch .mpne.. a. (g ,in)
! , . . ,. . .,. . , , ..... ,
Eyer, (g .in) HoFlon. Hill, Black, and Wilcox. 8. .h.p.r i subject t. letter postage, but
hrioninirlhi. itpmntslii- ilrcniilK I.i I !t TliMi&liior.i!:- i: . . I. .. .. lit 1.
. ..
cia.e car... -.. ioo,, ami v. raiK, tan, nig wmc
haveciriied Ciabb, Kline, and Craig, gaining none
and losing three, which reduce their force in the
Senate lo 13, exclusive of Kanelly.
Democrats. Whigs. Conservative.
Sum total, 19 13 1
House of Iteprrsviitallvrs.
Philadelphia county A. L. Rumforl, Joseph L.
Hancock, Edward Mc'tiowan, Joseph Deal, Itich -
urd Bacon, Thomas Tustin, I'raiicis t'iin ton, JacSb
IL Kline. , l
Philadelphia city Thumas C. Kockhill, Ed
ward Joy Morris, Benjamin M- Hinchman. Vitus.
B Tw?o, William .'. Whitman, George Shars
iivsh. J An Runh.
Burks John Apple, Joseph Thomas, Scrtttch
Chester Emmnr Elton, Jesse C. Dtckney, Ro
bert Park, John Ucidlrr.
. la. 1 ., 111..
l.anca-tei inm el liaimer. Airxanaer it. tioot',
Charlm Carpenter, Andrrte Thompton, Jtoi
Foreman, John Wurftl.
Voik Samuel M. Bailey. M, V. McKe.inon,
illiani S. Picking.
L'uinbrtlaud Jamu Kennedy, George Bruidle.
perry ThoilH O ilman.
Berks John Potleiger, Joseph Biuchman, Sam
uel Mooie, John Shenk.
Schuylkill Abraham Heebner.
Northampton and Monroe Joseph Kerr, Jelf.r
eon K, Heckman, Ass Packer.
Lehigh George S. Eisenhard,(eorge FcJerick.
Wayne and Pike O 'O'ga Buah.
Northumberland Jacob Oearheart.
M'fflin, Juniata and Union Thowa J, Postle
thw.iit, David (ilenn, Samuel Hiber.
Columbia Daniel Snyder.
W'ashinjton Samuel Livingston, John Starer,
William M' Daniel.
Westmoreland Henry Mf Bride, Joseph RusseR.
Armstrong Jacob If if.
Indiana John M'Ewen.
Jelferaon, McKean and Warrrn Not known.
Fayette John H, Deford, John Morgan.
Bedf t I lianiel 7oy, John Spies.
Franklin Jacob Wolter, Thomas Carson.
Montgomery William B. Halm, Wi bam Bean
("harlea Kuler.
D iHpbin William Bell, Henry fiuhhaitgh,
Lebanon Daniel Stine.
Luerne H iiJrick B. Wiighl, Moses Ovcr
fi. I '.
Susquehanna Friiikhil N. Avery.
Bradford William El well.
Tioga end Piter DaniilL Sherwood.
Muntingd in Jonathan M' Williams, ISrice
Beaver Malhew T. Kennedy, John Ferguson.
Mere r Samuel (iomlwin, Samuel Kerr.
! A'b cberiy William Kama, Neville B. Craig,
I Hiram lliiltz, James E, Sheridan.
' Bu b r J.iseph ('ummiua.
! I) liwa'i- II. Jones Brooke.
Somersi t ami Cambria Tobias Muss'-r, John
Wi l.
I I innm'tw. fMnaiFil.t on.1 ftintdti l".fnrrTM I? .
l(,ir-ptt C.oroe F U ml.
(iieenc M. McCashn.
Adams John Marshall. Henry Myers.
Cei tre fierce McCullocb.
Crawford Morrow B. Lowry, James Porter
Erie Stephen Skinner, Lyman Robinson.
Yiningo and Clarion David B. Long.
Democrats in Roman Whigs in Italic.
D. m. Fed.
Senate, 19 11
House of Represetatives, 62 3S
81 52
D. rniera's majority on j 'int b lbt TWENTY
NINE ! Sufficient for "all useful purposes."
From thr Lycoming Gazette.
Cii ivo iinu Kkji r's Oeisio. The following
letter was r. reived by Jodgn Lewi from Chancel
lor Kent, and, at our request, a copy of the same
was poll. ely furnished u for publication. It must
be a source of pleasure and pride to J udge Lewis
to know lhat ih- decision in quesii .n should merit
the approval of one of ihe most diatingushed ju
rists of the sge :
New York, Oct. 5, IS 11.
Dkar Sir: I have received and read wilh much
pie. .sure your opinion in thecus.' of Armstrong, and
I agree w ith yeu in y ur reasoning and conclusion.
Before I rccriv.d youi friendly htter, (and for
wh rh I thank you.) I fad noted in my Commenta
ries, the decision as a just explanation and appli
cation of the p r 'i'tal authori y to a caae like
Ihe one leboe you. Wilh ihe assurances ot"
my respicl and is ceni. I sni dear s r,
Yours truly.
Hon Ellis I.r. w is.
Tbe following regulation, la ely issued fom tho
Post Olfica Ui'partment, should I geneially cir
c.lfated, to save persons incurring letter-post iga
upon iiewspaj ers, as it is by no means unusual
for the name of the person sending lo be Wlitten
on the ripper. Whit barm thi re can be in this
we are at a I is to conceive, and cannot but regard
the Fu'e s unoeia-s irily rig d and interf.rU g with
an usage of b ng standing a id quite innocent.
Vnul OHice Depart mrnt.
j Appointment Office, Sept. 23, 1842.
I Si a Yours of ihe 9th lo lhe Auditor for the P.
O. Depanmei t. ace- nip nis i by ibe three pipers
I enclosed h. -ic with, has been referred to this Olfice.
The P. M. tienei d decide lhat the name, or the
initials of ihe name, of the person sending news.
pajs-r through lhe mail, suljects Ibe newspaper to
letter postage, and the person sending il to the jen
ally of 5.
If the name was written on lhe newapaper by
the puMUher, and lias been inadvertantly suffer
ed to remain theie by the person sending U, the
case eumm uuls iisclf to the sn.ilJ discretion uf tba
Post Mater.
i f,hcnimebe written on the e.i.vic ofthe
, ,a ,lol u j.rI IH- --o-uirneo ior cue pvnsor.
Ivesp. c.lully, I II. ' . ft l.l.r.K,
3d As 'I P.M. Ii.
'.. Gaz.
W,. McFaanM., Es.j. P.M.
Iltinovir, .Viirrur Cu. N J.
AxoTii.a Acci.ikst in th k Minis. John
Cook and William Cua-e, two mine' working in
Psttou's mines, near Llewe len weie caught by a
( '
heavy fall of coal and slate, crushing and killing tho
former instantly, and falling upon the Liter in such
a manner na to prevent hi moving or escaping.
They remained in ibis situation from ealy on Sa
turday afteinoon until 9 o'cl wk at night, when
their non appearance ce iti d an alarm, and know,
ing that they were working alone in these mines,
thry wi ie sought for and found in the situation we
descii'ie the deceased ha left belli-, j ,!n . Vte
Miner' vkmrnuA,
A Urge f'l.nare ia aivc'iis t t' Wa.-hinglun
N .'.y Vard, for lh purpoaa of testing the cjualitic
' "f various kinds of coal in this Counliy, Tho Navy
Conmiiakioners invi.s spsctiiieu fom all interested
in coal lollies. Many varieties have been received
fiom all pari uf the I'nioii, and the experiments
will probably be made some time i.i this month.
North Americnn