Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 10, 1842, Image 4

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The following list shows lhe cum til value of nil
(Ynnsylvarua Hunk Notra. Hip most imnlicit re
linnce may l placed tiion it, as il is wry live k
ran limy compared with ai it corrected fitxn link
tit-ll's R.xirtrr.
Hanks In lIillnUIlilii.
K.. -. T Pur. t
Hank of North America
Hank of the Northern Lihertir ' ,
Commercial Bnnk f Pcnn'a.
Paimers' and Mechanics' Dunk .
Kensington Rank
I'l ilmli li.liin Hunk
Schuylkill Bank
Souihwark Bank .
W'pstern Dank . ,
Mechanics' Dunk . ,
C on nli y stunk.
Hank ol l hestcr County
Punk of Delaware County idT Oermuntowii
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doyhslovi n linnk
E--ton Bank
Farmers' Hank of Rucks co
I titiee of Hank of Finn's,
Ollicn ki do
"iJico do do
Office do do
Bnnk of llie United State
Bank of Penn Township
Oirar.l Bank
Dny hslown
Lanr iri. r
ULiimi. ij.Mu .r.r),,no
"i The-c
do not
Issup tl.
Movnmcusiiig Bunk
Bunk of Pciinsvlvaiiia
Minirs' Batik of Poltsville
Bnnk of Lowistown
Bnnk of Middlctuwn
D.nk of Northuinlrtlnnd
Columbia Bnnk & Bridge co.
Carlisle Bnnk
Exchange Bnnk
Do do branch of
Farmers' Dunk of l.aricuslri
Laucastrr County Bunk
Farmers' Bnnk of Heading
Harrishuig Bank
Lancaster linnk
l.cliannn Bank
Merchants' A Mnnuf. Batik
liunk of Pittsburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bunk
Northampton Bink
Heiks County Hunk
OII'icp of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Kensiimton Sav. Ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
linnk ol Chainbershurg
Br.i.k ol Gettysburg
Hank of Susquehanna Co.
Krie Bnt.k
Fanners' A Drovers Bank
Franklin Bank
Honesdale Bank
Monongahela Bank of B.
y...k Bnnk
N. B. The noles of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a .lash ( ) arc not
purchased hy the Phil nlelpl.ia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of rifrrence.
40a 1.1
'Bunk . Ida I-')
. . 7a8
Potisvillo fia7
Lrwistown 111
Mi.ldletown 5
Northumberland r
Columbia 3
(Carlisle fi
Pittsburg 2
Hnlliduyshurg .'I
Luncastci 2
Lancaster , 2
Reading 6
Hurrishurg fn?
Luncustcr 2
l.cliannn 5
Pittsburg 2
Piltshuig 3
Wilkeshatre I0at2
All. Mown 17
E r iti
New Brittlil.m
(?hanihcishurg 6
Ctltyshurg fi
Montiose 8
Eri 7
Wayneshurg 15
Washington 3
Honesdale I J
Brownsville ft
York 6
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Scliuy Ikill Suv. Ins.
Manual Lahor Bank T. W Dyott, prop.)
Tnwauda Bank 'Powanda
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
linnk ol Beaver
linnk of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cV Bnnk
Farmers' & MrrliVe' Bnnk
Farmers' Mech'rs' Bank
Iluimony Institute
Huntingdon Bunk
Juniata Bank
Lumliermen's Bmrk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
NorlhiimhM Union Col. Bk.
North Western Baik of Pa.
Ollice of Schuylkill Bunk
Pa. Art. & Munuf. liunk
Silver Luke Bank
Uiiinii Bank of I'cnu'u.
Westmnrclund Bank
no sale
clew, d
fio sale
tio sale
11.. Moid
Bell, fonto
Fayette co.
Jluntingdon no sale
Lewistown no idle
Warren failed
DiindiiflT no sale
N-ew Hope closed
Miltcni no sale
M.adfille c-losid
Port Carhon failed
Carlisle fuil.d
Montrose closed
Uui.iiitown faded
(reenshurg closed
Wilkt sharre no sale
W ilkesharre Bridge Co,
Qj' All notes puioitirig to be -on ny IViinsyl
vamu Bank mil given in the above list, may he set
dtm n as frauds.
ni;w Jutsr.Y.
Dank of New Brunswick
Belvideie Bank
liuiliugton Co. Bank
Comim reial Bank
Ciiinl.crl.niil Bunk
Furmers' Bstik
Fa i in. rs' and Mechanics' Ilk
1'nimcri.' and Mechanics' Hk
Furnirrs' and Mi n liani.' lik
Franklin Bank of N. J.
lliilick. n Bkg& CiuiMig Co Hoh.iken
Jersiy City Bunk
MtcliHiius' li oik
Manulaelur. rs' Bunk
Morris 1'ompuny Bank
MuiiuiLKilh Lik of N.J.
Michunics' Bank
M. lianics' and Manuf. Bk
Morris Canal and Bkg Co
Post Now
Ntwurk Bkg & Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridce Co
N. J. Mauufue. and Bkg Co
N J Piulectou & lrtmd.uid I k
Orange Bunk
Palirsoii Bunk
Peoples' Bunk
Finn. Ion Bunk
Suit in Banking Co
State Bunk
Stale Bunk
Slate Bank
State Hank of Moni
Slate Bunk
Sulci!) and Philad Mmiuf ('o
SusarX Bank
'J'renlon Bnnkilig Cu
Ciiinn Bank
VV ushiligloii Banking Co.
Bk of Wilin & Brandy Hi. N I miogUin
Bank of Delaware
Bank of Smyrna
Do l.iaii.h
Fuillii rs' Bk of Slate of Dei
Do hiaucb -
Do Iran, h
Union Bunk
n V- Uudei S'a
fy On all ranks roa ki'J thus () tlicre are ei
ll.ei tounUrleil or ulieud uotta i( tkv various dt
buuiinutions, in circulution.
Brunswick fuiltd '
Belvidere I
Me.lford par
Perth Auilioy 2
Bridget, m pm
Mount Holly pnr
Ituhwny I I
N. Biuiikwiik Ciilcd I
MHl.Cetown I't. a ;
Jt'i'v City fail, d
Hoh.iken fuil.d
J. isey Cily laile.l
Patterson failed
Bellevillo failed
Morristown 2
Fieeh.ild failed
Newuik I
Trenton pur
Jersey Cily :
I'O sale
Nrwaik 1 .
I aiiiila ilhvillo I
llol-oken fail, d !
i Jorsry City fuiltd
Orunge m
Puteison fuile.l
do 1
Princeton par
Salem pur
Ncwurk 1
Lluala ihluwu I
I 'am. leu pnr
Monistown I
Tr.1it.Ml failed
Suit ill luile.l
N ton 3
'I'll l. lull par
, Dr J
Hackrtisark failed
The bent mrltioit for the Aholition of Disrate
, ' is to and purify tin: llody.
AVi'fA American 1 allege at Health,
Arp now acknowledged in h. ip hest Medicine in
the World for trip Pure of ' " , '
KECAf 'SR they rnmp'ptely rlennsp thp to
ma. h and hnwelx froin th. fp hilliona and cor
rupt humors l,irh arp Ihp raiuc nut only of
Hea.lncliP, CiddincsK, 1'nlpiti.lioii of Ihp Hpirt,'
Pa-ns In the Bones. Rheumatism and, hut
pvpry malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN
VFt.E'l'ABI.E PH.L8 are a eer ain cure fur in
to, in tieot, irmiited, nervous, inllamsloty and pu rid
Fevers, hreauso Kiev e'eansp the P'x'.V from tiW
moiliid humors, wliicli.when coiilined tolhe eiicti
Inlion, are the cause of all kind of FEN 'EI5S. So,
iileo, whi n the mo impurity is tlepwited on Ihp
ini'ml'im p and muscle, caiisini! i .in, indama
l.oris and swellings' palled l.'H EIIMATI8M,
COI T, A r. WriphiV Indian VcpelaUc Pills may
t relietl on as alwavs prtain to alP r lirf. and if
perspvpipd v. illi, neccudlnc to directiolin Will most
itpsiiiedly, and without fail, make ft perfect fu at
li p ahxvp painful nmliidies. From thrcprlo six of
sold Indian Vipetah'e Pills taken every tiiisht go
ing to he.l, will In a shoit time so completely nd
I tie hoily from every thing that is opposed to health,
tt.nt III eiiiiinli-in, (iout. and p .i" of evcrv descrii
tion, will he lu.rnlly DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY- For lite s.i me rruson, when, Irom sudden
changes of ntrro'pherp, or any other pause, the ppr
fpiintion tsrhecked, and the hiimois wlveli should
pa-s oil hy lh' skin sre thrown inwardlv, causing
HEADACHE. CIDDINESS, i.u.m and sick
ness, pain in the hont s, wmery and ii (lamed eves,
sore throat, tioarcnc s, pouglis, conoiinii Imn-,
rheumatic pains in vniious parts of the hmlv, rii.I
maoyoth.r symptom of CATCHINO COLD,
Writhi' Indian Yt ntltililf I'idx will invariably
give te relict. From thiee to six of said
Pills taken every night on going lo bed, will in a
short time, not only remove nil thp above unpleasant
symi'toms, but the body w II, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder henl htban lef.ire.
INC MWifi' Indian Ytizrluble I'M will loos
en and cany oil", by the stomach and boweis, those
tough phbgmy humor", which stop up all the air
cells ol the lungs, mid are the cause, not only of the
above disir.ssing ruitplaint, hut when neglected,
oltcn terminates in that nio.edten.lfiil malady railed
CONSUMPTION. Itshou'd hp alsoiouiemb.ird
that 'riilit'n Indian Vtirttalile 1'illt are a certain
cuie for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, and sicknea, l.i-s of appetiie, rostivrtifsa. a
yellow tinge of ihe vkiu and eyes, and every other
symptom ol a torpid m disiased state of the liver;
because they purue from the body those impurities
which if th posited upon this iniurtant oruan, are
tin- caii-e of etcry variety of LIVER COM
PLAIN'!'. N hen h nation is c.iimi'hciI by riot-,
outbreak and n belli. .n. the only means of prt vent
ing the drea.lfol roust qucuccs of a CIVIL WAR,
is to expel all lrniors, and evil disposed ones from
the eoun'ry. In like manner, lien pain or sick
ness of any kind, indi. nle thnt the Ixxly is strug
gling with inter, al Iocs, the true is lo EX
healih and life.) Htulth will be the eertnin rrttit.
That the pi iuciple of curing disease, by cleansing
and puiilying tlm body, is strictly in accord nice
with the luws whiph govprn thp animal economy ;
and if properly parried out by the Use of the nbnvp
PILLS, will reilaiuty result In ihe complete Abo
lition ol Disease; we olTer the following testimoni
als, from persons of the highest respectability in
New Yotk, who hove lerrntiy been cuied of the
n.ost obsliiiute rompinints, s.dety by the use of
Whioiit's Nihan Yioftami.k Pills, of the
Surth American Cvlligr nf lli ulth ;
Jvmaica. L. I., JuncOih. 1SII.
D.Htor William Wright Dear Sir It is with
great sati-faclion I infirm you of My having been
intirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standii g,
by the Use of your Iniiiak Vkisktaiilk Pii.i.s.
Pn vius to nictving with your celebrated m. di
cine, I had under the hands nf several Physi
citiiis, and had tried vniious medicines; but till to
noell'trt. After using one 25 rent box of jour
Pills, however, I i xp. rienecd so much bei rfit, that
I rpstilvcd lo persevere in the use of Ihcin accot.ling
Indirections, which I am happy to state, has result
ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you foi the
great It'll, fit I have received, and aUo in the h. ie
that others similarly sflheted may be induced lo tiinl of your cx'ruuidiniry medicine, I send
you this statement with full hbeity to publish the
same, if you think pr..M-r. Yours. Ac
New Yoik, June 10, 1X11. U.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Dear Sir I have been afflicted for seternl years
wiih inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at limes with pains in the side and other
distressing complaints. A II. 1 having tried various
medicines without I was crsu:ulpl by a fiien.t
lo muke trial ef Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable
IMIs. which I am haotiv lo state, have relieved rop
in a most wonderful manner. I have used the me j
dien.e, as yet but h stunt tune, and have no doubt,
I a perseverance in ihe use of the medicine accor
ding lo diieelioiis, ih-l I shall in a short time U' I
'itcily ierloie.1.
I toosl w illii glv recrmmend said Pills to allMr- I
sons similarly kllhcted. and in ihe full hclicl thai
the seme Iwiit firial results will follow their use, I re
meiii youis kincert ly. HENRY A. FOOTE.
a'Wursing, Ulster co. N. Y.
l'oa ti:tti:ii.
(Cj Tli fidawing errlijira'r dinrrihrtt nne nj Iht
mnut ixlraurdinnry cures ever tjfected hy any
Piiit.Aiir.iMiiA, February 10, 1R.1S.
Ij'OR Iwenty years I was severely alllicted with
TkTTKii on the Face and Head: the diseasp
pommetic.H when I was seventeen ypars old, and
continued until Hip Fall of IS:tfl. vniving in vio
lence, hot wilhnul pver tlisnppenrinir. , During tn'ist
of the time, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my be, el siv. red at linn s until it fell na if it
would burst the swelling was so giPat, that I rotild
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I wns afflicted wi'h the disease, I tise.l a great
many j plication-., (among them veral celebrated
prep nations) as w. II as taking inw.od remedies.
liielo.lmg a number otbotllea ol .Mrrms I'linncea.
lixtract nf Sarsuparilln, Ate, In tort, it w..uld I
imp.e-aihle to enumeinte all the medicines I used.
I was also un.lei the Car of two of ihe most dis.
tiligiii-hed physicians of this city, but witle.ilt rc
ceiving liinc.ll beiM til, anil I ilespaireil ol ever lieing
cored. In tbo fill of 1 :tl, the disea-e nl the lime
being very violent, I commenced Uslnu the Knf
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan A' Davis.) In
a f. w application ihe violent itcbine rease.l, the
swelling abated, the r ruotion liegan to disappear,
and liefore I had used ajar the di-pasp was entirely
cured. It has now Nen m nrty a and a limit
since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
maininc. except Ihe scars from the deep pits formed
by the di-ease. Il is imjn ssible for me to deserilip
in a rrrtificnte the severity of the disease and my
soil. ring, but I will 1 pie aid to givo a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will r .11 on me. Al the limp I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given bun
.beds of do la.s to Ihi rid of tlm disease. Since u
sing it. I have rceitmm. n.h d it lo several iersons,
(among Ihem my mother, who had the disease bad
ly uu her a'tn.) who w. re all cured hv il.
J AMES DURNELL, No. 15H, Race St.
The Rose Oiiitni. nl Is piepnred by E. B.
YaUtdinn, Sou'li East corner of Third and Race
sire. Ii, Philiidelphiu, and solil on nuenrv in Sunhu
ry. bv II. B. MASSER,
May Nth, 1812. Aenf.
llov (Miitiiu'iil, lor THlcr.
A I'liUOr 111-' ITU J-JTICACY.
PHii.Ani.i.riiiA, May 27tb, 18.'l).
'""PHIS is to certify tbut I was Severely aUhcied
t ith Tetter in the hands and f. et for upwards
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without tllc riing a core. Alx.ut a y. ar
since, I applir.l ti e Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped i In- ili-lnlii-, nod a few upplicnli. n
an ly cured the disease, w hich (here has hi en no
return of, nllhoiigh I bad never hern ritl of it at
any lime, for forty years. RII'HAI.D SAVACE,
i- Eleventh, la-low Spiurc Street.
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
VaiiLhau, Sjuth East corner of Third and Race
Slieels, Philadelphia, and Sold on agency in Sunhu
ry. by II. B. MASSKR,
May Hih, 1842. Agent.
of ihe misi: in.r.u:. ijr 'itur.
ALTHOUCH the superiority of the prepnialioii
over all oth" rs is fully rsiablishe.l, the proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying liefore ihe public the
following certificate from a resecuililo physician,
a graduate nf ihe University ol Pennsylvania. Dr.
Baugh, having found in this lemrdy thai relief for
a tedious and disagreeable allcction which ihe means
within the range of his profession failed to sllord,
has not hesitated lo give il his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession uic
i pHiseil to secret Remedies.
PHILAIIV.LrHIA.Sept. 19, lH:tn.
I was recently troubled with a tedious heretic
eruption, which coveted nearly one side of my f.ce,
and exletided over the ear. Mr. Vauuhau, proprn
loi of the Rose Ointmeol, ol-seiviiiK my face, insis
ted on my tiying his preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with ihe mem
bers ol my profession, I discountenance mid disa
prove ol the numerous nosl ruins palmed upon the
public by iiMiomnt pretender, I let I in justice bound
lo except the Rose Oiutm. tit lioni that cla-s of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire
ly tured the eruption, ahhough it hid resisted the
usu . I applications. DANE II A I (ill. M. 1).
Qj" The Rose Ointineot is piepared by E. B.
Vaughan, South Eust con er ..I Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold ouaginrv in Son
hurv, by H. B. MANSER.
May Mth, ISI2. Agent.
;rn-i til 'ininiissln Jl i lianl,
is the Sate nj t lour, liram, Utttl, ic, ivc
W llllllOgloll
SlU Ion
Nlw Yomk, Sept. 2U, 14 I.
This is to certify that I have used Whirht's
Imiian KiiTAMLK I'll is with the gieaiPst bene
lit; bavjiu en'irelv cured myself of the lre.iii lit al
la. ks ol Sick llesda. be, to v hiill I hud previously
la-. i. subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON,
302 lircenwich sir.ei. N. Y.
To Mr. Riebaid Dtiiiiis, Agent lor Wright's In-
diall Vlgetablc I'iils.
C.I f Tl .V.
As there are al this lime insiiy wicked persona
bosnv tiiiaged in s. I'll ii a coiiniiil. il medicine uu-
ib r tl.e nniiie of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as
I let) di spt rule lit tl are so utterly of ctu
iieiices, thai many vuluable lives may be lost in
on s. i j it nee of using llrir drcrdeul rompoui.ds,
ihe publ c are raulioned aguinsl purchasing any
I Pills, unless on Ihe lidesuf the boxes llie billowing
woiiling is f .uo.l :
(Indian l'urgalire.)
u -ma amisicam hiiiii.i or hialth.
A ml slse lo le esierislly caieful against pureliu--n
v said n.eoiciiie of any person except the rt-gu-;
In ...'.Ti se.l agt-nta.
j a,i:ms run koitiu mhi:ui.asi) co,
i I'eiilistliuiiia.
j II. II. Masser, Sui.t-ury l'uneek Rose, Nor-
i llioioU ibuid Jacob Haas, SI amok ill - Samuel
Herb, M .ln n.iy liierlv iV D, lla .s, Augusta
i lle.n r rV Foillller, Mlil.'ll llt-talid .V Meixtll,
i Mt Erti,,vi le I' lei ot. Diarmolid.Tuihulsvdlr
James It. et!, Polt.-grove. II Kl.ise, Suv.h rslown
II. II. Ki ula l, I', M EKsl.urg P. O. Win.
I.ei-enriug, P M. Union Comer.
Oll'.ce kin ( Di iiot for the rule of
Wr'ghi'i Indian Yitlubk VilU, Wholesale alal
PIIIA. Itlsy 21, 1842. ly
,n Merchants generally, that they have la
ken those large and commodious Wharvrs, with two
Dorks, ninth ol Chesnut street, on the Delaware,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves,
where they would he pleased lo receive consign
ments of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. 4 e.
Ac Being also well prepared to forward ull kinds
of Merchandise hv the Schuvlkill slid Union, or by
the Chesapcoke and Tide Water Canals, as tow-
boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing
bouts bv ei'ber route.
Merchants will lie particular to send their
goials desiiited by cither canals, t i No, I'J South
Wharves, U-twcen Market and Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, with dliectiona accompanying them
which route ibey wish them to be shipped.
03 Plaster and Suit for sale, al the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON Ac C" I.
March 19, 1842. No. 19 South Wharves
THE" cCT'G-i:"Bi2LS
i t tn i. v i:rosiToit.
(IN TWO VOI.l k,.)
r-ONTAINI.(i the Old and New Testament
y with piactical exMsiti.iis and explanatory notes,
bv 1 liomus Illinois, Aullio' ol "the Age ot lull
di lily, "I Met ion irv ol all llenonuua
lions," Ac. To which are added the references and
marginal readings of thu Poliglotl Bil.le, logeih. r
with oiigiual Holes and cbeti .iis from Baxter's
Con. prehensile HiUe, and o lu i siaudaid works
iutroducl'iry and com hiding r inaiks uu each book
ol the u il and new Testament, und a valuable chro
nological index. Tl.e whole carefully levii-ed and
adai te.1 to the use of Sundav Schools, Bible classes
and Christian generally, ernhdlnhril with maps
und engravings, edited hy the R. v. Wnhum Pat
ton, aid published by ('use, Till'any & Buioliaiu;
Ituitlor.l, I'oiiii., mi
'i bis woik has la i n highly recommended by the
following, among other tlisiinguishcd divines:
Rev. Stephen Remington, pastor of ihe Metho
dist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn.
Rev. W, C, Browi.l.-e, pastor of the Middle
Dutch Church, New York.
Rev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alexander, Pr.ifes-
tois in Princeton Theologic-d Seminary, N. Jeisuy
Rev. C. P. Cruulh, President ol Pennsylvania
College, al (leilxsl.uig.
Rev. C. W Schu.-ller, pastor of the Lutheran
i bunb, llsriisburg, l a.
Q'j For sale by il, B. Masstr, Agent for th
Publi hers. Jan. 2'Jlb ibU.
Sanbury, Wrthumbrrlanil County f
IVllllsi.y IViUllsi.
f jlin subscriber, n s clfully informs the public
I that he has removed lo that large and commo
dious Tavern Stand, at Ihe rorner of Market and
Fawn streets, (sign of ihe Btick ) foimerly occu
pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately hy Daniel Gib
son, where he is now prepared to accommodate all
who may favor him with a rail. By strict atten
tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render
satisfaction to all, he hopes lo receive a liberal share
of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
JSunhury, Matrh 12th, 1842. "
CoiiiilrrTrTlci'N' lonl h ItiiMV
'"Phe public will please observe that no Bramheth
Pills are genuine, unless the box haa three la-
Issls upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom)
each containing a fic-simile signature of my hand
writing, thus H. Ba ANtiitKTH, M, D- Those la.
hel aie engraved on steel, beautifully tlesignptl,
and done at an etipnse of ovpr f 2,000. Therefore
it will lie rern thai the only thing nrcesnsry to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
labels. : - t '
Renipmber ihe top, the side, and the hoMom.
The following respective (arsons urp duly suhi.ri
ini, and 4vM - --...,
For the sale of liranilreilt's Vegi tuhlc Vuiversnl
Pills. - -
Northnnibeilni d county : Milton Mackey &
Ch.imbeilin. Sunbury II. D. Masser. M'Eisens
ville Ireland A. Moixell. N'oiilnini'-eiland Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlinger &. Co.
Union C iunly: New Berlin J. hn lloll'inan.
Selinsgrovp Eyer and Schnure. Miildleburg
Issae Smith. Beavcriowu J. iV F. Bingaman.
Adamshurg II. A. Smith. MilHnislmig
Swope Ai Laird. Haitleton Daniel Long. Free
burg (J. &. F. C. Moyer. Ccntrevihe Stailey
vt Lenhnrt. Lewisburg Walls ct (ireen.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
cV Co. Berwick Shuman A. Rittenhousp.' (.'al
lawissa C. A. & O. (j. Brobts. Bloomsburg
John R. Moyer. Jcisey Town Levi Bis. I. Wa
shington Koht. MtCay. Limestone -D. L. I
Sch iiipc k .
Ohseive that each Acenl has an Engraved Cer
lifirale of Agency, conlainiifu a icpres- nlulioii of
Di BRANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen rxact ropies of
Ihe ntiv luhels now usetl ujiun the lirundreth J'ill
Plnlidclphia, offlce No. R, North 8lh strep).
January 1st, 1842.
- tiik
A Nil
iti:m.k.i:( i:n.
ry CONCENTRATED R.c.n.l l Medical Sci
- encp and Lileiaiure, by R.iblev Dur.glison,
M. IV, Prolessor of the Institutes ol Medicine, etc.,
in J. If.-ison Medical CoIIi-kc of IMn'adelphla, nub-
lished monthly by Adam W.ildie, No. 40 Carpen
I. r street, Philadelphia. Subscrioiioii price, f5 a
ar. Subscriptions for the above work received hy
the subscriber. 11. B. MASHER.
Dee. II th. 1841. Airrnt.
5av. ja. aL. j'c&a
171 OR sale a small Faun, coi.tiiuing about one
hundred and ten acres, more or le-a, situate
in Point township. Nnrihund erlaud countv, about
two miles above Nortbninbeil in.l, on Ihe main
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
lands of John lghoii, Jesse C. Ilortnn und others.
now in the occupunry of Samuel Payne. About
forty acres of said tract are clraied, and in good
slate of cu'livation, on which there is a small barn
erected. The properly will lie sold on reasonable
leims. For further particulars, prisons are request
ed to apply to the rul-serib. r.
H. B. MASSKR, Agent,
Nov. 27th, 1841. if Sunbury. Pa.
No. 74 Callow liil! Street, l'hilatlcljiliia.
C Three dutirs uiive Srcund.)
CjHOE Findinusalvays kepi on hand, which he
oll'. rs for sale on (he lose I terms. Countr)
Merch nits are purtiiuNrly to till and judge foi
Philadelphia. Novprmer 13, tall. ly.
xkw i:xi; land on. company.
No, -! Noiili Water Street, Phila.
AN FFAI'TURERS and dealers in Oils of
every description both for burning and
manufacturing purposes, which will lie sold much
lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as represented,
may be relumed without any exiense to the pur
chaser, and the money will be refunded.
1 heir slock now in store consists of Ihe following
oils, vix: -
30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim""i
do Coloilesa Oil,
Fall and Spring Sierm Oil,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Pressed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
Common Whale Oil,
200 Barrels superi.n Stra ' Oil,
300 do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Neais Foot Oil,
75 Casks Olive O.I,
Tanner's Oils,
fXj'This Company has a number of Vessels en
gaged in the Coil Fishery, and Tanners may rely
upon gelling al all bines Oil aa pure aa imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1MI. ly.
G. V". &, L. 3. TAYLCS.
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Murket Otrttti, J'liiiutct
phia Mens' Calf-skin Bonis, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double soles
and double uppers,
do Cull-skin do do
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do do Neat do do.
do High quarter Shops, Calf-skill,
do do do Crockers do
Fine Monroes warranted
A N article unequalled for clraning and giving
highly durable and mos brilliant polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Bras, Coper, Btittunia ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished rarriagps, Ac. TRY IT.
Prpparcd and sold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owcgo,
Tioga county, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd,
H. B. MASSER, for Sunbury.
November 20th. 1841.
No. 122 Ciicsnut. Street, below 4tli,
T' l'liiladelpliia.
KEEP constantly on hand a general assort
ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Mediral, Classical, Miseellane
oua end School Books, Day Books, all, Led
gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiitinf
Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. ic which they of
tcr al the h.wct ptieps to Country Men haul's Pro
fessional OVntlemcn, Teachers, and all others that
may favor litem with ihpir custom.
Philadelphia, Notumlmr 13, 1811. ly.
- .Tlit linrl Wravrr A Son,
A. 1 3 AVrA VVV;t Street. Philadelphia.
A lj conslaully on hand, a general Assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ar , viz :
J ar'd Roprs, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil
la Hopes, loir l.inea for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as
Hemp Siad and Herring Twine, Best Patent (till
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe
Threads, Ar. Ar. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carjiet ('bains,
Ac. all of which they will disHse of on reasonable
Philadelphia, Novemliei 13,1841. ly.
Jnol rilMiuitii &. Son.
Tl ESPECTFLLLY informs their friends and
acquaintances generally that they still con
tinue lo keep at Ihe old stand, No. 246 North 3d
street, Philadelphia, all Vinda of
Which they will nell the ntjt : accommodating
ami reasonal le terms.
N. B. All eoods sold will be guniiutred and all
orders promptly slit nded to.
Philadelphia, Nc.vembei 13,1841 --ly.
Wholesale and Retail Sliou, Hoiiuet,
and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse.
A'o. CO Kurth 'id street, a few lours utnn e . Irch,
A LSO 'Piniiks, ('ni)iel lings and Volices, of rv
jJ ery descnptiou, all of which he olfers for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, Novetnlier 13, 1811. ly.
J. W7S WA N ,
I'mlirella and Parasol iMantifacturer.
A'o. 37 A'ooA Thnil strt-et, two ihsirs htluw the
City Holt I, Philadelphia.
COUNTR x Merchanla and other are solicited
to examine Ida assorli.ient before purchasing
Philadelphia. November 13. 1841. ly.
do nailed
A N unparelleled remedy fur common Colds,
('oughs, Asthma, Influprr-a, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all dispasesnf ihe Breast and Lungs,
lending to consumption; composed of the roncen
traicd virtues of H un bound, Bonset, BIoikI Root,
Liverwort and several othe vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New
York. "
'Phe Innorpnre anil nnivprsallv admitted pectoral
viituesof the Her ha from which the Balsam of
llnrrhuund is made, aie too generally known to re
quire recommendation ; il Is thciefnrp only necessa
ry to ohsprvp thai ihis Medicine contains Ihe whole
of their Medicinal probities, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vege
table substances, as lo render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the com
plaints above mentioned.
'Phe Balsam removes all imflammation and sore
ness of the Lungs, loosens lough visid phlegm, en
nblirtg the pslir nt lo expectorate wnh pasp and free
dom, assusges cough, relieves athmatic and diffi
cult respiration, heala the injured porta, opens llie
p.ues, and composes the disiurlicd nerves, und gives
strength lo the tender lungs, and thus produces a
speedy and lasting r lire.
liiTiTt nB is the. haskst rniMt is Man.
We are not among that class of Editors who for
few dollais will, (al the exnse of Irulh and ho
nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rnpid
snle ; neither aie we willing to temain silent, after
having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis
covery in scienrp or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and
violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOREHOI'ND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
are afllirieil, may try it upon our recommendation.
Lewislo" Tlrgrajih. For side by
JACOB BRIUHT, KorlkumUrlund.
Also, by Druggists generally throughout tho
country. (jj Price, 50 cents per bottle.
August 14th. 1841. ly.
run sale ar
do Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do Shoes
Fine do
Kin do
do ( 'alf and Seal Skill Pumps,
do List Nocks with and without soles,
do Carpel do d. do
do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins,
l adies' do do do do
Ladies' tanned India Rubber shot s,
(entlemens do Over shoes.
With every oilier desc iption ol boots and shoes.
Fur Ca of every des. ripli.iu.
Travtilhug 'I'runks of every description.
Vencii ill Travelling Bags.
Patent tiuin Elastic SIi.m- Blacking.
Bonnets of all kinds. I'alill Leal Hals.
Philadelphia, Noumliei 13, IfcUl. ly.
China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse,
A" 104 A'itM Third street, third dour below Vine
street, Philadelphia.
"TTHERE they constantly keep on hand a large
" assortment of ' China, Class and Liverionl
Ware, which they will dispose nf on the most rei
sonablc terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, Azc.
A'o. 5 South Third street, four drs below Market
'JT EEP constantly on hand a large and general
assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bunds,
Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Taunt Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at
all times on the most reasonable terms. They will
find it to their advantage to rail and examine his
assortment In-fore purchasina elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Novemt-er 13, 1841. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign IJritish
and American Pry Goods.
A'o. 1 0ft JV,r Are. street, Philadelphia.
COUNTRY Merchants, and others ran I sup
plied at ull times with an extensive assort
ment of ihe beat and most fashionable Uoods upon
the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly,
"ToTvUiTTv; ijaiTron,
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Hardware,
No. 174 Nobth Third Strkxt, PmLAiiF.irm a.
V THERE their fiicndsand tustoiners will always
' find a large and general assortment of Foreign
and Domestic Hurdwuie, which they will sell at the
lowest prices.
Fhiledclphia. Novenibrr 13. 1811. ly.
No. IMS l-a Market tStreet, Phila.
(..- Fifth South side )
ALWAYS keep on hand a full and genrral as
st.rlinrntof Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy (ioods,
Country Merchants are respectfully request dd to
give them a call and examine for thcm-elvcs,
Philadelphia. N ovemlier 13. 1841. ly.
No. 138 Maikot Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants
to their extrusive assortment ol Bnloh French
and American Dry Goods, which they oiler lot sale
on the most reasonable terms. ,
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
No 51, Norm itrv't,
(coHNi.a or coomh's AI.LXT.)
Whete Ihry constantly keep on hand a general
assortment of
.4i( a gnut variety nfurlictis of a superior
quality, which they oiler lo dispose of
upon the most irasonable terms.
COI NTRY MERCHANTS and others will
find il to ititii advantage lo call and examine
lluir slock before purchasing t-hf where.
Philadelphia. Nov. fi, 1841. ly
Cap uu' Putm l eaf Hal S.rp,
No, IOSoith 4im SraisT, PHILADELPHIA,
l II PRE an pjtusive aioitineit nf the above
' articles aie CJi.slanlly kept uu hand, lor sale
at the most reasonable leilus.
May S3, 1841.- ly.
V NT! ION'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's
do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and
(icinian do.; Ambon's (Vsar; Anthon's Crammer;
Ambon's Cicero; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.;
Andiew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon;
Fisk's Cre-k Exercises; Davies's Legendei; Uraeca
Majors; Adams's Roman Antirpiities; Pinnnck'a
fioldsmitli'a Eiiglaml; do. Oreece; Lycll's Elements
of (ieology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Reader-;
Emerson's (ieography and History; Olney's
do.; Parley's do.; Smith's Crammer; Kirkham's do.;
Kay's; Cold's do.; Cobb's Arithmetics.;
Pike's do.; Em. rson's do.; Cbb's Spelling Bocks;
Towu's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Libiatv; ('ullage Bible-; Family do ; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikei's Ex
ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxtei's
S .hit's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comley's SieMing
Book; American Class Bonk; DsImiM's Schoolmas
ter's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 28, JH41.
J . s i i: j o n i: s ,
1 EljUESTS the attention of his country friend
who are in waul, to his very large stock of
Carprlings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opened, at
his warehouses. No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 'i
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
delphia. July 31, 1841. ly.
D. K 1 R lv P A T R 1 C K & o N,
A'o. 21, Kurth Third street,
TTAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment
u(S)unth llrdes. Put na Kips, Tanners' Oil,
ire., at the lowest market prices, either for cash, ia
exchange for Leather, nr upon credit.
Consignments of Leather received for sile, 01
purrhssed at the highest maiket prices.
(T3 leather sloied dee of charge,
April 17, 1841. ly.
C'olil Scltlrd on llie EuiigN,
IS a very common complaint, and can immedi
ately be rem.ncd by Dr. Duncan's Expectorant
Remedy. This disease produces much sulTering
and distress, and finally liecomes alarming on ac
count of its threatening severity. Physicians are
sent for, and medicine prescribed, hut to no elicit,
when they at once pronounce the lungs lo be en
tirely eone, and the rise hopeless; that the patient
mut die of CONSUMPTION. In this lingering
situation hundreds ate left under the mistaken idea
of their disease ("tol-e Consumption,' ) when it is
nothing more than a "Cold settled on the lungs,"
when the patient is thus i egtectcd until the lungs
do acually become dise.sed. Why is it that so
many (pronounced) Impel s cases have been re
stored to perfect heahh ? The reason is very plain
and obvious. They commenced using Dr. Dun
can's Expectorant Remedy, and wh.-n the lungs
were not entirely gone, they finally recovered. A
fair trial of this Medicine w ill convince all of this
For sate at No. 19 North Eighth Street, Phila
delphia. Price $1 per boltle.
A liesh supply of this vuluable Medicine has just
been received, und can always be nhlaincd. at th
Sept. 3d, 1812. Azrtit.
lit: llui Hell's
RE warranted to rure diseases of the stomach
und nervous system. Mr. CSsmuel Phillips,
Wist Kensington. Philadelphia, was entirely cured
by the above highly and in. st.mab'e medicine; his
rhi f symptoms were pain and weight at the pit of
ihe slum eh uf er rating, loss of apctile, anur eruc
tations, llaiulvucy, cos ivenes, pain in the sido, and
wrakmss iu the breast, constant headache, diiiinesa
und confusion of sight, nervous iiretahihly, which
incapacitated hnnium attending to his business
for twelve months, during which lime he tried va-ri-.i's
medicines, but found hide relief until by u-ing
ihe Compound Suenglli.-ning Tonic und (iermiin
Aperient Pills, he was eiubl. d in fue weeks to re
sume bis business.
Piincipul Ollice fir the United Slates, No. I'J
Ninth Eighth si i eel. Phil.-nlf 'phia.
August 2?th, tst2. Agents
Dr. II irlieh's n.edn ines are daily increasing in
public l.ivor, and waul Irom any but fair trial to
establish llu ir worth. We have conimuuicatioii
in inn column.- to-d ay fi.un a person long,
w nich is but one of many vouchers foi this medt,.
cine. Sjurit of tint Tunes,