1IAXK SOTIi l.I.T. lI'XSVI.TMi. Thef.dtowiiiR list Rlifltra'xi'icTurrc'MI value of (til fVniisvtvania Hank Notts. The most itnf 1 i-it te fiairrcmay I placed upon it, an -t I i-pfv-y trvrA ein fully eompnrcil with nt J corriT cd honi Hi. k licfi's Reporter. iMnUn In l'liir.KlrliililiK Ntiu Loot.... liM Prut to. N 0 TTf AT Att, TCnnk nf North America . , It rink of the Northern .ii!-rtie . Commercial Hank of Pciin'n. . , Fntmeis' ami Mechanics' Hunk Kensington Dank . . Fhilndt;llhi bunk Schuylkill Hank . . , Hiiiilhwnrk Bank , . Western Bank . . . Mechanics' Hank . , Country Itnult. rtunk rif Chester Counlv Westchester mr par r i:ir par i;ir p-.r Tlce i H's-es III lllll Untik of Delaware County H.itik of (Jcrmnntnwn Hank of Montcomcry Co. Thiylrslow n Unnk Easton l):iiik Farmers' Unnk of Huck co Ollice of Itimk of Peon's. Office do do Ofnro do o Office do do Chester (icimnntown Nmristnw n )il I. HtlUVII Easton Hri tol narri-Mug Lai c .sh r Reading Easton J issue h NOTES AT DJSCOl'N T. nnnk of the United States Philadt Iphia ri.Obl'ill 1 Hank of JVnn Township irmnl Rank Manufacturers' fc Mechanic' Hank Moy amensuig Hunk Hank of I'cunst Ivjinia . 4()iiU. It a 15 IS . 7 8 CaV 12 Miners' Dank of IVttsvillc Hank of Ltwistown Hank of Middlctown Hank of N'orthumlictland Cnlumhta Unnk & Uritlgc co. Carlisle Hank Exchange Uunk Jli do liriMK-h of Fanner'' Hank nf l.nncastci laincastcr County llm.k Fanners' Hank ut Reading Hnrrishuig Hank I. minister Unnk Lelmnon Hank Merchants'. Miinuf. Hank Hank of I'itlslillTD" I'ot'aville e wist own Miililletown Ni'ilhiiinbcrldnd Columliia ('arlislp l'itlhl nip Hiithdavt-l'Urs: l.lllKMIl'l l.i.nc.stcr Hi Nllillg 1 ai r iluit t; J.miii- iu r l.chuin n Filtsl'ini; 1'ittshuig Ci.7 I West Hianch U.nik Wyoming Hunk Northampton ll'lllk lU Ato County Hank Office of Hank ol II. S. I ) -do do lo do do Kensington Sav, Ins. A Pcnn Township Sv. Ins. Hack of ('handle rshurg Hut k of Cettyshurg Hunk of Susquehanna Co. Erie Hank Fnin-.crs' cfc Drover' Hank Fianklin Hntik Houcsd.dc. Hunk Moiini, guilds Hank of U. Yoik Hunk W 1 1 1 i.i m i.- ii r( i kesiinru lOulC J7 A lie Mow 11 iii admit J'ltuhurg llrie New l'ricliliin do do ('Imiiln il'iiig (I tl)l lllg Montiose 1'iiu W'livneshu rg M anliin(!loii HiIIiCmIiiIo Urouiihvillc York N. U. The notes of those hunks on which we omit quotation, and suhstitutc a dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philadelphia limkers, with tlie excretion of those which have a letter of ri finnce. H 15 C K K N U A N K S. Philadelphia iHV. loa. I'luladelhia failed do failed do filled Dyotl, prop.) failed 'J owandu Inileil Hi illiird no Kale Heaver . cliid Hanishurg lu.eil Wushin)iton failed l!i Ih lulile ch sul 1'ittshuig no sale I'lllal urg failed Fayette co. faded (iieencast e - fiuletl Hanuony no sale Huntingdon no sale l.ewislown no s. ilc W'.irnu faded Dlllldair III) ule New Hope cliiscd M i i lo ii no sale MciitWille. closid I'ort 'in lion I;. ii. il I Carlisle fuihd Montii.se rinsed I nioiiinwn - failed (reciiKl.urg closed Wilkeah.irre no suit) I'hiludelphia Loan Co. "'chuy Ik ill Suv. lua. Manual Lalmr UaiiK (T. W 'i'owanda Hank Alleghany Hank of I'a. Hank ol Heaver Hank ol iSwalura Hank of Washington Centre liank City Hank Farmers!' & Mech'ca' Hank FnimerH'& Mceh'c' Hank Kunnrr'&. Meth'ca' Hank Haimony Institute Huntingdon Hank Juniata Hank l.uinla'rmeii's Hunk Northern Hank of I'a. New Hope Del. I!iiile.e Co. Noilhuuili'd I'uioii Col. lik. Koith West, rn Ha'.k of I'a. Ollire ol Schuylkill Hank I'a. Acr. ct Miinuf. Hank Silver Lake Hank Union Hai.k of I'cnn'a. V estnioreland Hank tiki slmrre limine Co. All notes uiKiitii'K lo he on any I'ennsyU vaniu Hank not given in the uhoxe list, may he set down a frauds. KKW Jl.lvMlV. Hank of New Hiunawick Hruiiswick failid Uelvideie Unnk Hurlingtou Co. Hank Commercial liank CumUrl.ind Hank Famii-i' Uaiik Farmers and Merhanics' Hk Farmers' and Mu tiHinrs' Ilk Fannera' and Merc haul' Hk Franklin Hank ol N. J. l!i Ivnleie Mullurd I'crih Amhoy llridiielou Mount Holly liuhway N. Iliutiswii k Mnhlletnwn 1't. 1 i pur ; 0 ' I p,. ; par i 1 1 failed : C.y fail.d fail. ,1 lulled lailid lulled Holii'ken likV Ciioiing Co Hohukeu Jeisey City Hank Ji isey C'iiy Mecl.unns' Hank Maiiuliuturi rs' U.nik Morris Con.pany Hank Muiimuu'.h Hk of N.J. Michamca' Hank Mcchanirs' and Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and Hkg Co Post N'otca Ntwaik Hk(t & 1 1 1 k Co New Hope Del nudge-' Co N. J. Manufiic. ni.d'Hku I o J atlcisoii Fin hold Nt w aik 'J'n Men Jciny City failed I'll Sill. Niwuik l.ali I i 1 1 s lite Hoi ukeli 1 j l.nl. ,1 la led f ill. .1 1 p.o I'.o I N J I'rolectoii & Luiiiliutd I k Jeisev t'nv I (range Hank 1'alirsun Hank I'mplra' Hank I'linceloli Hank Salt in Hanking Cu Slate Hank State Hank Slate Hunk Slate Hank of Morris Stale Hunk Salem and I'hilad Manuf Co Sukm'I Hank Tienioii Hanking I'niuii liank Washington Hanking Co. I 'ninpe I'ali isull do I'l iiiiili.it Sail m Niwatk '1. Iva.M luVou n t 'aiiiil ii Monislnw 'J n Moll Salt ui .Ni w ion Tlel.U.ll 1'roer Hat kelisat k foil. .1 hllll II I I I' ' I ' fall, ii lti.i.i 4iti:. lik of Wilm A. Jlraiidy Mine' i million Hank ol Delawan W ilinn.gtou Hank uf Smyrna Sn yn.a Do lianch Milloid Farmer' Hk of Stale of Del Dov i Do hunch Wiliniti!:lDii Do hiuriih (ieuigi toivn Do hraiub Nevkcualle I'uioii Hunk W ilmington (Vj I'ndei 6'a r i par I '" par p.r par par par r J' On til t anks mt'ked thus () there are ei llit i tuunterlcit or khriid liulta ol ike Vatluus de- Mouiinauona, in emulation. The best nulheitl for the Abolition nf Disease is In i ll ni.e purity the Unity. it w; ii i s bmi i v i:. i:taiii.i: iiim,s or t tin rrUt x.'hnerlciiii 4 nil me vt llaillh, Are now niknowli'ilfteil to he the hest Mcilicine Hip orlil lor the rure ol KVKRY VARiKTV C)F DlSlUFK. I gKt'Al.'MK tiny ronii'ptcly clraime the oto- I mil li mid I'ihm Ib fioin ih. re hillii.tm and ror- I rnl hninor which are the enuxe tint only of 1 Headache, ( iiililim s., 'ii!iitiition of the lleitt, ' IVn iu the Hi tica, Ulu tnnutiMii nnd ( ii.ni, hni ! rvt iy innlii.'v ii cidi 1 1 In tn.ill. fSAIlt l.MUAN ' VI;(.;T.H.1: Pll.l.S are a r. ruin run- f.r in ; t' In t ent, u'miilid. iicrvoim. iiill.imi.l." V mill im rid par par ir par par par uir mr mr mi Fever". Iire.m liny rleaiian the p.nly fiiu tho-e in. ii liul lu niorn, w hich, w hen ruiilineil to the rite il lation, are ihe cause of nil kinds of Fl' V. KS. So, nVo, vi hen the Fame impui ity i deposited on the nemhinip and uiusele, cms. in; p ins, influna- I on and awelliiiua railed h'l I F.l . M A TISM. Ci; T, At. W riiiln's Indian Y t!chil'le Fills may I I relit d i ii an alwats rrt iiu to yive nlief, anil it pvtsrvcird with, neroidlut! lo dilutions will most i.ssiiHil'y, and without ful, n ake a peifccl ril r ot ti e ah. ve pamfi I u aladnft. Fumi three to six of F..d Inilian Vi (tehih'e Fills t.kiiieviry nieht an it g to hed, wi'.l in a shmt time so completely ml Ihe Kiily from eveiv thing thiil in i.pp. scd to health, thai Kl.i-iiin ai-io, ( nil. in il p .in nl cvety descrip lion, will he Im tally DU1YF.N FIMM1 Till; lltt I'V. Foi the s nie icavmi, when, Iruin sodileti i hni pes of atn o-phi to, or any other cause, the pci- I spiialton ise! irkid. nn.l the l.iimoi n wh i ll should p i s nil hv ih.- skin are llouwu inwunllv. cniiniiii! j JIKADACIli:, (illllMM'.SS, n uscii and sii k- lusn, I mil iii the lulu a. wa'eiy and ii llained ryes-, ! sore throat, honrscnc-s, rougl-.a, fonsnin lion-, I rhcuio.it'r pains in vaiioos parts of the hody. and j many otlnr svmp'nnn of CA'M'lll.Mi tittl.D, j W'riglil' Indian Yrrtnl,!e I'Hs will iniirtahly I give in.inrili le n liel. I'r. in tlnee In six of said Fills laki n evpry niuhl on goimt lo hi d. w ill in a i shmt time, not only motive all the nhove unpli as ml i sni,. ins, hut the Imdy w II. in n shorl lime, he I ii .-lured to i von founder heal h than hefi'ie. I AS'I H MA. on DIFFICULTY UF IIHF.ATII I IXti. Yr;Kl,t' huhm Fff, ,,. i'Uh will lo. s i eu mid car. y ell, l y llie tUi.iuih nod howeia, tlns-p j lough phhgniy huiimr-, which stop up all the air ! cells ol the lunga, and iirp the ratine, not only of the ahove disin sning e 'inplaint. I lit when neuieeied, oltcii leriiiinales in thai n o rdiMiilfti! malndv niiled CONSUMPTION. It -hou'd h- nls-iiieme'ii,het.d Ilia' Wriiilit's hulitiii 'i gtnl.lr t'illt area cerlain cine !..r PAIN INTIIK SIDM, )ppres-i,.ii, nau sea, niiil mi lilies. Io n i f iiiiiii ti e. costivrn. sa. a - yellow tirgp ot ihi kill mil ivrs. and i very other sytnploio I a ti rp:d ui d.si ased state of the hvir; I ecaime they purge from 'he hody ll ose impurities which if ih posited upon this important organ, are th.1 cnu-e of eery variety of LIVFK COM PLAIN T. hen a tiatn n iscoinu'sed ly liot , oinhreakn and ri hellion, the only Moans ofpr.venl ilig the dreadliil cunn iiieiices of a CIVIL WAIi. is lo expel all trai'ois, and evil disposid i tu from the country. In like inuuticr, w hen pain or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the hody is strug gling with inten id Iocs, the line remit! v is to I'LL ALL MUK1II1) 111 MOKS, (Traitors to hraltli ami life.) Health will lie the certain rttult. That the piinciple of curing disease, hy cleansing and pmilying the hody, is Hi icily in accord nice with the laws which govern Ihe animal iconoinv; and if properly ran led out hy thr Use nf the ahovp named W'UKiHT'iS INDIAN MHiCI'AULK PILLS, will ceitainly risull in the complete Aho lition ot Disease ; we idler the following testimoni als, fium ariuui of the. highest re-perialnliiy in New York, who Iibvp lerrntiy heen ctiicd of the ii.iisl ohstinnte rouipiaints, solely hy the Use of Wim, ui' Imhu Yioktihlk Pill, of the i'urlh American Colli gr uf Ihuili : JiMir, L. I., JuncOiti. I f3 1 1 . Doctor William 'right Dear Sir It is with treat snti-faction I inform you of ;.iy having heen iiilire'y rureil ot Dyspepsia, of five yrars standing, hv die use ot your Iiiiin Vi.n r.n ni.K Pn.i.n. Pn vii. u to mee'ing wih your relchiatid nndi cine. I h id lin n under the hands of several Physi cn.i s. and had tried vniions niedieiuis; hut all to no elVcct. Alter using one 8 ft cent hox of your Pills, however, I experienced so much U'i el'il, lint I ie-olvi d to ic rsctcie in the use of tin 111 acconhni; loil.rrctioi a, which 1 am happy to slate, has le-ult-rd in a peitecl cure. Ingralilinle to you foi the great hem fit I hiive leeeiied, and ul-o in the hope lhalothirn siniilaily r tlhcti d may he iniluied to make lii.il of your i x'nii.iilinny meilicine, I send you this statement wnh lull hheity to puhlish the same, if xou think pr..ier. Yours. r. New Yo.k, June 111, ISII. II. C. ULACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetiihle Pills. Dear Sir I have heen afflicted for several yeaia with inward wcakpesH and general dehtlily, nccom p Hilled at times Willi pains in the side and oiht r distressing ruiiiplaiiiis. All.i haini; tried vain, us , ni. I'ii'ines w i" lion 1 1 11. ci. I was persuaded hv a ti lend i lo make trial ( I Dr. Wiight's Indian 'i tielal.le 1 Pills, which I urn hppv lo state, have relievfd me in a most wi luh iful maiiiu r. I have u-cd die me- 1 du ine, as yel I'M u slnnl tune, nnd have no ilonht, I h a pi rsi ler incc to the u-e i t Ihe medicine arcor- ; ding lo iljieelioiis. 1 1 1 1 I shall in a short time le: pi it. cdy le loie I. i 1 ii, i. si w illii glv reci iniiii ml said Pills loi.llper- 1 sons siuulai Iv i lllieied, at d in ihe lull heliillh.il lies .me I an i lietal resu Is w ill full.w tin il Us. , I re- I main Joins sinieielv. HI'.NRY A. FOO'J'F. Waiwarstng, Ulsiet cu. N. Y Niw Yoiik, Sept. VIO. 11. This is tn certify that I have used Wmiuht's ImiIi n.lTAhl l. I'll la with the gleatest hene- Iii : l.a n tl i li in U clued my sell of 1 1 e in ijm lit at ' lu ks ol Si. k llcnilai he, to w 1 1 Ii h I had pit vmtislv ( I ceu sot Ji it. ANN M AUI.VI HOMI'SIIN. ' Mi (ireenwich sna'. N. V. j To Mr. I.'ichaiil 1). inn., Agenl lor W light's In dun Vi getahle ''l is. i r.i ri .. j As 1 1 1 le 'lie al this lime IlililiV W ii Kctt plTsoliM i .i si i iipaui d lo s. 1 inu a eelinl. rleli ui. iheine un- ; iii I lie in. li ii "I ihe Indian Vigil il le Pills and hs i I i ir i'i r 1 1 ale n i li are so uni i Iv n i kl. s uf 1 1 li- I : 1,1'iie. s, tl.nl in in v lalnalle I vis may he hsl in j I . ui s. iiu l i e ol Usinc cir I'rei illul cenipi III d-, 'he pol I e in i I'liiiiti'in d r.aiiist pinctiH-iiiu anv I I U. ii i . Ii ss on the idler ot the hulls the hllowing iii i.h ni! is t' liinl : v i.it.ii i 's i.muan i:ci:tai!Li: pills. (Iiitln.ii J'liinl.er.) ui int. von I II amihiiv ioiiii.k or III I Til. A.ii.l a'-sn lo l e especi'-llv eunlul iicailisl purcha--n v sod iiicicine ot any person except the rcgu I .1 a.'lerl-sed aeenis. , At. i ms i-tut Mumti MiiFja.Ayji ct, '( iiititi num. II. It. Massi r, Sunl iiry I'aMie A; Hose, Nor ihi lul.i il uni J.icoh Hi as, Sl.amokin Samui I : Hi ih, Mahonoy llyerly A D. Ila i, Augusta I I I Hem r A Fullmer, Milton lielmul .V Meix.ll, Mi Lweusvi'lr P lei A Deaimond, Turhutkvdlr J nits I'm! Potlsgrovi II Klase, Snv derslow li II. 11. K i u i,. I, P. M.. P.Kshurg P. (). W m. Li I i mint;, P M. Uliiol) Comer. 1 Ilia e i.i.d Omeiul Di pol for the vale of Wrigil't hnliun Ytgrtul-tr i'lA, holt-sali- and I.Yi.il.No. K'J KACU s'l'ltLK I', PHILADEL PHIA. May 'il, IMJ. ly ROSE OINTIVIDNT, ron i i:i i i:u. HINinVOIIM, t'HII'l.l'K ON THK l'A( H, AMI Ol IIKU 'TAm:oi mi ri tts (rV 7'Af fiifniiu'ne ctrtijiru'r tft sn ilirs nnr nflhe hiii'I t.rtrwirttittary run enr tjfrvliil fit any in vjipliailiim riilLAlici.PHiA, Fehitiaiy tn, IOH twenty yraia I wan arverely alllirtril with Tt.TTKii on tho Faee nnd Head: the dmrasp rnnitniiirnl when I wan r-evenleen yeara old, and continued until the Fall ol I8:i. v.uv-inp, in viiv lemr, htil w iihont ever disnpiienrini?. DnrinR most of ti e time, (irvat part of my fire wancovend with the eruption, freiiently attended with vio'eitt itch intt; my l.p.id oivilnl nt tiim-H until it li lt na if it would I'tirtt the Mvelliu win ao cieit. thril I mm Id , cearei ly Ret my hut on. During the long period thiil I wax alliielei) nth the dtwein'e, I ttmM a treat maiiV a plii atiull', (aini'tm them acveial eeli hrnled prep Hal ion-) as Will an tukinu inw.i'd reincdiea. including a luinilx r of ImiIi a of Siciilm's 1'iiniirtii. I'.j lrucl of Sargtipiirilhi, Ve, In lucl. it wnitlil he inip'i-ail le tn einiineiaie all the tneiheiiien I lined. I wn uli-ii iimlet the care of two of ihe mot din-tihgui-lic.l physician of thin ci'v, l ot without re rcivini; in ch hen lit, anil I di npaircd nf ever hcing eon d. In the fill of H:;0, the ilisia e i.t the time heing vi ty violent, I roiiiiueneeil minis tlie Jlimf Oinliiinit, (prepared hy Yalighaii oV Davia.) Ill a f w ai plicaliona the violent itchina. eiaseil, the wcllicii nha'rd. the i ru:ai.in heitnn to ilis'i; penr. anil hi fore I had nn d a j ir the ih ease win innicly cuii'il. It h.n tioiv lu ll m ar'y a Vi ar and a hail since, mid there in not a vcsline of the disen-e rc inaii'tin;. rrepl li e scars trmii the deep pit- funned hy the di-case. It i impi s-il.e for me to dcscril e in a ei Ttifu-.uc the seventy ol ihe iliscioe sml my milV.riie;. hut I mill he pie aid to eie a fuller ac count to n 1 1 v person naulii.K lurlhcr satisfui Hull, who will e ill on me. At the lime I eon ini i.ee. I usinc the li sc (linlmilit I would huve I'iuii huu ihciU of tin Ims to la' rid of the dikcuso. .vnne in sing it, I have recninini liih d it to sevi r d pcisous, (anions ihcui my niolhei, w Im had ihedi-ca-c hail Iv on her am.) who w. re a I cured hv it. .1 MF-S DI'KNHI.U No. ISC, HaceSt. Qj- 'l ie Hose l)inlincnt in piepiuid hv II. H. X'aii.-hno, Soti h l'asl eomer of 'I'lnrd and Knee stiei I -, I'l.i adi Ipl.iu, and sold on aticncv in unhu rv. hv II. II. MAsKI!, M .y I ttli, IS 12. Agent, Eto-c Oiuf iiit'ict, lot- 'E'clU r. rrioor or rr.s 1:1 ricwY. I nn iu.i t in , May ti? tli. ls:l'.l. rpiUS in to certify llnii I wn n, vere!y alil eicil with I rt'ir in the hands nnd fuel fur iipwunln ot forty V earn ; tlic ilise ise w as atlciidcd n nerallv 1 w"l 'M'cl.l itchtliu ami swelling. I iipplietl to i niilulii r ot ph stei -lis, imd usttl a ireat uianv iipph ca'ioiis wiihulit i llecting a cure. Ahnnt ayar since. I npphed tit Rose Oiiitiiieul. which cutirtlv sli,.pi il the lleluiii!. and a few apphcali inn inline, I;. al.lv inn d ihe ih-ease, which there I, as h. eu no r. linn ol, Hllhouzh I had never Is-eii lid ot il a any time lor forty yeais. liM'H Ahl) SAV.M.K, Lhvriilli, In low Snuee Stietl. (jj-The Rose Ointiiienl i- r. pared hy K. H. Yaiiuliiiu. S .tut) Fast comer of Third and Race Stieels, Philadelphia, and s. Id on nji nrv in Siinliu rv l y H. 11. M ASF.U, ' May Mth. lsli. Art. ME DIC AL ArrKOBATIOIT Of tin A'O.S; tH.JMi:.'lfir letter. I.TllULtill the superiority ol ihe prepaialiuti uM-r all otlu is is fully rn'ahlitit-il, the roprie tors take pleasure in hiving hefore the puhlie the f.. Mowing certificate from a rnsa-clahle physician, a graduate of thn University of Pctiiisylvanin. Dr. Haiitth, having found in thin lemrdy that icliel f r a tcdii.us and disagrecahl.- alli-i lion which the nit-mis wilhiu the range of his proles-ion failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his appiohation, nlth. null the prejudices and ir.ti rests of that prole.-sion an i ppost'd to secret Remedies. Phii.au i.i'iiix, Si pt. 19, 15:11'.. I was recently liouhhd w itii a tedious herpetic eruption, w l.iih em en d ntarlv one si.'e of my face, arid extended over the ear. Mr. Vaugliau. pioprii -lot of the liose ( lintinei.l, ohsciviug my fai r, nism led tin mi I. yini! his .iep...aiiui. .t wtiu-U he han ded me a j ir. AUliuuli in coiiimou with the luein-ht-is ol my profession, I discount! name and disap prove ol the numerous nostiums p.iliutd upon the pill. lie hy i-jnoi nut pn temler-, I f. el in jim u e hound to ex ii pt the Rise Oinluu nt lnun thai can of me ihcincs, and to give it my apptohaiioo, as it t utire ly i Med ihe eiuptiou, although il hid resisted the u-ii.d npphcitious. HAM. II I (.11, M. D. Qj The li.iM- Oiiiluiei.t is pieparid hy L R. Vauuhan, South Fast con er i-l Third and I! ice Sneets, l'ni!adelihia, ami sold u ng. ucv in Smi Liiiv. hy II. U. .MASKR. Slav 1 1th, IS 13. . .!-.!. ECLTON 8c CO. 'ii-i ;il oiimiissittii lt-i i liiiii'si, I'ur the Sale uj I'lmtr, drain, Utttl, .c. IPI'. i I I LI.Y inform iheir Iri.n.U and jjfi the Merchants generally, 'hat they hate ta ken those large mid commodious Whin v. s, w ilh two Dm k, ninth ot Chesnul strett, on the D. law ire. lunell.er w ilh the sluie No. IU South Wh-irve-, when- they would he plea-ed M red IV e colisii;ii-ini-nls of (train, Flour, Sc. ,, Whiskey, Iron, At. Ac. Hcini! also well piepaied In forward all kinds ol Merchandise hy the Schuylkill and Union, or hv the ClieaH ake and Tide Water Canals, as low lands are kept expiessly foi the purpose uf towing hunts hv t i I er route. Men hauls will ple. se he pnlii llhir to send their giMnls desiined hy eiiher canal-, to No. IU South halves, helweeo M.nket ami Chtsiiul sine's, on Ihe Detawitre, w ilh diiectiulis iicromp my ing ihcui which route ihey wish them to la- shipped. j Plaster and Salt for sale, al tin- lowest mar ket price. RllLTON A C . March 10, IS 12. No. I U Somh W h lives. -GE BIBLE Ml rtuii.Y i:isrrtt. (tx two v oi.r vi ks.) 'ON'TAIMM! ihe Old and New Ttsiument, ' with piai-iiil expo.-ui. lis ami explanatory Holes, hv Tlioiua- Wilhains. Author of "ihe Ai-e ol Infi ll, hi y," -i. l.iiii iiy 1. 1 ail Riligi us Ileiioiuiua liuiis," At. To which lire added ihe r f- icnei s and in.. ruin.. I iia.luu-s i f the Poltglotl Hi le, tuge, In r w ilh tutt-nial notes and rtl.elii.s fiom llnvler' l 'on ri Iii iisim- Itihle, and o hel sluuiluiil w. rks inn. .dm lory ami com lulling nuiaiksoii cull hook ol the o d and new 'I'cs'aiiient . and a v, luahk l ino in logical iiiilt-x. The whole raiclully n vised and i.d.i led lo liie Use ol Siiinl iy School-, II, hie el isscs, al d Cluislinns gcnerallv, unlit lit ft,, il nil, mapx mill I ii ;:n 17 )..', i-diled hv the R. v. l ham pal loll, aid piihhslitd hy Case, Till'.my A Lluii.hum; Hanhir.l, Conn., Ih i I. 'I his wink has heen higl ly recommended hy the full, wiiii:, iiiiioi g other distinguished divines: Rev. Stephen Renin gh.n. pastor nf the Meihn disl Fi Iseopitl Church, lliooklyii. Rev. W. Hrownlte, pastor of the Dulch ( lunch, New Voik. Ivev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alex luhr toi in Prim etou Theologir I S. in i.iirv , N Middle Profei- Jcisey, Rev. C. P. Ciaulli, Piesidenl ol Pt-niisy it aula College, ill (.'eily sl.uig. Rev. C. W Schai llei, pastor of the Lullicrau Chun h, II iriishi.rg. Pa (j j- For sale hy JI. H. Masstr, Au'enl f.r the PlilM litis. Jail. 'JUitt Ibii. WliAVlDU'S HOTEL, Snubury, .Vtirtlitiniberltinrl Count yf Viinsylt ;uil:i. rilll1! suhsrnher, respirlfully inlorms the puhlie I t Ii nt lie has removed to that Inrye iitid rummr). diuua Tavern Siatid, al the porner of Market ami Fawn streets, (sign of the I luck ) foimeily oeeii. pied hy Jonas Weaver, and lately hy Itiniel (ids on, where lie ia now prepared to aecominiHlnte all who may favor him with a call. Hy aitit-t atten tion to l-imincss, ami his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction tnall.hu hopes to receive a lil.eral share ul puhlie palrotingp. ClI AKLHiS W EAVER. Suiihmv, Match 12lh, 1H13. 1 oiliili l f 1I s' Iri-iilli Itlow. rPhe pul lie will ptrase ohserve that Ho Hramhcth Pills are genuine, unless the him Im three j M upon it. (the top, the aide and the hnttom) each containing a fic-siinilr signature of my hand writing, I It li st 1). Ilii ANiniKTit, M. D. These In. het-aie etmrnveil on sleel, heniitifully designed, and done at an expense of over $3,(100. Therefore it will he seen thai ihe only thing n'ressary lo pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to ohserve these laheln. Rememher the lop, the aide, and tho holtom. The following respective 'wrsons are duly aulu.ri zed, ami hold CEUTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of ISiuntirrtli't Vegetable I'ltictr.sal l'ilh. ( N'orthumhcilai d rountv : Milton M m key A ( ' Ii t ii 1 1 t-i 1 1 ii . Sunlniry II. It. M tsner. M'l.rens ville lid ittd tSt Meixdl. Noriliiiml eilund Win. Fornvih. (lenigetowu F. Midlmg.-r ov Co. Union dimly; New Ilerlui .1. hu Hoffman. Selmsprote Lyer and SVlmiire. MiilMeliuig Isinc Suiiih. Heavcri'.iw n .1. Ac !'. tlinunman, Adauishiirn 11. A A. Smith, Mililtiishuig Stvope A Laird ll.i'tlcloii 1 init I Long. Free hlirg (i. Ac F, C. Moyer. (a nlrevd'e Slailev A. Lenharl. Lewi-huru Wnlln A (Jieen. ('oliimlii.i county : D niville II. 11. Rey nolds A Co. Herw-ck Sluiinau A 1! Ilelili.'ii-e. ('al law issa ('. A. A C. ('. Hrol tn. l)loom-"l.liri; .Inhii R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi His. I. Waj sliiiiutori Roht. Mil, 'ay. Limestone -D. L. Schmcck. Ohseive ih it each Acent has an Fnnr.iv.d Ci r lilicat.. of Agency, coiilaining a repres- Million ot Di ItRANDKKTII'S Manuhictorv at Sing bine, and upon which will also he seen exact copies ol the uric lubcin new until llion the Jlriimrilh J'HI llo.em. Phil idelphia, OiTice No. S, North Hli slreet. IJ. URANDRI-M H.M.D. .1 iinnrv 1st, IS',3. i in: AMERICAN HirDICAIa X.mHaTi.nV A Ml i i e.i.i.K.E'AC c:c. CONCF.N'I RA I LP i;......l ot Medical S. i .nee and l.iliia'lire, ly Rohlev I lunulison, M. D Prolessor ot the liisiiuio ot Mi-.lieiio-, etc.. in .It Ihison Med un I Colleut- of I'lilla.le'plia, puis. IihIipiI iuontl.lv hy Adam W'.ddie, No. 1(1 ('nr)a'n li r strett. Phil. ul. Iphia. Suh-erip'iou price, Jft a t ar. Suh-ciiptions for the ahove work r.et itt d hy the suh-rt.her. 11. II. MASSJ'R, ' Dec. Illh. Ill. Ai'int. FC3, GALE. (I sale a sina l I umii, com lining nhnut ntie Inn. died and ten ai res, im.re or le a, situate in Point township, Noriliiiml i-rland Ci iinti, ahi.ut two mile nhnvp Noithuinheil nd, on the main road leading from that place to Danvillo, adjoining lands of John Leglinu, Jesse C. Hortoli and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. Al iuil forty acres of said tract are lean d, and in good stall- of cii'tivalioii, rui which there i u small hum erect d. The property w ill In-sold on r. asonnl.le lei ma. For fiuther particulars, persons ure rcipieH ed to apply to the ml sciih. r. H. H. MASS.-:R, Agent. Nov. 27 III. 1 Ml 1 . if Siinhurv. Pa. I'KTI It )KVr.l'.S. LAST KAKHH, i. 7 I Citllnwliiil Sued, J'liil.iilcli'lii;! C Tim c tlm.ru tiborr Srriimt.) iHOR Finding always kept on hand, which lit olTers for sale on the loe t leims. Counii) Merch nils are partituiirK- lo (ill ulnl judge foi thcmselies. Philadelphia, Noxein nr Id, 18-1 1. ly. OF F FRY HIX RIPI ION. SVsW i;.'(.l..M) Oil. COMPANY. No. '!i Nnrili W.-iti-r Stit t-l. l'liila. ANUFA(y'TURKRS and dealer in Oils of every description hoih for hurinng ami manufacturing purposes, which will he sold much lower than they can he procured e'sewhero, and warranted in ipiality to npinl any in the city. Any oil sold hv the cunipany not proving as lepre nnted, may lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will he refunded. Their stock now in store consists ol the follow ing oils, vi? : :i0,(100 gallons Winter Hleachcd -icini Oil, COUO do do d.) th) d.) do do Ci.liules Oil lft.000 1 0,001) 20.000 (iooo is.coo Fail and S riii Sperm Oil, Winter S, a Kh phalli, do Pie.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common W hale Oil, 200 Harrds'supi riot Sha Oil, :ill) do Cod Dank Oil, Ml dn Nea's FiMit II I, Ih Casks Olive Oil, Tnnuer'a ' tils. This Companv lian a numher of Vessels' en gaged in the Cod Fishirv, nnd Tinners may rely upon celling ot all limes Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. Id, 111. ly. G. W. & L. B. TAYLCB.. d XPFKR FOR SALF, al the South Fast Cor IP tier of l iflh and Murhtt Stittts, t'hilutltl fthia Mens' Call-skiu Hoots, stilched warranted, do do do ta-ijuiil do do dn du water proof, duul le soles and douhle upin-rs. do ('all-skill do do and upers. du Heavy Water Leather Hoots, do do Nt-ats do do. tin Hik'll tpiarlei Shoes, Cnlf -kill. tin tin tin Clinkers do do nailed th) Fine Monroes warranted do Kip th) do C.df do do (Vaise do do do Shoes do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do till do Calf and Seal Skill Pumps, do List Sock with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do Jo Ladies' tanned India Ruhher shots, (it title mens' tin Overshoe. Widi every ollior desciptiou of hoots and time. . "Fur Caai nl every description, Travell tig Trunks of eiery tlesc ription. Yi-hfii iii Trm.lling llajs. Patent t ii. in IMasiic Slioc Plli kiliu. R Is ot all kinds. Palm Leal lUls. PhiUdeli lua, NoumUi 13, 1HI. ly. CHP.TCCLITE PCLir.E. A N arlicle uneiualled lor cleajiing and giving a highly ilur.ihle and most Imfliaut polish to sil ver, (ierman Silver, Hrass, Copper, Hrittaiiia Ware, I'm, Shel, Cmh ry, and lor restoring the lustre on varnished carriage, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and ud nt wholesale ami retail, hy the Siisipiehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owegu, Tioga county, N. Y. WM'. FORSYTH, Agent tot NTorihumM, 11. U. MASS F.R, Agent for Sunhury. N'ovimlier 20th, IH41. KAT & BP.CTHEP., W HOLESALE A NT) K ETA II. HotiKi'EL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 'J'a ClicMttit Strort, liclow 'lilt, Miila(lulihi;t. E7"EEP constantly on hand a general nsmit 3li nient nf Hook nnd Stationary ; comprising Thcoiocicnl. Law. Medical, Classical. Miscellnne ouh and School Hooka, Day Hooks, nil sizes. Led m rs, do.. Family liihles, Pocket Hihles, Writini PnK-r, Wrapping Paper. Ac. Ac, which they ol feral the It. est piices to Counlry Merchant' Pre fessionnl fivntlemen, Trachers, and nil others th n may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Not Miihcr 1:1, lull. ly. .7licli:u'l Weaver V Son, i KOPE MAKERS & Sllir CKAICELERS. Ao. Id Sm IU Water Street. I'liilmli Ij.hia. I A VE eoiistnnllv on hand, a ecru r al nssnrt- fl inelit of (Cordage, Seine Twine. Ac. viz : I I m il Ropes, Fishing Rope, White Ro eg, Manil ( la Rope, Torv Lines l.-r C uial Hunts. Also, n I complete assoitiiit nt of Si ine Twiuca, Ac, such ns 1 Hemp Slind and Herring Twine, Hcst Pntei.t Cill j Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Tw it e, h,. j 'J'hrea , Ac. Ae. Also, Red Colds, PI, lie.!, Lines, , H alters TraciH, Colton and Linen C.rpet Chains, 1 At. nil ol w hidi they w ill dispose of on ri ,i.n.,n.ihli let inn, Philadelphia, N'nvrmhri Ul, Hll. ly. I .I;:oS I i :: i:C Ii viii. j "J ) lPE('TFI LEV inloims th.ii tritiid nnd l nrijiiniiili.iict ge lenillv lliat they still con i liliue lo keep nt the old stand. No. 3-1 (j fxunh yd j stret t, I'hilaili Iphi.i, nil imls of , TtillACCtt .V.M .-' AM SKf.Ai:.?. Which they w ill .-. II n the n. jj uic.niiiiuidulin ' and ieas,,ii.il le tcrmn, ; N. H. All voi ds -old w III he guaiuitied nnd i.l' order promptly ill. ndtdlo. Philadelphia, Ncveiuhei 13, IM1 -ly. BETEP CClC7:iB, " Wlicltr;ilo mill Ilctitil Mint.', i'miii.ct, ami li!m l.r-ttf 1 fat Wa rclidiisc. An. (i( Au7 2 sli tel. a fur ili.urs vbnve .Ireh. I'hihltlt I'lhitl. A T.SO Tn nk, Carpet Hags and V nlices, of ev- JSL ,r dc.-ciiplion, all of which he t Hits for ! sale on the most rt-asiiiahlc tertli. j rhitii.lt rj lii:i, Novemhcr Id, IH4I. ly.' : J . W . s, W A IN, i Cml'it'lla mid rarnsul Jlainiforturor. ; -Y. ;IV AVni ?' it ttrert. tiro tluur lehnv the Cilv lliittl, l'hilail, thin. C10UNTRV MeichaiMs and oll.eis are solicited ) to xainiuo l.ia no..r ti.ic nt hi hue purchasing ; dsew here Phila !el Ida. Novrnd.er 11. 111. ly. 1 1. & A. llOVOrDT'S ( Cliina, Class ami Liverpool Warcliousc, ; An lfi l Xirth Thinl ntr, tt. Ihiril il-Hir It hue Vint ! sfrri f, I'hiinti lihia. j YirilEHK ihey constantly keep on hand a lurge ! asMiitiiu lit of Chinu, Chiss and LiverpiHi ; Ware, which they will dispose of oil the limM iei- sonal.le terms. Phil .delpluM. Novend i r Ul. 1 Kl I. lv. i TIIKOIMIA'S Vl l.V. ' t Maitiiiai-tiiri'r ainl Imj-nrior uf S;nl-i!lt.-ry, llanluaiL', c. .Viz. 5 Sttuh Thinl itn i t. ft.ur tlt.r bilt.'e Xurl.it ! I'h i huh Ipliin. TJjT" EEP ronstauily on hand a large and eenrrn1 i li T assori m. lit Coach Lamps, Carriage Hands, Axle Arm, Idipiie fptmas. Pali nt Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlcis w ill he supplied al ' nil limes n the most leasonahle ti imn. TI.ev wi'l I'i ml it to their advantage to call ami examine his assoitnient hefore pure Iuii-uil' elsewhere. I Philadelphia. Novemhcr Id, lslt. ly. iYKYNOI.ns, il-k"lU.ANl)"To Wholesale Dealers in Forei-rii llrilisli i nnd Ameriean 1'i v (Joods. An. 10.r Market street, ihilatlt Iphia. COUNTRY Merchants nnd other can he sup plied nl all times wuh an extmsite a-sort- ment of the Ih-1 and nit st fashiotiahlt (Joods upun , the most rt-iimiiiahle terms, I Philadelphia, Novrmler U, 1811. Iv. i.OYVLttt ".Si UAitnoN, i Iinj'orters and Dehlersin rurein and ' Domestic Haiduare, , No. 174 N'ohth Tiiiitn Sim xt, I'lnni'ii-i'iiix , l H EKE their fin ml and t ustumers w ill always ! " ' find a large and general a-sortiuriit of Fort igu i and Domestic Haidwaie, winch they wills. Hal the , lowest prices, j Phdcdclphia, N'ovtui'a-r 13, IS. ly. ! KSIIKIIICK, DANSr.l.I. CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. o. Kit. 1-- .Market Street, l'liila. (liihtie Fifth Suuthsitlt ) 1 A LWAVs keepon lu.nd a lull and general as si.riment of HoMt-ry, Luce, and Fancy (ioods, t ountiy Mcichanls are respectfully rciiicsl jd lo give tin m a call and examine lor Ihcm-f Ivc. j Philadelphia. Novemher 13, 1H11. ly. ! srr.KiNt:, good & co. ; No. KLs Market Street, ; 'liiladel liia. BNVITE the allention of ('ounliy Men hauls to their cxteiisne assorancnl ol llriti.h French ; and American Dry (.'nods, which they olli-i I'm sale on llie most reasoiiHlile ti rum. Philadelphia, Novemhcr 13, 1811. ly. Trie CALL A & HERSE, Ao Al, Auilli Set tiiul ,li I, (COMMI.H OF lOOMH'l lUtl.J Where they cotislanily keepon hand a generd assoriiuent of CLOTHS, CASEIMEHES, VESTTIVCS, Anil a grtitt itiritli t.J urticUs i f a tuitrur piality, which liny oiler to dispose of l. pon the most leasonahle terms. J OUNTKY MERCHANTS and other-will ytiud II lo lh.il advantage M call ai d ixaiiiiue Ih. ir sl.n k hefore purchasing 1 1st w licit'. Phila.l. Iphia. Nov. (, IHII. Iv J CHITS C"JlimTG 3 . WHOLZSALE f HOE, BONNET, Crryi u' Faint l.tuf Ibil Sorc, No. lOSoi ih 4ih Hhut, PHILADELPHIA, W'HLRE an eali lie a oilinenl of ihe ahove ' ' uili. h s aie c u.i lainly kept on hand, lor tale al Ihe most rcnsouahle Icniiu. May i'J, lull.- ly. AN unparellelrd remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma.Iiiflueriv.a, Whooping Ooouh, Hronrhiti, nnd all disease nf the Hreast nnd Lungs, leading lo consumption! composed of the concen trated virtues of lion hound, R. inset, Hlood Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegtlahle auhMnnee. Prcpnitd t-iily ly J. M, Wisliiw, Roclietlcr, New York. The intinrrrtce nnd universnlU admitted pectoral viilueaof the lleihs from which the liaham ef lliirdniitntt i ninde, arc too gi tiernlly know n to re quire reeiinimen.'n'ion ; il is thriefore only lnTrs.i ry lo oh-rrve that ihta Medicine intitnin the wholn of their Mtdicinnl proprrtie, highly concentrated, ai.d so happily ri'Uihliied with m veint other v. ge tiit.lt- enlist ant es, as to render il the most speedy, mild nnd n rt.iin n mcdy, now in use, f. r the com plaints nl-nve mentioned. The Hainan) remove all imllamrnnlion ond aore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough viaid phlegm, cn nhlnig the mi I it li t lo expectorate wuh ease and free ilom, nssnim-s cough, relieve nthmntic and dilli ctdt respirniion, heal the injured pnrla, epens tho pines, and composee the disturhed nerves, and give sirctigth to the ti ndc i lungs, and thus produces a ej eeilv and lasting cure. IsniiATn rnr. imiti: Iiasv.st r nivtr ti Ma. Wo are nut ninong that class of Editor who for a few dullnis will, (lit the expense of truth and ho nesty) "eiack up" an article nnd hring it into rapid sale j m ill er nie we willing to leinnin silent, after having tested the utility of an imi rovement or dis covery in science or ait. Our rentier will recollect we told them we were unwi II wi'h a sure throat and violent c li! si ine few Weiks ngo. Well, we ptir chased twohi.ttlen of W IN'SI.OW 'S HALS AM OP HOI I.HOl NI), and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we i ter had a cold. Tlnisc who are al!!ic:ed, limy try it upon our recommendation. 1 1 ;; t.'ti'i T't niilt. For sale hy HENRY O.YTHEIM ER, Sanburt, JACOIt Li I! It i I IT, Kurth u inhtrluntf. Also, ly Druggists gciicr..ly throughout tho country. Piice, .r cents per hot I If. August I lid, tail . lv. ''LIT dr'E00KS Full HALK II Y ' IT.JC. UJ. i52352I2JI12. N 'I HON 'Si Classical DictioiiHry; l.cmprier s J do.; Ainswiirlli's do ; Cohh's do.; English and (icim.in do.; Anthoi.'s Cnsnr; Anlhoii's (irammer; Antlien's Cici-io; Maii'sl.a'in Itendei; Ogill y's do.; Anihew's l.ntin I ers. lis; 1). rim g. ill's Lexicon; Fisk's ( ire. k En n ises, Havies's Legendei; (irnera Majorat Ad .ins's Rumun Antiquities; Pinnock'a (i. Idsmith's Ecgl.itid; do. CSrcecr; Lvcll' Elements of (ieol. gy; Mrs. I. inn. hi' liotonv; Element of H'.tariy; Hridgi's Algd.ra; Porter' Rhrtoiiral Hinder-; Ennrsoti'e (.iecj;,flp'iiy and History; Olney'H do.; Purit y's do.; Smith's (.'rammer; Kirkhnm's do.; Kav's Read, rs; Cold's do.; Cohh's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cd h's Spilling Bocks; Town's do.; (Villi's Tiih'c Honks; Evangelical Fa mi'y Lihiary; Collage Hihlc; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Hil les and Testament.-; Parker's E,x erei. es on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; llaxtei's S int's Resi; American Revolution; Marrvatt' No vels; Mrs. Phelp on Cl ernistiv; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Leilerson Natural Mngir; Che mistry for lleginnen; English Exeicist adapted lo Murray's (.'rammer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Ilofik; Ami lican Class Hook; Daholl's Schoolmas lei's Assistant; A eieat variety of Hlank Hooks, Ac. Augus 28, imi. ATTENTION, .i . s i i i: v j o x i: s , 1 ElJI ES'I'S the ntti-iition of his country friendn w ho are in want, to his vervl irse stock of C irprlinas, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Hllidiugs, Stan ll.iils. Ar., ii-., thai In- has just opioid, at hi warehouses. No. IS North 2d she. t, nnd No. 'i Church Alley, next door til Christ Church, I'liiln delph a. ' July iii, 141. ly. " SPANISH HIDES. TANNERS' t?IL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 K 1' A T It 1 (' K vv SUN, A'o. AiiiM Third street, (lllriWKKX MlllhKT AMI UlltM'T STtlKKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. "I r AVE f. r sale a laige and excellent assortment J A ot Syi'.. II ih .. I'atna Sips, Taunt rt Oil, Vc, at the lowest maiket price--, cither for cash, ir cxehangi for I, l ather, or upon credit. Cniisignm. Ms of leather received foi stle, 01 pureliiised al the highest mnikct prices. Qy I. eiitlicr sloied In e of ihnigc. April 17. IML ly. Er.;pijr:;-.itl " ;u ui:i. " To those uhti in glut a Coltl. T i ev dent, ami dei i.leil hy ihe mo.-l ex ierienced phy iciaiis, that Cosrxt erioji in mostly encou rig. d hy a neglect of a Cold al ihe first attack. How many persons aie ihete th 't put oil' from time hi lin e procuring a sutlahle medicine, until the dis ease If gins to assume a st rious character, when in all prol. it iliiy ihey are past the power of medical aid. May the e lint prove a warning to those af flicted with the first mptoina nf Conump'ion, that they may immediate Iv u e Dr. Dicas's Ex i ll ion int h'ltti nr which is expressly for disea ses i I the L'i splintery Sy-t. m. It is ceitnin to re move a Cough in a lew days, nt thr same time re lit ving the pain in 'he side and hreis, and ai rest ing li e pmcie.-x ol that Fitnl disease Corsumption ! The Expectorant Remt.ly ha a decided advantage over all i tin r preparaiioiis. It is rutiiely free from Opium, nnd all other ti lent Narcotics. Itrigu-lalt-s the ty-tem, and g've s-renulh to Ihe weak and neivoiis. For sale nt No. 19 North Eighth stieet, Phil olt-'phia, and in Siinhurv, al the store of HENRY YU.Vi'HElMF.R. Sept. 10th. HI? Agent. fold ?etN il tin 11m- I. iiiis, 0S a vi ry couiinon coinpl.niii, and can lininedi h I I v l e leiii.oeil hv Dr. Dune in's Expectorant Remedy. This ili-ea-e produces much sutl'ertN and distics-, nnd hi) illy In comes ulnrrning on ac count nf its line ilcning severity. Pli) sirians are sent for, and medic ne pr. sci ilu il, hut to mi effect, when they nt once prom utice the lungs to he cn lirdv p. inc. and the rise hopeless; llisl the patient niu-l die ot CONSUMPTION. In this Iii grring siluai on hiiinheds a t- I. fl in d. r the mi-taken idea ot'ilnii i'i-. (iolt- ( 'mi-u in .1 Kin," ) when it is noih ni" in ore th n n "('old sell led on Ihe lungs," IA III II the pr. Ilt-llt is tlllls I cg'cflfd Ulilll tliC lilt g( do ac u ally Itcon e disc aid. W hy is il that many (proi ounced) hupehss esses have heen re stored to ptrlccl health 1 The reason is very plain and tihvious. Ttli V c.iininci fed using Dr. Dun can's ExpccloTtinl Remedy, ami h n the lungs were in. I ti, i ir. ly none, tiny finally' reiotered. A lair trial ul ll.U Mi diciiic w ill convince ull of this lad. F.n n'c at No. Ill North Eighth Street, Phila. ih Iph a. P. ice I pei Untie. A In h siip ly ol this v.iliiahle Medicire hni just htt'ii icnlMil, .ud tan always he mi. lined at I lid sture.it HEN RV VO I'HFIMER, St pi. M.I. I I?, Agent. TUT 111 V 1 1. 17 'ritKll.il.. ' Dr. Ilarlnli's inedii Hies are daily incieasing in puhlie f.itor, mid waul Ironi any hut a fair trial lo t'st.ihh-li th. ii world. W e have a coniiiiunii alnui 111 our eoliin ii- toil iy Fiom a person long atlticted, wnn li is l ul one of many vouchers lol this luedi cine. Sjml if the 'nt.