II A A li X O T i: I, I ST. I'LWSVI-VIM. The f..l!oWitiK slmw the current value of nil IVmwvKania Hnnk N.itm. Tlic mo-l initial re liance may I placed upon it. it U erirt week car, fully compared with at d correc ed lioiti Hi. k lull' Reporter. . Hunks In IMiIIsmU llila. NW Locxtio. "" ' I ii 1 1. n. NOTES AT TAR. Hank nf North Amenta . , Hank of the Northern Liberties . ' 'nmmereial Bank of Intifi. . . I'mmcr' ami Mechanics' Bank . KiMismeton Bank . . pur par nir par par par in r -r par pal I hila.lc Iphia Bank Schuylkill Bank Xiiiithnark Hank M'csrrm Batik . .Mechanics' Dank Count ry lt-iiiUN. Wcstejjcsler Chester Gctmantnwii Nntristouti 1 leslow 11 Itnik l t heslcr bounty Bunk of Delaware County Bank of Ccrmantnwii 'Uuiik tif Montgomery Co. Doy lesion n Dunk Eastoti Bank 'Eaimer' llnnk of Dork co ( Wl'ire of Hank of Penu'a. 4lTire do do H 'dice do ki Ofi'ice da do pnr uir i:ir hi i iur EliSlon Itli-lol par Harrishuig The.r Lancaster I office Reading f do not Easton J issue n. Ms ('Oil NT. Philadelphia tiOuGO 4 40a45 NOTES AT Jlank of the Uniird Stairs' jiaiiK 01 renn 1 ownslitp' , ".'bard Bank . . Mtinufarturer' & Mechanics" Bunk Movamerising Bunk I On 15 12 7..8 6a7 12 4 Jlailk of Pennsylvania . . Miner' Bank of Potuville Totiaville Punk ufLrwistnwn Lcwistown Bank of Mid.llrtnwn Mi.l.lletown Bank of jVnrthumlirtlnm Northumberland ' -hi n.liia TJrmk & Dridgcco. Colombia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchunge Batik Pittsburg Do do branch of Holhdavsburg Farmers Bunk of Lancastct Lancastci l.inca-tcr County Bank l.nnroatrr domcis' Dank nf Reading Reading llarrisbu'g Bank llurrishurg Lancaster Bank Lancaster I I I anon Batik Lebanon MenhantsW Manuf. Bunk I'ittf hurg flank nf Dinslwrg Pittshmg M i st Rianch Bank Williamsnort 4 3 fi 2 3 a f.a? Wyoming Bank i kt-sharrc Northampton B ink A III 1. low 11 Ida I 'J 17 Berks Cotinly Bank Reading Ojlice of Batik ol U. S. Pui-burg Ho do ilo Erie. Do do do New Brighton Kensirurtnti SSav. Ins. A do l'riui Township Sav. Ina, do Hank of Chamhcrshurg li -iiil ri-t.ii rg fi Bank ol Gettysburg Giltyslutg ( Dank of Susquehanna Co. M on I roue Erie llai k Eiiu 7 ''innier,' oV Dtovcrs' Dunk Wnynesburg 15 Franklin Bank Washington 3 llotscsdale Batik Honei-diile I J Mnnongnhela Bank of B. Brownsville 4 Y'ntk Bank Ymk fi N. B. The notes -of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a ilai-li ( ) arc not purchased Iy the Philiih Ipl.ia brokers, wnh the exception of those which have a letter ol r. (i n nee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'hilailclphii Loan Co. frirhuv Ik ill Sav. Ins. Manual l.ahor Dank (T. V Towauda Bank Alh't-hany Bank of Pa. Bunk ol Beaver Bank ol Swatara Daik ol U'HBlungton Centre Uaidi -My Bank Farmers' & Me h'ca' Bank Fatmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fai mi ls' A Mt i h'i a' UmiL llaimony lnsiitutc lluniingdon Bank Juniata Bank LumliernH-u'a Bunk Northern Bank of I' a. New Hojip Del. Bridge Co. Northumli'd Union Col. Bk. North WrMirn lla 4i-of Pa. Oil'ue ot cliu v Ikill Bank Pa. Art. &. .Manuf. Bank Olivet Lake BanV I null Bank of Penn'a. estiiwiieland Bank Pliihiili lj hia failed do failed do failed Dyoll. prop.) failed Tnwaiida laiied Beiitoid no sale Dealer cIum d ttaiiii-hurg cloM-il a.-l.iiigtoii failed Belli tonic rloKi d )'ltthUlg no s-alc Plllhhurg lai'id Fuyetle co. f 1 It'll iit'iirast.e failed llatmoiiv no talc Jiuiititigiliiii no sale lwislowti tin a.ile M'arien laded lliiiidalV ihi f ile New lln(ie tlied Milton 1111 Mile Miadtille cI.imiI PMlCaihull tailid Carli.e failid Muntiose cIomiI I 'liiiilitow n failed (ircci.tilajrg closed Wilkisli.irre no rale Vilkesharre Biidge Co. Q'j All notes puiporting to ie on uny Penury I vama Batik not given 111 the uhove het, amy lie et vlmvti as Irauils. m:v .11:1: si: v. Bank of New liiuntwa k lli iitisw ick lielviilere Mi.llor.1 PiTlh Amhoy Bridielun Mount Holly failid I par 2 p. 1 par 1 Belvideie Bank Burlington I 'o. Bank Commercial Bank 1'umlierl.iiid Bank Faimera' Bunk Farmers' airJ Meclionics' Bk liuhway Faimera' and MitIiuiiics' Bk N. Biunswiik faiUil Farmera' and Merchant' Bk Mtddletown Pt. 3 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City faili d Jlotioken liKRoi Utazing U Hobuken fail.d luik-d failed tailed 2 failed 1 .ui fO tale Jersey Chy Dank Jerey City Mechaniia' Bank I'alletwm Manufacturi ra' Bank DelWville Morria Conipany Bank Mornstown Monmouth Jtk of . N. J. Firehold Alixliaiar Bank Nrwaik Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk TrenUm Munis Canal and Lkg Co Juaey City 1'ust Nona Newark Bkg A Ilia Co Newaik jNew llne Del Bridge Co Eaiiiheiiswlle N. J. .Matiulac. and Lkg Co llol oken N J I'ruiecioii &. l.otiihuid Ik JeiMy Cny t 'range Bank Orange Paterctin Bunk l'ati iaon 1 failid luded o full.. I ( par pal 1 I 1 uj lea uuiii.- On Plliiietuli Bal k Princeton tu!mi Banking Co t. 111 t-lir Bank Newark Male llnnk l.lwaU ihlow n Mule Bank t'niiuliii Male Bank of MonU M..rn.uin itiite Bunk Tniin u t'uleiu and Philad Manuf Co M1I1 m Mjbwi Batik Niwinii '1 itiiton Uanking Cu 'I'lenlmi I 11 lull Bank Dniiv V ashiiigtoii Ilntiking Co. Dackt-nsaik 111:1. iii cm:. 1 p.. t failed .. d llll. Bk ofWilmA II land) wiiii N i miugton j ,r I " par UI par par par par par 2 Bank of Delaware A ilmingloii Bunk of Mn ma Do launch Mi yiiia Millnid Frnur' bk of Male of Del Don I Do hrunch WiliuiiiHl'Hi Do t'tun.h (ieoigetoun Do hraliib Newcastle I'nion Bank V ilimiigioii (Tj Under fi'a lj On all hunks ma'ked ihua () there are ei the 1 louiit. rlcil or uherrd no it a of ike various uV iiouiuituona, iu circulutiou. The lu st tm l h nil for the Aholilion of Disease in to climuxtt ami tiriy the BoiUj. WIIM.'EI'JT imia vi:arrAULi ru.rs of rim VrfA Jmerlran t oltrte of Health, rf tmw iH-ktiiwIi'iljieil In Im the lies! Mt'dii iue in the World for the rure of " EVERY VARIETY OK DISEASE. KE(JAl'8K they romp'eiely rh'ne the alo mai h nd IsiivrU from thi e liilliolis and cor niii homnr .irh are the raiife not only nf lli ailni he. Ciililiiu , I'nlpitHtion of (tie Henl, I'n'ns in the Bolu s, liln umatisni and (tout, hut i-M iv ninliii y ii i i'l nt to man. SAlli INDIAN VKl.irPABI E I'M.I.S are a n r ain tur.' f.t in ! in l eiit, Tniiiti d, nervous, inllaiiuitoy and pii'tid IVviT hrt auM- lin y c'eaiiSe the p'dy from thu-e moilial hi mors. hii h, when roMim-d lolhi- riii u I alii in. are ihr 1 ainr of nil kinds ol 'FEVERS, u, ti Vo, uhrntlie name iinpurlty is di'osit'J on tlie inenilii'ii p and niusrlp, rmsitig pains, inllama lions and nwelliima r.ilM HII EE. ATIS.M, liOl T.iVr. Wticl.rsIiMliati Vimtnl If Tills may It rcliid in as a'was pilain 10 yivr r In I. anrl i! prrsi'M ipil Willi, areoiilldc to dinniims will 1110-1 hmmuiiIIv, and wilhuul fill, nnikp 11 k-ii'itI hi p ol the nhnve paitifi l 11 iiI.mIii s. I'ioiii thrre In sin ol sulil Italian Vipi'luli'e Pills taken evi rv liiuht ro- ii'C In lail, will in'a rlioit time so rotnii'lrl rid the hmly from every Ihilig lhal is npprseil I i health, ' that l.lic lim:iti-m. Omit, and p iin ol every ili"-iTii ti.ui, will he lin rally DRIVEN FROM l lll: IK) DY. For lite same reason, when, Irnm sudden changes of almo-phcte, or any other eaune. the per spiration is checked, and the humois which should pa.- oil' hy the skill are thrown inwardly, rousing HEADACHE. 0IDDINFS8, nausea and sick ness, pain in the bom s, watety ml inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarcne-s, roughs, ronsuni lions, rheumatic pains in vaiiou parts of (he hody, and many other symptom of CATCHING COl.D, Wright's Indian Vetluhle. J'l'n will invartahly give iinnirdi .te relief. From thiee to six of said Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in a shott lime, not only remove all the above unph aa mt symptoms, hut the Imdy wdl, in a abort tune, he restored to even sounder heal h than liefnre. ASTH MA. on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH- INO. HWi'i'n Indian Ytgt table l'ill.- will loos- j en and eariy off, hy the stomach nnd howeis, thoe touch phligmy humor-, which stop tip all the nir ! cells ol the lungs, nnd are the cause, riot only of the al oie distressing roniptaint, hul when neglected, olten terminates in that mo edieadlul mala.'y ca'led j CO.NSI MI'TION. Il niton 'd he also teii e'tnh. 1. d j that W'rialit's Indian Ytrtnlile l'ill are n certain i euiefor PAIN I N THE SIDE, Oppres-ion. nan- sea, and stckncs'i, bus of nppi lite, cnslivenrsa. a yellow tinge of ihe ikiu ai d eves, nnd 1 very other ', symptom of a torpid or diseased state of the liver; 1 I cctuine they pnrue trom Ihe laxly those impurities w hich if di posited upon this important organ, are the eau-e of eery variety if LIVP.R COM PLAINT. When a nation isromu'se.l hy riot-, outbreak and rebellion, the only means nf prevent ing ihe dreadful roils quencea of a CIVIL WAR. is to ripel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like ni inner, when pain or sick ness of any kind. indi. ate that the laxly is sirnu gting with ttiti real tix-s, the true remedy it to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitor to hrahh and life,) lltnlth will Ite the eerlnin result. That the piinciple of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy ; nnd if proierlv ranied out hv the u-e of the above named VR It HIT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceilainly remit In the complete Abo lition ol Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni als, from persotif of the highest respectability in New Yolk, who hnve iccenliy been run d ol the tiaist ohrtiruile complaints, solely by the use ol miner's Imhii m i:ta hlk Pill, of the ynrtli Aim nam Collide tf Health : Jamaica. L. I, .luncilth. 1 f -1 1 . Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with cre.it sati-facli.'ii I inform you of :.iy having lieen 1 ninety rim d of Dyspepsia, nf live yi urs standi! g, hv the ie of your I Mn ?i Vi.i;thlk Pill. Pi. vious 10 mee'ing w ith your celebrated nndi cine. I had hi en under the hands of several Physi 111. i s. and had tried vaiiou- niedii im s ; hut'all to no etli'ct. Alter u-ii g one 25 rent Ixn of our Pills, how.vrr, I experienced so much benefit, that I icmiIviiI to a-rseveie in the use of them accoi.hng toihrectioi s, which I am happy lo state, h result ed in a perfect rure. Ingratitude lo you fm the great Is'nifil I hive received, and nbo in the hoie that othi is similarly iitllirted niny be induced lo make lial nf lour exiriioiditiity medicine, I send you this slatcin. lit with lull Itheilv to publish the fame, if Vim think pr. per. Yours, Sr. New Yotk, June IH, DOl. i.C. BLACK. Mr. Ri hard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vigetahle Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several yeaia with inward weaVness nnd general debility, accom panied at limrs w lilt pains 111 the side and other ihstiessn g complaint. Aft' I havinir Ir'ed various mr.lieilies w i'hoi.t 1 Hi ct. I was persuaded by a It i. lid to niuke trial ef Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy lo state, have relieved me in a nioet Wonderful manner. 1 have used the me dicine, as yel but a slmil tune, and have no doubt. hv a nerseieraitcc 111 tbe use el lite medicine accor ding In iliieilioiis, ihul 1 tl. all in a short time be perb rily te-toied. ! 1 most willingly rccrnimend said Pdlsto all per sons sitmlaily htlliclcd. imI ru ike full liehel that the aatne U-uefieit results wtll follow their use, I re main youi ainceiely, HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwuismg, Ulster co. N. Y. Nkw York, Sept. 29, 1841. This is to rrrtify thai I have used Whiiiht' Sin Vi.otTHLK I'M v with the greatest liene fit ; having entirely rurrd myself of lie frequent at lacks ol Sick Headache, to w hich I had previously Uui aubjecl. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 3M2 Greenwich atnei. N. Y. T Mr. Rirhntd Dennis, Agent lor Wright' In dian Vigetahle I'iils. v.i r r 1 o.v. As there air ut this lime many wicked person I nsi'v iliiiuged in stl ing a coiinlerleil medicine un di r ll.e iiiitne of the Indian euelnl te Pills and as il.e.-e .li s 1 rate 11.11 are ulit ily rnkl. ss i.f i nn s. ii. i.e. s, tl.ut many vahinl le 1. 11 s may be I si in 1 01 s. qui i ce of nsini! their dreadtul eoliipouiids, l.e pul he aie cautioned iiL'atn-t piiicha-ing any I I Is, unless mi the 1 li of ihe lu lus (he lolluwil.g i 1 idttiR is f un I : I. It. 11 1 's INDIAN VEGETABLE MI. I s. Indian I'urfiatitf.) I.I IIIK MIH'llt 4MISIIAN t'OLLII.K OF IIIALTH. .A 11.I alse tu I a im viully can lul ugainst un lia ii t s.i.l iiieiticine of any person .nipt the rrgu 1 11 advertised apenta. At. I MS t uii A' OliTHl'MIl t ULA SI) CU, I'i iuisilia)iiii. II. B. Masser, Sunt nry Paine eV Ruse, Nor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il and Jacob 1 1 a is. Shamnkin Satnui I llii!., Mahotioy Byerly V D. Haas, Aucusta Hem t in Foilmer, Milton Ireland .V Mcixill, MeEweiisii le P.fet V DeainioiMl, 'l'ufhutvillr- James I'e.O, Pottsgrovt H Klase, Snvderstowii H. H. Ki iebel. P. M., EI)hurS P. O. Wm. Lei enring, P M, Union ('omer. IMIice Mini Grtierul Depot for ihe sale of U'r;n' Indian Yitlahr 1'ilh, Wholesale and Retail, No. let RACE STREE'P, PII1LADEL J'HIA. May 'il, ItH'i. ly ROSE OINTMDNT, Hut Ti:Ti i:it. KINIlWOKMSI, MMPl.m ON TIIK. VM 'K, AM) Ol lltH itam:h :miTii. (jj The fufafoitiir rrrtifira'e dvtrrihn one vj the tniist 1 rtrtwrtiimtry cures ever iJJ'ectrd by uny upfiliriition. I'HiLAiir.irtiiA, Fel'tuaiy 10, 1839. IJ'OR twenty yeaia I km severely a (11 ir till with TiiTTF.it on lint Faee and Head: the disease comnirnrul when I wna seventeen yeara old, and rntititiiied until the Full of 1836, vaiviriR in vio lent e, hul without ever disapieariii!. During most of ll.e limp, great part of my face was roven d with the eruption, frequently atlended with violent itch ing; my head swi l ed at times until it h llns if il wniiU hurst the swelling wa o gteal. Ihr.l I could sratr. ly Ret my hat on. During the long petiod that I was nlllirled wiih the diaease, I tiseil it f-reat many n plicaliun', (among tlioni a. vrrnl eelehrnled prop nation-) as Will as lakitm iiiw.ud remrdti's. iiiiliiiliug n iiuiiihor ofhotllra of Kirnim's I'ttwrr, a, i',.rtrnct nf Surnpnrilla Ac, In Inel it would he iinpii-silili to enumeiaie nil the iiw d riiips I usul. I was also uiiilrt the care of two of the tim-l tin tiiiaui.'hi'il physicians of ihi- city, I ut witli nl n -eeiviiiR no i h hetirfil, and I ih spiiird of ever lieing ruriil. In the fill nl I S'.ifi, the ihra-e i.t the lime heing very violent, I cniiiuii'iiceil using the A'nr Oiiilmint, (nn pared hv Vauuhan oV Davis.) 111 a h w applications the vinlenl itching Ci asi d, the swelling iibaied, the ) rtl'lloii lieuaii to ill-appear, and before I had used ajar lite ih-ease was inliiely cute.l. It ha now been m ntly a y.ar and a hull" since, and there is not a vetige of ihe disease re maininc, except the scars from the deep pits firmed hy the di-rase. It is impossible for me to dcscril'P in a rrrlifirate the severity of ihe disease and my soil, ring, but I will l pie .cd to Rive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will rail on me. Al the time I rommoured using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of duihus to he rid of the disease. Mine u sing it, I have recommended it to several ierson, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly 011 bet aim.) who w. re nil cured hv il. JAMES DURNELL, No. loll, Rare St. The Rose Ointment is prepared hv E. B. Yaudhan, Sou h East coiner of Third and Race stieit, Philadelphia, and sold on nu'encv in Sunhu rv. hv II. B. MASSER, ' May l lth. IS 12. Aiifnt. Siox Oindtit-ut, for Tilltr. a I'mor or ir.s r.rncAcy. '11 1 1 a 111 t i nt , ,M a 27 lb, lwil'.i. 'PIUS i 1 with let lo ccrlifv tbnt I was severely alllirted tier ill the hands and bet for upwards ol forty years ; the disease wnsalleiiil. il generally with violent itrlntig and swelling. I npphe.l to t number of phi sict. ms, and used a great many xppli ra'ions without Heeling a cure. About n V ar since, I appl ed ihe Ruse Ointment, which entirely stopifil the iti lunn, and a few applications immedi at.lv cured ihe disease, which there has hi en no return of, although I hud never been rid of it at ony time for forty yeais. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spiure Street. The Rose Oiiitment is prepared by E. B. VaULhan. S mill East corner of Third nnd Race Sirecls, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Suiibu ry. by H. B. MASSER, " May 14th. 1842. Age-1. mEDICALAPPROBATION Of Ihe KO.Si: OI.J'Mi:.T,for Tetter. ALTHOUtili the superiority nl the prepatalioti over nil otln rs is fully es'ablished, the proprie tors take pleasure in laving before ihe public the following certificate from n re-iectable physician, a grnduaii' of the University of Pentisi Ivania. Dr. Bauul', having found in this temr.lv that telief fir a tedious and disagreeable nll'ci Hon which the mesiis within the ranee of his prol'es.-iuii lulled lo all'or.l, has not hesitated lo give il his approl.aln.il, allll ugh the prejudices and interests of that prole-siuu are 1 1 posed to secret Uemediea. Phii.aiih.i'iii a, S. pi. 11), 18:10. I was recently ttoiibbd w ilu a li ilious herpetic eruption, whi.h coeud tuailv one si.'e of my face, and extendi d over the ear. Mr. Vaiuhan, piopni loi of the Rose I liiitii.Hi.t. ob-ivinu 111V laer, nisi- led 011 my tiytuc hi pn p iiuliou, nl which he han ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem ber ol my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ol ihe numerous noslilims palmed iihiii the public hy iinoiaiit pr tenders, 1 feel iu jus ice hound lo except ihe Rom Oiutiiniit hum thai c'a-sof me dicines, and to give it my approbation, a it entire ly tured the eruption, although il hid resisted Ihe usual application. DANE BAI Gll.M.D. flj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. VaULhan. hnuih East comer ol Thud and Race Stieei. Philadelphia, and sold 011 ag. ncv in Sun bu.v.bv H. U.MAEK. Mav'l 4th, 1812. Az'id. ' BOLTON 8c CO. (General t tmiiiiisDm Mrn lianl, 1'i.r the Sale uj t luur, (.rata, Sittl, ie., tc. it EPE('TFUI.LY inform their liietid- and ihe Men Units generally, that they haie ta ken those larne and rouiinodioiis Whaiis,with livn Dixks, iioith ol Chesnul street, 011 the lb law are, tonclber with the store No. l'J Soulh Wharves, wheie they would he pleased 10 receive roustitn menls of Grain, Flout, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, At r, A.C. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise hv the M htiylkill and Union, or hy the Chesapeake and Title Water Canals, a hov hoat are kept expiessly fot Ihe purpose of towing boats by ei her mute. Merchant will please lie particular to send their good deatined hy either canals, to No. l'J South Wharves, between Market and Chesnul street, on Ihe Deluware. with direction accompanying ihcin which route ihey wish litem to he khipped. Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket ptice. BOLTON V Ci March 19, 1842. No. 19 Soulh Wharves. THE COTTAGE BI3LE a a 11 I illl.Y I'.M'OSI IOK. (II TWO VIILI'MLS.) C'ONTAIMNG the Old and New Testament, ' with piaeiii-al rvpcwiiiotis and explanatory notes, by Thorna Williams, Author of "the Anc of Infi delity," "Dictionary nf all Religi .u Deuomina liolis," 11 e. To whii li ate ad.'ed ihe r. ! ren. es and margiual leadings nf the Polig'ott lilt If, n.ne In r null luminal notes and sel.cti.ns fiom ll.uui', I oinpt. hensixe Bible, nnd o hei xlalidaid ivi rkr imrodiictory and con. lulling r marks 011 eac h ho, 4 ol the o'.l and n. w 'I'estaineiil, and a vi lu ible elno iiologicul index. The whole can fully rui.ed and ada ted lo Ihe Ue of Sund.ii School-, B.ble clasces, and Chiislians generally, tndu llishtd u ih innis and tnisraeiiir, edlled by the R. v. 1 ham pat Ion, ai d published by Case, Till'iiny iV Buinhuui; II aitbird, Conn., I b 4 I . This wink ha been highly recoinmen.led hy the following, among othet distinguished divines: Rev. Stephen Remington, pastor nf the Metho dist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, Rev, W. C. Brow nh e, pustor of ihe Middle Dutch ( liurcb, New York. Rev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alexander, Profes a.us iu Primelon Tlteologiral (seminary, N. Jeisey. Rev. C. P. Ctuuth, Preen, nt ot Pennsylvania College, al Geilisbuig. R.v. W Sel.aitti'r, pastor of Ihe Lutheran Church, lliriishurg. Pa. Q'j' ror tale by II. U. Masse r, Agent f.r the Publj hcu. Jsn. ''Jih WEAVER'S HOTEL, Stmburp, Vttrtliundeeltiinl Votmly I'ciuisy liuula. 11111 E subscriber, respcctl'ully inlorms the public that he ha removed lo that large and rommo dious Tavern Stand, at the rorner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of ihe Buck ) formerly occu pied hy Jonaa Weaver, and lately hy Daniel Gib son, w here he ia now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a rail. By strict atten tion to business, and hi utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all. he hope lo receive a liberal ahare of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Matrh 12lh, 1842. CounitrrlHlVi-N' Priilli lllv.' rPhe public will please observe that no Braiidteth Pill are genuine, unless the box ha three li bels upon it, (Ihe top, the aide and the Ixittnm) each containing a f.ic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus H. Bbamhif.th, M. D. These label-ate engraven on sleel, beautifully designed. and done at an expense of over 2,tHU). I In rehire it willa seen Hull the only tiling nrcesaty lo pro- j cure 1 lie medicine 111 lis purity, is 10 observe these labels. Remember Ihe (np, the side, nnd ll.e bottom. The following respective persons tire didy atiln.ri 7.cil, and hutil CERTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Ilrundrcih's Yttfeluhle Vnirertul I'M. Northnmheilai d routitv : Milton Mackey A Chamheihn. Mmbury II. B. M.isser. M'Ewens vtlle liel and At Metxell. N'ortliurn' eilatiil Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Mi.lliiur.-r A. 'o. Union C.Minly: New Berlin John Hollinan, Selirigroe Ever ami Sehnure. Mi.hllehurg Isaac Smith. Beavertown J. At F, Bingaman. Adamshurg H. St. A. Smith. Milllinshurg Swope iV l.uir.l Hartlelon Daniel Long. Free hurg li. fc F. C. Moyer. ('iitrevdle Stniley vV Lenhart. Lewisburg Walls cV. (Sreen. Columbia rounty : Danville E. B. Reynolds iV Co. Berwick Shuman V Ritlenhousr. Cat tawissa C A. fi C. G. Brobts. Blnomsburg John R. Mover. JeiseyTowu Levi Bis. I. Wn shinulon Robt. MiCay. I.iine.-tone D. L. Sehtneck. Obseive that rarh Accnt ha an Engrav-d Pit tilicite of Airenev, containing a tcpics. ntinion ..( Dr BRAND RET II 'S Manulnctorv tit Sim; Smc. and 11 pun ivhich will also he recti exact copies ol the ntie lain is uiiut u.ttd umi tlie llrundrith l'ill lln.n.s. Phili.Mphia, office N'.i. M. North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH. M. D. January 1st. 18IJ. 111 1: A1MEH.ICAN MrDICAI. L1DHARY AMI IVni.lltilAdR. a :.; ONCEN l'RA I ED R.cor.l .1 Medirnl S.i. lire ami l.iteiaiure, I v Kotdev Iltioclison. by Rohlev Dtioclison, i ituli's ol Medicine, ele.. j of Philade'phia, pub- j M. D.. Professor of the Institutes in J rib 1 son Medical t'ollcee lishe.l iiionll.lv hv Adam Waldie, No. 40 Cariien. I. r street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, f 5 a 'ar. Subsctiptious lor the above work rceiied hy Ihe suh-rnU-r. H. B. MASTER, Der. llth, 1811. Aent. FCFk SALE. F OR sale a sinul Farm, c. ml 11111111: about 1 lie hundred and ten ncn , more or le a, situate in Point township, Norihund rrlaml routitv, about two mile above jN'oitliuiubeil mil, no the main road leading from that place In D uiville, adjoining lands ol John l.eghou, Jesse C. llortoti and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty arres of said trait are (band, and in good ' state ol ru'livatniii, on which ll.ere is a small bam ! erect, d. The property will he sold on r. asonuhle teims. For further particular, pcisons are retjuesl- j ed to apply to the rubsriihi r. I H. B. MASSER, Acnt. NovJIith, 18 1 1, if Sunbury. Pa. l'jrri u i)i:vi:i LAST HAKEIE, ! .No. 7 1 t'iiSli.wl.iil Street. i'liil;.lcli.liia I C Three dm.rs almre Sectmd.J I gHOE Findings alvay- .... band, which hi I oilers lor sale on Ihe loe-t terms. Coiiutrj Meich mis arc patticulitly lo till and judge loi llieinselves. Philadelphia. Novrm irr 13. 1841. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NKW KNCI.AND OIL COMPANY. No. '2U Ninth Witter Street, Phih. ANUFAC'I URERS mid dealer in Oils of ! eveiy description both for burning and mauuliiriurina purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and warranted in ipunhly to equal uny in the city. Any oil sold by the company 11. it proving as icpresi tiled, may bt relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, and ihe money will I a' 11 funded. Their slock now in store consists of ihe follow ing oils, viz : HO.UOO gallons inter Bleached Speini HI, fitHKI do do do do do do do Coltulcss Oil 15,11110 lii.niiii Sll.tltlll lit It It I lo.(MII) Fail and Sprirni Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Eh phniil, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale I lil, t 2 m s . T "till Bartel uieiior Sua Oil, ant) do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Neata Fool Oil, To Casks Olie Oil, Tanner's Oil. (Jj 'Phis Company has a number of Yessela en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely U)ii getting al all tunes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1841. ly. G. "7r. &J L. S. TATLC?.. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Murktt Sttetls, F hi lad, I ph iu Mens' Call-skin Boots, stilt lied warranted, do do do pecRi'd do do do do water proof, duul.le soles and double uppers, do ('all-skill do do und uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neat do do. do nailed do 1 1 itfli ipiaitei Shiirs, Call-skill, do do do Crorkorn do do do do do do do do Fine M otirnrk w ar ranted Kip do Cuir do Coarse do do Shoe Fine do do do do do do Kip do do ifo Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sorks wilh and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do La.lus' tanned India. Ruhlmr shots. Gentlemen.' do Overshoes. With every oilier deseiipiioii of hoots and shoes. Fur Capa of every description. Traveling Trunk of every description. Yeneli.in Travelling Dacs. Patent ( ioiit Llastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnet. f ,, kinds. Palm Leaf Hals. Philadelphia, NoumbtT 13, ISil, ly. CEPaTSCLXTE PCLICiH. A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brifliant polish to sil ,vfr' l',m"n t'ilver, Brass, Copper, Btiltania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, aVc TRVIT. Prepared and anJ al wholesale anil relail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, ti. Y. WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1841. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Clicsnut Street, below 4th, l'liilailclphia. "lJjT"EEP conslanlly on hand a general assort menl of Book and Stationary ; comprising TheoloRicnl, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane OUS and School Book. Dnv BooLa nil aiw I ...I. ,.,,, ,0., Family Bihles, Pocket II, Ides, Writitu ; rniers, vv rapping Paper. cVc. Ac, which they ol I ler al tho lowest prices to Country Merchant's IV fesslonal Gi.titlcmcn, 'Pearlier, and all uthrra that 1 may favor ihem with their rustom. Philmlelphia, Nnxoniher 1.1, Ifill. ly. -Tlit liacl Weaver V !iou, RCrE MAKERS & SHIP CXIA1MEIXRS. 13 Knrth Water Street, l'liilmli Ijilna. W WAVE constantly on hand, a general nssorl tLM n'"' of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ar., viz. : lard Riqie, Fishing Jt.tpes, While Ropes, Manil la Roie, Tow Line for Canal Boat. Also, a complete assortment of Siine Twines, Ar. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Tw-ine, Best Potent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herting Twire, fjhoe Threads, A c. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Linen, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Caricl Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on rr asonahle teims. Philade'phia, November 13,1841. ly. Jal I'i ImiiiiIIi Son. lEM'EC'rFI I.LV iuloims their Irnnils and aeii. ncuiiaiiilences i;e icial'v ihnt they still ron- linuf lo keep at the old stand. No. "Hi Noilhy.l sireet. Philadi Ipliia, all 'nds of 'nut.icco s.i . ; ,.- si:t:Al:s. Which they will dell 11 the ii.ji . uicoinmodutili i and ieis.iii.il ic teims. N. B. Ail eo. ds ,i.W 11 .11 I., unlets promptly stl. tidul lo. Philadelphia, N. ieinlei 111, glial lilt, ed lilid i ll 1811 -lv. m rETE?a CClTCVEPa, J Wlnii'.:ilt: iin.l lirtail Slme, l'miiiet, I inn) l'lilm l.t-iil" Ilitt Witit liiiiise. .Y. fifi Snrth "d utriet. a fen- dimes ulmi .re, I'liilailelhiia. ,s()Tr pry des !,. t,e 11 (inks, Cntpet Bag and Valices, of rv- sciiplion, all of which he ullttH for most reasonable terms. Ptuhiilcli hia, November 13. 1841. ly. J . W . is W A N , I'mliieHa ninl Parasol Alantifarturer. Si). 37 AWi Thinl street, rico dimes heaw Ihe City Huh I, Fhiaehljdiiu. COUNTRY Merchants and others, are solicited tu examine his ausotlMrnt hi fore purchasing elsewhere Jl'hilii.'eli hi.i, Novrnilr 11. 1841. ly. P. iJc A. RUVOrilT'S ( 'hina, ( iMnss ami Liverpool Warelioiiso, A'o llii A0W1 Third street, third dmtr belmv 'ine strut, I'hihii.'i Ijihia. 7IinRE they constatitly kcp on hand a large ' nssoilineiit of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei s.mal le terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1S1I. ly. " TIIKOPII.I'S ('U,l'. Maiiiitai'turer ami 1 1 1 j iittr of Sail tllery, llanlware, iVf. .Yo. 5 Smith Third street. four dm.rnheh.tr Market I'hiadi lihiu. P 7" EEP constantly on hand a largp and general lUx n.ro.ii.....,t I'oach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Elipttc Springs. I'mim Leather. A r. Country Merchants and saddler will le supplied al all times on the most reasonable term. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasine elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. KKYNoiT) & CO Wholesale Dealers in Forei'Mi Ihitish ami American Pry ( roods. All. It).'! Market street, l'hi'adejdiia, C10UNTKY Merchants, and other can be up ) plied ut all times with on extensive a-sott-meiit of the best and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable tcrnw. Philadelphia, Novrmlrr LI, 1811. lv. l.0Wi:U vV P.AKUON, Importers and Pealers in Foreign and Pomcstic Ilaiduare, No. 1T1 Noitrit Tin tin Sthut, I'hilaiuli'Hia. A A THERE iheir ftieiidsand lustomers will always " ' find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. ESIIKUICK, 11 ANSELl Ar. CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. i'o. WM Market Street, Phila. (Heine Fifth S.,uthide ) ALWAYS keep on band a full and general a snrtmcnl nf Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are resiertfully request ad to give them a rail and examine for them-elves. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. spi:ki.nc, coop & co. No. l.'l.N Mailer St reel, Philadelphia. BNYl'l'E Ihe attention of Count iy Merchants to their extensile assortment ol Biitith French and American Dry Goods, which they offer lot tale oil the limit teas. .liable It tin. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. lv. WcCALLA km u . llll K'ca.-t No Al, N01II1 S' oikI (cohmu orc.oMii'a iii.xv.x Wheie ihey constantly keep on hand a gencril assortmeiA of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTZKOS, i u great variety ufurtietis if a m, trior tpiuhty, which they oiler to dispose uf upon Ihe most reasonable term. C10U.NTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il lo thi it advantage 10 tall and examine their slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, lt4l. ly jcHiTS trcu"ii::iTGs. WHOUSALB fHOE, BONNET, Cop unci I'atm Leaf Hat Sorr. No. 10S..I T,, 41H etTBiaT. PHILADELPHIA, HFREau ediiisiie atorlmeut of the above " arti. lea are r .it.' taut ly kept oil hand, lor sale at the most reasonable ti run,, May 2 a, 1841.- ly. AN unpnrelleled remedy for common Colds, Cough, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Horchound, Bonset, Blood Roat, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New Yotk. The innorenre nnd nnivrrsallv admitted perioral viitue of the Heih from which the llalnam of llnrehiiand i made, are too generally know n to re piire rcrominon.intiiih ; it is theiefore only nerra ry lo nlisrrve that ihi Medicine contains the whole of their Mnlirinnl properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined w ith scvcial other vege table substances, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, how in use, for ihe cotn plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammntinn and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en nbling the patient lo expectorate with ease and free do.ni, nssutttfes cough, relieve alhmntic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, nnd composes the distutbed nerves, and gives strength to the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy nnd lasting cute. I l. II At II I III ISTHK HASKtiT I'tltMF. IS M.AW. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollata will, (al ihe expense of truth and ho nesty) "riark up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we willing to tematn silent, after having tested the utility of an improvement or dis covery in science or ait. .Our readers will rt collect we told them we were unwi II with a sore throat and violent mid some few week ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM. 0 DOREHOUND, and so sudden was Ihe cure that forgot we ever had a cold. Those wh are atlticicil, may try il upon our recommendation. .liia-Vo'i T'-lrurnih. For sale by HENRY VO.VTHEIMEIf, Sunhurtf, JACOB BRIGHT, yrthuii,t,eratid. Also, ly Druggists generally throughout tho country. Z'j Yiiee, Ml Cf tils per bottle. August 1 4 ili. 184 I. ly. " LIST or ECOKS, ton SILK 1IT 1 " I NTIION'S ( afsical Dictionary; Leniprur's do.; Aiu-woith's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Geiman do.; Ambon's (Vsar; Anthoii's Gianitner; Anthen's Ciivio; Mail's Latin Resdei; I ifjill v's do.; Aniltew's Latin Lessoni; D.11111 gan's Lexicon; Fisk's Gre. k Exercises; Davie-'s Leeeiidet; Giaeca Majora; Adams's Roman Auti.piities; Pinnoik's Goldsmith's Ei gland; do. (i recce Lv ell's Eh merit of Geology, Mis. Lincoln' Bolanv; Elements of Botany; ltridge'a Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical lea ders; Emirsou'a Geography and History; Olney's do ; Parli y's do.; Smith's (irammer; Kirkham's do.: Kay's Read, rs; ('obi's do; Cobb' Arithmetic1.; Pike's do.; Eim rson's do.; t'ibb' fpellinfj Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Lihrarv; C.utace Bible-; Family do; Collater al do,; Small Bibles and Testaments; Patkei's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter' S. int' Rest; American Revolution; Manyatt'a No vels; Mr. Phelp on Chemistiy; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; I.eilerson Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginner-; English Exercisis adapted lo Murray's Granimer; Seipiel .lo Comley's Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daholl's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A ureal variety of Blank Books, &c. , August 2H, 1811. SPANISH -fiZDZaS. TAIVIMURS' OIL AND LEATHER. P. Kill K PATH ICK ,c SON, No. 21. A0.1 Third street, ( II t I W l: t. . VI A II k t.'f .4 Ml I HUM T SintlTtt,) PHILADELPHIA. HA YE for s do 1 large nnd exeillent assortment of Swiij A llidis, I'atna Kip, Tannin' Oil, 4c, at the lowest maikct prices, eithrr fur cash, ic exchange for Leather, or upon ciedit. Consignmi lit of leather received fot sale, 01 purchased at Ihe highest maiket price. Qfj Leather aimed free of charge. -April 17, 1841. ly. More Proofs ttf Dr. llxrlirh' Cumpnund Stre ngthening To nr nnd German Aperient Fills. li. JOHN ROBERI'SON, of Columbia county Ohio, i hsppv to state In the af flicted the great benelils he teceiv.! from the use of the-e invaluable tin dicn es. Beinc atllicted for live or six yenrs with 1 li hints and Xrrrutis Blfertion and its natural ronnpicnres, during w hich time I procund mnnv tnnlicinr-, l ul always found them to antravate the di-ea-es in a greater measure. Seeing these medicine perfoiming cure on many of my I'rii nds, I wa induced to give them a trial. Happy am I to say that the good results were anon visible u hich entirely cured me of that dreadtul ami pi firc-de-tr. ymc disease. I really hope that those similarly i.ll. clcd will see ihe necessity of iju tting the use of such vile and dra-tic compounds some ill it apirir in the public prints, ivhich I sm fully peiRiiaded almost cost mv life, besides bringing oil the piles, which fir itnue incteasi'd my di-eas . I heard say by many of my intimate friends, that the same vile compounds fixed tin m the same way. I feel confident that if persons ue those "Drastic Me dicines" according lo their directions, that they will give any fierson ihe pihs. YYhen commencing with Dr. Harlich's Medi cines, 1 found ihem lo he an invention, viz.: an Aperient Medicine, to carry ofTall diseases and im purities from Ihe system, arrompanied with a "Strengthening Tonic" medicine, to give strength and tone to the system and reanimate the functions of the animal economy. These medicines are tru ly invaluable, and Ihe best extant. JOHN ROBERTSON. Attest W'n. Fit? r tr hick, A SriHiiouK, Coluiobia count", Ohb,, May 10. 1MI0. Ptrit ripal Ollicc' for ihe United Mates, No. 10 North Eigl.t.'i stieei, Pbiladelplita. HENRY YOXTHEIMEK. '"... Uth lsli. Agint. . IniiMii liint ai nlnur. 7'( n. trim mgltct a Cold. j .i' c . ,1 ,nir. j T T is v lient. and derided by the most evperfi eel : I pby-ieuins, that Coxst-vi rrio ia 1110. 'ly encon- rag. d hy a neglect of a Co'.l at the first attack. How many persons are thete ih t put oll'lroin time lo time procuring a suitable medicine, until ihe dis ease begin t 1 assume a serious character, when in all pmKiMlity ihev are past the p .Wer of 111. dical aid. May lhe-e line prove a warning lo thiise af llicled w.th the first symptoma of Consumption, thai they may immediately u-e Dr. Di hcam's Ex e:cTOHVT, Rim nr. which is expressly for disea se of ihe Respiratory Sy-t,-m. It is ceitaiu lo re move a Cough in a lew days, at the same time re lieiing tbe pain in ihe side and breast, and ariK ing the pmitreMiol'ihal fatal disease Coosutr.iaion The Eipectoiaut Remedy his a decided adviwlagn over all nth. r prvpsritions. h is rnlirely free from Opium, and all other violent Narcotic. lieav lutes Ihe y sletq, and gives strength In the weak ati.l nervous. For sale at No. 19 North Eighth alitx't, Phil .de'phia, and iu Sunbury. ' the t..re tt ' HENRY YOM'HEIMER, Sept. loth, IS 13, Agent.