Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, August 06, 1842, Image 3

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    effected, however, till late. W fcae been unable
to obtain the henro of the persons injured, but
learn that there wen tWrtwn white and black men
received at ll kcwjWTal aome dangerously woend-
ed. Several persona were t -rested In the course of
the afternoon and evening, and held for further
(hearing ; their namea, aa given In morning pa
rser, are Jacob Kejaer, Edward Honrick, Samuel
Montgomery, 8amuel Lusky, Joe. HamWin,
Francia P. Henry, Henry Jehnson, Edward Piew
art, Elizabeth tJtewarl, and John Johnson. ,
So far a we can learn no deatha have yet occur
'red, though k was reported that such had been the
s. tn fact, day r two will paee'lcfote an au
thentic rtaterneel of the casuatitiet can I laid bo
Tore fhe public,
It docs not appear that any sign of further vio
lrce Was perceptible this morning in the neigh
fcorhooj of Lombard street.
Moral Obll,'tli of Hanltrnpf a.
We heard it st.ted, not long since, that bank
rupt went into the ahop of a creditor, to whom he
ought to have felt under great obligations for assis
tance rowdercd, and with a swaggering air said, he
tkad paid all his debts and did'iit on e a cent be
bad taken the benefit of the bnnkrupt law. If this
remark wan made seriously, it indicates a loose mo
rality, mi reference to the obligation to pay debts
contracted in good faith, which, it is to be feared,
is but too common.
A bankrupt, or insolvent law discharges a man
from the payment of his dtbts legally, but not mo
rally. It relieves him from the vexations of slier
ills and suita in Court, but it docs not relieve him
of the duty to pay his debts if ever be is able. The
Oesign of bankrupt law ia good, benign. It is
designed to relieve those who are irretrievably in
volved in debt whose hands are tied so that they
cannot help themselves ; who, the moment they
accumulate a little property to enable them to trans
act business, are liable to have it snatched from
them by their creditors. To relieve such persons
bankrupt laws are intended, but they are not de
signed to remove, to wipe out the just claim which
every creditor has to his honest dues, No man ran
quiet his conscience with the belief that bankrupt
laws remove all obligations to pay his debts, if pros
ervy enables him to do it. A'urlhcrn Cour.
The Lexington (Ky.) Intelligencer of 'J2A
iiit-t. publishes the following extract from the
letter of a physician in a distant county of Ken
tucky to his friend in that city :
'Dr. G., my brother, and myself, arc in atten
dance, t this time, upon one of the most ex
traordinary cases, I suppose, that history gives
an account oC Our patient is a young lady,
12 lor 25 years of age, who has been subject to
a dislocation of almost all the joints belonging
to the human system, ever since 1832; also vi
olent spasms. Sometime last fall there com
menced forming in her mouth ossific matter,
and during the months of November and De
cember, there were taken from her mouth
Botne 23 or 30 bones, of various sizes and shapes,
after which she appeared partially to regain
her health, but within the last 4(1 daysDrs. G.,
F., W., and myself, have taken from the mouth
ears, nose, throat, left arm, side and all the
way down to the foot, bone amounting in all
during her last illness to 102. One thing is ve
ry remarkable, that no matter where these
bones present themselves, not a drop of blood
follows their dislodgemcnt from any part of the
body. The young lady possesses cheerfulness
and vivacity amidst all her sufferings, and ap
pears to entertain no doubt of her recove-
'y.' .
A I.Anos Seine. A seine measuring 900
feet in length, and some 30 or 40 in breadth,
lias been sunk several times in onr harbor du
ring the last few weeks. This seine we be
lieve was made for a company at Rock port, and
cost ijsSflO. At one of the hauls in Ibis harbor
on Friday last, the following kinds offish were
taVen : Cunners, Sand Snaps, Monk Fish, Cod
fish, Lobsters, Haddock, Smelts, Flounders,
Skate, Toad Fish, Pollock, Whiting, Macker
el Soule, Plaice, Blue Backs, Sculping, Cat
fish, Shad, Eels, Squid. Gloucester Tele
graph. Oi.n ArPLE. Captain William Bevis, of Up
per Middltowtv, left with us on the 4th insU, an
apple of the growth of 1S10. It is apparently
sound, but looks rather the worse for age !
yi'uhllt town Sentinel.
Ouu Opinio or Bhamiiiktu's Viits eta a l a
Ukevehsal Pi ilk. The medicine, we acknow
ledge, tn recommending to our readers, possesses
wonderful efficacy in all nervous disonWa, fit.
headachs, weakness, heaviness and lowneasaf spi
rit, dimness of sight, confused thoughts and wan
tiering of the mind, vapors and melancrioliy, and
II kinda of hysteric complaints, gradually .go ofT
by the awe ef this medicine: ia sickness of the ato
mack, flatulencies and oVtrttiittfis, it is a sale,
powerful and eflicaciona remedy. The first symp
toms of its good effect are serenity and cheerful
ties, and aa preventive, alterative, and purifier of
the blood, it has not its rqtinl'in the woild. It is
diniratily calculated to alford relief to restore a bro.
ken end decayed constitution to lis pristine health
end vigor. Public ledger.
j- Purchase in Sunbury, of H. B. Master, and
the agents published in another port of this paper.
""iV'i i: i, r
In this place, nn Saturday morning Ut, LIBER
TY, daughter of Mr. John Farnawoiih, agej about
6 years,
'I"MIR subscriber reieclfully informs the electors
of Northumberland county, that be will lie a
candidate, at the ensuing election, tor the olliee of
Should he be favored with a majority of voles,
he will spsie uo eieition to render Ktneral saii.
August Oili, 1 S 1 -4 .
OorrrcJed Dedrfg Henry FrMeter.
Wbkat, U0
Rt, 5rj
On, 40
OATa, 30
Peaic, ft
FiAisrrn, ... 12R
Buttkr, . . n
Tivww, lij.j, . . 5
Do. PlACRKS, S00
Flat, . . 8
HrcKtin Flax, 10
Fs g
" ' U iSi I i i i i
. To Ihc Coiiimuiilty at Iui-c.
EWISH to inform the afflicted, through the me
dium of the public pra, of the wonderful cfli
escy of that truly valuable new "discovered Medi
cine," viz: Or. Ilnrlich's Compound Strengthen
ing and German Aperient Pills. I feel, and const
der it my duty, in order that others may receive re
lief from the same pource. For two years I was
subject to that peace destroying disease, Dyspepsia,
and its accomtianyments, Obstinile Conciliation
of the Dowels, Flatulency, pain in the side and sto
much, sickness in the head, A c, ami used medicine
untd I began to think there was nn help for me ; I
had little failh in "published remedies," until I cal
led on some of those who have becu cured ly the
aliove medicine, which induced me to give it a tri il.
I procured the medicine and used it for three wm ks,
when my healih was entirely restored, it is now
about three months since I quit using it, and no
return ol the disease or its symptoms appearing, I
feel warranted in adding my testimony in behalf of
others, before the community.
Accept in V best wishes, and
Believe me ever yours, Are.
January lllht841. Pittt-hurg Citv.
(jj" OJftrt and Central Depot, No. 19 Nonh
Eighth street, where the most resectable referen
ces to perso"e will be given in favor of this valuable
medicine. Foi a tie a) the store of
Aug. 6th, 1812. Agent.
ALL those indebted to the firm or the euhscritwrs
will please call and make s.ilipf iction, either by
paying up or giving their nmcs with security. No
longer lndnlcence can lie Riven.
Auguxt 0th, Mi.
I'lioTotTar ayi i i c xirit 'ivii.
A'. Clirsmit Strrrt, 4th Story,
ani:facti;keu of hAcvnitiiEo.
TYPE APPARATLS. SSnrg enl an. I Mi-
mature Casta, Importer of Piench Chemicals and
double silver plates for the Daguerreotype, adopts
his method if informing the citic na of Northern
Pennsylvania, that be carries on the above businrse
exl naively, in all its various branches. Persons
desirous e.f obtaining any of the above articles, can
be promptly supplied, on the lowest terms, for etxh.
All letters (post paid,) will receive immediate
attention. August 6th, 1813. fiin
OU are required to meet for
puraue in Maiket-Kou ire, eun-
bury, at U o clock A. M. of Mon
day, the
15th thiy of August next,
in Summer uniform, each Mcmlirr
to be provided with 12 rounds of
blank cuitridge.
By order of Captain Dcwart,
Orderly Serg't.
July 30th, 1842.
Vlf HEIIEAS iheKhamokin Coal A: Iron Com
' par y di.l, on the tllh day of July, 1842, i xe.
rule on assignment of all their property tn the sub
scriber, in truMt for the benefit ol their rrditorii
all iernons indebted to the suid Khnmokin Coal and
Iron Company are requested to make payment, and
those having claims, tn prrsent iheiu without li l.iy
tn John Nicboils at Sliamokin. or to the subscriber,
No. 16 iSouth 4th street, Philadelphia.
July 30th, 1P42. A'mgnre,
THE Sulcriber oilers for snle, on reasonable
terms, an excellent new FLAT, 80 fiet long,
A fat deep, and 14 feet wide. Perrons wishing to
purchase tieT, will please call on Mr. Eli U eim r,
in Bun bury, or on the suWriber.
Anbury July 30th, 1942. at.
T HAVE this day Iwught of JACOB HUNT,
A of Cital towiihip, Northunilierlsnd county, one
Re.l ow, two Hogs, six Windsor Chairs, one Ma
ple Table, and twelve yards Curpet, which proer- !
ly I have loaned lo htm at my pleasure.
Shnmokin, Ju'y 14th, 1P12. 4 J
rilHE purchasers of proM-rly at the sale held by
A. the assltnees of Price, are informed
that their notes are now due, and most he paid
forthwith, or they will be placeJ in the bands of a
Justice of the Peace for collection.
July 16tb, 1942. Auigneei
Itr iijuiiilu Ta)lor,aj Iilalt.
NOTICE is hereby given, tht letters of admin
istration have been granted by the Kegiiler
of Northumberland county lu the subscriber, resi
ding in IShumokin township, upon the i state ol
Benjamin Taylor, dee'd, late of mid township. All
(M-raona bavins demands ORainst said entate, are
n quested to present thrm. and those who are in
debted to settle their resicctivA dues with the sub
scriber, at the housi nf John Yoidy, Esq., on the
30iu day of August next.
July lfith, 1812. 6t Admini&lruU.
Take Notice.
Yy HEREAS a certain Henry W. Camp has no.
tified the public not to buy the celebrated
Hathaway Hot Air Cooking Siove." Now this
ia for the information of all concerned, that all who
buy of us, oi our regul-ir authorised Agents, shall
t kept clear of all dsmuges, and that, should we
have the pleasure of aeeing the regular author of
Camp's Caution, we shall be very likely to find out
by what right be puhliahnl ihe article.
I,ewiburg, July 'Jib. lli. Ji
1 ESPECTFULLY iuforms his friends in Hun
tmry, Northumberlarrd and vicinitlea, that af
ter an absence of nearly three years in Philadelphia,
(the fountain bead of Medical Science in the IT
nited Slates,) lie has relumed and located himself
in Northumberland, for the purpose of practicing
in aM the branrhvia of bis profession. Having rm
braced the many advantages of the public mat pri
vate mnlxal inatilutiona in Philadelphia, he feels
prvpnrpd to enter upon the responsible dtrtina nf his
prow's.iiin, and would therefore solicit the patron,
age of a generous public.
Noithuniberlsnd, July 16th. 1843. 4t
OU trial in the Court of Common Pleas ol
IN or-
thuinlerlainl Ounty, to bo held at tSuiiburv,
on the first Monday of August next, being the 1st.
Jfiseph Treao vs Martin A Stock
Badger for Budvr va Hugh Bellas
Elijah Cratiford vs Jesse Paiker
Com'th for B Sayie vs John Frick
Henry Frick va Stephen Wilson
Andrew Turk va John A Lloyd
J .is. Ilarllet tor K I, Piirer va Henry Frick
Thomas M Kussel vs David If artman
Yatea cV. Mclntyre va Edward Y Uright
John F Dentlcr vs David Watson
Wm Fry va Win A Llovd
E Y Brieht vs J C B Nourse
Henry H Burr vs .Inn B Boyd
William Monta vs O P Duncan
Luther Basset va .Ino & P Oberdorf
It L (irovcruor ft wifo va Daniel Snyder &c
J C B Noure va John Lloyd
(ieorge SMiiley vs tieorge Long
Com'th for E Cobin va Henry (i.isslerct al
Nancy Hunter's ad's el al vs Danie l Robins
Robert Miner va Wm Hibler et al
Wilson for Bound now
for Housel vs Wm II Pomp
Henry Eckbret vs B C Clayton
(ieorge A mstrong vs The 8 Coal Company
W illiam D.ile vs Cl.ailes ('raig el al
Tobias Huber tt Co vs Kutr.ner A L:ii'ua
Samuel tSufly vs Robert W Dunn
Martin Weaver vs Daniel Berk
Hollihen A Easton va John Miller
Com'th ol Pa for A Jordan vs (ieo W Kiehl ct al
Mamefir Uownian vs H.ime
Wnme for W Depjien Co vs Hame
(Jeoige McCoy vs Robert McKee
Knee & Co vs Thomns Ashbridge
Cum'rs of Norlli'd county vs La ic Wonlverton
Hubert Wiley iSc wile vs (ieo Snyder's adin'r
Jacob Kline vs II Weni k A. J II lir
Prothonotarv's Olliee, Prulh'i.
Sunbury, Joly'lO, IS 13. J
DR. J. N. SUM N El,
UKKI'ECrFLLLY informs the public that he
haa made NorlbumlH-rland his permanent
place of rcftiilc ncc, and is ready to attend to any
c.ills in the line of hi profession.
July 2, 1842. ly.
TO tiii: ! III.IC.
"YIIIEREAS Letlera Patent were granted to Mr.
H. W. Vkr, in Oct. ber, 18:14, for anew
and useful improvement in the descending Fli'K
Cookisk Stovks : I have understood one HATH
AWAY is using my said improvement under the
name of 'Hot Am Stovks," which stove involves
the principles secured to me. 'I'll in is to caution
all iersons against making, vending, or using said
"Hot Air Stoves," as I sh.ill prosecute all who in
any way infringe my right; and I hereby consti
tute Joshua W. Comlt, Esq. of Danville, my law
ful Attorney, empowering him to bring suits auainst
any person who shall use mv improvements in any
manner whatever. HEN KY W. CAMP.
Owgo, Tioga county, N. Y. ?
July 2, 1H42. 3m. )
rilHE sulacriler resH-ctfully inf.rms the electors
JL of Noithumbeiliind county, that he will lie a
candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices of
Rrgirtrr, Recorder anil Clctk of the Orphans'
He trusts, if elected, he w ill be able to discharge
the duiies of said offices to the entre saii-f.iction of
Ihe community. JAMES BEARD.
June 2!t. 1H42.
.loli ii lately,
"1 1 ESPECTEl'LLY informs the Electors of Nor
ihumbeihnd county, iHIl he will be a candi
date for the office of
con os eh.
He promises, if elected, lo exert himself to render
general satisfaction, which his rxierieuce in Ihe du
ties of said oil'ice will enable him lo do, having held
it for the term of three years to the entire satisfac
tion nf the public.
Sunbury, June 4th, 1842.
Sliamoklii, lYortliiiiiibcrlaiid Co.,
FIHE aubxrrilieia respectfully inform the public
L that tbsv have taken that largt and euii'iiimli.
mis HOTEL, in Sham kinlown, in the ci litre of
Ihe great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr.itn,
where they are now prepared to aecommodaie all
who may f.vor them with their custom. II v strict
aliention to bufiness, they hope lo receive a hlnral
sharo of public patronage,
Shamnkintown, June 18th, 1H42.
1)F.SECTFI'LLY informs bis friends andohe
public generally, that he haa commencedUie
Tailoring II u i n e w
in all its blanches, in the hou formerly occupied
by Wm, Durst aa a Tailor Shop, in UlackU-rry
street, nearly opposite the Presbyterian Churchi
He respecllully solicits a ahare of Ihe public patron
age, and trusta by atriet attention to busmen and
reasonable cha'ges, he will be enabled to give gen
eral satolaciion.
Sunbuiy, June 18th, 1812 ly
Tu ouiili y
rPHE Subserilier, Agent of I von & Harris, Hal
-- Manufjclurera, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other lurge cities, wloao Huts are
highly commended (or gtd cil-ii and duril.ilily,
lis. Oti hand a lir.l rate aswrtmiit ol HA I'M and
CAP, suitable for Sprint ades, wh'rh will t inld
very low, fiM rash or appioved credit, at ibe m li d
eheap attire. No. 40, North Third stro-t, opi'e
the City Hotel, I'hil lelphia.
ROUnit r D. WILKINSON. Ai'enl.
N, B. Onleis l.ii Hats in, the roup ,'t, promptly
attfiidml lo, 'I'b. highest tie in Jr Ua-le
given for Fur ikint.
Philadelphia, June II, 1615 --ly
.3 o 1 1 1 5B h
c B 2. n tr.asst
St. S tilt ".rn
r. i i o
a K3ro
Nniimrk IK .Ionian,
FFKKS himself to ihc EVi t,s f Nortlinm-
lei hind County, n a cendrdate for the olliees
of said enmity. He iron, ifekvted. that hiselH
tience in lite duties of aai.1 otliees will ena le hi in lo
give geuerel satisfielion to ihc public.
Sunbuiy, June 2., 1812.
llii.jor PavMl i. I.nkc.
T NPOKMS the public that he will be a candidate
lor the oil'ice of
N H E II 1 F F
of Notlliumhrrlnnd County, al Ihc enduing election.
lie respectfully solicits the sullr -ues of his fellow
citizens, slid r-hotdd be be elrcled, he will endeavor
lo di-rharnn the duties of said oil'ice with fidelity,
and sniisfm-tiim lo the people.
SShnmnkiti. June 2.'nh, 1812.
HE subscriber icpectfully inf.otin the public
1. that she keeps eontanlly on haml for side, at
the lowest rnh prices, al the lower end of Fawn
street, Nunhury, FLOUR by the hundred, quarter.
Ac, BRAN by ihe bu-hel, HEKRINU by the doz
en, Conffcitoniiry, Ac. Whe ieiec'li;lly solicits ihe
patronage of her Irn-nJ and ihe iiublic neneiallv.
Sunbury, June 1 lib, 1812.
I "ST leceived, a fresh supply ot cheap Dry
Goods. Grnciriee, Hardwnre, Ac.
Superior l.:o!ies' black kid Gl ives,
( oloieil iln ,
Lnwus, (', Mouselin de laiues, Ac.
Cloths, (a-iinere. I':ihineiet,
Linen llr-llings. Muliiis, Ac.
Hiqierior Poil Wine,
Pure Sperm Oil,
Sperm Caudles, Rai-ins, Ac
June 4ih. 1842. H.BM ASSER.
noaa.vjarw.cr2 sac-
ALL ersons imb bled to the lirm of Lyon A
Hair s, under the agency of O. N. Tharher,
Hid and Cap Manufacturer, No. 40 North Third,
streel, Philadelphia, are requeued to make itnmedl
ate settlement of th ir a counts with the subscriber,
their legally auiboiied agent, who is fully emiKnv.
ried to settle and collect the accounts of said linn.
June 4lh, 1842. If Agent.
U ill commence ruiining bit wren I'liiladelphta
and VfJi'iflr on the following' days
, atilt hour :
On tin ArTKR MonntT, Mat 9, 1842.
Leaving PotUvillc, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Friilsys. at Hj A. M.
leaving Philadelphia, on Tuenlays, Thursdays
and Saturdays, at IjP. M.
llnurt nf pausing Rending.
For Pbibiilelphia, al 10 A. M. f . . ,,
For Pottsville, at fij p. M. 1 r,-workly.
t-'.l HE.
Between Pottsville ,V Phtlada. f M.SO A 2,r0
Between Reading 9c do. 2.25 A 1,75
Between do A Pottsville, 1,40 A 1,00
Etci'Ksiom Ticrkts noon ioh iiti hsiho
IIT liT.
Between Pottsville A Phibuli Iphia, f 5 0(1
Between Reading A do. 3 Oil
Between do. A Pottsville, 2 00
The other passenger trains will as Mure, at
the following hmirs :
Philiidehthiit and Potti.rHe.
r rom rhilailelphi.i, al fij A.M,
m. ,)ai,y
From Pottoville, at
Hours of paminn Reading.
For PoUsvilie, at U A. M. 5 .
For Philadelphia, at 3i P.M. S y
.All the traina will stop for way passengers al
the usual point.
rj- All passengers are requested to procure
their tickets before the trutns stait.
May 21, 1842, tr.
lVli .llourrk
ESPECTFI'LLY informs ih Electori or
, Northumberland county, that he will lie a
candidate fur the olliee of
He promises, if elected, lo discliArgte the duties
of ..nil office with caie and fidelity.
Upper Mhinoy. May 28ih, 1 814.
ltluiiK Itook lanula I01-3 ,
Opposite t'riuci' llottl,
flUFA are priparul to tnaiiufiicture blnnk work
JL of every dociiplion, ruled to nny paltelii, such
aa Dockets beeords, Div Bisiks, LeilgeiS, A
sura' and Collectors Diiplie.itin of the fine! quali
ty of paper, in a -t)W equal lo any nude in the ci
ties ef rhibidelphia or New Yoik.
All disruptions of binding neatly eneiuled.
Scrap Bitiks, Albums and Portfolios made to onler.
Law Book", Music and Pctiodicd bound to any
pattern. Old BooVa rebound, Ac. Atso iltos of
pn'is bound.
(Zj Work left al Ihc office of the Sunbury Aine-lil-aii,
wdl be proinpllv at tend, d lo.
Muy Ulsl, 1842 lv.
Sv. (H) Sorth Thinly nbore Arch Stmt,
Aft OUM(lll ltllN Mitt i:m v l-mii.j.
O HARLEM WEISS, Uteol ibe W biie Swan,"
- slid "Mount Veninii House,'1 resiieclfully in
forms his friend and customers, that be bit- la-come
the proprietor of the abovt well known Hob I.
Country Meichsnts will fnd the ubovv Hotel a
central licatton, and the best of fare. Persona tra
velling with private conveyance will find a huge
yard and good stabling l..i horses, and the best of
ol lei s. Ilnaulliig f I per day.
May 14 Ii, 18 12. if.
U.S. Mail Coach
flHR Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Niirlhiim
Jl brvland evert morning at 4 o'clock, and arrive
Hi Pottsville in time for the i-Brs lo Philadelphia.
Kansas low as nny other line.
For seals, apply al Mrs. Wiihington'a Hotel,
Northumberland, n at Gem, Wiil.el's, Sorilmry,
A. E. KAPP vV CO.,
Norlh'd., May 21, 18 . Proprietor.
CjT Pnsi-engers romina from Pbiln.lrlphia: will
p'eae secure their neat at Ibe Wh le Swan Hotel,
Riee Si., before they leave the citv. P;isengers
roiniiig in this line, hve tleir seal si cured in any
Sl.igpor Packet boiit from this pUee, 1 hose tollling
in Ihe otfo r line rnnv l-e leO Iwbind,
n - mn
BOIIN A HENRY LAN DU!. hating rented
ihe Lime Kiln ur Hcnrv Master, In Simbui v,
have now for snle the l-esi Lime in Ibis part of Ibe
cotintiy, ami will rmilioiic lo keep constantly on
band fresh Lime fur Pl.isieiing, Building and for
Liming land, on ns rcisou.-ible terms os ciin be bad
tint where in ihe neiglil oiliood.
M,.y 21, 1842. L & If. LANDAU,
fJHE Suh,ciibcr n speeiltilly nfTers himself as a
.1. candidate for the olliee of
nt Ibe cnniiiia penernl election. Should he be so
forlun.ite to be elected, ho will endeavor lo give
gc'icral snli.-f.-ictioii to nil.
J. 1V1A YLAND, JR. otCO.
JSniilV anil Tubiicco MnnulutMurcrs,
So. U!J Sorth Wist comer of Race and Third
St reel k.
rPHE undcrigned have formed a Co-partnership
A under the firm of J. M A YL.-N I), J n. A Co..
as successors to ihe late firm of Jneah .Mnylond
Co., and will continue ihe business at the old esta
blishment, on ibeir own account. In addition lo
their own close attention and etterience for many
years, in Ihe manufacture of ihetr refebrated snuff,
Ac, the long experience of ibe senior partner of the
l.ite firm, w ill alro be devoted lo ihe interest of tin
new concern and as no exertion and care will be
spared to insure their goods, at nil t inn of the ve
ry 11 quality, they solicit a continuance of the
confidence of the li.cnds and customers of Ihe lale
Philadelphia. Mav 14th, 1812. ly
iin. .ioii i. t. tiiiti:s,
RESPEC Tl-'ULLY annonnce In the citizens
, of Sunbuiy , and Its vicinllv, ihnt they have
this ilay entered into copartnership in the Practice
ot Medicine, in all its various departments, and
hope by this arrangement, punctual attention to
business, and moderate charge, to receive a liberal
share of public patronng".
fjDr J. PEAL lenders his grateful acknowl
edgements for ihe very lilieml patronage heretofore
received, and feeling confident that the new nr
rniiiieiiienl, (the firm of Pent A Trite-,) will be
conducive to the comfort and welfare of Ihe pub
lic, he most rciect fully solicits a continuance of
their confidence.
Siinbnrv. M .v 7th, 1842. fim.
Corner of Third and Vine Strt ets,
FlHE aobscriber respectfully announces to the
A public, that he h is opened a Hotel in Ihe com
moilious brick building aitu.ttH on the corner of
Third and Pine streets, where he will be hnppv to
wait np in those who may fuVor him Willi their
company. The Eagle Hotel Is large ilnd conveni
ent, and furnished in the l-e-t nioilein stv le. It is
provided with a huge number of well aired an j
comfortable sleeping afiart merit, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons Visiting illinnisport can bu
siness o plca-ure. mnv ret as-urcd that everv ex
ertion will l e used to render iheir sojovirn at Ihe
"Eagle Hoti I" pleasant and agreeable.. His'l'able
will be sitimtied with the very beat, ihe market af
firds, and hi bar with the el nicest wines and ether
liquors charges reasonable. The Eaule Hotil
Ihisscnmcs greater ndtantaees in point of locrni.m
than nny othei similar est-iblishment in die bordiigh,
l itm situate in the business pari of the town, and
within a convenient distance of Ihe Court House
and Williamsiorl and Elmirn Rail Road Depot.
Sullicient Stabling provided, and good aild trusty
ostlers always in sTneiidinice.
Attentive, accnii.mothiliiig and bone-t Servant
have been emloted, and nolt jos left mid oe thti
will add to the comfbit nd acedminodHtion of his
I 'i'hrre will I a Carriage nlwaya in attendnoce at
I the Boat Landing tn convey passengers to and from
j Ihe House, fiee uf chatce.
J May I4h. 1842.
Vl. HEIL1-1T & CO.,
Jll 1U
Cumniisaion A: I'orwarMiiijT .Mi'icliauts,
Fool of Willole Strict Rail Uoad,
"I T AYlNfS associatetl wi h llu m Joseph Barnet,
-I lale of Enrton, Pa., n si ectfolly inform their
friends ami iho public generallv. that they have la.
k. nihil large and we I known store and wharf el
foul ir Willow Street Railroad, lali ly iw copied by
Jsre.1i Martin, where ibey purpose doing a General
to.iiiini-Hion and Forwarding Buine, and fioni
the local advanntces of the place being connected
with all ibe public Improvements taai have their
outlet in tbevilv, they flatter themselves they will
lie able to do I tisiuess to as great, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon aa tessoiiuMe terms as any oilier
blouse, tod ihey sssuih their friends that any con
signments mudu to them shall hnVe their strict at
lenlioii, and no exeilions spared to give entiie aatia
Taction. They are Also prepared to receive and forward
goods lo any point on Ihe Dclaw re and Lelnuh
rivers U'tween Mailbb t'buuk, Easton and I'lnla
ilclj his, via Delaware DWisii n and Lehigh fan Is;
llso, to any point oh the Joiu ila river, or Nor h
and Wisl Blanche of ihe Sntn li.iiinu via Scliuvl.
kill and Union, ur tho tMiesapeake and tide Watri
Fof the accommodation of Boats Coming or go
ing via. Schuylkill and Union Catials, a Steamboat
will b.i k. pi expressly for towing boats froth, ihe
Schuylkill around to the 1M iWaie ami back, which
will enable mcichaota bsve tto-ir pioduce delj
.veted on the Delaware, and their .mmU sl.ipH d at
a ajving ol fit) to 75 -r cent, o the piicea fir
huling uciosa, with these advantage they re
spicllully solicit a share of slr-'iiivje.
William H. Ilnun, -)
W lbaui V. Ke)M!',C
Joseph Buiucl. il'UiUJ.May 14, lbl2. ly
Buslnesa ilitsrided lo in lire Counth-s f Nor
thumterland, llnlon. Lvcnrnlng and Oolunibw.
Tho!a Hart cV Co.,
LoWsn A BAfthok,
Hat, CVidtiiiios A. Hart, Philuil.
Ri.tvoLns, McFani.aro & Co.
SPKRIJIO, 'Joilll ct Co.,
rillE Subscriber respectfully inform tho Elec
I tors of Northumberland county, that he will be
a candidate for Ihe oflicesof
Register, Recorder and Clerk of Ihe th-pfrans'
at the ensuing general election. Khonld Vie Vr e
leeled, he will exert himself to render general -satisfaction,
which his long experience in the dirtfc of
said iiMices, will enable birn to do.
T Mil E subscriber In inc preenilcd on by hi frii'iv's .
1 respectfully informs iho public thai he wiS tr
a candidate for the office nf
at llic rti'uing grrierid eb-itiori. He promises, Il '
elected, to fulfill Ihe duties of said olliee, with e"l
and lidelitv. JOHN YOUNG,
Mnv 7th, 1812.
h .l R S.,c, a Farm r.'intaining about 80 acri-,
more or less, situate in Shaniokin to-wndriyt
Noitliuinberland county, about seven miles TV,'
Sunbury, ot: Ihe main road lesdmgTmm that pl.s
lo Petersburg and ShKliii.kinlown, ailjoining lam
of Win. FarnAV, Abrnhfim Klase, S.nnuel tionscr
nnd Wm. Martit, on which fhcrels a good 1ni
Brictt Houc, with a well of never failing tentil
ihe door, a large Bam in good repair, a good Or
chard, and goixl seat for a mill or any kinA 0 f
water power. Nearly all the land is cleared ani I) i
good cultivation, twenty-five actes or Which is ff.0
meadow. The Danville and PottsVtle Rifil It d
runs through said firm. It will be sold hs the pr ,.h
perly of Wm. Waters, tlrc'd. Any person 1 Ii
ing lo purchase can do well, as the terms arc ti a.
aonable. Possession and a goniHitlc can be git , a
nel Sprinr;. Forfuriher pmticulars, pitsore art;
requested to apply lo lire widow, vvho Irvca Cfli ,.
premises, or lo Oodfiev Wiitcrs'or E. (ireeroj ,gh
Esq. hi Sunbury. tiODFREY WATES s,
t;. I!. WATERS,
May 7 If. IWm of Wm. Water, ,hclt
Sha.l! Shad!
ii'i'Ti itawcnvi anu llerrrtig. lat, atn I r. fir.
" llavor. insiii cteil No. 1 in Arttil. insl r ei'eiv...f
iiuv i , , . c.i. . ... .. r, . .. , .
and for sale al t'.ie new store of
May 7th, 1842.
So. 2.17, Sorth Third, oiWr-Y.ViMWA7 A
rpili; suliscribers lakea preasuftl s,n .ccualhtiri
.1 their friends and the public i', ftnet ihnt
Ihey have taken the large and COir I10jinu8 Hl)(, ,
recently built by the Messrs. Hr ton iiw (
oiicti or, opted by the old estab',,hlled Hotel fcnov
ns the Bulls H. ad, it. TLir.'. tiw ,,mVa v y
lull st.
'f.s H...ei is f ..- ; . lV;r Vlfy,t
' " ' 1 " ' ' ' .itmle. 1 - .-. . . , t
ety,,,.i.'i;,, ,r,.t,uby m ,.-hai,.s ;
Ihe Brr,.,,(.en,en.s Icr I. ,.,, V.MMIatu.g .,!,
room is such us t ,,.,.lie Hliy B.,-,mpra,ure. -J-.e
kdromiistire 8', lRn, B1 d a(rv & fQn.Uhcd in a
ne-tt sfy'e, so as t0 jnMJIP i0n;rort.
1tter. ce-,vi,1K p,.,0rs are bo futnishej in a mi
pefb style, i, ,c windowe art on fhe French itvle,
tormnig i. entrance to a batcofvy in fronl, whi. Ii
makes pleasant ress. Tnrticulnr attention has
been given to iho beds and "bedding, which, Willi
Ihej furniture, are cnlirt'ly new.
Kroin yea's exierieilcc in hotel business, v. a
trust, by strict sss!uilv lo business, to make tln-s
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
always be supplied with the very best our market
can afford, and our bar with the beat liquors and
wines ef the most approved, brand!
P. S. There are first rule stabling i.ndcarr bus
houses attached to the hotel, attended bv ta;IHl
iind sober hot lijra. and our Charges Will be low, n
accordance w uh ihe present haid limes.
SHULiZ &. DjiKfi
Philadelphia. A tril lf, 1842.
11 IE aiibsciiher respectfully informs the publii
mul tie nas purchased, and now occupua ll"
Commodious ILLiUfe ' ' Miu.l.
Well known as ilie property, late of Theodora
Well, and f.iruierly kept by faniuel A. Ilndy.
He is now prei'iucd to m rommodaie all tiaVel!er-i
and Visiteis who m..y favor him wi-h a cnll, and
will Use eveiy elloit in his power to render eteiy
convenience and comfoit to his customers, while
under his charge. His accommodation are ample,
and bis room well furnished. His stables eXien
ive and in good 'condition.
His Tamle hnd Bah will be stipplicd with tint
best that ihb maiket can alford i By punctuality
and attention, he leels conlidetit that he will incut
the patVonage of ihe public.
Caltawissa, April llth, 1842.
iciu:kt r.4UTi:iri, stv
l.omlmnl Strrtt, Haltiuiore,
UAVE constantly for sale, Printing Palcr of all
sizes and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, rub .1
and plain, Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled ami
plain, Hanging Paper, line and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. mediutn, double ctown, crown and
ettra sired V rapping Papers, Colored Medium and
Royal Paiera, Bonnet, Binders' and Snaw Hm
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all article in their In i
which they will sell on accommodating term!
Highest prite given fir old rags.
March i9, 1842 Elkton. Md.
q (id n? o i a m
Sunbury, XoiiliuiiilH'i laiia Count y,
ri'V.HE subserilier r.SHcilully intorm ihe public,
1 I list he has removed to thai large and commo
dious Brick House, ml Maiket squire, opposite ll n
l.'ouit House, (lorineily kept bv Hiram Puce.)
whcie he is now prt'ared to aecommodaie all wlm
may favor blm with rail. Being thankful lor
pusi favors, be hope by alrict attention to bus me.-t
lo leceite a liberal shaie of public patronage, Ac.
Putiuuiy, Match tub, 184V.'.