ron tn AMtnicAn. ' THE rEOPLE of NorthurubetUnd county, and especially our democratic friends, hive, presented to Ibem for their support, a ticket composed of un wavering friends of their bent interests men of long and welt tried respectability of character. These men they are asked to support. They are honest, efficient and trustworthy ; and because they ere the nominees of the It taut, a a, DmotiuTtc tounty convention. Do not permit the cry of corruption in the deles gale system ; because the candidates who are out as Volunteers, ate those who submitted their claims before the people, and before the delegates who assembled in the county convention in the borough of unbury, for the county of Northumberland, for the purpose of forming county ticket. Those volunteer candidates, who offer themselves and are now the candidates before the cople of Northum berland county, are no other than the candidates TvXu asked from the county convention a nomins- Inhi at their hands, and not havirg a majority of tbs Oelegates assembled in the convention, were not nominated. This U the disorganizing conduct of three or four of the unsuccessful candidate, heretofore priding themselves on their democracy offering themselves to the Democratic convention for nominations on account of that Democracy bos-ting in all high places of their devotion to its cardinal principles, and then suddenly diking it in . to their wise heads to bitnk down or relorm the delegate system, because they were not nominated by the delegates vho represented the withes of the People. Then let the Democatic voters of North umberland county refute to countenance Voluntrrr Cundiditlcn. We must tcty t!on Democratic Csa vr and Democratic PRINCIPLES, and support the Democratic Cahiu iiatks ronOrncR. We fleeted our delegates they met in county conven tion they have nominated a County TICKET and, as Democrats, we are bound logo for THE WMOLE TICKET. If this be not a faircxprcs. ion of the will of the parly, how is it to be obtain ed hi.forc an election! Then Democrats of Nor thum'tcrJaTtd county, wrtl you srunitet at your p.isls 1 The entire support of the regularly nomi nated candidates will insuie the triumph of Demo rrucy. Every candidate upon our county ticket is an unflinching Democrat, TO THE POLLS Democrats of Northum lerland county.. We have hung our banner on the cutwatd wo)l, an.l we are s-tcredly called upon to rally and protect the principles insciibed upon it. Then M us move in solid co'unni to the coming .lection, and rote the Ticket the u-hidc Ticket und EVERY MAN OX THE TICKET.'.' AN OLD DEMOCRAT. Sept. 27lh, 1842. Extract ef ali-Mrr From a Friend in Turlmt Township. I'kah Sir : The Democrats In this township ore determined to aliek to the ticket. We have had as much disputing among is lalriy, that we think the only way to end the quarrel is to stick to die ticket formed by the Delegates. Lake was up hero a few day since, electioneering; but he did not make many friends among the Democrats, and a ;rcat many whiga won't supimrt him. We all mow he had but eight delegates instructed for him, ind the others he got by bargain and sale, ai d be ause he could imt bargain for enough volt a to no nmitehim, lie says he was cheated out of the no tiination. He is a queer sort of a Deinnciat, a man fprirtcipie tmnrdiiiff to hit interest. Hut he will nd that sutu L'emocrut will get but very little jpport among the Democracy of TikImji. Maurer ill gel upwards of 200 msjuity here, and the hole ticket will run as high. Mr Jordan has ma le l excellent and obliging Prolhonot ity, and we ill give hi in a strong vote. Mr. Bright is well lown through our township. When he was Pro onotary he made a giod officer. He is capable d obliging, and the Democrat here will suppiKt u almost unani nously. Vours, &c. Extract of a Lrltcr. From an vhl Democrat in Upper Muhonny. LVr-ta Muoisr, Sept. 2 2d 1842. Ma. Masses .We hear that it is reported up h you, that we are not going to suport our n for Sheriff, Felix Maurer. Now I think it tit to let you know that this is not true. We w him well, for he was rai-J among us, and have confidence in him. He isagerman, to rire, tat he speaks and writes English, well, and econmiotlal'mg an4 obliging, and such a man want. We want a man that can apeak Eng. and Herman both ; for we like to do business la man that talka German, for ho understands We have never had a high officer from Muho in the county, and now we have given you a hie and good man, and we want to elect him. few days I have seen a good many ople in part, and I can't find one opposed to Maurer. much as I know, he will gut tiOO majority in Mn'boiioy town-hips. tSo murh from youis. WtATtW DlCIUkllLI SllHlliR to Blkku. . When the properties of Brandreth's Vrgelw Universal Pill. 'nave Urn appreciated, bleeding ' iiu longer l thought of as a remedy for discs for iu liolent inflammation, eight or ten of them ( lAe, ill ttie e)uie of two or three houis, more he impure humors from the body, by the sto ih and bowels, than bletding to the extent of y ounces could possibly have done ; and it luld he rcmcmltrid thut the Pills remove only e parts from iho blood which were the cause, of am-nation; whereat hleeMng rtmuret the if 'iut parti aim. How great the pr.airalion of poiporal powers at era copious bleeding, the contrary, what agility and strength ia feltaf a i)o of th a rnedieine; the body U indeed teu-d of a load. Nothing ia equal t ridding vit atrd humors with vegetable medicine of this I, which eighty four years have proved neeer to njury. but always g.iod. Is the ule ton high ! on) of thoe pills will bring it down. Is it I " 'The tame means will incieaso it to a pro stsndard. is it ireinul ius, showing in nou leinent I The Pills, by soothing tun ay.tem, allay it. j- Purchase in Sunburv.of H. B. Msskt, and igeuls published iu mother pall ul lUts paper. tna is M i k 11 , A few wreks since, by the Uev. K. A. Fisher, Mr. W. Wkatsr to Miss Ltdia Smith, both of Shsmoktn township. By the same, Mr. W. Durrtfr, of Mahonoy, to Miss Susas l.AMTX.of Augusta township. On the 2'Jlh inst., by the same, Mr. Clark r, of this place, to Miss Eua Frt,oI Au gusta townxhip. i i i: i, On Tuesday night U-t, Mrs. BARBARA BA CON, wife of Ismc Bacon, nf this place, PRICK CITKIIKNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimcr. WllKAT, 95 Km, Conx, Oats, . Pork, FtAXsten, Bvttkr, Bkkswai, Tallow, Dm mi ArpLM, Do. Peach ks, Fia, HrcRLRn Flax, Eons, rut 40 25 5 100 12 25 121 75 200 8 10 8 From the Spiiit of the Times, Coiiiiiuiiilt-iif Ion. Seek Health and Enjoy Life. F you wish to retain the richest blesMrig, attend early to vourself, whenever vou find Hint your apietite lieromes impaired, your bowels Costive bile on the stomach. Remember Dr. llarlich's celebrated Medicines. Pror-unr' them immedintelv, and use them according to directions, they will immedialely remove these primary nymploms from ' the fvstem. But if yon negleet yourst If ihey will j form a host nf maladies, such as dyspepsia, liver . com, . Ill's, j omdice, pain in the side, bilious nllee , tions, fev, rs, Ac, which are moie nbMiiiate to cine, 1 bexides iittnided w ilh pains and nuich distres-r. D I ll.irlnhs Medicines' will certainly cure all forim I of the ahove mentioned diseases. The paticet ! Inust, howev. r, not conceive in ihe hitler MaKC s cure can be performed m a few days or a wei k. If l the medicine had b en lined at the very first at aek Ihe ilicasc could have Ixen era. healed in much tdioitcr time. The medicine must therefoie be u sed siricily for a fortnight define much decided de iref.t ARi:likvi.ii ?i'tkrkr. Phil.id1ehia.iS. pt. rt l, IS 10. Principal office, No. Ill No th eichih s'lert. Phi ladilphii. HENRY YOXTHEIMEU. ttct. Ut 1812. . Aiftnt. i ... . I " .ttil Inli'iil 1"irc iiti:tin.' ASIA I ED MEETlNtJ d the t:.rnp.iiv will ! be held on Thursday evening next, at 7 o'clock, I at the Court House. Punctual attendance ia re- quoted. i. B. PACKER, j Oct. 1,1812. S,r,ilmi,. : " ";ol M ill I'lrc ollallv., i THE memlers of the "O ,hI Will Fire Com- - pn srn request, tl o meet at Hie l.ou t House, on Monday Eveninc, Oct. !)d, at 7 o' clock precisely. Punctual attendance is required. Oct. 1st. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. S,e. TAXCB NOTICE. THAT the t'oparlnerKhip heretofore existing W. tween Dr. John W. Peal and Dr. I). T. Tiites, in ihe practice of imdicine, has this d.iy Icon ili-sol-ved dy mutual consent. Tlie books and acconnlH of the late firm arc in Ihe hnnds of Dr. J. W. IVal, who is fully authoiizcd to settle the same. JOHN W. PEAL, Sept. 28th. 1812. D. T. TRU ES. D' r .1. . I 'l recs leave to tender ln grate- lul nckn.rwledgmetits to the neoi le nf Suudu y and surrounding country, foi tlieii p it encour-ige-ment in ihe line l his profession ; and would at the same time announce to them, tint he Mill in tends to continue ihe practice nf medicine in all its various d' pirtment. He would, therefore, solicit a continuance of their confidence uud p.iiroiiaje. He may l found at nil limes at his office, in mar ket Ktreel, unless professionally cngiged. Sunbury, Oct. 1st. 1S12. tf. t 1 i j 11. 1. T. TlilfS, ResMdfulry infumsthe I ciiizens nfSuntiury and viciniiy , thai he has 'a ken an olKce m lis? bud 'iug lately oitui ied dy Pi ter 1.P7 iru as a drug store, ill in .iki t sheet, Sui.burv, where h-mav de I nod at allhours. DR. TKITES returns h i sinci re thanks for 'he encouragement he has rec,ied, in the line of his profession, iu this place, am) liu-t, by prompt at tention to the duties of his profession, and rea-on-adlo charges, that he will continue to receive a j lilieral share of the public patronage. unhury, IM. 1st, 1842. If. UNION HOTEL, ((jcncrul Stmt Office 'mn: 'uj- tx "Tk" LYCOMING COUNTY, Irimi)lvaiii;i. TllIE Sub'crilier respecfully informs his friends K. and the public in, that he has Liken the above LAitai: aSd cttu'MoDiors HOTEL, I N T II E B O R O i: ( II O F M V N C Y, and that he is now well prepared to act-ommodjtc all w lio may lavor him Willi their custom. His Si i:i:riKu ArAUTJtt.vr ure well aired, and comfortable, Hi Tahlk An Bir will a'ways be supplied with the liest the m iikrt ran ull'ord. His S r a a li mo, which is i:ihh1. will l under the charge of good and careful hustlers. He f, el confident, by strict attention to bu-iiicss, and an earnest desire to render c niloMadk- those who may patron 7j him,ihul he will not f.,il tocive general salt-faction. It. B. WEAVER. Matney. Oct. 1st, 1812 if. II o I a ii il S Ii o v .11 a k v r, "WJERY Kes ei tful'y infoima bis tr rmU and y old customers, ihttl hr bus 0ened a HOOf & i-HOE Establi-hinciil, in ihe shop formerly oc cupied by I'etir l.uiaius as a diug stole, iu Market ' street, where lie in einlH to csrry on Hie dusinesa in I all its various bianches. Uv t act atieiiiion to du siness, ressonuble charges, and hi u'most endeavor ' to give geu Tat satisfaction, be ho'S to tetvive J hbrial share of puhlie patronage. Oct. 1st. 181231. 3T ? jtVZ SHSSP . meto the premises of the sudscrtlter, on the - Shamokin llsnd, in AuirnU township, about the 1st of AiiEo.t I, si. MX (STRAY MlEEl. marked dy hsvu g a piece bp ed from thu cud of one 'The owner la requested to ronio lorwar.l, prove projcity, pay ih.rys, und ink iheui sway, PEI'hU VA.NDLI.NO. Oct, It, is 12, ;):. CAUTION. ALL iersona are hereby cautionevl from pnrclm sinir or receiving a ptomissary note given by the hubseribera tot rertsin llrnrv M oners, for the payment nf 'Two Hundred Dollars with interest. dated April 13th, 1812. The subscribers having teccived no consideration for the above note, are determined not to pay the same, unless compelled by law) and have given notice to that ellect to Henry P. Ilarvrv. the agent of the said Henry Moocrs. WTEIMIEN BITTEN BENDER,' A 11,1,1AM FA(JELY, ELI TREC.O. Shsmnkin. Hept. 19th. 1812. Cstatc ol John Tcliopp, t'li'r. NOTICE ia hereby given, ihnt leltera of admin istralion on the estate of John Tchopp, sen'i., late of Lower Mahonoy township, deceased, were in due form of law granted to the subsoiher, lesidmg in said township. All persons indebted to said rs stale will please make payment, and those having claims will please present them properly authenti cated for settlement, mi Saturday, the 1st. October next, Bt the house of the deceased. Sept. 24th. 1842. JOHN TCHOPP. IrJcorsc 4.ratit OFFERS himself as a Volunteer Candidate for Assembly, at the ensuing election, ami re S.cctfiilly sol cits the suffrages of bis fellow citi.ens. Sundury, Sept. 24, 1812. II II I iSSl'.K again notifies all who sre indebted to him or the firm nf H. It. Masser V Co., to call and settle without delay, otherwise their ac counts will be placed in the hands of a in m is' rite for collection, Sunhury. Sept. 24, 1842. tXzeitctice. HAVE this day douhl of Samuel Eisrnhart, of t'oal township, Northumberland county, one 111 nek horse and Itears, one Dt-aihorue Wujuoii, one Yoke Oneii, Ox Yoke, Waimn nod Chain, sud one Brass twenty-four hour Clock, which pro perly I have loaned him at mv pleasure. S, JOHN. Shamnkin, Sept. Hth, Kl2-.rl-3t TO Till) F.l.i:CTHtS OF XOIl'M. i unt:iiL .n coi ty. rilll E suliH-riber Is iug prevailed on by bis friends, l respectfully ii.fonns the public that he will I a cauilidatu for the office of COMMISSIONER, at the rnsuinc general election. Ho promises, if elected, to f nihil the duties of said olliee. with care and fidehtv. JOHN VOl'.Mi, May 7th, IS12. .loli ii Vouiipr, Of the borough of Sundury. at the solicitnti n of bis numerous fi lends, has cnosenled lo their wisln-s in coniiiiuing I is name la f.ire ihe puhlie for the office of COMMISSIONER at the ensuing elec tion. Ever since the foimatton of the county, one of the Cominis ioners resided in the county low n, for ihe purpose of nceoiniin diling tsoiis hiving business lo transact iu the olliee ; ami us Mr. Young had a tnajoiity of the delegate assembled in con vention, which by wmic management deprived the oople of iheir riuhts, we hope the voters of the county will come tip to the polla on the 2d '1'uea d iv of October next, and support their rights. Sept. 17, 1812. if. MANY VOTERS. ir s-iJ NOTICf. is heiedy given that the partnership which heretufoie existpil between the sunken I era, oinler the firms of Bear cV Trego and 'Trego, ll.ur tV is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All ih his due by the films w ill le paid by Jacob ldar, to whom nil the dehtors of the same will pk'ase to nuke p.iwut'iil. JACOB BEAR, JOHN T . Shamnkin, Sept. lOih, IK 12. TO TI1K F.CKCTOKS OF Nolt'l lH'.M 1II'.KI.AN1 Cor NT Y. OAVI.NtS been informed that a nuinU-r of mv Democratic fellow citi.ens wish me lo stand a poll at the approaching eleclion, for the offices of Register, lirrordrr V f'rrA of the Orphan' Court of .urllttiiolH rttind Cnnn'i, I have consented to the request; and I earnes ly wih that you wilt favor me wiih our support. EDWARD OYSTER. August 27th, 1842. Tlit I4MIiN Caiitliilatc FOR SHERIFF. D AVID N. LAKE, of Sham, km Township, is indueetl by the uigeut solicitation of ma ny Irieuds, Ui offer himself as the People' Candi date fur Sherill'. Having had fifteen votes out of the ihiny-one Dck-g.sles met at the court-house in Sunbury the first day of August, and claimed se venteen beforo they met, but by siie misunder standing received only fil'den, he thinks that the people should have a choice st the coming election in October next, and therefore shall look to them for hrs snppoit. AiiL'u-t 20lh, 1842. i'iiotoi. it Arinc (h k i:, M. P. SIMONS, A'o. 17-t Chi sunt Strvit, Ith Story, S?HILADELriIIA. MANI'FACTI'IIEK of HA'. VEItlit. O TYl'E Al'I'AKATCS. Surgical an I Mi niature Casta, Importer of French Chemicals and double silver plates for the Daguerreotype, ndopls ihii method of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that he carries on iIih ndove nusiniss ext-nsively, in all its various branches. Persons desirous of obtaining any of the above arlic'es, cm le promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for eish. All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate aileutiiin. Ma.O R. 1,11.1, EltiriKiE. now travelling iu the Noithern p ert of lis- Siaie, w ill pioinptly at tend h" nil orders, give neccs-nry inforinalioii and Photographic iiistrucliuus lo any person on sppli cation to tiim. August (ilh, 1812. fun TAKE NOTICE. A I.L those indi dtevl to the liru, u ihe sulscrih, rs will please call sml make s nisi o lion, eillier I'V paying up 01 giving their notes with security. No longer iudolgeiice can Ih- given. tJT.O. RtfHRBACH vV UROTHEK. August (ith, 1842. TO THE ELECTORS OF StHlTlll U- III'.Rl.ASIt COI STY. '"lll' sudsi-titH-r resSH-t fully informs the 1 lectors 1 of Noithumitf ilaud coiinly, ihat be will de a candidate, at Ide ensuing eleili.ui, lor the olliee of I'oiotit r. Should he be favored with a majoiiiy of voles, he will spate 110 riertious tn ri n.ler eenernl situ laction. CHARLES WEAVEK. August (ilh, 1812. Dll. J." n7 sumnEu, l9UAkMUWl AOJtl Jb AiJ J, I I.SI'EC I FI I.L Y luloims Ihe public that he has made Noiihuudieiialiil bis In riiiain III place nf ic.i.leiice. and is teady to attend lo any c.di. iu Ihe line of his prolcstiou. July S, 1812. ly. I O Till: Pl ltLIC. 7 II ERE ASS Letters Patent were granted to Mr. H. W. Caut, in Oct lier, 1831, for a new sud Useful improvement in lh descending Fn'R ConKivn Sinvr.s: I have iiiuleisiood one II A'TH AWAY is using mv said improvement under the name ol Hot Air Stovks," which stove involves Ihe principles unircd to me. 'This is to caution all persons against making, vending, or using said "Hot An Stoves," as I sh .11 prosecute all who in any way infiinge my lights; uml I hereby coiinii tute .1 iisih' a W. Ciimi.t, Esq.n1 Danville, my law ful Attorney, cniiowciiug him to bring suits sgHinst any peisoii who shall Use mv improvement in any manner whatever. IIKMiV W.CAMP. Ow.go, Tioga county, N. Y. 'f July 2, 1812 Mm'. S Maimtck II. Jordan. OFFEdS himself to the Elect. of Northum la rhnd County, as a candidate for the uffieis of riiOTIIOSOTMlY .Wit CI F.HK OF Tin: si: f.hai. coi ins of said nvimly. He trusts, ifeleetiil. that his expe rience in Ihe duties of said offices will ena le bun to give generel snlisfielion lo ihe public. Sundury, June 2o, 1812. ON XXIS OWN HOOK. PETE?. G-ETTEPs, 1 F.SPErTFI I.I.Y informs l,i friends uud ihe puhlie generally, that he bus lommenced the T a i I i i ii u It n i ii r w . in nil its ll.i iches, in I tic hmi-e foimerlv occupied by Win. Dur I us u Tailor Simp, iu lll.ickherry street, m-srlv opposite the Pr sdyterian Churcd. He n speellully solicits u sliaie of the public pilroii age, and Irusta dy strict aiteiitioll to business and reasonable eha ges, he will be eiiahlid to give geu- nil sat il. ic ion, Sundmy, June Imh, Its12 I v ;T v C -fN ''. CQ' .3 r''rT slianioKin, .rlliiiitil)'it;tiil '., IENNS7LVANIA, fPHK sndscrideis ie-M c lullv intorm the puhlie I. 1 1twv h ive t.ikih that A;r!,'r n;ir cuii'imili vux liori'.l,, iii Sh imokiulown, iii ihe entire of ihe gieai Coal Region, hiti Iv kept by Jacob Kr.mi, wbe.e lliev are now prepared to aeeommodate all whu may fvr them with iheir custom. By strict attention to hii-inen, the) b pe lo leceive share of pu' hc patronage. BATCIll'.I.OR oV COVE. Shiniol.inl,i n, June llh. I S 'J. 3 r. -5 - H -Cf, " N 2 m ft 3 I ? s a a. I. n O i 2 3 -co E. O -CO f . 3 3 c fl . CO '4iiiiti-y MERCHANTS. rPHE Subs, rider, Agent ol I. von & Harris, Hal M.iuuf n turers. for New York, Phil iik'lphi i, BaltiMioio mid oiImt large -ities, !' Unit are highly comiin tided I ir iummI tniii mid diiruLility. has on I. uud a lir-l rate .isieilin lit ol HA TS and t'AI'S, suit idle for Sprui site-, wh eh will 'e sold very low, fot cash or appioved credit, at the mini chtiifi iturr. No. 4t, North 'Ili'rd slry-l, npjsl'e the City Hotel. Philadelphia. ROBERT l. U II.KINSON. Ai-enl. N. il. Ot,teistor lists in the rwiif.Sj. pt'i.npllv altende.l lo. The l.ighcat rW e iu ) lii ii given l.r Fur iAina. Philadelphia, June II, IH2-ly NEW GOODS. 1ST leel ived, a fresli supply of cheap Dry Clods, Croc, ri, s. Hardware, Ac. Superior Ladies' black kid Olives, Coloied do.. Law us,, Moiisseliu de lames, Ac. Cloths, t 'si.iineres, Cashmeu-I, l.inen Drdlings. Muslins, Ac. Siicrior Pint HM-, Pure Spevm Oil, Ss rio Candles, Rai-ins. Are. June 4th. J842. H. B. M ASSER, IBrD', B AFlDi'isois nub died t ttie linn ol I. vim A J;,,r s, under tbe agency ifs. N. 'Tbscln r, lilt and Cuii HiiiiufucturtTt, No. 4tl North Third, street, Phil.iJalphtH, are riquested to make iinmedi ate settlement ol lh' ir with the sudserider, I their legally nu'doried i.genl.wbo is ful'y iuikiw I en d to settle uud colli cl the accounts of said linn, j ROBERT D. WILKINSON. June 4th, 1842. II -l'"'- I'lllLAliai'lllt. liEUHMi MI rilTTSVILlE RAIL ROAD. J-'rMU'L AX KXTKA ACCtt.M.MOHATIti.X LINK II ill eiiniini nre running hi tirri n Philoih Iphla und I'nllsvillr on Ar'.iVnurtii,' dnijn uml ho ni a : Cat Ain ATTt'M Miimiit, Mt 9, 1842. Leaving I'otlsville, oil Momhiys, Wedm sd.iys and Fmlavs, at A.M. Leaving Philadelphia, oil 'Tuesdays, 'Tbuisdays and Saturdavs, at l4 P. M. Ihrrirs nf jiossimr Itemlini;. 1 For Pi il sklplda, at 10 4 A.M. Tii-weiVly. For PullbVille, at 5J P. M. I'. 1 it i: s. Between Potlsville A Phtlida. fS.Ml A f2.M II, tween Reading A d s 2,25 A 1 ,'.' Between do A Pol'svilV, 1,40 A: I CO Evct asios 'Tn Kim 1. on 11 10a ttTIHMk. itr DAT. Between Pollsville A I'hd.nh Iphia, f.Mul ltewien Ri adillg A. do. S lit) Between do. &. Polt.ville, 2 HO Tire ollir passenger liains will as l. fore, al ttie tollowing hours : I'liilodilphUi und l'otttvile. From riiilaiiclpliti, al ft A.M. i Fr.mi Potistille, al 2 P. M. lluuri of inning Ranting. Daily ror roltsvilie, at v A. M. Foi Philadelphia, at 3j P. M. Dsilv All the liaitis will slop for way is4iigcrs al the Usual points. Cj' " passengers m ri'vjneslcj to procurn Iheir lickels U lore the trains sta.t. May SI, l42.-tf. U.S. Mail Coach l Olt lMITTSVIMai:. STICK TO TUB MAIL COACH I 'I IIE Mail Coach for Pollsville leuves Norlluim- la rlmM i vnv morioiia l 4 u'i l k, sinl anives in I'otlsville in time d r ide to Phil ulelphia. I'lir. as )..' as liny n'lo r line. I'm seals, anplv nt Mrs. Wiibing'ou's Hotel, N jilhumbi ildiid, o nl tieoigf Weilrel's, Sniidury. A. E. hAI'P cV CO., NoTlli'd., May2l. 1812. Proprietor. Qj Pos-vngers coming fueii I'hila'rlpliia will ti'ea-e sitiiTi' iheir seal ,il the White Swan lion I, R ice Sl before Ihey leave the i lly. Pus-ci gets j Coining in this hue, have tie it scats s eiindiii any 1 St igeor Packet dual feoin idis place, 1 hose coming in ihe other line may be lel'i behind. Felix cfEovswr F.SPKCTFI I.I.Y informs ihe Elector, of oitbumdi rlinnl county, thai he will be a tai.ilidaie lor the olliee of SHERIFF. He proniijes if eh'ilcil. to drscharg the duties of said office wi h cine suit fi.blitv. Upper M .h noy. May 2lh, IS12. ta a . 'ja n n 3 w .xnti .vv7,7 srpF.nioit to a.y OTHER M: R SFMIFRY. TfJ O II N A HENRY I. AN I) AC, having rented Qf the Lime Kilns of llenrv Masser, ill Sunbliiy, have now for side the la st Lime in this p.irt of the couniiy, and w ill continue lo keep constantly on baud fresli Lime fur Plastering, Building and for Liming land, on as reasonahle terms as coil l had anvw iere ill Ihe irt'ighhoihood. May 21, isli. J.t H.LANDAI". CLYDE & WILLIAMS' lllanK ItMK laiiuractory, (hiposilr Viper's llohl, II Al'iUISIURO. FI'IIEY are pripand to inauuf.ic'MTe btsnk woik j I of every ile-eiiplion, ruled to nny pattern, such j as Dockets l.eeords. Dvv lliaks. Ledgers, Asses sors" and Collectors' Duplicates of the finest nu di ty of aper, in a style equal to any made ill the ci ties ef Philadelphia or New Yoik. All descriptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made loonier. has Bonks, Music and Periodic us bound to iniy pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files if papcis bound. Qj- Wmk left at the office of the SunltiTy Anie licsii, will be promjly attended to. May 21st. 1812. I y. jlVIAVLANb,JRVc7cO. Sntiir ami Ttiltncco MaituracUirfrs So. W Svrlh HVrriirr of Rare uud Third Slrn In PHILADELPHIA. 'PHE undersigned have formed a Co-partio'Tsliip A under the firm of J. M A Y LAN I). J a. oV t'o.. a suci-essors to ihe late firm of Jural) .Mayhnd Co., and will c mtinue at the old esla blishmeiit, on iheir own account. In add i lion to iheir own close attention and experience foi many years, iu the manufacture of their refloated snutf-, Ac., I he lofig exfterieiiee of the Hiiior partner of the tale firm, will nUu lie devoted to the interest of ihe new concern and ns no exrition and care will be spared to insure their g orals, Bl all limes of the ve ry U-sl ipialny, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the fueiids and cu-lomers nf the late firm. 'THOM AS ADAMS, J. M AYLAND, Jr. Philadelphia, May I Ilh, 1812. ly EAGLE Corner of 'Third and Vine Slmtv, WIliMAMSrORT, FA. T HIE snl'M rda'r resiteelfullv annolinees tithe public, that be b is niened a Hotel in th. com- moil ions brii k building stii.ile on ihe comer it I bird and Pine streets, where be wd1 be bapp to wait ipoti (hose who m iv f iv'or him wit . theii coiiipanv. 'The E.igle lloiel is t,, ee ,in,l rim i'l ent, Slid furi ihed ii, de le i In- i'i tn st' le. I i provuled with a lotgr iminder of cll nire I sml Coinf. ii idle slee iug Hp .irtmeiii-, room,,, parlors, A c. I, -is. ins visiting N i!daiopiri on t ! siness oi p-a-urt, iii.iv re.i n- or d ihntenrv ix erlion will l e used to , I der iheir s. j nun nl ide Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and ngrccadle. llis'Tal b' will be supplied with the vevy lust the iinnket af fonls, and his bar w ith ihe el nicest wines and olio r hipiors -hage re isoiiabliv, 'The I'.agle Hot. I posms's pri nter advantages in (xiiut nl location than any oihei similar establishment in tin- Ivmnrgh, Ixiug situ ate iu the business of the town, and w nhio a convenient dislunee of Ihe Court House and ilhs-nisHsri aisl Elmira Rail Road I), pot. Stiffii ient Siadlmg provsK-d, and goml and trusty o-1 lets always in irtteislsn.e, Atrentive, iiecoii.mmlaling and hoiie-l Servants have la-en nifbued. arid tioldmg d fi nndoiie thai will add to the comfoit and acc.unist ion of his gue-ts. 'There will lie a ranisge alwava in allendanee at the Boat Landing tn convey passengers to and from ihe llou", lice of charge. CHARLES BORROW. Miv 14th. 1812. HEILl:.lT & ttesr ( VmniiiMi vV I'nrwiirilinu Mrrtiianl?, Foot of Witloir Strut Rnil rvosv, II TH K III I. A W till, HAYI.NIJ sssiM-ialed vsj It ih, ni Joseph Ij.irnet, latent' Eastou, IV, ti-sis-i I fully in'.iiin iheu liiiu ds uud the public generally, lb it t.ev have t i ki nihil large and w e l known slor . and w h.irf al fool of Willow Street Railroad, 1.1','lv occupied bv .IacuIi Martin, when- ihey pin pis e ,),,llig .1 (ieiuial Ci.iiitni-si,ai and l'io;w aiding l'osi:iess, and fmui the dual of ihe place being conn, cted wi'li ell lie sihbe ioiprov nn'iiin that have then iMit'el ii, the illy, lhi l',i,-r llieinselies ihey will de i,l. I 1 d 1 1 usinesa t.i 4s 110I g ealei ad vantage, and upon u- reasoiiiidle lelllis as an) olliel I Ill-use, and ihey tls-ijie their fm lids that anv cou s -1 1111 ills liuid. 1,1 idem shall have l"ln ir strict at- ' tei.tion, mid mi evi rlious spari-d to give enlue s.itis fac'.roo. 'The are h'Is 1 isvsuhmI i.v res-eive and forward gmsl. 1,1 any pniui oil llie D 1 1 re uud l.ih gh I livers, Is live, 11 MaiM'ti t I in k, l.aiou ami I Inla ' del, bis, via Delaware llivi-i. 11 am! I.eluh Can d; I also, to anv saiut ) ilie JiiuiaU liter, 01 Not b ! and Wist Itiaiiehes ot the Su-ipiebanua via Schiiyl. kill and I irlim, ui Iho Chi s.iHkc ami I i,h W ,itei Cana's. For the aceomm.slsiion of Boats coming or go lug via Schuylkill and Co ion Canals, a Sie.mdoat will d ki pi expressly fir tow nig Isisls Irom ihe Schuylkill mound lo the Del iwaie and back, whieti will en. .die men-hauls to hive llieir prvsluie deli vcicd on the Delawaie, and iheir g.xsls sl.ipjsd al a saving ol l) to 7ft ar cent. io itis puce fir haul 1 eg acioss, wilh these adikiilogea tlsy re spicllullv solicit a share of pair niaee. W. II Ell. MAN A CO. Wild. in IL ilmvn, Wilbaut W. Kr)vr,J. Josipb Bat un. 3 PhilsJ ,Msy 1 1, l$i;' ly 2. S. ICASSEPs, A T TOW N I'i Y AT LAW, RUIIBURV, rA. Business wlleiided to ill the Counties of Nor ihuiwi i tlaml, I'liin i. Lveomiug and Columbia, llefrr lot "Tun mi Hut ft Co., Low ni A II Annoi, Hart, Ci m vinos. A Haht, l'!iilud. 1! i t voi ns, McKasiasi) A Co. Serm vr;, 'hioh Sc GOLDEN SWAN So. WJ Sot Ih Third, ahove A rck Ulru I, PHILADELPHIA. ArroVtMOIlUIONSi FOB. Ut.VK.NTV MJIHOM. piIARI.E WEISS, lateol the bite Swan." S and "1X1011111 A'eriion House," respectfully in forms bis friends and customers, that be has In eouio Ihe proirielor vf the abovs well known Hotel. Country Merchants will find the alnive Hotel cential location, and the best of fare. Pitsnus tra velling with iTtvate conveyance will find a largo y ml mid good slahlmg for hotses, and tlte best of ost'eis. Hoarding f 1 perdsv. Mav Mill. 1842. tf. .L O H. ID f Di n. JOHN PTil. i, 1. T. TIIITI, RESPECTITLLY anaounce to the oitiens , of tstmbuty, and rta vicinitv, ihat they bavo this day euteied into copailnei-hip in the Pructico ol M diciHi', in all Ms various departments, mid hoo by this arrangement, punctual attention to business, and miiilerale charges, to receive a lil eiul share of public p itrouag '. (Vj J'r J PEAL teislers bis gr.iteful ncknnwl edgeitreiita for lire very InVrnl patronage iMfetofore reci ivi d, and feeling confident that ihe new 11 r raiigemenl, (lire firm of Pi al A TriVs) will be conducive to the comfoit and welfare f Il,e pub lie, be most resiieclfuDy solicits a coiiliiruuice of llieir otnti, leuce. Sundury, May 7lb, IS 12. f m. MERCHANT'S nousi:, So. Snrtii Thirds niun ( Utttti JJU &t., rillLADELPIIIA. flH E siibirlier takes pleasure in nvia!ntir g 1 tlieir fiii lids and ttie pubhe in g rural, tint they have taki n the large and niiiinvslious Hotil, recently built by the Missis. II itt.on the same site once oci iipied try the old established Hotel known as Ihr Bull's Head, in Third stieet alne Callow hill st, 'Tbrs tliKel is finislird in the very !est possible manner, and of the bei-t iiiklenuls. Its local. on is cry ilesiruhle, particularly for country imich.inls ; the arraiigcmeins for heatii g and ventilating 1 ach room is svuh as to sivure any rempcratwre. 'The Udrooinsaie all light and airy, all fumishid in a neat sly V, so as to insure louHoiU 'The receiving parlors are also I'urtiislreJ in a su ierb style, tire wimlows aie on the French style, forinii g an entrance to a balcony in ftxmt, tvhuh makes pleasant recess. Purlicular atteulion has been given to the heels and Udding, which, with lite fviniitirre, are entirely new. f rom yea's' exa'riencc inh.itvl businrss, we irusl, by strict assiduity le. business, lo make this house a desirable sli pping place. Our table will alwnvs Is-supplied with the very best our market can Hll'urd, and ii.r bar with I lie best liquors atrd wines uf the most appioved brands. P. S. Tlrere are first rate stabling (.r.rl carr (, houses uttiu bill to the hotel, tliriided by ca dil and sol-er ho-tlers und out charges vill he l , 111 accordance wilh tbc present haul lin.f. SHIT TZ Jk PERK nulad.lphia, April Id, 1842. S USQUEHA N N A hotel, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA LOw I'F.SSSYLYA.MA. rBHE subcriln-i re-pectfully intorms the public that he has purchased, a"d now cciupits thu s Large and Cninmodiottt !Sti.L illtll3T.'i II Sill ml. Well known as the nnmiTrv, late of Tbeoduro Wil's. Hint formerly kept dy Samuel A. Bpuly. He is now piepmed to accommodate all traveller and visiters who ui.y lavor bun widi a call, ami will ue eveiy elVon in his rower lo render cvet convenienee sud comfoit to his customers, whil under his charge. His aii-oiiiimslalions aie ninph , and bis rooms well furnished. His sial ics extcii sive arid in good cotidilion. His 'Tami l and Bar will be supplied with lln l est that ihe maiket can afford. By pui cloalil . and mtei. non. he feels ror. fidi nl that ho will meiit the patroinrge of the puhlie. CHARLES II ART MAN. CatMiwissa, April Uih, 1812. IIOHKUT 1' V. SON, PAPER MANf rACTUBEBE. Lombard Street, llulttiuurt, HAVE constanllv for sale. Priming Paper of a si.e and ipialiins, Can Writing Paper, rubd and pi.'ni, Letter Pa'r, while and blue, ruled and I'd. in. Hanging Paper, tine and common, Envelope iHier, do. do. medium, AoiihV crown, crown and cilia sie.l W nipping Papers, Colored Mvilium and b'oyal Papera. llonrt., lhmlers' sud Straw Itov Boards. 'Tissue Pa-r, and all ort clea in ilresr line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. Il.ghe-l price giwn for eld rags. HUBERT CARTER A- SON, March HI. 1842. Elkhw.Md. WHARTON'S a a au r ja . ia uiilir, Xtn IIiiiiuIh i laml County, PENNSYLVANIA. FIlHE nidscTilar nsHciluily inhsrms the public. I ill it be has iciiiove I to ilu.l laige and Conuiio ilioiis Hirck House, 011 Market so, lure, opsw.ite the t'oiiil H0U-4-, (lorineilv kept bv Huaii Piice,'; where he is now prepared to nccommodale all who may favor liiin with a call lie ng thai klul for past livoia, be hrs- by slrtcl atlei.t nn lo business, to receive a lid, r si shaie ol public patronage. iVc. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunhury, March 61I1. 18l . XjIIHE! LI1IE ! LI1VIE ! FlltE tuWrihria are prewr.d to tumuli farmers 1 und i liters w ilh any iiianlity of Lime of a very supeiiiM vjualilv if laud, 01 p'ui-lering, al the lol lowing vi ry redu-ed price-, vi: 8 els. n r dushel lor I and Lime; III i ts. lor ihe best ijualiiy of pl.u t. ring Lime, at the kdns. below the Imrnugh "f Sun. Isnv. 1'hey will also deliver, al any pises within lbs l-or.iugh of Sunbury. Lime lor laud, al 10 cults per bushel, and Lime for plaisteriug al 12 J cents per du-lul. 'The suliMidtrs hmealwa'S 011 hand,! large ijuaiitity ol Time, lis ipialpy is giiod, and tin ir biiic.uuie is not equalled by any 111 the ucigli hoihuoj. SEASHOI.TZ A BERGSTRESfER. Augusta, Apill 2d, ISl'-l.