Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 30, 1842, Image 4

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The following list shows the rvment value of nil
Pennsylvania linnk Notes. The most implicit re
liance may le placed upon It, a it htviry uvrk
can fully Compared with ai d corrected front Bick
rull's Reporter.
Hunks In 1'tilladt lplihi.
I II 1 LA I).
Bank of North America
Tin i ill nf tho Northern Liberties
Commercial Uitnk of Pcnn'a. .
Farmcra' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia. Bank
Schuylkill Bank
SnUthwark Hank ,
W'estern Hank . .
Mcchouies' Bank . , .
Country Itnnkft.
Dunk nf Chester County Westchester
Bank of Delaware County
Hank of Uermantown
Hank of Montgomery Co.
Duylcstown Bank
Easlon Bank
Farmrrs' Bank of Buck co.
Office of Bank of Poi.n'a.
Office do do
Oflic Jo da
Office do do
Harrishurg These
Lancaster I offices
Beading I do not
Eastern J issue n.
D 1 8 U O U N T.
' Philadelphia nSuGO
Bank of the United Slate1
Bank of 1'enn Township . . lSjalTA
(iirard Bank . . 40a45
Munufarturera' & Mechanics' Bunk . 15al8
Moyamensing Bank . Ida 1 2
Bank of Pennsylvania . . 7uS
Miners' Bank of Potlaville Potiaville Gu7
Dank of I.ewislown Lewistown 12sl7
Bank of Middletown Middletown C
B mk of NnrthumhcrlHnd Northumberland C
Columbia Bank & Uridgo co. Columbia 4a5
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 6
E.xchungo Bank Pittsburg1 2
Do do branch of Hollidaysburg 3
Formers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster 4
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster 4
Farmeis' Bank of Heading Heading 6
Hurrishuig Bank Harrisburg Cu7
Lancaster Bank Loncaster 3
Lebanon Dank Lebanon C
Merchants' A: Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 3
Bank of Pittsburg" Pittshuig 3
West Branch Bjnk Williamsjiort
Wyoming Bank Wiikesbarre 10al2
Northumptou Bmk Allentown 12a If)
Uciks County Bunk Reading
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do Jo do New Brighton
Kensington Suv. Ins. A ilo
. mi Township Snv. Ins. do
Bank of Chamhcrtiburg Chrimbersburg (i
Bank 1. 1 Gettysburg t.t ttvstarg
Bank of Su-quchauna Co. Mnntiose S
Erie Bank Eriv 1(1
Farmers' tV Drovers' Bank Waynrsburg 15
Franklin Bank Washington :)
Hontsdale Bank lloi.esdiile I 5
MornngaheU Bank of B. Brownsville 5
Votk Hank York 6
N. B. The notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with (lie
exception of those which have a letter of rilcrtlicc.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuylkill Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T
Towaiidu Bank
Philadelphia Tailed
do filled
do fiilcd
W Dyrttt, Jirop.) fuiled
Ton audit lulled
Bedford no sale
Beaver closed
llarrisburg closed
WumI jngtoil failed
Bethfolite closed
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bm.k ol Beaver
Bank of Swatura
Bunk ul Washington
Centre Bunk
City Bunk
Fuiniers' At Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' tV Mech'cs' Bank
FuiKu ra' V Mech'ca' Bank
Jlaiinony Iustituto
Huntingdon Bunk
Jutiiutu Ll 11k.
Luuibermon's Bunk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Nurthuriiti'd I'nion Col. Bk.
North Weslirn Bank of Pa.
OlHce ot 'Schuylkill Bunk
Pu. Agr. & M inuf. Bank
ilvei Iuke Bank
Union Bank of Penu'a.
W etmoreland Bank
Pituhuig no sale
Pittsburg failed
Fayette co. fulled
(ireeneimte failed
Harmony 110 sale
Huntingdon no sale
Lcnistown nosjle
Warren failed
Dundiitl' 110 sale
New Hope closed
M ilton no sale
Meatlville clostd
Port ('urboii failed
('arlUlo failed
Monti ciso closed
I'nionlown faded
(reelisburg closed
Wilktsbarre no sale
ilkesbarre Biidge Co.
Qj" All notes pui porting to be on any IVnnsyl
vania Bank not given in the slxjvo list, may be set
down as frauds.
J Kit SKY.
Bank of New Biunswick
Penh Ami
Belvideie Bank
Buihugton Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
I'ainieib' Bunk
Fanners' mid Mechanics' Bk
Faniiirs' uud Michanics' Bk
Farmers' uud Merchants' Bk
Fruiklin Bunk of N. J.
Mount Holly
N. Biunswiik
Middletown I'l
Jersey City
Hoboken Bl get Grazing Co Huboken
Jersey City Bank Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Maiuitaclur. rs' Bunk Belleville
Morris Company Bank Morristown
Monmouth lik of N.J. Freehold
Michanics' Bank Newaik
Mechunica' und Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jtiscy City
Post Notes
Newaik Bkg &. Ins Co Newaik
no tulc
New lloiie Del Bridge Co
Laml.citsville 15a20
N. J. Mauufuc. Bkg Co Holoken
N J I'rolecion 4 Lombard bk Jersey City
Orange Bunk Orange
Patcrson Bank Pa ler son
Peoples' Bunk do
Function Bunk Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
Slate Bank Newark
Stale Bank Ehzabelhtown
State Bank' Cumilen
Slate Bank cf Morris Tturiilovvl
a. ltd
Stule Bunk Trenton
Suleui and 1'hilaJ Muliuf Co -Salem
Sussex Bunk Newton
Tienlnri Bui king C'u Trei.tiai
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. llackensuck aku
Ilk 1 f 'ilm A Brandy wiiit Wi mington
Bunk ul Delaware V ilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do blanch Milluid
Farmers' Bk id Stale i f Del Dovu
Do ilmirigtisn
Do bunch (ieoigitown
Do bruncli Newcastle
Union Bunk Wilmington
(TV Undei 6's
Zj- ttn nil t anks nia ked thus () there are ei
C r'noi icul'ileit or altered notes of Ike various de
uouainioiis, in circulation.
The lent method or the Abolition 0 Vitiate ROSE OZNT XVI 23 N T,
if to ilcans.e and purify the Ifody. I'OH TijT'J'I.ll.
IIIA V VAi irrAlll.i: TILL. citaneoi. nui-iioNs.
in-tup. fXj The following cert iftca'e dnenbe one of Ihe
.Vorth .ImerUan Vollfrt of tiratth, matt extraordinary euro ever effected by uny
Are now acknowledge! to be the hist Medicine in . application.
the World for the cure of j Pill laih.i mi A, February 10, 1838.
EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. lOR twenty years I was severely afllicted with
KECAUSE they completely cleanse the Mo-' Tlttkii on the Fuce and Head: the disease
math and bowels from lh' se bdlious nnd cor- ( commenced when I was seventeen years old, and
rupt humors which are the cnu?c not only of ' continued until the Full of 1830, varying in vio
Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the He ut, j lcncc, hut without ever disappearing. During tmist
Pnms in tho Bones, niu-umntism and (tout, but : of tho time, great part of my fce was covered with
every malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN ; the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch-
VEtiETABLE PILLS are a certain cure for in-
teimittent, letnittrd, nervous, inflamutory and putrid ;
Fevers, because they cleanse the p.idy frem those '.
moibid humors, w hich, w hen ronfineil to the clrcu- j
lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVEKS. So, I
alcio, when the same impurity is deposited 011 the 1
inembinne mid muscle, causing p.dns, infl.irnn
tiona and swellings called lill EDM ATHM, j
(i()I T.cVc. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may
be relied on always 1 erlain to give relief, and il :
persevered with, according to directions will most
nssureilty, and witnout tail, muKe a eriect ru e 01
the above painful njahtdies. From three to six of
said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night go
ing to bed, will In a shod time so completely rid
the body from every thing that is opposed to health,
that Hlicumnum, Gout, and pin of every descrip
tion, will be lit. tally DKIVEN FROM THE BO
DY, For the s.iino reason, wheo, trom sudden
chances of atmo-phete, or any other cause, the pei-
sniraliou is checked, ami the humois which should
p.ifs oil' by the skin are thrown inwardly, causing
HEADACHE, C;U)1JLM;s, nausea and sick-j
ness, pain in thg. hones, watery and inllumed eyes,
sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, consumptions,
rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and
many other symptoms of CATCHING COLD,
right s lnilmn "(table i'l'a will iiiarilily
give immedi. te relief. From thice to six of said
Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in a
short lime, not only remove nil the above unpleasant
symptoms, but the body wdl, in a short time, he j
restored to even sounder henbh than before.
ING. Wright' Indian Vegetable Villa will loos
en and carry oil', by the stomach and bowcis, those
lough phlegmy humors, which stop up all the air
cells ol the lungs, mid are the cause, not only of the
above distressing complaint, but when neglected,
often terminates in that mo.edieadl'ul malady called
CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be alsoieiiiembeird
that )Yrigltt'x Indian Vegetable l'ils are a certain
cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, and sickness, lo-s of appetiie, costivenrsa, a
yellow tinge of ihe skin mid eyes, and every other
symptom if a torpid or diseased state of the liver;
because they purge from the body those impurities
which if deposited upon this important organ, are
the cau-e of every variety nf LIYElt COM
PLAINT. When a nulion is convulsed by riot-,
outbreaks and rebellion, the only means of prevent- '
ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR,
is to expel all traitors, mid evil disposed ones from )
the country. In like tnuiiuer, w hen pain or sick-j
ness of any kind, indicate that the hotly is struu- !
gliug with interi al foes, the true remedy is to EX
health and life.) Health will be the certain reiull.
That the pi inciple of curing disease, by cleansing
and purifying the body, is stiictly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy ;
and if properly carried out by the use of the above
PILLS, will cettainly result in the compute Abo
lition of Disease ; we offer the following testimoni
als, fiom person of the highest respectability in
New Yoik, who have iccentiy been cuied of the
most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of
Whioht's Imhax YMir.riiiLi Pills, of the
Xurth American Culltge of lit all ll :
Jam aica, L. I., June 'Jib, 1811.
Doctor William Wright Dear Sir Jt is with
grest sali-fuclion I inform you of ;.iy having been
entirely cuied of Dyspepsia, of live years slHiidn g,
by ihe use of your India Yi.oktahi.k Pills.
Previous to mee iug with your celebratid nudi
cine, 1 had been under the hands of seveial Physi
cians, and had tried various medicines; but nil to
no riled. Alter using one '!) cent box of jour
Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, that
I resolvid to persevere in Ihe use of them acconling
to directions, which I am happy to slate, bus result
ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the
great U'liefil I have received, and also in the hope
that others similarly afllicted limy be induced lo
tnuke dial of your cxiruordinny medicine, I send
you this statement with full bbeily to publish ihe
same, ifvou think proper. Yours, &c.
New Yoik, June 19, 1811. G.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian
Vegetable Pills.
Dear Sir I have been afllicted for scleral years
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at times with pains in the side and other
distressing complaints. A fl 1 having tried various
mrdieines wi'hout 1 fleet, I was ersuaded by a fiierid
to make tiiul of Dr. Wiight's Indian Vegetable
Pills, which I am happy to stale, have relieved me
a most wonderful maimer. 1 have used Ihe me-
dieine, as yet but a sboit tune, and have no doubt,
by a 1 rsccr nice 111 I he use el the medicine accor
ding 10 directions, ihl I shall in a short time be
pcrti cilv re.-toieil.
1 most willii L'lv recemmend said Pills to all ner-
., y ! sous similarly idllicted, and in ihe full Ix'licf that
failed j ,esulll? lient l'ieuil results w ill follow their use, I re
,'Kd I mem youis siuceicly. HENRY A. FODTE,
'il!le" I " Waiwaisiug, Ulster co. N, Y.
Niw Yomk, Sept. 29, 1841.
This is to certify I hut I have used Whioht's
i Imhak VuaTini. Pills with ihe greatest bene
j I'd; having imirclv cured myself of the frequent at
lacks ol Sick Headache, to which I had previously
302 Greenwich sircal. N. Y.
To Mr. Richard Dennis, Agent for Wright's In
dian egduble Pills.
V.I V Ti .V.
As there are al this lime many wicked persons
busily 111 paged in selling a counterfeit medicine uu-
I der the iiaine of the Indian Vegetable Pill. and as
; these i! spt rate nun are so utterly nckless of con
j gi qiienos, thai many valuable l.vrs may be lost in
cxmscqiiciicc of using their dreadful compounds,
I ibu putdic are cautioned against purchaing any
j l'l Is, unless on the tides of the boxes the Mlowing
1 wonting is f un-1 :
1 (Indian Fuigatne.)
ut iiiv. miii 1 11 AMt iiiciN i 011.11. 1: or 11111.n1.
; And u'se lo he tspecivlly cartful aguiusl pureba
; sing said me.lieine of any Ja rmn except the regu
j I ir sMvcii ngvnis.
; A OEM'S FOH t HTll I'M It F I! l.A S f CO ,
par j J'i iinsilvaititt.
par j H. B. Mass. r, Suiilairy PaueA Rose, Nor
pur j f 1 1 tin l 1I1111I Jaeoli Haas, Sliumukill Samuel
par i Gerli, Maboiioy llyerly A D. Haas, Augusta
par j Iteiii. r Foiimtr, Miitou Ireland vV Meixell,
I'ar , Mel.weosvi le P ler cV Dearmonil, Turbulsv ille
James Rod, Potd-grove II. Klase, Snvdirslowu
II. H.Ki ceb.1, p. M Eljsburg P. O. Wm.
Lci-enriug, P M. Union Corner. and General Depot fr ihe sale of
Vrighi Indian Vitetalite Wholesale ihI
Retail, No. lb'J RACE STKEEI", I'llll.AUEL
PHIA. May 21, 1M2. ly
.. jl j...jju. '. j.j u. !
nit; ; my head swelled nl limis until ll leit ns 11 11
would burst the swelling M'as so great, that I cou'd
scarcely get my hat on. During the long period
that I wasnftlicted with the disease, I used a great
many o plication, (among them several celebrated
prep.ilations) as w, II as taking inward remedies,
including a number of bottles of Swaim's 1'ainicrn,
r.xtraet of Sartupurilhi, Ac, In fact, it would be
impossible to eniimeiote all the medicines I used.
I was also under the Ciire of two of the most dis
tinguished physicinna of this city, but without re
ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fill of 1430, the disease nt the time
being very violent, I commenced using the llatt
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughnn oV D.ivis.) In
a few applications the violent itching ceased, the
swelling abated, the 1 rupl'ioti began lit disippear,
and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely
cuied. It has now been nearly a year and a half
since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re
maining, except the scars from the deep pita formed
j by the disease. It is impossible for me to descril
in a crrlilicaie tne severity 01 ine disease arm my
sulfi ring, but I will be pleised to give a fuller ao
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cull on me. At the lime I commenced
using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dolluis lo lie rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it to sever il persons,
(among them my mother, w ho had the di-easo bud
ly on her arm.) w ho were all cured hv it.
JAMES DUKNELL, No. 150, Race St.
(Jj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
VaUfihau, Sou h East coiner of Third and Race
sired, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
rv, by H. B. M ASSER,
' May Nth, 1812. Agent.
ICoe Ointment, lor THttr.
l'liii.AinLi'iiiA, May 27lb, 183H.
rPHIS is to certify ihnl I was severely alllicted
with Tetter in Ihe hands and f.ct for upwards
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with vio ent itching and swelling. I applied to
number of physicians, and used a great many appli
cations without elVeeting o cure. About oymr
since, I applied tlie Hose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, w hich there has been no
return of, although 1 bad never been rid of it nt
any time for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spruce Sired.
j- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yuiighan, Sjuth East corner of Thiid and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Sunbu
ry. by II. B. MASSER,
' May 14th. 1812. Agent.
Of the ROSE Oi.TME. T, Jar Titter.
VLTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation
over all others is fully established, the proprie
tors take pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr,
Bjugh, having found in this lemedy that relief for
a tedious and disagreeable affection which the means
within the range of his profession failed to ntlord,
bus not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of lhat prolcM-iou ate
1 . . .. ., 1; n..
'ilfB-u lli Will i IVl'llll ill, n.
PliiLAnKLr'lllA, Sept. Hi, ISM.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which coered nearly one s'nle of my t ice,
and extended ever the ear. Mr. Yuughun, pioprii -lot
of the Rose Ointment, observing my fact, nisi
ted on my t'jing his preparation, of which he han
ded me a j ir. Although in common with the mem
bets ut my profession, I discountenance and disnii
prove ot the numerous nostrums palmed upon the
public by unci .nil pretenders, 1 feel in justice bound
Uiexcipt (he K. se Ointment fiom thai c!as of me
dicines, una to give it my eppioliutiou, ns it entire
ly lured the eiuplion, although it It id resisted the
usual applications. DANE. BAl'GII, M. 1).
The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
Yuughun, South East corner nl Thiid and R ice
Streets, Philadelphia, and told oiinguiev in Sun-
j Mayl 1th, 1812. Agint.
; ii i ;il 4 oiimiiioii Alt'i t hauls,
For the Sale of Flour, drain, Seed, Hc, k.
ESPECTFULLY inform their Iriends and
the Merchants generally, that they have la
I kvn ,hosf rge and commodious Wharv.a, with two
DtMks, noith of Chesnut street, on the Dclawire,
together with the store No. 19 South Wharves,
where they would be pleased to receive consign
ments of (.rain, Flour, Seetl, Whiskey, Iron, Ac.
Are. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds
of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by
ihe ChesaHake uud Tide Water Canals, as low
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing
boats by either route.
Merchants will please tie particular to send their
goods destined by either canals, to No. lit South
Wharves, between Mmkct and Chesnut streets, on
the Delaware, with directions accompanying them
which route ihey wish them to lie shipped.
(Jj" Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. BOLTON cV Cd.
March 10, 1842. No. 19 South Wharves
riHE subscnlwrs are prepand to furnish farmers
I and others w ith any quantity of Lime of a very
superioi quality for land, 01 p'uistering, at the fol
lowing very retluced prices, viz: 8 cts. ier bushel
for l and Lime; 10 els. for the best quality of plai
ti ring Lime, al the kilns, below the borough of Sun
bury. They will also deliver, al any place within ihe
borough of Sunbury. Lime for laud, al 10 cents per
bushd, and Lime tor plai.-teru g at 12. cents per
hu-hcl. The subscrdfrs hivealwaa on hand, a
large quantity of l iiue. Its quality is g.Htd, and
their bint stone is not equalled by any III the ucigh
hoi hood
Augusta, April 2d, 142.
Souvitry, .Xurthumlifrtmut fount y,
lViiiixy It tiiila.
MIK subscriber, respectfully informs the public
that he has removed to thai Urge and couimo-
dioua Tavern Stand, at Ihe corner of Market and
Fawn streets, (iuu of the Buck.) loimeily occu
pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Dsuicl Gib
son, w lore he is now prepared to accommodate all
who may favor him wilh a call. By stru t atten
tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render
satisfaction to all. he luqa-s to receive u liberal share
ul public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
Sunbuiy, Muich ISih, lU.
L 1
C,olllltlT(tll'N, lositli Itlov.
rPhe public will please observe that no Brntidreih
Pills aro genuine, unless the box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the side and tho botloml
each containing a fio simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. BitAMiiHtrii, At. 1J. these la.
beNato engraved on Meel, beautifully designed,
and done nt an expense of over $2,0(11). Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in iia purity, is to observe these
Remember the top, tho side, Mid the bottom.
The following respective persons are duly auhori
zed, and hold
For the sale of lirandreih't Vegetable Vnivcrsal
Northumberland county : Milton Mackcy &
Chambeilin. Sunbury H.B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Iieland &. Meixell. Norlhumbeilaud Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midhnger A Co.
Union County) New Berlin John Hoffman.
Selinsgrove Eyer and Schnurc. Middloburg
Isaac Smith. Beaveriown J. ft V. Bingaman.
Adamsburg H. V A, Smith. Mitllinsbutg
Swopc At Laird, llartleton Daniel Long. Free
burg G. fi F. C. Moyer. Cenlreville Stailey
c Lenhart. Lcwishurg Walls & Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
iV Co. Berwick Shuman ft Ritleuhouse. Cat
tawissn C. A. ft C. G. Brobts. Blouinsburg
John R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wa
shington Robt. McCay. Limestone D. L.
Observe that each Agent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a representation nt
Dr BRANDREf H'S Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the if labels nvw used upon the llrandreth J'ill
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street.
January 1st, 1812.
AM 11
1 TiMJ a i:it .
CONCENTRATED R. cord of Medical Sc i
ence and Literature, by Rohlev Dunglison,
M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, etc.,
in Jell'cison Medical College of Philadelphia, pub
lished monthly by Adam Waldie, No. 40 Carpen
ler street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, $5 a
V ar. Subscriptions for the above work received by
"the subscriber. H. B. MASSER,
Dec. 1 1th, 1841. Agent .
17 OR sale a small Farm, containing about one
" bundled and ten acres, more or le s, situate
111 Point township, Norlhunil crlaud couutv, about
two miles above Noitbumberl md, on the iiiuiu
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
lands of John Leghou, Jesse C. Hortoli and others,
now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne, About
forty acres of suid tiaet are cleated, and in good
state of cultivation, on which there is a small barn
erected. The property w ill be sold 011 n asounble
lei ma. For further particulars, pcisons are request
ed to apply to the sut scribi r.
H. B. MASSER, Agent,
Nov. 57th, 1841. tf Sunbury. Pn.
N article unequalled for cleaning and g.ving a
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Briltunia ware,
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre 011
varnished carriages, cVc. TRY IT.
Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga couutv, N. Y.
W.l'. FORSYTH, Agent for Norlhum'd,
II. B. MASSKR, Agent lor Sunbury.
November 20th, 184 1.
71 I'iillouhiH .Street, J'liiladeltiliia
C Three doom above Second. J
SHOE Findings always kept on hand, w hieh hi
oilers for sale on Ihe lowest terms, ("ounlrj
Merch mis are p.nlicul ulv to c ill and judge lot
the mscltc.
Philadelphia, Novem er 13, 1811. ly.
OD H a .ws
nkw j:m;i..M) oil company.
No. -J! North Water Street, Thila.
m AN UFAC'i'URERS and dealcis in Oils of
XtB every description both for burning and
uiunulacturing purjioses, which will be sold much
lower thnn they can lw procured elsewhere, and
warrautcd in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as icpresented,
may be returned without any exsens to the pur
chaser, and the money will be refunded.
Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing
oils, viz :
30.000 onllnns Winfev Tllenrtipd Siipini
do Cnloiless Oil,
Fall and Spring Sperm Oil,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Pressed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
Common Whale Oil,
200 Barrels superior Stra. 'a Oil,
300 do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Neata Foot Oil,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's I bis.
rrTThis Couinsnv has a number of Vessels en
gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely
upon getting al all limes Oil as pure aa i
s imported,
rhilailt-lphiJ, INov. 13, ibll. ly.
Cr. V. & L. B. 7i.7LO?i.
OFFER FOR SALE, at the South Easl Cor
ner of Fifth und Murket Street, Philadel
phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted.
do do do pegged do
- do do do water proof, double soles
ami ooulile uppers,
do ('all-skin da do
and uppers,
do Heavy Water Leather Bool,
do do Meats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do f rockers da
do nailed
Fine Monroes warranted
Kip do
Calf do
Coaise do
do Shoes
Fine do
Kip do
do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps,
do List Socks with and without soles,
do Carpet do do do
do Patent Warranted Wutcr-proof Moccasins.
Ladies' do do do to
Ladies' tanned India Ruliber shots.
Gcutlcincns' do ( 'vt r shoes.
Willi every other dcsc.iption ul boots and shoes.
Fur Css nf every description.
Travelling 'Prunks of every description.
Venetian Truwlling Bags.
Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Rhukinir.
Bounds ol all kinds, I'ulin Leaf Hats,
I'hiUdelphia, NoMiiibcr 13, 1s t I, ly.
No. YZ'l Cltcsnut Street, below -ltli,
KEEP constantly on hand a generul assort
ment of Books nnd Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Misccllnne
ous and School Books, Day Books, nil sizes, Led
gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing
Pnperp, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac., which Ihey ol
fcr at tho lowest piicns to Country Merchant's Pre
fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others thai
may favor them wilh their custom,
Philadelphia, Notember 13, 1841. ly.
.Tliciincl Wt avcr X, Son,
Ao. la AtrA Water Street, I'httadeljtltia.
HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz:
'I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill
Net Tw ine, Cotlon Shad and Herring Twire, Shoe
Threads, ftc. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet (-hams,
Ax. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
Jacob l'l IsiiiiiIIi & Noil
"I ) ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and
acquaintances generally that they still con
tinue lo keep al the old stand, No. 24G North 3d
street, Philadelphia, allVindg of
Which they will sell jn the 11; jt uiconimodbliiit
and reasonal le terms.
N. B. All goods sold will be gu.11 tntccd mid all
orders promptly attended to.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841 -ly.
Wholesale anuLlvctnil Shoe, lJonnet,
and Palm Leal' lint Warehouse.
A'o. CO A0W1 "d ttreet, a few doors ubvve .Irch,
ALSO Trunks, Carpel Bags and Valices, of ev
ery dcsciiption, all of which he offers for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
j J . W. S W A 1 N ,
j rinbrella and Parasol Manufacturer.
j A'u. 37 Kuttfh Thud ttrrct. tiro doom below the
j CiVv Hotel, l'hi lad, Iphiu.
COUNTR Merchants and others are solicited
to examine his aatt'iu.icnt before purchasing
' Phila'clphin, November H. 18-11. I v.
j r. At a. novoriiT's"
j China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse,
j A' 104 North Third at reel, third door biluw Vine
ftreit, I'liiladi Ipliia.
I AriIERE ihey constantly keep on hand a large
j ' assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool
j Ware, w hich they w ill dispose nf on the most iei-
suitable terms.
' Philadelphia, November 13. 1841. Iv.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
' tilery, Hardware, &c.
; No. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market
j ftlT EEP constantly on hand a large nnd general
: J assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bauds,
Axle Arms, t.hptic Spriucs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at
all times on the most reasonable terms. They w ill
rind it lo their advantage to call and examine his
1 assortment before purchasinu elsewhere.
I Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly.
, Wholesale Dealers in Foreiirii Uritish
and American h v Goods.
A'o. ll).'! Murk, .v;(7, Philadt Iphiu.
C "COUNTRY Merchant.', and others call be sup
J plied at all times with an ext. nsive assort
I liieul of ihe liest und most fashionable Goods upon
the most reasonable terms'.
Philadelphia, November 13,
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Maul ware,
No. 171 Nobtii Thihh, Philaiikli-iiia.
A A H EKE their fiiends and t ustomers will always
j find a larce and general a-sorinient of Foreign
, and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell al the
'; lowest prices.
Philedelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
j No. Hiti l-y Murnct Ntreet, l'liila.
I ( cif Fifth South side )
ALWAYS keep on hand a full and gvnrtal as
snrlinelit of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods,
! Country Merchants are reseclfully request id to
I give them a call and examine for themselves.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1S4I. ly.
' SIM'. U INC., G OOl ) & t O.
! No. 13S Market Street, Philadelfihia.
INVITE the attention of Country Merchants
to their extensive assortment ot 13 litis h French
and American Dry Goods, w hich Ihey oiler for sale
1 on the most reasonable terms.
i J niiadelplita, JNovemlier lo, IMl. ly.
No Al, A01II1 St toiid Klrt il,
(conn lh or coom it's allkt.)
Where they constantly keep on hand a general
assortment of
-4i u great variety oj urticlt of a tuf tenor
quality, which they offer to dispose of
upon the most reasonable terms.
find il to thtii advantage lo call and examine
their slock More purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1841. ly
I ) ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sun
bury and vicinity, that they have takui the
Shop lutilv orcuied by Wm. Durst, w hi re they
will carry on the
in all its vaiiouB branches. By strict attention and
reasonable chaiges, they expect to niciit a share ol
public patronage.
Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841.
Con u(ti' Palm Feu f Hat Wore,
No. lOSniTH 4im Stblkt. PHILADELPHIA,
MISHH an eitti.sive aasorlmcut of the above
articles are caiislantly kept on hand, for sale
at the most reasonable termc.
May 2'., IS 11. lv.
AN impart' llelcd remedy for common Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, nnd all diseases ol the Breaat and Lungs,
lea. ling 10 consumption; composed of the concen
trated virtuea of Horehonnd, Bonset, Blond Root,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New
Tho innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral
viilues of the Herbs from which the llatxum tf
Horehonnd is made, nre too generally known to re
quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessit
rv lo observe that this Medicine contains the whola
of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vege
table substances, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the corn
plaints above mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore
ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en
aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and free
dom, assUBgcs cough, relieves athmatic and dilli
cult lespiralion, heals the injured parts, otiens the
pores, und composes the disturbed nerves, and gives
strength to the tender lungs, and thus produces a
speedy and lasting cure.
We ore not mnong lhat class of Editors who for a
few dollais will, (at the expense of truth and ho
nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid
sale; neither ate we willing to remain silent, after
having tested the utility of an im rovemrnt or dis
covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and
violent Cold some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur
chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOKEHOUND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
are alllicted, may try il upon our rt commendation.
l.e'i Telegraph. For sale by
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
Also, by Druggists generally throughout the
country. fXj' Price, 50 cents per bottle.
August 14th, 1841. ly.
loll SALE
NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lcmpricr's
do.; Ainsworth's do; Cobb's do.; English and
Gfimau do.; Anlhon's Cn-sar; Ambon's Crammer;
A mlicn's Cicero; Mair's Latin Reader; Ogilby's do.;
Ambew's Latin Lessons; Donnegau'a Lexicon;
I'isk's Grek Exercises; Duvies's Letrendei; Grneca
Majoru; Adams's Roman Antiquities; I'innock's
Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; L ell's Elements
of Gcologx; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea
ders; Eni rsou's Geography and History; Olney's
do.; Purity's do.; Smith's Crammer; Kirkham's do,;
Kay's Readers; Cold's do.; Cobb's AritliincHck;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Libiary; Cottage Bibles Family do ; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles nnd Testaments; Parkei's Ex
ercises on Composition; Fruit of (he Spirit; Baxtei's
Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Mnrryatt's No
vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling
Book; American Class Bcok; Daboll's Schoolmas
ter's Assistant; A ureal vuriety of Bluuk Books, &c.
August 2N, IN 11.
. S 1 I N i: V J N i: S ,
1 ) ElUESTS the attention of his country friends
- who are in want, lo bis verv large stock of
Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, Ac., &e., that be has just opemd, at
bis warehouses, No. 1H North 2d street, nnd No. '
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
delphia. July 31, 18-11. ly.
Tlie I'uiiM' ol lsiscaie.
Tenrly ull classes of disease, are caused by some
obstruction in thesvstim, which prevent the
ii'iiiilur and wholes. .me operation nf the animal func
tions. 1 his state of Ihe system, is disease, which
is manifested ill a variety of forms, mom or less
malignant in their character. To restore the system
to a stale of health, then, it is only necessary to re
move ihe cause of disease, and ihe end is accom
plished. The cause is obstruction somewhere. This
can he removed by purgation, which is ihe only
means thai should be resorted lo, because, suggested
by reason, and by nature. Dr. Hirlich's Strength
ening and German Aperient Pills, are allowed by
lh.' tin ilsnuds who have used ihem, lo be ihe best
purgative medicine in existence. Because, ihey
not only remove all obstructions, and purge Ihe sys
tem of its impurities, but, because, and which is ex
tremely important, stienctben and give propel tone
to the slu.iiai h, and produce a healthy action of all
the pans. Besides, they are so mild and gentle in
thcirOt ruiion, as to rendtr them at all limes a per
fectly safe and desirable remedy. The afllicted
would tlo well, then, to purchase a box or two of
Ill's invaluable medicine, and give il a fair trial, in
stead of thslrouirg their systems with oft-repeated
doses of calomel, and other drugs, so injurious to
human life and happiness
The above mtdecine for sal at the Drue store of
Julv 23, 1842. .Igeut.
Shall Si4 Ki.'K or IlVallli I'rctullr
1' is evident that the farmer will if there is not
more care or attention paid to ourselves. What
are the primary causes of the veiy greet variety of
discuses which we d dly behold. Alllicted person,
were you not first attacked with bile 011 the sto
mach, uttt tided wilh siikness. costiveness. a de
rangement nf the stomach and digestive organs,
(probably caused by indulging too freely in rich
food, a st'duulary hie, irregular meals, exposure, late
hours, intemperance, Ac !) These mosily are the
cause of utflictum at the present day. When these
symatoms occur, if yoo desire heabh to prevail,
procure immediately Dr. Harlich's Conroim.
SrMKKin HLKiNii and Gmijia Atsbilut Pills,
a they are a sure meiNciiie to remove these distres
sing attacks. The properties el this medicine are
first, cleanse the stomach and bowels, remove bile
and bilious matters, purify Ihe blood, which, when
obstiueted, subjects the IhxIv to pain and disease.
This U ll. clcd by a few doses of the Gorman A
pcnciit Pills. After this is accomplished, the
strengthening Tonic Pi Is arc used to give strength
and vigor to the sv stein, restore the debilitated func
tions of the animal economy, Ac. In the course
of this treatment, the patient will be resloied lo er
teet health, when all symptoms of dysienia, liver
complaint, sick headache, pain in the side, limbs,
snd otbei bodily iiiliun ties, will he completely era
dica'cd. Principal Ollice, No. 19, North Eighth street,
Phdad.lphia. HENRY YO.YTH ELMER,
July I ti h, 1812. -4eii.
Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in
public favor, and want from any but a fair trial lo
establish their worth. Wo have a communication
in our column. Ui-diy from a person long aflhcled,
winch is but one of many voucher fjr this inedi
Kiiut.Sjnnt of t.t Tintrb,