UAAK KUT1 1 ST. l'EXXSlaVTAXIl. The following list shows (lie current value of all 'cnnsylvania Dank Notes. The most implicit re snce mny be placed upon it, a it is every week an fully compared with aid corrected from Dick til's Krporter. Itanks in l'lillaiciiiiin Nam Location. Disc, in Philad. NOTES AT PAR. lank of North America . . lank of the Northern Liberties . 'ommercial Bank of Prim's. . , 'turners' and Mechanic' Dank , Kensington Dank . . 'hiladelphia Unnk . , Vhuvlkill Dank . . , touthwark Dank , . Vcstern Dank . . , Country RnnKn. lank of Chester County Westchester par par par par pur par par par par par par p-ir pir pnr pur pur funk of Delaware County lank of Gcrmantown tank of Montgomery Co. tylestown Dank astou Dank ''nrrncrs' Bunk of Bucks co. )lii c of Bank of Pciin'a. Itiico do do Mice do do llice do do Chester Gcrmantown Norristown Do) It stow n Easton Bristol Harrisburg-l Those Lancaster I oflicrs Reading f Jo not Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCO UN T. 5it:k of the United Platen Philadelphia fiSuRU 12Jal7 40a4.r) lank of Penn Township nard l'ank . . dniiulncturers'ife Mechanics' Dank Mechanics' Dank . ttoyamensing Dunk clank of Pennsylvania . Ih'J 12al4 7al0 Miners' Dank of Pottsville ilink of Lewistown Hank of Middlctown K;ink of Northumberland '.'olumbia Bank & Dridge co. Carlisle Dank Exchange Dank Do do branch of Formers' Dunk of Lancastei Luucaster County Dunk Farmers' Bunk of Heading Hnrrishurg Bank Lancaster Dank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Dank Hank of Pittsburg West Branch Bank Wyoming Dank Northampton Bank Deiks County Bank OlIke of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Dunk of Chanihershurg li.ihk of Gettysburg I!. ink of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Fianklin Bank ilonesdule Dink Monongahela Dank of B. V'ork Bank Pottsvillo 8 Lewistown 25a30 Middletown 6a7 Northumberland 5ii7 Columbia 4aS Carlisle ?o8 Pittsburgh 2 Hnlliduysburg 3 Lancastei 6 Lancaster 4a5 Beading 6 llarrisburg 6 Lancaster 4 Lebanon 7 Pittsburg 3 Pittsburg 3 Williamsport CO Wilkesbarre 12a 15 Allentown ISaSO Reading Pittsburg Erie New Brighton do do Chambersburg 9 Gettysburg 0 Montrose 8 Erie I0a20 W'syneshurg 1ft Washington 4 Honesdale 2 Drownsville C York 8 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those w hich have a Inter of reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuvlkill Suv. Ins. Philadelphia do do failed failed failed failed tailed no sale closed chcd failed closed no sale failed failed f.ilrd HO sale Manual Labor Dank (T. W Dyott, prop.) 'J'owanda Dank '1'owanda Alleghany Dank of Pa. Bank of Deaver Bank of Swatara Bank of Washington Centie Bank City Dank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fanners' &. Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Dank lumbermen's Bank Northern Dank uf Pa. New Hope Del. Dri.lge Co. Nnilhumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office ol Schuylkill Bank Pa. Manuf. Dank Silver Lake Bank I ninn Bank of Pcnn'a. Bedford Deuver llarrisburg Washington Belli futile Pittsburg Pittsburg Fayette co. (ircencastle Harmony Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no sale Warren failed Dunduir no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Mcadvillo clusid Poit Carbon failed Carlisle failed Montrose closed I'nionlown failed Greenshurg closed Wilkesbarre liosulo Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co, Qj- All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the aliove list, may be set down as frauds. Ai:W JERSEY. Bank nf New Diunswick ' Brunswick Belvideie Batik llelvitlere Builiiiginn Cm. Bank Medlord Cnmiucicial Dank 1'erih Amboy Cumberland Bank Bridgetoii Fanners' Bank Mount Holly Faiiiu rs' and Mechanics' Dk Kahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Dk N. Biunswitk failed 1 par O par par 1 failed Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown I't. Franklin Dank oS N.J. Jersey City filled failed tailed failed failed failed 1 jar no suit 1 Hohokrii BkgeV Grazing t o lloboken Jersey City Dank Jersey City Mechanics' Dank I'ullerson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bank Morristown Monmouth Dk of N.J. Freehold MtchatiliV Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris CansI and Bkg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamhertsville N. J. MaiiutaC. and Bkg Co lloboken failed laded V. failed I rar N J Protccton &. Lombard bk Jersey City 'range Bank Orange 1'atcrsoii Baiik Palerson Peoples' Dank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Salmi Suie Bank Newark State Bunk Eluabelhtown State Bank Camden State Dank of Morris Morristown State Bunk Trenton Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem Subc Bank N ew ion pur 1 I " ' f;"k"' f",lMl Trenton Bunking Co Trent, n p ii , I'nioii Dank Dover J I V srbii j;. on Banking Co. Hackensack fidull ii:i.avaiii:. 1 n;. tf Willi & Brand) wine.' Wiinington pu, ll.ii k ol LMsw art Wilmington p'i llui.k id s.i.yrna Smyrna par j Do I ranch Millord par . Funni r Bk of State of Del Dovel par Do branch Wilmington p.r Do branch Gcoigttowu pr Do branch Newcastle par Union Bunk W ilmington par j' Under 5's 8 (D Uu all banks tnaiked thus ') there are ei other cunterfeit or altered notes of lie various de noioinations, in circulation. The best method for the Abolition of Disease is to cleanse and purify the llody. YVRlfaiT'S IIIAIV YEUETA11LE PILLS or i ns VWA .frneWcfin Collfft of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best Medicine in the World for the cure of F.VKRV VAKIKTY OF DISEASE. BECAUSE lhy completely clesnse the sto mach ind bowels from th e billiou and cor rupt humors which are the caue not only of Headache, Giddiness, Palpitstion of the Heirt, Pa:ns in the Bones, Rheumatism and Gout, but every malady incident In man. SAID INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a crrain cure for in- tcimitient, temiitcd, nervous, inllamatmy and putrid Fevers, because they cleanse the p.tdy from those moibid humors, which, when confined to the circu lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS. So, algu, when the snino impurity is deposited on the membmne and muscle, causing pxins, infiltra tions and awellings called RHEUMATISM, CiOl T, &e. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as always lertain to give relief, and if persevered with, according to directions will most assuredly, ami without fail, make a perfect cute of the above painful n.aladiea. From three to six of sold Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night go. ing to bed, will in a short time so completely rid the body from every tiling that i opposed to health, that Kheiimutim, Gout, and p dn of every descrip tion, will be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO DY. For the Siime reason, when, from sudden changes of attnophere, or any other CHUse, (he per Fpiiation is checked, and the humors which should pat off by the skin are thrown inwardly, causing HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sick ness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarsenefS, coughs, consumptions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many otlnr symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Yrgetulile Villa will invariably give iminedi .te relief. From thtee to six of soid Pills tukrn every night on going to bed, will in a short time, not only remove all the above unpleasant symptoms, but the body will, in a short time, be restored to even sounder benl h than In'fore. ASTHMA, on DIFFICULTY OF BREATH ING. Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills will loos en und cany oil", by the stomach and bnweis, those tough phh gmy humor, which stop up all the air colls of the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the above distressing complaint, but when neglected, often terminates in that mo;cdieadful malady called CONSUM PTION. It shou'd be also remembered that MWjf'i Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppres-ion, nau sea, and sickness, lors of appetite, coslivenrsa, a yellow tinge of ihe kin and eyes, and every oilier symptom of a torpid or diseased slate of the liver; because they puree from the body those impurilies which if deposited upon this important organ, are the cnti-e of every variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. When a tiBtinn is convulsed by riot, outbreaks and rebellion, lite only means of prevent ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all traitors, and evil dtsposid ones from the coun'ry. In like manner, w bin pain or sick ness of sny kind, indicate that the body is srrug clinc with inten si toes, ihe true remedy is to EX PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Traitors to heahh and life.) Health will be the tertain remit. That the piiueipliM'f curing di-eate. by cleansing and purifying the liody, is strictly in accordance with lie laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly cariied nut bv the u-e of Ihe above named WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceitainly result in the complete Abo lition of Disease ; we offer the following testimoni als, from persons of the highest respectability in New York, who have lecentiy been cuted of the most obstinate complaints, solely by the use of WniuiiT's In in an Ykuf.tarlk Pills, of the Surth American Cullege of Health . Jamaica, I.. I., June 9th. 184 1. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great satisfaction I inform you of my having lieen entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of five years standing, by ihe use of your 1. mh s Ylgstahlk Pills. Previous to mee'ing with your celebrated midi cine, I had been under the hands of several Physi cians, and had tried various medicines; but all to no effect. Alter using one 25 cent box of jour Pills, however, I experienced so ninth benefit, that I lesolvidto perseveie in the use nf them accoiding lo directions, which I am happy to stale, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude lo you for the great benifil I have, received, and uUo in the hope that others similarly afflicted may be induced lo make ttial of your extramdiniry medicine, I send you this staiemint with lull libeity to publish the same, ll you think pr. per. lours. Vc. New Yoik, June 19, 1611. G. C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir 1 have been afflictfd for several years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied at times with pains in Ihe side and other distressing complaints. Aft. I having tried various nif diiines wi'hout effi ct, I was persuaded by afiiend to muke trial of Dr. Y light's Indian Vegetable Pill, which I am happy to state, have relieved me in a moat wonderful manner. I have used the me dicine, as yet but a short tune, and have no doubt, bv a perseverance in ihe use of the medicine accor ding lo directions. tht I shall in a short time be perfectly restored. I most willingly rccommrnd said Pills to all per 3 sons similarly ntllicted, and in the full belief that I the same lnefieial results w ill follow tin ir use, I re main yours sincerely, HENRY A. FOOTE. Waiwaisuig, l ister co. N, Y. Nw York, Sept. 29. 1841. This is to certify that I have used Wmicut's Jmhan YnitTAHLi Pills with the greatest liene tit ; havint! entirely cured my-elf of the frequent at tacks of Sick Headache, to w hit h I had previously been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, ' 3112 Greenwich street. N. Y. To Mr. Richuid Dermis, Agent for Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills. r. v ti .v. As there are at this time many wicked persons i busily engaged in selling a Counterfeit medicine un der ihe inttnc of the Indian Vegetable Pills and as these desperate mm are So utterly reikless of con- si ouences, Itial many vaiuat ie lives may ne msi in ' i coiim ipaence of using their dreadful compounds, ihe puldic are cautioneil against any ; I'iil.', unless on t!ie tides of the boxes the following I wording is found : i WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE TILLS. I ( Indian Purgative.) OF THK AHtHICAK IOIIH.C OP .c Knur, I .MfcUir.lT ffllllftr II W HI A ITU. And s!se lo be especially rateful against pureba ;in K.nd me.licuie of any person except the regu- I .r aiivrrtised nirerns. A'.VMS PUI! SORTIIUMBVRLASD CO., Pennsylvania. II. B. Mustr, Sunt ury I'avneA Rose, Nor- tl.uinlii il ,n.l J.o-oli Haas, Slismokili Ssuiui I II. rh, M.ihonnv Bverly e. D. Hsas, Augusts lli'itor & Polluter, Milton delimit A. Meiull, Mi 'bwensvrle P fr & Diaunond, riiibiitsvillr Jiiiiis lunl, f ollsgmvt H. Klase, hi. il, r-'ow n II. H. Kniib.1, P. M.. EUkburg P. O. W m. Lri enring, P M. I'mon I'orm-t, Ollice and General Depot for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale sod Retail, No. 169 RACE STREET. PHILADEL PHIA. Msy 91, JM1. ly ROSE OINTMENT, roil TETTER. RINGWORMS, rtMPL-KS ON THK Af:E, AND OTHER CUTANEOUS ERlTTtONS). fXj The following certificate describes one. of the most extraordinary cures ever effected by any application. PiilLAiiii.rHlA, February 10, 1838. If Oft twenty years I was severely afflicted with Tkttkh on the Face and Head: the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and continued until the Fsll of 1836, varying in vio lence, but without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great pari of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch, trig ; my head swelled til times until it felt as if it would burst the swelling was so giest, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long periiid that I was afflicted with the disease, I useil a great many a plications, (among them several celebrated preparations) as Wi II as taking inward remedies, including a number of buttles of Swaim's Panacea, P.xtract of Sarsapnrilla, cc. In fact, it would be impossible to enumerate all the medicines I used. I was also under the care of two of the most dis tinguished physicians of this city, but without re ceiving much benefit, and I despaired of ever being cored. In the fall of 133(1, the disea-e at the time being vpry violent, 1 commenced using the lusc Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan ct Davis.) In a few applications Ihe violent itching ceased, Ihe swelling abnied, the i ruction began In disappear, and before I had used ajar the disease was entirely cuted. It has now been nearly a yiar and a half since, and there is not a vestige of Ihe disease re maining, except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is impossible for mu to descril-e in a cf rlit'icate the severity of the disease and my sutl'i ting, but I w ill be pic ised to give a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will c.dl on me. At the lime I commenced using the R.'se Ointment I would have given hun iheds of dollars to be rid of the disease. Since u sing it, I have recommended it to several persons, (among ihem my mother, who had the disease bad ly on her arm.1 mho wi re ail cured by it. JAMES D URN EL I., No. 15G, RsceSt. The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaughan, South Eosl corner of Third and Race strei Is, Philadelphia, and sold on acencv in Sunbu ry, by H. B. MASSE It, May 14th, 1912. Agent, ICoso Oiiiiiiiciit, lor Tclitr. A PROOF OF ITS EFFICACY. Piui.nLPHiA, May 27lh, 183. THIS is to certify that I was severely afflicted with Tetter in the hands and feet for upwords of forty years ; the disease wns attended generally with violent itching and swelling. I applied to t number of physicians, and used s great ninny appli cations without effecting a cure. About ayitir since, I appbed the Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching, and a few applications immedi ately cured ihe disease, which there has been no return of, although I had never been rid of it at any lime for lorty years. RICHARD SAVAGE, 'Eleventh, below Spruce Street. gj- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. D. Vauuhnn, Squill East corner of Third and Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on ajencv in Sunbu rv bv IE D. MASSElf, ry- I'V Msv Hth 1842. Agent. MEDICAL APrKOBATION Of the ROSF OI.TMF..T,for Tiller. ALTHOUGH the superiority of the preparation over all others is fully established, the proprie tors lake pleasure in laying before the public the following certificate from a re-peclable physician, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. B nigh, having found in this temedy that reliel for a tedious and di-agr cable affection which the means within Ihe range of bis profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give il his approbation, although ihe prejudices and interests of that profession uie opposed to secret Remedies. Philaiillpuia, Sept. 19, 183G. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic eruption, w hich covered nearly one sble of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vaughan, proprie toi uf the Rose Ointment, obseiving inv face, nisi, ted on my trying bis preparation, uf which he han ded ine a jar. Although in common with the mem bers of inv profession, I discountenance and disai prove ol ilie numerous nostrum palmed upon the public by isnonnl pri tenders, I feel in justice bound to except the Rose Ointment from that cla-s of me dicines, and to give it my approbation, as it entire ly cured the eruption, although it h id resisted ihe usual 1inihcati..ns. DANE. RAI CH, M. D. (j -j- The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. D. Vaughan, South Easl corner ol Third and Race Streets. Pliiludelnhia. and sold on agmcv in Sun- burv, by II. D. MASTER, May 14 th, 18-12. ' Af'i'l BOLTON 8c CO. C.f?nci al l'oiiiiiiiioii .11 Tt hauls, For the Sale of Flour, Crain, Hetd, Ae-, 'Sc. mum. UESPECTFI LLY inform their friends and . ihe Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvrs, w ith two Docks, north of Chesnitt street, on the Delaware, together with the store No. I'J South Wharves, where thetr would be pleased lo receive consign ments of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, &c. A c. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by the Chesapeake and Tule Water Canals, as tow boats sre kept expressly foi the purpose uf towing busts by ri'her route. Merchants will ple.ise lie particular to send their goods destined by either canals, to No. 19 South Wharves, between Market and Chesnul streets, on the Delaware, with directions accompanying them which route they wish tbem lo be ship-ied. frt Plaster and Sail for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON Sf Cl. March 10, 1842. No. I'J South Wharves. LIXVIE. LIME! LUKE! fit HE subscribers are prepared to furnish farmers X and others with any quantity of Lime of a very superior quality for land, oi postering, at the fid- lowing very reduced prices, viz: 8 rts. per busliel for I and Lime; 10 rts, for the best quality of plais- ti ring Lime, at the kilns, below the borough of Sun bury. They will also deliver, al any place w ilhin the borough of Sunbury, Lime for laud, al 10 cents per bushel, and Lime for plnistertng al 12 J cents per bushel. The subscribers h ive always on hand, a large quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, and their limestone is not equalled by any in the neigh borhood. SEASHOLTZ ti BERGSTRESSER. Augusta, April Sd, 1842. WEAVER'S HOTEL Sunbury, JS'arthvmberlund Count if lVllllfcjlVUIliu. FIM1E subscriber, rtfieclfully informs the public I thst he has removed lo that large und cornmn. dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fswnsirnts, (sign of the Buck ) foinieily orru pud by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel Gib son, win re he is now prepared to accommodate a who may favor him with a call, lly strict atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render seiitfsclioii to all, he hopes to receive a liberal share uf public patronage. CMAKLEB WfcAVfcK. Bijnbury, Match 13lh, 1643. Counterfeiters' Ientli Illoir. The public will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the aide and the bottom) each containing a fic-ainiile signature of my hand writing, thus 11. BninniisTM, M. D. These la bels ate engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over $2,000. Therefore it will be seen that ihe only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhori scd, and hold CBRTICATES OX AGENC7, For the sale of Drandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills. Northumberland county : Milton M.ickey & Chambeilin. Sunbury H. 11. Masser. M'Ewrns ville Ireland &, Meixell. Northumleiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midhnger At Co. Union County: New Berlin John Hoffman. Selinsgrove Eyer and Schnure. Miihlleburg Isaac Smith. Beavertown J. & F. Dingaman. Ad.imsburg H. & A. Smith. Mifilinshurg Swope it Laird. Hattlelon Daniel Long. Free burg G. 6c F. C. Mover. Cenlreviile Sluiley tSt Lenhart. Lewisburg Walls cV Green. Columbia county : Danville E. D. Reynolds i!k Co. Derwick Shuman St Ritleuliouse. Cat tawissa C. A. & l. brohls. lilooinsliurg John R. Moycr. Jeisey Town Levi Bisi I. Wa shington Robt. McCoy. Limestone -D. L. Sch meek. Observe lint each Acent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BRANDRETH Manufactory al Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the iit' labels now tmeil upon the israndreth JUIl Phdidelphia, office No. 8, North 8th street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. January 1st. 1843. AMERICAN MEDICAL LIBRARY A II imtlm(;i:(i:ii. A CONCENTRATED Record of Medical Pci ence and Literature, by Robley Dunglison, M. D Prolessor nf the Institutes of Medicine, etc., in Jell'eison Medical Collcce of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adam Waldie, No. 40 Coun ter street, Philadelphia. Subscription price, f 5 a year, subscriptions lor Hie a'.tove work leceiveo iy the subscriber. H. B. MASSER, Dec. 11th. 1811. Agent. FC?. SALE. EOR sale a small Farm, containing about one ' hundred and ten acres, more or le s, situate in Point township, Northuml erland countv, about two ii i ! s above Noithumbc ifuid, on the niniii road leading from thai place to Danville, adjoining lands of John l.eghou, Jesse C. Horton and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty acres of said tract are cleared, and in good slate of cultivation, on w hich there is a small barn hie! erected. The properly will be sold on ri asona terms. I or lurllier particulars, prisons are request, i ed to apply to the subsenh. r. , ll. u.;k, Agent, Nov. 27th, 1811. tf Suiibury, Pa. CHF7SCL1TE FC rwiiikir.1 N article uiieqiiall I for cleaning and giving a mpfi v ilomhle and must brilliant polish to sil ver, (iiTiinin Silver, IJrass, I, upper, lirilt.uiia ware, Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, iVc. TRY IT. Prepared ami sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Uweyo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FORsYTH, Agent for Northum'd, II. B. MASSER, Agent for Sunbury. November 20th, 1841. DliWl-XS, LAST MAKER, No. 74 Street, Philadelphia. C 'Three dix,rs ubtne Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on baud, which he oilers for sale on the loM'-t terms. Country Men-h ints are particularly to c ill and judge tor themselves. Philadelphia. Novem ver 13, 1841. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OH, COMPANY. No. 2i North Water Street, Phila. WANUFACTFEERS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will le sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and wananlcd in iiuahty to eoual any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as leprrsrntrd, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will U' rrluiiileil. Their slock now in store consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spctm" (III, rr fill(H) do do do do do do do Colorless Oil, 15.11110 10.000 20,1100 6000 Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do l're.sed W hale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 00 Barrels superior Stra.'s Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 51) do Neais Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Ills. 5 rr VThis Company has a numlier of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Phdadelpliu, INov. 1041. ly. G. "7f. & L. 3. 7A7LO?.. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Market Streets, Fhiiudel- r'n:1.- v. Mens Calf-skin Uoots, stttctieil warranted, do do da pegged do du do do water proof, double soles and tloutile upers. do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Nrats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin do do do (.'rockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do Ki do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sucks with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' lunned India Rubler shoes. Oent'cnieiih' do Overshoes. With every other dese iption of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking, Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Lest lists. Philadelphia, November 13, 18l. ly. ZAT & BPsOTEE?., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LEIta AND STATION ERs, No. 122 Ciiesnut .Street, below 4th, riiiladelpliin. KEEP constantly on hand a general assort ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising 'i deological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Bonks, Day Books, nil sizes, Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Paers, Wrapping Papers, &c. Ac, which they o( fer at the lowest prices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Gonttemen, Teachers, and all others thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 13. 1811. ly. -Iliclincl Weaver X. on, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ao. 13 ISorti Water Street. Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general ossort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, viz : lard Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Cmal Bonis. Also, a complete assortment nf Seine Twines, Ac. such as Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shod and Herring Twine, Shoe I i breads, Ac. Ac. Also, lteil Cords, I louuh Lines, I Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, j Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable 1 terms. j Philadelphia., November 13. 1841. ly. j Jiitnli ITisiiiiitli Soil 1 RESPECTFULLY informs their friends and , acquaintances generally that they still con- tinue to keep at the old stand. No. S 1 ti North 3d street, Philadelphia, all I mils ol TOti AC CO . ' .4.Y1 PRC A MS. Which they will sell m the mm ', occouiinodaiinfc and reasonable terms. N. B. All goods sold witl be gunisntccj and all orders promptly site tide J to. Philadelphia, Novemlver 13,1841 ly, "FETEF." cbiTCVE?.,- Wholesale and Retail Shoe, llonnet, and Palm Leaf 1 1 a t Warehouse. No. tiG Xurth 2rf ttreet, a ft w iluurs ulmve .Irch, Fhilntlrttiftia. A' LSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and Vnlices, of ev ery descnption, ull of which he utters lor sale on the most reasonable terms. I Philadelphia, November 13, 1 H i I . ly. " 1 ' V W 1 v I J. f .7 ! i A l- , Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. iVu. 31 Xotith Thitil ttrrr, tiro tlimrs btlnw the. Citv Hotel, Philtul,lphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to examine his ussortr.ienl before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia. November 13. IRI1. ly. P. & A. RUVOUDT'S China, (Mass and Liverpool Warehouse, Ao 1C4 AorA Third street, third door Ltluiti Vint striet, Phihit'.t Iphia, WHERE they constantly keep on hand a Inrue ! assortment ,if China, Glass und Liverpool j Warc, which they will dispose of on the most it MuMe l(im,. Philadelphia. November 13, 1 11 . ly. 'r i j Hopj i xsc u i - p." Manufacturer and Importer of Sad- tuery, Hardware, eve. 5 .S'ou.' Third street, four dim itroec KarK't ii It i t No. Philtidt Inhil, T"EEP constantly on bund a hirer and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, A lie Anns, Elindc Snrines, Patent Leather. A c. Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied tit all tunes on the mosl reasonable trims. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine, his assortment before purchasing ilsewhere. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. KHYNOI.DS, MeFAULANl) vV ( O Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Oooths. Ao. 105 Market street, PhiUulelphia. Ol'NTRY Merchants, and others ran be sup plied at nil times with nn extensive assort ment of the best and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 S 1 1 . Iv. LOW 1 :UAc PjAIIIU ., Importers anil Dealers in Foreign aiul Domestic I laid ware, No. 174 North I'm an SthkiiT, Pitriinf lthia. " A 7 11 ERE their friends and customers w ill always find a large and general a.snriment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they wil!eliat the I ywest prices. Philedelphia, .November 13, 1S4I,- KSIIKH1CK, IIANSFJ.Ii ev, CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. lf.C. l-y Market Street, Phila. (Ih h,w Fifth Su!h sidi ) A LW'AYS keep on hand a full and general as 25L st.rtmcnl of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country Merchants are respectfully requested to give tin in a call and examine for them-clw s. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. SPFIUNU, GOOD At CD.""" No. KJS Market Street, Pliilailelpliia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extrusive assomm lit ol Britiih Fn i.i h and American Dry Goods, which tiny oiler for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Noveinlx-r 13, 1841. ly. XVXcCALLA & HERSE, No 51, Not (ll Sct oiitl s(i 't l, (eOHNF.R OF COOM h's A LI. XT.) Wheie they constantly keep on hand a gener il assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES, VESTINCS, 4 a great variety ufurtieits of a tnjuriur quality, which tiny oiler to dispose uf upon the most reasonable terms. COFNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find it to theii advantage to call und examine their slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. fi, ltsil. ly JLL LI ULi iT S:i?CClT &, FPsT, I F.SPECTFI'LLY inform the citi.ens of Sun IW bury and vicinity, lhat they huve lakui the Shop lahiy occupied by Wm. Dural, where they w ill carry on ihe TAILORING- BUSINESS, in all its vaiious branches. By stiict atn ntion and leasonable ehaiges, they expect lo ineiil a share ol public atrousge. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1811. JCHlTSlxrClLCIlTGS. WHOLESALE THOJ3, BONNET, Cap und' Palm Leaf Hal S.'irr, No. IOSi.i'th 4m Strut. PHILADELPHIA, AITHFRE an eitelisive astorltnei.t of tl.e above V articles sre c .instantly kept on hand, fur sale at the most reasonable terms. May S'J, 1841. ly. uniiarelleled remedy tor common CoUs, 'ougiis, Asthma, Influenr.a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, mid all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ! composed of Iho concen trated virtues of Horrhonnd, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wijislow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral vitlites nf Ihe Herbs from which the liaham of lnrihoiind is made, ore too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa ry lo observe that this Medicine contains the wholo uf their Medieitial properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vr ge table substances, as to render it the most speedy) mild and certain remedy, now in Use, for the comv plaints ill ove mentioned. The Balsam removes alt imfintnmntion and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, t nbling the patient to expectorate w ith ease end free dom, assuages cough, relieves uthmatic and dirti cult lespirtition, heals Ihe injured parts, opens the pores, mid composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to the tinier lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cure. I Mi H Al IT I' lK IS THK B A SV T III I K I S Mas. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crock up'' an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither ate we willing to lemaiu silent, afte r having tested the utility of Bn itn rovement or dis covery in science or ail. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pnr chased two bottles of WIN'SLOW'S 11AI.SA.M UK HOKEIH 1 Ml, and so sudden wa? the rure, that wc forgot we ever had a cold. Those win) ure afflicted, tuny try il upon our recommendation. Lc-.i iiluii Tlr!?riiph. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunhurif, JACOB BRIGHT, Korthumherluml. Also, by Druggists geuer.dly throughout tho country. Price, ill) tenia per bottle. Auii'ust 11 tli, 1x4 I. ly. LIST OF BOOKS loll SAlh .VI HON Cl.tsstcal Dictionary; l.emprier si ! do - Aiusworth's do : Cobb's do.: Emrhsh and German do.; Anthon's Ca-sor; Anthon's Gr.imrner; Anlhen's Cirrio; Mail's Latin Keadei; Pgilhy's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessons;'s Lex iron; Fisk's (ireik Exercises; Davies's Legcndet; Graera Majors; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's Goldsmith's England; do. Greece; Ljcll's Ehments of (irolocv; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of lbitanv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Eon rson's Geonraphv and History; Olney'a do ; Parley's , lo ; Smitli's (irammri: Kirkliaru's do.; Kav's Reader..; Cobl 's do.; Ci bb's Arithmi iick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; 1 '""' " 'lo- ' lm,v Library: I own do.; l Mi s Table Books; Evangelical r a- Coiiaje liihii-t; Family do; Coll .ter. al do.; Sm ill Bibles and Test aments; Parker's Ex-erei-es on ( 'oini'dsitiou; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S .ioi's Rest; Amertciin Revolution; Manyatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Ili.ul; Catechism of American Law s; Letters nn Natural Macro; Che inisiry for Beginner..; English Exercises adapted to Murray's G rammer; Seqiul to Comley's Spelling I!, ok; Ann ricati t'hiss Br-nk; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's As.istant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. Ain-ust 18 11, ATTENTION. ,i . m it i; v J( .m;s. Ilil'ES l' the aUrntton of his country Iriend who ate in want, to Lis very l.irue stock i f Carpettugs, Oil loths. Mailings, Rugs, Binding.', Stair Roils, iVc. Vc. that be bus ust opened, at his warehouses. No. Is North "A street, and No. Vi Church, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. ' July 31, 1811. ly SPANISH HIDES. TANNETiS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 li Jv l'ATIill' K ,: S O N, A'o. '-1, A'.Wr Third street, (lll'.TWtKS MAIiktT AVli I'HKJl'T BTnETTS.) PHILADELPHIA. 1 I AVE. for sale a large and excellent assortment l 1 ol Sii.'in'i (i'.v, Patau hips. Ionium Oil, i e at the lowest maiket prices-, (iil,r for cash, ia j exchange tor Leather, or upon credit. I Consignments of Leather received for S'dc, ol j purchased at the highest market prices. 'J Leather stoied fire of charge, t "April 17, i I !) Piililic 1 A RE directed to Dr. Il.irlich's Celrbra'ed Mcdi- - runs, which are rrrommended by thousands i as a pieventivt and ruietoi diseases ol the slomat h and nervous system. The Aperiet't (ieimm Pills area direct ptirifiir of the blood, and certiin ti re move bile Irotn the stomach, which is the great cause nf Bilious and other distressing maladies, re-gul-ite the bowels, Ac. The Sitcnthenilig Tonic Pills give tone and vig ir to the organs of di je-tion , n store the lo-t appetite, quiet ihe neives of the de I ili ated, and i ro iuri! sweet repose to the restless. I he above rnuiicinrs are fast superseding the di.n I lie mineral prep am ions w Inch some pin s ciiuis havo j lor. tnl. ire lien in tin- practice of ailmini-'i tj t ! llieir patients. Since the introduction of Dr. Hir- lich's preparatiotis ttiln the I'niteJ States, nianv I have al and, ned such vile deli terous drus, and ! commented mliniiii-'eni i; the above riiclnimj ! vvlienever ihe syui turns indie ite their use. i N. B. Physicians and others, wbo order tho j above medicines, will please direct their orJets in In- turc to tl.e ollice, No. I'J North Eighth Stiei t, Ph i l.iih 1 phi .I, (instead of ordering through i other houses.) whuh will en.-ure them to obtain tho im Jiiiiic which ihev cxiect t receive. HENRY OX TH ELMER. July 1 1 I'J. Afit. Ir. i.'-."VmlllHtf "s up. lint' muni tfo'tianif.i f little children die annum ,, .vi the if 'tin 'f Protracted Ih-ntition. IT n.piires no aruutii. nt tJ convince you that all "Little Children sutler sooner or later from tho effects of Teething, which their kind protector may ea.ily perceive from Ihe billowing symptoms: Iiestle-ne.s, sudden fits of eying, fretful, feverish, and sleeps but hole, thiusls its fingers in its mouth and biles, thereby seeming to obtain relief, freitieut Iv atli n.'ed with t-oui:h. illllicill'v ol hrrnhiug, bow el ciiiiti la.nt, inllainu.ation if the yes, and soies bi hi mi I tie ens, con vn Lions. F ' Th.'se who have the cue ol these "htile onl ' should never bo without ''Dr. Paris' Ci lebrau-J Aniriicau Soothing Syrup," loi Chililicu Cuiung 1'ii'lh, y which thry can pii vriit inany ul.iuiiii.i; jmlnuis which olUtl prove f ilal. Tlu ils.iiids ol moibeis arid nurses can testify to the imri eil' ite i lh el i f tliis invuluable S rup. when ppl i d to ide cntns. It a il'iM wski i with pant in it- ;'.i'is, tl,c -ri!i w'on app'trd, itives inline diite ei- t v "opening the pores" and hea'ing the num., ihu preventing convul-ions. Ac, to the hap. piue-H ami iiijovnunl ol their kind protectors. vEnteird according lo an art of Congrcs-i.) Ki m t v ii i ii. all the genuine Medicine expresses ibis i n ihe la'-e' t . LV place ill Philadelphia v heir lb s Mi on n e ran be i btuinid, is at the Me dic. d ( Mil, r, No. I'J North Eighth street, and ad- Vt-llii-rd jullls in the coillitiv. HEMRV YO YTHEIMER, June '..'ih. Agttt,