Ths Money Market. Wry little change in the money matlm of Phil adelphia. Tha nut-door rate may bo quoted heretofore it T to percent., for good paper. The brokers have very little to do, insomuch a the hank, discount all ahoit paper of unexceptionable character that ia presented to them. Our own im pression is that as business becomes mora active, money will Ret comparatively scarce. The abun dance at the present time, grows chiefly nut of the limited business of the eoun'iy. Every body hos been curtailing and retrenching for months, while the uncertainty and apprehension that existed with regard to the revenue or tariff bill, also had its effect in deterring capitalists from any new enterprises. But the revenue bill having passrd, and Congress adjourned, we may speedily look for more activity In trade, and hence for more demand for money. The currency, ton, is getting bettet at various oinU ; the crops of ad kinds' are coming In ; we have no Tear of war with Great Britain, and the prospect is improving. The great drawback upon farmers, is low prices. Wheat is selling at various points in Kentucky at SO rents a bushel, and at the same price at Zanesville. Ohio, and at 49 cents in Cincin nati. But these are specie prices, and when we re member that the cropa are immense, perhaps the cause of complaint is not so seiinus. , We repeat that the currency is gradually improving through out the country, that individuals have long been engaged in curtailing their indebtedness, and that the aigns of the times from all points, are more cheering within the last few days. The suction salea which took place last week in Philadelphia, brought better prices, snd our merchmts on C hsnge and in the principal business thoroughfares, speak with a better feeling, and more confidence. The fall trade will not probably be large, because the effect of the salutary movements to which we have alluded will not have reached the various sections of country from which the southern and western merchants come, in time. Still, it will exhibit con siderable improvement, and the. very fact that the multitude believe that business will grow better, will produce a cheerful state of things to some extent at least Even our State Stocks have increased in price somewhat, more because of the better feeling generally, than for any positive reason thst we have been able to discover. On the whole, then, we think we may congratulate our readers, and in dulge a hope that matters will mend gradually hut certainly, from the present time forward. Rick. Ilrpnrltr. Mrlancliol jr Accident. llrlrort of a Utter In the Editor of the Danville Democrat, dated Washington tills, August 30th, 1642. Dear Bin : We had another dreadful accident here on Saturday Isst. Chales Johirov, son of James Johjost, Esq., a young man about 19 years of age, went on a fishing excursion in the Creek near this town, with a seine, in company of several persona. In going into the wster he got deeper than his night, and being unable to swim, was drowned in a few minutes. Too much blame cannot be attached to those who were with him. They made no effort to sve him, though the wa ter was not over between five 01 six feet deep, and they were within ten or twelve feet from him, when he ssnk. Instead of attempting to rave him, (which they could have done,) they cent to town for aid, and it was near a half hour before the body wss re covered. Every effort was wade human ingenu ity could deviaa, but it was of no avail-the vital spark had fled. The deceased waa a young man of un exceptionable character, and haa left a large circle of friends who mourn his untimely fate. Thus has been cut down, in the morning of his lite, a young and promising youth, who bade fair to real ire the highest expectation of his I'rienJs. The sufferings of the poor in Philadelphia and the lower comities is said to l very great, owing to want of employment. A few Jiti hoi case of actual starvation waa mentioned in a Philadel phia paiier. The Saturday Evening Post gives the following account: "On Tuesday, a poor man was detected by a butcher up Market street, in the act of taking a piece of meat from his stand. He plead poverty the starvation of his family, as the ocly cause of bis act. At the moment, a gentleman standing l y, and who heard the poor fellow's story, inquired the price of the meat, and beii g answered as to its value, was about to pay it, when the butcher with characteristic goodness of heart, said, "No, sir, I make it a present to him," and the man went away. A circumstance of a similar character occurred last week, but the butcher, instead of stopping the man, quietly followed him to hir home, and Uion going into the house, was astonished to see the children of the poor fellow greedily devouring the raw meat, wiih an avidity that could only arise from famine, while the father st looking on unmindful of his own sufferings. This wss too much for the sensi bilities of the butcher, who left the house with pre cipitation, but soon returned, having successfully exerted himself lo procure relief for this starving family." Gold Wines of Oeorgtsu The Milledgevaille Journal af a late data says : "The success which is now attending gold dig ging in the tXieroki country, is, we learn, very great. Upon an average, it is said, thst common hands can earn from one dollar to one dollar and three-quarters per day, rlear of expenses. This is better thsn making cotton not com for we bold that the corn makrr, in the long run does better than either the gold digger or the cotton planter. Hut notwithstanding thia, we are pleased that our (Sold minea in the Cherokee country, are proving to be a source of profit. These are hard times and hard money is much wanted. We team too, that the demand for gold waa ao great, that many speculators furnished themselves with, what they supposed, the needful,' to buy up the glutei ing metal, but they have been lo a great extent, tadly disappointed. Their needful waa Ct lilral 11 ink money, and the depreciation upon the notes of this Dank hss been so great, that ths Miners would not touch it, but st a rate of discount so great that the peculators were compelled to abandon tbsir project." BehwrlklU Cnt Trsuls. Amount of Coal shipped from this region the ptesent season, Bp to Thursday evening : From Pottsville, 179.191 Tons. Schuylkill Haven, 101.253 TOTAL, 280,414 - Amount of Coal shipped from Mauch Chonk up to 2Gth ult., flora the commencement of the season. 149,085 Tons. Pvltsrilfe Emporium. Tn the Court of Quarter Session of Union county, Isaac (tray was sentenced to the Eastern Penitenti ary, for passing a Counterfeit Ave dollar note to Dr. J. Wagrnaeller, for two years solitary confinement at hard lalmr, and one year for offering a counter-, feit five dollar note to John Hall. Union Star. . Stkphk) OiaAi. The Philadelphia Evening Journal in the course of some very severe strictures on the life and character of Girard, holds forth in this wiser Girsrd acquired hi fortune chit fly at the ex pense ol evriy principle, as well as the best feel ings of humanity . In the courts of justice, he tlcaded the statute of limitations, against righteous debts and on one occasion, saved $40,000 by his plea though then worth six millions of dollars. On another occasion, he endeavored to swindle widow and herchildien out of a farm in the neck, for which an honest jury sweat him with h- avy damages ; for, like sll tyrants, he seized on the land, and left the widow to the uncertain remedies of the mercenary law ; but the genius nf a Binney recovered her property, and scourged the invadei to the quirk. Hia private indirecttires, would lire patience to enumerate them ; and disgust sober minds by their profligate details." BALTIMORE MARKET. Office of the Baltimore Americas, Sep. S. FLOUR. There is very little demand for How ard a: reel Flour, and the store price has further de. dined. Ssles of good standard brands have been made to-day to a moderate extent at f 4 60, and some holders are offering to sell st the same price now. There is no settled receipt price. We hesr of no sales of City Mills Flour. Some holders are willing to sell si ft 75, but others ask 4 87. The maiket is almost bare of Susquehanna Flout. Small tales at 4 75. GRAIN. The supply of Wheat at m irkrt to day is large, but thete are no prime tots offering. We nominally quote good to prime Md. reds at 80 a 90 cents. Sales of inferior to good Ms at 50 a 75 ctg. Prices exhib't rather a downward tendency. No Pennsylvania Wheat at market for several days Sales of Md. Corn al 50 eta. for white, and 50 a 51 eta. for yellow. A sale of Pennsylvania yellow at 52 eta. We quote Md. Rye at 50 cts. Ssles of Md.Oats at 21 a 23 cts. WHISKEY. The market continues dull. Sales of hhds. it 20 cts. and of bids, at 2 1 J a 22 cts. A Few Works n Favor or Dr. Brashrkth's Vko eta aLK Usitersal Pills. This valuable medicine is aa well known in the United Slates, and paitirularly in thia city, (Philadelphia.) as a sovereign remedy in the cure and prevention of disease, that we scarcely know what to say, that will be received in its f.vor. One thing is certain, they possess this eminent advantage over most o Iher purgatives, that while they operate gently they produce neither costiveness, debility, nor loo great excitement; whenever there is a preuisposition to a disease, arising from marsh effluvia, or too co pious use of ardent spiiita, or a vitiatod state of the bile, they sie sure to relieve. We highly recommend them to travellers, by sea and land, aa they may lie made use of with the ut most safely, without change of diet or exerciae. They will be (bund peculiarly beneficial in the pro tection front disorders incidental to hot climates; they deterge snd cleanse viscid humois, open ob structions, promote the secretion of good bi e, ope rating as a cathartic and poweiful diuretic and dia phoretic. Daity Chronicle. Purchase in Sunbury,of H. B. Masser, and the agents published in another part of thia per. CoMMCRICATln. To tlie Citizens of MorthumbrrlanJ County : Hatmu been placed brfore the public by the Democratic party aa a candidate for Assembly, I consider it my duty to the friends who nominated me, to say, that any allegation that I am in favor of attaching any part of Northumberland county to Columbia rounly, is incorrect, No person of either county has spoken to me with a view to that oh. ject, in anticipation of my nomination or election. I am opposed to such a change myself, and if elect ed, would not sanction any measure of the kind. If I am honored by the cilixens with sn election, I shall endeavor to represent the wishes and interests of the county fairlyvand with fidelity. Very respectfully, your fellow citizen, JACOB GEARHART. Rush Township, Aug. 27, 1842. Qj The Milionian will please copy the above. Important Warnlngr, 7' Arise who nrgltct a Vol J, Tia evident, and derided by the moat experienced J- physicians, that Consuxr rios is mostly encou raged by a neglect of a Cold at the first attack. How many persons are iheie th it put otf from lime lo lime procuring s suitable medirine, until the dis ease begins to assume a serious character, w hen in all probability they are past ihe p.iwer of m. dii at aid. May these lines prove a warning to those af flicted wah the first symptoms of Consumption, that they may immediately u-e Dr. Di'mtar's Ex r ector art Kemeut, which is expressly for disea ses of the Respiratory System. It is reitsin la re move a I'ough in a lew days, al the same time re lieving the pain in ihe side and breast, and arrest ing the progress of thai fatal disease Consumption ! The Eipectorsnt Remedy has a decided advantage over all other preparations. It ia rntiiely free fr-m Opium, and all other violent Narcotics. It regu lates Ihe system, and gives strength tn Ihe wesk and nervous. For sals at No. 19 North Eighth sheet, Philsde'phis, snd in Sunhnrv. at the of HENRY VOX I'll KIM Fit, Sept. lO.h, 1813. AgfHl, li HI K U, On the 21st till., by ths Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr. Rorrrt Parr to Mi-sSanah Gkmrerllvm, both of Penns township, Union County. On the 6th mat., by the same, Mr. Iikorsr rvn- skr to Miss Elisarkth Bloom, both of Augusts. On the same day, by the same. Mr. Aniirkw Gi TSLti a to Mis. LtniA Conrad, both of Young manatown. l'lUCE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry YoJCtheimer, Wheat, 95 Rir, Cor, ' Oats, , Pork, Flaxseed, Butter, Beeswax, Tallow, . Drier Ar-rLRs, Do. Peaches, Flax, Heckles Flax, Eons, 60 40 25 ft a. 100 12 25 , 12J 75 200 8 10 8 " Rood Intent Fire Company.'' A MEETING of the Good Intent File Compa ny will be held at the Engine House, this af ternoon, Sept. 1 0th, al 6 o'clock, P. M., for the pur pose of exercising the Engine. JOHN B. PACKER. Sept. lOih, 1812. Sec'y "JOTICE is hereby given that the partnership JL which hcretotore existed between Ihe stthsrri lrs, under the firms of Bear A. Trego nnd Trego, IKvir rV Co., is this day dissolved br mutual con sent. All debts due by the titms will be paid by Jacob Bear, lo whom all the debtors of the aaine will please to make payment. JACOn BEAR, JOHN TREGO. ' Shamokin, Sept. 10th, 1842. ATTENTION KUiNBUllY CIREY.S. YOU are required to meet for parade in Market-square, Sun bury, al 10 o'clock A. M. of Satur day, the Sltli day of ScjL inst, in Summer uniform, each Memlier to fie provided with 12 rounds of blank cartridge. By order of Captain J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Sept. 3d, 1842. N. B An elerl'on for non com missioned officers will be held on said day. TO THE ECHCTOUS OF NORTIIUM BKUINI) COUNTY. HAVING lieen informed that a iiutntier of my Democratic fellow citizena wish me to stand a hiII at the approaching election, for Ihe offices of Register, Recorder, if Clrtk of the Orphan' Court of SorthumlnrUind County, 1 have consented lo the request; and I earnestly wish thst you will favor me wiih vour suport. EDWARD OYSTER. August 27th, 1842. IVoticc to Creditor. TTIIIE undersigned, having been appointed Audi- J. tor lo apportion the assela of the estate of James lloey, dec d, m the hands of John I.andau. the administrator, will attend at his office for that purpose, on Saturday the 3d day of September next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of which those interested will lake notice. CH ARLES W. IIEGIN. Sunbury, Aug. 20ih, 1842. Auditor Tlie lcople't C'niifliflatc FOR SHERIFF. DAVID M. I.AKK, of Miaou. km Township, ia induced hy ihe urgent solicitation of nu ll y Iriends, to offer himself as the People's Candi date for Sheriff. Having hd fifteen votes out of Ihe ihirty-one Delegates met st Ihe court-house in piunbiiiy the first day of August, snd claimed se venteen before they met, but by some misunder standing received only fitV-en, be thinks that the people should have a choice at the coming election in October next, and therefore shall look to them for his support. Augu-t 211th, 1842. l'lIOTOI. 11 AIM 1 1 C I OT IClT. M. P. SIMONS, JVo. 17U Chesnut Stre:t, 4lh Story, pxnxASTJirxmL. MANUFACTURER of DAGUERREO TYPE APPARATCS, Surgical and Mi niature Cases, lmiorter of French Chemicals and double siler plates tor the Daguerreotype, adopts this method of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that be carries on the above ousiness extensively, in all its various brsnrhes. Persons desirous of oblsining any of the above articles, can be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for cash. All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate attention. Ms. (J R LILLE RR'.DGE, now travelling in the Northern part of Ihe Slate, will promptly at tend to all orders, give necessary information and Photographic instructions to sny person on appli cation to him. Auuust lilh. 1812. lim TAKE NOTICE. LL those indebted to the firm of the sulscriliers will please csll and make satisfaction, either by paying up or giving their notes with security. No longer indulgence esu be given. GEO. RMHRBACH vk BROTHERS. August 0th, 1842. TO TUF. F.LKCTORS OF SoRtITtM ItF.RLAM) COI'.XTY. THE suliscrilwr rcs-clfully informs the electors a of NortlitiiulM-rlAiid eimnlv. ihul Iim u-ill Ia candidate, at Ihe ensuing election, for the office of I'oroiit-r, Should he be tavored with a majority of votes, he will spare no exertions to render rcneral suns faction. CHARLES WEAVER. August tith. 1842. f) i k 7j7 isTumn 1c k , SURGEON DENTIST, 1 ESI'KC't Ft I.LY informs Ihe pul.lic that he has made Northumberland bis iernisiieiit place of residence, and is ready to attend lo any c.dis in ihe hue of his profession. July 2, 1842. ly. Saimirk II. .Ionian, FFEh'S himself to the Klectors of Northum berland County, as a candidate for the offices C) ol PROTflOXOTARY A.D CI.F.RK OF THE SEVERAL CO V UTS of said roomy. Ho trusts, if elected, thst his expe rience in the duties of said ol tires will ena le him lo give generel satisf anion lo ihe public. Suubuiy, June 25, 1812. " to Tin: it nut. YrHEIiF.AS Letters Patent were granted to Mr. II. W.Camt, in Oct-her, 1834, for anew and useful improvement in the descending Fi.i k I oori vn Kjovx i 1 have understood one II A I II A WAY is using mv said improvement under the name of "Hut Air Stov which sinve involves Ihe principles secured to me. This is to caution all ersnns against making, vending, or .using said "Hot Air Stoves,", as I sh ill prosecute sll who in any way infringe my rights; nnd I hereby consti tute JosMtu W. Comlt, F.sq. of Danville, my law ful Atti'iney. empowering him to bring suits auainst sny person who shsll use mv improvements in any manner whatever. HENRY' W. CAMP. Owign, Tioga county, N. Y.J Juy 2, 1842. 3rn. ' 5 TAILORING ON HIS IWN HOOK. V 1") F.8PECTFULLY Informs hi' friends and the publir generally, that he hss commenred the Tailoring II 11 i n c x , I in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied by Wm. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Itlackln-rry street, nearly opposite the Pn shyterian Church. He rrseclfully solicits a share of the public patron age, and trusta by strict attention to business snd reasonable charges, he will be enabled to give gen eral satisfaction. Sunbuty, June 18th, 1842 ly lre'f y "Prof rTjyy" HOTEL. Shamokin, IVortlmmlrorlaiitl Co., PENNSYLVANIA. rilHE suliscrilieis resrifullf inform the public JL thai lhy have taken that htrgt and rnwmmli. nun IIOTEI.. in Sh.imkiutown, in the centre of Ihe great Coal Rrgion, lately kept by Jacob Kr.nn, where they are now pn-pared lo accommodate all who may fi.vor them wiih their custom. By strict attention to business, they h'pe to receive a liberal shsre of puMic patron.-ig. BATCH ELOR A GOVE. Shamokintown, June 18th. 1812. 5H-o c - -co c 3 3" e ? ;!0 Saw I" ? ,32 s4 f - r H o 1 5 V. H 73 c J 3 -t 5 -5 SO -! 1 s - -CO O 1 -y s e-U o O n It w a o o -C-0 C5 S H J. H in g ST Jl 5 j eL -co To ( iiiinf ry MERCHANTS. THE tuliscritier, Agent of I. yon Ac Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New York, I'lnl idelpliiii, Baltimore and other large cities, whose- Unlit are highly commended lor td edit and durnhilily, has on hand a first rate assoitmnnt of HA I'M and CAPS, suitable f..r Spnna silc, wh th will I e sold very low, fot cavil or appmved credit, al the m ini cheap attire. No. 40, North Third stro-t, oppjai'A the City Hotel, Philadelphia. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, Armt. N. B. Orders lor Hals in the rontji, promptly attended tn. The highest rice in tath or tra ie given t'ur rAv'na. Philadelphia. June It. IS42--1y NEW GOODS. J 1ST iccrived, a fiesli supply ol cheap Dry (ioixls, tiroririea. Miirdwiire, ,Vr. Superior Ladies' Mack kid Ginvcs, Colored do.. Lawns, t 'hinlzes, Mousselin de lames, Ac. Cloths, I'lts-iiocics, t'a-hmeu-ta, l.inen Dr llings. Muslins, Ac. Superior Port me, Pure Sarm Oil, ' Sperm Candles, Rai-ins. Ac. June 4ih. ls-12. II. II. M SSEK. ALL peismia in Hairs, under ndi lued to the lino ol I.oii A under the agency off I.N. Thaeher, Hilt and Cap Manufacturrrt, No. Ill North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make iiiiiuedi ale arlllemeul of ill' ir a counts iih the sulwcrilar, their legally authoiied ugenl.whn ia fully rmow eied lo settle and rollerl the arcouMs nf said firm. ROBERT D. W ILKINSON, June 4th. 1 84 2. t f Agent . I'elU atlosircr ESPECTFULLY informs ihe Eleelors of NoithuinberlaiHl rounly, that he will be a rai.dldt idate for the office of SHERIFF. He promises, if elected, to discha'ge lire duties of said ofliee with rate ami fnb lily. Up(ier Mahmioy, May 2lh, 1812. i lit: 1' 11 1 LA I) E 1. r 11 1 A. nnillMi AM) rOTTMIILE RAIL ROAD. ?.l''j.h t?in -11 AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINK H ill eonnitfurr running In lwern Philadelphia and Poltm illr on thrfullmcinir day and haiimj I" AXn AVTKR MoN SAY, Mil 9, 1812. Leaving Pottsville, on Moiidnys, Wedui d.iy and Fridays, ar . M. leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, 'liirsdnv and Salunlays, al ' 1 f P. M." ilnlint , MlAintr Rt'ttt7iitir Kor I'l il idetplua, at 10J A. M. For IVtisvilk, at P. M. Tii-weekly. '. H K .V. Between Pottsville A Pbdada. It.lween Reading A' d s A f2,.S0 2.2.S A 1.7.S Between do A Pot'sxille, Kvi i usiok Tn kirn iiiiiiii mi nr mv. Between Pottsville A Philadelphia, Bi lweeii lb admg A' do. Between do. A Pottsvrfbs 1,1(1 A 1 till 2 IN) The other passenger trains will as before, at the follow ing hours : P'tilutlttiihia and Pntturillr, From Philadelphi i, at A A.M.? From Pottsville. at 2 P. M. Honrs of putxinsz Itrtidinrr. For Poit.vitRi, at i A. M. i Pot Philadelphia, at P. M. S Daily Daily. All ihe tiaina will stop for way iiarseugers at i the usual p.4nla. (J j" All passengers are requeslej to priH'Uro theii tickets iM'lore ibe t cuius stait. May 21, 1842. If. U.S. Mail Coach FOIl lOTTN VI lalal'. STICK TO TUB MAIL COACH I ri'Hi: Mail C loach f..r Pottsville leaves Northnm I. berland everv morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives in Poiisville in lime for the rars lo I'lnl.idi Iphia. Fa MR as low as any other line. For seats, apply al Mrs. Wellington's Hotel, 'Northumberland, o at Gentee Writel's. Sunlntry. A. E. KAPPA CO.. North'd., May 21, 1812. Proprietor. ! (XjT Passengers coining from Philadelphia will pten-e semre their seats st the While Swan Hon I, Rare St., before they leave the rity. Pnasei ffers Coming in this line, have ttoir seat, secured in any Since or Packet bnal from this place. 'I hose Coming in the other linn msv Is? left behind. WARR.WTEI) SI PF.RIOR TO A ' Y OTHER A F.A R SEX fl TRY. .1 OHN & HENRY LANDAU, having rented the Lime Kilns of Henry Mssser, in Sunbuiv, have now for sale the best Lime in this part of Ihe country, and will continue lo keep constantly on hand frch Lime for Plastering, Building and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be had anywhere in the neighlioihood. Msy2l,J842. J. & H. LANDAU. CLYDE & WILLIAMS' ltluiiK llwuk !Iaiiiil'a lurj, 4. Oppaxitr Prinvr 'n Hotel, HAKKlSIUJItG. f IIIF.Y are pn purid lo manufacture blank work JL of every description, ruled to any pattern, such ss Dockets li'ecords. Diy Biaiks, Ledgers, Asses sors' and Collectors' Duplicates nf the finest quali ty of paisf-r, in a style equal to any made in ths ci ties of Philadelphia or New t oik. All disciiptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made to order. Law Books Music and Periodicals hound lo any p.illern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files of psers bout d. jj- Work W-ft at the office of Ihe Sunbury Ame rican, will be promptly attended to. May 21st, 1842 ly. J. IMC AY L AND, JR. & CO. Jnull ami lubacco Jlaniilncliirrrs, .Vo. !!) Xorth Yil corner of Race and Third Strrrtit. PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership under the firm of J. MA YLANP. Jr. rV Co.. a successors to the lute firm at Jacob .Mnifnnd Co.. snd will c intitiue the business at the old esta blishment, on ibeir own account.' In addition to their own close attention and experience for many years, in the mamil iclitre nf their cefebrated snuff-, . xr.. uie nuigi jprrienrp oi me senior pariner oi rnc l.,., I..,,, ,ill mln Im .ltv.-hl.-.l l.i ihu inlafMl t.f fliM new concern and as no rxertion and care will lag spared to insure their eomls, al all limes of Ihe ve ry l-est quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the Mends and cnloiners of the late firm. THOM AS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jr. Philadelphia, Mav 14th, 1812. ly r EAGLE ;" an qd ru n, Corner of Th'rd and Vine Slrr t tx, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. flHE snl'scrilaT resetfully announres to the JL publir, that he h s oa'tied a Hotel in thernm moilious briek huilding situate on the rumor of Third and Pine streets, where he will he hnppy to wail npon those who may f.ivor him wit'i their compni.y. The E.icle Hotel ia large and conveni ent, and furnished ir Ihe laM modem stile. It is provided with a large number of well abed and coinfurl.dile sleeping apartmcriN, rooms, private parlors, Ac Persons visiting U illiaiiismrl on bu siness oi p'ea-nre, mav rest as-uri d that everv ox ertion will t-e used lo render their sijourn at (he 'Eagle Hot I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table w ill lie supplied w ith the very bi st tlie market af fords, and his bar wi'li the rhoirem w incs ami other liipjors charges re isonalile. The Eaele Hotel possesses premier adtautaues in pmnt of loeaii.oi than any utile i est-iblishmeiil in ihe laiiotich, iH'ing situate in the titisineSH p ol of the town, ami w ithin a convenient distance of the (mrt House and Wilbamsporl ami Elmira Rail Ron) D put. Sufficient Stabling sT.rided,und gisod snd Ini.-ty ostlers lwas in attendance. Attentive, accoii.niolntiiig and hone-l Servants hate been emploi ed. and nothing left midline that will add lo the roiutoit and accninmodaiion of 1ns guests. There will ls a carriage always m Btlendaore at the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, free of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. Mav 14th. 1812. HEILlfAlT & CO., (.'oinniisMoii iV l'rvariin Mt rrliants, Foot of W illow Street Rail Road, ox th k nn . HAVING associatnt wih nVm Joseph "Bsrnel, late oT Eastoii. Pa., r. sia-ctfully inform Iheir friends and tlie publir generally, that they have ta ken th it large and we'l known si ore and whrvf at f.MSl of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied (sy .l.roh Martin, where they propose ihting a Gem ml t'limrnisitiou and Forwarding Business, and fiom ihe local advantaeea of the place hrinu numerted with all the pohlic iniproveureiila tliat have their nutlet in lh citv, they Halter lliemselves they will la able to do business to as, if not greater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms a. any other hirtise, and thrt assnie their friends lhal any con sinnienls made to ftiem shad have thitr strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give eutiie autis- f.M'MOIK Thi y are also prepared in receive and forward ! good 10 any poinl on the Delaware and Lelnth j liwrs, t1T'ii Ma och I 'hunk, Easton and I'hila ' del ht, via Delaware 1 lrvii,w and lliigh Can .Is; also, lo auv point on the Jimiata hviT, or Norm and Wtsi Blanches of ihe Susquiliauua via SchuyL Ikill and Vnion.sf Xho 'C-tiesapeake and Tide Watei X'ana's. For ihe accoinmiklation of lloatv Coming or go , in it via rVhuvlkill and Union I 'amis, a Sre.mlHial will b.i kept t iprrxslv for towing boats from the i SchuvlklH around M the Del in sre and back, wlmi) . will on tte meichaiits to have Iheir pnntuiv ileli i veiod on the Delaware, snd their e wxls sl.ipd at a saving ol 50 to 75 'r rent, im the piteea fir hauling srio-s, wiih these adisntgea tlw-y re-SHi-lfully solicit a share of pair-nare. W. HKII.MAn t:o Wdliini ll.-tlm.iv ! WiHiam W. KeVM-r i Jiweph Barnei. 3 l'bila.1 .May 14, 1812 ly i Phil TO TIIV. ELECTORS OF SOUTH ' I'MHERLXXH COIWTY. ' f IHE suhsertlH-r Is log prevailed on by bi fiiends, I I resiMrtfully ii tonus ihe public that he will l-e ! a candhljle .r Ihe ntliee of COMMISSION!:!?, at tha ensuing general election. He promises, if elit led, to tullill Itie duties of said orliee, Willi eaie and fidehtv. JOHN YOUNG, Msy Tib, 1811. H. Bo lrSASSEPv, ATTUI1N11Y AT I, AW, ; SUIT BURY, FA. Business sltended lo in the Counties of Nor thuwl erlsud, Union. Incoming and Columbia, liefer In i Thoras Hart cV Co., I.iiwih cV Barror-, Hart, t'vvmtRos cV Hart, PbiluJ. Rr.rwoi.ris, McFari ak ii cV Co. SpKRtSfl, 'iooii cV. C GOLDEN SWAN A'r. 01) Xorth Third, nhovc An U Strict, Till LA DELPHI A. ArvoMvmn mtiins nut nt.tKM V rrittsissr. C CHARLES WEISS, late4 the "Miiie Swan," J and "Mourrt Vernon House," rosiecicully in forms bisfriends and riiRlnnirra, tbnt Im be. ts-come the proprietor nf the aliov well known Hotel. t!mntry Merrharrts will find the above Hotel a ceirttalliK-alion, ami the best of fare. Per-ons tra velling wrrh ;ivah conveyance wrtl find a Inriro yard and good stabling for horses, and lire ta-sl of nsttois. Boardimt f pervlay. Mav 14 h. 1842. if. ' GS &l H !D lr. JOHN lMV4Iil. T. TIUTi:S, RESPECTFULLV announce 1o the cTtiwns of SHmlurry.snd its vicinity, that tin's; have this dnyrntered Ttito cnpartnersliip hi the Practico rit Mrdicine.Tn all ha various department, and hntie by This arrangement, punctual attention to business, and moflers'te charges, to receive a 'lrliciul share of public patronage. CTV" Dr i. PEAL lenders liis griftcful acVnowl- edBemerrts for lite very lila'ral pirt-ronage heretofore received, and feeling confident that the now ar rancemenl, tlre firm of Peal A. Trrtes,) wnll bo coinhirrve to the oinfort and welfare of the pub lir, he most respect fully solicits a conlinusiioe of theirasonfiiienre, Sunbury , May 7th, 1812. fim. mMiciiaints HOUSE, io. Xorlh Third, nluirr CntlowhiR St., lMlILAirr.l.l'IIJA. flll E stlb-cribers takes pleasure in ar,namling I (lieir frieudx and the public in genera1, that they hTi'e taken the lare and rrimmivilioiis Hotrl, recently In ill bv the Mesxia. II nt.on the same site once orcurnerl by the old established Hotel known aa Ihe Bull's Head, in Third street above Cullow hill si. This Hotel is finished in the very !irt possibln manner, ami of Ihe best materials. Ita Incalinn i very dexirable, panieiilarly for enuntty merrhnnts ; the arrirugrmen's for heath. g and veniilirting each room is stirh as to secure any lemrieraliirir. The brdr, miiiis are all light nnd airy, all furnished ana neat siy, so as lo insure tonilort. The receiving .parlors are nl-o ftiinishe.l in s s'ti perb stv'le, the w indows use on the French style, i'oimii g an euiiance to u hidcuiiy in front, uln.k makes i plea-nnt recess. Pnrtieubir attention ha been given to Ihe N ils und bedding, w hich, with the furniture, are entirely new. from yea's' experience in h.ilel business, we trust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this In. use a desir ible slcppinj pi ice. Our t ilde will always be supplied with li e very "best our market Can alfurd, and our bar w i'li the best liquors und wines of the most apptoved bttinds, T.S. There are first rate stabling i.r.dcarr bro houses attached In Ihe hotel, r.tii nded by ca ff'il orul Mober'hostlors. ami our charnes w ill be lo, in accordance with the present haul SHIT.TZ A LEI til Philadelphia, f pril In, 1X12. STJSQ U EH ANNA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA.COLUIV1BIA CO, FEWSYI.r AM . FQHE subscuN r re.-vcftully informs the public JL (hat he haa purchased, and now occupies ll'o l.irsr ;.A Hi k. and l,,,'2St Cammodnio ilipilTav fi ll Stand, Well known a the properly, late of Theodiira Wt lis. and formerly kept try Samuel A. Brady. Tie is now prepared to scvommoibite aH traveller and visiteis who miy favor him with a rail, and will use rveiy orliirl in his power to n tiller every ronvenieisre and comfort to his -cu-tomers, while under 'his charue. His aci-omuio lation ats ample, and his mums well furnished. His stable." rxtcnj ive and in good condition. H rs Tami l and 1Ir will he supjiliiil with iho best "that Ihe market can air.ird. By punctnalily and attention, he feds confident lhal he wil ment file iiarroriee of the .public. CHARLES HARTMAN. Cattawiosa, April Olh, 1812, iYom:itT icri:u &. so. PAPER M ANVr ACT TJRSRS. LmMsWrsf Steed, lltttthnorr. HAVE constantly 'for sale. Printing P.q-r ofall and qualitiis, Cap Writing Paper, rul.d and filsin, iH'lter Paper, w hite and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelops Paja-r, do. do, modhmi,' double ciown, crown and extra sized WrrfpiNng Papers, Coloied Mmliutn and Riryal PaRrs, Bonnet, Binders' and Straw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their line, which they wifl sell on accommodating terms, niclrest price given fir old rn. ROBERT CARTER A SON. March 19. 1842. E!kton, Md. WHARTON'S n o i r nr a2 u m SunlHii ) , VortliiiiiilM'tiaiiil ( ouul y , PENNSYLVANIA. t !HE subsiTitier rcsN-ri fully niloriiis the publir, 1 lhal he has lemoved lo large and comim -di.rns Brick Housis on Market square, opposite the t'ouil Hoasv, foTinerly kept bv H train Piiee.) where he ts now prepared lo accommodate all who iniiy favor him with a call. Being thankful for past favom, he hopes by strict altehtion lo business, to receive a lila'ral sbaie of public palronags. A c. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunbury, March ftth. 181J. LIlrlE ! LIME . LIME f Fltn;'. su'isrrilieni are prepand to furnish farmer 1 and others with any quantity of Lime of a very UK'iior quality for land, or p'ui-lering, at Ihe fol lowing very reduced prises vir : cts. jar bushel for l and Lime; 10 rta. for ihe la-sl quality of plnb U ring Lime, al the kilns, Mow ihe borough of Sun. lurv. They will also deliver, at any place within the borough of Suiihurv. Lime lor land, al 10 rents r buvlnt, and Lime for plaistering at 121 rent pr bo -hi I. The solisriiU rs h.ive alwavs on hand, a large quautily of Lime. Its quality is good, and Iheir limestone ia not equalled by any in the neigh. hollulod. SKASHOLTZ A BERGSTRESSEK. Augusta, April 2d, H12.