'. .J.JU JlUl I"11.?1 "V n .1 i. 1 I.1 ' Jx Wheat anil Flanrx Prepared far the If. 1". Exmm by F William. Fmcu or Wheat -Compsrative average pii. ?ra of wheat in France and England fur aeries of fears, reduced to currency of United 8lalca, from irices in J. Lcavitt'e memorial to Congress, Per bushel of 60 Ilia. Vein, France, England. 1B0 1,05 J2.23 1M0 1,44 2.0.1 I.IO 1,88 1822 1,0? 1,34 1823 '1,08 1,60 1824 (19 1,(12 J825 1,0ft 2,05 1826 -1.0ft 1 .76 1827 1,31 1,75 1S38 1.48 1,81 1829 1,48 '1,99 4830 1,60 1 93 891 1,57 '1,99 3838 1,28 '1,76 1833 1.06 159 1831 1,00 1,39 S35 90 1,18 IS36 1.17 1.45 1837 1,08 1838 1,04 1839 1.43 2,12 1840 1,47 1 (i9 1841 1,03 trago prices in ihreo seaports only for 1039. Compnrniivo average prices of Wheat per bushe in the eastern part of the Stat of Ohio and in Philadelphia, also the annual avcrago prices of Flour per harrcl in Philadelphia from 1820 to 1811. Year. Wheat per bushel. Flour per. Mil. In Ohio. In Phila. In Phila. 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1 825 1820 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1 832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1810 1841 20 cts. 31 3i asi 42 J 38 38 50 fit) 70 50 fiO 65J 69 J 59 83 1.I2J 1,15 1,05 81 59 CO 92 f 4,72 4,78 6,58 6,82 93 1,33 VJ7 Ml 1,00 92 1,00 1,00 1,28 96 1.12 MS M2 1,02 1.21 1,60 1,78 1,60 1,37 1,00 1,14 6,62 ! 6,67 5,72 6.63 .-w 7 79 ft, 7 2 5.07 5,10 N. H. The Ohio prices (except 1811) are from a speech of one of the Ohio members in Congress at the Extra Session, 1841, published in the Ohio Statesmen. The principal wheat markets in the eastern part of Ohio are Zanesville, on the Musk ingum, and Massillon, on the Ohio Canul ; from 700 to 800 miles by canal and lake navigation from the Atlantic From the Jjnndon Literary Gazette. The Cure of llllmlness. Sometime ago we mentioned that we had heard of Or. Turnbull't Cure of BUikIiikhs by the fitntet of I'russk (tci'if, but had no personal knowledge of the process ; which notice immediately procured us an invitation from Dr. Turnbnll to witness the ca ses of several patients, from five or six to above twenty years of age, who were under his treatment for this sad calamity. We accordingly attended ; and it is not easy to express our astonishment and gratification at what we saw. The various sUges of cure, advanced in our presence, by the simple application, for about half a minute, or until a little warmth was fell by the patient, of the vapour nfhy drncanic acid, in a small phial, held up lo the rye, with an aperture fitting the form of that organ ; the various nature of the diseases so assailed opacities of the cornea, inflamation, cataract, amaurosis, iri tis, &c. &C.; the various stages of relief which the patient had reached, with sometimes one eye open to sight and pleasurable to look uiion, and the oilier j lelt nearly Wiml and in its pristine deformity , to , shew what had been achieved : ihe va'ious appear ances of films removing, cataracts breaking up auJ gradually rcalisorbed, pupils being redeveloped, and other altogether extraordinary symptoms of reme dy and regeneration, filled us, we rejKSl with won der and delight. One child had been totally blind from six days old, had beeu taught lo read CYi the raised letters by the humane system taught in the Blind-school ; but it could now see these letters, and it was a curious phenomenon lo behold could eqnslly read theui by touch and by sight ! The only diiTcreiice was a singular alteration tn the tone of voice and pronunciation when reading in two ways ; that by the eye being far more natural, and like the usuil reading to which we are accustomed, dun the other which was monotonous, and with an air of di Hi- cully even amid the singular reitJjncM acquired by J Ibis method. Other cases there were ofthe wonderful produc tion of ihe power ot vision to those born blind ; but we select a case of a girl 22 years of age, and there fore fully capable lo comprehend and lo answer any question put to her. In utter darkness for 13 years previous to her coming under Dr. Turnhuli's treat merit, she now can see ber way, and can distinguish couuten jnces and colors. Having witnessed and assured oursclvel of the reality of these things, w e sought the rationale, le source ofthe discovery, and the causes of the effects Dr. Turnbull's answer was, that the datum which bad suggested the first experiments to him was the cviilence afforded in all cases of death from poison ing with prufcsie acid; it was recorded, in every in stance, that the rye of the corpse was observed for days as clesr and lucid as if still in life. This led liim lo conceive that the acid rxened a specific ac tion on the rye. He argued that any medicament which produced such a symptom after decease must possess certain powers over ihe living subject ; and ho ventured upon hia course of investigation sc. rordingly. The principle was speedily di-veloed. The eye and all around il soon dilated and redden ed. It was evident thai the red arteiial blood rush ed into the minutest fibres ofthe veins, and excited a strong acticn throughout the whole ofthe capil lary processes. Not the slightest piiil arose j a sedative influence appeared to be exercised on the Jlffvcs of cU'iion, aud even if iullaiuatiou cxistej, I it was rapidly removed. The rye, however, pre aenlrd all the symptom of violent inhumation, which ia the truly natural curative process, yet without thft suffering nf the atrugglo between na. lure and disease. The hnmom became quickly and singularly active (by degrees tire seat of lire disease was assaulted, and a healthful tendency created, cither to supply deficienccs or to remove olmtruc tiona. By repeating the Application, the cures were completed, On inquiry what the results might be on old or short sights, Dr. Turnhull laughingly replied, that hydrocyanic acid would soon supersede spectacles it so altered and helped the vision in cither case, that no doubt could exist of its applicability to their relief and restoration, lie this as it msy, we hesi tale not strongly to recommend the woridciful dis covery of the Cure for Dlindncss. The Yoik, Pa. Republican slates that the barn of Mr. Daniel Smith, in that county, was burnt by lightning, Intrlher with the entire produce of the harvest. The attention of farmers in directed to the fact thit bams filled With nwly cut grain or hay are very apt to attract the electric fluid, and ought in all caeca lie protected by a lightning rod. HAI.TIMOIUC MAIIKKT. Office of the B a lt i m 1 1 n k A.mkricax, Aug. 8. FLOUR. On Saturday sales of Su-iurhnnna Flour were made al $S 37 J; today two sales of 150 hbls. each were mado at $5,25 ; and alt of 300 bids, at ?5,12J all mado from new wheat. GRAIN. On Saturday (he Wheat market be came very unsettled, and prien began lo decline. To-day sales of Md. Wheals were made with dilli- cul,y 8t 95 c"" 1,10 for l'ril"6 "''Kand from 60 5,10 I a 90 cts. for inferior to good lots. On Saturday a .65 I load of prime new Pennsylvania red was told at 6 60 I 1''''5' '"' "no,,lr' parcel at f 1,05. To-day a par fiol:! l co' ' reu' was 0,J at $ 1 -05, and a lot of red and 4,83 ! white mixed at $1,16. Whito Corn is wanted. We note sales to day of white al 63 a 55 cts. and of yellow to-day 53 cts. Sales of Md. Rye at 60 r,i17 els., and of Pennsylvania at 65 cts. We quote hM Md.Oats at 20 a 22 cts. A sale of a lot of Pcnusy I 'ji! vania old Oats at 28 els. WHISKEY. The markit is very dull, an l the I trans act! iMactiott limited to small In s al 25 a 20 cts. f,.r bbls. Large parcels could be pun basic! for less. AsoTor.u Li fk Su nn John II. Frost, deck hand on board the steamboat ILiruet, having taken a severe cold by exposure in rescuing a fellow be ing from a watery grave, at (he foot of Marki t ft., Philadelphia, one of those cold nights in February last, his head and face had become so swollen, that, to use his own wort's, he could scarcely sec al- tended with violent pains throughout his whole , . I i , .. I. ; r , . . .... body, he wss urged by his friends to try Uraiulreth's Vegetable Universal J'ils. He did so, and is hap py to state that two boxes of this celebrated medi cine completely restored him. Remember, no Drug Store has the genuine Bran drelh'a Pills for sale therefore lie careful. fXj- Purchase in Sunbury, of H. U. MasM-r, and the agents published in another part of this paier. .v .i is u i k n , In Danville, on the 4ih ins!., l y ihe Rev. John Ball, Mr. Ciihistiax Lai il n u to Miss Hahhah Mr.Fi.r.ii, both of that place. At Fort Leavenworth, Missouri Tenilory, on the 13lh of July, by the Rev. Oliver C. Steele, Lieut. Wm. N. Cairn, of tho 1st Itsgiinent V. S. Dra goons, to Miss YmuisiA Huhu, both of the same place. A CAItU. Join Fahssworth tenders his sincere thanks to a large portion ef the citizens of Northumberland county, for their liberal support al the late delegate elections. But he does not think himself under ny obligations to those delegates who were sent to sunbury to nominate him, and there bartered him nil' in order lo carry some other man, and, nolw iih- standing, failed to carry their intended plan into effect. riucu aii: rent. Corrected weekly by Henry Yojcthrimer, Wheat, 110 Rtc, Coil!, Oats, - Pork, - Flaxsff.ii, - UrrTK.n, Uv.kswax, Tallow, Din Kir Aitlf.s, Do. P LAC II Ml, Flax, Mkcki.xii Flax, Uons, 50 40 'JO 5 125 12 95 12J 75 200 8 10 8 HEALTH l. MISSOURI. li . Ilurllt Ii'm 1 1 1 1 h VITHEN these pills were introduced into this ' Slaie, the Agent did not urge them on the notice oX the public with any superfluous prsise, confident that a fair and impartial trial was all ihe recommendation they required, to prove their use-full-ess. They have now been tested by a number of persons Uboring under that miserable complaint j 11j..tirMi in iliitf cM'timi nf ibe rnuntrv. ami in ! every instance, as far as we have heard, hate pro ved tneficial. We wish to give suHicienl lime for a full arid fsir trial, whrn we will add such le-limo-ny of their elficary as will do justice to so valuable and safe a medicine. Jeffernm (.Vr.) Euiuirer. N. B. Tho- who may be nurturing from the various disease incident lo men, would do well lo procure immediately the above medicine, whereby they may soon be relieved of their m dado s. Principle Office, No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY" YOATHEIMEK. August 13th. 1842. Agent. iiiTo.KAriiic oii( i:. M. P. SIMONS, JVo. 173 Clirtnut Street, 4lh Story, F H1X AUfiLP III A. MANl'KACTL'KEU of DACVEIIKKO TYI'i: AI'I'AltATl S. Surgical and Mi mature Cases, Iirqiorter of Fienrh Chemicals and double silver plat a for the Daguerre..tyie, adopts this method of informing the citizens of Northern Pennsylvania, that be euiriia uti the above husimss extensively, in all iia various branches. Persons de-in. 4s of obtaining any of the above articles, rn tie promptly supplied, on Ibe lorst terms, lor ci-li All tellers (trust naulA will reieive iiiion (bale attoiilioii, Augu.t 6th, 1812. Out ATTENTION SUMIURY CIIUYS. "7"Cf am required to meet for pnmdefn Market-square, Sun bury, at 9 o'clock A.M. of Mon day, the IStli day of August trcxt, in Summer uniform, each Member to lie provided with 12 rounds of lilank cartridge, lly order of Captain Dcwavt, J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Orikrly Scrg'L July 30th. 1842. TAKE NOTICE. A LI those indented to the firm of the subscribers will please call and make sitis. tion, either by paying up or (living their notes with security, No longer Indulgence can lie Riven. GEO. ROllRDACH &. BROTHERS. Aueust 6th. 1842. to 777: F.i.T:(:ToilT mint.ASt) covstw rPHE subscrilier respectfully informs the electors 'T Northumberland county, that be will lie n candidate, at the ensuing election, for the office of Should he be favored with a majority of votes, he will spate no exertions to render general satis faction. CHARLES WEAVER. Augu-t Cth. 1842. AT "HER HAS ihe Shamnkin Coal A Iron Com ' ' pnry di.l, on the 9th dny of July. II2, xe. cule an assignment of all their property to the sub seijlirr, in trut lor the benefit ot their creditors, all persons indebted to the said Shamokin Coal ami Inn Company are requested lo make payment, and those having claims, to present them without delay In John Nieholls At Shamokin, or lo the subscriber, No. 16 South till Uriel, Philadelphia. 11. II. YARN A 1. 1., July 30th, 1842. Aligner. jL L jL G- E "PL AT FOR SALE. rPHE Subscriber oilers for sale, on reasonable - terms, an excellent new FLAT, 80 f.et lone, 3 feit deep, and 1 I feel wide. Pcr-nti wishing to nnrrlia-c her. will nlease call on Mr. Eli Dinner. in Sunbury, or on the subscrilier. WILLIAM CAUR. Sutibuty July 30th, 1812. 3t. Itcti'nmlii Ta.tlor' ltal. NOTICE is hereby given, lht lettirsof admin istration have lieen granted by the Kegi-rer l' Northumberland count y to the subscriber, resi ding in Shamokiii ton nship, upon the i stale ol Ben jamin Taj lor, dee'd, bite of said township. All persons having deniimU against said estale, aie nuuesiedlo present them, and I hose who are in debted to settle their ieseetive dues with Ihe sub ......i..., l.. ...... r I.. i... v l.. l- . .1 . U,,,,, j f A t m,,u SAMUEL Ft RMAN, July lfilh, 1812. 6t Attininitrator, I HAVE this day bought of JACOB HUNT, -- of Coal township. Northumberland county, one lied Cow, two Hogs, six Windsor ('hairs, one Ma ple Table, and twelve yards Cariet, which proier ty I have loaned to him at my pleasure. S.JOHN. Sbnmokin. July 14th, 1812. 43 MEDICAL CARD. ECCJTOP. V-. S. EPJG-HT, 1 F.sl'ECTFULLY iuforms his friends in Sun bury, Northumlierland and vicinities, thai af ter an alwnce of nearly three years in Philadelphia, (the fountain head of Medical Science in the U- nited States,) be has returned and locntiil himsrll in NortbumlH'tlarul, for the purpose of practicing m all the branches of his profession. Having em braced Ihe many advantages of the public mid pri vate tried cal institutions in Philadelphia, lie feels prepared lo enter upon the responsible dutins of his proles-ion, and would then fore solicit the patron age of a generous public. Noithun.Urluud, July 16th, 1812. 4t mi. J. N. SUMNER, C?TTT5 T-irivT TT-l.TmTC?TI H' KSPKCTFULLY informs the public thai he has made Northumberland his perinsnenl place of resilience, and is ready to attend to any calls in the line of his profession. July 2, 1842. ly. to tiii: ri iti.itv I AA7HEREAS Letters Putvnt were granted to Mr. j 11. W. Camt, in Octoler, 1834, for anew I and useful improvement in the descending 1'i rt ! t'ooKion Siovks; I have understood one II A 1 II AWAY' is using my said improvement under the ' name of "Hot Air Stovls," which stove involves Ihe principles secured lo me. This is to caution all persons sgninsl making, vrasling, or Using said ( "Hot Air Stoves," as I shall prosecute all who in i sny way infiinge Vny rights; and 1 hereby consti tute JoriiVa W. t'oLT, Esq.nl Danville, my law j ful Attorney, empowering him to bring suits against J any person who shall use niv improvements in uny manner whatever. HENRY W. CAMP. Owi go, Tioga county, N. Y". July S, 1842. 3m. S Us. rr v HOTEL. MlUlltOlilll, U1 lIlllllllM liillHl ( ,, PENNSYLVANIA, fnllt; siiliscribers respectfully iulorm the public JL lhal limy have taken thai large and ftmnmnli. ou HOTKL, in Shamokintowu, in the eintieol the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kram, where they are now prepared to aecomimnlaie all who may favor them with their custom, lly slricl attention lo business, they hope to aveive a hbersl share of public patronage, BATCH ELOIt Jt COVE. Shamokintnwn, June 18th, 1842. ON HIS IWN HOOK. rETE?. GETTE?., 1F.S'ECT11 LLY informs his friends ami the public generally, lhal ho has commenced the T a i I r i ii n' II ii m i ii m m , in all its branches, in the hou-e formerly iH'Cupied by Wm. Durst sa a Tailor Shop, in IHaektM rry street, nearly opposite Ibe Pnsbyieriun Church. He rispecilully solie ts abate of Ihe public p itron sge, and trusts by strii t attention In business and reasonable charges, he will be enabled to give gen eral salislaciiou. Suubuiy, June 18th, 1812 ly M.i iii iiri II. .Ionian, j o ot FVERS himself to rw Fbi-tora of Northum- i lierlattd County, as l candMate for the offices 1 PR o r m n TA It V A sn ChF.lt K OF MR SKYER At. rOURTS of said county He trims, if elected, that hia expe rience in the duties of Said nllicr will enable him to give gr-nvrcl satisfaction lo the public. Sunbury, June 25, "842. rfliijoi David iVriakr. N FORMS the public lhal be will be a candidate lor the irflive of n ii r. n t r f of Northumberland County, at the ensiling elerttori. He respectOtlly solicits the, sulVr pes of bis fellow citir.ens, nndj should he be elerlcd, he will endeavor to di-vharge the duties of said olllce with fidelity, and satisfaction lo ihe people. Shamokin, June 25ih, 1842. TO " tIIK" KLKOTnllS 1)F NuK mUAf. nKKl-WI) COUNTY. 1111 E subscriber rcspi rllully itrf rms ihe electors E. of Nortbumbiil..iii roinity, th it he will be a cauiliiUlo nt the ensuing election, for the ullices ol W' i;i,rr, v'rvni irr and l letk il'llr f riinrrs' f Vitrr. He (rusts, if elected, lie will be sbV to disi-hnrge the dudes of said ollices lo the entire sa'i-f.ietion of the cominuiii'V. June 25. 1812. If! o" 2 S O T - o - 2 JAMEs BEARD. -CO 3 a r r r: f f. - H as 2. W 3 ? W 03 , O O " 3 H 5 ? ' 3 - I i o. i o c -co -co -TO n c r. 5 3 i. 73 - r ? 5 z. -i m r. 3 3 7i 3 3 To Country MERCHANTS. rl',HE Subscriber, Agenl (i Lyon eV Harris, Hat Manuf.iclurers, for New York, I'lril nlelpbia, Baltimore and other large cities, wfciw; lint lire highly coniiii.nd. il lor qtid eol-ii and duraliililtf, has nit I and n lir-t rate nsieitm-nt ol HATS and CAPS, suitable for Sprinp sile-, li ch will 'e solrl very low, fot cash or approved credit, al ibe nrted rliriti nre. No. 40, North Third sire-1, o p n-i'e the City llot. l. I'bil i.lelpbis. liOIIEUT D. W ILKINSON. Ai'eut. N. H. Orders lot llalsm iberoiii;. promptly attended lo. The highest rice m rA tt trade given 1 ir h'nr ikin. Philadelphia, June 11, I 813.--ly NEW GOODS. JI'ST leeeived, a fresh supply ol cheap Dry Coods, (iroct rii s, Hardware, Ac. Sutjierior Ladies' black kid Cloves, Colored do , Lawns, (Miintzes, Mnusselin de laines, Ac. Cloths, Cas-itncres, Cashmereta, Linen Drillings, Muslins, Ac. Superior Port Wine, Pure SjK'rm Oil, S.crm Candles, Kai-tns. Ae. June 4th. 1842. II. B MASSEM. ALL persons indi bled to the lirrn of Lyon A II air:s, under Ibe agency nf O. N. Thacher, lint and Cap Manufacturer!, No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, rc reii-led to make immedi ate settlement of ill. ir a counts w iih the subscrilier, their legally au'hnrirl ngenl,who is fully empow ered to si tile and rolli-et ibe accounts of snl firm. KOIIEKT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. If Agent. l Mow re r RESPECTFULLY iulorms the Elerlor of Noiihumlierlaud county, that he will be a naiidulsle lor the office of SIIICUIFF. lie promises, if Heeled, lo discharge the duties of said office with care and fidelity. I'pper M;.h..noy. May 2Hlh, 1812. I II K rillLAIllirillA, RKAIIIMi AMI PUTTSMLLE RAIL ROAD. AN KXTUA ACCOMMODATION LINK II i' rrimwirnrr runnins In lu-rrn Phihidelfthtn and I'ottsville on the following datx and holm : Ow akii aft.h Mionnr, Mat ".. 1812. Leaving I'ottvville, on Mondays, Wednesday a ami Frslavs, at 8,' A. M. Leaving I'hiladelphia, ou Tuesday s, Thiitsrlay. and S.iturdavs, at I )J P. M. Hour uf iniiKiiii; hcmliHg. For Philadelphia, at lily . M. Tri-werklv. For Poltsville, al b P. M. '. It K S. Between Pollsville A Philada. f:i..ri0 A J2.MI llr tween Iteadiug A. do, VJ.'i ,V 1 ,7. Iletueru do A Potsilhs 1 ,4l A l,tm Exil llSlOX TllKHS I.IHIII ion HLri M.vmn sit: XT int. Between Pollsville A Philadelphia, f 5 (III ll. tween li. a 'rng A lo. :) trtl lleivveen do. A Pollsville, 2 W) The other passenger trains will as U'loie, at Ibe following hours : Viiimblphia and l'ot,r,lr. f rom rinlailclplit.i, at 0 A. M. From Pollsville. at 2 P. M. S Hoar of limiting leading. For Poitsvilie, at II A. M. For Philadelphia. at 3i P. M. S Daily Daily. All ihe trains will stop lor wsy passengers at tho usual points. (Jj" All passengers lire ri'rptesled to procure their tickets In-fore Ibe trains stait. Msy 21. 1842. if. CLYDE & WILLIAMS' flunk Hook laitol;M lry, thiMwilr I'rinre't I hill I, HAKItlSlU'Uti. FMIII'Y' am pn pared In manufacture blank work I of every ilivciiption, ruled lo sny palierti, such as Pockets bivords, Dy Brsiks, Ledgers, Asses sors' and Collectors' Duplicates of Ihe finest ipiali ly of paper, in a style equal lo any made in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New Y'oik. All discriplions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums ami Porifolioa made to order. Law Books, Music and Periodicals bound lo any pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files uf papers bound. rjj" Work left al the nlUce ofthe Sunbury Ame. ricau, will he promptly attended lo. May 21.1, 1842 ly. U.S. Mail Coach I OR I'DTTSIIMJ!, STICK TO THE MAIL CO ACM 1 r!1!!!! Mail 1w1i for Pollsville leaves Northum .1 beTlsriilfWrV morning nt 4 oMoek. anil arrives in Pmisvllli! In limv for ihe cats ro fhiliaileihia. ! a a as low as any mint lrtio. For seals, inly nt Mvs. Withingion's Hotel, NorthumberUnd, n' al ('fCfirge Wiltnel's, ftmbnry. V E. K AI P A CO., NnrllM., M.ty 21 , 1 812. I'mprictm. Cjr- Pas-VHRi'rs coming from Phllade Ipliia will liteat seenfe their rjt at the WliHe SwnVl Hotel, Knee St., befort' tln leave Vie tit v. Passengers coming in this line, have 'lotr M at- a-vtircd in any Magerif Piifkel Uifll Iroro Mils ill iriv, I'huso coining in iliHoilnt llnr rny t-p IH'iWlinnl. UMtitwri.n si i' i : n nut to asy otiif.n M:lt Sl'. HI it v. JOHN A IIENHY LANDAP. having rented the Lime Kilns of lleniv M ,v-, r, in Sunbutv, have now for sale ibe heal Lime in this part of lire couiitiy, and will cnirtiuue In keep eonslHiitly mi baiul Irrrsli l.irne for l' islet rug. Building -Slid for Liming land, on as reasonable Icrtns as T all bo had nrr iviirii' in me iicignimiiiooo. M .y 21, 1842. J. A H. LANDAll. (i OLD E N 8 WAN Mo. (iJ Murlh Third, alxwr Areh Stru t, PHILADELPHIA. A(T1IMVII)VII! for KV.VF.VfV I'FRWtNSI. ("MIAHLK.S WEISS, late.,1 lire " hire Swan," Bird Mount vernon House, respectfully in forms his friends ami customers, that be has become Ihe proprietor ofthe abov well known Hotel. Country Meiehsnts will find ihe above Hotel a central brCstion. aird the best of fare. Persons rra veiling with private conveyance will rind a large yard and good .tabling for horses, and the best of ostlers. Hoarding f 1 per day. May 14'h. 1812. tf. J IVI A YL AND JR &. CO. Sinill' ami Toluic.co Mnmi lac Hirers, .r. !W .orth H'rafmrwrr of ltiice and Third Slrrrtx. PHILADELPHIA. rPIIE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership - under the firm of J. M A YL AN D. .Ib. A Co.. a. successors to ihe Inte firm of Jneah .Mayland Co., and will c iiilinue the business at the old esta blishment, on their own account. In addition to their on close attention and experience Tor many years, ill Ibe manuf iclure of ibeir cefebrat-d snuff-, Ac. ihe long experience of lite senior mrlner of the l.ite brm, will nl-o Is-devoti-,1 to llvr interest nf the new concern and as no rxrrlioo aud care will be spared to insure iheir goods, al all limes of ihe ve ry lies! quality, they solicit n continuance of the contidencie vil the fi ends and eostomers of Ihe late firm. THOMAS ADAMS, J. MAYLAND, Jr. Philadelphia. May 14lh. 1842. ly EAGLE a rn? tc 9 Comer of Third nnd Vine. Street, WILUAfflSrOAT, FA. filHE subscrilier resftectfutly announces to the M. public, thai he hns opvncd a Hotel in the com- mislious brick building situate on the rnrner of I hud and Pine sirens, where lie will he bsppy to wait upon those who may favor him witb their company. The Eagle Hotel is la.'ge and conveni ent, and furnished in the W-l modem stb'. It i provided wilh a large number of well aired ami comfortable sleeping apartment, rooms, private parlors, Ac. Persons visiting ilhamsport on bu siness or pleasure, mav rest ns-tirnl that every ex ertion will l-p used to -tender iheir sojourn at Ihe "Eagle Hotel" pleasant and sgreeable. Ilia Table will lie supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his bar with the rhnicest wiuvs and other liipiors charges reasonable. 'Ilie Eagle Hold possesses preah-r aihanlflges in point of loeali.ni than any other similar est iblir-hoient in the borough, being situate in the business part nf the town, ami within a ronven rent distance of the Court House ami WilhamspoTt and Elmlra Kail hamd Depot. SulVu ienl Sabling provided, and good and trijsly oftlers always In attendance. Attentive, .iccoii.modiiting and hnne-t Servants have lren eniphovil, and nothing left undone ihit will odd to the Coinlort and accommodation of his gue-ts. There will ! n carriage always in attendance nt ihe Boat Landing to convey pas-errgers to and from the llotisv, free of charge. CHAItLES BtmUOWS. May 1 Iih. 1842. 1'omiiiis.stoti V lvvnrtlinc Mnrliaiiis, Foot of Willow Slretl Unit Itoud, OS 'INK IrtLtW'AKK, HAYINl! associated wih ihem Joseph Batnet, lain of l'aslon. Pa., resnectlitllv inform their friend, and the public generally, iba they have la ki n th 't large and wed known store and w harf at fool i-f Willow Street Uarlroail, lattly tacupied by .(cob Martin, where they purfsise diring a liemiAl I 'oiiimi-sioti and Forwarding Buines-, and fiom ihe bcal mlvantages of ihe place b ing eornncleJ wilh ll ihe public improvements thai have their oulh't in the rtlv, they tlstter themselves they will le slr'.e to do lajsiness lo as great, if not R carer sd tanlage, and UHrn as reasonable terms as any other house, aud they assure llreir frietuls lint any nui signmeiils m ole lo them shall have Iheir strict al ien! ion, mid no exeilions spared to give entire satis faction. Tin y are also prepared lo receive ami forward goods li any point on the Delaware .mil Lehigh rivers, U-lween Maoeh Chunk, l".iion and Phils i!i l hia, via HelaWnre Pivim, n and Lehigh Can d-; also. In nnv point oil the Jiinuia river, or Nonh ami Wi si Blanches of Ibe Su-ipichritina via Scbuyl. kill and t'uion, or tho Chesapeake and Tide Watei Cilia's, For ihe accommodation of Boats Coming or go ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a Hte.imbo.-tt will ii, kept expressly liir towing boats from iho Schuylkill around to llie Delaware and bai k, which will en . bio merchants to hae their ptisluce deli xered on the Delaware, aud their good shipisd at a saving ol 60 to i5 r cent the prices fir hauling seior, wnh these ad, anlagea ihey re siiecllully solicit a shsre nf palroiiai-e. W. HE1LMAN A CO. William Heilmsn, ) William W. Kryser.J- J.ns-ph Harnrl. 3 Philad .May 14, 1842 ly to Tin: Fi.F.vToits tr oit'ni i uni.ti i.wn ft) i .sty. F11H E subscriber Is-ing prevarh'd ou by his Mends, L resrectfully ir. forma the public that he w ill t a i tudidalu lor the otlit-e of COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing general election. He promises, if ftevtt-d, to lullill the duties of said olli.e, with care ami li.hhly. . JOII.N YOl'Nti, May ?th, 1812. ATTOUNEY At LAW, 6U2VBt7&Y, PA. Burrinesa altenrled lo in the Counties of Nor tltuml erlaud, Union. Lveom1ng and Jclmbia. nerer ttv Ttrn)A Hart A Uo., towta fc Barnoit, Hart, OnntR-na A IIakt. yVfiiail. Ur.YROLTI. McFsRt arii A.Jo. "J Sprint !n, Mnnli A, Co., -A Cr !D lim. ,IOII VK.lti K IN T, TllITKS, UEsPEC TFIjI.T.V antwunce lo the citizens of Sunbury, aniHls -vicinity, that they have Ibis day entered htto copartnership in ihe Praclico r'l Medicine, in all its various department, ami hope by this arrangement, punctual atfeiitrnai to business, ami moderate charges, to receive a liberal share ofpublic patronage, (Tj'Pr J. PV.AL tenders bis gratr ful rrckiinnl edgemen'ls for ihe very liberal patronage hcromfom received, nnd feeling confident that the new r. ritngemeriL,.(lltrTirni of Peal A Trite-,) will bo conducive lo ihe comfort .Hid welfare of the pub lie, be imi.t respectfully solicits a coniirrumrce i-f their 'confidence. Sunbury, May Vlh, 1812. l"im. Ttrii i :":! : rn r s i i r .t rnTiTii i ;i ;i: I.AM) COUNTY . flH E Subscriber respectfully inform lite V'.li c I tors of Norihumberland county, that he tviil bo a rnndiilnte for the ollices of Itrghtvr, lltrordtr and ClirK of the Or.jdiunS Court-, at the ensuing general election. Should be 1 e r-h-cted, Ire will rltert himself to render general sa'i faclion, which his long experience in the Jutics of said ollices, will enable him to do. JMay 7. EDWARD OYSTER. jL PAr.lFC?." GALE. ' 171 fR S.ik', a Frfrm contaiiring about 50 nen s, " wort) or less, situate tn Sliamckin township, Notthumlierland 'CoiiYiry, about w'ven miles from Sunbury, on Ihe main road leading from that placo lo Petersburg and Shanu.kinlowTi, Siljoining laiiiU of Wm. Farrow, Abraham K'lase, Samuel (iotisrr ami Wm. Mart?., on which lltero is A good largo Brick House, tt'ilh a w-cll of never failing water at the door, a large Birrn hi gisnl repair, a good Or chard, and a good seat for a mill ot any kind of water power. Neatly all the laud is cleared ami iit good cultivation, twenty-five acres of which is g.iorl meadow. The Danville and Pollsville Rail l.'.vul ruiis through said firm. It wiH be soM as the. i,ro prrly -of Wm. Watera, dee'd. Any person wish ing lo purchase can do well, as the terms are rea sonable. Posses.-icn and a good title ran he given next Sprints. For further particulars, persons aid requested to apply to lire Widow, who lives on 1 1 a premises, or to Godfrey W tilers or K. (iN'oittMir,ti Esq. in Surdiury. SObFRKY WATERS, t;. R. WATERS. Mav 7 tf. i:x'rnf ,, Water, dtr'd. MEHOiiANT'S HOUSE, So. 2H7 Sorth Third. abnrrCilowhill St., PIllLADELPIHA. fHE subscribers lakss plvasure in ac,ua!nlir g 1. their friends and the public in general, that they have laken Ihe large and commodious Hon-1, recently built by the Mevsrs. Hart, on the snme site once occupied by rhe rtld established Hotel known a Ihe Bulla Head, in Third slieet above Callow lull sr. This Hotel is Imir-hed in the very best j.oss'-hln nianiu r, and of ihe best im.lcr.sls. Its bn iit on ih very desirable, particularly lor country mi rchai.ts ; the arrangemeiHs lor hratir.g and vetiiilaling inch riHim is such as to secure any temperature. The Ixilroomsate all light and airy, all furnished in a neat sly'e, so as lo insure Lomhiit. The rtcrtvir.ig parlors are al-o furnished in a su perb style, tlie windows are on the French s'vlr, forming ut entrance to a balcony in front, win. It makes pea-aiit recess, rurticular attention has been r;tven to ihe is and bedding, which, with the furniture, are vnlirely new. r rorn yearn eipenence in hotel business, u p trust, by strict assiduity to business, lo make this house a ih-Firabte sti-triiing place. Our table w.ll always be ittplied with Ihe wry best our itiaikel can arloTil, and our bar with the bcsl Irquurs ami wirres of Ihe most approved hrsnds. P. S. Tlrere are first rare stabling iif.d carr nta hnu.-v attached lo the hotel, Lttcrided by ca t I II and snt-er hosirers, and our charges will bt low, in accordance with the present h.vd I irr.es. SHPLTZ A. LERR I'hihnlrlphia. .A.ril If., 1842. SUSQU EHTNW'a HOTKL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA U , PF.M.XSYLVAMA. HE subscrilH-r re-iectfully inl'otm. ihr- pu'-lio that he has ptireh ised, and now occupies iho Larcy. aud Commodious Well known as Hi it k I.. elTUtcrii stand. the proprtly, late of Theodore Wells, and formerly kepi by Samuel A. Btndv. He is now prepared to accommodate all Iravi II- r-t nml visiteis who nr.v favor him with a call, a 'id will u-e rwty etliirl in his power lo render eery cnnveiiieiree and comfort to his customers, wbdo Under hisrharge. His aceommorlalions are ample, and bis rooms well furnished. His stables rxicii ive and in good condition. His Taki : aud Bah will be supplied with tho Is-sl that the market ran aiTord. By punctuality and aiteiition, he feels confident that he will incut the patronage of the public. CH ARLES HARTMAN. Callawissa, April Vlh, 1812, uoiirKT T titTr.it Xmi, PAPER MANVrAOTUBlSS, Lombard Street, Halltmorr, HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Pier nf all sizes and qualities, Cap Writing Paier, rut. .1 and plain. Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelopo Paer, do. do. medium, double crown, crown ami extra sued Wrapping Papers, Colored Medium nml Royal Papers, Bonnet, Hinders' aud Straw Boy: Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles in their I i ! , which they will sell on accommodating terms. Highest price given for old rags. ROUEKT CARTER A tON. March HI, 1842. Elktnn. M.I. WHARTON'S go rn? an cc-. Suiibui ) oi iliuuilM-iiunl I oiiIj , PENNSYLVANIA. rilHE subscriber nsi.cilully inlorms the pubhc, 1 that lie has removed lo that large ami comm. -dtous Hnck House, on Msrkct squire, opposite ti n Couil House, (lormerly kept by Hiram Pticc.) where he is now prepared lo accommodate all l may fav.if him wiili a call. Being thankful lor past favors, he hopes by strict attention lo busine.s, lo receive a liU'ral shaie of public patronage, Ac. CHARLES U. WHARTON. Sunbury, March bib, tii. t2