IS' lT.XXSTIVAMi. Tin following list shows the rurn lit vnlue of nil Prntifty Ivnuin Hunk Notes. The ninft implicit re liance may le placed upon il, as it ioern-y irtek t an fn'ty compared wllh ai d corrected liom Bi.k m il's Reporter. Itaiiks In IMiiliidclitlihi. Disc. i Namr. Liicatiox. I II 1 I. A II . NOTES AT P A R. Bank of North America Dank of tlie Northern Liberties Onmmcrcint Bank of Penn'n. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank . Kensington U.irik I Ulad. Iphin Bank S.huv Ikill Hunk SSmitliwrtrk llnnk . Western llnnk Mechanics' Bank . Ion ill ry lrsutUs. par par pur pur . far par par par pur put Dunk of Chester County cstchestcr par Cluster pnr (erninntnwn nr Nniris'own par Dov Icsrown par Fusion par r.ii'-li'l pir II .ink of Dclnwnre County Bank of (11'!! Dank of Montgomery Co. Doyleslown Dank Erts'nn llnnk Farmers' Hank of limits ro Olbce of Tt'ink of I'rnn'a. O slice do do OH'cc do tlo Oll'iee do -do Jlarrishiiigl The-i-Lancaster offices Rending ( do not En-Inn J issue n. it i sci) i; n t. NOTES AT of 4he United States Hank of l'cnn Township Philadelphia .rMi(.0 12!al'5 4 Hal .. OVard Bin-ik Mauutacturers & Mechanic' Hank . I on IN Movatiicnsing Bank . . lttnl'J Bank of I V nnsvlvni.h Miners' Bank of Pottsville. Pnltsville fia I n 1 1 k of Lcwistown Ltwistt.un 12nl Hank of M'dilletown Middle-town 0 Bank nf Nnrthnniberlnnd N'orlhiimhcilalul C Columbia Hank tV. Bridge co. Coliimhia 4nf Cnrlle Hank Carlisle fi Exchange Hank Pittsbtug 2 l)o do branch -of Hiillidnvshurg :t Farmers' Dank nf l.ancastci Ltincastei 4 Lancaster County Hank Lancnstcr 4 Funnels. Bunk nf Reading Reading f Ilarrisbtirg Hank Hurrishurg fa7 Lancaster Hank Lancaster 3 Lebanon Hank Lebanon fi Merchants' t Maruif. Hank Piltslnirg 3 Bank id" Pittsburg Pittsbmg 3 West Brunch Williainspnrt W yoming Hank Wi keshnrie ll)al2 Norihomptim Bmk Allcntowu l'-lulli Dciks County Hank Rending Oll'tce of Bunk-of C. S. Pittsburg o do do Erie Do do do Now Brighton Remington Sirv. Inn. A do liin Township Sav. InH. do Hark of 'bntnhershurg Chamber.-burg i Hai.k ol Ccllysburg . icllliiig (i Hank of Susipjchanna Co. Montrose Erie Hai. k Erie. 10 Farmers' V Drovers' Bank Wnyneshurg 15 Franklin Hank V ahuigl.i.i .'I Hoiitsduh: Bvtik Hone siluli! M Moi.ciigahela Bank of B. Brow nsville ft Voik Hank Yoik f N. H. The notes of those hanks on which we omit isolations, and substitute a dash ( ) are mil purchased hy the Phihtli Ipl.iu linkers, wiih li e exception ol those winch have a teller of r li ruice. H R O K E N H A N K s. riiihnU lphia Sav. Ins. J'lnlaili I, hia tKlled failed I .lle.l f.iled l.iiinl no sale closed c lo.-ed faih.l l luSeil no tale failed failed failed no sale Philadelphia Loan Co. (!.) do Dyott, prep.) Towandii Bedford Heaver Harri.-'burg Wasliinuioii Helh funic Pituhuig Pillsliur! Eayitle co. ( Irccni list c llnrnionv S-hu Ikill Sav. Ins. Minunl Eiilmr Hunk (T. W '1'owanda Hunk Alkylmny Hank of Pa. limtk ol Heaver Hank ol Sviuiara Hank ol NA'ushiugton tYnlre Bank City Hank Earim'rs cV Mech'es' Hank Fartiiers' & Mech'es' UaJik Eurint r' &. Mech'es' Hank llaiiiionv Insiitnlo lliiiitiiiKi'nii Hank Juniata Hank Eumherinen's Hank Northern Hank of Pa. New Hope Del. ilridge Co. Notlhumli'd I'nii'l) Col. Hk. Noith VVestirn Ha'ik of Pa. Ullicc ol Schii) Ikill Hank I'n. Ar. iV Mm in I'. Hank Silvei Lake Hank I'nion Hai.k of I'enn'a. esinioielaud Hank Wilkesharre Hiidgc Co. Hunlinpilon no sale J.etM-lown no sale i arien Dnndatr JVew J lope Milton Mi ndville Port Cuihuil Carli-le Monlii'se I Ilinllll.U n (iiensl'iirg failed no sale closed no sale ch'si d h.ihd fiiil.d closed faded tlosed Wilkesharre Hostile (ry All notes puiporling to he on any I'eniisyl vnnia Hank not given in the uhuve hi!, may he set ilnwn as frauds. m:v .ii:iisb:y. Bank of New Biunswick Helvideie Hank Huilinton Co. Bunk . Commercial Bunk Cumhcrlaii.l Bank Funin is' Hunk pui im is' i. i .l M.'chnnics' HL l'.'iriucrs' and Mi cIimiik-s' J;k 1'aiM.t is' anil Mi ri hauls' Bk K.niiK .o Hank o! N. J. Hul .4. n HkniV Li luxnig Co J. im y C'il litnik Mi.l am. a' Hank Mm. el,n tor, r' liunk Moms ( on. put y Hunk Monmouth Bk ol .N. J. Mi i T i ii ii it .' Bank Mi il, tn nV mill Miinuf. Hk Monis Cunai nnd jkg Co Post Noli a Ntwuik Hl.g A Ins :o .Niw Hope DO Budge Co N. J. Muuulac. and Hkg Co Hruiisuiek fuilid Helvideie 1 Mitlloril hi Perth Amlay '1 Lridactoll pal Mount Holly pin Rahway I N. Biuiisw ii k failed Mlihlietowu Pt. it Jelst-y Cily II oh. ike II Ji isi y I uy Pnllel.oli Htll.Mile Mill I IsloW II Freehold New aik Trenton Jtisey City tllll.ll : .1 i fulled 1 iaili d : ! i- I ; I p" : I'u sale ' 1 Newaik l.ainl t lisvillo Huhokeil 111 failed lulled N J Prolt iton A; LoUiluid I k Jern y tJity tiiuuf Bai.J, Orai'te l'uitrsen Bui k Putilsuli fuii. a i par par 1'ii.jihb' liunk do Piincettiu Bui k Priniiloii Suh in Hunting Co fcijh in Stale Bsllk IVewurk Slate Bunk Ehal t ihlown Hi ute Bunk Ciuiul. u t-tute Bank of Moms Moriislowu Stale Hank Tiuiiuii Suit in und Philud Muliuf Co Sub in outM i Bunk NtvvL.t) Tieiilou Hanking Cu" Tiei.l.ill Ciii.. ii Hank Dover V ushiugti ii Bunking Co, lutkn.utk DCLDI illi:. Bk tf Wilin A Biunilv wiiu N i inington Puink of Deluwnrt Wilmington Hank if Siiytua Siuyina Do hunch Milton! Painii is' Ek of Sute of Del Dovi i Do branch Wilmington Do hiiim h (ieo gi tow u Do hruiuh New ensile I'iiion Bunk Wilmington rr7 Cndei ft'e 1 par 1 failed 1...I. it a par a faihd 'par par pur par par par p.r par p..r q'j- On ull bunks ma.ked thus f) there are ii bthei cuiittrleil or eheicd lioliv of ike vuriou dc Uutuumtiuiis. in cirtuluUuu. II A K IL X O T 13 I. The first mrlhntl for ihv. Abolition of DisrasC is to clctmxe and pvrifij the lioily. WIClf.'HT'N i.mii i i:4rr.t 111-12 riiii.s tip Tut: .Wo t It 1 nit t h an Ctillcz c or li allh, j Arc now uiknowte.lncd to he the lies! Medicine in iho World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. Bl&KCACSE ihry comp'ctely ihanse the sto- mm h mil hnw'els from lti se h lliolls and cor- I rojt humors which are the cause nut only n j Headache, liddim'sn, Palpitation of the lleol, Pirns in the Hones. Khi unnitisni and ("Sunt, hu , evcrv mnlai'v ineidenl to man. SAID INDIAN j VEGETABLE I'll. I, S arenn r nin cure f .r in- leini t'enl. irmiili d. In rviuis. iiillami.toiy and pu'rid Pevers. hiciuse tin y cleanse die pody firm tho.e m.'ih d hnmois, which, when ruiilincd to the circu lation, are the cnUM' of all kinds of I T. V E I'S. So, nls-o, when the same impuiity is deposited on the 11 eiiilaane and muscle, c uisine pains mil min imus and swelliliit called lill E I' M A I IS.I , CHI "I'.&e. Wiigln's Indian Vigetahle Pillslnay I relied i ll n" alwavs eilain lo (jive n lief, nlid il .. 1 . II a j pi isevneil with, nccoiillnt! lo Clin clion w in msi nssiiiidly, and wilhoul fail, rnnke a perfect cu e of the nhove painful miladies. Kioto three lo sit of mid Indian VigelahV Pills t ikrn eva ry niuhl o. I ing to hid, will in a sho.t lime so roinplelcly rid : the fioui evi-iy tl.intt tha' pP' .-ed t hi a!lh, ! that Kheiimall-m.'ti.-nt. aid p ie of every i'e.erif j ti.m.will he liu 1 si II v DRIVEN PROM THE PO DY. 1'or tlie s nie leasoii. when, Irutn Midili n ! ehaniies ol atn o-phi re. or any other eau-e, ihe ! spiialion i checked, and thehumois v.h ch shonhl jp i.soll'hv lh" shin are thrown inwardly, ciiiMnu j HEADACHE. l DDIN ESS, n. u- a and sn-k-1 111 ss, pain ill the hoins, wa't ty ai d ii llaincd eves, i soru throat, hoarenc s, rontr.1 s, consinii tiou--, I rheumatic pains in vaiioiis aits of the h.aly, find niHiiyothir Hvmpioiiw i.f t.'ATCHINti COI.D, j Hl:A'.s LhIhiii l e, ,, I'i'l.i will iiiniriahly L'ive uinonli le r lit I. I'roin tluee lo si of Miid j Pills taken oery niuht on gi'iinj lo h d, will in a short time, not only remove nil the ahnvc unph as int 1 symptoms, hut die hotly w II, in a short tune, he ' rcsloied lo even Kninler heal II thiill helore. I ASJ IIMA.oti DIKHCUI.I Y OP BREATII j ;ti. UiV'.v kii V .!( I'iH" 'iil loo i cn mid cany elf, hy the ston.aiU and howns, those j lough phi. gmy humor-, wt ich stop up nil tint air 1 cells ol the luii(;s, and are the cause, not only of the j ahoie distressing e-'inplaiiit. hut when negieeieil, I olten terminates in that mo edn ailiul malady culled CO.NSI'MI'TION. It shon'd h a'so ieii.eii.hei. d that UViVAV li.iHan Vtxitiibl? 'il! are n certain j cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, n .u- sen, and sickness, lo-s el nppi ti'e, costiven. sa, a 1 yellow tinge of ihe t hin ai d i yes. and i very oilier i symptom if a li rpid or diseased state of the liver; , l eeause tin y purae from Ihe hotly ll.ose impurities i which if ih posited upon this important, are I lh.' can e of ciry variety if I.IVER COM : I'EAINT. When a natit n iscoiiui'scd ly riot-, ! ou.hreaks and ri Mlioii. the only means ofpnvent I ing the dreadful const iiieuecs of a CIVIL WAR. ' is to expel nil traitors, and evil disposid ems from i the conmry . In hke in iiiiier, w hi n pain cir sick 1 ness of any kind, indiiate that tlie hody is siniL' J clinc w ith inti ronl foes, the iiue reinfdv is lo E. ' PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Tiaiiors to ' hralth and life,) Jlaillli will lit the rtrlnin limit. Thai the piiuciph' i f curing di-ease,hy cleansing j and purifying the hotly, is Mildly in accord, nice ; with the iaw which govern the animal iconomy; and if properly eariied mil hy the nm of the nhove named WlU'ollt'S INDIAN VEGETABLE I PILLS, w ill coil a'u i ly nsult in theenmphte Alio, i hli. tn of Disease ; we oiler the lellowiug le.-timoiii-I nls. fn 111 m rsoiii of the htuhist re-nectahiliiy in New Yoik, who have lecentiy heen cnied of the most oltstinate complaints, solely hy the use ol Wan. iit'h Imuan- V i o i. r a it i.k Pills, of the An; Anmiidil Culhgc of llailth : Jamaica, L. I., June Dili, IS 1 1 . ' Dot tor William Wright Dear Sir It is with , (. n ut saii-facti. ii I inform you of i.iv having been . i lilnelv cured ol Dyspepsia, of live nun ehiudn g, ' by ihe use ol your 1 Mil tN V n; . r A iu.k I'n.i.s. Previous lo ini e'uit; with your celehtntid iiiuli- t cine, I had bu n under the hands ol seveial Physi cin.s, nnd had tried vaiious n'edii im s ; hut all to . no elli-cl. Alter n.-ii g one -ii cent box of tour Pills, hovvi vcr, I cxpi lieined so nnieli bei etil, lh il I resi.U. d lo pi rseteie iii the use of tin in nccoiilim; lo drieclioi s, which I am ha py lo stale, has result- i til in a peifecl cure. Ingratitude lo you loi the great belli fit I have received, m il iibo ill the In pe I that others siinilaily I'lllund may be induced to I make tiial ol jour ex'r.ioi.liu uy medicine, I st ml i you this sluli im lit wuh lull hheily to publish the fc-jine, if mi think pr. per. Yours, Ac. New Yoik, June ID, li 1 1. li.'. HLACK. Mr. Rieh.ii.l Dennis, ngml for Wiigh'.'s Indian Vigeiiihle Pills j J),..,r sir I have h. r il nlllictcd for se-c ral veins ; wilh inward weakness and central debility, aeeoiii- 1 piinit d at lili es w uh Jtuilis in the side nnd ollit r ilk-tit ssii g coiiiplaii.'s. Aft. I having Ired various 1 tin tlicilii s wi'hoi 1 1 11'. ft, I was persuaded hy a fiiend to m.ike tiial of Dr. Wight's Ii.iliau Vccetui I.' ' Pills, winch I um happy to state, have iclieve.l u e in :i most w. ndeiful iii.iiini r. I have u-ed ihe me. ill. ii e, a" yet bill '. tlnnl tin e. and have no doiibl, l y a t rseti r uice in the use i I the uuihcine nceor- il'u.g n. .Iin . lioi s, lin t 1 shall in a short time he pui. c Iv ii" tore.', n est willii rrlv rrem merd sni.l Pd's In nil per sou sinid u ly i li'. it-It d. unl in die full I lie s nie belli lie tal lesu ts w ill follow their use, I re-,,,-in IIINRV A. Ft II ITU. Wiiivvarsiug, I'ls.ei co. N. . Niw Vohk, Sept. X'.i, IM!. 'PI. is is to ceil fv ihtil 1 have Used Willi, H i's !miv i i. i r t li i.e. I'll is wilh ihe preaiest here lit : I. a' ii L" i n'iri Iv clued my-ell of li e In ijin lit lit laiks nl i-u k Head." he, to vihith I had p'evioiislv le. n ANN MA HIA MIOMl'SON. U'i tiieenwieh sir.ei, N. N'. To Mr. Rifhaid D. in, is, Agent lor light's In dian Vcgllal le I'ills. I Ibis t.nic many ii Kcd jersons Imsi'v i i'i ii". .1 in s. lug n e. null rli it no dieine un der tl e iniine of ll.e Italian Vegelal le I'ills und as it.C'i- i'i s t li i li are so ulit ilv ri t kit ss uf er n-snjnelrf-es, llnil munv valuable I. vis noiy be I. si in cons. t nt ice ol using tleir .1 re .nil n I cinip. unib, ; ! I ! I , ! j ! ihe publ.c rtre rnuiioiieil ngaiiist puit ha u any Pi'ds, tn ilt ss on Ihe I ides of ihe holies ihe lollowing wt'i.liug is fotin I ; WiacH I'S INDIAN YEOF.TABLE PILI S. Indian J'iiroti e.) r tub sou I il I'liitu n eiu in.K or lini i n. Ami ' t" le rsjit ei'.'lly cio.l'iil lu'iiinsl unl a sins sn.l me.'ic'me of any pi rsou t xeept the r. gin ,r uilvell sed . I'l llis. .D.y.A .v volt fikTlii'Mi:i i;i.AM ro, J't iiiisilniiiiii. H. B. Masfi r, Siiul mv I'uvneA Rose, Nor ihiiuibi rl ind Juculi U lan, Sliaiuok in Saniii. I Herb, M.dioiio) Bjerlv A 1), IlaaK, AiiguU lienor .V I'olliu.r, M ill mi lielm d A Meixtll, McEwei vi le P lei A Di armond, Tuihutnvllle Janu s P. d, Pullsgroti II. Klase, Sni tli rsiow u j II. II. Ki ub. I, P. M.. Eljbhnrg P, O. m, Lei-eniing, P M. I iimii C'orurr. Oibee tsid tit ier.,1 D pot for the sale of I Vt"'(i' I ninn Yf.nttilJr '', NS'holesale and l.'ei.Tl, No. H.'J RACE STRKr:r, PHILADEL I PIllA. May SI, IblJ. ly i ROSE OINTMENT, rm ti;tti:i. RINUWOItVS, I'lMfl.t-M lN tup. fah:, am otiii-.m I TANKOVH I.Utn lliNS. (j-j- The ooi.v'if ccrlifiea'e ilnn ibo one tij the mnxt (.virn'nnliMtiy cum tree fffrcti J by any uijilictition, P1111.AHF.1 eniA, Pehiuaiy 10, 18:18. IOR twenty yents I was severely nlllictul with Tl.TTKU iin tho Pace and Head: the disease eemnieucid when T was seventeen years old, and continued until the Pall of 18MII. arv ing in vio lence, hut without ever disanneariin;. During lrv. of the lime, great part of my face was covered wilh J the eruption, Irnpieiiity niii niuo nu too em ihh ing; my head swi I ed at tiims until it fell ns if it would I'lirsl the swelling va so Rieat. that I eou'd si aiet ly get my hnl on. During the hum period that I wa ull'iete.l wi h Ihe disease, I nsetl a creal ninny ii plication', (among them s. veriil celehraled prep'.ii.lion-) us w. II as liikinc inw.nd rem. dies, ineludiniin nnmher of s ol Sirnioi'x I'.iiwrni I'.rlrtict of SinsKjiniilld, &c, In fact it w.nild ! impossihle to cnumeia'e till the med cines I used. 1 as also uni'e! tlie Care ol uvo oi nie most in liiiKiiished physici.ina of this city, hut with, ul re ceiving m ch hem fit, and I despaired of ever heinij cor.d. Ill the fall ol H'i'i, the disea-e i t the tin' hoing very vio'enl, I eonimeneeil iis'-nc ihe Unr Oi nt mi n't, (pri pared hy Yatighatl V D'tis) In a ft w applications the violent ilehinu e,i bsi .1, the swel ii i; a' aie.l. the i ruiaioii hcnaii to dis i pear, ali.lhef. re I had us. .1 a j ir the ill ease wasintlielv cnied. It has now l een nmi'y a ymr find a hall Mine, nn.l Ihiio is not a vestige of Ihe disease re uiainiioj. ecepl the scats from the deep pits formed hy tlie di-i use. Il is hno. Hsihle for me to deseri' e in n cnlilicaie the sen lily of th.d disease nml my snlV. ring, hul I will W pie sed to cive a fuller ae to uov person wanting further satisfaction, who will e.'ll on me. At lie lime I eoninci co.l Usins ihe R e Ointment I would have ehen httn iheds of do hus l.i he litl of lhn disease. Since in sinu it. 1 have n-co mm. nihil it to -cvird peions. (ainona litem my mother, wh i h id the di ea-e hud ly on her .nm.') who w re a I cured hv it. J MES DVRNELL. No. L"fi, Race Si. g-y Ti e Rose Oiiitim nl is pn paied hv E. H. Yautdinn, Sou h p. isl eo. n.T of Tli.rd and Rnce -lie. Is, Phil, uh Ipl.iu. mid sold on aeencv in S.inhu ry. ,v II. H. MASSER, M ,v Mill. IS 12. A unit. Uo-c ;ii!JiiU't:!, Ibr 'I'rllcr. A I'JMiUF Ol' ITS I'I'TH WCY. Piiii.iii.!.riiiA. May 87t'i. D-o'l. rPins i-t to ceriifv II lit I w is s. vi re'y allbc'e ,1 L w ith Tetii r 'li ihe hands and fit lor Utw rds of forty v eais ; the w ith vio 1 1,1 it. h n was alt. laled ("iner nly and HWellinc. I tippl ed t.i I 1 1 im ih. r ol .ivsii'.ai,s, and us. .1 a ureal inn y :.p;,li i.iil,n, Willi, ul tlVeelimi a cure. About a v ar since. I -.ppl ed lie Rose Oinlmeiit, which eilin Iv stopprd ihe it. h m. and a I. w ..lienti in iiumedi curitl the ih-ease. which there I. n In en no reliiiii of, HtlhoiiIi I had I. ever been u.l ot it nt any lime for h.ity ems. RICHARD SAVADE, Eleventh, below Sp.uce Suet I (jj'The Rose On.lmeiit is prepared by E. B. Ynuuhan, S mill East corner of Tl.iul and Race Stieels, Philadelphia, Mid s- ld on Ou'eliev in Suiihu rv.,y H. U.MAS-PR, ' May Mth. Age,!. MEDICAL ilPPKOBATIOIT Of the llOSi: l.TMi:T,fr Tilttr. LTnoCOH the siiperiorilv of ihe prcpniati n V over all ollu rs is fully cs'iihlishe.l, tlie ropr;i lors lake p. a, ure ill laying before iho public the following certificate from n re-pectahlc physician, a cnidiiaie ol the rriiversily ol I'ennsv Ivauin. Dr. Hioiyl , having fun nil in ihi lein. dy that lelief for a tedious and ilisagn cable nil".', lion whit h the means within the range of l is proles. ion failed to nthnd. i hits not hesitated logive it his approbation, iilthoimh j ihe prejudiced and ii'.tt rests of that prole-sion ate ejiposf i J to secret lo'int ilies. Pill la iii.t.1'111 A, Si lit. l'.l, ISibi. I was receiilly lioul w itli n It dious herpetic eriiili. II. w hit h co e i d lunilv one si e i f my f .. nml exleiidiil ever ihe ear. Mr. Viiim linn, pr.ipr.t - Im nl' the Rose Oinlment, ohseiving uiv face, uisl led on toy ttyins bis piep.iiatii.n. ol which he hau ded me a j ir. A llluniiji in i-iuoinoil w itli the loein heis of my pri fo-.-i .li, I iliseminti ce and disap- : prove ol ihe tinmen us nostruuis p ilm. .1 upon the J pub lie hv ianoi ml pr. ten.ler-, I f 1 1 io jus icebound I lo fxei pt the Rose Oil too lit lioni that c a-s of me- J d tints, and to give it mv iippiobatioo, ns il ml ire- j Iv iiiretl ihe eruption, uhhoui-li ii hnl iesiled ihe ; usu .l a pheaiions. DAN I. BAI till, M. D. j ej-The R.i-e Oinlment is by E. B. j N'aii'Jian, Soulh East conn r of Thiul m il R ice I Siifeis, I'liiludi 'pl.ij, 9inl sohl on an. nev in Sun H. H. MASER. Miv 1 1th, loli. -Ii.'".1 BOLTON Sc CO. (h-ii ntl 4'istmlIoti ."tSt i t liaitts I't.r thr Snlc if I'hntr, Cruin, Sttd, tc, .c. , .... ft'1-'. X irrx -I 'r ' -'. 1 r Il'EC i PL" LEY inloim their Im ml- iiml ... i. . i i... .i i i.... .... me .iiercii.iois e,i-in-i a i iv, .o.ii un j i..i. i- k.'ii ihose huge ami commo.hoos liniv. s, will! two Disks, hoi til of Cliesuul re.l, nil the 1. law ire, together with llie toie No. l!l South harve-, wheie ihev woo d he plea-, d to receive consign n ei.ts of (irain, FloUi.Seid, Whiskey. Iron. A e. Ac. Being also well piepare.l to forward all kind ol M. rchaudise by the Sehuv Ikill and Union, or by the t 'I e-npt like and 'I Lie aler Canals, .is l.ov boats are kepi ex.nssly foi ihe purpose of lowing bonis l ei l.ei route. Men binils will please he p lo send t!-eir jo. its ilcstiut'd hv either climb, to No. l'JSonlli V h .ives, hi twei u M.nkel ami Chesmil slr.eis, on ; the Delaware, w ilh tliif ctioiis aec.unp li ing diein which route ihev wish ll .'iii to he :-hip e .1. i ij " Phisler ali.l Suit for sale, al the I nvest mar- l.ei pi ice. BoLTON A C' . j Ma. eli III, Is'lJ. N ... 1 1) South W h n vt s FIi'E sn'.scrihris are preparnl lo ton is'o t. i r ti rs B and t iheis w ,lli any iiiaiiiilv i f Lime ol a very siipeiiot ipiably l-.r Ian. I, oi p'.ii-lenug, at the I d lowing v. rv rediui'd prices, viy : S cts. pt r bushel I lor 1 in d I ,iine i 111 i is. lor lie I t-.-1 ipinhiv of .l li lt ring Lime, ul Ihe k Ins. I eh.w the borough of Son ! I nev. Tin V will also deliver, at liny place w illiin ihe I I o rough of Sunhury. Lime Im liiinl, al 10 cents per ! bushi I, aid Lime for plai-tering nt I 'i cents per I ii-Ih I. The snb.-i i hers havenlnms on hand, a l.uge ipu amity ol I line, lis i.i.diiy is good, und I thrie liine.loue M not cipuidhd hy any 111 llieinigli I horhood. ! SFASHOLT. A BERtiK'l Rli:R. Ai giisla, April Stl, lr-1'i. WKAVKK'S HOTEL, Sidibori, tYurtlivihlterltiml t utiHty, I't iiiin., It aula. ritllp, suhhcnher, n spi cllnlly informs the public I Ii nl he has r. moved lo Ihtil large hn.l con. .no ilious Tuvern StMiitl, at ihe coiner of M irkel ami Fan n sir. . ts, (sign ol tlie Buck ) foiiuerly oecu pit d hy Jonas Weaver, mul luli ly hy D u.i. I (iib aon, w in re he is now prepuicl to aeeoiiniidale all who 1 1 i ii v fuvor him w lill a call. By ktricl uti.ii tion lo I iiints, nnd hu utmost endeavor to render siilisficiioii In ull. hu ha lo receive a hlH-r .l uliiire image. CllARLES WEAVER. Suubuiy, Mjtili I -th, t'oiiiilcrlVIK iV l stlli Won, rPho puhlic will pleaso ohservc that no Brandrelh Pills arc genuine, unless the hox has three l-.i-hels upon it, (thn top, the side and the bottom) euch eonlnining n f.ic-simile signnlure of my hand writing, Ihus B. Bmajihiktii, M. 1). These la. dels me engraved on steel, heautilully designed, and done at an expense of over fS.OllO. Therefore it willl seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine, in its purity, ia to observe these labels. I.Vmnmla r the ton. the tide, nnd thn bottom. The following respective persons ure duly auhori red, and hold CBIITIOATES or flviJEUUl, For tho sale of Iliunilicth's Ycgriibe Vuhenal I'M. counlv : Milton Mat key cV Ch uubeilin. Sunhiiry II. B. M.isser. M'Ewens-t villi liel ind tV. Meinell. Norihuml eiland Win, j Forsyth, tieorgetown F. Midhng.'r tV Co. j I'iiion (J.iunly: New Berlin John Hoffman. I Seliiisprovc Ever and Schnure. Miihllehurg Isaac Smith. Heaveriown .1. eV f. HiiiBaninn, Ailamsbiirg H. ,V A. Smith. Mitllinshiirg Swope t Laird lLlillelon Daniel Long. Fr ,urirli. ,V P. C. Mover. ( Vntreville Slailey . ,V Lenharl. Lewisburg Walls &, (ireen. Columbia rouiiiy : l)anville E. B. Reynolds iV Co. Berwick Shuman kV R, Henhouse. Cat tawisKii C. A. : O. t!. Bri.bts. Blooinahiirc-r-.1 oil n R. Mover, .leisey Town Levi Bis. I. N'n Hhiualun -R iht. Mi Cay. Limestone 1). L. Selinink. Obseive that each A cent lias an Engrav. d Cer tilieate of Auency, coiiU'ining a icp'es ' iilalioii ul Dr BRAN DHL ill's Manulaciory ai Sing Sing, and upon which w ill also be fccii exact copies ol Ihe mo- hibiis ui if unit tij tiii thr llnnulii tti J'HI III, MVS. Philidelnhia, o.Tice No. S. North Sill street. , U. HRANDRETH, M. D. .1 iniinry 1st, ICIJ Tin: A V II a :.; CONCENTRATED R. cord of Medical S,i- nee and Lileirt'nie, hv Roblev Dunglison, M. I)., I'rolcssor of the Instiitite ol Medicine, etc.. in .1. 11'. ison Medical Collet!"' f Philade'ph'n, pub lished by Adam Wi.ldie, No. 10 (Jnrpen ttrslreit, Philadelphia. Siih ription price, f 5 a v. ar. Sul.seii'lions for the above work t ccived hy the siib-ci.b. r. il. H. MAssE II, Dee. Mth. 111. A'ol, ho vn. uzl. .'se: r, (n T t? TXOR sale n jjj iiuii.bed nl in townsh small I' ,o in, conl i. nine nb..ut t tie nml ten neres, more or le s, sun ne i lot town sin ii. A or ill unit i r . a u u c .in.t , at., tit l.vo nubs i.liove Niiit'oliinleil nil, oil the main ron.l leading from that nlaee In Dm villi-, pd joining l in.L of John l.eghoo, Jesse t lesse C. Iloi'on and nthers, ', "f S.imiii I Payne. About mi'.v in (he occuinncv forty acres of said 1 1 net nrethaiid, and in good stale ol cu mall ill, on winch ll.cre is a small Imm erect, d, 'Ihe properly w ill be sohl t n ri asm nhte leims. Fur further particulars, peisons arc reipiest e.l tu apply to the rul fcrib. r. li. U. MASSER, Agnif, Nov. 2Vth, Ifill. tf Sunhury. I'n. VN article unequalled for cleaniiig ami g ving a highly durable arid most brilliant polish to sil ver, (ieniian Silver, Brass, Cupper, BiitUniii ware, Tin, St. el, Cutlery, ami for restoring the lustre on varnished carriage-, Ac. THV IT. Prepannl an I sold at wholesale and retail, hy the Sus.piehanna Chrysolite. Poli.-h Company, Owego, Pioga counlv, N. V. WM. FORSYTH, Agei t lor Norihuiu'd, II. B. MASSER, Aguil for Sunhury. November 20th. 1841. l'KTJ.ll 1)KYEI LAST IvSAKKR, .i. 7 1 Cailiiwliil' Struct, I'liilndd-iliia C Three dut.Ti above Si rood. J 2tl!OE Findings nlvvny kept on hnu.l, which hi i.ll'ers for sale on the loAf-t terms. Couulr; ft rch nits aic p..rti. ul uly to c ill and judge I'm themselves. Pi:iladel hia. Novemier 1:1, 1S U. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ni:V i'ACI.AM) Oil. COMPANY. N.i. 'Jl NtHtli Water Street, PltHa. I TJ, tl AM'FACTl Ri;i;S and dealers III Oils f j every description bolh for huiuiug and iinii.iilaciiir.iig purposes, wuicli will lie solo much lower than they can he procured elsewhere, and wurrante.l in quality to cpiul any in the city. Any oil sold by the company mil proving as ie) resented, may he returned without any expense to the pur chaser, nnd the money w ill ! n funded. Their slock now in stoic consists of ihe follow ing oils, v i : yo,IM)() gallons Winter Bleached Speim Oil, initio do do dll do do do do Col. ii less Oil, Full und Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Eh p.hant, do 1're.sed Whale Oil, Summer do tin do Common Whale Oil, I ,ri,niio lo. mm 20,11111) tillOII JUl) Bands btipeiioi Stra Oil, ant) do Cod Hank Oil, fit) do Ncaia Fool Oil, 'i j ( 'asks Oiive Oil, Taniier'n Ills. This Company has a number of Vessels, in ane,! in the (aid Fishery, ami 'Partners may rely upon gelling al ull Lines Oil us pure us imported, rilll.nlilplll.l, jNov. l i, IMl. ly. C-. V.' cx L. 3. TAYLClr-. A XI FER FOR SALE, ul the South East Cor V p tier of 1'iflh mul Murhtt Strett.s, Thihidtl j, In u Mem, Call-skill limits, slilcl:e,l warranted. th tlo do peuged do : do do do walcr proof, double aolcs und double Uj'pcrs. do Calf-skin dj do do nailed und uppers, do lle.ny Water I.eatlur Bonis, do do Ntatri do tlo. do do do do do do do do do do do tlo do High tiiiirtei Shoes, Call-skin. tlo tlo Cioekeis do Pino M i.n rocs war milled Kip do Cull' do Coaise tlo do Shoes Pint) tlo Rio tlo do do do th ihi do Oulf and Seal Skin Pumps, List Socks with and without soles. Carpet tlo do do Patent Wurrinlcd Water-proof Moccasins, I, utiles Ladles tlo dti do do tunned India Rubber slloty. ii i.l I incu' tlo l 'vi r shoes. W l'h every oilier dee iplioii of hoots and hoc s Fur Cup ! eviry description, Tr.ivcll ug Ti ui k- oi im ry description, t iieli n l i 'ivi-ilnig H.igs. Patent (iuin Pliisiic. lou Blacking, llolinels of all kin Ja, Palm Leal Huts. Phil jib Iphiu, .NoMtiilter ID, Isll. ly. KAY & EP.C THE?., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. Yi'Z Clicsiiut Street, below -Itli, riiiladclpliia. Hj"EEP constantly on hand a general assort K mvni r ,0(,HI' n,u' Stationary ; comprising TheoloRicnl, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane nus and School Hooks, Day Books, all Led cers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Hibles, K"rit'ut Papers, Wrapping Papers, ivc. tVe which they ol 4er at the Icwest piicesto Country Merchnnl'a Pre i fessiomil (li.nllemen. Teachers, and oil others ih'jl liuiv favor ;hem with Iheir custom. Philadelphia, Noicrnbcr HI. 1811. ly. lich.ii'l Wravri X. .Son, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CXIANDLSKS. jo. lit AorYi Wittr Street. rliiliulilitti. AVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordntje, Seine Tw ines, eVe., vir: I ar'd Rones, Fishing Rones. White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tov Lilies for Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, At. such as Hemp Shnd nml Herring Twine, Best Patent fiill j Net Twine, Cotton Shnd and llcniiig Pwii e, fhoe Threads, Ac, Ac. Also, Bed Colds, I'loimh Lines, Halters, Traces. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on riasonuble lei ms. Philadelphia. November 13, mi. !y. ,ii oI I'i i:-!i;iil!i .Vuii. I 11' ESI'EC TFI LLV informs tluir friends nnd (icouainliuiees (' lendly ihut they still con tinue to keep nt Ihe old Maud, No. 24 (i Noilh i'd sirei t, Philadelphia, all ' mils of TOIIACVO WI .'";' AM' SKHAKS. Which they will II n the rr. ji . n comiiiodulini and le terms. N. B. All uo.'ds sold vi .11 he gnat iriteed itiid nil orders promp.l ill. nde.l lo. Philadelphia, Neveinhei El, 1M1 -Jy. Wholusnlo ami lletiiil Nhoe, Iltmnct, ami I'ultn l.ettl' 1 lat Warelumse. So. bli Svrth "d ttrrel, a fnu i!oora ubote ,kA, l'h i lo ill I lih in. A LSI) Trrtiks, ('nrpet Bags and Vnlices, nf ev wL rr.v desciiplion, all of which he oilers for sule on the must reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November HI, 1811. ly. .1 . YV . S W A 1 """ ' Cmlji'ella nml l'arnsol INI ;i no In r tttrcr. j A'.i. Ill Smith 'Thn it htrrrl, to o doors bilow the "(, ,, Vhiladilohia. I iO!'NTR Merchants nnd others are solicited to rxniiiiue his aun.rli.ienl Ik fore purchasing j Isenhere j Plnla a-hhia. N.ivcndcr II. IS-11. ly. 1 .1, 1 1. vv A 11 O V O I DT'S ("iin:i, ( UllSS ami T.i VlM''Ot i y U; 4rth Thinl trrrt. third Ware Inuisc, 7 dmr litlnir Vine ulrett, I'hihnli Ijihin. I'I THERE ihey eoiistiinlly keep on hand a large ' ' iissoitmeiit of China, (ilass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most lei sonnl le terms. Phih dclphiu, November El, 1S1I. Iv. TIIKOIMLCS (TI.lC Manufacturer ami linjiinter of Sad illcry, Ilanluari, ike. So. 5 South Third street, four doors lelov Muriel l'hihidi liliiu. MEEP constantly on hi.nd a large and general assortment Coach Lamp, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, F.hptic Springs, Patent Leather, At. Country Merchants und saddlers will he supplied si nil times cn the most teaMinable leims. They will find il lo their advantage to call ami examine his assortment before purchasing t bew here. ! Philadelphia. November J 3. IM I. ly. IMIY.XOI.DS, McFAIil.AM) A: CO i Wholesale Dealers in roreip) 1 J f i I i s 1 1 i ami American 1 iy Hoods. iVn. lO.'i Market 1 ret f, 1'liiludi Ijihia. V 'iOI'NTKY Merch iiit-, and others can he sup plied at all times w ith nn extensive assort- I ment of ihe best and most fashionable (ioiids upon ( the most reasonable If mis-. Phil idelphi. Novrml er in. DSII. Iv. j ; I.OWi:il tSc liAltllO.X, j i Imi'tirters ami Penlcrsin Foreign and i Domestic f laid ware. No. I'd Noiith Tin rii S-rnir.T, riiinnrirniA TU F.R E their fiiends nnd e ustoniers w ill always find a large and geneial u-soi I ment of Foreign ' nnd Domestic Hardware, which they will st lint the '. lowest prices, j Philcdclphia, November 13, ISII. ly. . KSllKKICK, HA.NSllI.L . ( O'S. j WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. So. 1(C l-'J Market Street, l'hila. j ( Hi hm- fifth South side) i A LWAYS keep on hand a full ami general as ; ' rtmeiil of Hosiery, Luce, and Fancy (iootls, . Country Men hauls ure respectfully request ,'d le : give tin ni a cull and examine fur them-ekes. Philadelphia, November !;!, IS 11. ly. ' spj'.in.xc, cood tc co. No. l.'ls Maikot Street, riiiladclhia. Tf NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive n-soriii-eiit of Britith French nml American Dry (ioods, which they ulli r lot sule on the most reasonable terms. j Philadelphia. November El IS 11. ly. McCALIiA & HEIISE, . 51, Aoi 111 Si t oiid sll t i l, (eon Kin nrceoMs's itur.) Wheic they conslantly keep on hand u geiitnl ussoitment uf CL01IXS, CAi?I7XIl.t:S, V ESTINCS, And a glint ruriity ofurticin of it tiinroir ipiality, which they offer to dispose of upon the piost rcu.onalile terms. C1DI N.TRY MERCHANTS and olhers will ) find it to thiii udvnnliige lo call and examine Hi. ir stock liefoie purchasing chew line. Philadelphia. Nov. li, 1 S4 I . ly SX1FSC1T & j F.SPECTFI'LLY inform the citi.ens of Sun t ,iiry ind vicinity, llmt they-have luktn Ihe shop Int. ly occupied hy Win. Duml, where they w ill cuiry on Ihe TAILORINO BUSINESS, in all its v annus branches. By siiicl utn nlion and rrasouuhle t huiges, they expect to ment kluie of public pulronage. Sui.huiy, Sept. lib, IS 11. J CHITS ?ts OUlClKIliGZ. WlIOLISAIiE fHOr, BONNET, Cup iu' I'uliu l.tuf Hat flare. No. lOSiu-rH 4tn Sraii-r. PHILADELPHIA, ArHl'.RE an eUiu.ive aaioiimeni of ihe above Mitiiles aie cn.i lunliy kept oil hulld, lor sale at the most reasonable leinu. May VD, ttll.-ly. AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influent, Whooping Couch, Bronchitis, and nil discni of tht Breast and Lungs, lending lo consumptive ; eowposrd of the concen Irated virtues of Hon hound, B onset, Blood Root, Liverw ort and M-tgral other gi table substances. Prepared only by J, M. fc'issLow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universnllv admitted pectoral viilues of Ihe Ileihs from which the lluhnm of llni iliiiinii is made, ire too generally known lo re ipiire recommendation ; it i Ihciefore only nerrsss ry to oberve thai this Medicine toiitnins the w hohl of their Medicinal proerlies, highly concen'raled, and so happily combined wifh several other vriie. table substances as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, fi r the com plainls above mentioned. J lie Ifulsam removes all imllnmmrittnn anil sore nes of Ihe Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en nbling the pntient lo expectorate with ease and fiee- dom, assungen cough, relieves nihilistic and dilli cult respiration, Ileitis the injured pans, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, nnd gives stn ngih to Ihe It inlet lungs, and thus produces a Sjeeilv and lasting cure. IwriHiTiTrtir. is Tint n tsrsT en vir. is Mas. We are not nmoi g class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the exicnse of trnlh and hiv nes.y) "einck up" an srliele. and hiing it into rapid side ; neither nie we w illing to lemain silent, alter having tested the utility of nn im) rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them w e were nnwi II w itli a sore throat ami j violent c. l.l some few weeks ago. Well, we pur j chased two hollies nf WI.Nsl.OW'S BALSAM OF llOlil'JIOl'ND, nnd so sudden was the cure, l that we forgot we evir had a cold. Those who I me nlllicted, mny t ry it upon our recommendation. I Li .t ii to'i T' lrin tijd.. For side by ! HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, Sonlmr,, j JACOB BRltillT, Siirtiunditrhiiui. I Also, by Druggists generally throughout the j country. Price, .Ml crnls per hotlle. August Mill, 1SI1. ly. LIST OF ECOKS I'OII S.VLK 111 VNTHO.N'S Classicul Diciiomiry; Lemprier'n do.; Aim-worth's tl.. ; ('ol.l.'s dn.; English and fieimiin do.; Aiitl.on's C'nsar; Anlhon's (iiammer; Atilhen'.s C'iceio; Mail's Latin Reader; Ogilly's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon.; FiVk's (ire. k Exercises; Davies's Legi ndei; (iraeea Majnra; Adams's Roman Anti.pii'ies; Pinnock'a (ioidsinilli's England; do. C recce ; Lvell's Elements of Oeology; M rs. Linci hi's Botnnv; Elements of Botany; bridge's Algol ra; Purler's Khi toricnl Ren ders; i'mirson's t!eogra hy nnd History; Obey 'a , do.; Purl, y's do.; Smith's (iramuieii Kitkhum's do.; K.iv's Read, rs; Cold's do.;'s Arithmeliek; Pike's do.; Eini rson'p do.; (Inhh's Spi lling Books; Town's do.; Cnhh's Tuble Books; F.v angelical Fa mily Libinrv; Cmtage Bibles ; Family do ; Colhiter . r i. .... , . ... t i . i- nl tlo.; .small tunics anu i cammem.) i nisei r.j en ises i n C'omposition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyalt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Law; Letters nn Natural Magic; CLe mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's (irnmmer; Seiuel to Conihy's Spelling Bool; Ami rican Class Hook; Daholl's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A gteat vsriely of Blank Books, &c. August 28, 141. ATTENTION, j . sii x i: v j o i : s . Elil'ES'FS the attention of his country friends iV who are in want, lo his very large Et.H-k ol Carprtiiigs, Oil Chillis, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, A c, tVc, that he has just npen.d, at his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, nnd No. Church Alley, next door to Chiist Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1 HI 1 . 1 y. ' SPANISH miES. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. 1). KJ1J Kl A THICK A: SO A, No. 21, Stjith Third street, (lltTWIilX .MAIIKKT A X 11 C II S MT STtlliKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. n.WE for sale n hirge and excellent assorlment of fianish Hulls, Vatnn hips, Tannert Oil, ic ., at the lowest mniket prices, iihi r for cash, iu exchange lor Leather, or upon credit. Consignment of Leather received for dc, oi purchased i.t the highest mnikil prices. rjj' Leather sloied lite of charge. April 17. IH11. Ir. To ISsti Community ill l.iirur. If WlslI to inforai the slllicle.l, through the me J dium i f the public pr. ss, of the w ondeiful etli cacy of that truly valuab'e new "discoverctl Medi cine," vi?.: Dr, llarlich's t'oniioiind Strengthen ing and (iermnii Apvrient Pit's. I feel, and consi der ii my duty, in o-tler that olhers may receiee re lief from the same source. For two years I was subject lo that peace destroying disease. Dyspepsia, ami its accompany mcnla, Obstinnie Constipation of the Rowels, Flatulency, pain in the aide and sto mach, sickness in the head, Ac, and used medicine unlit 1 brguu to think there w as nn help for me ; I hud little fiiih in "published remedies," until I cal led nn some of those who have heen cured l y the nhove medicine, which induced me to give il a trial. I procured the medicine and Used il f ir three we. ks, when my heuhh was entirely restored. It is now about three inon'hs since I quit using it, and no reiuin of the digeasT or its symptoms appealing, I feel warranted in ad.ling my testimony in behalf of uthois, hemic ihe community. Acci pt my best wishes, and Believe nie ever your, Ac. WM. CLARKE, January 11th IR 11. Pittsburg Citv. CJ' '!"'' d litiierul Dijiot, No. Ill North Eighth m iccl, whore Ihe musl rcspectuble referen ces to peisoi s will he givi n in favor uf this valuable, medicine Fol mle al tlie store of HENRY YOAPHEIMER. Aug. filli, ISti. Agent. More Tt-fctK oF IH . llnrlit li's Celt-. Iii att-tl l'di Inc. fltllR follow ing is cut from the "Ji lli-rsnn Impii I rci," piib'ishtd in Jill'eison County. The se i im editor of the Inijiiuer having been nlPi ctt tl wiih the Dvspepkia for a consitlerahle time, and sl ier trying many remedies in vain, procured a pack age of Dr. H iiliih's Mtdefiue, which has had tlio happy ell'ect, (und. r divine assistance,) of r. storing me to good health. In cons.ipienoe of the conli deuce I ft el in theii virtue, I have procured an a geucy.and ifceived fium the principal nlli.-c in Philadelphia a supply which I now oiler for sale at mv dwelling, opposite ihe Hotel, High street. J. ilersou City, Dee. 10, 1H-10. W. LL'SK. For ale at ihe store of HENRY YOYTHEIMER. July nnth, IP 13. Aient. Till Til WILL I'UHYIAI.r " Dr. Harlifh's niedit incs ure daily increasing in public I'.vor, und want from any but a fair trial to e stablish tin ir won h. We have a COMimunieatini in our columns to-diy from a person long ullben d, wnu his bul tine of many vouchers fur this mt'di v me. Spirit of the 'ft met.