Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 16, 1842, Image 4
BANK NOTE LIST. FEAXS1X,YAMA. The following lit shows ihe current value of till tinsylvani DhuIi. Note. The mot implicit re. ire may he pi need upon it, as il is tvery ivtek ciuiiy compared Willi ai I correeteil iroin Ui.k. l'e Reporter, Hanks lu Philadelphia. Kami. Locatm. " Phh.ii). NOTES AT PAR. nk of North America , , tik of the Northern Liberties , mmercial Bsnk of Penn'a. . , rrrere' and Mechanice' Bank . nsington Bank . , ilatlelphia Bank . . huylkill Hank uthwark Dank . ratem Bank . Country Hanks. nk of Chester County Westchester par per par par par par par par par par par par par par par par nk of Delaware County nk of Ocrmantown nk of Montgomery Co. ylectown Bank iston Bank .rmers' Bank of Buck I co, fice of Dunk of Penn'a. lice do do Fire do do fice do do Chester Germantown Norristown Dojlestown KnstOB Bristol Ilarrisbiiig" These Lancaster I oflices leading f dn not Easton I issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT, uik of the United Stiitcs Philadelphia fi5a60 itik of Pcnn Township . . 1 2 J a 1 7 J rnril Bank , . , 40a4fl niiutiicturers' & Mechanics' Bunk . 15a 18 ebonies' Bank . Ia2 oyamt nsing Bunk . . 12al4 jiik of 1'ennsvlvania . . 7al0 inem' Bank of Poltaville Pottsville 6 auk ol Lewistnwn Lcwistown 1 Sa 17 auk of Middletown Middletown 6 ink of "Northumberland Northumberland 6 olumbia Bunk & Bridge CO. Columbia 4n5 nrhsle Bank Carlisle 6 Jtchange Bank Piltsbure 2 Do do branch of Hollidaysburg 3 armers' Bank of Lancustei Lancastci 4 ancatrr County Bunk Lsncnslcr 4 aimers' Bank of Reading Reading 6 urrisburg Bank Harrisburg 6a7 ancastcr Bunk Lancaster 3 cbanon Bunk Lebanon 6 Lsncnslcr Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Pittsbutg Williamsport Wiikesbarre A llentown lerchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 3 .auk of Piitsburg' Vest Branch Bank Vyoming Bunk Northampton Bank ierks County Bank )Hice of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do fensinglon Suv. Ins. A 'enn Township Sav. Ina. Jnhk of Chambersburg 3nhk of Gettysburg Bunk of Susquehanna Co. trie Bur.k "turners' cV Drovers' Bank Franklin Bank Houtsdale Bank Mii.nngnlipa Bank of B. k'ork Bank 60 10ul2 ltJaSO Hioiling Pittsburg Erie New Brighton ilo do Chambersburg Gettysburg Montrose Erie W'nyrrcshurg Washington Hortesdnle Brownsville 6 0 6 10 16 3 14 5 Yoik 6 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quolatiotis, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of rtfertnee. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuy Ikill Sav. Ins. da Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyott, .prop.) Towanda Bunk Towanda failed failed failed failed failed no sale closed closed failed closed no sale fuilcd failed failed no sale Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedtord Bunk ol Beaver Bank el Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City B;ink Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank FurmeiV & Mech'ca' Bank Farniet&; Mech't' Batik Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Batik Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northuinh'd Union Ool. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Munuf. Bank Siiver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkeabarre Biidge Co, Beaver Hnnishurg Washington Belli fonte Pltlshuig Pittsburg Fayette co. Grecncastle Jtan.."ny Huntingdon no sale I.en intowii no sale Warren Duiidt.fl New Hope Milton Meadille Port (Jurbon Carlisle M OIllll'SO I'niontown failed no sale closed no sale closed failed fulled closed f.uleJ Grcci.stiurg closed ilkesharre noasle fXj' All notes puiorting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above lict, may be act down as frauds. m:w JERSEY. Batik ol iew Biunswkk ' Brunswick Bi Ivideie Hank Belvidere Builington Co. Bank Medtoid Commercial Bank Perlh Ambny Cuinlnrljiid Baidi Bridgeion Farnittb' Bntik MoikiI Holly Faimtra'und Mechanics' Bk Ruhway Farmers' and Michanirs'Bk N. BiJnswitk failed 1 par S par par 1 failed 1 urmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pi. r Kinkiin Bunk of N. J. Hobiiken Bkgdc Lirazing Co Jnmy Citv Bank Meci. units' -Bank Mauufui tur r' Bunk lorris ( on 'ony Hunk Mi'iimouth Bk ut N. J. Mechunies' Balik Mechaiiics and Manuf. Bk Mi-rris (-'anal and BkgJo Putt Notes Jersey City failed Hubuken fulled Jersey City failed Patterson fulled Belleville failed Xlorristirwn 2 Freehold failed Newaik 1 Trenton par Jersey City no tale Niwaik Blsg & Ins Co Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co Lambertsville 1?20 N. J. Munulac. and Bkg Co Hoboken J J Prolettcn 6i Louilaid bk Jersey City tailed faded 2 failed 1 par jmr 1 Orange tsuiik" Orange Paterson Bunk I'atrrson Peoples Bank do Pnucelon Bunk Princeton tulem Bunking Co Salern ttate Bunk Newark btaie Bunk Llixubeihtown ale Bank Cuimhti Stale Bank of Morris Murrirtown State Bunk Tn nion Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bunk Dover Washington Banking Co, Hackensack DLX.iVI Am:. 1 pur 1 failed failed 3 par 3 failed par par (ar par par pur pir par pur 2 Bk of Wilm & Brand) wine. i mingtop Bark ol Deluwari Wilmington Bank of So )ina Smyrna, . Miltoid Dovi r Wilmington (ieoigi town Newcastle YV iluiinlon Do branch Farinu.' Bk of Stale i f Del' Do branch Do bianch Do brain h Union Bunk rr"i Under b' fXj' On all tanks ma-ked thua () there are Br other cuntrrfeit or altered uotee of Ike vmou d soninttionf, in circulation- The best method for the Abolition of Ditcate it to cleans. and purify the Body. WRIGHT'S IADIAX VEGKTAOLG PILLS or TMB Vrl h ttmertcmt Colttg of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in the World for the cure of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BECAUSE they completely cleanse the ato mat h and bowels from th. se billious and cor rupt humor which are the cauce not only of Headache, Giiltlini sa, Palpitstion of the Heart, Pa'ns in the Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but every malady incident to man. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are certain cure for in teimittent, lemitti d, nrrvoua, inflamalory and putrid Fevers, because they cletinae the pdy from those ninibid humors, which, when confined to the circu lution, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS. So, also, when the same impurity ia deposited on the inembiine and muscle, causing puirm, inflama lions and swellings called RHEUMATISM, GOl.T.&c. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may he relied on aa always ertuin to give rt lief, and if persevered with, arcoidlng to direction will most sssuiedly, and without fail, make a peifect cu e of the above painful n-aladiea. From three to fix of said Indian Vegclab'e Pills taken every riiifbl go ing to bed, will in a short time so completely rid the body from every thing that is opposed to health, that Rheumatism, Gout, and pain of every descrip tion, will be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. Fur the same reason, when, trom sudden changes of atmosphere, or any other cause, the per spiration is checked, antl the humors which should pa oft' by the akin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sick ness, pain in the bom a, watery and inflamed eyes, eore throat, hoarseue-a, coughs, coHsum lions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many otht-r symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright i Indian eattulle 1 Vi will invariably give irnmedi te relief. From thiee to six of said Pills taken every night on going to bed, will in a short time, not only remove nil the above unpleasant symptoms, but the body w,ll, in a short time, be restored to even sounder henl hthan before. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING.- Wright'e Indian Vceituble nllt will loos en and cany i ff, by the stomach and bnweia, thorc tough phligmy humor-, which snip up all the air cells of the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the above distressing Complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that mo edieadlul malady called CONSUMPTION. It shou'd be also remembered that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillt are a certain cute for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sickness, lo-s of appi tite, costivenr sa. a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, and every other symptom i t a torpid or diseased slate of the liver; lcaoe they puree from the body those impurities which if d. posited upon this important organ, are the cau-e of ecry variety of LIVER COM PLAIN I. Whin a nation is convulsed by not-, ouibreaks and ri bellion. the only means of prevent ing the dreadful Consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and evil disposed one from the country. In like manner, when .osin or sick ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug gling with mteri nl foes, the true remedv is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitora to health and life,) Health will be the certain retult. That the principle of curing disease, by cleansing and purifying the body, is stnclly in accordance with the laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly carried out by the Use of the above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will certainly result In ihc complete Abo. I tion of Disease ; we ofl'er the following testimoni als, from persont of the highest respectability in New Yoik, who have tccentiy been cuted of the n.ost obstinate complaints, solely by the use of Whioiit' iNniAS Vrcr.TAHLK Phls, of the North American CulUgc of Health . Jamaica, I. I., June 9th, 1P41. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It ia with great satisfaction I inform you of siy having been entirely cured ol Dyspepsia, of five years standing, by ihe use of your ImiIah Veostahlr Pills. Pn vious tn niee ing wiih your celebrated mull cine, I had In en under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried various medicines; but all t no effect. After using one 25 cent box of jour Pillr, however, I experienced so mucli her efit, that J ;esolved to perseveie in the use of them accoitlmg Indirections, fthich I am happy to state, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingrauljde to you for the great benefit I have received, and olo in In nope that others similarly sfllreted limy he induced to make trial of your exiraordiniry medicine, 1 rend you tins statement with full liberty tn publish the same, if you think proper. Yours, ice. New York, June 19, 1811. G.C. ULACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have been afflicted for several years wiih inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times w ith pains in the side and other distressing complaints. Aft. I having Ined various medicines wHioi.t i If. ci. 1 was persuaded by a friend tn make trial of Dr. Wiight'a Indian Vegetable Pills, which I am happy to state, have relieved me in a most wi.ndt rful manner. I have used the me dicine, as yet but a shoit tune, and have no doubt, by a perseverance in the use vf the medrci ie accor ding to direction, thel I shall in a short time be perfi cdv re-tored. I most willii gly recommend said pills to all per- 3 sons similarly i.lllictcd. ai d in ihe full belief that the a rme tm fieiul resuits will follow their use, I re main joura sincerely. HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwarsing, Ulster co. N. Y. Nw Yoiik. Srpt. 29, 1841. This is tn certify that I have used Wuight's Is in a ViaiTitK Pills with the greatest bene fit having Mi'irelv cured myself of the fnqnrnt at tacka of Sick Hesdaihe, to which I bud previously been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, 392 Greenwich stnei. N. Y. To Mr. Richard D. nrus, Agent for Wright's lu diun Vegetable Pills. f.irno.v. As there are l this lime many wicked persons busily engaged in selling a Counterfeit medicine un der the name of tire Indian Vegetable Pills and as these desperate nu n are so utterly rtckless of con srquenres, that many valuable I ves may be lost in consequence of using their dreadful compounds, the public are cautioned against purchasing any Pills, unless on the tides of the boxes the following wording is found : WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. (Indian Purgative.') 0F TH K ttOHTII AMEHICAN CO LL se K Of HEALTB. Arxl s;'tMo I eFpecislly careful against purcha sing siid meiiicine of any yersou -except Ihe regu lar adverl Ketl npens. AGENTS I OR NORTHUMBERLAND CO, I'ennsijhunia. II. B. Masser, Suul iiry I'syne cV Rose, Nor llii.ird.i jUih! Jai tili Haas, Sl srnokin Samui I Herb, Mahonov llverly & D. 11a. s, Aueusla lienor & Foiiriier, Miiton Ireland A Mr in II, McEvveosvi le 1 fei & Deaimond, Tmhul.villc Janus Vi i d. PolUgrou Kluee, Snvdirstnwu II. II. Ki uihrl, . M., EKbburg P. O. Win. Lei curing, P M. Union Constv. Ollice and General Depot for the sale of Wrrri'j Indian Vtgttable Ptllt, Wholesale ant) Retail, .No. 169 RACE STREET, PHILADEL PHIA. May 31, 1843. ly 1 HOSE OINTMENT, FOre TETTER. RtNOWOHUa, PIMPLBSJ ON THE 'ACE, AND OTUCK CUTANEOUS rRUPTIONS. (rj The fvllnxuing certfica'e describes one of Me must extraordinary cures tver ejfected by any application. PmtADTirntA, February 10, 1839. IOR twenty year I was aevcrely afllictid with TiTTin on the Face and Head: tho disease commenced when I wm seventeen year old, and continued until the Fall of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great pari of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended wiih violent Itch ing; my head swelled at time until it felt as if it Would burst ihe swelling was so great, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long that I was afflicted wi h the disease, I tiserl a great many a plications, (among them veral celebrated prep itatinns) as w, II as taking inward remedies, including n number of bottle of Swaim's Panacea. Extract of Sarsnprtrilla, Stc, In fact, it would lie impossible to enumerate oil the medicines I used. I was also tinder the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physician of this city, but without re reiving mi ch benefit, anil I despaired of ever being cured. In the full of 1 8'Jfi, the disease nt the time being very violent, I commenced using the A'or Ointment, (prepared by Vaughiin cV Davis.) In a few applications the violent itching erased, the swelling abated, the i ruption began to disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely cuied. It has now been nearly a yi ar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of the disease re maining, except the scarf from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for me to describe in a certificate the severity of the disease and my suffering, but I will be pic scd to give a fuller ac count t' any person wanting further satisfaction, who will call on me. At the lime I commenced using the Rose Ointment I would have given hun dreds of do'.lais to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to raveral persons, (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm,) who wi re all cured bv it. J AMES DURNELL, No. 15C, Race St. dj The Rose Ointment Is ptepared by E. B. Vauhan, Sou'h East corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on acency in Snnbu ry. bv H. B. MASSER, May 14th, 1812. Agent, Hose Ointment, for Tetter. A VROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. PuiladiLfiiia, May 27th, 1839. THIS is to certify that I was severely alllicted with Tetter in ihe hands and for upwards of forty years ; the disease was attended generally with violent itehing and swelling. I applied to a number of physicuns, and used a great many appli cator. s without itl'eciiug a cure. About ayrar since, I applied the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe ilehint;. and a few applications Imrnedi an ly cured the disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any lime for forty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, Eleventh, below Spruce Street, (fj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vauhan, SjuiIi East corner of Third and Race Streeta, Philadelphia, and aold on agency in Sunhu 11. B. MASSER, Mav 14th. 1942. Agent. MCDICAIi APPROBATION Of the ROSE OIXTMEXT, for Tetter. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation over all otln rs is fully es'abli.hed, the proprie tor take ph aure in laying before the public the following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Baugh, having found in this remedy thai relief for a tedious and disagreeable affection w hich the means w ithin the range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that profession aie opposed to secret Remedies. Puilaiielphia, Sept. 19, 18.1C. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, which covered nearly one side of my free, ami extended over the ear. Mr. Vuughan. proprie toi of the Rose Ointment, obseiving my face, insis ted on my trying hi preparation, of which he han ded me ajar. Although in common with ihc mem ber of my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ot ihe numerous nostrum palmed upon the public by iunot ant pn lender. 1 feel in jua ice bound to except the Rose Ointment from thai c'a-s of me d cines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire ly vured the eruption, although it had resisted the u'sU. I applications. DAN L BAUGH, M. D. fXj The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan. South Ft comer of Third and Race Street, Philadelphia, and auld on sgmcy in Sun li, D, MASSER, May 14th, 1842. Agmt. BOLTON & CO. General loiiiiiiistloii Men hauls, F nr the Sale of F our, Grain, Seed, c, Ac. RESPECTFULLY inform their friend and the Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvr a, with two Docks, noilh of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, tocether with the store No. 19 South Wharves, where they would be pleased to receive consign merits of Grain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, &c. eVc. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and I niuii.or by the Chesapeake anil Title Water Canals, aa tow boals are kept expressly foi the purpose of towing boats by ri her route. Merchants will pleae be particular to end their gninls destined by either canals, tn No. 19 South harves, between Market and C hesnut street, on Ihe Delaware, with direction accompanying ihem which mute ihey wish them to lie shipped. (Jj Plaster and Suit for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C'. Match 19, 1642. No. 19 South Wharvea. LIME! LIME! LIME! fill) subscribers are prepared to furnish farmers X and others with any qtiuntrty of Lime of a very superiot quality f"r land, or p'aistering, at the fol lowing very reduced prices, viz: 8 cts. per bushel for land Linn ; 1 0 els. for the best quality of plais terine Lime, at the kilns, below the borounh of Sun. l-ury. They will also deliver, al any place within the I'Ornugh of Sunbury, Lime for land, at 10 cents per bushel, and Lime for plaistertug at 12 J cents per nusnel. J he sunsrnr-ers have alwaya on hand, a large quantity of Lime. Ita quality is good, and their limestone ia not equalled by any in the neigh borhood. SEASHOLTZ A BERGSTRESSER. Augusta. April 2d, 1842. WEAVER'S HOTEL, Sunbury, ,Vvrlhumbrrlund County. I'fuiiNylvanla. rpHE subscriber, respectfully informs the public .1 lhat he fcss Temoved lo thut lurge and couimo diotra Tavern Siand, at fhe corner of Market and Fan eirectu, (sign of the Buck ) formerly occu pud by Jonaa Weaver, and lately by Dsniel (iris son, win re he is now prepared to accommodate all who Cray favor him with a vail. By strict atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, be hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbury, Match 15th, IM3. Counterfeiters' Death Blow. The public will pleaae observe that no Brandreth Pill are genuine, unless th box hi three la bel upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) each containing a facsimile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BaisrnntTH, M. D. These la bels aie engraved en steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in it purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the lop, the aide, and the bottom. The following respective person are duly auhori xed, and hold CERTIOATES OP AGENC7, For the sale of Brandreih's Vegttabt Universal Pills. Northumberland county Milton Mackey & Ch.imherlin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewena villc Ireland At Meixell. Northumheiland Win, Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midhngor 6c. Co. Union County i New Berlin John HofTman. Selirrgrove Eyer and Schuure. Middlehurg Isaac Smith. Beavertown J. & F. Bingaman. Adamsburg H. Sc A. Smilh. Mifllinahurg Swope Ac. Laird. Hsrtleton Daniel Lonir. Free burg G. ck F. C. Moycr. Centreville Stailey & Lenhart. Lcwisburg Wall tV Green, Columbia county t Danville E. B. Rcynotd iSc Co. Berwick Shuman Rittenhouse. Cat lawissa C. A. & C. G. Brobta. Blonrnsburg John R. Mover. JeiseyTuwn Levi Bisel. Wa shington Robt. MtCuy, Limestone D. L. Sch meek. Observe that each Agent ha an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BRANDKETH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the ntw labels now used upon the Brandreth 1'ill Boxes. Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Rth street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. January 1st, 1842. THE AMEHICAN MEDICAIi X.IBHAIIV IXTKLI.IGCXCER. A CONCENTRATED Record of Medical Sci ence anil Literature, by Roblev Dunglison, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, etc., in JelTeison Medical College of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adam Wuldie, No. 46 Carpen ter atreet, Philadelphia. Subscription price, $b a y- ar. Subtcriptiona for the above work received by the subscriber. H. B. MASSER, Dec. 11th. 1841. Agrrit. -5V. Ek. Htt. jS&JBL' FOR SALE. F OR sale a small Farm, containing about one ' hundred and ten acres, more or le-s, situate in Point township, Northuml erland countv, about two miles above Northumberland, on the main road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining lands of John Leghou, Jesse C. Horion and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acrea of said tract are cleared, and in good state of cu'tivation, on which there ia a email barn erectt d. The property w ill lie aold on n asonable teinis. For further particulars, peisons are request ed to apply to the subscriber. II. B. MASSER, Agent, Nov. 27lh. 1841. tf Sunbury. Pa. CEB.7SOLITE BCLXSH. A N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver, German silver, Brass, Copper, Brittania ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRY IT. Prepared and sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. W'M. FORSYTH, Agent for Northum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20lh, 1841. rETMl DEWEi'oS, LAST MAKER, No. 74 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia ( ihreeaoors above Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he offers for sale on the lowest terms. Country .Merchants are particularly to c ill and judge for themselves. Philadelphia, Novemjer 13, 1841. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2U North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will l refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speiro B tr c. n A till, 6000 do do Colorless Oil, do Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, 15,000 20.000 6000 15,000 do Summer do do do 5 do Common v hale Oil, 200 Barrels superior Straps Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 60 do Neata Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner'a Oil. G3"This Company has a number of Vessels' en gaged in the Coil Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting al all times Oil aa pure aa imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1841. ly. G. V-. & L. B. TAYLOR. OFFER FOR SALE, al the South Easi Cor ner of Fifth and Market Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-akin Boots, atitched warranted. do do do pegged 4a do do do wuler proof, double soles and double uppers. do Cull-skin do do do nailed and uppers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots. do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin. do do do Crockera do do Fine Monroes warranted do Kip do do do Culf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoe do do Fine do do do Kip do io do Calf anr) Seal Skin Pumps. do List Sock with and without cole. do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoes. Gentlemein. do t'ver shoes. Wiih every other desc -iption of boot and ahoea. Fur Cap of every description. Travel). ng Trunk' of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags, Patent Gum Lla.ncSho Blacking. Bonnt of all kind. Palm Leaf Hsta. Philtdelrbit.No eicber 19, lM! SAT & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Clicsnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia, TKT' EEP constantly on hand a general essort menl of Books and Stationary comprising 1 heologicai, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane oua and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writinj Pers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, whic h they of fer at the lowest prices to Country Merchant' Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all other that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Noiember 13, 1841. ly. Michael Weaver Ac Son, ROPE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 13 North Water Street. I'utudepiia. VYAVE constantly on hand, a general assort K B ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, cVc, viz : I ar d Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropea, Manil la Ropea, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Siino Twine, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twire, fthoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of w hich they will dispose of on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novpmlier 1.1, 1041. ly. Jacob rrlsimitli & Son. T) ESPECTFULLY informs their frienda and -' acquaintances ge rerally that they still con tinue lo keep at the old ttund, No. 246 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kind of TOBACCO SNirF ANP SEGARS. Which Ihey will nell the mm accommodating and reasonable terms. N. B. All eoods sold will be guaunteed and all orders prompt!) attended to. Philadelphia, November 13,1841 .-ly. BE T ERClt OiTO R Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 6G North "d street, a few doors above .irch, Philadelphia. A I'SO Trunks, Carpet Bag and Valices.of ev ery description, all of which he offer for sale on the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841.- -ty. J . W . h W A 1 IN , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Nooth Thud ttreet, ttvo doors leluw the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to examine hi assortment btfnre purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, November 11, IR41. ly. T. At A. KOVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, No 1C4 North Third street, third door bcluiv Vine street, Philadelphia. "T7HERE they constantly keep on hand a large aasortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on ihe most rei sonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. THEOPJLUtS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &lc. No. 5 South Third street, four duirs below Market Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Potent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will he supplied al all times on the most reasonable terms. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his assortment before purcbasine elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. REYNOLDS, aMcFAI.i.ANI)XcO Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. No. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at all times with an extensive assort ment of the best and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. lv. LOWER vSTbaTiUON," Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No, 174 Noiitb Thihp Stuht, pHrt.Aiin.rH.iA "IT THE RE their friends and tustomers will al way i " find a large and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. ESI1ERICK, IIANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. lUC 1-2 Market Street, Phila. ( Behiw Fifth Smith tide ) A LWAYS keep on hand a full and general as JUL sortmcnl of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully request ad tt give them a call and examine for ibem-elves, Philadelphia. Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. SPERING, GOOD & CO. No. 135 Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment ol Britirh French and American Dry Good, w hich they offer for sale on the most reasonable ti rms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. IMcCALLA & HERSE. No 51, Aortli Sccoud Mrt-et, (coRHta or cooMa'a mir.) Wbete they constantly keep on hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIJMERES, VESTING S, And a great variety of articles if a tuperinr quality, which they otTer to dispose of upou the moat reasonable It rms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find it to lluii advantage lo call and examine thiir slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1841. ly SIlrSClT & FRT. II1 ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sun ' bury and vicinitv. lhat tbev huv ilnn th Shop Islt ly occupied by Wro. Durst, where they will carry on the TAixonmo BUSINESS, in all ita various branches. By strict altintion and reasnnsbla chuiges, they expect lo oieril a ahare of public patronage. Sunbury, Sept. Ith, 1841. J CHIT 3 ft, CTJleClIlTGS. WBOLISAUI BHOE, BONNET, Cap end Palm Leaf Hat blors. No. 10 Roctb 4tb Stt. PHILADELPHIA, TTTHERE an eiuuiv assortment of th above article an eoiiataatly kept em band, foe sale at th most reasonable term. May 23, 18U. ly. ra.TritTiwm AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Cnlioha. Atlhmn.Tnflnnn. 'l f'.,l. Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending lo consumption; composed of the concen trated virtue of Hon hound, Bonnet, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wusww, Rochester, New York. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viilueaof the Herbs from which the Ba learn of Horehound ia made, are too generally known to re quire recomnsr-nt'oiiiin ; it is tbeiefore only necessa ry to ob-erve that this Meiiicine contain the whole of their Mrdic.nnl properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Use, fuf ihe eotn plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammatinn and nre ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en aiding the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and Rive strength to the tender lungs, and thua produce a peedy antl lasting cure. IsoiiATiTi nr: is this chime is Man. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (nt the ripense of troth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we wilheg to temain silent, after having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our renders will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOL'.ND, and so sudden was the cure, lhat we forgot we ever had a celd. Those who are afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Lcuisto') Telegraph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. Also, by Druggista generally throughout the country. Qp Price, 60 cents per bottle. August 14th, 1841. ly. LIST OF BOOKS, run SALE BT 232. 133. fg5-BRrr m A NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; Ainsworth'a do ; Cobb's do.; English and German do.; Anthnn'B Ca'sar; Anthem's Grammer; Anthen's t'icero; Mair's Latin Render; Ogilby'ado.; Andrew's Latin Lessons;'s Lexicon; Fisk'a (ire, k Exercises; Davies's Legender; Graeea Mniorn; Adnrns'a Roman Antiquities; Pinnock'a Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Lv ell's Elements of Geolngv; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botanv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetoricul Rea ders; Emir son's Geography and History; Olney'a tin.; 1 urti v s do.; cvmilh s lirammer; Kirkhnm s do.: Kay's Readers; Gobi's do.; Cobb's A ritl.meiick; l ike s do.; Linersoii s do.; Cobb s Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; t amily do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter' S. dot's Rest; American Revolution; Marry att's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Hud; Catechism of American Laws; I.eiterson Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; Lnglish Exercises ad.rpted to Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Book; American Clnss Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter' Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, &.C. August 28, 1841. Or. Hunt un's i:prrfnrnnt lleiiic ly lor Consumption, COI.PS, Coughs, S(itt ng of Blood, Bronchetis, 1 D lliculty of Breathing. Asthma, Pain in the Side, Breast, and Chist. hooping Cough, Croup, at rl all di-ea-rs of the Liver and Lungs. W ea enll alike In.ble lo disease and death i the certain bit of all that live and have a being ; and although ihe lutter cannot be averted, still the for mer may, by the power of meiiicine, be removed, or rendered less p-tinful to the afflicted. There is one disease, however, which seems for ages lo have de fied the power of the healing art ihe learned fa culty huve in .in bt'empted lo arrest its fatal pro lire s, by the appliea'ion of remr dies within their rcarh, or known in their practice but Conscmp il oi has defied their united skill. It has atalked forth with impunity, gathering in ita cheerless em brace a fr.i ml from every circle, and a member from every family, and casting gloom and darknes o'er the place of its visitation, lie then, whose la bors have brought forth a medicine winch in many cases w ill arrest the progress of this firlnl tli ease and which will also uff.ird relit f in the mo-t stub lorn ami hopeless, shuuld be regarded in the I ght of a public benef.iclcr. It is confidentially tulit ved lh,it Duncan' expectorant remedy will d this. Hence il is presented and recommended to the com munity. This medicine immediately palliates and iclieves the distressing cough, causing a free and easy expectoration; slopping the hectrc fever and night sweats, healing the ulcerated lungs, sod ar reting the fnlal progress of Consumption, at the came time, strengthening the weak and debilitated. regulating the howi Is, and producing quiet test and sweet repose. This -HE.MEDY" cn be relied upon, to do all thst lays in the power of medical aid, being used in tire private practice of the la'e Dr. Duncan, (Piofess. r in ihe Univeisity of Edrtiburg,) for upwards ol eighteen ve rs, by which, thousands huve been restored to peifcci health. Il is nt un derstood that ihe "Eipictubajit Remept" will cine all cast a of Consumption ; this will m l do. But while there is life there is hope; we would therefore advise all to use this medicine. When' the case is incur l ie, it still proves a blessing to the sulTirer; by giving ea-e and strength, relieving the couuh, and choakmg of phlegm, Ac. This alone is a consolation tJ (he patient, which thousands do nol experience. CT- REMEMBER ONLY PHILADELPHIA OFFICE is at No. 19 NORTH EIGHTH HENRY YOXTHEIMER. July 9. 1842. Jgent. The Public ARE directed lo Dr. Herbert's Celebrated Medi cines, which are recommended by thousands as a preventive and cure lot disease of the stnmach and The A pern nt German Pill are a direct purifier of ihe blood, and ceit iiutotc move bi'e from the stomach, which is the great cause of Bilious and other distressing maladies, re. gulate the bowels, cVc. The Strengthening 'I onic Pill, give lone and vigor to ihe organs of digestion, restore Ihe lost appetite, quiel ihe nerves of the de ! ill1 atrd, and rorluce sweet repose to the restless. The ab .ve medicine are fust superseding the dras tic mineral prepa'arions which some phvs cians have heretofore been in the practice, of adminisiering lo their patients. Since the introduction of Dr. Har licli'. preparations into the United Statea, many have al and ned such vile deletemua drugs, and commenced administering ihe elov medicine whenever lb symptom indicate their use. N- B. Physic n and others, who order the above medicines, will pleas direct their orders in fu ture to lb Principal office, N. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, (instead of ordering through other house,) which will suture them to obtain th mrdicina which tfcey eirett o receive. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. July J, l.t. Agt'it.