Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 23, 1842, Image 4

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The following (hows the current value of nil
'cnnsylvania Dank Note. The most implicit re
Hire may be placed upon it, a it i every week
an-fully compared with aid corrected fioin k
eli's Reporter.
Hanks In riillalclililn.
Nam r. Location. V"c' xn
i'ii i Lin.
tank of North America . ,
lank of the Northern Liberties ,
'nmmercial Hank of Penn'a. . ,
'armer' and Mechanics' Bank .
ensington Dunk . .
'hilmlt'lphia Dank .
Miulkill Bank . .
tnuthwark Dank .
Western Bank .
Mechanics' Bank . ,
Country Hanks.
3(itik of Cheater County Westchester
Hunk of Delaware County Chester
Hank of Gerrnantown
Hank of Montgomery Co.
Ooylestown Bank
Easton Bank
Formers' Bunk of Burks co.
Olu-e of Bank of Penn'a.
Oflice do do
Office do do
Ollice do do
Harrisburgl These
Lancaster I oirices
Beading j do not
Easton J issue n.
Bank of the United States Philadelphia 65aG0
Hank ol renn Township . . 12Jal7
(fiiard Bank'
Manufacturers' Sc Mechanics' Bank
Movamciising Bank
Bank of Pennsylvania
Miners' Bank of Pottsville
Bank of Lewislown
Bank of Middlctown
Bank of Northumberland
Northumberland 6
Columbia Bunk A, Bridge co. Columbia 4n5
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 5
Exchange Bank Pittsburg 2
Do do branch of Holhdayshurg 3
Farmers' Bank of Lancastct Lancastci 4
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster 4
FatmerB' Bank of Heading Beading 6
Harrisbuig Bank Harrisburg 6a7
Lnncaslcr Bank Lancaster 3
Lebanon Bank Lebanon 6
Merchants' Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 3
Bank of Pittsburg Pituhuig 3
Wiat Branch Bank Williainf rt
Wyutning Bank Wiikeshnrrc 10al2
N rthnniptoti Bink Allentown 12al5
Beik County Bank Reading
Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Sav. Ina. A do
Perm Township Sav. Ina. do
Bunk of ChBinhersburg Chsmbersburg 6
Bank ol Gettysburg Gettysburg G
Bunk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 8
Erie Bank Erie 10
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Waynesburg 15
Franklin Bank Washington 3
Honesdale Bank Honesdale 1$
Monongahela Bank of B. Brownsville 6
York Bank York fi
N. B. 'J'ho notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers', with the
exception of those which have a letter of ti fen nee.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuylkill Sav. In. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyolt, prop.)
no sale
no sale
no vale
Towanda Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bunk of Swatara
Bank of YVubhington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Furmera' & Mech'ca' Bank
Farmera' A. Mech'ca' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Instiluto
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union Col. Bk.
Noith Western Bank of Pa.
Otlice of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Bell, fonto
Fayette co.
Greencast e
Huntingdon no sale
Lewislown no sale
Warren failed
Duudutr no sale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadfille cloud
Port Curbon failed
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
Uniontown failed
Grcenshurg closed
Wilktsharre no sale
Wilkesbarre Badge Co,
(jj- All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
down as frauds.
Bank oi New Biunawick Brunswick
Belvidcie Bunk Belvidcre
Burlington Co. Bank Med lord
Commercial Bunk Perth Ambny
Cumberland Bank Bridgelon
Farmera' Bank Mount Holly
Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Btunswick
Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown I' I
Franklin Bank of IS. J. Jersey City
Hoboken BkgA Glazing Co Hobuken
Jersey City Bank Jersey City
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Manufacture' Bank Belleville
Morris Company Bank Morristown
Monmouth Ilk of N.J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
l'ost Notes
Newark Bkg & Ins 'Co Neweik
no sale
New Hope Del Bridge Co
Lambeitkville ISaSO
N. J. Mwruluc. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Protecton V JxMubaid bk Jery City
Orange Bank Orange
Palerson Bank Falei.on
lade I
Peoples' Bank sJo -
Function Bunk Princeton
hub in Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Mule Bank Lliinbe ilitown
tSiale Bank Camden
Male Bank of MoriU Morristown
Slate Bunk Trillion
.-aleni and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem
husst iBank Newlon
.'i'reiilon Banking Co Trrntnn
Union Bunk Dover
W asbinululi Banking Co. Uavkenack
Bk of Willi) A. Brandy iwi' VV i uiingtoii par
Bank of Delaware Wilmington par
Bunk of Smyrna Smyrna par
Do hianch Millord jar
Faimeis' Bk of Slate of Del Dovn par
Do branch Wilmingtou par
Do branch Georgetown r
Do branch Newcastle par
Union Bank Wilmington par
Undt i 6' 2
try On all banks maked thus () there are ei-
othei cunterftut or shared lioka of lfe various de
nominttions, in circulation.
The best method for the Abolition of Di tease
is to cli:anse and purify the Body.
AY 111 GUT'S
i.dia:v vli:taule fills
Mi th American College of Health,
Are now acknowledged to be the hist Medicine in
the World for the cure of
BECAUSE they completely cleanse the ato
ma h and bowels from thi e billions and cor
rupt humors which are the caue not only of
Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart,
Po'na in the Bones, Rheumatism and Until, but
every malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN
VEGETABLE PILLS are crrain cure for in
teimillenl, temitted, nervous, inflnmalory and putrid
Fevers, becnuso thry cleanse the prtdy from those
morbid humors, wbicb, when confined to the circu
lation, are ihe cause of all kinds of FEVERS. So,
aluo, when the samo impurity is deposited on the
mrmbmie and muscle, causing pains, inflama
lions and swelling called RHEUMATISM,
GO! T,&c. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may
te relied on as always rertuin to give relief, and if
persevered with, nccuidlng to directions will most
assuredly, and without fail, make a perfect civc of
the above painful n aladies. From three to six of
said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night go
ing lo bed, will in a shoit time so completely rid
the body from every thing thai is opposed to health,
that Rheumatixm, Gout, and p dn of every dew-rip-
tion.will be literally DRIVEN FROM I II K HO
DY. For the same reason, when, Irom sudden
changes of atino-phere, or any other caue, the per
spiration is checked, and the humors which should
pasa oil' by the skin are thrown inwnrdly, causing
HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sick
ness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed eyes,
sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, consumptions,
rheumatic pains in various parta of the body, and
manyotlur symptoms of CATCH IN U COLD,
Wright' Indian rfAe VilU will invariably
give imnicdi te relief. From thiee to six of said
1'ills taken every night on going lo bed, will in a
short time, not only remove all the above unpleasant
symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder benlihlban before.
ING. Wright's Indian Wgclulik l'ills will loos
en and cany oil", by the stomach and hnweitt, those
lough phbgmy humor-1, which atop up all the air 1
cells ol the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the !
above distressing complaint, but when neglected,
often terminates in that mo.edieadful mBlady called
CONSUMPTION. It shou'd b alsoiemcmbeifd ,
that Wright's Indian Vegetable Villt are a certain
cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau
sea, and sickness, lo-a of appetiie, coBtivenrsa. a
yellow tinge of (he nkin and eyes, and every other
symptom of a t..rpid or diseased state of the liver;
because they puree from the hotly those impurities
which if di posited upon this important organ, are
thi cau-e of eery variety f LIVER COM
PLAINT. When a nation is convulsed by tiot-,
ouibrenks and n hellion, the only means of prevent
ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAH.
is to expel all traitors, and evil dispoud ones from
the country. In like manner, when pain or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug
gling with internal foes, the true reined v is lo EX
health and life,) Health will be the certain retult.
That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing
and purifying the body, is strictly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy ;
ond if properly carried out by the use of the above
PILLS, will ceilainty result in the complete Abo
lition of Db-cuae ; we offer the following testimoni
als, from personi of the highest respectability in
New York, who have lecenliy been cuied of the
most obstinate complaints, aolely by the use of
Wnioirr'a Isim VtumuLK Pills, of the
A'urM American Cullege f lhulth:
JiMAici, L. I., June 9th, 1841.
Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with
great tali-faction I inform you of s.iy having lieeii
entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standi! g.
by the use of your Imiioi Viostahlk Pills.
Previous to meeting with your celeluatrd imdi
cine, I h'ld been under the hands of several Physi
cian, and had tried vaiious medicines; but all to
no effect. After using one 25 cent box of jour
Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, that
I tesolved to persevere in the use of them accoidmg
to directions, which I am happy to state, hus result
ed in a perfect curp. Ingratitude to you foi the
great bem fit I have received, and also in (he hope
that others similarly afllicted may be induced lo
muke liial of your exiramdinvy medicine, I send
you this statement with full liberty to publish the
aume, if von think proper. Yours. Ac.
New Yoik, June 19,1811. G.C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright' Indion
Vegetable Pills.
Dear S'n 1 have been afflicted for severnl year
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at limes with pains in the side and other
distressing complaints. Aftn having tried various
medicines wi'houtilTt ct, I was persuaded by afiiend
lo muke trial ef Dr. W'light' Indian Vegetable
Pills-, which I am happy to state, have relieved me
in a most wonderful manner. 1 have used the me
dicine, as yet but a short time, and have no doubt,
by a perseverance in the use of the medicine accor
ding to directions, thul I shall in a short lime lie
perfectly lestoied.
I most willingly recommend said Pills toull per
sons similarly ulllicted, and in ihe full belie I that
the same l-enel'ieial results w ill follow their use, I re
main vouis ainceiely. HENRY A. FOOTE.
W'aiwaising, Ulster co. N. Y.
Nlw YoBK.Scpt. 29, lf41.
This is to certify that I have used Whkiht's
IsiiiiJi YtorraiiLf Pill with the greatest liene-
lit; having ennrely cured myscll ot lire lriuent at
latks ol Sick Heuduehe, to which I had previously
beui subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON,
3U3 Greenwich stnet. ?. Y.
To Mr. Rirbard Dennis, Agent for Wright' In
dian Vegetable '.'ills.
A there are at this lime many wicked persona
busily mgaged in selling a counterfeit medicine un
der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as
these ilesj crate nu n are ao utterly reckless of con
seijuences, lhat many valuable hvrs may be lost in
coiiketjoeuce of using their dreadful compounds,
ihu public are cautioned against purchasing any
Pills, unless on the i ides of Ihe boxes the following
wording is found :
(Indian J'urgatire.)
And a'oe to be esiM-vially cartful again! purcha
sing said meiliciue of any person except Ihe regu
lar ailvrrtrsed ageui.
II. B. Massrr, buulmry I'avne A. Roe, Nor
thiniibeilsiul Jacob Haas, Sbainokin Samuel
Herb, Mnhonny Byerly A D. Haas, AuRUsla
Heimr A Foilmcr, Milton Ireluiid A Meixell,
McCwensvi lr I fer A Dearmond, TurbuUville
James Reed, Pollsgrovc 11. Klaae, Snvdi rslown
II. H. Ki uIkI, P. M.. Eljaburg P. O. Win.
Lei-enriug, P M, Union Corner.
Otl'ice aid General Depot for ihe sale of
Wrighi't Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholeaale and
PHIA. May 11, 82. ly
(jjT Tht ftlliruiingcertiftca'c describes one vj Ihe
must extraordinary cures iter effected by any
PiitLAnKirniA, February 10, 1818.
IOR twenty year I was aeverely afflicted with
TsTTBit on the Face und Head! the disease
commenced when I was seventeen year old, and
continued until the Fall of 18:16, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of the time, great part of my face was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch
ing; my head swel ed al timi until it fell a if it
would burst the swelling was so great, ihr.t I cou'd
scarcely get my bat on. During the long period
that I was ftlict--d wirh Ihe disease, I liseil a great
many a plication', (among them evenil celebrnled
preparations) a w II as taking inward remedies,
including a number of bolth a of Swuim's Vanttcva.
I'rlract nf Sarsiimrilla, fit, In fact, it would be
impoihle to enumerate all the medicines I used.
I was also under the care of two of ihe most dis
tinguished physician of this city, but without re
ceiving mi ch benefit, and I despaired of ever being
cured. In the fall of I S:ifi, the disease nt the time
being very violent, I commenced uini the l!ne
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan A Dis.) In
a b w applications Ihe violent itching rinsed, the
swelling aba'ed, the eruption began to disappear,
and In-fore I had used ajar the di-ease was eniirelv
cured. It has now been nearly a y ar and a half
since, and there is not vestige of Ihe disease rc
muinine, except the scars from the deep pits formed
by the dirpase. It is impossible for me to descril
in a certificate the severity of the disease and my
sulTiriug, but I w ill bo pleased to give a fuller ac
count to any person wanting further satisfaction,
who will cull on me. Al the lime I commenced
using the R. sc Ointment I would have given hun
dreds of dollars to bo rid of the disease. Since u
sing it, I have recommended it lo several persons,
(among them my mother, who had ihe disease bad
ly on her ami,) who wi re nil cured bv it.
JAMES DURNELL, No. 15(1, Race St.
(Jj The Rose Ointment is prepared bv E. 11.
Vaughan, Soivh East corner of Third and Race
slrei ts, Philadelphia, and sold on ntenev in Simhii
ry. bv H. B. MASSER,
' May Mill, 1812. Agent.
Itosc Oiiiiim'iit, lor Teller.
PitiLsiiLLrniA, May 27tli, 1 8311.
'"PHIS is to certify that 1 was severely alllicie.l
with Teller in the hands and f. et for upwards
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with vio'enl itehing and swelling. I applied to j
number of phybicuns, nnd used a great many appli
cations without elleeting a cure. About a nr
since, I applied li e Rose Ointment, which entirely
stopped the itch'iia.aud a few applications iiiiinedi
aiily eured the disease, which there has been no
return of, although I had never lieen rid of it at
any lime for folly year. RICHARD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, leb)w Spruce Street.
(Jj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B.
VaiiLhan, S urh East corner of Third and Race
Sneeta, Philadelphia, and oldon agency in Sunbu
,y. .y H. B. MASSER.
May 14th. 1S42. Agent.
Of the ROSE OITME.'F,for 'Pttttr.
ALTHOUGH ihe superiority of the preparation
over all others is fully established, the proprie
tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the
following certificate from a respectable physician,
a graduate of the University of Peuns Ivania. Dr.
Baugb, having found in this teinedy thai relief for
a tedious and disagreeable alli-i lion which the means
within the range of his profession failed to all'.'nl.
has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although
the prejudices and interests of that profession ate
opposed to secret Rt-mcdiea.
1'HiLiiiLi.riiiA, Sept. 19, lfiG.
I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic
eruption, which covered pearly one sb'e of my face,
and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, propric
loi of the Rose Ointment, observing my facr, insis
ted on my tiying hi preparation, of which he han
ded me a jar. Although in common with the mem
beis of my profession, I discountenance and disa
prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed upon ihe
public by iunoi aul pretenders, I feel in justice bound
lo except the Knee Ointment fiom that clasa of me
dicines, and to give it my approbation, 88 it entire
ly tured ihe eruption, although it had resisted the
Usual applications. UA.Mi. IS A I till, M. V.
CCT The Rose Ointment is prepared by E- B
Vaughan, Smith East corner of Third and Race
Streets, Philadelphia, and old on agencv in Sun
bury, by II. B. MAssER.
May 14 ill, 1812.
Cicncral l oiuiiilssloii 3l'i hauls,
Fur the Sale if Flour, Vrain, Seed, Ac, Ac.
rMttr I
- - T
""RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and
H, the Merchants generally, that ihey bae ta
ken those large and commodious Wharvra, with two
Docks, north of Chesnul street, on the Ma wire,
together with the store No. 19 South Whsrves,
where they would he pleased lo receive consign-
menta of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac
Ac. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds
of Merchandise bv the Scbuvlkill ami Liiion.or tv
the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, aa tow-
boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing
boat by either route.
Merchants will please lie particular In send their
goods destined by either canals, to lo. ty South
Wharves, between Market and Chesnul sired, on
Ihe Delaware, with direction accompanying l he in
which route ihey wish them to be shipped.
Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar
ket price. utiiru.N &. u.
March 19. 1812. No. 19 South Wharves
fllllE sutwrnhrrs are repand to furnish farmers
X and others with any quantity of Lime of a very
lupenor quality for land, or iduistering, at Ihe lol
lowing very reduced prices, via : 8 els. tier bushel
for 1 and Lime ; 10 els. for Ihe best quality of plais-
lenng Lime, at the kilns, !elow the borough of Sun
bury. They will also deliver, al any place within ihe
borough of Simbury. Lime for land, al 10 cents r
bushel, and Lima for plaistering at 12. J cent per
bushel. The subset rbers have alwaya on hand, a
large quantity of Lime, It quality is good, and
their limestone I not equalled by any in the neigh
Augusta, April 2d, 1842.
AmiDury, ,y'urthunibrrl(iml aunty f
TIHE subscriber, respectfully informs the public
thai he lias removed lo that large anil rorunio
diou Tavern Stand, at Ihe corner of Market and
Fawn streets, (sign of ihe Buck ) formerly ocru
pied by Jonaa Weaver, and lately by Daniel Gib
son, win re he ia now prepared lo accommodate all
who may favor bun with a call. By strict atten
tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render
satisfaction to all, he hopea to receive lilwral thar
or public patronage. t-H A Kl.bB WWVIK
Sunburv, Match 12th, 1642.
Counlerfi'Mcis' Iratli lllow.
The public will please observe lhat no Brandrcth
Pill are genuine, unless the box ha three la
bels upon it. (the top, the side and the bottom)
each containing fuc-aimile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. BniNimtTH, M. D. J hese la
bels are engraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over $2,000. -Therefore
it will be seen that Ihe only Ihing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in it purity, ia to observe these
Remember tho top, the side, and the bottom.
I'he following respective persona are duly auhori
zed, and hold
For the sale of lirandrcih's Vegcluble Universal
Pills. "
Northumberland county : Milton Mai-key A
Charnbeilin. Sunbury II.B. Masser. M'Eweu
ville Ireland A Meixell. Northnmbeilnnd Win.
Forsvlh. Georgetown F. Midhngi'r A Co.
Union County ( New Berlin John Holl'tnnn.
Scliiisgrove Ever nd Schnure. Mtibllebiirg
Isaac Smith. Bcivertown J. A F. Bingnman.
Adaitishurg H. A A. Smith. Mifllinsbuig
Swope A Laird. Hartlelon Daniel Long. Free-
aurg G. A r. C. Mover. L.enlrcvillc olniley
A l.enharl. Lcwisburg Walls A Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds
A Co. Berwick Slmmnn A Kittenhouse. Cot
tawissn V. A. A t-. G. Urotits. Dloomsliiirg
John It. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bim-I. Wn
shington Robt' MtCay. Limestuiic -D. L.
Scb meek.
Obseive that each Agent has an Engravid Ci r-
tificale of Agency, containing a representation of
Dr BRANDREI IrS Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies nf
the lien- labels nvtv utctl upon the Ilrandrcth 'ill
I'hilidelphia, office No. 8, North ftth street.
January 1st, 1842.
iTi:i.ri.i: r.ii.
A COM ENTRATE1) Rrcord of Medical Sei
ence and Literature, bv Roblev Dunglison,
M. D., Prolessor of the Institutes of Medicine, etc..
inJtll'eison Medical College of Philadelphia, pub
lished monthly by Adam Wnldie, No. 46 Carpen
ter atreet, Philadelphia. Subscription price, f 5 a
yi ar. Subscrlpliona lor the above work n ceiveil l y
the aub-crilier. II. B. MASSKIl,
Dec. 1 1th. 1841. Agent.
;a. sv.
OR sale a small Furm, contiining about ntie
hundred and ten ocrcs, more or le s, situate
iii I oint townslnp, iNorihiiml erlaiid Cotintv, nlmut
two miles above Norlliumlierl and, on Ihe main
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
lands of John Leghou, Jesse C Morton and others,
now in the occupincy of Samuel Payne. About
forty acres of said tract are cleaied, and in good
state of cultivation, on which Ihere is a small barn
creed d. The property will lie sold on r asonable
lei ms. For further particulars, peisou arc request
ed lo apply to the t ulscribi r.
II. u. HASSfiii, Agent,
Nov. 27lh, 1841. tf Sunbury. P.
AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a I
highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil- '
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Britlaiiia ware, i
Tin, Su el, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on i
varnished carriages, Ac. I H i 1 1 .
Prepared and aold at wholesale and retail, by ihe '
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
1 toga county, IN. i .
WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Norlhum'd,
H. B. MASSE R, Agent for Sunbury.
November 20th, 1841.
No. 71 Callow hill Street, Philadelhia.
C i hree almve Second, j
SHOE Findings always kept on hand, bieh ht
oilers for sale on the lowest terms. Country
.Merchants arc particularly to c ill and judge for
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. lv.
No. 2! North Water Street, Phila.
MANUFACTURERS nd dealer in Oil of
every description both for burning and
manufacturing purpose, which will he sold much
lower than ihey can lie procured elsewhere, and
wuriuulcd in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as lepresented,
may he returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the money will be refunded.
Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing
oils, viz :
.til OOfl nnllrm. Winter Rlfurbeil 8tMl
I o- - - 1
COOO do do Color Icfs Oil,
15.H00 do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil,
10. 000 do Winter Sea Elephant,
20,11110 do do Prosed Whale Oil,
fiOOO do Summer do do do
15,000 do Common Whale Oil,
20U Barrels superior Stra.'a Oil,
300 do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Nea's Foot Oil,
75 Cask Olive Oil,
Tanner's Oils,
rr) This Company has a number of Vessels en
gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely
upon getiing at all times Oil as pure a imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 84 1 . ty.
g. w71Tl"b7tXylor.
FFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadel
Men' Calf-skin Boots, ditched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do water proof, double soles
and double upper,
do Calf-skin do do
and upper,
do Heavy Water Leather Bool,
do do Neat do do.
do High quartet Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crocker do
do Fine Monroes warranted
do nailed
do Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do do Shoe
do Fine do
do Kip tlo
do Calf and Seal Skin Pump,
do List Sock with and without sole,
do Carpet do do do
do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins,
Ladies' tlo do do do
Ladies' tanned India Rubber ahoes.
Gentlemen' do t 'ver shoe.
With every other description of boots and shoes.
Fur Caps of every description.
Travelling Trunks of every description.
Venetian Travelling Bag.
Patent Gum L'latnc Shoe Blacking.
Bonnelk of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hata.
Philadelphia, Ndtember 13, 1MI ly.
No. Yi'i Clicsnut Street, Lclow 4th,
KEEP constantly on hand a general assort
ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising
Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Misccllane
ous and School Books, Day Books, all, Led
gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiitinf
Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which Ihey ol
fer at the IcchI piices to Country Merchant' Pro
fessional Giiitlemen, Teachers, and all others thai
may favor them with their custom.
Philadelphia, November 13. 1841. ly.
Mieliael Weaver fc .Son,
Ah. 13 AorrVi Water Street, Philadelphia.
HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, vir. i
I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropea, Manil
la Rope, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac. such as
Hemp Shad nnd Herring Twine, Best Pntent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twiro, Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Hotter, Trace. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. nil of whith they will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
Jacob l'l Kiutitli & Sun
1) EsPECTFULLY iufuims their friends and
acquaintances generally lhat Ihey still con
tinue to keep at ihe old ttntid, No. 246 North 3d
street, Philadelphia, all Vinds of
Which they will sell n the mot '. aicoinmodutin
and rcasonal le terms.
N. B. All goods sold will be guai intced and all
orders promptly attended lo.
Philadelphia, November 13,1841 ly.
Wholesale and Kelail iShoe, bonnet,
and Palm Leaf lint Warehouse.
Aw. 6(5 North 2d street, a ftio ilunrs above .irch,
ALSO Trunks, Carpel Bags and Valiccs.of ev
ery desciiplion, all of which he oilers for
sale on the most reasonable term.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
.1. S F V 1 i ' ,
lTmbrella and Parasol laniilacturer.
A'o. 37 Arm A 'I'lutil ttrrri, (wo dnors below the
Cit if Until, Philadelphia.
fOUNTRi Merchants: and others are solicited
to examine his unsorti.ienl before puichasing
Philadelphia. November l't. 1841. ly.
P . .fc A. 11 O VI) U 1) T ' S
China, Class and Liverpool Warehouse,
Art 1 (54 North Third slrt et. third door below Vine
street, Philadelphia,
VI J" HE RE they constantly keep on hand a large
assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, w hich they will dispose of on Ihe most rei
sonal.le terms.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly.
Ti! m,p.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, &.C.
So. 5 South Third street, four doors below Market
KEEP constantly on b ind a large and general
assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands,
Axle Arms, Eliplic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddlera will be supplied al
all times on the most icasonable terms. They will
find it to their advantage to cull and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
1 VV N( )LDS Mt-FA 1 1 1 . A NI) & CO
Wholesale Dealers in Forcitrn Pritith
and American Dry Hoods.
Ao. 105 Market street, Philadelphia.
rt; OUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup-
.lied al all times with all extensive assort
ment of the best and most fashionable Goods upon
the most reasonable Icrms.
Philadelphia, November 1.1. 1811. lv.
LOWKlf & DAllllON,
Importers and Dealers in Foreijni and
Domestic. Hardware,
No. 174 Nohtii Thi nn Strict, PHrianrirHii
"1 1 THERE their friends and customers will always
' find a large and general assortment of roreign
and Domestic Hardware, which they will sill at the
lowest prices.
Philedelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
EKTn:;nicK,liANsEi.L &. co-s".
No. 1(50 1-2 Market Street, Phila.
(Below Fifth South side)
A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as
s rtnienl of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods,
Country Merchant are respectfully requested ti
give them a call and examine for tbem-elves.
Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly.
SP K H I NO, GOOl ) & CO.
No. 13S Market Street, Philadelphia,
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchants
to their eilensite assortment of Briliih French
and American Dry Goods, which ihey oiler for aale
on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1 84 I. ly.
-u .s, .us in uiiti sini'ij
(cohhek or coomb's
Where they constantly keep on hand a general
assortment of
And a great variety of articles of a superior
quality, which they oiler to dispose of
upon the most reasonable terms.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will
find il to i ht it advantage to call and examine
their stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1041. ly
"I ESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of Sun--It
bury and vicinity, lhat Ihey have laktn the
Shop lati ly occupied by Wm. Durst, where they
will carry on the
in all it various branehe. By sliiet attention and
reasonable chaiges, they expect to met it a ahare of
public patronage.
Sunbury. Sept. 4lh, 1841.
Con aiu' Palm Leaf Hat Sore,
No. 10 South 4-ih Htit. PHILADELPHIA,
AiniF.RE an ejltuive aaaortment of (he above
' artic les ar coi.t(antly kept on hand, for sal
at the moat reasonable termu.
May S3, 1811.- ly.
lallr.1l l.lIsM
JS 1 1 I I'll I'll
AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
lending to consumption S composed of the concen
trated virtues of Horehound, B onset, Blood Root,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wtsstow, Rochester, New
The innocence and universally admitted pectoral
viitue of the 1! elite from which the Jtalsam of
Horehound i made, are too generally known to re
quire recommcneatiiin ; it is therefore only necrssn.
ry lo observe that thi Medicine contain Ihe whold
of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated,
and so happily combined with several other vege
table substances, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the com
plaints above mentioned.
The Balsam remove all imflntnrnatioh and eofc
ness of Ihe Lungs, loosen tough visid phlegm, en
aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and Tree,
dnm, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and dilli.
cult respiration, heal Ihe injured part, opens the
pores, and composes the disturlrcd nerves, and give
strength to the lender lungs, and thus produces a
speedy and lasting cure.
IstiHAriTctiR is the nxsr.sT cmviF. t Maw.
We are not among that clas of Editor who for a
few dollai will, (at the expense of truth and ho
nesty) "ciack up" an article and bring it into rapid
sale ; neither aie we willing to temain silent, after
having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis
covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and
violent Cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased two bottle of WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
arc atllicted, may try il upon our recommendation.
l'.t-itto'i T' feuraph. For sale by
JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland.
Also, by Druggist generally throughout tho
country. (jj Price, 60 cents per bottle.
August 14th, 1841. ly.
.i . si i x i: v ,i o i: s ,
1) ElH'ESTS the attention of his country friend
who are in want, to his verv large stock of
Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings,
Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opioid, nt
his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
delphia. July 31, 1841. ly.
D. K 1 H K P A T 11 1 C K & S O N,
Ao. 21. Nin th Third street,
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment
vf Spanish Hidtx, Pat no Kips, Tanners' Oil,
Ac, at the lowest market prices, eithr r for cash, iv
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
Consignments of Leather received tor atle, ol
purchased al the highest maiket prices.
("3" Leather stoicil tree ol ctiarge.
April 17, 1841. ly.
Shall Sickness or llrallli Prevail t
IT is evident that the former will if there is not
more care or attention paid lo ourr-elve. What
are Ihe primary causes of the very greet variety of
disease which w e daily behol I. Atllicted person,
were you not firt attacked with bile on the sto
mach, attended with siekmsx. costivenes. a de
ranizement of the stomach and digestive organs,
(probably caused by indulging too freely in rich
food, a sedanlary life, irrecular meals, exposure, late
hours, intemperance, Ac ?) These mostly are iho
cau-e of ntlliclion at the present day. When these
symptom occur, if you desire helih to prevail,
procure immedi .telv Dr. Hahlich's Compovnii
STHKNirriiKsiso and Gkiimv Apebiknt Pills,
as they are a sure medicine to remove these distres
sing attacks. The properties of this medicine are
first, cli anse the stomach and bowels, remove bile
nnd bilious matters, purify the blood, which, when
obstruc ted, subjects the body to pain and disease.
This is t tVected by a few dose of the German A
perieut Pills. After this is accomplished, the
StiFiigtht-iiing Tonic Pi I are used lo ive strength
and vigor to the svslem, restore the debilitated func
tion of the animal economy, Ac. In the course
of this treatment, the patient will bo restuied to per
fect heilih, when all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver
complaint, rii k headache, pain in the side, limbs,
and otl ei bodily infiim ties, will be completely era
clira ed.
Principal Office, No. I'd. North Eighth street,
July Itih, 112. Agent.
Ir. Imi an's i:prcloraiit lU'itic
ly lor Consumption,
COLDS, Coiiiihs, S( itting of Blood, Bronchetis,
J D IhVuhy of Breathing, Asthma, Pain in the
i.le. Breast,' and Chest. W hooping Cough, Croup,
ai d all di.-eascs of the Liver and Lungs,
e a c all alike liable lo disease and death is
the certain lot of all lhat live and have a leing ; and
although the latter cannot be averted, still the for
mer mav, by ihe power of medicine, be removed, or
rendertt) (ess painful to Ihe afllicted. There is one
disease, however, which seem for age to hve de
fied the power of ihe healing art ihe learned fa
culty have in vain stienipte j lo arrest it fatal pro-gre-s,
by the plicaion of remedies within their
reach, or known in their practice but Comsi vi e
tion has i'rfied their united skill. Il has stalked
foith with impunity, gathering in its cheerlea eni-
nrace a friend tram every circle, and a memlier
fiom every family, and casting gloom and darkness
o'er the place of its visitation. He then, whose la
boia have brought forth a medicine which in many
cj.-es will arresi the progress of Ibis falal disease
and which will also all'ord relief in the inot stub
lorn ami hnM'leiM, should le regaided in the light
of a public N-nefacler. Il i confidentially believed
lhat Duncan' expectorant remedy will dj thi.
Hence il is presented and recommended to the com
munity. This medicine immediately palliate and
relieves the distressing cough, causing a free ami
easy tx pectoral ion; stopping the hectic fever and
night awcHl. healing the ulcerated lungs, ar.d ar
resting the fatal piogress of Consumption, at tho
same lime, strenulbenir g the weak and debilitated,
regulating ihe bowels, anil producing cjuiet rest ami
sweel repose. Thia "REMEDY" en be relied
upon, lo do all that lays in the power of medical
aid, bring used in the private practice of the late Dr.
Duncan, (IV lessor in the University of Ediuburg.)
for upward of eighteen years, by which, thousand
have been restored to peifecl health. It is not un
derstood lhat the "ExrccToBAkT Rknkm" will
cuie all c a of Consumption ; thi will not do.
But while there is life ihere ifhope) we would
therefore advise all lo use ihi medicine. Wheu
the case i incur .hie, il still piovee a blessing lo the
sufferer; by giving rase and strength, relieving the
cough, and choaking of phlegm, Ac. This alone
ia a consolation to the patient, which thousand do
not experience.
July 9, 1S1'. Jgeiit,