Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, September 03, 1842, Image 3
S'rom t'ht tilth" inwrr. American. TWENTY SEVENTH CHMiRESS. WAinrToit, Aug. SO, 181. HOLVsE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tho Journal ot "pTrjwvhngs having been read, llii'ie was tush ft the 6om sd flio Hirst effort wb teaflept t Resolution allowing extra compen sation 1ft rtie cbarlrrins of tlie two Houses of Con Rrcra. The resolution was not adopted for want of time lo oonsicW it TBwimiin or tbk , "Some tltirty r (mij Sills, most of them private, liitviitg passed on Saturday, wcto sif-TH-l to-day. HeMH Hill In tlw llsswae. T bill with tiii rami ik nt. The Revenue Bill wai the great question -of the vhty. 'The Secretary of the Senate, wan at the Vint with the Bill from the Senate at an early hour, and as soon as he made hi Report, the Chairman of the 'Committee of Ways an J Mean moved that the House proceed at once to corridor the UilL "A or a it Anacan - Was heard from all side of the Hall. The Bill was taken from the tattle, and consi dered. Mr. FILLMORE moved concurrence in the amendments of the Senate. Mr. WISE hoped that they would he printed. Mr. FILLMORE said that they had hecn. This seasonable service wasduneyeslerdny iu the Cleik's Office. Mr. Fillmore stated that an apprehension had gone forth that the Bill interfered with existing treaties. Such was not the fact, There was a section in the Bill which prevented it. Mr. Fillmore closej his brief remark with the Previous Question. Mr. LINN of N. Y. hoped it would he with drawn. He wished to explain his vote. "No," "no," "don't wilhdrsw," was hcatd upon all sides of the Hall. Mr. LINN "But for fh'co minutes." Mr. FILLMORE -For that time I withdraw it, if my colleague will renew It." Mr. Ll.N"I will." Mr. L. proceeded to state why he had voted against the Bill when before under consideration. He rcgardrd it as yielding too much to the Executive, and he could not con scientiously give the Bill his support. His friends had thought dilTereiitly, and he acquiesced in their judgment. He was known to be a Protection man at home, and was so here. Mr. Linn acted to-dny a a friend of the Bill. Cloning his remarks, he moved the Previous Question, according 10 the pledge given. Mr. BOTTS begged Mr. Fillmore to withdraw his motion. "No," "no," "no," "no," was heard en all sides of the Hall; and Mr. Fillmore did not withdraw. There was a second almost without objection. The question returned upon laying the Bill up '11 the table. - Mr. BOTTS of Va. rose to address the House briefly upon a motion to !e excuxed from voting. He stated that he had been overruled in his opin ion by his friends in the two Houses of Congress, He had believed the passage of the Bill would be yielding to executive dictation. He had believed that Congress dishonored itself by allowing Con gress so to yield. 11! could not now vote fur the Xi til. He would be drawn upon the rack fiM. Mr. Bolts' motion to t e excused from vuiing was put by the Sjieaker, and rejected. The yeas and nays were then called, and the Motive rejected the motion of Mr. Clill'urd to lay tho Bill upon the ta ble by the following vote: For laying the Bill upon the table, C5 Against the motion, 120 tore rrox thk amkkiimkmts. The amendments of the Senate to the Revenue Bill were then read, and conrurrid in without ub jtctiun, UNI TED STATES SENATE. Important .Mmiarii. The Senate have devoted most of the day to the consideration of Executive Business. The public business was most important, and briefly told. The Bill to repeal the 20 jur cent, provi-ion of the Land Bill was passed to a third reading, and a final pasiage by the following vote: YEAS. Mcssia. Arctic, Barrow, Bayard, ' Choate, Clayton, Conrad, Crafts, Crittenden, Day- ' ton, Evans, (iralmin, Huntington, Mangum, Mil- ler, Morehead, Phelps, Porter, Simmons, Smith j of Indiana, Spraguc, lullmadge, lute and Wood bridge 23. NAYS. Messrs. Allen, Bagby, Benton, Bu thannan, Calhoiin, Cuthberl, ?ullon, Henderson, King, Linn, Preston, Hive, Sevier, Sturgeon, Tap pan, Walker, Wtodt;ury, Wright, Young 19. THK COaTKST:lt KLKCTION HILL. The vote opon this Bill, by which it was recom mitted '.n Saturday, was re-considered and the Bill psKeed, with the amendment already published. Alii OV IKXLKT V CHKMatsa. The Senate took up the House Resolution fixing tlri day for an djournmetil. Alter a brief 111.. . k h.Ui the Reso ution was aiaended by iiaining a Wednesday at two o'clock, and in thia form " passed aud was sent to the Iloue of Rejueseuta- Tniftl ,,;, , . , ,, 1 he Resolution upon this subject was referred to the Coiuiuillee on the Judicary, to die of course. jxicctivx aisi! . The Senate went into Executive Business at an etrly hour, and devoted the day to the nominations and other matters. Thk Samta Fa Exri ui riotn It is known that this expedition was induced to surrender llirouuh the treacherous representations of the lie- h .... phew of (iov.rnor Armingo, backed by ttiose ol j Captain L-wis, of tho Expedition. It is also j kn'mn, that when the e,,laid down .heir j .. under the impression that they were to lie es- J in. u.i... i hi forted to Ihe coi lines ol 1 ex is, and ttieu nive their arms and property letuincd to Ibeiu, Hie) , ...l,Ud and sliinntdof their tlolh- ing and sent off prisoners to Mexico. It appears that the Uoverntrfa nephew, with the proceeds of die property of tho -expedition, has been en Irere and purchased a large elork of goon's with the spoils, and embarked wfth tliem at St. Louis for Santa F. Intelligence of this movement having reached Texas, an expedition was InrmeoSatrly fit ted eft of 1M men, well armed and equipped, -con-siieimgwi part of the eld Santa Fe expedition to rntercert the treacheTorjs M'extcan freebooters, and will lay in waSt fbt them on the Santa Fe toad, where it is te be hoped they wiM succeed in recap earing Mr. A.rmigo'a rrephew, and his invoice of good, and fh flct hack part of their former loss es. We learn these facts by private letters front Texas, no doubt of an authenie. character. Mon sieur Sallgny, Charge from France has arrived hero from Texas. A'. Y. Uninn. II ll.TIMOKK 1MAKKKT. Offietofthe Ualtimohk Axiksica, Aug. 29. FLOCK. We note a further decline in How ard st. Flour. Sales of good standard brands were made from stores lioih on Saturday and to-day at at 5M,"5, and holders are tillering to sell at the same The reeipt prircis f 4.62. On Saturday sales of City Mils were made at f 5 full. Holders generally a.-k that price to-day, but one or two small lots have boen sold for some- lliing less: Sales of Susquehanna Flour to-day at $4,75 cash. GRAIN. The demand for Wlieat has been ra ther less active to-day, but the sales have generally len made at about the prices of last week. We quote good to prime Md. reds at 80 a 90 els. and inferior sons lower as in quality. On Saturday a lot af Penna. while and red mixed was sold at U-J cts. on time, and to-day a parcel of Pcnna. red was sold at O'.t cts. also on time. Both lots had smut in them. Sales to-day of both while add yel low Md Com at 50 a 51 cts. On Saturday a lot of Penna. jellow was fold at 50 cs. and another lot to-day at 53 J cts. Sab's of Pern. a. Rye at fit) cts. arid a lot of Md. at 45 a 50 cts. We quote Oats at 22 a 23 cts. WHISKEY. The market is more settled to day, all the New Orle.u.s Whiskey having been bought up on S.Uiird .y at ID a 20 cents for til ls. Sales of Small parcels of Pennsylvania Whit-key to-day at 21) cts. for hhds. and 22 cts. for bids, w hich wc quote. Aboi-t BaANUHETu's Pills. Dr. Brandreth wishes bis mcdicit e to rise ot tall by its own mer its. He feels confident lliul upon a fair trial it will not only secure a place in tho public estimation, but reiain its hold upon the affections of the peo ple, without resorting to the vulgar, though com mon practice, of abusing other medicines. His IV gelnhlc Cnirirtul 1'ils, by purifying the blood, have succeeded in curing the most inveterate and opposite diseases by the one simple act of continu ally ev -ciiaiing the bowels wiih them, until (he dis ease gives way; therefore, whatever may be said of the theory, the utility of the prrctice is now be yond -ill doubt. His medicine in fact continues to herald its own fame by its astonishing effects. Purchase in Suubury, of H. B. Master, and the agents published in another part of this paper. To the Citizens of Xorthumht ilund County : teen placed brfore the public by the Democratic party as a fundi. laic for Assembly, I consider it my duty to the friends who nominated me, to say, that any allegation that I am in favor of attaching any part of Northumbrian.! county to Columbia county, is incorrect, No person of either county has spoken to me wiih a view to that ob ject, in anticipation ofmy nomination or election. I am opposed to such a change myself, and ifeli cl ed, would not sanction any measure of the kind. If I am honored by the citizens with an election, I shall endeavor to represent the w ishes and interests of the county fairly, and with fidelity. Very rcspcctlully. ynur fellow cilixcn, JACOB UEARHART. Rush Township, Aug. 27, IMS. dj- The Milionian will ph ase copy the atiove. Corrected u eikfy hy Henry Yujcthtimer. V 11 KIT as Rtk, ColIM, Ovrs, . . Pork, . . Flaxsh:ii,w . Bcttkii, Bkkswat, Tallow, Dhikii A el-Lin, Do. l'klCHKH, Flax, Hii uLKii Flax, Eli'in, 5(1 40 25 5 ItM) 12 25 12 75 200 r) 10 ft Cold Selllt-tl 011 Hie lamN, S a very common complaint, and can immedi ately be removed by Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy. This disease produce much sulh-ring and distress, md tinally U-comes alarming on ac- . count of its threatening severity. Physicians are I lur, and niediciiio presciilad, but lo no ellect, when they at mice proimunce the lungs to be en- . , 3 , ., 1 , , ... ,lr,.v ,,nei sn,j tli- cise boless j that the patient must die of CONs M I'TION. In this lit gering silualion hundreds aie left under the mistaken idea t of iheir disease ( 'to l-e CiHisuinptiou,' ) when it is ! nothing m. re than a "Cold seiil.-.l on the lungs," , when the patient is thus neglected until the lungs (i tfluMy VCitnie jww. Why is il ihal so many (pronounced) casss have been re- ' '" fect heabh ! The reason is very plain and obvious. Thev coinmenced using Dr. Dun- j.: ,,,.,,, Remedy, and when the lungs j were not enlirilv gone, they finally recovered. A lair trial ol tins Mtiliiiue w ill convince all ol tins fact. For rale al No. Ill North Eighth Stieet, Phila delphia. Piica $1 pet bollle. A Ircsh supply ol tins vutuattle Memcine has just , hrcn received, Mid can slwavs be ohlniuid. st the f Ul'VOV VllVTIIl'llll'll j -J'il 1' : "... W HI l'ir oilipailj . 'PUK memU-r. ol the -H.-hI Will Fire I !om- piny nro leipiestid lo meet at ihe Lourl m MiMli,)V velli,lt.t ft,,, 7 . I -o. k precisely. Puncliial alien, lance is lequiied Au-u.l 27. J. il. M M iili M AN , .Vc. ATTENTION WCMJOUY UliEWS. YOU are recurred to Tnert fitr parade in MarVcMqnaro.Nntr hury, at 10 o'dock K M. f Satuf day, the Vith tJay.of Sept. insl, in Summer uniform, esch MfmhiT to he provided with 12 rounds of blank cartridge. j By order of Captain - J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Sept, 3d, 184J. 5j5 N. B. An election sir non com missioned oirrcers win ne nehl mi said day. to thk Ecrarrous op nortiium- BERI-ANl) COUNTY. , ' A VINO been informed that a nunilaT of mv Democratic fellow c it 'wens wish nre to stand a poll at the approaching election, for the office of Rrgistrr, Ittmntrr, if" C 'Ink rtf thr Orphans' Court nf yvrlhnmttrrluiid Oninfr, I have consented to the request; ami I carm-s'ly wish that you will favor me with vour ftipport. EDWARD OYSTER. Autt 27th, 1842. Xoficc to Crrilitors. FIHE uniVersigned, having been appointed Audi au tor lo apportion the assets of the estate of James Hoey, dee'd, in the hands nf John Landau, the administrator, will attend at his office for that purpose, on Saturday the 3d day of September next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of which thoe inierestrd will take notice. CH ARLES W. HF.OINS. Sunbury, Aug. 20ih, 1812. Auditor. Tlic People's Cnndidnlc FOR SHERIFF. DAVID N. LAKE, of Shamokin Township, is induced by the urgent solicitation of mi ny friends, to offer himself as the People's Candi date for Sheriff. Having had fifteen votes out of the thirty-one Delegates met at the court-house in iunbtiiy the first day of August, and claimed se venteen before they met, but by some misunder standing received only fil'ti en, he thinks that the people should have a choice at the coming election in October next, and therefore shall look to lliem for his support. Augu.-t 2Hth, 1M2. 1 1 1 0 I H. IC A 111 1 C A OT I i M. P. SIMONS, An. 1 Tit (Vifainf Street, 4th Story, PHILADELPHIA. ANl'FACTI'HKH of DAfil'i". Mi I'.O TYI'K AVI'AKATVS. Sorgicd and Mi niature Cases, lmtoiter of Fiench t'liernicals and double silver plates for the Daguerreotype, adopts 'his method of informing the citi.ens of Northern Pennsylvania, that he carries on the ibovo ousiness extensively, in all its various branches. Persons desirous of obtaining any of the above attic es, can be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for cash. All letters (post paid,) will retcive iinmediute attention. Ma. (i R LILLEHR'.DCE, now travelling in the Northern part of the Slate, will promptly at tend In all orders, give necessary information and Photographic instructions to any person on appli cation to him. August 6th, 1812. full TAKE NOTICE. ALT, those indebted to the firm nf the subscribers will please call and make satisfaction, either by paying up or giving tin ir notes with security. No longer indulgence can be given. tlEO. Rt ) R BACH & BROTHERS. August (ith, 1812. rt) Tin: r.i.r.cTtms or sou rm .u- BI-UiLA.M) CO V. STY. 'P1IE subscrilH-r respectfully iiilorrns the electors nf .Northumberland county, that he will lc a candidate, at the ensuing election, for the office of Coroner, Should be be favored with a majority of voles, he w ill spare no exertions to render general satis faction. CHAIILEs WEAVE!!. Auutisi (ith. 1812. tj -C-L? Li 2ia LiLJ j T 11 ERE AS iheShamokin Coal ,V Iron Com- parv did, on the Dili day of July, 1H2, . xe. rule an assignment of all their property to the sub scriber, in trust for the benefit of their rrcdiiors, all croiiK indebted lo the said Shamokin Coal ami Ir oi Company are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to prrsent them without delay to John NiclioMs at Hiaiimkin. in lo the .uhscnlicr. No. It! South 4th street, Philadelphia. B. H. YARN ALL, July 30th, 1842. Asif;iiie. Ilciijaiiiln Taylor' ltate. TftJOTICE is hereby given, that letters nf iidinin istration have leen granted by the Regi-ier f Northumberland county to the suhsi rilx-r, resi ding in Shamokin township, upon the estate ot Benjamin Taylor, dee'd, late of said township. All a rsons having demands against said estate, are ri quested to present thtni. and those who are in debted to settle their respective dues with the sub scriber, at the heusj of John Vonly, Esq., mi il.s 30th day of August next. ! SAMUEL KL'RMW, 'July Kith, 1812. Ot Adtiunintrutor. mi. J. N. SUMNKlY, I SURGEON DENTIST, UESt'ECTPI LLY informs the public thai he has made Northumberland bis tieritianenl place of lesidence, and is ready to attend lo any calis in the line of his profession. July 2, 1842. ly. m." ttJ r.IT e. B 35JfcT TO tiii: I'l III.IC. "I7HEREAS Letters Patenl were granted to Mr. V 11. V. Csxr, in Oct -Iter, 1S3-1, for anew and useful improvement in the descending Fi.t k CiuiKitiu Siovks: I have undeisiood one II ATH AWAY is using my said iinprotemeiit Under the name of "Hot Ala Srovks," which stove involvts the principles secured to me. This is to caution all persona against making, vending, or using said "Hoi An Stoves," as I shall prosecute all who in niiv way infringe my lights; and I hereby consti tute Joniii' A W, Comi.t, Esq. of Danville, my law ful Attorney, emowf ring bini lo bring suits auainsl si v person who shall use mv improvemeiits in any manner whatever, HENRY YY.CAMP, Ow.go, Tioga county, N. Y, J July 2. 1KI2. 3m. $ .. N;iiiiuei II. .lurdaii.' FPERS himself to the Electors nf Norlhuni. berland County, as a candidate for the olllcta I'liornoXtrr.niY ..n ci.i uk or Tin: .sr. a i. coi hts of said county. He trusts, if elect, d. that hiseie rielice ill tin- duties nf said nlliees will eua' le him lo give Rencrel saiisf it lion lo ihe public, Suubury, June 23, 1812, X4 TAILORING, ON HIS IWN UOOKi FETEP. GETTE?., 1 KSVKOTFl LI.Y informs his friend, and the llibbc tcireralry, that he has rnmtneneed the Tnilori ti? It 11 ni nc, in all its laairehes, in the houe fomH-rlv oixupied by Wnv. Durst nsi n Tador Jlms 4 rt illarlxTry street, nearly opposite the Pr sbyierinn I'horclK He resactlidly soln-its a share of the public palTiai age, ami Imsis by strict aitiiition lo business and reasonaMe charges, Ire will he eiiabbsl to give gvn rrnl satislaciioii. Sunbury, June ISth, 1842 ly HOTEL. SK Mi a in o lit ii, ti llitiiiilx-i iaiul 4t., PENNSYLVANIA, THE stibseribeis n-spictfullv mtortii the public that tbwy have taken that tarqr und eowwtsi- ,. HOTEL, in Sd imoktntown, in iho rentre of the great Coal Rcuioti, latily kept by Jacob Kram, whric llH'y are now prepared to oecominiidaie all who may fcvor them with their cwslom. IW strict attention to business, ihey h pe lo rceev n lilral share of pulihc patMiiu BATCH ELOR V C.OVF Shamokmtown, June I8h. 1842. S. s if O U.1 i. A I - rr - 5 s" n If. 2. 3 C 5 S .CO - T 73 i i If 73 a. j w 3 Z t 7: 9 a 5 . C5 X s I. X 8-ft H Sri' Dg S To 41 till li I I V MERCHANTS. rPHE Suliscriber, Agent nl I yoti A Harris, Hul Manufacturers, for New York, I'lnl nlelpbia, Baltimore and Mther large cities, I os- Hats are highly roinlm mU'd lor t nr durvhilily, has on band a tir-t rale assnrtiii -iit id II A I S and CAPS, suit it lo f.r Sprmp sile-, wb eh will 'e sold very low, foi cnsi or iiipinve.l rred.l, at the m titi cheap nrr. No. 4t, Norlli Third kIkv-I, o p isi'e the City llot.-l. I'liil t.lelpbiH. KOBEIIT D. W if.KI.Nstl.N. 1,-r.j. N. II. Outers lor IIhIsiII tlier-o.;-'i pr-i.npllv attended to. The highest rice ill Wt Mr Iralu given far t'ur tti'n.. Philadelphia, June II, IM2--ly NEW GOODS. 1ST icceived, a fresh supply ot cheap Dry tiootls, liroctrns. Hardware, eVe. Superior Ladies' black kid Cloves, Coloied do., Lawns,, Mmissclin de lattice, Ac. Cloths, Cassimeres, f ashmen-la, Linen Dr llings. Muslins, vVc. Sii-rior Port ine, Pure S-rm Oil, Ss rin Candles, Rai-ins. A;c. June 4th, 1812. II. li. M SSER, Tv a. uH"' ia a zz a 42 VI. I. peisons nub bled to tin) linn ol l.viin A Harris, under the agency "f O. N. Tlncber, Hut noil Cup Mil nu furl 11 r , No. Ill North Tbiid, street, Philadelphia, are reipii-sted to make iuimedl ule M-ltleinenl nl ih ir m cot. nls w iih tin subsciiW-r, their legally autboiied agent, who is fully impow. cud to si It It' and colli el the accounts ol said li'in. ROBERT D. WILKINSON." Ji lib, 1812. If Annit. eii ,vi 4m re i UP EsPEC'l PI ilQ. N oitbiiinht t ri.l.V informs ihe Eleetorv of rland cuuntv, that he w ill be a lai.didale lor the olUce of SI I Kill IT. He proniies. if elected, lo di-eh.iige the duties of said office wiih eaie and fidelity. I"pa-r Mah-.iiov, .May 2"lb, 112. i in: nuL.uiKi.riin. rkihm; ami I'iittsiii.i.i; RAIL ROAD. ""a i-etVi"iri-rt "r' t-?J ., AN EXTRA A('('O.M.Mt)).Tltl. LINE II ill eiiiuini iiei runuins In tin i n I'liilndi Iphtu und I'ollnrille on the J'tdlotrini duijs f, ;r horn x : Ok svii srTt.H Miivmi, Mx 0. 18-12. Leaving Pollsville, on Mondays, Wediitsdavs and I'lidavs. at 8,' A. M. Letving Philadelphia, no Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays, at IJ P.M. Ili'lim nf ihisxiiiix Hi ad in''. For Pbilad. Iphia, at IDA Por Poltsville, at ') P.M. 'l''i-weekly. VI Between Pollsville V i'lnlada. InUuI A 2..".il 2.2ft eV l.-(.) I, III A l.dit i lleiweeii Reading A' do. i llelwceu do ,V Poltsville, Eiil Ksio Tick i. is i. mill ton !tT Ml. I llelween Poltsville A Philadelphia, Utll HMIII f5 (til :i mi 2 ntt Between luadiug .V do. llelween do. it Potisvill.-, '1'he other passenger trains will as l?forc, at the loll. i ing bi-tirs : t'l.ihidilpliiit und l'.,the,)e. From Philadelphia at n.jA.M. Froin Potl-ville. al 2 P. M. $ lltiurt. of puttiiit: Hrailitig. For Poltsvilie, at 'J A. M. f Foi Philadelphia, at -il P. M. S Duilv Pailv All ihe trains will slop for Way pascligcrs at tho Usual points. (fj- All passengers are requested lo pmctlre their tickets before tint lutlis sluit. May 21, IS 12. if. CLYDE & WILLIAIVIS' ICIanU Hook Haiiulai torj , tlpjmsilc I'riiiei'n I loll I, II AKRlSUnUi. fMIIEV are to inainil ic'urv hlank w.nk 1 of every dei-ciiplion, ruled In i-ny pattern, sin h aa I lockets beconls. ll.y Hooks. Ledgers, Aes. sor.' and Collector' Duplicates of the lim-si q-uli-ty of pais?!, in a style equal to any In tint ci ties of Philadelphia or New Yoik. All tb seiipiions of binding neatly exttnied. Scrap Ua.'kS, Albtinis and PonfoliiHi made to older. Law Bot ks, Music and Periodic ds bound In any pattern. Old Books rvlound, Ac, Also li es of piM is bout d. fjJ" Work left at the nitiee nf the Suubury Aiiic rii i.ii, will be promptly attended to. . May 21.1, IS 12 ly. U.S. Mail Coacli i on roTTsYii.i.r,. STICK TO THE 1MAIL COACH t f 1111 E Mail 'tJoifch for Poltsville leaves Northiim- 1 berbnid every mutiiing at 1 n clock, and arrives in PottsviHe iu time it ihe ears To PhllaiMpliiu. V a it r. as low as Bny ttibtT line. For seats, apply tit Mrs. W'ithhiRtonV Hotel, Northumberland, o lit (leorge Weilel's. Sunbury. A. E. KAPP A CO., NoTthM.-, May 21, 1 H IS. )'mpriet,ir.i. rjj-Passr-ngers coming from Philadelphia will ph-a- secure their e,tts at the While Swan Hoitl, Rare Si., la-Kvre they leave the t-rty. Passengers coming in this Hiie.hitve tbiir seats secured in any St age or Ptirket boat frntii Ibis place. Hume Coming in the other line may W lcU" behind. wri:)) srrr.mtut n .V oTiir.n a :. u s a n t it v. JOll.W HK.NRY LAND ,1. having tented lire Liuif Kihtsiif llvinv Maswr, In Sliiil-Miv, have now for side Ihe Im sI Linrr- in this part nf the counliy, and will t otitinlie to keep constant ty nil hand tVrh Lime for Plastering, Iluilditig and for Liming land, mi as reasonable terms as rati I had iinvwbere in lire isntghboilmint. M .v 21, 4S42. S. Sl H. LANDAlJ, G OLJKN SAV AN A'o. fit) A'"tr Third, nlrove Arch SlrfTt, rill LADEI.l'III A, .ttMvntt)ttiiM t1H srivVNl'V Vf.HWiNS. f MIARI.CS WEISS, laieol the ' White Swan." - and "Mount Vernon House,'' respeeifiillv in fitrms h's friemls ami Cusioniets. that be ha- btrome the nrontielor of lite abov Well known Hotel. Cotitrry Meicbatit w ill Prtd ihe alxtve Hotel a central . -ration, iiimI the la'st of fare. Persons ira wllittg with private roiiVeyaitt-e Will find a large y ml nuil C'""l stabling lot horses, and the la st of ostlfts. Hoarding f 1 per day. 1 Mnv 1 I h. H 12, if. J. IflAYLAND, JR. 6l CO. Sinill" nntl Tuliaffo Mnmir;irtiirfis, Art. ii!l A'ii irr.x'rnrnrr ij" Iture und Third Stret tn PHILADELPHIA. r MlE iindcr-igued have formed n Co-partnership under the tirot ..r.l. MAYLAND Jm.A C... as successors lo lite late 'firm of Jnciih .Moilnnd . Co., and will c "iilimie the btisme-s at the old esta blishment, on iheir own account. In addition tn their own close alteniioi) and experience for many years, in the iiiaioif .elilre ol their refebraled Miulf', A c., the long experience of ihe senior partner of the late firm, will nl-o be devoted to the interest ff the new concern and as no exertion and can' will l e spared to uiMirc their pimmIs, at all times fif the Ve ry Ivst quality, they solicit a continuance of the confidence of the li cuds and rn-lniuers of ihe late firm. TIIOMYS ADAMfH. J. M AYLAND, Jm. Philadelphia, May I Ith, 1SI2. ly EAGLE ( rcnr r nf Th;rd and Vine Strii ttt, WlLLIAMSPOnT, PA. FIHE snb.erilier respectfully announces to the I public, that he Ins opened n Hotel in the mm mod ions brii k building sntiate on the coiner of I lurd and Pine streets, where he will he hhppy to wait upon those who may favor him wit . theii coinpanv. The Eagle Hotel is large and conveni cut, and furnished m the lie-t mtaletit st e. It i provided llll a latge number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Wi'.liamspttrt on bu siness or pte.i-ure, niav rel '-ur.d that every ex ertion will Is used to lender iheir sojourn nt the r. tule Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will he supplied wilb the verv In st the market af fords, and hi-, far with the choicest wines find oilier Injiiors cbanjes re soiiahl.'. The Eagle llolr! possesses grenter advantages in point til' location than any other similar est ibbshmeiil iu (he bttiougb, being situate in Ihe 'oinitn ss pari of the low ri. anil within a convenient distance of ibel'oitrl House iiinl Wilhartispnvt and Elmlra Rail Road D pol. Siiil'icieni Stnliliiig provideil,aiid good and trusty .tiers always in alleiidan.-e. Attentive, accon.miHhiting and hone-i Servants hatu Is en etti-loed. and liolblng It-It undone thv will add to the commit and nccommotbitiim of his gtie-ts. 'I'll, re will be a carriage nkv.iys in attendance nt ihe lloiit l.aiulitm to convey passengers to and from the House, tiee of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. May 1-1 lh, IS 12. TO. HE:LlrC-lT"& CO., w. 1 1 - i - . - t ; ( 'oiiiinisMtHi iV I'oi wnVilinfr Mt-rclinrit.-, ' " I'oot of Willow Strut liuil Itnad, j OX Tilt: I'lLAWlHI. n W I.Mi assot'iiiieil wi h tht m Joseph Barnel, late of Easton, Pa., r. sit tl'ully inform iheir friends and the public generally, that they ha ta ! k n th it large and well known store and w h tVf al I foot of Willow Sirect liailio.ld, Lit. fv occupied by ! .Iscob Martin, VAhete they pupose doing a tien.ral I 'i inmissioii and Forw aiding Business, ami fioin i ihe local advantagi's of ib place l-eing count clt-J 1 with all ihe public improvements ibnl b.tve ilu-ir : outlet ill the tit v , Ihey ll alter themselves they will i I ie able to do business to as gif it, it not e e tter a.l ! vantage, and tlH.n as Te isotiabti' terms a any 'other , IioVim-, Mud Ihev assuie their Inends that anv cOu , sv' inenls iiiadv lo lliem shall have lh. ir s'rtl il leiiliolt, and no exei'tiolts spated to give eultie satis i frc'i.itt-. '' . " i Tin v tre also prepated lo n-ceive ami forward ' gmsls to any ..nil on the IV law ire aud l.ehxll ii" er-, lietire. it M aocli 4 htli V, Easton and I'hda I del, bis, via Delaware Divi-i. n and l.vhigh Can -U; ' also, to anv point oil ihe Johiata rivil, or .ordi i ltii.1 Wist Hani In sol the Siir'piehaiitta vi.1 Scliuvl. I kill ''li. I I 'ldon, 01 tho Cbesateke ami l ide W.iti'l j Catia's. For ihe aecomino.lA'ioii of ItOai- coming or go ing via Schuylkill and L'uiou IVn'.s, a Sie.inlMvtt will h ' kept expressly lor touig bods Ir- ui the Si hiiylkdl urnuiiil to ihe Del aie nud back, w bich jwill en -hie tin icbaols lo hrt-their posloce deri. I veieil on ihe DeluWare, and tb. Ir g Kids l.iip. d at a taxing nl ((I In to ar c-ni. o nie piles I .r hauling ai'.ors, wild these udtaulages they re siacllolly solicit a hie of ca'tr -n e. e. w. hfiLmaN A CI). William ILllman, ) Wdlialtl W. Keys'.' 5plulad,M.iv U. Joseph Barnel, to tiii: i:t.i:cToits or Sturm rum: in. sn ctt xty. flllli; sub-crib, r tn itig retailed on by I.U fiten.l-, I r-a-clfi.lly it tonus the public that tie will bo a candidate lor the nllire !' commission m:, at the ensuing general election. He promises, if , I. . led, tn tollill the dutic. of sa'.l nlliie. with rare and fldihtv. JOHN YUt'NU May lh, ll". - f ' 'I AtTOUNKY At LAW, TliWiness aitended to in flfo t'rttrn'flca f Nt thmpl i-rluml, t 'tii.m. Lveofnhig and INjIuIiiImb. lit Ii r tot Trin t ts 11 Airr A tJo.-, Low hi A Uinriiix, HBT, Ct;Xixri!ns A IIaiiT, l'fiilud. lUt -voi.iis, M't-Fai.liairk,Co. SpkhI no, ("iuihi Ac Co., Jh Cr aHs 3D III s. .I4MI.V I'IMI. & l. "K Till Ti:S, nEspEcTl-'Li.LV announce to flie citizens .'nf Sunbuiy, and its Vlciioly-, that they have this day entered into copni'tnersbip in the Practico nl M'edirine, iu all Its various departments, and hope by this arrangement, punctual attention to Vtisinrsa, Und nioileiale charg-es, 'to fccetX'o a liberal share of public patronage. ft y-Dr J. PEAL tenders his graleful eknnwl edgrmeiits for the vcYy hlerrl pifffonAge 'heretofore rCci iVed, Mid leeltng confident that Ihe 'Hew ar-irhiL-emeiit, (the firm of Peal V Triles,) will bo cot diicive to the -comfort aTid 'weffa're of tile pub lie, he most respect fully solicits a cdtiliriurfrlce of llieir'cittifnlence. Sonbtirv, May 7lh, IS 12. f.hl. HOUSE, o. 'S.V7, Xnrth 'J'hii d, iifmvf CullowKitl St., I'lllLADKLi'lHA. r-ltllF! atih-etiliers takes pleasure 'In aciu&!nlir. f 1 their fiends and the public in general, that they have taken the large and commodious Holr recently bnill bv the Messts. Il.rt. on'ths line sit ortcr oei ilpied liV Ulf old fstablirhed Htllcl kiiowrt a- ihe Bull's He'uil, hi Third ultvet nbov "CriiloW It til st. This Hotel Is finished In (he Very Wt 'ptoSsibl manner, and of (he best materials, lis location is very dcsiiaMc. particularly for eininlry merchants ihe arrrttigefiteuts tor bentil.g aim Vemilatiltg each room is stich ns'to sci ntr any remperaflife. Th hi drooinv Ate all light anil airy, all furnisher in neal slv'e, so as to insure comfort. The rtffiving parlors are also furftisltcd in a su perb style, the windows are on the "French style, fothiii g iiii'entratii'e to a l.idedtiy in fnlril, whi.h makes a pleasant recess. Pintieiilar atli'lltiiln has been given 'In Ihe bt ds ahil lit il.'ling, which, with the furnhrtre, hre eiitin ly Hew. 'l-'rnm VeB's' experience In h.itel business, e trust, by stricl flss'dinty It: busirless, to lmlka this house a dcsirabln stepping pl.n-f . "Oiir table wilt at.Vays It s-'.ipptieil with Ihe very 'best our market can afford, ami ol.i bar wi'h the best liquors and w'iiies'fif the nioRl approved biRnils. P. S. There are (ir.t rate stabling urA cifr age houses nltli bed to the hotel, r.tlcnded by CS f ll and sober ho-llei's and oitiThargbs wilt be low, in accordance tvith the prc&iil haul SH I'LTZ A. 'PERU Philadelphh. Jpril 16, IH J2. S U SQTJ EH A NN A HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUIYlblA. CO l'i:..S YlA'A SlA. HE subscriber respectfully informs tho pul lio that lie has pttntiaed, and now occupies the I. urn c ffc.fht ltrlt'K and . ( 'omm,iioi,x ZlliffiTa mi Stan. Wt II known us the property, "late 6f Tlieodiha Wills, and formeily kept by Samtiel A. Bindy. He is now pifpurt-d to acciumnodale ill travellers arid visileis who may- l.-ivor him with call, aiift wiH'uf rveiy rll'ort in bis power to render eyeiy convenience and cVimfort to his customers, while under his charge. Ilia accommodations arc ample-, und his rooms well 'furnished. His stables rxterS kive and in good condition- . , His Taih.i. and INu will be supplied with the best that the fiiaiki-l can ulford. By punctuality and iitientioii, he feels confident that ho will nicift the patronage bf the public. CHARLES HARTMaN. ('.illawja, April '.Ith, I si 12, uoitr.KT iit ri:it is. si, PAPER MANVFACTUaiXS) l.uiiitiartt At ret t, Jtaltimorc. H ii constanllv for stile. Printing P.iper of a sires alnl Tpialiu. s. Cap Writing Paper, ruled ami plain, Letter Putter, white and blue, ruled and phfin. Hanging Paper, line and'fl, Envelop' Paper, do. do. medium, dolib'e crowrr, crnvvti itt'a extra sirvtl "Wrapping Papers, Colot.l MvdiumnA Royal Pa.era, Bonnet, Btmh-rs' inid Sltaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their lirte, which thev will sell on arc t-rYimodating temisx Highest pifce given for old rftgs. KOBtHiT XJARTER & SON, Mar.h n, lt-12. Elkton, M.i. WHARTON'S d a as ra? ca , Siiiiliiu-.t , AoiiliiuiilM'iiaAtl t'oiiMly PENNSVLVAKIA. ritllE subsXTiber rcsHctfully intorma the plibrii-, I that be has icfnovtvl lo thai large and ronitno ilious Brick House, on Market square, osile lh Court lloti-a-. (lormevlv kent bv H'rtni PiiceA I wheie In- is no yreparr-il to Bccommorlare all whr ' may favor him wit Ii a call. Being thankful foi i p 'si fivors, he hopes by atrict attention to busiiirjs i to receive a tiberal share of public patronage. A c. I CHARLES t. WUARTtJX. i Sii'nbuiv. March 5th, IM2. A S II v i:ioiton. (t v twu oui tar1.) 'llM'AIMMi ihe Old and New TestamenVy with piaeiical expo.-ttions kiid explanatory noies, by Thomas W illiams, AVtllior of "the Age of Infi delity," '-lh.tu.n.ry ..f all Religi 'US Denomina tions," A r. I u wli'i. h aie added the r. t. rencet and lea.riiigs .,'(' the PolygMlt Bible, logeihef u ith niiginal notes ami selections fiovn Baxter'! Coiiij reheiiiivo lliblc, and inher .tahdaid Wotks illirodu'ctory &nd i'oucliiding remarks oil esch honk of the o'd ami new Testament, and Valuable chto-n.-l goal index. The Willie carefully revised and h.Ia) led to ihe use 01 Sunday behind-, Bible classesi and t.'hilslialts generally, 'rinfirllinhett with tnoi mid 'tiiirntviin;, edited Vy the It. v, Williutn Pai loti. aed piil b.lnil by Cuse, "I'lll'any A Buiiihamj llaitlord. Conn., IS 1 1. This woik has Ikcii highly recommended by tl.s loll wing, among other distinguished divines: Rev. Stephen Remington, pastor tif the Mflho di l Episcopal Church, Brooklyn. Rev. V. C, Brownbe, pa.lor of ihe Mi'ddlt Du'ch Chutch, New Ytnk. Rev, Lt ineel Miller and A. A'et 'n.ler. sols in Prim etoll Tbvologic .1 Seminary, N. Jersevt R.-v. C P. Craiiih, I'resi.lelit ol I'i'iihsy Ivaiinl College, al liellvsbioir. Iter. C. W Sch.t. lb r, pa. tor of the Lutheran ('butch. II inisburg, Pa. il j- Fix salt- by II. B. Muastt, Agent lot lh I'uUi Lc.o. Jan. Uih 1015. T ( I t BUUIIItlUIIJ sw " II