'To Ihe Democratic Electors aflhelitk Sena torial District. Fitiiow 'CtmRirs Ye the unders-lbned cit Ifcetra of Centre county, Although we should We preferred the ne'hiharinn of Centre county man, yet believing ittat the nomination of Jesse C. Ilorton, made m fairness and he received llie wimf, without olicitalion cfrjrlwlge, think him entitled to the nn ''iviclcd rapport of life whole Democratic farfy, of this district. We will therefore give tiim ctarlteBYly support. : JOHN 11ASSEN JOHN HESS "GEO. SHENErlGUR GEORGE J ACK JNO. GILLtt,AND CHARLES RANKV JONA. SHAFFER tt.N.McALLISTER ISAAC RANEY CHARM;; KURTZ. 'tor(hc fromnnralic parly of the 12. A Sena torial Districts It U certain that we fought anJ contented fir the senamriul nominatirM rn this county. We haws Veen disappointed, hut that disappointment will not ., girevcnl ts trout surinorling the regularly nominated ;-scandidatc. Jes'e (J. Horirm having receive J the nomination, will support that nominrftion heartily anil afTee tionate'ty, anJ we assure the Democracy of ihe nthrt , counties of the Distiicl (hat 'til J Outre'" wifl he found at her usual post, in the front rank of the Iiatfle, for tegular nomination. 5. J. W.BURNSIDES W. W. riOUSTOV 0. M. BENNKR VM. PARSONS C CARPENTER T,W, BDRNSIDES. -H.N. McCALLISTER Lock Hatkx, Sept. 00, 1812. Willi a Fohsitii Ea. Dear Sir.- The . ajmlcrsignrd having a friendly feeling towards you ; .anil among those Who desired your neminatien ly the democratic conferees, after Mr. CiawTurd should 'V found unsusceptible of a nomination, feel it their luty now, lliat the conferees have selected another individual, especially as there arc reports in circn Intion hereabouts, that you will he a candidate in fipposttinn'to the ticket. To slate to you explicitly though respectfully, that they feel hound to support the election of Mr. Hertnn, believing that his ! nomination was fail and perhaps necessary under j the circumstances. We therefore most respectfully request you to abandon all hopes of nn elrction, at this time, and magnanimously to withdraw your nemo, if you have not already done so, from before J the ptthlic, as the interests of the party require u- I tiited exertions in support of the ticket We also j l elieve candidly that no tUnwcrat will fitr snpport j jou in opposition to Mr. Horton. W.M. MORRISON, A.S FLEMING, JOHN MOORHEAD, JOB W. PACKER. JACOB A. PFOU1Z, THO. P. SIMMONS, JOHN W. WILBUR, ALISON WHITE, B. W. MORRISON, J. W. QI1GGE. Jesse C. Horto.i, of Northumbciland county, i the regularly nominated candidate for the Sen ate. There will be no opposition to him except by the enemies of democracy who may ace k to divide the party that a whig may be elected. But demo crats are not to be guled by these Means if they should be attempted. Lycoming Gaztllc. Cestui Coi-ntt. The gtunm-h and unwaver ing democracy of Centre county, will give the 8.iitk .support to Jessk C. Hon ton as they would have done had Col. Uuinside their liul choice been the succeasful nominee. Nothing for men, every thing fi-r the party, and its undying principles, is their niot'o. Mr. Honou' majority in Cent rccoun ty, over all competitors, will be between six and eijjht hundred probably more : but al least that, l.yeomihg (juzeite. The Drmocrai-t of Clinton County ha"vo res ponded to the Senatorial nomination with great u Ttinimky and enthu-iasm. In Mr. Hortum they recognises man every way deserving oflhrt'r sii port and confidence. A tried and approved demo, rrat an honest man talented, capable, and effi cient. Clinton has promised to give him a maj r ity at least two hundred, and rnbly will she keep Jer plighted faith. "Ly taming (iazrtte. Cf.-n.iora Caici-latio. The New Orleans fjulletin has juil political speculation, and has 1 1 1 ken to mathematics. TI.e I ist number contains the I following calculation : "The number who h.ie lived upou the earth haa lieen estimated at about . 27,000,000,000,000,000. This sum when divided i by 27,864,000, the number of square mrlea of land, I gives 1,314,622,1)76, lo a square rod, and five to a j square foot ! Suppose a square rod capable of be- i ing divided into twelve graves, each grave would i contain hundred persons, so th it the whole earth ! has been 100 times dug over lo bury its inhabi- j tauta, supposing they had been equally distributed . i W ere the bodies laid upon the smfjre they would cover the lal to the depth ol 100 feet," The Bul letin asks, wlrt'ie arc all these bodies 1 We answer that they are all existing somewhere, in new modi fications of matter, or under new forms. The same i particles which formed a portion of the brain of the I hrighteat philosophers, may now compose the sub. j stance of a turnip, oi be imprisoned in the scarce animated body of a tadpole. To Seamew. Why do Seafaling Men and wa termen use J)r. liraittiredtli't Vegetable I'nirrrtut J'tlls in preference lo any, and all olhei medicines! For the following good ami substantial reasons : Reason 1st. They are entirely vegetable. 2d. As purifier of the blood, and cleanser of the stomach and bowels, they stand pie eminent. 4'h. Thiyarelho most innocent and invigorating purgative in uae. 4th. No care requited in using them. 5th. Nor Change of diet; eat and drink what you please. fith. The body less liable lo Cold after than be fore a dose. 7ih. May be taken morning, noon or niylit, with a certainty of good results. Bih. Time nor climate Hleet them not, 0th. They give universal satisfaction. All who Use them spouk in the highest terms of them. Call, liy the in and be convicted. Remember, none are genuine sold by Druggists, Doctors, ol Apothecaries. Purchase in Suubury, of II. B. Maasrr.and th agents published in another part of tins twpcr, OaRt WsjiAiy-A letter In the Pittsbu'g Chronicle speaks of a faluahln kind of wheat tailed Osage or many headed wheat, originally produ ced from the Osag Indians Mr, Kelly, t practi cal farmer of Jjcksen Co. Ohio, ha had such ex perience ef its hardy and prolific qualities that he thinks it will yicid tw hundred bushels to the sere. From Ffty e eighty trends have sprang up from a single grain which he planted, each head contain ing from one hundred to one hundred and evenly seed, ' i 1 1 : 1 , l"n Tewislnrg on Wednesday the 28lh 'e?t, Mrs. ikn St-oviiitTow, ged alnrtit 10 years. At Williamsport, on the SOth nit. Cmi)n W. Hapauii.f, of Harrisbwg. At Northumberland, on Tuesday -the 28th ult., Elixaskth, Wife i.f Gkofuik Wr.taiK. At Ihe house ef Capt. Lee-, in Northumberland, on Saturday the lOth till. Gkohicic Wart--, Esq., a native of England, but for some years past resi dent of this county. In Mil Km, on Tuesday the 1 rth till., MaUt Al tor and im M.mdav the IPth, Kiut Lmvis. twin childien of Duntel and Jane Miller nged about 7 months. " 1MUCE CUUIlliNT. ' 'Corrected weekly by Henry Yiucth f(';rr Wheat, t5 KtK, ... fio Coav, -. 40 Oats, - - .25 111 h it , - 5 FtAnsrMt, mo Bt'TTEB, 12 4aKtwAT, 2A TaLlw, . 12J Iliueii Apples - 76 Do. Peaches, - 200 Flat, . - 8 HucKLEn Flax, 10 C'oltlN, C'oiigl anil lluir Talal C'on- J'HEN we behold the bills of mortality, and tne vast nuniiHM- mat uu ni mat ren tie. slrover Cwti nipt inn, we cannot but feel for ihosp who moviin their bw. when wr know th:il secular demonrtratirvus are daily made vi,ih'e to the public, that Dr. Punciiu's Expectorant Remedy will in nine cases out of ten completely fi- idu-ate the tlrst symptoms of that fjtal di.-on' Will put tin s or their nearest friends any longer delay piocnrina ibis medicine, with tl c exinrtilioti that ihe dieae will naturally remove its, ll ! The vast min.bcr that die annually of Coiisuinption, and ihe v. ry many of our friends mid acqiiaintiuires who are dangerously alllielcd that must ere long pay the debt of nature, thoul I convince all nllli. led tlmt it is best In be rid of the vn'ly and evil scvils ss s .on a possible, befoie they lake root and "ittttroy the life" when in the bloom and beauty of health. Always ask for Dr. Duncan's Expnctonint Re medy, m il l? su e you ohlai'i i1, as there are some jeisons base enough to palm some otlur medicine on tho-e who a'e not on iln-ir guard, which they buy at a very trifling price, at ihe same lime sell it nt full piii-e, thus fleecing Ihe hfilicted of their mo my and liealllu Principil Office, 19 North Eighth street, where the medicine is sold whosesile mid retail. For sale at ihe store of II EN RY YOA'TH ELM E It. Oct. H h, 1842. -!;. 1 REMAINING in the Pint Oflice at Augus'a, k .sept 30th, Ik42 : James ('lurk. 'I human Smith, Solom.in Htarner, Thotnas Ilr.imfield, Ephnitn Lylle. Abraham I In i bi lliii s, Giileoii Leiseiirmg. l-aae W. F.irnswo th. Oel. 8lh, 1812. JACOB BLOOM. P.M. !. V. irrVt iTir, FFF.RS hi- professional service s. to the citizen of Sunbuiy. and vicinity. Olhce nexl door to the residence of Rcvd. R. A. Fisher, where he in iv be found, utiles engagud in discharging ihe duties of bis profession. Oct 8'l, IS 12. tf. TAKE NOTICE. '"TWAT the Copuilneiship bprelolore existing be tween Dr. John W. Peal mnl Dr. D. T. Tutes, in the practice of mrtlieine, has this day leen di-sol-ved by mutual consent. The books and accounts of the late firm sre in the hands of Dr. J. W, Peal, who ia fully authorized to settle Ihe aame. JOHN W. PEAL, Sept. 2Sih,18 l2. 1). T. TRITES. A CARD.- " Dl'. J. V. l'ral begs leave to tender hi grate. ful a knowledgments lo ihe people of Sunbu y and surrounding country, foi then pint encotirigc ment in the line nt Lis profession ; and Won't! at ihe same time announce to them, that hp Mill in tends to continue the practice of medicine in all its various d parltni'iits. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance oftln ir confidence and p itronaje. He may be found al all litiic- at his ollice, in mat kel street, unless professiinmllv engigcd, Sunbury, Oet. 1st. 1S42. if. A CARD. Dr. I. T. Ti ll , Respectfully Informs the citizens of Suubury and vicinity, thai he has 'a ken an ollice in Ihe buililing huelv ra eupied by IV It r Lnzirus as a drug store, in in .rket slieel, Sudbury, where lie may befiu'd al alt hours. DR. TRI TES returns h s sincere thanks for 'he encouragement he has icoived, in the line of his profession, in this place, and trusts, by prompts', lent ion to the duties of his prolession, and reason able chaigea, lhal he will coniiuue lo receive a lilieril share of the public patron age. Suubury, Oct. 1st, l42. If. UNION IIOTKL, (cncrul SiittK Ojfict,) rata a.r tc 'Vi, LYCOMING COUrTV, l-iius)Uitiila. FB11IE Siihscriher resM-ctfully infoims his friends 1 and the public ill general, Ihut ho haa taken the above LMian am) coMuuDiorx HOTEL, I n t h i: b ononi II O F M U N C V, and lhat he is now well prepared to uccommod ile al! bo may favor him with their custom. Ilia St.i.u t vo Ai-AuTs)E. ra uru well aired, and comfortable. IIisTamle ivn Bah will always be supplied 'ilh the la-si t!ie m nket can afford. His f-rArttn, which i iiood. will l-c under t!ie charge of good and carelul hiwllers. He f, els confident, by stiiil ulleutioii to l usinesi, and an earnest desire to render c inforitibln ih"sp who may patronize him.ihut he Will liltt ingive general satisfaction. II. B. WEAVER, Muncy, Oct, Utj li42. tf. I. I III: 7 IIIM 1 1 U i yvuf 1ATX1T IP.7I1T, II o o I a ml shoe Jl n 1 c i, VERY Rfsrectful'y informs his fr'-erids and old rustomers, that he has opened a HOOT A. SHOE Establishment, in the shop formerly oc cupied by Peter Lazarus aa a drug store, in Market street, win-re he intends to Carry on the business in all its Various branches. By strict attention to bu siness, reasonable charges, and his utmost ndeavor to give gem rat satisfaction he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Oct. 1st. 1812. nt. SHEEP. C arm? to the premises of the subscriber, ort Ihe Shamokin Island, in Avtttiista township, about the 1st or August last, SIX STRAY SHEEP, marked by having piwe Hipped froln ihe eml nf one ear. The owner ia requested to come forward, prove prottrrty, pay charges, and take them away, PETER VANDt.lNG. Oct. 1st, 1842. St. ALL persons are hereby cautioned from ptneha sing or receiving inoinissiirv note nivvn bv lite mhsetibers. to a Certain lleltrv M oners, fir ihe pavrnent oT Two Hundred Doll its with interest, dated April IJllh, 1812. The snberibet having icceived nn considrration for the sbovti note, arv determined noi to pay the same, unless compel ed bv law 5 and have given notice to that effect to Henry I, HarVev. the agent of the a;d Henry Mooers. STEPHEN UITTEMIKNDUR, ILI.UM FAG ELY, ELI TREGO. Shamokin. Sept. lOth, 1H12. Ilalc r Joint Tiiiopp, s n'r. NOTICE pa hereby given, that letters nf admin istration on ihe estate nf John Tchnpp, sen'r., Ute of Lowrr Mahonoy township, deceased, were in due fiirm of "law grnnied hi the subsriibi r, residmu in satJ township. All persons indebti d to ssid es stale will please nuke payment, and those having claims will please prestnt them properly authenti cated f r ru-nlement, on H iiurdnv, the 1st. Octolier next, al the house nf the deceased. Sept. 24th. 1842. JOHN TCHOPP. (acot'c (lirniii FFERS himself as a Volunteer Candidate for Assembly, at the ensuing election, and re spectfully sol-cits lliv sulfraces of his fellow citizens. Sunl tiry, Sept. 21, 18tS. II EC M 1?SI',H again n. .lilies all who i.re indelitcil lo htm or Ihe Arm of II. II. Masxer cV Cik, to call and settle wi'hout delay, otherwise their ac counts will be placid in the hands nf a migis'ritt for Collection. Stinl nry, Sept. 21, ls2. B II AVi; this day hnuuhl of Samtn-I Linhart, j of Coal toWnsI lp, Noithtiiuberland county , one lil.ick horse and Gears, one Ih-aiborne Wajaori, one Yoke Otrn, Ox Yi ke. Waggon ami Chain, and one Bias twei Iv-lour hour C:ock, which pro peny I have loaned him at my pleasure, s. JOHN. Shamokin, Sept. 0th. 1 8 12 -M-St. to Tin: Kf.r.c'roits or south i vnr.it m xn -orxry. Tlll E subscriber l ing prevailed on by his friends, A respectfully ii (orms Ihe public thai be will be a candidate lor the ollice of m.M.MISSIONF.R, at Ihe ensnirig general election. He promises, if elected, lo fulfill Ihe duties of said ndicr, with erne and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG, May ?th, 1812. John Yoiiii;;', Of the borough of Sunbury, at ihe solicitation of his numerous fiiends, has consented lo their wishes in continuing I is name before the public for the ollice of COMMISSIONER at the ensiling elec tion. Ever since the formation of the county, one of llie Coiiiinis ioners resided in the county town, for the purpose of accommodating persons having business lo transact in the ollice ; and us Mr. Young had a tn.ij nity of the delegates assembled in con vention, which by some management deprived the people of their rights, we hope the voters of tin county will come up lo the polls on Ihe 2d Tues day of October next, and support their rights. Jept. 17, 1842. tf. MANY VOTERS O'J'ICE ia hereby given thai the partnership which heretofore existed between thesubscri- em, under the firms of Bear S. Trego and Trego, lt.'ar & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All debts due by ihe fitms will he paid by Jacob Bear, In whom all the dvhluTii of the same will please lo make payment. JACOB BE R, JOHN llJEGO. Hhamnkiti, Sept. lOlh, 1812. TO TIM: KCKCTORS OF NnRTIH'M EKULANt) COUNTY. AVING been informed that a nunda-r of my Dimocitic fell w ri' irens w isli me In stand a poll al the appmnchiHr; election, lor ihe ellici s ol lirgintrr, Itrrortlrr, J i'li ik nfllir Orprnils Court of Xorthnmlnrhind tiunt;, I have consented lo ihe icquest; and I prnes:ly wish thdt you will favor me wnh vour support. EDWARD OYSTER. August 27th, 1842. The People C:iii4lii!alo FOR SHERIFF. AVID N. LAKE, of Shane. kin Tnwnshiir, in induced by ihe mgetil solicitation of mi- , li V Iriends, to oiler hvnsell' as the People's Cundi- dale for SherilV. H iving had fifteen voles out nf the Ihiny-one llrlegites met at the court-house in . Sunliury the first day of August, and claimed se venteen before iheV met, but by some ini-tunlcr- standing received only till, en, he thinks that the peiido should have a choice h the coining i'I.tIi.hi in Octola-r next, and therefore shall look to litem for his suppott. A ut ii. t 20lh, 1812. TAKS NOTICE. A LL lhos indebted In ihe firm n' the subscribers 4 will please call and make s.ilisUi lion, either by paying up in giving their notes with security. No longer indulgence can be given. GEO. ROHRUACH iV BROTHERS. August toll, 1813, to Tin: r.i.r.c-TiHts or xoiitiii m- ii:ULAXJ CUt'XTY. 'PH E subscriber ic.tt!ully inlorins the leelor 4 of Norlhuiiibeiluud futility, thai be will U' a candidate, al Ihe ensuing elciit.in, lor the olTUv of Coroiici', Should he be lav. rtd with a majority of votes, he wiil spate no exertions lo render e' nernl s.nU firtioti. cyAKLLS WEAVE 14, Augu-i (iih. 1842. iTirrrNTiTMiT SURGEON DENTIST, 1 I ESI'EC I Ft I.LY u. lorins tin-public that he Ik- dm iiimiIu Noilhuiiibertaiid his permanent place of leslilenee, and is lea.ly to ullettU 10 tnv calif in the line of his profci,.u, July 2, 1842. ly. rno nXsitArmo ni( r . M. P. SIMONS, An. 173 Chrnnni Slrrt-, 4th Story, ANflFACTIIRER nf nAOUL'HKfib' TYPE APPAKATLS. Surgical and Mi niature Cars, Importer of Fiench Chcmicsls and double silver plates for the DnguerreolyV. m!nia r!s melhml nf informing the cillr.ena of Northern Pennsylvania, hat becurti-Si.n ihfl abovo mraim ss extensively, in ll its various branches. Persons drsHnrtm nf obtaining any of the alvive arTietes-, can he promptly supplied, on lire lowest terms, Tor c i'h. All letters (post paid,) will receive Immediate tuVMiticm , Mb. G H. l.tLLKllR'DGE. now travelling hi the Northern paYI nf the State. Wnl promptly a't tend rn all orders, give necesary information and Plvntngrnplirc inatrwettons to any pi r.mi on appli cation o him. AueustTith. IS 12. fin TLV BorH n ' To tiii: pi iiuc "T)IEREAS Lelrt-rs Patrnt Were granted lo Mr. ' H. W,Camp. in Oct Wr, lHS. Tor A lie-w and useful improvement in the I'cst-ending Fl. : Coi.kiv.i Miovr.s: I liAV-eindeis'ood one II ATII- AWAY 1s using inv said impnurmi-nt tnaler the name nf "Hut Aln StoX is," which s'ove involves the principles seenred ., m. Tlifs is to Cnntion all eisous against niakinvs vending, ot using said "Mot Air Stoves," as I sh .11 pr..seeute all who in any way infringD my rights; and I hereby consti tute .losiu-A W. CtixLt, Err). of Danvillv, my law ful Alt 'tnry.cmiimveiing him lo bring suits against any pi-rsoti who shall use Wtv improveim-nts in any manner whatever. HENRY W. CAMP. Ow go. Tinga county, N Y. Jn'y 5. 1812 Sm. s.'tiiuivi it. .lorilnn. FFF.bS hiniM-ll to the Eh-ctors nf N'orthum bctland Cntltny, aa a candidate for the olVtccs ol i'RoTnoxnr.ttY xn ru:nK or thi: sr. -r.it At. vontrs of said enmity, lie trui, if eliTtcd. thai his expe rience in ihcihilies of sahl ullicea will ctia le him lo give generel salisfieiion to ihv pu'dir. Situbu'V, June to, lH 12. TAILORING ON HIS OWN HOOK. 5 jrETEP. GETTER, jF.sPEt;TFI ELY infoims hi- friends and the public geneially. th il he hai t munienrrtl the Tailoring 15 u w i 11 e, in all its Ira icl.e, in the hoti- f.umerlv occiip-nl by Win. Durst aa a Tailor Shop, In IH icV'-irri street, nearly opp siip the Pr-aby icrian Chnreli. He rt sped lullv miIiciIs h sbnie of the public pnr.m- ag--, ai d trU-s bv strict a tentlotl in business -mil reasonable fl a ges, he will In-( toil b I to give fen t rul sHlisbie. ion, Sunbuiv, June lib, Ijl2 ly IIOTKL. Miaiiiokln, XortliiiiiilKi i;ml 4'o.t PENNSVLVAlUA, flHE subseribeia lespir'fuMv flit. no ibe public I thai tby have taken lhat hrt anii rVprnwi nrra HO TEL, in Sh .mokintowii. in llie Ct litre ol Ihe greiil Coal Rigion, lali ly kept by Jacob Kram. when- ihey are now prepmed In neeonin-oda'e -ill who may f.ivor thein wiih their cust,.m. By stnei st'eiilion to business, ilu v h pe 10 receive a hliral shaie of pul lic patron. iti BATCH PLOR &. GOVE. Shiniol.itilow n - r- f 5 tJ June Hih. Is 12. 3 - i si t. i 5 5 I s lit is ( rr C , 3 l J- C " s. . - w ? I - 2 3 3 s S flit ; 4 Ms 2 8 ' - E.-2 -CO To 4 lUiiUrv MERCHANTS, '"I',1IE Siibsi-rtber, Aueol nl I yon Harris, Hal -- Manolaelilr-rs, for N--W York, Phil ulelphia, Dull niiole utid -.Cher larae cities, -a 1 oru- Hutu are liluhly cornmrndeil I r poinl edit ami tur'ih.liij, has n i hand first Tile assert in nt nt HA. PS aid t'A I'S, suit tide fur Spr-iip a ties, wh ch will 1 e Sold very low, I'm eus:i or at-pinve.l ercd.l, at the mltil cheap Klnre, No. 411, Norlti Th-rd s'n.-l, o p .re the City Hotel, l-liil , Iclphi... ROHtf l!T D. V ILKINSON, .1,T,t. N. II, Oideis lor Hal. n iheroriet, pVi.npllv attended lo. The highest rice ill 'uh -r Ira it given f ir h'ni tiri . Philadelphia. June II, I-12--Iy Tl, PinHlil-l.fllMt KCllilMi AM) rdTTSILLli RAIL ROAD. AN F.XTUA ACCtl.M MODATD N LINK l iti commence running between lhilailtphln and t'ottsiitle on I he fallowing daija and Antrr Cn Att Arr Mn-nur, Mat 9. 112. Leuvilltr Pnttst lib', oil Mon, !,,)., e.loi sd.lVS and Fridays. at f; A V.' Le i'lng Phil. id, 'phia, on Tlie-d.i s. Thms-1 iv ami .iturdavs, at If P. Al." Jhmrn of pnthini( Ilrudinii. I or I'lul.i,!. ij.hi.i, hi lot A. ..I. I For Poltsville, t fij P. M. Tii-werVly. fit it i: a. Between Poltsville iV Pllihula. .t..r.O ,V f Sift ! H twen, Reading ,V il . 2.2o A I,', ) I lletueeu do V Pofsiille, 1,1(1 t-li ExctMsioK Ticm.Ts miiiii roil ulii iimi txr Kit. Itoiween Poltsville A I'lol nl. Iphia, 1 ho It. tween Idadillg fi do. : 00 llciween do. A PnttsVille, vj (in 'J'hb other pasKcneer traih will as before, at he follow ii (j li or. ; Piiil,nh l:ti!u and l'iiltn-i,'e, FromPhllud.-lphii, at 6AA.M. J From Poltsville, n 2 P. M. J I)'lr Haul I of patting Heading, For Poltsville, at U A. M, J T , Foi Philadelphia, at 3 P. M. $ U,,Vl All ihe trains will top for way pu,w tigers tl lh usual ii iiots. llj" A" pasiH-iigen re requested to procure then tickets Is-lore the trams slait, May 21, 1842. tf. U.S. Mail CWh l OBt VOT'S'SVBLIsl). STICK TO THE MAIL COACHI fVyW. MaiTCoach for Poltsville. leaves Northtim JL iH-rtatid every mitTnnig st 4 o'clock, and a-rives in Potlsvirie in time for ibe ears to Philadelphia. Fa nr. alo as any oilnY line. F(r seats, apply al Mrs. Withington's Hotel, N orthurnlicrlaud, 0 atGcorae Weilel's, Sunliury. A. E. KAPP Jkf'O., North 1., May 21, 1M12. ''Pmnrietorn. rj' Pafescnei-rs coming from Phila-felpnia will pleii-e ecnre llu ir neat at 'tbe WMo Swan Hold, Race St., before they lekvv the eiiV. Tassengera Coininii in this linhave Ih'ir seats fured in any Sl.igeyiy Pifckel host from Ibis pliee. ' hosecomhig in ibei.lhiVTine TnnV l leTt Whind. NEW GCGBS. I'ST1 ireeived. a fci-sh supply ot chen Dry Hoods. (irocrira. Hardware, Ac Supertet l.adifs' black V.id Gloves, Colon-it dt.v Lawns, 'liint.es., Moii'selin de 1atnes,-ic. Cl-iths, Cas-irtH-res, ( 'ashmerets, l.iiren Dr llii gs. Muslins, vVcs Slieri,it Poit ine, l'urv Sperm Xil, Srtrt CaVldlcTi, Raisins. 3fce,. Jitrie 4ih. 142. H.I! M SSER, LI. pemoi irnbbrv-d to the Grin nl LvOn cV - Hair-s, Under the agency of O. N. Thaeher, Hat and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third, fftrel. Ptiiladelpnin, are rcquesfid rolnalte hnmedi ale selltement oftlnir a. counts with the subscriber, llu ir legally authorized bgent, tvhn ia fully emiow. eied o ettlc and colb ct the nreolints nf said firm. KG HURT D. WILKINSON', Jtiw 4lh, 142. ir Ageiir. "JESPEC TFI LLV informa ine ElrrinN of fl tt- NniilrnmlHTland roiiny, that he will be a candidate, foV llie nfliee nf c5iii:im-l lie promU-es, if i lected, to discharge the duties of said nlTict With t-aie ami fidelity. Cpprr Msh..noy. My 8Sth, IM2-. ET H JXa 15T3sj. WMtft Ti:i) sir nn on to axy oriir.it x i:it srxnntY. IJIUIN A HENRY LAND 1;. b ivine rented Off ihe Linit-Kilns of llcti'v M iss. r. in Si . . bn n , have now for side the h l Lime in this p rt f "be j eiiunliV. anil will irottttii. o l;.-pp e.nim:.nly . Ii I hand fresh l.im-- for PI istemig. BniMnii and for) l.imini l.'oid. nn n re-i'on i1-!. rcrttis as can la- ha-l I attx where in ibe ni-tiliboi.ioc d. VI ,y 21. IS42. .1. H. L.NDi:. CLZZDH U WILLIAMS' EtinitU llooli Tlaitiila loi'3, Op)nsitr Vriivt 's II Met, iiARiiisnruc. f !IEY are pn p irul to uni'iufacturc b'ank woil, 1 of every description, tub-d to nny pattern, such as noekrls TecoCils. Div B..nks. Ledgers, Asses, sors' and Collrctots' Doplieales of Ihe finest q-jnli-ty of aoer, in a style pqmd to any made in the ci ties ef Philadelphia Or New York. All disruptions nf bindtiiK neatly executed. Srrap Hook's, Albums and Porifolio niade to order. La-v l)..i1(.. Music and Periodic da bound lo any p-ltern, 'Old Bunks rebound, &c. Also files ef p-i bout.il (Jj" Work h?u at the elTice rf the Sunbury Anie riiHii. will Ii- i romptlv Htteudcd to, M..V 2 ll, l12. lv. EAGLE Virr o,' Th Yil vml Vine Sir els, WALLIAKi r C RT, PA. rPHE sol ,-cnl er r -pe iloih ai iiotii.e t e 1 pul.be. thu l.e Ii mip'ini! a Hotel in 'h r inodinus brick I ti'-b'tnc s Inate on the lotnc f I hird and I'no- streets, where he wdl be hnpp wait up n ttiose w tii in ,v l ivor loin it '..o-n eon pn v '! 'o- E y!. lloielist, c. ;i,, 'r n-,o-iii. Mini Inn Is!. i il -I ' c ' , t pr. -tided wiili a laige n.m.b. . ol e Cotlif. It ib'e ste. -1 .1 1 it! apartmeiit-, rooms pnv.it. I srlors. ,Vr. Peism.s visiting itbauport i ii bu siness oi p en lire, mav re-t ns ur d that cverv ex ertion will le useil to render ihcir si.jou'ii rt tie Eagle Hot-1" pleasant ami agreeable. IIisT.iII will tie stipplietl A ith toe niy le s' the nm-kct af fords, and his bar widi lie e' nicest wines and otto r Intuors thaiges re unable. The Faille Hot. I iiosaesses greater advantages in point ,f I.K-ati n ', than nny oilier similar eslablistimeiii in tin boiouch, heme situate in the businefs p iri of ihe tdivn. and w ithin a convenient disiiince of the Court House and Wi lninisporl and I'huira Rail Ro id D-pot. Surt't, ii-tti Stabling provided, and good and trusty ostleis nUvnvs in ntt ndan. e. Alleniive, e, oit.tno.liitinc and hnne-t Servants have been mi-loied, and tiolbiug b it iittdoite Ih it will add lo the comfort and acCoilimodaiion uf his guests. There wi:l be a carriage always i!i a!len!l.in'ce at the Boat Landing lo convey passengers to and from the House, liie of chame. L'HAlM.Ks BORROWS. Mav iVh. IS2. VI. KEILlfCAlT & CO. A - -.,jl. ( 'ommisMoii iVi iir V2Vtlini .I'rcli:ints, J'ovt of II .7iW Slret t Hail Koud, us nir. M L t t a :, i t i vivo ..J- , i u ,l . i . . I I assnrialc.l e.1 It ihein Joseph Barnet, III. e i-.v. .. rt ...... n r .1 --l.iieol 1. iirri in. r.i., resneillully inform heir i i . t .i if ,ti i .i h Itiends end the public generally, that they Have ; k n th it lai;e and We I know u nme and W barf at ' f..t of Willow Street Railroad, lately ilcliipled by i Jc.il Martin, wheirt Ihey purpose doing & lletbral C, .inn i-si ni and Forwarding BltslnCssi and fiO'.i ihe b-'.'il tidvaiit.aces of the place Isri'rt j l'tiuu cied uoii nil tie i tinbc improvements lint hit v.. ,,.jr ; otn'ei in Ihe eltv, llu-v 'flutter Iner'n'l-lves- they will Ih- sble to il i business to its f re it, if net g ea'er ad ! ai. lagc, and upon as teioii-ibV lt-riu-j Huv other lioie,'iind tin v nfMiie tht ir fMe,,,ts tlu.t any ron I s ji t. ii ills it, ,,'e io tt;f n s!'', h,,. , jr k.feiBl. I term. .ii. and no r, tlions simmjI to i,io entin- sti-- , f aei'dtl. Th V u'e al" ) 1ire-ar,-,l in receive ai .1 foi ward p. .!.!. io ao-, j ... . c, ii, 1) ! ,rr ..ti.l Lehrh -!ef-. beii' ,-.i , ,, ,., -, ,., L, E,... ., J-! ,. del via Del .w ,r.- ! -. i, - .. I ion, o (', '-; a s- . I.. -ln point li t! e Jon da itv. r. ,o .N or h ai d V l B am In ? .0 the 'u-qii. h inns via Sctiuv'. 'sill and l lilon, ol ilio (.'In sape..k'' tftld I 1.1 c Watet ' C. ilia's. For ihe tfrromthmlrltiori of Boa's coining or go ing via M'huylkill ami Cmon C.nals, a Sie riihijnt 1 Will b - kiplexpies.lv lot t.iwiuu hosu from the Schuvlktb aioui d to the Del .waif and back, which will en hte. inert-hauls Is have llieir tiioiluce (ieli ve.ed on ihe De'sw-are, and their ('unU slipp-dst a taviui ol Slk to 75 per Cent.. o lha pi ices fir h iidii g sc o-s, with these aJtaniagra they re sin clful'y solicit sllsre nf pair- na e. 1 ... t .... t ... L ... TV. n 1. 1 L, M A .v A L ll. i William IL llmsn, I 3Philad,May 14, 1842. ly W Ilium W. Krvte JoM-ph Baiuei. " - '- 1 . '.' IL . 1 ..' H. B. l.33E?s, . rTORNKY AT LAVVi rrnt i? vnv, pa. Boeioi'ss .'ii ' di i) to 'n the Counties of Noi t-i,oo , i -n . ' , I ni,. . L cominii and Columbia. H e f- r lot .TinUAa IIaut Ac Co., " LoWsiivV Bauho?, Haiit, Ci;mvii jena ft Haiit, yP.'i'ltif. K i:t rtoi.ns, Mc Fa n't a u A Co. SpitHisjn, Gimiii & Co., j7iriAV Sntill' nnd Tobitcco ManuluciMrefc, iN'o.J Sbrlh cst corner of Rave unit Thi' d SlrrT'ts. , . PHILADELPHIA. THE under-igned have formed a Co-pnTtnersliJp under the firm or J, MA YLAN D, Jr.' A. Co., as successors to the late firm of Jarah .MayianJ fV a"rd Wttl c iminila tbe business at tne old et'ti. blishmenl, on their 'Own account. In addition to iheir own close attention and experience for nmny years, in Mie manufacture nf their Cefehraled ntif.V, de.. thelooget'perience of ihe sen'io'r'par'tiicr of'ilio lateTirfr, will also be devoted to the Interest of Ihe new concern' and na no exertion and care will be spared lo Insure their gOiiila.'at'rdl times of llie ve ry ls?st quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fi.cnds and customers nf the life firm. THOMAS ADAMS, 2. MAVLAND, Jb. Philadelphia, Mhy 14th, 1M2. ly GOLDEN SWAN Xo. 09 Worth Third, above Afrh Street, PHILADELPHIA. Arr'ovi mopai ionx for b.ktV rrnss. pHARLES WEISS, l.teol ihe' While Swin," and "Mount Vernon Hous'e," Vespeclfully in forms his friends and customers, that lie has bccinn the proprietor onho aiiov well known Hotel. Country Merchants will f-nd the above iT,-(,M r central location-, nnd the best nf fare. Person tra veiling .w-ilh . private conveyance will find a lire yard nnd good stabling fot horses, and the t-r-t 0. ostlets. Knanliuc $ 1 perdaj. Mav 14'h, 112. If. HOUSE, So. 237, .VorrA Third, ujn c Ctju hi!f St., I'lllLADKll'lilA. IIE sol, c ibeis tiiKis lite usuru in aci,iia."iir . iVi-.i f . mis ii d 'lie niil-lii- in uetit-r.-i' th , tbiy have ,1; ill' ,- ';.rge and eliiiinioilioiiF Hon! ee titty i ut I bv to. M. ss-s H it. or; the sse.i sit. -nee o.-. i pied by tiie , est.d.li-in d Hotel, know i as ihe Bu'.l'c Head, in Thir! stteet above '-'alluw hill st. . This Hotel is. finished in the very best possib' m'f.niuT. hi d of llie be-l tniiteria's. Its !.cal on , very drsirable. particularly foreountiy tr. rclni Is the arranrji'mcii'M for tu-aiii.g and vcniihi'.'.ng r ae riM-m is -uch as to stxnre any temper.'! li re. Tl, hrdrnomsare all btfli'. and airy, all lufi-hcd in nr-it siy'e, so as'T.1 fn-jie ion, fort. The r' ceivii-g parlors are'.ilso furnished in a si perb r-tvle, Ihe window aim nn the French sivl foimii g mi entrance to a balcony in front, whii mnVes 4 pleasant rrcesa. Piirlicular'alteiilion h. been given to Ihe beds and bedding, wlich, Wit the furniture, are entirely new. , From years' experience in hMel luisinrss, v trust, by strict assiduity Ic. business, to rr ike ll. hous,, a desiralile stepping place. Our t.dile w ulw iVs l-esupplunl with Ihe very bistcnr mark en blT.ird, and oui bar wijh the best lnpiu.sai wines ol fie m. st sppioveit hrnn.ls. P. S. l iie e nrv first rate slablinj ur d carr a, loo.e nil, i bed 1. 1 the hotel, it.nnt-d bvcai' ;'ii.l s.- erl-i 'eis aid oili charges . t I w, .c. ' ' n. .mi1, il i- rt-sFi.t ha-il iiirri, sun tz .t r.ERR , ' ! lb. s42. I I- '. .1. I W TEL. CAr.-T.f-V ' V l. Al r1HK s i. e i.. i ic tic ilv i,' ; ,i,t jj that he has in, I isrd, am) now hWup.ia I I .a rue rfL. lirlrk and ; t"iimirx.';V)trs JLlll-.T;i v ru Sinn Well known as the prop.-riy, late of Tii'cod W.l's. and lormerly kepi by Sa-.uel A. Biady. tl.t .4 tm.U l,iitt1ni...t V.t n n . . . . . 11 mooBie an travel, 'and Vistleia who m..v favor him with a call. .- w.ll ue evciy rtlort in hia jKiwer to render ev convenience and comfort to his customers, w under his charge. His accommodations srani and his room well furnished. His stables cv. ive and in good cc ndition. Ilia Tab lv. una Bah will he supplied with best that thu maiket carl atlord. By punctual and aitW.Hor, he feels tonfidt nl that 'lie will in. Ihe patronage of Ihe public. CHARLES ilARTM AN Laltawissa, April Oili, 1812. itoiti:ii r lVKT:ll, PAPER MANUTACTUBEr, l.im.baril ftirrrt, Italliiiwie. IT AVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper ot sires and qualities, Can Writing Paper, ru and plain, Letter I'aper, white and blue, ruled t plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envt. Paper, d";). do. med'.uin, double crown, crown r extra siivd Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Stiaw 1 .......us, .sa.,e r aper, ana a i nrnciea in in h,.-l. .1,... n . . -w nn H the.', will sell on accommoda ing . u , . I 'I ignesl price given f it od rags. liourds, 1 isai.e Paper, and all nrticlea in their I. ter price given fit old rags. ROBERT CARTER &. SON, "March 19. 1 84 Eiklpn. n WHARTON'S q h a ja, Siiiiliui-y, oi iliiunlK-i land l oiital PENNSYLVANIA. 'MUD subscriber r.sp.cifuily iniorms ihe pu!' E thai he has lemove.l lo lhi.1 huge and c'.-mi diotts Br ck House, on NiariVe! square, opposite Cnu't House, (loriuerly kept bv Hira n I'm i w i.eie In- is no pn-pared lo accommodate all w ' in iy fav.-r him wb'i h call. Be.lig thai kl'ul I si I ,o, Le h pes by slrict allei t-ou to biisin. I-. receive a In-. Ml si a e of i.ul.l'C palrm-atie. Ac II Rl F.s D. WHARI nN r h ist Hi LIBIE! LIIVIE soli . i.U rs are I rei.ar- d to furnish fun ami i llieis w iin any quunlity ot l.imeol n superioi t 1 1 ii 1 1 1 v f r laud, or postering, at l!ic lowing tr. rv re.liiced prices, viz: 8 cts. per bus lor I and Lirtie; ID cts. for the best qualliy of pi. t. ring Lime, at the k Ins, below the Isirough of S I ury. They will also deliver, at any place w ithin lorough ofSimbury. Lime for land, al 10 cents bushel, and Lime fur plaistering at I2J -nls bu-hcl. The subscnl-ers hav alwayt on ham large (juuiitity of Lime. Its quality is good, i tl.eir iimestone inot equalled b) any in thenei boihood. SEASHOLTZ fc BERCSTREst?El' Augutta, Apiil SJ, Ittl. r