Our Imperii and the Dallea. In the course of speech in Congress a fow days eince, the Hon. Mr. Tripled stated ihnt from the year 1833 to 1840 inclusive, seven yearn, the frh..lo amount of imports into the Unite J States, wiih the duties aJJed on ihera, was 1,113,000,000 dollaaa, of which the United Stale kept far duly on them 12 per cent., or about 1 14,981,000 dollars, and the foreign producer retained over 87 per cent., or 990,000,000. Our imports from Europe alone, for the hum period of seven year, amounted to 650,000,000 dollars, the ameunt of duties receiveJ on which by the United Slates was about 16 per cent., or 88, 078,000 dollars. Our exports to the balance of the world besides Europe were 74,000,000 for the same period, ma Xing a total amount of 833,000,000 dollars ofci ports without duty loied by foreign nations addud, and showing a balance of trade against us, under the present existing stale of thing, of an amount tqual to 157,000,000 dollars, 900,000,000 as before edited, being the amount retained by foiclgn produ cers from our imHrt. Now, had our commerce with foreign nations Wen regulated on equal and reciprocal terms terms on which any nation, free and independent, indted, ought to trade with other nations i. e. had they levied no higher duty on our exports than we did in imiKiits into this country, instead of pay ing to Europe $569,000,000 in duties levied by tier on our exports to that portion of the world, if Itei rates of duty had been in proportion to ours, she would have levied on our Xports f 1 22,000,000; und thus it appeared that the excess in the duties aid by us for this period of eevcu years, was f 4 15,000,000. HiclrneJfs Reporter. Prompt Rktrim'TIO! ami a Rout act. Some villian gome scoundrel of the deepest cast, was in the act of placing an obstruction on the rails of the L. Island Hail Road, cust of Fanning ale, on Wednesday last, jti6t til eve ning. A young man from New York who was inquest of featue, in a, thick wood immediately adjoining the road observed his movements but feeing him to he a very Etout, gallows looking fellow, lie declined interfering except from the mouth of his gun. Alter the villian had placed a heavy iron rail in such a way as he thought would be effectual in throwing the train from the track ami was about darting in the wood opposite, the young man fired upon him with one barrel of his gun, leaving the other to de fend himself if necessary, the charge of shot took effect in his back and neck, and the guilty villian lied. This was a most meritorious act by a young man 17 years of age- Brooklyn Scut. Yeurtahmc Ivory. U is said that the French discovery ships have introduced, from the South Seas, a new vegetable, resembling the cocoa nut, but much smaller. When the outer shell is removed, the interior presents the appearance, and possesses all the proprieties, of the fact Kory. In the manufacture of articles to which its size is adapted, it is supposed that this vegetable product will entirely supersede the more costly tooth of Use elephant. Southern Planter. BAL.T1MOIUC MARKET. OJfice of the DiLTimoME America, July 18. FLOL'U. There i no stock of City Mi Is Flour The millers are willing to furnish it el $C oash. On Saturday and to-day aliout 1000 bbls. Sus- iiuehatina Flour were sold at fG, cash. Thcto is none now in market. GRAIN. A sale of a crop of new prime Wheat raicJ in Bakimore County, in good condition, was made tu-day t ft 2S, and a lot of new rrd Wheat from Ike Earstern Shoie of M J. of very light weight at ft. A sale of prime old Fenna. red was made ou Saturday and another lot today, at $1 30. Sales to-day of Md. Coin at 55 cts. for white and 57 cts. for yellow. A lot of Pennsylvania yellow was also sold to dsy st 57 cts. A parcel of new Oats, from the Eastern Shore of Md. wna sold tn-day at S3 cts. On Saturday a sale of Pennsylvania wae wade at 36 cts. WHISKEY. We Lear of no sales ol hhds. To day aaleacf Mile, were made at S3t cts. Stock ve ry light and demand limited. IS' ikk Tkntiis of our duicases are treatcit,ly the Faculty, with Calomel, Antimony and Opium. The indiscrim'tnate use of Mineral preparations has mur thrril thounviitU, and t!ie coiislmit use of Opium has consigned many to a picmaluiu grave, but we lejoice that the discovery of the llmndrt th Ytgeltfr Itle Vtaterral I'illx libs rendered both Mercury and Opium uscleee in the cure of d'lKeases , and thou sands, who are d lily being cuied of variuus disea ses, now bear testimony. Experience has taught that Utsndrelh's Vrgeto lle Univeilul Pills leinove all corrupt humors fiom the body in n eaxy.safc and cAectuid uiaiiuer; pro tlucing no ffit but what will liually condure to the jM'rfect purification of the Blood, and tlx-rcby cure the disease, (whatever name it m iy lie c.dled,) and give perfect liehh to the whole system. rry Puteliaaie in Sonbary, of II. B. Master, and the agent publi-lied in Mimther part of this paier. aa SMaaaa siai ! 1 iair"' - . n 1 1; i, On Wodnesduy lust, al hi icxideiicc, about one nulu fross tlis (mc.iuhIi, Mr. JACOB HOWEH, aged bIkiuI OOyeaia. T HAVE this d.y bought of JACOB 11 I'M', -- ol t'nal towrichip, NorihuinU'ilaiiil county, one Bed Cow, two Hogs, m Windsor Cliairs.nue Ma pie Talile, and twelve yarJs Cariel, which projier ty I have loaued to hint at my pleuiture. . JOHX, Shamokin. Ju'y 14th, 14th 1M2. :r m j-Lm 'I HE pun lUM'rs ot proM-rty ul ttie sale held by tbst their i.oles are now due, and must lie paid btrihwiih, or they will le pUced in the hands of a Juolice of the Peace for colli elimi. GEO. V. WELKEH, C. W. HLUI.Ns. July Kith, 1M2. A.ignt.. rnicu cuuiiiiiNT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthciiner. Whkat, 110 Rrr, ...... fio Con, ...... 40 Oat, ...... 30 PosKj ...... 5 FtAtsean, ... . 125 Butts, . 13 Uskswat, 35 Taliow, .... J2J Dstan Aerta, . . . 75 fro. Pkachf.s, . . 200 Flax, ... . 8 HscKian Flax, 10 Enos, R The Ciiiifio of IHMCnsc. Nearly all classes of disease, are caused by some obstruction in the system, which prevent the tegular end wholesome-operation of the animal func tion. This stale of the system, is disease, which is manifested in a variety f forms, more or less malignant in their character. To restore the system to a state of health, (hen, It is only nece-sary to re move the cause of disease, and the end tw accom plished. The cause is ohetmction somewhere. Thia can be removed by purgation, which is the onlv means that shoo Id he resorted to. because, suggested by reason, and by nsturc. Dr. Hsrlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Pills, are allowed by I he thousands who have used them, to be the lest purgative medicine in existence. Because, they riot only remove all obstructions, and purge the sys tem of its impurities, but, liocs-use, and which is ex tremely important, strengthen and give prorr tone to the stomach, and produce a healthy action of all the parts. Besides, they arc so mild and gentle in tlieir operation, as to render them at all timea a per fectly safe and desirable remedy. The afflicted would do well, then, In purchase a box or two of this invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, in stead of destroying their systems with oft-repeaied doses of calomel, and other drugs, so injurious to human life and happiness The above medecine for sale at the Drug store of HENRY YOXTH ELMER, July 23. 1842. .Igent "1HE Democratic Electors of Norlhtiinlcrland .L county, are requested to meet at the usunj pla ce of holding township meetings, oil Saturday, the 30lh day of July, hist., for the purpose of ilerling Delegate, b meet in county convention, en Mon day the first day of August next, at ihe Court House in Sunbury. The Contention will meet at 10 o'clock, A. M. It is hoped that every tow nship vvi.l be fully represented. Am Jordan, Gideon I.eisenririg, William Fagely, William Pnrsylhe, J. F. Weltinger, f-t'g Committer. Jul 10th 1M2. MEDICAL GAUD. ECCTCP. W. S. BPJSHT, 1 ESPKCTFELLY inform- his friends in Sun bury, Xorthumtierland and tieiniii's. that sf trr an alwenre of nearly th'ee years in Philadrl bia, (the fountain head of Mrdicnl Science in the I' nited Stales,) he has returned and located hims' If in Northumberland, for the purpose of practicing in all the branches of his profession. Having cm braced the many advantages of the public snd pri vate medical institutions in Philadelphia, ho feels prepared to enter upon the responsible duties of his profession, and would therefore solicit the patron age of a generoua public Northumberland, July lfdh, 1842. 4t LIST OP CAUSES, IOIl trial in the Court of Common Plea of Nor thumberland County, to he held at Sunbury, on the first Monday of Aucust next, Wing the 1st. Joseph Treao vs Martin A Slock Badger for Badger Elijah Orauford Com'lh for B Sayte Henry Friek Andrew Tutk vs Hugh Bellaa vs Jesse l'aiker vs John Friek vs Stephen Wilson vs John A Lloyd Jss. Bartlet for E I. Piper vs Henry Friek I hnmae M Hussel Yates iV Mclnty ro John F Dentler Wm Fry E Y Brieht 1 Henry H Burr William Morilr I.uther Basset B I. tirovernor et wife J C B N nurse George Shib y Com'th for E Gobin vs David Hurlman vs Edward Y Bright vs David Watson vs Wm A Lloyd vs J C B Nnurse va J no H Boyd vs O P Duncsn vs J no &. P Olierdorf vs Daniel Snyder &.C vs John l.lnyd vs Cioige Lone vs Hemy G.wsler et al Nancy Hunter's ad's et al vs Daniel I!. it ins Kotiert Miner vs Wm Hibler et al Wilson for Round now for H ousel Henry Eckbrct George Aimstrong ilium Dale Tnlsns Huber aV Co Samuel Gufl'y Martin Weaver Hollihen cV Easlon vs Wm H Pomp s IK' Clayton vs The S Coal Company vs ('barbs Craig et al vi KuHner eV l.szaius t Robert W Dunn v Dniel Bek vs John Miller Or-m'thofPafor A Jordan va Geo W Kiehl et al Same for Bowman vs Same Same for W Di-icn4 Govs Same Geoige McCoy vs liobeil MrKee Knse iV ('o vs 'J'homas Anhbiidite Coin'ra of North'd county va 1-a ic Wmdvertun Hubert Wiley & wife vs Gen Snydi r's adm'rs Jacob Kline vs 11 YemkV J Hsir SAML'EI. 1). J OH DAN, ProlhoinKarv's IXfiee, i Vroth'y Sunbury, J.dy'lO. I Take Notice. ""lTHEREAS a certain Henry W. Camp has no titled the pub'ic not to buy the celebrated Hathaway Hot Air Cooking Stove." Now tin is lor the inhumation ot nil concerned, that all who buy of us, 01 our ii-gulir unhoused Agents, shall be kept e'ear of all dunmpea, and that, should we have the pleasure of siting the regular author Camp's Cuulion, we shall be very likely to find out by what light he published the article. NATHAN MITCHELL & Co. I.ewisburg, July 0th 1W42 3t IN'ii.tumlii Tti)loi'' r.fctutc. JO'I'H E is hiietiy given, ihnt leinr. ol udmin Jj istr.uion have Iwen granted by the Register 1 I Nortliiinibi rbind county to the sulwriber, resi ding in Shimokin township, upon the csiale ot Benjamin 1'a)hir,dec'd, late of said township. All tsoiis having demands against said estate, are riquraicdlo present them, and those who are in debted to seltle their lesfeelive dues with the sub scriber, al the bens 1 of John Yoidy, Ekk, on the SOili day of August next. SAMUEL F1.RM AN, July HHh, 1812. fit AilminUtrulur. TrraMirrr" -o!iit'. MH E Veichants and T.ivemkeep 1a ol Nor biiin- bet bind county are beri by notified that tin ir licenses are ready fir distiil ution. and ih it bey can l ohtaincd al any lime at the Tie usurer's ollice, Kunhury. They are ieiiies'ed to come lorward and attend to them on or U fiie li e first of Aunu.l l ed, as it is the duly of I lie. 'J'leasuier to leloin al de-liuniL-ut tsveiu kee(.ei lo the court, before the Gruud Jury is dknuu.l. GEORGE WHISEK, July 2, I812.-3;. Tnuiwtr. DR. J. N. SUMNEll, SURGEON DENTIST, 1 E8PECTF1II.I.Y informs the public that he ' has made Northumberland hia permanent place of residrnee, and is ready to attend to any c.ills in the line of his profession. July , 184. ly. CKEDITORR TAKE NOTfCB, That we have applied to the Conrt of Common Picas of Nor thumberland County, for the lienefit of the lnw made for the relief of the insolvent debtoia; ami that the Judge of (he mid Court have appointed the first Monday of August next to hear us and our errditnrs at the Court House in Sunbury, when and where you may atlond if you think proper. hia JACOB MILHE1M, mark. JOHN SMITH, of Georgetown, HIU AM PIHCE, JOHN PAYNE. JACOB DE ET. SAMTE I. DEETZ. Julyjt. ABRAHAM H Ol. I.OPET E . to Tin: rr f IMC. WHEREAS Letters Patent were granted to Mr. H. W. CAir, in Oct her, 1831, for a new and useful improvement in the descending Fi.fr. t'ooKiva 9ioraat I have understood one HATH AWAY is tisint mv snid improvement under tho name of ''Hot Aia Stovks," which stove involves the principles secured to me. This is to caution sll perrons sgiinst milking, vending, or using said "Hot Air Stoves," as I sh.dl prosecute all who in any wny infringe my rights; and I hereby consti tute Josrua W. CnLf, Es. of Danville, my Isw ful Att-'tney.empoweiing him to bring suits suainat any person who shall Use inv improvements in any manner whatever. HEN HY W. CAMP. Owrgo, Tioga county, N. Y. ) Ju'y 2. 1812. 3m. J Kaiiiiii'i II. Jordan, FFEIJS himself to the Errctors of Norlhum berlnnd County, as a candidate for the olliccs ol PROTIWSOTAliY AKf) Cl.RRK OF TIIF SF.VF.ItAI. t'OVRTS of said county. He trutt, if elected, that his expe rience in the duties of said ollices will ena' le him to give generel satisfaction to the public. Siniliuiy, June 25, 1812. .lEajor Kavid A. liakc. 1 M'OKMS the public that he will be a candidate -- lor the ofl'ice of .S' II F. R 1 F F ol Noithumberlmid Couniy, at the ensuing rleclinn. He rerpectfullv sohcils the sulfrges of his fellow i i ri'ii, and hoi ld he be elected, he will endeavor to ill. charge the duties of said ollice with fidelity, and saiiKfarlion to ibe eoile. Shnmnkin. June 25ih. 1842. to ii 1 FTlxKcrTms orr ;nuTiTr m- BERI.ANI) COUNTY. fllHE subscriber rcsprctfullv inf rms ihe electors l of Nntthtinibeilnnd county, thnt he will lie a candidate at the ensuing election, for the offices of Rrgistrr, Rrcor tier ami Vlnk ofthr. Orphans' loiirf. He trusts, if elected, he will he ab!c to discharge the duties of said offices to the entire saiUfnction of ihe community. JAMES BEARD, June 25, 1842. HOTEL. Sltamokln, rtliuiiilcrlaii1 Co.. PEKNSTLTAtflA. rjHK auliM-riliers respeeifullv inlorm the public 1. that tty hsve tsken that lare ami rommmli- ou HOTEL, in Shsmokinlown, in the centre of the great Coal Kecion, lately kept by Jacob Kram wkeie they are now prepared to aeeonimodaie all who may f.vor Ihem with their custom. By strict atientinn to business, they hoie to teceive a liberal share oT public palronnpc. BATCH ELOR &. GOVE. Shamnkintown, June 18th, I W IS. "tailoring on kis own noon. 1 F.SpEt "I'FL'LLY informa his friends and the public generally, that he has commenced the Tailoring II n sin e s , in all ita blanches, in the house formerly occupied by m. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Blaeklierry street, nearly opposite the Pnsbylerian Church. He respectfully solicits a share of the public patron- age, and trusts by strict attention In business and reasonable charges, he will be enubku to give gen' end satisfaction. Sunhuiy, Jane 18th, 1842 ly FLCTTPs, B?..1T, fed. rM H E ul.srril r lespecifuily nifoiuii the public L that she keeps constantly on hand for sale, at the lowest cash prices, at the lower end of Fawn street, Sunbury, r I.Ol.K by the hundred, quarter, e.. Bit AN by the bushel, HEItKING by ihe doz en, t'onfeciionury, Ac. She iesiecifully solicits the patronage other fiteuds and the public ceneiallv 11 A KB A It A WE1SEU. Sunbury, June 11th, 1412. To Country MERCHANTS. rPHE ubsi-niier, Agent ol Lyon eV Harris, II -L M.1.1.I... I11C.H I... Vuiii '.,rli I'l.il ..L.li.l.l lliilliiiioie snd oiber large cities, w I uwr Hall are hiithly commended fir und fJ-il 11111 ditrtliltty, l, 1 I . . . 1 11 a . .1 a. uii iiunu a nr. 1 ruie si:iiiii"rii 01 iiaio si I A HIM. ......i.l.. t . . . 1.. . 1. ..1. ... in 1 . is. - S 1 5 2. 1? gs n I.:2rft k 5l.i 2 i-sfc ts k ? J. C f 3f O i .uiiiti-ir rur oiTiny ajivs, a 11.4 u win vinii veiy low, 1 01 cash or appioved credit, al the mtcd clutifi tturr, &. 40, Noitli Third sticrt, iijpjsi'e the City ll. tel, 1'luU.lelphia. ltt)Ul'.ltT D. W II.KINSON, Afent. N. II. Ouleis l.il J lata ,11 the ritui. pi'.illly attendej lo. The highesi u lit tutk or Ira Je given lor Put la'inj, PhiUdtlphia, June ll.UH.-ly TUB niltADELPIlIA, READING AM) POTTSVILIE RAIL ROAD. AN KXTIIA ACCOMMODATION LINR ll'7Z commruce running brlwrr.n I'liilailt tphla and I'vUtvillf! on the following ilays and limn : On sn Ar-rrw Monhat, Mr It. 1812. Leaving Pultsvillc, oil Mondays, Wednesdnya and Fridays, at 8 A. M. Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursday ana cMuuriiays, at 1 j r lloum nf pasxintr lirotling. Al. ror I'luiiiiieipiiia, al 10 J A. M For Poltsvillu, al b P. M Tri-werklv. K S, Between Pollville eV Phdada. Between Heading iV do. f:t..MI i f 2,r.n iV l.?5 Between do eV Pottsville, Excl'Hsiom Tick its nocm 1,1 k r.T nr. Between Pottsville AV Phil oh Iphia, Between Beading V do. Between do. &, Pottsville, 1,-10 ,V l.tltl Mf.TLMXiao f 5 (HI 3 OH 2 (K The other passenger trains will as It-fore, at the followinu tv nr. : I'liilmtdiiiii and l'i,l.-r.r. r rom riiiliiilelitu.i, at 5J A. M. From Pottsville, at 2 P. M. $ yours of paminii lirudinif. For Potisvilie. at !l A. M. ) Daily V... Il..l ..l..l..l.. ... Tl l , C I'SIIV. t . 1 1 1.1 l linil. I I'll 11., l, ,) 1 , .,1, All the trains will slop for way passengers al the usual points. (fj All pas.eiiRers nro reipiesied to procure their tickets before the trains start. Msy 21, I SI 2. tf. NEW GOODS. I'S'l iceeived, a fresh supply ol cheap Dry (roods, Groeiriis. Hardware, Ac. Superior Ladies' black kid Ol ives, Colore.) do., Lawns, Chintzes, MoiiFselin de laines, Vc. (Moths, (assimeres, Cashuieiets, Linen Drdlings. Muslins, vVc. Siiierior Pint Wine, Pure Sperm Oil, Srm Candles, ItaUins. A-e. June 4ih. 1M2. H. B M ASSEH. .I0I111 IMkcIv, 11 ESPECTEFLLY informs the Electors of Nor- tliinnbe bind comity, that he will lie a candi date for the ollice of CORO.F.R. He promises, if elected, to en it himself to render general satisfaction, which his experience in the du ties of suid ollice will limbic him lo do, haxtng held it for the Irrm of three years lo the entire sitist'jc tion of the public. Sntibiirv, June 4lh,lSI2. ALL persons imbbted to the firm of Lyon eV Hair!s, under the aijency of O. N. Thacher, Hit and Can Manufacturer; No. 40 North Third, street, Philadelphia, are requested to make immedi ate settlement of ihi ir accounts with the subscriber, (heir legally authorized agent, who is fully ciokiw. ried to settle and collect the accounts of said firm. ROBERT D. WILKINSON, June 4th, 1842. tf Agent. Felii Jlowrer 1T ESPECTFFLLY informs the Elector of Em., Noiihumbrrland county, that he will be a candidate for the otTicc of SHERIFF. He promises, if elected, lo discharge the duties of said min e wiih care ami lob lily, l'pper Miihotioy. May 28th, 1S42 to Tin: f.u'.ctors of onrm m- HFItLAM) COl.WTY. riHE subscriber resieetfully oilers hiin-elf as I candidate lor the nlliee of CO.MMlSSlONF.il, and oilers, should he be eleclcd, to eiert himself to render geneial satisfaction. WILLIAM M. GRAY. Sunbnry, May 2Slh 1H12. TO Till ELECTORS OF SORTIU M HER LA SI) COISTY. T IHE subscriber nlTcm himself to the electors of Ni-rlhiiiiilK-rl.ind county, as a candidate for the ollice of TROTIIONOTARY. Should he Iw favored with a majoiitv of votes, he will spate 110 eiertiolis to render eenersl s.iiis- faction. GliO. MARTIN. Sunbury, May 28th, 1812. U. S. Mail Coach rou im) it villi:. STICK TO TXXX UAH. COACH I riHE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Nnrlhum X berland cveiv morning at 4 o'clock, and arrives in Pottsville in lime for the cars lo Philadelphia, Faunas low as any other line. For seats, apply at Mrs. Wellington's Hotel, N Jithuiiibeilaud, or al Ccoriie Weit'Ael's, Sunbury. I A. E. KAPP & CO., North'd., May 2 1 , 1H42. Proprietors. fjj- Passengers coining from Philadelphia will p'eu-e secure iheir seals at the White Swan Hotel, l!:ice S Ih loie they leave (lie city. Pnsvrngcia coming in this line, have tin ir arats secured in any M ice or Packet boat from this pUei '1 hose ruiniitg in the oilier line may be left liehiud. CLTTDE c WILLIAMS' lllunk Itook ltni1a lory, Opposite Primi 's Halt I, IIAKlllSUClKi. fltHEY are pnpurid to manufacture blank woik 1 of every deM-iiplion, ruled lo any patieni. auch as Dockiis hoc. .ids. Dty Bmiks. I.eiliiii., As les sors' and Colk'ctors' Duplicates of the lines! quali ty ol 1 aier, in a style equal to any made in the ci ties of I'bilade plua or New Voik. All disciiplions of bmdinu neatly executed. Scrap Bonks, Albums ami Portfolios made to order. La Book-, Music and Periodic lis hound to any pattens. Old Hooks rvhuuiid, Also tiles of papers bout d. fXj" Work left at the ull'ce of the Sunbury Attic licau, will be iromptlv allcudtd to. May 2 1 si, 1K42. ly. (TO LI) E N SWAN A'o. (J'J AW7. Third, uhoie Areh Street, PHILADELPHIA. AX OVIMOD.Vl IIINH MH fcUKVlV fl KSSIM. CMIAKLES WEISS, Isieel the -W hne Swan," ' and .Mmiiit Vsmnii llnii-v 11 reiiiuM-ifulU- i.i. forms his friends and customers, I hut be lis-. In-come the proprietor of the abovs well known Hotel. Coumry Mvichaiils will I'm! the sIkiw lloiel a cential h estinn, and the best i f fsie. Persons tra veling with private conveyance vvdl liud a Isige yard and good stabling loi hoisrs, lu.d (he Uisl u( ustleis. Hoarding f 1 perdav. May 14 h, le42, tf, J. MA VL AND, JR. & CO. Nimll" utixl Tohacco IMnnuIacliirors, Ao. Ul) Arn-ffc Vt HtrornrrofRan ttnd Third Simla. I PHILADELPHIA. fTMlE uuderianed h ive formed n Co-partnership J tinder the firm or. I. MAVl.AND Jb. eV On., as siiecessors to the Inte firm of Jnrnli Afiiflond Co., still will e mitiure ihe IHT-thCfs Ht the old rsla- I blishnietit, on their own arefliiti'. In sdilitioti to ! Iheir own close nltentiou and rxperienee f.r niany years, in the maniibieiure tbeir cr fi brnted snnll'-, e e., the long expeiienee of ti e M'hi.ir pkilner of tbe I ite firm, w ill also l-e ilevou d 1,1 t,.. ii,-re-i i f ihe new eor.cem and :is no exntio'i and care wid I c spared to insure their uhinU, :ii all liini sof Ihe ve ry I! quality, Ibey solicit n cm lb. nance of tin conlidenee of the 1 1 ends and rii-t,.inrr. of the Lite firm. TIHiMA.s ADaMK, J. MAVl.AND, Jr. Philadelphia, Msv Hib. IHV.I U 1.! ... 77.7; SWF.RHtR TO A.XY OTII F. R A .' A R S I A R Y. "OOHN IIENHV LAND M Miming rented 9 the Lime Kilns ol llenrv Mnsser, in r'iinbiiiv, have now for side the Ih-s Lime in this p.irl of Ihe eniiiiiiy, and vi rontinuti to keep eonstiitilly 011 lianil Iresli I. line for rbisteiing. Building and for Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can lie had anywhere in the neiuhliothood. Msy 21. IH42. J. eV H. LANDAU. ''( 77: F. LECTORS OF A OR til l M- HER LA SI) COl STY. fllilE Subsciilier irspeetfiilly nirera himself as a candidate for Ihe ollice of l'llOTIIONOTARY. at the ensuing general election. Should he be so lortuniile to be elected, he will endeavor to give ce'ier d aii-factiuii lo all. av 21. JOHN F A It N s W O RT H . 0 ARTD." Ii n. JOll IT I, A. I. T. TltITl:i, ESPECTFl'LLY onnonnce to the citizens of Sunbury, and its vicinity, thnt they have tins day entered into copartnership in the Practice ol Medicine, in all tta various department, and hope by this arrancement, punctual attention to business, and moderate charges, to teceive a liberal share of public patronage. ClT l'r. J. PEAL tenders his grateful acknowl- edgenienta for the very liberul patronage heretofore received, and ti-eling cnnlnleiil that llie new ar ranceineul, (the firm of Peal cV Trites) will be conducive to the comfort ami wcllare of the iiul lie, he most respectfully solicits a continuance of their confidence. Sunbury, May 7th, 1 S 12. dm. EAGLE a er ctu "jar :n . Corner of Third and Vine. Stnels, WXIXXAMSPORT, PA. filHE subscrilier rcKiect fully announces to the .E. public, that he has opened a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on Ihr corner of I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait npon those who may favor him with their company. J he r.agle Hotel is large ami convent' ent, and furnished in Ihe best modern etjle. It is provided with a large numlicr of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private parlors, Ac Persnns visiting Y ilhamsport on bu tineas or pleasure, msv rest assured thai every ex ertion wdl be used to render their sojourn at Ihe Eagle Hotel" pleasant ami agreeable. His Table will lie supplied with the very best the market af fords, and his bar wiih Ihe choicest wines and other liquors charees retsonable. The Eaulc Hold nnssc wes greater advantages in point of location than any other similar establishment in ihel-oiough, being situate in the business part of the town, and w ithin a convenient disluiice of the Court Hou and Williaiuspnrl and Elmira Rail Road Depot. Sutlieieut Stabling provided, and good and trusly ostlers alwavs in attendance. Attentive, accoir.modntinu and hone-l Servants have leen employed, and nothing left midonethnl will udd to the comfoil and accommodalion of his guests. There will be a carriage always in attendance at the Boat Landing 10 convey passengers to and from the House, fiee of charge. CHARLES BORROWS. M.iv llih, 1812. Vl. HEIL1-1T &. CO., mm (.'omlllisilll l-'tirwiirilini Mt rcli.ttiis. Foot of W illow Sin 1 1 R.iil Road, o Tin: M.HWAMK, UAYING BSsoeiiitid v ih tin ill Joseph Barnel. late of Easlou. Pa,, n specllullv inform their friends and the public generally, llnit they have ta ki n lb 'I large and we1 1 kuoisn store and wharf at fait nf Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by Jacob Martin, where they puipose doing a General Commission and Forwaiding Business, and fiom the local advantages of ihe place being connected with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they Halter themselves they will 1st able to do business to as great, if not greater ad vantage, and u 1111 as reasonable terms as any other house, and they ussuie their friends that any con signment made to Ihem shall have their strict at tention, and no cxeition. spared to give eutiie satis faction. They arc also prepared lo receive and forward ' goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh i livers, between Mauch ( 'hunk, Fasten and Phila- lielpbias via Delaware Division and l.rlugh ( an ,l; also, lo anv point on the Juniata river, or North and Wot Blanches of the Su-qni hernia via Sebuyl. ki!l and Union, or tho Chesapeake and Tide W.ilei Canals. For the accommodation of Boats coming or go. iog via Schuylkill and t'nion Canals, a Steamboat will ha kepi ripressly for towing boats from the Svhuvrkil! uround to t'ue Del.iwaie and back, which will en .l ie ineiebaiils to have Iheii pioduce deli verer 1 on the Delaware, and their good si ipsd at a saving ol 5l) to 75 per cent. o the piiees fir i hauling scioss, with these ad anlagea they n I 1..11.. u .r;..:. . .1 . ..r A SOtllUllV SUIIIIV iiIC .'I 1'n'i' 111-.-. W.llEII.MANeVCO. William Heilman, William W. Keyset C. Joseph Bsrnel. 3 Philml . M .v 11, 1S12 y FKERS hiuiM-lf as a ci. Inluu- lor the ntlice of Rrgisttr llecorder,aud link of the Orphans Court, at the ensu'-ng general rkvlion. Shouhl Ihe prpr think him capable, no neglect on bipul stwll pis vent the duties of said ollices from being pet form ed at all times. May 14th, l42. TO TI IF: ELECTORS OF SORtill tf' HER LAS D COFSTY. 'P1IE subserilH-r scspectfully iulorms the electors s of Norlhuuibeiland county, that he will be a candidate at the ensuing elevti n, for the ollices of Rigistcr, Recorder and t.'irA of the Orphans' Court, Having had considerable eiperience in public bfe, he liuaa, if riveted, be will lable to dwhsrge the dut e. of said ollices to the entire saiisfietion of the community. FKELIEU1CK LAZAKl S. Msy Hih, l4. H. B. lASSEPs, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, BUITBURY, PA. Businesa attended to in the (bounties of Nor. thuivberland, Union. Lvcoming and Columbia. liefer lot 1 mo rsts Ha ht At Co., l.owrn V UAanotf , Hat, CuviMiwoa A: Hbt, y-PMad. Rkt itoltis, McKashjiii &. Co SrtH I Ml, 'ilMIII At t'o., To T 1 1 c K 1 .1 "rn p o ? ' . t irj'i u " ' p i : i ; - LAND t t ; , , V f 11!IE fnbseri'-i r;i'ii!.rl .. . r'.". ,. .-c-a lors of Ni 1 - hri'iibci luoil i 01,111 v . in. : . ill a aiiilirlale for the ollices of Rett inlt r, Rrrordt r and Clf K of thi ) ': ' ( ourl. al the ensuing geneml rb etinn. Shou-d h e leeted, he will exert hnns.lf1.-t tender c.-nri i' si ' faction, which his long exieriet.ee in toe ilot.i. t said ollii-es, will enable him to Ho. May 7. EDWARD OYsTKIl. 7'f TlflV ELECTORS 1)F SOUTH I Mil ER LAS J) ( -O I '.T Y. rjlllE siib-rrilH r Is ing prevailed on by l i- friends, I respectfully ir.forms the public ll. at 1 1 ill be a candidate for the office of COMMISSIONER, attire en-ning general ebi'tiou. He in anises, if elerled, to fulfill the vluJlies of sni.l olTiee, tlh c ue and fnlelitv. JOHN VOCNG. May ?fh, 1912. Xf"Zr3m: fcPs sale. 17 OR S.de, a Farm containing about W nen s, more er less, situate hi Shamokin town-bip, N-oithnmla'rland county, abotrt seven miles from Stinlurry, or. the main road leading fr m that pi ice to Petersburg and Sham. kieitovvn, aiVjoiiiina lands of Win. Farrow, Abraham Klase, Hanme4 min r and Wm. Martz, on which there is a good large Brick House, with a well of never failing water at the door, a large Barn in good repair, n good Or chard, and a good sent "for a mill or any kind nf water power. Nearly all Ihe land is cleared and in good cultivation, twenty -five acres of which is good meadow. The Danville and PollsvrPe Itail Road runs through said f rem. It will be sold as the pros perly of Wm. Waters, di-cAI. Any person wish ing to purchase can do well, as Ihe lirms are rea sonable. Possession and a good title can 'be given next Sprint;. For further particulars, persons are requested lo apply lo Ihe widow, who lives mi tl n premises, ir to Godfiev Waters or E. Grcenotigh, Esq. in Sunbury. i iDKREY WATERS, C. R. WATERS, Mav 7 tf. Kx'rsof Wm Woti r. rftr'J. SlimlTSIiad ! ! I THIRST RateSh:id and Herring, fa, ai d of tin.! flavor, inspected No. 1 in April, jusl termed, and for sale at the new store of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. May 7ih.J842. HOUSE, An. 237, Xorth Third. ahove Cullou hill St., lMULADKLl'lHA. rllH E subscribers takes pleasure in acquainting M. their friends and Iho public in general, that they have taken the large and commodious Hotel, recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same site once occupied Itythe old established Hotel known as the Bull's Head, in Third stieet above Callow hill st. This Hdtel is finished in the very best possible, manner, and of the best mslerinls. Its location is very desirable, particularly for country merchants ; the arrangements for healing and ventilating each room is such as te secure any temperature. Tim brdroomsnre all light and niry, all furnished in a neat sly'e, so as to insure comfort. The receiving -iiarrurs are also furnished in a su perb style, the windows are on the FrenA style, Uymieg an entrance 10 a balcony in front, whi. Ii makes a pleasant recess. Particular attmtion has been given lo the beds and Veddiug, which, willl the furniture, are eniinly new. From years'" experience in hotel business, we l-ust, by strict assiduity to business, to make this house a desirable stepping place. Our t idle will always l-e supplied nh li e very Inst our niaiket can afford, and our bar wi'h the best liquors and wines of ihe 10. -yi Hived hisnds. P. S. I lie 1 sr.- tirsi rste abling nd carr age hou-e- ntt 11 In 1 f Is tel. 11II1 imIi iI v ea el'jll and siii-er ho llers. .i;d 1 11- e'nirges wo' le low, ii iceiir.'ance with tt.e i iei 1 bid H' l.'H Dl'lvR. Phda.l.lphia. ApTH l':. I - I.'. lu SQ U IT HA NWA 110TKL, CATTAWISSA, COLCKriA CO, PESSSYLYA A I A. f jJT,HE subscrilM-r re-pectfullv inloim tin- publie thai he haa purchased, and now occupies the Large and Commodious ltrlk I . M ilHiTus orn StuiKl, W'ell known as the iroperty, late of Theodore Wills, and formerly kept l-y Samuel A. Bi'idy. He is now prepared lo accommodate all travellers and visiters who msy fsvor him wiih a call, and will use t-veiy effort in his power to render every convenience snd comfort lo his customers, while under his charge. His accommodation, are ample, and his iovkiis well furnished. Hia stables extcnj sive ami in good condition. Ilia Table and Bak will be supplied with tho I -est that the niaiket can sll'ord. By punctuality and attention, he feels confident that he will tneiit Ihe patronage of the public. CHARLES HARTMAN. Cattawissa, April (lib, 1812. ItOIIKKT C'4ltTi:U & .iO, PAPER MAITVrAOTVREBS. I.untkaret Mrrtl, Hull hom e, HAYE constantly for sale, Printing Paper nf all sizes and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, rubd and plain. Letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, line and common. Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and extra sired Wrapping Papers, Coloied Medium and Royal Psiera, Bonnet, Binders' and Snaw Box Boards, Tissue Psper, and all articles in iheir line, which ihey will sell 011 accnmiiiodaiing terms. Highest price given for old rage. ROBERT CARTER A SON, Man-hj 9. 1 $42 E kion. Md. ai rfa nz XX rs Sunbury, urlliuiiilM'i lunl C'oiml) , PENNSYLVANIA. TIlHE suliscrtber resH-ctlully inloruvs ihe public, .L thai he has removed lo thut large and coiiiin. -dious Brick House, on Market square, opsisile tb t'ourt House, (formerly kept by Hiram Puce.) where be is now prepared to accommodate all hu may favor him wiih a call, Being thankful ( past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business, to lefevve a liberal share of public patronage, tux, CHARLES D. WHAKTO.X. Sutibtiry, March Bib, 1644.