ll A IV K X 4T i: 1, 1ST. ITWSlI.ViMi. The f .Mowing 1 i tt shows Ihe riirrmt value of nil Pennsylvania Rank Notes. Tim must tit t io r t re liance may be placed upon it, as it is terry week run fully comp lied with ai d corrected fioiu Biik mil's Reporter. lCiinlin 111 Ilill:ill)lilii. . 1 Dur. iw NOTKS A 'J' 1 A R. Brink of North Aniciira . , Bunk of the Northern Liberties , dunnicrciiil Bank of Perin'a. , Fanners' nml Mechanics' Bank . Kensington Hank Philadelphia Bank Schuvlkill Bunk Sotithwark Bank . . Western flank , M eel i ii I lies' Bank . par pur m r par ar far par par pur pll Country ItUlllvH. frttcliif-ler (.lirstcr O'ermantown Bank of ( hrstcr County Hank of lVlnwnrc County Ilmk of (.'crinantown Punk of Montgomery Co. Doy Irslow n Bank Kaston llm k Farmers' liank of Rucks co OHice of W ink of rrnti'a. Cilice, do lo Ofl'icc Jo do Otlire do do par par par pnr pur par p.r Norristnwn Dn let-town Easlmi Bii-tol JIain-l.iup These Lancaster i llll'lCOS Reading do not Fusion J l-isno li. Dl SCO V N T. NOTKS AT Bank of the United States Hunk of Ponn Township Philadelphia 5.ri;it: iajaii 4la4. (bard Hank . . Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Hank Moyanicnsing Dank 1 tin 12 r.ar 10 r. Bank of I'cnnsvlvatiia Miners' Hank of Puttsville Hank of Lewistmvn Hank of Middlctnwn Bank of Northumberland Pottsvillo Lcwistown Middlrtown Northumberland 0 Columbia Bunk & li ridge co. Colombia Carlisle Hank Carlisle Exchange Bank Piltsl urg Do do branch of llolhduvshurg Farmers' Hank of Lancustei Lanctistei Lancaster County Hank Lancaster Farmers' Hank of Reading Reading Harrishurg Hank J lurrishurg Lancaster Hank Lancaster Lebanon Hank Lebanon Merchants' Manuf, Bank Pittsburg Hank of Pittsburg l'ittt-buig West Hrancli Hank Williamsport Wyoming Hank Wi!kesl.ano 4nfi f. Cm 7 t Oil 1 M IS Northampton Dank Allenlowu Hoiks County Hank u ailing Cilice of Hank of U. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav, Ins. A I'cnn Township Sav. Ins. do Hank of Cliatiibcrsbiirg f'lnrnbcrshurg H.it.k ot (icttysburg (icttysburg Hank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Lrio Hark Eriu Farmers' &" Drovers' Bank Wnyneshurg Franklin Hank Washington Hnncsd.ile Hank Honcsdale Monnngahcla Bank of B. Hrounsvillo York Hank Yoik 1.' IS. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadi Ipt.ia brokers, vviih the exception of those which have a letter of r. lereiice, BROKEN BANK S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Hunk (T. V Towanda Hank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Hank of Heaver Hank of Swataia Hunk of Washington Centre Hank City Hank Fanners' tSi. Mech'cs' Hank Fanners' & Mech'cs' Hank Fartm rs c- Mech'cs' Hank Hainmny lnsiiiuto Huntingdon Hunk Juniata lin k Lumbermen's Bjnk Northern Hank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Noithunib'd I'nioli Col. Ilk North West' m Bu.k of Pa. Otlico ol Schuylkill Hunk Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silvei Lake Hank L'ni'iu Hank of Penii'a. Westmorland Hank Philadelphia failed do failed do tilled Dyott. prop.) (ailed Towanda tailed Bedford no sale Heaver closed Hani-burg closed a-liinulou failed lielli l.iulo closed Pitlshuig no sale J'lllsbiirg tailed Fayette co. failed (ireencaste failed llainiony no ale 1 1 unl inmloii no sale Letvislown no sale 'arien Diindall' New Hope Milton Meadville Port I 'uibon ( 'arlilo Monliose failed no sale cbis'l Ho sale C'bisi d failed fail.d closed filled closed I lllolllliUll (ireensliurz Wilkesbnrre Budge Co. llkbarre nosule 2j All Holes piiiporting to he on any Pennsyl vania, Bank not given in the above li.-t, may he set down as frauds. m:w ,ii:iivi:v. Bank of New Riunswick Hriinsu iek failed 1 ttr Belvideie Hank Bu'lintoii ( 'o. Hank (.'olt:ii t trial Ii ink" ( 'on. In rl.md Hank Finiuera' liniik Fiiitners' mid Mechanics' Pk Farmers' srnl Miclninics' lik 1 iirmcrs' nml Mi reliant' Hk Fiuiiklin Hank o!"N. J. Belvideiu .Me.ltord Perth Ami ' 1 liriilr'eloii Mount lklly Railway N. Hiunswiik Mldvl'.et.UMi Pi. ,a. 1 del Jt r-ey City S:i! i ! failed I tailed ! 1 failed ; liol oken LI, e (jiuzing Co Hoboken Jersey City Hank Jersey City Micbtiiiiis' lb nk Patterson Muniilailur. rs Bank Belleville- Morris Company Hank Morristown Moiitiii't th Hk ot N. J. Freihuld Mi i bailies' Hunk New uik Mn Ii.ii.ks' and itlanuf. Hk Trenton Mortis Cunul uiid Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes I pur no sale 1 Newaik Bkg cV Ins Co Newaik New Hope Del Biidge Co Luinbertsvillo N. J- MuttUluC. and Bkg Co Hoboken 10 f.llh d laded A J Pioti cu ii c. Loinl'ur J I k Jersey City Otunse Bank Orange t! Puter.-on Bank Pali moll fulled Peoples' Hunk do 1 Piihceton liank J'riiiceton pur Pule m Hanking Co S;di in jar Male Bank Newark 1 Mate Hunk l.ll.iln ditown 1 Slate B'JIik Ciiliiden par State Bank oiMorrie Monistown 1 b.i.te Bank Trenton failed t-ulcm und Philnd Muniif Co Salcin tailed Su.-six liank Newton 3 'J'lenton Banking Cu Trent. m jmr 1 ia. n Bunk Dner 3 uchintoi. Banking Co. Hackensurk failed i;i:i.ivii'.r.. Bit Wihn & Brumiy wine W t iningtoo par Hank of Deluware V ilmingtuji pur Bnt.k of Smyrna Smyrna par Do l ianrh Mdlord ur l'uiuii rs' lik of Stale i f Del Dnn -ar Do branch Wilmington j.ar Do biauch Cuo.getown pr I)o branih Ntwcuslle par Union Bunk ihuinytoti par (Xj- Uiidci 6'a (Jj- On all I miks nia'ked thus () there aie ei- otliei ciuili licit or ul enil li (ti ol liiC vuiluus df- liUUiiinliuiis, in ciii-uUtlun. The first tndhnJ for the Abolition of f)ininne, in to ( i rrd sf and purify the lkidy. Will VIST'S v i;u iri A it m: riiii.s III' 1 II K A 'orth ,1mrrteri ( oltfg-f of Itrnllh, Arc now iickuowlcducd to he the heal Medicine in the World for the cure of KYF.UY VARIETY OP DISEASE. IS' EIjCAUK ihey ennip'rtely cleanse the sto mal li rind bowels from (In se lullinu mul ror- nipt humors ivbich are the cause not only ot Headache, (iidiliness. Pnlpiliition of the Heirt, I a'ns in the Hones, Klieiiniutism nml limit, nut , every nmhn'v ii.eidei t to mull. (SAID INDIAN V Lt'.K TABLE PIL1.N are a eer ain cure for in temi dent, lemiiti d, nervous, itillamiiloiy and pti'tid , Fevers. Iwcnuso tiny cleanse the pody frrni lhoe mot hid humors, which, when confined to the circu lation, are the cause of nil kinds of FEY ERS. N, alco, when the same impurity is deposited on the iiienibini e ami loiisi le, causing p oii". intlamn lions and swellins called RHEUMATISM, (i()l T.Ae. W liubt's Indian Yeuelable Pills may bi relied on ns nlwnvs icrtaiii to give rt lief, ami it perscveicd w ith, accoidlng to dilutions will mo-t ussundly, mid without fail, make a perfect cine ol the above painfi I n idadies. From three lo six of satd Indian Vegelub'c Pills taken every niuht go ing to bed, will in a shoil time so completely rid the body from every thing thai is opposed to health, that RlieumatiMii, (Joiil, and p it" ol every descrip tion, will be literally DIM Y EN FROM THE P.D- DY, For the s one reason, when, Irom sudden changes of atmo-pbi re, or liny other cause, the per spiration is checked, and the huinots h ch should p i's oil' by the skin are thrown inwardly, cnusiiiu HEADACHE. CIDDLM'.SS, moisea and firk in ss, pain in the boms, waiety and iiillained eyes, sore ttiioat, hoarsoiie-s, count s, consumption, rheumatic pains in vaiious parts of the body, and many otlur symptoms of CATCHIM! (.'OLD, Hririf' Indian Yr!rtnhk l'i'h will invarinblv give immedi te relief. From thice to six of said Pills taken every niuht on goinc to bed, will in a short lime, not only remove nil the above uuplens nit svmptoms, but the body wdl, in a short time, be restored to even sounder henhhthnn before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY (F BREATH IN!. Writflit' lmliit'X IVfr lulilr I'illx will loos en and cany oil', by the stomach and boiveis, thoc tough phlegmy limnors, which stop up all the air cells ol the lungs, mid are the cause, not only of the above distressing complaint, but when neglected, olten terminates in that nio.edieadlul malady called CONSUMPTION. It shou'd he n'so lenicmbcied that W'ri uhl's hitlian Vrtlnhlf fills are a certain ruiefor PAIN IS THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, nml sickness, lo-s of appetite, costivenrsa. a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, mid every other sviiiiitoui of a t rn:d or diseased slate of the hwr; because they purer from the body those impurities j which if di positeil upon this important oru.in, are the cati-c of every vaiiely of LIN ER COM PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by riot-, outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent ing the dreadful coiiM-quenecs of a CIVIL WAR. is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed ones from the country. In like manner, when pain or sick ness of nny kind, indu ale that the. body is struu liling with internal foes, the true reu.nlv is to b'.Y PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (traitors to health ami life,) lUullh will lie lic rtrtuin rttult. Thai the piinciple of curing disease, by cleansing and purilying the body, is sliiclly in accordance with the laws w hich govern the animal i conomy ; and if properly riiriied out h' the Use of the above ned V R Mil IT'S INDIAN V EOETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly result in the complete Abo Ittion ol Disease ; we oiler the following testimoni als, fioni person of the highest respectability in New Y oik, who have lecentiy been cnied of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use ol Wmii. in's Imiiai Yfis r.T iii.k Pills, of the iYoWi Amtricun Cullitzc if lUullh : J iMviCA, L. I., .luneOlh. IS II. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great sati-faclion I inform you of My having been elitirelv cored of Dyspepsia, of live yrars stundti g, bv 'he use ol your 1 MH n Yn; r. r iii.k Pills. Pnvious to niee'iug with your relebiated nndi c'me, I had In en under t lie hands of several Physi cinns, ami had tried vaiious medicims; but all to no el'.ict. After using one ''.r cent box of vnui Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, thai I re-olv d to persevere in the use of them acroidiiu; to directions, which I am happy to stnte, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the preal belli lit I have icceived, and ubo in li e hope lli at otlms similarly ntl'.K t 1 limy be induced to m..ke tiial of your exiraoidin iiy medicine, I send you tins natennlit with full liberty to publish the same, if von think prijier. Yours, eVc. New Yoik, June !!, 18JI. (i.C. BLACK. Mr. ltiehard Dennis, agent fur Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill-1. Dear Sit I have been afflicted for several years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times with pains in the side and other distressu g complaints. Alb I having tried various nirdicmes w i'hoi.t ell'.cl, I was iirrsoaded by afiirml to make trial of Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable Pills, which I urn happy to slate, have relieved roe in most woiidirful manner. 1 have used the mo- '- ' ,'k ., o, as yet but U shoit tin e, hihI have no doubt, p"r I I v a i.er-eM'ruriee in ihe u-e i f the incdichic accor- cu g to ilnections ill. I 1 shall in a short tune be peib ctlv iestoie.1, I mosl willii glv reci mmeiid said Pills to nil person- siiinlui !y lit a, ted. and in ihe full beliel that the same hem beial rrstt'ts will follow their use, I re- IIKV HI. . I'm I'l'Ll J ! lln-.lll MilllS SHH III IV, 1I1..MH ,t. loon., Waiwuising, Ulster co. N. Y'. N'nv Yuhk, Sepl.Stl. 1X11. This is to ceitify that I have used Wliii;ll l's iMii vs V liih aiii.k I II. is Willi tne greatest nene fil ; having eniinlv cuieil my -elf of ll.e frnjiu nt ul talks ol Sick Headache, to which I had previously ben sidjicl. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 'Mi Crrrnwirh sirtst, N. V. To Mr. Richard Deiini, Agent for Wright's In dian ( getablu Pills, V T I .V. As there are ul this time iniiuy wicked persona busily i Hanged in si lling a eounti rfeit medicine un der the initne of ll.e Indian N egelnl le Pills and u these des i rate lit u are so ulierly reckless of con si iUi laa s, that many vuluuhle lives may he lost in cohsc.tii i ce of using their dreudliil compounds, ihu public are caulioned against purcha-ing any I'iils, unli ss on the tides of the boxes the following wording is I un. I : WRKMll's INDIAN YEf.ETABLE PILLS. (llllllllll Pui-gulit c.) Ol TIIK Mllllll AMMHCAV COII.ll.lt OF IIFA1.TII. Ami aVe to le especially can fill ngainst purcha kinu suit uieilicine of any peicou except Ihe regu--.r ii.iM'ii seil .igeins. Avi-:.rs yoji toKriirMi!t:i:i.ASi co, J'i iinsijhuiiiti. II. H. Miisser, Sunbii'iy I'avnertc Rose, Nor thumberland Jacob Haas, SI Binokin Summ I Herb, Malum. iv Hyerly iV D. Haas, Augula Heiiiif oV Foiiiner, Miiton Ireland At Meixell, Mi Eweesvi le P feiV Dcannniid, TurbuUville James Reed, Poltsgmvi H.KIase, Snvdirstowu II. H.Kio-h.1, P. M., EIshurS P.O. Win. I.ei-ci.niig, P M. Union Corner, Oilier .-id lic-ner.il Depot for the File of HV.'.'il'j Imlii ll Ymrtutilr I'tlfs, W holer. ale and Rn.iil.Nu. It.'J RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA- AW 2'. lSU'.-ly ROSS OINTMENT, con ti:tti:ii. m so won m, riMPt.Kw on tiik fa r., and otiikk i tTANt-nt'S) v.nil'ltoNS. (fj" The ftilh'ti'inifCtrtifriiic iltsnihr one of the must ixiriiorilhmry cures ever tffrcltd I) any application. rnif.AivKt.rniA, Fehrunty 10, 1SD8. Ij'OR twenty yrars I was severely afflicted with 1 Tkttf.ii on the Face nnd Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Full of IH'IC, vatviiijT in vio leiu e, but without ever d isappearing. During most of the time, great purl of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing ; my head swi fed at timis until it felt n if it ! would burst the swelling was so gie.it, that I cou'd ' seateely get my hat on. During the long period that I wns afflicted wbh the disease, I useil n great j many ti plii-ntion, (among them several celebrated prep nations) as w. II as taking inward remedies. ' including a number of bottles of Siraim'x I'uiKircii. ; I'.rlrurl of Samipnrilla, Ac, In fact, it would be : iinpo-sible to rnumeiate all ttie nieiticnies i useo. : I was also under the care of two of the most dis. ' tinguidied physicians of this city, but without re- reiving imirh benefit, nod I despaired of ever being : cured. In the fall of lHilfi, the disea-e i.l the lime I being very violent, I commenced using the ioi.vf ! Ointinrtit, (pri pared by Vaiighan &. D ivis.) In ; a f. av a plications the violent itching c ased, the j swelling abated, the i rnplioii began to disappear, j and before I had used a jar the di-ease was rutirely ; cured. It has now been nearly a ymr and a hall since, and there is not n vestige of the diea-e re ' loainiiig. except the scars from the deep pits formed ' by the di-ease. It is impossible for me to describe i in a certificate the severity of the disease Mid my ! snll'i ring, bill I will be ple.iscd to give a fuller ac count to any person wauling further satisfaction, who will call on tne. At the time I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have riven linn ihrds of do'lais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to tevi r il persons. (among them tnv mother, who hail the ih-easo nail ly on her aim,) who wi re ail cured bv it. J AMES DURN ELL, No. Uli, Race St. fXj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. H. Yniitfliao, Sou h V'nsl corner of Third and Rare streit-r, Philndi Iphia, and sold on agency in Siinbu ry, bv H. B. MAssER, May 1 Ith, 1HI3. Aenl. llov OililiiH-iit, l'oi Teller. a i'i: (!' or its r.rntwcv. Pun Atin.eiiiA, May 87th, I s:l.. rPHIS is to certify that I was severely afflicted I w ith Tetter in the hands and feel for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to 4 number ol phj sici.uw, and usid a great many appli cations without libeling a cure. About a ymr since, 1 ipplieil li e liose I'linmeni, winco einireiy stopped ihe itching, ami a few applications immedi an ly cured the disease, which there lias been no return of, although I had never U-cn rid of it nt nny time for forty yeais. RICHARD SAY.M-E, Eleventh, below Spruce Street. Qj-The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vautdiun, S iiith East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agenry in Sunbu rv. by H- B. MASSER, ' May l llh, 112. Atf-it. MEDICAL APPnOBATXON of the nasi-: oi.'r.u:i fr Ttttir. VLTHOUCH the superiority of the preparalii n over all olio rs is fully established, the proprie tors take pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of I'cnnsy Ivanij. Dr. Haugh, having found ill Ibis iciocdy that relief for a tedious and di-agrceable nll'e. lion which the niraiis within the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that prulcssion aie opposed to secret Remedies. pHiLAi.iLi'iin.Sept. Hi, isnr,. I was recently troobhd w itli a tedious herpetic eruption, whiih c.neied in arlv one side of my l ice, an, I extended over the ear. Mr. Yunghun, pioprte loi of the Rose Ointment, obseivtng my hire, insis ted on my liyuig his preparation, of which he han ded me a j ir. Although in roimnon with die inriii l'is l my profession, 1 discountenance and disu prove ol the numerous nostrum- paluud upon the public by ignoi nit pn tender-, 1 feel in jusiice hound to exn pt the K. se Oinlim ul fiom that rla- of me d.cini s, mid to give it in v approbation, as it entire ly cured the eruption, although ii h ul resisted the usiid applications. DAM. BAl (.11, M. D. rr'r 'J'he Rose Oinlmeiit is prepared by E. H. Vaughiin. South East comer of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ngi ncv in Snii burv.by 11. H.. MASSER, May 1 1 tit. If 1-. Aj;tnt. BOLTON & CO. ;4'i i ;il oiniii.iH 5ltr Intnl.", For the Suk of Flour, Uruin, Srrd, c, Sc. n Jj) EsPEti l l'ULLY inform their (riends ami WW the Merchants grnrrallv, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharves, w ith two Doiks. uoith of Chcsnul street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. Ill South Wharve where ihev would he pleased to receive consign ments of (irain. Floui, Seid, Whiskey, Iron, Ar. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds ol Merchandise bv the Schuylkill ami L iiion.ot hy the Cbesancuko and Ti.le Water Cuuuls, us low- boats nrr kept expressly foi the purpose of tow ing boats bv either route. Meiehaiits will please be particular to send their goods destined by either canals, to .M), t'J rouiti Wharves, between Market anJ Chesnut sine's, on Ihe Delaw are, w ith iluccltoiis arcomp in ing them which route they wish Ihrm to he shipped. fXj Plaster aiiJ Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket wire. BOLTON c CO. Maich 10. 1 H Ii. No. Ill South Wharves, LIttSE ! LIME! LHtfE ! f MIIE suSsrribris are prrpand to furnish farmrrs I and others with any quantity of Lime of a very supenoi quality for land, oi p'ui-trriug, at Ihe lol lowing very reduced prices, viz: S cis. per bushel for 1 and Lime ; It) i ts. for the best quuliiy of il.il t. ring Lime, at the kiln.-, below ihu borough ol Sun bury. They will alsodehver, al any place within the borough ol Sunhiiry, Lime lor land, al 10 cents pe biisln l, and Lime for plaistrring at 12 cruls pr bii-hcl. 'The suhsci bers h iveulwavs on hand, large tiuautity of Lime, lis onaliiy is good, ami their limestone is not equullcd by any in the neigh horhood. SEASHOLTZ A BEROSTRESSHR Augusta, April 2d, 112. Y HAVER'S HOTEL, Stmburt, tVortliunihrrliiml County, I't'iaiiKi) aula. flHE sulwcriber, respielfullv informs (he publi 1 tlu.l he has removed to that large und column ill. .us 'Tavern Sluiid, al the corner of Market and Fau ii streets, (sign of the Buck ) fomieily occu pied by Jonas raver, and lately by Daniel ( sou, win re he is now prepared to accommodate who ii.uv lauir bun with a call, I'v si net alien lion to I ii-iiifss, and bis utmost endeavor to remit satisfaction to all, he hopes to receive a liberal share ul public, patronage, ( It.MU.LS Uf.AtK. Sunbury, Mulch I'.'lli, 142. CoiiiitciTclicrft' Drnlli IIIoat. rPhe public, will please observe that no Brnndrcth Pills are genuine, unless the box hna three la bels upon it, (the top, the side ami the bottom) ench containing a fic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. UnANiiniiTn, M. D. These la. bclsato engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done al an expense of over f 2,0110. 'Therefore it will lie seen that the only thing nrcessary to pro cure tlio medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember tho top, the Fide, and the bottom. The following tespcclive persons are duly auhori r.ed, and hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of Urandrcilit Ycgrladle Universal rut. Northumheilaml county s Millon Mackcy & Chamhcilin. Sunbury 11. B. Masser. M'Ewena ville Behind tV Meixell. Norihumbcilnml Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midhnger oV. Co. Union County: New Berlin John Hoffman. Selinsgrove Ever and Schnure. Mithllchttrg Isaac Smith. Beaverlown J. &. F. Bingaman. Adainslnirg II. iV A. Smith. Mitllinsbtiig Swopc At Laird, llaitlelon Daniel Long. Frec hurg (!. St F. C. Moyer. ('entreville Stniley eSt Lrnhnrt. Lewishurg Walls eV (Ireen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds &. Co. Berwick Shuman & Ritteiihousc. Cat tawissa C. A. oV C. (. Brobls. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. JeiscyTown Levi Bisel. Wa shingtoti Roht. ALCuy, Limestone -D. L. Sclimrck. Obscive that eacli Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BKANDRETH'S Manufactory at Sing King, and upon which w ill also he seen exact copies of the n to lulirts nri to unt il upon the Itrandrdli J'ill Kiain. Philadelphia, office No. R, North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. January 1st, H42. TIIK aisieiiic an medical libra&t ixti:i.i.k;i:.ci:k. CONCENTRATED Record of Medical Sci ence and Literature, by Robley Dunglison, M. D Prolessor of the Institutes of Medicine, etc., in Jell, isou Mrtlical ('ollege of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adum Waldie, No. 40 Carpen ter street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, If 5 a V ar. Subscriptions for the above work received by "the subscriU-r. II. B. MASSER, Dec. 11th. I SI I. Aweof. io -2k C?w Si-LE. BTOR sale a small Farm, containing about one " hundred nnd ten acres, more or le-a, situate in Point township, Norlhuinl erland CoUlitv, nbotit two miles above Noithuinberl md, on the main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining land-, of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Hoilon and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Puync. About forty acres of said tract are clraicd, and in good slate of cu'livalion, on which there is a small barn crcctrd. 'The property will be sold on reasonable trims. For further particulars, persons arc request ed to apply to the tul srribi r. 11. U. MASSKH, Arnl, Nov. 27th, IS 11. if Sunbury. Pa. CHPJTSCLXTE rCLIDH. VN article uuequulled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, (icrimin Silver, Brass, Copper, Brittania ware, I in, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring tlio lustre on varnishej rurriuges, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared an. I sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, I loga county, N. l . WM. Ft IRS Y Til, Agent lor INorlhumd, II. B. MASSER, Agent (or Sunbury. Novemlier 20lh, IS 1 1. PKTI.U IIKWEI'iS, LAST MAKER, Xo. 71 Callowhil! Street, Philadelphia. f l liree doors utiore Second.) iHOE Findings always kept on hnnd, which he oilers lor sale on the lowest terms. Country Merchants arc particularly to c ill and judge lor themselves. Philadelphia, Novrm ter 13, 18-11. ly. OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. new j;.c:lamoil company. No. 2'J North Water Street, Phila. ANIIFACI TRERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and iniiniit.iciuring purposes, which will 1-e sold much lower than (hey can he procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in llie city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may le returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will I refunded. I heir slock now in More consists ol the following oils, viz : 30,(1(10 gallons Winter Bleached SpeinA Oil, G00O do do do do do do do Colorless Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pre.sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whule Oil, 15,0ll() 10,000 20.00(1 liOOO 15,000 200 Barrels superior S(ra.!s Oil, anti do Cod Hunk oil, f)0 do Neats Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. (Tj This Company has a number of Vessels en gaged ill the Coil Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting at all times Oil us pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 18-11. ly. G. V.&Tl7b." T.YLC?". FFER FOR SALE, ut the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do wuler proof, double soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do, do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skill, do do do Crockets do do nailed do do do do do do do do do I'ins Monroes warranted Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kip do do do do do do do Calf und Seal Skin Pumps. List Socks with und without soles; Curi.et do do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins, l.adio' do do do do Ladies' luniicd India Rubber shoes, (it-lillfinc lis' do Over shoes. Willi every other desc.iptioii ol boots and shoes. Fur Cups of every description. Travelling 'Trunks ol every description, Ycncli ill Travelling Bags. Patent (ium Elasiir Hioe Blacking. Bonnets of uli kinds, Palm Leal Hals, rtiltidclphu, November 13, If ll, ly. VII0LESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. lS'-i Clicsrttit Street, Lclow 4th, l'liilailcliliia. "W7"EEP constantly oh hnnd a general aafort aVk. "tent of Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Bonks, Day Books, all siies, Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrnpping Papers, die. Jtc, which they ul frr nt tho lowest prices to Country Merchant' Pro fessional (lolitlenien, Teachers, and all others thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. .IB it had Weaver & Sou, ROTE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Aw. U iitrli Water buret, rlnludtlplua. PA YE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twinea, ic., vixs i ar u Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, 'Tow Lilies for Cnnnl Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such as Hemp Shad and Herring 'Twine, Best Patent dill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twice, Shoe 'Threads, Ac. &e. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet ('bains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable trims, Philadelphia, November 13, 1U. ly. J;mcI CiiKiiiutli & Sou. 1) EsPECTFl LLY informs their friends and ariitiuintmice s generally that they still con tinue to keep at (he old ttatid, No. 2tu North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOHACCO SM fF ANP PEGARS. Which they will sell n the mm t accommodating ami reasonable terms. N. B. All goods sold will he gunimtccd nnd all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 13, 1SU -ly. r PETE?. CC1TOTE?., Wholesale and llctail Slioc, I'onnct, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. iYo. tifi AorA 2 itrrtt, a few dixiri above .Irch, Philadelphia. LSO Trunks, Carpel Bugs and V oliccs, of ev ery descnption, all of which he oilers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, I S I I . 1 v. J . v'7 s w a i is; 7" I'mlirclla and Parasol iManiifartnrcr. So. 37 AW Thud flrrii, two doorn Inlaw the. City Hotel, Vhiladi lidiiu. Ol'NTRV Merchants and others are solicited to examine his assorti.icnl before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, November 13. IS11. ly. " P . Ac A It O V O U 1) T ' S China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse, So 104 Surth Third street, third door below Vine street, VJiilmlilphin, "ViniERE they constantly keep . ' assortment of China, Class on hand a large lass and Liverpool W are, which they will dispose of on the most ret sotinble terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 S4 t . ly. THEOPJI.US CUEP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, ftc. So. 5 South Third street, four duors below Muriel Vhiludelpltiu. EEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. &c. Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at all limes on the most leasonahlo lerms. 'They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13. 18-11. ly. KEYNcil .llsTMc VAll EAN'i ) Ici'i ) Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Piiitish nnd American Ih'v (Joods. A". 105 Mnrkrt street, Philadelphia. flOI'N'TRY Merchants, and others can he eup- ly plied al ull times with nn extensive assort ment of the best and most fashionable CuoJa upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemler 13, 1S11. ly. EOW mtTc liAEPvON," Importers and Dealers in Foreign and .Domestic Hardware, No. 174 N'obtii 'I'm hi. Strkict, PiiriAiicLPiifA. THERE their friends and customers will always find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic llaidwaie, which they w ill sell al the lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, 184 L ly. ESllEPvlCK, HANSEEE & WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. lt'ti 1-y Market Street, Phila. (He low Fifth South side ) A LWAYS keep mi hnnd a full and general as 1m. sorlmentof Hoi-iery, Lace, and Fancy Ooods, Country Merchants are resperlfufly request sd to give them a call and examine lor themselves. Philadelphia, Novernl-er 13, 18-11. ly. SPElMNaT GOOD & C O. No; 13S Maikct Street, Philadelphia. SNYITE tho attention of Country Merchants to their extensic assortment ol Bii(bh French und American Dry (ioodt,, which they oiler forsule on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. No Al, Noi tli St t iind slrt'i't, (t'OHNCH IIP COOX u's ALLKT.) Where they constantly keep on hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEItES, VZSTINCS, And a grcut variety of ur ticks of a superior quality, which they oiler to dispose of Upon the most rea.onal.le ti rms. 1()l N'TPiY MERCHANTS and others will find il to llit ii advantage to call and examine their stink before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. li. 1811. ly V- r-i s r' r : :n t s r-( rcc'r DIlrCPCCIT & I ESPECTFI-LLY inform ihe citizens of Son- bury and vicinity, that (hey have tukin (he Shop Ian ly occupied by Win. Durst, where they will cdiry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in ull its vaiious br niches. By si net attention ami reasonable clunges, they expect to meiit a share ul public patronage. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841. JCH1TS KZVICVIIIIGZ. WHOLESALE f.HOE, BONNET, Cup miii' Palm l eaf Hot Sorc, No. 10 Soi th 4rii Stkift. PHILADELPHIA, niERE an e-ituiv a:sortmen of the above articles aiv cuit-lantly kept ou hand, lir sale at l lie nio.l reasonable lei ins. May Ibll. ly. a-a.atue M.rj fi utiparellelrd remrdy for common Colds, ouglis, Asthma, Influenza, W hooping Cough, Bronchitis, nnd all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, I'jtulinj to consumption ; aomposed of the concen trated virtues, of Horehound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort arid several other vegrtable aubslnncea. Prepared only by J. M. Wissiow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral vutucsof the Herbs from which the Balsam of Horehound is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is theirfore only necessa ry to observe that this Medirine contains Ihe whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with sevetal other vege table substances, as to render il Ihe most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the Com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam remotes all imflammntion and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves nlhmatic and ililli cult lespiration, heal the injured parts, opens the pores, nnd composes tha disturlied nerves, and gives strength to the lender lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cuic. InoHATITI lit IS THE BASr.ST CttlMF t Man.- We nrc not nmong that class of Editors who for t few dnllais will, (at the expense or truth and ho nesiy) "ciack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither nie we willing to icmain silent, after having tested the utility of an ini rovement or dis covery in science or ait. Our renders will recollect we told them w e were unwell with a sore throat and violent Cold some few weeks neo. Well, we pur rhnsed two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOl.'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we evrr had a cold. Those who are atllicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Ixwistun T lmrojih. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRIOHT, Sorthumberlund. Also, by Druggists generally throughout tho country. Price, fit) cents per bottle. August Mid, 181 1. ly. LIST OF BOOKS rilH SiLK HT "tnRT" VN'THON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and (leitiian do.; Anthon's Cn-sar; Anlhoii's (irarnmer; Anthen's Cicero; Mair's Latin Reader; Ogilby'sdo.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's (ire. k Exercises; Duvies's Legendei; (traeca Mujoni; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's (ioidsinith's Ei.gl-.iiid; do. Orccce; LyelTs Elements of (icologv; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Portet s Rhetoural Rea- ilers; r.im rsous iieograpny ami History; inney s do.; Parity's do.; Smith's (rammer: Kirkhatn's do.; Kav's Readers; Cobl's do.; Cobb's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson s do.; Cobb s Spelling Books; t own sdo.; Cobb s I able Books; l.vangelical t a- mily Library; Cottage Bibles Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's Saim'a Rest; American Revolution; Marrvatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelpa on Chemistry; Iliad; Cotechisru of American Lsws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted 10 Murray's (irarnmer; Sequel to Comley's Sjielling Book; American Class Book; DaboM's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety of Bluuk Books, &c. August 28, 1841. ATTENTION, j . sidy i: v j o i; $ , 1Y Elil'ESTS the attention of his country friends who are in want, to his very large stock of Curj rtiugs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stan Rods, c, c, lliat he has just opened, at his warehouses, No. IS North 'id street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Chiist Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1811. ly. SPANISH HIDES. TANNEES' OIL AND LEATHER. D. KIRKPATPvICK & SON, An. 21, Sui ti Third street, (bETWKKN MAIlKf.T X II CIIKSSfT STBEKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. HA YE for sale a large and excellent assortment ofSy,;iiA Hides, Putna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Ac, at the lowesl maiket prices, either for cash, ic exchange for Leather, or Uon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sile, 01 purchased at the highest market prices. Q'j- Leather sloied free of charge. ApriM7. 1H4L ly. . 1i iiidpal Itcasons WHY DrHARI.IClI'S Compound Strengthen ' ing and Cerman Aperient Pills ureused hy all classes of people, in preference to other Medicines, l-ecattse they are prepared from a pure extract of herbs, a wholesome medicine, mil. I in its operation and pleasant in it effect (he most certain preserver of health, a safe and clleclunl cure of Dyspepsia or Imliges.inn, and all stomach complaints, a preserver sn l puiiliei of (he w hole ys(em. Because they soothe the nerves of sensibility ami fortify the nerves of molion, imparting to their most subtle fluid its pristine lone, thus giving strength and clearness of mind, Because they never destroy the coats of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do. Because science and experience teach us that no mere purgative alone will cure the disease of the stomach and nerves. Weakness is the primary cause of a host of diseases, and, by continually le sortiug to Hrnslic purgatives, you make (he disease much w orse, instead ol Idler. Because Dr. Harlieh's Medicines are put up up on the common sense principle, to "cleanse and strengthen," which is the only course to pursue to ell'cet a cuie. Lastly, Because these Medicines really do cure ihe dis eae lor which they are recommended. Principal Office lor (he Cnited Stales, is at No. 1S Noith Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, August 30ih, Isli Agent. HEALTH IN MISsOI'RI. Hi. Ilarllcli'f I Ills, AiniEN these pills were introduced into (his Su:c, the Agent did not urge ihem on the notice of the public, w ith any superfluous praise, confident tint a fair and impartial trisl was all tha recommendation ihey required, to prove their use. fulness. 'They have now been tested by a number of persons laboring under that miserable complaint Dsspsia, in this section of the country, and in every instance, as f.n as we have heard, have pro ved leuelicial. We wish to give sufficient time lor a full and lair tnul, whin we will add such le-titno-ny of (heir cllicacy as will do jusiice to so valuable and safe a medicine. lijfcrson (Ma.) Enquirer. N. B. Those who may lie suffering from the various diseases incident to men, would do well to procure immediately Ihe above medicine, whereby they may soon be relieved of their m dailies. Principle Olfire, No. 19 North Eighth street, Philade'phia. HENRY OA I'll ELMER, August 13th, ISl'J. Agent. Ac